Putni časopis CROATIA proljeće 2022 / Inflight magazine Croatia spring 2022

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Proljeće _ Spring 2022

Magic of the spring on Dubrovnik Riviera

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Š. Lugarov

Dragi putnici!

Dear passengers!

Raduje me što ste s nama i nadam se da ćete u svojim odredištima, na koje vas dovode naši zrakoplovi, provesti ugodne proljetne dane. Dobro došli na naš let! Dok letite, nudimo vam i ovaj put zanimljive priče iz našega putnog časopisa. Odmah na početku upoznajte bolje uvaženoga hrvatskog arhitekta Nikolu Bašića, autora mnogih projekata na našoj obali, među ostalima legendarnoga Pozdrava Suncu i Morskih orgulja u Zadru, ali i mnogih drugih. Vodimo vas na otok Pag, ovaj put promatran iz umjetničkog rakursa, ali i u kontinentalnu Hrvatsku, u Orahovicu, mali grad za velika iznenađenja. Od naših odredišta povest ćemo vas na proljetnu šetnju Bečom, a predstavljamo vam i malo drukčiji Bruxelles. Dakako, to je samo dio tema iz našega putnog časopisa. Na našim kompanijskim stranicama prisjećamo se iznimnog jubileja. Naša kompanija 3. travnja obilježava 30 godina uspješne suradnje s Lufthansom Technik, kojoj zahvaljujem na dosadašnjoj podršci i ne sumnjam u uspješan nastavak našeg partnerstva. Potpisali smo i Deklaraciju iz Toulousea o dekarbonizaciji zrakoplovne industrije, čime dajemo podršku održivom zrakoplovstvu. Naša krovna udruga Star Alliance četvrti put zaredom proglašena je najboljim zrakoplovnim savezom. Drago mi je što i mi dajemo svoj doprinos. Ulazimo u razdoblje ljetnog reda letenja. Potrudili smo se svoju mrežu letova još više prilagoditi vašim potrebama. Dajući podršku hrvatskom turizmu, osim iz Zagreba, jačamo mrežu letova i iz najvećega dalmatinskog grada Splita. Vjerujem da će mnogi od vas doletjeti upravo u Split te u ovome toplijem dijelu godine svoje mjesto za odmor pronaći u nekome od privlačnih jadranskih turističkih odredišta. Želim vam svima, dragi putnici, lijepe i ugodne trenutke u našoj zemlji. Hvala vam od srca što letite s nama.

It makes me happy to have you with us, and I hope that you’ll spend the days of spring pleasantly at the destinations that we’re flying you to. So welcome to our flight! While you’re flying, our inflight magazine is again bringing some interesting stories for you. Right at the beginning, meet Croatia’s greatly respected architect, Nikola Bašić, who designed many projects on Croatia’s coast, including, amongst others, Zadar’s legendary Greeting to the Sun, and the Sea Organ. We’re then taking you to the Island of Pag, this time though viewed from an artistic perspective, as well as to continental Croatia, to Orahovica to be precise, a small town for a big surprise. As far as our destinations are concerned, we’ll take you on a spring walk through Vienna, and we’ll introduce you to a slightly different Brussels. Of course, these are just some of the articles from our inflight magazine. As far as our company news are concerned, we’re marking an exceptionally important anniversary. On 3rd April, our company’s celebrating the 30th anniversary of successful partnership with Lufthansa Technik, whose support we’re thankful for. I have no doubt that our partnership will continue to be successful. We have also signed the Toulouse Declaration on the decarbonisation of aviation, and in support of sustainable aviation. Also, Star Alliance, our umbrella organisation, was named Alliance of the Year for the fourth consecutive year. I’m glad that we keep contributing to this. The summer timetable is about to be put into effect. We’ve tried to tailor our flight network to your needs. In support of Croatia’s tourism, we’re expanding our flight network not only from Zagreb, but also from Dalmatia’s biggest city − Split. I believe that many of you will fly to Split, and find an attractive holiday destination on the Adriatic to spend the warmer part of the year in. I hope, dear passengers, that the moments you spend in our country will all be beautiful and pleasant. Thank you from the heart for flying with us.

Jasmin Bajić Predsjednik Uprave / President & CEO





U dugogodišnjem radu arhitekta Nikole Bašića nastala je gomila projekata, ali možda su najpoznatiji Morske orgulje i Pozdrav Suncu. Interview CROATIA, A COLOURFUL BOUQUET OF REGIONS

During his long career, architect Nikola Bašić designed many projects, perhaps the most famous of which are the Sea Organ, and Greeting to the Sun.








Otoci su neiscrpno nadahnuće umjetnicima pa nimalo ne čudi što je bezvremenska ljepota otoka Paga pretvorena u jednu bezvremensku knjigu.

U Žmanu na Dugom otoku osvanuo je jedan od najluksuznijih hotela na svijetu. Architecture FROM CAVEMEN AND OLIVE TREES TO A LUXURY HOTEL

One of the most luxurious hotels in the world opened its doors in Žman on Dugi Otok.

Proljeće/Spring 2022




Moda eNVy room, jedan od najpoznatijih hrvatskih brendova, svake sezone potpisuje zanimljive, romantične, ženstvene kreacije.

Uredništvo ne odgovara za promjene u rasporedu događanja, za otkazivanje ili promjene datuma održavanja događanja nastale nakon objavljivanja časopisa. Uredništvo ne odgovara za sadržaj oglasa, promotivnih i plaćenih PR tekstova. The editorial board cannot be held responsible for any changes that may occur in the scheduling of events or their cancellation after the magazine goes to press. The editoial board cannot be liable for the content of advertisments, promotional texts, and paid PR texts.




Romantic fashion eNVy room, one of Croatia’s most famous fashion brands, designs fabulous, romantic, and feminine collections every season.


Islands are an inexhaustible source of inspiration for artists, so it comes as no surprise that the timeless beauty of the Island of Pag has been turned into a timeless book.

refined culinary tradition



50 Kontinentalna Hrvatska MALI GRAD, VELIKO IZNENAĐENJE

D. Fabijanić − Pag

Orahovica se nalazi na jugoistoku Virovitičko-podravske županije, usred Slavonije. Čitav je taj kraj poseban, ali s njim se lako suživjeti. Continental Croatia A SMALL TOWN FOR A BIG SURPRISE

Orahovica is situated in the southeast of the Virovitica-Podravina County, at the heart of Slavonia. You’ll quickly grow fond of this very special region.

Nakladnik/Publisher Croatia Airlines Hrvatska zrakoplovna tvrtka Bani 75b, Buzin 10 010 Zagreb, Croatia tel.: +385-1-616-00-66 e-mail: pr@croatiaairlines.hr


URL: www.croatiaairlines.com


Predsjednik Uprave/President & CEO

Vrijeme knjiga nije prošlo. Knjiga još uvijek ima važno mjesto u kulturi, prenošenju informacija i zabavi.

Jasmin Bajić

Glavna urednica/Editor-in-chief Ksenija Ælof


Suradnici glavne urednice/

Books have not become extinct. Books still have and will continue to have an important place in culture, information dissemination, and entertainment.

Editor-in-chief assistants Ana Ćulumović Šoštarić, Davor Janušić, Anamarija Jurinjak

Dizajn/Design Ivana IvankoviÊ, Miranda Herceg


Trebala se dogoditi pandemija koronavirusa da se u prvi plan probije stari, malo sporiji, starinski Bruxelles. Puno privlačniji za laganu proljetnu šetnju. Our destination A SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT BRUSSELS

It took a Covid-19 outbreak for the old, somewhat slower, old-world Brussels to break out and come to the fore, for it to shine through for a light spring walk.

Prijelom/Layout Miranda Herceg

Direktor Komercijalnih poslova/ Commercial Division Director Slaven Žabo

Lektor/Proofreader Nevena Erak Camaj Prijevod na engleski/ English translation Ana Janković Oglaπavanje/Advertising Croatia Airlines Gabrijela Lochert tel.: +385-1-616-00-17


e-mail: advertising@croatiaarlines.hr


Zagrebačka kazališta nude odlične predstave za svačiji ukus. Predlažemo komade koji su izazvali veliki interes publike, ali i kritike.

Promocija/Promotion Croatia Airlines tel.: +385-1-616-01-02 Priprema/Prepress AKD d.o.o., Savska cesta 31, Zagreb



Zagreb’s theatres offer excellent plays that cater for all artistic tastes. This is our selection of theatre shows that have aroused great interest with both audiences and critics.

AKD d.o.o., Savska cesta 31, Zagreb



ISSN 1330-6278


Zlatni licitar Golden Licitar Heart Zlatni licitar predstavlja jedinstven spoj tradicije, simbola ljubavi i suvremenosti, pretočen u iznimno nosiv i efektan nakit s porukom. Kolekciju možete pronaći u zlatarni Lapidarium u centru Zagreba te svim boljim suvenirnicama. Uniquely blending tradition, the symbol of love, and modernity, the Golden Licitar Heart is wearable and effective jewellery with a message. The collection is available at the Lapidarium jewellery store in Zagreb’s city centre, and other high-end souvenir shops. zlatni-licitar.com

Je Veux Osebujan glas Željke Veverec, pjevačice grupe Mangroove, uz jedinstvenu interpretaciju zaslužan je za njezinu prepoznatljivost na domaćoj glazbenoj sceni. A svojim novim solističkim projektom I glow pjevačica Je Veux mogla bi početi konkurirati i na inozemnoj sceni. The distinctive voice of Željka Veverec, the singer of the band Mangroove, and her unique vocal style and interpretation is what makes her so recognisable on Croatia’s music scene. Performing under the stage name Je Veux, with her latest solo project and album called I Glow she’s ready to conquer the international music scene as well. sound-report.com

ZERA U Gospiću je nedavno otvorena prva specijalizirana trgovina ličkih proizvoda i suvenira ZERA. Na jednom originalnom mjestu okupljeni su pomno odabrani mali i veliki lički proizvođači domaćih proizvoda, umjetnici, kreativci i književnici. Svi oni pričaju priču o Lici kroz projekt koji želi promovirati Liku i njezine posebnosti. Recently opened in Gospić, ZERA is the first specialty store that specialises in the sale of products and souvenirs made exclusively in Croatia’s region of Lika. This is where you’ll find a wide assortment of carefully selected products made by small and large local producers, artists, creatives, and writers − in one place. They all tell the story of Lika through a project that aims to promote Lika and its specificities. fb_zerapozera, instagram_zeralike, gsm_+385 99 4095060



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©2022 Marriott International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. All names, marks and logos are trademarks of Marriott International, Inc., or its affiliates.



Đardin Đardin je projekt za ljude i biljke, a odnedavno nudi i radionice − inovativne teambuildinge i tematska druženja. Opuštena atmosfera, raznovrsne teme, stručni voditelji te događanja dizajnirana prema potrebama i željama sudionika potpuno su novi koncepti na tržištu. Pronađite ili kreirajte svoju Đardionicu. Rastimo zajedno. A people-and-plants project, Đardin (Garden in translation) now offers workshops as well − creative teambuilding events, and themed gatherings. A relaxed ambience, a variety of themes, professional team leaders, and events tailored to suit the needs and wishes of the participants are all entirely novel concepts on the market. You’re invited to find or create your own Đardionica Garden. Let’s grow together! www.djardin.hr

Maska s jadranskom soli Adriatic Sea salt infused face masks Zaštitna jednokratna maska s dodatkom čestica soli Jadranskog mora Diši morski zrak nov je i blagotvoran proizvod. Da bi se blagodati jadranske soli očuvale a njezin učinak produžio, utkana je u prozračne slojeve ove udobne maske. I kamo god krenuli, nosite sa sobom djelić Jadrana. Take a Sea Breath is a new disposable face mask with the addition of Adriatic Sea salt particles beneficial to health. To enjoy its benefits and prolong its effect, Adriatic Sea salt is woven into the airy layers of this comfortable face mask. Wherever you go, you can always have a piece of the Adriatic with you. saltandchecker.hr



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9 Osjetite ljepote ovog svijeta. CROATIA AIRLINES 1/2022 _




U globalnom svijetu prava arhitektura mora biti odraz podneblja i kulture u kojoj nastaje. Arhitektura pripada mjestu. Arhitektura koja pripada Zemlji nikad neće moći pripadati Marsu! Upravo zato arhitektura jest komunikacijski medij kojim se na civilizacijskoj sceni predstavljaju različite kulture i različiti identiteti. In today’s globalised world, genuine architecture must reflect the climate and culture in which it’s created. Architecture belongs to the place it’s created in. Architecture that belongs to Earth will never in a million years belong to Mars! This is exactly why architecture is a communication medium, with the help of which different cultures and different identities are represented on the scene of civilisation and humanity.


PIŠE/BY __ Ksenija



Damir Fabijanić



na prirodu, koju smo u ovom akceleriranom načinu života sve više počeli zaboravljati. Tu zamisao ostvario sam s uređajima koji transformiraju energiju prirode u zvuk ili svjetlost. Akademkinja, povjesničarka umjetnosti i spisateljica, karizmatična Željka Ćorak, moje je zadarske instalacije nazvala golemim tumačima koji nemušti govor prirode prevode u ljudima razumljiv jezik. Sviđa mi se ta prispodoba. Rad na tim projektima za mene je značio veliko iskustvo traganja prema onoj arhitekturi koju možemo graditi i nematerijalnim supstancijama, u ovom slučaju zvukom i svjetlošću. To nastojanje bilo je povezano s mnogo rizika jer mnoge odluke koje sam morao donijeti nije uvijek bilo moguće egzaktno potvrditi ili proračunati. Dakle, mnoge su stvari imale karakter eksperimenta, a svojstvo eksperimenta jest da može, ali i ne mora uspjeti. Naime, morate znati, taj projekt nije imao naručitelja; ja sam pridobio lučku upravu i grad Zadar za podršku realizaciji projekta. U ovoj prigodi anđeli su bili na mojoj strani.

D. Fabijanić


sim što je arhitekt, Nikola Bašić je i znanstvenik, akademik, predsjednik Znanstvenoga vijeća Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti za turizam i prostor. Preuzevši predsjedanje Znanstvenim vijećem HAZU-a za turizam i prostor, promijenio je njegovo ime dodajući turizmu riječ − prostor. Kako kaže, govoreći o arhitekturi mora se krenuti od prostora. U njegovu dugogodišnjem radu nastala je gomila projekata, ali možda su najpoznatiji Morske orgulje i Pozdrav Suncu u Zadru, kao primjeri najljepše moguće intervencije u urbani prostor.  Kako su nastale ideje za ta dva sad već kultna projekta? − Te dvije urbane instalacije nastale su na dijelu zadarske rive koji je bio zapušten, a iako se nalazi u centru grada, doimao se poput periferije. Međutim, taj prostor imao je jednu veliku kvalitetu − nalazio se na obali, u neposrednom dodiru s morem, otocima i zadarskim suncem. Pomislio sam kako je to idealna točka u gradu s koje ću pozvati ljude da obrate pozornost


 Uspjeli ste u svojem gradu oblikovati

mjesta s karakterom, s vlastitom urbaHrvatska tritopija narativni je triptih. Prva priča nazvana je URBOARHIPELAG. Riječ je

nom osobnošću. Što to znači za vas, a

o srednjojadranskom arhipelagu, koji se postupno transformira u urbani nodalni sustav

što za Zadar? − Zadar je jedan od najstarijih europskih gradova, star više od tri tisuće godina. Te povijesne slojeve osjećam kad hodam gradom. Oni mi iz dubine udaraju u potplate. S gradom se poistovjećujemo zbog značenja i energije koju emitiraju njegova posebna mjesta. To su urbane čakre. Morske orgulje i Pozdrav Suncu zadarske su urbane čakre. Sretan sam što sam imao sreću živjeti u gradu koji je uistinu pravi urbani laboratorij. Ponosan sam što sam u njegov recentni sloj ugradio i jedan djelić vlastitih snova. Morskim orguljama i Pozdravom Suncu Zadar je ostvario sjajnu promociju na planetarnoj razini i dobio lokomotivu koja je snažno povukla sveukupno turističko gospodarstvo regije.  Koji je vama osobno najdraži projekt od svih koji ste izradili i zašto? − Ne mogu na taj način razvrstavati svoje projekte. S projektima je kao s djecom, nije zgodno pitati koga najviše voliš. Zato ću neizravno odgovoriti. Najdraži su mi oni projekti koji su me najsnažnije emocionalno ispunili. Za mene je emocionalni sadržaj nekog djela važniji od njegove dizajnerske perfekcije. Primjerice, u poratno

s ishodištem u obalnim urbanim žarištima, oblikujući specifični, disperzirani arhipelaški grad. Druga priča nosi naziv DALMAPOLIS. Između dvaju polova, Zagreba kao kontinentalne metropole i Dalmapolisa kao jadranske metropole, uspostavila bi se os oko koje bi se u razvojnom skladu okretala cijela Hrvatska. HRVATSKE ČAKRE treća su i najnovija priča iz 2021. godine. Hrvatska ima najmanje tri topografska čvora koja su, u pogledu koherencije nacionalnog prostora, obilježena posebnim prometnim i simboličkim značenjem. To su tuneli Učka i Sv. Rok te Pelješki most. Njihov kapitalni prometni značaj jednak je njihovoj integrirajućoj mentalnoj snazi koja nas sjedinjuje u istom i jedinstvenom nacionalnom prostornom i društvenom identitetu. Zato možemo slobodno reći da u hrvatskom fizičkom i socijalnom biću ta mjesta imaju svojstvo čakri, topografskih točaka iznimne tjelesne i duhovne energije. Croatian Tritopia is a narrative triptych. The first story is called URBOARCHIPELAGO. It revolves around a central Adriatic archipelago, which would gradually be transformed into an urban nodal system emanating from urban hotspots on the coast, forming a specific, dispersed archipelago city. The second story is called DALMAPOLIS. Stretched between two poles − Zagreb as its continental metropolis, and Dalmapolis as its Adriatic metropolis − an axis would be established around which the whole of Croatia would revolve developmentally and in tune. CROATIA’S CHAKRAS are the third and latest story from 2021. Croatia has − as far as the coherence of its national territory is concerned − at least three topographic nodes, each of which has its distinguishing features in terms of traffic and symbolism. These are the Učka Tunnel, the Sveti Rok Tunnel, and the Pelješac Bridge. In terms of traffic and transport connections, they’re of paramount importance, which arises from their integrative mental capacity for uniting us all in a shared and singular national space and social identity. This is why we can freely say that, in Croatia’s physical and social being, these places have the property of chakras, topographic points of exceptional physical and spiritual energy.



I. Pervan

vrijeme zajedno sa zajednicom vjernika na brdu Okit pokraj Vodica, na mjestu porušene gradio sam novu Gospinu zavjetnu kapelu. Ipak, izdvojio bih dva najemocionalnija profesionalna iskustva. Jedno je izgradnja pozornice za doček pape Ivana Pavla ll. na zadarskom Forumu, na kojem sam oblikovao zaslon pozornice od pet kilometara dugačkog vijenca − girlande od dalmatinske makije − upletene s ljubavlju rukama dragovoljaca, pretežito djece, djevojaka i žena iz Zadra i okolice. Kad je taj nezaboravni događaj, koji je započeo u maglenom praskozorju lipanjskog jutra, utišanom dubokom bonacom, završio u užarenom podnevu, veliki broj sudionika pristupio je pozornici otkidajući od nje grančice kao svetu relikviju. Nakon tog iskustva mogao sam skupiti hrabrost i predložiti da se u surovu bespuću otočkog krša, u spomen vatrogascima stradalim na otoku Kornatu, golim rukama dragovoljaca izgrade megalitski suhozidni križevi.  Vaše svjedočenje nastanka kornatskog Polja križeva približava nas vašem konceptu arhitekture kao komunikacijskog medija koji biste stavili, kako kažete, u službu afirmacije našega kulturnog krajolika. Možete li nam još malo približiti taj koncept. − Moje je duboko uvjerenje da je arhitektura kao antropološki fenomen najmoćniji medij kada se govori o predstavljanju posebitosti pojedinih kultura. Zbog toga sam uvjeren da hrvatska suvremena arhitektura i njezini arhitekti nose gole03

01 Crkva sv. Josipa Radnika, Ražine, 1999. The Church of St. Joseph the Worker, Ražine, 1999

D. Fabijanić

02-03 Morske orgulje i Pozdrav suncu, Zadar, 2005. − 2008. Sea Organ and Greeting to the Sun, Zadar, 2005-2008




D. Fabijanić

O čemu je riječ i kreće li se u realizaciju tog projekta? − Pažani, voditelji gradnje na Polju križeva na Kornatu, bili su impresionirani tim spomenikom i ponosni zbog vlastitog doprinosa. Predložio sam im da na svojem otoku izgrade nešto što pripada njihovoj otočnoj kulturi. Pala mi je na pamet paška čipka. Pag je najčudesniji jadranski otok. Kako na istom otoku spojiti najsuroviji krš Mediterana s čudesnim lunskim maslinicima, kako spojiti minuciozni, precizni rad čipkarice s brutalnom grubošću suhozida? Upravo sam tu suprotstavljenu kulturu u njezinim krajnostima preklopio u golemom projektu vinograda koji bi bio pregrađen suhozidnom strukturom po geometrijskoj matrici paške čipke. Bit će to i edukacijski poligon Sveučilišta u Zadru za prakticiranje umijeća suhozidne gradnje otvoren za studente, radoznalce i turiste iz cijelog svijeta. Gradit će se samo ručno i to u koncentričnim krugovima, svake godine po jedan kao u godovima drveta, sve dok ne dosegnemo promjer od 350 metara. S nestrpljenjem očekujem početak gradnje jer znam da ću njegov dovršetak teško uspjeti dočekati.  Kad bi sve moglo biti idealno, kako vidite najbolji mogući razvoj arhitekture povezane s turizmom, tako da budu u suglasju?

02 Crkva sv. Josipa Radnika, Ražine, 1999. The Church of St. Joseph the Worker, Ražine, 1999 03 OPG Žman/Hotel Villa Nai 3.3, Dugi otok, skica autora, 2021. Žman Family Farm/Hotel Villa Nai 3.3, Dugi Otok, architectural sketch, 2021



mu odgovornost za opstanak vlastite nacionalne kulture. Hrvatska je kultura šareni kamenčić u mozaičnoj slici svjetske kulture, a upravo je naše urbanističko, arhitektonsko i krajobrazno nasljeđe najzaslužnije da to zrnce sija posebnim sjajem. Naša je zadaća učiniti da i dalje ostane vidljivo. Danas se svijet bori za očuvanje svakog oblika različitosti, sa zabrinutošću gledamo na ugrožavanje bioraznolikosti, sa žaljenjem spoznajemo kojom brzinom svakodnevno gasnu mali jezici, s nevjericom svjedočimo iščeznuću malih, osebujnih kultura. Legendarni Adolf Loos kaže: Ako u šumi naiđemo na humak šest stopa dug i tri stope širok, u formi piramide, oblikovan lopatom, postali smo ozbiljni i nešto u nama kaže: ovdje je netko pokopan! To je arhitektura. Tako arhitektura postaje jezikom ili, kako se danas voli reći, komunikacijskim medijem.  Iznimno je zanimljiva vaša ideja o projektu suhozidne paške čipke koja bi bila vidljiva iz svemirskih visina na površini od 10 hektara, kao golemi land art.

D. Fabijanić


01 Zavjetna crkva Gospe od Karmela, Okit, Vodice, 1998. The votive Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Okit, Vodice, 1998


− Suvremeni turizam iskazuje tendencije sjedinjenja putovanja, dokolice, rada, kulture, načina života, zdravlja… pa tako sve više poprima svojstvo sveobuhvatne stvarnosti. To otkriva turizam kao kompleksnu pojavu koja je odavno prešla razinu konvencionalnih definicija i za čijom

Da bih provjerio sadrži li moja arhitektura, ali i arhitektura općenito, vrijednosti koje joj daju karakter promicatelja izvorne kulture u čijem kontekstu nastaje i koju transponira u suvremenost, pomažu mi tri načela: komunikacija, kontinuitet, kontekst. Kako svi pojmovi počinju slovom N. Bašić

K, često se poigram tim


smo konačnom prirodom i dalje u traganju. Protivnik sam svake izgradnje izvan urbanih građevinskih područja, posebno onih koje se u planovima označavaju kao izdvojene turističke zone. Svako građenje predstavlja konflikt s prirodom i njezinu nepovratnu transformaciju, zato je građenje u turizmu, posebno ono koje se planira izvan postojećih naselja, najveći stručni i moralni izazov. No ako već moramo i ondje graditi, moje je uvjerenje da to mora biti mimikrijska gradnja, ona koja se ne oslanja na arhitektonsko i urbanističko nasljeđe nego se nadahnjuje baštinjenim kulturnim krajolikom. To je arhitektura koja se utiskuje u tlo ili čak pod njegovu kožu.  Možete li nekim primjerima iz vaše prakse ilustrirati takva stremljenja? − Mimikrijsku arhitekturu odavno sam počeo istraživati na malim privatnim otočkim projektima, ali sam pravi veliki turistički projekt koji je proizašao iz matrice kulturnog krajolika osmislio za jednog stranog investitora u uvali Jazine u Tisnom, u mojem murterskom zavičaju. Riječ je o hibridnom turističkom sadržaju sa središnjim hotelskim sadržajem, rezidencijalnim smještajem i individualnim vilama. Drugi primjer arhitekture izvan građevinskog područja, kojom se opslužuje obiteljsko poljoprivredno gospodarstvo, ali u kojem se nudi i visokokvalitetna turističke usluga okrenuta postpandemijskom vremenu, svakako je singularni primjer hotela Nai 3.3 u Žmanu na Dugom otoku. Za razliku od projekta u Tisnom, čiji investitor nije smogao hrabrosti za tako radikalan turistički iskorak, obitelj Morović iz Žmana, baš zato što su izvorni baštinici otočne kulture, imali su snagu, želju i

hrabrost ostvariti tu viziju. Na tome sam im beskrajno zahvalan.  Jednom ste izjavili da su vam najdraži projekti koji ostanu samo u vašim snovima. O kojim projektima sada sanjate? − Projekti koji ostaju u snovima zadržavaju svoju djevičansku nevinost i nesputanu slobodu levitiranja u prostorima mašte, dakle u sferi onoga što je izvan dosega sile teže, kojom smo pritisnuti kao težinom istočnog grijeha, a koja sve što postane materijalnim čvrsto privuče k zemlji. A zemljom vladaju vjetrovi, vatre i vode, koji propušu, ovlaže a katkad i spale kuću, profanirajući bezdušno njezino misaono i duhovno biće. Zato su savršeni samo oni projekti koji ostaju neostvareni, oni koji nikad neće doživjeti sraz sa stvarnošću. Oni nisu ni preskupi ni neracionalni ni nefunkcionalni, oni ne prokišnjavaju i ne ostavljaju negativni ekološki otisak u prostoru. Na njih nitko nema primjedbi. Unatoč tomu, misao o prostoru može postati istinskom arhitekturom tek kada se materijalizira. Materijalizacija ideje o prostoru zato ostaje nagonska težnja svakog arhitekta. A misao o prostoru koja me sada zaokuplja projekti su Hrvatske kakvu volim i u čiju sjajnu budućnost vjerujem. Razmišljam o nizu projekata koji će zasigurno najvećim dijelom ostati u orbiti mojih snova, a kojima sam dao zajedničko ime Hrvatska tritopija. 


ikola Bašić is not only an architect, but also a scientist, academician, and president of the Scientific Council for Tourism and Space of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts. Once he was appointed as president of the said

riječima pa kažem da nam za dosezanje izvornih arhitektonskih vrijednosti treba − TRIK! To check whether or not both my architecture and architecture in general contain the values that lend it the character of promoter of the native culture whose context it originates in and which it transposes into the present day, three principles help me: communication, continuity, and context. Given that all three concepts begin with the letter C, and given that I often play with words, what I say is that, to create genuine architectural values, we need a − TRI.C!

council, what he first did was change its name by adding the concept of space to it as space figures prominently in tourism. Space must be the starting point for any discussion about architecture, he insists. During the course of his long career, he’s done great many projects, perhaps the most famous of which are Zadar’s Sea Organ and Greeting to the Sun, both instances of the most beautiful possible intervention in urban space.  How did the idea for these two cult projects come about?



Hrvatski prostor u najvećoj mjeri ima svojstvo antropološki oblikovanog prostora. Prema tomu, u najvećoj je mjeri kulturni prostor. Prirodna i kulturna značajka hrvatskog prostora obilježena je osobitostima pojedinih regija. Hrvatsku doživljavam kao šareni buket regija. U tom prekrasnom buketu mediteranski kraški i arhipelaški prostor moj je najdraži cvijet i moj svijet. Taj svijet svjedoči uravnoteženom suživotu čovjeka i prirode, iz kojih su u zemljinu koru otisnuti čudesni organički oblici monumentalne suhozidne kulture. Upravo tu kulturu želim svjedočiti, ona me nadahnjuje, njome se želim izraziti kao s osobitim i

− These two urban installations were built on a part of Zadar’s seafront promenade that was neglected; it was a part that looked like it belonged to Zadar’s outskirts, and not Zadar’s city centre where it actually is. However, this area had one exceptional quality − it’s right on the seafront, in direct contact with the sea, the islands, and the sun in Zadar. I thought this was an ideal point in town that I would invite people to start paying attention to nature, which we’ve increasingly begun to forget about in our hectic lives. I brought this idea to fruition with the help of devices that transform the energy found in nature into sound and light. Academician, art historian, and writer, the charismatic Željka Čorak called my Zadar installations giant interpreters that decode the mute language of nature transforming it into

ing them to support the project. The angels were on my side in this particular instance.  In your town, you’ve managed to design a place with character, a spot that has its very own urban personality. What does this mean for you, and what does this mean for Zadar? − Zadar is one of Europe’s oldest cities as it’s more than three thousand years old. I can sense its many layers of history when I walk around town. They throb against the soles of my shoes from the depths. People identify with towns and cities because of the meaning and energy that their special places and spots emit. These are urban chakras. The Sea Organ and Greeting to the Sun are Zadar’s urban chakras. I’m happy to have been fortunate enough to live in a town that is an urban laboratory in every

a language that people can understand and relate to. I love the metaphor. Working on these two projects was a great experience for me in terms of searching for architecture that can be built with the help of intangible substances, such as sound and light in this particular case. Considerable risks were involved in this effort of mine because many of the decisions I had to make couldn’t always be calculated accurately or confirmed by accurate calculations. In other words, many things were experimental in character, and we all know that the intrinsic nature of experiments dictates that ultimately they may or may not work. You must know that this project wasn’t commissioned by a client as such. What I did was win over Zadar’s Port Authority and the City of Zadar by convinc-

Polje križeva, spomen obilježje palim vatrogascima, Kornat, 2010. The Memorial Field of Crosses in memory of firefighters killed on the Island of Kornat, 2010

autentičnim arhitektonskim govorom. Croatia’s space has, for the most part, the property of an anthropologically shaped space. In other words, its space is mostly cultural. The distinguishing natural and cultural features of Croatia’s space are marked by the specificities of individual regions. I see Croatia as a colourful bouquet of regions. In this beautiful bouquet, the Mediterranean space of karst landscapes and archipelagos is my favourite flower, so to speak, and my world. This world testifies to the harmonious which astonishing organic forms of monumental dry stone culture are

S. Surać

coexistence of man and nature, from

imprinted in the Earth’s crust. It is this culture that I want to bear witness to, it is this culture that inspires me, and it is this culture − as a remarkable and genuine architectural language − that I want to express myself with.



sense of the word. I’m proud to have built a part of my own dreams into the town’s most recent layer. Thanks to the Sea Organ, and Greeting to the Sun, Zadar’s promotion reached planetary proportions, and the two turned into a propulsion engine that sparked and has driven the entire region’s tourism industry ever since.  From all the projects that you’ve ever worked on, which is your most favourite one, and why?

biodiversity and threats to it, we mourn the loss of small languages and the pace at which they’re dying out daily, and we witness in disbelief the disappearance of small, distinctive cultures. The legendary Adolf Loos once noted: If we were to come across a mound in the woods, six foot long by three foot wide, with the soil piled up in a pyramid, a sombre mood would come over us and a voice inside us would say, There is someone buried here. That is architecture. In other words, architecture becomes a language or, as we often like to say today, a communication medium.  Your idea of building a 10-hectare dry stone structure in the shape of Pag lace that would be visible from space is extremely fascinating. What is this idea about, and has this giant piece of Land Art project been embarked on? − The people of Pag, construction team leaders at the Memorial Field of Crosses on Kornat, were impressed by the monument they helped to build, and proud of their own contribution. I proposed that they build something representative of Pag’s culture on their island. Naturally enough, Pag lace came to mind. Pag is the Adriatic’s most beautiful island. How do you combine the harshest of karst landscapes of the Mediterranean with the stunning olive groves of Lun, how do you interweave the meticulous, delicate work of Pag’s lacemakers with the brutal roughness of a dry stone wall on the same island? It was exactly these opposing elements of culture and its extremes that I folded into a massive vineyard project that would be partitioned by a dry stone structure patterned after the geometric design of Pag lace. It’s also intended to be a training ground of the University of Zadar for students to practise the art of dry stone construction, open to students, those with a curious mind, and tourists, of course, from all over the world. It’ll be built exclusively by hand in concentric circles, one circle a year like the annual growth rings of wood, up until we reach a diameter of 350 metres. I’m very much looking forward to the beginning of construction because I know that I’m not likely to live to see its completion.  In an ideal world, what is the best-case scenario for the development of architecture alongside tourism, a scenario that allows of harmony between the two, in your opinion? − In modern-day tourism, there’s a tendency to combine travel, leisure, work, culture,

Govoreći metaforički, možemo reći kako je postupno, a da to nismo ni primijetili, cijeli svijet postao jedan golemi resort, jedinstveno planetarno turističko odredište. Metaphorically speaking, we can say that gradually, without us noticing it, the whole world has become one enormous resort, a singular planetary tourist destination.

Marinaprojekt d.o.o.

− I can’t sort my projects that way. Projects are like children, it’s inappropriate to ask whom you love the most. Nevertheless, I’ll offer an indirect answer. My most favourite projects are the ones that fulfilled me emotionally the most. For me, the emotional content of a given project is far more important than the perfection of its design. For instance, in the post-war period, I built, together with a community of worshippers, a new votive chapel dedicated to Our Lady on the top of the hill of Okit near Vodice on the site of the chapel that was demolished in the war. Actually, I would like to single out two professional experiences that had a strong emotional charge. The first was the construction of a welcome stage for the arrival of Pope John Paul II at Zadar’s Roman Forum. Here, I designed the backdrop from a five-kilometre-long garland made of Dalmatian evergreen underbrush woven by hand with love by volunteers, mostly children, girls, and women from Zadar and the region. When this memorable event, which began at a misty dawn in June silenced by a dead calm sea, ended in the heat of high noon, great many attendees approached the stage and its backdrop tweaking its twigs and taking them home as pieces of a sacred relic. This experience allowed me to muster up the courage to propose that megalithic dry stone crosses be built with the bare hands of volunteers in the hostile wasteland terrain of Kornati’s karst in memory of the firefighters killed on the Island of Kornat.  Your testimony of how Kornat’s Memorial Field of Crosses came about brings us closer to your concept of architecture as a communication medium which you’d like to see put to use and at the service of affirming Croatia’s cultural landscape. Could you, please, expand on this idea? − It’s my deep conviction that, as an anthropological phenomenon, architecture is the most powerful medium when it comes to presenting the specificities of individual cultures. This is why I believe that contemporary Croatian architecture and its architects bear much of the responsibility for the survival of their own national culture. Croatian culture is a coloured stone in the mosaic of world cultures, and it’s Croatia’s urban, architectural, and natural heritage that deserves most credit for the fact that this stone shines with a special lustre. It’s our job to make sure it remains distinct. Today’s world fights to preserve all forms of diversity, we’re desperate with worry over

Suhozidna struktura paške čipke, otok Pag, 3D model, 2010. A dry stone structure patterned after Pag lace, Island of Pag, a 3D model, 2010

lifestyle, healthcare, etc. This is why tourism has increasingly been thought of as an all-encompassing reality. What this reveals is that tourism is a complex phenomenon which has long since evaded conventional definitions, and whose ultimate nature we’re still in search of. I’m against any construction outside urban development areas, particularly those designated as isolated tourism development areas. All construction and development comes into conflict





N. Bašić


too expensive nor irrational nor non-functional; they have no leakages that have to be dealt with, nor do they leave a negative environmental footprint in space. No one has any objections to them. Nonetheless, any concept of space can become proper architecture only when it’s given physical existence. Giving physical existence to the concept of ​​space, accordingly, remains the instinctive aspiration of every architect. And the concepts of space that preoccupy me at present pertain to projects of Croatia that I love and whose brilliant future I believe in. I’ve been absorbed in the idea of a series of projects that’ll, for the most part, surely remain in the orbit of my dreams, and whose umbrella term that unites them all is Croatian Tritopia. 

N. Bašić

with nature, and transforms it irreversibly. This is why construction and development in the tourism sector, particularly construction planned outside existing urban areas, represents a major professional and ethical challenge. And if we must build there, it’s my belief that it must be what I call mimicry architecture that blends in with the environment, the type that doesn’t draw on architectural and urban heritage, but is rather inspired by the local cultural landscape. It’s a type of architecture that’s imprinted in the ground or even under its skin.  Could you illustrate these aspirations with some examples from your practice? − I first started researching mimicry architecture for small-scale privately funded projects on islands a long time ago. Then I designed a truly big-scale tourism project that draws from the surrounding cultural landscape matrix for a foreign investor in Jazine Bay in Tisno on the Island of Murter, where I was born. It’s a hybrid tourist facility featuring a central hotel facility, residential accommodation, and private villas. Another example of architectural design outside urban development areas that springs to mind is most definitely the exceptional Villa Nai 3.3 in Žman on Dugi Otok. It serves a family farm, and offers high-quality services in the tourism sector in post-pandemic times. Unlike the Tisno project’s investor that didn’t have the courage to take such a radical step, the Morović family from Žman had the strength, desire, and courage to make their vision a reality precisely because they’re the immediate and natural successors and beneficiaries of their island’s culture. I’m infinitely grateful to them for that.  You once said that your favourite projects are the ones that remain only in your dreams. What projects are you dreaming of at present? − Projects that remain dreams retain their virgin-like innocence and unfettered freedom to levitate in the realms of imagination; in other words, in the sphere of that which is beyond the reach of gravity which pushes against us all as the weight of the original sin does, and which pulls everything that’s given physical existence firmly towards earth. And earth is ruled by winds, fires, and waters, which blow through, dampen, and sometimes burn houses, heartlessly profaning and desecrating their mental and spiritual being. This is why only projects that never see the light of day, that never come face to face with reality are perfect. They’re neither

01 Pozornica za doček pape Ivana Pavla II., Zadar, 2003. The welcome stage for the arrival of Pope John Paul II, Zadar, 2003 02 Girlande za Papinu pozornicu, skica autora, 2003. Garlands for the Pope’s welcome stage, architectural sketch, 2003


Ilustracija: Ana Androić Knežević








Mjesto Žman na Dugom otoku staro je gotovo osam stoljeća. Njegovi stanovnici od pamtivijeka su se bavili ribarstvom, poljoprivredom i maslinarstvom, ali lani je u tom malom otočkom mjestu osvanuo i jedan od najluksuznijih hotela na svijetu. The village of Žman on Dugi Otok is almost eight hundred years old. Its inhabitants have been fishermen, farmers, and olive growers since time immemorial. Last year, however, one of the most luxurious hotels in the world opened its doors in this small island town.

D. Fabijanić

Pogled iz sobe 005 na Lavdaru i Kornate u pozadini A view from room 005 of the island of Lavdara, and Kornati in the background



Najstariji hrvatski pisani dokument o ribarstvu vezan je uz Dugi otok, a ostaci najstarijeg stanovnika Dalmacije od prije 11.000 godina pronađeni su oko 10 km od OPG-a Morović. To je razlog što se jedan od njihova dva restorana zove Grotta 11.000 (grotta znači pećina) te što se u njemu poslužuju jela spremljena na vatri, u


roizvodnja maslinovog ulja oduvijek je za stanovnike Žmana značila život. Početkom 20. stoljeća upravo tamo je, prva u Dalmaciji, stigla hidraulična preša za proizvodnju maslinovog ulja. U Žmanu, na vratima Nacionalnog parka Kornati i uz Park prirode Telašćica, danas se nalazi obiteljsko poljoprivredno gospodarstvo obitelji Morović. − Moji pradjedovi također su bili ribari i poljoprivrednici te se bavili uzgojem

maslina. Rođen sam u Splitu, ali sve školske praznike provodio sam na otoku sudjelujući u poljoprivrednim radovima − kaže Goran Morović, koji je zajedno sa suprugom Nives proširio stari obiteljski maslinik kupnjom susjednih zemljišta da bi se bavio proizvodnjom maslinovog ulja. Uveli su sustav zalijevanja kap po kap. Stare su masline obnovili, a nove zasadili umjesto makije i borova. Ime njihova maslinovog ulja jest NAI 3.3, jer nai

spomen na pećinskog čovjeka. Taj je objekt sastavni dio krajolika kao i njegova paleolitska pećina. Croatia’s oldest written document on fishing was found on Dugi Otok, and the remains of the oldest inhabitant of Dalmatia from 11,000 years ago were found about 10 km from the Morović family farm. This is why one of their two restaurants is called Grotta 11,000 (cave in translation), which serves dishes prepared over an open fire in T. Dubravec/Cropix

honour of this very caveman. Much like the caveman’s Palaeolithic cave, the restaurant building blends in with the surrounding landscape seamlessly.

T. Dubravec/Cropix





T. Dubravec/Cropix

T. Dubravec/Cropix


na dalmato-romanskom, koji se nekad govorio na otocima i u priobalju, znači snijeg, a prije stotinu godina na otoku su prosječno bila 3.3 snježna dana. - Snijeg je važan jer on eliminira nametnike pa ne treba koristiti kemijska sredstva u nasadu. Iako snijeg više ne pada, mi sve radimo ekološki, kao da je snijeg pao. Svake godine šaljemo uzorke svojeg ulja na analizu da bi laboratoriji to i potvrdili. Godinama šaljemo ulje na velika svjetska natjecanja i naše je ulje najnagrađivanije dalmatinsko ulje. Godine 2019. prema Aristoilu naše je ulje imalo najviše polifenola među hrvatskim uljima, a Hrvatska je zemlja s najviše polifenola na Mediteranu. Želeći održati i postići što veću kvalitetu proizvodnje, obitelj Morović odlučila se na izgradnju vlastite uljare. Taj su projektni zadatak povjerili uglednom arhitektu, akademiku Nikoli Bašiću. Njihova je vizija bila da pod istim krovom imaju proizvodnju i kušaonicu ulja, ali i smještaj gostiju po standardu vodećih svjetskih hotela, The Leading Hotels of the World.


01 Soba 007 Room 007 02 Vanjski bazen Villa Nai’s outdoor pool

03 Ugodna prostorija za popodnevno opuštanje unutar hotela s kaminom A cosy room to relax in the afternoon inside the hotel featuring a fireplace 04 Ležaljke u unutrašnjem dvorištu u blizini bazena sa slanom vodom Deckchairs in the interior courtyard near the seawater pool



Tako je od uzgoja maslina i proizvodnje ulja priča obitelji Morović krenula u posve novom smjeru. Arhitekt Bašić realizirao je njihovu viziju na nevjerojatan i jedinstven način, smjestivši taj višenamjenski objekt metar ispod zemlje, na izohipsi, što mu donijelo neobičnu geometriju bez pravih kutova. To je ujedno omogućilo njegovu minimalnu vidljivost u prostoru. Zeleni krov prekriven je autohtonim biljkama, a za beton objekta i oblogu vanjskih zidova korišten je materijal s tog terena. Dvorište je s tri strane okruženo zidovima (kao svojevrsna vrtača), a s četvrte prirodnom masivnom stijenom visine devet metara. − Zadatak nam je bilo lakše realizirati jer imamo tridesetak godina iskustva u proizvodnji zahtjevnih stambenih objekata. U svakoj od tri djelatnosti (proizvodnja ulja, hotelijerstvo i građevinarstvo) željeli smo maksimalno poštivati pravila struke i beskompromisno napraviti ekološki dobar proizvod. Filozofske postavke vođenja su iste, razlike su samo zanatske − objašnjava Goran Morović, po struci zapravo diplomirani inženjer građevine. Boravak u objektu djeluje na goste relaksirajuće, što nije čudno jer je okru-

Luxury Travel Intelligence uvrstio je Villu Nai 3.3, otvorenu lani u srpnju, među deset najboljih luksuznih svjetskih hotela zvučnih imena, primjerice uz bok pariškim hotelima Bvlgari i Cheval Blanc. Taj arhitektonski biser nenametljive ljepote uronjene u prirodu odmah su otkrili i mnogi svjetski mediji, primjerice Forbes, Sunday Times, Telegram, Travel+Leisure, Condé Nast, Suitcase... U sklopu hotela (izvedenog u energetskoj klasi A+) osam je smještajnih jedinica, wellness centar sa saunom i hidromasažnom kadom, teniski teren, unutarnji i vanjski bazen s morskom vodom te dekorativni bazen sa slatkom vodom. U planu je i izgradnja helipada. Od Zračne luke Zadar Villa Nai 3.3 udaljena je samo 24 kilometra. Opened in July 2021, Luxury Travel Intelligence ranked Villa Nai 3.3 amongst the top 10 luxury hotels in the world, in the prestigious company of Parisian hotels Bvlgari, and Cheval Blanc. This architectural and unobtrusive pearl

Villa Nai iz zraka − zgrada hotela, teniski tereni i vanjski bazen A bird’s-eye view of Villa Nai − the hotel building, tennis courts, and the outdoor pool

immersed in nature was immediately discovered by many international media companies and agencies, such as Forbes, The Sunday Times, Telegram, Travel+Leisure Magazine, Condé Nast, and Suitcase Magazine. Boasting an A+ energy rating, the hotel features 8 rooms and suites, a wellness centre with a sauna and hot tub, a tennis court, an indoor and outdoor seawater pool, and a decorative freshwater pool. A helipad is also planned. Villa Nai 3.3 is only 24 kilometres from Zadar

I. Pervan




žen s tisuću maslina i mnogim vrstama mediteranskog voća, a sve se to ogleda i u jelovnicima hotela koji se temelje na maslinovom ulju obitelji Morović i proizvodima lokalnih OPG-ova te plodovima mora. Objekt je otvoren prema nebu pa navečer svi koji se ondje zateknu mogu uživati u romantičnom pogledu na zvijezde. 


he life of the inhabitants of Žman has always revolved around the production of olive oil. At the beginning of the 20th century, it was Žman that welcomed the first hydraulic press for olive oil production in Dalmatia. Here, at the gates of Kornati National Park and next to Telašćica Nature Park, is also where the Morović family farm is. − My great-grandparents were fishermen and farmers, and grew olives. I was born in Split, but I spent all my school holidays on the island working in the field − says Goran Morović, who, together with his wife Nives, expanded the family’s old olive grove by having purchased neighbouring land to engage in olive oil production. They introduced a micro-drip irrigation system, restored the family’s first olive groves, and planted new olive trees replacing evergreen underbrush and pines. Their olive oil is named NAI 3.3. Nai translates as snow from an ancient Dalmatian-Romance vernacular once spoken on Dalmatia’s islands

Odaberite idealnu karticu za vaše poslovanje Učinkovite i fleksibilne debitne i kreditne kartice omogućuju vam brz pristup do novca te jednostavno upravljanje poslovnim troškovima.

and the coast, and 3.3 refers to the average number of snow days a year on Dugi Otok one hundred years ago. − Snow’s important because it eliminates parasites, so there’s no need to use chemicals in the grove. Although snow no longer falls, we do everything in an environmentally friendly way, as if snow has fallen. We send samples of our oil for analysis every year, so that laboratories can confirm our environmentally friendly approach. We’ve been sending our oil to major international competitions for years, and it’s the most awarded olive oil from Dalmatia. According to Aristoil, in 2019 our oil had the most polyphenols amongst Croatian oils. Croatia is an olive oil producing country whose oils have the most polyphenols in the Mediterranean. Wanting to maintain and achieve the highest possible quality of production, the Morović family decided to build their own oil mill. This project was entrusted to the

distinguished architect and academician, Nikola Bašić. Their vision was to have an olive oil production facility, a tasting room, and guest accommodation that meet The Leading Hotels of the World standard under the same roof. As a result, from cultivating olives and oil production, the story of the Morović family moved in an entirely new direction. The way architect Bašić brought their vision to life is incredible and unique. He placed this multi-purpose building a metre below ground level, on an isohypse, which resulted in an unusual geometry without any corners. This also meant that the building would be minimally visible in the environment. The green roof is covered with native plants, with the excavated stone repurposed and built into the hotel’s interior and exterior walls. The courtyard is surrounded by walls on three sides, reminiscent of a sinkhole of sorts, while the fourth wall is a massive, nine-metre high natural rock wall.

− This job wasn’t difficult to execute because we have some 30 years of experience developing demanding residential buildings. In each of the three industries, oil production, the hotel industry, and construction, we wanted to respect and stick to all the tricks of the trade, and create an environmentally friendly product without any compromise. The philosophical principles of leadership are the same; the differences are only craftrelated − explains Goran Morović, a civil engineer by profession. The hotel offers a relaxing experience to its guests, which is not surprising because it’s surrounded by thousands of olive trees, and several types of Mediterranean fruit trees. All this is also reflected in the hotel menus, which are based on Morović family olive oil, local family farm products, and seafood. The building opens to the sky, providing a romantic view of the stars in the evening hours to all who happen to be there. 








PIŠE/BY __ Snješka






Hrvatska je zemlja tisuću otoka, a o najljepšima od njih već su ispričane tisuće priča. Otoci su neiscrpno nadahnuće umjetnicima, vječna tema koja nema kraj. Stoga nimalo ne čudi što je i jedan umjetnik fotografije, porijeklom s Paga, bezvremensku ljepotu toga otoka odlučio objediniti i pretvoriti je u bezvremensku knjigu. Croatia is a land of a thousand islands. Thousands of stories have already been told about the most beautiful of them. Islands are an inexhaustible source of inspiration for artists, an eternal, endless theme. It comes as no surprise then that a fine art photographer whose family comes from Pag decided to unify the timeless beauty of the Island of Pag, and turn it into a timeless book.



Sv. Vid, najviši vrh otoka Paga St. Vitus, the highest peak of the Island of Pag

Kamen je taj koji je u iskonu svega, a more dinamička stvaralačka sila. Njoj se pridružuje jednako važna sila − vjetar. U slučaju Paga žestoka bura, koja se silovito obrušava s Velebita, izbjeljuje tlo posolicom i ogoljuje ga. Stone is the cradle of it all, whilst the sea a dynamic creative force. It is joined by an equally important force − the wind. On Pag, the bitter bora that crashes down violently from Velebit Mountain whitens the soil sprinkling it with salt, and strips it bare.




Suhozidi kod Povljane Dry stone walls near Povljana


amir Fabijanić svoju je knjigu nazvao Pagradotok. Kao amblem Pagradotoka na koricama knjige, naslovnici, ali i na početku svakoga od dvadeset poglavlja − katkad u cjelini, katkad kao fragment − javlja se blijedo-siva silueta otoka iz zraka, koja asocira na kralješnicu otoka te poput obrisa kakva mističnog prethistorijskog stvora utjelovljuje vrijeme mimo ljudskih mjerila; ono što se potvrđuje jedino zorom. U uvodu Damir Fabijanić kaže kako mu je cilj bio istražiti i pokazati svevremenost bitnoga. Na omotnici prednost daje kamenu: začudnim motivom nalik organičkoj skulpturi. Kamen je taj koji je u iskonu svega, a more dinamička stvaralačka sila. Njoj se pridružuje jednako važna sila − vjetar. U slučaju Paga žestoka bura, koja se silovito obrušava s Velebita, izbjeljuje tlo posolicom i ogoljuje ga. S druge pak strane nesputano, gotovo otvoreno more, vječna igra s kamenom, postojane transformacije njihova dodira i neza-



Drvene barke, Mandre Wooden boats in Mandre



Polja solane Salt evaporation ponds

mislivo obilje formi. Tome moru, nazivajući ga paškim, Fabijanić posvećuje prvo poglavlje s fascinantnim slikama uzbibane površine, svjetlucavih refleksa, u svjetlu raznih doba dana, modrine svih nijansi, pozlaćeno zalazećim suncem. Od gotovo metafizičkog naboja tih prizora uvjerljivost posebnosti nose pojedine vale sa svojim žalovima, prozirnim tirkiznim pličinama, pijeskom, oblucima i stijenama. To su mjesta srca njegova − da parafraziramo najpoznatiji nostalgični stih Tina Ujevića. Valom Bošanom započinje njegov hommage otoku, a završava Bošanarovim dolcem s uzbibanim morem i pramenovima slane maglice između uglačanog stijenja. Uz more, kako glasi jedno poglavlje, na obalama koje vode oplakuju, miluju i udaraju, nalazi začudne kamene formacije i teksture, polja oblutaka, neobične pukotine i osamljene stupove-solitere. Stjenovitu masivu nasuprot idilične Bošane nadijeva ime: Slonovi. U njegovu podnožju ima oštro-



Prepoznatljive forme šljunčane plaže u paškoj uvali Typical forms of pebble in a cove on Pag



Deblo prastare masline, Lunjski maslinik The trunk of an ancient olive tree, Olive Gardens of Lun

bridnih stijena, još nezaobljena kamenja, ali i naplavljenih izblijedjelih životinjskih kostura. Od zbijenog fronta masiva razlikuje se područje brusela: glatkih, sitnohrpavih stijena, čudesnih tekstura utisnutih u podatnu smjesu lapora i ilovače, smionih formi i neviđene arhitekture što ih ta građa omogućuje. Ljudske intervencije suoblikovale su površinu otoka: od suhozida do solana i naselja, među njima najvećega, grada Paga. Mreža suhozida nalikuje antičkim parcelacijama poljoprivrednog tla; ovdje, pašnjaka za ovce koje odvajkada brste bilje što jedino odolijeva burama, nemilosrdnoj jari i žezi. Solane pak svjedoče o drevnom umijeću isušivanja morske vode i proizvodnji bijeloga zlata, koja s vremenom prerasta u industriju, a uz stočarstvo dominira u otočnom gospodarstvu. Uz recentne snimke Fabijanić predstavlja one nastale 1978., kad je fotografirao posljednju klasičnu berbu i mnogo ih kasnije uključio u izložbu hrvatskog



Pravilni tlocrt novog Paga (1443.) pripisuje se kiparu i graditelju Jurju Matvejevu Dalmatincu New Pag’s (1443) gridiron plan is attributed to sculptor and builder Juraj Matvejev Dalmatinac, internationally also known as Giorgio da Sebenico



paviljona na svjetskoj izložbi EXPO 2005. u Japanu. Vrhunac civilizacije sam je grad Pag: planiran u 15. stoljeću doprinosom jednog od najvećih renesansnih kipara i arhitekta, Jurja Dalmatinca. Prikazan s mora, kopna i iz zraka doima se kao čudo sklada. Fabijanić ne predstavlja grad samo kao jedinstvenu strukturu, nego s mnogo osjećajnosti ulazi u njezinu unutrašnjost. Tako ulazi i na Pjacu, glavni trg sa zbornom crkvom/ katedralom Marijina Uznesenja, s velikom čipkastom rozetom, kipovima i reljefom Bogorodice Zaštitnice (Mater omnium) u luneti portala, a detaljima plastike predstavlja biskupsku palaču. Zalazi i u ulice, zadržava se u Zrinsko-Frankopanskoj, zastaje na Staroj rivi, gdje na klupama nema nikoga, samo je blago plavi more. Pri kraju knjige Fabijanić vodi otokom na svoj način, kako kaže, razastirući raznolikost njegovih krajolika, s nekim možda manje poznatim atrakcijama. 



01 Odmor uz popodnevno sunce Resting in the afternoon sun 02 Pogled kroz Velu ulicu, glavnu ulicu Paga, prema trgu A view of Vela Street, Pag’s main street, looking towards the town square 03 Slika koja je nestala: čipkarice šiju pašku čipku ispred svojih kuća A sight that can no longer be seen: lacemakers making Pag lace right outside their houses



he title that Damir Fabijanić gave his book is Pagradotok. Sometimes as a whole, sometimes as a fragment, a pale grey, bird’s-eye view silhouette of the island appears on the book cover and at the beginning of each of the twenty chapters. Posing as an emblem of Pagradotok, this silhouette is suggestive of the backbone of the island, and embodies − like the contours of a mystical prehistoric creature − time beyond human understanding or that which is confirmed only by dawn. In the introduction, Damir Fabijanić writes that his goal was to explore and show the timelessness of that which is important. On the dust jacket, he gives priority to stone with the help of a wondrous motif that looks like an organic sculpture. Stone is the cradle of it all, whilst the sea a dynamic creative force. It is joined by an equally important force − the wind. On Pag, the bitter bora that crashes down violently from Velebit Mountain whitens the soil sprinkling it with salt, and strips it bare. The unrestrained waters of a nearly open sea, playing with stone endlessly, steady transformations of their touch, and an unimaginable abundance of forms counterbalance the bora. Fabijanić dedicates the first chapter of his book to this sea, packing it with fascinating photos of a swaying surface, and glittering reflections taken in the light of different parts of the day, blues of all shades gilded by the setting sun. The almost metaphysical charge of these scenes is convincingly made particular in a number of coves with their shores, transparent turquoise shallows, sand, pebbles, and rocks. Paraphrasing one of the most famous nostalgic verses of Croatia’s giant of poetry, Tin Ujević, these are places of his heart. Fabijanić’s homage to Pag begins with Bošana Beach, and ends with the swaying sea of Bošana Dolac, and strands of salt mist between polished rocks. By the sea, as one chapter reads, on Pag’s shores washed against, caressed, and crashed against by waves, Fabijanić finds wondrous stone formations and textures, fields of pebble, strange cracks, and lonely skyscraping pillars. Elephants is the name he gives the rocky massif across from idyllic Bošana Beach. At the massif’s base, there are sharp-edged rocks, stones that haven’t been softened yet, as well as sun-bleached animal skeletons washed ashore. The compact front of the massif is offset by an area of smooth, fine-grained rocks, marvellous textures imprinted




Zadnja tradicionalna berba u paškoj solani 1978. The last traditional sea salt harvesting at Pag Saltworks in 1978 01 Kontrola razine mora u solani Controlling seawater levels at the saltworks 02 Skupljanje soli Collecting salt 03 Vagoneti puni soli čekaju otpremu u skladišta Wagons full of salt waiting to be sent to warehouses







01 Ruke paške majke, domaćice, čipkarice The hands of a Pag-born mother, housewife, and lacemaker 02 Knjiga PAGRADOTOK, 45 godina snimanja Paga, fabijanic.com PAGRADOTOK, a book that’s the result of 45 years of photographing Pag, fabijanic.com 03 Paška nošnja s karakterističnom pokrivacom, uštirkanim trokutastim platnom s obrubom od paške čipke Pag’s traditional folk costume featuring a pokrivaca, a starched triangular headdress trimmed with Pag lace

Ljudi, Judi, dio su bića grada. Autor ih predstavlja u svakodnevnim situacijama i pozama: žene u tradicionalnoj crnoj odjeći, često s leđa i u grupama, muškarce s uobičajenim šiltericama ili francuskim kapama, kako sjede pred kućnim pragom ili se okupljaju u ćakuli, naposljetku potrete četvorice stalnih gostiju konobe Kod Bepa. Sve osobe koje se javljaju u cijeloj knjizi imenuje, u


ime poštovanja i memorije. Tako i čipkarice u grupnim prizorima i pojedinačno kako vezu pred kućama, ljepotice s pokrivacama (trokutastim pokrovom za glavu) i elegantnom tradicijskom nošnjom, koja je s čuvenom čipkom proglašenom svjetskom kulturnom baštinom. Judima pripada tradicija: bilo da je to pučki blagdan Stomorina, s procesijom koja u kolovozu, između Vele i

Ljudske intervencije suoblikovale su površinu otoka: od suhozida do solana i naselja, među njima

Male Gospe, iz napuštenoga Starog Paga nosi u novi Pag drevnu

najvećega, grada Paga. Mreža suhozida nalikuje

sliku Madone s djetešcem, bilo da je to iće, tradicionalna jela

antičkim parcelacijama poljoprivrednog tla.

sačinjena od janjetine, ribe, školjaka, mekušaca i puževa, bilo jedinstveni paški sir, zaštitni znak otoka, priznat kao nacionalno kulturno dobro.

Human interventions have co-shaped the surface of the island − from dry stone walls to saltworks and

People are part of the town’s spirit. Fabijanić presents them in

settlements, the largest of which is the town of Pag.

everyday situations and poses, such as women in traditional black

The web of dry stone walls resembles the ancients’

clothes, often photographed from behind and in groups, men

parcelling of farmland.

wearing either an everyday cap or a French hat sitting right outside their doorstep or gathering to chitchat, and finally the portraits of the four regulars at the Kod Bepa tavern. He names all the people who appear in his book as a mark of respect committing them to memory. Naturally enough, this includes Pag’s lacemakers who were photographed either in groups or individually as they’re making lace outside their houses. These are all beautiful women wearing their traditional headdress called pokrivaca and elegant traditional costumes, which feature Pag’s famous lace that was inscribed in the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. The people of the Island of Pag have their traditions, too. These include the Stomorina folk festival featuring a procession in which the venerable painting of the Madonna and Child is carried from the abandoned ruinous Old Town of Pag to today’s Pag in August between Assumption Day and the Feast Day of the Nativity of Mary, traditional foods and dishes made of lamb, fish, shellfish, molluscs and snails, the distinctive Pag cheese, a symbol of the island protected as Croatia’s intangible cultural heritage. 02



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into a pliable blend of marl and clay, bold forms, and extraordinary architecture made possible by this material. Human interventions have co-shaped the surface of the island − from dry stone walls to saltworks and settlements, the largest of which is the town of Pag. The web of dry stone walls resembles the ancients’ parcelling of farmland. On Pag, these are pastures for sheep that have always grazed on the few plants that withstand the biting bora, and the scorching heat of the relentless sun. Pag’s saltworks, on the other hand, testify to the ancient art of evaporating seawater and the production of white gold. Over time, this grew into an industry, which, alongside animal husbandry, dominates the island’s economy. Besides his recent photos, Fabijanić also presents those made in 1978, when he photographed the last traditional sea salt harvesting. These are photos that were much later included in the exhibition set up in the Croatian Pavilion at the 2005 EXPO in Japan. The town of Pag is the pinnacle of civilisation. It was planned in the 15th century thanks to the contribution of one of the greatest Renaissance sculptors and architects, Juraj Dalmatinac, internationally also known as Giorgio da Sebenico. Presented from the sea, land, and air, it seems like a wonderwork of harmony. Fabijanić doesn’t only present the town as a unique structure, but also enters its interior with great sensitivity. For instance, he enters Pjaca − Pag’s main square boasting the Congregational Church/Cathedral of the Assumption of Mary, featuring a large lace rose window, statues, and a relief of the church’s patron saint, Mater Omnium, in the lunette of the church portal − although he presents the Episcopal Palace only via its sculptural details. He enters Pag’s streets, stays a while in the Zrinsko-Frankopanska

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Street, and then stops on the Old Seafront, whose benches are empty, and which is caressed by the sea. Near the end of the book, Fabijanić takes you on a tour of his own choice of the island unveiling the diversity of its landscapes including some of the island’s perhaps lesser-known attractions. 



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PIŠE/BY __ Dubravka

Prpić Znaor


Karla Jurić

i/and Ive Trojanović

ROMANTIČNA MODA ROMANTIC FASHION eNVy room jedan je od najpoznatijih hrvatskih brendova koji svake sezone potpisuje romantične, ženstvene kreacije. Njihova je odjeća vrlo fluidna, pod utjecajem je lepršavih tkanina i tekstila koji nježno grle tijelo. eNVy room is one of Croatia’s most famous fashion brands that designs romantic, feminine collections every season. Their pieces are very fluid, and feature fluttering fabrics and textiles that gently embrace the figure. 44 _ CROATIA AIRLINES



utori kolekcija i vlasnici brenda, dizajneri Nikica Ivančević i Vjeko Franetović, surađuju s brojnim domaćim zvijezdama koje na premijere i crveni tepih nose njihove kreacije rađene po mjeri. Jedna od njihovih priča nadahnuta je prirodom, odnosno morem, a lokacija je Pag, jedan od naših najljepših otoka. − Plavi tonovi kolekcije predstavljaju more, dok lepršavi tekstil simbolizira valove. Kolekcija i prirodni pejzaž u ovoj se priči međusobno upotpunjuju − komentirali su dizajneri kolekciju snimljenu na divnoj lokaciji. eNVy room jedan je od onih brendova koji imaju vlastiti stil te se ne povode za brzim trendovima. Posebnu pažnju posvećuju haljinama za dame koje žele luksuznu eleganciju, podcrtanu svilom i satenom. Od boja biraju one romantične, od tamno plave do crvene, te majstorski kroje detalje koji ističu siluetu. Nerijetko ćemo kod njih vidjeti elemente poput volana ili puf rukava, koji siluetu čine dinamičnom, čime pokret postaje atraktivan i zanimljiv. Uz haljine hit njihovih kolekcija su i kombinezoni, namijenjeni posebnim trenucima, obilježeni tonovima zlatne, srebrne ili brončane. Često u kolekcijama ističu sklonost inspiraciji korzetom, gdje do izražaja dolazi sklonost eksperimentiranju s konstrukci-

jom, ručnom radu te vezu napravljenom tradicionalnim tehnikama. Perforacije su također dio stila ovoga popularnog hrvatskog dvojca; primjer su otvori na leđima koji silueti daju vrlo zavodljiv dojam. Od stilskih elemenata koji simboliziraju disko trendove, eNVy room bira šljokice i zlatne trake, koje krase njihove skladne kreacije poput haljina i sakoa. Osnovna pravila njihova dizajna jesu isticanje ženstvenosti te modeliranje stila koji traje sezonama i nadilazi trendove. 


ashion designers and owners of the eNVy room brand, Nikica Ivančević and Vjeko Franetović, collaborate with numerous local celebrities who wear their bespoke creations to premieres and red-carpet events. One of their stories is inspired by nature; the sea, to be precise. The location of their photo shoot is Pag, one of Croatia’s most beautiful islands. − The collection’s blue hues represent the sea, while the fluttering textiles symbolise the waves. The collection and the natural landscape complement one another in this story − the designers commented on their collection. eNVy room is one of those brands that have their own style, and that do not follow fast fashion trends. They pay special attention to dresses for women who’re looking for luxury and elegance



01 Volani haljinama daju dinamičnu notu Ruffles imbue dresses with a dynamic quality 02 Večernji stil naglašavaju nježne haljine od satena An evening dress embodied and accentuated by delicate satin 01



Kreacije ističu ženstvenost, a stil nadilazi modne trendove i traje godinama. eNVy room’s creations accentuate femininity, and their style transcends fashion trends and lasts season after season.







accentuated by silk and satin. As far as colours are concerned, they choose the romantic ones, ranging from dark blues to reds. The details that highlight the silhouette are cut masterfully. Their designs often feature elements, such as ruffles or puffed sleeves, which make the silhouette dynamic, attractive and enchanting. Besides dresses, their collections also have overalls, hit pieces designed for special occasions, featuring shades of gold, silver or bronze. In their collections you can often recognise their fondness for the corset that they draw much inspiration from. This is where the designers’ tendency to experiment with construction, traditional needlework, and embroidery comes to the fore. Perforations also have a prominent place in the style of this popular Croatian fashion duo, examples of which are the openings on the back of their designs lending the silhouette a very seductive quality. As far as elements that reference disco fashion trends are concerned, eNVy room opts for sequins and gold ribbons, which adorn their harmonious creations, such as dresses and jackets. Accentuating femininity, and designing a style that lasts season after season and that transcends trends encapsulate the basic principles of their design. 

Priče eNVy rooma često su nadahnute prirodom, odnosno morem, a jedna od njih događa se na Pagu, jednom od najljepših hrvatskih otoka. eNVy room’s stories are often inspired by nature; the sea, to be precise. One of their stories unfolds on Pag, one of Croatia’s most beautiful islands.

01 Mornarski sako ukrašen aplikacijama simbol je klasike A sailor blazer decorated with applications is a classic fashion piece 02 Otvor na leđima haljini daje zavodljiv dojam The opening on the back lends the dress a seductive quality 02








Pogled s ribnjaka Grudnjak na Papuk i Krndiju, u čijem se podbrežju smjestio gradić Orahovica A view from the Grudnjak Fish Farm of Mount Papuk and Mount Krndija, in the foothills of which Orahovica is located



Na jugoistoku Virovitičko-podravske županije, usred Slavonije, Orahovica počinje ispod prijevoja koji dijeli Papuk od Krndije da bi niz obronke polako sišla u ravnicu. Kada orahovačko proljeće dođe i gradski korzo zaživi, razgovjetan žamor iz centra čuje se odmah iza brda u šumi. Situated in the southeast of the Virovitica-Podravina County, at the very heart of Slavonia, Orahovica begins below the mountain pass that divides Mount Papuk from Mount Krndija, and then slowly descends down the slope into the plains of Slavonia. When spring comes to Orahovica, and its promenade comes to life, the sound of human chatter coming from Orahovica’s town centre down below in the plains can clearly and audibly be heard up in Orahovica’s hills.



01 Ružica grad, jedna od najvećih srednjovjekovnih gradina u Hrvatskoj, zaštitini je znak Orahovice Ružica Grad, one of the biggest medieval towns in Croatia, and a hallmark of today’s Orahovica 02 Zelena šetnica uz potok Vučicu i gradski park s pogledom na župnu crkvu Našašća sv. Križa i Krndiju The green promenade along the Vučica stream and Orahovica’s town park featuring a view of the parish Church of the Discovery of the Holy Cross and Mount Krndija



Orahovici, malenom gradu gdje obzidanim koritom vijuga planinski potok Vučica, čest sam gost. Zapravo, i više od gosta. Naime, brzo se saživi sa šumom na rubu grada koji oplahuju sve čari darežljive prirode jednako kao i planinska svježina. A još brže s Orahovčanima. Već po prvom dolasku u Orahovicu otelo mi se ono kennedyjevsko Ich bin ein Orahovčanin. Moji ponovni dolasci čine mi se sve više kao povratci, a ljudi koje sam ondje upoznao prijatelji koji mi, kada ih ne viđam, nedostaju. Ivana, Nikola, Maja, Matija, Renata i Hrvoje. Gradić krase prepoznatljivi objekti: crkva, kurija, korzo, vodenica, stari vinski podrum ukopan u zemlji i jedna umirovljena parnjača ahcigerka koja je nekada vukla vagone Gutmannove željeznice. Dol uz

potok u središtu grada okružuju perivoj, šetnica i vrtovi. Nadvisuju ga brežuljci po kojima se redaju obiteljske kuće i voćnjaci. Iza njih nema crte koja dijeli grad od prirode. Pogled preko ribogojilišta Grudnjak na nazubljene planinske vrhove slika prizor neočekivan za Panoniju. Da je čitav kraj poseban i da se opire stereotipu, na svoj način svjedoči i TV serijal Bena Foglea Ljudi od divljine s epizodom iz Hrvatske, o svjetski priznatom atletskom treneru i mojem prijatelju koji je svoj novi dom pronašao baš ovdje. Orahovica je grad na pola sata hoda od Parka prirode Papuk i pravi je svijet u malome. Nedostaje još samo more, primijetio bi možda netko. Moj je odgovor da ne dolazite u Orahovicu bez kupaćih. Stotinjak tisuća posjetitelja pohodi ljeti ovo mjesto




Da je čitav kraj poseban i da se opire stereotipu, na svoj način svjedoči i TV serijal Bena Foglea Ljudi od divljine s epizodom iz Hrvatske, o svjetski priznatom atletskom treneru Nikoli Boriću koji je svoj novi dom pronašao baš ovdje. That Orahovica’s entire region is special and withstands stereotypes is testified to, in its own way, by an episode of Ben Fogle’s New Lives in the Wild TV series shot in Croatia about one of the world’s most in-demand sporting coaches, Nikola Borić, who started a new life right here.

zbog kupanja na Orahovačkom jezeru pa grad već dulje vrijeme ima reputaciju slavonske rivijere. Kada zahladi, neka ponesu i neopren, kimajući potvrdno glavom govori mi osoba koja je 2019. prva obišla svijet na električnom biciklu. Hrvoje Jurić nije Orahovčanin, no kao i ja posljednjih godina često boravi ovdje. U sklopu svojeg nedavnog

projekta Giant World Tour, kojemu je cilj bio obići globus, kondicijske pripreme provodio je upravo u Orahovici. Usto, cijelim je putem Hrvoja u kamperu pratio mladi snimatelj, Orahovčanin Matija Pospihalj, a sam je Giant World Tour 2019. godine službeno krenuo i završio baš ovdje. Okolica pruža savršene uvjete za sve vrste treninga: plivanje, trčanje, vožnju, planinarenje. No dobar razlog Hrvoje je pronašao i u zabačenom, papučkom selu Kokočak nedaleko od Orahovice. Tamo se skučio naš vrhunski triatlonac i atletski trener, Zaprešićanin Nikola Borić, koji je, osim što je mnoge sportaše doveo do naslova prvaka i olimpijskih medalja, i Hrvoja pripremao za put oko svijeta biciklom. Kada sam prije nekoliko godina upoznao Nikolu, bio je zaokupljen organizacijom prvog izdanja Papuk Extreme Challengea, velikog trodnevnog sportskog događaja koji je bio pokrenuo u Orahovici. Na pitanje zašto je svjetske metropole i uspješnu trenersku karijeru zamijenio slavonskom divljinom, Nikola odgovara: − Mene je divljina vukla cijelo vrijeme. Skoro devet godina tražio sam lokaciju. Prošao sam cijeli svijet u potrazi za tim i sve to našao ovdje. A onda je i poentirao: − Svatko bi od nas s vremena na vrijeme trebao preokrenuti život naglavačke. Je li orahovački kraj Eldorado za takve promjene? Čini se da jest jer prošloga ljeta Nikola je već bio u drugom filmu. Držeći već neko vrijeme svinje mangulice na otvorenome, na imanju u Kokočaku pokrenuo je s lokalnim OPG-ovcima klaster Made In Papuk te obrt Shumsku farmu za

01 Orahovačko vinogorje s pogledom na Papuk A vineyard near Orahovica with a view of Mount Papuk 02 Manastir Orahovica s crkvom sv. Nikole ispod omiljenog vidikovca Petrov vrh Orahovica Monastery and the Church of St. Nicholas below the Petrov Vrh (Peter’s Peak in translation) lookout point





dostavu ekološki uzgojene hrane. Kako kaže, brend je nastao kao prirodan slijed višegodišnjeg uzgoja hrane na potpuno prirodan i ekološki način za vlastite potrebe. Cilj rada je boljitak cjelokupne zajednice malih proizvođača. Nikola je dobar šlagvort za povijesnu kroniku. Naime, to je ime sudbinski vezano uz Orahovicu. Posjed s utvrđenom gradinom u srednjem vijeku posjedovali su najprivrženiji kraljevi ljudi, vojvode, banovi, palatini. Naklonost ugarskih suverena Ludovika I. Anžuvinca i Matije Korvina stjecala se u ratovima kojih u 14. i 15. stoljeću nije nedostajalo. Dvojica su se Nikola naročito

istaknula u tome i uzdignula slavu i značaj Orahovice. Prvi je bio Nikola Konth Orahovički, ban Mačve i kralj Bosne, drugi njegov praunuk Nikola Iločki. Pečat svoje moći obojica su Nikola plemenitih utisnuli u najpoznatiju orahovačku građevinu. Na sat pješačenja od središta Orahovice na strmoj padini uz jezero nalazi se Ružica, jedan od najvećih srednjovjekovnih gradova Hrvatske. Premda ruševni, ostaci ispod bršljana crtaju obrise palače, zidina, kula, prolaza, izduženih gotičkih prozora i kontrafora, koji kao i brojni ovdje pronađeni predmeti upućuju na visok standard življenja. Orahovačko srednjovjekovlje, osim

iz knjiga i građevina, može se doživjeti i u Viteškom turniru, koji se zaslugom Reda vitezova Ružice grada iz Orahovice svake jeseni održava u Park šumi Jankovac. Renata Sambolec, Orahovčanka iz Našica, često pješači ili vozi bicikl u prirodi. Njezine zanimljive fotografije Papuka i Krndije koje snima s vidljivim osjećajem zaljubljenice u prirodu zapele su mi za oko na jednoj društvenoj mreži. Pokazale su mi mnoge skrivene tajne orahovačke okolice koje sam i sam poželio doživjeti. − Brojne su se tužne legende isplele oko Ružičina imena, ponajviše vezane uz sudbine nesretnih djevojaka na čijim su



01 Papuk Extreme Challenge, prvi orahovački festival trodnevnog natjecanja u kros triatlonu, plivačkom maratonu, brdskom biciklizmu i downhillu Papuk Extreme Challenge, Orahovica’s first three-day sporting competition in cross triathlon, marathon swimming, mountain biking, and downhill mountain biking 02 Orahovačko jezero pruža izvrsne uvjete za razna natjecanja u plivačkim sportovima The conditions required for different swimming competitions on Lake Orahovac are excellent 03 Brdovita okolica Orahovice u Parku prirode Papuk, prošarana održavanim šumskim putovima i stazama, idealna je za rekreativni i natjecateljski brdski biciklizam Orahovica’s hilly surroundings in the Papuk Nature Park, interwoven with maintained forest paths and trails, are ideal for both recreational and competitive mountain biking





mjestima stradavanja počeli nicati ružičnjaci − govori mi Renata dok se starim Rimskim putem penjemo uz greben. Gusta bukova šuma na uskoj strmini skriva Stari grad, zagonetnu utvrdu koju historiografija tek treba istražiti. Skriva i prekrasne poglede nadomak vrhu. Uspeli smo se do Kapovca, koji se sa svih strana iz ravnice nadaleko prepoznaje po televizijskom odašiljaču. Nakon što smo predahnuli i dobrano napunili memorijske kartice, krenuli smo natrag prateći strmu stazu niz padinu koja vodi do četvrtog Nikole. Planinska dolina utisnuta među bukve i četinjače skriva jedan od najljepših pra-

voslavnih samostana Hrvatske, manastir sv. Nikole. Priroda i duh ovdje rezoniraju u timu pa osim vjernika krijepe svakoga tko se do nje spusti. Tko je bio blizak kralju, držao je do svojih podruma. Orahovica je danas mjesto zavidne vinske kulture zahvaljujući ponajprije vinskim stručnjacima. Nekoliko minuta ćaskanja s priznatom hrvatskom enologinjom Ivanom Nemet pri degustaciji proširit će vam horizonte vinskoga svijeta bolje od bilo kojeg eno-priručnika. − Vina su poput ljudi: gruba, harmonična, jaka, bistra, bolesna, defektna, mlada, zrela, zdrava, živahna. Znam priču svakog

tanka, pamtim poljubac ispred neke bačve, svađu ispred cisterne i, vjeruj mi, svi se ti događaji kasnije odraze na vino. Vinu se ne može nametnuti karantena - zaključuje Ivana. Dok svijet stoji, u Orahovici fermentira. Ako ste zbog globalne koronakrize propustili posjetiti Orahovicu, ne brinite. Vina će strpljivo čekati na vas jer vrijeme ovdje stoji u podrumima. Maja Božičanin umjetnica je spravljanja doživljaja trenutka, iznenađenja, kuhanja i birane hrane. − Želim potaknuti druge da probaju novo i drugačije - piše i na Majinu blogu maXYama. Njezin je kulinarski identitet ori-




01 Ivana Nemet, vrhunska hrvatska enologinja, autorica mnogih orahovačkih vina Ivana Nemet, a renowned Croatian oenologist, and winemaker at the Orahovica Farming Company 02 Nikola Borić, kondicijski trener svjetskoga glasa koji je pripremao sportaše za Olimpijske igre i svjetska prvenstva, svoju adresu pronašao je u divljini Parka prirode Papuk Nikola Borić, a world-renowned sporting coach who trained many athletes for the Olympic Games and different world championships, found a home in the wilderness of the Papuk Nature Park 03 Orahovčanka Renata Sambolec, zaljubljenica u prirodu i fotografiju, često pješači i biciklira okolicom Orahovice Orahovica’s resident Renata Sambolec, a nature lover and a photography fan, often hikes and bikes in the surroundings of Orahovica 04 Maja Božičanin, umjetnica spravljanja doživljaja trenutka, iznenađenja, kuhanja i birane hrane Maja Božičanin, an artist in creating experiences out of moments, surprises, cooking, and selecting foods 01







01 Čuveni orahovački Ferragosto Jam, najveći ljetni open air festival u istočnoj Hrvatskoj The famous Ferragosto Jam held in summer in Orahovica is the biggest open-air festival in eastern Croatia 02 Hrvoje Jurić svoj je put oko svijeta električnim biciklom 2019. započeo i završio u Orahovici, u pratnji mladog orahovačkog snimatelja Matije Pospihalja Hrvoje Jurić started and ended his 2019 trip around the world on an electric bike in Orahovica accompanied by a young cameraman from Orahovica, Matija Pospihalj


ginalan, spoj trenda i bakine kuhinje. Riječ je o konceptu tajnih večera. Za manju skupinu ljudi Maja bira tajnu lokaciju na kojoj će svoje goste iznenaditi vrhunski pripremljenim i dizajniranim sljedovima od svježih, sezonskih namirnica. Ta su mjesta najčešće negdje u prirodi pa bi se sve skupa moglo nazvati i fine diningom u šumi. Majin sam skriveni objed te nedjelje doživio u starom vinskom podrumu iz 1894. godine u Orahovici. I uvjerio se kako je to što ona radi poput pisanja priča. Tema, uvod, zaplet, vrhunac, desert. Sljedovi su bili u znaku slatkovodne ribe, kako uoči vazmenog tjedna u Slavoniji i priliči. Salata, tartar i namaz od dimljenog šarana, čips od fileta šarana iz tempure, pire od celera s tostiranim lješnjakom, fiš s domaćim rezancima i glavni zgoditak, Bećar s Grudnjaka. − Šaran u bijelom vinu, špikovan slavonskom slaninom na krumpiru − pojašnjava Maja predzadnji slijed. Za kraj meringue lješnjak torta s jagodama. Sve to savršeno sljubljeno s Ivaninim potpisom, u vinima PP Orahovica. Bezbroj je razloga za posjet Orahovici. No ono što neko mjesto čini poželjnim i zbog čega se u njega vraćam jesu prije svega



Papuk Extreme Challenge, start brdske biciklističke utrke uz Orahovačko jezero Papuk Extreme Challenge, the start of the mountain bike race beside Lake Orahovac

ljudi. A bez obzira na to koliko malen grad bio, u Orahovici ih ima još mnogo koje bih želio upoznati. 


’m a frequent guest of Orahovica, a small town in Slavonia where the Vučica mountain stream meanders through a revetted embankment. In fact, I’m more than just a guest. That is to say, you quickly grow fond of the forest on the outskirts of Orahovica, surrounded by generous nature and its charms, as well as by the freshness of mountain air. And quicker still of the people of Orahovica. Upon my very first arrival, I was − inspired by John F. Kennedy’s Ich bin ein Berliner − given to instantly proclaim myself



a resident of Orahovica. Consequently, all my subsequent arrivals were, in fact, returns, and the people I met there − Ivana, Nikola, Maja, Matija, Renata, and Hrvoje − friends I miss when I’m not there. Several recognisable buildings adorn the townlet: a church, a curia, a riverside promenade, a watermill, an old wine cellar dug into the ground, and a retired ahcigerka steam locomotive that once hauled Gutmann railway carriages. The dale by the creek in the town centre is enveloped by a park, a promenade, and gardens. The town is towered over by hills lined with family houses and orchards, although there’s no actual boundary that separates the town from its surroundings.

A view of jagged mountain peaks over the Grudnjak Fish Farm paints a scene that you don’t expect to find in Pannonia at all. That this entire region is special and withstands stereotypes is testified to, in its own way, by an episode of Ben Fogle’s New Lives in the Wild TV series shot in Croatia about one of the world’s most in-demand sporting coaches and a friend of mine, Nikola Borić, who started a new life right here. Only half an hour’s walk from the Papuk Nature Park, Orahovica is a town that does have it all. All that’s missing is the sea, some might say. My reply to them is − make sure you bring a swimsuit when you come. Hundreds of thousands of guests visit this place in the summer. Lake Orahovac is a popular swimming spot, which is why Orahovica has long enjoyed the reputation of being Slavonia’s Riviera. − When it gets cold, they should also have a wetsuit ready − Hrvoje Jurić nods in the affirmative. He was the first to have circumnavigated the globe on an electric bike in 2019. Hrvoje is not from Orahovica, but, just like me, he’s been staying here a lot in recent years. Preparing for this recent Giant World Tour of his, he did his fitness training in Orahovica. What’s more, on his circumnavigation of the globe, Hrvoje was accompanied by a young cameraman, namely Matija Pospihalj from Orahovica, who travelled alongside Hrvoje in a campervan. Plus, Hrvoje’s Giant World Tour in 2019 officially started and ended right here. Orahovica’s surroundings are ideal for all types of training: swimming, running, cycling, and hiking. But Hrvoje discovered another brilliant reason to do his preparations in Orahovica − Papuk’s remote village of Kokočak not far from Orahovica. Croatia’s top triathlete and sporting coach, the Zaprešić-born Nikola Borić, found a home in Kokočak. Having trained many athletes leading them to the title of champion and Olympic medals, Nikola was the one who prepared Hrvoje for his bike trip around the world. When I first met Nikola a few years ago, he was busy organising the first edition of the Papuk Extreme Challenge, a big threeday sporting event he started in Orahovica. When I asked him why he had given up living in a city and his successful coaching career,

and why he had opted for Slavonia’s wilderness instead, this is what Nikola told me: − I’ve been drawn to the wilderness my entire life. I spent almost nine years in search of a spot. I travelled the world searching, and found all I was looking for − right here. He then pointed out: − All of us should turn our lives upside down from time to time. Are Orahovica and its surroundings the El Dorado of such changes? It appears so. Last summer, Nikola found a new cha­ llenge. Having already kept Mangalitsa pigs outdoors for some time, on his farm in Kokočak he started the Made In Papuk Cluster and the Shumska Farma (Forest

Farm in translation) sole trader business in collaboration with other local family farms for the farming and delivery of organic foods. The brand, he says, came about organically, as the natural consequence of many years of experience of growing food completely organically and in an environmentally friendly way for his own needs. Prosperity of the entire community of small food producers is what they are aiming to achieve. Nikola is an excellent cue for a bit of history. More specifically, the name Nikola is tied to Orahovica, and historically so. In the Middle Ages, Orahovica’s fortified hillfort estate was owned by those most loyal to

the Crown − dukes, bans, palatines. It was through war, which there was a plethora of in the 14th and 15th centuries, that you could and did gain favour with the Hungarian sovereigns of Louis I of Anjou, and Matthias Corvinus. Two Nikolas stood out in this. They ended up glorifying Orahovica that, as a result, came to prominence. The first was Nicholas Kont of Orahovica, Ban of Mačva and King of Bosnia, and the second

Na sat pješačenja od središta Orahovice na strmoj padini uz jezero nalazi se Ružica, jedan od najvećih srednjovjekovnih gradova Hrvatske. Premda ruševni, ostaci ispod bršljana crtaju obrise palače, zidina, kula, prolaza, izduženih gotičkih prozora i kontrafora, koji kao i brojni ovdje pronađeni predmeti upućuju na visok standard življenja. An hour’s walk from the centre of Orahovica, on a steep slope by the lake there rises Ružica Grad (Rose Town in translation), one of the biggest medieval towns in Croatia. Although in ruins, the ivy covered remains reveal the outlines of the palace, its walls and towers, passages, elongated


Gothic-style windows and buttresses, which, like many objects found here, indicate that the standard of living here was high.

Viteški turnir na Jankovcu, popularni turistički događaj u organizaciji Reda vitezova Ružice grada iz Orahovice The Knights’ Tournament in Jankovac, a popular tourism event organised by the Order of the Knights of Ružica Grad of Orahovica



U stijenama slavonskog gorja, među obalnim sedimentima, mogu se pronaći razni nalazi koji upućuju na izumrlu faunu Panonskoga mora. Bez sumnje najspektakularniji zubi su megalodona, goleme morske psine i najveće nemani koja je ikada obitavala u Slavoniji. Činjenica da je najveća hrvatska riba nekada davno živjela tamo gdje danas više nema ni mora ni soli potaknula me na razmišljanje o orahovačkim superlativima. PP Orahovica najveći je proizvođač slatkovodne ribe i lješnjaka u Hrvatskoj, Ružica grad jedna od najvećih srednjovjekovnih gradina, Ferragosto Jam najveći je open air festival u istočnoj Hrvatskoj. In the rocks of Slavonia’s mountains, amongst seabed sediments, different 01

finds can be discovered that tell us about the now extinct animal world of the Pannonian Sea. The jaw of a megalodon, a species of megatooth shark and the largest monster that ever lived in Slavonia, is undoubtedly the most spectacular find. The fact that the largest fish once lived where there’s no more sea or salt today prompted me to think about the superlatives that apply to Orahovica. The Orahovica Farming Company is the largest producer of freshwater fish and hazelnuts in Croatia, Ružica Grad one of the biggest medieval towns in Croatia, and Ferragosto Jam the biggest open-air festival in eastern Croatia.

his great-grandson Nicholas of Ilok. Both nobles impressed the seal of their power in Orahovica’s most famous edifice. An hour’s walk from the centre of Orahovica, on a steep slope by the lake there rises Ružica Grad (Rose Town in translation), one of the biggest medieval towns in Croatia. Although in ruins, the ivy covered remains reveal the outlines of the palace, its walls and towers, passages, elongated Gothic-style windows and buttresses, which, like many objects found here, indicate that the standard of living here was high. Besides through books and buildings, you can get a taste of Orahovica’s Middle Ages through the Knights’ Tournament, held every autumn in the Jankovac Forest Park thanks to the Order of the Knights of Ružica Grad of Orahovica. Renata Sambolec, a native of Našice living




01 Uskršnji stol Maje Božičanin u starome vinskom podrumu ukopanom u zemlji u središtu Orahovice Maja Božičanin’s Easter table set in an old wine cellar dug into the ground in Orahovica’s town centre 02 Bećar s Grudnjaka, šaran u bijelom vinu, špikovan slavonskom slaninom na krumpiru Grudnjak Fish Farm Bećar, Slavonian bacon flavoured carp in white wine on a layer of potatoes 03 S Majinog uskršnjeg stola − čips od fileta šarana iz tempure, pire od celera s tostiranim lješnjacima From Maja’s Easter lunch menu − tempura carp chips, and celery root puree with toasted hazelnuts

in Orahovica, often hikes or rides her bike in nature. Her fascinating photos of Mount Papuk and Mount Krndija − which exude her love of nature, and clearly so − caught my eye on a social media platform. They


Foto: Marko Banić


o mnogočemu vinska ponuda u Slavoniji i Baranji pripada skupini „naj“, najveći proizvođači vina u Hrvatskoj, najveći vinski podrum, najveći vinograd, najveća bačva…usudimo se reći i najbolja hrvatska bijela vina, stoga s pravom možemo reći kako je istok Hrvatske – vinski raj! • Did you know that the majority of large Croatian wine makers is based in Slavonia and Baranja? Here you will also find the largest wine cellar and the largest vineyard, the biggest barrel...but also top boutique wineries and unforgettable sights and aromas. Here wine lovers will find their heaven!

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introduced me to the many hidden gems of Orahovica’s region, which I wanted to experience myself, in person. − Countless heartbreaking legends have been woven around the name of Ružica Grad. Most of these recount the fates of unfortunate girls who perished, and the rose bushes that started sprouting at the very spots where they perished − Renata tells me as we climb the ridge along an ancient Roman road. The Old Town, a fortress still shrouded in mystery that historiography has yet to explore, hides behind a dense beech forest on a narrow slope. The forest also hides beautiful views near the top. We climbed to Kapovac, which is easily spotted from wherever you are in the plains below thanks to the television transmitter it boasts. After having filled up our memory cards with photos pretty much to the full and taking a break, we headed back following a steep path down the slope leading to Nikola no. 4 The mountain valley wedged between beech and conifer covered slopes hides one of the most beautiful Orthodox monasteries in Croatia, the Monastery of St. Nicholas. Nature and spirit work as a team here, reverberating off of each other, and soothing and regenerating not just people of faith, but also all those who walk down to it. Wine cellars were kept by all who were close to the Crown. In consequence, today’s Orahovica has an enviable wine culture, thanks first and foremost to its wine experts. Chatting with Croatia’s renowned oenologist, Ivana Nemet, for as little as a few minutes during wine tasting will surely broaden your wine horizons far better than any wine manual could. − Wines are like people. They’re rough, balanced, powerful, clear, sick, defective, young, mature, healthy or lively. I know the story of each wine tank, I know the exact barrel next to which I kissed, the tank next to which I had a quarrel and, believe me, all these experiences are later reflected in the wine. Wine cannot be quarantined − Ivana concludes. As the world stands still, wine ferments in Orahovica. If the global pandemic has prevented you from visiting Orahovica, don’t worry. Its wines will be patiently waiting for you because, here, time stands still in the cellars. Maja Božičanin is an artist in creating experiences out of moments, surprises, cooking, and selecting foods. − I’d like to encourage others to try something new and different − Maja tells me,



which is what her blog maXYama says as well. Her culinary identity is original, a blend of trend and her grandmother’s cooking. Her concept is that of secret dinner parties. For small groups of people, Maja chooses a secret location, where she surprises her guests with superbly prepared and designed courses made of fresh, seasonal ingredients. The locations she picks are usually somewhere in nature, so her secret dinner parties might as well be called forest fine dining. I had Maja’s secret lunch that Sunday in an old wine cellar from 1894 in Orahovica. And I came to realise that what she was doing was akin to writing stories. Her meals have a theme, an introduction, a plot, a climax, and a cherry on top in the form of a dessert. The theme of the courses I had was freshwater fish, as Slavonia’s traditions dictate leading up to Easter week. Salad, smoked carp tartare and spread, tempura carp chips, celery root puree with toasted hazelnuts, fish stew with homemade noodles, and the main prize, a Grudnjak Fish Farm Bećar (Reveller in translation). − Slavonian bacon flavoured carp in white wine on a layer of potatoes − Maja explains this second to last course before rounding my meal off with a meringue hazelnut and strawberry cake. All this perfectly paired with Ivana’s signature − her choice of wines from the Orahovica Farming Company. There are countless reasons to visit Orahovica. Yet, what makes a place alluring and why I keep coming back are, first and foremost, its people. And no matter how small it is, there are many more people in Orahovica that I’d love to meet. 

S Majinog uskršnjeg stola − meringue lješnjak torta s jagodama From Maja’s Easter lunch menu − a meringue hazelnut and strawberry cake

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Grand Hotel Brioni Pula Inspired by heritage, designed for the future.

U proljeće 2022. godine, Grand Hotel Brioni opet će otvoriti svoja

In the spring of 2022, Grand Hotel Brioni will open its doors again

vrata i povratiti svoj status. Legendarne priče o poznatim gostima i

and regain its status. The legendary stories of famous guests and the

događajima koji su se tamo odvili, konačno će dobiti svoj nastavak.

events taking place there will have their sequels written.

Preuređeni slavni hotel očarava svojom arhitekturom. Njegova

The remodeled iconic hotel, standing on the cliff above the sea,

pozicija na litici nad morem podsjeća na prizor iz klasičnog filma o

enthuses with its architecture, the sight of which recalls a classic

Jamesu Bondu. Ovo je savršeno mjesto za skrivanje, ako netko to

James Bond movie. It is a perfect place to hide if one desires. Its

poželi. Gusta borova šuma hotelu čuva leđa, dok je licem okrenut

back guarded by the thick pine forest, the front faces the open sea,

prema otvorenom moru, hvatajući pogled na Nacionalni park

catching the glimpse of the national park Brijuni, that inspired the

Brijuni, koji je i bio inspiracija za njegovo ime.

hotel’s name.

Kada se otvori, Grand Hotel Brioni će, nadograđujući svoj

Once opened, Grand Hotel Brioni will emerge as a luxury hotel with

nekadašnji status i reputaciju, biti luksuzni hotel s 227 elegantnih

227 stylish and luxurious rooms, building on its former status and

i raskošnih soba uređenih sa stilom. Pored prekrasnih soba, hotel

reputation. Alongside fabulous rooms, the hotel features several

ima nekoliko restorana i barova, wellness centar, unutarnji bazen i

restaurants and bars, wellness centre, indoor swimming pool and the

vanjski infinity pool na samom rubu litice.

outdoor infinity pool hanging over the cliff.

Grand Hotel Brioni je više od mjesta za odsjesti; ono je mjesto za

Grand Hotel Brioni is more than a place to stay; it’s a place to be, with

biti, sa svim svojim osjetilima.

all the senses. Grand Hotel Brioni Pula ‡ Member of Arena Hospitality Group info@grandhotelbrioni.com; www.grandhotelbrioni.com








U današnje globalizirano i medijsko vrijeme knjiga kao arhaični model komunikacije možda izgleda kao medij u izumiranju. No nije tako. Knjiga još uvijek ima i imat će važno mjesto u kulturi, prenošenju informacija i zabavi. In today’s globalised world governed by social media, books may come across as an outdated means of communication, which renders them a medium on the verge of extinction. Yet, this isn’t so. Books still have and will continue to have an important place in culture, information dissemination, and entertainment.

Miroslav Mićanović, Ronjenje na dah Grafičko oblikovanje/ Graphic design: Bestias Nakladnik/Publisher: Meandar Media





acionalna i sveučilišna knjižnica u Zagrebu provela je i zaključila natječaj Hrvatska lijepa knjiga za 2021. godinu. Na natječaj je pristiglo 175 izdanja, od kojih je ocjenjivački sud, u čijemu su sastavu bili Luka Gusić, Danijel Srdarev, Nives Tomašević te Vesna Vlašić, izabrao njih 17. Svake godine u Nacionalnu i sveučilišnu knjižnicu u Zagrebu tako pristigne otprilike jednak broj knjiga, koji varira ovisno o gospodarskoj situaciji. Iako u današnje globalizirano i medijsko vrijeme knjiga kao arhaični model komunikacije možda izgleda kao medij u izumiranju, globalni trendovi i statistički podaci koji se objavljuju u svijetu upućuju na rast broja tiskanih naslova i naklada. Knjiga još uvijek ima i imat će važno mjesto u kulturi, prenošenju informacija i zabavi. Natječaj je ponajprije fokusiran na likovni dio priče o knjizi, a manje na sadržaj, ali ocjenjuje se i uspješnost suodnosa forme i sadržaja. To daje priliku manjim i nezavisnim izdavačima da, ako se potrude, naprave zanimljiv proizvod koji će čitatelji rado uzeti u ruke i koji će znati cijeniti. Svake godine u prijavljenoj produkciji traže se zanimljivi iskoraci u dizajnu i tehnologiji izrade. Najljepše knjige nastaju još uvijek dobrim dijelom u ručnom, skoro zanatskom procesu, u koji se probija moderna tehnologija. Taj sudar staroga i novoga te uspješnost nalaženja i novih pristupa unutar starih načina pokušavamo valorizirati i istaknuti. Kada publikacije dođu u Frankfurt i Leipzig, nađu se u međunarodnoj

okolini i tako pokušavamo približiti našu produkciju u nezamislivo jakoj i bogatoj svjetskoj proizvodnji lijepih knjiga. Bestseleri i druga popularna izdanja koja se tiskaju u velikim nakladama često nisu tehnički lijepo napravljene knjige, ali i tada se nastoji likovnošću i drugim dizajnerskim rješenjima privući čitatelje. Kod nas djeluje nekoliko izdavača koji uvijek vode brigu o izgledu knjige, a nakon razdoblja kada mnogima sama likovnost nije bila u prvom planu, sada možemo vidjeti sve više pažljivo napravljenih i sofisticirano izvedenih publikacija iz svih žanrova. U tome prednjači komercijalna beletristika, slijede je umjetničke monografije i katalozi, slikovnice, povijesne knjige i u manjoj mjeri udžbenici i stručna literatura. Naši će ilustratori, dizajneri, urednici i tiskari i mnogi drugi koji sudjeluju u ovom zanimljivom procesu nastanka knjige sigurno biti konkurentni i u novom globalnom medijskom svijetu. 


fokusiran na likovni dio priče o knjizi, a manje na sadržaj, ali ocjenjuje se i uspješnost suodnosa forme i sadržaja. The competition focuses primarily on the visual part of the story of books, and less so on their content as such, although the relationship between form and content, and how successfully this relationship is built are also judged.


he National and University Library in Zagreb ran the 2021 Beautiful Croatian Book competition. 175 editions entered the competition, from which 17 titles were selected by the panel of judges, consisting of Luka Gusić, Danijel Srdarev, Nives Tomašević, and Vesna Vlašić. Every year, approximately the same number of books enters the competition. Although books may, in today’s globalised world governed by social media, come across as an outdated means of communication which renders them a medium on the verge of extinction, global trends and statistics from around the


01 Sally Rooney, Divni svijete, gdje si Grafičko oblikovanje/Graphic design: Hana Vrca, Maja Glušić Nakladnik/Publisher: Fraktura 02 Marko Pogačar, The No.1 Birdtailing Detective Agency Ilustracije/Illustrations: Stefhany Yepes Lozano Grafičko oblikovanje/Graphic design: Nina Bačun, Roberta Bratović Nakladnik/Publisher: Oaza Books



Natječaj je ponajprije

03 Sanja Iveković, A punch in the eye Grafičko oblikovanje/Graphic design: Nina Bačun, Roberta Bratović Nakladnik/Publisher: Oaza Books

will be happy to pick up, and appreciate. What the panel is looking for every year is captivating advances in design solutions and manufacturing technology. The most beautiful books are still largely manually produced, in a process which is more like a craft, and which modern technology has found a way to enter. It’s exactly this union of the old and the new, and how successful publishers are in finding new approaches using old methods that the panel tries to look for and judge. Once at the Leipzig and Frankfurt Book Fairs, the publications find

Natječaj Hrvatska lijepa knjiga za 2021. godinu organizira se povodom poziva zaklade Stiftung Buchkunst radi odabira najljepše oblikovanih hrvatskih knjiga za međunarodni natječaj i izložbu Best Book Design from all over the World, koja se održava za trajanja Sajma knjiga u Leipzigu, te za izložbu Book Art International, koja se organizira u sklopu Sajma knjiga u Frankfurtu. Nakon međunarodnog natječaja i izložbe te izlaganja na sajmu u Frankfurtu u okviru izložbe, odabrane knjige postaju dio fonda Njemačkog muzeja za knjigu i pismo (Deutsches Buch- und Schriftmuseum) u Leipzigu, koji djeluje u sklopu Njemačke nacionalne knjižnice (Die Deutsche Bibliothek). The Beautiful Croatian Book competition in 2021 was organised at the invitation of the German Book Art Foundation (Stiftung Buchkunst), and has looked to select the most beautifully designed Croatian books to be entered in two major international exhibitions, one of which is also an international competition. These are the Best Book Design From All Over The World international competition and exhibi-


world indicate that there’s an increase in the number of both printed titles and print runs. Books still have and will continue to have an important place in culture, information dissemination, and entertainment. The Beautiful Croatian Book competition focuses primarily on the visual part of the story of books, and less so on their content as such, although the panel also judges the relationship between form and content, and how successfully this relationship is built. This gives smaller and independent publishers the opportunity to put effort into creating an interesting product that readers

tion at the Leipzig Book Fair, and the


Book Art International exhibition at the 01 Marco Santagata, Dante − Roman o njegovu životu Ilustracije/Illustrations: Giotto di Bondone Grafičko oblikovanje/Graphic design: Nikša Eršek Nakladnik/Publisher: Sandorf

Frankfurt Book Fair. Once these two events are closed, the selected books become part of the collection of the German Museum of Books and Writing (Deutsches Buch- und Schriftmuseum) in Leipzig, which operates within the

02 Helena Sablić Tomić, Kartografija ljubavi: Dunavom Grafičko oblikovanje/Graphic design: Ana Pojatina Nakladnik/Publisher: Naklada Ljevak

German National Library (Deutsche Nationalbibliothek).

03 Antonija Mikota, Zadar − Obnova i izgradnja nakon razaranja u Drugome svjetskom ratu Grafičko oblikovanje/Graphic design: Željka Sambolek Mikota, Tea Pavić Nakladnik/Publisher: Školska knjiga




themselves in an international environment, which is how the competition’s been trying to bring Croatia’s book production closer to the unimaginably rich production of beautiful books in the world. Bestsellers and other popular editions whose print runs are large are, technically speaking, often not well-made books, although they too are looking to attract readers with the help of visuals and other design solutions. There are several publishers in Croatia who always pay attention to the way their books will look. Following a period in which, for many, art itself no longer had a prominent place in the production process, an increasing number of well-made and sophisticated publications from all the genres has finally started to come to the fore again. At the forefront of this are commercial fiction titles, followed by art monographs and catalogues, picture books, history books and, to a lesser extent, textbooks and professional literature. Croatia’s illustrators, designers, editors, printers, and all those who partake in the fascinating process of creating books are bound to be competitive even in today’s globalised world governed by social media. 

Najljepše knjige nastaju još uvijek dobrim dijelom u ručnom, skoro zanatskom procesu, u koji se probija moderna tehnologija. The most beautiful books are still largely manually produced, in a process which is more like a craft, and which modern technology has found a way to enter.

Željko Brguljan, Olujni kompas Ilustracije/Illustrations: Željko Brguljan Grafičko oblikovanje/Graphic design: Mario Aničić Nakladnik/Publisher: Ogranak Matice hrvatske u Boki kotorskoj & Željko Brguljan



Olga Tokarczuk, Bizarne pripovijesti Grafičko oblikovanje/Graphic design: Klara Rusan, Maja Gušić Nakladnik/Publisher: Fraktura





PIŠE/BY __ Nada




Rim Kvadratni koloseum, Palazzo della Civiltà Italiana, jedan je od najvažnijih modernih arhitektonskih spomenika Vječnoga grada. Palača Guerrinija, La Padule i Romana iz tridesetih godina prošloga stoljeća trebala je najaviti novi uspon Rima podsjećajući na Koloseum i najveće dosege talijanske kulture. Temeljito je obnovljena, zajedno s velikim izložbenim prostorom i mramornim skulpturama, kad je postala sjedištem modne kuće Fendi. ROME

Palazzo della Civiltà Italiana, also known as the Square Colosseum, is one of the greatest modern-day architectural landmarks of the Eternal City. Reminiscent of the Colosseum and the greatest achievements of Italian culture, the palace − built by architects Guerrini, La Padula, and Romano in the 1930s − was to announce the new rise of Rome. The palace, including a large exhibition hall and marble sculptures, was thoroughly renovated, and is today the headquarters of the Fendi fashion house.

Istanbul Na europskoj strani Istanbula, na jednoj od najljepših promenada grada s brojnim restoranima i kavanama, na Karaköyu, na proljeće se otvara novi muzej proslavljenog Renza Piana. Muzej Istanbul Modern, između ostalog, čuva i veliku zbirku fotografija starog Istanbula koji nestaje, koje moraju vidjeti svi zaljubljenici u ovaj grad. ISTANBUL

On the European side of Istanbul, on one of the city’s most beautiful promenades featuring numerous restaurants and cafes, in Karaköy, a new museum designed by the celebrated Renzo Piano is opening this spring. The Istanbul Modern Museum keeps, amongst other things, a large collection of photographs of old Istanbul, which has slowly been disappearing. This makes it a must-see for all who love Istanbul!



London Kraljica je u veljači napunila 70 godina na britanskom prijestolju. Proslave njezina platinastog jubileja odvijat će se tijekom cijele godine. London će biti uzbudljiva pozornica na otvorenome za najrazličitije koncerte i ulične nastupe. U lipnju će se prvi put nakon izbijanja pandemije održati i tradicionalna vojna parada Trooping the Colour u čast kraljičina rođendana sa 1400 paradno odjevenih vojnika, 400 glazbenika i 200 konja. LONDON

In February, Queen Elizabeth II celebrated the 70th anniversary of her accession to the throne. Her platinum jubilee will be celebrated throughout the entire year, transforming London into an exciting outdoor stage for a variety of concerts, and street performances, including the Queen’s Birthday Parade, also known as the Trooping the Colour military parade. To be held in June for the first time since the pandemic began, 1400 parading soldiers, 400 musicians, and 200 horses will take part in this impressive display of pageantry.

Pariz U otmjenom Sedmom arondismanu u Ulici de Verneuil stanovao je šansonijer Serge Gainsbourg u kući koju je sam opisao kao miks glazbenog studija, bordela i muzeja. Kuća iznutra nije dirnuta od njegove prerane smrti 1991. godine. Uz klavir, kolekciju skulptura i art deco bar sačuvani su čak i njegovi opušci. Nakon 30. godišnjice smrti umjetnika, njegova kći, poznata glumica Charlotte, odlučila je kuću otvoriti za sve obožavatelje Sergeova boho stila života. PARIS

Chansonnier Serge Gainsbourg lived in a house in Paris’s posh 7th arrondissement − in Rue de Verneuil, to be precise − that he himself described as a mix of music studio, brothel, and museum. The house hasn’t been touched since his untimely death in 1991. Everything in it has remained intact − his piano, sculpture collection, art deco bar, even his cigarette butts. Following the 30th anniversary of Gainsbourg’s death, his daughter, the famous actress Charlotte, decided to open the house to all fans of Gainsbourg’s boho lifestyle.





Proljetna šetnja Bečom A spring walk through Vienna


∂WienTourismus/Christian Stemper

PIŠE/BY __ Ines

Opservatorij Urania na kanalu Dunava The Urania Observatory on the Danube Canal


od pretpostavkom da ste već bili u glavnome austrijskom gradu te posjetili i vidjeli zgradu Opere, Albertinu, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Prater, katedralu sv. Stjepana, koju Bečani iz milja zovu Steffl, pa palače Hofburg i Schönburg, svejedno ostaje još mnogo toga što je lijepo obići u laganoj proljetnoj šetnji Bečom. Početak te šetnje neka ovaj put bude u prvom okrugu ili Bezirku, kako ga Bečani zovu. Ondje se nalazi MAK, Muzej primijenjenih umjetnosti, s iznimno zabavnim stalnim postavom, od baroknih šalica za čaj i kavu pa sve do prugastih prsluka kreatora Helmuta Langa iz 1990-ih, pravi presjek epoha. No u MAK-u je upravo postavljena retrospektivna izložba Napredak kroz ljepotu o arhitektu i dizajneru Josefu Hoffmannu, čije su ideje i pristupi ostavili velik trag ne samo u Beču nego i u cijeloj Srednjoj Europi. To je izložba zbog koje se isplati otići u Beč. Hoffmann će nas zainteresirati da u šetnji ciljano i pažljivo razgledamo i zgrade koje je projektirao jednako važan Otto Wagner, a stalni postav Wagnerovih radova nalazi se u Muzeju Leopold. Bonus nakon posjeta Leopoldu posebno je dobar kafić na posljednjem katu zgrade!



U drugom Bezirku nalazi se jedan od gradskih muzeja u kojima možete upoznati povijest Beča. U blizini je i Brut, možda najbolji avangardni teatar na njemačkom jeziku. No Brut je i centar gdje se odvija suvremena, zanimljiva, nova umjetnost u svim formama i formatima. U proljeće su u Beču ipak najljepši parkovi, a to znači da treba posjetiti Schönbrunn, Burggarten, a tko ima vremena, i nacionalni park Dunav-Auen, koji počinje u okolici grada. Ako zatim sjednete odmoriti na kavu i kolače u slastičarnicu Demel, koncentrirajte se na dilemu je li Sacher torta bolja kod njih u Demelu ili u hotelu Sacher. Vjerovali ili ne, već dvjesto godina traje teško nadmetanje tih dviju slavnih kuća za prestiž oko zaherice, a i čiji je recept autentičniji. No to već sve znate, kao i to da su već samo šetnje i odmaranje u kafićima po prvom, drugom ili sedmom bečkom okrugu dovoljni za uživanje. Ipak, bilo bi šteta propustiti i druge sadržaje koje grad nudi. Odaberete li i neki drugi dio Beča za svoju proljetnu šetnju, zacijelo nećete pogriješiti. Naime, grad vrlo često zauzima sam vrh ljestvice najugodnijih gradova za život. U Beču se uvijek iznova divimo tomu kako sve besprijekorno funkcionira, sve je baš onako kako treba biti. Bečke su ulice i pročelja čisti, grad je uređen i njegovan, javni prijevoz odličan i razmjerno jeftin, kulturni život prvoklasan, svi servisi koji trebaju građanima funkcioniraju... Nije ni prevelik ni premalen, a usto nije prodao dušu za turizam iako je turističko odredište. Beč oduvijek diše svojim mirnim, autentičnim ritmom. Beč nije samo prošlost, kulisa, nego grad koji intenzivno živi. 


ssuming that you’ve already been to the capital of Austria, and visited the Vienna State Opera, Albertina Museum, the Art History Museum (Kunsthistorisches Museum), the Prater amusement park, Saint Stephen’s Cathedral or Steffl − which is what the Viennese fondly call their cathedral − and the Hofburg, and Schönburg palaces, there’s still much to see and experience in Vienna, particularly while enjoying a light spring walk through town. Why don’t you start your spring walk through Vienna in the city’s 1st District or Bezirk, which is what the Viennese call their city districts? This is where MAK, the Museum of Applied Arts, is. It’s home to an extremely entertaining permanent collection, whose exhibits range from Baroque tea and coffee cups to striped vests designed by

∂WienTourismus/Christian Stemper

01 Crkva sv. Leopolda u Steinhofu, slavnog arhitekta Otta Wagnera The Church of St. Leopold in Steinhof by the famous architect Otto Wagner

∂WienTourismus/Christian Stemper


02 Ringstrasse, raskošna ulica koja s tri strane okružuje strogi centar, Innere Stadt Ringstrasse, a circular grand boulevard that rings Vienna’s central district or Innere Stadt 03 Detalj Wagnerove zgrade gradske željeznice na Karlsplatzu A detail of the Karlsplatz Metro Station building, designed by Otto Wagner 04 Detalj zbirke iz Muzeja Leopold Part of the Leopold Museum collection

Croatia Airlines svojim letovima povezuje austrijsku prijestolnicu Beč s hrvatskim glavnim gradom Zagrebom i najvećim dalmatinskim gradom Splitom. Croatia Airlines operates flights to the capital of Austria, Vienna, from the capital of Croatia, Zagreb, and from the biggest city in Dalmatia, Split. croatiaairlines.com _ m.croatiaairlines.com

∂WienTourismus/Peter Riguad


∂WienTourismus/Christian Stemper



Helmut Lang in the 1990s, a true cross-section of Vienna’s different periods in history. MAK is currently staging Progress Through Beauty, a comprehensive retrospective exhibition of architect and designer Josef Hoffmann’s work, whose ideas and approach have left their mark on not only Vienna but also the whole of Central Europe. This exhibition alone will be worth your while to visit Vienna. Hoffmann’s work will unquestionably arouse enough of your interest in recognising and appreciating buildings designed by the equally important Otto Wagner, whose work is on permanent display at the Leopold Museum. The brilliant cafe on the top floor of the museum building will surely be an added bonus. Once you enter Vienna’s 2nd District on your spring walk, be sure to visit one of the Vienna Museums dedicated to the history of the



city of Vienna. Brut − perhaps the best avant-garde theatre in the German-speaking world, and amongst the most influential places in today’s independent performance, dance, and theatre scene − is also nearby. Still, Vienna’s most beautiful features in the spring are its parks. So make time to visit the gardens of Schönbrunn Palace, and the Imperial Palace Gardens or Burggarten Park. And if you have extra time on your hands, you can always check out the Danube-Auen National Park as it begins in Vienna’s immediate vicinity. Should you then sit down to enjoy a cup of coffee and a slice of

∂WienTourismus/Peter Riguad

∂WienTourismus/Paul Bauer

01 Zoološki vrt kod dvorca Schönbrunn, Kaiserpavillon The Emperor’s Pavilion or Kaiserpavillon at the Schönbrunn Zoo

02 Ambijent slastičarnice Demel The interior of Demel Cafe

Tiergarten Schönbrunn stalno odnosi nagrade za najbolji europski zoološki vrt, a usto je i najstariji u svijetu. Osnovali su ga Habsburgovci u parku palače Schönbrunn u bečkom 13. okrugu Hietzing 1752. godine. Velik je, uređen, a ove godine posebno atraktivan jer je pun mladunčadi. Najstarija je ženkica polarne medvjedice, još zaigrana, ali ima i malih umiljatih geparda, malih kraljevskih pingvina pa čak i vrlo vrijedna i rijetka malena koala. Najmlađa je mala žirafa, donedavno još slaba na nogama, a to se zaista rijetko može vidjeti. Tiergarten Schönbrunn has been recognised as the best European zoo for a number of years. It’s also the oldest zoo in the world. It was established by the Habsburgs in the park of Schönbrunn Palace in Vienna’s 13th District of Hietzing in 1752. It’s huge in size, and beautifully landscaped. It’s particularly attractive to visitors this year because it’s packed with cubs. The oldest of the cubs is a playful female polar bear, and there’re also cute cheetah cubs, little king penguins, and even a very precious and rare baby koala. Although it was still weak on its feet until recently, a baby giraffe is the youngest from amongst the zoo’s offspring, and a rare sight indeed!



cake at Demel Cafe, perhaps you could take on the challenge of resolving the dilemma of whose Sachertorte chocolate cake is better: the one served at Demel Cafe or the one offered by Hotel Sacher. The two patisseries have been feuding for nearly two centuries over the famous Austrian chocolate cake, believe or not. And not just over whose cake is better and, therefore, deserving of more praise and prestige, but also over whose recipe is, in fact, the original one. But you must already know all this, including the fact that strolling along the streets and sipping at a drink in the cafes of Vienna’s 1st, 2nd, and 7th districts is ample for your enjoyment. Nevertheless, be sure not to miss out on all that Vienna has to offer. Ultimately, whichever part of Vienna you choose for your spring walk, you won’t make a mistake. Specifically, Vienna’s very often ranked amongst the very best places to live in. What’s admirable about Vienna is that, there, everything works flawlessly, everything’s exactly as it should be. Vienna’s streets and street-facing walls are clean, the town’s tidy, neat, and well looked after, its public transport is excellent and relatively cheap, Vienna’s got a first-rate cultural life, and its public services are impeccable. It’s neither too big nor too small, and although it’s a holiday destination, it hasn’t sold its soul, so to speak, for profit from tourism. Vienna has always followed its own calm and authentic rhythm. Yet, Vienna’s not just a page in history, a backdrop, but a city that lives intensely. 


Ove godine doživite Saudijsku Arabiju u organizaciji Obzor putovanja! Kraljevina Saudijska Arabija donedavno je bila vrlo zatvorena i zadovoljstvo nam je živjeti baš u vremenu kad se ova skrovita zemlja sve više otvara za turizam. I ne samo otvara - predivna Arabija već 4 godine čvrsto korača prema poziciji najprimamljivije turističke destinacije na svijetu, a trenutno je druga najposjećenija zemlja na Bliskom istoku. Pridružite se karavanama do izgubljenog grada Al-Ule! Uživajte u prekrasnom Shaden resortu na "arapskim Maldivima"! Velik broj mjesta koje ćemo posjetiti je pod UNESCO zaštitom zbog povijesnog značaja (i činjenice da oduzimaju dah), a ove godine - prvi put u povijesti - možete posjetiti i Medinu koja je odnedavno otvorena za posjetu turista svih vjeroispovijesti.

Obzor putovanja je renomirana turistička agencija u vlasništvu Croatia Airlinesa. Od 1993. godine do danas pozicionirali smo se kao vodeća turistička agencija za poslovna i turistička putovanja zahvaljujući brojnim vjernim klijentima. Primjenjujemo najviše standarde organizacije poslovnih, privatnih i grupnih putovanja u Hrvatskoj i inozemstvu, s naglaskom na putovanja na dosad slabije zastupljene destinacije za najiskusnije i najzahtjevnije putnike. U ovom broju inflight magazina vam tako predstavljamo Saudijsku Arabiju, a za više informacija svakako posjetite našu web stranicu www.obzorputovanja.hr! Kontaktirajte nas i na info@obzorputovanja.hr ili nas osobno posjetite na adresi Teslina 5, Zagreb!




BRUXELLES Nešto drukčiji Bruxelles A slightly different Brussels

Ines Sabalić

∂visit.brussels/Global View/S. Schmidt


Grand Place, povijesno središte Bruxellesa, iz zraka A bird’s-eye view of Grand Place, the historic centre of Brussels


rebala se dogoditi pandemija koronavirusa da se ispod dominantnog doživljaja velikog međunarodnog središta politike, gospodarstva, zakona i regulativa probije stari, malo sporiji, starinski Bruxelles. Puno privlačniji za laganu proljetnu šetnju. Uvijek je bio tu, ali sada kad je s njega zbog pandemije koronavirusa skinut birokratski, tehnokratski sloj ubrzanog ritma života, starinski Bruxelles bolje se vidi. Neki dan na Grand Placeu svjetlo je padalo pod vrlo oštrim kutom tako da su na jednoj strani blještala pozlaćena pročelja, a druga je ostala u



dubokoj sjeni, kao da ondje još uvijek vlada srednji vijek. Možda zbog takva mističnog ugođaja, a možda i zbog toga što sada u gradu ima manje turista, ako se zateknete u jednoj od pivnica i gledate kroz prozor, neće vam biti teško vjerno dočarati sliku iz života grada otprije nekoliko stoljeća. Tada je za vrijeme jedne od epidemija kuge neki opat podignuo šator te u njemu primao građane koji su stajali u dugačkom redu i dijelio im blagoslove, a ispred šatora prodavalo se pivo. Ispostavilo se da je to pivo nastalo od vode iz izvora bogatoga mineralima koji su − tako barem kažu − pomogli oboljelima. U svakom slučaju, i ona je epidemija prošla, pa će i ova, a kad je riječ o ovdašnjim ljudima, i oni katkad, također uz pivo, čekaju da se to napokon dogodi. Stoga se i danas čini kao dobra ideja sjesti u jednu od mnogih briselskih pivnica, ušuškati se u atmosferu ugodnog žamora i malo zaboraviti na svakodnevicu. Jako se mnogo sjedi na terasama − na krovovima. Najatraktivnija terasa na krovu zgrade nalazi se u četvrti Saint-Gilles, gdje se i inače izlazi na druženje. To je krovna terasa Perché, na vrhu hotela JAM. Uskoro bi trebalo biti završeno i preuređenje terase na vrhu Muzeja glazbala, koji svakako posjetite prije nego što odete gore na kavu ili ručak. Želite li pak drukčiji ambijent, svratite u Beursschouwburg. Jeste li za shopping? U četvrti Dansaert nema velikih lanaca, ali ima odličnih trgovina s modnim artiklima. Ako nešto u njima kupite, prijatelji će vas zacijelo pitati − odakle ti to? U Rue des Chartreux nalazi se najšminkerskija briselska trgovina, concept store Hunting and Collecting. I za kraj, četvrt koja se ne može izostaviti − Marolles. Stari, pravi, ugodni, demokratski, autentični Marolles, s antikvarima, kafićima, restoranima. Svačega ima na Marollesu pa se tako odmah do buvljaka smjestila hiperkvalitetna mesnica gotovo normalnih cijena, o kojoj su napravljene mnoge reportaže kao o pravom čudu. Otvorio ju je jedan umjetnik koji je ostavio slikarstvo i zamijenio ga kvalitetnim mesom. Gotovo da bi se moglo reći: e, to je nešto što se samo u Bruxellesu može dogoditi. Jedan od dragulja te četvrti jest restoran Le Wine Bar de Marolles, u kojem se za stolom uz druženje može bolje razumjeti Bruxelles. Jako dobra kuhinja, uz veliko inzistiranje na kvaliteti namirnica, opušteno, nepretenciozno, a ipak elegantno i ugodno, mjesto na kojem ćete reći − baš mi godi, baš mi se sviđa Bruxelles. 

01 Posljednjih su godina posebno omiljeni restorani i kafići na krovnim terasama u centru grada Rooftop restaurants and cafes in the city centre have become very popular in recent years

∂visit.brussels/Jean-Paul Remy

02 Grand Place, jedan od najljepših europskih trgova Grand Place, one of the most beautiful squares in Europe


∂visit.brussels/Jean-Paul Remy

I 01

Ovog proljeća u Bruxellesu trebalo bi pogledati nekoliko izložbi. Glazbala Tootsa Thielemansa možete vidjeti u Muzeju glazbala, a izložba o njemu postavljena je u nacionalnoj knjižnici Royal Library of Belgium. U Muzeju dizajna postavljena

t took a pandemic for the old, somewhat slower, old-world Brussels to break out of its overriding identity as a major international centre of politics, economics, law, and regulation... for a much more appealing Brussels to shine through for a light spring walk. Old-world Brussels has always been there. But now that its bureaucratic, technocratic layer of fast-paced life has been removed thanks to the Covid-19 pandemic, you actually get to catch a glimpse of what Brussels once looked like. The other day on the Grand Place, the rays coming off of streetlights fell at such a sharp angle that they made the gilded facades on one of the square’s sides glitter, while a deep shadow fell on the opposite side of the square, making it seem as if the Middle Ages still reigned there. If you find yourself in one of the pubs here gazing out the window, you won’t find it difficult to imagine in your mind’s eye what life in Brussels looked like a few centuries ago thanks to this mystical atmosphere or perhaps because the city isn’t overflowing with tourists at present. During one of the cholera epidemics in the Middle Ages, an abbot pitched a tent at the Grand Place to give blessing

je izložba radova francuske arhitektice i dizajnerice Charlotte Perriand, koja je jedno od najvećih imena dizajna. A kad smo kod žena, bit će zanimljivo pogledati i izložbu Portrait of a Lady u zgradi Zaklade Boghossian, o tome kako su žene od Dalekog Istoka do Zapada predstavljene u umjetnosti. Several exhibitions are worth checking out this spring in Brussels. Toots Thielemans’s musical instruments are displayed at

Bruxelles i Zagreb povezani su letovima svaki dan osim subote

the Musical Instruments Museum, while an exhibition about his

− od ponedjeljka do petka jutarnjim i popodnevnim letovima, a

life and music has been set up at the Royal Library of Belgium.

nedjeljom samo popodnevnim letom.

The Design Museum’s hosting an exhibition of works by French architect and designer Charlotte Perriand, one of the biggest

Croatia Airlines operates flights between Brussels and Zagreb every

names in design. And since we’re talking about women, be sure

day except Saturdays − from Monday to Friday both in the morning

to also check out the fascinating Portrait of a Lady exhibition

and the afternoon, and on Sundays only in the afternoon.

at the Boghossian Foundation about the ways in which women from the Far East to the West have been represented in art.

croatiaairlines.com _ m.croatiaairlines.com



∂visit.brussels/Jean-Paul Remy

∂visit.brussels/Jean-Paul Remy

01 Buvljak na trgu Jeu de balle The Jeu de Balle flea market


∂visit.brussels/Jean-Paul Remy


to people who waited patiently in a long queue. And while blessing was given inside the tent, outside the tent − beer was sold. It turned out that the beer was made from water coming from a source rich in minerals that helped the sick, or so they say. In any case, that particular cholera epidemic subsided, and so will the present-day pandemic. Today’s residents of Brussels, often sipping at a pint of beer, can’t wait for that to happen. This is why enjoying a drink in one of the many pubs in Brussels today, absorbing its ambiance and the pleasant chatter of other pub-goers, and taking a break from everyday life wouldn’t go amiss even today. Rooftop terraces are very popular in Brussels. The trendiest is Perché, a cocktail bar set on top of Jam Hotel in Saint-Gilles District, which is teeming with pubs, bars, and restaurants. Although it’s currently undergoing restoration which should soon be completed,


02-03 Trgovine s pralinama nadmeću se ne samo u okusu svoje čokolade nego i u dekoru. Na slici su dva vrhunska brenda: Meert i Mary Praline and truffle producers have been competing not only over the taste of their chocolate, but also over their shop and shop window decorations. These are two top chocolate brands: Meert, and Mary

čokolada na jednome mjestu. Proizvođači pralina nadmeću

the rooftop terrace on the flat roof of the Musical Instruments Museum is another gem. Be sure to visit the museum first and then head for the rooftop cafe for a cup of coffee or even lunch. A third option is Beursschouwburg.

tko će imati savršenije praline i ljepše uređeni izlog. Svi veliki

How about some shopping now? In the Dansaert District of Brus-

Ne smijete propustiti Galeries Royales Saint-Hubert pored Grand Placea, gdje je vjerojatno i najviše prodavaonica

su u prolazu galerije: Neuhaus, Mary, Marcolini, Godiva. Predahnite od te divote u knjižari Tropismes ili se odmorite s druge strane prolaza u starinskoj pivnici neobičnog imena nad kojim možete meditirati uz pivo: À la Mort Subite. The Royal Galleries of Saint Hubert next to the Grand Place is an absolute must! There’s an actual constellation of chocolate shops here − in one place. Praline and truffle producers have forever been competing over who makes more superb chocolate confectionery, and whose shop window has been dressed

sels, there are no big retail chains; there are great fashion stores instead. Whatever you buy in them, your friends will surely ask you where you got it. Rue des Chartreux is where the swankiest store in Brussels is − namely, the Hunting and Collecting boutique. And finally, a neighbourhood that cannot be left out − The Marolles. Old-world, true-to-life, cosy, democratic, authentic Marolles is packed with antique shops, cafes, and restaurants. The Marolles does have it all − right next to a flea market, there is a hyper-quality butcher’s shop, whose prices are nearly normal, and about which much media coverage has been produced reporting on it as if it were a real miracle. It was opened by an artist who gave up paint-

more beautifully. All the big names in the world of chocolate

ing and replaced it with quality meat. You could almost say − well,

are here − Neuhaus, Mary, Marcolini, Godiva. Should you

this can only happen in Brussels. Another gem of this neighbour-

decide to take a break from this overwhelming beauty, you can

hood is Le Wine Bar de Marolles. At a table here you’ll get to un-

do so either at the Tropismes bookstore or in an old beer hall

derstand Brussels a bit better. Offering excellent cuisine that insists

on the other side of the galleries called À la Mort Subite, which

on quality ingredients in a relaxed, unpretentious, yet elegant and

translates as Sudden Death. What a name to meditate on over

cosy atmosphere, Le Wine Bar de Marolles is a place where you’ll

a pint of beer!

realise − I really like it, I really like Brussels. 






Izdvojili smo za vas vodeće hrvatske restorane uvrštene u utjecajan Michelinov vodič. Uživajte! This is our selection of leading Croatian restaurants included in the influential Michelin Guide for your enjoyment.

Japanski restoran Tekka ZAGREB, Radnička 37b

Posjetite naš restoran i doživite najfinije okuse japanske kuhinje koje smo pripremili za vas. Sushi, sashimi, nigiri, wok i spring rolls samo su neki od specijaliteta koje imamo u svojoj ponudi. Japanese Restaurant Tekka Visit our restaurant on Radnička Street in Zagreb to experience the finest flavours of Japanese cuisine that we’ve prepared for you. Sushi, sashimi, nigiri, wok dishes, and spring rolls are just some of the amazing specialities we have on offer served in the elegant ambiance of our restaurant. +385 1 6389398 _ tekka.hr

Agli Amici Ovaj restoran koji je lani dobio svoju prvu Michelinovu zvjezdicu nalazi se na šetnici Lungomare Plaza. Restoran se može opisati kao jedinstveno, profinjeno i elegantno mjesto s čije se slikovite terase pruža izravan pogled na more i Rovinj. Kuhinja priča jezikom teritorija Istre i Furlanije-Julijske krajine, koji se prožima kroz tri degustacijska jelovnika koja je osmislio chef Emanuele Scarello − Istra, Rovinj i Godia. Having earned its first Michelin star last year, Agli Amici is located on the Lungomare Plaza promenade. Its premises are unique, sophisticated, and elegant, and boast a picturesque terrace overlooking the sea and Rovinj. The cuisine speaks the languages of Istria, and Friuli Venezia Giulia, which you can experience through three tasting menus created by chef Emanuele Scarello − Istria, Rovinj, and Godia. +385 52 642084 _ agliamici@maistra.hr



Dubrovnik Restaurant DUBROVNIK, Marojice Kaboge 5

Restoran Dubrovnik smješten je na šarmantnoj terasi koja je okružena tipičnim dubrovačkim kamenim kućama sagrađenima još u vrijeme Dubrovačke Republike. U to doba terasa je bila korištena kao igralište obitelji Bunić, a danas je ondje moderan fine dining restoran koji se od 2017. godine diči Michelinovom preporukom. Dubrovnik Restaurant is located on a charming terrace surrounded by typical stone houses dating back to the time of the Dubrovnik Republic. At that time, the terrace was used by the Bunić family as a playground, while today it’s a modern fine dining restaurant that prides itself on being a Michelin-recommended restaurant since 2017. +385 99 2585871 _ restorandubrovnik.com

Cap Aureo Ono po čemu ovaj vegetable loving space restoran zavrjeđuje veliku pažnju jest to što se njegov jelovnik sastoji od 20 sljedova temeljenih na sezonalnosti, lokalitetu i ljubavi prema Istri. Jela se mijenjaju gotovo svaki treći tjedan stoga kad god došli, uvijek ćete pronaći neko novo uzbudljivo jelo koje možete kušati uz zadivljujući pogled na slikovitu starogradsku jezgru. What makes this vegetable-loving restaurant so special is its menu consisting of 20 courses based on seasonal ingredients, local tradition, and their love of Istria. The menu is updated and includes new dishes almost every three weeks, so there’s always a new and exciting speciality to taste and savour the flavours of while enjoying a magnificent vista of a picturesque old town.

+385 52 642035 _ capaureo@maistra.hr



UŽIVAJ U HRVATSKOJ ENJOY CROATIA Izdvojili smo za vas neke od vodećih hrvatskih vinara. Živjeli! This is our selection of leading Croatian winemakers for your enjoyment while in Croatia. Cheers!

Arman Arman Marijan Wines Narduči 3, 52447 Vižinada

Ljubav prema proizvodnji vina u svijest je obitelji Arman davnih 1880-ih utkao Marijanov pradjed Ivan Arman zasadivši prvi vinograd. Strast prema istarskoj zemlji te znanje o lozi i vinu prenosilo se s generacije na generaciju uzgojem ponajprije autohtone sorte malvazije istarske i terana. Vinogradi se nalaze na blagim padinama zapadnog istarskog vinogorja, uz dolinu rijeke Mirne. We owe our love for winemaking to Marijan’s greatgrandfather, Ivan Arman, who planted the family’s first vineyard back in the 1880s. Passed from one generation to the next, our passion for the Istrian land, and knowledge about growing grapes − particularly the varieties native to Istria, such as Malvasia, and Teran − and wine production have, over time, become our raison d’être. Marijan Arman’s vineyards are located on the gentle slopes in the Mirna River valley in western Istria. +385 91 1699929 _ www.arman.hr

Baraka Vinarija Baraka obiteljska je butik vinarija koja se nalazi na poluotoku Srima, između Šibenika i Vodica, i u cijelosti je fokusirana na vrhunsku kvalitetu i proizvodnju finih vina iz srca Dalmacije. Proizvodnja vina u limitiranim količinama i polagani, ručni pristup u gotovo svim koracima stvaranja vina uz neprekidno ispitivanje i podizanje kvalitete dobar je opis onoga što radimo i čemu težimo. Pridružite nam se na našem putu i uživajte u našim vinima! BARAKA is a family-owned boutique winery located in the heart of Dalmatia on the Srima Peninsula near Šibenik and Vodice, completely focused on producing terroir-driven fine wines, and great tasting experiences for our friends and guests. Wine production in limited quantities and small batches, and a hands-on approach while continually striving to raise the quality of our wines − this is what we do best, and this is what we aspire to. Join us on our journey, and enjoy our wines! +385 98 337993 _ baraka.co



Iločki podrumi ILOK, Šetalište O. M. Barbarića 3

Dobro došli u Iločke podrume, ondje gdje je vino izvor i stil života! Opustite se uz jedinstvene vinogradarske položaje Principovac i Vukovo, nazdravite vrhunskim vinima Iločkih podruma i uživajte u bogatoj tradicionalnoj gastro ponudi. Posjetite vinske podrume iz 15. i 18. stoljeća koji više od pet stotina godina stvaraju i njeguju vrhunska vina te čuvaju dragocjenu arhivu i brojne tajne. Stvorite nezaboravne uspomene s najdražima! Welcome to the Ilok Wine Cellars, where wine is a source of life and a lifestyle! Enjoy and relax in the unique terroirs of Principovac and Vukovo, make a toast with a glass of a premium Ilok Wine Cellars wine, and enjoy our rich offer of traditional cuisine. Be sure to visit the wine cellars dating from the 15th and 18th centuries that have been creating and tending to premium wines for more than five centuries, and keeping valuable archive wines, and many secrets. Create unforgettable memories with your loved ones! www.ilocki-podrumi.hr

Medea Vrhunska kvalitetom a posebna svojim terroirom na samom jugu Istre, vina Vinarije Medea i visoko nagrađivana ekstradjevičanska maslinova ulja Salvela Uljare Vodnjan ubrajaju se kvalitetom u vrh onoga što Hrvatska nudi. Ove vrhunske proizvode potražite u vinoteci Vivat fina vina u središtu Zagreba ili na www.vivat-finavina.hr i byistria.com. Of premium quality and of a distinctive character thanks to their south Istrian terroir, the wines of Medea Winery and the award-winning Salvela extra virgin olive oils of the Vodnjan Oil Mills are amongst the very best of what Croatia has to offer. You can find these premium products at the Vivat Fine Wines store in Zagreb’s city centre or online at www.vivat-finavina.hr and byistria.com. www.medea.hr



Veralda BRTONIGLA, Kršin 4

Svaka etiketa s potpisom Vinarije Veralda iskorak je u inovacijama koje ova istarska obiteljska vinarija donosi na područje autohtonih sorti. Veralda je posebno posvećena izražavanju potencijala autohtonih sorti malvazije, terana i refoška kroz kreiranje promišljenih i uzbudljivih vina te potpuno ekološku proizvodnju. Veralda je predvodnik inovacija s prvim istarskim roséom i pjenušcem od terana, dok je njihov Xtrian 2016. godine osvojio nagradu Platinum − Best in Show na Decanter World Wine Awards. Each label signed by the Veralda Winery is an innovation introduced in the domain of native grape varieties by this Istrian family-owned winery. Specifically, Veralda Winery is dedicated to expressing the full potential of Istria’s native varieties of Malvasia, Teran, and Refosco through the creation of thoughtful and exciting wines, and completely organic production. Veralda is a leader in innovation. They were the first to produce an Istrian rosé, and a Teran sparkling wine, and their Xtrian wine won the Platinum − Best in Show award at the 2016 Decanter World Wine Awards. +385 52 774111 _ www.veralda.hr

Stina BOL, Brač, Bračka cesta 13

U srcu Bola u prostorijama Prve dalmatinske zadruge, smještene na bolskoj rivi, nastaje Stina. Mjesto je to gdje možete kroz organizirane ili privatne ture naučiti više o nastanku vina iz tradicionalnih dalmatinskih sorti − plavca, tribidraga, pošipa ili vugave ili jednostavno uživati u vinu uz samu obalu mora. Prepoznatljiva po hrabroj i inovativnoj bijeloj etiketi koja predstavlja brački kamen, ali i slikarsko platno, boca Stine može postati izvor inspiracije za umjetnika u svakom ljubitelju vina. Stina Winery is located in the very heart of the picturesque town of Bol, in the old building of the First Dalmatian Wine Cooperative to be exact, right on the seafront. Offering both regular daily and private tours, this is the place to go to enjoy a glass of wine or learn about its production from grape varieties native to Dalmatia − Plavac Mali, Tribidrag, Pošip, and Vugava. Symbolising the famous white stone of Brač and a blank canvas, Stina’s recognisable and bold bottle label design invites all wine lovers to get inspired to become artists too. www.stina-vino.hr





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motifs. The house is named Kallina after its owner Josip Kallina who also owned a tile factory where the tiles were made. The other houses included in the itinerary also have interesting stories to tell that are MUZEJ ZA UMJETNOST I OBRT

mediated by expert guides, and that’ll complement your visual experi-


ence of great architectural works by such Croatian architects as Aladar

Zagreb je jedan od europskih gradova koji posjetiteljima nudi doživ-

Baranyai, Ignjat Fischer, and the already mentioned Bastl and Lubyn-

ljaj iznimno kvalitetne i atraktivne secesijske arhitektonske baštine u

ski. You’ll find tour leaflets including the itinerary and contact details at

središtu grada. Muzej za umjetnost i obrt (MUO) i Društvo turističkih

the Tourist Information Centre on Ban Josip Jelačić Square, as well as

vodiča Zagreba osmislili su razgled najljepših secesijskih zgrada

in all of Zagreb’s major hotels and museums. The Zagreb Art Nouveau

s licenciranim vodičem. Polazak je ispred zgrade MUO-a. Među

itinerary programme was designed and is implemented within the

zgradama obuhvaćenim itinerarom posebno se ističe ona Hrvatsko-

Interreg Danube Transnational Programme’s ARTNOUVEAU2 project −

ga državnog arhiva na Marulićevu trgu, koju je projektirao Rudolf

Strengthening the Cultural Identity of the Danube Region by Building

Lubynski, a koja predstavlja izniman primjer Gesamtkunstwerka

on Common Heritage of Art Nouveau, which Zagreb’s Museum of Arts

te kuća Kallina na uglu Masarykove i Gundulićeve ulice, arhitekta

and Crafts is a project partner of.

Vjekoslava Bastla, obložena živopisnim pločicama s biljnim i životinjskim motivima. Pločice su izrađene u tvornici čiji je vlasnik Josip Kallina bio ujedno i vlasnik zgrade. I ostale kuće uključene u obilazak kriju zanimljive priče koje će posredovati stručni vodiči i koje će dopuniti vizualni doživljaj sjajnih ostvarenja hrvatskih arhitekata poput Aladara Baranyaija, Ignjata Fischera uz već spomenute Bastla i Lubynskog. Letci s podacima o itineraru i kontaktima mogu se naći u Turističkom informativnom centru na Trgu bana Jelačića, kao i u svim većim zagrebačkim hotelima i muzejima. Program zagrebačkog secesijskog itinerara ostvaren je u okviru transnacionalnog programa suradnje Interreg Dunav ARTNOUVEAU2 − Strengthening the cultural identity of the Danube region by building on common heritage of Art Nouveau, u kojem je Muzej za umjetnost i obrt projektni partner. MUSEUM OF ARTS AND CRAFTS

ZAGREB’S ART NOUVEAU ARCHITECTURE Zagreb is a European city that offers its visitors the chance to experience high-quality, stunning Art Nouveau architectural heritage in the very heart of the city. The Museum of Arts and Crafts, and the Zagreb Tourist Guides Organisation have jointly designed a tour of the most beautiful Art Nouveau buildings with a licensed guide. The tour starts outside the Museum of Arts and Crafts. Amongst the buildings covered by the itinerary, the building of the Croatian State Archives on Marulić Square, designed by Rudolf Lubynski, should be singled out as an outstanding example of Gesamtkunstwerk, which roughly translates as a total work of art. The Kallina House on the corner of Masarykova and Gundulićeva streets by architect Vjekoslav Bastl is completely covered in colourful tiles featuring plant and animal




Zagreb MICRO − FOLIE SVJETSKE UMJETNIČKE DIGITALNE ZBIRKE U MSU-u ožujak − travanj, MSU, Zagreb Umjetnička djela iz digitalnih kolekcija europskih muzeja predstavljena su u povodu francuskog predsjedanja Vijećem EU-a. Velik ekran i digitalni tableti omogućuju pristup stotinama remekdjela iz Francuske i drugih zemalja EU-a. Tu je i bogati edukativni materijal − interaktivne igre, VR, zvučni i drugi sadržaji.


EU, works of art from the digitised collections of European museums are presented. You have the chance to see hundreds of masterpieces from France and other EU

D. Rapaich

In honour of the French Presidency of the Council of the

countries via a large screen and tablets. The exhibition’s accompanied by a rich educational programme, including interactive games, VR, sound and other content. www.msu.hr

IZLOŽBA ISTO NEBO KATARINA IVANIŠIN KARDUM svibanj − lipanj, MSU, Zagreb Riječ je o prvom predstavljanju ciklusa nastalog iz terenskih istraživanja reljefa Dinarida i drugih planinskih masiva Hrvatske. Autorica je dobitnica više priznanja, a njezina djela osim muzejske može vidjeti i kino publika u filmovima Lara Croft: Tomb Raider, Holy Lands i Second Act.


Same Sky is the first-ever presentation of a series of paintings that resulted from Katarina Ivanišin Kardum’s field research of the relief structures of the Dinaric Alps and Croatia’s other mountain massifs. She’s won several awards, and her work

Lj. Gamulin

can be seen not only in museums and galleries, but also by cinema audiences; more specifically, in Lara Croft: Tomb Raider, Holy Lands, and Second Act. www.msu.hr



WRC CROATIA RALLY 2022 21. − 24. 4., Zagreb

Drugu godinu zaredom Hrvatska će ugostiti utrku svjetskog prvenstva u reliju, koja će se održati u naših pet županija. Ovaj uzbudljivi događaj okuplja velik broj gledatelja, popularan je širom svijeta i projicira sliku Hrvatske kao vrhunske turističke i sportske destinacije. For the second year in a row, Croatia’s hosting the FIA World Rally Championship, which is to take place in five of Croatia’s counties. This adrenaline-pumping event brings together a large number of spectators, is popular around the world, and presents Croatia as a top tourist and

U. Modlic

sports destination. rally-croatia.com

ANIMAFEST ZAGREB 6. − 11. 6., Zagreb Svjetski je festival animiranoga filma nastao na tradiciji poznate Zagrebačke škole crtanog filma. Od osnutka 1972. godine kroz svoje natjecateljske programe i popratne sadržaje pridonosi kulturnom životu svojega grada te promociji umjetnosti animacije.

The World Festival of Animated Film was birthed by the famous Zagreb School of Animated Film. Through its competition and accompanying programmes, it’s been contributing to the cultural life of Zagreb, and promoting the art of animation since its inception in 1972.

S. Niketić





IZLOŽBA KORIJENI I KRILA VLAHO BUKOVAC U ZAGREBU, CAVTATU I BEČU, 1893. − 1903. do/until 22. 5., Galerija Klovićevi dvori/Klovićevi Dvori Gallery, Zagreb Ova dugo očekivana i pripremana izložba iz ciklusa Vlaho Bukovac u Europi otvorena je ove, 2022. godine jer se obilježava stota obljetnica Bukovčeve smrti. Tema izložbe jest umjetnikov život i opus nastao u Zagrebu kad Bukovac postaje središnja ličnost javnoga kulturnoga života i mentor mlade generacije likovnih umjetnika. Zahvaljujući Bukovcu Zagreb postaje središte likovnih zbivanja u regiji, a njegova zagrebačka faza najplodo-

Cavtatu, kad se Bukovac vraća svojim korijenima.

G. Vranić

nosnija razvojna cjelina. Dio opusa nastao je i u rodnom


This long-awaited exhibition from the Vlaho Bukovac in Europe series opened this year because 2022 marks the 100th anniversary of Bukovac’s death. The exhibition revolves around Bukovac’s life and work he created in Zagreb when he became a central figure in the cultural life of Zagreb, and a mentor to the then young generation of artists. Thanks to Bukovac, Zagreb became the capital of arts of the region, and his Zagreb phase the most fruitful in terms of his development. Bukovac painted a part of his oeuvre in his native Cavtat, when he returned to his roots. gkd.hr

Zagreb School of Economics and Management Undergraduate Programs 240 ECTS • Economics and Management • Business Mathematics and Economics Graduate MBA Program 60 ECTS • Global Executive MBA Program, Executive MBA Program • MBA in Accounting, Auditing and Taxes, Finance and Banking, Human Resource Management, Management, Marketing, Supply Chain Management, Tourism, Hospitality and Events Doctor of Business Administration Sheffield Hallam University




Lear n from t he bes t . Create a bette r wo rld .

Rijeka REGATA FIUMANKA 7. − 12. 6., Rijeka Rijeka i njezina luka ponovo će postati mjesto susreta mnogobrojnih nautičara na međunarodnoj jedriličarskoj manifestaciji, koja u najsjevernijem jadranskom zaljevu iz godinu u godinu okuplja velik broj jedrilica i jedriličara.

Rijeka and its port will once again become a meeting place for many sailors at this international sailing event, bringing together, year after year, a large number of sailboats and sailors in the northernmost gulf of the Adriatic.

D. Miculinić


Split CROATIA BOAT SHOW 26. − 30. 4., Split Na ovome međunarodnom nautičkom sajmu u Splitu i ove će se godine predstaviti renomirane kompanije iz nautičke industrije − domaći i inozemni graditelji plovila za razonodu svih vrsta, od velikih motornih jahti preko jedrilica do katamarana, proizvođači nautičke opreme, brodskih i izvanbrodskih motora, elektronike i ribolovne opreme te čarter kompanije.

is again bringing together renowned companies from the boat building and boating industry − Croatian and foreign boat builders (from large motor yachts, through sailboats to catamarans), nautical equipment manufacturers, inboard and

CBS arhiva/archives

This year’s edition of the international boat show in Split

outboard motor manufacturers, sailing and boating electronics manufacturers, fishing equipment manufacturers, and charter companies. croatiaboatshow.com




Zagreb u bojama i notama proljeća Zagreb in the colours and sounds of spring


J. Duval, arhiva TZGZ / ZTB archives

roljeće, to divno godišnje doba! Neka nova energija ispunjava ulice, budi svijet iz zimskog sna. Vidimo tu energiju u prvim pupoljcima, u toplijim temperaturama i šarenom cvijeću. Ona ulazi i u srca svih stanovnika, poziva ih da izađu na ulice, da se probude nakon mjeseci sna. Proljeće je uistinu doba veselja i slavlja. Iz zimskog sivila na toplo proljetno sunce prelazimo uz tradicionalni Festival svjetla i želimo dobrodošlicu ovome veselom




godišnjem dobu. A dobrodošlica ipak ne bi bila potpuna bez glazbe! Sam početak ovoga godišnjeg doba obilježit će koncerti glazbenih legendi. Franz Ferdinand, Iron Maiden, Dream Theater i Eagles of Death Metal samo su neki od izvođača koji će posjetiti Zagreb ovog proljeća. Tu su naravno i glazbeni festivali. Događaji na kojima će se skupiti mnoštvo ljudi dobre volje i uživati u cjelodnevnim koncertima. Događaji koji zrače pozitivnom energijom i raznolikim notama. Događaji koji postaju simboli jednoga grada. Za Zagreb to je zasigurno INmusic festival, koji se ove godine odvija od 20. do 23. lipnja, već tradicionalno na Jarunu. The Killers, Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds, Deftones, Róisín Murphy i Kasabian

01 Festival svjetla Festival of Lights 02 INmusic Festival

J. Duval, arhiva TZGZ / ZTB archives

na ovu povijesnu plovidbu, tu je i možda najvažniji dan grada podno Sljemena − Dan grada Zagreba, koji obilježavamo 31. svibnja. I za kraj, nešto sasvim drugačije. Brzina, energija, spektakl za sve ljubitelje adrenalina. FIA World Rally Championship dovodi vrhunski sportski događaj na ulice Zagreba i okolice od 21. do 24. travnja. Ovo je drugi put da se Hrvatska nalazi na karti ovoga svjetskog reli prvenstva koje daje jedno sasvim novo značenje energiji proljeća. Jeste li spremni? Grad podno Sljemena budi vas iz zimskog sna i poziva na uživanje u svim čarima ovog veselog doba godine! 


samo su neka od imena koja će nastupiti u ova tri dana. Svake godine INmusic privlači posjetitelje iz Hrvatske i svijeta u srce Zagreba, u dobro raspoloženje i najdraže uspomene. Možda ste ipak više ljubitelj elektroničke glazbe? Onda vas ovog proljeća čekaju čak tri festivala elektronske glazbe: Future Scope, LMF i We Love Sound festival pozivaju vas da plešete od sumraka do zore! Osim glazbe, tu su i boje. Zelena, žuta, ružičasta, narančasta − u proljeće boje su jarke i razigrane, baš poput plesnih nota u zraku. A sve će se one naći na ovogodišnjem Floraart festivalu od 19. do 22. svibnja. Tisuće i tisuće sadnica najšarenijeg cvijeća rasprostirat će se po Bundeku, gdje možete šetati i uživati u ovom

vrckastom dobu godine. No ako će nešto spojiti boje i Zagreb, onda je to izložba Korijeni i krila. Vlaho Bukovac u Zagrebu, Cavtatu i Beču, 1893. − 1903., koja će se održati od 17. veljače do 22. svibnja. Motivi dolaska, opstanka i odlaska u nenadmašnom kolorizmu, isprepleteni s prizorima iz Zagreba i rodnog Cavtata, djela koja su sve do sad bila skrivena od oka javnosti − sve se otkriva ovog proljeća u Galeriji Klovićevi dvori. Kad ste već u šetnji Gornjim gradom, pripazite jer možete susresti likove iz nekih drugih vremena. U sklopu Zagrebačkog vremeplova ulice će ponovno ispuniti glavni junaci lokalnih legendi i stvarnih događaja i prišapnuti vam tajne koje čuvaju već stoljećima. Osim što u proljeće krećemo


pring, what a wonderful season! The streets are imbued with a new energy, awakening the world from winter sleep. This new energy is reflected in the first buds, warmer temperatures, and colourful flowers. It also enters the hearts of all people, inviting them to take to the streets, to spring to life after months of sleep. Spring is truly a season of joy and celebration. We’ll leave the greyness of winter behind, and leap into the warm sun of spring with the help of the traditional Festival of Lights, welcoming this happy season. But this welcome party wouldn’t be complete without music! The very beginning of spring will be marked by concerts given by music legends. Franz Ferdinand, Iron Maiden, Dream Theater, and Eagles of Death Metal are just some of the big names in the music industry that’ll perform in Zagreb this spring. Let’s not forget about music festivals that bring together crowds of good-willed people looking to enjoy concerts that last entire days, radiating positive



01 Gradska atmosfera Zagreb’s urban atmosphere

M. Gašparović, arhiva TZGZ / ZTB archives

02 WRC Croatia Rally


twined with scenes from Zagreb and his native Cavtat, works that have been hidden from the public eye − all this is about to be revealed this spring at the Klovićevi Dvori Gallery. And while you’re strolling around Zagreb’s Upper Town, you may encounter characters from Zagreb’s history. By courtesy of the Zagreb Time Machine, the streets of Zagreb will once again be packed with the main characters of local legends and actual historical figures that’ll tell you about the secrets they’ve kept for centuries. Besides giving you the chance to embark on this journey through history in the spring, the city at the foot of Medvednica Mountain is inviting you to partake in the festivities that celebrate Zagreb’s most

important day − the City of Zagreb Day − on 31st May. What about something completely different? What about some speed, energy, and a spectacle for all adrenaline lovers? The FIA World Rally Championship is bringing a top sporting event to the streets of Zagreb and its surroundings from 21st to 24th April. This is the second time that Croatia has been put on the map of this world rally championship, lending the energy of spring a whole new quality and meaning. So, are you ready? The city at the foot of Medvednica Mountain is about to rouse you from your winter sleep, and is inviting you to enjoy the magic of this joyous time of year! 

J. Duval, arhiva TZGZ / ZTB archives

energy and emitting diverse sounds. Music festivals are events that become symbols of a city. INmusic festival has certainly become a symbol of Zagreb. This year’s edition is taking place between 20th and 23rd June at Jarun Lake. The line-up includes The Killers, Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds, Deftones, Róisín Murphy, and Kasabian. INmusic and its good atmosphere have been attracting visitors from both Croatia and the world to the heart of Zagreb every year, and all will be taking home some of the fondest memories with them. And if you’re more into electronic music, then spring’s bringing as many as three electronic music festivals − Future Scope, LMF, and We Love Sound festivals that invite you to dance from dusk to dawn! Spring in Zagreb features not just sounds, but colours as well. Green, yellow, pink, orange − the colours of spring are bright and playful, just like the sounds of dance and music. And all this will be found at this year’s Floraart Festival between 19th and 22nd May. Thousands of seedlings of the most colourful flowers will be displayed at Bundek Lake for you to delight in while walking and enjoying this joyous time of year. If there’s one event that’ll surely colour Zagreb, then it’s the Roots and Wings. Vlaho Bukovac in Zagreb, Cavtat, and Vienna, 1893-1903 exhibition, on display from 17th February to 22th May. Bukovac’s motives of arrival, survival, and departure painted in extraordinary colours, inter-








Prpić Znaor

Zagrebačka kazališta nude odlične predstave, priče, drame i komedije koje će zadovoljiti razne artističke sklonosti i ukuse. Predlažemo komade koji su izazvali velik interes publike, ali i kritike. Zagreb’s theatres offer great plays, stories, dramas, and comedies that cater for all artistic preferences and tastes. We’re bringing you a selection of theatre shows that have aroused great interest with both audiences and critics.



L. Dubroja

U ZeKaeMu igra Knjiga o ljetu, nastala prema romanu skandinavske spisateljice Tove Jansson The Zagreb Youth Theatre is playing The Summer Book based on a novel by Scandinavian writer Tove Jansson



M. Bratoš



01 Jadranka Đokić i Iva Mihalić su Genijalne prijateljice u hit predstavi Hrvatskoga narodnog kazališta Actresses Jadranka Đokić and Iva Mihalić play best friends in a hit play staged at the Croatian National Theatre called My Brilliant Friend

I. Posavec

02 Kazalište Kerempuh predlaže satiričan komad Darian, hrvatski kralj samopomoći Kerempuh Satirical Theatre is playing a satire called Darian, Croatia’s Self-Help King



Dramskom kazalištu Gavella igra u svijetu višestruko nagrađivana drama Martina McDonagha Čovjek jastuk. Radnja prati pisca koji živi u policijskoj državi te se najednom nađe na strogom ispitivanju zbog svojih kratkih priča koje podsjećaju na strašna ubojstva djece koja su se dogodila u njegovu gradu. Gavellinu predstavu režira Vanja



Jovanović, a igraju Živko Anočić, Nikola Baće, Sven Šestak i Franjo Divjak. Satiričko kazalište Kerempuh predlaže distopijsku satiru smještenu u blisku budućnost, predstavu Darian, hrvatski kralj samopomoći dramatičarke Dine Vukelić koju režira Krešimir Dolenčić. Radnja se bavi dominacijom self-help literature, raznih life coacheva i influence-

ra koji pričaju o sretnom i ljepšem životu. Dariana tumači Borko Perić, a uz njega tu su i Filip Detelić, Ana Maras Harmander te drugi. Hrvatsko narodno kazalište u Zagrebu donosi hit predstavu nastalu prema popularnom romanu Elene Ferrante, Genijalna prijateljica. Režiju potpisuje Marina Pejnović, a prozno djelo o poslijeratnome

U glavnim su ulogama Jadranka Đokić i Amar Bukvić, koji glume mladi, obrazovani i ekološki par. Recikliraju, gledaju dokumentarce i art filmove. Pluća su duhovit, emotivan i iskren mentalni slalom generacije kojoj je propitivanje imperativ, a nesigurnost odavno postala stil življenja. Kazalište Komedija postavilo je komad iznimno uspješnog britanskog autora Alana Ayckbourna, Treba se znati ponašati, čiju režiju potpisuje Tomislav Pavković. Ovaj brzi i veseli komad studija je zanimljivih osobnosti dovedenih u neobične, no moguće i svakodnevne situacije. Radnja prati tri para tijekom jednog ljetnog vikenda kada su se njihovi rodbinski, prijateljski i ljubavni odnosi bespovratno zapetljali i zakomplicirali. Parove glume Dajana Čuljak, Vanja Ćirić, Ana Magud, Ivan Glowatzky, Goran Malus i Ivan Magud.

Predstava Knjiga o ljetu u ZeKaeMu The Summer Book playing at the Zagreb Youth Theatre

L. Dobroja

predgrađu Napulja, neobrazovanoj sredini opterećenoj siromaštvom, razapetoj između fizičkog rada i utjecaja mafijaške scene, adaptirali su Nina Pavlović i Filip Jurjević. Prijateljice Elenu/Lenù i Lilu igraju Iva Mihalić i Jadranka Đokić. Zagrebačko kazalište mladih poziva vas da pogledate Knjigu o ljetu. Autorica je Tove Jansson, redateljica Nadežda Perišić Radović, a u ulogama su Nikša Butijer, Nataša Dorčić, Nika Barišić i Jana Slamnig. Radnja se odvija na malenom, osamljenom otoku koji je ujedno poprište svakodnevnih avantura, igara i rituala djevojčice Sophije i njezine bake koje otok istražuju te se o njemu brinu. Knjiga o ljetu priča je o dvije antijunakinje koje otkrivaju čari prirode, djetinjstva i života. U Teatru Exit igraju Pluća, po tekstu Duncana Macmillana, u režiji Aide Bukvić.



Zagrebačka kazališna scena u znaku je modernih drama, ali i tradicionalnih formi poput baleta ili opere. Ovisno o sezoni naši dramaturzi, glumci i umjetnici na scenu donose impresivne priče koje često prate svakodnevicu te se među temama nalaze i brojne aktualne priče iz naše svakodnevice. Često se na zagrebačkim scenama nađu i komedije te satire, koje na perfidan način daju kritiku današnjeg društva i općenito svijeta u kojemu živimo. Za zagrebačka se kazališta konstantno traži karta više, publika je željna zanimljivih tumačenja i ovoj specifičnoj L. Dobroja

umjetnosti. Zagreb’s theatre scene is bringing not only modern plays, but also traditional theatre forms such as ballet, and opera. Croatia’s playwrights, actors, and theatre artists stage impressive stories that often revolve around everyday life, amongst which you’ll often find themes laced with current affairs and hot topics from the everyday lives of Croatians. Zagreb’s theatre stages often bring comedies and satires delivering a harsh critique of today’s world and society. Zagreb’s theatre shows are regularly sold-out, with audiences eager to discover one more interesting interpretation given in and by the art of theatre.


U Teatru &TD igra predstava o životu dviju prijateljica. Važnije polovice potpisuju dvije mlade dramatuginje, Mirna Rustemović i Beatrica Kurbela, a tema je svakodnevica milenijalaca iz perspektive dva sasvim drugačija ženska lika. Režiju potpisuje Paola Slavica, koja zajedno s Juditom Franković Brdar i glumi u predstavi. Kontrast između različitih načina života i simboliku u nazivu Važnije polovice pratimo u odnosu dvije žene − jedne koja je majka, a druge koja živi sama. 


he Gavella Drama Theatre is playing Martin McDonagh’s The Pillowman (Čovjek jastuk), a play that won mul-

tiple awards around the world. It tells the tale of a fiction writer living in a police state, who’s interrogated about his short stories whose gruesome content is similar to the horrific child murders that have been committed in his town. The play was directed by Vanja Jovanović, and stars Živko Anočić, Nikola Baće, Sven Šestak, and Franjo Dijak. Kerempuh Satirical Theatre has staged a dystopian satire set in the near future called Darian, Croatia’s Self-Help King (Darian, hrvatski kralj samopomoći) by playwright Dina Vukelić. The play was directed by Krešimir Dolenčić, and deals with the absolute predominance of self-help literature, different life coaches and influencers talking about a happier and more beautiful life. Actor Borko

02 Gavella je postavila dramsku predstavu Čovjek jastuk, koju potpisuje britanski autor Martin McDonagh The Gavella Drama Theatre is playing The Pillow Man by British playwright Martin McDonagh



H. Zalukar

01 U Teatru &TD igraju Važnije polovice, koje glume Judita Franković Brdar i Paola Slavica &TD Theatre is playing More Important Halves, starring Judita Franković Brdar and Paola Slavica


M. Arbutina Arbe


The Zagreb Youth Theatre invites you to see its staging of The Summer Book (Knjiga o ljetu) by author Tove Jansson. The play was directed by Nadežda Perišić Radović, and stars Nikša Butijer, Nataša Dorčić, Nika Barišić, and Jana Slamnig. The Summer Book is set on a tiny secluded island explored and taken care of by the little girl Sophia and her grandmother, where the two have many everyday adventures and play games, and where everything functions according to rituals. The Summer Book is a story about two anti-heroines discovering the charms of nature, childhood, and life. Exit Theatre’s playing Duncan Macmillan’s Lungs (Pluća), a play directed by Aida Bukvić. Starring Jadranka Đokić, and Amar

01 Teatar EXIT donosi Pluća, priču o roditeljstvu, ekologiji i ljubavi Exit Theatre is playing Lungs, a play about parenthood, environmentalism, and love

I. Novković

Perić stars as Darian, with actors Filip Detelić, Ana Maras Harmander and others appearing in supporting roles. The Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb is bringing My Brilliant Friend (Genijalna prijateljica), a hit play based on Elena Ferrante’s popular novel of the same name. The play is set in the post-war suburbs of Naples, an environment of the uneducated additionally burdened by poverty, and torn between manual labour jobs and the influence of Naples’s mafia. The novel was adapted by Nina Pavlović, and Filip Jurjević, and the play was directed by Marina Pejnović. Friends Elena/Lenù and Lila are played by Iva Mihalić and Jadranka Đokić respectively.

Bukvić, the two protagonists are a young, educated, and environmentally aware couple who recycle, and watch documentaries and art films. Lungs are a witty, emotionally intense, and candid mental gymnastics performance given by a generation to whom questioning everything is imperative, and to whom insecurity has long since become a lifestyle. Komedija Theatre has staged Table Manners (Treba se znati ponašati) by the highly successful British author Alan Ayckbourn. Directed by Tomislav Pavković, this fast-paced and cheerful comedy piece is a study of fascinating human characters that find themselves in strange yet likely everyday situations. The play follows three couples over a summer weekend when their family, friendship, and love relationships become irreversibly tangled up and complicated. The couples are played by Dajana Čuljak, Vanja Ćirić, Ana Magud, Ivan Glowatzky, Goran Malus, and Ivan Magud. &TD Theatre has staged a play about the lives of two friends called More Important Halves (Važnije polovice) written by two young playwrights, Mirna Rustemović and Beatrica Kurbela. The play revolves around the everyday life of millennials from the perspective of two completely different female protagonists. More Important Halves was directed by Paola Slavica, who also co-stars in it with Judita Franković Brdar. The relationship between the two women − one of whom is a mother, while the other is single − unearths a contrast between two different lifestyles and a symbolism hiding in the title More Important Halves. 

02 U Komediji možete pogledati zabavan komad Treba se znati ponašati u režiji Tomislava Pavkovića Komedija Theatre has staged Table Manners, a comedy directed by Tomislav Pavković





ZAPREŠIĆ Trenutak za uspomene A moment of memory

TZ Zaprešić/Zaprešić Tourist Board


Ladanjski dvorac Lužnica izgrađen je u 18. stoljeću, a danas je u vlasništvu časnih sestara milosrdnica Built in the 18th century, the Lužnica Manor is today owned by the Sisters of Mercy

Okuse, mirise i boje okolice glavnoga grada Hrvatske najbolje opisuje i spaja Zaprešić, nova hit destinacija nadomak Zagreba koju morate posjetiti. Rapsodija netaknute prirode, dvoraca, kulture, sjajnih događanja, uzbudljivih aktivnosti i specifične gastronomije prožeta emocijama ljubavi, života i slobode − sve je to Zaprešić. The flavours, fragrances, and colours of the surroundings of the capital of Croatia are best portrayed and blended by Zaprešić, a new top destination near Zagreb, and a must-visit place. A rhapsody of pristine nature, manors, culture, fabulous events, exciting activities, and a distinct cuisine imbued with emotions of love, life, and freedom − this is Zaprešić. 106 _ CROATIA AIRLINES


oš neotkriven i pomalo samozatajan grad Zaprešić stvoren je na temeljima bogate povijesti. Danas, izrastao u mlad grad po mjeri čovjeka; pitom, a istovremeno vibrantan i ugodan za život. Zaprešić se smjestio 17 kilometara od hrvatske prijestolnice i čini glavni ulaz u sjeverozapadni dio zelenog prstena Zagrebačke županije. Karakter zaprešićkoga kraja može se opisati kao spoj urbanoga i ruralnoga. Moderna arhitektura i novoizgrađeni gradski trgovi srce su urbane jezgre grada, u kojem danas živi gotovo 30 tisuća stanovnika. Nju okružuje zeleni krajolik kojim dominiraju rijeke Sutla, Sava i Krapina uz niske brežuljke i plodnu dolinu, a neodoljivo poziva na druženje i istraživanje prirodnih ljepota ovoga kraja. Povijest i kulturno nasljeđe Zaprešića ispisano je pričom o banu Josipu Jelačiću, velikanu hrvatske povijesti 19. stoljeća, čije ime nosi i glavni hrvatski trg u Zagrebu. Manje je poznato da je dom obitelji Jelačić i samoga bana upravo bio u Zaprešiću i to na imanju Novi dvori. Naše istraživanje Zaprešića započeli smo upravo na prostoru Novih dvora, vlastelinskog posjeda koji se prostire na više od 20 ha, a kojim dominira banski dvorac. Iako zgrada dvorca još nije obnovljena i možete je razgledati samo izvana, Novi dvori nude pregršt drugih sadržaja i znamenitosti: od park-šume, kapelice sv. Josipa, kurije, gospodarskih zgrada, aleje do grobnice bana Josipa Jelačića. Okružen višestoljetnom šumom, ovaj kompleks tijekom proljetnih i ljetnih mjeseci postaje mjesto druženja, brojnih koncerata na otvorenome i programa kojima je najljepša kulisa upravo dvorac. U Novim dvorima prošećite do muzeja hrvatskog slikara Matije Skurjenija, koji će vas oduševiti svojim nadrealnim radovima. Na posjedu se nalazi i obnovljena Vršilnica, mjesto gdje se nekada vršilo žito, a danas se na 670 metara kvadratnih prostire jedan od najtraženijih multimedijskih prostora u Hrvatskoj. Mjesto je to za organizaciju poslovnih skupova, konferencija, kulturnih događanja i vjenčanja. Moderni pečat imanju daju golf tereni na kojima se gosti mogu opustiti uz sjajnu gastronomsku ponudu. Bogatstvo okusa i mirisa davnih vremena osjetit ćete u ponudi sjajnih lokalnih gastronomskih kutaka, gdje se domaće namirnice pripremaju s pažljivošću i vrhunskim znanjem i pričaju bansku gastro priču ovoga kraja. Kušajte jela iz Novodvorske kuharice koje je jeo i sam ban, kao što su lungić kočijaš, novodvorska juha, banski medaljoni u

TZ Zaprešić/Zaprešić Tourist Board TZ Zaprešić/Zaprešić Tourist Board



01 Panoramski pogled na barokni dvorac Lužnica i engleski perivoj s jezerom i šumom koji se prostire na 8 hektara A bird’s-eye view of the baroque Lužnica Manor and its English landscape-style park featuring a lake and a forest spreading over 8 hectares 02 Vršilnica, jedinstveni multimedijski objekt za kulturna i poslovna događanja Vršilnica, a one-of-a-kind multimedia cultural and corporate venue 03 Dvorac Novi dvori bana Jelačića Ban Josip Jelačić’s Novi Dvori Manor 04 Konjički turizam, imanje obitelji Trajbar The Trajbar family estate’s horseback riding holiday offer

TZ Zaprešić/Zaprešić Tourist Board

TZ Zaprešić/Zaprešić Tourist Board



umaku od šumskih gljiva te se zasladite poznatim desertom, grofičinim sladoledom sa zapečenim bučinim sjemenkama i bučinim uljem, što mu daje jedinstvenu aromu. Za slatkopljupce predlažemo posjet nagrađivanoj slastičarnici Trinity Sweets u centru Zaprešića ili poznatoj čokolateriji Nautilus. Moderniju kuhinju svakako kušajte na imanju obitelji Trajbar, čiji je restoran uvršten u gastro vodič Gault&Millau Croatia, a gdje osim slasnih zalogaja možete uživati i u jahanju. Aktivan odmor nude brojne biciklističke, kulturne i planinarske staze od kojih izdvajamo uspon na vidikovac Kameni svati. Smješten na obroncima Medvednice, ovaj vidikovac poklanja spektakularan pogled na zaprešićki kraj, Hrvatsko zagorje i granicu sa Slovenijom. Tu se smjestio i šarmantni obiteljski objekt Gec, koji nudi širok spektar usluga od smještaja do quad safarija. Raznolikost sadržaja koje nudi ovaj mali grad teško je pobrojati. Posjetite tvornicu Hrvatskog kišobrana i razgledajte kako se proizvodi jedan od najpoznatijih domaćih proizvoda, provezite se skelom na rijeci Savi koja spaja Zaprešić sa Samoborom, a ako planirate lagano i idilično poslijepodne, posjetite barokni dvorac Lužnicu. Uživajte u prekrasnom perivoju dvorca i



01 Trg dr. Franje Tuđmana Dr Franjo Tuđman’s Square

G. Sermek

02 Panoramski pogled na Nove dvore − dvorac, perivoj i kapelica sv. Josipa A bird’s-eye view of the Novi Dvori Manor − the manor, its park, and the Chapel of St. Joseph

druženju s vlasnicama dvorca, časnim sestrama milosrdnicama sv. Vinka Paulskog. Istraživanje Zaprešića završite posjetom slikovitom jezeru Zajarki, koje je pravi ribički adut, a ako ste za shopping, onda je pravo mjesto Westgate shopping city, najveći trgovački centar u Hrvatskoj. Proljeće u Zaprešić donosi buđenje prirode, ali i mnoštvo događanja od kojih treba istaknuti veliki obiteljski festival Dani Jelačića, koji će se ove godine održati početkom lipnja. Želite li provesti jedan dan ili ispunjeni vikend, Zaprešić je zavodnik kojeg svakako morate istražiti, upoznati i doživjeti. Mi  smo se zaljubili u njega, a jamčimo da će i vas očarati.


till undiscovered and somewhat unpretentious, the town of Zaprešić was built on a foundation of a rich history. Today, it’s a young town that caters to all the needs of its residents − quiet yet vibrant and enjoyable to live in. Zaprešić is as little as 17 kilometres from the capital of Croatia, and is the main entryway to the north-western part of the Green Ring of the Zagreb County. The character of Zaprešić and its surroundings can be described as a blend of the urban and the rural. Modern architecture, and newly built town squares are the heart of the urban core of the town, which is today home to nearly 30,000 residents. Its urban heart is surrounded by a green landscape dominated by the Sutla, Sava, and Krapina rivers featuring low rolling hills and a fertile valley, all of which is an irresistible invitation to meet up with friends and explore the natural beauty of the region. The history and cultural heritage of Zaprešić is inextricably linked to the story of Ban Josip Jelačić, a giant of 19th century Croatian history, after whom Zagreb’s main square was named. It’s a lesser-known fact that the residence of the Jelačić family and the Ban himself was in Zaprešić − in the Novi Dvori Manor, to be precise. Spreading across more than 20 ha, and dominated by the manor itself, it’s a manorial estate, and an excellent place to start your exploration of Zaprešić from. Although the manor building hasn’t yet been renovated, which means that you get to enjoy only its exterior, Novi Dvori offers a whole host of other facilities and attractions − its forest park, the Chapel of St. Joseph, the curia, its outbuildings, and a tree-lined avenue that leads to the tomb of Ban Josip Jelačić. Surrounded by a centuries-old forest, during the spring and summer this complex becomes a place for socialising and meeting up with friends, and a stage for outdoor concerts, programmes, and events, for which the manor is the most beautiful backdrop.



I. Vranjić



In Novi Dvori, why don’t you visit the museum dedicated to the Croatian painter Matija Skurjeni, whose surreal works will surely delight you. The manorial estate also houses an old threshing mill called Vršilnica. It’s been renovated, and is today one of the most sought-after multimedia venues in Croatia spreading over 670 square metres, ideal for business meetings, conferences, cultural events, and weddings. The estate also boasts modern golf courses where guests can relax while enjoying a great offer of foods and drinks. You’ll also get to savour the richness of tastes and smells of bygone times reflected in the offer of great local culinary corners, where much care, attention, and top knowledge is put into transforming local ingredients into dishes that tell the culinary story of this region. Why not try the dishes printed in the Novi Dvori Cookbook (Novodvorska kuharica)? It brings recipes for dishes that the Ban himself ate, such as coachman’s pork tenderloin or lungić kočijaš, Novi Dvori soup, Ban’s medallions in wild mushroom sauce, and the countess’s ice cream, a famous dessert starring roasted pumpkin seeds and pumpkin oil, which give the ice cream a unique flavour. If you have a sweet tooth, head to the award-winning Trinity Sweets patisserie in the town centre of Zaprešić or the famous Nautilus chocolate shop. Be sure to also try the more modern cuisine offered on the menu of the Trajbar family estate, whose restaurant is included in the Gault&Millau Croatia restaurant guide, and where, besides delighting in delicious dishes, you can also enjoy horseback riding. If you’re into an active holiday, Zaprešić has got numerous bike, culture, and hiking trails, from which the ascent to the Kameni Svati lookout point should be singled out. Located on the slopes of Medvednica Mountain, this lookout offers spectacular vistas of the

regions of Zaprešić, Zagorje, and the border with Slovenia. This is also where you’ll find Gec, a charming family-run business that offers a wide range of services from accommodation to quad bike safaris. It’s difficult to list the variety of facilities offered by this small town. Why not include a visit to the Croatian Umbrella Factory on your itinerary to check out how one of the most famous local products is made, or take a ferry on the Sava River that connects Zaprešić with Samobor? And if you’d prefer a lighter and idyllic afternoon, why not visit the baroque Lužnica Manor? There, you’ll get to enjoy the manor’s beautiful park gardens, and hang out with the owners of the manor, the Sisters of Mercy of St. Vincent de Paul. You can round off your exploration of Zaprešić by visiting the picturesque Zajarki Lake, a real fishing gem, and if you’re into shopping, then Westgate Shopping City, the biggest shopping centre in Croatia, is the place to go. Spring brings with it the awakening of nature in Zaprešić, as well as many events, from which the fabulous Jelačić Days family festival should be singled out, which is to be held in early June this year. Whether it’s for a single day or a full weekend packed with things to do, Zaprešić will surely seduce you inviting you to explore, get to know, and experience it. We fell in love with it. And we promise that you too will surely be enchanted by it.  Jezero Zajarki (Bager) Zajarki Lake, also known as Bager

D. Đopar

powered by CROATIA AIRLINES 1/2022 _


To je Hrvatska Re­pu­bli­ka Hrvat­ska smjeπte­na je uz istoË­ nu oba­lu Ja­dran­skog mo­ra i u nje­go­vu za­le­u. Pro­teæe se od obro­na­ka Al­pa na sje­ve­ro­za­pa­du do pa­non­ske rav­ni­ce na isto­ku. Povrπina je nje­zi­na kop­na 56.542 Ëe­tvor­na ki­lo­me­tra, a povrπina te­ri­to­rijalnog mo­ra 31.067 Ëe­tvor­nih ki­lo­me­ta­ra. U Hrvat­ skoj æivi, pre­ma po­pi­su iz 2011. go­di­ne, 4,284.889 stanovnika. Duæina je mor­ske oba­le 5835 km za­jed­no s oto­ci­ma, oto­Ëi­Êi­ ma i gre­be­ni­ma. Oto­ka, oto­Ëi­Êa i gre­be­na ima 1185, a na­se­lje­no je 47 oto­ka. Sluæbe­ni je­zik je­st hrvat­ski, a pi­smo la­ti­niË­ no. Nov­Ëa­na je­di­ni­ca − ku­na. Glav­ni je grad Za­greb (790.017 sta­nov­ni­ ka), ko­ji je ujed­no ad­mi­ni­s­tra­tiv­no, kul­tur­no, aka­dem­sko i trgo­vaË­ko sre­diπte zem­lje. Hrvat­ska je međunarodno priznata 15. siječnja 1992. godine, a od 1. srpnja 2013. g. Ëlanica je Europske unije. This is Croatia The Re­pu­blic of Cro­a­tia li­es along the ea­st co­a­st of the Adri­a­tic Sea and its hin­ter­land. It stret­ches from the slo­pes of the Al­ps in the nor­th-we­st to the Pan­no­ni­an Pla­in in the ea­ st. Its land area is 56,542 km2 and the area of its ter­ri­to­ri­al sea is 31,067 km2. According to the 2011 cen­sus, Cro­a­tia’s popu­la­ti­on was 4,284,889. The len­gth of its sea co­a­st is 5835 km, in­clu­ding islan­ds, islets and re­efs. The­re are 1185 islan­ds, islets and re­efs, of which 47 islan­ds are in­ha­bi­ted. The of­fi­ci­al lan­gu­a­ge is Cro­a­ti­an, and the of­fi­ ci­al script is La­tin. The cur­ren­cy is the Ku­na. The ca­pi­tal is Za­greb (790,017 in­ha­bi­tan­ts), which is al­so the co­un­try’s ad­mi­ni­s­tra­ti­ve, cul­tu­ral, aca­de­mic and eco­no­mic cen­ter. The Con­sti­tu­ti­on of the Re­pu­blic of Cro­a­tia was adop­ted on 22 De­cem­ber 1990, and the co­untry re­ce­i­ved in­ter­na­ti­o­nal re­cog­ni­ti­ on on 15 Ja­nu­ary 1992. Croatia became an EU member state on 1st July 2013. Nacionalni parkovi ­­Hrvat­ska ima osam na­ci­o­nal­nih par­ko­va, od kojih su Ëe­ti­ri u pla­nin­skom po­dru­Ëju (Pa­kle­ni­ca, Pli­tviËka je­ze­ra, Ri­snjak i Sje­ ver­ni Ve­le­bit), a Ëe­ti­ri na obal­nom po­dru­Ëju (Bri­ju­ni, Kor­na­ti, Krka i Mljet). Nji­ma, kao pro­stor oso­bi­to vri­jed­ne pri­rod­ne baπti­ne,



tre­ba pri­do­da­ti i po­dru­Ëja pod stro­gom zaπti­tom pri­ro­de, re­zer­va­te, spo­me­ni­ke pri­ro­de, par­ko­ve pri­ro­de. Zbog svih njih Hrvat­sku mno­gi sma­tra­ju jed­nim od naj­ ljepπih eu­rop­skih vrto­va. National parks Cro­a­tia has eig­ht na­ti­o­nal par­ks, fo­ur of which are lo­ca­ted in the mo­un­ta­in re­gi­on (Pa­kle­ni­ca, Pli­tvi­ce La­kes, Ri­snjak and Nor­ thern Ve­le­bit), and fo­ur in the co­a­stal re­gi­on (Bri­ju­ni, Kor­na­ti, Krka and Mljet). Be­si­des the­se, cer­ta­in are­as un­der strict na­tu­re pro­ tec­ti­on ∑ re­ser­ves, na­tu­ral mo­nu­men­ts and na­tu­ral par­ks ∑ sho­uld be men­ti­o­ned as a na­tu­ral he­ri­ta­ge of spe­ci­al va­lue. They ha­ve all con­tri­bu­ted to Cro­a­tia’s be­ing con­si­de­red one of the mo­st be­a­u­ti­ful gar­dens of Eu­ro­pe. Proπlost za sadaπnjost Hrvat­ska obi­lu­je kul­tur­no-po­vi­je­snim spo­ me­ni­ci­ma iz svih ra­zdob­lja zbog bur­nih po­ vi­je­snih zbi­va­nja i pre­ple­ta­nja utje­ca­ja ra­ zli­Ëi­tih kul­tu­ra. Nje­zi­nu oba­lu ka­rak­te­ri­zi­ra­ju utje­ca­ji me­di­te­ran­ske kul­tu­re, mno­gi an­tiË­ki spo­me­ni­ci, spo­me­ni­ci iz rim­skog ra­zdob­lja i ra­no­ga sred­njeg vi­je­ka, ro­ma­niË­ko-sa­kral­ na baπti­na te niz oËu­va­nih ka­rak­te­ri­stiË­nih me­di­te­ran­skih ur­ba­nih cje­li­na. Kon­ti­nen­ tal­na Hrvat­ska dio je sred­njo­e­u­rop­sko­ga kul­tur­nog kru­ga i isti­Ëe se mno­gim pra­po­ vi­je­snim na­la­zi­ma sv­jet­ske vaæno­sti, sta­rim gra­do­vi­ma, utvrda­ma i dvor­ci­ma ka­sno­ga sred­njeg vi­je­ka, kul­tur­nim spo­me­ni­ci­ma i ar­hi­tek­tu­rom iz ra­zdob­lja ba­ro­ka. Tri hrvat­ske ur­ba­ne cje­li­ne i dva spo­me­ niË­ka kom­plek­sa ima­ju sta­tus spo­me­ni­ka sv­jet­ske kul­tur­ne baπti­ne, ko­ji do­dje­lju­je Une­sco. To su ka­sno­an­tiË­ka Di­o­kle­ci­ja­no­va pa­la­Ëa, pre­gra­e­na ti­je­kom sto­lje­Êa u sred­ njov­je­kov­ni Split, gra­do­vi Du­brov­nik i Tro­gir te Eu­fra­zi­je­va ba­zi­li­ka u Po­re­Ëu i ka­te­dra­la sv. Ja­ko­va u ©ibe­ni­ku. Na­ci­o­nal­ni park Pli­tviË­ka je­ze­ra, naj­ljepπi i najpozna­ti­ji hrvat­ski na­ci­o­nal­ni park, ta­ko­ er je dio Une­sco­ve Sv­jet­ske baπti­ne. A past for the present Cro­a­tia is rich in cul­tu­ral and hi­sto­ri­cal monuments from all eras, due to the tur­bu­lent even­ts of hi­story and the in­ter­la­cing of in­ flu­en­ces of dif­fe­rent cul­tu­res. Its co­a­st is cha­

rac­te­ri­zed by the in­flu­ences of Me­di­ter­ra­ne­an cul­tu­re, nu­me­ro­us an­ci­ent re­ma­ins, mo­nu­ men­ts of the Ro­man era and ear­ly Mid­dle Ages, a Ro­ma­ne­sque chur­ch he­ri­ta­ge and a num­ber of di­stin­cti­ve Me­di­ter­ra­ne­an ur­ban en­ti­ti­es that ha­ve be­en pre­ser­ved. Inland Cro­a­tia is a part of the Cen­tral Eu­ro­pe­an cul­ tu­ral circle and is di­stin­gu­i­shed by nu­me­ro­us pre­hi­sto­ric fin­din­gs of wor­ld sig­ni­fi­cance, by old tow­ns, for­tre­sses and ca­s­tles da­ting from the la­te Mid­dle Ages, and cul­tu­ral mo­nu­men­ts and ar­chi­tec­tu­re from the Ba­ro­que era. Three Cro­a­ti­an ci­ti­es and two mo­nu­men­tal com­-ple­xes ha­ve the sta­tus of mo­nu­men­ts of wor­ld cul­tu­ral he­ri­ta­ge ac­cor­ded by UNE­ SCO. The­se are the La­te An­ti­que Pa­la­ce of Di­o­cle­ti­an, re­mo­de­led thro­ugh the cen­tu­ri­es in­to the me­di­e­val city of Split, the ci­ti­es of Du­brov­nik and Tro­gir, the Ba­si­li­ca of Eup­hra­ si­us in Po­reË and the Cat­he­dral of St. Jacob in ©ibe­nik. The na­ti­o­nal park of the Pli­tvi­ce La­kes, Cro­ a­tia’s mo­st be­a­u­ti­ful and ce­le­bra­ted na­ti­o­nal park, is al­so a part of UNE­SCO’s wor­ld he­ri­ta­ge. Hrvatska - turistiËki hit na Sredozemlju Hrvat­ska je po­sljed­njih go­di­na − ocje­nju­ju meu­na­rod­ni tu­ri­stiË­ki znal­ci i sta­ti­sti­Ëa­ri − hit-odre­di­πte na Sre­do­zem­lju. Hrvat­ska je bli­zu ne sa­mo zbog svoga geograf­skog smještaja ne­go i zbog mreæe zraË­nih lu­ka i kva­li­tet­nih uslu­ga na­ci­o­nal­ nog avi­o­pri­je­vo­zni­ka Croatia Air­li­ne­sa te dru­gih zraË­nih pri­je­vo­zni­ka. I zbog svoje mreæe au­to­ce­sta i po­lu­a­u­to­ce­sta Hrvat­ska je bliæa ne­go ikad. Ako ste pak oda­bra­li od­mor na jed­no­me od mno­gih hrvat­skih oto­ka, pri­je­voz tra­jek­tom ili hi­dro­gli­se­rom s kop­na tra­jat Êe − i kad su po­sri­je­di oni na­ju­da­lje­ni­ji − kraÊe od 2 sa­ta. Croatia - a Mediterranean tourism success Cro­a­tia has be­en a hit de­sti­na­ti­on in the Me­di­ter­ra­ne­an in the pa­st few ye­ars, say sta­ti­sti­ci­ans and in­ter­na­ti­o­nal ex­per­ts in to­u­ri­sm. Croatia is close not only because of its geographic position, but also because of its network of airports and the top quality services provided by Croatia Airlines, its

national carrier, as well as other airliners. Also, due to its network of highways and semi-motorways, Croatia is closer than ever. If you have decided to spend your vacation on any one of the numerous islands in Croatia, even the most distant ones, it will take less than 2 hours by ferry or hydrofoil from the mainland. Novac i naËin plaÊanja Ku­na je na ­ziv nov­Ëa­ne je­di­ni­ce Re­pu­bli­ ke Hrvat­ske. U op­tje­ca­ju su nov­Ëa­ni­ce ku­na (kn) i ko­va­ni no­vac ku­na i li­pa (lp), (100 li­pa = 1 ku­na). Mo­gu­Êe je pla­Êa­nje

kre­dit­nim kar ­ti­ca­ma (Di­ners, Vi­sa, Ame­ ri­can Ex­pre­s s, Eu­ro­card i Ma­ster­card) i eu­ro­Ëe­ko­vi­ma. No­vac se moæe po­di­za­ti i na ban­ko­ma­ti­ma. Currency and payment methods The cur­ren­cy of the Re­pu­blic of Cro­a­tia is cal­led the Ku­na (kn). In cir­cu­la­ti­on are ban­k no­tes in Ku­na and co­ins in Ku­na and Li­pa (lp) ∑ one hun­dred­th. Pay­men­ts can be ma­de by cre­dit card (Di­ners, Vi­sa, Ame­ri­can Ex­pre­ss, Eu­ro­card and Ma­ster­ card), as well as eu­ro-chec­ks. Ca­sh can be wit­hdrawn from AT­Ms.

ZEMLJOVID HRVATSKE MAP OF CROATIA Odrediπta Croatia Airlinesa Croatia Airlines destinations stalna / regular sezonska ljetna / seasonal in summer

motorway, fast roads toll station tunnel, bridge other main roads national parks nature parks international border crossing petrol stations (0-24) airports ferry routes UNESCO World Heritage





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NOVOSTI NEWS tvrđuje svoj postupni prijelaz na održivo zrakoplovstvo.

Š. Lugarov

Croatia Airlines signed declaration on decarbonisation of aviation Our company signed the Toulouse Declaration in February, an important agreement that marks the beginning of a new era in Europe’s aviation sector and its greener future. By signing this important declaration, Europe has become the first region in the world to reach an agreement between public authorities and private stakeholders on the decarbonisation of aviation, which confirms Europe’s gradual transition to sustainable aviation.

Star Alliance proglašen vodećim zrakoplovnim savezom 2022. godine Na dodjeli nagrada Air Transport Awards 11. veljače u Ekaliju u Grčkoj naša krovna udruga Star Alliance proglašena je zrakoplovnim savezom godine četvrti put zaredom. Skupina stručnjaka iz zrakoplovne industrije odabrala je Star Alliance i odala mu priznanje zbog iznimnog doprinosa budućnosti zračnog prometa. Izvršni direktor Star Alliancea Jeffrey Goh tom je prigodom izjavio: − Star Alliance uistinu je počašćen što je višestruki dobitnik ove prestižne nagrade. Ovakvo kontinuirano priznanje dokaz je našeg inovativnog duha i naše predanosti poboljšanju korisničkog iskustva. Ova nagrada nas ohrabruje dok zajedničkim snagama izranjamo iz najdublje krize s kojom se naša industrija ikad susrela.

Croatia Airlines podupire novu deklaraciju o dekarbonizaciji zrakoplovstva Naša je kompanija u veljači potpisala Deklaraciju iz Toulousea, važan sporazum koji označava novo poglavlje u europskoj zrakoplovnoj industriji i njezinoj zelenijoj budućnosti. Potpisivanjem ove važne deklaracije Europa postaje prva regija na svijetu koja je ostvarila sporazum između javnih tijela i privatnih dionika vezanih uz dekarbonizaciju zrakoplovstva i tako po-

Fly & Sail − nova ponuda za vaš savršen odmor Potpisali smo ugovor o poslovnoj suradnji s Ban toursom, vodećom putničkom agencijom, kojim ćemo u idućem razdoblju nastojati unaprijediti hrvatsku turističku ponudu te Hrvatsku učiniti još privlačnijom destinacijom i izborom mnogih turista. Navedena suradnja omogućit će svim domaćim i inozemnim turistima da uz atraktivne cijene i popuste od 15 % na najam jedrilice te 15 % na cijenu zrakoplovne karte provedu nezaboravne dane na svojem odmoru u Hrvatskoj. Croatia Airlines i Ban tours važni su dionici u svakodnevnom unapređenju i održavanju hrvatske turističke ponude.

Unsplash, D. Giannatti

Star Alliance named Alliance of the Year at 2022 Air Transport Awards Star Alliance, Croatia Airlines’ umbrella organisation, was named Alliance of the Year for the fourth consecutive year at the Air Transport Awards held on the 11th February in Ekali, Greece. A panel of aviation industry experts selected Star Alliance in recognition of its exceptional contribution to the future of air travel. Accepting the award, Jeffrey Goh, CEO of Star Alliance, said: − Star Alliance is truly honoured to be a repeat winner of this prestigious Air Transport Award. Continued recognition of our work is testament to our innovative spirit, and our shared commitment to improving customer

experience. This award encourages us as we collectively emerge from the deepest crisis our industry has ever encountered.



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Zajedničko strateško promišljanje zasigurno će dodatno podignuti ljestvicu kvalitete, koju turisti od Republike Hrvatske s pravom i očekuju pa su inicijative poput ove svakako dobrodošle. Fly & Sail − a new offer for your perfect holiday We have signed a partnership agreement with Ban Tours, a leading travel agency, which will, in the coming period, help us to upgrade Croatia’s holiday offer, and enhance Croatia’s attractiveness as a destination and choice for many visitors. This partnership will make it possible for all local and foreign tourists to make unforgettable memories on their holidays in Croatia thanks to attractive prices, and a 15% discount on sailboat rental services and on air ticket prices. Croatia Airlines and Ban Tours are important stakeholders in both maintaining and bettering Croatia’s holiday offer. Joint strategic thinking will certainly raise the quality bar, which visitors and holidaymakers rightly expect from Croatia, so initiatives such as this one are more than welcome.

30 godina partnerstva s Lufthansom Technik Naša kompanija 3. travnja ove godine obilježava 30 godina iznimno uspješne suradnje s Lufthansom Technik AG. Croatia Airlines i Lufthansa Technik, vodeći pružatelj usluga tehničkog održavanja zrakoplova, zrakoplovnih komponenti i motora, na području održavanja zrakoplova uspješno surađuju od 1992. godine, kad je Lufthansa Technik počela pružati podršku našoj floti Boeinga 737. Nadamo se da ćemo i u budućnosti uspješno surađivati i biti pouzdani partneri prepoznatljivi po visokoj razini profesionalnosti i kvaliteti. 30th anniversary of partnership with Lufthansa Technik On the 3rd April this year, our company is celebrating the 30th anniversary of successful partnership with Lufthansa Technik AG. Croatia Airlines and Lufthansa Technik − a leading provider of aircraft maintenance, repair, and overhaul services − have been collaborating successfully in the field of aircraft maintenance since 1992, when Lufthansa Technik started maintaining our Boeing 737 fleet. We look forward to continuing our successful partnership, and to continuing to be reliable partners that demonstrate a high level of professionalism, and that are recognised for their quality.

AKD je tvrtka koja razvija IT rješenja u području digitalnih identiteta i sigurnosti, sustave sljedivosti proizvoda te pruža usluge bankarskom sektoru i fintech industriji. Specijalizirani smo za proizvodnju nacionalnih dokumenata te sudjelujemo u strateškim projektima državne uprave u području digitalne transformacije. Europski smo pružatelj usluga povjerenja koji obavlja usluge izdavanja udaljenih kvalificiranih certifikata te certifikata na elektroničkim osobnim iskaznicama i poslovnim elektroničkim karticama.

www.akd.hr CROATIA AIRLINES 1/2022 _


On the rise together since 1992

Lufthansa Technik thanks Croatia Airlines for 30 amazing years of shared history. Lufthansa Technik AG | marketing@lht.dlh.de | lufthansa-technik.com




Obroci inspirirani Zagrebom

oni koji putuju u druge gradove osjetit će tračak zagrebačke dobrodošlice u našem zrakoplovu. Dobrodošli!

The ambiance in our aircraft is imbued with the symbols of Croatia’s capital thanks to our collaboration with the Zagreb Tourist Board. Passengers will get to savour the flavours of Zagreb’s cuisine via a number of specialities typical of the region served in our aircraft, including, for example, smoked cooked

pressed cheese, Samobor salami, walnut roll, honey cookies, pumpkin seed crackers, etc. Also, passengers will get to learn more about Zagreb from visitor information brochures and leaflets they’ll be given, and short films that’ll be shown during our flights. Our aircraft will also be decorated with heart-shaped souvenirs typical of Zagreb. In short, passengers on our flights can expect to feel as if they’re already in Zagreb, Croatia’s capital, even before they land, while those continuing their travel to other cities will, in our aircraft, get a feel for what it’s like to be welcomed in Zagreb. Welcome!

Š. Lugarov

Ugođaj u našim zrakoplovima u znaku je glavnoga hrvatskoga grada zahvaljujući suradnji s Turističkom zajednicom grada Zagreba. Okuse Zagreba putnici mogu osjetiti preko nekih tipičnih specijaliteta ovog podneblja kao što su, primjerice, dimljeni kuhani kravlji sir, samoborska salama, orehnjača, medenjaci, krekeri s bučinim sjemenkama... Također, saznat će više o Zagrebu iz letaka koje će dobiti, kratkih filmova u zrakoplovima, a tu su i zagrebački ukrasi u obliku srca. Ukratko, putnici na našim letovima osjećat će se već kao da su u Zagrebu i prije nego što slete u glavni hrvatski grad, a

Š. Lugarov

Meals inspired by Zagreb









Visa Gold Croatia Airlines kartica - 5 kuna = 1 nagradna milja − za svakih 5 kuna potrošenih preko ove kartice, bilježi se 1 nagradna milja - 2000 milja dobrodošlice na Miles & More računu za nove korisnike - 1000 milja dobrodošlice za dodatnog člana - Putno osiguranje - Milje ne zastarijevaju - Dvostruke nagradne milje − za plaćanje u poslovnicama Croatia Airlinesa i PBZ Card Travela

Visa Gold Croatia Airlines card - 5 HRK = 1 award mile − for every 5 HRK spent via this card, you collect 1 mile - 2000 welcome miles on Miles & More account for new basic and 1000 welcome miles for new additional card users - Travel insurance - Miles do not expire - Earn double award miles − using the card to pay at Croatia Airlines and PBZ Card Travel

Diners Club Croatia Airlines kreditna kartica - 5 kuna = 1 nagradna milja − za svakih 5 kuna potrošenih preko ove kartice, bilježi se 1 nagradna milja. - Prikupljajte nagradne milje svuda − jednostavno plaćajte svojom Diners Club karticom na bilo kojemu od 12,000.000 DC prodajnih mjesta u zemlji i inozemstvu. - 2 kartice − 1 račun Miles & More − koristite li se istodobno privatnom i poslovnom karticom Diners Cluba i Croatia Airlinesa, prikupljene nagradne milje zbrajaju se na istom računu Miles & More.

Diners Club Croatia Airlines credit card - 5 HRK = 1 award mile − for every 5 HRK spent via this card, you collect 1 mile

VISA Croatia Airlines kreditna kartica Croatia Airlines i Erste Card Club nude i VISA Croatia Airlines samostalnu karticu, poslovnu i privatnu. Potrošnja od 14 kuna u Hrvatskoj na samostalnim karticama donosi 1 nagradnu Miles & More milju, a za potrošenih 7 kuna u inozemstvu dobiva se preko kartica u paketu 1 nagradna Miles & More milja.

VISA Croatia Airlines credit card Croatia Airlines and Erste Card Club offer a VISA Croatia Airlines standalone credit card, both business and private. You will get 1 Miles & More award mile for every 14 HRK spent via standalone credit card whereas for every 7 HRK spent abroad via companion credit cards 1 Miles & More award mile will be credited to your account.

Više informacija možete pronaći na:

Please find detailed info at:



- Collect award miles everywhere − simply pay with your Diners Club Card in any of 12 million DC offices in Croatia or abroad - 2 credit cards − 1 Miles & More membership account − use your private and business card to collect award miles on the same membership account







Dopuštena ručna prtljaga za putnike ekonomskog razreda je 1 komad, a za putnike poslovnog razreda 2 komada (težine do 8 kg i zbroja dimenzija do 115 cm) Veće komade ručne prtljage spremite u pretince, a manje stavite ispod sjedala ispred vas, osim u redovima kod izlaza za slučaj opasnosti. Dodatno, svaki putnik može ponijeti u kabinu: - 1 komad osobne prtljage najveće dopuštene veličine 40x30x10 cm - putuje li s djetetom do 2 g. - 1 dječja kolica ili autosjedalicu ili nosiljku te hranu za bebe - bolesne i invalidne osobe mogu ponijeti ortopedska pomagala ili protetske naprave

The hand baggage allowance for economy class passengers is 1 piece and for business class passengers 2 pieces (weighing up to 8 kg, whose total sum of dimensions does not exceed 115 cm). Your hand baggage must be stowed in overhead compartments. All smaller bags must be placed under the seat in front of you, except in emergency exit rows. Each passenger may additionally take into the passenger cabin the following: - 1 personal item whose maximum size does not exceed 40x30x10 cm (16x12x4 in); - each passenger travelling with a child under 2 years of age is also allowed to take aboard 1 infant's carrying basket or a fully collapsible stroller/pushchair or a car seat and baby food; - disabled passengers may also take 1 pair of crutches and/or braces or any other prosthetic device.

20 cm 100ml

30 cm


20 cm TEKUĆINE U RUČNOJ PRTLJAZI U zrakoplov se smiju unositi: - tekućine kupljene u duty free prodavaonicama ili u zrakoplovu, pod uvjetom da su spremljene u prozirne plastične vrećice, zapečaćene prilikom kupnje (STEB) i ne smiju se otvarati do krajnjeg odredišta - tekućine pakirane u pojedinačnim pakiranjima do 100 ml ili 100 g u prozirnoj plastičnoj vrećici sa zatvaračem do 1 litre - tekućine koje se tijekom leta koriste u medicinske svrhe ili zbog posebnih prehrambenih potreba (dječja hrana). Ostale tekućine mogu se prevoziti u predanoj prtljazi. LIQUIDS IN YOUR HAND BAGGAGE

Carry-on baggage

10 cm

Please place this bag under the seat in front of you.

The following can be taken aboard our aircraft:

Not for exit rows.

40 cm

55 cm

20 cm

40 cm



- liquids purchased in airside duty free shops past the airport security check, provided they are stored in transparent plastic bags, sealed when purchased (STEB) and remain unopened until your final destination; - liquids packed in individual packaging up to 100 ml or 100 gr and stored in a transparent plastic bag with a zipper (up to maximally 1 litre); - liquids that are to be used during flights for medical purposes or for special nutritional needs (baby food). Other liquids can be transported in your checked baggage.


Dopuštene elektr - digitalni audio / MP3 uređaji - elektroničke igre - e-čitači ŽIVOTINJE U PUTNIČKOJ KABINI - prijenosna / notebook računala ŽIVOTINJE U PUTNIČKOJ KABINI samo dvije životinje - dva psa ili dvije - prijenosni DVD / oničke CD uređaji naprave: U kabini se istodobno mogu prevoziti mačke. Prijevoz psa i mačke na istome Bluetooth uređaji telefoni - mobilni / pametni samo dvije životinje - dva psa ili dvije U kabini se istodobno mogumogu prevoziti letu nije dozvoljen. Životinje kamere - tablet računala mačke. Prijevoz psa i mačke na istome putovati isključivo u torbi za nošenje i medicinski slušalice zauređaji suzbijanje buke letu nije dozvoljen. Životinje mogu -- digitalni audio / MP3 uređaji prijevoz kućnih ljubimaca, a tijekom električni brijaći putovati isključivo u torbi za nošenje i -- elektroničke igreaparati cijeloga leta moraju biti u torbi ispod prijevoz kućnih ljubimaca, a tijekom -Zabranjene e-čitači elektroničke naprave: prednjeg sjedala. Životinje koje se zbog cijeloga leta moraju biti u torbi ispod -- prijenosna / notebook računala samobalansirajući uređaji koji sadrže - prijenosni DVD / CD uređaji veličine ne mogu prevoziti u putničkoj prednjeg sjedala. Životinje koje se zbog baterije nisu dozvoljeni u ručnoj i -litijeve Bluetooth uređaji kabini prevoze se u prtljažniku zrakoploveličine ne mogu prevoziti u putničkoj -predanoj kamere prtljazi va. Putnik je dužan pribaviti potrebnu kabini prevoze se u prtljažniku zrakoplo-ELECTRONIC medicinski uređaji dokumentaciju. Prijevoz životinja treba DEVICES IN YOUR HAND va. Putnik je dužan pribaviti potrebnu -BAGGAGE električni brijaći aparati unaprijed rezervirati i dodatno se plaća dokumentaciju. Prijevoz životinja treba Zabranjene elektroničke naprave: u poslovnicama. The use of electronic devices is allowed unaprijed rezervirati i dodatno se plaća -only elektronički uređaji za simuliranje pušenja in airplane mode. Heavy and large u poslovnicama. -devices samobalansirajući uređaji kojiwhile sadrže ANIMALS IN THE PASSENGER CABIN must be stored away the litijeve baterije ANIMALS IN THE PASSENGER CABIN seat belt sign isnisu on. dozvoljeni u ručnoj i can be transported at the same time predanoj prtljazi On the same flight, only two animals Electronic devices allowed aboard our either two dogs or two cats. The can be transported at the same time On the same flight, only two animals aircraft: transportation of dogs and cats on the either two dogs or two cats. The - mobile/smartDEVICES telephones same flight is not permitted. A passenELECTRONIC IN YOUR HAND transportation of dogs and cats on the - tablet computers BAGGAGE ger can carry only one pet bag to be same flight is not permitted. A passen- noise-cancelling headphones held under the seat in front of the The use of electronic devices is allowed ger can carry only one pet bag to be - digital audio/MP3 players passenger throughout the entire flight. only in airplane mode. Heavy and large held under the seat in front of the - electronic games Animals that cannot be transported in devices must be stored away while the passenger throughout the entire flight. - e-book readers the passenger cabin due to their size seat belt sign is on. Animals that cannot be transported in - laptop/notebook computers are transported in the aircraft hold if Electronic devices allowed aboard our the passenger cabin due to their size - portable DVD/CD players aircraft: they meet certain conditions. Passenare transported in the aircraft hold if Bluetooth devices - mobile/smart telephones gers are required to obtain all the they meet certain conditions. Passen- tablet computers cameras necessary documentation. Animal noise-cancelling headphones gers are required to obtain all the medical devices players transportation must be booked in -- digital audio/MP3 necessary documentation. Animal electric shavers advance at an additional charge to be -- electronic games transportation must be booked in paid in any branch office. -Electronic e-book readers devices not allowed aboard advance at an additional charge to be - laptop/notebook computers our aircraft: paid in any branch office. - portable DVD/CD players self-balancing devices that run on -- Bluetooth devices batteries are not allowed in either -lithium cameras your hand baggage or checked baggage - medical devices Electr - electric shavers ELEKTRONIČKI UREĐAJI U RUČNOJ onic devices not allowed aboar PRTLJAZI d our aircraft: Upotreba elektroničkih uređaja dopuštena - electric smoking simulation devices je isključivo u zrakoplovnom a teže i ELEKTRONIČKI UREĐAJI U radu, RUČNOJ -ZABRANJENI self-balancingPREDMETI devices that run on veće uređaje potrebno je pospremiti dok je PRTLJAZI lithium batteries are not allowed in either Zakonom je zabranjeno nošenje opasnoga upaljen znak obaveznoga vezanja. your hand baggage or checked baggage materijala u ručnoj i predanoj prtljazi. Upotreba elektroničkih uređaja dopuštena Dopuštene elektroničke naprave: To su eksplozivi, lako zapaljive tekućine i je isključivo u zrakoplovnom - mobilni / pametni telefoni radu, a teže i čvrste tvari, radioaktivni materijali, veće uređaje potrebno je pospremiti dok je - tablet računala infektivne tvari i otrovi, oružje, stlačeni upaljen znak vezanja. plinovi, korozivna i oksidirajuća sredstva itd. - slušalice zaobaveznoga suzbijanje buke


ITEMS NOT ALLOWED The carrying of hazardous items and materials in either your hand baggage or checked baggage is prohibited by law. ZABRANJENI PREDMETI These are explosives, flammable liquids and solids, radioactive materials, infectious Zakonom je zabranjeno nošenje opasnoga substances and poisons, weapons, materijala u ručnoj i predanoj prtljazi. compressed gases, corrosive and To su eksplozivi, lako zapaljive tekućine i oxidising agents, etc. čvrste tvari, radioaktivni materijali, infektivne tvariUi ZRAKOPLOVU otrovi, oružje, stlačeni PONAŠANJE korozivna i oksidirajuća -plinovi, Molimo da u svakom trenutku sredstva slijedite itd. posade. Ako se putnik u upute zrakoplovu ponaša tako da ugrožava ITEMS NOT ALLOWED zrakoplov ili bilo koju osobu ili imovinu u zrakoplovu, zadržavamo pravo stavljanja The carrying of hazardous items and putnika na crnu listu. in eitherda your handpozornost baggage or -materials Molimo putnike obrate checked baggage is prohibitedMožda by law.ne na sigurnosnu demonstraciju. Theseprvi areput, explosives, liquids letite ali svakiflammable zrakoplov je and solids, radioactive materials, infectious drugačiji i bitno je upoznati se s njim. andnije poisons, weapons, -substances U zrakoplovu dopuštena konzumacompressed corrosive and cija vlastitog gases, alkohola. etc. tijekom cijeloga -oxidising Pušenje agents, je zabranjeno leta, uključujući e-cigarete. -Molimo da ne fotografirate posadu i putnike. Fotografiranje i snimanje u zrakoplovu moguće je jedino uz dopuštenje posade. -USLUGA Preporučujemo da LETA budete vezani TIJEKOM tijekom cijeloga leta. Svi su obroci i pića u našim zrakoplovima BEHAVIOR ON BOARD besplatni, a usluga ovisi o razredu - We kindly ask you to follow the prijevoza, duljini leta i dobu dana. Nudimo instructions of crew at all times. If a vam mogućnost kupnje na letu u našem passenger's conduct endangers the Sky shopu. Zaperson posebne prigode postoji aircraft or any or property on mogućnost kupnje torte i pjenušca koje board we reserve the right to put such poslužujemoonnaour letu. Dopuštena je passengers internal blacklist. samo onih -konzumacija Please pay attention to alkoholnih our safety pića koja su poslužena zrakoplovu. demonstration. Youumay have seen it before but each aircraft is different and it is important to familiarize yourself with SERVICE DURING FLIGHTS the aircraft you are currently on. -All Consuming own alcohol boardare meals andyour drinks aboard ouronaircraft our is not allowed. freeaircraft of charge, and the service offered -depends Smokingon is the prohibited throughout the of travel class, the length flight. Thisthe includes use flight and part ofthe day of of thee-cigaflight. rettes. During your flight, you can shop in our Sky - Please refrain from taking photographs Shop. For special occasions, a cake and of other passengers and crew. Taking sparkling wine can be purchased to be photographs and filming on board may served during thegranted flight. The consumption be exceptionally by the crew. only those alcoholic that are -ofWhenever seated, we beverages recommend served aboard ourbelt aircraft keeping your seat on. is allowed.


CROATIA www.croatiaairlines.com AIRLINES 1/2022 _ 123


naknadnom dijagnostičkom obradom utvrđeno da boluje od bolesti COVID-19 te se u druge svrhe ne smije koristiti.

Pomozite nam u očuvanju vašeg zdravlja i sigurnosti pridržavajući se sljedećih važnih uputa: - Započnite putovanje samo ako se osjećate zdravo. Imate li povišenu tjelesnu temperaturu, gubitak osjeta njuha i okusa, jaki kašalj i kratki dah te ako je vaše zdravstveno stanje loše molimo vas da odgodite svoje putovanje. - U kabinu zrakoplova unesite što manje ručne prtljage kako biste smanjili fizički kontakt. Ponesite samo osobne i vrijedne stvari dozvoljene veličine (torbice, manje ruksake i torbe za prijenosna računala). - Na svim našim letovima obvezno je nositi vlastitu medicinsku masku preko usta i nosa. Iznimke su moguće samo za djecu mlađu od šest godina i putnike s invaliditetom koji imaju liječničku potvrdu i negativan PCR test koji je izdan do 48 sati prije leta. To se odnosi i na odlazni i na povratni let. - Masku možete privremeno maknuti dok konzumirate hranu ili piće, no molimo vas da je što prije vratite na lice. - Viziri nisu dopušteni kao zamjena za pokrivala za lice na našim letovima jer ne pružaju adekvatnu zaštitu. Viziri sprečavaju kapljično prenošenje s prednje strane, no protok zraka s bočnih strana i dalje je moguć. - U toaletima u svim našim zrakoplovima na raspolaganju su vam sredstva za dezinfekciju ruku. - Za svakog putnika osigurali smo vlažne maramice kojima možete prebrisati sjedalo (naslon, rukohvate, otvore za ventilaciju i sl.). - Kad kašljete ili kišete, prekrijte usta i nos maramicom ili laktom. - Izbjegavajte bespotrebno dodirivanje površina i korištenje otvora za ventilaciju. - Na većini međunarodnih letova potrebno je prije leta ispuniti obrazac za prikupljanje podataka o putnicima (Passenger Locator Form ili Health Declaration Form), koji može biti u elektronskom ili papirnatom obliku. Ovaj obrazac služi u svrhu prikupljanja podataka o bliskim kontaktima putnika za kojeg je



- Putnicima savjetujemo da prije leta stupe u kontakt s veleposlanstvom svoje države i/ili posjete službene web stranice relevantnih službenih tijela svih država u koje/iz kojih putuju. - Zbog trenutačne javnozdravstvene situacije ograničenja u putovanju često se mijenjaju. Većina europskih država provodi zaštitne mjere, uključujući obrasce za prikupljanje podataka o putnicima (Passenger Locator Form), karantenu i obvezu testiranja za putnike ili potvrde o cijepljenju ili potvrde o preboljenju bolesti COVID-19. Prije leta svakako redovito provjeravajte pravila za ulazak u zemlju odredišta. - Kad izlazite iz zrakoplova, držite minimalnu dopuštenu udaljenost i cijelo vrijeme nosite zaštitnu masku do izlaska iz odredišne zračne luke.

Help us protect your health and safety by following these important guidelines: - Start your journey only if you feel healthy. If you have a fever, if you’ve lost your sense of smell and taste, if you’ve got a bad cough or if you’re experiencing shortness of breath, and if your health is poor, please postpone your flight. - Take as little hand luggage as possible into the passenger cabin to reduce physical contact. Take only personal items and valuables of the size allowed (handbags, smaller backpacks and laptop bags). - The wearing of medical face protective mask covering your mouth and nose is mandatory on all our flights, with the exception of children under the age of six and passengers with disabilities who must provide a medical certificate and a negative PCR test issued no more than 48 hours prior to departure. This applies to both outbound and inbound flights. - You can remove your face mask temporarily, i.e. while eating or drinking, but we kindly ask that you put your face mask back on as soon as possible.

- Visors are not allowed as a substitute for face masks or face covers on our flights because they do not provide adequate protection. Visors prevent the spread of droplets only from the front, but not from the sides of your face. - Hand disinfectants are available in the lavatories of all our aircraft. - We provide each passenger with wet wipes with which to wipe their seat (backrest, armrest, ventilation openings, etc.). - While coughing or sneezing, make sure you cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or you cough or sneeze into your elbow. - Avoid touching surfaces and using ventilation openings unless necessarily. - You are required to complete either an electronic or a paper version of the Passenger Locator Form (PLF) or Health Declaration Form (HDF) prior to getting on most international flights. PLFs and HDFs are used for the purpose of collecting information about the close contacts of a passenger who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 by subsequent diagnostic tests and procedures, and may not be used for other purposes. - Passengers are strongly advised to contact, before their flight, the embassy of their country of origin, and/or visit the official website of relevant official authorities of all the countries that they are flying to or from. - Most European countries have travel restrictions in place, including: the requirement to submit a completed Passenger Locator Form (PLF), quarantine, and mandatory COVID-19 testing for passengers, or COVID-19 vaccination certificates, or COVID-19 recovery certificates. Make sure that you regularly and frequently check the entry restrictions in place at your destination before your flight. - While exiting the aircraft, maintain social distancing and wear a face mask or face cover at all times until you exit the airport building.




Visa Gold Croatia Airlines kartica

KARTICA ZA NEZABORAVNA ISKUSTVA Uz Visa Gold Croatia Airlines karticu svakom kupnjom na vaš račun slijeću nove nagradne milje! POSTANITE KORISNIK VISA GOLD CROATIA AIRLINES KARTICE Svakodnevnom kupnjom sakupljajte nagradne Miles & More milje te uživajte u brojnim financijskim pogodnostima: 2.000 nagradnih milja dobrodošlice • sakupljanje milja u omjeru 5 kuna = 1 Miles & More milja • putno osiguranje • milje ne zastarijevaju* • kupnja na 36 rata bez kamata i naknada • posebna pogodnost za Miles & More statusne članove (Frequent flyer, Senator ili HON Circle) - sakupljanje nagradnih i statusnih milja** * Nakon što posjedujete karticu najmanje tri mjeseca i dobijete barem jednu milju mjesečno za kupnju karticom ** Pogodnost vrijedi od 1.1.2021. do 31.12.2021., a statusni članovi mogu prikupiti do 30.000 statusnih milja.

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Dolazni terminali / Arrival terminals


Naša nova responzivna web stranica omogućuje vam jedinstveno korisničko iskustvo bez obzira na vrstu vašeg uređaja. Još jednostavnije doći ćete do svega što vam je potrebno za vaš let.




Schiphol Amsterdam Airport

terminal 3


Athens International Airport

main terminal


Brussels Airport Zaventem

terminal B


Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport

terminal 2D


Copenhagen Airport Dublin Airport

terminal 2 terminal 1


Düsseldorf Airport

terminal A


Leonardo da Vinci - Fiumicino Airport

terminal 3


Frankfurt Airport

terminal 1


Gatwick Airport

terminal S


Heathrow Airport

terminal 2


Lyon Saint-Exupery International Airport terminal 1


Munich Airport

terminal 2


Sarajevo International Airport

terminal B


Skopje Alexander the Great Airport

main terminal


Berlin Tegel Airport

terminal A, C


Vienna Airport

terminal 3


Zurich Airport

terminal 2

Informacije o polascima autobusa / Bus departure information


Our new responsive website delivers a unique user experience regardless of the type of your device. Getting everything you need for your flight is now made much easier.



Polasci svakog dana s gradskog terminala (Autobusni kolodvor, Držićeva bb) prema Zračnoj luci Zagreb Departures daily from the Town Terminal (Main Bus Station, Držićeva bb) to the Zagreb International Airport: 5.00 - 5.30 - 6.00 - 6.30 - 7.00 - 7.30 - 8.00 - 8.30 - 9.00 - 10.00 - 10.30 - 11.00 - 11.30 - 12.00 - 12.30 - 13.00 13.30- 14.00 - 14.30 - 15.00 - 15.30 - 16.00 - 16.30 - 17.00 - 17.30 - 18.00 - 18.30 - 19.00 - 19.30 - 20.00 Polasci svakog dana iz Zračne luke Zagreb prema gradskom terminalu (Autobusni kolodvor, Držićeva bb) Departures daily from the Zagreb International Airport to the Town Terminal (Main Bus Station, Držićeva bb): 7.00 - 8.00 - 8.30 - 9.00 - 9.30 - 10.30 - 11.30 -12.00 - 12.30 - 13.00 - 13.30 - 14.00 - 14.30 - 15.00 - 15.30 16.00 - 16.30 - 17.00 - 17.30 - 18.00 - 18.30 - 19.00 - 19.30 - 20.00 Za više informacija, molimo nazovite / For more information, please call: ZAGREB (01) 6331-982, 6331-999 SPLIT (021) 203-508 DUBROVNIK (020) 773-377 ZADAR (020) 250-094

RIJEKA (051) 330-207, 336-757 CROATIA AIRLINES 1/2022 _



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Zrakoplovi Airbus A320-200, Airbus A319-100 i Dash8 - Q400 tvore naπu flotu. Our fleet consists of A320-200, Airbus A319-100 and Dash8 - Q400 aircraft. Specifikacije / Specifications

Airbus A320-200

Airbus A319-100

Dash8 - Q400

Raspon krila / Wing span (m/ft)

35,8 / 117

35,8 / 117

28,42 / 93,24

Duljina trupa / Fuselage length (m/ft)

37,6 / 123

33,84 / 111

32,83 / 107,71

NajveÊa dopuπtena teæina u polijetanju / Maximum take off weight (kg) 77.000

64.000 / 75.500


NajveÊa visina leta / Maximum cruising altitude (m/ft)

11.900 / 39.000

11.900 / 39.000

7620 / 25.000

Povrπina krila / Wing area (m²/ft²)

122,40 / 1318

122,40 / 1318

63,08 / 679

NajveÊa letna brzina / Maximum cruising speed (km/h)

834 (450 KTS)

834 (450 KTS)

667 (360 KTS)

Pogonska grupa / Power-plants

motori / engines x 2 CFM 56

motori / engines x 2 CFM 56

motori / engines x 2 PW 150A

Broj zrakoplova u floti / Number of aircraft in fleet




Broj sjedala / Number of seats




Airbus A320-200

Airbus A319-100

Dash8 - Q400



Summer starts with us! Check our summer timetable and book your flight croatiaairlines.com






Montreal Toronto Vancouver Calgary Ottawa


Oslo Stockholm

Stavanger Gothenburg Dublin Copenhagen

Hamburg Amsterdam


Vilnius Gdansk

Berlin Poznan Dusseldorf


Brussels Paris







Zurich Lyon

Geneva Pula




Sarajevo Zadar Split Rome Bol Dubrovnik

Barcelona Lisbon




linije Croatia Airlinesa / Croatia Airlines' services u suradnji sa stranim zrakoplovnim kompanijama / in cooperation with partner airline


Napomena: Sve navedene informacije podložne su promjenama ovisno o trenutnoj situaciji s pandemijom izazvanom virusom COVID-19. Note: All the information provided is subject to change based on the current situation related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Code Share Partners

Star Alliance Members

Air Canada


Eva Air

Air France

Air Canada

LOT Polish Airlines

Air India

Air China


ITA Airways

Air India

Scandinavian Airlines


Air New Zealand

Shenzhen Airlines

Austrian Airlines

ANA - All Nippon Airways

Singapore Airlines

Brussels Airlines

Asiana Airlines

South African Airways


Austrian Airlines


LOT Polish Airlines


TAP Air Portugal


Brussels Airlines

Thai Airways International


Copa Airlines

Turkish Airlines

Singapore Airlines

Croatia Airlines

United Airlines

Swiss International Air Lines


TAP Portugal

Ethiopian Airlines


Trade Air


Turkish Airlines United Airlines CROATIA AIRLINES 1/2022 _


Direkcija / Head office Bani 75b, 10 010 Buzin, Zagreb, Tel. (+385-1) 616-00-66 Fax (+385-1) 6160 153 E-mail adrese / E-mail addresses President’s Office/uprava@croatiaairlines.hr Public Relations/pr@croatiaairlines.hr Marketing/advertising@croatiaairlines.hr Sales/sales@croatiaairlines.hr Cargo/cargo@croatiaairlines.hr Kontakt centar / Contact Center 072-500 505 samo za pozive iz Hrvatske / only for calls from Croatia Tel. (+385-1) 66 76 555 pon - pet/Mon - Fri 08:00 - 20:00 sub, ned, praznik / Sat, Sun, Holiday 09:00 - 15:00 contact@croatiaairlines.hr





Odnosi s korisnicima / Customer Relations Dept. Fax (+385-1) 616-01-52 http://www.croatiaairlines.com/hr/Zahtjev http://www.croatiaairlines.com/Claim Miles & More kontakt centar / Miles & More Service Team 072 220 220 samo za pozive iz Hrvatske / only for calls from Croatia Informacije o prijevozu robe / Cargo information office Tel. (+385-1) 61-64-573

APG Bulgaria Ltd. 3 William Gladstone str. 1000 Sofia tel: +35924940096 bulgaria@croatiaairlines.hr 21 000 Split ZraËna luka/Airport Tel. (+385-21) 203-305, 895-298 spuap@croatiaairlines.hr 23 000 Zadar ZraËna luka/Airport Tel. (+385-23) 250-101 zadap@croatiaairlines.hr 10 000 Zagreb Trg Nikole Š, Zrinskog 17 Tel. (+385-1) 61-60-215 posl.zrinjevac@croatiaairlines.hr Meunarodna zraËna luka Zagreb/ Zagreb International Airport Tel. (+385-1) 61-64-581 Fax (+385-1) 62-65-930


Letzigraben 154, 8047 Zürich Tel. (+41-44) 2610-840 zrhto@croatiaairlines.hr

Obzor putovanja / Obzor Holidays Ltd Tel. (+385-1) 487 31 68, 616 02 46

Prodajni zastupnici / Sales agents

Poslovnice / Town and airport offices Identifikacijski kod poslovnica u Hrvatskoj je/ Identification code for offices in Croatia is: HR-B-01-080037012

»eπka / the Czech Republic CK Blue Sky Travel Opletalova 57, 11 000 Praha 1 Tel. +420 222 222 235 czech@croatiaairlines.hr

Bruxelles 1930 Zaventem/Brussels Airport Box 31 Tel. (+32-2) 753-5132 bruap@croatiaairlines.hr Dubrovnik 20 213 »ilipi, Dubrovnik ZraËna luka/Airport Dubrovnik Tel. (+385-20) 773-232 dbvap@croatiaairlines.hr Frankfurt Kaiserstrasse 7 60311 Frankfurt Tel. (+49-69) 92-00-520 frato@croatiaairlines.hr Paris 95731 ROISSY CDG CEDEX Roissypôle Le Dôme, Rue de la Haye BP 18913 Tremblay en France Tel. (+33-1) 48-16-40-00 parto@croatiaairlines.hr Podgorica Oki Air Montenegro d.o.o. Ivana Vujoševića 46 81000 Podgorica tel: + 382 20 201201 montenegro@croatiaairlines.hr Rijeka 51 000 Rijeka JelaËiÊev trg br. 5 Tel. (+385-51) 330-207, 336-757 rjkto@croatiaairlines.hr Sarajevo


Europa / Europe

GrËka / Greece Intermodal Air, Airlines Representations 2, Marathonomachon str 16452 Argyroupoli − Greece Tel. +30 210 371 6381 Fax + 0030 210 324 9152 ww.intermodalair.gr Portugal APG Portugal Rua Tojalinho da Areica, nr. 15 Bolembre 2705-553 São João das Lampas Portugal Tel. +351 211 930 226 portugal@croatiaairlines.hr info@apg-portugal.com Rumunjska/Romania Specialised Aviation Services srl. 17d Emil Garleanu Str, Voluntari, Ilfov County Tel. +40 21 599 0108 romania@croatiaairlines.hr Rusija/Russia Global Russia Marketing//GRM Bolshaya Sadovaya str. 10, office 20 (V), 2-nd entrance, 123001 Moscow, Russia Tel.: +7 (495) 727-05-66 ou.mow@grm-russia.com

71 000 Sarajevo ZraËna luka/Airport Tel. (+387-33) 789-600 sjjto@croatiaairlines.hr

Konnogvardeysky blvd, 19, office 47, 190098 St.-Petersburg, Russia Tel.: +7 (921) 905-88-73 ou.led@grm-russia.com SlovaËka / Slovakia CK Blue Sky Travel Poštová 1, 811 06 Bratislava Tel. +421 2 5262 2375 slovakia@croatiaairlines.hr

1000 Skopje ZraËna luka/Airport Tel. (+389-2) 3148-390, 3296-967, 3296-969 skpap@croatiaairlines.hr

Srbija / Serbia Travel Centar d.o.o. Topličin Venac 19-21 11000 Beograd Tel. +381 11 202 80 46 gsa.srbija@croatiaairlines.hr



Španjolska / Spain Global Representacion Turistica / GRT Rambla de Catalunya, 61 5º 3ª, 08007 Barcelona Tel. +34 934 875 775 spain@croatiaairlines.hr Bliski istok / Middle East Izrael / Israel Biaf Aviation Services Ltd 1 Ben Yehuda Street, Migdalor blgd. 12th floor, Tel Aviv 63802 Tel. +972 3 516 7181, 516 7140 israel@croatiaairlines.hr Indija / India STIC Travel Group 2nd Floor, Tower C, Cyber Greens, DLF Phase - III Gurgaon - 122002, New Delhi Ph: +91 (124) 4595300 croatia@sticgroup.com Contact person: Gurpreet Sangar Intermodal Air, Airlines Representations 2, Mmarathonomachon str 16452 Argyroupoli - Greece, Tel. +30 210 3716381 Fax + 30 210 3249152 www.intermododalair.gr Novi Zeland / New Zealand CTtravel Limited NZ PO Box 104-056, Lincoln North, Suite, 1/182 Lincoln Rd. Henderson, Auckland, NZ Tel. +64 9 837 9897 croatiaairlines@cttravel.co.nz Japan Air System Inc. Shimbashi Frontier Building, 7F 3-4-5 Shimbashi Minato-ku Tokyo, 105-0004 Japan Tel. +81 3 3593 6740 asipaxtyo@airsystem.jp Koreja / Korea Bohram 1901-1, 19F Coryo Daeyungak Tower, 97 Toegye-ro Jung-gu, Seoul South Korea (04535) croatiaairlines@bohramair.co.kr Tajvan / Taiwan Pacific Express Company Limited 8F, No 137, Nanking E. Road Sec. 2, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. Tel: +886 2 2515 2371 sales-service@pacificexpress.com.tw Kina / China Pacific Aviation Marketing 12H, Zaofong Universe Building 1800 West Zhong Shan Road Xuhui District, Shanghai Tel. +862164400032 Jenniferhuo@pam.com.hk Hong Kong Pacific Aviation Marketing Ltd. Unit 2503, Island Place Tower, 510 Kingís Road, North Point, Hong Kong. Tel. +852 2926 2030 pamoperation@pam.com.hk

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