NX100 OK Go Mashable article

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Link: http://mashable.com/2010/11/09/ok-go-animated-video/

OK Go Gets Animated in Its Newest Video

Indie band and YouTube darlings OK Go have a new video out today, and it’s a bit more animated than usual — in that it’s actually animated. “Last Leaf,” which premiered today on the band’s MySpace page, was made possible in part by Samsung, who spurred the creation of the video by asking, “What’s your next project?” The band told the electronics company that it wanted to work with Nadeem Mazen and Ali Mohammad, founders of Serious Business Design, on a sketchy concept — literally. Samsung then furnished the guys with a Samsung NX100 camera, with which the project was shot (each second of the video is a sequence of 15 photographs). Geoff Mcfetridge, founder of Champion Graphics, provided the animation itself. You can check out some behind-the-scenes footage on Samsung’s website. Like all other videos off of OK Go’s newest disc, Of the Blue Colour of the Sky, “Last Leaf” is embeddable, a trend that started after controversy surrounding the first video for their song “This Too Shall Pass.” The first iteration of the video premiered several months ago with embeds disabled by then-label EMI and YouTube. The band released another, embeddable video for the song about a month later with help from State Farm, and left EMI soon after to start its own label, Paracadute Recordings.

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