Morrison Healthcare's Vision Book

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table of contents INTRODUCTION


Letter from the CEO


Letter from the editor


01. Patient Healing


S torms Make Trees Take Deeper Roots

02. Healthier Workforce


Where People Bloom So Does Purpose

03. Healthier Communities


G reat Thi ngs Happen When W e Branch Out to the Communi ty

04. Sustainability for a Cleaner, Greener Supply Chain and EnvironmenT o ur Success Stems From the Support o f Our Partners



01. introduction




Population Health “A must-do strategy for hospitals and health systems to succeed in the evolving healthcare environment.”


opulation health is more than a buzzword or a trend that will fade away. It’s a way of improving the health of populations as opposed to individual patients. Chances are you are already running programs and initiatives to help advance the well-being of individuals and communities outside of your hospital.

Most hospitals have a clear understanding of the health needs of the communities they serve, particularly not-for-profit hospitals which are required to regularly update their Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA). In many cases, the CHNA serves as the basis for population health strategies, identifying underserved communities and opportunities to make an impact. When looking at CHNAs nationally, a common theme emerges—food insecurity and access to healthy food. These results underscore the role of food in caring for patients and creating healthy communities.

The American Hospital Association Committee on Performance has qualified population health as a “must-do strategy for



hospitals and health systems to succeed in the evolving healthcare environment.” As hospitals continue to shift to a value-based payment structure and play a major role in disease prevention, health promotion, and other public health initiatives, our clients are needing more support to execute strategies that target the well-being of patients and communities outside of the hospital walls.


Food and Nutrition Services departments can play an

important part in meeting the needs of a community both in and out of the hospital. As a result, hospitals have seen the impact food has on the community and further integrated it into their wellness and population health initiatives. 05





Our Approach to Population Health


ellness and sustainability services have evolved over the past several years. We have partnered with clients from across Morrison Healthcare’s portfolio on projects that range from simply increasing healthy products in cafés to reducing their carbon footprint through greener purchasing strategies. Many of the programs our accounts are already doing, like

food donations, farmers markets, and hospital gardens, are contributing to our clients’ efforts to expand population health strategies and serve their communities inside and outside the hospital.

Our strategy focuses on five areas where food and nutrition services are linked to improved outcomes:


HEALTHY communities

patient healing 06

cleaner, greener supply chain



hroughout these pages we will show you what some of our accounts are already doing to help advance our clients’ population health strategies, what our vision for the future is, and what resources are available to

support you in your path to use The Power of Food TM to offer an amazing experience to your patients, caregivers, associates, and community.






Letter from Tim Pierce chief executive officer

The vision has not changed.


ver the past year, we have learned to embrace change. In many ways, COVID-19 has uprooted our world as we scrambled to find new ways to work and keep our families safe. We have all experienced loss as well as hope. Pain as well as joy. Stress as well as comfort. It’s nice to know that something has not and will not change. We remain committed to nurturing health and fostering wellness through food. We are here and will continue to be here for our patients, guests, and associates. That commitment starts with our teams. We have the best associates in the industry, who remain steadfast in their desire to bring wellness to communities and make an impact on the world around us. By creating positive change in the food system through meaningful food experiences, we are promoting more than just wellness for our guests, but inspiring healthy habits that can bring about generational transformation. 08

We recognize the difficulties you face now. Many hospitals around the country are

short staffed, leaving a strain on those who remain. In many cases, hospitals struggle to maintain the level of care they are accustomed to provide either due to financial or operational barriers. The sacrifices you and your colleagues have made over the past year have not gone unnoticed. We value and recognize your continued dedication as you continue to safeguard our patients’ wellness. As we work together through difficult times, we are keeping an eye on the future by taking a strategic approach to community wellness. As part of Morrison Healthcare, we all have an important role to play. We are transforming hospital cafes into healthy food havens. We are increasing healthy behaviors in our communities through tools like the mobile Teaching Kitchen. And we are investing in our people and caregivers by providing education, engagement, and healthy experiences. But that is just the tip of the iceberg. Each year, we create this Vision Book to share the strides we are taking as a company to deliver sustainable wellness to our patients and communities. We believe that by sharing our successes we can all benefit by celebrating the work being done to advance wellness. At the heart of our story, we deliver food that is bursting with flavor and nutrition, but that is only the beginning. I hope you will be inspired by what you read and know that Morrison Healthcare and its associates are doing important work across the country. We live in a time that demands empathy and resilience. Every day, I am encouraged by what I see from our associates who demonstrate the highest commitment to patients and community. Your commitment is the north star by which we are charting our course. Thank you for embracing the power of food to make our hospitals, communities, and country stronger.

Tim Pierce chieF executive officer 09





Letter from Nikki Poole VP of Strategic Marketing and Innovation


hen we started planning this book, there was still a lot of uncertainty around the Covid-19 pandemic and its impact on our operations. We had survived year one of the pandemic, and we wanted to share our vision, but at the same time be mindful of the challenges everyone was facing. While it brought many trials, the pandemic also emphasized the importance of staying healthy and how food can support our wellbeing. This thought made us realize this was an excellent time to share our vision for population health strategy and showcase our accounts’ work to heal patients and communities inside and outside the hospital walls. Our teams across the country are doing amazing things for their communities and our planet! Some examples include helping eliminate single-use plastics from entire health systems, embracing telehealth to treat patients once they leave the hospital, and partnering with local farmers to bring fresh and sustainable food to the table.


Join me in celebrating all these achievements and recognizing our operators

and frontline associates’ critical role in keeping our accounts running. I am immensely proud of everything you do! I hope this book serves as inspiration and a guide of resources available whenever you are ready to expand on your wellness and sustainability journey. I want to thank Lisa Roberson and Heather Farkas for their guidance as we compiled all of these stories. They live and breathe population health and are a wealth of knowledge in all things sustainability and caring for our environment. I hope you enjoy this book and feel as proud as I do every day of our teams and how we use The Power of Food TM to heal, support, and care.

Nikki Poole VP of Strategic Marketing and Innovation


industry leaders perspective






t is clear from the last year that in addition to individual health, we also need to realize the importance of population health. The pandemic has proven that health is our most important asset, wherever we live. At the same time, food as the first and best medicine has become more important than ever before. And we need food and agriculture systems that focus on healthy and sustainable diets. Diets that put people AND the planet first. Our wellness and our well-being are inextricably linked to how and what we eat.

“Food is the first and best medicine to ensure community and population health.”

We need new models of healthcare that honor indigenous and traditional models of well-being and combine them with modern practices that address the root causes of poor health and lack of nutrition--and the urgency of addressing community health is more urgent than ever before. We have a unique moment in time to ensure that our food systems provide multiple benefits and that they do more than just fill people up. Sustainable food systems can provide nourishment for bodies and minds as well as provide resilience to our environmental challenges.

Danielle Nierenberg President and Founder Food Tank: Highlighting stories of hope and success in the food system






egardless of which approach best suits an organization – from addressing the clinical manifestations of the social determinants of health, aligning social needs data and stakeholders, or anchoring communitywide social determinants initiatives – active participation is valuable. In none of these approaches is the expectation that health systems can or should do it all. Spectrum-wide, collaboration with community partners is the only avenue toward sustained success.

SOCIAL DETERMINANTS OF HEALTH: Stitching Together Solutions by Karyl Kopaskie, PhD, David Mena, Jennifer Donnelly


pproaches to achieving value range from broad, population-based efforts to narrow episodes of care and disease- or procedurespecific approaches, making the pursuit of value one of the most innovative and competitive races in health care.

Value-Based Care After COVID-19: Is the Ground Shifting Beneath Providers? by Brian Esser, Associate Principal, Kiran Yemul, Director 14

“W Cleveland Clinic is committed to creating the healthiest communities in the areas we serve. We know that food insecurity and access to nutritious foods are a challenge to achieving optimal health and well-being for patients, families, and neighborhoods. We have partnered with Morrison to define and implement a community food strategy that includes medically tailored meals, teaching kitchens, community gardens, and prescription food programs to address the root causes of health disparities in our population.

Nazleen Bharmal MD, PhD Associate Chief, Community Health & Partnerships Cleveland Clinic Community Care

e want to take [food as medicine] even a step further. We want to reach out to the community, as well as our patients when they’re at home, and continue that education as they leave Mayo Clinic. We’re trying to do this through a number of ways… What if someone is admitted with heart failure to the hospital? It’s common for these folks to get re-admitted within the first month, and I think a large part of this is the diet, right? They go home, they think they’re doing well by eating soup, but that soup is laden with salt. With salt comes water, you get fluid overload, you’re back in the hospital. What if we could give a prescription that then sends meals to their home to prevent this salt intake from increasing? What, if then, we could back that up with educational videos that teach them how to prepare low salt meals?

I think there’s so much for us to do as a food industry and really focus on food being the core of health care and medicine that we provide.” Manpreet S. Mundi Professor of Medicine, Outpatient Nutrition Core Group Chair & Medical Director, Mayo Clinic Food Services Remarks from the 2021 Envision Group Summit


de part ment LEADERS pers pec tive 16




Our team doesn’t need much additional encouragement to bring population health initiatives to life – it’s really the core of who we are!


e asked our department leaders why was population health important for them and what do they do to encourage their teams to help our patients live a healthy lifestyle beyond their hospital stay.

Population Health is important to Morrison Healthcare because we see the possibilities to positively impact the health and wellness of the communities we serve beyond the four walls of the hospital.

The various support teams are all very motivated to take wellness to new heights. There is a lot of excitement about the impact Morrison can have within our communities.

Population health touches on everything we do, whether that be supporting weight management programs pre-admissions, using the Power of FoodTM to nourish patients, caregivers, and guests, encouraging healthy eating behavior changes through Teaching Kitchens, or continuing the healing process through post-discharge meal programs.

Gina Damon President Operational Support


Fueling and nourishing the caregivers and families of our patients is a responsibility and privilege that we do not take lightly in retail. Through wellness-focused pop-up brands and elevated café offerings, we encourage guests to try something new that happens to be healthier and enriching.

Kevin Dorr VP Retail Solutions 18





Attracting, developing, and empowering chefs with an exuberant passion to serve others and the motivation to help recreate foodservice within the healthcare system

he focus on population health for the entire country is critically important to improve the well-being of citizens in every community throughout the country.

Morrison Healthcare’s culinary team is driven to influence positive outcomes to the patients, physicians, caregivers, and families we serve along with engaging the many communities that our healthcare partners support. We do this through the Power of FoodTM... consciously sourced, and prepared foods with resounding purpose to comfort, nourish, heal, and support a healthful lifestyle.

has and will continue to be the single most important goal of our team. Providing constant communication and sharing of ideas. Empowering new concept and product development. Supporting and challenging the culinary support team to mentor aspiring new chefs to make news with our foods through culinary/nutrition cooking demonstrations; as well as make the time to personally meet with patients, family members, and caregivers each day to address, improve, and engage in the needs of our patients.

Cary Neff VP Corporate Culinary





opulation health is important for our department because for a window in a person’s life, they are in our hands. What an amazing opportunity to provide nourishment, comfort, and care during a time when someone needs it most.

It’s not just about food, it’s providing an experience that promotes safety, teaches about nutrition and the impact of a balanced diet, and how to carry what they’ve learned outside our doors.


Care and compassion can’t be taught. It’s found within, and my team’s passion is evident at every hospital they visit. Sure, our mission is that our meals are on time, accurate, at the correct temperature, and delicious, but the responsibility is bigger. The ultimate prize is a patient’s smile when a dish reminds them of home or gives them a moment of happiness and calmness in an often-difficult stay. You can’t encourage empathy; you hire for it.

Laura Knight VP Patient Services


Changing your lifestyle to manage health and disease includes eating the right food and having balanced nutrition, properly managing medication, doing physical activity, having social interaction, an taking care of your mental health.

The clinical nutrition team members play a role during a short period of time when patients are in our care at the hospital, but we have an opportunity to make a big difference in their outcomes by teaching them how to get proper nutrition that helps them stay on their journey to healing. Dietitians have a great opportunity to make sure that we manage the health of our population with sound nutritional advice and tricks and tools on how to be the healthier version of themselves.

Peggy O’Neill VP Nutrition & Wellness 21




e are closely aligned with our marketing and support teams to help tell the Morrison story to team members, clients, and the communities we serve.

We have an impactful story to tell, and we’re proud that Morrison Healthcare continues to lead the narrative on population health with each of those important audiences.


Each of us takes enormous pride in the opportunity we have to

provide our teams with tools and resources so they, in turn, can stay focused on what they do best, which is serving and caring for patients.

The Compass One food and support services teams are fueled by the purpose-driven work they do. It’s no secret that our frontline team members play an essential role in the healing process, and my team feeds off of their passion and energy every day.

Tom Hughes Vice President of Communications for Compass One Healthcare







Patients are at the heart of healthcare. From surgery to dining, everything that happens in a hospital is centered around helping patients heal.



ith this singular focus, foodservice plays an important role in improving the health of patients and providing a benchmark for long- term wellness. Even with an emphasis on providing patient care, malnutrition remains a significant obstacle for care providers. Malnutrition can lead to numerous illnesses and is often associated with high mortality, functional decline, and prolonged hospital stays.

30 % of hospitalized patients suffer from malnutrition.



This is the result of numerous factors from chronic illness and injury to advanced age and income level. As a result, hospitals are focused on finding ways to combat malnutrition and promote sustainable wellness.

n alarming statistic that puts the challenge in perspective:

30 %

of hospitalized patients

suffer from malnutrition.

Diet within the hospital serves as the first step toward fighting malnutrition, helping patients heal, and creating new paths toward a healthy lifestyle. As a result, plant-based menus are on the rise in hospitals.

Plant-based diets, more than a trend

Studies have shown the advantages of a diet rich with plant-based food. As 58% of consumers want to increase their plant-based protein consumption, it’s no surprise that plant-


based items are predicted to grow 23% in menus across the United States, according to E15, Compass Group’s analytics division.

ealth benefits of plant-based protein diet include:

58 %

23 %

of consumers want to increase their plant-based protein consumption

Predicted growth of plant-based items in menus



LOWER BMI as compared with study participants consuming a diet of predominantly animal protein


The rise of plant-forward dining options not only meets the immediate nutritional needs of patients, but opens doors to new food offerings that are often healthier and sustainable.




nce a patient leaves the hospital, it is important to continue the emphasis on nutrition. Quality food both in and out of the hospital is the cornerstone of healing. As a result, foodservice providers are creating programs that provide dietary therapy for patients with chronic health issues.

In a 2019 study, participants in a medically tailored meal delivery program experienced:


* Fewer Patient Admissions


* Reduction in Healthcare Costs


* Fewer Admissions to Skilled Nursing Facilities

That is a tangible impact to the patient healing process.

* Source: Seth A. Berkowitz et al., Association Between Receipt of a Medically Tailored Meal Program and Health Care Use, JAMA Internal Medicine (2019)


What’s next?


oving forward, dietary needs and intervention will extend beyond the hospital walls. Through the


COVID-19 pandemic, hospitals have seen a dramatic increase in telehealth services.

telehealth utilization 38 times higher

sits at

than before the pandemic * Accounting for


of office visits.


or dietitians, there is immense opportunity to embrace telehealth. Dietary education for patients, weight management visits for obesity, and malnutrition care, as examples, can easily be performed over a telehealth call. These visits help keep patients safe and allow for convenient, continued care of patients.

*Source: KLAS Research and the Center for Connected Medicine

Let’s see what our accounts are doing to use The Power of Food TM to heal patients across the country.

Telehealth will continue to evolve for food service providers as hospitals look to find more ways to help patients heal and create sustainable wellness for their communities. 28




stO ries we started with a seed 29

By using functional foods like fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and broths, the Morrison Healthcare culinary department is using The Power of FoodTM to connect, comfort, restore, and rejuvenate.

Plant-Forward Menus to Heal Patients At Providence Health, the team is collaborating with northern California cardiologists to create a plant-based menu to replace the cardiac menu.

Now more than ever, we are being mindful of the food we eat and where it comes from.


e expect good quality food with great taste, even when we are at the hospital. “Patient menus have evolved. We now have a variety of plantbased meals available for patients and we use functional ingredients that help in the process of healing,” explained Heidi DeCosmo, Culinary Strategic Project Manager at Morrison Healthcare.


The University of Miami Medical Center is also offering plantbased menus to patients to get them thinking about plant-based options.




e are providing acai bowls, avocado toast, and foods with flaxseeds in them. We are in the early stages, and we’ve gotten a positive response,” said Jason Stevenson, System Director of Nutrition and Regional Clinical Nutrition Manager.



Accounts across the country continue to provide plant-forward options that contribute to the patients’ recovery and match their dining preferences outside of the hospital.


Local, Sustainable Menus at Jersey Shore University Medical Center (JSUMC) JSUMC regularly hosts the Power Plate program.



he program helps improve patient satisfaction by inviting hospital leaders outside of the foodservice program, such as nursing, to evaluate the presentation, taste, quality, and temperature of the featured chef specials on the patient menu. 33

As one of the focus areas of the foodservice program is the use of only sustainably raised proteins, they decided to promote sustainable salmon as the chef’s special. Chef Brian Jones provides samples along with educational materials that describe the sustainable fish and NAE products used at JSUMC.


Patient Healing and Clinical Nutrition Patient recovery and healing is at the center of what our clinical teams do.


hether it is addressing malnutrition, developing protocols to feed Covid patients, or supporting patients before, during, and after surgeries,

the Clinical Nutrition department has a great impact on patients’ wellbeing.


We asked our registered dietitians to submit their success stories, and boy, they have so many we would have to write another book just about them! We chose just a few to share with you:


uring the escalation of the Covid crisis, two dietitians at Riverside Methodist Hospital, OhioHealth, Theresa Cattell and Abbey Sheppard, remained on-site in order to continue the placement of small bowel feeding tubes (SBFT) while most of the dietitians were working from home. These dietitians continued to advocate for the need to initiate nutrition support for some of our most-vulnerable patients. Up until 2016 the placement of SBFT at OhioHealth was primarily completed by IV RNs.

Due to the tireless efforts of Theresa, Riverside’s lead nutrition support dietitian, they now have three trained dietitians who can independently place SBFT. 35

These three dietitians, Theresa, Abbey, and Matthew Celik are now placing over 60% of Riverside’s SBFT.


hey are responsible for significant cost savings to the patients as well as to the hospital. To put things into perspective,

a radiology consult costs anywhere from $2,000-$3,000, so the RDs are responsible for saving the hospital roughly $1,564,000$2,346,000 per year!”

Theresa Cattell and Abbey Sheppard

Julie Marsh, MS, RDN, LD Director of Nutrition Systems Morrison Healthcare | OhioHealth

RDs are responsible for saving the hospital roughly

$1,564,000 $2,346,000 per year 36



hout out to Patty LaFratta, pediatric RD from St. Mary’s Hospital in Richmond and all her team who shared the story of a patient who overcame multiple challenges and with their help is on his way to recovery. He went from not being able to eat by mouth to savoring nutritious food again.


etsy Eddy, RD, LD shared with us feedback from one of her patients and we love it! This patient started seeing Betsy for individual appointments and by focusing on consistent, sustainable changes, she was able to reduce her A1C from 7.6 to 6.5 within three months.

The A1C test measures what percentage of hemoglobin proteins in your blood are coated with sugar (glycated).

Thank you, Patty, and team, for everything you did to help Steven heal and stay nourished during these trying times!

Betsy’s patient was so excited about her treatment that she shared her feedback: “My doctor told me there was no way that metformin dropped my A1C by a whole point - it was the changes I made to how I was eating. I am so thankful for the way you approached this with me. You haven’t

told me to eliminate anything or do anything drastic, and if you had, or if we were focused on my weight as a measure of success, I would have quit a long time ago. Seeing the change in my A1C makes me want to keep going and continue with the changes I’ve made.”

Hemoglobin proteins in red blood cells transport oxygen. The higher your A1C level is, the poorer your blood sugar control and the higher your risk of diabetes complications are, according to the Mayo Clinic. 37


Questions & Answers Another big part of our clinical nutrition program is the malnutrition program. We sat

Maureen Janowski, Corporate Director of the Malnutrition Program, down with

and asked her questions about this initiative and how it contributes to patient healing.

Q: How does the malnutrition program contribute to the patient’s wellbeing? A: One of the main focuses of the malnutrition program is to ensure the dietitians are seeing the right patients. As part of the malnutrition program, we evaluate the patients to find out if they are at nutritional risk. It’s important that the dietitians see the patients at nutrition risk as soon as possible so they can start helping the patient increase their nutrition status. The sooner the care plan is developed, the sooner the patient begins their nutritional journey.

Q: Does the intervention in the hospital have an impact on future behavior after the patient is discharged? A: It’s very difficult to ‘cure’ malnutrition during the normal hospital stay of a few days. So, the intervention the dietitian puts into place in the hospital should be carried out even after discharge. These patients should continue to work with a dietitian in the outpatient setting so their nutritional wellbeing can be monitored, and their treatment plan altered as needed to ensure they continue to improve their nutritional status.

Q: What’s the malnutrition program contribute to the patient’s wellbeing?

Q: Does the program help to build healthy eating habits?

A: Readmission rates are almost twice as high in malnourished patients than in well-nourished patients.

A: Sometimes malnutrition is the result of food insecurity or poor eating habits. In these cases, the educational role of the dietitian is critical.

The average readmission rate for well-nourished patients is 14.9% but the average readmission rate for malnourished patients is 23%.

Helping the patient know where or how to gain access to healthy meals can be one of the main interventions needed. Teaching the patient about nutrition and which foods can help increase their nutritional status can go a long way towards increasing a patient’s nutritional status.

That’s a big difference! So, the sooner the patients that are at risk are accurately identified, the sooner the dietitians can assess the patients and plan the appropriate interventions. The sooner the interventions are put into place, the quicker the healing begins. That process is what will help decrease readmissions on these patients.


Readmission rate for malnourished patients


Readmission rate for wellnourished patients




Q: Can you share a success story from one of our accounts? Q: Is there any training available for dietitians interested in malnutrition?

A: One facility recently started their malnutrition program. This

facility had noted that the dietitians were not receiving many consults for patients at risk identified by the nutritional screen.

The Clinical Nutrition Manager (CNM) recently investigated and found that the nutrition risk screening was being completed in only 12% of new admissions.

A: Dietitians perform Nutrition Focused Physical Exams (NFPE) to help identify if patients are malnourished. Morrison has made training on completing NFPEs a focus for the last few years.

The CNM brought this information to the Malnutrition Committee so they could discuss potential solutions. The Health Informatics Manager suggested a few changes in the location of the nutrition risk screening and made the screening mandatory in the EMR. In no time,

This year, we hosted two different webinars on the subject. We also lead virtual NFPE trainings and have trained almost 200 RDNs during the last nine months. We have a newly released interactive training to help reinforce NFPE training and are almost done with a new resource on this topic developed by five different workgroups of Morrison dietitians. Helping our dietitians learn how to identify fat and muscle wasting, plus vitamin and mineral deficiencies is a key initiative this year.

the RDs were receiving many more consults and are now seeing the patients at highest nutrition risk!




fter telling me that

the bell is used for cancer patients who have completed their treatment ,

“While visiting the Providence St. Peter ministry, Codi asked if I could do shadow reports,

she explained that there was a gentleman who had been a patient on the unit for a full year. Each time she would visit him to deliver his meal, she would encourage him and tell him things like, ‘You can do this, hang in there!’ When it came time for him to ring the bell,

so off I went to catch caregivers as they left the kitchen. I noticed one caregiver and decided to follow her.

he requested she come to the unit to ring the bell with him.


s we left the kitchen I began trying to get her to open up a bit by asking questions during the elevator ride and between tray deliveries. As we were rolling down the unit to leave, she stopped and said, ‘You know what… I want to show you something.’ We were on the oncology unit and we back tracked down the hall to a bell.

Not his nurse, not the doctor, not a family member, but his foodservice caregiver who consistently encouraged him multiple times each day.



o she then said,:

‘My job has a greater purpose and I tell this to my team members. I love what I do.’ Her happiness and love for her job is not in the kitchen, but in the patients’ rooms. She is a true caregiver and it really caused me to reflect on our greater purpose. Timeliness, temperature, and accuracy are all important, but we likely serve someone across our company every day their last meal. We have half a million opportunities each day to help encourage someone to continue their fight to complete healing.

We are not a team who just supports assembly and delivery of meals, we are way more than that. April Rascoe, National Director, Patient Dining Services


We asked April how the training we provide to our patient dining associates plays a role in us being able to hear these kinds of stories:

Completing shadow reports to give in-themoment training tips makes the PDA more confident in knowing they are either on the

Utilizing tools such as our Stay Interview Guide to connect with associates and find out what we can

right track or get one-on-one training specific to their needs. This is often presented or thought of as a negative, but a great case here for changing the perception of this process and tool.

specifically do to help is important. ”I did that loosely and without a clip board while riding in the elevator with the PDA.”





Hospital at Home

ur clients are very aware of these changes in model of care, and they have been taking steps to address this new reality and discuss its implications.

Nick Patel, MD, Chief Digital Officer at Prisma Health, told Becker’s Hospital Review:

“A strong hospital at home program that leverages the appropriate personnel, data, inclusion criteria, and technology allows for decompression of busy hospitals and more importantly, provides the equivalent level of care at the fraction of the cost.”


We Are Growing It Into A Forest




fu TuRE

Tom Andriola, Vice Chancellor of IT and Data at University of California Irvine,

was also quoted in the same article talking about the new possibilities technology has opened for hospitals to deliver services, but at the same time highlighting the important role clinicians and caregivers still have as care providers.




Medically Tailored Meals

Medically tailored meal programs providE dietary therapy for patients

suffering from chronic health issues, living in America’s food deserts, or are part of health maintenance programs at home.

Bringing the Power of Food to Patients’ Homes


he combined impact of a national pandemic, a return to value-based healthcare, and evolutions in technology have boosted the rapid

expansion of post-discharge and at-home patient care programs across the country. As part of these holistic programs, quality foods designed to improve patient outcomes are a cornerstone. Medically tailored meal (MTM) programs answer to these client and patient needs by providing dietary therapy for patients suffering from chronic health issues, living in America’s food deserts, or are part of health maintenance programs at home.

Under the belief that food is medicine, Morrison Healthcare has made available an extensive guide that delineates all the steps needed to create a successful MTM program. 48



he playbook, that can be found on MyCompass, outlines all the elements that need to be considered before launching

the program including marketing, operations process considerations and procurement, legal, and finance guidance.

Appendix B

HACCP Information

How to Get Started: Morrison will use a formal decision-making process to implement MTM programs. That process has four steps:

1. Intake Questionnaire

Shipping and/or Final Mile Meal Delivery HACCP Flow Chart

Account Managers fielding requests to start a delivery program will first complete and submit a questionnaire. The intent of the questionnaire is to capture information in three areas: 1. Receiving

2. Storage

3. Cooking

4. Transportation

1. Basic account information

5. Delivery

2. The client’s requirement 3. The Account Manager’s initial assessment of their capabilities to support the requirement. The questionnaire can be found here and doesn’t require detailed analysis to complete.

Overview This playbook guides our teams in the execution of Medically Tailored Meal (MTM) programs to meet our client needs while responsibly adhering to our standards of quality and safety. The combined impact of a national pandemic, a return to value-based healthcare, and evolutions in technology make both post-discharge and at-home patient care rapidly expanding healthcare programs across the country.

Shipping and/or Final Mile Meal Delivery HACCP Plan

Potential hazards

Is this potential hazard significant?


Pathogenic bacteria growth due to temperature abuse


Ingredient temperatures and condition checked upon receipt. Product sourced from approved suppliers.



Pathogenic bacteria growth due to temperature abuse


Ingredient temperatures maintained during storage.



Pathogenic bacteria survival during cooking stage


Final product cooking temperature checked, product cooked to appropriate temperatures listed in FDA Food Code section 3-401.11 and 3-401.12, and 3-403.12 to ensure pathogen destruction. Final product temperatures recorded.


Pathogenic bacteria growth due to temperature abuse during transportation


Cold foods are packaged at 41°F or below, frozen foods are packaged at 10°F or below. Pick up, shipment, and delivery times to do not allow for food to exceed these times for more than four hours.



Product is intended for immediate consumption upon delivery; Product arrives below 41°F, if refrigerated, or 10°F, if frozen, and is intended for later consumption.


Process step



Pathogenic bacteria growth due to temperature abuse

Justify the decision

Preventive measures

Is this step a CCP?

Why MTM?

Primary Drivers

As part of these holistic programs, quality foods designed to improve patient outcomes are a cornerstone. MTM programs answer to these client and patient needs by providing dietary therapy for patients suffering from chronic health issues, living in America’s food deserts, or part of health maintenance programs at home. This document is a living guide that will be updated as conditions, capabilities, and information change.

2. Central Team Review MHC will begin review of the questionnaire. This will likely include reaching out to the manager that submitted it, as well as relevant functional leads.

3. Decision A meeting will be scheduled with MHC operations and account leads to assess the client request and our capability to support. The outcome of this decision will be to either empower the Account Manager to standup a program or to seek a partner better postured to meet the client’s needs.

Trends Accelerated by COVID-19 Food as Medicine, @ Home Care


Service Type • Service types should be limited to those that

can be met by a hospital pass-through/payer for revenue Delivery • MHC may partner but delivery contract should be between client and 3rd-party

Elevate our Partnership with Clients Deliver on what is important to them (e.g. innovation, community)

Strengthen MHC Reputation Morrison as the healthcare go-to food experts

4. Execution If MHC chooses to start an MTM program, relevant stakeholders will be notified, and this Playbook will be put into action. This Playbook will serve as a guide for Account Managers and provide resources for a standup program within prescribed guidelines. Those guidelines include:


Meals • Meals may be refrigerated, frozen or shelfstable • Menus should be fixed with exceptions for allergies or religious considerations IT • Programs should leverage MyDining or the current hospital/VPC systems to order/track/bill where feasible • Phone/fax ordering may be necessary with any 3rd-parties who do not have an online ordering portal Risk • Production processes and delivery adhere to Compass QA guidelines • Programs undergo legal SOW review

Any questions or requests for support as they relate to this program should be sent to

If you want to learn more about our MTM program, please send an email to

8 8 49



Telehealth is the New Normal Compass Group has partnered with Healthie

to enable sites to offer virtual services and programming, connect with clients in between sessions, and offer Teaching Kitchen programming digitally. Healthie will house centralized content and share best practices across our organization.

In a healthcare setting, core features of the platform that will be utilized include programs, survey completion, remote consults (telehealth), chat (secure message), and document sharing to offer care virtually and facilitate ongoing relationships with patients.


Julee Davis, Division Director of Clinical Support at Ohio Health, was tasked with helping develop the telehealth toolkit that includes the use of the Healthie platform. She has also evaluated other platforms and continues to work with different dietitians who are already implementing telehealth to provide care to patients.


Praise for Telehealth “We are working with a young professional male via telehealth.

“I have a patient that has four kids, no transportation, and really wants assistance with trying to lose weight.

His insurance covers his appointments but because of his work schedule, [he] would be unable to attend nutrition counseling if not for telehealth.

I have completed two video telehealth visits with her, and a third appointment scheduled. The convenience for her was significant in allowing her to meet with me when convenient for her schedule. It offered her the ability to focus and absorb the information I was providing her without distractions.

He has been seen three times out of his nine covered appointments so far and is making progress!

Telehealth has removed a barrier for him. His last appointment he went for a walk outside during the session — win-win!”

Amy Downey Bon Secours St. Francis Hospital

The patient was more engaged in our conversation, which made the video time more efficient and productive.”

Shelley Slavens University Health Lakewood Medical Center



Food as medicine Food as medicine interventions consist of healthy foods that are tailored to meet specific needs of individuals living with or at risk for serious health conditions affected by diet.


nvision Group has developed initiatives that fall under the food as medicine umbrella.


80% of chronic lifestyle diseases, diet plays a major role.”

Deanne Brandstetter, VP Nutrition & Wellness, Envision Group


The stress of dealing with Covid-19 has left many physicians struggling.

Nutritional genomics is the science that looks at the relationship between genes, nutrition, and health.


utrigenomics or nutritional genomics is the science that looks at the relationship between genes, nutrition, and health. It allows us to

understand how our individual genetic makeup affects the way we respond to the foods,

beverages, and supplements we consume. “This trend is emerging because we now have mapping of whole human genome, they understand more each year, genes and their variants, and how this affects how people react to food,” said Deanne Brandstetter, VP Nutrition & Wellness, Envision Group. communities.

Our exclusive partnership with Nutrigenomix®, gives us the ability to bring 53

nutritional genomic testing to clients and guests, in conjunction with menu offerings that allow hyperpersonalization.


after implementing a successful pilot

with over

40 compass group executives and senior leaders,

we now have two models available for purchase.

Model 1

Model 2

Individual guest/student/patient orders and pays for test via special website using discount code

Compass RDN acts as provider by ordering test kit and counseling the patient


his is one of the many tools dietitians can use to help their patients. It allows them to provide more effective, targeted nutrition counseling and medical nutrition therapy, according to Brandstetter. She added that studies have been done showing people who receive personal gene counseling are more likely to follow the advice. 54


Good Food 4U A subscription-based, personalized fresh and healthy meal program expertly guided by our registered dietitians.


he basic package uses dietary needs, preferences, and patterns to provide an individual food program along with food as medicine educational resources.

The premium package incorporates nutritional genomics and microbiome testing and adds virtual one-on-one wellness counseling and health coaching services.

Questions? Reach out to Deanne Brandstetter at 55

Microbiome Testing Imagine a future where we could prevent chronic diseases and other illnesses!

That’s what Viome Life Sciences has set to accomplish. The company was founded in 2016 with a “mission to make illness optional by predicting, reversing, and preventing chronic diseases, cancer, and aging through a deeper understanding of an individual’s biology.”


hey provide the industry’s only direct-to-consumer healthcare test that analyzes microbial and human gene expressions (mRNA) to provide individuals with health insights and the nutrition they need. Their goal is to identify the root causes of chronic diseases and ways to prevent and reverse them. 56



We Flourish Together

re sour ces



Power of Food Menus To learn more about the new patient menus, contact Heidi DeCosmo at

Medically Tailored Meals If you want to learn more about our Medically Tailored Meals program, please send an email to MedicallyTailoredMeals



Infant Feeding Room (Clinical Nutrition) The Infant Feeding Room playbook is a great resource for clinicians and can be found on MyCompass. If you need more information, contact Gisele Leger at

Malnutrition Toolkit (Clinical Nutrition) If you need more information about the malnutrition program, please contact Maureen Janowski, Corporate Director Malnutrition Program




02 .H




r Wo r k force




Healthcare workers are no doubt the heroes of the Covid-19 pandemic.


hey’ve spent countless hours tending to the sick, fighting against a deadly disease, and sacrificing time with their families.

We still don’t know the extent of the toll this pandemic has put on them, but we know that even before Covid-19 hit, healthcare workers were working long, hectic hours and struggling with physical and mental health issues.


Even though healthcare workers have many wellness programs at their disposal, this group still has elevated health risks, like obesity, and is more likely to have chronic diseases. 64

Over 32% of those who work in healthcare are clinically obese. According to the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, this rate of obesity is higher than just about any other occupation.




Nurses Health

> 32 %

According to the American Nursing Association (ANA), for nearly every indicator, the health of America’s nurses is worse than that of the average American.

of those who work in healthcare are clinically obese.


or example, nurses are more likely to be overweight, have higher stress levels, and get less than the recommended hours of sleep. Add to that the fact that registered nurses have the fourth-highest rate of injuries and illnesses that result in days away from work when compared to all other occupations, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Here are some other stats from the HealthyNurse ® Survey: DAILY INTAKE OF FRUITS AND VEGETABLES 21%





27. 94 BMI


nurses’ average body mass index (BMI) Source: HealthyNurse® Survey 0-1




5 or more


into the overweight * This index falls category

Physician’s Health Historically doctors have had better health than nurses, but the stress of dealing with Covid-19 has left many struggling.


48 %

of physicians who participated in the survey said they are currently trying to lose weight Nutrition plays perhaps the most significant impact on poor health.

Overweight healthcare employees tend to eat lots of starchy foods, sugar, fat, and sugary beverages, and they aren’t as active as their average-weight counterparts. That’s why Morrison Healthcare has committed to improving the health of healthcare workers by offering a healthy food environment and supporting our partners’ wellness initiatives.




The stress of dealing with Covid-19 has left many physicians struggling.

45 %


of physicians who participated in the survey are eating healthy to maintain their happiness and mental health.

Source: 2021 Medscape Physician Lifestyle and Happiness Report: 67




stor ies Es

we started with a seed.


Some of the steps Ballad health has taken to support a healthier workforce include:

Review Ballad’s food policy that now incorporates criteria previously held by the system and recommendations from Cleveland Clinic and Morrison Healthcare. Items should meet the B-Well standards to be deemed healthy. Be Well

Foods that meet the criteria are labeled with the B-Well logo. “We try to make it simple, so it’s not hard for an employee to decide if a food is healthy or not,” said Caroline.

Promoting Healthy Choices at Ballad Health

$$$ $$

Price changes for bottled beverages. Sugar-free and beverages with no artificial sweetener are cheaper than sugary beverages. In total, there’s a 20-cent difference between sugar-free and beverages with added sugar.



allad Health is taking employee wellness to the next level with a series of initiatives to offer healthy options and educate staff and caregivers. According to Caroline Chestnut, Director of Nutrition and Population Health for the Ballad Health system, part of these efforts are lead and supported by our Morrison Healthcare teams. Chestnut is also a member of the B-Well food subcommittee, which seeks to create a healthy environment in hospital cafés.

Healthy beverages are located at eye level in the café, while sugary drinks are lower or higher on the shelf. This example of healthy choice architecture makes it easier to choose healthier beverages.

At least one B-Well vegetable is offered at each station.


In the future: Be Well

The B-Well criteria will be added to the Intranet and the B-Well website.

Be Well

Punch cards will be offered to incentivize healthy meals (i.e., buy five B-Well meals, get one

Food portions will be “rightsized” to meet the B-Well criteria. %


Additional pricing incentives will be applied to B-Well food items. Be Well

Entrees and side items that promote health will be marketed as B-Well B-Well..


ll these changes have required a lot of coordination with the client, according to Caroline Chestnut. “Price changes need to be approved by the CFO and the client. We had to coordinate with the hospital’s marketing department to announce the

changes. So, there’s a close collaboration with the client,” she said. Seth Bowery, the system executive chef, and other members of the Morrison team remain closely engaged with the B-Well program.

Other priorities include: designing a B-Well retail concept dedicated to serving healthy foods, increasing B-Well food options on the catering menu, and offering staff, caregivers, and guests education on making positive choices when dining out.


Entrées and side items that promote health will be marketed as B-Well 71


WellPower at Work in Upstate Medical University A picture is worth a thousand words, goes the saying. So, in images, we wanted to show you what a difference a WellPower refresh can make in a hospital café.


he collaboration between the culinary, retail, and wellness teams increased the number of FIT, vegan, and vegetarian items available for staff and guests in the café.




Closed due to covid restrictions

Open with amazing fresh choices during peak hours!

Added “FIT” call outs for items that fall into the “FIT” criteria

360 degree table Entrance Table


+5 % FIT items sales increase

+ 4. 94 % total sales increase immediately after refresh


+6 %

vegan and vegetarian items sales increase


The Power of Partnership at Lehigh Valley Health Network Spanning across 11 hospitals and one corporate building, the Lehigh Valley Health Network is a very diverse account in terms of demographics and tastes.

plant based

comfort food

For example, at Cedar Crest the salad bar has expanded and now offers several plant-based alternatives for protein.

To satisfy both needs, some retail spaces use Entrée Reimagined to combine comfort items with vegetables and plant-based options.


The stress of dealing with Covid-19 has left many physicians struggling.

Some other exciting things happening at Lehigh Valley:


Regular wellness audits are conducted, and there have been positive improvements in the scores compared to the baseline audit that took place in the summer of 2020.

The Avoiding Gluten program has been implemented in response to staff request, and now, an increased variety of certified gluten-free products are marketed and readily available. 77

Source: 2021 Medscape Physician Lifestyle and Happiness Report:

Added “FIT” , “Organic” call outs for items that fall into the “FIT” criteria


360 degree table Entrance Table

Added “FIT” , “Organic” call outs for items that fall into the “FIT” criteria


Mayo Clinic: A New Approach to Healthy Beginning in January 2021, Mayo Clinic Food Services implemented the Healthy You strategic initiative.


n addition to encouraging the health of Mayo Clinic staff, patients, and visitors, the Healthy You strategic initiative is heavily rooted in sustainable purchasing and supporting the ongoing commitment and mission of environmental stewardship at Mayo Clinic. Since


the Morrison Healthcare team has partnered closely with Mayo Clinic Food Services leadership and experts experts to help design, execute, and advise on healthy food initiatives.

“Developing and launching Healthy You is a great example of what can be accomplished when a group of dedicated and passionate experts come together to support a common goal,” said Leann Bauer, Morrison System Project Manager, Wellness and Sustainability for Mayo Clinic. “The work we did in outlining the guiding criteria and food philosophies behind Healthy You allowed us to successfully launch and exceed our expected results, despite the challenges we faced during this time of great unknowns. Since we launched this initiative, Morrison Healthcare Food Services has been recognized as an integral department that directly supports the healing mission of Mayo Clinic, and we are well positioned for continued innovation and success.” 80


Some of the achievements of this program include: Increasing its use of local produce to provide the freshest ingredients and reduce the environmental impact of shipping. Establishing a robust Healthy You café program that emphasizes plantforward foods and whole grains, while reducing sugar, unhealthy fats, fats and other foods known to cause disease.

Increasing the amount of plantbased menu offerings, including a weekly feature of Meatless Mondays. Launching a certified gluten-free kitchen that provides an increased variety of freshly made gluten-free sandwiches, entrees, and baked goods for cafes and patient meals. Encouraging staff members to use their own mugs for self-serve hot tea or coffee by offering a savings of 10% on their drinks. This ongoing promotion, dubbed Hug-a-Mug, reduced foam cup usage Hug-a-Mug by more than 27,000 cups in six Removing straws from drink stations to reduce single-use plastics.


In 2021, Mayo Clinic transitioned away from using foam across the enterprise and has switched to more sustainable disposables and washable dishware in staff and guest cafés. In July 2019, recyclable plastic cups were introduced to replace Styrofoam cups at its Rochester locations.

hospital’s marketing department to announce the

Other priorities include: designing a Be Well retail

changes. So, there’s a close collaboration with the

concept dedicated to serving healthy foods, increasing

coordination with the client, according to Caroline

client,” she said. Seth Bowery, the system executive

Be Well food options on the catering menu, and

Chestnut. “Price changes need to be approved by the

chef, other members of the Morrison team remain

offering staff, caregivers, and guests education on

CFO and the client. We had to coordinate with the

closely engaged with the Be Well program.

making positive choices when dining out.

ll these changes have required a lot of



Added “FIT” , “Organic” call outs for items that fall into the “FIT” criteria

99 Word Cloud plant-forward foods IMAGERYemphasize

Morrison Healthcare


and whole grains

Morrison Morrison Healthcare Healthcare

Healthy You Identity | Brand Guidelines

American Heart Association Food and Beverage Toolkit, 2014. Robert Woods Johnson Foundation. Healthy Beverage Recommendations. 2013.









EASIERWHEN WHEN ISISEASIER YOU KNOW THE CALORIES YOU KNOW THE CALORIES Calories and sensible and sensible Calories Calories and sensible portion sizes offered portion sizes areare offered portion sizes are offered with your good health with your good health with your good health in in mind. in mind. mind.





3 2 S(g) SU G ARS 5 TSEPAOS O PO O NS 3 U A R N S 32 2 3(g) (g) 2 S(g) UG G SU A G RS SA R S 5 5 TT EE5 A ATSEPAOS O PO NO S NS (includes F D A EDDD E D (includes FO A (includes (includes O O AFD DD A EDDD E D natural sugar) O F S U G AR natural sugar) natural natural sugar) sugar) S A R SU UG G SU AG R AR



33% 1 71 % 7% 33% NOW NOW NOW NOW

1970 s 1970 ss 1970 1970 s

WHERE WILL I SEE CALORIES? WILL I SEE CALORIES? WHERE WHERE WILL I SEE CALORIES? • Meals from sit-down restaurants • Meals from sit-down restaurants • • Meals • Meals fromfrom sit-down sit-down restaurants restaurants • • Foods purchased at drive-thru windows • purchased at windows • • Foods Foods • Foods purchased purchased at drive-thru drive-thru at drive-thru windows windows • • Take-out like pizza • Take-out Take-out food,food, like pizza pizza • • Take-out food, food, like like pizza • Foods, like a sandwich, ordered from a menu • • Foods, Foods, like a alike sandwich, ordered fromfrom a menu menu • • Foods, like sandwich, a sandwich, ordered ordered from a a menu • or menu board at a grocery store or menu board at a grocery store or menu or menu board board at a at grocery a grocery storestore • Foods you serve yourself a salad or hot • • Foods Foods you serve serve yourself fromfrom a salad salad or hot hot • • Foods you you serve yourself yourself from from a a salad or or hot • bar a restaurant or grocery foodfood bar at at a at restaurant or grocery grocery storestore • food food bar bar a at restaurant a restaurant or or grocery store store •

•muffin A muffin on display at a bakery or coffee shop A• on at bakery or shop A muffin A muffin on display display on display at a a at bakery a bakery or coffee coffee or coffee shopshop • Popcorn purchased at a movie theatre or Popcorn purchased at movie theatre or Popcorn • Popcorn purchased purchased at a a at movie a movie theatre theatre or or amusement amusement parkpark amusement amusement park park •scoop A scoop ofcream, ice cream, milk shake or sundae from A• of ice iceof milk milk shake or sundae sundae fromfrom A scoop A scoop of cream, ice cream, milk shake shake or or sundae from ancream ice cream store an store an ice ice ancream ice cream storestore • Certain alcoholic beverages a restaurant Certain alcoholic beverages at a a at restaurant Certain • Certain alcoholic alcoholic beverages beverages at at restaurant a restaurant • Certain vending machines Certain vending machines Certain • Certain vending vending machines machines

offer menu labeling WeWe offer menu labeling We offer menu labeling in café with your in the café with your in the the café with your good health in good health in mind. good health in mind. mind. SOURCES: SOURCES: SOURCES: SOURCES: Food Labeling: Nutrition Labeling of Standard Menu Items in Restaurants and Similar Retail Food Establishments Final

YOU KNOW... KNOW... DODO YOU What you putting you areare putting in in What What you are putting in your body? Choose well. your body? Choose well. your body? Choose well.

Food Labeling: Nutrition Labeling of FDA-2011-F Standard Menu in Restaurants and Similar Retail Food Establishments Final Regulatory Impact Analysis -0172Items Food Labeling: Food Labeling: Nutrition Nutrition Labeling Labeling of Standard of Standard Menu Items Menu in Items Restaurants in Restaurants and Similar andRetail Similar Food Retail Establishments Food Establishments Final Final Regulatory Impact Analysis FDA-2011-F -0172 -waves/2010-june/eating-out-increases-daily-calorie -intake.aspx#.u4zfb1efh1w Regulatory Regulatory Impact Analysis Impact Analysis FDA-2011-F FDA-2011-F -0172 -0172 -waves/2010-june/eating-out-increases-daily-calorie -intake.aspx#.u4zfb1efh1w -waves/2010-june/eating-out-increases-daily-calorie -waves/2010-june/eating-out-increases-daily-calorie -intake.aspx#.u4zfb1efh1w -intake.aspx#.u4zfb1efh1w

Removing straws from drink stations

-27,000 foam cups used in six months 85

recyclable plastic cups were introduced to replace Styrofoam cups at its Rochester locations.

American Heart Association Food and Beverage Toolkit, 2014. American Heart Association Food and Toolkit, 2014. American American Heart Heart Association Association FoodFood and Beverage Beverage and Beverage Toolkit, Toolkit, 2014.2014. Robert Woods Johnson Foundation. Healthy Beverage Recommendations. 2013 Robert Woods Johnson Foundation. Healthy Beverage Recommendations. 2013. Robert Robert Woods Woods Johnson Johnson Foundation. Foundation. Healthy Healthy Beverage Beverage Recommendations. Recommendations. 2013.2013


esides café promotions and changes, Mayo Clinic focuses on educating their staff and the community on the importance of eating healthy and how to prepare healthy meals.

Healthy Indian cuisine Celebrity Chef Bal Arneson, host of the TV show “The Spice Goddess,” hosted numerous in-person and virtual Teaching Kitchens, where she has shared some of her most delicious recipes like No-Butter Chicken and Spiced Salmon with Cashew Tomato Sauce.



nother area of focus for employee wellness is the partnership with the WellBeing program.

Some of the activities planned under this partnership include Employee Well-Being Days.

As part of this effort, our teams have also

increased the number of healthy options in vending machines. As a result, at least half of the selections meet wellness criteria for reduced calories, sugar, sodium, and fat content.

Well-Being team members hand out healthy food samples, recipes, and other resources at select cafeterias.


morrison market

The store is open once a month, and associates can shop for stable items like soap, bleach, or household cleaners, using Morrison bucks that they earn as rewards for a job well done. PURELY GOOD

Another initiative the Atrium teams implemented to help support their coworkers is the Morrison Market.

“It’s an engagement tool that helps us motivate our departments and also helps them get items that otherwise take money away from their paychecks,” said Susan Kamaravel, VP of Operations.


Addressing Food Insecurity about

30 %

Amid the Covid-19 pandemic, the teams at Atrium Health surveyed their support staff and found, among other things, 30% of the housekeepers were afraid they were not going to be able to buy food for their families.


ith these needs in mind, the teams at Atrium Health developed a program that provides family meal kits for employees at an affordable cost.

Some of the highlights of the program are: Meals serve two to four people Meals are available for sale in the cafeteria There is a variety of options

of the housekeepers were afraid they were not going to be able to buy food for their families



of surplus food are being distributed each week

including comfort foods meals that meet Atrium’s wellness criteria, Purely Good, and popular Morrison retail concepts served in the café. To extend these efforts to the community surrounding the hospital, in 2021 Atrium Health partnered with Feeding Charlotte and Morrison Healthcare to reduce food waste and

improve access to nutritious food to those in Mecklenburg County who experience food insecurity. 89

Through this effort, an estimated 1,000 pounds of surplus fresh food that might otherwise go to waste are being distributed each week, including vegetables, proteins, and other perishable items.



As more health systems continue to ask us to adopt and strengthen their food policies, our eyes are set on being flexible and ready to jump in from day one.


he Wellness & Sustainability team is equipped with the right tools to perform comprehensive audits that help hospital leaders determine what changes need to be made or what is working already to offer staff a healthy workplace.



fu TuR e 91



COPA Agreements

An example of a COPA agreement is the creation of Ballad Health, which was formed in 2018 through the merger of Mountain States Health Alliance and Wellmont Health System.


s you are aware, the healthcare market is continuously changing, with big mergers and acquisitions always happening. When healthcare providers who might otherwise be competitors merge, states encourage collaborative arrangements to protect the consumer.

These arrangements are also known as Certificate of Public Advantage (COPA), which is “a written certificate issued by the department as evidence of the department’s intention that the implementation of a cooperative agreement, when actively supervised by the department, receive state action immunity from prosecution as a violation of state or federal antitrust laws,” according to Law Insider.

STAY TUNED! new mergers are an opportunity to expand on wellness programs or support a population health strategy. 92

We have all the tools needed to support clients in these endeavors.



Medically Tailored Meals for Caregivers Healthcare workers face many challenges with their own health, but we can help in creative ways to address these issues.


Through the

f caregivers can take home a medically tailored meal after a long day, it would be one less worry for them,” said Peggy O’Neill, VP of Nutrition and Wellness. Through the MTM program, patients, staff, and the community can get balanced meals prepared fresh and low in fat, sodium, and sugar.


patients, staff, and the community can get balanced meals

The MTM program can be utilized in different settings like post-discharge, at-home care, community outreach, and employee wellness programs based on specific client needs.

How to Get Started: Morrison will use a formal decision-making process to implement MTM programs. That process has four steps:

1. Intake Questionnaire Account Managers fielding requests to start a delivery program will first complete and submit a questionnaire. The intent of the questionnaire is to capture information in three areas: 1. Basic account information 2. The client’s requirement 3. The Account Manager’s initial assessment of their capabilities to support the requirement. The questionnaire can be found here and doesn’t require detailed analysis to complete.

Overview This playbook guides our teams in the execution of Medically Tailored Meal (MTM) programs to meet our client needs while responsibly adhering to our standards of quality and safety. The combined impact of a national pandemic, a return to value-based healthcare, and evolutions in technology make both post-discharge and at-home patient care rapidly expanding healthcare programs across the country.

Why MTM?

Primary Drivers

As part of these holistic programs, quality foods designed to improve patient outcomes are a cornerstone. MTM programs answer to these client and patient needs by providing dietary therapy for patients suffering from chronic health issues, living in America’s food deserts, or part of health maintenance programs at home. This document is a living guide that will be updated as conditions, capabilities, and information change.

Service Type • Service types should be limited to those that

can be met by a hospital pass-through/payer for revenue Delivery • MHC may partner but delivery contract should be between client and 3rd-party

2. Central Team Review MHC will begin review of the questionnaire. This will likely include reaching out to the manager that submitted it, as well as relevant functional leads.

Elevate our Partnership with Clients Deliver on what is important to them (e.g. innovation, community)

3. Decision Strengthen MHC Reputation Morrison as the healthcare go-to food experts

4. Execution If MHC chooses to start an MTM program, relevant stakeholders will be notified, and this Playbook will be put into action. This Playbook will serve as a guide for Account Managers and provide resources for a standup program within prescribed guidelines. Those guidelines include:

A meeting will be scheduled with MHC operations and account leads to assess the client request and our capability to support. The outcome of this decision will be to either empower the Account Manager to standup a program or to seek a partner better postured to meet the client’s needs.

Trends Accelerated by COVID-19 Food as Medicine, @ Home Care


Meals • Meals may be refrigerated, frozen or shelf-

stable • Menus should be fixed with exceptions for

allergies or religious considerations

To learn more about MTM contact

IT • Programs should leverage MyDining or the current hospital/VPC systems to order/track/bill where feasible • Phone/fax ordering may be necessary with any 3rd-parties who do not have an online ordering portal Risk


• Production processes and delivery adhere to

Compass QA guidelines • Programs undergo legal SOW review

Any questions or requests for support as they relate to this program should be sent to


We Flourish together

re sour ces




Power Brands

Contact the Wellness & Sustainability team

Power Brands offer guests a plant-forward option at a station within the café. Just like Pop-Up Concepts, they are a full package with a set menu and marketing.

to learn more about Advanced Population Health Services, including wellness assessments or audits: Heather Farkas Lisa Roberson

live life on the veg

EatLiveDoWell Website

Virtual Teaching Kitchens

a repository of wellness and sustainability information, recipes, and videos.

You can partner with your client to offer virtual Teaching Kitchen events

to help educate caregivers on healthy eating while providing a much-needed break. To schedule an event, contact: Lisa Roberson






Our health is our most valuable asset. It is something we safeguard and value as a society.



rillions of dollars are spent yearly on healthcare, with new treatments and medicines constantly in development. Yet, chronic illnesses run rampant.

60 % of adults in the U.S. have a chronic disease.


Sixty percent of adults in the U.S. have a chronic disease.

hat is a huge factor in the health of our communities that stifles the happiness and success of communities. Just look at the numbers

by the numbers:


34. 2 million

The percentage of adults who have their high blood pressure under control increased.

Americans, or 10.5 percent of the population, has diabetes Source: National Diabetes Statistics Report

Source: U.S. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey

4 in 10 Adults in the US have two chronic diseases Source: National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion

most common chronic illnesses result in $1.1 trillion of lost productivity Source: Milken Institute

We can reduce healthcare costs by investing in health while adding billions of dollars in growth and efficiency to the economy.

educing chronic illnesses will have a tangible impact on the health and well-being of individuals and communities. 98

Americans are diagnosed with diabetes every year Source: National Diabetes Statistics Report

$ 3. 8 trillion



1. 5 million

Annual healthcare cost in the U.S., driven mainly by chronic disease Source: National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion


On a local level, an investment in health can serve as a boost for a community.



comes to reducing or eliminating chronic illnesses. Education plays a vital role in establishing healthy diets. Beyond knowledge, many communities face limitations to accessing healthy food. These are commonly called “food deserts.”

The numbers are staggering, showing that most Americans do not consume enough fruits and vegetables in their daily diet.


* Only of adults meet the daily fruit intake recommendation




healthy community will thrive, however, creating this type of environment is not easy. There are barriers for many areas of the country that experience physician shortage, poverty, a greater number of uninsured patients, and long travel distances. Dietary obstacles are also a significant factor in healthy communities, particularly when it

* Only of adults meet the daily vegetable intake recommendation* 9.3%

Fruit and vegetable consumption among American youth is also low:


* Just of high school students meet the fruit recommendation



* Only of high school students meet the vegetable recommendation

* The 2020–2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends that adults consume 1.5–2 cups of fruits and 2–3 cups of vegetables per day.






ood insecurity is another major barrier that many communities around our hospitals experience. Unfortunately, the COVID-19

projected that


pandemic has imposed greater hardship, ending years of declining rates of food insecurity. Here are some stats to consider:

42 million people ( 1 in 8 ) including 13 million children ( 1 in 6 )

could experience food insecurity in 2021.


t is essential to increase access to healthy foods by making them convenient and affordable where people live, work, learn, and play. This is particularly important for communities facing food insecurity or lacking access to stores that sell quality produce at reasonable prices. In the following pages, you will read about projects and programs developed by Morrison Healthcare teams in collaboration with our clients to address food insecurity. You will also learn about innovative initiatives to serve sustainable, locally grown food to patients and support our communities using The Power of FoodTM. 100

More is being done.More can be done. Healthier communities are within reach.

stO ries inspiring change for healthier communities


Boston Medical Center The BMC rooftop farm is an impressive 2,658 square foot farm with more than 25 crops. When you walk around the garden, you’ll find arugula, bok choy, Swiss chard, carrots, spinach, cucumbers, and two urban beehives, among other delicious produce.

The BMC rooftop farm is an impressive

2,658 sq.ft

+ 25 crops


he farm provides fresh, local produce to hospitalized patients, cafeterias, their Teaching Kitchens, and Preventive Food Pantry, and is part of BMC’s commitment to going green. Morrison Healthcare chefs use the very locally sourced produce in patient meals and in the café, so guests and hospital staff can enjoy it.


ROOFTOP GARDEN by the numbers:

406 +

1,288 5,000

People that visited the farm in 2019

Youth that visited the farm

6,000 lbs

245 +

Total Food Harvested Annually


n addition, any unused produce goes to the hospital’s Preventative Food Pantry – a program where low-income patients can get fresh produce prescribed by their doctors for free.

VOLUNTeers According to Regional Director of Operations Jamie Robidoux, the café often features specialty menu items and Teaching Kitchen events based on what is growing on


the rooftop. The garden has

allowed the hospital to impact its sustainability efforts and include the entire hospital community.


uring the COVID-19 pandemic, the Teaching Kitchen classes switched from in-person to online.

The classes range from cancer and sickle cell support to lupus cooking and seasonal challenges. Participants receive a list of ingredients they need to prepare the dish, and they can follow the class from the comfort of their homes.

These lessons teach patients and the community how to make simple, cost-effective, and delicious recipes to help them live healthier lives and manage diseases or conditions.

Preventive Food Pantry

Preventive Food Pantry is another BMC initiative that works to address nutritionrelated illness and under-nutrition for low-income patients. 104

Families receive for free three to four days’ worth of food for their household, including fruits, vegetables, and meats.



ur Lady of the Lakes Children’s Hospital (OLOL) is turning the Teaching Kitchen program into

an opportunity to offer a respite to patients and the community.

The two-part presentation featured an exclusive video from

Chef Bal teaching chilren and families to make Christmasthemed spiced cupcakes

During the holidays, they broadcasted the Teaching Kitchen from the fifth-floor playroom, which can show remote videos and live events to all the patient rooms and the family lounges.

Join us on

Channel 43



Celebrity Chef Bal Arneson December 22nd at 2 pm


he second part was a live stream with Morrison Healthcare’s Sous Chef

“Along with the Child Life team, we rounded all rooms after the event and received positive feedback from patients and parents.

Ronnice Johnson, OLOL CH Dietary Manager

Lea Theriot,

They really enjoyed it!” said Jack Cruise, director of Food and Nutrition Services at OLOL.

and OLOL CH administrator

Chad Cathey. They talked about cupcake decorating, nutritional facts, ways to lower carb intake, and other helpful tips. They also provided the recipe to take home, and for the patients on a special diet, they provided crayons and coloring pages of cupcakes so they could participate.

“We received quite a bit of positive feedback from Physicians and Nursing”.



Helping the Community Make Healthy Choices Eat Fit is a nonprofit initiative of Ochsner Health, developed and spearheaded by a team of dietitians to help the community make healthy choices when eating out.


hen people are dining out, they don’t know how or what to order to get a healthy meal,” explained Molly Kimball, Nutrition Program Manager, Ochsner Fitness Center, and founder of Eat Fit NOLA Eat Fit partners with restaurants in the New Orleans region, encouraging them to serve nutritious, delicious meals to those looking for alternatives to eat healthy and manage cholesterol, blood pressure, and diabetes. Items that conform to the Eat Fit criteria are clearly labeled on restaurant menus and have become a staple at many establishments.


Eat Fit also partners with Morrison Healthcare at nine locations where we serve Eat Fit items in the cafés.



There are daily breakfast and combo lunch options at each hospital that meet the Eat Fit criteria: low sodium, low sugar, low animal saturated fat, and low white carbs.


e reviewed hundreds of recipes with Morrison’s dietitians and found the right items, so there’s always something available at lunch and breakfast. We also 109

have signage in café items and the coolers to make things easier for everyone,” said Brittany Craft, dietitian leading the Eat Fit Northshore program.


Helping Address Food Insecurity Breadcoin is the New Form of Payment at Children’s National Hospital


n 2021, Children’s National Hospital in Washington, D.C., became the first hospital participating with Breadcoin, a community response effort that addresses food insecurity. Breadcoin is a token designed to empower and feed underserved communities. Breadcoin collaborates with local vendors who provide hot meals to the hungry with the dignity of choice. And Morrison Healthcare was ready to get in on the action. Cheryl Brown, Assistant Director of Operations, coordinated the setup with Morrison Healthcare, educated the cashiers and retail staff on the new payment process, and collaborated with Family Services to implement this initiative.

The recently renamed Express Market and Café Express, run by Morrison Healthcare, accept Breadcoins like cash for their $2.20 value. Families can choose what to eat, including a salad from the Salad Robot.

The stress of dealing with Covid-19 has left many physicians struggling.


he Breadcoins can be used directly in the hospital during a stay or at other vendors around D.C. and

Baltimore to allow these families in crises to get a meal on the way home, the next day, or as needed.

“Having a child in the hospital can be stressful, and we can alleviate the worry of paying for a meal with the use of Breadcoin,” “By giving those in need a choice on where they nourish themselves, we feel we are helping feed families here onsite and beyond.”

said Genevieve Potvin, Senior Director of Nutrition Services at Children’s National. 111


Reduce Food Waste and Curb Food Insecurity Atrium Health, Morrison Healthcare, and Feeding Charlotte Team Up to Reduce Food Waste and Curb Food Insecurity Atrium Health, Feeding Charlotte, and Morrison Healthcare work together to reduce food waste and improve access to nutritious food for those in Mecklenburg County who experience food insecurity.


1000 pounds

of surplus fresh food that might otherwise go to waste are distributed each week.

Chef Chris Hinton was recognized as Envision Group’s 2021 Be-a-Star Stop Food Waste Day Hero of the Year for his work to drive awareness around food waste and food insecurity.


hrough this effort, an estimated 1,000 pounds of surplus fresh food that might otherwise go to waste are distributed each week, including vegetables, proteins, and other perishable items that can help the community get access to food that can improve their health. “As a healthcare organization committed to sustainability and supporting our community’s health and well-being,

we understand the devastating impacts food insecurity has on health outcomes” said Ken Haynes, president of Greater Charlotte Region of Atrium Health, in a press release.


e are proud to partner with Morrison Healthcare and Feeding Charlotte to feed Charlotte’s hungry neighbors instead of local landfills and reduce food waste across our community. Together, we will make a tremendous social impact in the Charlotte community by

providing wholesome, healthy meals to people in need that improve health, elevate hope and advance healing,” he added. The program started as a pilot at five Atrium Health locations served by Morrison Healthcare. The donations are facilitated by Feeding Charlotte, a local nonprofit organization that collects


fresh, unserved, surplus meals from restaurants, caterers, and institutions and delivers the meals to local nonprofits feeding the hungry to reduce food waste and ease hunger.

fut uR e


We Are Growing It Into A Forest

We are already doing many inspiring things to help our communities, but there’s more to be done.


ere are some ideas of programs and innovations that can help our accounts create healthier communities.



Community Gardens Gardens in hospitals are a great way of supporting the community and taking care of the environment.

“If you have patients that are well enough, you can have them take care of the garden.


ou can let your associates, patients, and guests know you’re growing your produce, and it’s being served at the hospital! So there are many possibilities,” said Chef Michael Panfil, Director of Culinary at Envision Group.


Envision Group offers several options and has developed processes to help guide accounts that want to grow gardens.


ach account is different, and it depends on what each sector wants to do.

We offer guidance on the options available and established a process with Quality Assurance (Q.A.) for those who want to serve the produce inhouse”. explained Chef Michael, who added that

accounts should contact their local authorities to determine what can be done in their locations.


Some of the options available for accounts looking to add a garden include:

Freight Farms A few health systems are looking into an innovative solution to give communities access to local food. Enter Freight Farms, the creator of the “container farm” and other products that allow people to grow food for their community.


Reduces Water Usage by

97% Cuts the Carbon Footprint by more than

50 %

Freight Farms By the Numbers


hey use hydroponics as the method we use to grow inside the Greenery S (containers).

“Hydroponics is an alternative farming method that grows plants without the use of soil. Instead, plants’ roots are submerged in nutrient-rich water that provides the plants with all the nourishment they need,” according to Freight Farms.


U.S. States

350 Freight Farms

Freight Farms uses no pesticides or herbicides, reduces water usage by 97%, saves two acres of land, brings food miles from thousands to none, and cuts the carbon footprint by more than 50% when paired with renewable energy.

In addition, it’s a great way to engage the community and attract those who care about sustainability.

Crop Examples: Butterhead lettuce Oakleaf lettuce Swiss Chard Mustard Greens Cabbage Leaves Arugula Cilantro Mint



Dill Oregano Kale Endive Basil Chives Thyme *As of January 2021



Farmshelf (Indoor Garden Shelves) Farmshelf is an automated, internet-connected hydroponic growing system that creates smart indoor farms that enable users to grow leafy greens, herbs, and more in small spaces.


he indoor farms are book-cased sized and grow food two to three times faster and with less water than conventional farming.


Different Compass Group sectors are already using this technology with great success. For example, just read the testimonial from Condé Nast:


armshelf makes our customers happy.

We love how fast the plants grow, the extraordinary yield and the great flavors. It’s so easy to use!” - Gatetano Gatti

General Manager Conde Nast, Restaurant Associates

We remotely monitor to optimize lighting, nutrients and airflow.




University of Illinois at Chicago

American Express, NYC


Farmshelf is a Foodbuy approved vendor





oth Farmshelf and Freight Farms use hydroponics to grow food.

Hydroponics is a method of growing plants without soil . It is

the fastest-growing agricultural sector, and it could very well dominate food production in the future.

Here are just a few reasons to consider growing hyper-locally Uses less water and less land


the number of crops in the same space

you can plant up to 4X the number of crops in the same space as traditional soil farming


Some crops can grow


as fast

Some crops can grow twice as fast by getting the correct amount of nutrients, water, and oxygen


doesn’t have to travel to get to you, and you can grow yearround



Goodr: Food Waste Management Goodr is a sustainable food waste management company that leverages technology to reduce food waste and combat hunger.


hey provide an end-to-end solution that helps businesses

save money, feed more people, and produce less waste through the donation of edible food.


$5 Million


MILLION Meals provided

Client tax deductions

Goodr provides a secure ledger that tracks an organization’s surplus food from pickup to donation, delivering real-time social and environmental impact reporting analytics.

10 Million LBS Of food diverted from landfills

We can measure the impact in three ways:

Gets edible surplus food to local communities in need

IMAGE FROM MTM playbook (missing)

Reduces greenhouse emissions from landfills

Improves the bottom line through charitable food donations

Reducing Food Waste and Supporting Local Communities


e’ve been using Waste Not 2.0 since June 2020. The software records the

waste throughout the entire food production and delivery chain , using tablets set up in six of our kitchens. For example, we throw out seeds and skins from foods such as cantaloupes, expired food that’s no longer safe to eat, and leftovers from the catering staff.

As a result, we’ve compiled some impressive results since the start of the program until April 2021:

2.7 tons of waste 2 collected through March 2021 across our 1,300-bed hospital


tons went to



very level of the culinary staff is involved. For instance,

donated to local food banks

The chefs review the data and recommend changes in our processes to eliminate waste. They also identify food that can be rescued and donated to local communities.

the utility team collects food waste in the dish room returned from service lines, and the

production team tracks trim and production errors . 126


Best Practice


nvolving our entire team using the Waste Not 2.0 technology has also helped us better understand trends and capture more waste.

After analyzing the amount of waste by each shift, we found that our

breakfast service consistently had the most waste. It had gone

unnoticed before as our kitchen staff was already busy preparing lunch by the time breakfast trays returned.

Our solution was to train our utility and dishwasher teams to weigh overproduction, and we were on our way to reducing breakfast waste.

David Slabaugh Whiteside, Regional Executive Chef


re sour ces

We Flourish together



Hydroponics, Farmshelf & Freight Farms Information and resources about hydroponics and the farmshelf and freight farms shipping

Compass> Corporate Services> Envision Group> Wellness and Sustainability> Sustainability> Sustainability Campaigns> Hydroponics

container partnerships can be found on

mycompass, under the envision site.

Connect with a below vendor for equipment for hydroponic growing systems:

Shipping Container

Jean-Paul Kyrillos, Co-founder and CRO 917.251.1559 | Equipment provided through Supply America

Alex Locke Business Development & Corporate Partnerships Boston, MA |

Farmshelf F2UserGuide

Freight Farms Crops


Mushroom Farming

Kelly Fagan | 847-636-6718 Equipment provided through Supply America

Adam DeMartino, COO 347.514.3402 |

GardenChef Manual Smallhold Intro Deck 129

Sally the Robot

Power Brands

For information about Sally the Robot, visit the MyCompass page: Compass> Corporate Services> Envision Group> RAD- Sally

Power Brands offer guests a plant-forward option at a station within the café. Just like Pop-Up Concepts, they are a full package with a set menu and marketing.

live life on the veg

Farmers’ Fridge

EatLiveDoWell Website

They make fresh meals in their kitchen and fill our automated smart Fridges daily with wholesome, delicious salads, bowls, snacks, and more.

a repository of wellness and sustainability information, recipes, and videos.

Currently available in Chicago, Indianapolis, Manhattan, Newark, Boston, Philadelphia, D.C. For more information, visit the MyCompass page: Compass> Corporate Services> Envision Group> RAD- Farmer’s Fridge







SUPPORT OF OUR PARTNERS 04. Sustainability for a Cleaner, Greener Supply Chain and EnvironmenT


Food production is responsible for a fourth of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions.


n order to find a cleaner and greener supply chain we must start with sustainability. Sustainability of logistics. Sustainability of product sourcing. Sustainability of packaging.

Our diets and food choices have a significant impact on our carbon footprint.

Food production is responsible for

25 %

of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions.


the united nations has identified

17 key challenges facing the world today

and created the U.N.’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

Compass Group’s sustainability strategy contributes to



of their SDGs where we can have the greatest impact.







1,500 miles approximate distance traveled by a meal to get from the farm to our plate.


hat travel distance requires a significant transportation infrastructure that is responsible for consuming large quantities of fossil fuels. Transporting food over long distances generates

great quantities of carbon dioxide emissions.

Shipping by air generates

But sea shipping is slow

50X more co2

than shipping by sea. 135

which puts strain on our demand for fresh food. In some cases, produce is picked while still unripe to allow for travel times, or it is processed in factories using preservatives.

Sourcing To create a sustainable supply chain, we must take a hard look at where we source our food. By purchasing local, hospitals can find new sources of produce that are in season. It also creates a sustainable sourcing model, giving opportunity to local farms which may otherwise struggle to survive.

In season produce


eyond local sourcing, diversity of in both number of suppliers and social backgrounds can be important. Traditionally, diversity has been overlooked in food production, but diversity of sourcing creates a resilient supply chain that can weather unforeseen obstacles.


Packaging When getting takeout from a restaurant, most food is packaged in single-use plastic containers, which are often not recyclable.

by the numbers:

That means a significant amount of packaging ends up in landfills and often in our oceans and rivers. It’s become such a problem that the United Nations declared plastic pollution of oceans as a “planetary crisis.”


he food industry and hospitals have recognized the challenges of packaging and begun to develop programs that are environmentally friendly and result in sustainability.

292 million tons of solid waste generated by the U.S.

With so much waste and inefficiency, hospitals have taken notice and are acting. With a strategic vision and innovative solutions, hospitals in the U.S. are leading the charge for a cleaner


30 %

of all waste comes from

containers and packaging

supply chain through sustainable logistics, sourcing, and packaging. In the following pages you will read great stories that show how our accounts are tackling some major challenges and making a difference in their communities.






stor ies we started with a seed.


Cleveland Clinic’s Road to Sustainability



leveland Clinic sources 30% of its food locally and sustainably,

of Cleveland Clinic’s food

helping to shape a thriving food system with long-term benefits to the communities they serve. By purchasing sustainably, Cleveland Clinic supports healthier people as well as a healthier planet.

majority of the food cleveland clinic buys comes from local farms, bakeries, and other suppliers within 250 miles of Cleveland Clinic’s main campus in Northeast Ohio.

“When we buy from local vendors, we are supporting our community and reducing our carbon footprint by not having to transport the food long distances,”

local farms within


miles from Cleveland Clinic’s main campus

is sourced locally and sustainably Sustainable purchasing, along with our Waste-Not program, composting and food donations program, are part of Cleveland Clinic’s ‘food is medicine’ philosophy.

said Wendy Phillips Morrison Healthcare’s Regional Vice President at Cleveland Clinic 139



nowing that the food they are consuming is locally sourced is important for the hospital staff,

and patients also learn about the benefits of eating locally purchased foods.

Cleveland Clinic was also awarded

the organization’s highest honor for hospitals for sustainability.

In 2020 the Morrison Healthcare team at Cleveland Clinic collected




























26,000 pounds of food to distribute to local communities in Greater Cleveland via the Food Recovery Program of the Hunger Network.

“We are able to donate this amount of food because our supply chain is set up for success,” said Phillips.

Diverting this amount of perfectly good food from the landfill equates to


14,118 lbs of CO2 emissions from the environment.



Lehigh Valley Health Network Supports Local Vendors Lehigh Valley Health Network (LVHN) and Morrison Healthcare have some serious goals to promote sustainability across the system.


s part of the commitment, the team established a partnership with Jaindl Farms, a well-known local farm that provides locally grown turkeys all fed with grains grown in Lehigh Valley and NAE grown. “A Jaindl Turkey is not your normal storebought turkey by any means. They’re rich in flavor and have a strong texture almost like eating prime rib,” explained Corporate Executive Chef Greg Cordova. The team promoted Jaindl Turkey burgers at the grills in LVHN Cedar Crest, Muhlenberg, 17th Street, and the MACK Building (LVHN corporate training building).



They used LTO recipes branded with Jaindl Logo and shared information about the product. “Many of the LVHN staff are very familiar with the Jaindl name. They are a big donor to the hospital’s foundation and also donate turkeys for the yearly Thanksgiving Turkey Toss,” said Cordova.

This program is linked with LVHN and MHC’s sustainability and wellness efforts throughout the system by driving the use of local vendors to the Lehigh Valley.



In 2020 Hackensack University Medical Center and Jersey Shore University Medical Center were recognized by

Hackensack Meridian Health Focuses on Environmental Sustainability

Practice Greenhealth as Top 25 Hospitals for Environmental Excellence.

Food sustainability is an important foundation of Hackensack Meridian Health’s plan to advance environmental excellence and improve patient outcomes.


rom local sourcing to plantforward menus, this health system is raising the bar and constantly innovating.


7 network hospitals 09/2018

were recognized for their commitment to environmental stewardship and their sustainability achievements.

RESHAPE YOUR HEALTH EVENT WITH LAURA GARRETT Our Morrison Chefs were featured in a Reshape Your Health Corporate Teaching Kitchen Event with Laura Garrett, RD and Morrison Healthcare entitled Healthy Meals Found in Your Pantry! In photo - Bob Garrett, co-CEO and his wife Laura Garrett, RD along with Chef Giuseppe Covello and Chef Patrick Heller.

“Promoting a clean environment and food sustainability is an important part of advancing health care,”


said Robert C. Garrett, FACHE, chief executive officer of Hackensack Meridian Health in a press release announcing the awards.

Some of Hackensack Meridian Health’s efforts to protect the environment as well as their patients, staff, and guests include:

Since 2013, Hackensack University Medical Center purchases meat and poultry raised without routine antibiotics that help protect patients, staff, and guests from antibiotic resistance.

Jersey Shore University Medical Center serves fewer meat options in the café to prevent many diet-related illnesses. With plant-forward options and beyond alternative plan proteins, this is the perfect place to see our power brands in action, fueling patients and guests with better food sources.



Added “FIT” , “Organic” call outs for items that fall into the “FIT” criteria



360 degree table Entrance Table

Added “FIT” , “Organic” call outs for items that fall into the “FIT” criteria


Carbon Foodprint in Action

The Morrison Healthcare team at Hackensack Meridian Southern Ocean Medical Center has used Carbon Foodprint to drive conversations about sustainability, providing data for making impactful changes.


arbon Foodprint is Compass Group’s proprietary online dashboard that allows managers to provide clients costeffective solutions to lower the environmental impact of foodservice.

To keep carbon emissions low, they:

Consistently offerED vegan bowls and veggie sandwiches on their menu.

TransformED the salad bar to be completely vegetarian once a month.

Introduced the Impossible Burger to the grill menu.

ProvideD a new plant-based choices section to the patient services menu.


4.1 9 lbs

CO2e per guest in 2019 below Compass Group’s 2020 goal of 5.5 lbs CO2e



Patients now have more veggie-based options such as a kale salad with tomato and radish, or hot options including Portobello, black bean, and veggie burgers.



BIPOC Farmers Program rms In 2021 someFaMorrison Hines Family tald Hines’ grea n with Don ga Healthcare accounts were part be s rm ife w Fa his Hines Family s ago. He and over 100 year help of their e th h it W grandfather d. an dl oo w of of a pilot designed t is res program e land to wha bought 624 ac ansformed th tr ey th n, re 13 child town. BIPOC (Black, today as Hines ownsupport knto ed bountiful ap estown re d in H , ’s 00 19 y People ied, canned an e earl In thIndigenous, Fresh, drof y. it un as m l m wel e co on the farm as harvest for th farming was available e of e uc al od sc pr e d th e, different in pickleColor) farmers ver tim O . sh fi s h ve es ti fr es rela livestock and ly a few of Hin on ith w y, . tl w ced grea reducommunities small scale no ain eir farms on maintaining th ck, planting, ing to livesto nd North Carolina. te up ew gr dmother’s Donald Hines s on his gran


an d shelling be career in law harvesting, an ter a 33-year af d re ti re he , 17 . In rch. Inof20this initiative, po ecial Agent s part Compass Group an FBI Sp as d an t en te , he at nded enforcem the farmtogether turn toworked re chefsprand BIPOC farmers to to n egee io at epar A&T, and Tusk e, NCfor Stat ale farms C sc N eat rg s crop plan and menu plan the spring and la ar a in sem eered on nt lu vo e. so al e ie versity. H seasons.roduction and crop sc nc Unigrowing summer p op cr al t on ou to learn ab ern and traditi g combines mod ’s rich farmin Donald now inue his family nt co to es qu techni history.

Acres: 28

oin Local.freshp


-taer e rieht f si lu dn a d e sa llew gnimraf fo sevita . ,gnitnalp s’rehtom wal ni ree n ded ee smraf elacs.ecneic lanoi gnimr


e worked with these farmers to

help them plan the next season and committed to buy a certain amount of rms op farm inthem. food a row crfrom n o p u w re g an cMill

M mily grew corn, fa is H a. lin o ar C ern North These areRlocal farmers with local heirloom le. oderick had cattthat d e is ra d an s, crops are not available from streamlined an ybe but in March , ry st u d in ck o king in the livest operations,” t passion. e a differen ecided to pursu

- Susan Kamaravel ses for ponic greenhou ro yd h d e ch ar Vice President of Operations, had rese ld one. His family so ct ru st n co to Morrison Healthcareac at Atrium Health. nd decided 0ft. tob co 30 a r fo ay p lp d of cattle to he co ut the old tobac to patients use. They took o The producereis-coserved lled o tr n u at er and mpcafé guests when in season, and te cture and built a by it’senaccompanied byed marketing that house is heat re g e Th . m e e th onic syst in s ad p g lin explains theo origin of the product oled by co the winter and coand benefitsnec d to of the program. is also con te se u o h en re g e r. Th rce in ative energy sou rn te al an as es rmal tub


elp of ouse with the h h n e re g e th es ck operat with new experimenting ys jo n e e h d an , mily to grow.

Some of the recipes offered to patients and guests come from the farmers who share how they have traditionally used their produce.

s: 10,000 sq. ft. ic lettuces ucts: Hydropon basil

om cal.freshpoint.c

“With this program we’re helping the farmers that may not have access to big corporate purchasing programs, but we’re also offering extremely fresh and nutritious food,” explained Kamaravel.


Roper St. Francis Healthcare Reduces Food Waste

Waste Not 2.0 has made this a simple and seamless addition to their everyday operations.


n September 2020, Roper deployed the waste tracking program at four of their locations.

Waste Not 2.0 is a tablet-based waste tracking system that is proven to change behavior and reduce wasted food. The technology highlights avoidable waste, which provides an opportunity to quickly make changes to decrease food waste.



Waste Not 2.0 has increased employee engagement and allowed managers to “coach, teach, and develop,”


egional Executive Chef, David Topping, is the system’s Waste Not 2.0 Champion and he provides ongoing staff training during production, retail, and patient services line-ups.

45 %

Decrease in food waste since September 2020

said Food & Nutrition System Director

Jeff Lentini.


834 lbs of coal burned

Which reduced their carbon & water footprint equivalent to: 155

1,786 showers


Goodbye Styrofoam!

Estimated reduction of about

Mayo Clinic scored some big wins as part of their plan to reduce waste.

000 11, cases

3.4 million which equates to


compared to 2020 purchases.

Here are some of their achievements:


emoved all Styrofoam from retail locations effective 1/1/2021 across the Mayo enterprise, resulting in an estimated reduction of about 11,000 cases which equates to about 3.4 million pieces compared to 2020 purchases.

Waste receptacle signage. Our teams are partnering with Mayo Clinic to create

Increased the availability of plant-based menus

and encouraged the purchasing of local and sustainable products. This initiative reduces carbon footprint by decreasing red meat purchases. Mayo Clinic runs all the Morrison Healthcare plant-based concepts. Meatless Mondays.

Every Monday at least one entrée offered needs to be vegetarian or vegan.

standardized signage for the waste and recycling bins to educate guests about

the importance of only placing the right recyclables into recycling bins.


Reducing Food Waste and Helping Dogs


n April of 2021 three locations celebrated Stop Food Waste Day

by featuring the Waste Not Wag a Lot program. This program keeps perfectly good food out of landfills by using

fruits and vegetables that might otherwise go to waste in recipes to make dog treats. During Stop Food Waste Day, they sold treats to their guests and offered the opportunity to donate treats to local humane societies.

Across the three locations: (La Crosse in Wisconsin, Harwick in Rochester, and Jacksonville in Florida)

they donated


they used


bags of treats

pounds of waste

to three humane societies

to make the treats. 157

They also provided

the dog treat recipes online to Mayo Clinic employees, resulting in more than 1,200 downloads.


Ohio Health Focuses on Sustainability


uring the last few years,

the teams at Ohio Health have stepped up their efforts to support their client’s wellness and sustainability goals.

Some of the major wins include: The system is now using Waste Not 2.0 to capture metrics and reduce food waste. They are collecting and tracking overproduced retail food and are partnering with a third-party composting vendor to take the waste to a composting field. In 2021 they expanded to all production lines to include tray line to retail. Moving to all sustainable disposables, including cups, silverware, and plates in the café. And the final piece to being sustainable: the soda fountain is open with sustainable cups! The disposables on patient trays are all plant based and biodegradable.

They also had a target to buy at least 2% of their food from local vendors and were working with Crimson Coffee to provide coffee for patients and a local BIPOC-owned bakery to source front facing bakery items.

There’s an emphasis on buying from local, sustainable, and diverse suppliers. At the time this book was printed, the teams at Ohio Health had a plan to switch to NAE chicken and eggs. 158




Atrium Health Commits to Plastic Removal In September 2020 Atrium Health rolled out a plan to eliminate single-use plastics from its facilities.

“Conservation is something that takes each organization and person committing to doing their part, every single day.” said Eugene A. Woods,

president and CEO of Atrium Health, in a press release announcing the initiative in August 2020.


Our initial efforts at Atrium Health will eliminate


million water bottles each year at our care sites

which over just five years translates to nearly


of plastic waste


and over 260 metric tons of carbon impact removed from the environment.




he first step of this process was to eliminate water bottles and the Morrison Healthcare team was there to support this goal

by providing viable solutions to transition out of Styrofoam products and using aluminum or glass bottles and plant-based cups, utensils, and straws.

“This transition has required a lot of collaboration with our client. We are working with administration, supply chain, and accounting to ensure everyone is on board and we are successful,” said Susan Kamaravel,

Vice President of Operations, Morrison Healthcare at Atrium Health.


UVA Eliminates Plastics and Steps Up Composting Efforts The University of Virginia Health System (UVA) is seeing great results from their effort to eliminate plastics to comply with an executive order from Virginia Governor Ralph Northam that prohibits the use of single-use plastic.

Bottled water elimination in the cafés is trending to save over


VA Health and Morrison have stepped up to the challenge. Given the amount of single-use plastic used in a hospital, this required significant planning and coordination with Virginia agencies, university partners, vendors, suppliers, and customers,” said Bush Bell, Patient Experience Officer at University of Virginia.

83,520 163


from potentially reaching landfills every year.


ur patients and retail customers have been very supportive and appreciate what UVA Health and

Morrison are doing to create a clean environment and reduce waste,” said Bell.

Composting is also making a positive impact at this account. Check out these results: LBS





cubic yards




Main Hospital

Hospital west


Weight: .55 tons


Jan 1 Sept 30 th



Greenhouse Gas Avoidance: 4.03 metric tons




cubic yards

cubic yards



Greenhouse Gas Avoidance:

Greenhouse Gas Avoidance:

metric tons

metric tons





“As we continue to convert to more and more compostable items, we will then begin to compost in the front of the house too. I would expect our composting 165

and landfill diversion stats to at least triple when that happens. We hope to begin this in the final quarter of 2021,” said Corey DiLuciano,

RD, Sr. Food and Nutrition Director at UVA.


Waste Not 2.0 in Action Many of our accounts are also having great success with tracking composting through the Waste Not 2.0 platform.

Here are some examples:

Prisma health is currently composting at four of the accounts and looking to expand to other locations. The team fills up 65-gallon containers with compostable product. When filled, they roll the containers out to the dock and replace it with an empty one that is provided weekly by Atlas, the vendor they partner with to handle composting. In a comparison, Prisma accounts who are not composting have 86% of waste going into the landfill. Accounts who are composting have only 6% going into the landfill.


Provide a new plant-based choices section to the patient services menu.

At Hartford HealthCare Waste Not 2.0 was launched in April 2021 and is already showing positive results.

During August 2021, The Hospital of Central Connecticut produced 201 lbs. of waste and 100% of it was composted.


We Are Growing It Into A Forest

fu TuRE







Cool Food Pledge



ore and more organizations are joining the Cool Food Pledge, a movement to promote sustainability and reduce the climate impact of the food we serve.

Cool Food Pledge members commit to a target of reducing the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with the food they serve by


by 2030 relative to a 2015 baseline according to the Cool Food Pledge website.


Pledge members confidentially report food purchase amounts by weight each year.

The Cool Food team asks for data on all animal-based foods, as well as plant proteins, which collectively tend to make up


of an organization’s food-related GHG emissions.


ere are some marketing examples that show how Morrison Healthcare is helping clients who want to join the Cool Food Pledge.

Put more eat less meat, more plants.

We’ve joined the Cool Food Pledge to support efforts for a better climate

plant on your plate!

We’ve joined the Cool Food Pledge to support efforts for a better climate




Foodbuy Supplier Diversity & Inclusion


oodbuy now offers its Accelerator Supplier Program with a mission to intentionally accelerate the development,

growth and utilization of women and minority-owned businesses via a comprehensive and targeted 12-month supplier accelerator program.

Suppliers who participate in this program have access to:



Regenerative Agriculture In 2020 Compass Group created the Our Food Matters culinary, wellness, and sustainability platform based on the principles of regenerative agriculture.


egenerative Agriculture is a collection of processes that when applied in combination can recapture carbon from the atmosphere into the soil. This carbon that was destined to cause climate problems as a greenhouse gas is now repurposed via photosynthesis to create a richer soil.

In the end, the key is to create a richer, living soil that will deliver better flavored and nutrient dense foods for our patients and guests to enjoy.



he processes that make up Regenerative Agriculture are:

Planting Cover Crops Minimizing Chemicals Utilizing No-Till Systems Rotating Crops Increasing Biodiversity


o create this program, Compass Group focused on picking regenerative ingredients that are also readily available to its chefs. When we build these restorative ingredients into our recipes, we are helping to create positive change for our people and the planet.

Most of the above is common sense to farmers all over the world. Compass Group is focusing on Cover Crops.

As this program grows, the restorative ingredient list and recipes will continue to grow so that you will continue to see new ways to integrate regenerative agriculture into your café and catering menus.

Cover Crops check several boxes and are powerfully regenerative because these are crops that help to reduce soil erosion, are used in rotation with other crops, and eliminate the need to continually till fields.



Thompson Hospitality Through Compass Group’s partnership with Thompson Hospitality, accounts have access to a consulting service that picks diverse suppliers for them.

This is how the partnership works:





Sustainability Reporting


very year,

Practice Greenhealth, a national organization promoting sustainable healthcare, looks at which healthcare providers are delivering

There are more of our partner hospitals onboarding to Practice Greenhealth and Healthcare Anchor Network. We have 270 sustainability reports that we analyze for both organizations and the list keeps growing.

sustainable solutions that provide a positive impact on the environment.


e work with hospitals around the country to create sustainable practices that benefit the organization and the environment.


Of the Top 25 Environmentally Excellent Hospitals recognized in 2020, Morrison Healthcare supports

3 of the most distinguished honorees:


he Healthcare Anchor Network launched in 2017 with the goal of defining the healthcare leadership standard and promoting industry Today,

collaboration for proactively addressing economic and racial inequities in community conditions that create poor health.

over 65 hospitals and health systems are network members +


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We Flourish Together 180

Foodbuy Supplier Diversity & Inclusion

- Our Food Matters Regenerative Agriculture Program

MyCompass > Foodbuy > Supplier Diversity

Compass > Corporate Services > Envision Group > Wellness and Sustainability > Sustainability > Our Food Matters



Carbon Foodprint Find the Carbon Foodprint Overview on My Compass

WellPower PID Backers These are some examples of the sustainability PID Backers available to Morrison Healthcare accounts.



The Single-Use Plastics Toolkit

Skip the Straw

Find multiple resources to help you better understand the impact of removing single-use plastic bottles to your business and help to communicate with your clients.

If you are in need of materials that promote your efforts to reduce plastic straw waste, you can find editable guest facing marketing to use when going straw free.

Compass > Corporate Services > Envision Group > Wellness and Sustainability > Sustainability > Waste Reduction > The Single-Use Plastics Toolkit





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