Moravian College Magazine Spring 1998

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Inaugural Celebrations

The president enjoyed lively conversations at the Friday dinner-dance, above left, with Herman Collier and Charles J. Peischl, and above right, with Douglas W. Caldwell and Priscilla Payne Hurd.

Bob and Pat Schoenen, inaugural co-chairs, do the honors at the Friday dinner-dance.

Erv and Pam Rokke share a quiet dance on Friday Photos: Stephen Barth evening.

Pam Rokke cuts the inaugural cake at the Saturday gala.

James Gold ’98 and Bertie Knisely, director of alumni relations, get into the swing on Friday.

Erv Rokke conducts the Alumni Band in the Air Force Song at the gala.

Moravian College Magazine Staff Editor Susan Overath Woolley Assistant editor Judith K. Mehl Sports editor Mark J. Fleming Class Notes assistant Lisa G. Hahn

Alumni Relations Staff Director Assistant director

Bertha Francis Knisely ’69



Mary Kate Turowski Andris ’96

The Moravian College Magazine is published three times a year for the information and pleasure of Moravian College and Moravian Theological Seminary alumni, faculty, staff, students, parents, and friends. Readers are cordially invited to submit articles and opinion essays to be considered for publication in the Magazine. Submissions should be typed, double-spaced. Criteria for acceptance include timeliness, relevance to the life and interests of Moravian College and its community, and excellence of writing. Letters to the editor about issues discussed in the Magazine are welcome. Any reader who has access to electronic mail may send letters to the Magazine through that medium. Susan Woolley’s Internet address is woolley@ or Judith Mehl’s Internet address is mejkm01@ U.S. Mail will get to the editors, too! Anyone who wishes to contact the Alumni Office may do so at (610) 861-1366, by fax at (610) 861-3945, or via the Internet at Deadlines for submitting articles and for sending news to class correspondents are: Fall issue: June 15 Winter issue: October 15 Spring issue: February 15 All accepted articles, class correspondence, and letters to the editor will be subject to editing.

Table of Contents

Around Campus


Raising Constitutional Consciousness


A Celebration to Enjoy, a Weekend to Remember


A Heritage to Celebrate, a Future to Define


“Engender Excellence, and People Will Come”


Greyhound Sports


Alumni Association News


Class Notes


Copyright © 1998 by Moravian College. Photographs and artwork copyright by their respective creators or by Moravian College. All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be reused or republished in any form without express written permission.

Moravian College, in compliance with federal and state laws and regulations governing affirmative action and non-discrimination, does not discriminate in the recruitment, admission, and employment of students, faculty, and staff in the operation of any of its educational programs and activities as defined by law. Accordingly, nothing in this publication should be viewed as directly or indirectly expressing any limitation, specification, or discrimination as to race, religion, color, or national origin; or to handicap, age, sex, sexual orientation, or status as a disabled or Vietnam era veteran except as required by law. Inquiries concerning this policy may be directed to Mr. F. Robert Huth Jr., Senior Vice President for Administration, Moravian College, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 18018, (610) 861-1360.

Volume 47, No. 2 Moravian College Magazine Spring 1998 Cover photo

Rob Upton/Stephen Barth Photography 3

Around Campus Chinese Dancers Enchant Foy Audience

The Zhongmei Dance Company, a New York-based troupe whose work seeks to bridge the dance cultures of the East and West, brought the motifs of traditional Chinese dance, combined with Western elements, to Foy Concert Hall on February 3. The performance used ribbons, mists, fans, sounding gongs, and the “tap dance” sound of a thousand soldiers marching in unison to create illusion and magic for its audience. A highlight of the concert was the world premier of A Ghost Story, a dance performance set to the music of jazz great Wynton Marsalis. Other dance numbers were Flying Apsaras, Four Soldiers, Behind the Imperial Palace, and Beijing Opera Dance. The Zhongmei Dance Company, which features local and visiting artists, was founded in 1992 by artistic director Zhongmei Li. The group’s work has been described by the New York Times as “stunning for its virtuosity.” During the group’s performances dancers fly through the air, ghost soldiers protect imperial tombs, and standard characters from Chinese opera crazily mix it up with Qing Dynasty characters. Kenneth Yee ’87 and his company Regional Network Communications helped make the concert possible. Other sponsors included the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, Comfort Suites, the Chinese American Music Educators Association, the Lehigh Valley Association of Independent Colleges, IMPACT (the Moravian College student activities association), and the Ballet Guild of the Lehigh Valley. Photo: John Palcewski ’86.

Phonathon Success Story An extraordinary effort by 40 student callers resulted in gifts and pledges of $267,531 for the 1997-98 Annual Fund. This year’s phonathon raised $100,000 more than last year and saw a 30% increase in donors. Almost 9,000 4

alumni, parents, and friends were contacted during the 10 weeks of calling. Robert Huth, senior vice president for administration, commented “These student callers are not only raising important funds for Moravian, they are keeping alumni connected to everything happening on campus today.”

College Receives Funds Generous alumni of Moravian’s music and computer science programs met the matching-gift challenge of the Presser Foundation of Bryn Mawr, which provides funds to support music education. The foundation’s $25,000 grant combined with these private gifts will provide electronic equipment and computer software packages for use in music education, composition, and performance for the Music Department’s Teaching Systems Development Project. The grant also makes possible faculty training for this two-year project, beginning this summer. The grant will allow the faculty to implement technology in recruitment, especially at college fairs and in-school presentations, improve the recording capabilities to monitor student teachers, and develop Honors projects and special programs in music technology. Thanks to the steadfast support of the Charlotte W. Newcombe Foundation, Moravian has awarded $13,000 in scholarships to nontraditional women students this year. An additional award of $3,000, matched by gifts from alumni and friends of the College, will augment the existing Newcombe Endowment, providing scholarships in perpetuity. Purchase and installation of multimedia equipment for Dana Lecture Hall in Collier Hall of Science was supported by a grant of $30,000 from the George I. Alden Trust, supplemented by more than $21,000 donated by Moravian’s Class of 1971. The computer-based data management center, which was installed late this winter, enables the faculty to control all equipment from the lectern.

College Names Athletics Director Richard M. Dull, director of athletics at the University of Nebraska at Kearney, a NCAA Division II institution, was named the school’s first fulltime athletics director this spring. Dull has over 25 years of managerial, legal, and public relations experience, including fundraising, advertising, executive sales, and athletic administration. “The Search Committee and the Athletics Department of the College are extremely happy that Richard Dull has

accepted the athletics director position,” said Dawn Ketterman Benner, chair of the search committee. “Mr. Dull’s proven leadership, excellent qualifications and his commitment to a philosophy that advocates both academic and athletic achievement will allow Moravian to continue to grow as a first class operation.” Dull, a native of Gettysburg, graduated from the University of Maryland at College Park with a B.A. in political science in 1967. He also earned his J.D. from the University of Maryland School of Law in 1971.

Conference Unites Many on Diversity John Reynolds, professor of political science, successfully directed the 6th annual “Promise of the Rainbow” conference, held at Moravian on March 2 and 3. The conference, sponsored by Just Born, Inc. First Union Bank, and Moravian College, brought together 425 people, including 350 students from area high schools, to examine issues of cultural, ethnic, and racial diversity.

Promotions and Changes F. Robert Huth Jr., vice president for administration, was named senior vice president for administration in January. President Ervin J. Rokke said, “In the time since I’ve been at Moravian, Bob has informally functioned as a senior vice president for administrative affairs of both institutions and his new title reflects that reality.” Anne Reid, formerly financial analyst, was promoted to treasurer in January. She has been at Moravian for over four years and has worked extensively with the budgets, endowments, and investments of both the College and Seminary. In a restructuring of institutional responsibilities in February, Deborah Evans was named director of constituent relations. She will work with the president, members of the president’s staff, and the advancement staff to enhance the president’s presence in the external community. Evans will also promote and enhance the image, role, and influence of the president through presidential functions and campus activities.

History Program Added The Lehigh Valley Association of Independent Colleges (LVAIC) has organized a cooperative program for evening students who wish to major in history, bringing to twelve the number of majors offered through Moravian’s Division of Continuing Studies.

New National Fraternity Chapter Colonized Sigma Phi Epsilon, a leader in the national fraternity world, now joins Delta Tau Delta national fraternity and Sigma Phi Omega and Omicron Gamma Omega local fraternities as part of the Interfraternity Council. Sigma Phi Epsilon is a national fraternity that does not utilize a traditional “pledge program” for new members. Rather, the fraternity has adopted the “Balanced Man” educational program that challenges members to grow and develop over all the years of their affiliation. The “Balanced Man,” the aim of the fraternity, represents the man who values scholarship, leadership, community service, and good citizenship. In February two representatives from Sigma Phi Epsilon national headquarters were on campus to disseminate information and to conduct interviews with prospective members. A core group of twenty men who met the academic and other criteria established by the fraternity was identified. These men began recruiting additional men to fully establish the group, and to participate in service, campus, and social activities.

President Appoints Assistant Michael R. Seidl was named assistant to the president in February. He has worked at the National Defense University in Washington, D.C., and at U.S. embassies or consulates in Paris, Moscow, Ghana, and Hong Kong. His diplomatic initiatives will continue in his work for President Ervin J. Rokke, whom he served from 1994 to 1996 as special assistant at the National Defense University, and at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow from 1987 to 1989. His duties will include work with the

Board of Trustees and with the staff leadership, and will involve preparing President Rokke thoroughly and effectively for all his events and activities. “He expects me to be active and mobile throughout the College and Seminary and to become aware and supportive of important issues and concerns of faculty, staff and students,” Seidl said. His focus in the past was not only in developing relationships with foreign countries in upheaval but also in assessing and establishing systems, processes, and communications for efficient operations. His focus will not be so different at Moravian. He is particularly looking forward to working in the academic environment. “The liberal arts education of undergraduate students has incalculable value to individuals, society, and culture,” he said. “I view that process with reverence.” “I sense a lot of cooperation here,” he added. “One of the things that has impressed me the most in the first couple of days here is the congeniality of people. It is pronounced; it’s very, very special.”

Story Named Chair of Regional Council of the College Board Bernard J. Story, dean of admission and financial aid, was elected chair of the Middle States Regional Council of the College Board this winter. The council represents individuals and institutions in Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and Puerto Rico.

SAA Jumps for Healthy Cause In conjunction with the American Heart Association, the Student Alumni Association held a jumpathon to raise money for education kits for local elementary schools. With a disc jockey and refreshments in Johnston Hall, students and alumni jump-roped to raise money for kits that will educate children about the human heart. Heather Wickmann ’00, community service chair for the student organization, reported that over $700 was raised in the effort.


Social Greeks Serve the Community The roster reads like a list of Who’s Who of Community Causes. Instead it’s an accomplishment list of social fraternities and sororities. “People don’t think the social greeks do service, yet they actually do quite a bit,” said April Vari, associate dean of students. She explained, “There is sometimes a misperception that the word ‘social’ in reference to fraternities and sororities means ‘party,’ but, in fact, the real meaning is more broad—growing and developing as a mature person in the context of organizational and interpersonal relationships. Part of this meaning includes the opportunity to expand your own personal skills and perspectives by accomplishing good for others.” Those accomplishments this year alone include raising thousands of dollars for worthy causes, volunteering hundreds of hours of assistance to community organizations, supporting campus-wide events, and educating students and faculty and staff members on health issues. The service fraternity, Alpha Phi Omega, and sorority, Gamma Sigma Sigma, donated numerous hours in commitment to community causes such as the Miller Memorial Blood Center, the Boys and Girls Club of Bethlehem, the American Red Cross, the Bethlehem Food Bank, Camp Hope, Habitat for Humanity, and the American Cancer Society, in addition to participating in campus activities like pouring 6,000 candles for Christmas Vespers. But the social greeks racked up countless hours and dollars for worthy causes also. Zeta Tau Alpha, formerly Alpha Epsilon Pi, donated funds to the Susan B. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, distributed information for breast cancer prevention, and held clothing and food drives for Turning Point, the shelter that helps battered women and children. Alpha Sigma Tau, formerly Phi Mu Epsilon, raised money for Pine Mountain Settlement School, a nonprofit educational environment for difficult youngsters, and for Camelot House, a local home for underprivileged children, where they also hosted parties. 6

Sigma Theta Chi supported the Multiple Sclerosis Society and the Muscular Distrophy Association through walks and candy sales, and held a coat drive and parties for the Boys and Girls Club of Allentown. The S. June Smith Center for mentally handicapped children and the Special Olympics shared the philanthropy efforts of Alpha Sigma Alpha. The sorority visited both groups and raised funds to assist with their activities. The sorority also assisted the Holy Trinity Lutheran Church unloading food for the food bank, caroling at the Blough Nursing Home in Bethlehem, and conducting a clothing drive for Turning Point and the Salvation Army. Delta Tau Delta also unloaded and transported food for the church’s food bank, and tutored Liberty High School students throughout the year as part of their “Adopt a School” program. Omicron Gamma Omega has been active with the Special Olympics, donated money to the Bethlehem Fraternal Order of Police, and held a haunted house and have organized an Easter egg hunt for the Boys and Girls Club of Bethlehem. The brothers of Sigma Phi Omega worked with the Association for the Blind and helped raise $7,000 during Casino Night and $15,000 during the Art Auction. Additionally, they helped in a local retirement home. On campus, the women of all four social sororities participated with the AIDS Quilt display by taking shifts guarding the quilt and participating in the opening and closing ceremonies. Delta Tau Delta volunteered as ushers and tray-bearers at Christmas Vespers. Participants report that the community organizations are very appreciative of the services provided. “The students’ attitude is positive and they like to see Moravian involved. The more involved we are, the better reputation we have. Even though we’re a small school we’re very active in community work,” said Kimberly Munnerley ’00.

Campus Faces The sunny countenance of Joyce Hinnefeld contrasts with the deeply troubled feminine characters that appear in her written work. Joyce won the 1997 Bakeless Nason Prize for fiction sponsored by the Bread Loaf Writer’s Conference of Middlebury College. Her collection of short fiction, Tell Me Everything, will be published this summer. Moravian’s newest professor of English, Joyce began writing fiction seriously as a college student, publishing the earliest piece in her collection, “Speaking in Tongues,” in 1988. The collection includes a diverse range of writing styles and topics dealing with the sometimes despondent, sometimes distraught, sometimes hopeful yet ever-changing lives of women. “I see my characters as women who feel blocked or stuck with the older women breaking free,” she said. In addition to writing her feminist and avant-garde stories, Joyce teaches poetry and creative writing courses and directs the campus Writing Center. “The students in my creative writing class engaged me,” she said; “they made me very appreciative of the Moravian student. They are articulate and enthusiastic with a free mix of interests.” Joyce plans a Business and Community Writing course for the fall with a service/learning component. As part of the class she would like to place students with valley nonprofit agencies that could use help in producing written materials. “It will be a service to the community while it benefits the students,” said Joyce.

Raising Constitutional Consciousness By Rosalind Remer When Chau Chu, a Moravian College Division of Continuing Studies student and a Vietnamese immigrant, took his naturalization exam in April 1997, the examiner asked him when the United States Constitution was written. Chu, who was taking my course in United States history at the time, answered confidently, “1787.” “Wrong!” the examiner claimed; “it was 1776.” Chu did not choose to challenge this since he knew he had correctly answered enough other questions to pass the exam, but he certainly was puzzled. “I think the Constitution is important to all Americans,” he said later. “They should take time out to read and study it. If the people do not understand and know what to do they could end up with a government that does not truly represent them.” Wayne Barefoot, another DCS student and one of my advisees, is a manufacturing company executive from Easton. He immigrated from Canada with his family in 1982 and said that he “would never again take [his] basic rights for granted” after losing the right to vote until he became an American citizen in 1991. He wanted to be politically active in his adopted nation and community and found that full participation is only granted to citizens. Chu and Barefoot aired their views at a press conference last September at which the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia released the results of its poll of Americans’ knowledge of their Constitution. The poll, commissioned by the National Constitution Center as part of its 1997 Constitution Week activities and programs, showed that ninety-one percent of Americans believe that the United States Constitution is important to them in their daily lives and eighty-four percent believe that to work as intended, our system of government depends on active and informed citizens. Clearly, Americans are not as cynical as they’re often made out to be. Good news, right? Maybe the old saw that “the road to hell is paved with good intentions” is a bit too strong, but let’s take a closer look at the poll results: more than half of Americans do not know the number of senators and a third do not know how many branches of government there are. Eighty-four percent are not sure what the difference is between the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. And many of those who feel that an informed citizenry is key to our nation’s success also believe that you have to be a lawyer to understand the Constitution, seeming to throw up their hands in the face of the document’s complexity. Maybe it’s not so important to be able to name every right guaranteed by the First Amendment. Maybe it’s not critical that everyone understand the workings of our gridlocked branches of government. But the questions the NCC chose to ask on the poll were, in many cases, the very ones asked on the tests administered to men and women who seek naturalization

Rosalind Remer, Wayne Barefoot, and Chau Chu get ready to sign a copy Photo: Stephen Barth. of the original version of the U.S. Constitution.

as citizens of the United States. So, it seemed only fair to see what folks born into citizenship know and don’t know. Chu and Barefoot provided concrete examples of the contrast between individuals born into different cultures and political systems who combine a keen interest in American history with their new responsibilities as informed American citizens and native-born citizens who take their rights and responsibilities for granted. In 1988 Congress passed an act that provided for the establishment of “a National center for the United States Constitution” to be built “within the Independence National Historical Park in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.” In the wake of the 1987 bicentennial celebrations of the Constitution, it was clear that unless some effort were made to keep the Constitution front and center in our collective consciousness, we would have to wait for another big anniversary to trot this document back out for national review and consideration. This option seemed irresponsible at best, and dangerous at worst.


And so the National Constitution Center, formed as a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization, began efforts to fulfill its two-part mission: to foster a greater understanding of the Constitution through educational programs and activities; and to establish a center that will disseminate information about the Constitution through exhibitry and programming. This is why I have been involved since 1995 with the National Constitution Center, one of the most exciting new educational museum ventures in the country. I was initially consulted as a historian and as a Moravian faculty member to give advice on developing ties to the academic community in general and constitutional scholars specifically, and to help build the intellectual foundations for the center’s programs and exhibits. The opportunity to influence the direction of the museum’s interpretation was one I couldn’t pass up. Maybe more compelling, however, was the fact that in shaping the interpretive mission of the Constitution Center, I could “teach” a million visitors a year. At Moravian I teach the story of the U. S. Constitution to almost two hundred students every year; I would need several lifetimes as a history professor before I could find such a large audience! In July 1997 I officially went on loan to NCC, with Moravian College graciously agreeing to share my time for two years. I teach a reduced number of classes in the History Department at Moravian, while in my NCC role as director of programs and planning, I work on both sides of the organization’s mission, planning ongoing programs and educational initiatives and helping to lay the groundwork for the Constitution Center museum. One of the most visible parts of my job is the production of educational materials for the NCC’s trademark “I Signed the Constitution” events. At these events, held last September at more than 450 sites in all 50 states, about 250,000 people placed their signatures on a parchment Constitution, right next to those of the Founders. They were held at shopping malls, national parks, schools, convalescent homes, libraries, or any number of other kinds of locations. One signing in Florida took place under water! For 1998, the programming takes on a global perspective. Educational materials will focus on comparative constitutionalism. For the first time ever, Americans will get to view a constitutional convention at work: the Hungarian convention was videotaped and clips from those previously unreleased tapes will be available on NCC’s Web site. I worked with a team of Web designers and scholars to launch NCC’s new World Wide Web site, housed at the University of Pennsylvania’s Law School, in September. And here’s something for the record books when it comes to the question of cynicism: in the first two and half weeks, the Web site——got over 200,000 hits from people all around the world: school kids, teachers, academics, journalists, Constitution buffs of all shapes and sizes. The site also included a quiz contest, with questions much like the poll questions, in which a history teacher from a high school in California won a trip to the 1998 Welcome America Fourth of July Celebration in Philadelphia. (She seemed a bit baffled to receive a phone call from NCC saying that she had won a trip 8

for four to Philadelphia—clearly she had taken the quiz with no thought of winning in mind—or perhaps she just knew what W. C. Fields, that great Philadelphian, had to say about his home town!) She was one of the handful out of hundreds of contestants who answered all of the questions correctly and could therefore be entered into the random drawing. The Center also acquired the Warren E. Burger repository of lesson plans on the Constitution and I am in the process of making these available for downloading from the web site. Teachers anywhere in the world will have free access to over 800 lesson plans for all levels of study, on all sorts of constitutional topics. Here it seems there is an opportunity for Moravian primary and secondary education students to ply their trade: I plan to develop a program for our students to work with these materials and help develop new lesson plans, both for their own students and for classes throughout the world through NCC’s web site.

Philadelphia mayor Edward Rendell signs the Constitution at the kickoff for the National Constitution Center. Photo: courtesy of the National Constitution Center.

The second part of NCC’s mission and congressional mandate is to plan and build a museum—the first ever—devoted to the Constitution. It will be built just north of Independence Hall and will feature exhibits and activities designed for an expected one million visitors a year. Visitors will explore the most prominent ideas of the nation’s founding documents as they have shaped the past and affected the present. Through interactive exhibitry, the Constitution will come to life as a dynamic force that guarantees political liberty only as long as Americans accept their part in writing the next chapter of its history. And more and more, the project of constitutionalism has become an international one, as emerging democracies struggle through many of the same challenges that late 18thcentury Americans experienced. The excitement of these concepts was revealed by the work of an extraordinary group of scholars who met in 1996 to build the interpretive framework for the Center. I organized this

Rosalind Remer is associate professor of history at Moravian. She is currently on partial leave to serve as director of programs and planning at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia.

★ Take the Constitution Quiz ★ The chance to win a trip to Philadelphia is over, but how would you have done? 1. How many times has the U.S. Constitution been amended? a. 10, b. 13, c. 27, d. 31 2. The Constitution was signed __ years after the Declaration of Independence was written. a. 1, b. 2, c. 7, d. 11 3. How many amendments are part of what we call the Bill of Rights? a. 2, b. 10, c. 15, d. 20 4. Which branch of Congress has the power to impeach government officials? a. House, b. Senate 5. You must be a United States citizen to be protected by the U.S. Constitution. True or False. 6. Members of the President’s cabinet must be approved by the House of Representatives. True or False. 7. “There can be no question that our Constitution has proved lasting because of its simplicity. It is a cornerstone and not a complete building . . . it is a root, not a perfect vine.” Who said it? a. George Washington, b. Thomas Jefferson, c. Theodore Roosevelt, d. Woodrow Wilson 8. If a Senate vote ends in a tie, whose vote breaks the tie? a. Vice President, b. Senate Majority Leader, c. Speaker of the House 9. There is no mention of slavery in the Bill of Rights ratified in 1791. Which Constitutional amendment did abolish slavery? a. I, b. X, c. XIII, d. XXIII 10. Which branch of government commands the military? a. Legislative, b. Executive, c. Judicial 11. Which state did not attend the Constitutional Convention? a. Rhode Island, b. Virginia, c. New York, d. Georgia 12. The Fifth Amendment protects us from double jeopardy, which means a person can’t be tried twice for the same offense. What is the exception to double jeopardy protection? Choices: 1. The trial ends with a hung jury— no verdict of guilt or innocence. 2. The defendant fails to appear in court. 3. The jury is found to be unqualified. a. 1 and 2; b. 1, 2, and 3; c. 2 and 3; d. 1 and 3 13. “We, the people. It is a very eloquent beginning. But when the document was completed . . . I was not included in the We, the people. I felt somehow for many years George Washington and Alexander Hamilton just left me out by mistake. But through the process of amendment, interpretation and court decision, I have finally been included in We, the people.” Who said it? a. Hillary Clinton, b. Bella Abzug, c. Barbara Jordan, d. Sandra Day O'Connor Quiz answers: 1c; 2d; 3b; 4a; 5F; 6F; 7d; 8a; 9c; 10b; 11a; 12d; 13c.

team and facilitated their work on the Center’s themes. Together for days at a time, Gordon Wood (Brown University), James McPherson (Princeton University), Joyce Appleby (UCLA), Richard Beeman (the University of Pennsylvania), Les Benedict (Ohio State University), and Jesse Choper (Boalt Law School, University of California at Berkeley) rolled up their sleeves and told hundreds of stories that illustrate how everyday Americans have been affected, directly and indirectly, by our Constitution. As a representative of Moravian College (wearing my historian’s hat), and as a consultant for the Constitution Center (playing the role of moderator), I felt privileged to work with these individuals whose scholarly works and teaching careers have made them the very best in their fields. The group reached a consensus—an amazing feat for academics!—that at the heart of the Center’s interpretation, the American Constitution needs to be presented and understood both as the blueprint for a unique, balanced form of government that provides the framework for a nation, and the protector of individual rights and liberties. The interpretive framework will be based on the assumption that the Constitution created both a government and a citizen. Through its exhibits and activities, the Center will explore questions of federalism and states’ rights, the balance between liberty and order and among the different branches of government, and individual rights responsibilities. On a personal note, I am pleased that Moravian can get involved in the Constitution Center project in a number of ways. This spring I arranged for the associate editor of the NCC web site, Dana Devon, a legal expert and constititutional scholar, to meet with the student-run political group at Moravian known as the Forum. She took the students through a First Amendment exercise in which she introduced materials related to the Texas cattlemen’s case against Oprah Winfrey. As a freedom-of-speech case, it had and has major constitutional implications and her presentation and innovative way of getting the students involved in the case on the so-called “Veggie Libel Laws” was enjoyable and educational for the students. NCC also stands to benefit from the enthusiasm and expertise of our students. There will be internships both for programming (which are ideal for education students) and for the museum (for those with interests in history, political science, law, museum administration, exhibit design, performance, media, and development). Moravian boasts any number of faculty members who may want to lend a hand in developing curricular, exhibit, or media programs. And when the museum opens its doors in 2002, it’s my hope that some of our graduates will find career opportunities there on Independence Mall. Playing even a small part in a project that expects to usher in a new century of constitutionalism is an exhilarating experience; for the citizens of the next century, it should represent an irresistible challenge.


A Celebration to Enjoy

At left, three Moravian presidents: Roger H. Martin (1986-1997), Ervin J. Rokke, and Herman S. Collier (1970-1986). Above, the scoreboard in Johnston Hall expresses the sentiments of the occasion.

Above, dressing the part. At right, passing inspection.

Above, marshal of faculty Kay Somers, equipped with the mace, keeps her fellow marshals, Dennis Glew and Willard Harstine, in line. 10

Amidst fanfare and fun, with pomp and circumstance, homemade ice cream and lots of “tall” jokes, President Ervin J. Rokke was inaugurated as Moravian’s 14th president on Saturday, April 18, as 1,000 people in a two-day celebration formally welcomed him and his wife, Pam, into the Moravian family. The inaugural procession, consisting of Moravian’s trustees, faculty members, and administrators, delegates from nearly ninety institutions of higher education, alumni representatives, and student leaders, marched around campus in a circuitous route symbolizing the unity of all aspects of the institution before entering Johnston Hall through a double file of one hundred six applauding students acting as an honor guard. President Rokke was greeted as a “leader of remarkable stature” by Glenn Asquith Jr., Seminary faculty, placed in a “history of outstanding presidents” by Deanna L. Campbell, president of United Student Government, and advised to “keep moving” by Father Daniel G. Gambet, president of Allentown College of St. Francis de Sales, speaking on behalf of the Lehigh Valley Association of Independent Colleges. He was presented the presidential medallion by Charles J. Peischl, chair of the Joint Board of Trustees, who said, “I submit that the legacy of those early pioneers [early Moravian settlers] and succeeding generations which perpetuated and expanded their accomplishments is the ‘Heritage to Celebrate,’ which is the first half of our inaugural theme. If that conclusion is correct, then Moravian’s heritage links itself directly to

A Weekend to Remember At left, student honor guards applaud President Rokke. At right, the newly-installed president addresses the assembled guests.

At right, Charles J. Peischl bestows the presidential medallion on President Rokke.

the balance of our inaugural hallmark, ‘A Future to Define.’ ” He continued, “Definition of the future of Moravian College and Moravian Theological Seminary is the challenge which our new president has already faced and which he will continue to encounter throughout his tenure. I urge all of you and the many other members of Moravian’s constituencies who could not join us today to encourage and support President Rokke as he and his colleagues lead this institution in defining and fully realizing its future.” The new president spoke of looking first at our heritage and then looking toward the future. He linked the two with a quote from the founder of modern education, John Amos Comenius. “We must take strong and vigorous measures that no man, in his journey through life, may encounter anything so unknown to him that he cannot pass sound judgment upon it and turn it to its proper use.” He added, “Those words provide a beacon for Moravian College and Moravian Theological Seminary. They are the closest we can get to a vision statement for the future. In short, as we move into the new millennium, our central task is to prepare graduates to deal with the uncertainties of a rapidly changing world.” The Moravian College Wind Ensemble under the direction of James E. Barnes provided the instrumental music, and the Moravian College Choir, directed by Paula Ring Zerkle, performed The Seeker, a musical tribute composed by Larry Lipkis, Moravian’s composer-in-residence.

At left, the sterling silver medallion flashes its high-beams.

At right, Dr. and Mrs. Rokke leave Johnston Hall at the ceremony’s close. The new president, stealing a line from John F. Kennedy, joked that he was the man who accompanied Pam Rokke to Moravian.

Photos: Stephen Barth and Rob Upton. 11

Above, President Rokke has Amos the greyhound mascot for a lunch partner. At right, Michael Gedraitis ’00 as Harlequin shows off the capabilities of the Moravian College Theatre Company. Below right, the president congratulates choir member Tara McFadden ’98 on the group’s performance during the installation ceremony.

Above, President Rokke takes a good look at Sarah Soden ’99’s Honors project display. At right, he examines mandalas on display in the Bahnson Center.


The inauguration ceremony was followed by a sumptuous lunch provided by the Wood Company in a tent on the HUB Quad. The tent was ringed by student organizations demonstrating their specialties—from the Moravian College Theatre Company in costume to Beta Beta Beta, the biology honor society, with a stuffed alligator on display, to the student chapter of the American Chemical Society, cranking out homemade ice cream. In the afternoon, demonstrations of intellectual, athletic, historical, spiritual, and artistic achievement continued all over campus. Reeves Library featured historical displays, and the Payne Gallery exhibited selections from the permanent collection. Students presided over displays of their Honors theses in the HUB. At the Bahnson Center, the Seminary held open house with a lecture, a chanting workshop, a demonstration of mandalas, and a lovefeast. A drama group performed Eugene O’Neill’s Long Day’s Journey into Night in Prosser Auditorium, and Foy Concert Hall was the scene of chamber music and jazz performances. Baseball, softball, and tennis matches showed Moravian’s athletic prowess. The weekend was bracketed by two celebratory dinners: one on Friday evening for Moravian’s faculty members, trustees, staff, and students, and a grand formal gala on Saturday evening for the extended community, including alumni, supporters and friends of the institution, and civic representatives. Both evenings ended with dancing. A highlight of the gala, which was attended by more than 700 guests, was an immense cake in the shape of Comenius Hall. “The success of the weekend can be directly attributed to the involvement of the entire Moravian community,” said Bob and Pat Schoenen, co-chairs of the Inaugural Committee. Over 600 constituents were active participants in the presentations. “The weekend showcased the Moravian community and served as an excellent bond to carry us into the future,” they added.

A Heritage to Celebrate A Future to Define President Rokke’s Inaugural Address

Chairpersons Peischl and Miller, Trustees, delegates, faculty, students, staff, and friends. Thank you for being here. I accept with pride, enthusiasm, and a deep sense of humility the responsibility entrusted to me this morning. This is a special day for Moravian College and Moravian Theological Seminary. We have, after all, an excuse to celebrate a heritage longer than that for all but five colleges and universities in the United States. We have the privilege as an academic community to show we care for one another. And we have the opportunity for reaching out to that larger community of friends upon whose support we depend. For all these reasons, I have thought a great deal about what I might say today—you’ll be happy to know, in about fifteen minutes. The title for my remarks should probably be “Thoughts While Exercising.” Much of my thinking over the past eight months has taken place while I sought refuge on the exercise path. I’ll talk more about that path later—suffice it to say now that a good exercise routine can clear the brain, challenge the spirit, and silence telephones. It allows one to identify fundamental questions—without having immediate answers. In my case, it has allowed me to ponder the theme of this inauguration—“A Heritage to Celebrate, a Future to Define.”

Looking toward the Past Let’s look first at our heritage. This institution enjoys a history of some 256 years. It has grown with the town of Bethlehem since 1742. Even before that, the gentleman whose physical likeness dominates this north campus set our course. “Our first wish,” wrote John Comenius in his Great Didactic of 1632, “is that all

men should be educated fully… not only one individual, nor a few, nor even many, but all men together and single, young and old, rich and poor, of high and lowly birth, men and women.” In a modest, sometimes almost self-effacing fashion, our small institution has tenaciously embraced Comenius’s vision—and as a result, has produced generations of alumni, staff and faculty. They are a unique group of people from all social and economic strata who have shared the “Moravian experience.” It is an experience which is difficult to comprehend from without. When you ask about that experience, Moravian graduates stand up a little straighter, their eyes twinkle, and more often than not comes the story of an intellectual and spiritual love affair with a very “special” institution. That pride is what the heritage of Moravian College and Moravian Theological Seminary is all about.

Looking toward the Future Today, we find ourselves living a new chapter in the life of our college and seminary. I say “new” not so much because of changes to ourselves; the salient features from a sound Moravian of the past are here today and will continue into the future. On the contrary, I say “new” because the environment in which we find ourselves is in transition. The changes most important to Moravian are those external to us—and they are both profound and revolutionary. We have a new structure of international relations with new players, new capabilities, and new intentions regarding one another. The pace of technological innovation has become breathtaking. The ubiquity of information has created a whole 13

assortment of changes in our society. And ecological factors from disappearing rain forests to overpopulation have both short- and long-term implications. Where these forces will take us remains a mystery. The one thing we know for sure is that, as Yogi Berra pointed out effectively, if not elegantly, “the future ain’t at all like it used to be.” Against this background, Comenius once again has wisdom to offer. “We must take,” he wrote, “strong and vigorous measures that no man, in his journey through life, may encounter anything so unknown to him that he cannot pass sound judgment upon it and turn it to its proper use.” Those words, ladies and gentlemen, provide a beacon for Moravian College and Moravian Theological Seminary. They are the closest we can get to a vision statement for the future. In short, as we move into the new millenium, our central task is to prepare graduates to deal with the uncertainties of a rapidly changing world.

Necessity for Ideas To do that, it may be useful to take a lesson or two from our local community. This is not a unique suggestion—in the early modern period, universities frequently drew upon city cultures to reform themselves in places like Edinburgh, Leiden, and Geneva. So let’s return to that exercise route I mentioned earlier. It begins at our south campus, crosses the Minsi Trail Bridge to the east, follows the edge of Bethlehem Steel to the Fahy Bridge, and returns once again to the south campus. In completing that circle, I encounter three features which seem relevant to our inauguration theme today. The first is historic Bethlehem itself—that marvelous complex of structures and ruins dating back to the early eighteenth century. Yes, it’s true that George Washington used our very own Brethren’s House as a field hospital during the Revolutionary War. But it is also true that the Brethren’s House and its neighboring buildings now feature modern academic programs. Indeed, they even contain an exquisite art museum and an excellent music auditorium. Each day students and young people from the surrounding community pass in and out of those historic buildings and they carry with them new commitments, new perspectives and new knowledge. The accommodations may be old, but from them are sprouting new ideas. A second feature of my exercise route is the fascinating array of structures and machinery across the river. The Bethlehem Steel works represent a heritage in which we all take pride. The fingerprints of “Bethlehem Steel” were all over the tools we used to meet the challenges of authoritarianism and holocaust during World War II, and I’m told that the impressive skyline in New York City owes much to the “I-Beam” concept which emerged from the engineering facilities of this organization. Indeed, those now silent furnaces and machines represent the very essence of an industrial age which made this country great. The whole complex is not silent, however. On a large old building near what once were hot blast furnaces is a brightly 14

colored sign announcing a “hands-on” learning facility for the young called “Discovery.” The parking lot outside “Discovery” is again occupied—children, parents, and young adults are coming and going. A structure which once focussed on production of material goods is now a nurturing place for information age ideas. When some look at the neighboring empty buildings, they also envisage a modern convention center, a museum spanning the industrial and information ages, and a multitude of tourists and local citizens bringing new life to south Bethlehem. Finally, at the south entrance of the Fahy Bridge, there is an unusual building, freshly painted, displaying a large yellow “Banana Factory” sign. It was indeed a warehouse for bananas at one time. Now, however, it’s a modern workplace for artists, dancers, musicians—a whole culture of people quite different from those who originally occupied the proud old structure. And like the “new” historic Bethlehem and “Discovery,” the Banana Factory is a product of people with ideas . . . with dreams . . . and with hopes. That is the real message of my exercise route. It’s also the message of this inauguration. The answer to a dramatically changing world lies in ideas and vision.

Is Our Institution Ready? Let’s look now at Moravian College and Moravian Theological Seminary. As with historic Bethlehem and the Steel complex across the river, structural monuments to the accomplishments of this academic institution abound—and we have every right to be proud. The more important question, however, is whether we can be equally proud of our ideas and vision for the future. Do we at Moravian College and Moravian Theological Seminary have what it takes to create structures, both physical and intellectual, which are responsive to an unpredictable world where the only constant is change? Do we have the vision and courage of a person like Herm Collier, here with us today, to know when a new academic building is needed and to go for it? Do we have the vision and courage of a person like Rusty Martin, also here with us today, to know when the intellectural constructs of our curricula are wearing thin? I believe that the answer is “yes.” With ideas, of course, come tensions—between scholar and teacher, between administrators and professors, between marketplace forces and quality of education, between vocational preparation and liberal learning, between diversity and community, and between the global and the local. The challenge to the academy always has been to resolve these tensions. But can a small college community such as Moravian hope to be successful in this endeavor? Of course we can—the trick is in the quality of ideas, not their quantity. And while the struggle between a 256-year heritage and a future vision will always be present, its resolution does not necessarily require a zero-sum choice or uncomfortable compromise. Lest we forget, light can be regarded as a stream of particles for some purposes, and as a wave motion for others. Small classrooms with face-to-face student-teacher interaction may

be necessary for some purposes while the marvels of modern communication technologies can work for others. And ironically, the broadly-based structure of our liberal arts curricula may be just what the doctor ordered for prevocational preparation in a rapidly changing world. What is clear is that no institution can endure substantial external change without reviewing its own fundamentals. That is our predicament for the present—it is our predicament for the foreseeable future as well. It is why we are putting so much effort into our strategic planning process. And it is why phrases like “complex adaptive systems” and “organizational agility” are heard more frequently.

he remained at heart a communist, a Soviet patriot and a professional soldier. Not long thereafter, Marshal Akhromeyev was dead—by his own hand. He is buried in a remote cemetery on the edge of Moscow. Inscribed on his tombstone are the words, “Sergei Akhromeyev, Kommunist, Patriot, i Soldat.” What went wrong? I believe that Akhromeyev’s fundamental problem was in the clash of values between those of an authoritarian Soviet regime and those required for an emerging new order. The touchstones for his value structure—the party, the state and the military—were in shambles. To the marshal turned politician, nothing Importance of Values in the new Russia felt right. As he No amount of strategic plantold me on the last day of our ning and organizational agility will Moscow assignment, “I can accept substitute for values, however. these changes in my head, but my They remain our constant in a heart is heavy.” world of change. They provide the In short, Akhromeyev was ethical and moral compass for our thrust into an era of fundamental journey through turbulent air or change and found wanting the rough seas. Indeed, it is from the values with which he had lived for arena of values that I wish to draw more than 70 years. my concluding point today. How different it is for us in this About ten years ago, Pam and I gymnasium today. Our values found ourselves living in the reflect a fascinating combination of Soviet Union amidst emerging backgrounds and beliefs. They have changes unlike anything since the been brought together by students, Communist Revolution of 1917. faculty, staff, friends of the college The driving force for these changes and seminary, and, yes, our evolvwas a phenomenon called ing historical legacy. Unlike those “perestroyka” and it brought imof Akhromeyev, which collided proved relations between Russians head-on with notions of individual and Americans. My contacts were freedom, unpredictability, and a largely with Soviet diplomats and very complex world, our values military leaders. One in particular, open doors, set forth ethical and Sergei Ahkromeyev, caught my moral paths, and embrace the fancy. human spirit. President Rokke accepts congratulations after his inaugural address Ahkromeyev was a field marAkhromeyev’s values put him in from Elizabeth D. Miller, chair of the Seminary Board of Trustees. shal—veteran of more than 50 an ideological box; our values push years in the military profession—and, as one senior American us out of the box. Akhromeyev’s values made change a frightdiplomat asserted, the most skilled negotiator the Russians had. ening experience; ours make change a vehicle for human I accompanied Marshal Akhromeyev on his first trip to the advancement. West. He was an official guest of his American counterpart, How fortunate we are! and we spent two weeks traveling across the United States. The poet William Wordsworth also lived in a “special time” The stately old Russian was shown marvelous hospitality— and found himself drawn to the European continent by the particularly in Oklahoma, were he was made an honorary excitement of the French Revolution. citizen, and in Texas, where he received the keys to the city of Some years later, after returning to the Lake District of his San Antonio. What an exciting time, I thought—maybe the native England, he wrote about that experience. In just two Cold War was not a permanent condition. lines of his Prelude, I think he captures not only the excitement As a matter of fact, things did change. of 1789, but also the drama of our own time. And my relationship with the Soviet marshal prospered. “Bliss was it in that dawn to be alive,” he wrote, “but to be When he retired from the military and became a member of young was very heaven.” the Duma, I teased him about being the first Soviet politician Thank you again for coming today and for showing your to have similar credentials in Texas and Oklahoma. He took support of Moravian College and Moravian Theological the joshing well, but reminded me in no uncertain terms that Seminary. 15

“Engender Excellence, and People Will Come” President Rokke Speaks Candidly with Students The word they keep coming back to is “visible.” was a positive experience,’ are the ones who dug in and were From that, they move on to “concerned.” involved during their time here.” This is the way students describe Dr. Ervin Rokke, the The other lunchtime roundtable participants, Kasie fourteenth president of Moravian Hornberger ’98, Leahn Agnew ’99, Matt College. Getter ’99 and Ellen Blum ’00, expressed President Rokke has thus far imconcern that there is not much “interpressed upon students that they are his group” support for different things on primary concern, and he has said that “no campus—athletes say sporting events are student should be afraid of raising any issue.” If a student has a under-attended, choir and band members see empty seats at problem that needs to be addressed and which has not their performances, academic-related organizations have found resolution through the regular channels, chronically low attendance—and wondered what Rokke has urged, “Come to me.” could be done about this. President Rokke reStudent response to this openness is posisponded by saying: “It’s about getting the word tive: “My impression is that President Rokke out, and about being your best. You need to is very receptive to student ideas and conengender excellence—if you are excellent cerned about the college’s overall wellat what you do, people will come.” being,” said Diane Kinney ’99. Valerie The lunch group spoke generally Rhoe ’98 has met with Dr. Rokke to ask about faculty-student relations, and questions about graduation. “Dr. Rokke Kasie brought up the issue of the camis personable and interested in assisting pus network’s continual downfall, for individual students in achieving their which President Rokke says he has “no goals,” she reports. Kasie Hornberger good excuse.” The student body’s ’98 interacted with Dr. Rokke and his desire to see the return of Spring Fling wife after the cross country team won was also brought up. Leahn said, “It’s the MAC title. “He had the cross good to get all these concerns out in country team and volleyball and girls’ the open.” Matt agreed, but added tennis down at his house for a reception that “people in general have issues but to congratulate us on our MAC titles, don’t know who to take them to.” and he talked to everyone, not just the Also discussed with the president coaches,” she said. were the college’s long-term plans for Shortly before his inauguration, Rokke the expansion of parking, the construcjoined six Moravian students for lunch to tion of new dorms and academic buildlisten to some of their concerns and express ings, and a possible increase in the number his ideas on how to address them. The topic of students. Rokke said that the latter issue of discussion ranged from apathy to athletics, will be examined to determine what the the network to school spirit. Gonzalo “Gonzo” optimum number of students for Moravian is. Garcia-Pedroso ’99, started the ball rolling by But, he said, if expansion were to be considered, it proposing that the administration sponsor a town would not occur until there are places for the inmeeting for the campus during which the entire student creased number of people to stay. body could express ideas and concerns. Despite his short tenure in Moravian’s Apathy emerged as the real concern, and President Rokke greets honor guard Kristie Mulieri ’01 front office, Rokke is already a real Rokke says this is a problem everywhere, during the inaugural procession. Greyhound cheerleader. “We really do Photo: Stephen Barth. not just Moravian. “Apathy is the most have a good balance between academics, sinister of all challenges. It’s so hard to athletics, and ethics. We are here to get a grip on—it’s like jousting with a pillow.” develop the whole person, and I think this is really a great But, even since his term began in August, Rokke says he place—don’t forget that.” has noticed an increase in the campus “heartbeat.” “More At the close of the meal, Matt asked the president what he people are staying or coming back for weekend events,” he said. would like to see as his lasting accomplishment when his time “There’s a string pulling people to campus on the weekends at Moravian is through. Without hesitation, Rokke said, that wasn’t there before.” “Quality. An across-the-board improvement in academics, Rokke added, “As I wander around and speak to alumni athletics, and the student body. I’d like to see Moravian move groups, I almost never encounter any alumni who don’t look as high up the quality ladder as we can get.” back on their experience fondly. Those who seem to stand up It’s only Rokke’s second semester here, but we’re already on the straightest and get that twinkle in their eye and say, ‘That our way up the rungs.

By Sarah M. Soden ’99


Greyhound Sports Student Athletes Chosen for NCAA Leadership Conference Juniors Scott Fritz and Stephanie Rickards were selected to participate in the second annual NCAA Foundation Leadership Conference, presented by Entergy Corporation, held May 25-28, 1998, at Disney’s Coronado Springs Resort in Lake Buena Vista, Florida. This forum provides the opportunity for student-athletes to discuss and explore viable solutions to critical issues facing their peers around the country, to enhance their leadership skills, and to promote better communication among student-athletes, coaches, administrators, faculty and communities.

the women’s basketball team, were selected from more than 850 nominations. Both Fritz and Rickards are members of the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee at Moravian and volunteer in many other organizations on and off of campus. Fritz serves as an assistant pastor at the Lutheran Church, Quakake, Pa., as well as a peer educator and sexual harassment and rape educator on campus. Rickards works as a tutor in the Writing Center on campus and as a campus tour guide. She is also a member of theStudent Alumni Association. The NCAA Foundation Leadership Conference focused on topics recommended by last year’s participants as well as by recommendations of Division I, II, and III NCAA Student-Athlete Advisory Committees. Some of these topics included coaching roles in intercollegiate athletics, media perception, and communication and leadership skills on campus and in the community. This year’s list of conference speakers included Robin Roberts, anchor and sports commentator for ABC and ESPN; Tom Curley, publisher of USA Today; Cedric W. Dempsey, executive director of the NCAA; and Quinn Buckner, CBS sports commentator and color analyst and member of the 1976 NCAA Division I men’s basketball championship team.

Softball Team Gets First Try at NCAA Division III Championship

Junior Scott Fritz prepares to throw the ball back to the pitcher in a game against Lebanon Valley.

More than 370 students attended the 1998 NCAA Foundation Leadership Conference. The participants were nominated from NCAA member institutions, including those that participate in the CHAMPS/Life Skills program. Fritz, a member of the baseball team, and Rickards, a GTE/Academic AllAmerican in volleyball and a member of

The 1998 Moravian College softball team made its first-ever appearance in the NCAA Division III Softball National Championship Tournament this May. The Lady Greyhounds, seeded fourth in the East Regional, played at Messiah College in Grantham, Pa. Only 40 teams out of the 352 in NCAA Division III are awarded a berth in the tournament. Moravian started the regional with a 5-4 victory over Western Maryland College in eight innings. Sophomore first-baseman Ali Harteveld provided the game-winning hit with two outs. Harteveld had three hits in the game and drove in two runs. The Lady Greyhounds lost their next two games, falling to top-seeded

Messiah College, 2-0, and Western Maryland, 5-4. Senior Audrey Weaver was named to the All-Tournament Team as a third baseman. She had four hits in eight at-bats, scored three runs, had three sacrifice bunts and drove in two runs in the tournament.

Junior forward Stephanie Rickards (#22) goes up for two points against Susquehanna University. She was a Second Team GTE Academic All-American in volleyball. Photos: Diane Torres.

Freshman outfielder Missy Hummel had four hits in five at-bats with one double and three runs scored in her first post-season action. Sophomore shortstop Zan Azzolino also had three hits at the tournament. Sophomore pitcher Becky Stroup earned the victory versus Western Maryland for her sixteenth win of the season to tie the single-season school record. Moravian finished the season with a 27-14 record, the fifth straight season under head coach John Byrne that the Lady Greyhounds have won at least 23 games and the fourth consecutive year the squad has seen postseason action.


Alumni Association News Earl C. Zeiner Jr. ’57 1998 Medallion of Merit Recipient In recognition of his service to Moravian College, the Alumni Association honored Earl C. Zeiner Jr. with its 1998 Medallion of Merit following the Reunion Luncheon on May 30. Earl has long been an exceptional supporter of Moravian’s athletics program and was selected by the Athletics Department in 1985 as the Harvey T. D. Gillespie Memorial Award recipient. He remains an avid fan, traveling with the teams to away games, promoting Blue & Grey membership, and participating in capital campaign efforts for the athletic facilities. As a member of the trustees since 1987, Earl has been actively involved on both the Trustee Development Committee and the Finance Commit-

Richard Claussen and members of the Class of 1998, Stacey Gyecsek, Lori Lawler, Margaret Thompson, and Lara Matthews, enjoy conversation at a wine and cheese reception as the guests of President and Mrs. Rokke at the Frueauff House on May 3.

Alumni Association Officers Presented for Election for 1998-1999 President: Jeanne Taccarino Guaraldo ’69 President-Elect: Candy Barr Heimbach ’79 Treasurer: Carl Ackerman ’57 Recording Secretary: Claire Klatchak DCS ’87, M.B.A. ’95 Corresponding Secretary: Elizabeth Gergar Ihrie ’63

tee. During the past two years he has been the national chair of Moravian’s Annual Fund, and he also served on the Alumni Association’s Leadership Gifts Committee for many years. His efforts as the Class of 1957 Reunion Fund chair resulted in the attainment by his class of both the highest participation rate for a reunion class and the largest-ever reunion fund gift. Earl, a retired senior vice president of Drexel Burnham Lambert, lives in Bethlehem with his wife, Adela. Their son, Earl S. Zeiner, graduated from Moravian in 1997.


Alumni Share Expertise for Career Night and Career Panels Thanks to over 60 alumni and employers for attending the March 19 Career Night on Moravian’s campus and to the 14 alumni who participated in Career Panels on March 10, 11, and 12. Christine Rander ’91, acting director of career services, would like to send a personal thank-you to all the alumni who attended these events for their insight and interest in the future of Moravian students.

Regional Representatives Do you live outside the Lehigh Valley area? Are you moving and looking for alumni in your area? Look no further because we have regional repre-

sentatives all over the United States for you to contact. Call us at (610) 8611366, fax us at (610) 861-3945, or e-mail us at for more information.

Spring Regional Events Alumni at spring events in various areas of the country welcomed President and Mrs. Rokke to Moravian College. Our thanks to: Mildred Diefenderfer Thompson ’39 for hosting a luncheon for Sarasota, Fla., area alumni on February 24, to Berte Finkelstein Cohen ’37 and Kathleen Cannon ’86 for their help in organizing a luncheon in Boca Raton, Fla., on February 26, to Parry Miller ’66 for his help in arranging a dinner in the Lancaster area on March 26, and to Art Miller ’68 and his wife, Pamela, for hosting a luncheon for Arizona area alumni on May 3 at their home.

Attention All Classes Ending in 4 and 9 Mark your calendars for your reunions during Alumni Weekend on May 21 and 22, 1999!

Young Alumni Washington, D.C., and Lehigh Valley Young Alumni had receptions this past winter. Both gatherings were very successful and there are plans to hold the next gathering in Philadelphia. More information to follow!

Welcome, Class of 1998! Members of the Class of 1998 enjoyed a series of events this spring as they counted down to the day of graduation at a “100 Days Till Graduation” party sponsored by the Development and Alumni Relations Offices on February 4. The newest “alumni” also celebrated the end of the senior year at a Wine and Cheese Reception at President and Mrs. Rokke’s home on April 4.

Student Alumni Association and Alumni Paint Steel Field Fieldhouse The Student Alumni Association and members of the Alumni Board and Young Alumni group painted the inside of the Steel Field fieldhouse on March 28, 29, and April 4. The new interior colors are blue and grey—no surprise. President Rokke stopped by to help the students reach all the “hard to reach” areas.

A Message from the Alumni Association President Connie Stirling Hodson ’68 Thank you for the past two years and the opportunity to serve as president of the Moravian College Alumni Association. It has been an amazing experience. Because I live in Chicago and commute to Bethlehem for Alumni Association activities, I was called an “experiment.” Could the Alumni Board president serve Moravian from a distance? My answer is yes, but only with a terrific team helping me. A very active Alumni Board, other alumni and student alumni leaders, many committed volunteers, and a dedicated staff have Part of the Alumni Association team: the Alumni Board’s Recognition Committee worked together to take the Alumni members meet during the year to select Association to a new level. Record recipients for alumni and student awards. numbers of alumni now attend Photo: John Palcewski ’86. Homecoming, and reunion attendance has more than doubled since 1991. Our student alumni actively support alumni programming, run phonathons, and organize class gift efforts. Not surprisingly, emerging young alumni leaders have assumed an increasingly active role in supporting the College. I am also delighted to report that almost 500 additional alumni are now supporting Moravian financially. Many, many thanks. I am very proud of what we have accomplished for Moravian.

Mark Your Calendar! July 23 Lehigh Valley Area Alumni Club: Freshman send-off picnic at home of Rick ’77 and Leslie Kingston August 12 Philly Area Alumni Club: Freshman send-off picnic at home of Dean ’81and Joanne Belletti Molle ’82 September 19 Reunion Leadership Conference 19 Welcome reception for new athletics director Richard Dull

Young Alumni and friends enjoyed the chance to meet and reminisce about their days at Moravian on March 7 at J. P. McGillicuddy’s. Left to right are Julie Sherwood ’97, Scott Snyder, Tara O’Neal ’95, Tom Costanza, Betsy Sletner ’97, and Stacy Krauss ’97.

October 3 Student-alumni-faculty dance 30 Rocco Calvo Golf Tournament 31 Homecoming 1998 November 14 Hall of Fame 21 Washington, D.C., alumni event December 5 Lehigh Valley Club bus trip to New York 19

✒ 1997 Jennifer Kastle 1078 Spring View Drive Southampton, PA 18966


Melissa Romanoski 122 S. Shamokin Street Shamokin, PA 18872 From Jen: I’ve really enjoyed hearing what some of our classmates are doing. Many came out for the Young Alumni event at McGillicuddy’s in March. It was great being back at the place we spent most of our time senior year! Marie Nuno is finishing up her first year at Purdue Veterinary School. She and Pat Mullins are living in West Lafayette, Ind., and are planning to be married next spring. Al Pape just started a new job and is living with Bob Wolak in Collegeville, Pa. Al also told me that Jay Eckman is in Chicago at chiropractic school. Brian Gonor will begin at Montclair State University working towards his M.B.A. and he also told me that Heather McCallum has a job in the admissions department of Princeton Day School. Rania Neddoff is currently working in a law office in Forty Fort, Pa., while applying to law school. Terri Flowers and Chris Seifert, who became engaged in February, are planning to be married next year. Chris Seifert e-mailed me to tell me he will be starting Ranger School in May for the Army. He told me Tino Morti is at Rowan College studying for his teacher’s certification, Roy Beeson is in the Army and stationed in Hawaii, and Jeanine Misevitch is teaching high school English. Brian Hunsicker emailed me and is enjoying his job as a sportswriter for the Times News in Lehighton. Brian told me he ran into Scott Stevens who is the freshman basketball coach at Pleasant Valley High School. Carla Thomas e-mailed to say that she is now living in Walnut Creek, Calif., with Jim Lundenmuth ’90. She is working at a library while pursuing her writing. Sean Richardson will start Johns Hopkins University in the summer for his master’s in government. He said that Chris Michno became engaged to Stacey Gibbs at Christmas. Martha Volak is working as a graphic designer and just moved into an apartment in Kenilworth, Pa. Laura Sortino and Craig Neiman were engaged in December.

✒ 1996 Mary Kate Turowski Andris 49 W. Laurel Street Bethlehem, PA 18018 20

J. P. Orlando 3737 Congress St. Allentown, PA 18104 From Mary Kate and J. P.: Our surveys brought a tidal wave of class news. So, we encourage everyone to keep writing and to offer more suggestions! We want our class to be the most informed! The following is a compilation of all the newest gossip: who’s doing what and are who they are telling! Jessica Gearhart recently got engaged to Jaret Wenton; they are planning on being married on October 18, 1998. Jessica is currently a fifth grade teacher in the Pocono Mountain School District. Michelle Mistysyn Ulsh has already successfully tied the knot to her college sweetheart Mike, from Lafayette. In addition to starting off a very successful career in the business office of a nursing home, Michelle is also taking care of their 1-year-old son, Michael. Michelle’s Sigma sister Julie Morris is presently working at the New Jersey Department of Labor as a claims analyst. She makes sure that she keeps in touch with as many people as possible. K. Noel Fowler is a tour coordinator for Hertz but has recently moved to Harrisburg, Pa. Eric Kniskern is a law student at Widener University. Meanwhile, Lisa Page is engaged to Kevin Martin ’97, one of Eric’s APO brothers. Lisa and Kevin will be married on April 25, 1998. Fellow soccer teammates, Mike Swieconek and Gordon “Gordo” Grauer are both pursuing careers in the business world. Mike is a claims adjuster while Gordo is in pharmaceutical sales. Jamie Parker and her 7-month-old puppy, Jimmy, still reside close to home. Jamie is a coordinator of marketing and special projects at Future Innovations International. Also, close by is Kelly Ressler Butz. She is a mental health worker at the Colonial Intermediate Unit in Easton, Pa., where she works with severely emotionally disturbed adolescents. Besides baton twirling, Kelly Diefenderfer Butterbaugh enjoys teaching seventh grade English and spending time with her husband Robert. Her friend Kimberly Gasda McAndrew, also a newlywed, is a self-employed freelance writer.

Bob and Jacqueline Johnson-Jones have a baby on the way, due in September. Ann Rissmiller Flood, a fellow Pi sister, is presently a laboratory assistant at Specialty Minerals while also working towards her secondary education teaching certificate in biology. Ann recalls her most memorable moment at Moravian: singing the national anthem at the National Cross Country meet with fireworks exploding behind her and ESPN in front of her. Tanya Dutt Hendershot is an elementary school teacher and is married to her long-time boyfriend, Dustin. Tanya was last seen on Moravian’s campus during Musikfest. Lauree Kracht is a massage therapist in Philadelphia, and performs on the high flying trapeze at Club Getaway in Conn. during the summer. Down in Washington, D.C., some of our classmates have initiated a second Young Alumni group. The members from our class are: Tennant Magee, who received his M.A. in political philosophy from Lehigh and is now pursuing his law degree in Baltimore. Renee Szabo, class president, is currently a project coordinator for the Jump Start Coalition in Washington, which is launching a national effort geared toward improving personal financial literacy among American students. Back in the Lehigh Valley, Ed Bloss is a crisis worker in Monroe County and helps out part-time at St. Luke’s Hospital as a county case worker. Ed’s most memorable moment at Moravian was on graduation day when it began to rain and we thought that we’d have to move into the gym. Suddenly, the choir began to sing a beautiful gospel number. “The rain stopped, the clouds parted, and the sun shined down on our rite of passage.” That was Ed’s most spiritual moment. Linda Danner ’97 is self-employed as an accountant. Catherine Vrsan is a corporate marketing representative for Blue Ridge Cable Technologies Pencor, Inc. John Yastion is busy student teaching and living in Pomona, N.Y. Michael Lawton is a member of the Labor Party which meets monthly at Moravian. The party is the sixth largest chapter in the country. Jenette Wilkinson Dill is currently the art director at an advertising and graphic design firm in Saratoga Springs, N.Y. Joyce Dawley is attending Wilkes University and is an instrumental music teacher. Suzanne Knowles Weber is residing in Stewartsville, N.J., and is a territorial underwriting manager for Fireman’s Fund Insurance Co. She has her C.P.C.U. Ty Corallo is a financial analyst for Hewlett-Packard Co. in Rockaway, N.J. Laurie Hahn is a travel consultant for AAA. Her most memorable

moment at Moravian was when she did an art show in the library featuring female students during woman’s history month. Michelle Santiago is a child sexual abuse counselor at the August House in Easton and is attending Chestnut Hill College studying for her masters in social work. Robert Opitz is a technologist at PP&L in Allentown. He is a Microsoftcertified professional. Jackie Karpow wrote, “It was great to see so many familiar faces at Homecoming this year. I hope everyone recovered from the busy holiday season. I still stay in touch with many of our classmates and I thought I would share some of their successes with you. “Caroline Smith is working in the Parkland School District at Troxell Junior High School. On the weekends, she splits her time between working for the Historic Bethlehem Partnership and volunteering at the Kemerer Museum of Decorative Arts as a museum guide. Caroline is busy applying to graduate school for next fall. “Justine Johnson is working at Rodale Press and Steve Lorenz is attending Moravian for his secondary education teaching certification. Their daughter, Sylvan, just celebrated her first birthday this past October. She seems to be taking after her mom—I’m sure she’ll be running the mile in no time. “Jennifer Schaller ’97 is also employed by Rodale. Jen and Brad Leight recently moved to Sellersville. They are planning to be married this fall. “Wedding bells are definitely in the air. Julie Stevens recently got engaged to Mike Mignosi. Julie is teaching at an elementary school in the Bangor School District. She hopes to start graduate school next fall. “Ernest Johnson is finishing up his master’s degree at Temple University. Ernest hopes to work as a high school guidance counselor after graduation. “As for me, I am working at WFMZ-TV in Allentown. This winter I will be spending many weekends on the road. I will be traveling up and down the East Coast televising basketball games. I do some freelance work and I am applying to graduate school. I’m also involved in the Young Alumni Club along with Caroline, Mary Kate Turowski Andris, Greg Hess ’94, J. P. Orlando, Frank Chou, and Tracy Wartman. We meet once a month at the Alumni House, so if you’re still in the area, we’d love to have you join us. “I look forward to reading about what everyone’s doing in the magazine, so keep writing. E-mail me at I’d love to hear from you.” Keep up the good work and keep sending in the surveys. We will be including different people in the next issues.

Carrying on a Winning Tradition Could it be that the Moravian diploma is both an academic prize and a good luck charm? Two recent graduates might have reason to think so. At the very least, the skills they honed at Moravian made them lucky. Amy Endler ’93 sank a flurry of foul shots before a throng of 18,000 in New York’s Madison Square Garden last August to win a spanking new red Buick. She had become a finalist by filling out a card at an earlier professional women’s New York Liberty basketball game. Twelve women competed in the semifinals before Liberty’s final season game on August 24. In the finals, during halftime of the game, Amy and her fellow finalist had 30 seconds apiece to sink as many shots as they could from designated spots on the floor. For Amy, a star guard on the Greyhounds team that went to the finals of the 1992 NCAA Division III tournament, the pre-game prelimary round was the most nerve-wracking because, she says, “I didn’t want to disappoint my parents and family who were coming” to be there by game time. The political science major with an M.A. in sports administration from Monclair State drives to Roselle Park High School in New Jersey to coach the field hockey and women’s basketball teams but still walks the four blocks to her other job at the Roselle public library. Tracy Wartman ’96 entered the annual Thanksgiving “Run for the Diamonds” race in Berwick and came away the winner of the women’s division which earned her a diamond pendant. She had never run the 8.9-mile race before, though she had done plenty of running for the Moravian cross country and track teams. In 1994, she won the 1,500-meter race in the national NCAA Division III meet. These days, she combines a job as communication coordinator of the Bethlehem Chamber of Commerce with 40 miles of roadwork a week and racing five-to-10-kilometer races for the Jenkintown Running Company. The Berwick diamond rush goes back several decades. The first seven men and women finishers take home the precious gems, rings for the men, pendants for the women. The higher the finish, the larger the stone. Tracy estimates the jewel in her necklace to weigh between a third and a half carat. “I just love it,” she says. Photos: Amy Endler ’93 and Tracy Wartman ’96 in the heyday of their sports careers at Moravian.

✒ 1995 Julie Moyer 824 Cherry Street Lansdale, PA 19446 Fax (610) 861-3959 From the Alumni House: Brian McGill recently moved back to Philadelphia to teach and coach at LaSalle High School. Gabby Yates is finishing the first year of a

two-year commitment in the Peace Corps in Mali, West Africa. Paul Wickmann was promoted to professional specialty CNS representative at Janssen Pharmaceutical, a division of Johnson & Johnson. He is living in State College, Pa. Christopher Canning is teaching English and coaching football. Peter Gervasoni is working for the New Jersey State Police and is taking graduate courses at Ryder University. He is working towards an M.B.A. 21

✒ 1994

✒ 1992

✒ 1990

Ann Marie Scholttmann Washington College 300 Washington Ave. Chestertown, MD 21620

John S. Nunnemacher 235 North Valley Street #136 Burbank, CA 91505

Jeannine O’Grady 4 Renault Drive Flanders, N.J. 07836

From the Alumni House: Joe Michalczyk recently passed the C.P.A. exam.

Michael Q. Roth 944 Renaldi Road Wind Gap, PA 18091

✺ 1993

From John: The West Coast is doing fine, and things at Disney are going well as production on our Mouseworks series continues to build. I’ve received a few updates from fellow classmates in the past months via e-mail. Scott Pfeiffer writes to tell that he and his wife Becci had a son, Benjamin Michael, on July 1, 1997. Becci was a certified and experienced nanny both in England and the U.S., so we’re confident they’ll be able to raise the child well! Scott is now in his fifth year working for Kirkegaard & Associates, where he recently managed the building of Juilliard School’s new orchestra shell. I also heard from Krista Fassl Carson and W. Christian Carson. On July 7, 1997, one day prior to their 5th wedding anniversary, fraternal twins Summer Lee and Faith Caroline were born! Krista received her master’s degree in health and science in May 1997 and received her physician assistant certificate in December. They’re now living in Philadelphia, where Chris is pursuing his master’s degree in historic preservation at the University of Pennsylvania. They tell me that Alicia Fassl Filling and Joel Filling celebrated their fifth wedding anniversary in August 1997. They have two children, Joseph Benjamin, born in December 1993, and Conner Michael, born in August 1996. Alicia left her job at Binney & Smith in September to be a full-time mommy. Joel received his second B.A. in May 1997 and is now teaching German at Palisades Middle and High Schools.

Michelle M. Litzenberger 1866 Mansfield St. Hellertown, PA 18055 From Michelle: I now have e-mail so please feel free to send me a note via the Internet and let me know what you’re up to. Can you believe it has been five years? Jennifer Slavin wrote that she received her Master of Arts in counseling psychology in May 1996. In December 1997 she received her certification in elementary school guidance. She is employed by the Stroudsburg Area School District in the Middle School as the fifth and sixth grade counselor. She provides mobile therapy for the Youth Advocate Program. She is also an assistant volleyball coach at Lafayette College and a ski instructor at Blue Mountain Ski Area. Tom Harper and Kim Baenziger ’95 tied the knot on August 2, 1997. I attended the wedding along with many Moravian alums and Professor Ramsey. Father Bill performed the service. The wedding party included Whitney Howarth ’95, Sara Malkemes ’95, Karen Stupic ’95, Jennifer Meyer Roth ’95, and Drew Menten ’94. Erik McGaughey ’91, Scott Sipple ’95, and Mike Roth ’92 offered readings during the service. The day was beautiful and so was the bride. Tom and Kim are now residing in Bethlehem and Tom is pursuing certification in elementary education at Moravian. I bought a house in the Saucon Valley area near Stabler Arena in May 1997. I’m sure some of you can identify with being a homeowner. I suddenly found out what the word “budget” means. Lastly, I wanted to thank you for taking the time to fill out the questionnaires and updating the Alumni House with any address changes. From the Alumni House: Mike Pinelli graduated from Syracuse Law School last May. Rebecca Stanley Kesselring was promoted from assistant administrator of Phoebe Home to vice president of health care services at Phoebe Ministries. 22

✒ 1991 Melissa dePamphilis 8 Knoxbury Terr. Greenville, SC 29601 Christine A. Palermo 380 Mountain Road Apt. 609 Union City, N.J. 07087 From the Alumni House: Alex Wilson, vice president of sales for Delaware Valley Energy, Inc., saw his company receive national recognition as it was named to Qualified Remodeler’s annual “Leaders Listing” of the 500 largest home remodeling companies in country.

✒ 1989 Amanda Westphal Radcliffe 68 Highpoint Drive Berwyn, PA 19312 From Amanda: Hi, everyone—sorry for being out of touch for a while. Lots to tell you about, though. Lynn Riotto Lange was married May 10, 1997, to Brian Lange. Allison Deerson was Lynn’s maid of honor, and other Moravian bridesmaids included yours truly, Lisa Keifer Wilder, and Kathy Kratzer Hughes. Lynn and Brian are living in Doylestown and both are employed with Merck and Co. A couple of months later, Allison Deerson got married on July 4th weekend in South River, N.J., to Michael Steffaro. Allison’s matron of honor was Lynn and other Mo-Mo grads in attendance included Lisa, Kathy, and husband Greg, and me and Conrad. That’s it for weddings, now moving on to births. Kelly Greenzweig Lutterschmidt and her husband welcomed their first child, Rebecca, on October 4, 1997. What a great day to have a baby! Conrad and I welcomed our second daughter, Kailey Amanda, into our family on the same day! Rob Cooper and his wife, Kerry, had their first child, Kaitlin Taylor, on November 19, 1997. Rob is a district manager for Bacardi-Martini in New Jersey. Brian and Maria Campodonico Rounsavill rang in the new year with the birth of their daughter, Nicole Brynna, on New Year’s Eve. Robin DeMarco Calandra ’88 sent me the cutest picture of her and Sal’s two kids, Lauren, 4, and Sal Jr., 18 months, decked out in Moravian attire. They are adorable! From the Alumni House: Christine Reilly now has an e-mail address. It is She is living in Annandale, N.J. with her husband Tom. She reports that William Hojecki ’88 was married last August. He is living in Somerset, N.J. Wendy Seese married a true Irishman in October 1997. The lucky groom is Patrick Hiney. They met on his third day in America. Of course, their honeymoon was to Ireland. Christine Wasser Hess was a bridesmaid. Karen Helms Demarest e-mailed what she has been doing lately. She purchased a house in Long Valley, N.J. After five years of teaching part-time in Roxbury she was offered a full-time position. She is teaching Spanish and ESL at the middle school.

✺ 1988 Cris Santini 2900 Delk Road Marietta, GA 30067 From the Alumni House: Sandra Weiss Sebastian was married in 1991. She has been working as a microbiologist for a statewide water utility.

✒ 1987 Lauren Kelly Lawn 1948 Stirling Drive Lansdale, PA 19446-5561 Edie Fuchs Lewis 216 Old Lancaster Road Devon, PA 19333 From the Alumni House: Conrad J. Radcliffe was elected as a shareholder of Marshall, Dennehey, Warner, Coleman, & Goggin.

✒ 1986 James and Lynda Farrell Swartz 153 Lilac Drive Allentown, PA 18104 We recently spent the afternoon with Norman Kurzeja and his wife, Jill, their sons, Andrew and Scott, Chris Kwiecinski, his wife, Karen Dingwell Kwiecinski ’87, their daughters Kaitlin and Taylor, and new son, Ryan. Norm and Jill are expecting their third child in June. Wedding bells were heard for Lauren Schaffernoth when she married Brian DeFuria in late December. The wedding was beautiful. Lynda served as one of Lauren’s bridesmaids along with Gillian Buckley, Alison Bush, and Donna Mackinshok Aslanian. Tim McLaughlin and his wife, Kristen, along with Heather Apgar Murphy ’87 and her husband Brian, were in attendance. We received a copy of an e-mail from classmate Marc Thompson ’87. He writes that he has been a personal fitness trainer for ten years and his wife, Nancy, is a certified massage therapist. They have a daughter, Ashley Renae, and a son, Andrew Roman.

✒ 1985 Lynn Muschlitz LaBarre 651 Long Lane Road Walnutport, PA 18088 Paula Colizzo Lewinski 118 Springdale Lane Lansdale, PA 19446-3529

From Lynn: In the beginning of February, I went to a mini Sigma reunion in Mahwah, N.J. and New York. I met up with Laura Prichard, Maureen Sinnott Kopczyniski, and her sister Mary Beth Sinnott Vatcher ’84. During my visit I enjoyed bouncing Maureen’s son, Sean, on my knee while watching a basketball game. Maureen is the scorekeeper for the T-Bird High School Team. While I sat on the bleachers, I reviewed the Mahwah “Wall of Fame.” There were two Moravain alumni on this wall: Doug Blake ’84 and Denise Nazzari White. Denise is honored for her letters in basketball and softball while Doug was in basketball and baseball. Maureen and her husband Joe live with their two sons in Ramsey, N.J. Brian will be three in March and baby Sean was born in September. Maureen heard that Guy Mastrangelo and his wife had a baby girl in January of 1998. The next morning, before the sun came up, I was beginning my reunion with Laura, Maureen, and Mary Beth. We had to begin our journey to the city very early because we had tickets to the Regis and Kathie Lee show. If anyone was watching that Friday show and they happened to see three women with “Blues Brothers” hats and dark sunglasses on— that was us. Dan Akroyd was the guest that day, and he even walked off stage with one of our hats. After the show, Pritch gave us a thrill ride in the streets of Manhattan. Later, we dined at the Motown Cafe to enjoy some “Sugar Pie Honey Bunch” and finally the stores on 5th Avenue. Laura works on Madison Avenue for the health division of Time, Inc. She wanted her classmates to know that “Buzz” is still alive and will be featured in a book that she plans to write. Recently, Laura received a phone call from Maryclaire Piccoli who is back in the north working in Tarrytown. Joan Burke Muldoon and her husband Jim moved to their new home in Bridgewater, N.J with 2-year-old Sarah. Joan’s part-time work is in Clinton when she is not chasing after her daughter. Mae Lynn Neyhart Arlinghaus and her husband, Charlie, are still up in Centrebury, N.H. Their son, Henry, who is already 21/2, has probably learned how to ski and snowshoe by now because of those bountiful New England snowfalls. Maureen Herman Leaswitch was named the new coach for Northern Lehigh’s softball team which is one of the Lehigh Valley’s strongest scholastic programs. Maureen spent four years as the assistant coach at Moravian. Speaking of Moravian softball—some classmates have been asking about Carol Schlaefer. Any news would be welcome.

From Paula: Over the Thanksgiving holiday Joe and I finally managed to get together with Malcolm Greene ’88, his lovely wife Kathy, and their two daughters. Mal is in the New Brunswick, N.J., area and is still running his own computer software company, Brooks-Durham. I received a long and wonderful e-mail from Pat Moyer ’86. He and his wife Carla are currently living in North Carolina with their two children, Mackenzie, 4, and Tully, 2. In 1993 Pat received his Ph.D. in physics from North Carolina State. Following that Pat and Carla moved to California for three years, where both of their children were born, then returned to North Carolina where Pat is working at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. He’s still playing intramural basketball but has crossed over to the “other side”—faculty. He says they teach the young ’uns a thing or two and beat the students regularly. Tracy Miller Geary and her husband Kevin welcomed their first child, Elizabeth Joyce, on February 7, 1998. Tracy has kept herself busy as a teaching fellow at Harvard for an expository writing class. This is in addition to her writing, taking two classes, and maintaining her regular job. Joan Leister Ocamb and her husband Randall also welcomed their first child, Madelin, in 1997.

✒ 1984 Janet Gomes Feakes 18 Hamilton Ave Berkeley Heights, N.J. 07922 or I received an e-mail and update from Dave Salter after my last correspondence. Dave is director of public relations and publications at York College. He and his wife, Diane, have been living in York for 31/2 years and love it. They have three beautiful daughters—Katy 7, Emily 5, and Meghan, 1. He also somehow manages to write. Dave has completed two books and is working on two others. Dave informed me that John Messemer has completed three master’s degrees since Moravian. Dave also tells me Joe Stemple lives in the Bethlehem area and is working for International Airport Advertising; and that Bob Kopyta is living in Cincinnatti, Ohio, with his wife, and is a regional executive for the IAMS pet food company. Dave’s kept in touch with Kevin Dodds ’85 who lives with his family in Wayne, N.J. He also received a call recently from Mike Castles ’81. Mike found Dave via the alumni directory. He and his family are in Carlisle, Pa., less than an hour from Dave. 23

Kevin Buckner just sent me a note from El Paso, Tex. After receiving his M.B.A. from Penn State and working in the New York area for several years, Kevin found his way to the Mexican border three years ago to work in consumer products marketing for the Helen of Troy company. Kevin, his wife, Timra, and children Robyn, 8, and Grant, 6, are enjoying the mountainous desert but he admits it’s been too long since he set foot on the Moravian campus.

✺ 1983 Dawn Bullaro-Stawiarski 26 Fox Chase Drive Blackwood, NJ 08012 Eveyone here is just great. John and I are busy with our respective careers as well as raising our three sons. Elsie Kean Schwing and Frank Schwing ’82 are living in Georgia with their 5-year-old son, Christopher. Elsie is in the software field and Frank is at IBM. In their spare time they are coaching assistants and newsletter publishers for their son’s soccer league. I also spoke to Debbie Rengel Laverty. Debbie and Jim now live in Bethlehem with their 3-year-old daughter, Meghan. Jim ’82 is still at IBM and Debbie is working “ad lib” right now. We chatted at length about our 15-year-reunion on May 30th. Debbie keeps in touch with Rich and Pam Wilson Gazda as well as Craig ’82 and Barb Updike Wilhemy.

✒ 1982 Joanne Belletti Molle 618 Jamie Circle King of Prussia, PA 19406

✒ 1981 Tamera Boote Hatton 715 Pineview Lane North Wales, PA 19454 From Tamera: In February 1997 my husband Gary and I celebrated the birth of our healthy twins, Jonathon and Kristen. They are happy and active chidren and keep us busy. Christopher is now six years old and enjoys first grade and chasing after his little brother and sister! I have continued my career on a part-time basis as the social worker for Good Shepherd Pediatrics in Allentown.

✒ 1980 Molly Donaldson Brown 1906 Wenner Street Allentown, PA 18103


Patrick J. Malloy 372 Central Park West, Apt. 3M New York, NY 10025-8203 From Molly: Hello, this is the year many of us day students turned or will turn 40. At least we’re not alone in the experience! Whether you celebrated the milestone grandly (with a party, trip, or some other special event) or calmly (an unceremonious evening at home), drop me a line and share the details with the rest of us. Tell us your plans and/or how you feel about turning the Big 4-0. I started off 1998 with a return to full-time employment after several years working parttime and free-lancing. I am back at Rodale Press, Inc. in Emmaus, Pa., where I worked earlier until my youngest child was born. There I am in the creative department on the magazine team. Last November, I was inducted into Alpha Sigma Tau (AST), the national sorority that Phi Mu Epsilon sisters were invited to join as our sorority slipped into extinction last year. It was a nice experience returning to our old house on Main Street for the ceremony and the opportunity to meet current students and local members of the sorority’s alumni association. Phi Mu sisters saw many similarities with AST during the process of hooking up with a national. By the looks of things they made a great choice. During my visit it was hard to believe that it was over 17 years since we were there as seniors. I had the opportunity to speak with one of the students from the class of ’98, who explained to me how much social events have changed since we were on campus. She couldn’t comprehend the likes of the dorm or frat parties of yesteryear or things like HUB beer dances. Alcohol is prohibited everywhere on campus; a rule strictly enforced and severely penalized when broken. Coinciding with the national trend, the Moravian sororities and fraternities have long abolished hell nights and any kind of hazing activities. Pledges are not permitted to even sing their pledge songs in the HUB like we used to. Basically, pledges are not to do anything active sisters and brothers are not expected to do with them. I learned the Alpha Epsilon Pi also disbanded and hooked up with a national. If any former Pi sisters could write me with an update on that relationship, I’d appreciate it. Also, if anyone can report on what’s happening on the fraternity side, please drop me a line. Any Phi Mu sisters wishing to join AST can write me or contact the Alumni Office for the details. I understand there are chapters all

over the country. It has been a great experience for me thus far, affiliating with the local alumni chapter of AST. Karen Killip Gangne in Colrain, Mass., sent me news announcing the birth of her daughter, Annie, on September 16, 1997. Karen writes that her baby “is a delightful— and challenging—addition” to their family and she and husband, Craig, are attempting to adjust to the new and exciting changes in their lives. It has been awhile since I heard from classmate Mike Steinberger and there’s good reason. He has been making some monumental changes in his life. “After all these years, I’m back in Pennsylvania,” he writes. He left his position in New England, heading up a YMCA, to accept a job in banking. Mike now works for the First Washington State Bank in Windsor, N.J., as a vice president and commercial lender. (Unfortunately, this is a threehour-round trip commute for him from his new home in West Chester, Pa.) The Steinbergers moved into their colonial home in January ’97. Mike says he lives in a nice community with school, shopping, parks, and church within a mile. He’s close to Philly, Longwood Gardens, Valley Forge, and tax-free shopping in Delaware. Wife Michelle, also in banking, works as a trust officer for the First National Bank of West Chester. Sons Tommy, Matt, and Evan love school, soccer, and baseball. Last year, the family vacationed in Williamsburg, Va., and made the rounds of Busch Gardens, Water Country USA, Jamestown, and Yorktown. His new location affords Mike (and sons) the opportunity to see the Phillies, Sixers, and Kixx (soccer) in action. The news from Leslie Kachure Scott and family for 1997 centered on lots of exciting travel. First, last February, she and husband Rick spent some time in San Fransisco visiting friends. “A welcome break,” she writes, “before I returned to AT&T after my yearlong leave of absence.” In April, Leslie, Rick, and sons Tyler, Colin, and Riley cruised the Carribean aboard the new ship Century, visiting such exciting ports of call as Grand Cayman, Jamaica, Key West, and Mexico. In July, they were back on the beach for their annual week in Bermuda. And, Les adds, “for those who hate just hearing only good news,” their water main broke last December while Rick was away at a review course in New Orleans. Needless to say, the Scotts welcomed in 1998 with a new water service. I must share with you some news I received in a Christmas letter from Karen Catz MacDonald ’81. Karen and Chuck are the parents of five sons and one daughter. In addition, they were expecting a seventh child

as my deadline approached. Amazingly, Karen home-schools her children. Is there anyone else reading this that is parenting that many or more children? If you are, and you can share some precious time, write and tell us about it. And Karen, drop us a line, or have Chuck or one of your sons do it, when Baby Number 7 debuts. Reminder to the Classes of ’78, ’79, ’80, ’81, and ’82. Several of us have been tossing around the idea of a joint reunion in the year 2000. We will need your help to pull it off. If you are interested in the idea, please write to me. We can use your help no matter where you live. From the Alumni House: Bronne Bruzgo was named vice president of sales and marketing of Pentamation.

✒ 1979 C. Jane Merlo Bray 322 West Street Bethlehem, PA 18018 From C. J.: Ralph DeLuca wrote to say that he and his wife Traci had their second child, a daughter, Anastasia Tatiana, on October 21, 1997. Everyone is doing fine. The DeLucas also have a 2-year-old son, Ralph IV, who is very enthusiastic about his new sister. Ralph continues to serve as corporal in charge of the Bethel Police Youth Bureau where he is involved in educational programs and public education duties. The DeLucas live in Bethel, Conn. Barbara Lewis recently completed a medical transcription course and is interviewing at several health care organizations. She works part-time at the Moravian Book Shop. It’s been a pleasure getting to know Barb at the Book Shop, where I also work part-time, because we didn’t really know each other during our time at Moravian. From the Alumni House: Anne Rampolla has been named a modern foreign language lecturer at Lehigh University.

✺ 1978 Robin Tobman Lubin 5129 Chevy Chase Parkway Washington, DC 20008-2920 From Robin: Elaine Domber Monticollo ’80 now lives in Pittsburgh. Her husband is an anesthesiologist. She has a daughter Allie and a son Adam. Sue Drylie is in her ninth year of private counseling practice and does a lot of consulting to the area schools. Last year she taught at Camden County Community College which was a great experience. Her husband Benj still

travels with thoroughbreds. Last summer Sue and family visited Ann Jeter Kiely and her family. Ann lives in Rumson, N.J. She has four children and a store in Fair Haven called Penny-Annie. Chris Gardiner is now a jockey-agent in the thoroughbred racing industry and competes in Ping-Pong tournaments in his spare time. He is pumped for the reunion as is Dan Paradee who lives in Maine. He is coming with his wife Kathy and their two children. Angela Palumbo Caputo is busy with work and twins Dustin and Crystal. She keeps in touch with Karen Seger Cirangle and Tammy Hoyt. As for me, all is going great. There is never a quiet moment around the house with three noisy kids, Caroline, 13, Emily, 81/2, and Alexander, 31/2. Caroline will have her bat mitzah in May, which we’re all excited about. Marc still works on Capitol Hill. My days never end, but I enjoy every minute of it. It will be gone too soon. I’m also very busy with volunteer work and am a Girl Scout leader. Carol Avery Bell and her family moved to Indiana a year ago after living in the Raleigh, N.C., area for many years. From the Alumni House: Dr. R. Scott Smith recently appeared on the Howard Stern Show and on E Network. Dr. Smith is a board certified surgeon on St. George Island, Fla.

✒ 1977 Kathy Ozzard 2333 Brickell Ave., #716 Miami, FL 33129 Fax: (305) 860-8492 From Kathy: Yes, that is yet another change of address! Actually, I have lived on Brickell for over two years—I’m just trying to get away from driving to my P.O. box every day, so please use the address above from now on—thanks! Now for all the Christmas news: Kathy Kichline Adams has left the floral business and loves her new career in the computer department at Day-Timers with the year 2000 team. She and husband Doug Adams and son Michael spent part of last summer using their timeshare in the Poconos and another 10 days visiting friends in Wisconsin and Minnesota. They travelled to Radio City in New York during Christmas, and headed to Tampa and Orlando, Fla., in April of ’98. Jack Lewis sent a great photo, too, of his children Jonathan and Megan. Jack, wife Melanie, and the kids spent a two-week vacation together last summer in Wyoming— horseback riding, rafting, trading lines from

“City Slickers,” etc.! He also got together for dinner in Houston one evening with Greg McNelis. Jane Karole Newschwander also came through with a beautiful photo of her two children, Tim and Chloe. She still enjoys working in the library at a boy’s boarding high school. As with all the other parents who write to me, their childrens’ sports and other activities keep Mom and Dad hopping! Another fantastic family photo arrived in my card from Vince Pantalone, along with a very clever “newspaper” type of info letter. Vince has resigned from his head football coaching position at Lower Dauphin High School in order to spend more time with his own “team” at home. He is still an English teacher at the school (in his 21st year—can it be?!) and leaves his record as head coach at 54-22-1. Vince was also inducted last November into the Moravian Hall of Fame. His entire family and many friends joined him for the moment and Vince was overwhelmed by Gary Martell’s speech. As if that wasn’t enough, Vince took wife Carla to Atlantic City for her 40th birthday and walked away from a poker machine with an extra $1,000.00 in his pocket! The money was put to good use during the family Florida vacation in Orlando later that year. Vince stays in touch with George Garland, who runs two tennis clubs in Queens, N.Y., and is the top-ranked over-40 male amateur tennis player on the east coast! George’s mother Barbara sent me a Christmas card reporting that George and wife Anita would be visiting her in Gettysburg, Pa., for Christmas. Great to receive my annual card from Denisa Torma, who still resides in Bethlehem, and a gorgeous handmade card from Lise Zinkham Lanceley in Houston, Tex. Her daughter Kate has started high school (again, how can this be?!) and Lise is coping bravely with all that comes with the teenage years, like dating! Lise has also changed jobs and is now teaching art to children from kindergarten through fourth grade, and loving it. Seems like a lot of us have made quite positive and joyful career moves in our 40s, huh? A career move that she loves, too, came for Georgene Mitilenes Bonard last year. She has started working again as a pre-school teacher after being a full-time Mom for 10 years! Her husband, Tom Bonard, is coaching and Georgene has returned to her cheerleader roots—from the stands! They were planning a trip to Florida in the spring. I just missed getting together with Joyce Kavjian Stephenson and her family over Christmas. They were just arriving on the east coast of Florida as I was leaving for the west coast of Florida to be with family there, but we 25

did squeeze in a terrific phone conversation. Joyce is teaching elementary school, and her husband Pete has a new job closer to home so he is able to spend more time with their two girls Christina and Michelle. From the class of ’76 I received a clever, artsy card from Jeff Epstein, and more fabulous family photos with newsletters from Susie Hyer and Irene Silverio Kane ’76. Susie took trips with her family last year to Aruba and Costa Rica, and this year planned to visit Jamaica in February and either Hawaii or Florida in March. Susie continues her work with Cell Tech, and is enjoying a bit of Colorado fame as an artist. She has completed commissioned pieces of Hawaii, a wall mural at a Boulder restaurant, and several other canvases for restaurants in the Denver and Boulder areas. These pieces are all landscapes, some in acrylic, some in oil, and as Susie says, a bit of a challenge and a lot of fun! Like I said, it seems as though we Moravianites are really finding ourselves in our forties. Irene is the guidance counselor at St. Leo the Great school in Fairfax, Va. Last July she took her children to Mexico to visit her brother and his family in Isla Mujeres. She and husband Mike also enjoyed a trip with their four children, Alexa, Jackie, Michael and Sean, last August to the Christian Living Family Center in Topsail, N.C. There was a hint on my card that they may visit the Miami area this summer! It is January as I write this and I am happily in the process of packing for a week in Cancun, Mexico. As the admissions director of Educating Hands School of Massage here in Miami, I must make the “sacrifice” of attending the annual Council of Schools convention there! My private massage practice continues to grow and I have started teaching some night classes at the school. I knew that teaching degree from Moravian would be put to use again at some point in my life! All this work is a delightful and far more meaningful change from the sheer insanity of the design world. From the Alumni House: Odell Guyton was named corporate compliance officer of the University of Pennsylvania.

✒ 1976 K. Dale Zusi Scolnick 55 Dyckman Place Basking Ridge, N.J. 07920-1413 From the Alumni House: Amy L. Greiner Hawley has been elected president of the Greater Philadelphia chapter of the Society of Industrial and Office Realtors for 1998. 26

✒ 1975

✒ 1969

Carol Brown Dibley 21 Chandler Road Chatham, N.J. 07928-1803

Wayne Beaver 15848 North Tenth Street Phoenix, AZ 85022-3143

Rev. John Zoppi P.O. Box H Hunker, PA 15639

From the Alumni House: Last April, Dana Burt Donaldson, Cindy Nocek, Linda Evans Shotkus, Martha Poole, Caroline Funk Rabold, Anne Egolf Gellings, and Nancy Glassmoyer Brittingham got together for a reunion in Sedona, Ariz.

✒ 1974 Otto and Susan Lenius Dreydoppel 117 North Main Street Nazareth, PA 18064

✺ 1973 Dennis Jones 614 Crestline Avenue Bethlehem, PA 18015-4204 Priscilla Barres Schueck 703 West Goepp Street Bethlehem, PA 18018 From the Alumni House: Jeffrey A. Skinner was elected chairman of the Lehigh-Northampton Airport Authority. Paul R. Shelly was recently licensed by the state of New Jersey as a clinical social worker.

✒ 1972 Beverly Papps Skeffington 25910 Stuckey Avenue S.W. Vashon, WA 98070 From the Alumni House: Francis J. Marsh received the American Society for Testing and Materials Award of Merit from the ASTM Standards Writing Committee.

✒ 1971 John Madison 5749 Blue Grass Tail Coopersburg, PA 18036-1835

✺ 1968 George Berger 107 Mohawk Drive Johnston, PA 15905 Jill Stefko 734 Second Avenue Bethlehem, PA 18018 From the Alumni House: Jill Stefko is writing her doctoral dissertation on metaphysical counseling through the University of Metaphysics International. Susan White Redfield was recently named president of the Los Angeles Zoo Foundation.

✒ 1967 Marisue Brugler Easterly R.D. Box 3109 Saylorsburg, PA 18017

✒ 1966 Gail Winson 18 Sherman Ave. Bristol, RI 02809

✒ 1965 William Horwath 22300 Maplewood Drive Southfield, MI 48034

✒ 1964

Constance M. Sokalsky One North Second Street Harrisburg, PA 17102

Judith Morecz Simpson 2532 Hepplewhite Drive York, PA 17404-1216

✒ 1970

✺ 1963

Denise Maday Greiner 309 High Street Catasauqua, PA 18032-1428

Sandra Walker Kreutzer 3672 Old Philadelphia Pike Bethlehem, PA 18015

Kenneth T. Small 216 Owego Street Candor, NY 13743

✒ 1962 Merr Trumbore 1040 Ebenezer Church Road Rising Sun, MD 21911

Emma Demuth Williams Box 221 Newfoundland, PA 18445

✒ 1961 Sandra Kromer Jones 9 Driftwood Drive Somerset, N.J. 08873-1717

✒ 1960 Jane Ziegenfus Hamill 237 Thorn Street Swickley, PA 15143

✒ 1959 Kathy Werst Detwiler 1383 North Allen Street State College, PA 16803 Christmas Vespers at Central Moravian was a delightful celebration. Good to chat with Gus Rampone again and get caught up on class news. He is working diligently on our behalf on the Annual Fund committee. Plans have begun for our 40th Reunion, May 1999. Please let Gus, Monk Morelli, or me know your wishes for this special affair ahead. Exciting news from Nancy and Bill Grahill has reached your correspondent. Bill retired fourteen years ago and while they are living in Florida, their back-packing and hiking ventures have taken them to Australia, New Zealand, Alaska, Peru, Chile, and Bolivia. Some of you may find it hard to believe, but they actually grew tired of golf six or seven days a week. Their four girls are grown. With Laura they enjoy their first grandchild; Leigh just moved to the Jersey Shore; Leslie is currently on a business trip to France; and Lynda is completing her Ph.D. and awaiting a second child. Big Ten Wrestling at Penn State brought Pat and Ray Salabsky ’55, Carol and Dick Andrews ’62, and Marie and Jim Weaver, parents of Jimmy Weaver ’90, to Happy Valley. My MC plate in the Nittany Lion parking lot brought us together and provided us an opportunity to recall good times at Moravian. Both Ray and Dick are retired teachers from Bethlehem School District— and looking great. Let’s mark our calendars for the last weekend of May 1999—our 40th Reunion.

✺ 1958 F. Jarrett (“Dee”) DeJulio (Bennie Bennett) P.O. Box 607 Dover, N.J. 07802-0607

Congrats on the 40th year class reunion. Let me know the results for the next edition, as I am unable to attend. The mid-September ’97 Morris County “Harvest Show” was a success with awards in vegetables. I anticipate this year’s show. Gardening of all types is rewarding and therapeutic for many. Ken DeJulio, my younger son, took an award for his “Gardening Scarecrow” and loaned it out upon my request to the Bernhardsville Garden Club. He is also in his sixth year working at the local ASP. He still lifts weights at Lusardi’s Fitness Center in Rockaway, and anticipates the Special Olympics competition in May. For the seond year he raised money for St. Jude’s. Bart Askera, my eldest son, is involved in projects of his own which involve photography and astronomy. He is considering some external degree study. I was treated for Lyme disease last year, and so far so good. Last November was rewarding, with a special program at a local church for senior citizens’ pre-Thanksgiving Day lunch. It was the first time in ten years since the ’88 auto wreck that I publicly did anything on the 12-string guitar and vocals— traditional sacred and western ballads. I am always on the go with projects on the property, restoration/ refinishing of smaller wood items for others and an occasional smaller custom sign job. I am “networking” the wood working for individuals and antique stores. This supplements my Social Security Disablity income. Enjoy life and its challenges, and send me your news.

✒ 1957 Pearl Stein 1900 Frontage Road #1306 Cherry Hill, N.J. 08034-2216

✒ 1956 Robert Gray 3190 Pheasant Drive Northampton, PA 18067-9768

✒ 1955 Helen Varady Keyser 2038 Kenmerer Street Bethlehem, PA 18018 From Helen: Christmas time brings news of classmates. I received an interesting newsletter and a Christmas greeting in Spanish from Margaret Czipoth Underwood and her husband Eugene. Upon retirement they have relocated to Costa Rica in Central America, and have a studio apartment in Florida. Their home in Cuidad Cariari overlooks the ninth green of the Cariari Country Club. Margaret and

Eugene and Andy, their Westie, are happily settled into a large lovely house with two guest rooms. They are eager to see friends and encourage them to visit this beautiful country. I also received Christmas-time greetings from Sue Ann Henkelman Fortney, Rose Mandic Donchez, Barbara Cump Schmoyer, Joan Landrock Schlegel, and Bam McCombs Justice. Bam writes in her card that she will have served 30 years with the U.S. government at the end of 1997 and hopes to be “paroled.” She may even come back to Pennsylvania with her new-found freedom. Good to hear from you, Bam. Nancy Zeleski Frantz writes in her Christmas greeting that Joan Landrock Schlegel called her. Nancy is recuperating from foot surgery and swims daily which really helps her foot. She also writes that Margaret Czipoth Underwood and her husband Eugene are planning to visit her and Bob in Hollywood, Fla., in late January. Gladys Smith Winkelman writes that she and husband Howie are in good health and are enjoying the holidays. The winter is more mild than last year in Spirit Lake, Idaho. Their new barn is completed. (The old one had caved in from all the heavy ice and snow last year.) And their tiny kitten, found last year, has grown into a beautiful 8-pound cat with the sweetest face, biggest eyes and cutest personality. Kay Moyer Cressman and her husband Marvin were in Bethlehem briefly in June, and again in September. In June Kay was here for her 45th nursing reunion in Allentown. They left grandson Randy at his uncle’s house in Ironton. Uncle David Cressman has been stationed at the Hotel Bethlehem during Christmas season to take people on carriage rides. Randy worked at the livery stable in Ironton for Uncle David last summer. In September Kay and Marvin flew to Bar Harbor, Maine, and Campobello Island to see the Roosevelt summer cottages. While there they visited Kay’s cousin who has a home on the Kennebec River. Their next stop was Bethlehem where they visited Kay’s Aunt Clare in the “King’s Daughters” home. Kay and Marvin, while in Bethlehem, visited the Burnside Plantation, an 18th-century farm dating back to 1748, which is in the process of being preserved and restored. Once completed it will become a living farm museum. Uncle David Cressman keeps his horses there at times during the winter months. Kay writes that they have a new family member, Christine, wife of Paul Moyer, son of Kay’s brother Robert Moyer ’63. Kay and Marvin ride all over the country in their recreational vehicle and are not ready to retire. Marvin does the most difficult brain surgery in the Austin, Texas, area. 27

I was so happy to receive a Christmas card and note from Sister Millicent Drake ’54. She still talks about the wonderful visit Helen Desh Woodbridge ’54, Anne Enright ’52, and I had with her in Boyertown in July of last year. Sister writes that they had six services between 3:00 p.m. Christmas Eve and 10:00 a.m. Christmas day, and she preached for one service, played for two, had the prayer for the other three. I also received a beautiful Christmas card with newsletter from Helen Desh Woodbridge. The card was a section of the Bell House on Church Street drawn by Helen’s sister, Jane Trumbore. Barbara Cump Schmoyer, Joan Landrock Schlegel, Rose Mandic Donchez, and I went to the Café for a Christmas lunch in the lovely Victorian setting. After our lunch, we went to Rosie’s home to continue our visit. In February we celebrated Barbara’s birthday at the Aspen Inn. Barbara was so surprised when our waitress brought her a little birthday cake with a candle and we all sang “Happy Birthday” to her. John and I enjoyed the wonderful pork supper at the Hungarian Reformed Church where Bob Csizma ’54 is chief elder. There we met Mary Pongracz ’52, neice Mary Jo Falco Johnson ’79, her husband David ’79, and Josephine Pongracz Falco Kohls ’56 whose husband Winfred is Winfred Kohls, professor of history at Moravian. As I write this, we are all looking forward to the inauguration of Dr. Ervin Rokke as president of Moravian College. We all welcome Dr. and Mrs. Rokke to the Moravian community.

✒ 1954 Helen Desh Woodbridge 3574 Browning Lane Bethlehem, PA 18018 Thanks, Moravian, for continuing, among your many offerings, Founder’s Day activities for alumnae, your recognition of the Ladies’ Seminary and College for Women of past years. Last May 9 four classmates attended Founder’s Day, the last one under President Martin. In looking ahead to this May 29 I thought of the 28 classmates of ’54, the last class of the Women’s College, whose names are listed on the plaque in the hallway of Peter Hall. That number is now 26 since the deaths of Georgia D. Williams and Marie Woltjen Sickel. One indication of our class’s interest in Founder’s Day is Shirley B. Dutt’s membership on the Committee in ’97 and previous years, along with Bev Bell ’56. Classmates sent Christmas cards, some with welcome news. Millicent Drake ex28

pressed delight with the visit Anne Enright, Helen V. Keyser, and I made on July 3, and described her busy Christmas schedule. Lois L. Geeher “found an intriguing thought in the final remarks of the main character in A Streetcar Named Desire, ‘I have always depended on the kindness of strangers.’ ” Having heard this on her favorite National Public Radio station in a tribute to the outstanding playwright Tennessee Williams, she relates its truth to her family. Fred, for example, who is serving as part-time interim pastor at a church in northeast Philadelphia, faced a congregation of strangers at first but not for long. During the week he experienced a severe kidney attack, he and Lois met “strangers with countless gestures of kindness” during the emergency trips to two hospitals. And her sister’s death prompted her to think and write about Mary Jane, her training as a nurse and her care in ministering to many strangers as well as friends and family. Lois’s oldest grandchild, by Christmastime, had completed her first semester at Bloomsburg University, and successsfully so, after she entered a world of strangers, new surroundings, and challenges. Last February Dorothy Ruyak visited her sister and brother-in-law in Sarasota, Fla., taking it easy in the 80-degree weather, she wrote. In May, while driving to Williamsburg, she played an audio tape, Little Women, narrated by Jamie Lee Curtis. In a shop in the old town while standing in line she heard a familiar voice and it was that of Jamie Lee Curtis, the first but not last sight of her and her daughter, who were there for Mother’s Day. On December 31, Dorothy retired as a full-time employee of Williams and Wilkins. The owners wanted to sell, but “insisted that there would be a continued presence in Baltimore.” She began in February to work there two days a week. She spends her leisure time on work with her church and the League of Women Voters. She enjoys good health, except for some arthritis in her feet, is a member of a health club, and donates platelets monthly. Pat K. Nebinger lives nearby and spends time with her grandson Victor. She keeps in touch with Pat Hunter, who in October underwent surgery and has had the support of her children. Marian Wagner wrote that she looks ahead to our 55th Reunion in 1999. Nancy Frantz wrote about recovering from foot surgery. She and Bob hoped to return to Bethlehem and see classmates and friends at Founders Day. They were looking forward to a February lunch with other Florida alumni to meet Moravian’s new president.

Marilyn Nuss Landon ’53 continues as a substitute teacher and Leonard has retired. They attended a Washington area alumni meeting and found that Rose Feilberg Broberg ’34 is a cousin to Marilyn. Fran McClain ’38, known to us since our State College days 1957-67, finds southern Arizona an ideal place to live, and has downsized by moving into the Sun Valley Lodge in Sun City. Christmas cards came from classmates Jan B. Cook, Pat Hunter, Grace MacMurtrie, and Sally Morris ’53. Anne Enright ’52, Helen Keyser ’55, and I have talked about the inauguration of President Rokke on April 18 and Founder’s Day and our plans for these events. How will you, our classmates, show your appreciation for Moravian’s recognition of the Women’s College we knew come this Founder’s Day 1998? I would very much like to be there with you, but I will be with Cas that day touring watch and clock factories in Geneva, Switzerland, with the NAWCC. By the way, Cas and I were in Egypt, not at the Metropolitan Museum, as reported in the last column.

✺ 1953 Charlie Hasenecz 3940 Washington Street Bethlehem, PA 18020 Marilyn Nuss Landon 1510 Taylor Avenue Ft. Washington, MD 20744-2911 E. Allen Schultz 931 San Carlos Avenue, N.E. St. Petersburg, FL 33702 From Marilyn: After reviewing our Christmas correspondence, I’ve concluded that as a bunch of retirees, we’re not yet twiddling our thumbs for something to do. Eileen Wainwright Peronneau continues to freelance as a proofreader for Sage Publications, and does the Human Factors Journal for the Ergonomics Society and a collection of projects for the J. Paul Getty Education Institute. Last year she went on a holiday in Hawaii and spent an enjoyable week driving up the California coast with her daughter. Helen Search Rogens and Ted had a whirlwind tour—over 1,900 miles in 8 days— of Ohio, Indiana, and West Virginia, focusing their attention on museums, gardens, house tours, and antiquing. Back home, they rested! Joanne Lohrman Cheatham took off in her Honda RV on a solo trip of over 3,000 miles through Nevada, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona. After checking out various cities along the way, she realized she

found north-central Arizona the most beautiful and now plans to relocate there. Mincha Drucker Neiditch and Gene have a new 18-foot sailboat. Mincha’s sister is teaching them how to sail, even making sure they learn the correct sailing terminology. Joan Bramble Kurtz wrote that she and husband Jack “after 10 years of doing ‘This Old House,’ decided to make it our home.” They live in Ocean City, N.J. Sally Morris still lives in Bethlehem, happy in her old house with her three dachsies. She often sees Helen Desh Woodbrige. Except for “trying to catch up on my bandaid surgery which I did on things while I was working,” Shirley Albright says her retirement is great. She still helps her nephew at his train shop. Connie Nonnemaker Strain and husband Bill spent Christmas in Florida, visiting their son and his family. They usually spend January and February down there as well, prefering Florida’s warmth to winter at their Maryland home. In the spring, they intend to visit their daughter in Ohio. Pat Browne Hunter was hit heavily with problems over the last year. Her mother died in June. A fast-developing cataract on one eye was removed in August and then her other eye needed attention. This was followed by acute pancreatitis and ensuing surgery. Lois Kester Jason had a busy year, commercially speaking. She did a print job for Tylenol, some local TV spots, and, with daughter Jill, some print and voice-over work for Winthrop University Hospital osteoporosis center in Mineola, N.Y. She also played a mother (no lines, all reaction) in a music video called “Pizza” done by a group called Bugsy. Lois and husband Jerry stay in shape by going to a gym five days a week. I much enjoyed hearing from you! I’d like to hear more. Let me quote from Eileen Wainwright Peronneau. “I don’t have much to say, but I’ll write anyhow. Not having much to say is a good thing. It means that the year passed with no serious problems.” Let us know about your problem-free life! Write!

✒ 1952 Gloria Parkhill P.O. Box 214 Stockertown, PA 18083-0214 From the Alumni House: Bernhard T. Mittemeyer was recently honored by the Medical School at Texas Tech, where he is chair of community medicine, with the establisment of a scholarship in his name.

✒ 1951 Andy Jasso 35 Greenwich Street Bethlehem, PA 18018-2439 Carol Buechner McMullen 613 Cliff Street HoHoKus, N.J. 07423 From Carol: My news this time begins on a sad note. Debbie Irwin Fleagle’s husband George passed away on July 18 last year. My deepest sympathy to Debbie in her loss along with the hope that time, family, and friends will provide some consolation. 1997 was a year for reunions—many of us graduated from high school in ’47 and were celebrating our 50th reunion. Evelyn Horn Polansky and John traveled to the Lehigh Valley for her 50th and for John’s Lafayette reunion. They also joined Paul and Janet Fabian Andre, Sam and Jane Kincaid Missimer, Harold and June Schafer Scholl for another reunion, the first in many years. The Polanskys have five grandsons and a granddaughter ranging from 7 to 15 years old; they are all involved in sports. Byrdie Loveless Jackson enjoyed her high school reunion and Ed and Nancy Oplinger Dover traveled east from Alburquerque to Hellertown where 40 classmates plus spouses and friends met at the Grist Mill and later gathered at the Minsi Trail Inn in Bethlehem for talking and visiting. “A reunion doesn’t get any better than this one” was Nancy’s comment. Oddly enough, that same sentiment was expressed at my own 50th high school reunion. We had 46 of our class along with spouses and friends and had a wonderful time, first meeting at our old high school hang-out, then on to dinner and continuing through to brunch the next day—we still hadn’t finished talking. There is a special quality about these high school reunions—many of us met in kindergarten and went through the next 12 years together, creating an unusually close bond even after many years apart. The Dovers also joined Glenn and Fern Bachman Koplin, the Andres, Missimers, and the Scholls at a picnic at the lovely home of Charles and Betsey Sherer Freas ’50. Dick and Lois Shafer Smith came from Virginia and the group welcomed Rosemary Seitz Gesell’s husband Harold and daughter Anne Marie to the gathering. While back east Nancy and Ed spent a day at the Pennsylvania Dutch Folk Festival in Kutztown, enjoying good Dutch food and birch beer, and visiting Janet and Paul Andre at their booth, the Wood Place. The Andres make beautiful woven baskets and cane chairs.

Harold and June Shafer Scholl participated in another Elderhostel. This one was an intergenerational experience for grandparents and their grandchildren. They took their 12year-old granddaughter Amy, to the program held in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley. Classes on the nature, ecology, and the pioneers who settled the area were cleverly designed to hold the interest of both grandkids and grandparents. Byrdie Jackson with her daughters, Kathy and Chris Jackson Gratz ’71, journeyed to Scotland last August. The highlight of their trip was a visit to the farm where Byrdie’s late husband Jim’s great-grandmother once raised sheep and eight children. Brydie met several distant cousins and loved both the cousins and the beautiful country. Jean Cassidy Colville reported a record year in 1997—not a single night in the hospital! Jean enjoyed visits from her family, including her grandchildren. In a previous issue I mentioned Nancy and Ed Dover’s trip to the island of Midway early in 1997. The following is Nancy’s description of their remarkable experience: “Twelve hundred miles northwest of Kauai and four hours flying time lies the 1,600-acre island of Midway. Since we landed after dark, our first introduction to the millions of albatross there was at dawn the next morning. How can so many birds be described on paper or e-mail? It was almost a magical experience to wake and see and hear so many birds. There was clicking, clacking, clattering, chirping, honking, whistling, mewing, mooing, meowing, and screaming constantly while we were there. At night the sounds didn’t stop; they only diminished. “When we went on walks the birds were everywhere. They have the right of way and humans must go around them. I had a brand new bicycle and rode all over the island. When those big birds cast a shadow over the bike, I ducked every time. “We were with the Oceanic Expeditions Society tour and had very knowledgeable guides.We heard about the history during WWII and walked to the houses that were built for the Trans Oceanic Cable Company. One evening we had a ‘class’ about the monk seal. “All meals were taken in the Navy mess hall and the food was very good. The employees were Tai, Filipino, and Sri Lankan so there were always very tasty, different meals. “The second day after our orientation from the Fish and Wildlife Department we were invited to attend the ceremony where the Navy after 50 years turned over the island to the Department of the Interior to be taken care of by Fish and Wildlife. Midway Phoenix 29

Corp. will run the business end, food service, transportation, and tourism. “All in all it was a great experience for me and a nostalgic return for Ed, who was stationed there for two six-month tours of duty in the early ’50s.” From the Alumni House: Rene and Nin Fernandes visited Disney World this past year with their family. They met their daughter Maureen, who flew over from Holland with her children.

✒ 1950 Bob Scholl P.O. Box 5083 Bethlehem, PA 18015

✒ Men of the 40’s Charles W. Eichman 1280 Wymewood Drive Bethlehem, PA 18017-3553

✒ 1949 Faye Werley Jurden Oak Lane Manor 1113 Parkside Drive Wilmington, DE 19803 Thomas E. Keim 422 East Locust Street Bethlehem, PA 18018 William H. Woods 3032 Coplay Lane Whitehall, PA 18052 From Tom: Some news from Ivan Backer arrived recently. He had recently visited the Czech Republic, his birthplace. The city of Prague has changed a lot since the Velvet Revolution. Many buildings have been renovated to their former glory but the advertising is everywhere. The average citizen is not able to afford the necessities of life because of the regulatory infrastructure. Al Buralli and Betty celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary recently with a trip to Scotland. Be prepared for our 50th class reunion in 1999. You’ll be contacted for your ideas on how to celebrate our 50th gathering. From the Alumni House: Tom and Louise Keim celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on May 29.

✺ 1948 Marion Schmidt Heacock 407 East Fairview Street Bethlehem, PA 18018


✒ 1947 June Urffer Moyer 27012 Aldeano Drive Mission Viejo, CA 92691 From June: By the time this goes to press Mary Jean Grider Spangenthal will have contacted Dr. Martin to see how he has adjusted to Southern life. He is now president of a small college in Virginia, and he wrote an article for the local paper about binge drinking on campus. M. J. has been wrestling with a bad back which began giving her more trouble as she was considering surgery to replace her right hip. The back was so much worse than the hip that she decided she wasn’t interested in any surgery and was going to find other ways to solve her problems. She tried chiropractic medicine, and she is a convert. She says she is not dancing yet but she is sure she will some day. Peg Loveless Browne’s classes have increased each year, and they are bursting at the seams in Latin I. She teaches six of seven periods. She’d like to teach until 2000 and say she taught in two centuries. “Physically and mentally it’s fine. Amazing, I can’t find my pen but I can remember so many minute details about Latin.” Betty Riegel Mesner and Bill observed their 50th wedding anniversary in August. Betty reports they are both active. She is enrolled in water excersise at the “Y” three times a week. She is also back at art class and other church activities. Ruth Zehner Pope, having recovered from breast cancer surgery and radiation followed by surgery for lung cancer, thought she was finished except for visits to the cancer clinic for check-ups and could say good-bye to the medical profession. At her writing she was slowly recovering from a smashed head of the left humerus. “In spite of everything, we’ve managed to keep traveling, re-visiting some of our favorite areas, and we are scheduled for new adventures this year in Southwestern France, Ireland, and Wales, the Russian waterways, and Turkey. Barbara Schlegel Miller and Ken have enjoyed traveling and time with their family. They have six granddaughters. The eldest is a college freshman and the youngest is three years old. She loves snakes and is thrilled to hold a huge boa which she labels “cute.” Barbara and Ken are planning a trip to Oregon this spring. They are taking a paddlewheeler on the Columbia river for a week. June Hunsicker Kuhns, a Florida resident, said they are planning a trip to Pennsylvania. June is a not a traveller. She finds plenty to do in her immediate area.

Bob and I just experienced Cursillo. It has been less than a week. Our feet are beginning to touch the ground. It is an awesome experience. We are enjoying our volunteer tasks at our new city library which is within walking distance of our home. I have loved being in the children’s library. Also our volunteer tasks at our church continue. El Niño hit California very hard as you have seen on the television. We’ve been safe but near us Laguna Beach has had so much devastation.

✒ 1946 Martha Miexell Danner 10 Lynbrook Drive Lambertville, N.J. 08530-3007 Ada Zellner Flower 834 Hilltop Road Oyster Bay, NY 11771 From Ada: The Danners and Smythes celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversaries in August 1997. Martha and Bob’s sons honored them with a reception at son David’s home and then a dinner. The Danners have a new grandson. Bill and Ann Smythe had their brothers, their six children, and eleven grandchildren with them for a wonderful weekend. The weekend included a surprise reception, a renewal of their vows before their family, friends, and church and several other special events. The Smythes traveled extensively in Norway last spring and spent part of the time on a coastal steamer. Ducky Brown is very busy in retirement. There are many activities to choose from at Foulkeways, her retirement community. She set up a studio and continues her art work and plans a show of her pastels. Blanche Shirley Wentzel, our gym teacher at MCW, also lives at Foulkeways. Marion Enrig Hoffmon has purchased a condo in Fairbanks, Alaska, in the center of town. She can walk to her church and library and is enjoying local cultural and educational opportunities. In the last year she has been back and forth across the U.S. several times for family events. She attended an outstanding symposium celebrating the centennial of gold mining in Alaska. This involved trips to the far north and west including the chance to stand on the eastern terminus of the Bering Land Bridge. She was thrilled to see the work done when son Phillip was an on-site engineer in the Red Dog area. Phyllis Clark traveled with a small group to Russia. Their trips to the Hermitage and visits to the summer palaces in Petersburg were highlights. Ileen Whitehead Bernbaum and Dave have been traveling also. They have the good

fortune to be able to attend and enjoy Moravian events. They traveled with Moravian College professor Jean-Pierre Lalande to Paris in the past and continue to visit with friends made on that trip.

✒ 1945 Jane Smith Ebelhare 805 Buckeye Street Ft. Collins, CO 80524 From Jane: Jackie Haas Bauder’s Christmas letter was truly amazing. The scope of her activities, despite various uncomfortable health problems, was unbelievable and ranged from travel in this country and abroad, educational and humanitarian projects, to many family affairs. In a separate note, she was anticipating a December meeting with the M and M (Mighty Moravians)—Jim and Doris Fetterman Cherrington ’43, Warren and Florence Drebert Fritts, and Dick and Janet Moyer Paulus—for lunch and talk at “Sweet Memories” in Emmaus. Al ’43 and Lois Moser Harke are doing well according to their Christmas letter and a subsequent note in February. I had a letter from Ruth Fikenstscher Smith in late January. It had been very cold in Tucson, in fact cold enough to produce ice on the fountain in the courtyard. They had an enjoyable Christmas visit from son Bill, despite his fighting with icy roads all the way down from Cortez, Colorado. Alice Joyce Yeager and husband Robert have enjoyed a year of “symphony concerts, plays, and numerous social functions” in spite of some physical problems. Alice is on a mission committee at her church and writes newsletter articles about the Florida United Methodist Children’s Home, a haven for abandoned and dysfunctional children. She and Robert must be extremely proud of their grandchildren considering the impressive list of their accomplishments. Alice was looking forward to a February meeting of the Sarasota Moravian Alumnae, when the new president was to be introduced. Prepare yourself for the latest adventures of Frank and Gloria Gately Chipman. On February 5, they left for Los Angeles and then on to Auckland, New Zealand. They were to spend three nights in Auckland and Christchurch and then do a seven-day cruise around the North and South islands of New Zealand. The trip was to end with a threenight stay in Sydney. Sounds great, doesn’t it? They expected Ellen Peters McGinnis and Ralph to stop overnight on March 1. The visit from Ellen and Ralph was part of a three-to-four-week trip to Florida in March.

They planned to see Ellen’s brother in Orlando and her sister Harriet Peters Williamson ’60 in St. Petersburg. They spent the holidays in Seattle with Ralph’s daughters and families and Ellen’s two sons and their families. The 1997 trip total was: Washington—four times, Massachusetts, once, New Hampshire, twice, Florida, once, and Maryland, three times. They are going to Anchorage, Alaska, in May for a granddaughter’s graduation, and then down to Seattle. This is just so they can keep in “travel practice.” Ralph recently bought a color printer and programs to design and print greeting cards. So, now they can do personalized cards for each holiday, and with their extended family this is quite a project. It was great to hear from Eleanor Gift Kistler. She is recovering from an injured knee, but she has now discarded her cane and is walking with no noticeable limp. Ellie reads about four books a week and continues with her calligraphy, poetry writing, and greetingcard creation. She is planning to publish a book of short poems. Ellie and Kermit will have had their 54th wedding anniversary in February. She writes that “family-wise there are always things going on, too numerous to mention.” With six children, nine grandchildren, two great grandchildren, and more on the way, that’s an understatement. Andy and I have been in Wellington, Fla., since January 12 to help with the Winter Equestrian Festival. This is a series of large hunter, jumper, and dressage horse shows which runs from mid-January until midMarch. They are held at the facility which I managed before I retired. We have more than 3,000 horses stabled here for it this year so you can imagine that it’s been very busy. We plan to return to Colorado in late March. Here’s some last minute news from Jackie Stout McGiffert. Jackie’s daughter, Sarah, had a baby girl on February 1 and Jackie stayed for two weeks to help, and to become acquainted with the new arrival, whose name is Madeleine McGiffert Matthews.

boy born last summer. Marie is the co-chair of her church’s 100th anniversary to be celebrated during 1998. They have planned four major events and are fortunate to have young people to help on the committees. Roy and Kitty Werner Dragone had a family Christmas including granddaughter Vanessa on a quick three-day visit from London. Dotty Minnick Kuchar’s two daughters with their husbands and children came to Montvale for the first time in many years for the holidays. They usually celebrate at home with the youngest children. Pauline White wrote she had a good year and is looking forward to her goal of welcoming in the year 2000. Ruth Steers Moreton has fully recovered from a broken hip, the result of a fall on her wet kitchen floor on Christmas Eve ’96. It was frustrating to realize that a mere two-second slip could result in a six-month disruption of her life. Irene Lambert Eisenhart has learned to write with her left hand since her stroke, and is doing very well. Beth Butterfield Marthaler had surgery last year but was back playing tennis in six weeks. The year 1997 was one that Rheta Adams Weidenbacker would rather forget. After a serious lung illness in March she was back in the hospital in September for surgery and another stay of six weeks. By the end of the year Rheta and Bob were finally able to go out and enjoy the holidays. Jim and Mary Lou Patton Phillips had a quiet year, no vacation trips but fortunately no trips to the hospital. The youngest son Rob was married on their 50th wedding anniversary in September. The bride’s many relatives came from all over the U.S. Remember May ’99 will be our 55th Reunion. Meet us in Bethlehem or write if you are unable to come.

From the Alumni House: Kathryn Rafetto Lane Beaupre is recuperating from cataract surgery and a lens implant. She seems to be doing nicely but her vision is in transition.

June Bright Reese 22 East Washington Avenue Bethlehem, PA 18018

✒ 1944

Mary Kuehl Concevitch 1036 Center Street Bethlehem, PA 18018

Jane Shirer 6447 Overbrook Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19151 Marie Hekimian Alberian had a quiet holiday and then spent a week in Worcester with Marilyn’s family, now including a baby

✺ 1943 Margaret L. Albright 129 North 11th Street Allentown, PA 18102

✒ 1942 Peggy Lutz in Pittsburgh is still active in church work (choir, Presbyterian Women, and a knitting group that knits mittens and scarves for needy people).


Ed and Mildred Feeley spent Christmas with their daughter Betty and family and then headed for Florida (their 17th winter there). When at home in Phillipsburg they do Meals on Wheels and other volunteer work. Grace Vaughn in Texas, after angioplasty and cardiac rehabilitation, is doing well, and her garden (irises mainly) is her great activity. In the Allentown Morning Call of January 30, 1998, there was a very interesting article in the “Call Me Kelly” column about Stanley Kocher, Virginia’s husband. It told about his war experiences and his work as a rural mail carrier, plus his retirement work. He and Virginia have been married for 57 years. My granddaughter, Heather Concevitch ’97, received her diploma from Moravian this past December. She majored in elementary education and is now substituting in the Easton Area School District.

✒ 1941 Ruth Hemmerly Kelly 30 West Market Street Bethlehem, PA 18018 From Ruth: Barbara Bastian Uhrig is gradually getting things together and has resumed her quilt making, after a difficult year of missing Dol. Letty Cliff Shurskis came with a group from Lebanon, Pa., Moravian Church to tour Bethlehem and the Moravian Museum before Christmas. She is busy knitting, tutoring, and being involved in church work. Eleanor Smith Daubenspeck has a new address and I am sure she would like to hear from you all. She is now living in Lebanon, N.H. The Alumni House has her new address. Jean Mecherly Myers ’39 reports that her husband has been very ill but now is recovering at home. Lois Yerger Fischel and Jack are heading to South Africa for an Elderhostel, which should be a great adventure and a long flight. Thelma Scheifele Heiberger and I have a new thing in common—new additions to the family. But she is a whole generation ahead of me. She and Bob have a new great grandson, Jeremiah. I have a new grandson, Benjamin Dillon Kelly, in Kennebunkport, Maine. I plan to drive up there in late March to see him and his big sister, Meghan, who is three. From the Alumni House: Doris Roemer Pardee is currently living in Boulder, Colo. She has been married for 53 years to Robert Pardee. She enjoys bridge, reading, traveling, music, and is involved in the Methodist church.


✒ 1940 Anne Borhek Manning 2913 Anderson Drive Raleigh, NC 27608-1507

✒ 1939 Arllington A. Nagle, M.D. 855 N. Park Road, Apt. 201 Reading, PA 19610 Alice Snyder Wilson 10 Hillside Place Cranford, NJ 07016 From Alice: In reply to my request for good news Betty Batdorf Hummel in a telephone conversation gave me a bundle of good tidings. Betty had a wonderful Christmas with her three daughters and spouses. Pat and Cathy live in Allentown. Cathy has two daughters and two beagles. Pat has an English sheep dog. Very doggie family! Their canine cousin, a Portuguese water dog, flew from Milwaukee to Allentown with Betty’s third daughter Barbara and husband, Allen. Betty has good Moravian connections in the Lehigh Valley. Once a month she joins Cleo Funk Rohrbaugh, Marguerite Resetco, and Dorthorea Kissner Arbizzani for lunch and cards. In Januaury, Betty enjoyed having lunch with Thirza Ward Janecek and some mutual friends from Mauch Chunk. Betty regretted that she would not be able to attend the inauguration of Dr. Rokke because she has accepted an invitation from daughter Barbara and Allen to spend that week at Isle of Palms. Another phone conversation brought news from Esther McNomee Sleight. In September, she had a wonderful two-week trip to California accompanied by her daughter Mary and her husband. Esther spent Thanksgiving in Chicago with daughter Sarah and her husband. For Christmas she and her son Rob traveled to Charleston, W.Va. to celebrate the holiday with daughter Mary and husband. Probably the best news of all is that Esther made a good recovery from a nasty bout of pneumonia which had her hospitalized at the end of January. Esther is in weekly communication with Peggy Hastings Johnson who has a family wedding to report. Her oldest grandchild Todd is being married in Durham, N.C. Peggy’s daughter plans to rent a van that will accomodate a wheel chair and transport Peggy from Huntingdon Valley to Durham for this special occasion. We Wilsons had happy family holidays. We had various branches of our family with us at different times during the Christmas season. The whole family (all four generations of us)

spent Christmas Day at our son Rick’s home in Emmaus where we enjoyed a super dinner in a beautiful setting. Above all we delighted in the presence of our two charming great grandsons, now 2 and 5 years old. I’m sorry to say that we have some sad news to report. Our lovely vivacious Martha Munson Pullen died on May 29. Martha brightened our last reunion, and we shall miss her at future gatherings. We send our sympathy to her husband, Harvey Redd Pullen who is an alumnus of the Moravian class of 1939. Betty Green Schwarze lost her dear partner of many years, Herb Schwarze, in January.

✺ 1938 Evalyn Adams Hawk 306 Ohio Avenue, Shimer Manor Philipsburg, N.J. 08865 Christine Roberts Fraley sends contented words from Carlisle, Pa. Her gandsons are all grown up and a second great-grandson will arrive in May. Catherine Marquard from Langhorne, Pa., in now enjoying day trips in beautiful Bucks County and several other activities: being on the library committee and taking a refresher computer course at a local community college. She has been able to enjoy the last two Moravian College Christmas Vespers. Catherine spent Christmas with cousins on Florida’s east coast. Lois Laubauch Pasley is enjoying life in Falmouth, Mass., with her husband. She volunteers in the local public library, after having been a public school librarian for many years. December 13 found me stopping in the HUB of Moravian with my husband and a friend after attending the wedding of two Moravian graduates who were married at the lovely Moravian Church just a block away from the campus. I had watched Heather Morris ’92 grow up from a little girl. Charles Smith ’90, her husband, had graduated two years before Heather. The reception had the delightful atmosphere of a reunion of Moravian College alumni. How happy I was to be with Mildred Diefenderfer Ladner Thompson ’39 in Sarasota, Fla., on February 24 when Millie entertained Dr. and Mrs. Ervin J. Rokke, Moravian College’s new presidnet and his wife. Many male and female alumni with their spouses were guests at the reception and luncheon. Susanne Shaw, vice president for institutional advancement at Moravian, and her husband, Bob Hanson, were there, too. I saw Blanche Williams Sheese ’37 and her husband Fred, who live just one mile away in

North Port, Fla., and Betty Wagner Chase and Betty Kessler Brady who are just a few miles away in Englewood. The first half of my winter vacation here in Florida was not too pleasant for me. I fell over a concrete strip in a parking lot and fractured my skull. After two days in intensive care and three additional days in the hospital plus four weeks being home-bound, I am well and active again and looking forward to a more enjoyable second half of my winter vacation.

✒ 1937 Bertha Finkelstein Cohen 2800 South Ocean Boulevard, Apt. 9A Boca Raton, FL 33452

✒ 1936 Harold E. Orvis 421 East Drake Road Ft. Collins, CO 80525-1731

✒ 1935 Wilma Kistler Uhrich 300 Willow Valley Lakes Dr., Apt. A319 Willow Street, PA 17584 Mary Pristoff Bosich’s severe arthritis prevents her from doing much, so she spasses her time reading, writing, and doing word puzzles. Her daughter Margaret is busy with textile art and taeching childre and adult classes in art. Last fall Anna Neamand took a six-day bus trip to Myrtle Beach, S.C., where they saw five shows and “did” malls. In December, she went to Radio City and to the Philadelphia Academy Music for a Peter Nero concert. Recently, she had a knee replacement and now is raring to go again. Phyllis Heller Cowherd had successful bladder surgery. She’s content living in the King’s Daughters Home. Kitty Adams Eckhard is busy traveling. One one trip, they went to Akron, Ohio, to the original Quaker Oats Company building and silos, which the Hilton converted into a beautiful 196-room hotel. The rooms are round and they slept in what was once storage for 700 bushels of oats. While there they toured the Hoover Vacuum Cleaner museum and a buffalo farm. Other trips were to West Vriginia, Kitchener, Canada, and Kentucky. Between trips she’s always on some hiking expedition to state parks. Soon she’ll be off to Australia. Graham and Phyllis Iobst Hill are hanging in—older and slower. They saw their four granddaughters when they visited Phyllis. Their third granddaughter, Amanda, graduated from basic training in the National

Guard Fort Jackson in Columbia, then on to Fort Lee, Va., for specialized training. In June she will go back to Louisiana for her junior year of college. Here the process of refurbishing the whole place is n going. This happens every 10 years. It should be very nice when it is completed. We never lack things to do and keep on the go. Our daughter and her husband in Las Vegas are planning a visit soon.

❤ Engagments 1997 Terri Flowers and Chris Seifert, to be wed 1999. Chris Michno and Stacey Gibbs, no wedding date announced. Laura Sortino and Craig Neiman, no wedding date announced.


✒ 1925 From the Alumni House: Ruth Marie Samuels Colville has had two books published, La Vereda: A Trail through Time, and Mount Lookout, Where You Can See for Two Days.

Jessica Gearhart and Jaret Wenton, to be wed October 18, 1998. Lisa Page and Kevin Martin ’97, to be wed April 25, 1998.

Something to Crow About She graduated from Moravian Women’s College as America recovered from the First World War and verged on hearing the 1920s roar. Miss Mary Crow stepped forth into the world as a fresh graduate in 1920 to experience that incandescent decade and the many which have ensued. Now, at age 98, long retired from teaching the youth of Bethlehem, she is one of Moravians oldest living alumna, perhaps the oldest. She is surrounded in her Westminister Village retirement home by tintypes and daugerrotypes that show her family shortly after the turn of the century. Her father, the Rev. Harvey Crow, was a Congregational clergyman, pastor of a church near Fourth Avenue and a valued member of the Cedar Crest College board of trustees. That trusteeship might have led to Mary’s enrollment at Cedar Crest, but she chose instead to study at Moravian, commuting to class on foot. As a “preacher’s kid” and a non-Moravian, she remembers standing out to a degree at the school. But mostly she recalls required chapel and the recurring sermons on “how ‘good girls’ act.” Her teachers included Lehigh University professors who, she says, preferred teaching her fellow students at Moravian rather than having them on the Lehigh campus, and her wintertime leisure was spent skating on the creek and sledding on the west side hills. After graduation in a class with two other women, Miss Crow, whose identity as a Miss confers the greater formality and dignity of an earlier time, obtained a Master of Arts degree at Lehigh and thereafter taught generations of children at the Calypso School in Bethlehem. Though coping with the travails of old age—the loss of hearing, the dependence on a walker among them—she delights no less, it seems, in being with people. A Moravian College delegation paid her a call on January 16, the day before her 98th birthday. They brought an oversized card and a big bouquet of flowers. She rejoiced.





Patricia Horwath and Lieutenant Drew Smith, to be wed August 15, 1998. James Whitcomb and Adrienne McAuley no wedding date announced.

To Lisa Velekei Zarzecki and Jim, a son, Colin James, December 19, 1997.

Carroll E. Cool, December 2, 1997.


Anthony Colasante, November 16, 1997.

1993 Andrea Marx and R. James Morrison Jr. ’94, to be wed October 3, 1998. Erika Larsen and Dennis Condomitti ’96, to be wed November 1998.



To Kathleen Cannon, a daughter, Cullen Welsh, November 19, 1997. To Carol Traupman-Carr and David, a son, Andrew John, July 19, 1997.

Dori Brown and Greg Ahart, to be wed September 1998.


❦ Marriages 1997 Jiri Stavovcik to Veronika Sanderova, December 26, 1997.

1996 Tanya Lynn Dutt to Dustin Hendershot, June 28, 1996. Kimberly McAndrew to Gregory Gazda, May 10, 1997.

1995 Amy Rittenhouse to Brian Corrado ’93, July 19, 1997.

To Tamera Boote Hatton and Gary, twins, Jonathon Richard and Kristen Elizabeth, February 26, 1997. To John Martin and Kathleen, a daughter, Cassidy, March 6, 1997.

❀ Deaths 1993 Sheryl A. Rice, August 4, 1997.

1989 Arlene Blatnik-Tucker, March 2, 1998.

1976 Charles R. Horning, June 19, 1997.



Amy Kelleman to William Gould, January 10, 1998. Katie O’Mara to Bob Mears, October 11, 1997.



Ronald P. Neimeister, November 6, 1997. Herbert F. Scherer, November 11, 1997.

1965 Edward V. Tadajweski, January 9, 1998.

Lisa Fromhertz to Chris Konzelmann ’94, November 15, 1997.




Katherine Bochnak to Sean Burke, December 13, 1997. Jim Mauch to Beth Kuehner ’93, August 2, 1997.

Phillip DeBaise, December 9, 1997.

1990 Deborah Clasen to Gene Cullen, October 12, 1996. Robert J. Floyd Jr. to Jie Li, August 9, 1997.


Douglas Nelson Lindaman, August 5, 1996.

1946 Mary C. Brune, December 14, 1997.

1942 Samuel Gladding, November 18, 1997. Daniel W. Jones, October 30, 1997. William Maintz, March 9, 1997. Edward E. Wesenberg, December 30, 1997.

1941 Clarence Leander Riske, December 1, 1997.

1940 Frank W. Sterrett Jr., February 19, 1998.

1939 Mildred Hoppes Laubach, March 10, 1998.

1937 Elmer Dech, December 17, 1997. Richard Bell, December 29, 1997.

1922 Martha O. Luckenbach, January 17, 1998.

Other Carl M. Adams, former physics professor, December 9, 1997. Lillian Vander Laan, former singing instructor, February 4, 1998. Grace Eleanor Logan, head of Moravian College for Women English department 1933-1942, December 19, 1997. Paul Mueller, former German and French professor, November 22, 1997. Louise Rabold, former woman’s coach at Moravian, November 15, 1997.

1959 William V. Ruch, August 20, 1997.

1958 Richard K. Payne, January 3, 1997.

1956 Terry D. Rader, November 7, 1997. Matthew H. Kohn, May 15, 1997.

Edward J. Blair to Maureen McArdle, November 15, 1997.


❣ Births




To Jessica Rotz Campbell and Brian, a son, Evan Jay, December 28, 1997.


To Deborah Clasen Cullen and Gene, a daughter, Olivia Ann, August 1, 1997.


Richard Sacks, March 24, 1997. Walter G. Mooney, November 6, 1997. Charles Kastelnik, November 10, 1997. Milton M. Goldfeder, December 15, 1997.

Homecoming ’98 October 31 Parades Tailgating Rocco Calvo Golf Tournament Reunions The Class of 1993 is reuniting!

The Haupert Legacy During the 43 years that Raymond Haupert served Moravian College and Moravian Theological Seminary as faculty member and president, he and his wife Estelle dedicated themselves completely to the institution. And they saw a way to continue their dedication after their work was done. They earned the gratitude of future Moravian students by making an unrestricted gift to the College’s endowment in their estate plans.

For more information about making a bequest or other planned gift to Moravian, contact Lisa Dippre Titus Director of Major and Planned Gifts Moravian College and Moravian Theological Seminary 1200 Main Street, Bethlehem, PA 18018 (610) 861-1342; toll-free (800) 429-9437; fax (610) 861-3983 E-mail:

Seniors Become Alumni

Photo: John Palcewski ’86.

Graduation is an exciting time of new beginnings. Make writing a check to the Annual Fund your first act as an alumnus. Your generosity joins that of thousands of other Moravian alumni, parents, and friends to provide essential support for academic programs, facilities, and financial aid.

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