Magazine 2023

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Exploring Life’s Possibilities

Creating “Hong Kong’s Morningside”

Understanding Medical Dilemmas from Outside the Clinic: Lissa and the One Book Programme

JUNE 2023






Creating “Hong Kong’s Morningside”



「一本書計劃」選書《Lissa》︰從臨床以外理解醫學困境 07

Understanding Medical Dilemmas from Outside the Clinic: Lissa and the One Book Programme

晨興書院攝影比賽 13

MC SPACE College Photography Competition


17 23

Education in an Evolving World: A conversation with Professor Anthony So and Choi Ching Lam




Exploring Life’s Possibilities




Dear Reader,

In this issue, we share the story behind the creation of the College’s podcast, an exploration of anthropological dilemmas presented in this year’s One Book Programme graphic novel selection, the winning photos of the annual Morningside College Photography Competition, and a conversation between the 2022 General Education UGC Teaching Award recipient and a current Morningside student.

Morningsiders continue to be selfless, inquisitive and determined to challenge themselves. We look forward to seeing how our community will flourish in the coming year.

Thank you for your continued support!


MORNINGSIDE MAGAZINE. Published annually by Morningside College. Editorial Office: Morningside College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong.

Tel: +852.3943.1406. Fax: +852.2603.6159.

Publication of material in MORNINGSIDE MAGAZINE does not necessarily indicate endorsement of the author’s viewpoint by the magazine, Morningside College, or The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

MORNINGSIDE MAGAZINE reserves the right to edit and, when necessary, revise all material that it accepts for publication. Unsolicited artwork will be published at the discretion of the editor.

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在本期雜誌中,我們會介紹新推出的 Podcast 及分 享其創作的歷程,探索今年「一本書計劃」圖晝小說 中所帶出的人類學難題,並展示晨興書院攝影比賽 的得獎作品,以及 2022 年教資會傑出教學得獎教授 與晨興學生的對談。

晨興人一如既往地將無私、好奇心和勇於自我挑戰 的精神延續下去。我們期待見證晨興人在來年的學 習和發展中茁壯成長。



晨興書院雜誌  由晨興書院每年一度出版。編輯室 地址為香港新界沙田香港中文大學晨興書院。

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WHAT MAKES MORNINGSIDE SPECIAL? Some might point out its size, that it is the smallest college at CUHK. Everyone here is a familiar face. It is also one of the few fully-residential colleges. “We expect everyone to live and eat here, as a community,” Dean of Students Colin Graham put it. Communal dinner is a unique experience for visitors and a treat to witness first-hand. Students sharing a meal over intense conversations about football or artificial intelligence emits a near-palpable energy after the pandemic’s restrictions. Other answers might range from the academic — students discuss completing GEMC at Morningside as if it were a battle victory — to the convenient — “It’s close to the MTR!” final-year students Amira Belli and Marta Gramatyka sheepishly admitted. Still, the most popular response is likely to involve Morningside’s unofficial canine mascots. Who else but Captain, Arlo, and Cuba can attract a crowd like a campus celebrity?

Each of these potential reactions are a part of Morningside’s inimitable character. There would be no Morningside without the sounds of people greeting each other in the lifts, the philosophical exchanges among firstyears after the GEMC lecture, the obligatory stop-and-pet when one of the dogs are on a walk. The bottom line: there is no Morningside without its people. It is the gathering of individuals with different backgrounds, opinions, and interests that makes Morningside special, and it is the desire to learn from these varied experiences that unites the college. I immediately recognized that first feature — Morningside’s diversity — when I arrived here. The second — Morningside’s openness — was still

晨興的獨特之處? 有些人說是規模,因為晨興是 中大最小的書院,大家都彼此認識。晨興也是少 數全宿共膳的書院之一,就如輔導長簡家廉教授形 容:「我們期望大家在這裡同吃同住,就像一個小 社區。」共膳對於許多學生及訪客來說是一種獨特 的體驗。經歷過疫情社交限制後,學生們終於能夠 再度共膳,重新感受在餐桌上興奮熱烈地談論足球 或人工智能等話題的美好時光。也有一些其它的答 案,例如有人認為晨興書院的通識課程與眾不同, 完成了通識課程,就如戰勝一場小仗一樣;當然 還有非學術層面的答案,應屆畢業生 Amira Belli 與 Marta Gramatyka 不好意思地說出內心想法:「晨興 最方便,離地鐵站很近!」不過,最多人回答的答 案,依然是一同住在晨興的狗狗 Captain 、 Arlo 和 Cuba,畢竟還有誰在校園更有吸引力呢?

這些真摯的反應,都成就了晨興無可複製的個性-- 若沒有大家在電梯互相打招呼,沒有一年級生在通 識課堂後的哲學討論,沒有散步中的狗狗來討摸 摸,就沒有大家熟悉的晨興。簡而言之,沒有晨興 人,哪有晨興?正正是擁有不同背景、理念和興趣 的晨興人,渴望從獨特的經歷中彼此學習,編織出


re-emerging after three years in isolation, an uncertain appetite for new perspectives that needed a gentle push.


For too long, students have been confined, separated from the essence of the college’s appeal — its wider community. Suddenly jumping from total isolation to large social settings is a hard task. We want to be around new and old friends, mentors and collaborators again, but we are out of practice. Especially for students of my generation, returning to more profound relationship-building is doubly-complicated by the influx of technology and information. I wanted to remind Morningsiders of the small stuff again, of the stories and individuals that protect us from a world of big data. Still, I cannot deny my own identity — I was raised on the Internet, and any new knowledge-seeking is typically done on my devices. Creating a podcast, a show that could highlight Morningside’s intimacy in a format suitable for modern habits, was a project to encourage micro-thinking on a macro-scale.

Podcasts add a more personal dimension to an otherwise solitary activity. Good podcasts will make you feel like you are in the room with them, like you are also a part of their conversation. They helped me feel less alone during the pandemic and have continued to do so after the pandemic’s end. Most importantly, podcasts are accessible in a way that public talks or lectures are not. It was vital to me that this project reach not only current Morningside students, but act as a source for current

這個既特別又團結的社群。當我加入晨興不久,我 就留意到它兩大特色:一為多元性,二為開放性, 即使經歷了三年因疫情而隔離的日子,這種開放性 依然在躍動,對任何尚待雕琢的新視角,至今依然 飢渴。

我們如何喚醒這個彷彿沉睡了的社群呢? 這些年 來,晨興一直引以為傲的緊密社群,在經過疫情的 長時間洗禮後好像不復存在。突然要從孤立的狀態 重回大型社交圈,的確是一項艱鉅的任務。我們當 然想再次與新知舊友、導師人脈常在一起,但感覺 卻又如此生疏。尤其對於我們這一代學生來說,隨 著技術和資訊的大量湧入,要回去建立深入的關 係,一切來得更加複雜。但我還是想用一些生活點 滴去喚醒晨興人,讓大家知道世界上還有一些好人 好事,正在保護我們免受大數據世界的侵害。當 然,我不能否認自己也是在互聯網上長大的一群, 每次要尋求任何新知識,幾乎都是在手機或電腦 上完成的。要建立一個 Podcast 去展現晨興的親切 感,又要採用合乎現代生活習慣的方式,絕對是一 個在宏觀尺度上進行微觀思考的任務。

Alayna (second from right) chatting with Abdel Nafea, Maanav Wadhwa and Evan Wu. 李采敏(右二)與晨興同學 Abdel Nafea, Maanav Wadhwa 及吳祐增對談。

and former staff and alumni. Anyone can listen to it and feel like they are a part of the college — hopefully, it even inspires future Morningsiders to be confident that this is the place for them. A podcast seemed like a perfect avenue for injecting new life into a community. It is more elaborate than Instagram, more dynamic than a news article, and more comfortable than an event. So, “Hong Kong’s Morningside,” a podcast about a small college in a big city, was proposed.

STAFF, STUDENTS, ALUMNI. Each of these groups were essential components of Morningside’s community to involve. The first episode would be Morningside’s origin story. The second, a look at how students got to this place. The third episode would ask where we go from here.

SIDE 1: THE WHO, WHAT, AND WHY OF MORNINGSIDE. Getting to talk to Colin is always a treat. He tells the best stories, even if they are gory ones about his work in the emergency room. His passion for Morningside and his empathetic connection with the students is clear — he has a big heart and a big personality. I was excited to interview Janny Leung as well, the former Dean of Students, for an inside look into the very beginnings of the college. Even though she’s away from Hong Kong now, she talks about Morningside with fondness and respect. Both Colin and Janny have been with Morningside every step of the way. They could act as trusted sources for a journey into Morningside’s past and present.

SIDE 2: HOME AWAY FROM HOME. I had never met Amira or Marta before I interviewed them. Luckily, like most Morningsiders, they are warm and friendly students eager to talk about their unique insights. Even more lucky, they offered two contrasting perspectives on life as an international student. Much of what they said overlapped (if you move, be prepared to miss the food!), but their distinct outlooks on change and transitions taught me a lot about how different experiences can still lead to the same, positive outcome.

SIDE 3: UNIVERSITY FRIENDSHIPS, THEN AND NOW. Out of the three episodes, this was the most arduous to edit. Having two voices in addition to your own is tough, but add on four more and it is a web of inside jokes, embarrassing stories, and collective remembering. I wanted to juxtapose what Morningside friendships are like now with those of the past. I was grateful to have film director Jun Li, film producer Kelvin Choy, and criminal defense barrister Joshua Ngai in a room during one

Podcast 為本來孤獨的活動, 帶來了不同的個人維度。好的 Podcast 會讓你覺得自己和主持 人待在同一個房間裡,大家一起 參與討論。它令我在疫情期間不 再感到孤獨,疫後依然如此。更 重要的是, Podcast 的交談方式 與公開演講或講座截然不同。這 個項目不單止面向現時的晨興學 生,亦連結現職和已離職的教職 員以至校友。任何人都可以聽到 它,感覺自己是書院的一部分。 我希望它亦能為未來的晨興人帶 來啟發,讓他們知道有一個為他 們而設的平台。 Podcast 為社區 注入活力,它比 Instagram 更有 深度,比新聞文章更生動,亦比 出席活動更輕鬆。正因如此, 《聲匯晨興》,這個關於大城巿小 書院的 Podcast 頻道正式誕生。 教職員、學生、校友,每一位成 員都是晨興社群組成的一部份。 第一集將會講述晨興的起源,第 二集會問問同學為何選擇來到晨 興,第三集會看看大家從晨興走 得多遠。

第一集:《有關晨興的人事物》。 能夠與簡家廉教授交談總是一件 樂事,他很會說故事,即便是關 於他在急診室工作的血腥經歷。 他心胸寬廣性格外向,對晨興的 熱忱和對學生的關心是無可置疑 的。我也很高興能採訪到前任輔 導長梁美兒教授,揭開書院剛成 立時的內幕點滴。儘管她現在已 離開香港,當談及晨興時,她仍 無比興奮,對晨興非常尊重。由 簡家廉教授和梁美兒教授娓娓道 來與晨興一起同行的日子,讓人 們認識晨興過去與現在。

第二集:《家外之家》。 在採訪 Amira 與 Marta 之前,我其實從 未與她們碰面。幸運的是,就像 大多數晨興人一樣,她們都很樂 於表達自己的見解,是很親切 友善的學生。更幸運的是,她們對海外留學生的生 活抱持兩種截然不同的看法。同樣作為留學生,她 們當然有許多相似的想法,但她們面對轉變和過渡 的獨特見解,令我明白到不同的經歷都可以殊途同 歸,帶來同樣正面的結果。

第三集:《大學友情歲月的今與昔》。 三集之中,這 集是最難剪輯的。在前兩集,要剪輯除了自己之外


of the first times they were back at Morningside since they graduated some ten years ago. Their infectious energy was matched by the trio of current Morningsiders I interviewed next — final-year students Maanav Wadhwa, Abdel Nafea, and Evan Wu.

YOU CAN LISTEN TO THESE EPISODES NOW ON ALL STREAMING PLATFORMS. The final product genuinely surprised me. It fit together better than if I had planned it. It goes to show that even though each Morningsider has their own unique story to tell, there is a shared philosophy towards discovery and collaboration that this college fosters. Hong Kong’s Morningside is a small, but mighty place, and I am so excited that a wider audience can hear about its people. A special thank you to one student, who after the podcast’s launch, immediately messaged me to say that I “have a natural podcast voice.”

的兩把聲音,本已不易。而這集再加上四把聲音, 簡直就是一個集私人笑話、尷尬故事和集體回憶的 混亂場面。我很想將晨興過去與現在的友情歲月 來個大檢閱,因此很高興能邀請到三位晨興校友: 電影導演李駿碩、電影製片人蔡君恒和大律師魏俊 聚首一堂,這是他們大約十年前畢業以來第一次 一起回到晨興。他們的故事與我後來訪問的三位即 將畢業的晨興人 Maanav Wadhwa、Abdel Nafea 和 吳祐增產生了充滿感染力的共鳴。

你現在可以在各大串流平台上收聽這些內容。 最終 的作品成果真的讓我喜出望外,因為創作結果比我 預期的更好。儘管每個晨興人各自都有自己的故 事,但同時都展現出書院所培養的探索和合作的 理念。《聲匯晨興》是一個小而強大的 Podcast ,我 很高興能讓更多的觀眾認識到各位晨興人。最後要 特別感謝一位同學,他在 Podcast 發布之後立即就 發訊息給我,說我擁有「天生的廣播聲線」。

Joshua Ngai, Jun Li, and Kelvin Choy returned to Morningside for an alumni event in September 2022. 魏俊、李駿碩及蔡君恒於 2022 年 9 月返回晨興書院參與校友活動。


「一本書計劃」選書《Lissa》︰ 從臨床以外理解醫學困境


Every Autumn, Morningside’s newest students take GEMC1001: ‘Current Dilemmas and their Histories’. This general education course is storied across the community for its rigor and serves as a community building activity. Students become familiar with consequentialist, nonconsequentialist, and agent-centered ethical approaches and practice applying these approaches to a variety of dilemmas. They learn how these ethical ideas can be transposed into contemporary dilemmas, as posed to them by visiting experts in a range of academic and professional fields. The course foregrounds dilemmas to inculcate shared values of careful introspection and evidence-based, morally grounded decision making. A key part of the course is the One Book Programme. Each year the General Education team chooses a book that new students will receive at their welcome dinner. Over the term, students discuss and write about decisions made by the authors and their characters, for their ethical logics and to try their own hands at devising hypothetical responses to dilemmas in the narrative. Given its prominence in the course’s early weeks, the ‘One Book’ can shape how students understand and apply the ethics they learn in the course. For 2022, the book chosen was Lissa: A Story About Medical Promise, Friendship, and Revolution (University of Toronto Press, 2017), a graphic novel written by the anthropologist Sherine Hamdy and the gender, sexuality, and women’s studies scholar Coleman Nye.

Lissa is a story told through the lives of two friends, covering their experience of medical challenges and socio-economic injustices from their childhoods through their early adulthood. Anna is the daughter of an American employee in the oil industry living in Cairo, and she and her father are coping with the grief of her mother’s death from breast cancer. After Anna becomes a college student in Boston, she learns that she has inherited the BRCA1 gene and may succumb to the same disease that took her mother’s and aunt’s lives. Professor Nye’s research focuses on such ‘previvors’ in the United States, and how their lives, relationships, and health are changed by the knowledge of having BRCA1 and a highly elevated risk of breast cancer. Whether to undergo a preventive mastectomy is Anna’s most significant dilemma over the course of the story.

Layla is Anna’s best friend, and the daughter of the Egyptian porter who works in the condominium where Anna’s family lives. Both girls’ parents are evidently comfortable with their unique but burgeoning friendship. The cultural gap between them barely emerges until they are young women at university in Boston and at medical school in Cairo. Layla’s father, Abu Hassan, needs a kidney transplant but refuses to receive one from his children, claiming humans do not have the right to alter bodies given by God. Layla’s mother insists that the elderly cannot accept an organ from the young, as this would reverse the rightful direction in which life is supposed to flow. When Layla explains their intransigence to Anna, Anna struggles to understand and even suggests Abu Hassan resort to the national kidney donor list, incorrectly assuming Egypt has one. This part of the narrative drew on Professor Hamdy’s anthropological expertise in medical care and treatment of diseases in Egypt. In her telling, many Egyptians perceive callous misgovernance and environmental pollution that affects their health, provoking their political activism for the sake of themselves and their families. The story is based on real people the authors interviewed, and who they recall were “already making compelling connections between their health and the political environment”.

每年秋天,晨興的新生必須修讀書院通識課程 GEMC1001「當今困境及其歷史背景」,課程要求 以嚴謹著稱,新生群體亦因此課程而凝聚一起。同 學們會認識到後果論、非後果論,以及以行動者為 中心的倫理方法,並嘗試將這些方法應用於不同困 境。課程會邀請來自不同領域的學者和專家向同學 提出各種現代的兩難困局,由同學嘗試將倫理觀念 引伸其中,務求為同學建立一套共同的價值觀─凡 事仔細內省,作出符合實證、講求道德的決定。課 程的其中一個關鍵部分,就是「一本書計劃」。通 識教育團隊每年都會選擇一本讀物,並於迎新晚宴 派發給新生。在整個學期中,同學們都會圍繞作者 和書中人物角色所做的決定來進行討論和寫作,剖 析他們的道德邏輯,並嘗試對故事中的困境作出假 設性回應。「一本書」在課程起初的數個星期尤其 重要,用以加強同學理解課堂所討論的道德規範, 達到學以致用。 2022 年,所選的「一本書」是由多

倫多大學出版社於 2017 年出版的《 Lissa: A Story of Medical Promise, Friendship, and Revolution》。這 本關乎醫學承諾、友誼和革命的故事,是一本由人 類學家 Sherine Hamdy 和性別、性向及女性研究學 者 Coleman Nye 所撰寫的圖畫小說。

《 Lissa 》是講述一對好友從童年至長大成人所經歷的 醫療挑戰及社會經濟的不公義。居於開羅的 Anna 父親是一名任職於石油公司的美國人,她自小就要 和父親一起承受媽媽因乳癌病逝的悲痛。後來當 Anna 長大並於波士頓讀大學時,得悉自己亦遺傳了 BRCA1 基因,很可能會死於這種奪去自己媽媽和姨 媽性命的絕症。Nye 教授的研究對象就是 Anna 這類 在美國的「未病先療者」,探討 BRCA1 基因和乳癌 的高風險陰霾,如何改變他們的生活、人際關係和 健康。主角 Anna 面對是否接受預防性乳房切除手術 的掙扎,成為貫穿整個故事的主線。

另一位主角是 Anna 的好友 Layla ,她的父親是一名 埃及搬運工人,在 Anna 所住的公寓工作。看到兩個 女孩迅速成為好友,這段友誼雖然有點特別,但她 們的父母認為並無不妥。直到兩位女孩長大並分別 入讀波士頓的大學和開羅的醫學院,她們之間的文 化差異才逐漸浮現。當時 Layla 的父親 Abu Hassan 需要接受腎臟移植,但他聲稱世人不應改變由神所 賜的身體,所以堅拒接受子女的器官捐贈。 Layla 的母親亦堅持長輩不應接受年輕人的器官,因為這 樣是逆天而行。當 Layla 向 Anna 傾訴父母如何固執 時, Anna 不但無法理解,竟然還建議 Abu Hassan 登記器官移植輪候冊,而她不知道的是,埃及根本 不存在這樣的輪候冊。這部分故事引用了 Hamdy 教授對埃及醫療保健和疾病治療上的人類學知識。 在她的描述中,許多埃及人認為自己的個人健康是 被當地的昏庸政治和環境污染所害,為了自己和家 人,不少人最終成為了政治激進主義者。這個故事 取材於作者採訪的真實人物,他們認為自己的「健 康與政治環境息息相關」。


The contrast between Anna’s and Layla’s travails may seem to dovetail neatly with essentialisms about the Global North and Global South. Anna has made an individualistic decision to pursue a mastectomy despite the qualms expressed by her father and Layla, and has benefitted from sophisticated diagnosis and affordable (after insurance) treatment in the United States. Layla’s family, on the other hand, has invoked the restrictions of religious and familial identity to eschew a kidney transplant to Abu Hassan, and his ailment leads to an untimely death. The authors emphasize that this simplistic distinction is a mistaken interpretation of Lissa’s story and settings.

One of the authors’ aims in portraying these dualistic life stories was to break down illusory distinctions between the Global North and the Global South and show how in both settings, characters must make socially embedded decisions about their health that are not wholly dependent on their individual appetites for risk or their personal lifestyles. In Layla and Abu Hassan’s case, kidney disease is caused or exacerbated by the environmental pollution that the governing regime abets, and corruption has weakened a public healthcare system that is unequipped to diagnose dangerous diseases at early stages, or to facilitate fairly priced kidney transplants from altruistic donors. However, the systematic failures of governance in Cairo are not depicted to flatter the American healthcare system. Anna finds

Anna 與 Layla 的二人的遭遇,似乎正好與北方世界 和南方世界的本質主義吻合。儘管父親和 Layla 表示 存疑,但 Anna 最終還是作出了符合個人主義的決 定──接受乳房切除手術,享用美國先進的診斷和 (因有保險而)可負擔的治療服務。相反, Layla 一家 礙於宗教和家庭角色的限制,父親 Abu Hassan 沒有 進行腎臟移植,最終病逝。作者卻強調,這種簡單 的二元對立,其實是對《Lissa》故事和背景的一大誤 解。

兩位作者之所以要描繪這種二元故事,其中一個目 的正是要打破北方世界和南方世界之間的虛假分 野,歸納出無論在哪一種環境前設,故事人物依然 需要基於其所屬的社會背景而為個人健康做決定, 決不可單單考慮個人可承擔風險或生活方式來解 決。例如,在 Layla 的個案中,父親 Abu Hassan 的 腎病是由政權默許的環境污染問題所引致或加劇 的,政治腐敗無疑削弱了公共醫療系統,無法讓病 人於早期階段診斷出高危疾病,亦無法找到無私的 器官捐贈者和提供收費合理的移植手術。不過,開 羅政府失敗的系統性管治,並沒有令美國的醫療保

Group picture from an ethnographic visit to Cairo (January 2016), featuring Sherine Hamdy (far left) and Coleman Nye (far right). Courtesy of Sherine Hamdy.

Sherine Hamdy(左一)和 Coleman Nye(右一)於 開羅為作品進行考察。相片攝於 2016 年 1 月,由

Sherine Hamdy 提供。


herself in the crosshairs of a privatized system that has commodified health outcomes, where crucial parts of her cancer-risk diagnosis and post-surgery treatment are only partially insured and therefore only affordable due to her father’s relative wealth. Anna and Layla also find the autonomy of their medical choices disputed by others who prioritize the young women’s prospects of motherhood over their rights to defend against illness. Anna’s desire for a mastectomy is questioned by her father, who implores her to consider how it could affect romantic relationships and her rearing of a child. Similarly, Layla’s mother forbids her from donating a kidney to Abu Hassan, fearing that a removal of an organ from her body may prevent her from marrying and having children. In both cases it is evident that both women’s health autonomy must withstand copious pressure from the relationships and politicaleconomic pressures that surround them, and even the minimization of their personhood to being future wives and mothers.

Lissa’s presentation of multifaceted personal dilemmas made it a useful narrative for students to understand alongside ethical concepts, so they could apply these concepts to dilemmas that lacked intuitive resolutions. A single read-through of Lissa doesn’t always yield the subtexts of its characters’ dilemmas and thus in November, students had the chance to speak with the authors during a virtual visit to our classroom. Hamdy noted that Abu Hassan’s resorting to citing God

健系統顯得優越。Anna 發現自己成為了私營醫療體

系的目標客戶,一切的健康需求都是商品,而她的 保險公司只受理癌症風險診斷和手術後治療的部份 費用,她最終所以能負擔得起手術,全靠有相對富 裕的爸爸。 Anna 和 Layla 還發現,她們的醫療自主 權受到他人的評論,這些人將母親的身份加諸於年 輕女性的健康權利之上。Anna 想要切除乳房的想法 就曾遭到父親質疑,父親認為她應該先考慮手術可 能會影響她戀愛關係及生育問題。同樣, Layla 的母 親亦禁止她將腎臟移植給爸爸,擔心從身上摘除器 官可能會阻礙她結婚生子。在這兩個個案中,女性 的健康自主權很明顯受礙於身邊人和龐大的政治經 濟壓力,個人健康甚至被置於為人妻子和母親的身 份之後。

《 Lissa 》所呈現的多方面個人困境,可以成為學生 理解道德概念的有效敘述,讓他們能夠將這些概念 應用於缺乏直覺解決方案的困境。讀一遍《 Lissa 》 或許未能夠讓大家真正了解人物角色所面對的困 境,所以書院在 11 月邀請了兩位作者以視像形式 走進課室,與大家進行直接交流。作者 Hamdy 表


when refusing the transplant is an action that often puzzles students. Cultural expressions can be tools through which characters convey their cost-benefit analysis, but the authors do not consider these sufficient as explanations for the decision. Abu Hassan’s invocation of God was just a post-hoc, fatalistic rationalization of his declining health. This religious utterance was masking other antipathies, as he accepted the inability of the public medical system to bring him a kidney other than his children’s, and the unfairness of a system where kidneys are commercialized and not assigned by a donor list. He saw it as a futile endeavor to accept his child’s kidney, as he questioned the efficacy of the transplant and the considerable burden of medical expenditure and “risk due to immunosuppression and potential postoperative infection”. Despite the cultural and religious framing of his rejection of a transplant, Hamdy stresses that “cultural [and] religious context do not independently dictate his decisions”. She proposes a hypothetical alternative of Muslim Egyptian patients in the United States who undergo successful transplants, and then gratefully exclaim that “the body belongs to God” to celebrate their ability to receive a transplant. According to Hamdy, neither Abu Hassan nor the patients in the United States are “more religious” or “more traditional”; cultural and religious expressions are employed with starkly different implications “in different socio-economic and medical contexts”.

In their article in Global Public Health1, the authors discuss how they hope to reorient academic literature on medicine to focus outside the clinic. In their view, the field must admit the relevance of political and social contexts, for example in the unfair apportionment of “resources, human security, and toxicities” that causes discriminatory health outcomes. In an email exchange with us, they reiterated their foregrounding of “questions about health and medicine from a social/ humanities perspective”. This emphasis on holistic analysis ties in with the teaching of GEMC1001, to help students understand their roles as citizens in an interconnected society, where it is as important for them to understand the thinking and moral priorities of classmates in very different majors, as it is for them to excel in their own. Hearing about Abu Hassan’s convoluted circumstances may have impressed on students how ethical dilemmas cannot be effectively addressed without trying to understand myriad stakeholders and their psychologies, including those from subaltern perspectives that are inadequately represented within the academy.

Morningside Fellow Professor Sam Chan of CUHK’s School of Journalism and Communication, teaches about media technologies and critical theory, and uses ethnographic methods in his own research. When considering how Lissa fits into a CUHK classroom, he notes how the graphic novel shows the importance of empirical research alongside creativity in telling any great story. Research that grounds “the characters’ psychology, their family situations, [and their] social context” are key to realizing a creative vision, and he lauds Hamdy and Nye’s book for capturing believable cultural nuance in its depiction of Americans and Egyptians. The authors themselves recount how their students engaged enthusiastically with other graphic novels in the classroom, such as David Small’s Stitches, Marisa Acocella’s Cancer Vixen, Brian Fies’ Mom’s Cancer, and the short animation Fatenah by Ahmad Habash. The use of these materials made students more responsive and engaged, inspiring Hamdy and Nye to create a graphic novel that visually depicts “analytical concepts like the social determinants of health and the political etiologies of disease that could help us think through illness patterns on a larger scale”. Lissa

示,Abu Hassan 拒絕移植手術時聲稱是神的旨意, 對學生來說是無法理解的行為。文化表達往往是人 們分析成本效益的工具,但作者認為這並不足以解 釋他不做手術的決定。 Abu Hassan 聲稱是神的旨 意,其實只是要將他每況愈下的健康給予合理化的 宿命推論。這種宗教言論掩蓋了其他反感,因為他 深知公共醫療系統根本無法為他提供自己子女以外 的腎臟,亦接受了器官商品化和不按照輪候冊來分 配的系統不公平性。他亦認為接受子女的腎臟是徒 勞的,因為他對手術成功率存疑,也擔心會造成龐 大的財政負擔,並認為會出現「免疫排斥和術後感 染的潛在風險」。儘管他以文化和宗教理由來拒絕手 術,但 Hamdy 強調「文化(和)宗教背景並不是他做 決定的唯一因素」。她假設如果有美國籍的穆斯林埃 及病人能成功完成移植手術,他必定會讚嘆「身體 榮光屬於上帝」,並為自己有機會接受移植而慶祝。

根據 Hamdy 的說法,無論是 Abu Hassan 還是在美 國的病人,沒有誰比誰「更虔誠」或「更保守」;「在 不同的社會經濟和醫療條件下」,文化和宗教表達方 式具有截然不同的含義。

兩位作者在《 Global Public Health 》 1 雜誌所發表的 文章中,討論了他們希望將醫學學術文獻重新定位 到臨床之外。在他們看來,醫療領域必須認受政治 和社會條件的影響,例如「資源、人類安全和藥物」 的不公平分配,足以導致歧視性的健康結果。在與 我們的電郵討論中,他們再次強調「從社會或人文 角度來看健康和醫學問題」的重要性。這種重視全 盤分析的理念,與 GEMC1001 的教學不謀而合。現 代社會環環相扣,書院希望幫助學生理解自身作為 公民的角色,因為能夠理解不同專業同學的想法和 道德優先考慮,與他們在自己的領域上取得成功同 樣重要。相信 Abu Hassan 錯綜複雜的經歷,必定令 同學留下深刻印象。如果不嘗試去理解不同持份者 的心態,不去了解那些在學術界沒有話語權的基層 巿民的觀點,就無法有效解決道德的困境。

晨興院務委員、中大新聞與傳播學院陳力深教授負 責教授媒體科技和批判理論,他的研究亦採用民 族誌方法。當他思考如何將《 Lissa 》融入中大課程 時,他留意到這本圖畫小說在講故事的同時,能夠 展現實證研究和創作的重要。以「角色的心理、家 庭狀況和社會背景」為基礎的研究,是實現創造性 願景的關鍵,他稱讚作者 Hamdy 和 Nye 的作品能 真實捕捉美國人和埃及人在文化上的細微差別。這 本書的誕生,最初是由於作者們留意到學生在課 堂上對其他圖畫小說的熱愛,例如

David Small 的 《Stitches》、Marisa Acocella 的《 Cancer Vixen》、 Brian Fies 的《Mom’ s Cancer》以及 Ahmad Habash 的微動畫《 Fatenah 》等,這些作品讓學生更加投 入,討論更踴躍,於是激發她們要創作一本圖畫小 說的決心,希望能直觀地描述「健康的社會決定因 素及疾病的政治病因等分析概念,幫助我們更宏觀


“juxtapose(s) multiple perspectives on the same page and invite(s) the readers to draw out their own connections about the ways we are embedded in social and political worlds that shape our bodies”.

Hamdy explains that anthropologists “draw on people’s experience and personal stories to tell broader narratives about the larger systems that shape their lives”. These insights from ordinary people recount what they are living through, and anthropologists are conveying their preexisting ideas and conceptions to readers. Cancer previvors in the United States were already describing how “family obligations, environmental toxins, or commercial healthcare” were shaping their medical experience, and Egyptian revolutionaries were already drawing the connection between economic and health iniquities. Lissa aimed to viscerally convey these experiences and linkages through a visual story. When discussing the One Book Programme, Hamdy invoked anthropologist Victor Turner, who declared that the arts were how we “show ourselves to ourselves”. Lissa’s authors and illustrators bring to life characters grappling with iniquities and seeking to overturn them, impressing upon readers the social-technological incongruence inherent in a medically advancing society that fails to bring improved health outcomes to its poorest and most politically oppressed1. This paradox of poverty amidst progress is one that Morningside students will all likely recognize from their own home societies; Lissa engenders a zeal to pursue social and moral justice.

點,讓讀者反思自身如何成為社會和政治世界的一 部份,這種連繫又如何影響自己的身體狀況。」

Hamdy 解釋,人類學家「利用人們的經驗和個人故 事,從宏觀的層面講述大環境如何塑造出他們的生 活」。透過描述普羅大眾的生活經歷,人類學家向讀 者表達出他們既定的想法和觀點,包括美國的癌症 「未病先療者」因「家庭責任、環境毒素及商業醫療 保健」而影響醫療體驗的論述,而埃及的革命人士 早亦已提出經濟與健康不平等之問題。《 Lissa 》的目 標就是透過視覺故事,發自內心地傳達出這些觀點 和連繫。談及「一本書計劃」時, Hamdy 引用人類 學家 Victor Turner 的話,他宣稱藝術是我們「向自己 展示自己」的方式。《 Lissa 》的作者和插畫家將與不 公對抗、試圖推翻不公現象的小人物,栩栩如生地 呈現讀者眼前,令人印象深刻。一個醫學進步的社 會,卻沿用不協調的落後社會制度,最終將無法為 最貧窮和最受政治壓迫的人帶來更好的健康結果 1。 這種進步中的貧困悖論,相信每位晨興學生都能夠 從他們自己的社會中接觸到,而《 Lissa》一書就是要 激發大家去追求社會和道德的公義。

1. Sherine Hamdy & Coleman Nye (2019): Comics and revolution as global public health intervention: The Case of Lissa, Global Public Health, DOI: 10.1080/17441692.2019.1682632

地思考疾病的模式」。《 Lissa 》一次過並列出多種觀
All year one students received a copy of Lissa at the College’s Welcome Dinner in September 2022. 2022年度新生於迎新晚宴獲派一本書計劃選書《Lissa》。


Morningside College held its 10th annual photography competition this spring. The categories for 2023 were Space and Intersect and the judge was Lois Conner, an artist-in-residence at CUHK during FebruaryMarch 2023.

晨興書院於今個春天舉辦了第十屆年度攝影比賽, 2023 年度競賽主題為「空間」及「交集」。今年的評委 是 LoisConner,彼於2023 年2 月至 3月期間擔任中大 駐校藝術家。

Grand Prize

Alone at the Peak 《獨自在山頂》

Marta Gramatyka

Morningside College


Space: 1st Place



Varsha Suresh

Morningside College


Space: 2nd Place

Street Light in the Cosmos


Li Houting


S. H. Ho College


Intersect: 1st Place

A Little Different but Beautiful Hong Kong


Erin So


Morningside College

Intersect: 2nd Place

On Display

Ningwa Shakti Limbu

Morningside College




Professor Anthony So is a part of the Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management at CUHK. Along with teaching in the Department, Professor So currently serves as Dean of the Graduate School and the Deputy Master of Morningside. It is through these roles that Professor So has been able to create meaningful relationships with people in the department and in other disciplines.

Professor So met third-year Morningside student and Artificial Intelligence major, Choi Ching Lam, when she first joined the Faculty of Engineering in 2020. Ching Lam was advised by Professor So during her undergraduate summer research following her first year at the University. This experience allowed the two to challenge each other’s thinking and build a meaningful connection over their shared love for AI and Engineering. Professor So and Ching Lam sat down for a conversation to discuss their experiences, research and the future of AI research.

蘇文藻教授為中大系統工程與工程管理學系教授, 他除了任教本科,同時擔任研究院院長及晨興書院 副院長。透過這些職務,蘇教授得以與系內及其他 學科的人員互動交流。

主修人工智能的晨興書院三年級學生蔡青琳於 2020 年認識蘇教授,當時青琳是工程系一年級生,她於 暑期研究期間接受蘇教授指導。這段經歷讓二人 有機會在人工智能與工程的共同興趣上建立深度 交流。今期我們邀請了蘇教授與青琳兩代人促膝 交談,討論他們的經歷、科研和人工智能研究的 未來。

Choi Ching Lam (left) and Professor Anthony So (right) meet for a conversation at Morningside. 蔡青琳(左)與蘇文藻教授(右)於 晨興漫談。


Professor So was recently awarded the 2022 General Faculty UGC Teaching Award for his commitment to learner-centred teaching. His job as an educator goes well beyond being an expert in his content area. Professor So gets to know his students and develops strategies to help them overcome challenges while also playing to their strengths. Ching Lam was a student in So’s Discrete Mathematics for Engineers course after having done summer research with him. “Because I was supervised by [him], [he] would say hi to me every time I would come [to class],” Ching Lam shared. This gave the class a very personal feel; everyone in the room mattered.

Not only did everyone in the room matter, but students consistently played a pivotal role in the way each class functioned. “[The course] was really fun!” Ching Lam commented. “Professor So handwrites notes and includes ideas from the class.” As an experienced teacher of the course, Professor So knows how to anticipate reactions, questions, and different approaches students might take to problems. He describes the classroom as a “very dynamic place” in the sense that he prepares, has a plan, but also needs to be ready to change that plan depending on his students. Professor So takes mistakes in stride and believes that you may even learn more from them than you would by simply getting a correct answer on a problem. “In math classes, there should be alternative approaches to problems, so I try to incorporate [student] ideas even if they don’t work,” he said. “You learn something because you learn why it doesn’t work. You can see things more clearly; that is how you learn.”

Blurring the Line Between Disciplines

Learning does not and should not only be happening within boundaries of specific disciplines, though. As a lecturer in Morningside College’s GEMC1001 course, Current Dilemmas and Their Histories, Professor So has been teaching first year students from all 8 University faculties about dilemmas in artificial intelligence since 2019. Originally inspired by a talk given at the Global Grand Challenges summit hosted jointly by the Chinese, UK and US academies of engineering, Professor So found the ethics of AI to be a very interesting topic: “Technology can always do things. [Technology] can clone a human! We can do it, but should we do it brings another debate.”

“Interdisciplinary teaching is an integral part of what we are doing now. I think that discipline boundaries are blurring,” So mentioned. Choi agrees. Although she is a devoted AI student, Ching Lam has always been interested in English literature. “I’m really glad I have the space and setting to revisit [the interest]. If I take just humanities or just math courses in a term, it is very dry.” Choi questions how the two interests may combine to impact her future, but right now she finds the two things

蘇教授最近榮獲 2022 年教資會傑出教學獎(一般教 學人員),以表揚他以學生為本的教學熱誠。作為教 育工作者,蘇教授的付出遠遠超過其專業領域,他 會嘗試了解學生並找出適當策略來幫助他們克服挑 戰,讓他們盡量發揮自己的長處。青琳完成由蘇教 授指導的暑期研究後,便修讀了蘇教授任教的「離 散數學的工程應用」。「因為我曾接受他的指導,每 次我來上課時他都會跟我打招呼。」青琳分享道,這 些細節令課堂經驗很有親切感。

課室裡的每個人都是重要的,學生對課堂如何運作 更扮演舉足輕重的角色。「課堂真的很有趣!」青琳 道。「蘇教授會手寫筆記,還會將大家的想法加進 去。」作為一位經驗豐富的教師,蘇教授自然懂得 預測學生的反應、問題和解題的不同方法。他將課 室形容為一個「非常多變的地方」,即使他已做好準 備,早有計劃,仍然會根據學生的情況臨場發揮。 蘇教授亦欣然接受錯誤,並深信從錯誤中學到的往 往比正確答案來得多。「每條數學課題都應該有多個 解題方法,所以我會嘗試融入學生的想法,即使最 終是解不到題的。」他說:「當你的方法錯了,你會 學懂為甚麼會出錯,你會更清晰地看清楚事物,這 就是學習。」


學習不會、亦不應受限於特定的學科範圍之內。晨 興書院通識教育課程「當今困境及其歷史背景」由 八個來自不同學系的教授任教,由 2019 年起,蘇教 授便為講師之一,為晨興的新生講授人工智能的兩 難。原來蘇教授當初曾參加由中英美三國工程學者 聯合舉辦的全球重大挑戰峰會,讓他發現人工智能 倫理學是一個非常有趣的話題:「科技可以做很多 事,足以複製人!我們能夠做到,但我們是否應該 這樣做,又是一番爭論。」

蘇教授提到:「跨學科教學是不可或缺的,我認為學 科的界線正漸漸模糊化。」。青琳對此亦深感認同, 雖然她非常喜歡學習人工智能,但同時也一直對英 國文學感興趣。「我很慶幸自己有空間和條件來重拾 這個興趣。如果我整個學期只上人文或數學課,那


interesting because they are separate from each other! Recognizing how the two help develop her abilities and ways of communicating throughout her studies is one of the clearest aspects. The arts are surely being changed by the digital age which is a challenge to grapple with.

Seeing value in interdisciplinary teaching and development of student transferable skills is also part of the reason So asks students to write essays in his math courses. Most engineering students are very surprised by this as they don’t typically have the same level of interest in the humanities as Ching Lam. Some may even feel ill-equipped to complete the assignment. Professor So believes that providing enough support is pivotal. He says, “You must let [students] know what you are expecting, and explain what the good and bad way to write a paper of this kind may be.” Assignments that include exposition and reflection help reveal how students think about problems allowing So to recognize misconceptions and incorrect logic. The assignment not only helps hone in student writing skills, but it also refines the technical process of their mathematical thinking. Professor So is a diligent mentor when it comes to helping students perform at their strongest. He provides students with an immense amount of feedback to motivate them to advance their skills as researchers in the field. In particular, So spends countless time checking student reference lists and citations for small things like

將會很枯燥。」未知將來這兩種興趣是否能結合或影 響她的未來,現在的青琳只想單純享受文學與科技 學習為她所帶來的樂趣。在數碼時代,人們必須面 對科技對藝術文學創作的挑戰,青琳亦清楚知道如 能將看似沒有關連的兩個科目做出串聯,定必會改 變她的溝通能力與方式。

正正由於蘇教授深明跨學科學習的價值,希望學生 能夠轉移技能,所以他要求學生在數學課程中寫論 文。大部份的工程系學生對此要求都感到非常驚 訝,他們對人文學科的興趣通常不及青琳,部份甚 至會覺得自己無法應付。蘇教授認為關鍵在於對學 生提供足夠的支持。他說:「你必須讓學生明白你的 期望,了解何謂一篇好的論文。」但凡需要闡述和 反思的功課,往往能夠揭示出學生如何思考問題, 讓蘇教授掌握到學生是否有任何錯誤概念或邏輯謬 誤。這些功課不但能磨練學生的寫作技巧,還能改 進他們數學的思維方式。對於如何幫助學生發揮最 大潛能,蘇教授無疑是一位勤奮的導師。他為學生 提供大量意見,鼓勵他們提高技能以成為該領域的

Professor Anthony So in the lab with PhD supervisees. 蘇文藻教授與博士生在實驗室合照。

mistakes in capitalization and identification of page numbers. “The way you present your bibliography tells people what kind of researcher you are,” he explains. “It can tell people whether you are sloppy or in a rush.” Professor So’s students are not merely people sitting in his class for a semester; they are active learners, problem solvers and researchers of the future. With all of this in mind, So takes great pride in encouraging students to show the world the best version of themselves in all facets.

Gaining Global Perspectives

Pushing boundaries is not unfamiliar to Professor So or Ching Lam. The two share a desire to explore different parts of the world in order to deepen their thinking about the field of AI, the problems faced by different sectors and how people across the globe might work to solve them. At the time of the conversation, Ching Lam was about a month away from setting off on a new adventure. She was preparing to begin work at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems (MPIIS) in Tübingen, Germany. She was offered a position within the robust machine learning group working on compression and generalization to make AI models more reliable and efficient. Although prepared to face challenges when it came to cultural differences, Choi was excited to be in an environment with people who were passionate about their shared project. She “always imagined college to be a place to geek out at late hours… [she] might actually be able to do that [with her new teammates]!”

Ching Lam’s upcoming experience allowed Professor So to reflect on a parallel experience he had at internships in Germany during his undergraduate studies. As a student studying Computer Science with a German minor, So had a particularly transformative experience working for the German airline, Lufthansa. As a temporary member of the Systems Management team, he was tasked with developing a system to solve a complex problem involving scheduling of airline staff. “In airlines, they have to schedule the air crews, and it is a very complicated problem because you cannot overwork them. By law, they have to rest a certain number of hours. Then once they get [to their destination], do you continue to fly them somewhere else or call them back? If you continue to fly them somewhere else, you need to provide accommodation. The mix of aircrew in the plane is another problem: if you are flying to Germany you probably want some crew who can speak German. It is not just about getting enough people; there are constraints.” This

研究員。其中,他更不惜花大量時間檢查學生的參 考文獻清單和引文,逐一找出大小寫錯誤和頁碼標 註等小問題。「你展示參考書目的方式,正好告訴別 人你是哪一種研究員。」他解釋道:「它可以讓人知 道,你是馬虎還是匆忙了事。」作為蘇教授的學生不 會是「旁聽生」,而是主動學習者、解難者和未來的 研究員。正因如此,蘇教授經常鼓勵學生在各方面 向世界展示自己最好的一面。


突破界限對蘇教授或青琳來說並不陌生,他們都渴 望探索世界的不同角落,進一步思考人工智能發 展、了解不同行業所面臨的問題,以及世界各地的 人如何解決這些問題。這次對話進行時距離青琳展 開人生新旅程還有大約一個月時間,她正準備前往 德國圖賓根的馬克斯普朗克智能系統研究所( MPIIS )實習,任職於機器學習小組,專門研究壓縮與泛 化,令人工智能模型更高效可靠。雖然要面對文化 差異的挑戰,但青琳很高興能夠有機會與志同道合 的人共事。「她總是想像大學是一個可以一起熬夜做 研究的地方,也許這次她真的能夠和新組員一起做 到!」

談及青琳即將展開的旅程,令蘇教授想起他當年讀 大學時到德國實習的經歷。作為副修德語的電腦科 學系學生,他在德國漢莎航空公司的工作經歷,為 他帶來了深刻的轉變。他當時擔任系統管理團隊的 實習生,任務是要協助開發一個系統來解決機組 人員複雜的編更問題。「航空公司必須為機組人員 編更,這項工作非常複雜,因為不能讓他們過勞, 要符合法例規定的休息時間。然後當他們飛抵目的 地,是讓他們繼續執勤前往其他地方,還是直接回 航呢?如果要他們繼續飛往其他地方,就需要提供 住宿。機組人員的組合是另一個問題:如果是飛往 德國,就需要會說德語的機組人員。所以編更看的 不單是人手數目,還有相當的限制。」這個在運籌學

“Interdisciplinary teaching is an integral part of what we are doing now. I think that discipline boundaries are blurring.”

common but complicated problem often found in Operations Research motivated him to advance his studies within the field. “[The Lufthansa Systems] internship is what really motivated me to go to grad school,” he said. “That internship really helped me make up my mind.” Professor So encourages students like Ching Lam to visit different places with an open mind; exploring environments and problems that are atypical can influence personal growth, research and projects to come.

To Future Researchers

Professor So has had many unique experiences that have led him to be the evolving academic he is today. The field of Artificial Intelligence is changing immensely and Ching Lam is entering the field at a very different stage than Professor So did. When asked about what advice he would give to junior researchers entering the rapidly developing field, So responded with a few main points:

Be hardworking, curious and explore different things One of the most important things he learned was to be open minded and to bring in ideas from different fields. He advises researchers to always be open to others and try to learn what other fields are doing. You never know–you may draw connections to help solve problems and contribute to projects you never thought you would.

中常見且複雜的問題,驅使他繼續進修。「漢莎航空 的實習機會,是真正激勵我讀研究生的原因。」他 說:「那次實習真的幫助我下定決心。」蘇教授鼓勵 青琳和其他學生以開放的心態去遊歴不同的地方, 藉著探索非典型的環境和問題,推動個人成長、研 究和未來的項目。


豐富而獨特的經歷,令蘇教授成為今天不斷蛻變的 學者。人工智能正在發生翻天覆地的轉變,青琳投 身這個領域的階段,無疑與蘇教授的截然不同。當 問及有甚麼建議給投身這個快速發展領域的初級研 究人員時,蘇教授給了三個重點:

要勤奮好學,保持好奇心,主動探索不同的事 物。他學到其中一件最重要的事情,就是抱持開 放的思想,並要引入不同領域的想法。他建議研 究人員應該抱持開放態度,嘗試了解其他領域正 在做甚麼。也許你的跨學科接觸可能會成為解難 關鍵,衍生出你意想不到的研究項目。


Make yourself stand out. This is one of the most challenging things for young researchers to do. “If you are working on something that tens of thousands of other people are, at the end of the day, nobody will even know you are working on it!” he claims. “Try to find fundamental problems instead of only improving bits and pieces of others. There will be pressure to publish, but paper count is not everything; it is the quality of your work. Have something associated with you!”

Consider what you will do in 5 years. Young researchers may need to change the field. Particularly in engineering, the thing you are doing now may be obsolete and only relevant for so long. “You must be ready to pivot to another topic to make your research meaningful. If you think about professors in any field, they are always renewing themselves; you can’t do one thing forever! The world changes.”

As we all navigate this time of change, the Morningside community is thankful to have people like Professor So and Ching Lam to bring unique perspectives to conversations and courses at the College. Although the world is changing, we must embrace learning about it together.

要讓自己突圍而出。這是對年青研究員而言最具 挑戰的事情之一。「如果你正在做其他成千上萬 人也在做的事情,那麼到頭來,可能根本不會有 人留意到你在做甚麼。」他建議:「嘗試找出問題 根本,而不是單單從微細處改進其他人的工作。 發表論文當然會有壓力,但數量不代表一切,重 要的是質量。要做一些讓人想起你的事情!」

要想想五年後你會做甚麼。年青研究員可能需要 轉跑道,尤其在工程領域,你現在所做的事情可 能在不久的將來就會過時。「你必須準備好轉向 另一個題目,令你的研究變得有意義。試想想其 他領域的教授,他們總是在與時並進;你不能永 遠只做一件事!世界不停在變。」

時代在變,晨興很感謝同行的還有像蘇教授和青琳 這樣的有心人,樂意透過對話和課程為書院帶來嶄 新的視角。儘管世界在變,但願我們擁抱學習,砥 礪前行。

Ching Lam visiting Brandenburg Gate, Berlin in 2023. 青琳於 2023 年參觀柏林布蘭登堡門。



Morningside, as a place for conversation, argument and discovery, inspires Morningsiders to lead a life of passion and purpose. In this issue, five alumni residing around the globe share their personal stories about navigating life after graduation.

晨興書院作為一個對話 交流、討論思辯和發現新事 物的地方,一直鼓勵晨興人擁抱 熱忱,認真生活。今期我們邀請 了五位生活在世界各地的校友分 享他們畢業後的人生經歷。

Christie singing at Jazz Fest in West Kowloon in October 2022. 梁婧珩於 2022 年 10 月在西九文化區的爵士音樂節上演唱。

Christie Leung LLB, 2022

梁婧珩 法律,2022

Christie graduated in 2022 and is currently pursuing a Postgraduate Certificate in Laws. Alongside her professional training to be a lawyer, she performs around town, most notably as the vocalist for the band Good Funk Shui.

Hailing from a traditional girls’ school where singing pop songs was not encouraged, Christie’s pop-soul potential was fully recognised after joining the Morningside Band, with whom she performed every term and in a wide range of musical styles. Only later on, when she started singing semi-professionally, did she realise that those Music Night events had been important training for her. “In the summer after my third year, the Morningside Band was having a mini reunion. One of the bandmates was a professional jazz performer in Hong Kong, and he brought us to meet his music friends that day. We then jammed for a whole year and eventually one of them asked me to be the singer for his band, Good Funk Shui. Since then I have performed in venues bigger than I could have ever imagined!” laughed Christie.

Friends from all around the world at Morningside shaped Christie’s undergrad life. They taught her to work hard and party hard, helping her find passion, happiness and a balanced life. They also inspired discussions that gave her insight and a greater understanding of the world and of herself. She recalled, “Meeting them opened my mind to think beyond this city I was born in. When troubles came to Hong Kong, it was my discussions with these people and their stories of their homes that made up my mind on many issues that were seemingly hard to think through.”

People always associate the legal profession with perfection and hard work. Christie undoubtedly has these traits, but with music in her life, she is also learning to navigate imperfection, let small things go and enjoy life.

梁婧珩( Christie )於 2022 年畢業,目前正修讀法學 專業證書。除了接受律師的專業培訓外,她亦是本 地樂隊 Good Funk Shui 的主唱,經常作音樂演出。

出身於傳統女校,唱流行曲從來不是學校鼓勵的 事,但 Christie 加入了晨興樂隊之後,卻找到自己 的流行曲之魂,每個學期都會以不同曲風演出。後 來當她成為了一名半專業歌手,才明白這些音樂之 夜活動對她的演藝訓練有多重要。「在大學三年級 的暑假,晨興樂隊有一個小型聚會,其中一個樂隊 成員是香港的專業爵士樂表演者,他帶我認識了他 其他的樂友。我們一起玩音樂足足一年,後來其中 一個樂友邀請我成為他們樂隊 Good Funk Shui 的主 唱,然後我便開始在超乎想像的大舞台上演出!」 Christie 笑道。

回想起 Christie 的大學生活,來自世界各地的晨興人 對她影響甚深。他們教她要努力工作的同時,也要 盡情玩樂,這助她找到自己的熱忱與平衡,而且激 發起她對世界與自我關係的思考。Christie 回想道: 「與他們在一起開啟了我的思維,讓我思考我出生地 以外的事。在香港動盪的時刻,這些討論和他們國 家的故事,令我想通了許多本來很糾結的問題。」

說起法律工作,人們總是聯想到追求完美和刻苦努 力。Christie 無疑具備這些特質,但她的生活中有了 音樂,她也在學習放手,擁抱不完美,好好享受生 活。


“My parents had different opinions on whether I should choose engineering as my major in university. My mom always wanted me to study finance, while my dad thought I should study what I am really good at and interested in. I chose to follow my heart and study engineering,” said Linkai, co-founder of Orka, a hearing health tech start-up. Linkai is currently leading the development of hearing aid products with the focus on optimizing sound through AI technology; Orka is one of the pioneering companies to incorporate neural network models into hearing aids. "Orka One" entered the North American market with FDA approval, after securing venture capital funding. While these achievements seem to justify his original decision, Linkai is also very thankful for the encouragement he received from Professor Sir James Mirrlees, founding Master of Morningside College.

“Sir James invited the freshmen to his home for a gathering. It was my first time meeting a Nobel laureate in person; he was very eloquent and shared his life experiences with us. He asked us about our majors and our aspirations for the future. When he learned that I was studying electronic engineering, he expressed delight, saying that while his expertise was in economics, he was passionate about engineering. He also expressed the hope that I would be able to use my education to positively impact the lives of many people. Although I had received encouragement from others before, Sir James' words conveyed a humanistic perspective that left a deep impression on me. His natural charisma and way of looking at things from a higher global level made me feel that dreaming big was truly possible for the first time.”

Linkai’s philosophy of life has always been about creating value for society. He worked as a Systems Engineer at Siemens Healthineers in the US after obtaining a master's degree in electrical engineering from Stanford University. This experience strengthened his belief in bringing innovation to healthcare and ultimately for human betterment. His journey as an entrepreneur has brought him great satisfaction, both in improving others’ lives and pursuing self-actualization. He set out to reimagine hearing aids and, by extension, has taken his life to a new height. Linkai remains as humble as he was when he first met Sir James: “I try to learn at least one thing from everyone I meet. This not only allows me to appreciate the strengths of the people around me, but also helps me to constantly reflect on myself.”

「我父母對於我是否應該在大學主修工程學一直意見 分歧。媽媽希望我主修金融,而爸爸則認為我應該 選讀自己擅長而有興趣的學科,我最終決定隨心而 行修讀工程。」,現為一間聽力健康科技初創企業— 又為智能 (Orka) 聯合創辦人的李林鍇分享道。林鍇 目前主導產品開發,運用 AI 深度學習技術引入傳統 助聽器,是行業中率先將神經網絡模型結合助聽器 技術的公司之一。在獲得風險投資資金後,旗下助 聽器產品 Orka One 已獲美國食品及藥物管理局認可 並成功進入北美巿場。如此看來,林鍇當初的選科 抉擇並沒有錯,為此,他亦非常感激晨興書院創院 院長莫理斯教授對他的鼓勵。

「莫理斯教授邀請新生到他的家裡聚會,這是我人生 第一次與諾貝爾得獎者見面,他說話很有力量,他 向我們分享了自己的人生經歷。他問我們主修的科 目和理想是甚麼。當他知道我主修電子工程學時, 他露出喜悅的神色,表示雖然他的專業是經濟學, 但對於工程學也很有興趣。他還說希望我能夠學以 致用,為人們的生活創造正面的貢獻。以往許多 人都曾經鼓勵過我,但莫理斯教授的一番話讓我留 下非常深刻的印象。他以宏觀的角度來觀察世間事 物,流露出過人的人格魅力,讓我首次覺得偉大的 夢想是有可能實現的。」

林鍇一直追求為社會創造價值,他於史丹福大學取 得電子工程碩士學位後,曾於美國的西門子醫療設 備公司任職系統工程師,這段經驗加強了他透過將 創新融入健康護理以改善人類生活的信念。創業的 路為他帶來莫大的滿足感,因為在改善別人的生活 的同時實現自我追求。他決心要為助聽器技術帶來 大革新,亦因而為自己的人生創造 了新的高度。 林鍇今日仍謙遜如初:「我希望從每一位我認識的人 身上學到最少一樣東西,如古人所說:以人為鏡可 以明得失。」

李林鍇 電子工程學,2015
Li Linkai
Engineering, 2015
Linkai at Orka’s product manufacturing center in Shanghai. 李林鍇位於上海的產品製造中心。

Mark Leung

Geography and Resource Management, 2017 梁裕翹


Mark currently serves as the Head of Welfare at the Salvation Army Church in Tromsø, Norway. His bittersweet journey began while learning Norwegian through dating. In 2017, he travelled to Norway to pursue a Master's degree at The University of Tromsø and never left. In these 6 years, he has tried all kinds of jobs unrelated to his studies –dogsledding and Northern lights tourism, teaching assistant, Chinese restaurant kitchen work, eye clinic healthcare assistant and more recently Norwegian-Cantonese simultaneous translation. He is also working on a professional qualification in Norwegian-Putonghua translation. Others may perceive this as an unconventional career path, but Mark is certain that his true calling is to serve his immediate community. “We need not be the inventor of a pioneering technology or hold an important government post to feel like we’ve had an impact. Just look at those around you to see if you can make a difference in their lives,” he said.

In his words, his job is “receiving people who are in a difficult period in their lives.” With the rise in the cost of living globally and an increase in the number of refugees residing in Tromsø due to ongoing regional conflicts, his work has become extra challenging. The dilemma

梁裕翹( Mark )目前任職於挪威特羅姆瑟救世軍教 堂的社會福利部,他與挪威的淵源由為談戀愛學挪 威語開始,多年來苦樂參半。 2017 年,他遠赴挪威 特羅姆瑟大學攻讀碩士學位,從此再未離開這個地 方。在這六年裡,他嘗試過各種與其學科無關的工 作—狗拉雪橇和北極光旅遊、助教、中餐廳廚工、 眼科診所助理,還有最近的挪威語 – 粵語同聲傳 譯。他現時還在修讀挪威語 – 普通話傳譯的專業資 格。

許多人可能認為這是一種很另類的發展方向,但 Mark 深信自己真正使命是為其所在的社區服務。 「我們不需要發明創新科技或出任政府高官才覺得自 己有影響力。只需看看周圍的人,再想想你是否能 夠改變他們的生活。」他分享道。

Mark 形容自己的工作是「接待正經歷人生低潮的 人」。隨著全球的生活成本上升,加上持續的地區衝 突,令特羅姆瑟的難民人數不斷上升,他的工作亦 變得更具挑戰性。他經常面對的兩難,正是在當年 在晨興書院通識課程經常討論到的話題:如何將有 限的資源分配給越來越多有需要的人。「雖然我在晨 興所學不一定能直接給我答案,但它們提供了一個 框架,讓我可以在找出最佳解決方案前有效思考問 題。」Mark 補充道。

he faces is often discussed in the College’s GEMC1001 seminar: how do we distribute limited resources to an ever-increasing number of people who are asking for help? “Although the lectures I attended at Morningside may not necessarily have given me the answers, they provided a framework for thinking through an issue before deciding upon the best solution,” Mark added.

“There have been happy, glamorous, sad and awful moments in the life I have chosen to live in Norway,” he confessed. In the most challenging times, he has chosen to believe that the struggles are temporary; things happen for a reason, often leading one in an unexpected direction. Most importantly, Mark’s tip for maintaining positivity is: never stop learning.

「在挪威的生活,有過快樂、美麗、悲傷和 可怕的時刻」他承認道。在最艱難的時候, 他選擇相信一切總會雨過天晴,事情發生 總有它的原因,意想不到的大門總會打 開。而 Mark 保持正面的秘訣是:永遠不要 停止學習。

Photo taken at Brensholmen, 62.6km outside of Tromsø, when Mark met a Sami reindeer herder (indigenous people of Norway) feeding his herd. 照片拍攝於特羅姆瑟郊外 62.6 公里處的布倫斯霍 爾門,梁裕翹遇到一位薩米族馴鹿牧民(挪威原 住民)正在餵養他的鹿群。



“What are you doing in Chile?” Jonathan has heard this question many times. As a software engineer at Uber Eats in Chile, Jonathan is a digital nomad who has benefited from the remote work widely practiced in technology companies: Prior to the interview, he had just returned to Chile from Colombia, where he spent one month in Cali learning salsa Caleña and one month in Barranquilla experiencing Barranquilla's Carnival. Dancing has been a part of Jonathan’s life for almost two years. He has been learning Salsa, Bachata and Colombian folk dance, and is now a member of a dance group with regular performances.

Looking back, Jonathan is thankful for the time and space university life gave him to explore things other than his major field; this explains how he started teaching himself to program. Although he was an accounting major, Jonathan came to understand that accounting was not his path after an internship at an accounting firm. Instead, he chose to use his Spanish minor and pursued a year-long exchange at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile in his final year. There, he started to build a mobile app and later secured a position researching algorithms for processing mining. He stayed an additional 4 years and completed a PhD in Computer Science. Upon graduation, Jonathan joined a start-up called Cornershop (bought out by Uber in 2020). His decision to go on exchange to Chile was the starting point of a miraculous journey.

“I was very into defining my purpose of life back in university. Morningside GEMC prompted us to think about that. I spent time reading as well as taking philosophy courses during my exchange in Chile,” recalled Jonathan. By focusing on intrinsic motivation and finding his unique purpose, Jonathan has been able to embrace many opportunities. Once a keen rower at Morningside, now an active dancer in Chile, Jonathan is deliberate in “choosing what [I want] to do and hoping to contribute in a way such that the world would not be the same if [I] had not been born.”

「你在智利做甚麼?」這是李蔚林( Jonathan)經常被 問到的問題。作為智利 Uber Eats 的軟件工程師,受 惠於科技公司廣泛奉行的遙距工作政策, Jonathan 是一個活脫脫的數碼牧民。在接受訪問之前,他剛 由哥倫比亞返回智利,他在哥倫比亞西南部城市卡 利學習了一個月的莎莎舞,並在北部港口城市巴蘭 基亞待了一個月參加大型嘉年華。過去兩年間,跳 舞成為了 Jonathan 生活的重要一部份。他一直在學 習莎莎舞、巴恰達舞和哥倫比亞民族舞,並加入了 舞蹈組織作定期演出。

現在回想起來, Jonathan 很感恩大學生活給他的時 間和空間,讓他可以探索主修科目以外的事物,包 括自學編程。雖然 Jonathan 主修的是專業會計, 但當他在會計師行完成實習後,很快就發現這不是 他想要發展的方向。他轉而利用副修西班牙文的機 會,在大學最後一年前往智利天主教大學開展為期 一年的交流。交流期間他開始嘗試創建手機應用程 式,因緣際會下獲得了一個關於分析和監測流程演 算法的研究職位,後來更在當地逗留了四年並完成 電腦科學博士學位。畢業之後, Jonathan 加入了一 間名為 Cornershop 的初創公司(後來被 Uber 於 2020 年收購)。當初到智利交流的一個決定,讓他展開了 奇妙的人生歷程。

「讀大學期間,我一直在追尋人生的意義,晨興的通 識教育課程經常鼓勵我們去思考探索。當我在智利 交流期間,我花很多時間閱讀,並且修讀了哲學課 程。」Jonathan 回想道。全憑專注於內在動力和找 出屬於自己的人生意義, Jonathan 成功把握了許多 機會。曾經是晨興的划艇隊隊員,現在又熱衷學習 南美舞蹈, Jonathan 決心要過一種「堅持自己想做 的事和為世界作出貢獻」的生活,希望因為他的出 現為世界帶來一點不一樣。

Jonathan Lee Professional Accountancy, 2016 李蔚林
Jonathan (right) performing a Colombian folklore dance at a wedding in Santiago, Chile. 李蔚林(右一)在智利聖地亞哥的婚禮上表演哥倫比亞民俗舞。

Alan Liu

Quantitative Finance and Risk Management Science, 2017 劉毅誠 計量金融學及風險管理科學,2017

Getting a job in a global investment bank with good career progression has been painted as an ideal career path for university graduates in Hong Kong. Alan, like many of his business graduate peers, started his career in J.P. Morgan’s Hong Kong and London offices where he specialised in healthcare banking. Through his job, he was able to meet many outstanding investors in the field and talk about the most exciting ideas in life science advancement.

Eventually, pursuing systematic bioscience training became his goal. He switched jobs and has been a member of the buyout team of a European healthcare-focused fund since 2020; the fund fully supported his decision to go back to study. With the company’s support, he first completed an MPhil in Biotechnology at the University of Cambridge, and is currently finishing an MSc in Integrated Immunology at the University of Oxford.

Alan is thankful that he had a chance to meet Professor Sir James Mirrlees and follow in his footsteps at Oxford and Cambridge: “Previously, my worldview had centred on mainland China, where I was born and grew up. I still recall vividly that the late Sir James used to invite Morningside students to his home for afternoon tea every year, where we were free to discuss and debate any topics we were interested in. While some of the questions must have sounded very basic to a Nobel laureate, he always answered our questions with great patience and with his iconic smile. And in these discussions, each person brought a unique set of experiences and cultures to the table, allowing me to learn about different beliefs and ways of thinking. Through these interactions, I gained a more holistic picture of the world around me and learned to appreciate diversity in all its forms,” Alan recalled.

Despite his career and academic success, Alan remains humble and grounded. He described the journey to pursue his own passion and quest for knowledge as very fulfilling: “The laboratory- and classroombased training is intellectually challenging and has significantly deepened my understanding of the healthcare industry.” Alan aspires to make a positive impact on patient communities by combining his solid bioscience training with his quantitative finance background.

對於許多香港的大學畢業生來說,投身投資銀行無 疑是一條康莊的事業發展大道。就如其他的商科畢 業生一樣,劉毅誠( Alan )選擇在摩根大通展開他的 職業生涯,後來專注於醫療保健行業投資。他從工 作中認識了許多資深投資者,並從而認識到生命科 學領域研究之日新月異。

深受啟發之下, Alan 毅然轉換跑道,以接受有系統 的生物科學培訓為目標。在 2020 年,他轉職加入 一個在歐洲的醫療保健基金公司的收購團隊,在 公司的支持下,他首先在劍橋大學完成了生物技術 碩士學位,目前正在牛津大學修讀綜合免疫學碩士 學位。

Alan 很慶幸自己曾有機會與莫理斯教授會面,並能 跟隨他的腳步於牛津和劍橋學習:「過去,我的世界 觀主要圍繞我出生和成長的中國大陸。我還清楚記 得,已故的莫理斯教授每年都會邀請晨興學生到他 家裡喝下午茶,大家可以自由討論和辯論感興趣的 話題。作為諾貝爾得獎者,他一定覺得我們提出的 問題很簡單,但他總是展露他的招牌笑容耐心地回 答我們的問題。討論期間,大家不期然反映出自己 一套的經驗和文化背景,讓我有機會接觸到不同的 信念和思考方式。這些互動讓我對周遭的世界有更 全面的了解,並學會了欣賞文化多樣性。」Alan 回憶 道。

儘管事業與學業兩得意, Alan 仍然保持謙虛。他形 容追求自己的熱忱和知識是很充實的經歷:「在實驗 室和課室的培訓非常具挑戰性,大大加深了我對醫 療保健行業的認識。」Alan 希望能將紥實的生物科學 知識與計量金融背景相結合,為病人帶來正面影響。

Alan presenting his research paper at The University of Cambridge. 劉毅誠在劍橋大學發表他的研究論文。


Alayna Lee graduated from Yale University in 2022 with a BA in East Asian Studies and Political Science. This is Alayna’s first year as a Morningside Junior Fellow.

李采敏於 2022 年畢業於耶魯大學,獲得東亞研究與政治學文學士學位。這是她第一年擔任晨興通識教育導師。

Alok Ranpise graduated from Boston University in 2018 with a BA in Economics and International Relations. In 2022, he received his MA in Asian Studies from Georgetown University. This is Alok’s first year as a Morningside Junior Fellow.

AlokRanpise 於2018年畢業於波士頓大學,獲得經濟學和國際關係學士學位。2022年,他在喬治城大學獲得亞洲研究碩士學位。 這是他第一年擔任晨興通識教育導師。

Kaitlyn Roukey graduated from Saint Michael’s College in 2020 with a BA in Secondary Education and English. This is Kaitlyn’s first year as a Morningside Junior Fellow.

Kaitlyn Roukey於2020年畢業於聖邁克學院,獲得中學教育和英語學士學位。這是她第一年擔任晨興通識教育導師。

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