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Introduction “Breathe in. Breathe out. Be mindful of your pulse slowing down as you gradually attain a sense of calm with every breath. In this soundscape, I’ve simulated a back/neck massage with binaural whispers and other sounds to help you achieve ASMR tingles and deep relaxation. The setting involves rain again, this time from the perspective of two people sharing time together in a darkened room, looking out at a rainstorm.”

Turn on an ASMR video and you will encounter a plethora of sounds, visuals and colours. You will hear the sounds of whispering, crackling, tapping, scratching, stroking and by means of the most seemingly mundane of objects. Sounds like nonsense? Many people use ASMR videos to battle anxiety and sleeping disorders. Whether you are at the office working, in the school writing an essay or at home trying to sleep or relax, these videos will help you. What is this called? This is ASMR or Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response. These relaxing videos are not only soothing but an all-natural and undeniably peaceful high.

Many people experience ASMR naturally as they go about their day. A commonly referred to situation is the visit to the hairdresser. The sound of the scissors moving around, the gentle touch of the barber and the experience of proximity while someone is focusing on you, feels very relaxing. ASMRists who perform ASMR for the camera have even taken to recreating naturally occurring ASMR into a role-play form.

Keep listening. The soft-spoken narrator is whispering to you in a wave of binaural bliss. Usually, the viewer begins to experience a pleasurable tingling sensation in their head that travels and melts away down their spin, even trickling down to the tips of their fingers.




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“My entire body throbbed with the sound that poured out of that man’s soul. My skin felt so tight I could have been a clothing size smaller, the tingles of deep joy coursed in whirls under my skin, my blood pounding through my veins. If you’ve ever watched videos of sand on top of speakers... it felt like that man’s voice was having that effect on my body, changing the very cell structure, just with the sound of his chanting. It was amazing. It was incredibly intense. And definitely spiritual” -ASMR viewer

5 9 13 17 23 27 31 35 39

Razor Matches Hair Brush Bubble Gum Marbles Coffee Beans Pasta Towel Leather Gloves

Razor Artist: NeoIndieGirl Hi, Welcome to …’s Gym. [?] My name is Alyssa, and I will be your barber today. Have you had me before? I have a terrible memory so I probably can’t remember. My bad. Oh, it’s your first time? Okay. Welcome. So you’ve already been ticked in with Mandy at the book? Yeah. Okay. Well, do you want to just tell me if you want to just tell me if have any allergies to any normal shaving products? No, you’re good? Okay. Well, if you would just like to tilt your head back slightly. Okay. Well, umm, let’s get started. Okay? So you’re just having a slight shave and trim? Okay. And do you want the sideburns gone? You do? Okay. Let me just run the water… Okay. I’m just going to wipe your beard, Okay? [Inaudible] …So close and personal… [Inaudible] you sort have to do that, don’t you? I’ll just get the bottom. It’s a very nice beard. Sad, trimming it up. Oh, well. [Sound of trimmer] Okay. Let me just get the sideburns. Perfect. Okay. So now we are going to, ummm, just use some shaving cream. Okay. Is this one okay? Yeah, okay, great. I like the sound it makes. You have to… shake it a bit. So. I’ll just mix it on this, okay? [Shaving cream sound] Look at that. Looks like a cream pie. [Shaving cream sound] I love the sound it makes. Okay, so… [Brush sound] It has a night pretty smell, doesn’t it? [Brush sound]

So much work for a cup of coffee, but not just any cup of coffee.

Using coffee to sleep… who’d have thought?

Stayed for the coffee ASMR. The tingles crawled up my spine.

Crushing the Tingly Coffee Beans couldn’t be more satisfying.

Love it, just gave coffee a whole new use!

The French press makes VERY strong tingles.

Matches Artist: Brittany ASMR Hi Everybody! Today I am going to be doing a very simple, match-lighting video. Here I have a glass of water and I will be putting the fire out inside of here. I will change perspectives in this video so that you can see it a little bit better after I begin. Let’s just try lighting one. In a moment I am going to move my camera so that you can see it better. Now it ran out very quickly, didn’t it? Okay. So now that you basically know what I am going to be doing, I am going to set it up so you can see it very clearly. You don’t really need to see me very much in this video. So I’m gonna put you right in front of me, and I am going to focus on the glass and on the matches. Okay?! They are going out really really quickly for some reasons maybe they all will be different. I just wanna light the candle; number 4. I love the way it smells. Try one over here. This can be kind of a therapeutic as well. I am trying to think of some other creative ways to go about this. I’ll move the mic as well. Sorry about the noise of the plane. It is in the middle of the day and if I film midnight time it’s a lot more relaxing usually. That looks really cool! You can see the smoke coming out from here, whoooo! It doesn’t want to be put out. I dropped some in there. Okay. You can see the mic right here. Now I am going to be blowing them out and also putting them out into the water. My heater has started coming on as you may be able to tell. It might see that I have go waste of matches but it’s pretty fun. I love the smell. I really, really do. It’s still on, heeh. It feels like it’s still lit inside maybe, cause I feel it very burning in the stick itself. Okay. We have about 9 to go. I think this is ten. I can hear it clicking. I usually have to strike for several times before it lights. I may or may not cut that out depending how loud it is. It has been a while since I have done a whisper video... All right Everybody! I hope you enjoyed this video. And I will see you, guys, in the next one. Take care Everybody! Be well!

I love the sound of striking a Tingly Match

The box is so nice and the fizzling is perfect.

I buy Tingly Matches instead of lighters on purpose

I enjoy the sound, the smell, and the tingles.

The feel of Tingly Matches on my skin is orgasmic.

The sounds the Tingly Matches make as they move around in the box, brrrrrrr.

Hairbrush Artist: MrHeadTingles ASMR Hey everybody, it’s Mr Head Tingles. I’ve just put lotion on my hands. I’m not turning into an evil doctor. I’ve got myself a new brush, I had a comb myself, but I decided I’d really like one of those paddle brushes, that I’ve seen a lot of ASMR artists with these paddle brushes and I really like the sound of them and it would be useful. So I got a nice new white brush, and it’s like a rubber back, it’s got like a rubber textured back to it which gives it a nice sound too. I don’t know what this is gonna sound like til I’ve finished recording, hopefully it’ll be nice for you and relaxing. Yeah, I do hope you enjoy it and a really relaxed and nice weekend. Its nice, there’s a bit of sunshine here. Well, I hope you’ve enjoyed the sound of my new brush, thank you for all the comments on my last video. I enjoyed every one of them, it’s great to know that people watch and enjoy them, it inspires me to do more, ‘cos being someone that gets ASMR myself, I appreciate how nice they can be, until next time, keep tingling.

I started playing with the bristles too!

Amazing! The Tingly Hairbrushing sound is just awesome.

I got a Tingly Hairbrush specifically for the purpose!

It’s also super relaxing on the scalp to get me near enough to fall asleep myself!

Like on an old keyboard with chunky keys. I just love it.

Asking the saleslady to suggest a good hairbursh for tapping?

Bubblegum Artist: softlygaloshes Hi guys. I’m gonna chew gum in this video and read twenty-five questions—random questions, answer them for you. 1. Do you have any pets? I have three. I have a Pomeranian-Toy Eskie. Her name is Uffie. I have a Chihuahua, her name is Boo-Radley. And I have a Guinea Pig, and her name is Lilo. 2. Name three things that are physically close to you? Besides obvious, I’ll go with… a) I don’t have my glasses on. A best morning DeeJay. There’s a bunch of uhhh… blacks from my dad. An Elvis clock. And my Ukelele. 3. What’s the weather like right now? It is… it says mostly clear and 9ºC. Which, 9ºC is 40ºF. 4. Do you drive? If so, have you crashed? I kind of drive. I’ve only been in one car accident, knock on wood. But not while I was driving. We were rear-ended. And it messed the hell out of my back. I missed a word there: It messed the hell out up… Whatever. It messed my back up. 5. What time did you wake up this morning? Originally I woke up at like 7:30. But then I didn’t wake up until 10:30. My alarm was set for 11:15. That is when I usually get up. I stay in bed until my alarm. 6. When was the last time you showered? Last night. 7. What was the last movie you saw? I could go on Netflix right now and answer that for you. It was… dang it, it was here, where did it go. Come on, now. It was called, like… The Fall… It was called A Long Way Down. It’s about five people that go to commit suicide and they count. It’s a light-hearted movie, don’t worry about it. I’m going to put it in the other junk. Chewing big wads of gum brings up gas, apparently. 8. What does your last text message say? Okay, I will call you. So good. 9. What’s your ringtone? It is… Know Yourself 10. Have you ever been to a different country? Yes, I’ve been to many. 11. Do you like Sushi? I like veggie sushi. So a lot of people will say that’s not sushi. I like Kapamagi. Kikapu rolls...

The sound of Tingly Bubblegum chewing gets me every time.

You gotta go hubba-bubba on the Tingly Gum to get real.

Best chewing gum for the tingles.

Not too wet and smacky, no talking, some breathing.

I slept like a baby as I heard the sound of the chewing

I should do just a 5-minutestraight fastest gum-chewing video ever

How I found and lost the tingles My very first recollection of getting the tingles was when I was about 6 or 7 years old. We used to live very close to our village library and my friends and I used to go in there and get books, usually Tintin books who I was mad about at the time, still do love Tintin books to this day actually. Once we had our books, we would sit outside the library on a bench and read through them together.

I remember listening to a late night chat programme on the radio and there was a female doctor on it who had the most wonderful tingle inducing voice I had ever heard, and I would look forward to Sunday nights when I would be tucked up in bed with my small radio next to my ear listening to the lovely doctor reassuring some poor listener that their genital warts would clear up after treatment!

There was one particular book I remember, that was about stuntmen in Hollywood and it was full of exciting photographs of stuntmen in action from various films and TV shows, and we would often get this book and flick through the pages one by one.

I would get the tingles at school, at the barbers, in shops, on the phone, at work, at college, on the bus, the train, waiting rooms, usually anywhere where there was someone reading a magazine or book or paper and the sound of the page turning would always do it.

Well it was when my friend would slowly turn each page, rubbing the paper between his thumb and forefinger, that I got this tingly sensation down the back of my neck and my arms would get goose bumps over them. I had no idea what this was, but I did enjoy it, and would often look forward to us sitting there listening to this page turning sound that gave me “the tingles”. Since then I have had tingles from a variety of sources of the years. Page turning was my favourite one, but also soft spoken voices, whether it be in person, at a shop or at school for example or on the radio.

My brother also got the tingles and we used to laugh about it, thinking it was some strange sensation that only we got. We even gave it our own name, “tentacle”. No idea why we called it that, because it had absolutely nothing to do with any kind of aquatic creature’s flexible appendage whatsoever! But we both knew what it stood for, and we still use that term to this day. So fast forward to December 2015, and I just happened to catch a report on BBC News 24 by Nick Higham magazine-35106835 about the very sensations I had and that it actually had a name.

“Tentacle” had now become Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response or ASMR for short, and that there were was an online subculture devoted to it on YouTube. This was like a revelation to me, other people were getting the tingles, not just me and my brother. I was so stunned at this that I texted him immediately to inform him of my incredible discovery, to which he was equally astounded, although probably not quite as much as me, truth be told. The very next step was to go on YouTube and type in ASMR and the results that came back were astonishing. There were literallyhundreds, possibly thousands of videos dedicated to ASMR followers. The ASMR “artists” as they are known, are usually attractive women, who speak softly or whisper as they carry out all manner of what some may describe as weird acts to induce tingles in their army of followers. The most popular “artist” is a lady called Maria who goes by the name of Gentle Whispering and has over half a million subscribers to her channel. he is Russian, but now lives in the US and her videos receive over a million hits and her voice is very tingle inducing. So from the page turning book of Hollywood stuntmen in the 70’s to watching videos on YouTube of a woman whispering about the items she bought in a thrift shop in 2016, I felt as though I had come full circle.

“Tentacle” had become ASMR and ASMR had become a project for my degree and my degree had become the demise of my tingles. Or had it? I got my haircut recently, and got the tingles. I was in a library and overheard two people whispering, and got the tingles. I got a notification of a video on YouTube the other night from one of the ASMR artists I follow, whispering whilst she flipped through a clothing catalogue, I got the tingles. So they are returning, which I’m happy about, just not as much as I used to get them I guess, but I do still watch the videos, mainly to help me sleep now though.

- Ross Tilly

Marbles Artist: NCBKitten Hi, so I’ve switched locations because today I’m gonna do a video with marbles and I don’t want to roll them out on my desk because its wood and I think that it would be too loud and because it’s smooth and flat, they would probably roll off, but I can get out here on my carpet and I think it’ll be ok. My mum got this vase from hobby hobby several years ago, pink is my favourite colour and this is just about my favourite shade of ink and it shows up a little different on the camera, but I love pink. Haha, I forgot that was in there. So most of these came in a bag of marbles that I was given for Christmas one year, some have stories behind, for example, this one is actually just a bead, I don’t if you can the little hole through it. This one was given to me by my Sunday school teacher and her husband who was the preacher, because…. I don’t even remember the story, but the marble was used as an object in the Sunday school class, and I really liked it because it had all these marble and it reminded me of butter, and the preacher came up to me after Sunday morning service and he said, “a little bird told me that you like marbles”, and he gave it to me, and it is still my favourite one. This one, I found outside and it was covered in rust and clay and I cleaned it up and added it to my collection. This is another one that I found outside, I’ve found a lot of marbles outside and some of them, I think were used like in an aquarium for plant decoration, because these all I found outside and they’re sort of metallic like what people put in their fish bowls that they put plants in or aquariums or planters. I think this one was given to me, I don’t know but you can see yourself in it upside down, it’s really cool. I’ve just realised, I don’t know whether you can see it or not, but you can see me in this and I’m right side up on the other side, that’s really cool...

Sigh, what a sound. My whole body is quivering.

I can watch someone play with my marbles

I have now lost my marbles!

Not just the sounds, but the reflections on the marbles, oh the tingles!

Playing with them in water just adds the cherry on top!

Glad I found the Tingly Marbles, brought back those old memories, and the tingles.

Coffee Beans Artist: WhispersRed ASMR Hello, this is Emma, and welcome. Today’s video I thought we could hang out with some coffee beans in a wooden barrel, I saw this in my local supermarket and couldn’t resist. The wooden sounds of the barrel are very tingly and of course coffee beans don’t just smell wonderful, but they sound and feel lovely too. Inside this barrel, there is a lovely crinkly packet with the coffee beans inside. So let’s take a look inside the barrel. Here is the lid and here is the bag of coffee beans inside. I shall take it out and we can hear the sounds of the bag with the beans inside. The beans are vacuum packed inside this pack, meaning that there isn’t much air surrounding the beans, and they are tight, all huddled together inside the bag. So if I just make a little incision in the bag to allow some air to get to the beans, then we shall have some more movement and some more crinkly sounds. I can already smell the beans, coming through the little hole in the bag. Let’s have a look at them. They smell absolutely divine, and feel soft and silky. This reminds me of when I’m in a coffee shop and they have coffee beans laid out on display, I always pop my hand in and play with the beans. They’re such a lovely colour, and the surface is very smooth, they slide around in your fingers and every time you move them around you get a fresh burst of aroma of roasted coffee beans. I’m going to gather them up and put them back into the wooden barrel and then hear the sounds of the beans moving around against each other and against the side of the barrel, I expect the sound will be quite a lot deeper than this one. Here we are, back where we began, but this time, with the beans loose in the barrel...

So much work for a cup of coffee, but not just any cup of coffee.

Crushing the Tingly Coffee Beans couldn’t be more satisfying.

Using coffee to sleep… who’d have thought?

Love it, just gave coffee a whole new use!

The tingles crawled up my spine.

Beans, beans! The magical tingly fruit!

Pasta Artist: Original Vlogger 80’s Weird Paul Hi everybody it’s weird Paul, the original vlogger. Today I’m gonna make an ASMR video. I’ve never done this before, I’m not used to whispering like this, it’s my first time but I hope you enjoy it. I have some penne pasta, it’s right here. I bought it at the store, it was 99 cents. So I’m gonna show you my bowl, I put it in my bowl, I’m gonna show it to you now, ok hold on. Ok, here’s the penne pasta it’s in this bowl, I’ll turn it so you can see it better, see, this is just dry penne pasta, it’s uncooked, maybe I’ll cook it some day, but right now it’s just dry pasta, it’s in my blue bowl, right here, there it is. I’ll take some of it out and out it in my hand. Here it is. There’s a lot of videos on youtube with pasta, but this might be the only one with penne pasta, I don’t know. Well I hope you enjoyed my ASMR video for today, there’s lots more videos on my channel, videos I made when I was a teenager in the 80’s, and some music videos I made and some videos of me vlogging, if you feel like it, check some of them out, thanks youtube, see you later.

Because, why not?! I did not expect pasta to sound so relaxing!

This makes me fall asleep every time.

Wow, pasta tingles! Love finding surprise new triggers.

Pasta has never been this relaxing. Oh, the tingles!

Tingly Pasta! I can feel it on my neck!

The tingliest ‘ASMR’ experience I ever got.

Towels Artist: LuckyASMR Hello everyone and welcome to my channel, Lucky ASMR. This is the first video that I’ll be posting on my channel, and I’m just going to be folding some bath towels for you today, so I hope that you enjoy this video. I’m going to be starting out with a white bath towel, this is quite a large towel, it’s got quite a nice fabric to it, it one of those very soft nice towels, not one of those cheap ones that don’t dry very well. So I’m just going to be spreading it out on the table here, make it nice and smooth, smooth out all the little bumps, get it ready for a perfect fold. So we’re gonna take one side, just bring this over, make sure the corners are matching, pull that tight and we’ll do the same to the other side. So both corners are matching, like I say this is quite a large towel so I’m doing my best to make it fit in the screen. Ok so now that that fold is done, I’m going to take this edge here, making sure the corners are still together, then I’m going to be taking this edge and dressing it up to the opposite edge. I’ll just turn this around and make sure all these edges are lined up nicely, there we go, smooth it out. Now I have a tag on this end, so I’m gonna tuck that in so we don’t see that. Now I’m gonna fold it again, so this side meets with this side. Smooth it out and make sure these edges line up nicely. I think that will be the last fold, because if I try to fold it like that, it won’t stay very well, so I’m just gonna keep it like that.

I like to roll up in a Tingly Towel and pretend I’m a worm.

I listen to a lady folding Tingly Towels each night

The sounds of Tingly Towels and the peacefulness

I never thought I’d fall asleep to the sounds of folding Tingly Towels.

More Tingly Towel rubbings please!

Lovely scratching sensations!

Leather Gloves Artist: Amalzd Hi guys. So today I’m going to be doing a leather gloves video. I think it’ll be really, really cute and fun. And it’s been requested a couple of times from me too to do something like this. So I hope that you enjoy the sounds. And I think leather is just very cute. Very sexy. I’m always down for leather. So here are the gloves I’ll be wearing. These are longer style leather gloves. Something kind of devilish about them. Like… a villain or something. My hair is dark today. Put on the other one, first. Right here they have a spot where you can see where it’s stitched. So you have a flexible thumb. I think it goes nicely with the red lips. I’m going to try to delicately touch the mic. Hopefully it’s not too aggressive. Let me know how you like that. Now I’m going to trace along my fingers. Play with my hair. But without my face. You can see… my leather couch. My leather couch… in the background. So I’m kind of a fiend for leather. And that I have a pair of leather shorts and a leather dress that I like to wear. This is a bit silly, but… all I can think of now is Napoleon Dynamite. So I hope that you enjoyed this video guys. I love you, and until next time.

I get tingly thoughts, like “wanna have a ride on the back of my harley?”

The Tingly Gloves’ leather sounds are totally tingle inducing.

They make me want to put on the tightest black leathery costume

The purrs from these gloves are as tingly as the tingliest cats.

Yay, leather! More leather!

Put these leather gloves on a girl with blue eyes and you get the tingles.

Tingles created by CREASS All rights reserved Š CREASS First edition 04/16 Printed by ORANGE

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