Moravian College Magazine Winter 1999

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Homecoming 1998

Claire Klatchak ’87, M.B.A. ’95, in the center, presents the second-place tailgate trophy to the Class of ’93 tailgate.

Missy Stengel ’98, Bridget Cain ’98, Lucia Buckman ’98, and Andy Waller ’97 ham it up at the tailgate.

Amos the Greyhound mingles with the Homecoming ’98 tailgate crowd as classmates and their families enjoy the pre-game celebrations. At left, Ted and Diane Collier, parents of Patrick Dustin Collier ’01 (number 99 on the football team) were third-place winners in the tailgate contest. At right, a tropical beach tailgate theme garnered first place for members of the Hoke, Byrne, and Ward families.

Photos: Gregory M. Fota ’69.

Andrew J. Falco M.B.A. ’98 and Jorge Camacho M.B.A. ’92 serve up the food.

Moravian College Magazine Staff Editor Assistant editor Sports editor

Susan Overath Woolley Judith K. Mehl Mark J. Fleming

Alumni Relations Staff Director Bertha Francis Knisely ’69 Assistant director Elizabeth K. Martin Class notes assistant Patricia Murray Hanna ’82 Student assistant Heather Wickmann ’00


The Moravian College Magazine is published three times a year for the information and pleasure of Moravian College and Moravian Theological Seminary alumni, faculty, staff, students, parents, and friends. Readers are cordially invited to submit articles and opinion essays to be considered for publication in the Magazine. Submissions should be typed, double-spaced. Criteria for acceptance include timeliness, relevance to the life and interests of Moravian College and its community, and excellence of writing. Letters to the editor about issues discussed in the Magazine are welcome. Any reader who has access to electronic mail may send letters to the Magazine through that medium. Susan Woolley’s Internet address is woolley@ or Judith Mehl’s Internet address is mejkm01@ U.S. Mail will get to the editors, too! Anyone who wishes to contact the Alumni Office may do so at (610) 861-1366, by fax at (610) 861-3945, or via the Internet at Deadlines for submitting articles and for sending news to class correspondents are: Fall issue: June 15 Winter issue: October 15 Spring issue: February 15 All accepted articles, class correspondence, and letters to the editor will be subject to editing.


Table of Contents Around Campus


1795 Organ Graces Peter Hall


Son of Mister Wizard


Examining Moravian’s Future


Moravian Campus Spends “Two Weeks in China”


Not Just Pretty Pictures


Greyhound Sports


Alumni Association News


Class Notes


Copyright © 1999 by Moravian College. Photographs and artwork copyright by their respective creators or by Moravian College. All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be reused or republished in any form without express written permission.

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Volume 48, No. 1 Moravian College Magazine Winter 1999 Cover photo

Stephen Barth 3

Around Campus Trustees Play a Key Role in Giving Largest Single Gift . . . On December 31, 1998, Moravian College received a $2,000,000 present—the largest single gift in its history. A major benefactor and longtime trustee of the institution has once again made a major investment in the campus with an extraordinary contribution. “This superb gift is yet another manifestation of the continuous generosity of this individual to Moravian for many years,” remarked President Ervin J. Rokke. “This treasured trustee has always been in the forefront of giving to Moravian: leading by example, showing others that Moravian is worthy of significant investments, and challenging others to invest in ‘their’ college to the best of their ability. The gift is also extremely significant as the first major gift towards our anticipated institutional (capital) campaign. Our gratitude to this donor can best be expressed in our continued individual and collective commitment to the excellence of the institution on every level.”

. . . Challenges Trustees to Challenge the College Community In order to meet this year’s ambitious goal of $1.5 million for the Annual Fund—an increase of $400,000 over the $1.1 million given last year by alumni, parents, and friends of Moravian—the college trustees have created a “Trustees Challenge.” Through their own personal gifts, they have thus far collectively pledged $415,000 (with a goal of $500,000) to challenge the rest of the Moravian family to contribute a total of twice that amount: $1,000,000 to support the financial aid needs of Moravian students. The trustees’ own dollars will be used to match, on a one-for-two basis, new and increased gifts to the current year’s Annual Fund from alumni, parents, faculty, staff, and friends of Moravian College. Over 16,000 letters announcing this challenge and terms of the matching formulae have been mailed to these constituents requesting their support to the best of their ability. During February, students involved in this concentrated effort of several weeks of personal calls to constituents, used the “challenge” as their theme for this special appeal. “This effort on the trustees’ part, which was the idea of one trustee who then galvanized her colleagues to make this extraordinary commitment, will, I trust, be met with an equally enthusiastic and generous response on the part of all those who care deeply about Moravian,” said President Rokke. Progress on this challenge effort will be reported in the next issue of the Moravian College Magazine.


Seminary Receives Million Plus Grant A grant in the amount of $1,221,087 has been awarded to Moravian Theological Seminary from Lilly Endowment, Inc., for expansion of the Bahnson Center, including a video-conferencing facility, a student computer lab, and the addition of multimedia capabilities in the Saal. The grant will also provide for new faculty and student computers, computer network expenses and technical support. The grant was part of a major national effort by the Indianapolis-based Lilly Endowment to increase theological schools’ capacities to prepare good students to be fine ministers of congregations. The Seminary was selected from a very competitive group of applicants. These new computer-based technologies will enable Moravian Theological Seminary to overcome the geographic disunity that separates the Seminary from other Moravians worldwide. The Seminary will extend its programs, through Seminary in the South and enhancements to Mobile Seminary, to reach more people in the Lehigh Valley, in Pennsylvania, and throughout the country. Local students, too, will benefit from the project, with more direct connections to library resources, the faculty, and to other students.

College and Seminary Mobilize for Central American Relief “Giving takes many shapes in our lives. This time, our collective contribution made a mountain,” said Mildred Rivera-Martínez, associate professor of Spanish and organizer of a relief effort for Central America on November 11 in the wake of Hurricane Mitch. Fraternities and sororities, the Spanish Club, the Multicultural Club, and the Latin American Culture class mobilized the project with the help of Corinne Connelly, teacher certification candidate, and Gonzalo Garcia-Pedroso ’99. A second, longer drive was organized through the Chaplain’s Office and the Seminary for Moravian Church schools, churches, and hospitals in Honduras and Nicaragua.

The Cohen Arts and Lectures Series presented “A View from Washington” in October with James Carville, Democratic political consultant and campaign manager, and John H. Sununu, former Republican governor and chief of staff. “The program proved an outstanding success,” said Rudy Ackerman, chair of

the Cohen Arts and Lectures Committee. “An estimated 750 students and guests made up the enthusiastic audience. Carville, the excitable ‘Ragin’ Cajun,’ lived up to all expectations, and Sununu responded in a logical and unemotional way. Both gentlemen were very pleasant, and they obviously held each other in the highest respect.” The dialogue and question-andanswer session benefited the Moravian College Scholarship Fund. James Carville, a well-known and colorful political consultant, has managed more political campaigns than anyone in U.S. history, including that of President Clinton. In recent years he has concentrated on foreign consulting. John H. Sununu, former chief of staff to President George Bush, oversaw the daily operations of the White House and its staff and served as counselor to the president. He is president of JHS Associates, Ltd., and a partner in Trinity International Partners, a private financial firm. He served as co-host of CNN’s nightly Crossfire, a news and public affairs discussion program from 19921998. Sununu served three consecutive terms as governor of New Hampshire prior to his position with the White House. His background includes nearly 20 years experience as an educator, engineer, small businessman, and community leader.

James Carville watches . . .

. . . as John Sununu makes a point.

At the end of the one-day collection, there were about 70 boxes and 125 large bags of clothing, 10 bags of shoes, 30 boxes of food, 30 gallons of water, 10 gallons of juice, and 2 axes delivered to the Spanish-Speaking Council in Bethlehem. Students and faculty assisted the delivery effort. “The whole College community got involved in this activity. I saw students bringing a handful of cans from their personal stash. Some brought small bags of clothing; others brought boxes. We received T-shirts in boxes from Student Services, Musikfest and some fraternities. Our neighbors came by and delivered small and big,” said RiveraMartínez. She added, “Our last donor, Willie St. John, age 7, brought a shoe box full of action figures that I am sure will brighten the life of other children in Honduras.” The chaplain’s and Seminary’s ongoing collection forwarded $500 in funding and close to 70 bags of clothing by the end of the year.

A View from Washington

Photos: Stephen Barth.

Dennis Domchek Appointed Vice President for Administration Dennis Domchek began as vice president of administration in January, bringing valuable years of experience from a distinguished career in private industry and an infectious energy that has already spread through the staff. Domchek has led diverse, multi-functional organizations and successfully developed international businesses, developed strategy and operating plans, and organized and secured resources for their implementation. He joined the College with enthusiasm, saying, “This is an exciting time for Moravian! The College and Seminary are both well positioned to build on existing strengths and rich history to make advancements in meeting our mission objectives.” President Rokke said, “I believe that he is ideally suited to assist in the reconciliation of resources and programs as we move into a challenging period of institutional development.” Domchek is an active participant in community affairs, currently serving as the chairman of the Board of Governors of the Lehigh Valley Community Foundation, and as an advisory board member of an integrated teaching program at Lehigh University. He is a participant in the campus Commission on the Future, Lehigh’s Asa Packer Society, and the Iacocca Institute programs. He has undergraduate and graduate degrees in metallurgical engineering from Lehigh and Carnegie Mellon universities, respectively. Domchek revealed his views on the future. “People across the board who participate in the education and support functions, and others who know Moravian well, are enthusiastic and optimistic about the future. Moravian is fortunate to have so many dedicated people and the strong leadership of Erv Rokke. These things were very important to me as I was going through the 5

Largest Senior Class Gift Dedicated The result of the largest class gift in the history of senior class giving was dedicated during Homecoming activities this fall. A 27-by-6-foot mural, painted by Corinne Lalin, adjunct professor of art, and student assistants, is now on display on the ground floor of the HUB, opposite the student mailboxes. The painting and surrounding bulletin boards were provided through the 1998 senior class fund, which raised $8,720. The gift is the largest known in the history of senior class gifts at the College. At left, Jennie Coughlin ’98, Senior Gift chair, cuts the ribbon before the new mural, as Corinne Lalin, artist, in black, and Dave Connor ’98 look on. Brett Eater ’98 stands behind. Photo: Gregory M. Fota ’69.

process of evaluating the opportunity to join Moravian. I’m happy to say these observations have been confirmed with each and every person I’ve had the opportunity to meet so far. The enthusiasm for Moravian is contagious! “I am very pleased about joining the Moravian family and I feel an enormous responsibility to maintain and build on the good things that Bob Huth and his team of people have accomplished.”

250th Anniversary of Brethren’s House The Moravian College community threw a two-part celebration in honor of the 250th anniversary of the Single Brethren’s House this fall. The first event was a concert on October 3 in Peter Hall, featuring student and faculty performers. All the music performed had some kind of tie to the Brethren’s House or had ties to the Moravian community in Bethlehem. Richard Schantz, now professor emeritus of music, who founded the Moravian College Choir and helped bring it to national prominence, returned as a guest conductor. The celebration of the Brethren’s House anniversary continued later in October as part of the Third Bethlehem Conference on Moravian Music, held at Moravian and Lehigh from October 22 to 25. One session of papers focused on 6

the Moravian education of young women; another session discussed American musical life from 1748 onward. A concert Thursday evening featured Moravian music, including two new editions prepared by Kelly Kolan ’99 as part of an independent study with Carol Traupman-Carr, and three works arranged for wind ensemble by Dolan, Christopher Connelly ’99, and Matthew Berry ’01. The students’ arrangements were made possible in part by a grant from the Pharo Foundation. Berry also

wrote an original choral work for the occasion, setting a text by J. Frederick Wolle, who was raised in Main Hall and who served as the first conductor of the Bach Choir of Bethlehem (founded in 1898, another anniversary celebrated by the Music Conference). The Brethren’s House was also recognized with depiction on the 1998 Christmas City Seal and a special plaque presented to President Rokke at Bethlehem’s annual tree-lighting ceremony. Tim Gilman ’73, chair of the

Seal Committee of the Citizens’ Christmas City Committee, presented the plaque. The Moravian College Choir sang carols at the ceremony which officially marks the beginning of the Christmas season in Bethlehem. The 1998 Christmas City Seal featured a watercolor by Marcia Pike Kupchick of Northampton, depicting the snow-covered Brethren’s House in a Christmas setting.

Moravian College Group Invades IRS Making use of a first-time-ever tour offer by the Internal Revenue Service, the Moravian College Accounting Club and the Economics and Business Department sponsored a field trip to Philadelphia in November. The trip included a pipeline tour of the agency’s Philadelphia Service Center. Thirty-five students had the opportunity to follow the process of a tax return through the service center and learn first-hand about how the federal tax system works. This is the first time that the IRS has ever extended such a privilege to any college, university, or community organization, said John D. Rossi III, assistant professor of accounting, who organized the tour. The IRS hosted the Moravian students because Rossi is a member of the Federal Taxation Committee of the Pennsylvania Institute of CPAs and requested the tour.

Sigma Phi Omega Closes Last year marked the closing of Sigma Phi Omega, a fraternity on campus since 1957. “The closing had nothing to do with damage or discipline, hazing or substance abuse. Instead, it has to do with the cycle of greek life on campus,” said April Vari, associate dean of students. The closing, due to declining membership, leaves the campus with three active social fraternities, the new Sigma Phi Epsilon, Delta Tau Delta, and Omicron Gamma Omega.

Memorial Scholarship Funded The United Parcel Service (UPS) has announced the establishment of a memorial scholarship in the name of Richard DiMotta ’98. At a November 9 luncheon in the Haupert Union Build-

ing, Don Poskitt, district manager for UPS, presented a $10,000 check to fund the scholarship. In January 1998, during his senior year, DiMotta was working part-time for UPS when he was involved in a fatal traffic accident. Rich’s mother, Donna DiMotta, and Dean Bettie Smolansky were also in attendance.

George S. Diamond Expands Literature Horizons of Senior Citizens For the last two years, George Diamond, professor of English, has participated in “Expanding Horizons,” an adult enrichment series for senior citizens sponsored by seven different community organizations and held at the Souderton Mennonite Homes. The program features courses in the visual arts, history, science, and great religions of the world for senior citizens. Diamond presented a five-part series on American literature, giving an overview of the development of American literature from the colonial to the modern periods.

Air Products & Chemicals Funds ServiceLearning Project Air Products & Chemicals Inc., a longtime benefactor, has awarded the College a grant of $10,000. The gift provides start-up funding for “Sharing the Wealth of Knowledge,” a servicelearning project designed by J. Christian Giesler, campus chaplain. The community outreach program, to be launched in the fall of 1999, will match Moravian College students as mentors to children from local elementary schools.

The John S. Groenfeldt Moravian Collection Established The John S. Groenfeldt Moravian Collection was recently established through a generous gift made by Eva R. Groenfeldt in memory of her late husband. The Groenfeldt Collection covers all aspects of the history, theology, culture and life of the Moravian Church from its founding in 1457 to the present. More than 5,600 items are contained including books, periodicals, unpublished dissertations and manuscripts.

Campus Faces Ron Helmuth’s ambition is to make computing on campus an invisible, utility, like electricity and phone service. “It should be transparent,” he said, “because it’s reliable, and it’s easy to use.” The director of the campus Center for Information Technology, appointed in October, also hopes to strengthen the Web service to alumni and help Moravian use electronic information technologies to enhance teaching and learning. “I enjoy technology,” he remarked in an interview. “It’s my job, and it’s a rewarding job. I enjoy the complexity. I believe most people are naturally drawn to complexity—and information technology is very complex. That’s why we all need a computer. We like computers. Their complexity engages us.” He added, “I’m also drawn to this career because it allows me a unique opportunity to study the human side of technology—how human experience literally changes because of technology. I’ve done a lot of reading on the theories not only of information technologies and how they change human existence—but also on the human impact of other technologies. Gutenberg and moveable type spawned the Reformation, for instance. “The beginning of the electronic age is a shift that is similarly momentous, and we have no idea how from day to day the processes of our minds are being changed because of the current redefinition of information. I enjoy reflecting on such issues.”


1795 Organ Graces Peter Hall By Paul S. Larson On the evening of October 3, 1998, there was an unusually instruments, visits Bethlehem frequently and has participated high air of expectancy in Peter Hall. A concert celebrating the in the Moravian Music Conferences. When the museum 250th anniversary of the Brethren’s House was about to take needed to find a home for this organ, Libin thought of Peter place. The audience would hear 18th- and 19th-century music Hall and Bethlehem as an appropriate place for such an instruassociated with the Brethren’s House complex—always an ment. Libin was well aware of the community interest in its exciting event for music lovers in Bethlehem. But more than history, the College’s support of music, and the commitment of that: they would hear the music performed on an 18th-century the music faculty to early music performance. chamber organ, the only playable example in the United States The organ is in nearly original condition. It is hand made by Samuel Green, organ builder to King George III. pumped, with two “telltales” showing the amount of wind in No listener was disappointed. The sound the audience the wind chest, a brass one for the organist on the front, and heard was magnificent: alternately gentle and majestic, bright an ivory one for the pump operator on the side, above the and colorful, and according to one listener, “warm and very pump handle. The pipes are original, as is the case. The leather refined.” The fit between the organ and of the bellows was replaced and large Peter Hall is perfect. The organ is a cracks in the windchest table on which strong presence, but never overpowering. the pipes rest were sealed as part of the At the same time, its soft ranks are not restoration. According to the restorers, overly modest for the space. The organ “Any new parts were carefully replicated sounded as if it were made for Moravian. from the original, using like materials.” The Samuel Green organ completes The loudness and softness of the the hall, which has been without an organ can be altered immediately by organ for more than 25 years, with a pressing and holding a left foot iron historic instrument in the style 18thpedal. Ruth Brunner, one of the restoracentury Moravians living and traveling in tion team described the mechanism. England would have heard. It is a fitting “This pedal controls an extra set of slides addition to the large collection of keywhich are moved into the off position board instruments already in local collecwhen holding the pedal down. Then the tions. Of course, it offers our general pedal is released, the slides are moved students a sound experience they could back into the open position and the pipes not have previously had, and organists will play once again.” The organ can now have an oportunity to study and play one stop or sound with the right perform period music more authentically. hand and a different one with the left. Samuel Green, who lived in England That makes it possible to play a melody from 1740 to 1795, was one of the greatin one and accompany it with a different, est organ builders in his time. He built softer sound. more than sixty instruments. The organ Another unusual feature of the organ now in Peter Hall, built circa 1795, is is the tuning. It is pitched slightly lower one of thirteen of his chamber organs than modern instruments, and tuned to a Ruth and Ray Brunner, organ restorers, install the still surviving. Two of them are in U.S. “temperament” slightly different from the Samuel Green organ in Peter Hall. This organ is a collections, but the organ at Moravian is Metropolitan Museum of Art purchase, Margaret M. equal half-tone intervals (counting both the only playable example. black and white keys) to which the Hess Gift, in memory of her father, John D. When this organ arrived in America McCarthy, 1993. Photo: John Palcewski ’86. modern ear is accustomed. To some the is unknown. It may have been in New organ will occasionally seem out of tune. York City (though this is yet unproven) before it was taken to The tuning of an organ Green made in 1787, still original, was Plattsburg, N.Y., where it was played in a church. The organ used as the guide to making these tuning decisions. restorers, R. J. Brunner & Co., reported, “The organ was found The organ was positioned on the left side of the stage in in pristine original condition at the Kent-DeLord Museum in Peter Hall. A day was required to assemble and tune the instruPlattsburg. It was purchased by the Metropolitan Museum of ment at Moravian. The Brunners and Libin worked carefully to Art, and after a brief time in storage was taken to Silverspring, make sure every intricacy was in order. When the organ was Pa., where it was restored.” ready to be played, the effect was more than had been hoped While the path the organ traveled to Plattsburg is uncerfor. Acoustically as well as philosophically, the organ is a tain, its route to Bethlehem is clear and direct. Laurence Libin, perfect fit. Frederick P. Rose Curator-in-Charge, Department of Musical Instruments, at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, is largely Paul S. Larson is professor emeritus of music and former chair of the responsible for the indefinite loan of the instrument to the Department of Music. College. Libin, long interested in Moravian music and musical 8

Son of

Mister Wizard In selecting Robert J. Semper ’68 to rendevous with “Mr. Wizard” (Semper receive the 1998 Comenius Alumni was thrilled when Herbert visited the Award, Moravian paid unwitting tribute Exploratorium not long ago). Other to Don Herbert. boosters also propelled him along the Herbert was the avuncular, sureway. His parents to start with. A creative footed, right-as-rain host of “Mr. Wiz6th-grade teacher who prompted him to ard,” the pioneering television show that do experiments in the classroom. brought the wonders of science to chilMoravian’s faculty who pushed his dren across America in the 1950s and boundaries. A challenging Johns Hopkins early ’60s. Among those camp followers Ph.D. program that drew him into the glued to Herbert’s wizardry was the young intricacies of nuclear physics. Rob Semper, the boy who loved to build John Amos Comenius, pater familias things. “I count it as one of the imporof Moravianism and one of the great tant influences on my becoming a scienminds of the 17th century, himself played tist,” he said in Haupert Union on the a role in Semper’s thinking, as Semper day the award was given. acknowledged in his acceptance remarks The show also provided an example and commented upon in an interview. of how science could be taught with Though Comenius lived just before the imagination and a human touch. Every rise of modern science, Semper exepisode included a young and curious plained, “in his philosophy you can see a helper, bubbling with leading questions vision of inquiry about the world that and “smartest kid in the class” comments, lends itself to scientific inquiry. He with whom thousands of Rob Sempers believed in investigating the world.” would have traded places in an instant. For Semper, Comenius was a houseSemper would later draw upon this means hold word. His grandfather, Emil, and Rob Semper ’68, recipient of the 1998 Comenius of learning in helping make San father, Clement, both graduated from Alumni Award, with Jeanne Taccarino Guaraldo Francisco’s Exploratorium one of the Moravian College and from the Theo’69, president of the Alumni Association. world’s most innovative and exciting Photo: Tim Gilman ’73. logical Seminary. His father, no longer museums. living, also majored in physics and served Frank Oppenheimer, the free-spirited physics professor, as pastor of congregations in Green Bay, Wisconsin, where Rob rancher and brother of J. Robert, a principal developer of the was born, Staten Island, New York, and in the Maryland outatomic bomb, founded the Exploratorium in 1969 as a handsskirts of Washington, D.C. The son found that example to his on alternative to the traditional museum. For this risky venture liking and followed in his father’s path. he found a home in the cavernous Panama Pacific Exposition Moravian was “a great place to be,” he recalled before the building near the city’s landmark Presidio. It grew into a vast award dinner. “I really liked it here.” Mingling with students forest of exhibits that invites visitors to discover scientific and old friends, he combined the serious demeanor of a scholar truths by asking their own questions and finding their own with the engaging qualities of a good teacher. answers. Semper arrived there in 1977 as project director, four He had been a star student at Moravian, plunging into years out of graduate school, following teaching stints at St. science, especially physics under the tutelege of Professors Joe Olaf and Johns Hopkins and a brief foray into full-time rePowlette and Jack Ridge, and sampling widely from courses in search (“it wasn’t social enough for me”). He became the the humanities. (Among the artifacts of those years, he discovmuseum’s deputy director in 1985, responsible for managing ered recently, are pieces of physics equipment still used in the supermarket of exhibits, and since 1991 he has been execuexperiments concerned with phenomena known as the tive associate director. Every year, hundreds of thousands of Compton Effect and the Mössbauer Effect). In his spare time, people, two-thirds of them adults, fan out through the 45-foothe rigged lighting for the theatre, hosted shows and engineered high, 140,000-square-foot building. Development and upkeep for the radio station and, rehearsing skills he would expand require a staff of 200 and a budget that most recently topped upon as a museum director, headed the committee that lined $16 million. up programs for the student union. A pictorial account of his The scientist and educator who received the Comenius his various roles takes up two full pages in the 1968 yearbook. Alumni Award on October 23 had gone far since receiving a At Moravian, he had forseen a life as a professor of physics weekly dose of inspiration from the 30-minute black-and-white spent in classrooms and research laboratories. Subsequent

By Kenneth A. Briggs


experiences turned him in a slightly different direction. As he College West, the San Francisco Art Institute, and the San likes to tell budding scientists who ask how they could qualify Francisco Art Academy. He also taught for a year at he for a job like his, he is proof that there is no clear career path. Harvard Graduate School of Education and, in 1994, was While at Hopkins, Semper feasted on a steady diet of named Distinguished Informal Science Educator by the Naphysics but, equally important, found himself increasingly tional Association of Science Teachers. preoccupied with the question of “how I was learning.” That With his blend of teaching and science skills, Semper has led to a fascination with the realm of pedagogy, the philosobecome a sought-after consultant to museums ranging from the phies and methods that go into education. What became Smithsonian Institution in Washington to the Reuben H. Fleet clearer to him was that the best teaching takes place in someSpace Theater and Science Center in San Diego and the what unconventional ways, when students are prompted by Museum of Science in Boston. Television shows, particularly their own questions to make their own discoveries. The code those designed for children, have likewise enlisted him. Foreword was learner-centered, and the approach would profoundly most among these has been the PBS program 3-2-1 Contact, a affect how Semper decided to use his own advanced scientific Children’s Television Workshop production. knowledge. The Exploratorium’s dynamic character means constant The Exploratorium, which resembles an airplane hanger challenge to Semper. The collection of exhibits is ever-changfull of grown-up toys, many with wires sticking out, has become ing, and the work is done by a mixture of professionals, many his laboratory for making it possible for people to poke and of whom aren’t trained primarily as scientists. To the college probe and maneuver “things” in order to see for themselves student’s question about how to get a job at the museum, how the world works. A visitor can move Semper, perhaps thinking of his own a prism through a beam of light, for roundabout route, replies that there is no Do you wonder example, to see how that light is resingle set of requirements. Among the fracted. “The controls are in the hands of qualifications the Exploratorium looks How good the visitor,” he said, “allowing people to for, he said, were a background in sciyour memory is? ask and answer their own questions. It is ence, teaching, and “experience making Why your eyes sometimes an entertaining, educational experience.” things.” In fact, many of the things are play tricks on you? Not all science makes for popular made by the non-scientists. “Many of our Whether you might be exhibits, however. “You have to work exhibits,” he explained, “are built by quick enough to hit a where the passion and interest is,” Semartists in residence—we are about explorfast ball? per said in explaining his basis for selecting the world, not just the scientific ing projects. “Because learning here is world but the world at large.” The Exploratorium’s learner centered, there are certain topics Semper’s work day begins at seven interactive exhibits people spend lots of time thinking about a.m. and usually ends about twelve hours on the World Wide Web and are interested in—like magnetism, later. It also involves considerable fund will help you explore astral physics, and relativity. Certain raising and travel. But the excitement these questions things captivate them and others don’t.” and stimulation of the work make the and their answers. Why just certain things? “Because of long hours worthwhile, he says. Lately, he general societal interest, I think,” he said. has been consumed most with establising “Other things touch on nature and the a new Center for Media and Communimysteries of life.” Some of the hot-button cations that will expand the museum’s topics he has translated into gadgetry include biology, mathcapacity for electronic teaching. When he does take a break ematics, perception, and that titan of learner-centeredness, from this crowded schedule, he prefers hiking in the Colorado Albert Einstein. Rockies or reading from a wide assortment of fiction and nonThe Exploratorium’s challenges have become available over fiction. With his mother, Dorothy, living in Moravian Square the internet (through Results so far Hall in Nazareth, he also makes frequent visits to familiar indicate a vast market for these exercises which give users Lehigh Valley haunts. chances to respond to a wide assortment of science related He clearly savored his reunion with old friends and mentors questions. During the past year, to the surprise of the staff, a at the Comenius dinner. Many people whom he hadn’t seen whopping 3.5 million visits were paid to the website. Among since he graduated came to toast him. It reminded him, he the recent options were an opportunity to investigate how said, “what a very nurturing place Moravian is.” It also recalled much time a baseball hitter has to react to various kinds of for him one of the well-springs of his work, the major impetus pitches thrown from the mound. the school provided him in his quest to seek a life in science. “I Another of Semper’s abiding interests since graduate school was struck again by how solid a science program exists here,” has been teaching science to non-scientists. At St. Olaf’s, he he said. “And the research going on gives the program authentaught in an experimental program designed for such students ticity and students a strong foundation.” and during two decades in San Francisco he has used the Exploratorium’s provocative setting and its many devices to Kenneth A. Briggs is a free-lance writer and former religion editor of teach classes from the University of San Francisco, World the New York Times. 10

In August 1998 the Joint Board of the College and Seminary Trustees established a Commission on the Future to refine the institution’s perspective on its mission and goals and to broaden the base of support for achieving its goals and initiatives. The establishment of the Commission followed the successful reaccreditation review of the College and Seminary. With the recently endorsed goals and objectives and the reports of the accrediting committies as starting points, the Commission adds the perspectives of men and women personally and professionally engaged in the complex social, economic, technological, and public policy issues of our time, perspectives which should strengthen the institution’s response to the challenges and opportunities that will shape the College and Seminary as we enter the new millenium. Nearly 200 alumni, community leaders, business and industry executives, and friends of the College and Seminary accepted the trustees’ invitation to serve on the commission, with Priscilla Payne Hurd, Evangeline Bahnson Smith, DeLight Breidegam, and the Honorable Alfred Williams serving as honorary chairs. The commission, chaired by Robert Schoenen, a member of the College’s Board, has been formed under the overall direction of an executive committee of College and Seminary trustees led by Charles Peischl, chair of the Joint Board of Trustees. The members of the Commission have been organized into six task forces, paralleling the missions and goals of the College and Seminary: Student Development, Learning Environment, Global Engagement, Community and Diversity, History and Traditions, and Preparation for Ministry. At the Commission’s inaugural meeting on October 24, the task forces reviewed their general charges and, in most cases, refined their organization to focus on particular issues. Two task forces are addressing the quality of undergraduate life at Moravian. The Student Development task force under the direction of Constance Stirling Hodson ’68 is focusing on the issues of mentoring, leadership and character development, and the transitions from secondary school to college and from college to the workplace. The Community and Diversity task force, under the leadership of Odell Guyton ’77, is addressing ways to increase the enrollment of underrepresented groups

while preserving a sense of community and mutual respect. Two task forces are addressing the quality of the academic experience. The Learning Environment task force, chaired by Frederick O’Such, is exploring the characteristics of an ideal learning environment for Moravian students, the development of a strategic academic focus for the College, and the identification of ways to recognize and reward outstanding students and faculty. The Global Engagement task force under the direction of Harry Dimopoulos is pursuing ways to increase the institution’s understanding of and engagement with global issues by expanding student involvement in study abroad programs, increasing the number of international students enrolled in College and Seminary programs, and “globalizing” the curriculum and campus climate. The Preparation for Ministry task force is chaired by Gary Harke and is exploring the expectations of the various stakeholders in the work of Moravian Theological Seminary while also assessing the extent to which the Seminary is fulfilling these expectations. The History and Traditions task force under the leadership of George Friedman bridges the College and Seminary with the intent of fashioning a wider and more informed understanding, both within and outside the institution, of the Moravian tradition and place, the Comenius tradition in education, the achievements of Moravian students, faculty, and alumni, and College and Seminary engagement in community service and service learning. Each task force plans to develop a set of observations and recommendations to the College and Seminary trustees and present its report to the two boards at their meetings in October. Based on their review of the Commission’s report, the boards will transmit their recommendations through the President to the planning bodies of the College and Seminary for consideration in the ongoing refinement and review of the institution’s goals and initiatives.

Examining Moravian’s Future By John W. McDermott Jr.

John McDermott, vice president for planning and research, is serving as executive director to the Commission on the Future and coordinating the work of faculty and staff members serving as resources for the commission. 11

Moravian Campus Spends “Two Weeks in China” By Judith K. Mehl and Jane Schaffer

Above, Kristin Biser ’99 and Fang Zhang ’00 model Chinese costumes lent by the Chinese Consulate. Kristin wears a traditional “long dress” called qipao in the Mandarin dialect and cheongsam in Cantonese. Fang wears a folk costume from the Xinjiang region near Tibet. At right, Kristin gets a little help with her dress fastenings, “like a princess in the old imperial court,” said Fang. Photos: Stephen Barth unless otherwise noted.

The display case outside the College bookstore displayed Chinese posters, postcards, household goods, and decorative objects. Photo: Fang Zhang.

12 10

The “Two Weeks on China” program held at Moravian College last fall launched the College into the international scene. The experience initiated an ongoing plan to strengthen awareness of the global environment in faculty, staff, and students. The College now has as one of its six strategic goals a commitment to global understanding, global education, and global involvement. In order to achieve this goal, efforts are forming on several fronts. The College is working to increase the numbers of students studying abroad and the numbers of international students studying at Moravian; curricular changes and faculty development will be undertaken to make courses and faculty more internationally up-to-date and relevant; and the entire campus atmosphere will be transformed to reflect this new reality. The Global Engagement Group, a committee of faculty, administrators, support staff, and students, decided that one way to effect a change in the campus atmosphere would be through increased offerings of non-academic, entertainmentoriented international programs. The committee sponsored “Two Weeks on China” from November 1 to 15. With the help of the Chinese Consulate’s Education Office in New York, and Moravian’s three Chinese students, Ming Gu, Hong Sun, and Fang Zhang, the program delved into diverse aspects of Chinese culture. It included demonstrations of the arts, international films, costumes, traveling exhibits, and samplings of the foods of China. Two officials from the Chinese Consulate visited the campus during the program. At a luncheon held in their honor, Li Zhang and Yuanbao Chen talked about the eagerness of the Chinese people to interact with Americans. On behalf of their government, they encouraged the College to explore opportunities which would allow exchanges between Chinese and Moravian faculty and students. Students, faculty, and staff were able to immerse themselves in whatever area appealed to their interests and were surprised at every turn with more information about China. Thanks to the A library exhibit featured books, manager of Alphacostumes, and the Chinese flag. Graphics in Bethlehem, Photo: Stephen Barth.

Chinese vice consuls Chen Yuanbao and Zhang Li pose with Fang Zhang Photo: Stephen Barth. and Kristin Biser before a calligraphic painting.

an eight-foot long black and white rendering of a portion of the Great Wall was donated to the College and displayed in the HUB. The depiction contained a small map of China showing the location of the Great Wall and a map of the United States showing the distance a similar Great Wall would cover. Every other day articles from American newspapers and magazines which described events in China were displayed in the HUB. Our Chinese students noted that most of the articles were negative in content. Moravian’s professor emeritus KaiLoo Huang donated his extensive and beautiful collection of 20th-century Chinese art to the College. Examples from this collection were displayed in the HUB during the month of November. Every other day new pages from the China-trip diaries of Susan Schuehler, dean emerita of the Division of Continuing Studies, and Pierre Croset, Moravian College student from France, were displayed in the HUB, as well as photographs from Croset and fellow international student Fang Zhang. Also displayed in the HUB were Chinese paper cutting and calligraphy works from the collections of adjunct art faculty

Fang Zhang ’00, Ming Gu ’00, and Hong Sun ’99 serve up home-made Chinese dumplings in the dining hall. Photo: courtesy of Fang Zhang.

Shaio-Ping Wang and Brian Chu. During the program, ShaioPing Wang held a workshop in which she explained the history and techniques associated with calligraphy and helped those in attendance try their hands at this art form. Brian Chu held a similar workshop to explain the practice of Chinese paper cutting. Both workshops were attended by College students, faculty, and support staff. Exhibits and demonstrations were available to tempt the palette and please the eye, while others encouraged a less passive role. Student Ming Gu talked his mother into parting with her secret recipe for Chinese dumplings. With Hong Sun and Fang Zhang, he made the delicious treat to rave reviews by students dining in the HUB. The Chinese Consulate in New York lent the College six ethnic costumes which were displayed in Reeves Library. Guest Hui Xiang Pan demonstrated Tai Chi, an art which began as a passive means of defense used by Buddhist monks and has become today’s exercise regimen. His

Paintings from the collection of Kai-Loo Huang hung in the Paty Eiffe Gallery in the HUB. Photos: Stephen Barth.

demonstration showed not only the flexibility derived from this exercise, but also its grace and serenity. While it takes approximately one year to learn a 20-minute set of exercises, Pan encouraged the audience do a set along with him. The audience learned that the exercise looks a lot easier to perform than it actually is. An evening of tea and traditional Chinese desserts was shared with Moravian’s Chinese and American students, faculty, and guests, including Pam Rokke. The Chinese students related the experiences they had adjusting to American life and Americans who had been to China related their experiences in that country. The ensuing discussion gave all an opportunity to see themselves through someone else’s eyes.

13 11

Not Just

Pretty Pictures By Susan Overath Woolley Western wind, when wilt thou blow, The small rain down can rain? Christ, if my love were in my arms And I in my bed again! It appears in most of the standard anthologies of English literature, a little quatrain distilling the essence of loneliness, homesickness, and, to use a piece of modern jargon, seasonal affective disorder. Even in plain type, it has been pulling heartstrings for an estimated five hundred years. Anne Dutlinger, assistant professor of art, has been showing her graphic design students how to turn gems of literature like this one into doubly rich experiences. Giving her students the assignment of producing a poster like those produced by Poetry in Motion, a project initiated by the Poetry Society of America and MTA New York City Transit to display poems in buses and subway cars for the refreshment of weary commuters, she has them explore the ways visual arrangement of text can bring out its meaning and enhance the pleasure it brings to the reader. “This is the first time I’ve done the poem project,” says Dutlinger. “It made poetry approachable for the students. I think a lot of them are nervous about poetry. They have no nervousness at all about song lyrics, but they’re nervous about poetry—that they’re not going to get it. “So you take a small poem, and work with it over and over and play around with it. We tried to be true to the poems, while at the same time creating emphasis in a poem by changing size and weight. It allowed the students to get into the meaning, and start to see that this word or that word does really connect in terms of meaning, in terms of the look and the sound. The visual sound of the poem is connected to the sound of the words and the sound of the meaning. “I stress information and content—that’s what creates the form,” she continues. “If the students master the content, the form will rise to meet it. And it really is important that they get to know what the words mean, and what matters. How can they make a decision about what’s important, what should be larger, what should be bolder, if they haven’t really looked at the material? “Typography is about the character of words; it’s the clothes that words wear. It’s a layer of meaning, but the word itself, the language itself, is what impels the choice of the appropriate typeface.” While the students are exploring the meaning of the text, they are also mastering the essential technical tools of graphic 14

design. “What they’re really also learning in this project is Quark Xpress, a page layout program. So they’re learning about leading, and they’re learning about size, and they’re learning how to move words around and choose typefaces, and how to get into the nuances of the relations of letters to each other and words to each other, and words underneath each other.” Dutlinger, who is in her second year of directing Moravian’s graphic design track, is almost a one-woman liberal arts program. “Great designers are always very educated generalists,” she says, “because they’re curious about every subject, and every project they get is someone else’s center of expertise. So a designer has to be interested in a lot of different things— interested enough to go deep into other people’s material. “There’s always a moment, which may be a long moment, of chaos in the beginning of a project, where you’re faced with material that’s unfamiliar, and perhaps extremely complicated. And you have to find your way into it, to understand it, so that you can allow its structure to be revealed.” The key to such understanding, she says, is research. “Research is the most important aspect of the work for young designers, and for their future, because the library is their best friend. Students at first don’t really believe that. They think of the library as punishment, not as an incredible place where associations are waiting to be made. Good research discovers the associations. So the research is very, very important, and with each project, I require them to look for models.

Jennifer Yatko ’00 works on her Poetry in Motion project in the graphic design lab. At right, the finished product. Photos: Stephen Barth.

In the Introduction to her 1987 book Voices and Visions: The Poet in America, Helen Vendler calls to mind poetry’s deep connection to the other arts, perhaps most notably the visual arts. A poem encapsulates a closer look at what surrounds us; it was Wallace Stevens, Vendler reminds us, who described the poem as “an answering look.” A poem “looks back” at the world, but it also invites us to look on—at what it says, but also at the way it looks. While a poem does do important “intellectual and moral work,” Vendler notes, it is most remarkable for the ways in which it is simultaneously doing aesthetic work. What a fascinating overlay, then, these stunning “Poetry in Motion” placards provide for the poems they present in such searching, word-enriching ways: an additional layer of visual awareness. Choices of color, spacing of lines, particular font styles, capitalization, along with the meaningful use of empty space, all combine to open the poem up once more. To make us look again. The history of graphic art, Anne Dutlinger has said to me, is still being written; we are only beginning—now, in this age of remarkable technological possibilities more than ever—to grasp the intellectual, moral, and aesthetic possibilities of the conjunction of image and word that graphic design allows. Often these possibilities take us into the world of advertising. And so what a pleasure this “Poetry in Motion” project is—for all kinds of reasons, but perhaps most potently for its efforts to redeem the graphically-designed display of language from the realm of commerce. How can poetry survive in an age when language has become so debased (by advertising, by shallow entertainment)? the skeptics moan. And this lovely project answers them: Here is a way. I think of this every time I ride the New York City subway and glance up at the lighted display space over the heads of the riders across the aisle from me, fully expecting to see yet another ad for Swatch or Banana Republic—and find instead, to my delight, a poem, stunningly displayed.

We are, also to my delight, witnessing a resurgence of interest in poetry. Poetry readings abound (including on Moravian’s own Church Street Campus, at Wednesdaynight Coffee House gatherings). In the fall, a large and enthusiastic audience of Moravian students, faculty, and friends boarded a bus for the 1998 Dodge Poetry Festival—a wonderful gathering of poetry fans in Waterloo Village, New Jersey with traces of an old-time village fair and the wild enthusiasm of a rock concert. Across the nation, performance poets engage in “poetry slams,” in which their work is performed and then judged, Olympic Games-style. Alix, daughter of Gary Olson of Moravian’s Political Science Department, along with other members of her New York City team, won a national poetry slam competition in 1998. A lyrical song writer and singer, Jewell, popular with the college-age crowd, has published a book of poems. All these developments echo Bill Moyers’s passion for the spoken word in his Introduction to The Language of Life: A Festival of Poets (1995). For Moyers, “Hearing’s the thing, and poetry readings are concerts of sheer joyous sound”; the book’s editor, James Haba, writes of a need to return poetry “to its physical roots, which nourished us long before print began to define, and in some ways to limit, our magical experience of words.” But while Moyers and Haba celebrate a democratization of poetry that takes it out of the realm of print and into the world of sound, let’s not forget the wonderfully democratizing potential of a project like “Poetry in Motion,” and the absolutely vital role it, too, can play in poetry’s resurgence. As I gaze at these gorgeous panels, certain words almost seem to vibrate there before my eyes. It’s incredible, really, what color and type and space can do: “Christ, if my love were in my arms.” I can almost hear the tortured, whispering voice.

Joyce Hinnefeld Assistant Professor of English


“Students ask, ‘Where do I begin, how do I start?’ The answer is that you look at other things. Good examples, bad examples. Why are they good? Why are they bad? It’s not just about making something a certain size, about decorating, about putting a good picture in. It’s absolutely about appropriateness. And appropriateness can only come out of knowledgeable research. “As they begin to understand, students see that they have to become a little bit of an expert on each subject before they can really do a responsible, good job of design. And that’s the beauty of a liberal-arts education. I’ve taught graphic design in art schools, and I’ve taught it in liberal-arts schools. The students at a liberal-arts college are not as technically adept, because they don’t take tons of art classes. They can’t—they have to take language, they have to take philosophy, they have to take history. But they sure can think about problems better. And that makes them better designers.” Graphic design students are required not only to research their projects but to revise their work repeatedly until the essence of the problem is distilled, and to justify their solutions in writing. “We’re trying, I think, to help the students develop into the kind of responsible professionals that they’re going to need to be,” says Dutlinger. “And they’re going to be able to talk about their work intelligently. That’s why the writing needs to be part of the work. They must be able to verbalize and articulate and stand up before people and say why their solutions work. They have to be able to say more than, ‘I like it.’ They have to help the client understand why it’s the right solution.” The discipline, however, isn’t confined to graphic design, she stresses. “If you learn to distill, to clarify, to be able to be objective about the material, and to heighten meaning, you can do it well in any area. I’ve got a lot of students that are biology majors, history majors, English majors, education majors, computer science majors. That is the really hot combination now—if you’ve got the computer science and the design background, you can go anywhere.” Technology is important for all designers now, she says. “We used to be able to focus 95% of the time on the task of designing, and now 40% of our time is spent dealing with technology. The computer is a tool. Students often come in thinking the computer is some kind of magical idea machine, but it’s not; it’s just a tool. But it has a language, like the brush stroke. Computer design looks like computer design. When you see something that’s blurred, that’s very heavily layered, with people looking like they’re made out of broken glass—guess what? You can tell it was done in Photoshop. There’s a language that the images now embody, that come directly from the technology. If you don’t get past the default settings, if you don’t use the technology to explore ideas, if you just accept ‘the way the computer does it,’ then you will be producing clichés. “The computer is good because with it you can do things that are beyond your skill level,” she continues. “You really can. You can draw if you can’t draw. Also, I think, it inspires a more hybrid kind of thinking, because you cross back and forth, using different programs. So you’re more ready to com16

bine imagery and drawing and photography and type. That helps you break out of the clichés.” Neither technical expertise nor talent, however, is sufficient to make a good designer, says Dutlinger. “What people are really looking for when they look for a good designer is someone who can work very well in a team situation, who can do collaborative work, who can do great research, who can come to the material Anne Dutlinger gives Jennifer Yatko a few and ask the right set pointers about her Poetry in Motion design. of questions. So that’s as important as learning how to do great typography. “Some people really have a feel for typography and design, and that’s that fuzzy talent thing. But talent isn’t what gets the job done. Talent is like charm. It’s great, it’s fantastic, it’s noticeable. But it’s not what finishes the job. And so the students have to learn to take their talent, or their insight, or whatever their special skill is, and combine it with good disciplined work habits, great research, great thinking. If they’re not critical thinkers, then they’re not really going to be able to figure out what the problem is. They have to learn to ask certain questions. And that’s what’s exciting and fun—to help bring that along.”

Katy Fiandaca ’99 and Anne Dutlinger go over Katy’s portfolio as she prepares for an internship interview.

Greyhound Sports Senior middle hitter Stephanie Rickards of the Moravian College women’s volleyball team has been named to the 1998 GTE Academic AllAmerica First Team College Division selected by the College Sports Information Directors of America. She was also named the GTE Academic All-America of the Year for the College Division, the first Moravian student-athlete ever to win the honor. The College Division is made up of all the NCAA Division II and III Schools in the nation as well as all NAIA schools. Student-athletes from NCAA Division I schools are named to the University Division Teams. Rickards, who maintains a perfect 4.00 grade-point average in secondary education/English, was busy during the fall semester student teaching at Nitschman Middle School. She was also named to the Middle Atlantic Conference Women’s Volleyball Commonwealth League All-Star First Team for the third straight season and the MAC All-Academic Team and the American Volleyball Coaches Association MidAtlantic All-Region Team for the second consecutive year this fall. Rickards completed the season with a .368 hitting percentage along with a school record 468 kills and 125 blocks to lead the Lady Greyhounds to a 27-7 overall record and the school’s second straight appearance in the NCAA Division III playoffs. She also had 276 digs and 38 service aces. By earning first team GTE/CoSIDA College Division Academic All-District honors for the third consecutive year in late November, Rickards was forwarded to the national ballot. In 1997, she was named to the GTE Academic AllAmerica® Second Team for the college division. To be eligible for GTE Academic All-America accolades, a student-athlete must maintain at least a 3.20 grade-point average, be a sophomore, junior, or senior and be a starter or significant reserve. Rickards is currently playing forward for the Lady Greyhound women’s basketball squad. She is averaging 9.3 points, 6.5 rebounds and 1.6 steals a game. She has made six starts for the 7-3 Lady Hounds and had career-highs with 15 points and

Academic All-American Steph Rickards (number 11, in the center) in action against Kutztown Photo: Diane Torres. University volleyball players.

five steals in the team’s 71-64 victory at Albright College on December 9th. Last summer, Rickards was one of two Moravian College student-athletes selected to attend the NCAA Foundation Leadership Conference in Orlando, Florida. She is also one of 23 NCAA Division III student-athletes nationally

on the NCAA Division III StudentAthlete Advisory Committee. Rickards is the eleventh Moravian athlete to be named to a GTE Academic All-America Team. There have been a total of fifteen Academic AllAmericans at Moravian including ten over the past six years.

1998 Hall of Fame Honorees with a Special Guest

The Hall of Fame inductees had the thrill of sharing the spotlight with famed sports commentator Tommy Lasorda at the Hall of Fame Dinner on November 13, 1998. With Lasorda (seated) are inductees Wendy Tretheway Condron ’87, Francis J. Toner ’58, Victor S. Weiss ’59, Bernard Ivin ’88, Kurt E. Monts ’84, Augustus “Gus” Rampone ’59 (the Herbstman Award winner, and Lisa Adams Wilkinson ’88. Photo: Diane Torres. 17

Alumni Association News Nominations for Alumni Board 1999-2002 The following is the slate of proposed candidates for the Alumni Association Board of Directors, to be voted upon Alumni Weekend, May 22, 1999. Traylan Z. Anderson ’78 1st term Burr Ridge, Ill. Computer software specialist Spouse: Danita Moravian College Activities: Regional Representative for Chicago; Homecoming attendee; hosted Moravian’s track & field NCAA finalists at his home in 1994; has written brief article for Moravian College Magazine; Commission on the Future. Terri McCandless Bishop ’81 1st term Danielsville, Pa. Homemaker Spouse: Ray Jr. ’81 Children: Matthew, Courtney, and Michael Volunteer Activities: Moravian Academy volunteer and auction chair. Moravian College Activities: Class agent; Greek alumni advisor; Comenius Dinner attendee; Alumni Council Member, appointed to Alumni Board 1998-99. Kathleen Doyle Dowd ’68 1st term Easton, Pa. Elementary School Teacher Spouse: Rev. J. Michael ’68 Children: Margaret and Mary Moravian College Activities: Alumni Weekend attendee; Antiques Show Sponsor; Alumni Weekend Sponsor; Class Agent; Spring Planting Day 18

attendee; Volunteer Leadership participant; 1968 Reunion Committee cochair for 25th and 30th reunion; Alumni Weekend Committee, Alumni Choir chair; Alumni Association Communications Committee chair. Jessica Dunlap ’80 2nd term Bethlehem, Pa. Journal of Commerce director of conferences and promotions Volunteer Activities: Moravian Museum Board of Directors; Musikfest volunteer; First Night volunteer; LVAIC; A.C.E.D. Regional Director; Lehigh Advisor of the Year ’92; Woltjen Staff Recognition for Service. Moravian College Activities: Antiques Show Committee co-chair; Career Nights; Homecoming Committee chair; Alumni Weekend Committee; Rotary representative for Rotary Club at Moravian; Greek Alumni Board; Alumni Association secretary; Alumni Association Marketing Committee chair. Lugenia Taccarino Guaraldo ’69 2nd term Wilmington, Del. Volunteer Spouse: Fred Children: Fred Jr., Anthony, Allysa Volunteer Activities: Museum volunteer; Choir Board president; Country Club Tennis Board; fund raising for Scottish Rites Hospital. Moravian College Activities: Philadelphia Club; Atlanta Club Caller; 25th Reunion Committee co-chair; Alumni Association Board of Directors president-elect 1996-98, president 1998-99; 1999 Reunion chair; Commission on the Future; Board of Trustees; Dean’s Search Committee.

Candy Barr Heimbach ’79 2nd term Bethlehem, Pa. Attorney & Law Partner Spouse: Mark Children: Nicholas and Jonathan Volunteer Activities: Center for Humanistic Change Board; Sayre Child Care Center Board of Directors; Soccer Coordinator for Bath; East Allentown Youth Club; PTO. Moravian College Activities: Freshman Orientation host; events attendee; Homecoming Committee; Hall of Fame Committee; Alumni Association Board of Directors; Alumni Association President-Elect 199-99. James P. Orlando ’96 1st term Bethlehem, Pa. Insurance Account Executive Moravian College Activities: Alumni Weekend attendee; Inaugural Alumni Committee for President Rokke; Homecoming volunteer; Alumni events attendee; Young Alumni Club Planning Committee member 1996-98; vice-president, Young Alumni Board; Volunteer Leadership Conference attendee; class correspondent; class delegate to President Rokke’s inauguration; 1998 Emerging Leader Award. Betty Adams Roach ’43 1st term Bethlehem, Pa. Retired Teacher Spouse: John Children: Alan, Mark and Jennifer Volunteer Activities: Tutor for the BASD. Moravian College Activities: Alumni Admissions Representative; Alumni Weekend attendee; Antiques Show patron; Comenius Dinner attendee; class delegate to President Rokke’s inauguration; Founder’s Day Commit-

tee; Roundtable attendee; 1943 Women Reunion Committee chair; 1998 Outstanding Reunion Chair Award Recipient.

Alumni Trustee Nominee Parry Miller ’66 has been nominated for a fouryear term as alumni trustee beginning in fall 1999. Parry lives with his wife, Claire, in Lancaster, Pa., where he is a partner in St. Joseph’s Radiology Associates. He is currently a task-force member in the Commission on the Future, and been involved in numerous College events and the Imperative Step campaign, and is the Lancaster Area representative.

Student Alumni Association The Student Alumni Association welcomed 17 new members at a combination tree decorating party and new members social at the Alumni House on December 4. SAA members also hosted the Annual Holiday Open House for Alumni at the Alumni House on December 12. Joan Landrock Schlegel ’55 once again donated the beautiful tree.

A Message from Alumni Board President Jeanne Taccarino Guaraldo ’69 The Alumni Board is excited about the Class of 1999’s innovative plan for their senior class gift. This year’s seniors have embarked on an ambitious campaign that addresses an area of critical need for the College, financial aid. Their goal is to raise $10,000 to kick off a new endowed scholarship fund that will have an ultimate value of $100,000. Earnings from the fund will provide essential financial aid to a rising senior. When the Alumni Board learned of this worthwhile project at their fall meeting, we voted unanimously to match a dollar for every dollar the seniors raise up to $10,000. WHY? First, to build a strong connection with our students, whom we consider to be our “alumni in residence”; secondly, to assist Moravian in creating new endowment essential for funding scholarships to attract the brightest and best students; and finally to help the Class of ’99 achieve one of the largest and most meaningful class gifts ever presented to Moravian. Supporting a gift that will keep on giving is a wonderful way to let both our current and future students know that we care. I am sure you will join the members of the Alumni Board in applauding the efforts of the Class of 1999. We wish them all Alumni Board president Jeanne Guaraldo ’69 and the best in achieving their class treasurer Carl Ackerman ’57 present a $5,000 check to Class of ’99 senior gift co-chairs Gina Stano and Jan gift goal and in pursing their Mellon. The check represents a matching gift for the individual dreams after they $5,000 the seniors have raised to date. graduate from Moravian.

Photo: Tim Gilman ’73.

Young Alumni

Area Club Updates

Calendar of Events

A newly-formed Philadelphia Young Alumni group, co-chaired by Mary Kate Turowski Andris ’96 and Jennifer Kastle ’97, hosted and event attended by 51 alumni from the classes of 1990-1998. Similar groups already exist in the Lehigh Valley and Washington D.C. area. A committee has been formed and is busy planning events, happy hours, and networking socials for the upcoming year. Locally, the Young Alumni organization is going to hold its third annual spring event on March 5 this year. An initial planning meeting for a new Young Alumni Board took place on December 5.

Lehigh Valley Area Club The Lehigh Valley Club held a reception to welcome Moravian’s new athletics director, Dick Dull, during the Juniata football game on September 19. The group also sponsored a bus trip to New York on December 5. Forty-two alumni and friends made the trip to the Big Apple to shop, sightsee, and enjoy the holiday atmosphere.

March 5 Third annual Young Alumni event at J. P. McGillicuddy’s

Washington, D.C., Area Alumni Club Twenty-seven alumni and guests toured NASA’s Goddard Space Center in Maryland on November 21, and shared a delicious lunch afterwards at a local Chinese restaurant, thanks to Fred Patt ’77, a Goddard scientist, who made the arrangements.

May 21 Founder’s Day Golf Classic XVIII May 21, 22 Alumni Weekend: Your “Moravian Family” October 30 Homecoming


✒ 1998 Dave Connor 1956 Allwood Dr., Apt. D Bethlehem, PA 18018 From Dave: Here’s the latest installment of the Class of ’98 update. There’s a lot of news, so brace yourselves. Chris Miller is in Charlotte, N.C. working at the First Union headquarters in the Capitol Markets Group. He’s involved with commercial real estate finance. Chris also told me that Marc Murphy is engaged. Anthony Rasciano is working for Merrill Lynch. Steve Lella is in Mahwah, N.J., at Circonix, a process management and control systems company, doing accounting work full time. He also helps out another accounting firm, KPMG in Montvale at night. Dan Rhoton is working for the Guardian insurance company in Bethlehem. Jeff Cary is teaching second grade at Springfield Elementary in the Palisades School District. Matt Downing is an assistant food service director with the Wood Company at Muhlenberg. Jack Walls and Joe Braunstein are in Philadelphia working for CIGNA Property and Casualty Insurance Co. as underwriters. Liz Watson has moved to Clinton, N.J. If you would like her new address, contact me. Jason Tosto is a student at Temple University Dental School in Philadelphia. Catherine Coyle is an undercover investigative operative at Ames Department Store. Kristy Manley is an armored car guard with Brinks. Amy Damico is a staff accountant at Loch, Geiger, Elsenbaumer, and Co. in Allentown. Jess Black is a sales manager at Bath and Body Works. Stacey Pavlick is a rare books seller for Harvest Books Company. Mandi Kidd is a student for one more semester. Meg Thompson is in Boston working at a law office while she interviews for jobs in the community service area. Emily Amy is an Associate Teacher at Lower Nazareth Elementary School. Chad Wenger is the General Manager of the Ramblers Ranch in Jim Thorpe, Pa.. Becki Poole is teaching at Seton Hall Prep in New Jersey. Rich Bianco is at Rutgers School of Law in New Jersey. Heather Thorne LaCombe is the mother of Katelyn Marie, 7 lbs. 2 oz., born on August 18. Bob Thear is a staff accountant with Beard and Company in Reading, Pa. Jon Borger is going for an advanced degree in physical therapy at the Univeristy of Delaware. Jennika Eckhaus is at the Moravian Theological Seminary getting her Master of Divinity. George


CLASS NOTES “Toby” Young is at Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine going for his medical degree. Bridget Cain is at Bryn Mawr studying for her master’s in social work. Vicki Scarano is in chiropractic school at Life University. Valerie Rhoe is at Notre Dame in Indiana working on her masters and Ph.D. in economic development. Theresa Quinney is going for her master’s in advertising at Syracuse University. Courtney Casciano is in the auditing department at Deloitte & Touche in Allentown. Christy Danko Graybeal is teaching math at Montgomery County Middle School in Rockville, Md. Paul Edinger is an information technology analyst in the Center for Information Technology at Moravian. Jeanie Dietrich is an investigative assistant with the Philadelphia/Camden High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area. Nicole Pedicini is an office manager at CEPS Construction in New Jersey. Becky Page is at Hershey Medical School going for her Ph.D. in pharmacology. Tony Fiorilli is at Temple University Dental School. John Ondrey is the music director of Kenilworth High

School and Middle School in Kenilworth, N.J. James Massey is a social studies teacher for the seventh and eighth grades at Unami Middle School in Bucks County, Pa. Laura Haines is a service broker at Delaware Investments in Philadelphia. Rebecca Kline is at Harvard Divinity School going for her Master of Divinity. Jennifer Lentz is at the University of California at Davis getting an advanced degree in agriculture. Janine Martini is a business analyst at BOC Gases in Bethlehem. Jess Blasko is living in Philadelphia and working for the Institute for Human Gene Therapy at the University of Pennsylvania as a patient coordinator for clinical research trials. I want to thank everyone who submitted information on themselves and their friends. Please keep me posted. I have e-mail that I check regularly and I have an 800 number. It couldn’t be easier to get ahold of me. I do have the e-mail addresses of many of the people mentioned, so feel free to contact me to get them. Once again, please keep the information coming and send corrections if I made a mistake. Some of you have changed jobs already and I need to know this to make sure my records are straight. From the Alumni House: Amy Learn has completed a fall internship at Fossil Rim Wildlife Center in Glen Rose, Tex. Heather Fink is working in the editorial department of Vanity Fair magazine in Manhattan.

Members of the Class of ’98 at the Rocco Calvo Golf Tournament: Richard Nocella Jr., Ryan Brinker, Jack Walker, and Joe Braunstein. Photo: Gregory M. Fota ’69.

Class Notes Toni Rhinehart is currently a Pre-K teacher at the Heartland Learning Center in New Jersey. Sean Carroll is attending graduate school at Rutgers University in the Master of Music program. He is also employed by the Chatham Board of Education as a music teacher. Audrey Weaver is working for Systems & Computer Technology of Malvern, Pa. She is a product consultant.

✒ 1997 Jenn Kastle 1078 Spring View Drive Southampton, PA 18966 Melissa Romanski RR#4 Box 79 Sunbury, PA 17801 From Jenn: Whether you were creative and resourceful by tailgating in an RV or stayed with the traditional car or truck, I am sure that everyone had a great time at this year’s Homecoming. Unfortunately I missed this year’s festivities because I was on a trip to Italy. Fortunately, several classmates have kept me up to date on what everyone is doing. Congratulations to several classmates who recently became engaged or got married. Best wishes to Scott Stevens and Susan DeJong ’99 who recently became engaged and also to Sean Richardson and Renee Szabo ’96 who became engaged on Homecoming day. Jayme Schulter was married in October to her boyfriend Travis Lehman. Beth Schrey, Stacey Krause and Melissa Podracky were bridesmaids in Jamie’s wedding while several Moravian grads and fellow Zeta Tau Alpha sisters also attended. Melissa Earle recently was married and is living in Waterford, N.J. I also learned that Tim Bruce is studying for his pilot’s license and soon will be flying the friendly skies. Tiffany Shenman and Dana Kline are both teaching. Royce Jacomen and Pat Egan are roommates in Pittsburgh while attending Duquesne University grad school and law school respectively. Cheri Matz is also studying for a law degree at Widener University Law School’s Harrisburg campus. Congratulations to Jen Houghton who gave birth to an adorable baby boy in the fall. I heard from Emily Evans who is now living in Holly Springs, N.C., and is an assistant coordinator with First Union Mortgage. Steph Stern, who is living in

Hellertown, is the personnel director for Jamison Plastic Corporation. Greg Webb emailed me to tell me he has a new job at Unisys in Blue Bell and that Roy Beeson was promoted to second lieutenant in the Army. Chris Tarnowski recently took a position with Price Waterhouse. I received information from the Alumni House about Mark Turdo. Mark is the curator of the Moravian Historical Society in Nazareth and a few months ago wrote his first publication, Common People, Uncommon Community: Lenape Life in Moravian Missions. Mary Kate Turowski Andris ’96 and I are developing a Young Alumni Group in the Philadelphia area. A committee has been formed and we are planning events, happy hours and networking opportunities for the upcoming year. If you are interested in joining or want to know more about what we have planned, please contact Mary Kate or me. I hope to see lots of the Class of ’97 at the Young Alumni Get-Together on March 6. I would love to hear from more classmates, so please e-mail or write me if you have some news to share. From the Alumni House: Cheri A. Leinberger was recently honored for outstanding academic performance during her first year at Widener University School of Law. Jenn Kastle is now working at the Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce as a business associate.

✒ 1996 J. P. Orlando 217 Valley Park S. Rd. Allentown, PA 18104 Mary Kate Turowski Andris 138 North 2nd St., Apt. 3B Philadelphia, PA 19106 From the Alumni House: Marcia Bachochin recently produced her and Catherine Bachochin’s version of A Christmas Carol at Saucon Valley High School. Sandra Nuss and Ryan Zellner were married on August 3, 1996. Since then, Ryan received his master’s degree in music education from the University of Connecticut. Just this August he was hired as the director of bands for Tunkhannock Area High School in Tunhannock, Pa. Sandra is a string teacher and orchestra director for the Wyalusing Area School District, Pa. They are living in Mishoppen, and enjoying being

back in Pa.

✒ 1995 Julie Moyer 902 Pritchard Place Newtown Square, PA 19073-3036 fax # (610) 861-3959 From the Alumni House: Edward Roach received a Master of Arts in public history in December 1997 from Indiana University of Pennsylvania, where he was a graduate assistant. Between January and September 1998 he returned to a position he held while getting his M.A. as county historian for the Adams County, Pennsylvania. In September, he joined the Peace Corps as an English teacher and is currently on track to be teaching English at a secondary school or university somewhere in Ukraine. So far, he is generally enjoying this “grand adventure.”

✺ 1994 • Reunion May 21-22 Ann Marie Schlottman Washington College 300 Washington Ave. Chestertown, MD 21620 From the Alumni House: Brenda Rundle was featured this fall in the Lehigh Valley Magazine for her work in founding the Tactus Music Institute in Pen Argyl, Pa. The conservatory is only two years old but has grown from 8 students at its beginning to more than 250 today. The 13member faculty teaches a variety of instruments, musical forms, music theory, and voice to the students which range in age from preschool to adults in their early 70s. Brenda has also begun a lecture/concert tour to promote music and share her experiences in reaching her goals. Stephanie Cisar Kerosetz has been appointed as corporate accountant/office manager for Rosenberger Companies, Ltd. Michelle H. LePoidevin is happy to announce that she is working successfully in her journalism major as a reporter, writer and editor for the Westfield Leader, a weekly newspaper in Westfield, N.J. She is responsible for features, school board coverage, and municipal stories. She is also responsible for editing press releases and writing headlines. She is happy to be doing something creative and finds it rewarding having her own byline. She is also the proud godmother of a baby girl, Amy Lyn, her cousin Lori’s daughter. She said that Amy Lyn is an absolute joy and recently started saying her first words. She works hard at trying to walk and is very determined and curious about everything 21

Class Notes around her. Soon, Michelle hopes to teach her how to write news articles! Well, maybe a few more years! Michelle says that she would love to hear from other alumni; you can e-mail her at

✒ 1993 Michelle M. Litzenberger 1866 Mansfield St. Hellertown, PA 18055 From Michelle: It was good to see a lot of you at McGillicuddy’s on the Friday before Homecoming. For those of you who didn’t attend you missed a great time! The place was packed with our classmates and other young alumni. I received a letter from Andrea Rummel a few months ago. She obtained her Master of Public Health degree in health management and policy from the University of Michigan in May 1996. She currently lives in Philadelphia and is employed by DeltaMerics, a substance-abuse treatment outcome research agency. She is a research associate working on a five year grant from SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services) to evaluate long-term outcomes of substance-abuse treatments. Andrea hopes that the results of her study will influence future national substance abuse policies. Andrea also gave me some information on a few of our classmates she keeps in touch with. Diane Tress works for Sanchez Computer Associates as an implementation specialist. Her job entails the configuring, installing, and client training of Sanchez’s banking software within banking institutions in the U.S. and overseas. Andrea also reports that Marianne Tracy-Lapp is a high school biology teacher and Jill Hughes Bush works part time for a hospital in addition to taking care of her two children. Kelly Berkelbach David is recently married and living in Florida. I also received a letter from Todd Zaninelli who was married to Ronni Valenz ’91 on October 10, 1997. He and Ronni have moved back to New Jersey from Richmond, Va., and are currently looking for a home in the Morris County area. They are both employed in the import/export business. Todd has the following report. “We attended the wedding of Rosemary Cucassi and Michael Pierce on October 24, 1998. Rosemary is a practicing lawyer and Michael is studying at Rutgers University. They are currently residing in Three Bridges, N.J. 22

Golf Is his Course for Life Ten years ago Kevin Edwards ’96 had a summer job working in the pro shop at Green Pond Country Club. He has since risen to head golf pro at Southmoore Golf Course in Bath, Pa. One year from PGA accreditation, Edwards is currently at Level 2 of the PGA apprenticeship program and is competing in local PGA events. In August Edwards won his first tournament at Paupack Hills Country Club, shooting a one under par 70. Then in October, he won a $1,000 skin in Southmoore’s first Pro-Am Invitational skins game. The Morning Call labels Edwards “an emerging star who’s been playing extremely well.” In July, Edwards qualified to compete in the Nike Tournament at Hershey. The Nike Tour is the qualifying tour for the PGA. The top 15 from this tour earn PGA tour cards. Playing on his birthday, Edwards said the best part of the weekend was “the ability to be playing with such up-and-coming big name players.” Edwards played golf at Moravian for Coach Makuvek and believes the experience helped prepare him for the competition he is seeing today. His most memorable tournament took place his sophomore year when he finished fifth at the MAC Championships. Moravian won the league title that year. Looking back at his years at Moravian, Edwards says that he loved the family atmosphere. “I can still go back to campus, even after being out for three years, and see people I know.” Edwards is active on campus, serving on the Golf Classic Committee and helping with the Moravian Invitational which takes place at Southmoore. Edwards would love the chance to play on the PGA tour. His friends at Moravian will be rooting for him all the way.

“Marty Marion has recently taken a new job with a cash flow management firm in Manhattan and lives in Keyport, N.J. “Pam Chalk ’91 works in Manhattan and has recently been promoted to assistant vice president of market research for Colgate/ Palmolive. She resides in Hoboken, N.J., and is often at her Long Beach Island shore house. “Jamie Rittenhouse ’90 and Joe Kopko ’91 were married in 1997 and are expecting their first child in December 1998. “Tina Sauter ’91 was married to Frank Gergor in 1996 and they had their first child., Emily Wade, in September 1998.”

Todd also reports that Rob Richmond ’91 purchased a stellar home in Caldwell, N.J. You can see a glimpse of the home in the film Ordinary People. Rob is doing very well in his private advertising firm, Commerial License. On October 23, 1998, David Walker ’91 proposed to Megan Dacey and the couple plan to marry in 1999. John Korn ’89 and his wife Jen are expecting their first child in early 1999. John and Jen currently live in Basking Ridge, N.J. John made his second appearance in the annual New York City marathon in 1998. Rob Light ’90 and Stephanie ’91 had

Class Notes their first child, Amanda McKenzie, in 1997. They are in the process of relocating to Charlotte, N.C. Todd closed his letter by asking for Mick Jackavage ’93 to get in touch with him or Marty Marion. Todd and Marty have been trying to locate Mick for several years and would like him to contact them. Thanks for your letters! From the Alumni House: Marty Marion scored a hole-in-one at the Rocco Calvo Golf Tournament on October 30th!

✒ 1992 John S. Nunnemacher 235 North Valley Street #136 Burbank, CA 91505 Michael Q. Roth 944 Renaldi Road Wind Gap, PA 18091 From John: Kate Lovett Dean recently wrote that she and her husband Jeff have a new baby boy, John Lovett Dean (Jack), born August 24. She also mentions that on August 15 she attended the wedding of Dave Turco and Liz Weaver. Christina Bitner, Gretchen Hochreiter, Carmella Solito Mattes, and Dana Mint-Danielson ’91 were in attendance as bridesmaids. Kate said it was a beautiful wedding and everyone had a blast. And everyone else, please drop me a line and let me know how you are doing! From the Alumni House: Karen Snyder recently married Gerald Richmond and continues to reside in Bethlehem.

✒ 1991 Melissa dePamphilis 8 Knoxbury Terrace Greenville, SC 29601 Christine A. Palermo Wallach 380 Mountain Road, Apt. 609 Union City, NJ 07087 From the Alumni House: Scott Shaffner’s parents have written a song titled “Shh! We’re Writing the Constitution.” The song teaches children about the United States Constitution. Craig Morse recently relocated from Berkley Heights, N.J., to New Providence, N.J. Jeff Hoke is the CEO of “FIT-Personnel Fitness and Training.” He is married and has a five-year-old daughter, Alexis.

✒ 1990 Jeannine O’Grady 4 Renault Drive Flanders, NJ 07836 From the Alumni House: Dawn Salaba Woods is in her final year at the University of Tennessee’s doctoral program. She will receive her doctorate in pharmacy. Lauren Lauderbaugh Allen is working as a public relations officer for PNC Bank and also working on her master’s in organization management at Misericordia College.

✺ 1989 • Reunion May 21-22 Amanda Westphal Radcliffe 68 Highpoint Drive Berwyn, PA 19312 From the Alumni House: Chris Damandl received a law degree from the London School of Economics and has been working for an international banking firm. He is currently in Brazil learning Portugese in preparation for a career in Latin America. Also, May 21-22, 1999, is the ten-year reunion weekend. Please plan on attending!

✒ 1988 Cris Santini 2900 Delk Rd. Marietta, GA 30067

✒ 1987 Lauren Kelly Lawn 1948 Stirling Drive Lansdale, PA 19446-5561 Edie Fuchs Lewis 216 Old Lancaster Road Devon, PA 19333 From Edie: We were not able to get to Homecoming this year, so I missed hearing all the “news.” Please write and let me know what is going on wherever you are. I got an email from Marc D. Thompson. He reports that he and his wife Nancy are the proud parents of Connor Adam, born October 10, 1998, in Harrisburg, Pa. Connor joins siblings Ashley Renae, 9, and Andrew Roman, 2. All the best to Marc and his family. I had the opportunity to meet with my old roommates. Bonnie Higgins Sullivan, Doreen Patterson Cunningham, Lauren Kelly Lawn, Michele Vitacco and I met in

New Hope. We had a great time catching up and were able to toast Michele’s recent engagement. She and Michael Purcell are planning a summer ’99 wedding. We look forward to celebrating with both of you! Michele also has a new job. She is the director of guidance at Father Judge High School. Please write in time for our next update! From the Alumni House: Bruce Spencer lives in Guam and is working as a financial operations manager.

✒ 1986 James and Lynda Farrell Swartz 153 Lilac Drive Allentown, PA 18104 From the Alumni House: Chris Gilbert was interviewed briefly on the NBC Today Show on September 14, 1998. He is chairperson of the Political Science Department at Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, Minn., has a statewide radio-TV talk show on current political issues, and is currently at work on his third book on the relationship of politics and religious organizations (a topic he first became interested in while taking the courses taught at Moravian by professors James Hilander and Steve Gordy). The Today Show interview focused on the September 15 Minnesota primary involving three sons of well-known fathers—Hubert Humphrey, Walter Mondale, and Orville Freeman. All three sons ran for the Democratic nomination for governor.

✒ 1985 Lynn Muschlitz LaBarre 651 Long Lane Road Walnutport, PA 18088 Paula Colizzo Lewinski 118 Springdale Lane Lansdale, PA 19446-3529 From Lynn: There have been babies appearing everywhere in our class. Dr. Harris Hoke and Kathleen Hanifan Hoke ’87 welcomed their daughter, Bridgett Hanifan, in June 1998. She joins her 5-year-old brother Harris at their home in Myrtle Beach, N.C. Peter and Wendy Talmont Lega are enjoying their daughter Julia, who arrived this year in May. I hear that little Julia sings as well as her parents did in the College choir. It was nice to see the three of them at Musikfest this past summer. Also with the Lega family at Muskifest were the Edmonds trio, Dr. David 23

Class Notes Hall of Fame Honorees

✒ 1982 Joanne Belletti Molle 618 Jamie Circle King of Prussia, PA 19406

✒ 1981 Tamera Boote Hatton 715 Pineview Lane North Wales, PA 19454

✒ 1980 Molly Donaldson Brown 1906 Wenner Street Allentown, PA 18103 Patrick J. Malloy 372 Central Park West, Apt. 3M New York, NY 10025-8203 From the Alumni House: Karl H. Butz received the Churchman Business School Alumni Award. The 1982-83 men’s soccer teams were honored at the 1998 Hall of Fame Banquet. The Greyhounds posted a 19-14-2 record over the two-year span, won the Middle Atlantic Conference Southwest League title in 1982 and 1983, the MAC Southern Championship in 1983, the MAC Championship in 1983 and the school’s first-ever NCAA Tournament appearance in 1982. Attending the Hall of Fame Banquet were head coach John Makuvek, Rob Ryan, Steve Milligan, Greg Witt, Mike Grigoruk, Matt Pirozzi, Tom Shields, Dan Bloom, Bryan Clelland and Bill Elston. Edmonds, Corinne, and 4-year-old Parker. When David isn’t working in his practice, he’s spending time in his flower gardens. This summer, he provided table decorations for the annual Moravian freshman welcome picnic. Dave really has a green thumb. Another classmate who welcomed a baby girl in August was Becky Scheiwe Bair. She and her husband Bret live in Leesport with their three other children. Not in our class, but close by is Steph Schweder-Kratzer ’87. She and Gene welcomed their first child, Ryan Patrick, in September. Steph will take some time off to be with her new son before returning to her job at Muhlenberg College (never heard of it) where she is the director of the Muhlenberg Fund. A wonderful surprise happened on my 13th (lucky) wedding anniversary—a visit from my pal Laura Prichard. She was on her way north to her home in Walden, N.Y., when she took the Lehigh Valley exit of the turnpike and came by for a visit. She had just visited a client near Philadelphia and still enjoys traveling for her advertising job. Laura enjoys living in the country but still having the big city nearby for work. She’s looking forward to getaways to the family cabin in New Hampshire. Thanks so much for stopping by! 24

Halloween Homecoming drew very few classmates. Maureen Herman Leaswitch of Walnutport (practically a neighbor) was there to search for friends. Maureen is busy with her three boys who just completed a winning football season for Northampton. Now it’s on to basketball. Also, back for the day was Bob Henshaw and his wife Phyllis, daughter Jamie, and toddler son Brian. Both Bob and his wife work at Harrah’s Casino in Atlantic City, N.J. Let’s go—road trip! Just think about it—next year at this time we will be planning our 15th reunion. Mark your calendars now for the reunion at the end of May 2000. See you soon.

✺ 1984 • Reunion May 21-22 Janet Gomes Feakes 18 Hamilton Ave. Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922

✒ 1983 Dawn Bullaro-Stawiarski 26 Fox Chase Drive Blackwood, NJ 08012

✺ 1979 • Reunion May 21-22 C. Jayne Merlo Bray 322 West Street Bethlehem, PA 18018 From the Alumni House: Rev. John Jackman will become vice president and director of production for a new television production company, Comenius Productions. Candy Barr Heimbach recently joined the law firm of Marshall, Dennehey, Warner, Coleman & Goggin in Bethlehem. She will concentrate on defending against medical malpractice and dental malpractice actions.

✒ 1978 Robin Tobman Lubin 5129 Chevy Chase Parkway Washington, DC 20008-2920

✒ 1977 Vince Pantalone 48 Half St. Hershey, PA 17033 From Vince: Kathy Ozzard Chism sent me an e-mail about her recent move to California and her new partnership with John Chism. We wish Kathy a world of happiness. By the tone of her letter it sounds as though she couldn’t be happier. Kathy and John live in Santa Rosa, where Kathy continues her work in massage therapy at the Kenwood Spa. We will bring further news of the Chisms when they return

Class Notes from their euphoric cloud! Before Kathy left for the West, she received an e-mail from Jody Gast Ruff. She and her husband Brian are the proud parents of Brian, 12, and Bobby, 3. It does not say so in the message but last I heard the Ruffs were living in Charleston, S.C. It sounds as though they are doing well. I had occasion to have lunch with Mark Fisher ’74 last summer. Mark is a math teacher in Delaware and is getting involved in a new business. It was great to see Mark and realize that he has not lost any of the enthusiasm he had when he played for the Hounds. George Garland and I spoke last summer. George and his wife Anita live just north of Queens, in Port Washington. George keeps himself busy managing two tennis clubs in Queens—and that’s good! For we all know what happens when George is not busy. Last spring George had a chance to go to a Knicks game with Dave Corrigan, Gregg McNelis, and Tom Ortwein. I don’t know how the game turned out, but I’ll bet they had a blast! On a sad note, we mourn the loss of Walter “Doug” Adams, who passed away in October. To his wife, Kathy Kichline Adams and their son, we offer our condolences and God’s peace. Please let me know how you are doing. You can e-mail me during the school year using this address: From the Alumni House: John Morganelli was recently elected vice president of the Pennsylvania District Attorneys Association. Richard LeVan recently left the Air Force and is now teaching elementary school in Redlands, California.

✒ 1976 K. Dale Zusi Scolnick 55 Dyckman Place Basking Ridge, NJ 07920-1413

✒ 1975 Carol Brown Dibley 21 Chandler Road Chatham, NJ 07928-1803 Rev. John Zoppi P.O. Box H Hunker, PA 15639

✺ 1974 • Reunion May 21-22 Otto and Susan Lenius Dreydoppel 117 North Main Street Nazareth, PA 18064

From the Alumni House: Linda Shay Gardner, an international custody specialist, recently aided a client in retrieving his daughter who had been kidnapped by her mother. The girl’s mother had taken her overseas.

✒ 1973 Dennis Jones 614 Crestline Avenue Bethlehem, PA 18015-4204 Priscilla Barres Schueck 703 West Goepp Street Bethlehem, PA 18018

Constance M. Sokalsky One North Second Street Harrisburg, PA 17102 From the Alumni House: Glenn Heintzelman moved to Grand Rapids, Wis. to serve the Kellner and Saratoga Moravian congregations in August 1998.

✒ 1970 Denise Maday Greiner 309 High Street Catasauqua, PA 18032-1428 Kenneth T. Small 216 Owego Street Candor, NY 13743

✒ 1972 Beverly Papps Skeffington 25910 Stuckey Avenue S.W. Vashon, WA 98070

From the Alumni House: Jeffrey C. Miller recently moved to Chattanooga, Tenn.

Not much news from the class of 1972. I need to hear from you, dear classmates. Make a resolution to keep in touch. I attended a Liturgical Harp Conference last summer at the Retreat Center in Sinsinnawa Mound, Wis. If you ever get a chance to experience this Dominican house, don’t pass it up. The Center has nothing around it but farmland—so pretty. It’s located across the river from Dubuque. While I was at the conference, Saul Finkle ’73 and his wife Stephanie visited here on Vashon Island. Remember, when in the Seattle area, hop the ferry and come visit.

✒ 1971 John Madison 5749 Blue Grass Tail Coopersburg, PA 18036-1835 Homecoming was get-together time for Patricia Nemesh Schoenen ’70 and Sunny Modjadidi ’73 and his wife Cami. Photo: Gregory M. Fota ’69. 25

Class Notes

✺ 1969 • Reunion May 21-22 Wayne Beaver 15848 North Tenth Street Phoenix, AZ 85022-3143 Grab your hat and pack your coat, leave your worries on the doorstep. Classmates, get ready for our, can you believe it, 30th reunion. It is not too soon to start making plans for the weekend of May 21-22. There will be a multitude of spectacular activities and we can reminisce about those sixties. News from Stephen Haupert finds him in the upper Lycoming Valley, Pennsylvania, in an “old rambling Victorian farmhouse.” He and his wife Phoebe co-direct the Cornerstone Community Center, a Christian recreational outreach program for youth and families in this lower-income area. Stephen continues to serve as a pastor near Athens. Their daughter Rosanna is studying hard and enjoying kindergarten. Sorry about the delay of getting this to press, Stephen. Yours truly studied at the National Defense University in Washington, D.C., this past summer. Let it be known that our president, Dr. Rokke, has left a proud and enduring legacy at that great historical military instituiton. Comments after others heard I was a graduate of Moravian College once again buttressed my pride in our school.

✒ 1968 George Berger 107 Mohawk Drive Johnston, PA 15905 Jill Stefko 734 Second Avenue Bethlehem, PA 18018 From the Alumni House: Jill Stefko conducted Halloween walking tours in Bethlehem this past fall. She relates the history of the city and tells stories of several ghosts present today in Bethlehem. J. Michael Dowd was recently appointed to the newly-created position of executive vice-president for the Children’s Home of Easton. He will work to increase private funds and expand services and projects offered by the home.

✒ 1967 Marisue Brugler Easterly R.D. Box 3109 Saylorsburg, PA 18017 From the Alumni House: Darlene F. Refsnider Borst has been named a Commonwealth Partnership 26

Teaching Fellow as a result of developing an integrated, hands-on, student-centered curriculum along with three other Moravian Academy teachers.

✒ 1966 Fay Iudicello 1659 Kirby Rd. McLean, VA 22101 Fax: 703-827-0431 David Berg 624 Juniper Hills Ct. Arnold, MD 21401 From David: Our class’s triple-threat sportswriter, Alan Wildblood, e-mailed three pages from Germany chronicling his work and life since graduation and engaging me with various religious, historical and personal tidbits. After serving as a translator for the U.S. Navy, Berlin Brigade, for 13 years (a position that prevented his attending his father-inlaw’s funeral in Krakow), Alan assumed a position as translator and subtitler for Titelbild, Berlin. There he works for HapagLloyd, Schering AG, and Motorola, Berlin, often translating in the fields of medicine, vocational training and urban development. Alan’s wife Maria works in anesthesiology and intensive care at Spandau Hospital and has recently published an article on her success in treating a “hopeless” case with homeopathic methods. Their daughter Wenonah, 11, recently appeared in a German TV series, Onkel Doc. Writing from Yorba Linda, Calif., the birthplace of Richard Nixon, Gene Taviani informed me that he serves as the western regional sales manager of federal sales for Network Associates. It’s a company that provides security and network management software for local and wide area networks worldwide. He and his wife (formerly Kathy Merlo of Easton) are proud of their four children. Two daughters are at Cal State Fullerton, one daughter at East Stroudsburg in Pennsylvania, and a married son is living in Sacramento and working at the Oracle Corporation. Some time ago, Gene called upon his experience as one of Moravian’s thespians when he was invited to play the lead role in a musical on Pontius Pilate. The drama depicted how Pilate moved from an authoritative Roman tribune to a weakened and disillusioned man who sensed in his heart of hearts the enormity of the Crucifixion and the direct part he played in its tragic and, in

his way of thinking, predestined fulfillment. Our classmate’s performance caused tears to be shed in the aisles and he now refers to himself as “Elvis of the Bible Belt.” Occasionally Gene gets to Bethlehem for Musikfest. He talks periodically with Pete Dunbar, a vice president for Summit Bank in Bethlehem, and Jeffrey Zeiner ’65, who owns an acting school in New York City. Dr. David Goldberg phoned from Dayton, Ohio, where he serves as administrator of Grandview Hospital, a 420-bed facility that specializes in treating substance-abuse patients. David and Heide recently celebrated 30 years of marriage. One of their two daughters is a nurse at Grandview Hospital. Judy Share Yaphe continues as a senior research professor at the Institute for National Strategic Studies/National Defense University in Washington, D.C., where she worked with President Rokke before he took on leadership of Moravian. She reports that she has been publishing articles in her areas of “unfortunate” specialization—Iraq, Islamic activism, and Middle Eastern terrorism. Her son Andrew is a graduate student at the University of Chicago. Another son, Josh, is studying music at the Conservatory at the University of Cincinatti. She laments that “they grew up too fast.” Woody Grossman, who holds his M.B.A. from Wharton Business School, has been working with Price Waterhouse since 1968. Now he is a partner with Price Waterhouse Coopers in Dallas, Tex., and chairs the Health Care Speciality Practice for Accounting and Consulting Services in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. His wife Beth also is a partner at PWC. They have three children. James McMahan lives in Zionsville and has been employed almost 25 years by Air Products and Chemicals in Allentown. There he serves as chief international counsel, spending most of his time in China, Singapore, and Malaysia. (He has traveled to Asia twelve times in the past 14 months!) Jim and his wife Alma have three sons, 28, 25, and 22, and a three year-old grandson who lives in Tifton, Ga., with his parents. Jim reports that he tries to attend as many MoMo football games as his busy schedule permits. Finally, in spite of Alan Wildblood’s tongue-in-cheek warning about dating a woman I met in church (“they look innocent but can turn out to be quite wicked”), I plan to be married next year to Jayne Novak, a pretty blonde nurse who first caught my eye and then stole my heart. I couldn’t be happier.

Class Notes From the Alumni House: Peter T. Dunbar was elected board president for Lehigh Valley Child Care, Inc., a private, nonprofit corporation providing child care services to children and their families.

✒ 1965 William Horwath 22300 Maplewood Drive Southfield, MI 48034 Ted Bowman sends his greetings, “Across thirty years and several states.” After having spent his life answering to other people, Ted now works for himself in Saint Paul, Minn., as an independent trainer, consultant and educator specializing in grief and loss. At the invitation of Cruse Bereavement Care, an organization that tends mourners throughout the United Kingdom, he spent some time in Northern Ireland, just before the recent peace accords were signed. Ted wrote about his impressions of “the Troubles” for the Saint Paul Pioneer Press. I recommend you get a copy for yourself. It is good reading.

✺ 1964 • Reunion May 21-22

✒ 1960

Judith Morecz Simpson 2532 Hepplewhite Drive York, PA 17404-1216

Jane Ziegenfus Hamill 237 Thorn Street Swickley, PA 15143

✒ 1963

✺ 1959 • Reunion May 21-22

Bill Leicht 16819 N. 59th Place Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Fax: 602-493-1949

Kathy Werst Detwiler 1383 North Allen Street State College, PA 16803

✒ 1962 Emma Demuth Williams Box 221 Newfoundland, PA 18445 Merr Trumbore 1040 Ebenezer Church Road Rising Sun, MD 21911

✒ 1961 Sandra Kromer Long 9 Driftwood Drive Somerset, NJ 08873-1717

Golfing buddies Jeff Potts, Sam Grauer, Earl Zeiner ’57, and coach John Makuvek pause for a moment during the Rocco Calvo Tournament. Photo: Gregory M. Fota ’69.

✒ 1958 F. Jarrett (“Dee”) DeJulio (Bennie Bennett) P.O. Box 607 Dover, NJ 07802-0607

✒ 1957 Pearl Stein 1900 Frontage Road #1306 Cherry Hill, NJ 08034-2216 From Pearl: It is with sadness that I report the passing of a special member of our class, Philip Wellington, husband of Diane Yaeck Wellington, father of Kristen, class of ’80, and Meg. Philip died suddenly and unexpectedly at his home on May 22, 1998. Phil and Diane kept close ties to Moravian. They attended sporting events, reunions, and celebrations regularly. They shared special milestones with good friends, Skip and Shirley Fegely, Jerry and Ben Potter, and Ron and Dee Savacool. Diane and Phil were more like family than just friends. Our sympathy to Diane, to her daughters, and grandchildren, family, and friends. We will miss Phil. Dr. Myron Genel of Yale University Medical School represented our class of 1957 at the inauguration of Moravian College’s new president, Dr. Erwin Rokke. Earl Zeiner received the Medallion of Merit at the Reunion Luncheon. He and his wife were riding “in style” in the parade of bands and class groups. Earl continues to devote his time and energy to Moravian. Another generous class member is Carl Ackerman. He serves in so many capacities, assisting with the details that help make the weekend activities run smoothly. I always enjoy seeing him and his lovely wife. This year is a good one for returning to your college roots. The Peter Hall windows will be re-dedicated in the spring of 1999. I had the chance to speak to Dr. Isidore Mihalakis ’58 while parading around the 27

Class Notes shipped at Central Moravian Church along with Nancy Zeleski Frantz, and who should be in the next pew but Helen Desh Woodbridge ’54! (Nancy and Helen are members of Central Moravian.) After the service, Nancy invited us for lunch. We all enjoyed a lovely lunch and fellowship. Before we left we stopped by to say hello to Pearl Frantz ’22. Barbara Cump Schmoyer, Joan Landrock Schlegel, Rose Mandic Donchez, Nancy Zeleski Frantz, and I enjoyed having lunch at Jean Elizabeth’s Lavender Lace Victorian Tea Room in Emmaus where we love to go. Everything is homemade including the mints, which are hand-decorated, along with the sugar cubes, also hand-decorated. August is an unbelievably busy month in Bethlehem with its Joan Landrock Schlegel and Helen Varady Keyser, both of the Class of Musikfest, which is a ’55, display their new class plaque in the stairwell of Peter Hall on nine-day, multi-cultural Photo: George Baker ’72. Founder’s Day 1998. festival. John and I like to campus. Izzy’s daughters were cheering him attend the vespers concerts at Central in the crowd watching the procession. Moravian Church where we heard the Joining the ranks of retired classmates are Laurentian String Quartet, which was Cornelia Schlotter, previously employed by excellent. We sat in the same pew with Temple University Hospital, and Catina Helen Desh Woodbridge, Beverly Bell, and Bando Ridgeway, employed as a teacher for Anne Enright. John and I also heard the the State of New Jersey. famous Bach Choir of Bethlehem and the I hope to see you at the Alumni Weekend Bach Festival Orchestra perform at the new in May. Zoellner Arts Center at Lehigh University Send me a note with some news. Everyduring Musikfest. What an excellent perforone enjoys reading about the Class of ’57. (I mance! Musikfest brings people from everymay have some news about myself, too!) where. We had the Prekmurke Varasanci, a singing and instrumental group from Slovenia, perform at Volksplatz. This was quite interesting for me since my mother was Robert Gray born in Austria-Hungary, part of which 3190 Pheasant Drive became Yugoslavia, and now Slovenia. And Northampton, PA 18067-9768 two of the girl singers are neighbors of my two cousins in Slovenia. What a small world! The group also gave a concert at St. John’s Windish Lutheran Church where Helen Varady Keyser John and I worship, and at St. Joseph’s 2038 Kenmerer Street Roman Catholic Church where Rosi and Bethlehem, PA 18018 Francis are members. I always enjoy being down on Church Helen Desh Woodbridge invited Nancy Street. This past summer John and I worand me for lunch. We had a wonderful

✒ 1956 ✒ 1955


afternoon. Helen plays on a beautiful Steinway baby grand piano and has a great collection of clocks. The clock coffee table was most fascinating to me. Joan, Barbara, Nancy, Rosie, and I were able to squeeze in two more lunch-gettogethers before Nancy left for Florida. We celebrated my birthday at the Aspen Inn and we lunched at the Depot, which is the former Jersey Central train station in Bethlehem converted into a restaurant. John and I enjoyed the Grape Festival at the Hungarian Reformed Church where we also worship. The Grape festival is a MagyarSlavic tradition. They decorate with grapes that are ready for pressing for wine and fall foliage. The food served is indigenous to the areas from which people come. Here we met Mary Pongracz and her friend Lillian Horvath, who attended night classes at Moravian from 1961 to 1963. It was good to see Shirley Beck Dutt, whom I met at our Valley Farm Market this past fall. We were in different checkout lines, so we did not have a chance to talk much. John and I met Helen Desh Woodbridge at a spaghetti dinner sponsored by the Southside Ministries at the Cathedral Church of the Nativity. The Southside Ministries serves residents with food and other services. Our favorite organist, Mary Pongracz, played at St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic Church where John was part of the men’s choir that sang for our Veteran’s Day observance. Francis Donchez was the reader for the service. I wish you all a healthy and happy New Year! From the Alumni House: Llewellyn Thomas retired from Mt. Morris in 1996. He and his wife are experiencing the empty-nest syndrome with three grown children. Their seasonal cabin has become their retirement home.

✺ 1954 • Reunion May 21-22 Helen Desh Woodbridge 3574 Browning Lane Bethlehem, PA 18018 The photo of eleven smiling classmates at our 40th reunion five years ago is before me as I write this column now, six months before our 45th reunion on May 21-22, 1999. To get the ball rolling, I’ve contacted several classmates about this event. They and hopefully you have circled these dates on the calendar. Some of you may have already been contacted by Lois Lutz Geehr, Pat Nebinger, or Dottie Ruyak. I have been

Class Notes encouraged by their interest and by Jan Byram Cook’s note in response to my reminder. Does anyone have news about Nan Schmoyer Kressley, Judy Goldstein Pavelich, Jane Culp Shakespeare, Nan Dexheimer, or Betty Horn, who are all pictured in our yearbook? Does anyone know about Maria Juno, not pictured in our yearbook, but whose name is among those engraved on our class plaque that hangs where it did forty-four years ago on the wall near the Chapel, a familiar place of meditation for us. Though used largely for music performances now, Peter Hall reminds us of the past with its uncovered and restored stained glass through which the sunlight illuminates the beauty of the panels and the newly-installed organ. Shirley Beck Dutt, Marian Wagner, and Bev Bell may have already contacted several secretarials. Who can offer news about others: Marian Buchman Schwoyer, Elizabeth Ann Class George, Angie Donchez Quinn, Mary Jane Evans Hankee, Mary Louise Kilpatrick Kohl, Carol Lambert Hauck, Jeanette Morossy, Jean Black Minarik, Patricia Parth Johnson, Elda Polentes, Katherine Snyder, and Jackie Torpey LeVan? Who can add to our knowledge of Peggy Czipoth DeCamp, Jackie Kirkhuff Doster, Peg Harte Figlear, Joanne Porvaznik Gallagher, Ann Lieberman McCann, Lois Neustein Krassner, Gina Viglione Penzarella, Barbara Grube Richards, Nancy McKeever Shuffelbottom, and Jackie Heller Swingle, who are included in the class list from the Alumni Office? Jo Pongracz Falco Kohls ’56 and her husband, recently married, were among those at the table with Cas and me at the recent Comenius Dinner in Johnston Hall. She and Chuck had been nearby neighbors for many years since we moved here eleven years ago. Pat Krolik Nebinger was looking forward to a AAA Disneyland trip and cruise to Nassau in late November with her 4-year-old grandson, daughter Lori, and her husband. It’s neither her first cruise nor her last; she is planning a Caribbean cruise next year. This past September she concluded her four month weekend job with Lehigh County at its only one-room schoolhouse, Claussville. Seeing where and how early Pennsylvania youngsters learned is of interest to the young as well as the adults. One Saturday in August I went to Claussville School with Pat and two other visitors. For the first time I saw and paged through a McGruffy Reader, one of the many old books on the shelves. This was of special interest to me because Pat and

I began our teaching years in the same elementary school. After years of teaching she became a school librarian, before her job at the Allentown Hospital. When I was a freshman at Moravian my “big sister” was Fran Webber Horton ’52. Recently I received a phone call from her. Thinking I was a docent at the Kremerer Museum with its current quilt exhibit, of interest to her and some friends, she learned I am a docent at the Moravian Museum. The next day they saw the quilt exhibit and had time left to view the current exhibit room, Bethlehem’s Early History, at the Moravian Museum. There is no charge for these exhibits. We had little time to chat as other visitors arrived for a house tour; we did speak of her sister Nancy, who attended our 40th reunion five years ago. Here’s hoping that in the next six months more classmates will be talking about our reunion. For those who can’t make it, why not share some news about yourself when a classmate contacts you.

✒ 1953 Charlie Hasenecz 3940 Washington St. Bethlehem, PA 18020 Marilyn Nuss Landon 1510 Taylor Avenue Ft. Washington, MD 20744-2911 E. Allen Schultz 931 San Carlos Avenue, N.E. St. Petersburg, FL 33702 From the Alumni House: Rev. Robert F. Engelbrecht is serving as interim pastor at Grace Moravian Church in Center Valley, Pa.

✒ 1952 Gloria Abel Parkhill P.O. Box 214 Stockertown, PA 18083

From Carol: Lois Shafer Smith and Dick competed again in the Virginia Senior Olympics at Williamsburg last May. Lois competed in swimming and Dick in the three-man basketball. Both qualified for the National Senior Olympics in Orlando. Incidentally, two of Dick’s teammates are a vital 78 years old! Wonderful! Lois had to have a hernia repaired in July at the Bethesda Naval Hospital. There she noticed a circular gallery of windows immediately above the operating table and learned that she was in the Presidential Operating Room. The observation windows allowed the Secret Service to keep watch any time a president undergoes surgery. This was where President Clinton had his ankle surgery done. June Shafer Scholl and Harold have moved from their home of 42 years to a single story condo. I sympathize with their ordeal after having left our house of some 30 years—not just the memories but the accumulation of stuff that must be disposed of. I wish them happiness in their new home. June and Harold visited Lois en route to their time-share week in Williamsburg in September. In June, Debbie Irwin Fleagle enjoyed a wonderful trip to Turkey with many memorable stops. It was nice to meet Jane Kincaid Missimer and Sam at a pre-game alumni gathering the weekend of the LehighPrinceton game. Sam and my husband Randy are Lehigh classmates. Randy and I drove to Pittsfield, Mass., for my nephew’s wedding in October. It was a beautiful occasion and a grand family reunion as my son, son-in-law, daughters, and nephews were all in attendance from San Francisco, Columbus, and Chicago. It is all too seldom that we see them all at once. As I write, the leaves are falling, and there is a chill in the air. I wish all my classmates a warm, healthy, winter.

From the Alumni House: Otto Dreydoppel Sr. retired as a chaplain at Allentown State Hospital and is now pastor at Morongo Moravian Church.

✒ 1950

✒ 1951

From the Alumni House: Barbara Ginter visited Pennsylvania this summer for two weeks. She is living in Florida. Marvin Henkelmann is enjoying his grandchildren, ages 1 and 4. Bill Matz is actively retired.

Andy Jasso 35 W. Greenwich Street Bethlehem, PA 18018-2439 Carol Beuchner McMullen 613 Cliff Street Ho-Ho-Kus, NJ 07423

Bob Scholl P.O. Box 5083 Bethlehem, PA 18015


Class Notes

Golden Reunion Marks a Sterling Achievement Moravian’s mace, with its elegant patina of age, is so fitting a symbol of institutional authority that it is hard to believe the College didn’t always have it. In fact, although its components are old, it has existed in its present form for just fifty years. A chance reading of an article in a 1948 Morning Call newspaper gave Robert Frick, class of 1949, the idea of creating a mace for Moravian College. Reminiscing recently, Bob remarked that he was a student at Convocation when he noticed Professor Harvey Gillespie shuffling his program papers. “It occurred to me that he would be less nervous with something to hold,” said Frick. “The article mentioned a Mr. Cuttin of Allentown who had crafted a magnificent mace for Bates College in Maine, so I called him.” When Frick approached Cuttin about making a mace for Moravian, he was highly amused and refused to take any payment for the project. Bob enlisted the Rev. Sam Zeller to go with him to Nazareth Hall, the first home of the College, where they found a cherry baluster in the attic to form the shaft of the mace. In the simplicity of its shaft, the College’s mace harks back to the beginnings of this traditional symbol, which was originally a simple staff carried by a herald as a mark of his authority to represent his ruler or his city. Cuttin topped the baluster with a head fashioned from an engraved silverplate goblet Frick inherited from his Wilbur family relatives. He cleverly transformed the “W” into an “M” for Moravian and added decorative pinecone and acorn finials along with silver oak leaves. College Marshall Dr. Alan Herr first carried the mace in October 1949 when Frick and seven classmates graduated. Recognizing the need for a mace came naturally to Bob Frick, who grew up steeped in Lehigh Valley history. Related to such pioneers of industrial history as Asa Packer, Robert Sayre, and Robert Linderman, Bob bought his first antique, a glass celery boat, at the age of eight. His career in museum management took him to the Mark Twain House in Connecticut, Boscobel in New York’s Hudson Valley, and Kenmore House, the home of George Washington’s sister Betty, in Fredericksburg, Va. He worked for the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission as chief of historic sites and properties. Bob came to Moravian after serving in the Coast Guard during World War II. One special memory he has is of a ceremony where everyone stood in a circle around the excavation for Johnston Hall. Bill Lantz ’51 remembers that it was raining so hard the band’s drum heads got soaked and no sound was produced when they played. In honor of Bob’s 50th class reunion in 1999 the mace is being refurbished and will be on display during Alumni Weekend, May 21-22.


✒ Men of the ’40s Charles W. Eichman 1280 Wymewood Drive Bethlehem, PA 18017-3553

✺ 1949 • Reunion May 21-22 Faye Werley Jurden Oak Lane Manor 1113 Parkside Drive Wilmington, DE 19803 Thomas E. Keim 422 East Locust Street Bethlehem, PA 18018 William H. Woods 3032 Coplay Lane Whitehall, PA 18052 From Tom: By this time you have been contacted by the reunion committee and many of you have indicated that you will be in Bethlehem for our 50th class reunion on May 21 and 22, 1999. If you have not been contacted, please call me or the Alumni Office at the College for an update. The committee met in January 1998 and finalized plans for Alumni Weekend. Since this is our 50th reunion, the Friday night barbecue and Saturday breakfast and luncheon will be free for our class members. The dinner on Saturday evening will be at our expense. I hope everyone will be able to attend all the festivities. Please give consideration to a reunion gift as indicated in the letter you received from Bob Frick and myself. The gift will be credited as a class gift as well as a gift from each individual. Bob Johnson and I met at the 50th wedding anniversary celebration of a mutual friend. He is planning on attending Alumni day. From Bill: Dick Frey reports that he and his wife Delphine now have four great-grandchildren. His great-granddaughter Jamie Frey, who played basketball at Bethlehem Catholic High School, has been accepted at Pace University on a full scholarship. Walt Kessler is enjoying his days working for AARP in its Senior Employment Program. He has ten grandchildren and one great-grandchild. He hopes to see fellow forty-niners at the 50th. From the Alumni House: Erwin Boettcher is keeping busy with golf (shooting in the 80s), driving cars for an auto auction, home maintenance (he replaced a garage roof with the help of his son-

Class Notes in-law), and church work at Reading Moravian.

✒ 1948 Marion Schmidt Heacock 407 East Fairview Street Bethlehem, PA 18018 From the Alumni House: Percy Henkelman is enjoying retirement. He visited Bethlehem three times and Wisconsin once this year. “Some days I don’t set my alarm,” he says.

✒ 1947 June Urffer Moyer 27012 Aldeano Drive Mission Viejo, CA 92691 Ruth Zehner Pope wrote between trips. The first was a fabulous twenty-two day trip by boat on the rivers and lakes of Russia from Moscow to St. Petersburg and then by bus to Tallinn, Estonia, Helinski, Finland. She was preparing for another trip of twentytwo days by bus through Turkey. Ruth says this is the year for travel. They will finish restoring their farmhouse when they retire from traveling. In early spring the Popes motored through southwest France. Home long enough to do laundry and check the mail and then off to Ireland and Wales. They planned to end 1998 on a cruise around South America beginning at Santiago, Chile, going around the Horn and up to Buenos Aires, Argentina. A Holland bulb cruise is scheduled for April 1999. Ruth’s broken arm has healed; it is stiff but as long as she has another arm to carry luggage she’ll travel. Later the Popes will discover Upper Bucks County and the quaint customs and culture. Barbara Schlegel Miller’s husband Kenny had a stent inserted in a blocked artery. He did so well that they could enjoy a week on a paddlewheeler up the Columbia River from Portland and the Snake River to Idaho. They also traveled by car down the Oregon coast and saw the Rose Parade in Portland. The Millers made the decision to move to the “Highlands” of Wyomissing, a life-care facility, so they put their home up for sale. They hoped to move before the beginning of 1999. Betty Riegel Mesner writes that Barbara and Ken Miller visited them during the summer. Both Betty and Bill have had eye surgery and everything was successful. Their grandson and daughter-in-law vacationed with them. Betty is active doing arthritic exercises at the YMCA, involved in art classes and busy with church affairs. Bill

teaches two computer classes for senior citizens and volunteers at a food bank as well as engaging in his many church activities. In April a tornado hit their city but they were spared. Jean Zehner Lombardi enjoys following Moravian’s sports program. She clips the articles to send to her son Robb, who also went to Moravian. He lives in New York and her older son Paul lives in Vermont and works for Birks in Montreal. Reen Iredell Cutler and Bill were leaving for Scandinavia and Russia. They spent two weeks in Colorado Springs to see their daughter and their great-granddaughter. “In June, Bill took the whole family (21 of us) on a week-long Carribean Cruise. This was the first time we had all been together, ranging from 77 to 1 year of age.” It was so much fun they all would like to go again next year. Kitty Nies Geiger is active in volunteering at Lehigh Valley Hospital, plays bridge, and enjoys social functions with friends. She is still maintaining her home and intends to stay as long as possible. Bob and I enjoyed a month in the late summer at our Pennsylvania cabin. We love both coasts and all of our friends. I guess we have the best of both worlds. We’re grateful we can travel and fill our days with volunteering and helping others wherever we can. Girls, we have to keep moving and using our minds. Keeps us young. Thank you everyone who responded to my card. I appreciate it. Have a good winter.

✒ 1946 Martha Meixell Danner (Sec. ’46) 10 Lynnbrook Drive Lambertville, NJ 08530-3007 Ada Zellner Flower 834 Hilltop Road Oyster Bay, NY 11771 From Ada: At our 50th reunion in ’96 some us said, “Let’s do it again in three years.” Moravian reunion weekend will be May 21-22, 1999. It’s on my calendar. Come if you can. Marian Emig Hoffman has spent more than a year in Fairlands, Ark., now in her own condo. She is constantly exhilarated by her experience there: ice fishing, travelling, volunteering, etc. At the museum of the University of Fairlands she came across a chest of arctic items which had been assembled by Florence Fritt Drebert’s father years ago! Ann Rosenau Smythe and Bill traveled in a leisurely fashion south and west last

winter to visit son David in San Diego. They stopped often along the way enjoying the warm weather, blossoming plants, and beach walks that were a contrast to wintry Red Feather Lakes. The high point of Barbara Shepherd’s trip west in May was a grand reunion with Ann Rootmeyer. Ed and Bobby say Ann is as beautiful as ever. Barbara’s next card (in June) was from Italy where she was exploring medieval cities, learning history, and “eating killer meals.” Ileen and David Birnbaum were gracious hosts in August to Frank and me. They squired us through two great days at Musikfest in Bethlehem. I especially enjoyed the concert by four young celloists in Foy Hall on Moravian’s South Campus. We also walked through the Payne Gallery in our old gym. The past summer was tough for Martha Meixell Danner whose beloved Bob died suddenly in July. Martha, to you from all of us, I extend our sympathy. Phyllis Clark’s dear friend has been experiencing ill health and then a freak storm on Labor Day blew a large tree onto the house causing extensive damage. Let me know if you can get to Bethlehem in May.

✒ 1945 Jane S. Ebelhare 805 Buckeye Street Fort Collins, Colorado 80524 Right after I sent in my fall column, I received a super letter from Jackie Haas Bauder. She had just returned from the trip to Germany which followed her 75th surprise birthday party, so she couldn’t get this news to me any sooner. But believe me, Jackie had some pretty exciting and happy experiences this past summer. On the morning of the party, Jackie had been drenched while shopping, but when her daughter, Connie, and her husband arrived to take her to “lunch and shopping,” she didn’t suspect anything and went along dressed in slacks and a T-shirt with “frizzy hair from the rain.” They told her they were stopping by the church to pick up something for Wendy, Jackie’s other daughter, but of course she was greeted by 150 family and guests. Wendy brought a dress for her, but the shoes were forgotten, so Jackie held court in a nice silk dress accessorized with “bare footed surf and turf sandals.” She was overwhelmed by the tributes and the Memory Book with all the photos and cards and with the extreme creativity of her family in arranging it all.


Class Notes Jackie and her two granddaughters, Tiffani and Courtney, left Newark on June 17 and landed at Frankfurt the next day. They travelled to Bad Windsheim on the train, which apparently was a bit of a challenge but not insurmontable. They stayed at the Pastorious House, which is a place for students of German from the U.S.A. run by American teachers of German. The town was built on a circle and dates from 731. After a long train ride the next day, they arrived in Herrnhut, which Jackie says is a “must for all Moravians.” They walked and shopped, and then a friend from Niesky came and drove them to some nearby Zinzendorf places. That night they had dinner in a little café in Singstude and visited with another friend, who just happened to know a man named Samson Thangpa from Kalatsie, India, who also spent time at the Seminary in Bethlehem and became a friend of Jackie’s. She really gets around, doesn’t she? They saw many “wonderful museums, cathedrals, and town clocks” in places such as Dresden, Rothenberg, Nuremberg, and Munich before returning to Frankfurt and home. After this adventure in June, Jackie has returned to her normal activties. She is an elder and still sings in the choir, does some needlework, visits shut-ins, reads, and travels frequently to see her children, and grandchildren. I was thrilled to receive a letter from Bunny Aierstock Moore. After 44 years in their home in Short Hills, N.J., she and Bob moved into a “villa” in Maplewood, N.J., last August. It is part of a beautiful 35-acre facility and sounds absolutely wonderful. They still go to their Bermuda home often and enjoy the activities and many friends that they have made there. Their daughter Patty and two grandchildren live very close to their new home. Another daughter, Peggy, is a law partner in Georgetown, and son Rob and his family, which includes four grandsons, live in Fredericksburg, Va. It seems as though the Moore household is a busy one. Eleanor Beidelman Kline has survived the super-hot summer that Texas experienced this year, but now she says the rain won’t stop. This won’t dissuade her from going to Orange, Tex., with a group of friends. They plan to visit a museum and an old Presbyterian church, but the highlight seems to be the winery there. Watch those free samples, girl. In November, Eleanor’s sister and her husband are to visit her, and they plan to do some sightseeing, including the Bush Library at Texas A&M in College Station, Tex.


Remember that I mentioned last time that Dorothy Stump Lied was doing watercolors of snapshots which she took in Switzerland last year? Well, two of those won prizes at the Ephrata Fair, a first and a third prize. Then her three needlework entries won two first places and a second place. Although her baking entries “only won second, third, and fourth,” they were quite edible. After the fair, Dorothy flew into a frenzy of fall house cleaning, but by the time I’m writing this she should be on her cruise on the Mississippi Queen. She and a friend were to fly to Memphis, take the boat to Cinicinnati, and fly home from there. They have a stateroom with a veranda (sounds like a song title). Her granddaughter is continuing her study of the cello at Carnegie Mellon University, and Dorothy hopes to visit her soon. All this from someone who claims there’s not much happening with her. The amazing Ellie Gift Kistler had completed all of her Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas cards before she wrote and had them ready to mail. These were each handmade. Ellie says that she makes them only for family, but, then, she and Kermit have a rather large family. She babysits her four-month-old grandson, the youngest member of the family, two to three

days a week, and he is a very welcome house guest. Both Ellie and Kermit are staying well and busy. I’m suggesting to Ellen Peters McGinnis and her husband, Ralph, that they adopt “On the Road Again” as their own special theme song. The 26th Peters Family Reunion in Deep Creek, Md., went off very well. A total of 39 attended, and they rented a whole bed and breakfast and four condos at the resort for the week. A good time was had by all. They drove out to western Illinois in September for the planned meeting with four of Ralph’s Army buddies, having stopped to visit friends in Indiana and the Lincoln restored village in New Salem, Ill. Then they zipped up to Stillwater, Minn., to have dinner at the Matterhorn restaurant at the Lowell Inn. Ralph had been very impressed with it 23 years ago and apparently it was just as wonderful as he had remembered, with only a “slight” increase in cost. Thanksgiving and Ellen’s 75th birthday were to be celebrated in Seattle with two of Ralph’s children and two of Ellen’s, accompanied by their families. Then it was off to California in early December to meet the first great grandchild, due on November 5. There was another gala in Maui, Hawaii, the first week of January, 1999, to remind Ellen

Charles Mazza ’38 and Paul Clay ’36 pose with Amos the Greyhound at the Juniata game on September 19, 1998. Photo: Bertie F. Knisely ’69.

Class Notes of the 75th. This time it was with Ellen’s three sons, two daughters-in-law, and one grandson. Ho hum, they do lead a boring life. Janet Moyer Paulus’s grandchildren include four teenagers with very specific schedules of their own which, as she says, makes it almost impossible to get everyone together at the same time for their usual family gatherings. However, she and Jackie Haas Bauder were planning a day in Bethlehem on October 30 for their M-M (Mini-Moravian) group. She didn’t say who was going to chaperone them. Janet and Dick had their annual luncheon with Marie Fehr Goodyear and her husband, Jack, in Quakertown and as usual had a great time. Andy and I have gone in search of the ghost towns of Colorado and Wyoming this fall. It’s truly interesting to see what’s left of these towns of the late 1800s and the early 1900s, why they were built, and why they died. Of special interest were two sites (one in Wyoming and one in Colorado) where thousands of Japanese Americans were interned during World War II. Several weeks ago we visited Yellowstone National Park and the Little Big Horn Battlefield, both of which are so interesting. Of course I was as fascinated with the wildlife as I was with the spectacular beauty and natural wonders of the park and the history of the battlefield. We will soon have to think about packing for the annual trek to Florida. The Winter Equestrian Festival starts on January 27, 1999 and runs through March. We will have to be there at least ten days prior to the first show. I will let you know our address and phone number when it is available.

✺ 1944 • Reunion May 21-22 Jane Shrier 6447 Overbrook Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19151

✒ 1943 Margaret L. Albright 129 North 11th Street Allentown, PA 18102 June Bright Reese 22 East Washington Avenue Bethlehem, PA 18018 From Margaret: I was expecting to hear from some of you about how you spent the summer. Maybe you are planning a special winter vacation. If so, please let me hear from you. Condolences to Betty Mae Desh Johnson; her mother died on March 17.

Also, condolences to the family of Mildred Zollinger Bereuter who died August 25 in Kirkland Village, Bethlehem. Betty Birk Nowicki ’42 very kindly gave me news of Louise Everett Harrison who lives in Santa Cruz, Calif., just ten minutes away from Betty’s son. Louise has just stopped teaching piano after retiring from a postion with an engineering firm. Louise’s current project is a total re-landscaping of the grounds around her home. Louise has two daughters who also live in California. From June: At our usual fall mini-reunion Betty Adams Roach announced the exciting news that our class gave the largest annual gift during 1998. Betty was invited to the Moravian College Leadership Conference on September 19, when she accepted two awards. One was on behalf of her class, for the annual gift, and the other for herself as Outstanding Reunion Class Chair. Our luncheon was arranged by Joyce Gilbert Lukehart. Bertie Knisely, alumni director, congratulated Betty and the class for their participation in the 55th-year reunion at Alumni Weekend. Bertie also announced that Founder’s Day will be held on May 21, at which time the stained glass windows in Peter Hall will be dedicated. Peggy Mason Marcks spoke enthusiastically about her sixth summer at Yellowstone Park. She returned home earlier than usual to assist her daughter who had surgery. Frances Correll Hablett had a great summer with her grandchildren at the lake in Vermont. Maxine (“Mackey”) Sortwell Kerrigan had a hip replacement June 18. She spent the summer doing physical therapy and exercises but is now looking forward to a Thanksgiving cruise to the southern Caribbean with Fran, daughter Deb, and friend Sue. Margaret Terr Willey reports that she has had a great year. Her daughter Eileen had her first child, a girl, Lorraine, on October 21. Margaret and husband Ed spent a lovely week on the Outer Banks with son Tom’s inlaws from London. Nancy Reichard Kichline enjoys work with the Garden Club and her church. Marion McCall Bray spent the summer helping her sister and continues to do dog- and cat-sitting. Nancy and Marion’s names were inadvertently omitted as attendees at the 1998 reunion. Some news from the reunion 1998 survey: Nancy Harper Dannies writes that she and husband Bob have retired to Madison, Wis., where they are involved in the building of a new library. Their four children and seven grandchildren visit them in Madison and also at their home in Sedona, Ariz.

Mary Luch Annett reports that they have lived in Cincinnatti for 44 years. She and her husband have three married sons and six grandchildren. She plays golf and enjoys bridge and travelling. Janet Outten Amos and husband Richard have enjoyed living in the Salemtowne Retirement Community since 1971. They have kept their ties with Moravian College and Moravian Theological Seminary. Grace Schaner Schuchardt and husband Lee have spent the last eleven years in retirement in Sanford, N.C. They have three sons and seven grandchildren who keep them busy traveling north. Grace and Lee enjoy golf, duplicate bridge, reading and vacationing at the beach with their family. Bill and I celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary in Marco Island where we spend the winter. Our family gave us a surprise party there. We would enjoy hearing from the other members of the class!

✒ 1942 Mary Kuehl Concevitch 1036 Center Street Bethlehem, PA 18018

✒ 1941 Ruth Hemmerly Kelly 30 West Market Street Bethlehem, PA 18018

✒ 1940 Anna Borhek Manning 2913 Anderson Drive Raleigh, NC 27608-1507

✺ 1939 • Reunion May 21-22 Arlington A. Nagle, M.D. 855 N. Park Road, Apt 201 Reading, PA 19610 Alice Synder Wilson 10 Hillside Place Crawford, NJ 07016 From Arlie: Mark your calendars for May 22nd for our 60th reunion. The Alumni Office will seat us together for the luncheon, and will reserve a room for us in the Haupert Union. From Alice: Beth Michel Persons called me to inquire about Millie Diefenderfer Ladner Thompson’s phone number. Beth chatted with me about her family including eleven grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Beth is living alone since her husband Cyril 33

Class Notes died in April 1997 at the age of 85. Her family is urging her to move closer to some of them. Betty McCall Evans has been going through a rough time. She has been suffering from a compression fracture in her back. Cary is living in a nursing home since he had a leg amputated. Their son Jeff came home to take care of Betty. We surely hope that Betty will have a full recovery in time to attend our 60th reunion May 21 and 22. I hope that all of you thirtyniners will make a special effort to attend. Moravian will be sending you a complete schedule of those two days. The Alumni Office is assigning each reunion class a meeting room and a student guide. A new reunion feature for us will be a parade before lunch on Saturday. I have asked for the use of the school bus for us to ride in the parade. The request has been granted. We will not need all of the seats so we invite anyone who has difficulty walking to share the bus with us. I’ll see you in our meeting room Saturday morning in plenty of time for the parade.

❤ Engagements

✒ 1938

Eric West to Maraquita Marsteller, October 24, 1998. Patricia A. Marans to Timothy H. Wolfe, October 24, 1998.

Evalyn Adams Hawk Shimer Manor 306 Ohio Avenue Philipsburg, NJ 08865 From the Alumni House: Charles Mazza, Moravian’s first AllAmerican, visited with Paul “Peanut” Clay at the Juniata game on September 19. Charles is currently living in Naples, Fla., with his wife Shirley.

✒ 1937 Bertha Finkelstein Cohen 2800 South Ocean Boulevard, Apt. 9A Boca Raton, FL 33452

1998 Stacey Gyecsek to Scott Polgar.

1995 Kelly Dudas to U.S. Coast Guard Officer Mike Hauschen, July 1999.

1993 Dr. Marc A. Sabo to Dr. Denise Richardson. Betty Snyder to Michael Terry, August 14, 1999.

❦ Marriages 1997 Kathleen Stiely to Judson Frank ’94, July 2, 1998. Jayme Schulter to Travis Lehman, October 10, 1998.


Harold E. Orvis 421 East Drake Road Ft. Collins, CO 80525-1731

✒ 1935 Wilma Kistler Uhrich 300 Willow Valley Lakes Dr. Apt. A319 Willow Street, PA 17584

1988 To Deborah Cavacini Buggy and Kenneth John, a daughter, Haley, November 16, 1997.

1986 To Robin Pflugler Kanefsky and Mitchell, a daughter, Rachel Allison, July 15, 1998.

1983 To Kenneth and Bridget Dempsey, a boy, Riley Roland, September 26, 1998.

1980 To Ernie and Cheryl Symanski, a boy, Louis Theodore, November 3, 1997.


❀ Deaths

1991 Garen Danyi to Michele Beth Turdo, July 18, 1998. John Moran to Brenda Parrilla, November 7, 1998.

1990 Andrea Fuller to Michael Giedosh, July 25, 1998.

1978 Michael A. Potts, September 11, 1998.

1977 W. Douglas Adams, October 14, 1998.

1968 Stephen Marcincin, August 18, 1998.

1958 William J. Rupp Jr., October 26, 1998.



Philip Wellington, May 24, 1998. Philip E. Donatelli, November 2, 1998.

Gary A. Cook to Marci M. Schneider, September 19, 1998.


1983 1981

James B. Moyer, August 17, 1998.

1948 Richard W. Kresge, July 26, 1998.

Kris Renee Dragotta to Gordon Yearly, October 24, 1998.




Grace Theresa Brown, July 20, 1998.

Kathy Ozzard to John Connor Chism, September 13, 1998.

Mildred D. Bereuter, August 25, 1998.

❣ Births

Charles Brown, June 23, 1998.


Jeanne Matheson, August 15, 1998.

To Heather Thorne LaCombe and Jason, a daughter, Katelyn Marie, August 18, 1998.


1991 To John and Mafalda Callahan, a boy. 34

To Karen Haux-Baney, a daughter, Anne Colette Baney, October 14, 1998. To Karen Pless Samson and Reuben, twin girls, Rachel and Danielle, August 20, 1998. To Lauren Lauderbaugh Allen and Dave, a daughter, Paige Elizabeth, October 1, 1998.

Amy E. Sweigart to Ernest N. Willson, November 29, 1998.

Ken Dempsey to Bridget Handy, May 2, 1998.

✒ 1936


1940 1939

Murice Clifford Talley, July 25, 1998.

“We think education is the salvation of the world.” International relations and the humanities have long been an interest, if not a passion, for Bernie and Berte Cohen. Through their generosity and foresight, Moravian College has enjoyed fourteen years of outstanding speakers and lecturers as part of the Cohen Arts and Lectures Series. The series has brought to campus a diverse and internationally known group of speakers and performers, including author Kurt Vonnegut, former President Jimmy Carter, scientist Carl Sagan, and the Tokyo Symphony Orchestra. The Cohens’ primary concern and goal is to bring world issues to the attention of the College’s students, faculty, and staff as well as to the local community. Berte has commented, “Our primary philanthropic goal has always been education. We think education is the salvation of the world.” Ticket sale proceeds from the Cohen Arts and Lectures Series also further the educational mission of the College. These funds are used to provide scholarship assistance to Moravian students. Moravian College is grateful to Bernie and Berte Cohen for their devotion to our students, faculty, staff and community. Berte Finkelstein Cohen ’37.

Photo: Stephen Barth.

For more information about how you can provide scholarship funds to Moravian students, contact Lisa Dippre Titus Director of Major & Planned Gifts Moravian College 1200 Main Street Bethlehem, PA 18018 610-861-1342 Toll-free 1-800-429-9437 Fax 610-861-3983 E-mail 35

It’s a Family Consensus

Conrad ’87 and Amanda Westphal Radcliffe ’89 are proud to support Moravian. They believe in the Moravian experience and invest in the future of the institution by supporting the Annual Fund. The Annual Fund provides essential support for technological and physical facilities, academic programs, and crucial financial aid for current students. Join the Radcliffe family in supporting the Moravian Annual Fund.

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