Mount Alvernia College Alumnae - 2023 Highlights

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MTA ALUMNAE 2023 Highlights

Events Alumnae Networking Breakfast One of the highlights of this year's Alumnae celebrations was our annual Alumnae Networking Breakfast, a morning filled with inspiration and nostalgia. Our special guest speaker was none other than the esteemed CEO of Business Chamber Queensland, Heidi Cooper. What made her presence even more poignant was the fact that she once walked the same corridors as our students - she was the College Captain in 1994. Heidi shared her fond memories of her time at Mount Alvernia College and how profoundly beautiful her experience was here. Her journey from a student leader to a successful CEO was a testament to the transformative power of education and the nurturing environment at our College.

Events 2023 Reunions In August, we hosted a range of milestone reunions that brought alumnae back to their alma mater to reconnect with old friends and cherished memories. Graduates from 10, 20, 30, and even 40 years ago returned to the place that had shaped them into the confident and accomplished women they are today. These reunions were more than just gatherings; they were a celebration of the enduring friendships and shared experiences that began on our college grounds.

Events Miss you already - 1 Year Reunion! Not forgetting our most recent graduates, the Class of 2022, we organized a special ‘Miss You Already’ event, welcoming them back to Mount Alvernia College just one year after they had bid farewell. It was heartwarming to see the familiar faces of our young Alumnae, who have already begun making their mark on the world.

Emma Sullivan - 1994 Need something new to watch on Netflix? Emma Sullivan, Alumnae from the Class of 1994, has you covered! She is the director of ‘Into the Deep,’ a documentary that was recently in Netflix’s Top 10. Emma Sullivan was profiling Danish inventor Peter Madsen and his homemade rocket for a documentary and, ended up capturing incriminating footage that helped convict him of the murder of journalist Kim Wall. It is a riveting watch! We commend Emma Sullivan on her work – you truly are a Mt A Marvel.

Lucinda Poy - 2022 Lucinda Poy was accepted into the Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts (WAAPA)! Lucinda was not only offered a Bachelor's Degree in Contemporary Music, but also an Advanced Degree in Music Artistry. WAAPA is recognised nationally and internationally for the quality of its graduates. As our 2022 Cultural Captain and FCIP Senior Musician of the Year, Lucinda is such a deserving applicant – we commend her courage and aspiration!

Evie Ruffle - 2018 Evie Ruffle attended the Landscape Queensland Awards on the 18th of November as she was nominated for the Apprentice of the Year award. There were eighteen people nominated in Queensland and Evie took home the award! Congratulations to Evie, this is outstanding news and it’s wonderful to see Mt A Alumnae recognised in a male dominated sector! We want to hear from more Mt A Marvels! Reach out to to share your story.

Alumnae Videos We were thrilled to catch-up with two Alumna over 2023, to film two videos. We extend our thanks to Chloe Neisler (2017) and Sindhura Somasundaram (2016) for sharing their post-school journeys, career milestones and highlights from life at Mt A. Click below to watch!

Evolution Day Panel A heartfelt thank you to our 2023 Year 12 Evolution Day Alumnae Panel. Our panellists, Sr. Liz Roberts ('58), Deborah Fay ('81), Annie Love ('95), and Antoinette Aquilina ('90), generously shared their wisdom with our newest alumnae. Here are some golden nuggets of advice they bestowed upon the Class of 2023: Make kindness your currency. Respect goes a long way. Be unapologetically you. You are valuable and worthy of love just as you are. Trust your intuition. Cultivate a practice of stillness and silence. Life’s too short to always live within our comfort zones. Think about the impact you want to have in a room. Honesty, integrity, and fairness - make them your mantra! Work hard. Whether it’s in your career, home, or relationships. Be confident, and believe in your potential. When you see something that’s not just, don’t be part of it. Are you interested in being a part of the 2024 Evolution Day Alumnae panel? Email to register your interest.

MTA ALUMNAE 2024 Events Mark your calendars! Open Day Sunday, 19 May 10.00am - 1.00pm We are seeking volunteers for our Alumnae Precinct. Register your interest, here. Alumnae Networking Breakfast Friday, June 7 - 7.00am - 9.00am 2024 Milestone Reunions Saturday, 10 August - 3.00pm - 6.00pm Class of 2014, 2004, 1994, 1984, 1974, 1964 Miss you already - 1 Year Reunion Friday 8 November - 5.30pm - 7.00pm

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