Palmarès CFOU 89,1 FM CFOU 89,1 FM’s Charts 26 février-4 mars, 2018 February 26-March 4, 2018
Légende : TW : Cette semaine / This week LW : Semaine dernière / Last week WC : Nombre de semaines / Weeks on chart -- : Nouvelle entrée / New entry
Top 20 francophone / French Top 20 TW 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
LW 2 1 5 6 7 3 4 10 12 13 14 15 20 8 9 -17 ----
WC 5 5 4 4 3 6 6 3 4 4 3 3 2 6 8 -9 ----
Titre / Title Phénoménal Couleur néfaste Deux coeurs Garçonne Fille de personne II Nourrir les loups Payer tes bills On s’aimera Fatigue Cérémonie de secours Youki Masque de neige Donnant Donnant Mon droit à l’incohérence Moé je l’sais-tu? Hurler à la lune Fleur La fille avec une robe rouge Mes ruines sur tes décombres Tuer la bête
Artiste / Artist Galaxie Hibou Hibou Corridor + Halo Maud Vulvets Hubert Lenoir Mardi Noir Dany Placard Fanny Bloom Victime Canular Musique chienne Duu Drug Train Mononc’ Serge Les Monsieurs Cherry Chérie Ponctuation Machines Géantes Loic April Simon Kingsbury
Album (Label) Super Lynx Deluxe (Indépendant) Couleur néfaste (indépendant) Deux cœurs (Michel) Single (REC) Darlène (Simone) Single (Indépendant) Full Face (Simone) Liqueur (Grosse Boîte) La femme taupe (Michel) Single (ClairObscur) La Maison de Billy (Cheptel) Masque de neige (indépendant) Bouge de là là (indépendant) Révolution conservatrice (Indépendant) Médias (Slam Disques) Adieu Veracruz (Coyote) Mon herbier du monde entier (Blow the Fuse) Mauve (indépendant) Mes ruines sur tes décombres (Bonsound) Plaza (Ad Litteram)
Top 20 anglophone / English Top 20 TW 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
LW 3 6 11 1 2 8 4 19 16 12 13 20 18 10 5 7 9 15 ---
WC 5 4 4 5 5 4 6 2 3 4 4 2 3 4 6 4 4 7 ---
Titre / Title Best of Intentions The Road Ahead Cut Me Loose Fly Thru Clouds Here I Wait Beverly Side Tracked Lose It Signal Hill Courtesy of Rorschach Night on Earth Thanks a Lot Gold and Green The Light Things Change Nevermore Los Ageless Choke Jaded
Artiste / Artist The Spook School Gone Dogs The Rubens Helen Kelter Skelter Kat Meoz Low Cut Connie Born Ruffians Danielle Duval Mattie Leon Running Touch Typhoon Holy The Olympic Symphonium Slaughter Beach, Dog Et Tu Brucé Busty & The Bass Milk and Bone St. Vincent Queen’s Land Crow Eats Man
Album (Label) Could It Be Different? (Slumberland) The Road Ahead (Self-Released) Million Man EP (Self-Released) Melter (Shaking Shanghai) Here I Wait EP (Bodan Kuma) Dirty Pictures Part 2 (Contender) Uncle, Duke & The Chief (Paper Bag) Lose It (Self-Released) Signal Hill (Sef-Released) Equaliser EP (Self-Released) Offerings (Roll Call) All These Worlds Are Yours (PNKSLM) Beauty in the Tension (Forward Music Group) Birdie (Self-Released) Single (Self-Released) Uncommon Good (Indica) Deception Bay (Bonsound) Masseduction (Loma Vista) Queen’s Land E.P. (Self-Released) Crow Eats Man (King’s Hill)
Top 30 des albums / Top 30 albums TW 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
LW 3 5 10 1 2 7 4 18 15 11 12 19 17 9 6 8 14 30 -16 20 21 22 13 29 24 23 25 27 26
WC 5 4 4 5 5 3 5 3 3 4 4 3 3 10 16 4 7 2 -3 8 8 3 7 2 17 10 6 14 7
Artiste / Artist The Spook School Gone Dogs The Rubens Helen Kelter Skelter Kat Meoz Low Cut Connie Born Ruffians Danielle Duval Mattie Leon Running Touch Typhoon Holy The Olympic Symphonium Slaughter Beach, Dog Busty & The Bass Milk and Bone St. Vincent Queen’s Land Crow Eats Man Spice Boys Gord Downie Fever Ray Mimicking Birds Death of Lovers Bad Dylan The Pack A.D. Terra Lightfoot Krista Muir Weaves FOVEA
Album Could It Be Different? The Road Ahead Million Man EP Melter Here I Wait EP Dirty Pictures Part 2 Uncle, Duke & The Chief Lose It Signal Hill Equaliser EP Offerings All These Worlds Are Yours Beauty in the Tension Birdie Uncommon Good Deception Bay Masseduction Queen’s Land EP Crow Eats Man Glare Introduce Yerself Plunge Layers of Us The Acrobat Pogogo Dollhouse New Mistakes The Tides Wide Open Pencil Me In
Label Slumberland Self-Released Self-Released Shaking Shanghai Bodan Kuma Contender Paper Bag Self-Released Sef-Released Self-Released Roll Call PNKSLM Forward Music Group Self-Released Indica Bonsound Loma Vista Self-Released King’s Hill PNKSLM Arts & Crafts Mute Glacial Pace Dais Pantoum Cadence Music Sonic Unyon Hypo Buzz Omad
Top 3 des disques canadiens / Top 3 canadian albums TW 1 2 3
Artiste / Artist
2 1 18
4 5 3
Gone Dogs Born Ruffians Danielle Duval
The Road Ahead Uncle, Duke & The Chief Lose It
Self-Released Paper Bag Self-Released
Top 10 « loud » / Loud Top 10 TW 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
LW 1 2 7 3 4 --6 5 --
WC 3 5 3 4 5 --2 4 --
Artiste / Artist Saxon Atomic Bitchwax Cavalera Conspiracy Phil Campbell & The Bastard Sons Anvil Legend of the Seagullmen Fu Manchu Madam X C.O.C. Vantablack Warship
Album Thunderbolt Force Field Psychosis The Age of Absurdity Pounding the Pavement Legend of the Seagullmen Clone of the Universe Monstrosity No Cross No Crown Abrasive Pulmonic Speak
Label Silver Lining Music Tee Pee Napalm Nuclear Blast Steamhammer Dine Alone New Damage Ellefson Music Productions Nuclear Blast Self-Released