Moravian College Magazine Summer 2017

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First-grade teacher Melissa Marazas ’13 will take her talents to Spain this fall on a Fulbright Scholarship

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Moravian College Magazine

Summer 2017

Editor Claire Kowalchik Creative Director Sandra DiPasqua Sports Editor Mark J. Fleming Copy Editors Rachelle Laliberte Nancy Rutman Alumni Engagement Bob Gratz ’75, director Amanda Werner ’13, assistant director Barbara Parry, administrative assistant Copyright 2017 by Moravian College. Photographs and artwork copyright by their respective creators or by Moravian College. All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be reused or republished in any form without express written permission. Above: The night sky at the site of the Mars Desert Research Station near Hanksville, Utah, where a robotic observatory is under construction. Moravian students will be able to access the observatory through the internet (see page 10).

Photograph by Gary A. Becker

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From the president’s desk

3 Inbox

Your letters and e-mail

5 The Hub

Campus news and notes

12 Your Story

Alum Lois Brunner Bastian’s story, as told through her latest book

30 Greyhound Sports

The blue and grey at play

32 Alumni News

People, places, events

40 Class Notes

Catching up with classmates

48 A Little Revolutionary The leaders among us

FEATURES 13 Full + Bright

The individuals who receive Fulbright fellowships are—to a person—filled with equal parts expertise and promise. They are bright with incandescent imagination. They are full + bright. Fulbright.

14 Full Circle

Northeast Philadelphia native Melissa Marazas ’13 heads to Spain this fall for a Fulbright scholarship, following a path that ultimately leads to home.

18 Vita Lucis

Kathleen Malu ’73 has earned not one but two Fulbright Scholarships. We caught up with her in London, just after she started the second.

22 Where Are They Now?

Moravian College Magazine checked in with several former Fulbrighters to find out what they’re up to and how their Fulbright experience affected their lives.

26 Triple Crown

The Kanakamedala triplets all graduated with honors, are headed for medical school, and—best of all—love what they do and where they’re going.

Cover photograph by Theo Anderson

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From the president’s desk


Dear Fellow Hounds,

I hope this note finds you all well and enjoying the summer with family and friends. On campus, we have just concluded our 275th academic year. Only five other colleges can boast that they have served in preparing the next generation of citizens for close to three centuries, and only Moravian can say we prepared women first! Our history is truly revolutionary. Not only have Moravians been focused on education for all, but they also have been concerned with the well-being of all people. As Bishop Comenius stated, “We are all citizens of one world. We are all of one blood…Let us have but one end in view: the welfare of humanity.” Moravians have traveled to all corners of our planet to try to improve the quality of life for others. Today, Moravian College continues the tradition of preparing students academically and as citizens of the world. In this issue of the magazine, we celebrate Moravian College’s remarkable record of Fulbright Scholars. These men and women combine strong academic records with compelling global projects. The Fulbright Scholar Program is highly competitive, and Moravian graduates have done extremely well over many decades. In the pages ahead, we highlight two recent scholars and we reconnect with past scholars to see how Moravian and the Fulbright Program affected their lives. Moravian graduates are making a difference throughout our world in both small and large ways, both locally and globally. I hope you are as proud as I am of our alma mater and her commitment to a transformational education for all. Also in this issue, we share updates on our numerous alumni events, including the Night of Stars and Founder’s Day, and we present to you our growing number of legacy graduates. We also remember Professor Emerita Mary Faith Carson’s passing and her commitment to student learning, critical thinking, and spiritual inquiry. In closing, I wish you all a restful and rejuvenating summer. I am thankful that so many of you see the immense value of your Moravian education and recognize that it appreciates year after year, and I am humbled that you entrust us with the education of future generations for the betterment of all in society. Through your continued and growing support of Moravian, we are able to exceed our noble mission, which started 275 years ago with a 16-year-old girl, to change the world. With sincere appreciation,

Bryon L. Grigsby ’90 President

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Congratulations on a great 275th-anniversary issue. I am a proud ’49 grad of MCW, where I received a wonderful education and found the basis for a well-rounded, fulfilling life while in the company of extraordinary women. Thank you for a fine look at the history of our beloved Moravian. —Posie Mosek Clymer, The Villages, Florida

One of the treasures in my life has been Moravian College, and I have enjoyed reading about the happenings in the magazine. I graduated from Liberty High School, Class of ’53, and via scholarship entered Moravian that fall. I owe so much of my development to the traditions of the college and to the administration, who set goals and opportunities and Christian standards for us to live by. At the time, we were clueless about the value of those traditions and standards and that they would influence us long after we graduated. Thank you! One of the highlights of my years at Moravian was to be the first president of the Triangle Honor Society and “tap” the new members at the distinctive convocation. Congratulations on 275.

Pacific or European Theater of Operations. I admired and looked up to all of them, and I still have fond memories of them and my time at Moravian. Needless to say, my grades were not as good as they should have been that first semester. It was my good fortune that I didn’t get expelled; rather, a few great profs took the time to sit me down and teach me some things about life that I never considered before. I am happy to say that as a result of that little chat, I turned over a new leaf and my grades improved. I was able to graduate with my class and was accepted into a very good law school and thereafter did pretty well for myself. I am now retired and live in sunny Florida, but I thank Moravian College for being so good to me and for making me the person I am today. —Bill Rosenberg ’49, Delray Beach, Florida

I recall when a good friend named Flash fell asleep in Comenius’s arms. He had no trouble climbing up. We had a very difficult time getting him down. —Bob Gratz ’75, Bethlehem Township,

—Stanford L. Kunkle ’57, Naples, Florida


Thanks for the Memories

I was a street punk from a bad section of Philadelphia (Kensington). All I had going for me was determination. I did not qualify for matriculation at Moravian, but by the grace of God the admissions people gave me a shot. Looking beyond my many flaws and rough edges, psychology professor Ric Johnson and other Moravian faculty worked hard with me. They set me on a lifelong path to becoming a much better version of the person I was. I have worked throughout my life to honor my memories of Ric, other faculty, and those crazy admissions people who gave a kid from Philly a chance at a better life. Thanks for the memories and for the man I have become.

I attended Moravian in the early ’60s and still remember the academic inspiration that came from such faculty members as Drs. Burkhardt, Burcaw, and Gilbert. Beyond their knowledge of their subjects was their genuine interest in their students. Each of these gentlemen was open to questions and willing to spend extra time in the classroom and individual conferences to help us understand the material they introduced to us. Other faculty and administrators—among them, Dean Rader and President Haupert—through their examples, led me to a career in education. In December, Bertie Knisely graciously gave my wife, Judy, and me a tour of the campus. We were greatly impressed by the new buildings, the cutting-edge technology, the state-of-the-art sports field. And as we walked around campus, we enjoyed the friendliness of the students, staff, and faculty. With all of its advancements, Moravian College still seems to embody the closeness that we loved when we were there. —James MacDonald ’63, Carmel, New York

Your letters and e-mail

Diego Bervejillo


—John Fauerbach ’77 (or, as Ric used to call me, “Philadelphia Johnny”), Chester, Montana

Setting It Straight In the spring edition of the magazine, we mistak-

I entered Moravian in September 1945, about a month shy of my 18th birthday. I was a young, naive kid who had no direction in life or ambition of any kind. World War II had just concluded, and the vast majority my classmates were veterans returning to college under the G.I. Bill of Rights. Little did we anticipate the USA entering the Korean War a few years later, and I was drafted into the army as a private. As I remember, Moravian College had no more then 200 students back then and, of course, was separate from Moravian College for Women. I spent most of my time with my newfound buddies, listening to their war stories and other experiences. Two of my classmates were POWs, and the others served in either the

enly reported that President Bryon L. Grigsby had shared his wish to be president of Moravian College with physics professor Ed Roeder. The real story is this, according to Bob Burcaw, professor emeritus and former chair of the English department: Student Grigsby said to Burcaw, “Someday I’m going to come back and run this place.” Burcaw retold this story at President Grigsby’s inauguration.

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Summer Reading

We asked the Moravian College community to recommend a favorite book or two for summer poolside, beach, or back-patio reading. Here’s a selection of their picks. A Gentleman in Moscow, by Amor Towles One of the most evocative, funny, and poignant novels ever. —Peter Richmond, adjunct professor of English My Stroke of Insight, by Jill Bolte Taylor It examines the human brain but focuses more on finding peace within yourself. A great read! —Kristina Sadler ’18 Catch-22, by Joseph Heller The consistent irony, humor, and circular logic define this book as an excellent read. —Micaela Wilson ’16 Mountains Beyond Mountains: The Quest of Dr. Paul Farmer, A Man Who Would Cure the World, by Tracy Kidder I’ve read this biography several times, and it never ceases to inspire me. It’s the kind of book that pushes you to try to make a positive impact on the world by using your God-given talents and every single bit of your education. —Mary Tornetta, RN Lincoln in the Bardo: A Novel, by George Saunders In the midst of the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln’s son, Willie, dies and is laid to rest in a cemetery in Georgetown. Lincoln can’t let the boy go— literally—and the boy’s ghost is confused, encountering other specters in this in-between place, a purgatory or bardo, a state between one’s death and rebirth. A wonderful, creative, imaginative work. —Dana Dunn, professor of psychology Fierce Invalids Home from Hot Climates, by Tom Robbins Just because he’s fun, witty, and exceedingly fearless. —Joel Nathan Rosen, director of communications and media studies Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley One of my favorites. It explains why crime happens and why people act out when they are faced with despair. The real question is, who is the monster? —Grace Hochella ’19, MACh Americanah, by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie This genuine and beautifully written novel follows a Nigerian woman’s search for meaning, identity, and a sense of home while exploring the intricacies of immigration and race in the United States. It’s a powerful book that stays with you long after you’ve finished reading. —Dietlinde Heilmayr, assistant professor of psychology

The Book of Joy, by the Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu, and Douglas Carlton Abrams This is a book written by Douglas Abrams after a five-day conversation involving His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu, in which they attempt to answer the question, How do we find joy in the face of life’s inevitable suffering? —Ilia Morales, Moravian Seminary student Dark Matter, by Blake Crouch The story of Jason Dressen vying to reclaim his life from the “other” Jason in a multiverse where several universes—and multiple versions of the same Jason—exist simultaneously. —Gary Becker, adjunct professor of physics and earth science Gift from the Sea, by Anne Morrow Lindbergh A timeless memoir that reminds us about the importance of self-reflection and the purpose writing serves in helping us understand ourselves and the value of inner peace. —Julia Gasdaska, director of major gifts The Hate U Give, by Angie Thomas —Sandy Bardsley, professor of history Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End, by Atul Gawande I haven’t read it yet so I can’t provide a review, but it is the InFocus common reading book for next year. All of our incoming first-year students will be reading it over the summer, along with the Writing Fellows and those teaching First-Year Writing Seminar. —Meg Mikovits, director of the writing center Trace: Memory, History, Race, and the American Landscape, by Lauret Savoy —Diane White Husic, dean of the School of Natural and Health Sciences Note: For the full list of recommended books, go online to Inside Moravian and search Summer 2017 Good Reads.

Fill in the Blank I met my

at Moravian College.

Fill in the blank with the word that fits your experience— for example, wife, best friend, mentor, match, or self—and provide a brief explanation. Send your answers via e-mail or snail mail to the address below.

Write to Us! At or via snail mail to “Letters,” Moravian College Magazine, 1200 Main St., Bethlehem, PA 18018. Note: We reserve the right to edit your letters for length or clarity.

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Campus news and notes


Scholarship Luncheon

At the annual scholarship luncheon, students and the donors who helped make their education possible enjoy an opportunity to meet, share a meal, and get to know a little bit about each other.


THE HOME FRONT In 1917, a year fraught with World War and revolution, the Moravian College community had its sensibilities attuned to the headlines coming from Europe, North Africa, Russia, and China. What would be their response to the unfolding drama of the Great War and the Russian Revolution? Not surprisingly, the answer was study, prayer, and service. January


Moravian Moment

World War

The United States of America severs diplomatic relations with Germany.



James Montgomery Beck, an 1880 alumnus of Moravian College, copyrights his book The War and Humanity, advocating America’s entry into the World War. Beck would establish the James M. Beck Oratorical Prize in 1892 and receive the first honorary degree bestowed by Moravian College in 1902. As a U.S. congressman from Philadelphia and solicitor general of the United States, Beck would be a leading conservative spokesman and critic of President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal programs.


Moravian Moment

In a bitterly contested Friday-evening game in Allentown, the Moravian College football team loses to Muhlenberg College, 32–25. Moravian had led 15–11, but Muhlenberg made a comeback.

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Campus news and notes

TheHub 275 Years Ago…

On May 4, 1742, 16-yearold Benigna von Zinzendorf opened a school for girls that would become today’s Moravian College. And 275 years later to the day—on the afternoon of May 4, 2017— the Moravian College community gathered in the newly designed and planted Pleasure Garden on the Priscilla Payne Hurd Campus to celebrate that historic day. Carole Reese, vice president of institutional research, led the

celebration, which included remarks from Moravian College president Bryon L. Grigsby ’90 and state senator Lisa M. Boscola. Carol Henn ’68 engaged the audience with a presentation that recalled special moments and traditions from our history and highlighted contributions Moravian College has made— and continues to make— to the local and global community. Music, refreshments, and reconnecting with friends rounded out a lovely gathering, and all left with renewed pride in the heritage of Moravian College and excitement for our future.

MyMORAVIAN History of the Greyhound:

The Story of How We Got Our Lovable Mascot

Grigsby Heading to Charlotte, NC!

Paul Kurzeja ’89 will host a Presidential Alumni Reception in Charlotte, North Carolina, from 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday, August 2, at the Sozo Gallery on the plaza of the Hearst Tower in Center City. Come enjoy the company and camaraderie of President Grigsby and other fellow Hounds.

How did Moravian settle on Amos the Greyhound as our mascot? Who came before the current Mo Grigsby that we all know and love? Race back through history with Sara Weidner ’17 to learn about the beginnings of the hound pack! You can find Weidner’s blog at

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“It has happened more than once that a composition has come to me, ready-made as it were, between the demands of other work.” —Amy Beach, American composer (1867–1944)

GuestLecture Paula Ring Zerkle

Reviving Amy Beach Amy Beach was the first American woman composer to achieve worldwide renown. Born in 1867 in New Hampshire to a musical family, Beach taught herself to read music at age 3 and began composing pieces at age 4. In 1892, her Mass in E-flat Major made its performance debut to wide acclaim. Beach was just 25. Unfortunately, the surviving copy of the Mass is rough, handwritten, and difficult to use. In 2001, during my sabbatical, I began the painstaking process of re-creating the full score and generating parts for the orchestra, and on April 29, 2017, I conducted the Moravian College Choir and Beach Festival Orchestra in the premiere of this new edition of the Mass.

director of vocal music

The Moravian

The premiere of a new edition of the

Mass in E-flat


by Amy Beach

with the Moravian Colle ge Choir and the Beach Festival Orchestra conducted by Paula Ring Zerk le

Beach focuses more on the drama of the text but sometimes forgoes exact text painting for a juicy rhythmic motive. For example, the “Quoniam tu solus sanctus” movement frequently repeats the word quoniam, certainly not because it has an important meaning (it means “for” in Latin, from the title phrase, which translates as “for you alone are holy”) but because the whole movement is based on a rhythmic and melodic motive she generates from her setting of the word.

Featuring: Suzanne Kompa ss soprano Megan Durham alto Jeffrey Bell tenor Justen Blacksto ne baritone & works by Johannes Brah ms

Stay tuned: Zerkle is assisting Artist-inResidence Sean O’Boyle in the mixing of the recording of her edition of Amy Beach’s Mass in E-flat Major as performed on April 29 and hopes to make it available soon.

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Beach and Brahms

While no one knows Beach’s true intentions within her score, I have studied her and her work and tried to present the piece in a way that I think she would have wanted. It is a very expressive piece, with beautiful and powerful moments.

Beach was not an activist for the feminist movement, and her early life was governed first by her mother, then by her husband. However, throughout her career and long after, Amy Beach remains a resilient example of a woman who continued her work despite the status quo.

College Cho


Saturday I Apr

il 29, 2017

I 7:30 p.m. I Fo $15 General A y Concert Hal dmission I $10 Foy Hall is loca Senior Citizens l ted on the Hur , Students Main & Churc d Campus of M h Streets in Hist oravian College oric Downtow at For More Info: n Bethlehem Pe 610-861-1650 nnsylvania or music@mor Moravian College enco urages persons with disa bilities to participate type of accommodation in its program or have questions abou t the physical access prov s and activities. If you anticipate needing any ided, please contact Dep or call 6610-861-16 artment of Music at 50 at least one week prior to the event.

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Campus news and notes

< HoundsGetSocial > Stay connected with your Moravian College community.

Campus Gets State-of-the-Art NanoDrop

With funds awarded through a grant from the Pittsburgh Conference Memorial National College Grants Program, the Moravian College biochemistry program purchased a NanoDrop spectrophotometer—the gold standard instrument of microscale spectrophotometry. Not only does this acquisition speed up the research process, but it also means that chemistry and biochemistry students will be working with the same type of instrument employed by researchers in top laboratories around the world. “I love working with it!” says Ana Bustamante, a senior biochemistry major. “It is really fast! It cuts the measuring time of samples in half. Using our old equipment, it would take me four hours to measure 40 samples.”

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“Economics and philosophy are two fields that fascinate me to no end. Both disciplines look to get the right answer every time. Philosophy is ethereal; economics provides a way to take ideas and apply them.”—Lowell Perkins, 2017 honors graduate “Possibly the greatest barrier to sustainability is really spiritual—it’s a lack of empathy and compassion. We need a political Mother Theresa.”—T.P. Egan, in the presentation “Paths to Sustainability”


“Dynamics in music are expression, not a volume knob. Shape is what’s important.”—Paula Zerkle, Moravian College vocal director

Cases and Exercises in Business, Finance and the Law By James Ravelle, professor of economics and business Ravelle’s book examines the applied world of business, finance, and the law using selected cases and exercises from real-world experiences. Thematic Approaches for Teaching Introductory Psychology Edited by Dana S. Dunn, professor of psychology, and Bridgette Martin Hard The book addresses the challenge of teaching an introductory psychology course given the diversity of students’ academic pursuits in an introductory course and the wealth of topics to cover in the ever-expanding field of psychology. Angela Fraleigh: Between Tongue and Teeth Recently released: the catalog of Associate Professor of Art Angela Fraleigh’s show “Between Tongue and Teeth,” which was on exhibit at the Everson Museum of Art in Syracuse, New York, from September 24 to December 31, 2016. Oilcloth Stories By Carol Dean Henn ’68 Henn’s book shares the stories of many men and women who lived and worked in the ethically diverse neighborhoods of South Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, in the early to mid 1900s. While these stories evoke the sights and sounds of an iconic

American town at a time when America was changing rapidly and dramatically, they are timeless and universal, and they resonate in the minds and hearts of anyone who has yearned, loved, struggled, lost, or triumphed. Re-inventing the Wheel: The Incredible Story of S. Morgan Smith, Minister, Inventor, Industrialist By Stephen Nicholas Jr. ’63 ’67, with Terrence Downs Nicholas’s biography recounts the remarkable life of 1862 grad Stephen Morgan Smith, who entered Moravian College and Theological Seminary in September 1859 and later became pastor of the First Moravian Church in York, Pennsylvania. An inventor, Smith was awarded a patent in 1871 for his “Success” washing machine. When a throat illness precluded him from preaching, Smith went on to become a pioneer in the hydroelectric industry. Turbines manufactured by his company are in use all over the world today, including Hoover Dam and the Aswan High Dam in Egypt. Re-inventing the Wheel can be purchased at the Moravian Book Shop or through Stephen Nichols at



“Livery Stable Blues,” by the Original Dixieland Joss Band, is the first commercially released jazz recording.



Moravian Moment

At a regular meeting of the campus chapter of the YMCA, leader Frederick T. Trafford, seminary class of 1918, tells his fellow students that they are “facing a time which demanded the prayers of every earnest man more than at any time in the history of the college YMCA activity.” Trafford would later become an Episcopal minister and Bethlehem’s chief of police.

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President Woodrow Wilson signs the Second Jones Act into law, granting U.S. citizenship to natives of Puerto Rico.


3/8 Death

Ferdinand, Graf von Zeppelin (b. 1838), German inventor of rigid dirigible aircraft, dies in Charlottenburg, near Berlin.

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Campus news and notes


Astronomy students and physics majors will soon have an opportunity to observe the skies from one of the darkest sites in North America without leaving the comfort of their own dorm rooms. Moravian College has entered into a consortium with the Mars Society and the University of North Carolina to construct and operate a robotic observatory at the Mars Desert Research Station near Hanksville, Utah, reports Gary A. Becker, an adjunct professor of astronomy and a member of the Mars Society. The observatory makes it possible for students to conduct research with a telescope in Utah using any device with internet access. Most of the funding for the facility came through a $50,000 gift to the society, but Moravian College was able to contribute $20,000, securing 25 percent use of the facility for students. Moravian’s contribution, raised through public donations, allowed for the acquisition of a higher-end camera to make the larger telescope research friendly and the facility fully robotic. The observatory will have two instruments: The larger, named the Moravian Telescope, will be used for research; the smaller telescope, a refractor—donated by David Fisherowski of Boyertown, Pennsylvania, who has given several telescopes and mounting systems to the college—is well designed for astrophotography. The concrete foundation was poured in April, and assembly and testing of the observatory is expected to be completed this summer. Keep up with developments and check out other exciting news about upgrades to the Sky Deck on the roof of the Collier Hall of Science at

New Program Pairs Alum with Honors Student

Katie P. Desiderio, chair of the economics and business department and an associate professor of management, knows that great outcomes can be achieved when people work together. “I am always scanning our world for opportunities to build bridges and bring meaningful connections to campus,” she says. And she saw one in an honors mentor program that pairs a student with an alum throughout the process of researching, developing, and defending a thesis. Desiderio piloted the program in the 2016–17 academic year, connecting Perry “PJ” Mindo ’16, an honors grad and a financial analyst for Tiffany & Co. in New York City, with then honors student Alyssa Torrisi ’17. The result was a win-win for student and alum. “PJ was so helpful because he truly understands the demands of the honors program,” says Torrisi, “but also because the mentor-mentee relationship is less formal than the student-faculty interaction, so we were able to connect in a way that wasn’t as intimidating.” Mindo benefited, too. “I enjoyed that this was a way for me to stay involved on campus,” he says. “It was a great experience to be on the other side of the process, and I found it rewarding. I am excited to see what Alyssa does in the workforce as a research analyst.” Interested in participating next year? Contact Desiderio at desideriok for more information.

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Remembering Mary Faith Carson (May 31, 1929–January 3, 2017)

Mary Faith Carson, professor emerita of religion, died on January 3, 2017, at age 87. Her students knew her as both a Christian leader and a great teacher. She challenged them and demanded a lot from them, helping them to read and think critically, but she was also empathetic and sympathetic. Carson found joy all around her—in her daughter, grandchildren, and extended family; in music; and in a beautiful day—and she loved Moravian College. She looked forward to Vespers and often returned to attend that service, even when she lived out of town. Carson was the first woman to graduate from Union Theological Seminary and to receive a PhD in religion from Princeton University. She had a pioneering spirit and was a passionate advocate for women’s rights. The Moravian College community mourns her passing but feels blessed to call her our own. —Carol Traupman-Carr, associate provost

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In The News

Homecoming + Celtic Classic = Perfect Together

The weekend kicks off Friday, September 22—the same day as the Celtic Classic Highland Games and Festival—with the Rocco Calvo Tournament and special activities that evening. Saturday’s highlights include the parade, tailgate, and football game against Ursinus. Anyone interested in helping with the reunion committees—1972, ’77, ’82, ’87, ’92, ’97, 2002, ’07, ’12, and ’17—should contact Amanda Werner at wernera@moravian. edu or 610-861-1342. Further details will be available throughout the summer at

NEWSMAKERS President Bryon L. Grigsby ’90 joined 23 other college and university presidents in March for the first Higher Education Summit of the United States and Mexico in Guadalajara. The meeting explored partnership opportunities between Mexican and U.S. colleges and universities. Myron Genel ’57, professor emeritus of pediatrics and clinical professor of nursing at Yale School of Medicine, received the Distinguished Service Award from the Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering (CASE) on May 22, 2017. The award honors members who have provided outstanding service to the academy. Robert Kafafian ’77, CEO of the Kafafian Group, which advises community financial institutions, was interviewed on April 28, 2017 for WFMZ’s story “Does Financial Regulation Hurt Small Banks?” You can find the full story at

James Scifers Wins Prestigious Award

Further confirmation that Moravian College’s one-year-old department of rehabilitation sciences is headed for greatness: Chair James “Jay” Scifers was granted the National Athletic Trainers’ Association’s 2017 Professional Development Excellence Award for his outstanding contributions in the area of continuing education and professional development.

John “JD” Doherty ’92 caddied for amateur Stewart Hagestad at the 2017 Masters at Augusta National, having guided Hagestad to a U.S. Mid-Amateur victory last fall. Research into improving iron transport in the human body conducted by Anna M. SantaMaria ’13 and colleagues was published in the May 12, 2017, issue of the journal Science.


In July, Paige Malewski ’16 will participate in the United Nations Graduate Study Programme in Geneva, Switzerland. This year’s theme: “Climate Change, Migration, Violent Extremism: The United Nations’ Role in Preventing Conflicts Spurred by the Challenges of Our Time.” Malewski is enrolled in the master’s program in human osteology and palaeopathology at the University of Bradford in West Yorkshire, England.






Moravian Moment


Czar Nicholas II of Russia (born Nikolay Aleksandrovich) abdicates the throne. Bolshevik revolutionaries would execute him and his wife and children the following year.

During a celebration of the 325th anniversary of John Amos Comenius, James M. Shields, class of 1918, wins the James M. Beck Oratorical Prize for his speech “The Brotherhood of Man.” Shields is an assistant editor at The Comenian.

After paying Denmark the sum of $25 million in gold coin, the United States takes possession of the Dutch West Indies, which become known as the Virgin Islands of the United States.

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An alum reflects

YourStory “A World Unfurled”

The title of the final chapter in Passionate Travelers aptly describes the book as a whole, its mission, and the experiences of its author, Lois Brunner Bastian, a 1950 Moravian College alumna. Her work is part travelogue, part travel guide, part memoir, and, in a way, part love letter to husband Edward, with whom she journeyed for more than 40 years. Here, Bastian’s story unfurls in excerpts from her book, reprinted with her permission.

Passionate Travelers

Enrich Each Trip and Add Indelible Memories

Lois Brunner Bastian


Like so many Americans, Edward’s family and mine were hit hard by the Great Depression .. . Our parents couldn’t afford to send us to college. We both got there by working summers and weekends to pay for tuition and by attending a nearby college as day students. Given our upbringing, Edward and I cared little about owning glitzy material possessions .. . But surprisingly, spending money on travel didn’t seem like an extravagance to us. We saw it as an investment that paid lifelong dividends that couldn’t be stolen by an economic crisis.

A very foreign experience

We descended into a dim, damp underground cistern in Istanbul, Turkey, that was built in the sixth century. Condensation from the vaulted brick rood dripped upon us and the dark water. Outside we’d heard the Muslim call to prayer floating down from nearby minarets. We’d seen Muslim men washing themselves at the ablution fountains before entering the mosque of Suleyman the Magnificent. We’d shed our shoes, and I donned a headscarf before stepping onto the prayer rugs covering the mosque floor...It was just a foretaste of the only city in the world that was the capital of both a Christian and an Islamic empire; the only country planted on two continents—Europe and Asia.

People: the most enduring memories

Meeting the people, in all their variety, etches indelible memories. It can also accomplish something even more significant: a feeling of friendship for a country and its people . . .

In Barbados, where we received so many unsolicited acts of kindness, a few Rastafarians grilling fish on a beach permitted us to take pictures of their catch and gave us a fish to sample, using our fingers. Another turned on a hose to wash our sticky fingers.

A new way of seeing the world

As I flipped through the pages of the Sunday newspaper, the still undone household chores nagged at me. This is no time for in-depth reading, my conscience complained; just skim the headlines. But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t. An account of a Hopi/Navajo Indian dispute in Flagstaff, Arizona, leaped out at me from the page. So did a piece about refugees from the Dominican Republic landing in Aguadilla, Puerto Rico, and another about an oil tanker spill off the coast of La Coruna, Spain. . . Why? Because over the years, Edward and I had visited all three places... [so] the news stories held personal meaning. Once I could have blithely bypassed all three as events too far away to be of interest or significance to us. Now they stopped us cold, commanded our attention. Travel had changed the way we read newspapers and magazines.

Remember when. . .

Edward sometimes said that he expected to predecease me. I could see his strength was waning. So could he. He was no longer able to take his daily two-mile walk without pausing again and again to rest and catch his breath. He couldn’t turn over the soil for the tomato plants he tended every summer... How often had we said to each other: “Remember when we ...?” Now, there was no one to share the remember-whens with. So I turn to the journals [of our travels], where Edward lives on. Passionate Travelers is not available in bookstores or online. For more information and to purchase a copy, send an e-mail to passionatetravelers

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Full Named for the longtime Arkansas senator who introduced it, the Fulbright Program is this country’s flagship international educational exchange program, sponsored by the U.S. State Department to elevate global understanding through the exchange of innovators and innovation, people and skills, dreamers and big, bold, transformational dreams. The students, scholars, teachers, scientists, and artists who receive Fulbright fellowships are—to a person—filled with equal parts expertise and promise. They are bright with incandescent imagination. THEY ARE FULL + BRIGHT. FULBRIGHT. THIS YEAR, TWO OF THEM ARE ALSO MORAVIAN ALUMS. MELISSA MARAZAS KATHLEEN MALU

Bright +

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Full Circle

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After growing up in Northeast Philadelphia, Melissa Marazas came to Moravian College for her undergraduate education, returned to Philadelphia to teach, and heads to Spain this fall for a Fulbright scholarship, following a path that ultimately leads to home. By Megan Othersen Gorman If you were to take a compass—the kind you might use in geometry class—and a map, plant the needle precisely where Melissa Marazas grew up in Northeast Philadelphia, and then draw a circle around her life as she shaped it in her 26 years, the circle would be relatively small, maybe the size of a bottle cap, depending on the scale of your map. She’s visited dozens of states, and she traveled to India twice for a pair of educational projects, the first time while she was at Moravian. But otherwise, Marazas purposefully stayed close to home—until now. In September, the first-grade teacher at the Westwood School, a small, private school in Philadelphia, will travel to Spain on a nearly yearlong Fulbright scholarship to teach at the Universidad Camilo José Cela in Madrid—an ocean away from Philly.


Marazas’s circle—a globe, really—just got a lot bigger.

We met at a sunny sidewalk café near her home in the Manayunk section of Philadelphia, a parade ground for hip, Spandex-clad twentysomethings, not unlike Marazas. “It was my dream to go to college, become a teacher, and come back and work in Philly,” she says. “Growing up, I had really powerful educators and coaches, and I wanted to be what they were for me for someone else. I wanted to inspire children to reach.”

Marazas is the first in her family to go to college. So while dreams are never guaranteed, hers was definitely a reach. She admits she ended up at Moravian by chance. “Some high school friends were visiting a few colleges in the area—Muhlenberg, Lafayette, Albright, and Moravian,” she says, “and I just tagged along.”

career. On it, the letters S-L-A-N-T are printed vertically and defined: S stands for sit up. L is for listen. A is ask questions. N is nod for understanding. And T is track the speaker. After every desired behavior is a picture of President Barack Obama, the ultimate expert, sitting up straight, listening, asking questions—the works.

She fell hard for the Moravian campus. “I felt at home there,” she says, “right from the start. I did my research later and fell in love with Moravian’s education program. But if I’m honest, I picked the school first, then the program.” Yet it was her third Moravian love—the faculty, and especially the female faculty—that turned out to be the most enduring.

“Dr. Tabor used to refer to us ‘experts’ all the time,” recalls Marazas. “She’d say, ‘You read this, you studied this—you’re the experts.’ I use that same language now with my first graders, and they eat it up, just as I did when I was at Moravian. It’s funny how a 20-year-old and 6-year-old can respond in the same way to the same thing. It’s evidently a human thing.”

There was John Black: “My advisor,” she says, head cocked in thought, smile wide.

Human connection—or our essential sameness—is a theme that runs like a line through Marazas’s teaching and through her life path. At the Westwood School, where her students are mostly African American and multicultural, she integrates different cultures and religions into every facet of her teaching. “The goal,” she says, “is to bridge the gap between cultures early by learning about them and talking about them.”

Naomi Gal: “She was part of my Moravian experience from the get-go. She works in the religion department, but I took an English class with her. She was very soft-spoken and super-inspiring. I think of her still.” And Nicole Tabor in the English department: “She has always been a very inspiring womanly figure for me. She always spoke to us as though we had loads of experience. She always encouraged us to own our expertise, and I think that motivated many of her students, myself included, to take initiative. I use the same language she used now, in my classroom.” Marazas’s classroom at the Westwood School is home to 13 first graders and a beloved poster outlining behavioral expectations that has followed Marazas from classroom to classroom throughout her teaching

This is, of course, the very goal of the Fulbright Program. But it isn’t new to Marazas. While at Moravian, she traveled to India through SOAR (Student Opportunity for Academic Research), cofacilitating an art program for middle school students, none of whom spoke English. “I was definitely a fish out of water,” she says with obvious understatement. “But through that experience, I learned what it means to be in the minority, to look different.” Six months

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later, postgraduation, Marazas joined Teach for America. At her first school in urban Philadelphia, 75 percent of her students were economically disadvantaged; all were African American. “They didn’t look like me,” says Marazas. “Their histories weren’t anything like mine. But in our classroom, I always felt right at home—and that was a wonderful thing to learn. “I think about my experience in India and how I processed it,” she says, “and my experiences in Teach for America and how I processed them, and I think they led me, somewhat circuitously, to Spain. It wasn’t purposeful. It was organic. I grew toward it.”


The seed of the idea—the Fulbright idea—was planted at Moravian by Christie Gilson, who used to be in the education


department. She had done a Fulbright in China and mentioned it as, Marazus recalls, “a really cool option.” “It stuck with me,” she says. “As you get older, you develop more ties to an area, more reasons to stay. But as I finally, at 25, tiptoed into the application process, I got more invested.” She targeted Spain. Not because she knows Spanish—“I have just a little bit of the language, so that’s going to be a learning curve”—but for a host of reasons, not the least of which is what she perceives might be the “essential sameness” of urban Philadelphians and Spaniards at this very particular moment in time. “I knew Spain had recently endured an economic crisis, and I felt as though there might be parallels between their situation and those of my students in Philadelphia,” says Marazas. “I thought I might have something to share.” And that’s the whole point, isn’t it?

To listen—really listen. “I can’t listen intently to all my kids all the time—they’ll be telling me about their dog or their cat or some crazy thing they found in the trash can the day before. But it is a gift to be listened to, no matter what your age. And they have helped me to listen mindfully— most of the time.” To speak up. “Kids will also be the first people to tell you when they don’t like something or don’t agree with something. They can advocate quite well for themselves when they’re given the opportunity— and that happens to be a personal goal of mine, as well—to have more of a voice, especially in times of conflict. I’m learning, and they have helped me in that process.”

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VITA LUCIS Kathleen Malu is a child of Bethlehem and a citizen of the world. Her body of work in language—the learning of it, the teaching of it, even the meaning of it—has earned her not one but two Fulbright Scholarships. We caught up with her in London, just after she started the second. By Megan Othersen Gorman 18 Moravian College Magazine Summer 2017

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k The celebrated Italian filmmaker Federico Fellini, autore of the masterpiece La Dolce Vita, once observed: “A different language is a different vision of life.” Kathy Malu ’73, PhD, an expert in language and literacy and longtime professor of education at William Paterson University in Wayne, New Jersey, shares Fellini’s point of view, but she casts a distinctly Moravian light on it. Let’s call her take Vita Lucis: “Speaking another language opens up to you a new culture,” she says. “And learning about different cultures gives you”—wait for it—“a new path, a new ‘way of light.’ ” Earlier this year, the light in Malu’s immediate path was filtered through the springtime British clouds. She was in London for a three-month tenure as a Fulbright academic at the School for Oriental and African Studies at the University of London, researching the role that learning English may play for those in African countries where English is not an official language—former colonies that were French- or Portuguese-speaking. “Is learning English a form of emancipation for the people of those countries, or is it recolonization?” she asks. Does it represent light or a form of darkness? This mental exercise—the curiosity and the exploration, the drive to dig deeper, to understand…this is essential Malu: Vita Lucis.

Kathy Malu isn’t what you might call a homebody. She began her career as a Peace Corps volunteer, teaching English in a secondary school in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Later, also in the Peace Corps, she served as an inspectrice for the Ministry of Education in Rwanda. She taught for many years at the United Nations International School in New York City and the City University of New York. She was a Fulbright Scholar at the Kigali Institute of Education in Rwanda and an English language specialist for the US Department of State in South Africa, Turkey, Congo, and Guinea. She’s been places. Lots of them. “I have had an urge to travel,” she says lightly. “It came to me from so many places: From my parents, both of whom were children of immigrants and grew up on the south side of Bethlehem where many Eastern European immigrants settled—they greatly encouraged my siblings and me to speak a few of the Slavic languages, given our environment and our family’s background…from my father and his stories of serving as an officer in World War II in the Pacific… from Moravian Prep School, where I began learning French—which would be one of my majors at Moravian—in kindergarten. And, of course, it came from Moravian College, which allowed me to sign up for every single course with Africa in its title after I started thinking seriously about going to Africa for the Peace Corps!” For Malu, a born explorer, Moravian was the first step in a journey that would eventually encompass the world. Her first year, she lived in the Foreign Language House.

Her third, she spent a semester in France. And her last, she lived, in her mind, in French-speaking Africa. “Moravian, the school of my hometown, ended up giving me the world,” she says. “It gave me the confidence to join the Peace Corps and move to Zaïre immediately after college. And it gave me the skill—the fluency in French—I needed to do so.” But that wasn’t all. Moravian gave Malu something even more profound: It gave her ideas. “My love of scholarship also began at Moravian College,” she says. “The life that I have now— the life of the mind—I knew I wanted while I was still in high school. Of course, I didn’t really have any idea what that life would look like. I didn’t know I would be an academic—maybe Moravian gave me that idea. But here’s what I do know: Moravian is a place where I wasn’t boxed in.”


It is a small place with a big view.

The possibility of a Fulbright entered Malu’s horizon purely by chance. It was 1980. She was in the Peace Corps in Rwanda when she happened to meet a Fulbright Scholar, an American. “I knew that the title was incredibly prestigious, and I filed it away in the back of my mind with the thought ‘Oh, maybe one day I can become a Fulbright Scholar, too,’ ” she says. “But it wasn’t until many years later, when I was at William Paterson University and was asked to mentor a student from Rwanda, that it came back to me. The thought of

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Rwanda called to mind the image of the Fulbright scholar I had met there, and that really got the ball spinning.” Malu applied for and received her first Fulbright in 2009, returning to Rwanda in 2010 as a Fulbright Scholar to teach at the Kigali Institute of Education of the National University of Rwanda. She is currently working on her second in London. Which prompts the obvious question: What’s next, and where? Malu replies, “I am thinking about how my current research topic—English language use in the Democratic Republic of the Congo—may take me to Belgium and Germany.” But further conversation reveals that there is a much more immediate destination on the Manhattanite’s mind. Her Fulbright Commission bio, tucked among a lengthy list of academic posts and honors, mentions that Malu enjoys making curries with her partner, Richard, a retired British Merchant Navy captain. When asked about that tidbit, she responds with laughter in her voice: “It is not I who likes making curries,” she says. “It’s my partner who does. I like eating curries. And while I’m here in London, I’m really, really hoping to go to a few Indian restaurants.” Perhaps India is next. And why not? Like la dolce vita, it sounds delicious.


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Over the years, 16 Moravian College students and a faculty member have been awarded Fulbright scholarships. They have traveled to Spain, Germany, Rwanda, Mexico, and Poland as scholars delving into research or teaching in classrooms but also as ambassadors of the United States. They’ve worked with colleagues and the citizens of their host nations, absorbing and sharing culture and building international connections that form threads of a global tapestry of people and culture. Moravian College Magazine caught up with several of our former Fulbrighters to find out what they’re up to today and how their Fulbright experience affected their lives.

Class of 2010

Cynthia Dretel

Home: I live in Germany with my husband. Last year, we adopted a retired racing greyhound named Kira. Fulbright Award: I received a research grant to study World War II Polish music and Polish folk music at Wrocław University in Poland. Today: I am writing my PhD dissertation in musicology at the Hochschule für Musik Franz Liszt in Weimar. For my dissertation, I am drawing on work I completed during my honors project with Larry Lipkis, professor of music at Moravian College, and the manuscripts I came across during my Fulbright grant. I am examining Polish nativity plays to provide a comprehensive view of the role of musical performances in the Polish resistance in several concentration camps during World War II. The Fulbright Effect: The Fulbright program offers young scholars a unique opportunity to learn from foreign academic institutions and the people of the host country. I am so grateful I had the opportunity to live in Poland and learn about the musical culture firsthand. The experience shifted my focus from notes on a page to a more nuanced understanding of how centuries of Polish history, politics, and culture influenced these musical productions.

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Class of 1968

Helen Bachochin

Assoc. Professor, 1998–2011

Anne Dutlinger Associate Professor of Graphic and Information Design at Moravian College from 1998 to 2011 Home: Westtown, Pennsylvania Fulbright Award: I studied how place affects the formation and growth of our identities for my project “Cartography, Culture, and Identity in Upper Ontario” at Algoma University in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. I taught classes as well. Today: I created and own a business that designs and produces bookish goods—towels, coasters, writing paper, T-shirts—with imagery from medieval and early modern manuscripts and early printed books.

Home: Hellertown, Pennsylvania Fulbright Award: I studied Spanish at the University of Madrid in Spain. Today: I taught Spanish for about 50 years—in high school, middle school, and college. I was on the faculty at Moravian College for many years and retired in 2015 from Muhlenberg College, where I taught for 25 years. In my retirement, I keep very active with family and friends—I have six grandchildren—and I read, walk regularly, and volunteer with my church. The Fulbright Effect: My experience was indeed very positive. It, of course, enhanced my teaching significantly, but it also improved my understanding of world cultures. My memories of my year in Spain are still very vivid.

The Fulbright Effect: Studying and teaching at an institution that was formerly an Indian Residential School made the impact of generations of oppression very personal. Many of the students, staff, and some faculty at Algoma University are First Nation.

Home: Ardmore, Pennsylvania Fulbright Award: I studied 18th-century Moravian communities at Universität Erfurt in Germany. Today: I live in Ardmore with my husband, Stephen, and our two girls, Ophelia and Ingrid. Stephen and I met at Villanova University, while we were both in the graduate history program. Though we both had aspirations of continuing our education, life took us in different directions. I started a job as a foreign language mobile application tester in 2009, while searching for a position in education, and I ended up furthering my career in technology. Today I am a senior technical project manager for Comcast within a software development group. The Fulbright Effect: I will forever look back on my experiences abroad and remember the people I met and the friendships I enjoy to this day.

Class of 2004

Leigh Caruso Gunther

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Class of 2015

Julie Shoults

Home: Bethlehem, Pennsylvania Fulbright Award: I served as an English language teaching assistant at the Georg-Weerth Oberschule in Berlin, Germany, in 2005. Today: My husband, Stephen Shoults, and I were married in November 2011 in Borhek Chapel on Moravian’s campus. After completing my MA and PhD in German studies at the University of Connecticut, I moved back to Pennsylvania in 2015. I have worked as a German instructor at several institutions, including Moravian College, and I currently teach at Nitschmann Middle School. I continue to pursue my research, and last year I was awarded the Dissertation Prize by the Coalition of Women in German. The Fulbright Effect: Spending 10 months living and teaching in Berlin was an amazing experience that taught me a lot about myself and the world around me. My time there also convinced me to attend graduate school for German studies rather than English, my original plan. I am still close with several people I met in Berlin, including a former student of mine who came to live with my family as an exchange student. Last year, I was fortunate to be selected to attend the Summer Academy in Leipzig for US-American Faculty in German. I would not be on the path I am today if I had not spent a year as a Fulbright Scholar after my graduation from Moravian.

Home: Nazareth, Pennsylvania Fulbright Award: I served as an English language teaching assistant at the Pestalozzi Mittelschule in Großschönau, Germany, working with students in grades 5 through 10. In addition, I spent time at the Unity Archives of the Moravian Church in Herrnhut, Germany, where I continued the research on 18th- and 19th-century Moravian education that I had started with my independent study under Hans Wuerth, then professor of German, during my senior year at Moravian. Today: I teach German at Northampton Area High School in Pennsylvania. We have a strong language program with three full-time German teachers, offering courses from German I to Advanced Placement German, and a student exchange program (GAPP) with our partner school in Gladenbach, Germany. This year I teach German II (regular and honors levels), III, and IV. I have been married for 13 years to James Schnyderite, who teaches music in Frenchtown, New Jersey, and we have two daughters, Jillian, 9, and Jordyn, 3. The Fulbright Effect: I am able to integrate my experiences with the language and culture of German-speaking countries into lessons with my high school students. Even though my Fulbright exchange occurred 15 years ago, I remain in touch with several friends and former students through social media.

Courtney Schnyderite

Class of 2001

Class of 1999

Marianne Zwicker

Home: Brooklyn, New York Fulbright Award: My award took me to Technische Universität zu Berlin in Germany, where I researched the victimization of the Sinti and Roma peoples during the Holocaust. Today: I head the language program at Deutsches Haus at New York University. I live with my husband and two cats in Brooklyn, New York. The Fulbright Effect: The research I did in Berlin inspired my doctoral work on German-language Romani writing, which I completed at the University of Edinburgh in 2010. I still work in the field of German studies. During my time in Berlin, I grew so much academically and personally. It was wonderful to have the experience of living somewhere new, being part of another culture, creating lasting friendships, and making a city that I didn’t know at all into a place that I can always call home. After my year as a Fulbright student, I lived abroad, in Germany, Scotland, and Austria, for a total of 10 years, and I am very grateful for all of the people I had the opportunity to meet, the various perspectives I came to know and appreciate, and the sensitivity I gained for the challenges and the excitement of new beginnings and new places.

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Class of 1975

Fred Rooney

Home: Rochester, New York Fulbright Award: I was awarded a graduate research fellowship to Seville, Spain. I studied a mouse model of multiple sclerosis and how modulating immune signaling in the central nervous system impacts disease progression. Today: I am working toward my doctorate in neuroscience at the University of Rochester. I received my master’s through the program last July for my thesis project, “Noradrenergic modulation of microglial dynamics and synaptic plasticity.” I study how the innate immune cells of the central nervous system interact with neural cells to drive changes in network connectivity. The Fulbright Effect: My Fulbright gave me the opportunity to return to Spain and work in the lab where I had interned during my undergraduate study abroad. That allowed me to continue making connections with friends and colleagues in the neuroscience field. My work there broadened my skills as an independent researcher and prepared me for my graduate research at the University of Rochester.

Home: Bethlehem, Pennsylvania Fulbright Award: I studied law in Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic. Today: I am an international advocate for access to justice and a Fulbright Specialist currently assigned to a grant in Islamabad, Pakistan. I hope to begin a project in Nablus, Palestine.

Rianne Stowell

The Fulbright Effect: My experience as a Fulbright Scholar was highly transformative. For years, I was intimidated by the application process and avoided taking the first step. When I finally found the courage to apply, I was overjoyed when my proposal was accepted. My experience continues as a Fulbright Specialist. I travel around the globe, extolling the virtues of the Fulbright Program for those of us from the United States and for people from around the world who come here through the Fulbright Program.

“The Fulbright Program offers young scholars a unique opportunity to learn from foreign academic institutions and the people of the host country.” —Cynthia Dretel

Class of 2012

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Triple Crown The Kanakamedala triplets

all graduated with honors, are headed for medical school, and—best of all—love what they do and where they’re going.

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by Claire Kowalchik Swathi, Loukya, and Gautam Kanakamedala sit in the SuperLab in Collier Hall of Science reminiscing about the earliest experiments they conducted at home when they were kids. Swathi takes her siblings back to the seed germination trials. “We wanted to see what factors—light, darkness, moisture, dryness—were necessary for germination. So we took beans and wrapped them in paper towels—some wet, some dry—and placed them in different locations in the house,” she says. “In the closet, the fridge, in the sunlight…” interjects Gautam. “Every morning, as soon as we’d wake up, we’d rush to see how our seeds were doing,” adds Loukya. And the siblings— triplets—break into laughter. The seed experiment, the purple metal detector that Gautam built using the principles of magnetics, Loukya’s photosynthesis test in which she excitedly observed the release of oxygen from plants—those early projects fed a growing passion and intellect for science that led to the triplets’ honors research this past year. Gautam, a biochemistry major, worked to locate a gene that causes seizures in Drosophila melanogaster (aka the fruit fly).

“Exploring the mechanisms of how this gene effects seizures may help us someday better understand seizures in humans and develop improved drug therapies,” he says. Swathi, also a biochem major, studied dirhodium compounds as potential DNA binding agents for antitumor drug therapy. “Dirhodium compounds have rhodium atoms at their center, which bind with DNA,” she explains. “This binding disrupts cell growth, which makes these compounds potential chemotherapy drugs.” Neuroscience student Loukya has been examining the neuroprotective potential of curcumin—a compound found in turmeric—in rat models of Parkinson’s disease. “I observed motor improvements in the curcumin-administered rats, indicating that there was some protective effect,” explains Loukya. “A cellular analysis showed that the dopamine neurons, which degenerate with Parkinson’s disease, were restored. I did further research to find the mechanism behind this, and found that curcumin may be exhibiting anti-inflammatory properties to protect dopamine neurons and create the behavioral improvements I saw at the start of my study.”

Foundations in Family The triplets’ father, Madan Kanakamedala, is an enterprise software developer at the Virginia Community College System. He grew up in India and attended the Florida Institute of Technology to study computer engineering. After graduating, Madan secured a job in the tech industry and settled in the United States with his wife, Kalpana, to raise a family. Madan and Kalpana planted the seeds of scientific curiosity in their children, introducing them to Chem4Kids online when they were in middle school. “We enjoyed science from that day on, and it really brought the three of us together,” says Loukya. “Because science is complex, our parents wanted to give us a good foundation in preparation for school, so that our classwork would be mostly review,” Loukya explains. Education had created opportunity and a path to a good life for the elder Kanakamedalas. Madan and Kalpana wanted the same for their children. “By encouraging academics early on, our parents knew they would instill in us a sense of responsibility for our education,” says Loukya.

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Triple Crown


“While education is an important aspect in our lives, we also developed passions in various hobbies.” —Swathi Kanakamedala

“It will be a bittersweet moment for all three of us,” Swathi says. “We will definitely miss each other a lot and will continue to support one another. At the same time, we are excited to experience our own journeys.”

“While education is an important aspect in our lives, we also developed passions in various hobbies,” adds Swathi, who enjoys figure skating and horseback riding. Gautam likes snowboarding, go-kart racing, and auto detailing. (Yes, auto detailing—“It’s therapy,” he says.) Loukya rides motorcycles and plays ice hockey. But the three of them truly enjoy their coursework, too. “We have a passion for learning new things,” says Loukya, “especially in science—we love its complexity and want to expand our knowledge. It goes back to our curious nature, which we’ve had since we were kids.”

Passions for Medicine The triplets’ desire to pursue medicine also grew out of their childhood experience. Gautam explains that when they were 14, they volunteered at ManorCare Health Services in Bethlehem, which exposed them to patient care. They volunteered next for Lehigh Valley Hospital, followed by St. Luke’s. At Moravian College, they took advantage of opportunities to shadow doctors. “I became interested in radiology,” says Gautam, “which perhaps reflects the interest I had in experimenting with magnetics in the metal detector I made for science fair.”

Swathi’s interest in cardiology was sparked while she was in India visiting family. “Both of my grandfathers suffered heart attacks, and I was with them in the hospital when they came out of surgery,” she explains. “The shadowing I did in college exposed me to different opportunities in medicine, but I still found myself drawn to cardiology.” A grandparent’s illness impacted Loukya, too. She watched Parkinson’s disease gradually steal function from her once vital grandmother, who was diagnosed when Loukya was 11. To learn more about the neurological disorder, she researched it online, and at age 14 she requested neuroscience books for Christmas. “I learned how complex the human body is and, more specifically, the brain,” Loukya says. “Neuroscience is a relatively new field, and contributing to it has become very important to me.” This fall, the triplets, who say they have done everything together, will head to different medical schools: Gautam to Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine in Erie, Pennsylvania; Swathi to Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine in Blacksburg, Virginia; and Loukya to Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine.

Journeys no doubt guided by lifelong curiosity and a love of learning that will be rich with exploration, discovery, and accomplishment.

Moravian College: The Right Stuff When triplets Loukya, Swathi, and Gautam Kanakamedala toured Moravian College as high school seniors, they had an opportunity to observe a class in session, and the small size made a big and glowing impression. Their interest sparked, the young scientists continued to research the college at home. “I looked at Dr. Cecilia Fox’s work,” says Loukya, who knew even then that she wanted to pursue neuroscience, “and that furthered my desire to come to Moravian.” The college did not disappoint. The small class size allowed the triplets to blossom in their interactions with peers and professors. “I used to be so quiet,” says Loukya. “Now I am comfortable speaking up in class and presenting my research.” Academically, Moravian College fed their hungry minds. All three grasped the opportunity to participate in SOAR (Student Opportunities for Academic Research) and continued their scientific inquiry in their honors theses, and they attest to the rigor of their studies. “Oh, yes, the courses are very rigorous,” they confirm emphatically. The Kanakamedala triplets graduated with honors in May and head for medical school this fall. Moravian College provided the right elements for their growth and success: rigor, research opportunities, and, perhaps most important, an intimate academic space.

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The blue and grey at play

GreyhoundSports 1

1 Duncan Wins National Championship Junior Mary Kate Duncan won the 2017 NCAA Division III women’s javelin national title with a personal best of 46.26 meters (151'9"). Her winning move came on the opening day of the 2017 NCAA Division III National Championship meet, hosted by the University of Mount Union and the City of Cleveland at the SPIRE Institute. Duncan becomes Moravian’s 21st NCAA Division III individual national champion and the 20th from the track-and-field program. She is the second Greyhound to hold the women’s javelin national title, joining two-time winner Christina Scherwin ’05.


Edwards Elected to Golf Hall of Fame

Moravian College Head Golf Coach Kevin Edwards ’96 has been elected to be inducted into the Lehigh Valley Golf Hall of Fame Class of 2017. Edwards recently finished his seventh season leading the Moravian program and was named the 2016–17 Empire 8 Conference Coach of the Year for the second time in three years after guiding the Greyhounds to third place at the conference championships.

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Former Greyhounds Selected to MAC Hall of Fame

Former Moravian College athletes Christina Scherwin ’05 and Heidi Wolfsberger Peoples ’02 have been selected as part of the sixth class to be inducted into the Middle Atlantic Conference Hall of Fame. Scherwin won the NCAA javelin title in 2002 and 2003, missing the 2001 meet due to an injury and the 2004 championships while training for the Olympics. In 2003, she set what is still the NCAA Division III meet record with a toss of 55.34 meters (181'7") and earned All-America honors in the shot put, both indoors and outdoors. Peoples was a four-year standout on both the women’s cross-country and track-and-field teams for the Greyhounds. She captured the 2001 NCAA Division III National Championship in the 1,500-meter run indoors and was the runner-up in the event three other times. She was also a twotime runner-up at the NCAA Division III Cross Country National Championships, and she completed her career as a 12-time All-American.







Matos and Novak Named All-Americans

Moravian College junior catcher Janae Matos has been named to the 2017 National Fastpitch Coaches Association Division III All-America First Team and honored as the 2017 Diamond Sports Division III National Catcher of the Year, while junior pitcher Josie Novak was named to the NFCA Division III All-America Second Team.



Spirk Named Athletic Director

Head Women’s Basketball Coach/ Associate Athletic Director/Senior Women’s Administrator Mary Beth Spirk has been promoted to director of athletics and recreation. Spirk, who recently finished her 30th season leading the Greyhounds, will maintain her position as head coach but relinquish the role of senior women’s administrator. “It is an honor to lead the athletic department at Moravian College,” says Spirk.

“I am passionate about success and committed to enhancing the overall experience of our student athletes.” —Mary Beth Spirk Summer 2017 Moravian College Magazine 31

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People, places, events

Careers in Banking. Joshua Dodd ’99, ’11, senior vice president at Univest Bank, brought alumni banking professionals to campus to participate in a panel for all students interested in learning about careers in banking. Students in the Amrhein Investment Club, Accounting Club, and Moravian Business Leaders helped market the event. Alumni panelists included Judith Hunsicker Webster ’83, COO, Embassy Bank of the Lehigh Valley; Gregory Rarick ’06, assistant vice president, commercial lending, People’s Security & Trust; Izel Dickerson ’15, commercial credit specialist, BB&T; and Trevor Scarlato ’15, branch manager, Wells Fargo.


▲ Merck Reception. In March, Moravian

College students and alumni gathered for an evening of professional networking at Merck & Co. in Branchburg, New Jersey. The reception was hosted by Merck employees Judith Tobias Chuisano ’91 and Pete Lega ’85.

Backpack to Briefcase. More than 20 alumni came to campus on January 13 and 14 to participate in the Center for Career & Civic Engagement’s professional development seminar for juniors and seniors. The goal of the program is to help students prepare for life after college, whether in the work world or graduate school. Alumni conducted mock interviews, hosted tables at the Etiquette Dinner and Fashion Show (wardrobe provided by Macy’s and Melissa Ludwig ’80, district vice president of Macy’s in the greater Philadelphia area), served on panels, and presented on topics such as negotiating job offers, managing finances, and social media.

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▲ ▲ Egg Hunt. More than 200 Greyhound alumni and potential future Hounds came to campus this April to take part in the second annual Alumni Family Egg Hunt. Children of all ages enjoyed sweet treats, bag decorating, and, of course, the hunt!

▲ Second Annual Michael L. Karapetian ’97 Entrepreneurship Symposium. After a successful debut, the Michael L. Karapetian ’97 Entrepreneurship Symposium returned to campus on November 20, 2016, offering $8,000 in prize money to the top three student entrepreneurs— Hamdy Agha ’17, Lauren Zsilavecz ’18, and Stephen Rahn ’17, respectively. The symposium is the brainchild of college trustee Michael Karapetian, who is committed to providing Moravian College students with opportunities to test their entrepreneurial spirit. Gary Kaskowitz, professor of marketing, played an integral role in the event by preparing students to participate in the competition through his course on entrepreneurship.

▲ Hound Hours. Young Alumni Hound Hours were held in New York City, the Lehigh Valley, Philadelphia, King of Prussia, Hoboken, and Morristown this spring to bring young Hounds together for fun and fellowship.

Moravian Moment




Jeannette Rankin of Montana becomes the first female member of the U.S. House of Representatives.


Led by Dr. J. H. Clewell, president of Moravian College for Women, a coalition of local educational leaders establishes a course in teacher training for students within a 20-mile radius of the college.

4/2 World War

President Wilson asks Congress for a declaration of war against the Imperial German Government. They approve, and war is declared on April 6.


4/25 Birth

Ella Fitzgerald (d. 1996), American jazz singer, in Newport News, VA

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People, places, events



50+ Class of 1967

Alumni Weekend

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Alumni from near and far gathered May 5 and 6 to celebrate Founder’s Day and our 50+ Alumni Weekend. Festivities kicked off on Friday with the traditional Lovefeast and luncheon to celebrate the founding of the Moravian Seminary and College for Women, lovingly referred to by alumnae as the Fem Sem. The fun and camaraderie continued throughout the weekend with a champagne toast to the 50th reunion of the class of 1967, a welcome back dinner, the Alumni Association’s annual meeting and breakfast, tours of campus, educational sessions, and the 50+ Induction and State of the College Brunch at Hotel Bethlehem.


Moravian Moment

The Comenian reports that a number of students at Moravian College for Men, with the consent of faculty and led by their elected captain, F. T. Trafford, have begun drilling for military training. Some have been in the national guard and others attended military academies.

5/6 Moravian Moment

Marian Artman of Philadelphia wins first prize in the oratorical contest at Moravian College for Women with her speech on the topic “Reclaiming the Criminal.” The event is held in the chapel (now Peter Hall), which had recently been renovated and had a “fine organ” installed.

5/30 Moravian Moment

Students at the Moravian Seminary and College for Women participate in Memorial Day exercises at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier on First Avenue in Bethlehem. After a patriotic address by the school’s president, the Rev. Dr. J. H. Clewell, the girls file past the tomb “throwing sprigs of green upon it.”

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A Night of Stars

Dinner, dancing, friends in ArtsQuest’s hip and lively setting—the evening was a blast! This year’s gala honored those who helped create the Moravian College we know today. 36 Moravian College Magazine Summer 2017

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David Bennett ’88 Bob Burcaw ’51 Lyn Trodahl Chynoweth ’68 Ann McKittrick Claussen ’74 Herman Collier M. Lillian Davenport Dennis Domchek H. Paty Eiffe Dawn Ketterman-Benner

Bev Gaston Kochard ’73 Erv Rokke Bob Schoenen Jr. Janet Sipple Bettie Moretz Smolansky Bernie Story ’80 Tom Tenges ’70 John Woltjen ’59

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People, places, events


The Greatest of Legacies For many families, a Moravian College education is a tradition. The 2017 graduating class was full of legacies, and we are so excited to welcome them to the alumni family.

Emily Benonis ’17, sister of Caitlyn ’13 and Kimberly ’10 Benonis

Jessica Bruzzone ’17, sister of Kaylan Bruzzone ’15

Andrew Churchill ’17, son of Scott Churchill ’79

Kristen Craig ’17, daughter of Jeffrey Craig ’02, MBA ’13

Luke DiGiacinto ’17, son of Kelly DiGiacinto ’84

Aisling Doyle ’17, sister of Mairead Doyle ’20

Alexandria Garin ’17, daughter of Joseph Garin III ’94 and granddaughter of Joseph Garin ’52

William Godiska ’17, son of Kenneth Godiska ’89

Caroline Leiby ’17, sister of Julie Leiby ’05 and Sarah Leiby Gower ’03

“… maybe that's how the world changes, Isaiah. One father, one child, at a time.” —Barbara Samuel in her novel The Sleeping Night 38 Moravian College Magazine Summer 2017

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Connor Lynch ’17, son of Michael Lynch ’82

Adam Marsala ’17, son of Joseph ’88 and Susan ’89 Marsala

Robert McKinley ’17, brother of Kerry McKinley ’11

Mackenzie Merrick ’17, sister of Tyler Merrick ’14

Nicole Metzger ’17, daughter of Pharon Metzger ’87 and sister of Lucas Metzger ’20

Caroline Nehme ’17, sister of Mary Nehme ’15

Shauna Poling ’17, daughter of Kurt Poling ’89 and sister of Brett Poling ’20

Kate Polles ’17, daughter of the late Stephen Polles ’78

Jon Raso ’17, son of Jon Raso ’86

Kaitlyn Rossi ’17, daughter of Michael Rossi ’88

Photography by Brandon Harkins

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Jaclyn Smith ’17, daughter of Jeffery Smith ’84

Elizabeth Spence ’17, sister of Philip Spence ’10, Danielle DuBois Spence ’10, Kyle Spence ’14, and Chelsea Grotyohann ’14

Kaitlyn Vitone ’17, daughter of Linda Bayda Vitone ’90 and sister of Michael Vitone ’15

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Catching up with classmates


watching the whales. A highlight of the trip was taking a boat out of Hilo and riding to see the Lava Fire Hose—a constantly flowing stream of 2,000-degree hot lava coming out of a very high cliff and falling into the ocean and imploding on contact with the water. The ocean water 8 miles away from the lava flow was very warm and comfortable to swim in. On the way home, we spent four days in San Francisco riding the cable cars. On Friday, March 31, I attended the celebration for the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Omicron Gamma Omega Fraternity at Moravian. The affair was held at the Hotel Bethlehem. There was a special presentation honoring Anthony “Monk” Morelli ’59 for his great work on behalf of the fraternity and the college. The proceeds from the celebration will go to the Monk Morelli ‘59 Scholarship Fund. In addition, the Morelli family has pledged to match each dollar raised on behalf of the scholarship. Monk’s wife, Pat, was in attendance with her son Anthony.

June Bright Reese; Room 48, 800 Maple Ave., Harleysville, PA 19483


I have a new address. I have moved to be closer to my daughter, Sylvia, and am very happy in my new home.

Sam Maczko;


In the absence of any communication from our classmates, I will have to write about myself. This past winter my wife and I and our oldest daughter visited the big island of Hawaii. We spent 17 days in a beachfront condo

Representing our class were Barry Gaal, Joe Castellano, and yours truly. I have to be honest and say we were the oldest members of the fraternity in attendance. That was very obvious when the DJ starting playing his music and the younger brothers began dancing and frolicking on the dance floor. Barry Gaal continues to enjoy good health and is very active in the Bethlehem area with civic pursuits and playing golf in the good weather. He just returned from a visit to Myrtle Beach, SC, where he played a

World War

In accordance with the Selective Service Act passed by Congress on May 18, conscription of young men for military service begins. All men between ages 21 and 31 on this date are required to register for the draft.



6/4 Journalism

The inaugural Pulitzer Prize for Journalism goes to Herbert Bayard Swope of the New York World, for a 1916 series titled “Inside the German Empire.” The Editorial Writing award goes to the New York Tribune for an article about the first anniversary of the sinking of the Lusitania.



Moravian Moment

At the alumnae meeting of Moravian College for Women, Mrs. Thomas L. Leuders of Philadelphia presents the school with a gift in memory of her mother, Mrs. Selfridge: the large stained glass window on the west end of the chapel (now Peter Hall).

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little golf. Barry lives in Bethlehem and is retired after working in administrative positions at Moravian College, Dickinson College, and Lehigh University. Joe Castellano is enjoying good health and retirement while being actively involved with his children and grandchildren. He and JoAnn are busy with renovating their kitchen. Joe has cut back on visiting and volunteering at Moravian, but he still manages to be on campus and gives freely of his time when necessary. While traveling around the campus on a rainy day, I observed the great changes that have taken place since we graduated. The new health sciences building is a sight to behold. It should be finished by the start of the next school year. The campus is a vibrant place and a far cry from what it was in our undergraduate days. Please write with updates about yourself or other graduates you have come in contact with. Our classmates love to read about other alumni. Bill Leicht; 16819 N. 59th Place; Scottsdale, AZ 85254;


Hello, everyone. It’s already been four years since our 50th class reunion. Wow! Time is passing way too quickly.

I received a very unexpected but welcome telephone call from Jim Kelyman Jr. He and Carole still reside in Sebastian, FL, and are enjoying retirement. Jim doesn’t make it up north as often as he would like. We reminisced about our days at Moravian, football, and the OGO brotherhood. Other OGO brothers have since told me they talked to Jim as well. I also received a note from Dick Bedics. He and Bonnie just returned to Florida from a California vacation. They took a hot air balloon ride over the vineyards in Tumecula, checking it off their “bucket list.” (Carol and I did that here in Arizona for our 30th anniversary way back in 1994.) Dick sent me the quarterly issue of View, a publication of WSRE, Pensacola State College. Dick was highlighted, with his picture, in a nice article about his accomplishments. He is a PSC retiree who served since 1974 and was named dean of instructional services in 1978. His duties included supervision of library services, in-service training, and WSRE-TV. In 1984 he was named Pensacola Campus Provost. He retired in 2002, having been recognized as Outstanding Administrator of Northwest Florida by Phi Delta Kappa and as Santa Rosa Chamber of Commerce Man of the Year. Postretirement, he received the

Benigna Education Award from Moravian. Congratulations, Dick, on quite an exemplary career. Don Vogel recently had a hip replacement and is rehabbing well in Ohio. He probably can’t cover shortstop like he did in the ’60s at Moravian. Don enjoys watching his grandkids play sports and also making his own vintage wines. Occasionally I hear from Marty Garcia, Stan “Stosh” Gilbert, and Gary Sandercock. I also receive e-mail from Sam Maczko ’61, Joe Castellano ’61, and T. Jeff Gannon ’61. We are all saddened by the news of the death of OGO brother Anthony “Monk” Morelli ’59. He was an inspiration to all OGOs and a significant supporter of Moravian. We also mourn the recent passing of Robert “Bob” Dietrich. Bob was a stalwart Greyhound football player in the early ’60s and later did scouting for Coach Rocco Calvo. I last saw Bob at our 50th class reunion in 2013. Carol and I took our grandsons and daughters on a West Coast cruise last year and plan to visit Washington, DC, in June this year. We have our sights set on a 15-day trip to China in September. I would love to hear from more 1963 alumni.

World War

In response to anti-German sentiment in England, George V, ruler of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, renounces his German titles and declares that his descendants shall bear the surname of Windsor instead of House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha.

World War

The first troops from the American Expeditionary Forces, under the command of General John J. “Black Jack” Pershing, land in France.

6/6 Moravian Moment

Following commencement exercises at Moravian College and Theological Seminary, the class of 1917 presents its memorial gift, a drinking fountain on the first floor of Comenius Hall.




7/12 Birth

Andrew Wyeth (d. 2009), American artist, in Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania

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take us again into California, this time along Route 1 and the California coast and maybe even as far north as Oregon.

Tim Tedesco;


Noel DeSousa sent the following update: My wife, Nancy Christie, and I have lived here in Prescott, AZ, located in the Arizona Highlands where it's much cooler than down in the "valley" (metro Phoenix), for the past 5½ years. Here in the Highlands, we actually get winter and occasional snow, but most days are sunny and mild. We love the area for its scenic beauty, very clean air, outdoor activities, performing arts venues, and vibrant downtown. And I can put the top down on my sports car at least a couple of days every month of the year.

Ron dePaolo; Andrew Semmel;


Andy Semmel writes: Ed Wolfsohn and I have been communicating via e-mail for the past few years. Ed lives in Asheville, NC, in a mountain home overlooking the Blue Ridge. A teacher in Long Island for three decades, Ed continues to teach at local colleges. He is active in local affairs and spends his spare time weight-training, playing racquetball, and supporting men’s and women’s soccer and basketball activities at UNC-Asheville. Ed’s wife, Reeta Bochner, is a founder and president of Financial Social Work and is an active speaker, author, and trainer of social workers in the United States and abroad. One of Ed’s sons and two grandchildren live in North Carolina; the other son lives in California, where he heads the advertising agency High Wide and Handsome. Several 1964 classmates, including me, plan to visit Ed and Reeta in late September for a mini reunion. I’ll tote my well-worn copy of Benigna with me.

My one and only grandson graduated from Rowan University last May and now works for JP Morgan Chase as a financial analyst in Wilmington, DE. Except for my granddaughter who lives in New Hampshire, all of my family live in or near southeastern PA, so I do make it back three or four times a year to visit, which often includes a guitar jam session with roommate W. David Saltzer, EdD. Maybe I can time a trip this year to coincide with Moravian Homecoming. Hope to see some classmates there. Nancy and I love to travel in the western US. We have visited, camped, and hiked in most of the national parks and monuments in Arizona, Utah, California, Nevada, and Colorado. Our most recent excursion, for our 30th wedding anniversary celebration last November, was a camping and hiking trip to Great Sand Dunes and Rocky Mountain National Parks. Our next trip will

I started taking guitar lessons—again— a few months ago and am working up the courage to appear with a neighbor of mine at one of the many local venues that offer open mics. With the purchase of a used Fender electric, my guitar collection has expanded to four, including the one I long ago brought to college, which I had refurbished about a year ago. What occupies a great deal of my time is my involvement in Rotary. Rotary is an international service organization that engages in numerous service programs at the local and global level. We are so close to eradicating polio worldwide. I, along with other Rotarians, have traveled to Caborca, Mexico, a number of times to administer polio inoculations to locals. And my club along with other local Rotary clubs supports many humanitarian, community, and charitable endeavors right here in Prescott. Bill Scheidig writes that he recently bought his wife a 2004 T-bird, her favorite car—and Bill gets to drive it. Still, he is looking for a 1961–62 Corvette. He is working on doing two trumpet concerts and is reconditioning a West German violin that he hopes he can play. Bill will be going to San Diego in October for a conference. Bill mentioned reading an article in The Comenian about our class writing an

Moravian Moment



8/5 World War

The 111th year of classes at Moravian College and Theological Seminary opens in Borhek Memorial Chapel.


The entire National Guard is mobilized into federal service, placing them under control of the president and not individual governors.

9/27 Death

Edgar Degas (b. 1834), French artist and one of the founders of Impressionism, dies in Paris.

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apology to the Bethlehem police department for harassing a police car when we were at Moravian. He does not remember the apology but does remember rocking the police car back and forth! John Swarr writes that he continues to plug along with Manna Homes for All. It seems to be getting harder to do their building projects and more expensive too. It has become a challenge to keep things affordable for regular working people and almost impossible for those who are poor, at least in the booming DC area. It may be different in areas where things are still depressed. Art Sheninger and his wife, Jean Lewis Sheninger ’71, write that their seventh grandchild was born in April. They plan to travel to Texas for Christmas to spend time with their sons Bob and Eric, who live in Houston with their families. Their third son lives in Rhode Island. Art and Jean both play in golf leagues in New Jersey and at a golf course in Florida.

Class of 1969 Bill Scheidig’s T-bird

On a personal note, my son and his wife had a baby girl in October. I now have four granddaughters! Susan Bacci Adams; Tim Tedesco ’69 purchased a 2005 red Corvette convertible in Old Forge, PA. “The Vette has fewer than 5,000 miles on it and has almost all the bells and whistles that today’s cars have,” he reports.



Jim Richardson now lives in Cary, NC, with his wife, Debbie. They moved to the area in 1994 and love it there. Jim and Debbie are the proud grandparents of three children, ages 6, 3, and 10 months. Jim has been a parts and service director in new car dealerships

World War

Moravian Moment

The Philadelphia Inquirer reports that the Moravian College for Women has reopened in its 176th year, “with its largest attendance despite the war.”


10/14 ▼

Mata Hari (born Margaretha Geertruida Zelle in Leeuwarden, Netherlands, in 1876) is executed by a firing squad in France after being convicted of spying for the Germans.



The silent historical drama Cleopatra, starring Theda Bara in the title role, is released. It will be the top-grossing film of 1917.

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ClassNotes for the Chrysler Dodge line for more than 30 years. He and Debbie have just celebrated their 41st wedding anniversary and recently spent time with Jon Mueller ’63 and his wife, Connie. The Richardsons enjoy trips to the beach and the mountains as well as touring historic homes and sites.


Timothy Ressler is curious to learn if any of his college-day friends from the classes of ’76, ’77, and ’78 are planning to attend homecoming in September. If so, he says, it would be great to get together.


Sharon Neders was named development assistant and stewardship coordinator at Penn State Lehigh Valley. Stuart Lubow has joined Dime as senior executive vice president and head of business banking. He is the former chairman, president, and CEO of Community National Bank in Great Neck, NY.

Molly Donaldson Brown; unsinkable2010


In January, Judith Belaires, DFRE, was appointed the director of philanthropy and a special assistant to the CEO of the Da Vinci Science Center. She was a member of the center’s fund-raising staff from 2004 to 2014 and



The Chicago White Sox best the New York Giants in the final game of the 1917 World Series, clinching the title at four games to two.



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Alumni attend the 2016 Bench Bar Conference held at the Hyatt in Cambridge, MD. First row (left to right): Deborah DeNardo ’93, Alyssa Lopiano-Reilly ’92, Mary Beth Leeson ’83, the Honorable Samuel P. Murray ’80, Linda Shay Gardner ’74; second row (left to right): Brian Reilly ’92, Scott Wilhelm ’92, the Honorable Emil Giordano ’82, the Honorable Michael J. Koury Jr. ’90.

director of advancement and community relations from 2012 to 2014. Diane Hvizdak Taylor;


Denise O’Neill, EdD, has joined Penn State Lehigh Valley as the director of enrollment management. She was previously the director of residential life and acting director of athletics at Stockton University in New Jersey. Deb Yuengling Ferhat;

Faithann Cheslock Stephey; LadybugFVC Lisa Hahn-Egan;


Jason Goldan and Julie Simms ’02 became engaged in July 2016. A July 2017 wedding is planned.

Brienne Wilson Rodriguez; briennerod


Julie Simms and Jason Goldan ’00 became engaged in July 2016. A July 2017 wedding is planned.


Matthew Stone works for the Oak Ridge National Laboratory as a neutron scattering scientist. He obtained both his master’s and doctoral degrees from Johns Hopkins University. His research “Proximate Kitaev spin liquid behavior in honeycomb magnet” has been published in the prestigious journal Nature Materials. NOVEMBER



Moravian Moment


The Rev. Kenneth G. Hamilton, seminary class of 1914, speaks to the college chapter of the YMCA about his work in the German prisoner of war camps in Great Britain, under the auspices of the YMCA. After his presentation, he donates to the college a monstrance made by one of the prisoners, which bears the Moravian seal instead of a crucifix.

In what would later be known as the October Revolution (since the Russians were then using the Julian calendar, which dates the revolution to October 25), Bolsheviks led by Vladmir Lenin storm the Winter Palace in Petrograd, seizing control of the Russian government. They would go on to win the civil war and establish the Soviet Union.

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Regina Lacombe Laine;


Calder Flynn was named to the senior management team of M&T Bank in January 2017, where he acts as the business line CFO for the Wilmington Trust Wealth Management businesses based in Wilmington, DE. Matthew Desch and Crystal Reinert Desch ’04 are living in South Whitehall, PA, and will celebrate their 10th wedding anniversary this year. Recently they celebrated their daughter Addyson’s 4th birthday. Crystal continues to put her love for music to use with her employer, J.W. Pepper & Son Inc. Matt stays busy in the public service field, working at the Northampton County Juvenile Justice Center. He also serves as a lieutenant with the Laurys Station Volunteer Fire Company and is a member of the North Whitehall rescue team.


Geoffrey Deen, Hardball Cider CEO, made an appearance on The Rachael Ray Show, and the business received a $10,000 prize in the 2016 OnDeck Seal of Approval Contest. He gave a 30-second pitch to Barbara Corcoran of ABC’s Shark Tank and was one of three winners out of 1,000 small business entries. Deen will open a tasting room on Main Street in Bethlehem this summer.

Zak Goldstein recently started his own law firm. Goldstein Mehta LLC is located in Center City Philadelphia and focuses on criminal defense and related litigation. Geoffrey Roche writes that in March, he started a new job as director of public relations and government affairs at Olympus. Cassidy Thomas Alston; cassidylalston Amanda King Swietlik; amanda.swietlik


Bridget Ryan has joined the Developmental Enterprise Corporation as a program specialist at the Center Point Training Center. She earned her master’s degree in school counseling at Gwynedd Mercy University. She and her daughter are living in Silverdale, Bucks County. Scott Ehrenburg earned his PhD in Hispanic and Lusophone literatures and cultures from the University of Minnesota–Twin Cities in March. Rachel Kleiner;


Lillian Shad has started her own e-commerce website, Lillian Maxwell’s Closet, after success with other sites.

Amelia Dietrich;

Ali Zucal;


In August 2016, Lindsay Henkelman began working as a clinical social worker for the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium. She primarily works with patients who are at risk for suicide or have had a suicide attempt and are returning to a rural community, providing continuity of care and telebehavioral health services. She passed her licensure exam in December. Melissa De Lucia was awarded a master of arts degree in clinical mental health counseling from Fairleigh Dickinson University in December 2016. She graduated with honors and was top in her class, and she received an award and medal for being founding president of the Phi Delta Chapter of the Chi Sigma lota Counseling Honor Society at her school. She is now a licensed associate counselor (LAC) in New Jersey and a national certified counselor (NCC). She plans to find employment with her LAC until she completes the required supervised hours to obtain her LPC in New Jersey. She plans to pursue her doctorate in the future. Stephanie Dorney has joined the Center for Humanistic Change staff as a SAP Liaison. She previously worked as an Inclusion paraprofessional, and one of her duties was to establish and maintain working relationships between teachers, parents, students, and other staff.


After nearly four years as an assistant defender with the Defender Association of Philadelphia and a year in private practice,


While leaving the harbor of Halifax, Nova Scotia, a Norwegian steamship carrying supplies for the Belgian Relief Commission collides with a French steamship carrying explosives destined for the French war effort. The resulting explosion, followed by a 60-foot tsunami, destroys 1 square mile of the city of Halifax and kills nearly 2,000 people



Women’s Rights

After being arrested as part of the Silent Sentinels— suffragists who picketed the White House in support of women’s right to vote—33 women imprisoned in the Occoquan Workhouse near Washington, DC, are subjected to a night of brutal physical assaults by prison guards. It becomes known as the Night of Terror.


12/10 World War

The 1917 Nobel Peace Prize is awarded to the International Committee of the Red Cross.

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Michael O’Gorman; Emmy Usera;


Katie Gross has joined the Center for Humanistic Change as a SAP Liaison. CHS is a private, nonprofit agency providing prevention education (alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs) and life skills training focusing on decision-making for healthy choices. Katie previously worked for Carbon Lehigh Intermediate Unit #21 as an emotional support interventionist. Northville Baptist Church of New Milford, CT, celebrated the installation of its new pastor, Rev. Calvin Fergins Jr., on January 22. Calvin graduated from Elim Bible Institute in 2006 and earned his master of divinity degree from Moravian Theological Seminary in 2013.

▲ Kristin Shockley ’06 married Joseph Rapisardi on October 23, 2016, at the Chrysler Museum of Art in Norfolk, VA. The maid of honor was Lindsey Christensen Mazur ’06. Lori Geisinger ’03 married Sean O’Connor on November 26, 2016, in Phillipsburg, NJ. The wedding reception was held at the Historic Hotel Bethlehem.

Jonathan Ritter ’10 married Andrea Figura on June 25, 2016, at Queenship of Mary in Northampton, PA. The reception was held at Country Gardens in Cherryville, PA.

Laura Bill ’07 married Justin Blacker on March 4, 2017, at Golf Creek at South River, in Edgewater, MD.

▲ Tyler Worman ’07 married Kimberly Kantola in April 2016 in Queenstown, New Zealand. The couple lives in Superior Township, MI. Sarah Orlando ’07 married Leland Avellino on October 4, 2016. Shawn Kaspern ’11 and Karen Bogda ’11 were married in Andover, NJ, on September 30, 2016. The couple lives and works in New Jersey. Shawn is a finance manager for Gerber and Karen is a licensed counselor.

First row (left to right): groomsman Stephen Gross ’11, bride Andrea Figura, groom Jonathan Ritter ’10, groomsman Tom Civitello ’09, James Borger ’14. Second row (left to right): groomsman Jake Sauer ’10, John Strader ’11, groomsman Mark Maglione ’09, Richard Kulp ’03, Kelly Kulp ’04, Brian Reckenbeil ’09, Olivia Schlofer ’20. 46 Moravian College Magazine Summer 2017

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In Memoriam

▲ Jamie Hillegass Bigley ’06 and Joseph Bigley ’06 welcomed their second son, Tate Oliver, on October 21, 2016.

▲ Jon Buskirk ’03 and Brynn Saltzer Buskirk ’04 welcomed a son, Wesley Rhys, on August 12, 2016, who joins big brothers Nolan and Reid. Calder Flynn ’03 and his wife, Heather, welcomed their third child and first son, Matthew Xavier, on September 12, 2016. Matthew joins big sisters Olivia and Kate. Scott Zientek ’03 was named Matthew’s godfather in a ceremony in Buffalo, NY.

Nolan Gerencser ’07 and his wife, Veronica, welcomed a daughter, Rowan Esther, on June 7, 2016.

Sarah Orlando Avellino ’07 and Leland Avellino welcomed a daughter, Ella Anne, on January 7, 2017.

Moravian College Magazine regrets that while we included an announcement in our spring 2017 issue of the birth of Holden Wallace on June 16, 2016, to parents Clifford Garr ’07 and Christina Wallace Garr ’05, we neglected to include Holden’s photo. Here’s a baby photo of our new little Hound. Happy first birthday, Holden!

Alma Albright ’40—January 2, 2017 Marie Fehr Goodyear ’43—February 12, 2017 Doris Minnick Kuchar ’44—January 28, 2017 Ruth Grote Moulton ’44—December 8, 2016 Karson Albert ’50—March 9, 2017 Rev. Gordon Hejl ’50—October 24, 2016 Warren Kauffman ’51—February 6, 2017 Frances Athans Dectis ’52—January 15, 2017 William Palenchar ’52—March 8, 2017 Mary Ann (Polly) Rayner ’53—January 18, 2017 John Gilliland, MD ’54—January 6, 2017 Barbara Cocklin Althouse ’55—January 25, 2017 Theodore Houseknecht ’55—February 23, 2017 Jeanette Marossy Bracy ’56—February 23, 2017 John Fatziner III ’57—December 15, 2016 Robert Burkhardt Sr. ’58—November 8, 2016 Donald Eckert ’58—December 28, 2016 Robert Grube ’58—January 10, 2017 Ronald Rhen ’58—December 30, 2016 Walter Lilly ’59 —January 28, 2017 Anthony “Monk” Morelli ’59—January 28, 2017 The Rev. Dr. Jerry Witbro ’60, ’64 —March 24, 2017 Robert Durn ’62—March 12, 2017 Robert Dietrich ’63—February 24, 2017 Rev. Charles Harberg ’63—January 6, 2017 Susan Juman Beecher ’64—January 25, 2017 D. Patricia Schillinger Hensinger ’64— December 30, 2016 Dorothy Gandy Rolph ’66—March 15, 2017 Bernard Hart ’67—January 7, 2017 Barry Fahler ’68—February 5, 2017 Jeffrey Wendel ’69—December 8, 2016 Jerome Buzas, MD ’70—December 18, 2016 John Pappas ’70—August 9, 2016 Thomas George ’73—February 23, 2017 Charles Lellyo ’75—January 18, 2017 Rev. David Weyant ’75—December 18, 2016 Frederick Wayne Ferrati ’76—May 4, 2017 Rob Stevens ’78—October 7, 2016 Steven Carl ’79—March 23, 2017 Jill Cochrane Briggs ’81—December 9, 2016 Marlene Nixon Merz ’82 —January 29, 2017 Robin Unangst ’82—January 3, 2017 Rev. Canon Jane Teter ’83—January 21, 2017 Richard Ascani ’86—February 17, 2017 Richard Sprague ’86—August 8, 2016 Dolores Bollinger Serfass ’88—March 25, 2017 Kimberly Schrantz Koch ’91—December 3, 2016 Jennifer Nolfe Singer ’96—January 26, 2017 Mary Faith Carson, PhD—Retired Seminary Faculty and Friend of the College—January 3, 2017

Class Notes

The editors of Moravian College Magazine publish all class notes that we receive. We reserve the right to edit for space or style. Some information may appear only online at All class correspondents with an e-mail address are listed within the notes. If your class year is not shown or a named correspondent is not listed either here or online, e-mail your information to or mail to Barbara Parry, Alumni Engagement Office, Moravian College, 1200 Main St., Bethlehem, PA 18018.

Deadlines for Submissions Fall 2017 issue: August 1, 2017 Spring 2018 issue: December 1, 2017

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The leaders among us

A LittleRevolutionary

Enhancing Creativity in the Classroom Creativity is a recurring theme in Hailey Brown Adlard’s life. The 2011 Moravian College grad designed an undergraduate major in art that included certification in elementary education K–6 and art education K–12. Today, as an art teacher at Schnecksville Elementary School in the esteemed Parkland School District of the Lehigh Valley, Adlard is working on her master’s degree through Moravian’s graduate program and will receive her MEd in May 2017 (“The professors are great, and I love the small classes,” says Adlard). Her thesis, “Choice-Based Teaching Practices in an Elementary School Art Classroom,” addresses a creative approach to educating children. We recently caught up with Adlard to learn a little more about her experience teaching art in her fifth-grade classroom.

What is choice-based teaching? It is a movement away from the traditional teacher-in-charge classroom. The students are given choices in either topics, materials, or processes, and, as an educator, you take a step back from being solely an authoritative figure and become more of a mediator and support for your students. In the art classroom, choice-based education has proven to enhance imagination, creativity, and passion for the arts.

How have you incorporated choice-based practices in your own classroom? I applied my action research study with my fifth-grade students, a group of 75 children. Our project was to create an art wax museum, and pairs of students each selected an artist and a piece of that artist’s work for an exhibit. I allowed several days for research and exploration with

materials, as well as studio days during which they created their final presentations. The project culminated in a gallery walk with all the students in costume and character, and teachers, parents, administrators, and children from other grades visited our museum. The students did a wonderful job, and we received lots of positive feedback for such a unique experience.

What do you enjoy about teaching? I love teaching. I love the kids, I love the energy, and I love art (of course). Every year brings something different. Every day brings a smile or hug. And I am constantly learning—I learn from my students, my coworkers, and, most importantly, my art. As the art teacher, you get to be the colorful, happy person in the building, and the children—most of the time—think you’re the greatest thing since ice cream.

48 Moravian College Magazine Summer 2017

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Congratulations, Class of 2017!


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