Minera skifer oppdal pdf for taiwan

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About Minera Skifer Minera是在挪威高質量基礎上生產石英及千玫岩的公司(註1),至今是北歐半島上最 大的片岩生產者。 此產品有取得歐洲環保CE標誌,且行銷至全世界已有數十年的歷史,因材質的穩定 及實績表現獲得了高品質建材的聲譽。 註1:千枚岩是一種淺變質的岩石,是泥質、粉沙質或中酸性凝灰岩等岩石經過區域 變質作用而形成的,一般顏色較淺,為黃色、綠色、褐色或灰色,經過在結晶後生成 石英。

礦區地點屬於Scandinavian斯堪地那維亞半島,包含挪威、瑞典及丹麥,這些國家互 相視對方屬於斯堪地那維亞,雖然政治上彼此獨立,但共同的稱謂顯示了其文化和歷 史有深厚的淵源。 芬蘭、冰島和法羅群島等北歐國家因其與丹麥、挪威和瑞典相近的歷史和文化背景, 有時也被視為斯堪地那維亞國家。 礦區產量 : Oppdal(奧普達爾)年產量15萬平方米。 礦區成形時間:七億五千萬年前

wOppdal石英石是中長型片麻的石英石礦脈。 w易於使用,此材料經常使用在私家花園及高級住宅中。 w具有穩重的色調,低調的自然光澤,獲世界各地著名建築採用,以下為例: 日本大阪梅田SKY BUILDING空中庭園大廈 挪威奧斯陸Mortensrud教堂 西班牙Seville車站 挪威奧普達爾酒店 挪威Bergen Torgalmenningen大樓

w產品在開礦及加工此材料時只使用極少的能源。 w生產過程除表面加工,均沿用傳統工法手工裁製成品。 w維護費用低。 w材料可使用年限非常久且可以重複使用。 w我們支持EPD的環境宣言。






表面加工:石磚塊、絲絨面、刷洗面、自然面。 尺寸:規格品30cm X 60cm X 1cm。 Oppdal為片岩故厚度有±2mm落差。 石磚塊厚度在5-20cm之間不均。 大於規格品尺寸需預訂。

石英:46% 雲母:34% 長石:12% 綠簾石:6% 榍:2%

材料 : 片岩狀石英


硬度 : 2.71g/cm3


吸水率 : 0.2vekt-% (耐凍)


抗彎力 : 35.1MPa


抗壓縮力 : 235.3MPa


抗阻力 : 17.0mm



The element come together when you make a fire in a fireplace made of millions years old material. Schist gives a gives a fireplace a unique look. Either as bricks, untreated, swan or hand-cut-schist is the idea material for constructing fireplaces.


The roof is the house’s fifth and most important façade. Roofing tiles have a unique quality, are maintenance-free and beautiful and provide protection against weather and wind for generations. The beautiful play of colours and the unique differences in shade in the schist make these roofs a living and unique Norwegian building tradition. A schist roof reflects quality as well as a conscious attitude toward both quality and the environment.


Schist tiles are idea for terrace. Schist is able to withstand the wear and tear of weather and wind, children and adults, fun and entertainment- for year after year. There are endless opportunities for creating different looks depending on the type of schist, size and installation method chosen.


Schist steps withstand ice and cold, rain and storm, heavy foot traďŹƒc and active play. These steps are decorative in themselves, while at the same time their rough and discrete elegance allow all the other elements in the room to find their own place.


Schist window sills last a lifetime. No other material provides a more robust framing.

Moesgaard Museum

The new museum outside Ă…rhus enjoys an excellent location and its slanted roof landscape of grass, moss and flowers makes it an unmistakable sight when viewed from the sea.

The interior of the building has been given a terraced layout, inspired by archeological excavations where history is uncovered one layer at a time. Visitors can experience the museum through an organic series of exhibitions and scientific experiments, as explorers moving through time and space. Light-coloured Oppdal quartzite with an antique brushed surface, ensures that the museum’s characteristic design works in harmony with its natural surroundings.


Schist gives a timelessly and beautiful kitchen, and a strong and maintenance-free surface.

Skifer Hotel

The Skifer Hotel is located in the centre of Oppdal, in a part of the country with a tradition of slate mining. With only limited space for decoration outside the hotel, the hotel itself has been made into the decorative element.


Brushed or polished wall cladding in the bedroom creates a mellow, confident mood. Laid as a floor in the living room with underfloor heating, it has the unique properties of storing heat and releasing it evenly across its surface. This natural quality makes schist one of the best material with which to surround yourself in your home environment.

ENTRANCE HALL Large surfaces really allow the unique appearance of schist to show real advantage. The stone can withstand very heavy foot passage, requires only maintenance and gives a strong first impression.

Rica Bakklandet Hotel Rica Bakklandet Hotel is centrally located in the heart of Trondheim along the river Nidelven by Bakke Bro. Aesthetically, the hotel strikes a fine balance between elegance and rusticity, with a great deal of warmth and a charming atmosphere.

Van Abbemuseum

Van Abbemuseum is located in central Eindhoven, Netherlands, on the east bank of the Dommel river. In 2003 the existing listed monument designed by architect A.J. Kropholler (old building) was thoroughly renovated and integrated within architect Abel Cahen’s design (new building). It’s distinctive architectural design, alongside its collection and exhibitions programme make the Van Abbemuseum a unique place for modern and contemporary art.

The heart of the new building is a 27-metre-high tower with inward-sloping walls, onto which every floor opens out. Sweeping flights of stairs and a musical lift form striking vertical traverses. Each floor has its own internal structure, sometimes high and monumental, sometimes modest or surprising in form.

The faรงade of the new building is clad with Offerdal quartzite. This grey shell, which changes in hue from silvergrey to dark anthracite depending on the weather conditions, accentuates the angular, sleek design of the new building, forming an expressive contrast with the light and surprisingly transparent spaces within.



MOST SEEK STONE.,CO.,LTD. TEL : 02 - 2528 8038 FAX : 02 - 2528 9227 臺北市松山區延壽街88號

E-mail : mostseek@mostseek.com.tw

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