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Salt Lake City, Utah

WhileatModernOutWest,Ihelpeddirectdevelopmentforthe interiorlayoutanddesignofanewrestaurant&loungeprojectfor HPManagementgroupwhichwillofferaLatin-Asianfusiondining experienceindowntownSaltLakeCity.


Taking over a former restaurant tenant space on the ground floor of the historic Boston Building in downtown Salt Lake City, Aker Restaurant & Lounge posed a unique set of design opportunities. The proposed design was careful to balance respect for the unique and historic character of the space while delivering on the client’s objectives and budget for the project.

Inspired by his trips to Mexico and Brazil, the client wanted to lean heavily into influences from the restaurants fusion concept and create a space that felt equally capable of delivering a memorable dining experience as well as serve as a new player in downtown’s bar and entertainment scene. The design responded through a curated finish palette that referenced Latin American design motifs balanced with a sleek modern detailing inspired by Japanese minimalist design.

It was very important to blend the new with the historic elements of the space to create a distinct experience for patrons which felt approachable for our market while respecting the cultural traditions in the restaurant’s concept.

Main Level Plan

Thedesigngave specialconsideration totheprocessionfrom entrylobbytothebar anddiningareasas wellasexteriorpatios withanemphasison sightlineacrossthe roomandflexibilityto accommodatearange ofpartysizesand circulationoptionsto allowforthespaceto transitioninlatehours ofservicetoaless formalloungefunction.

Team Members:

Michael Sommer

Modern Out West

Cost: $1.6M

Completed: FALL 2023

Size: Approx. 6,500 SF

Mezzanine Plan

Emphasiswasgivento adaptingapreviously clutteredandunsightly mezzaninelevel tobettersupport ‘back-of-house’ administrativeand storageoperations

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Designdevelopment renderingofaview towardsthebarupon enteringfromthe lobby.

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Renderedperspective viewoflobbywithhost stationanddisplay cabinetentryportalto diningandbarbeyond.

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Interiorrendering ofdiningroom fromomakasetable adjacenttosushibar.

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