Master's Report 2022-2023

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2022-2023 MASTERʼS REPORT 院長報告

Morningside College


Morningside College at The Chinese University of Hong Kong was established in 2006 with generous donations from the Morningside Foundation and Morningside Education Foundation Limited for the purpose of accommodating 300 students on a fully residential and communal dining basis. The Morningside College Master’s Report is published annually and is circulated to all members of the University and College communities. General correspondence concerning the Report should be sent to the College Office, Morningside College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong, or by e-mail to 香港中文大學晨興書院於 2006 年在晨興基金會及晨興教育基金有限公司的慷慨捐 助下正式成立,為300名學子提供一個全宿共膳的學習環境。 晨興書院每年均出版《院長報告》,派發予大學和書院的所有成員。有關本報 告的一般查詢,請致函香港新界沙田香港中文大學晨興書院辦公室,或電郵至。































PROFESSOR NICK RAWLINS 汪寧笙教授 This has been something of a year in two parts. As the academic year began, students arriving from outside Hong Kong still had to manage quarantine restrictions. And, although we were able to arrange the first in-person Orientation Camp since 2019, once all our students finally arrived to fill the College for the first time since very early 2020, we still had to operate under quite restrictive social distancing measures aimed at preventing – or at least controlling – further outbreaks of Covid-19. We could dine together in Hall, but there was a strict “masks-on” policy other than when actually seated at the table. This meant conversational table-cruising was impossible – the Master spent much of every dinner jumping up from his seat to remind our more forgetful(?) residents to wear masks whenever standing – and visible barriers subdivided each table. Our dinner still arrived in the pre-filled boxes that


had been such a fixture and defining feature of those years of strict separation; family-style service remained impossible. Yet we were all back and at least sometimes unmasked. Hall was once more abuzz as it should be. Lunchtime talks by Fellows and Members resumed. GEMC1001, our widely feared-yet-appreciated General Education course, was once more conducted eye-to-eye if not fully face-to-face; at least we could spot the perspiration on puzzled brows. We were at least halfway back to normal. Yet, understandably, we aspired to more: visitors in hostels; the resumption of Overseas Service Learning trips; that enriching flow of academic movements which is partly, but somehow not completely, deliverable by Zoom... We waited. Finally, and partway through the second semester, our wishes

…the College owes an immense debt of gratitude to…our Overseers whose wise counsel and generosity have guided Morningside since its foundation… [and] the benefactors whose contributions have enabled us to come through the challenges and outright disruptions of the last three years and emerge in good order.

came true. Those remaining restrictions ended. Plans that we had been developing in hope rather than certainty became possible and we set them going. You will read in the report that follows how we fared: spoiler alert – we did really well. Educational achievement lies at the heart of the College and once again there is much to make us proud. This year’s Master’s List shows real strength in depth, with 71 names on it, and one of our Architecture students, EVAN WU, won this year’s Best Studio Design Award in our School of Architecture. It is particularly nice to be able to report that he will be working in our Overseer PROFESSOR NELSON CHEN’s practice this year, following in the footsteps of JONATHAN, one of the previous year’s graduates in Architecture. Our Fellows have also flourished. I’m delighted to report that PROFESSOR ANTHONY SO has been awarded a 2022 UGC Teaching Award – the 5th Morningside Fellow to be recognised in this way – as well as being elected as a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers. Simultaneous recognition of excellence in teaching and in research is even more remarkable given that he is at the same time Dean of the Graduate School and Deputy Master of Morningside. PROFESSOR HUANG CHAORAN only joined us this year, but has already won the Optica Foundation 20th Anniversary Challenge for her research on integrated photonic neuromorphic processor-enabled intelligent, energy-efficient signal processing. And PROFESSOR SUZANNE SO has been promoted from Associate to full Professor. Our warmest congratulations go to them all. Our Overseas Service Learning trips did indeed resume – in successive months Morningsiders headed to Morocco, to Greece, and to York. You will read more about those visits later in this Report. On a sombre note, and although this report only covers activities up until end of July, 2023, I must add that the connections we have built with Morocco left us particularly shocked by the devastation of the September 2023 earthquake; one of our Fellows, the architect PROFESSOR EDWARD NG, is actively engaged in advising on the construction of earthquake resistant buildings built from local materials, drawing on his well-established programme on the Chinese Mainland. We hope that in coming years the Morningside community can contribute to reconstruction and renewal in whatever ways may be possible.

Within academic institutions like Morningside, long-term purpose coexists with constant change as college members come and go – as they should and must. This year’s graduation was the first time that students that LALLA and I had welcomed as new arrivals left us to start their new, postgraduate, lives – a moment of pride and celebration nonetheless touched with sadness. We ask them and their families to stay in touch with us, and to come back to see us when they can whether to attend college events or to return as individuals. There is also inevitable change amongst College Fellows and Members; PROFESSOR DAVID DERNIE and DR MURAT ES left this year, as did DR CHENG SIU PONG and MS ZOIE LAU, while PROFESSORS SIYING CAO, PETER CHEUNG, STEPHEN DALTON and NICK RIMMELL, and MR LAURIE PEARCEY, all took up Fellowships here, and DR BRIDGET SO became a new College Member. We also welcomed ALAYNA LEE, ALOK RANPISE and KAITLYN ROUKEY as Junior Fellows. We offer the warmest of welcomes to each and every one of our new arrivals and send our very best wishes to all those leaving us. Over and above its membership, the College owes an immense debt of gratitude to two other groups in particular. First, we must thank our Overseers whose wise counsel and generosity have guided Morningside since its foundation. There is change as well as continuity here, too. GERALD CHAN has stepped down from his role as Founding Chairman, and ADRIEL CHAN has taken up the Chairman’s role. Their support has been, and will remain, central to the College’s success now and into the future. And the Committee itself now has a sixth member – PROFESSOR ROSSA CHIU, who like Professor Nelson Chen is a former Morningside College Fellow, has joined the Committee. We are extremely fortunate. Second, we must thank all the benefactors whose contributions have enabled us to come through the challenges and outright disruptions of the last three years and emerge in good order. First and foremost amongst them is the Morningside Foundation, but beyond that are some extraordinarily generous – and thoughtful – individuals whose donations and support mean an enormous amount to us. That is both because they directly support our educational goals, and because they represent a most welcome expansion and strengthening of Morningside’s network of supporters. That is wonderful to see.



本年度可以分為兩個部分,隨著新學年開始,從外地來港 的學生仍然要接受檢疫安排,而儘管我們終於舉辦了 2019 年以來的首次實體迎新營,但我們仍然需要遵守相當嚴格 的社交距離措施,以預防疫情的進一步爆發。我們可以在 宴會廳共膳,但除了在餐桌用餐外,一律需要戴口罩。換 言之,以往在餐桌間穿梭走走談談的交流方式不再可行, 院長整晚不得不從座位上跳起來,提醒健忘的同學離開 餐桌時要戴上口罩,而且每張餐桌之間都要有間隔分開, 我們的晚餐預先裝好在飯盒裡,嚴格奉行這些年來的防疫 標準,無法採用溫馨的家庭用餐方式。不過,千帆過盡, 我們總算回來了,至少有些時候是不用戴口罩的,宴會廳 又再回復以往的熱鬧,院務委員與書院成員的午餐聚會亦 復辦了。同學們畏懼又期待的通識課程 GEMC1001 亦恢復以 面授方式進行,即是不算面對面,也算是眼望眼,眉宇間 的真情流露,至少看到點端倪了。我們距離復常,至少走 了一半。 我們當然渴望更多,例如訪客可以入住宿舍、海外服務學 習之旅可以成行,畢竟雖然可以利用 Zoom 進行部分學習


活動,但始終不可能完全滿足教學需要……等著等著,終 於,在第二個學期期間,我們的願望實現了,剩下來的限 制也撤銷了。我們一直抱持希望但不確定是否可行的計 劃,現在可以全力推行了。您將在本報告中了解這些工作 的進展,可以透露的是,我們的表現很不錯。 教育成就向來是書院的核心,今年我們再次有多個足以自 豪的好消息與大家分享。今年的「院長榮譽狀」共有 71 個名 字上榜,見證多位同學的優異成績。我們的建築系學生吳 祐增獲得了中大建築學院最佳設計獎,更令人欣慰的是, 他也跟隨上一屆畢業生JONATHAN的腳步,在院監陳丙驊教 授的建築事務所開展工作。 我們的院務委員亦成績斐然,其中,蘇文藻教授榮獲 2022 年度教資會傑出教學獎,成為第五位獲得這項殊榮的晨興 院務委員,並獲得工程學國際權威組織電機及電子工程師 學會(IEEE)頒授 2023 年度院士榮銜。由於他同時兼任研究 院院長和晨興書院副院長,他在教學和研究方面的卓越表 現更值得表揚。此外,今年才新加入我們的黃超然教授憑

…我們還要特別感謝各位院監,他們以真知灼見與無私付出,由晨興成立以 來一直為我們提供寶貴意見… [ 以及 ] 捐助者的鼎力支持,有賴他們的慷慨付 出,我們才能夠順利過渡過去三年的挑戰與逆境,逐步恢復正常發展。

藉所開發的集成光子神經形態處理器,為新一代光通訊系 統提供智能、節能且高速的信號處理方式,榮獲光學學會 基金會 20 周年挑戰賽獎項,而蘇可蔚教授今年亦由副教授 晉升為教授,我們向以上各位致以最衷心的祝賀。 本年度我們的海外服務學習之旅亦復辦了,多位晨興人在 幾個月內相繼出赴摩洛哥、希臘和約克,我們將在本報告 的稍後章節分享更多詳情。雖然本報告只涵蓋截至 2023 年 7 月底的活動,但基於我們與摩洛哥所建立的情誼,令我們 對該國在 2023 年 9 月地震所遭受的破壞感到特別震驚與難 過。我們的其中一位院務委員建築師吳恩融教授,現正利 用他過往在中國大陸的相關經驗,積極為當地就地取材重 建抗震建築提供意見。希望在未來的幾年裡,晨興人能夠 以任何可能的方式,為當地的重建工作帶來貢獻。 像晨興這樣的學術機構中,長遠目標之中同時並存變化, 人員的來來去去是必然的,也是應該的。今年的畢業典禮 是第一批由 LALLA 和我所迎新並將要畢業的學生,他們將 要展開研究生的生涯,這是一個令人驕傲與值得慶祝的 時刻,但同時亦帶點離愁別緒。希望他們與家人與我們保 持聯絡,多抽空回來探望我們,多參加書院活動或是以個 人身份來訪。今年院務委員與書院成員之間亦出現無可避 免的人事變動,戴敦寧教授、MURAT ES 博士、鄭兆邦博 士和劉詩韻女士暫別我們,而曹思盈教授、張柏恆教授、

STEPHEN DALTON 教授和 NICK RIMMELL 教授以及金江先生 成為了院務委員,而蘇嘉妮博士則成為了新加入的書院成 員。我們亦很高興迎來李采敏、ALOK RANPISE 和 KAITLYN ROUKEY 成為通識教育導師。我們謹此歡迎每位新加入的成 員,並向暫別我們的每一位送上最美好的祝福。 除了各位成員之外,我們還要特別感謝兩類書院貢獻者。 首先,我們誠心衷心感謝各位院監,他們以真知灼見與無 私付出,由晨興成立以來一直為我們提供寶貴意見,勉勵 我們一直向前。院監會於本年度出現人事更迭,陳樂宗博 士辭去了主席一職,並由陳文博先生接任主席。他們的堅 定支持一直是書院成功的核心,並將繼續成為書院發展 的基石。我們亦很榮幸為委員會迎來第六位成員趙慧君教 授,她和陳丙驊教授過去都是院務委員,現在也加入了院 監會。 此外,我們還要衷心感謝所有捐助者的鼎力支持,有賴他 們的慷慨付出,我們才能夠順利過渡過去三年的挑戰與逆 境,逐步恢復正常發展。其中最重要的是感謝晨興基金 會,但除此之外還有許多非常熱心的人士,他們的捐贈與 支持對我們別具意義。因為他們直接肯定了我們的教育目 標,同時亦見證了晨興書院的支持者網絡正在不斷擴展與 加強,是我們最樂見的一面。


MASTER’S LIST 院長榮譽狀 YEAR GPA OF 3.5 OR ABOVE 學年平均績點達3.5或以上 Yerzhan ABDRAKHMANOV Electronic Engineering 電子工程學

CHOW Shun Yan 周信恩 Medicine 醫學

Anora ABDUVALIEVA Global Studies 全球研究

Nalini DHIMAN Integrated BBA Programme 工商管理學士綜合課程

Mus'ab ALQAISSIAH Financial Technology 金融科技學

Govini ELVITIGALA Chemistry 化學

Faiyaz ARYAN Economics 經濟學

Anna FUGLSANG 李昀恩 Government & Public Administration 政治與行政學

AUNG Hein Thant Mathematics 數學 Eshanee BHATTACHARJYA Energy & Environmental Engineering 能源與環境工程學 Emily CHAN 陳靖欣 Architectural Studies 建築學 CHAN Chak Fu 陳澤賦 Medicine 醫學 CHAU Pak Lam 周柏林 Computer Science & Engineering 計算機科學與工程 CHEN Sin Yu 陳倩茹 Integrated BBA Programme 工商管理學士綜合課程 CHEN Taoyue 陳濤悅 Statistics 統計學 CHEUNG Hoi Yu 張凱瑜 English Studies & English Language Education 英國語文研究及英國語文教育 CHEUNG Hei Yin 張僖彥 Laws 法學士 Ivan CHIU 趙力群 Medicine 醫學 CHOI Ching Lam 蔡青琳 Artificial Intelligence: Systems & Technologies 人工智能:系統與科技

Sindy FUNG 馮芷莹 Economics 經濟學 FUNG Tsun Kit 馮峻傑 Psychology 心理學

LI Nianxuan 李念萱 Integrated BBA Programme 工商管理學士綜合課程 LI Suet Man 李雪雯 Medicine 醫學 LI Yujin 李雨瑾 Risk Management Science 風險管理科學 LU Junlin 盧俊霖 Integrated BBA Programme 工商管理學士綜合課程 MA Yu Sum 馬如心 English Studies & English Language Education 英國語文研究及英國語文教育

Serag HEIBA Energy & Environmental Engineering 能源與環境工程學

Ariel MIGLIORINI MERCADO Global Studies 全球研究

HU Yueyun 胡躍沄 Laws 法學士

Anas NADEEM Mechanical & Automation Engineering 機械與自動化工程學

HU Yuehua 胡月華 Translation 翻譯

Sammi NG 吳婉晴 Medicine 醫學

Horace HUNG 洪子康 Physics 物理

NGUYEN Hoang Son Artificial Intelligence: Systems & Technologies 人工智能:系統與科技

James JEON 全玟奎 Energy & Environmental Engineering 能源與環境工程學 KYAW Shin Thant Computer Science 計算機科學

Daniil OGNEV Artificial Intelligence: Systems & Technologies 人工智能:系統與科技

LAI Hoi Ting 黎凱婷 Psychology 心理學

OH Hye Rin Global Studies 全球研究

LAU Hiu Tung 劉曉童 Psychology 心理學

Phutanate PISUTSIN Computer Science 計算機科學

LAW Wan Sze 羅蘊詩 Sociology 社會學 LEUNG Pak Hei 梁柏晞 Journalism & Communication 新聞與傳播學


Yurii RUZIN Molecular Biotechnology 分子生物技術學

Kashish Deepak SHAHANI Hospitality & Real Estate 酒店旅遊及房地產 Tayyab SHAHZADA Medicine 醫學 SIT Man Ching 薛文靜 English 英文 Endria TAI 戴學琳 Medicine 醫學 Warren TAM 譚領義 Molecular Biotechnology 分子生物技術學 TAN Hou Yuan 陳厚元 Translation 翻譯 TANG Xuzhen 唐許禎 Linguistics 語言學 THIHA Kaung Sett 池文龍 Professional Accountancy 專業會計學

Alan YAO 姚伊行 Medicine 醫學 YEUNG Ka Yan 楊嘉欣 Psychology 心理學 YIP Nga Man 葉雅文 Global Communication 全球傳播 YU Jilin 余紀霖 Computer Science 計算機科學 YU Tingyang 于挺洋 Mathematics & Information Engineering 數學與信息工程學 ZENG Xiangyu 曾翔宇 Statistics 統計學 ZHANG Yuanchi 張遠馳 Anthropology 人類學 ZHANG Tianhan 張天瀚 Computer Science & Engineering 計算機科學與工程

Adil TOKTAROV Computer Science 計算機科學

ZHOU Jiayi 周家宜 Integrated BBA Programme 工商管理學士綜合課程

Golam Mostafa UDAY Mathematics 數學

ZHU Fu 祝福 Social Science 社會科學

WANG Shang 王上 Chinese Medicine 中醫學

ZHUO Xingjian 卓行健 Chemistry 化學

Eric WANG Psychology 心理學 WONG Hok Fong 黃學鋒 Computer Science & Engineering 計算機科學與工程 WU Hengyu 伍恒譽 Financial Technology 金融科技學 YAN Yi 閻毅 Laws 法學士 Zenith YAO 姚星宇 Economics 經濟學



“Being in this college shaped my entire undergraduate journey. Not only did I find passion, happiness and a balanced life at Morningside, I also made friends from all around the world. They taught me how to enjoy life, and they inspired discussions that gave me a lot of insight and understanding of the world, and of myself.” Christie Leung, Graduation Address, 24 November 2022

For the first time in a few years, all of our students were back on campus, the hostels were full, and the old energy that had once filled the halls could be felt again. Students returned from classes to gather with friends over communal dinner; fellows shared recent research during lunchtime talks. The college calendar began to fill up with interesting activities and events, and guests were once again welcome in hall. In September, the community hosted three alumni for an evening chat with students. KELVIN CHOY (Sociology, 2016), JUN LI (Journalism, 2014), and JOSHUA NGAI (Sociology, 2014) each introduced a book that had shaped their thinking on social or professional issues. Kelvin works for a film production company, Jun Li is a writer and film director, and Joshua is a Barrister. In November, the College celebrated the graduating Class of 2022 at the 91st Congregation for the Conferment of Bachelor’s Degrees. The Master commended the achievements of 70 graduating Morningsiders. Graduates CHRISTIE LEUNG (Law) and ZHAMILYA ZHIRENOVA (Biomedical Sciences) addressed


the audience. 2022 ended on a high note with a Formal Hall Dinner on 1 December. Students were thrilled to be back together in their college gowns to celebrate the end of term and many of our Year 1 students welcomed their families to dinner for the first time. In the Spring, Master NICK RAWLINS and LALLA WARD hosted a discussion with esteemed evolutionary biologist RICHARD DAWKINS. Lalla and Professor Dawkins took turns reading excerpts from his books The Blind Watchmaker, A Devil’s Chaplain, and Unweaving the Rainbow. Punctuating these snippets were discussions with Professor Rawlins about the novelty of Dawkins’ ideas in The Selfish Gene and The Extended Phenotype. Toward the end of the academic year, College Overseer SEBASTIAN MAN hosted a dinner for a group of final year students during which they discussed career plans, future study, and Hong Kong’s potential. In May, the Class of 2023 was celebrated during a Photo Day event organized by the Morningside College Student Union.

在晨興書院的日子,塑造了我整個大學生涯。我不僅找到了學習的熱誠、幸 福和平衡的生活,還認識到來自世界各地的朋友,他們教會我如何享受生 活,亦啟發了我對世界和自身的洞見與理解。 梁婧珩,2022年11月24日畢業禮演講辭

相隔數年,所有同學終於首次回歸校園,書院宿舍重新注 入生氣,往日濟濟一堂的熱鬧氣氛再現:在課堂結束後, 同學與朋友回到書院共膳;導師在午飯時互相分享最近的 研究成果,書院的日程表開始填滿精彩的活動和計劃,演 講廳亦再次迎來到訪嘉賓。 書院於 9 月邀請了三位校友與學生夜話對談,分別為任 職電影製作公司的蔡君恒(社會學,2016)、編劇與電影導 演李駿碩(新聞與傳播學,2014)及大律師魏俊(社會學, 2014),他們各自介紹了一本書,分享該書如何塑造他們對 社會或專業議題的思維模式。 在 11 月,書院在香港中文大學第 91 屆大會(頒授學士學位 典禮)上為 2022 年畢業生舉行畢業禮,院長祝賀 70 位晨興 畢業生學有所成,梁婧珩(法學士)及 ZHAMILYA ZHIRENOVA (生物醫學) 作為畢業生代表向出席嘉賓致辭。於12月1日,

一眾學生回到書院出席高桌晚宴,穿著畢業袍聚首一堂, 而眾一年級新生家長亦參與書院晚宴,為 2022 年的學期畫 上句號。 春季期間,院長汪寧笙教授與 LALLA WARD 女士邀請著名 演化生物學家 RICHARD DAWKINS 參與座談會,Lalla 女士 與 Dawkins 教授輪流朗讀他的著作《盲眼鐘錶匠》、《惡魔 的教士》及《解析彩虹》的節錄,期間穿插了汪寧笙教授與 Dawkins 教授的討論,探討他在《自私的基因》及《延伸的表 現型》中的獨到見解。 於本學年末,院監會成員文肇偉先生邀請了多位四年級生 共進晚餐,並與他們討論有關職涯規劃、未來進修方向和 香港的發展潛力。晨興書院學生會於 5 月則為 2023 年畢業 班籌辦拍照日,與應屆畢業生分享畢業的喜悅。



College Fellows interviewed over 250 applicants in 2022. 75 students joined the Morningside community. Mainland intake increased slightly while international and local Hong Kong intake remained. Minor differences were noted in student intake by Faculty when compared to 2021 intake statistics: Engineering and Interdisciplinary intake increased by 5% and 4% respectively, while Science intake decreased by 4%. Arts, Business Administration and Social Science intake remained stable. The College maintained its commitment to ensuring that all students have access to the various opportunities that the College and the University provide. Over HK$2.3m in Scholarships and Financial Aid were awarded to deserving Morningsiders this year.


書院院務委員於 2022 年甄選了 250 多名申請人,共取錄 75 名學生。中國內地學生錄取稍為增加,而國際學生及本地 香港學生的錄取則變化不大。 以新生所屬學院而言,收生比例跟 2021 年稍有不同:工 程學院及跨學科人數分別增加 5% 及 4%,理學院人數減少 4%,而文學院、工商管理學院及社會科學院則與去年相 若。 本年度我們繼續為學生提供來自書院和大學的各種機會。 書院今年合共提供超過 230 萬港元獎學金及資助予合資格 學生。

Admittees – By Nationality 新生 — 按國籍計 2022 Total count 總人數 75

Hong Kong 香港本地 China 中國內地 International 國際



Countries/Regions of origin include: Bangladesh, Brunei, France, India, Indonesia, Macau, Malaysia, Myanmar, New Zealand, Philippines, South Korea, State of Palestine, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States and Viet Nam. 國家 / 地區包括孟加拉國、汶萊、法國、印度、 印度尼西亞、澳門、馬來西亞、緬甸、新西蘭、 菲律賓、南韓、巴勒斯坦、台灣、泰國、土耳其、 英國、美國及越南。


Admittees – By Faculty 新生 — 按學院計 2022 Total count 總人數 75



Arts 文學院



Business Administration 工商管理學院 Engineering 工程學院 Law 法律學院 Medicine 醫學院 Science 理學院


Social Science 社會科學院

23% 12%

Interdisciplinary 跨學科


Scholarships and Financial Aid 獎學金及資助 2022–2023

Admission Scholarships (New Awards) 入學獎學金[ 新頒發]

3.5% 15.2%


Admission Scholarships (Renewed Awards) 入學獎學金[ 續頒發] Financial Aid for Hostel Fees 住宿助學金

0.4% 4.3%

Financial Aid for Learning Activities 助學金 Financial Aid for Emergencies 緊急援助金


Scholarships and Awards 獎學金及獎項


Scholarships and Financial Aid for Exchange Programmes 交流獎學金及資助



Morningside College’s Student Union, led by President UMOTO YU (Biomedical Engineering) during Term 1, represented students on College Committees and advocated on their behalf. In Spring 2023, students elected a new Executive Council, with ISHMAM-UL HAQUE (Information Engineering) as the Student Union President. Ishmam and his cabinet quickly got to work on a series of initiatives, including an upgrade of the college fitness room. The fall term was full of interesting activities. Final-year student MYLES NG (Economics) hosted a well-attended strategic discussion of internships and the job search in Hong Kong. Alumnus YOUSIF ALEBARY (Computer Engineering, 2022) and JASMINE YU (Global Economics & Finance) shared their experiences interning with a variety of organizations, including J.P. Morgan and CITIC Securities. The Morningside Music Community organized a Music Night on 16 November. Music Nights are highly anticipated events at Morningside – the audience was not disappointed! The music theme continued into the spring, capping off the College’s first-ever Cultural Night in February 2023. Students hosted stalls with food, games, and small handicrafts from their home countries, including Brazil, China, Egypt, India, Japan, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Myanmar, Palestine, South Korea, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam. Towards the end of the evening, the fair’s visitors gathered to enjoy Erhu and (Kazakh) Dombyra performances.


A week after the cultural night, Morningside students MUS’AB ALQAISSIAH (Financial Technology), ISAAC CAO (AI Systems & Technology), JASON CHEUNG (Laws), ANNA BUELOW FUGLSANG (Government & Public Administration), MARTA GRAMATYKA (Chinese Studies), JAMES JEON (Energy & Environmental Engineering) and TAN HOU YUAN (Translation) attended the Asia Society Hong Kong (ASHK) Annual Gala Dinner with PROFESSOR NICK RAWLINS. The dinner was once again generously sponsored by DR CHIEN LEE, Council member of CUHK and Chairman of The Bei Shan Tang Foundation. The speaker for the evening was The Honorable DR KEVIN RUDD AC, 26th Prime Minister of Australia. Following a wine tasting workshop in early March and a sustainable chocolate making and tasting event later that month, the College brought the year to a close with a barbeque on the patio. Students and staff were very happy to see this annual event return after a long hiatus. PHUTANATE PISUTSIN (Computer Science) received the Spirit Award in recognition of his hard work, energy and commitment to the College. CHEN SIN YU (IBBA), SERAG HEIBA (Energy & Environmental Engineering), and LAM TSZ HO (MBCHB) received Achievement Awards. Service Awards are detailed on page 16-17.

晨興書院學生會於上學期在主席兔本雄(生物醫學工程學) 的帶領下,代表學生參與書院各委員會事務。在 2023 年 春季,學生選出了新一屆學生會幹事會,並由 ISHMAM-UL HAQUE(信息工程學)擔任新一屆學生會主席。Ishmam 與其 幹事會成員接任後,隨即投入連串倡議事務,包括升級改 善書院健身室。 活動方面,書院在上學期舉辦了各式各樣的精彩活動。四 年級生黃忠文(經濟學)舉行了一場關於在香港實習與求 職的策略討論,由校友 YOUSIF ALEBARY( 計算機工程學, 2022)與于子凌(環球經濟與金融)分享在不同機構的實習經 驗,包括摩根大通及中信証券等,活動反應熱烈,吸引了 不少同學參加。 於 11 月 16 日,由晨興樂隊舉辦的年度音樂會圓滿舉行, 觀眾均在這個令人期待的活動中盡興而歸。是次音樂主題 延續至春季,為 2023 年 2 月的書院首屆文化晚會畫上完美 句號。同學當天自設多個攤位,帶來包括巴西、中國、埃 及、印度、日本、哈薩克斯坦、馬來西亞、緬甸、巴勒斯 坦、南韓、斯里蘭卡及越南的家鄉美食、遊戲和小手作。 於晚會尾聲,參加者聚首一堂欣賞二胡與冬不拉(哈薩克傳 統樂器)的合奏演出。

文化晚會舉行後一星期,晨興學生 MUS’AB ALQAISSIAH(金 融科技學)、曹胤楠(人工智能:系統與科技)、張僖彥(法 學士)、李昀恩(政治與行政學)、MARTA GRAMATYKA(中國 研究)、全玟奎(能源與環境工程學)和陳厚元(翻譯)與汪寧 笙教授出席亞洲協會香港中心周年晚宴,是次晚宴再度獲 香港中文大學校董會成員兼北山堂基金主席利乾博士慷慨 贊助,當晚邀得澳洲第 26 屆總理陸克文博士作演講嘉賓, 與參與學生分享交流。 繼 3 月初的品酒工作坊,以及同月舉行的可持續朱古力製 作與品味活動後,書院燒烤活動亦於本年度回歸,全體師 生均很高興再次參與這停辦多時的年度活動,讓本學年以 師生同樂的時光作結。 為肯定學生的付出,書院頒發傑出貢獻獎予 PHUTANATE PISUTSIN(計算機科學),以表揚他積極努力、充滿幹勁以 及竭誠支持書院的表現。此外,陳倩茹(工商管理學)、 SERAG HEIBA(能源與環境工程學)及林子皓(內外全科醫學) 則獲頒予成就獎。有關優異服務獎的得主,請參閱第 16-17 頁。



Two College General Education courses were offered as usual in 2022-2023. Both courses are supervised by the Dean of General Education, ANN HUSS. Tutorial instruction was provided by Morningside’s Junior Fellows ALAYNA LEE (Yale University, BA in Political Science and East Asian Studies, 2022), ALOK RANPISE (Georgetown University, MA in Asian Studies, 2022; Boston University, BA in Economics, International Relations, 2018) and KAITLYN ROUKEY (Saint Michael’s College, BA in Secondary Education and English, 2020). NGUYEN PHUONG HA NHUNG (Global Economics & Finance, Year 1) was awarded the David Parker General Education Best Essay Prize this year for an excellent paper on solar engineering and its relation to climate change written for GEMC1001. PROFESSOR LAWRENCE CHEUNG, who adjudicated the competition this year, commented that the essay was well researched and referenced, “a pleasure to read”. The Peer Mentoring Programme (PMP) wrapped up another successful term in November 2022 with a programme of six mentors and eighteen mentees. Designed and delivered by


College Member DR YVONNE LOONG, the PMP prepares senior students to provide guidance and support to incoming firstyear students. Students also ventured off campus with the Junior Fellows to enjoy film screenings at the Hong Kong International Film Festival and music and drama performances at the 51st Hong Kong Arts Festival (HKAF). HKAF events included “Radio and Juliet”, a rendition of Romeo and Juliet set to music by Radiohead, a new interpretation of Vaclav Nijinsky’s “Le Sacre du Printemps”, the stage play “Table for Six”, and the “YatSen” musical.

EXCHANGE After several years of very little travel and limited exchange opportunities, 17 Morningsiders spent one or two semesters on exchange during the 2022-2023 academic year on four continents. Meanwhile, the College welcomed 17 incoming exchange students from seven countries.

書院於 2022 至 2023 年度如常開設兩個書院通識教育課程, 均由通識教育主任何素楠教授負責,導修則由通識教育 導師李采敏(2022 年耶魯大學,政治學和東亞研究學士學 位)、ALOK RANPISE( 2022 年喬治城大學,亞洲研究碩士 學位;2018 年波士頓大學,經濟學和國際關係雙學位)及 KAITLYN ROUKEY(2020 年聖邁克爾學院,中學教育和英語 雙學位)負責。

此外,同學更與通識教育導師走出校園,參加香港國際電 影節的電影放映活動,欣賞第 51 屆香港藝術節的音樂和 戲劇表演。其中的香港藝術節活動包括:《收音機與茱麗 葉》,這是以搖滾樂隊電台司令的音樂演繹名作《羅密歐與 朱麗葉》的新編芭蕾舞表演、全新詮釋瓦斯拉夫.尼金斯基 的芭蕾舞《春之祭》,以及舞台劇《飯戲攻心》與音樂劇《日 新》。

NGUYEN PHUONG HA NHUNG(環球經濟與金融一年級生)憑 GEMC1001 課程一篇關於太陽能工程及其與氣候變化關係的 論文,獲得 David Parker 教授通識教育優秀論文獎,擔任今 年評審的張欽良教授評論道,這篇論文研究和引用充分, 「令人樂在其中」。

交流計劃 經過數年的旅遊限制及有限的交流機會,2022 至 2023 年度 共有 17 名晨興學生參加一至兩個學期的交流計劃,分別前 往四大洲的不同地區,同時書院亦接待了來自七個不同國 家共17名前來交流的學生。

本年度的同儕導師計劃於 2022 年 11 月圓滿結束,共有 6 名 學長及 18 名學員參與。計劃由書院成員龍志溫博士設計及 統籌,由高年級學生為新生提供正向輔導服務。


SERVICE LEARNING 社會服務 Over the past year, more than 70 Morningside students completed service learning projects as part of the College’s General Education program. They dedicated over 2000 hours of service work locally and abroad. After a three-year hiatus, the College was once again able to organize service-learning trips over the summer. In late May, 9 Morningside students participated in the College’s fourth service trip to Rabat, Morocco. The trip was organized in coordination with the Centre for Cross Cultural Learning (CCCL) in Rabat and was structured around visiting NGOs and social enterprises to learn about their functions, organizational structure, the causes they work towards, and the challenges they face. In preparation for the NGO visits, students attended lessons about Moroccan history and geography, Daridja (local dialect of Arabic), and the state of civil society in Morocco today at CCCL. In June, 14 students participated in the College’s first service learning programme in Greece. They began by learning some basic Greek vocabulary and were introduced to the history behind Athens. The local NGO visits began with a trip to Za’atar, a group whose goal is to empower refugees to achieve autonomy through skill-building. Next was a visit to the Fáilte Centre, which serves as a space for counseling sessions, career advice, and children-geared activities. Later in the day, they visited Finding Refuge, an NGO focused on reducing homelessness in the refugee population. The following day, students spoke with one of the founders of Khora, a collective that runs a free shop in Athens for individuals in need; all of Khora’s decisions are made through non-hierarchical collaborative discussions. Following a visit to the Athens headquarters of the human-rights centered NGO Doctors of the World, students embarked on a threeday journey to the island of Lesvos, where they visited the


Mavrovouni refugee camp under the supervision of Doctors of the World. On Lesvos, they also saw the remnants of two other former refugee camps, Kara Tepe and the infamous Moria camp that was destroyed by fire in September 2020. Lastly, they learned how the humanitarian legal aid team at Fenix provides legal representation, protection, and psychosocial services to refugees and asylum seekers on Lesvos. Finally, in July, 9 students spent two weeks at The University of York, engaging with local non-profit organizations and social enterprises and studying the context of service and poverty in the United Kingdom. When invited by York to comment on his experiences, participant GORAN SHIAO (Global Studies) wrote, “Visiting social enterprises and charities throughout the course provoked us to rethink the role of these organisations in societies. Entering the age of “value”, the public is increasingly calling for an alignment between citizens’ values and the objectives of private businesses…Being capitalist societies, both Hong Kong and the UK are mainly dominated by private businesses, causing us to often overlook the social value and transformation social enterprises bring. Social enterprises and charities serve the community in areas left out by government policies and systems. The people and organisations we have met throughout this course have devoted their lives to serving their communities, leading by example…We, a welleducated new generation and a part of a wider community, should rethink what role we should take in shaping a better society.” TAYYAB SHAHZADA (MBCHB) received the Morningside College Service Award for the 2022-23 academic year in recognition of his commitment to medical service locally and elsewhere in Asia.

過去一年,超過 70 名晨興學生修讀書院通識的社區服務學 習課程,他們於本地和海外參與各式各樣逾 2,000 小時的社 會服務。 相隔三年,書院於本學年夏季終再次籌辦一系列服務學習 計劃。於 5 月下旬,9 名晨興學生前往摩洛哥拉巴特,參 加書院第四度在當地進行的社會服務之旅。是次旅程與拉 巴特的跨文化學習中心共同籌劃,主要到訪當地的非政府 組織和社會企業,以了解它們的功能、組織架構、工作宗 旨,以及所面臨的挑戰。為準備到訪各個些非政府組織, 同學並於跨文化學習中心學習摩洛哥歷史和地理、Daridja (當地阿拉伯方言)及現今摩洛哥的公民社會狀況。 在 6 月,14 名學生參加了書院首度在希臘舉辦的服務學習 計劃,他們先學習基本的希臘詞彙,認識雅典背後的歷 史,然後前往到訪 Za’atar,了解這個透過技能培訓讓難民 實現自主生活的團體,展開他們參觀當地非政府組織的旅 程。接著,學生們前往了 Fáilte Centre,它是一個提供輔 導、職涯建議和兒童活動的空間;同日稍後,他們還參觀 了 Finding Refuge,這是一個致力減少難民無家可歸問題的 非政府組織。到了第二天,同學與 Khora 的其中一位創辦 人交流,Khora 以集體形式於雅典營運一間免費商店,為 有需要的人提供幫助,當中所有決策均透過非階層性協作 討論而達成。在參觀以人權為中心的非政府組織 Doctors of the World 的雅典總部後,同學啟程前往萊斯沃斯島展開 為期三天的旅程,並在 Doctors of the World 的指導下參觀

了 Mavrovouni 難民營。在萊斯沃斯島上,他們還看到兩個 舊難民營的遺址,分別是 Kara Tepe 和臭名昭著的 Moria 營 地,後者的營地於 2020 年 9 月被大火摧毀。在旅程尾聲, 他們還了解到 Fenix 人道主義法律援助團隊,是如何為萊斯 沃斯島上的難民和尋求庇護者提供法律援助、保護和心理 社會服務。 最後在 7 月,9 名學生前往英國約克大學到訪兩星期,接觸 到當地不同非牟利組織和社會企業,了解英國社會服務模 式和貧窮問題。邵柏均(全球研究)獲約克大學邀請評論是 次活動時,他寫道:「在整個課程中,透過參觀不同社會 企業和慈善機構,使我們重新思考這些組織在社會中的角 色。現今進入『價值』核心時代,公眾越來越重視公民價值 與私人企業目標之間的一致性…作為資本主義社會,香港 和英國都主要由私人企業主導,這使我們常常忽視社會企 業帶來的社會價值和轉型。社會企業和慈善機構的作用, 正正就是為被政府政策和機制忽略的地區服務。我們在課 程中遇到的人們和組織,都致力於服務他們的社區,以身 作則,身體力行……作為受過良好教育的新一代,並為更 廣大社區的一分子,我們應重新思考應扮演甚麼角色,以 塑造更美好的社會。」 2022 至 2023 年度,TAYYAB SHAHZADA(內外全科醫學士)因 熱心投入本地與亞洲各地的醫療服務,獲頒本年的晨興書 院優異服務獎。


ATHLETICS 體育運動 Under the guidance of Morningside's Physical Education Lecturers SALLY SUN and SAMMI HUANG, students competed in basketball, soccer, swimming, volleyball, badminton, dodgeball, rowing, and table tennis in the 2022-23 academic year. Two Fun Days were also organized – squash and wood ball. Congratulations to our athletes, and a special thanks to Sally and Sammi for their support.

在晨興體育講師孫莉和黃敏怡的帶領下,學生們在 2022-23 學年參與籃球、足球、游泳、排球、羽毛球、閃避球、划 艇和乒乓球等比賽,並舉辦了壁球和木球運動同樂日。在 此特別感謝兩位講師的指導,並為一眾晨興健兒的努力作 出肯定!

1 1 Women’s Basketball Team with PE Lecturer Sally Sun and coach Mr Eddie Lau at CUHK Inter-Collegiate Basketball Competitions in October 2022. 女子籃球隊與孫莉講師及教練劉偉豪先生在2022年10月的中大書院籃球 賽合影 。

2 2 Men’s 4+ rowing team won a bronze medal in the 19th Chinese University of Hong Kong Rowing Championship at Sha Tin Shing Mun River in April 2023. 第19屆香港中文大學賽艇錦標賽於2023年4月在沙田城門河舉行,晨興划艇隊 勇奪男子四人單槳組(有舵手艇)銅牌。


3 3 Men’s Soccer Team with coach Mr Wong Yue Chung at CUHK Inter-Collegiate 7-A-Side Soccer Competition in October 2022. 晨興男子足球隊參與2022年10月舉行的中大書院7人足球比賽,並與教 練黃如松先生合影。

4 4 Morningside Dodgeball Team participated in the Dodgeball Competition in March 2023. 閃避球隊參加於2023年3月舉辦的中大閃避球比賽。




Due to the gloomy investment environment, overall income dropped by 1% from $16.1m in 2021/22 to $15.9m in 2022/23. Government subvention and the 3% University payout from endowment increased by $0.5m and $0.1m respectively, reflecting a 15% and 4% growth. Donations and matching grants dropped by $0.5m or a 6% decrease while other income remained similar.


2022-23 Total 總額 1% 22%



Government Subvention 政府資助 Donations and Matching Grants Received 捐贈及配對補助金 Interest and Net Investment Income (via University Payout) 利息及淨投資增益 (經大學入帳)

由於投資巿況低迷,2022 至 2023 年度書院收入總額由 2021 至 2022 年度的 1,610 萬元下降至 1,590 萬元,跌幅 為百分之一。政府資助及書院留本基金撥出百分之三 的收入,分別增加了 50 萬元及 10 萬元,即上升百分 之十五及百分之四。捐款及配對補助金方面則減少了 50萬元,跌幅為百分之六,其他收入則與去年相若。

Other Income 其他收入




As the pandemic subsided, expenditure increased by 12.5% from $13.2m to $14.8m. The $1.6m change was due to a revitalization of College activities and an increase in scholarships and financial aid allocated. There was a 90% drop in exchange programme expenditure due to continuing pandemic-era travel restrictions.


2022-23 Total 總額 78.8%


College Operation 書院營運開支


隨著疫情於去年消退,書院的支出總額上升百分之十二 點五,由 1,320 萬元增加到 1,480 萬元。此 160 萬元的支 出用於書院在疫情後復辦活動、營運開支、獎學金與資 助,以及各類活動。由於環球旅運尚未全面恢復,交流 計劃開支下降了百分之九十。

0.3% 0.3% 5.6%

Scholarships and Financial Aid 獎學金及資助 Exchange Programmes 交流計劃 College Life Activities 書院生活活動 General Education Programmes 通識教育課程




The College’s primary objective when managing capital remains the same as in years past: to safeguard the College’s ability to continue as a going concern and to maintain a strong financial base to support the development of the College. To this end, the College invested in financial instruments, including funds held by the University that are managed according to relevant financial management policies and practices.

書院的主要理財目標一如既往是要確保書院可持續營辦, 並建構穩健的財務基礎以支持往後的發展。故此,書院 投資的基金均符合大學的財務管理政策及常規,其中包括 大學所持有的基金。 由於去年投資環境欠佳,回報表現平淡,本年度的留本 基金總額減少 150 萬元,收入為 1,590 萬元,支出為 1,480 萬元,總基金金額微升百分之零點四,即 50 萬元,由 1.408 億元增至1.414 億元。

Endowed funds dropped by $1.5m due to the unfavourable investment climate. With income of $15.9m and expenditure of $14.8m, total funds increased slightly by 0.4% or $0.5m, from $140.8m to $141.4m.

Summary of College Operation and Scholarships Funds Balance as of 30 June 2023 (i) 書院營運及獎學金摘要(截至2023年6月30日止) (i)

College Operation 書院營運

Scholarships 獎學金

HK$ (thousands) 以千港元計










RESTRICTED FUNDS 專用基金 Endowed Funds 留本基金 Other Restricted Funds 其他專用基金 Capital Fund 資產基金 OTHER FUNDS 其他基金 Operating Reserves 營運儲備 (ii) Total Funds 基金總額


(i) Hostel funds and provision costs are excluded. 不包括宿舍基金撥備。 (ii) Operating reserves from government subvention are included. 包括政府資助的營運儲備。



Now that the cloud of the pandemic has lifted, the College is delighted to work alongside its devoted supporters, alumni and students to further strengthen the residential college experience. While the provision of scholarships remains the highest fundraising priority, the College also aims to solicit support for its General Education programmes, including Service Learning. At the same time, the College will continue to take a prudent approach to spending in light of the unstable investment climate.

隨著疫情的影響過去,書院將致力與各位熱心支持者、校 友與學生共同努力,體現住宿學習的價值。雖然提供獎學 金與學生資助仍然是籌款募捐的首要目的,但書院亦將爭 取為服務學習及通識教育撥出更多資源。與此同時,由於 投資氣氛不明朗,書院將繼續抱持審慎的理財態度。





The College is bound by The Chinese University of Hong Kong Ordinance (“the Ordinance”), Statutes, and Council resolutions.

書院須遵依《香港中文大學條例》﹙「條例」﹚、《香港中文 大學規程》及大學校董會的決議。

The College is governed by the Constitution of Morningside College (“the Constitution”), approved by the Council on 16 November 2010.

書院受 2010 年 11 月 16 日經大學校董會批准通過的《晨興 書院章程》﹙「章程」﹚管轄。 如章程條文與上述條例、規程或議決有所抵觸者,則以 大學的條例、規程及議決為準。

The Ordinance prevails in the event of any inconsistency with the provisions of the Constitution.



The Committee of Overseers, annually,


(1) before the beginning of each academic year, endorses the proposed budget of the College for the academic year, and submits it to the Council for approval;

(1) 開始前審議書院於該學年的預算,並提交大學校董會 批准;

(2) after the end of each academic year, prepares and submits to the Council the audited accounts of the College, in such form and at such times as the Council may determine.

(2) 學年完結後,按大學校董會決定的格式和時間,向其呈 交經審計的書院年度帳目。



Mr Adriel Chan (Chairman)


Dr Gerald L. Chan


Prof Nelson Chen


Prof Rossa Chiu


Mr James Lin


Mr Sebastian Man


Prof Nick Rawlins (ex-officio)






The Assembly of Fellows is constituted and regulated in accordance with the Ordinance (Statute 16, 2B), the terms of which are enforceable ultimately by the Vice Chancellor. The Assembly of Fellows is self-appointing.

院務委員會乃依照「香港中文大學條例」規程 16 的 2B 條組 成並受其監管,而校長則具最終權力執行有關條文。院務 委員會可自行任命其成員。



The Assembly of Fellows sets the strategic direction of the College and regulates its administration and the management of its finances. It meets regularly under the chairmanship of the Master and is advised by its Committees.

院務委員會負責制訂書院的策略性路向、監管書院的行政 及管理財務,並會定期舉行會議。院務委員會由書院院長 擔任主席,下設多個委員會提供諮詢意見。 書院院務委員會就下列各項事宜協助書院院長:

The Assembly of Fellows assists the Master with: (1) arranging tutorial instruction, pastoral counseling and other forms of education;

(1) 為書院的學生安排導修課、教牧輔導及其他形式的教育 課程; (2) 提供及監管書院內的學生宿舍;及

(2) the provision and supervision of residential accommodation for students at the College; and (3) the maintenance of discipline within the College. The Assembly of Fellows normally meets three times a year. Committees of the Assembly of Fellows develop policies for approval by the full Assembly of Fellows and subsequently monitor their implementation. The duties and membership of the Committees are described in detail in the Terms of Reference for each Committee, kept on record by the College Secretary. The Committees and their 2022-23 Chairpersons were:

(3) 維持書院紀律。 院務委員會通常每年舉行三次會議,負責審批轄下委員會 提交的草擬政策,並於審批後監督其執行有關政策。每個 委員會的《職權範圍》均詳列其職責及組成,由書院的院務 主任存檔。各委員會及 2022-23年度的主席名單詳列如下:

Admissions and Financial Aid


Colin Graham


Alumni and Development


Nick Rawlins


College Life


Carmen Wong


Dining and Residence


Ann Huss




Nick Rawlins


General Education


Ann Huss




Nick Rawlins


Student Discipline


Xi Chao




Nick Rawlins





Scott Aubrey

Curriculum and Instruction 課程與教學學系

Cao Siying 曹思盈 (fr/由 3.2023 起)

Economics 經濟學系

Emily Chan 陳英凝

Public Health and Primary Care 公共衞生及基層醫療學院

Sam Chan 陳力深

Journalism and Communication 新聞與傳播學院

Lawrence Cheung 張欽良

Linguistics and Modern Languages 語言學及現代語言系

Peter Cheung 張栢恒 (fr/由 12.2022 起)

Chemical Pathology 化學病理學系

David Dernie 戴敦寧 (until/至 9.2022)

Architecture 建築學院

Stephen Dalton 杜卓勳 (fr/由 7.2022 起)

Biomedical Sciences 生物醫學學院

Dou Qi 竇琪

Computer Science and Engineering 計算機科學與工程學系

Murat Es (until/ 至 1.2023)

Geography and Resource Management 地理與資源管理學系

Michael Fan 范青亮

Economics 經濟學系

Erik Fung 馮以文

Medicine and Therapeutics 內科及藥物治療學系

Colin Graham 簡家廉

Accident and Emergency Medicine Academic Unit 意外及急救醫學教研部

Huang Chaoran 黃超然 (fr/由 7.2022 起)

Electronic Engineering 電子工程學系

Benny Lim 林國偉

Cultural and Religious Studies 文化及宗教研究系

Lowell Ling 凌若崴

Anaesthesia and Intensive Care 麻醉及深切治療學系

Liu Pak Wai 廖柏偉

Institute of Global Economics and Finance 全球經濟及金融研究所

Urs Maurer

Psychology 心理學系

Eliza Mik

Law 法律學院

Edward Ng 吳恩融

Architecture 建築學院

Laurie Pearcey 金江 (fr/由 8.2022 起)

Associate Vice-President’s Office 協理副校長辦公室

Nick Rawlins 汪寧笙

Morningside College 晨興書院

Nicholas Rimell (fr/ 由 12.2022起)

Philosophy 哲學系

Anthony So 蘇文藻

Systems Engineering and Engineering Management 系統工程與工程管理學系

Suzanne So 蘇可蔚

Psychology 心理學系

Song Xu 宋旭

Mechanical and Automation Engineering 機械與自動化工程學系

Tan Yen-joe 陳衍佐

Earth System Science Programme 地球系統科學課程

Kristof Van Den Troost 溫祺德

Centre for China Studies 中國研究中心

Willem Van Vliet

Finance 金融學系

William Wan 溫彪

Management 管理學系

Saskia Witteborn 賽詩雅

Journalism and Communication 新聞與傳播學院

Carmen Wong 黃嘉雯

Public Health and Primary Care 公共衞生及基層醫療學院

Xi Chao 習超

Law 法律學院

HONORARY FELLOW 榮譽院務委員 Dr Li Weibo 李偉波博士

Permanent Honorary President, Li Weibo Foundation 李偉波慈善基金會永久名譽理事長

EMERITUS FELLOW 榮休院務委員 Prof Christopher Gane 京拍年教授

Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Law, CUHK 中文大學法律學院榮休教授

Prof Janny Leung 梁美兒教授

College Master, Choi Kai Yau College, University of Macau 澳門大學蔡繼有書院院長


WITH GRATITUDE 鳴謝 The College is part of the structure of the University. Material interdependencies between the College and the University arise as a consequence of this relationship. The College is grateful for the support of: 書院隸屬大學架構一部分,兩者相輔相承,互依互存。書院感謝下列單位鼎力支持:

Academic Links, Office of 學術交流處

Finance Office 財務處

Shaw College 逸夫書院

Admissions and Financial Aid, Office of 入學及學生資助處

Human Resources Office 人力資源處

Alumni Affairs Office 校友事務處

I·CARE Centre for Whole-person Development 博群全人發展中心

Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development Office 社會責任及可持續發展處

Associate Vice-Presidents' Offices 協理副校長辦公室 Campus Development Office 校園發展處 Centre for Learning Enhancement and Research (CLEAR) 學能提升研究中心 Chung Chi College 崇基學院 Communications and Public Relations Office 傳訊及公共關係處 China Engagement Office 內地及大中華發展處 Co-operative Education Programme, Office of 在學.在職計劃 C.W. Chu College 敬文書院 Diversity and Inclusion Office 多元共融事務處 Estates Management Office 物業管理處

Independent Learning Centre 自學中心 Information Technology Services Centre 資訊科技服務處

Strategic Events and External Projects Office 策略活動及對外項目辦公室 Student Affairs, Office of 學生事務處 United College 聯合書院

Institutional Advancement, Office of 拓展及籌募處

University Dean of Students, Office of the 大學輔導長辦公室

Lee Woo Sing College 和聲書院

University General Education, Office of 大學通識教育部

New Asia College 新亞書院 Pro-Vice-Chancellors’ / Vice-Presidents’ Offices 副校長辦公室

University Health Service 大學保健處 University Library 大學圖書館

Provost’s Office 常務副校長辦公室

University Safety Office 大學安全事務處

Registry 教務處

University Secretary’s Office 秘書長室

S.H. Ho College 善衡書院

Vice-Chancellor’s Office 校長辦公室

Security and Transport Office 保安及交通事務處

Wu Yee Sun College 伍宜孫書院


MORNINGSIDE COLLEGE EXTENDS ITS GRATITUDE FOR THE EXCEPTIONAL GENEROSITY OF THESE DONORS*: 晨興書院謹此向下列善長的慷慨捐助致以 至誠謝意 *: Mr. Lister Chang 張作鑫先生 Professor Nelson Chen and Dr. Margaret Wong 陳丙驊教授及黃惠琪博士 Dr. Philip Chen Nan-lok 陳南祿博士 Ms. Elaine Ho Pui Ling 何佩玲女士 Dr. Kuo Yong Hong 郭永鴻博士 Professor Lawrence J. Lau 劉遵義教授 Mr. James Lin & Ms. Nisa Leung 林振宇先生及梁頴宇女士 Morningside Foundation Limited 晨興基金會 Mr. Peter Pulsford Mr. Kelvin YM Yeung 楊于銘先生 Anonymous 佚名 Your generosity enables us to continue to provide a transformative residential college experience for all Morningside students.

THANK YOU. 全賴閣下慷慨解囊,我們才可為晨興學生提供一個非凡的書院 生活體驗。

特申謝忱。 * in alphabetical order * 按英文字母排列

PERSONNEL 行政人員 College Officers


NICK RAWLINS, DPhil Oxford Pro-Vice-Chancellor Master

汪寧笙教授,牛津大學博士 大學副校長 院長

ANTHONY SO, PhD Stanford University Dean, Graduate School (from 8. 2022) Professor, Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management Deputy Master

蘇文藻教授,史丹福大學博士 研究院院長(由 8. 2022起) 系統工程與工程管理學系教授 副院長

COLIN GRAHAM, MD University of Glasgow Director, Professor & Honorary Consultant Accident and Emergency Medicine Academic Unit Dean of Students

簡家廉教授,格拉斯哥大學醫學博士 意外及急救醫學教研部主任、教授及榮譽顧問 輔導長

ANN HUSS, PhD Columbia University Associate Master, Dean of General Education and Warden

何素楠教授,哥倫比亞大學博士 協理院長,通識教育主任兼舍監

HARRIET NG, MA College Secretary

吳曉康女士,文學碩士 院務主任

College Staff


Venice Fong Advancement Manager

方紫君 拓展事務經理

Jennifer Lo College Project Executive

盧胤言 書院項目主任

(from 4. 2023)

( 由 4. 2023起 )

Agnes Fung Executive Officer

馮德慧 行政主任

Hazel Sin College Project Executive

冼詠心 書院項目主任

Brian Lee Executive Officer

李仲仁 行政主任

Joyce Tang Personal Assistant to the Master

鄧敏儀 院長助理

Anna Cheng College Project Executive

鄭安娜 書院項目主任

Michelle Chan General Clerk

陳婉華 文員

(from 6. 2023)

(由6. 2023 起)

Ming Lee College Project Executive

李麗明 書院項目主任

Carmen Lam General Clerk

林嘉敏 文員

Gill Leung College Project Executive

梁鳳嬌 書院項目主任

Stephanie Lo Project Assistant

盧潔瑩 項目助理

(until 3. 2023)

(至3. 2023)

(from 8. 2022)

( 由 8. 2022起)


CONTACT US 聯絡我們 Morningside College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong 香港新界沙田香港中文大學晨興書院 852.3943.1406 852.2603.6159 ©Morningside College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2023 ©香港中文大學晨興書院 2023 版權所有

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