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AsthefirstbuildingtoopenonthenewSLCCHerrimanCampus,theJuniper buildingmarkedapivotalopportunitytosetatoneanddesign standards for futurecampusdevelopment. Thedesignteamproposedapaletteandspatial sensibilitythatfeltmodernwhilereferencingtheuniquecharacteristicsand featuresofthevalley’swestbench.

Because it is a joint venture undertaken by both SLCC and the University of Utah and the first building on campus, the Juniper building had to be a powerhouse of program to provide core student services, faculty and administrative offices, and instructional spaces all under one roof.


Combined with both institutions goals to strive for high-performance and sustainable building standards, the design response was to create efficient spaces with subtle yet comfortable environments which are durable enough to stand the test of time and support the varied functions across the building with proper acoustical performance and an abundance of daylight.

Tasked primarily with the development of the interior architectural responses for the facility, my efforts focused heavily on establishing a clean, simple design which utilized texture and pattern as a way to nod to the local landscape as well as the mining traditions of the surrounding community while maintaining a functional and flexible armature to support student life for generations to come.

Michael Sommer ajc architects


Team: $46.2M

Completed: SUMMER 2023

Size: 92,000 SF

Renderingofsouth exteriorfacade.The useofterracotta claddingandlouversto providesomewarmth andtexturetothe buildingsfinishpalette aswellasreference thecoppertonesof thenearbyKennecott Mineasapartofthe locallandscape.

Renderingofentry commons&joint collegereception desks.

Renderedperspective ofeventspace.

Renderedperspective ofstudentdining& studylounge.

Renderedperspective ofthirdfloorstudy lounge.

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