Moravian College Magazine Fall 2014

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contents ii

Prelude Jessica Jonas Sillers ’09 Recalls Her Six-Month Adventure, Traversing Europe and India

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Out & About


Greyhound Sports

Thoughts on Moravian’s Transformative Education


Alumni News

A Pull at the Heart


Class Notes

President’s Letter

Kathy Ozzard Chism ’77 Pours Self Into Nonprofit, Makes Dreams Come True



Beating Cancer a Mile at a Time Noel Knecht ’90, a 12-year Cancer Survivor, Aims to Complete One Marathon Each Month in 2014


Right At Home A Look Back at President Grigsby’s First Year In Office


‘Why I Give’ Christine ’05 and Dan ’08 Bobick Explain Moravian’s Impact

CRam SESSIoN: Moments before their 9 a.m. exam Oct. 3, Moravian College undergraduates cram in a few minutes of studying in the newly renovated Collier Hall of Science lobby. MORAVIAN COLLEGE MAGAZINE


fall 2014 MAGAZINE

Moravian College Magazine : Tommy Kopetskie, editor; Mark J. Fleming, sports editor; Christie Jacobsen ’00, web manager; Susan Overath Woolley, director of publications; Michael P. Wilson, director of public relations and marketing. Photography: John Kish IV, Tommy Kopetskie, Michael Wilson. Alumni relations: Patricia Murray Hanna ’82, assistant director; Barbara Parry, administrative assistant. Copyright 2014 by Moravian College. Photographs and artwork copyright by their respective creators or by Moravian College. All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be reused or republished in any form without express written permission. Cover: Kathy Ozzard Chism ’77, founder of Dream One World, Inc., an all-volunteer nonprofit organization, sits on the stairs leading into Comenius Hall with photographs of the Ugandan schoolchildren she has assisted. WINTER 2014




Stories from the Moravian community


During their six-month adventure abroad, Jessica (Jonas) Sillers ’09 and her husband, Andrew, traveled throughout Europe and India. While the couple planned extensively, a visa restriction unexpectedly led them to Croatia and this beautiful waterfall at the Plitvice lakes. Photos courtesy of Sillers MORAVIAN COLLEGE MAGAZINE

Travel Transformation

Alumna Recalls Her Six-Month Adventure, Traversing Europe and India By Jessica (Jonas) Sillers ’09

I recall standing on my parents’ porch, a hiking backpack strapped to my back and a small day pack in my arms. My husband and I grinned for my mother, who snapped a photo. I was lightheaded. Andrew and I had given up our jobs and our house. We were carrying all we’d have for six months as we traveled through India and Europe. We’d been planning for a year and a half, longer than we’d been married, but somehow this day had still snuck up on me, the moment we’d leave the ground. From January to July of this year, we taught English in a school in Faridabad, India; toured Italy, the Netherlands and Spain; volunteered on an Irish vegetable farm; traveled through Greece, Albania, Montenegro and Croatia; and landed in France in time for the Bastille Day fireworks. Two stories capture an essential part of how this journey has affected me, both in the planned and unexpected moments. In India, we planned a yoga retreat in Rishikesh. We spent three days at an ashram, taking classes and stuffing ourselves with noodles and Nutella pancakes at the restaurant down the street. Every night, the community joined at the banks of the Ganges to watch the sunset. Novice monks in traditional saffron robes sat in the front, with other guests lining up behind. For an hour, chanting and clapping filled the air as the sun curved down toward the far bank. I understood none of the words, but the atmosphere of joy and gratitude transcended language. On the last night, I cradled a leaf bowl full of flowers and incense in my hands. When the sun had almost disappeared, I lit the incense stick and placed the bowl into the Ganges. It was a gesture I’d longed to make for

FALL 2014

months. Some days it had seemed like it would never happen. Watching the flame bob down the river, I finally believed that our adventure had begun. The other incredible travel moment happened toward the end of our trip, in Croatia. The ironic part was that we never planned to visit Croatia at all! A European visa restriction we discovered after leaving the U.S. forced us to adjust our itinerary. Ultimately, this led us to Croatia and the Plitvice lakes. The Plitvice lakes make up the body of Croatia’s largest national park. The topography is uneven, so lakes spill into each other in cascading waterfalls. The air is full of cool mist and every babble, splash and hiss of water imaginable. As we climbed and descended the winding plank pathways, we were either close enough to the lakes for water to bubble over our shoes, or treated to soaring views of the park. Andrew and I spent the day awestruck at the unearthly beauty. At times, a bend in the path concealed the other visitors, and for a few seconds we had the park completely to ourselves. It’s incredible to think we would have missed this if we’d stuck to our original itinerary. Spontaneity doesn’t come easily for me; I like knowing what’s next. Plitvice may not rewrite my Type A tendencies, but I’ve realized the beauty of breaking from my plans. We returned home in time to send my youngest sister off to her first semester at college. I can’t help but envy the years she has before her to discover new sides of herself. There’s nothing quite like the college experience – especially at Moravian. But as I hang photos on the walls of our new home, I have to smile. The adventures certainly aren’t over yet. W



fromthePRESIDENT Dear Moravian Community,

Greetings, fellow Moravian College brothers and sisters. The most common sentiment I hear as I travel to meet with alumni or when I have current students over to my house for dinner is, “Moravian transformed me.” Alma mater means soul mother: the place that gives you your soul. That is a powerful image of transformation. This fall we began the College’s 273rd academic year by welcoming an incoming class of 516 new students. Just as you were when you entered Moravian, these students are intelligent, hard-working, dedicated undergraduates who are a little anxious about what the future holds for them. Through our time-honored education, this class too will be transformed by our outstanding faculty and staff and become incredible leaders, educators, performers, entrepreneurs and healthcare providers. Most importantly, they will become compassionate citizens who give back to their communities because they realize how much their community has given to them. In this issue, we celebrate a group of our alumni who have both transformed Moravian and been transformed by Moravian. You will read about Jessica Jonas Sillers ’09 and her journey through Europe and India, as well as Kathy Ozzard Chism ’77 and her dedication to helping to educate those less fortunate in Uganda. In another article, you will come to know alumni who have faced significant challenges, like Noel Knecht ’90, whose grit and determination helped her survive cancer and is now committed to running 12 marathons in 12 months. You will also read about the loss and legacy of two of our dearest alumni: Sally Breidegam Miksiewicz ’84 and Doug Caldwell ’66, MTS ’69. Additionally, we highlight the new programs, activities and initiatives that were started this year to provide a greater transformative experience for our current Hounds. And there is a scrapbook memoir of Rocco Calvo and comments from three student-athletes who felt Rocco’s impact on their lives. Lastly, there is a series of articles on giving to our College. Private colleges are owned by their alumni, and with ownership, comes responsibility. Many alumni realize that their college education was funded through scholarships and through annual funds. Tuition only covers 85% of the cost of educating students at Moravian. It has always been that way, no matter when you attended Moravian; the past generations help to pay for the current generation. I thank all of you who continue to build a legacy at Moravian College. Through your generosity, you make us stronger, you make our education even better, and you enable us to transform more students. The world needs more Hounds, not fewer. Thank you for your commitment to our alma mater and her mission. Bryon L. Grigsby ’90 President



FALL 2014


Jody Williams Calls for ‘Courageous’ Peace at Fall Convocation Before a crowded Johnston Hall audience, as part of Moravian College’s Fall Convocation, Nobel laureate Jody Williams tackled a far-reaching list of topics, ranging from her personal views on war and peace, to the positives and the pitfalls of being a recipient of the world’s most famous and controversial prize. As the 2014 Cohen Keynote Speaker, Williams discussed the topic, “Why do we glorify war?” The Sept. 11 lecture marked the beginning of the College’s IN FOCUS 20142015 programming on the topic of “War, Peacebuilding, and the Just Society.” Additionally, Williams was presented with the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Humane Letters at the ceremony, conferred by President Bryon L. Grigsby ’90. “Every country mythologizes its history in order to make the people who live in it, proud to be part of it,” Williams said. “It is our responsibility to know what our country does in our name. It takes immense courage to not accept the official story.” Instead of fighting,

Jody Williams received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1997 for her work as founding coordinator of the International Campaign to Ban Landmines, which shared the Peace Prize with her that year. At that time, she became the 10th woman in its almost 100-year history to receive the prize.

Williams championed a call for peace, which is “not a wimpy alternative,” but rather a courageous one. “Nonviolence is not inaction,” she said. “Think about the courage of Martin Luther King. Think about the courage of Nobel laureate Shirin Ebadi from Iran, who has been living in exile. (She) fights for the democratic rights of the people in her country. That’s courage.” In addition to presenting the Cohen Keynote Lecture, Williams visited Professor Gary Olson’s class, spoke with students during an informal chat in the HUB, and ate with faculty and staff at an afternoon luncheon.

Putting military Experience into Words Beginning in spring 2015, through its inaugural ENGL 299: Veterans Writing Workshop, Moravian will offer student veterans the opportunity to put pen to paper and join a writing community on its Bethlehem campus. According to Joyce Hinnefeld, associate professor of English and English Department chair, the College’s new writing class joins an expanding catalogue of literary workshops and programs in the country, assisting veterans who may be grappling with wide-ranging emotions as they assimilate back into civilian life. The workshop-based writing course will help writers shape narratives that address the many facets of their military experiences. The course is open to student veterans who are enrolled at LVAIC institutions, Northampton County Community College and Lehigh County Community College.

Album Shelf W Neil Wetzel, associate professor of music and director of jazz studies, calls his new CD, “Cowboys in Capes,” a musical audiography. The repertoire on the CD reflects the saxophonist’s early musical experiences and includes country western classics (“Cold, Cold Heart” and “Rose of San Antone”), hymn tunes (“I Come to the Garden Alone”), as well as original compositions. Wetzel recently unveiled a new website, In addition to the typical online offerings, Wetzel’s new site features a unique “member’s page” that provides a rich and diverse set of media samplings. FALL 2014




Members of the class of 2018 participate in the Class Crossing event marking the end of orientation in August.

College Welcomes Newest Hounds With a robust schedule for Orientation Weekend, the College welcomed the incoming class of 2018 in August, marking the class’ official introduction to the campus community. During orientation, the new students participated in several College traditions, including the Crossing Ceremony, HOUNDfest and opening convocation. Other highlights of the weekend included the Moravian Mile Class Walk, Class of 2018 Welcome Dinner, Midnight Oasis with the Deans, and the Class of 2018 Photo, among other events. This fall semester 516 new students have enrolled at the College, including 386 new freshmen and 130 transfer students.

NUMBERS GAME: Class of 2018 14 States Represented 24% Percentage of Students who are the First Person in 26 46 123 217

their Respective Families to Attend College Legacy Students Students from Outside the United States Graduates from Lehigh Valley High Schools Number of High Schools Represented

Farm Fresh Market Offers More than Just Produce

Morgan LaPointe ’16 (left, with carrots) was one of the first customers at the grand opening of the Moravian College Farm Fresh Market. Also pictured is Emilie Bortz ’15 (center, smiling).



Organic produce, healthy food choices and community building. It is hard to determine which one of these three was more prevalent at the Sept. 5 grand opening of the Moravian College Farm Fresh Market. “One of the objectives of the market is to not only provide access to fresh produce, but also inform and educate students, staff, faculty and people from the community,” said Sandra Aguilar, assistant professor of history and market co-organizer. “This is a place to engage in discussion with colleagues and friends and generate a greater sense of community.” The College hosts its Farm Fresh Market every Friday during the academic semester on the PPHAC patio. FALL 2014

A Pull at the

HEART Kathy Ozzard Chism ’77 Pours Self Into Nonprofit, Makes Dreams Come True

Kathy Ozzard Chism ’77, founder of Dream One World, Inc., an all-volunteer nonprofit organization, will be recognized with the 2014 Haupert Humanitarian Award at the Annual Alumni Awards Ceremony on campus Dec. 13. For more information about Dream One World, visit

By Tommy Kopetskie



While visiting campus in September, Chism chatted with President Bryon L. Grigsby ’90 outside of Comenius Hall.


early seven years ago a stranger’s email, sent from halfway around the world, generated what Kathy Ozzard Chism ’77 calls a “heartpull.” “It’s a word I created for when you instantly know something is good, because your heart is pulling you so strongly toward a certain place or person,” she explained. This intuition – this hunch of potential goodness – led Chism and a small team of colleagues to forever change the lives of 150 Ugandan schoolchildren, many of them orphans or children of the imprisoned. Working within Dream One World, Inc. (DOW), the allvolunteer nonprofit organization she founded in January 2005, Chism built not only a school, but an educational campus a half an hour outside of Kampala, Uganda’s capital city. In addition to education, DOW has provided clean water, healthy food, electricity and hope to a forgotten area in the capital’s shadow. “I have no children of my own,” Chism said, “so the kids I am helping in Uganda are my children.” It’s an accurate description given all the resources she’s procured and time she’s devoted to the school project. It also makes the following truth all the more astounding: Chism has never visited Uganda. In fact, for 10 years Chism has aided individuals in need in seven countries on four different continents through DOW – yet has never seen most of her successes firsthand. “Kathy works entirely from love, and photos of healthy, happy people she helps are her rewards,” reasoned Susie Hyer Peterson ’76, a friend and DOW supporter.



Renaissance Woman Chism can’t fly due to a damaged ear drum. The irony of this is quite clear considering she spent 10 years as a flight attendant for United Airlines and earned a private pilot’s license in 1985. While her condition hampers ever seeing her efforts, Chism contends the rest of her life prepared her well for the vast challenges facing a nonprofit director. She has been a fundraiser, accountant, marketer, media spokesperson, event planner and many other titles for her organization. The New Jersey native credits her eclectic curriculum vitae for providing the tools to succeed where others may have struggled. Initially, Chism, an English and elementary education major, taught fourth grade, but longed to see the world – hence, the flying career. In the years that followed she held positions as a commission salesperson, licensed interior designer, actress, voiceover artist, professional meeting planner, nationally certified massage therapist/ instructor and published author. Today, Chism serves as a holistic wellness educator, and she is working on her third book. “I suffer from career ADD,” Chism quipped. “There’s just so much that interests me. Looking at my resume, I realize everything I’ve done helped me wear all the hats needed at Dream One World.” Chism credits Moravian for “instilling a deep love of education,” she said. This trait has served Chism throughout her life, and it inspires her work in Uganda. “Moravian changed my life for the better, in immeasurable ways,” she said. “I am grateful for that, and hope to do the same for others.”

FALL 2014

“It’s been the most rewarding process; one I wouldn’t trade for the world.” – Kathy Ozzard Chism ’77 Crossing Boundaries Chism remembers exactly when she was moved into action – August 1992. She was living in Miami, and Hurricane Andrew had just ravished southern Florida. Chism’s home was OK, just without power. Fortunately, she moved into her father’s condo up the coast, but she experienced “survivor’s guilt.” Driven to help, she regularly bought food, water and ice to bring an hour and a half back to Miami’s worst-hit neighborhoods. She opened up her car to let people help themselves – “often in dangerous areas I had previously been fearful to visit,” she pointed out. “I witnessed the most beautiful coming together from this tragic event. Boundaries disappeared. It was just love, gratitude and people helping people.” Years later, when the Bahamas were besieged by two hurricanes in 2004, Chism, who had lived on Grand Bahama Island for four years, felt the need to help again. Through friends and family, she raised $10,000 in six weeks, which she sent to her close friend on the island, Virge Cafferata. Together they created the Bahamian Children’s Trust Fund, ultimately providing goods and services to animals and people of all ages. Eventually, Chism was compelled to help on a much broader scale. “I’ve helped an island, so how can I help the world?” she wondered. Thus began a process she doesn’t recommend: starting a nonprofit organization. Buried in legal paperwork for months, Chism felt her nonprofit might never come to fruition. Then, for a third time, a storm changed her course. Hurricane Katrina hit, and the IRS granted her approval. Within days, donations she secured were on their way to volunteers she had on the ground in the Gulf. Dream One World was born. In the years since, her nonprofit has added numerous projects, serving earthquake, tsunami, hurricane and other disaster victims, ill or disabled children and adults, city rejuvenation efforts and animal rescues. While much of the organization’s efforts have been in the U.S., its support has been felt abroad in Peru, Thailand, Japan, the Philippines and Uganda.

Through their longtime friend Vince Pantalone ’77, Chism (right) reconnected with her college sweetheart, Jon Van Valkenburg ’77 (left), last year. Today, the couple lives together in Manlius, New York. Photo courtesy of Chism

FALL 2014

Working within her all-volunteer nonprofit organization, Chism and a small team of colleagues have positively impacted the lives of 150 Ugandan schoolchildren. Photo courtesy of Chism

‘Bricks of Love’ In Uganda, $10 U.S. buys 90 bricks. “I call them ‘Bricks of Love.’ Our volunteer ‘Dreamworkers’ literally build our school complex by hand, brick by brick,” Chism said. Living in California during much of the project, Chism raised money any way she could, from garage sales to huge gala events, which included donation items from musician Carlos Santana and a wide array of other artists. “I poured my heart and soul into this project,” said Chism, noting she somehow managed to work full time, too. In Uganda, the project is overseen by the aforementioned emailer, Mpagi Edward Edmary, an extraordinary man who spent nearly two decades on death row for a crime he did not commit. Today, he is an advocate for the abolition of the death penalty. In fact, Amnesty International invited Edmary to speak at the United Nations in 2007. “Building this school was his dream,” Chism said of Edmary, comparing him to iconic leader Nelson Mandela. For two years Chism, Edmary, and assistant project manager Katongole Ronald worked to acquire land and volunteer builders before breaking ground in December 2009. Five years later, children of all education levels attend classes at the site. In the near future, DOW will finish a kitchen, staff room and dormitories currently in progress. With the school now a reality, Chism welcomes a new role today: what Ugandans call “Jajja,” or grandmother. It’s an appropriate time to transition given the nonprofit’s new leadership is well suited to continue Chism’s work. Plus, years of pushing herself physically “took a toll on me,” Chism admitted, noting several health scares along the way. “Yet it’s been the most rewarding process; one I wouldn’t trade for the world.” “I am blessed to have been the conduit through which Dream One World started, and can’t wait to see where it heads next,” Chism said. “I am honored to have met so many amazing and inspiring souls along the path. I am grateful to witness such a beautiful journey of love, hope and healing.” Chism’s heart pulled her in the right direction. W



Photos Courtesy of Noel Knecht

Beating Cancer A MILE AT A TIME

By Tommy Kopetskie

Noel Knecht ’90, a 12-year Cancer Survivor, Aims to Complete One Marathon Each Month in 2014

After the initial shock of her breast cancer diagnosis in Janu-

uate on Moravian College’s cross country team, Knecht recalled

treatment the following weeks, Noel Knecht ’90 did what felt

she actually hung up her sneakers in the years leading up to her

natural, which likely seems unimaginable for anyone else: she

diagnosis. “I just let it get away from me,” she said of running as

went for a run. And another. And one after that.

she focused on building her career as a fashion merchandiser. Now,

“I ran every single day through chemo,” laughed Knecht, the

in a fight for her life, she ran again, through the pain of chemo, as

chuckle an admission that even 12 years later she’s amazed her

well as breast reconstruction and the loss of her hair. “It just gave

body could withstand the physical toll. To an outsider, this accom-

me that sanity,” she said. “Running was really good for me.” And so

plishment seems all the more impressive considering she admitted

she continued until her body finally gave out in fall 2002.

that in the moment of her diagnosis, she thought to herself, “I have cancer; I’m gonna die.”


An avid runner for much of her life, including as an undergrad-

ary 2002, and her subsequent double mastectomy and chemo


By the next spring, Knecht was recharged and started cycling. (The pedaling was less strenuous on her recovering frame than

FALL 2014

Noel Knecht ‘90 has remained close to many of her fellow Greyhounds, including Andy Hart ’90, Eli Shute ’91, Rob Verrone ’90, Jane Tatum ’90 and President Bryon L. Grigsby ’90. “They have been a network of support for me,” she said. Today, the former art and art history major lives in Southern California and is a senior retail executive at Oakley, responsible for how the iconic brand looks and feels across its global markets.

“Being athletically active really completes me.”

thousands of strides on blacktop.) By 2004, the former Greyhound

it’s not meant to be wasted sitting on the sidelines,” DiMare said.

had completed her first long distance ride, cycling from Boston to

“She’s always been athletic so that drive has probably been in her

New York City in three days.

all along, but each athletic accomplishment seems to be that much

Ten years later, Knecht’s story isn’t about cancer, it’s about her defeating cancer one stride, one pedal, one swim stroke at a time.

sweeter since her cancer diagnosis.” Lisa Frank, a co-founder of YSC, credits Knecht’s attitude for

This year, she’s pushing herself to new limits, attempting to complete

her successes as much as her endurance. “Noel always finds the

one marathon each month in 2014. When she completed the 44th

positive in people and situations – that is a very unique quality,” she

Annual Maui Marathon on Sept. 21, she was 75 percent to her goal.

said. Frank notes that Knecht doesn’t allow cancer to “define her or

“Every year, I set a crazy goal like this,” Knecht said. “The past two years it was triathlons. The year before, I did a half Ironman

rule her life.” That said, Knecht knows the reality that an individual is never

in Hawaii. I just thought since it’s been 12 years since my diagnosis

told they are actually cancer free. “The more years after your

and there are 12 months, let’s do marathons. I have done a couple

diagnosis, the better it is, but you never get comfortable because it’s

before this. I thought, ‘I can do that. No problem.’

always a worry,” she said. “It is always on my mind.”

“I found out it’s really hard. It’s easier to say you are going to do it.”

not Watching From the Sidelines Maybe it was her youth, being just 32 years old when she was

12 races in 12 Months Tears are inevitable. “Most people cry when they finish a marathon because they are so overly emotional when they finish. I think I’m opposite,” Knecht

diagnosed, but Knecht felt up to cancer’s challenge. “I thought I

explained. “I cry at the starting line, right in the beginning. I just

could die,” she remembered, “But I had this feeling that I’m not

stand there and think, ‘Wow, I’m so blessed that I am able to do

going to.”


Since she wasn’t going to concede to cancer, Knecht asked

During her marathon mission, she keeps her phone off because

herself an important question, “What do I like to do and where

the texts of support are often too overwhelming in the moment.

do I feel most alive?” That was running, which soon morphed into

With September’s race in Maui conquered, she turned her attention

cycling. “Being athletically active really completes me,” she said.

to marathons in Portland, New York and December’s ultimate fin-

She became involved with the Young Survival Coalition (YSC), then a “grassroots” nonprofit organization dedicated to support

ish line in San Antonio. During the past few months, the runs tend to blend together,

and education about breast cancer in younger women. Its early

but participating in the Boston Marathon in April, a year removed

adaptation was New York City focused, but it has since grown with

from the horrific bombings, was especially moving. “There were

additional offices in Indianapolis, Indiana, and Atlanta. Its signa-

crowds all 26 miles,” Knecht recalled. “I have never seen or experi-

ture program includes a series of bike rides, aptly named “Tour de

enced anything like that emotion. That is the one marathon where I

Pink.” She is the only woman and only cancer survivor to ride in

was thinking not of myself, my friends and other cancer survivors,

the Tour de Pink every year since its 2004 inception.

but about last year and all the victims.”

The YSC provided Knecht with the support, knowledge and

As mile after mile pass by, Knecht’s mind always drifts to her

athletic outlet she needed. “It keeps me focused and healthy as a

friends battling cancer, and the individuals she’s lost along the way.

survivor,” she said. Likewise, Knecht has served as a “beacon of

This includes Frank, who was re-diagnosed 18 months ago, and

hope for young women” facing cancer, explained Diana DiMare, a

another friend, Libby, who passed away in July.

YSC participant and fellow survivor. “Given her abrupt and early-in-life entry into the world of cancer, Noel really appreciates all that life can offer and understands

FALL 2014

“I’m not really thinking about me,” she said. “I’m running for them because they can’t. This is my calling and my challenge, but I can’t help but think of them while I’m out there running.” W



Right At Home A Look Back at President Grigsby’s First Year In Office

In addition to his affinity for Moravian College, President Bryon L. Grigsby ’90 is a strong advocate for private liberal arts education. He is a member of The Chronicle of Higher Education Book Club, which examines issues in higher education, and an active member of the Council of Independent Colleges (CIC). In June, he presented at the national media annual conference, “Connecting across Media Boundaries: Gaining Access, Making News,” in Washington, D.C. It was sponsored by CIC and the American Association of State Colleges and Universities.



FALL 2014

Since his July 2013 appointment as the 16th president of Moravian College and Moravian Theological Seminary, Bryon L. Grigsby ’90 has led the institution through a number of initiatives that have improved and developed our academic programs, upgraded facilities, and enhanced the technology infrastructure on campus. Here’s a look back at his first year in office.

Technology Integration One of Grigsby’s first initiatives was to integrate technology and the classroom, enhancing the learning experience for students and faculty. This became a reality with his program to issue a MacBook Pro® laptop and an iPad® to all new undergraduate students entering in fall 2014. The College also implemented a stateof the-art wireless mesh network.

Community Building The theme of Grigsby’s Inauguration was “Building Community,” and he has worked to bring this objective to life. The College has improved its new student orientation program, focusing on community, traditions and campus engagement. Additionally, it opened a new Center for Intercultural Advancement and Inclusion, and initiated its WinterFest and FallFest events, seasonally themed activities for the entire campus community.

A Top Workplace in the Lehigh Valley The president has become increasingly involved in the community, serving with the Lehigh Valley Economic Development Corporation and Bethlehem Rotary Club. Perhaps a culmination of this focus on community was Moravian being named a 2014 Top Workplace in the Lehigh Valley by The Morning Call. In addition, Grigsby received the paper’s Leadership Award for large employers.

Program Strengthening In the past year, the College has strengthened its internship program with development of internship seminars and more rigorous assessment. It added several new programs, including five-year undergraduate/ graduate degrees in business. The Comenius Center successfully launched an accelerated postbaccalaureate nursing program and obtained Pennsylvania Department of Education approval for M.Ed. special education.

Excuse The Mess — Renovations Under Way Fundraising and resulting capital improvements on campus have also been noticeable since the president’s arrival. Improvements in infrastructure have included new classrooms and athletic offices in Johnston Hall. The HUB has seen its share of improvements with renovations in the Arena Theater, a new campus radio station, new restrooms, and a recently completed alumni-student recognition wall outside of Prosser Auditorium. Additionally, Comenius Hall has under gone renovations to its second and third floors.

Many Thanks! On the fundraising front, the endowment has surpassed the $100 million mark for the first time in the College’s history. The Moravian Scholarship Fund exceeded its goal and had its highest total in the past five years. Campaign gifts and pledges are on track to meet the goal of $45 million by October 2015.

Welcoming New Hounds The College exceeded its enrollment goals this fall for undergraduates (freshmen, transfer and international students), and the Comenius Center surpassed its goals for graduate enrollment and continuing education registration. The Seminary has also followed suit by exceeding its enrollment targets.

FALL 2014



Moravian College List of Donors 2013-2014 giving to moravian Our theme for this past year was Moravian Proud, and we are proud to report that we had 3,961 alumni, parents and friends who made a gift to Moravian College this past year. This is an increase of more than 600 gifts from the previous year and is indicative of the confidence that donors have for the future of the College under the leadership of President Bryon L. Grigsby ’90. The Moravian Scholarship Fund topped the $1 million mark for the first time in five years, with all of these gifts going directly to students in the form of financial aid. It

cannot be emphasized enough how important these gifts are for the College to attract and retain high-achieving students. Of course, any successful fundraising effort is dependent upon the consistent support of donors at every giving level, as well as those willing to make leadership gifts at the Comenius level and above. This past year, we added 74 members to the Consistent Giving Society, as well as an additional 24 members of the Comenius Society. Thank you to all of those individuals for their continued and increased support of the College.

Giving Clubs ThE ComENIuS SoCIETy Moravian Circle 1742 Circle Chairman’s Circle Trustee Circle President’s Associates Heritage Club Comenius Society



oThER GIvING CLuBS $100,000+ $ 50,000+ $ 25,000+ $ 10,000+ $ 5,000+ $ 2,500+ $ 1,000+

Monocacy Club Founders Club Colonial Club Greyhound Club

$ $ $ up to $

500+ 250+ 150+ 149

The Campaign for Moravian: Pride. Passion.Opportunity. is entering the final year in a strong position having raised $41,135,761 in gifts and pledges toward our goal of $45 million. It is also encouraging that of this total in gifts and pledges, 96% of the amount has been received by the College to date. Those interested in making a multi-year pledge during the final year of the campaign will have up to five years to complete that pledge. The Moravian Theological Seminary received 643 gifts totaling $386,882 this past year. We continue to be most appreciative of the Northern and Southern Provinces of the Moravian Church for their continued support of the Seminary. Pride in Moravian College is not only alive and well, it is thriving due to the generosity of the donors listed on the following pages. It is only through your support that we are able to provide a quality education to deserving students. Thank you.

Visit for more information.

FALL 2014

priScilla payne hurd Society The Priscilla Payne Hurd Society was established in 2012 as a way to recognize those individuals and private foundations whose extraordinary generosity has

Mr. Lowell A. Cook*

Harmony Press Inc.

helped to shape, transform and sustain Moravian College.

Crown Battery

Elinor Shute ‘91 & Andrew W. ‘91 Hart

Patricia Owen ‘74 &

Mr. & Mrs. J. Robert Hess P ‘81

Anonymous Donor

Mrs. Genevieve Riordan Gee ‘43

Mr. & Mrs. DeLight E. Breidegam Jr.

Holly Beach Public Library Association

Mr. John H. Clewell*

Mrs. Priscilla Payne Hurd*

Ms. Mildred S. Clewell*

Gladys Edgar ’42* &

Bertha Finkelstein ’37* &

Timothy A., M.D. ‘73 DeBiasse Patricia Price & Dennis E. ‘62 Estheimer Miss Carolyn D. Felker ‘68

James T.* Marcus

Mr. Robert P. Flicker ‘71

Constance Stirling ‘68 & Thomas W. Hodson Daren A. & F. James ‘69 Hutchinson Barbara Colbourne ‘77 & F. Robert Jr. ‘76 Huth

Mr. & Mrs. Frederick A. Reinhard

Gopher Resource, LLC

Just Born Inc.

Employees of Moravian College

The Reeves Foundation

Hammond Group, Inc.

Mr. Robert E. Kafafian ‘77

Charles A. Frueauff Foundation, Inc.

Mrs. Bertha-Mae Starner ’27*

Amy Kohler ‘95 & Robert Howard

Janice Whitfield ‘64 &

Bernard L.* Cohen

IBM Corporation

Harlan F. Fulmer, M.D. ’43*

Larger Life Foundation

Dena L. & Keith D. ‘73 Lambie

Mr. Bruce W. Marold ‘12

Deborah Oplinger ‘73 &

Diane L. & Robert C. ‘74 May P ‘02

Russell McKinnon

the comeniuS Society The Comenius Society comprises alumni, trustees, friends, parents, corporate leaders, and faculty and staff members who share the conviction that Moravian defines what it means to be a 21st century educational institution, carrying Comenius’ ideals forward in a way that merits significant financial support. Members of the Comenius Society have supported Moravian by making a gift of $1,000 or more during the last fiscal year.

Beth Ann & Joseph C. L., M.D. ‘64 Merola

A. Joanne & John H., M.D. ‘54 Bowman P ‘82, P ‘94 Laurie Riley ‘82 & Lloyd S. Brubaker

ChaIRmaN’S CIRCLE Mr. & Mrs. Curtis J. Barnette Teri McCandless ‘81 & Ray J., Jr. ‘81 Bishop P ’10

Linda G. & Thomas A., Jr. ‘77 Ortwein Ann C. & Brian H. ‘82 Oswald

Mr. Henry W. Nehilla ‘67

Janna Barclay ‘95 & Todd D. ‘93 Parlee

Terence L. O’Rourke Jr., M.D. ‘86

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher E. Pruitt


Diana & Raymond J. ‘89 Reimer

Christine &

Mrs. Melissa Miller Robbins ‘69 Donna K. & Gary L. ‘63 Sandercock

Ms. Louise Moore Pine*

Saucon Mutual Insurance Company

Honnie P. Spencer, M.D. ‘90

Miss Cornelia Schlotter ‘57

Janice ‘82, ‘91 & Thomas Young

Patricia Nemesh ‘70 &

PRESIDENT’S aSSoCIaTES Mr. Kevin G. Barnes Mrs. Margaret Johnson Bartlett ‘43* Mrs. Lois Brunner Bastian ‘50 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel D. Breidegam Rev. James O. Bruckart ‘47, ‘49, P ‘72, P ‘79* Jennifer Swain ‘73 & Harry S. Jr., M.D., Ph.D. ‘72 Clarke Judith Acker ‘57 & Bernard Cornwell Jaime Marks ‘04 & Brian J. ‘02 Corvino Rt. Rev. M. Blair Couch ‘78 & Mr. Warren Gericke P ‘11 Virginia Dancy ‘59 & John, III Dickie Duggan & Marcon, Inc. Elizabeth M. & James E. ‘49 Dundon Eden Charitable Foundation Kathleen & Michael M. ‘72 Ellis Employees of East Penn Manufacturing Company, Inc. Mrs. Genevieve Riordan Gee ‘43 General Electric Foundation Jane L. & Richard L. ‘61 Gilbert Bryon L. Grigsby, Ph.D. ‘90 Beth & Woodrin ‘66 Grossman Mrs. Roy C. Haberkern

Mr. & Mrs. Jary W. Shimer

Robert J., Jr. Schoenen

Mary Beth Krater ‘64 & James M. Dinneen East Penn Manufacturing Company, Inc. Exide Industries Limited Exxon-Mobil Mr. Leslie C. Jones ‘68 Mr. Charles E. Merrill Jr. Mr. Ralph F. Mittl ‘86 Charlotte W. Newcombe Foundation Anne McCandless ‘79 & Kenneth J. ‘79 Rampolla RMI Mr. John A. Ross Ralph L. Shields, M.D. ‘60 P ‘89 Helen & F. P., M.D. ‘43 Sutliff Wells Fargo Foundation

TRuSTEE CIRCLE Air Products Foundation Mr. Cyril J. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Brewer P ‘11 Dr. & Mrs. G. Clarke Chapman Evelyn Trodahl ‘68 & Richard Chynoweth

Consistent Giving Society FALL 2014

James C. McCabe Susanne & Gregg L. ‘77 McNelis

Patricia Ann & Anthony ‘59 Morelli

Mrs. Beverly S. Corkhill ‘73*

Mrs. Brenda Krajci ‘65

1742 CIRCLE Sandra L. & Placido A. ‘78 Corpora Mr. & Mrs. Martin Engels Mrs. Helen Sloan James ‘35* Merck Company Foundation Mrs. Sally Breidegam Miksiewicz ’84 P ‘14, P ‘16, P ‘18* A. Kathrine Miller, Ph.D. ‘34* Pepsi Bottling Group, Inc. Betsey Tait ‘51 & John W. Puth Sodexo Mr. Robert A. Verrone ‘90

Susan Gangwere ’79 &

Claire L. & Parry J., M.D. ‘66 Miller

Michael J. ‘75 Perrucci P ‘97

moRavIaN CIRCLE Mrs. Frances Longacre Barnard ‘51* Mr. & Mrs. DeLight E. Breidegam Jr. P ‘84 Holly Beach Public Library Association Priscilla Payne Hurd Charitable Lead Unitrust Mrs. Gloria J. Miller Moravian Church, Northern Province Moravian Church, Southern Province National Science Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Fred Reinhard P ‘86, P ‘90

John G., Ph.D. ‘65 Landis

Mrs. Ruth Hemmerly Kelly ‘41*

Marsha & Robert C., Sr. ‘68 Silcox Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. Sittenfeld Drs. Bettie & Oles Smolansky Mary C. T. Kincaid ‘68 & John L. Squarcia P ‘96 Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Stark Linda Joseph ‘73 & James M. ‘73, ’95 Stevens Mr. William J. Straccia ‘58 Dr. & Mrs. David R. Taschler P ‘16 Trans-Bridge Lines Inc. Ida E. & David B., M.D. ‘71 Vasily P ‘02 Vulcan Materials Company Mrs. Lynn Aprill Webb ‘11 Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Weller P ‘06 Mr. David A. Zinczenko ‘91

hERITaGE CLuB Air Products & Chemicals, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Michael M. Albarell Mr. & Mrs. Adam F. Ambielli Mrs. Janet Outten Amos ‘43* Association of Independent College & Universities of Pennsylvania * denotes deceased MORAVIAN COLLEGE MAGAZINE


thank you Rita Roseman ‘61 &

Linda & Christopher A. ‘88 Ohmacht

Dolores B. & Donald R., D.Ed. ‘57 Bortz


Missy & James P., Ed.D. ‘96 Orlando

Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Bowers

Mrs. Zora Martin Felton ‘52

Kristin & Todd E. ‘86 Bateson

PNC Bank, N.A.

Johanna & Neil A. ‘59 Boyer

Mrs. Ruth Overfield Fidorack ‘41

Beth Williams ‘78 & Frank D. Boyer

PPL Corporation

Dr. Joan Cady Brownstein

Dr. Don C. Follmer P ‘77

Boyle Construction Inc.

Anne M. & James H. Reid

Mrs. Colleen Workman

Ralph Z. &

Tara & Christopher J. ‘96 Brown

June Zimmerman ‘54 &

Mr. & Mrs. Gary A. Carney

Mr. & Mrs. James J. Bruder Jr.

Grace & Peter L., Ph.D. ‘60 French

Dr. Carlson R. Chambliss

Laura Lee & Britt J., Esq. ‘95 Simon

Michele & Steven J. ‘90 Burd

Freshpet Kitchens

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Christensen

Marie Skrilec, Ph.D. ‘74

Mr. & Mrs. James O. Burri

Patricia H. & Mark A. ‘78 Fried

Martin D. Cohen Family Foundation

Colleen & Bruce C. ‘87 Spencer

Busy Workers Society

Mr. Robert J. Fulmer P ‘87, P ‘92

Maria Corpora, Esq. ‘72

Maureen & Jeremy M. ‘00 Straub

Alvin H. Butz, Inc.

Linda Shay, Esq. ‘74 &

Dr. Audrey West &

Kathryn & Richard J., M.D. ‘79 Szarko

Catherine & Karl H. ‘80 Butz

Mrs. Margaret Taylor P ‘75, P ‘82

Barbara Brautigam ‘65 &

Lynn Castagnoni ‘74 &

Mr. Scot J. Dapp

Mr. & Mrs. Russell Truscott P ‘14

Miss Marcella I. Dimmick ‘35

U.S. Department of Health

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Case P ‘15

Patricia F. ‘98 & Harold H. Jr. Garner

Mr. Joseph P. Durso ‘09

JoAnn B. & Joseph P. ‘61 Castellano

Anne Shea Gaza, Esq. ‘94

Mr. Robert L. Dutt ‘68

Mrs. Deloris Ashcroft Wallace ‘50

Mr. David C. Chapman

Julia Ann & Glenn A. ‘88 Geissinger

Embassy Bank

Kathy & Gordon Weil

Gloria Gately ‘45 & Frank L. Chipman

Phyllis B. & Myron, M.D. ‘57 Genel

Enterprise Rent-A-Car Company

Mrs. Gail Smith Winson ‘66

Mr. & Mrs. R. Franklin Chitty Jr.

Mrs. Joan Gilbert P ‘80, P ‘86

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fox P ‘87

Mrs. Priscilla Wolle

Frank C. ‘96 & Sherri Chou

Gillespie Printing

Nancy Likman ‘78 & Mark R. Graham

Barbara Roberts ‘61 &

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Clark P ‘12, P ‘14

Pamela W. & Carl F. ‘66 Gitschier

Nancy & Robert K. ‘75 Gratz P ‘08

Patricia A. & W. Eugene ‘68 Clater

Ms. Lea B. Glembot

Kristina Jones ‘79 & Joseph M. Groller

Adele G. & Earl C. ‘57 Zeiner P ‘98

Dr. & Mrs. Herman E. Collier Jr. P ’86

Mr. Richard R. Godber

Laurel B. & Richard A., Ph.D. ‘69 Conley

Dana & Jan ‘72 Gollins

Suzanne Bleiler ‘82 & Jon B. ‘82 Conrad

Betsy S. & Philip A. ‘65 Gottshall P ‘96

Jane D. & Richard M. ‘68* Cope

Sharon Duffy ‘90 &

Cornerstone Advisors Asset

Ms. Sallie L. Greenfield

Charles E., Jr. ‘60 Bartolet

Rev. Dr. Frank L. Crouch ‘80

Richard I. ‘54 Shamel

and Human Services

John W. ‘59 Woltjen

Guardian Life Insurance

Company of America

Mr. James A. Hancock Jr. Mr. Richard E. Harney ‘75 Ms. Marilyn L. Herwig ‘75 Highmark Blue Shield Mr. Joseph B. Hoffmeier Jr. ‘88 Marie & George E. ‘59 Hollendersky Mary K. & Richard D. ‘85 Hooper Hotel Bethlehem Elizabeth & James J., M.D. ‘60 Houser Mr. George T. Hudson ‘59 Mr. Ralph W. Hunsicker ‘76 Kimberly Deischer ‘91&

Thomas R. ‘90 Ike

Institute of Management

Accountants, Inc.

Mr. C. Cassard Kaesemeyer Louise & Thomas F. ‘49 Keim P ‘72 Suzanne Kmet ‘91 & William A. Diaz Rev. Dr. Nola R. Knouse ‘09 Susan H. Kuenstner ‘83 & Tom Coleman Linda Wells ‘69 & Roger C. Lark Christian R. &

Mary F. Lindback Foundation

Mrs. Joyce B Lyon Martin Guitar Charitable Foundation Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Barbara & Lloyd H. ‘64 Michael Rev. Dr. Elizabeth D. Miller ‘85 Mr. H. William Mitchell* Janie Whallon ‘74 & Richard A. Muir

Comenius Society Abbott Laboratories Fund Mr. George B. Adams ‘50 Mr. Alvin A. Albright Jr. Miss Alma A. Albright ‘40 Allied Building Corporation Toni & John P. ‘79 Aloe Elizabeth A. & Richard E. ‘70 Anderson Mary Kate Turowski ‘96 & Kevin M., Esq. ‘94 Andris Rev. Dr. Deborah A Appler ArcelorMittal Karen A. ‘88 & Jose P. Arencibia AT&T Foundation Miss Linda L. Atiyeh ‘88 Melissa Hege ‘98 & Mario Ayala Mrs. Karen Bader BankAmerica Foundation Barnes & Noble Wendy Merkle ‘83 & William J. Basta Kathy Lynn & Robert E. ‘80 Beitler Mr. Donald M. Bellis ‘78 Mr.* & Mrs. J. Richard Beltram P ‘75, P ‘83 Constance L. & David E. ‘88 Bennett Bennett, Bricklin & Saltzburg, LLC Leanna M. & Timothy J. ‘75 Berger Mrs. Shirley Kunsman Bilheimer ‘57 Mr. Philip J. Black ‘01 Mr. Stephen D. Black Melanie & Mark A. ‘95 Bonsall

Bruckart ‘60, P ‘72, P ‘79

Douglas W. ‘66, ‘69* Caldwell

Management, Inc.

Sue Ann Henkelman ‘53 Fortney

Neville Gardner P ‘08 Timothy S. ‘73 Gardner

Richard P. ‘90 Graham

Judith M. & Bruce C., Ph.D. ‘64 Coull

Margaret & Joseph A. ‘72 Grieshaber

Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Crawford

Amy S. & David B. ‘86 Guthrie

Mr. & Mrs. Peter B. Daubenspeck

Patricia Murray ‘82 &

Ms. Suzanne Astbury Decker ‘61

Mr. & Mrs. William F. Deibert Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hanson P ‘15

Kathryn Werst ‘59 & Wayne L. Detwiler

Kathryn Horwath ‘52 & Ray H. Hartman

Joan Kiefer ‘86 &

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Hastings P ‘04

Tamera Boote ‘81 & Gary R. Hatton

Todd J. ‘87 Dickinson P ‘16

Kenneth D. ‘81 Hanna

Orlando Diefenderfer, Inc.

Sharon L. & Charles W. ‘74 Heidecker

Stephanie & Robert H. ‘63 Dietrich P ‘95

Drs. Linda & Ned Heindel

Rhonda & Randal R. ‘78 Dietz

Mr. Carl J. Helmich Jr. ‘53, ‘57

Jennifer Coffin, Ph.D. ‘99, ’11 & Joshua

Jane Tatum ‘90 & Carl O. Helstrom

Elizabeth & William V. ‘58 Herbein

P. ’99 Dodd

Robin Ziegler ‘79 & Christos Dogas

Mr. Alan L. Herd ‘67

Mr. & Mrs. Dennis A. Domchek

Joy G. & James T. ‘75 Hicks

Dana Burt ‘69 & John B. Donaldson

Rev. Lunnett M. Hilliard ‘10

Georgene Billiard ‘63 &

Donna Stadinger ‘64 & Frank L. Hocker

Mr. John M. Hoffer ‘94

Harry E. ‘64 Dooley

Mrs. Mary C. Dull

Douglas R. ‘81 & Susan L. Hooper

Rev. Dr. Sally A. Brown &

Holly Calatoni &

Mr. Peter T. Dunbar ‘66

Thomas W., Esq. ‘67 Houser

Shari Miller ‘80 & James A. ‘78 Dunstan

Mr. Evan B. Howell ‘81

Linda H. & Denis M. ‘69 Duvoisin

Charlsie Keefe ‘05 & Todd R. ‘05 James

Edward Robinson Trust

Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley


Amy Lou & Christopher G. Johnson

Laurie Rutledge ‘82 &

Kathleen H. & Gary L. ‘73 Johnson

Johnson & Johnson Company

Larry J., Esq. ‘82 Esposito

Consistent Giving Society



FALL 2014

Myra Heimbrook ‘66 &

Mary Ellen Markey ‘83 &

Cynthia Pummer ‘83 &

Ann Woltjen ‘63 &

Michael O. ‘66 Jones

Bruce K. ‘84 Mayer

Michael P. ‘82 Rauscher

Grove W., Esq. ‘63 Stoddard

Ms. Judith Plocher Kaaua ‘67

Shirely Hart ‘63 & Gerald D. McBride

Mr. & Mrs. Mark F. Reed

Rev. Cheryl A. Stoneback ‘04

Corinne E. & Robert M. ‘66 Keller

Mr. Benjamin L. Meluskey ‘60

Jane Young ‘69 & James L. ‘70 Regina

Dr. Susan Martin Studds

Leslie M. &

Mr. Paul A. Mess

Mrs. Barbara Reimers P ‘92

Katherine B. &

Isidore Mihalakis, M.D. ‘58

Mr. Donald G. Reinhard

Sandra Anderko ‘64 &

Mr. Ronald L. Miksiewicz ‘84

Mrs. Betty Adams Roach ‘43

Nancy M. & Gregory J. ‘85 Tavalsky

Richard T. Jr., D.D.S. ‘77 Kingston

Ronald J., Ph.D. ‘61 Stupak

Ms. Renee L. Roberts ‘74

Gale & Robert E. ‘78 Ternosky P ‘08

Claire M. ‘87, ‘95 & Michael Klatchak

Dr. Alma A. Miles-Koch

Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Roberts

Mrs. Mary Veronis Thompson ‘42

Mrs. Kathryn Broczkowski Klein ‘67

Mr. & Mrs. Mark F. Miller P ‘00

Dr. & Mrs. Ervin J. Rokke

Ms. Lorraine Tilney

Ms. Bertie Francis Knisely ‘69 P ‘00

Barbara Schlegel ‘47 &

Gayle Fischer ‘86 &

Lori J., Ph.D. & Robert Toedter P ‘06

Rev. Dr. Roger A. Knisely ‘68 P ‘00

Mr. Merr W. Trumbore ‘62

Beverly Gaston ‘73 & Dale Kochard

Mr. Jody R. Miller ‘70

Anita S. & Robert C. ‘60 Russoli P ‘88

Rev. Dr. Heather Hartung Vacek

Maria & Ronald M., D.O. ‘87 Kriner

Mr. Borko Milosev ‘04

Trish & Colin G. ‘78 Sandercock

Dale Intemann ‘94 &

Mrs. Betty Kuklentz Doyle*

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas O. Minner

Jennifer &

Paul E. Kurzeja, Esq. ‘89

Carol Ann &

F. Jeffrey ‘69, ‘72 &

Jean Sosoka ‘56 & Joseph A. Lavelle

Debbie & Brian C. ‘91 Sarisky

Drs. Eva & Michael Leeds

Mr. & Mrs. Rufus L. Moretz

Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Savite P ‘13

Rev. Dr. Walter H. &

Lehigh Valley Arts Council

Helen L. &

Richard J. Schaedler, Esq. ‘74

Dr. Heikki E. Lempa

Schall Manufacturing Inc.

Mr. James R. Walker P ‘07

Mary E. & Steven W. ‘79 LeVan

Ms. Pamela Moshini P ‘10

Eleanore Beck ‘56 &

Hilary Martin, Esq. ‘93 &

Honorable Wilma A. Lewis

Margan Sztuk ‘82 & George F.

Mrs. Emmeline Lewis‘Dimmick ‘48

Mrs. Nancy C. Schultz

Mrs. Louise Rothenberger Watt ‘43


Janice & Mark D. ‘77 Myslinski

Mrs. MaryAnn Sedlock

Ms. June T. Watts

Mr. Charles H. Lindner Jr. ‘60, P ‘88

Bodil & Joel B., M.D. ‘63 Nadler

Nancy Duckworth ‘81 &

LaRae & Lee A., Ph.D. ‘57 Weaver

Carol A. & Michael G. ‘83 Link

Rev. Dr. Chistine L. Nelson

Rev. Christian D. Weber ‘52

Sharyn & Hal A. ‘01 Long

Anita Filler ‘61 &

Andrew K. Semmel, Ph.D. ‘64

Weis Markets

Susan Sandt ‘92 & Armando M. ‘91

Lynn Rankin &

Mrs. Diane Yaeck Wellington ‘57 P ‘80


Dr. Gary L. Olson

Linda L. & David L. ‘64, ‘67


Olympus America Inc.

Kathryn M. & R. Scott ’84 Shellington

Dr. Nicole L. Loyd

Dr. & Mrs. Terence O’Rourke Sr. P ‘86

Julie Jones, Ph.D. ’02 &

Carolyn & Roger O. ‘68 Williams

Barbara & Howard E., Ph.D. ‘71 Lubert

Marie A. &

Willis North America Inc.

Lutron Electronics Company, Inc.

Mr. & Mrs. William F. Shortall

Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Wilson

Rev. Anna Deppen Lutz ‘70

ParenteBeard LLC

Joseph M. Shosh, Ph.D. ‘88

Valerie & Carl J. ‘83 Wimley

Elizabeth Tober ‘76 & James S. ‘76 Lyon

Rebecca J. & Patrick T. ‘80 Parenty

Mr. Andrew J. Shreter ‘12

Dr. Robert R. Windolph

Judith Studwell ‘63 &

Corinne Fusco ‘78 &

Susan Collins ’72 & Donald Sillivan

Lori O. & Scott A. ‘88 Wood

Nelda & Robert C. ‘51 Simonson

Mr. Craig F. Wood ‘79

J. Douglas Kitson

James O. ‘63 MacDonald

P ‘14, P ‘16, P ‘18

Kenneth Miller P ‘75

Suleiman ‘73 Modjadidi P ‘06

Russell E. Jr., Dr.P.H. ‘65 Morgan

Mulvaney P ‘16

Paul F. ‘60 Noonan P ‘89

Harold F., Jr. ‘61 Oswald P ‘82

Frederick S. ‘77 Patt

Thomas H. Rowland

Bryan W., Ph.D. ‘86 Sandmann

Henry E. Schleicher

Ronald J. ‘83 Semanick

Robert J., Ph.D. ‘68 Semper

Phillip, Ph.D. Shilane

Richard van Gelder Kristen Harberg ‘69 Van Orden Rev. Deborah M. Wagner

Walter T. ‘90 Wandall

Wickmann P ‘91, P ‘95, P ‘00

Yvonne Thompson Maddox, Ph.D.

Mrs. Doreen H. Paynton P ‘89

Dr. Janet A. Sipple

Ms. Joan Wright

Dr. Santo D. Marabella

Mr. Bryan Peacock

Dr. Donna G. Smith

Ms. Anita-Jean Wright ‘81 &

Sandy Handler &

Dr. Joseph Pena & Dr. Karen

Mrs. Marian A. Smith

Denise & Robert W. ‘70 Smith

Karen Glenn ‘82 & Edwin E. ‘77 Yeakel

David L., Esq. ‘88 Marcus

Cortellino P ‘17

Mr. Michael J. Kelly

Atty. & Mrs. Blake C. Marles

Daniel A. Polanski, Esq. ‘80

Ms. Patricia Thornton Snyder ‘60*

Nicole & Kenneth C. ‘87 Yee

Dr. & Mrs. Roger H. Martin

Barbra & Kurt J. ‘89 Poling P ‘17

Miss Constance M. Sokalsky ‘71

Janet Blomquist ‘71 &

Ms. Sherry Mason Brown

Laurie M. & Michael ‘78 Popowycz

Dr. Kay Somers & Mr. Bruce Somers

Diane Feeney ‘82 & Alfred Mateo

Mr. & Mrs. Andre Python Jr. P ‘11

Mrs. Jean Holzinger Somers ‘69

W. Russell Yurchak Jr. ‘62

Barbara Frowery ‘67 &

Laura Kellers Queen, Ed.D. ‘96

Mr. Arthur R. Spengler ‘55

Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Zimmerman

Ann H. & Peter A. ‘76 Raines P ‘10, P ‘12

Spirk Brothers Inc.

Mr. & Mrs. Ed Zondag P ‘13

Nicholas R. Matlaga

Robert R., Jr. ‘68 Young

Stevens & Lee

college alumni

By year, total giving, and percentage of participation

1934-1940 1742 Circle Helen Sloan James* A. Kathrine Miller, Ph.D.* Heritage Club Marcella I. Dimmick

FALL 2014

Comenius Society Alma A. Albright

Greyhound Club Victor S. Weiss

1941 Total Giving: $11,200 25% Participation Trustee Circle Ruth Hemmerly Kelly* Comenius Society

Ruth Overfield Fidorack

Greyhound Club June Patton Reese Alethea Cliff Shurskis

1942 Total Giving: $2,350 31% Participation Comenius Society Mary Veronis Thompson Monocacy Club

Mary Ellen Binder


Greyhound Club John Compardo, Ed.D. Avis L. Gordon



thank you 1943 Total Giving: $39,616 52% Participation Chairman’s Circle F. P. Sutliff, M.D. President’s Associates Margaret Johnson Bartlett* Genevieve Riordan Gee Heritage Club Janet Outten Amos* Comenius Society Betty Adams Roach Louise Rothenberger Watt Founders’ Club Margaret L. Albright June Bright Reese

Colonial Club Wilfred L. Dreger Greyhound Club Evelyn Portman Bauscher Burton L. Kelchner Janet Thompson Powers Doreen Coburn Walters Warren D. Wenger 1944 Total Giving: $600 11% Participation Monocacy Club Doris Minnick Kuchar Colonial Club H. August Kuehl Jr. 1945 Total Giving: $1,800 29% Participation Comenius Society Gloria Gately Chipman Monocacy Club Lillian Stefko Schaedler Colonial Club Phyllis Rose Iacocca Greyhound Club Beryl L. Harrison Jacquelyn Stout McGiffert 1946 Total Giving: $1,335 37% Participation


Monocacy Club Ann Rosenau Smythe William Smythe* Colonial Club Phyllis G. Kreider Greyhound Club Victor M. Bove, D.O. Karl F. Bregenzer Lloyd A. Fatzinger Jo-Ann Farquhar Riepen 1947 Total Giving: $1,175 20% Participation President’s Associates James O. Bruckart* Comenius Society Barbara Schlegel Miller Greyhound Club Helen Kanuskey Canfield Cornelia Faga Miller Paul E. G. Miller June Urffer Moyer 1948 Total Giving: $3,668 26% Participation Comenius Society Emmeline Ungurian Lewis Dimmick Monocacy Club Jean Baxter McCracken Founders’ Club Paul E. Crossan Jr. James S. Hilander Joseph R. Merkel, Ph.D. Joan Nortz Quarry Jerome Quarry Marilyn Richardson Shelly Colonial Club Winifred Harte Seifert Greyhound Club Al J. Calvo Gerald Goldstein, M.D. Harry A. Miller Edythe Steers Smith 1949 Total Giving: $12,185 38% Participation President’s Associates

James E. Dundon

Marvin R. Henkelmann

Heritage Club Thomas F. Keim Monocacy Club Teresa Enright Eliezer William J. Rosenberg, Esq. Norma Boldt Wynne

Anthony J. Jaso

Founders’ Club Ivan A. Backer Albert S. Buralli* Elsie Yelenics Evans Jeanne Buss Gillinder Charles N. Wilkins Jr., M.D.

Eric J. Schulze

Colonial Club Clararose Bosek Clymer Frank M. Weaver, D.O. Doris Noctor Woodward

1951 Total Giving: $304,865 40% Participation Moravian Circle

Greyhound Club Richard W. Artis Ramona Baker Conway Katherine Meland Freeny Penelope Hall Porter Leonard A. Storch


1950 Total Giving: $11,005 38% Participation President’s Associates Lois Brunner Bastian Heritage Club Deloris Ashcroft Wallace Comenius Society George B. Adams Monocacy Club Gilbert E. Andrew William F. Vinczi Founders’ Club Richard M. Faust Colonial Club Richard T. Dundon Joseph D. Kudella Ira A. Lutsey Greyhound Club Alice Zacharchuk Bove Justin M. Carisio Sr. Elizabeth Gehringer Carlton* Arthur T. Devlin Dean B. Garland Ray C. Gilbert

Irma Hemminger Kaufman Norma Chambers Lewis Grace Snavely Robinson Emanuel Roman, D.D.S. Arlene Badel Simpson Dolores Johns Wezner Marilyn Herman Wiltsie

Frances Longacre

1742 Circle Betsey Tait Puth Comenius Society Robert C. Simonson Monocacy Club William B. Lantz Jane Kincaid Missimer Louis M. Molnar Founders’ Club Richard T. Clay Robert K. Matey Colonial Club Lois Shafer Smith William J. Werpehowski Greyhound Club Carl L. Ackerman Jeanne Serman Artis Gloria Kimminour Danielson Deborah Irwin Fleagle John E. Giering, Ph.D. Byrdie Loveless Jackson Robert P. Kelly Elizabeth Schlegel Landau Eleanor Faiolo Mott Joseph D. Viglione 1952 Total Giving: $6,255 34% Participation

Comenius Society Zora Martin Felton Kathryn Horwath Hartman Monocacy Club Donald M. Cohen, M.D. Joseph F. Garin Jr. Bernhard T. Mittemeyer, M.D. Founders’ Club Grace Flath Bentzin Anne R. Enright Frances Webber Horton Colonial Club Carl E. Case Nevin W. Cope, D.D.S. Elaine Wagner Martinez Jeannette Rhoads Nesbit Robert L. Solt Lois Miller Stogel Greyhound Club Joseph F. Christ Donald R. Deibert Dolores McIntire DeLeon Thelma West Everett Dale A. Grove Jr., M.D. Donald C. Koehler Patricia Stocker Lawler Beatrice Good Mindlin William G. Palenchar Ruth Treut Schlecht 1953 Total Giving: $5,685 39% Participation Comenius Society Sue Ann Henkelman Fortney Carl J. Helmich Jr. Monocacy Club Kenneth W. Achey Mary Ann Rayner Founders’ Club William B. Cummings, Ed.D. Wolfram Fliegel John J. Gotthardt Jr. Eleanor Simmons MacCormick E. Allen Schultz Jr.

Charlotte Haag Walek

Colonial Club Robert F. Engelbrecht David M. Henkelmann Sara A. Morris Greyhound Club Shayne Dunbar Arnesen Charlotte Riggs Bearse William J. Carroll Jr. Nancy Zeleski Frantz Robert G. Harman, M.D. Gloria Badel Hilbert M. Sally Salaski Longhi Edward P. Pastir Earl E. Stephan Philip Trimble Gladys Smith Winkelmann 1954 Total Giving: $42,912 33% Participation Chairman’s Circle John H. Bowman, M.D. Heritage Club June Zimmerman Shamel Monocacy Club David W. Arner Founders’ Club John E. Gilliland, M.D. Thor G. O’Donnell Bruce C. Reimer Colonial Club Lucy A. McCall Abner W. Still Greyhound Club Sylvia J. Atherholt Philip J. DeRea Richard DiGiacomo Dee James R. Glancy Donald Green Patricia Parth Johnson Joan Kinard Mercado John E. Moyer Elynor Fishel Rights Dawn M. VanKeuren Marian M. Wagner Nancy Webber Whissen Helen Desh Woodbridge

Consistent Giving Society MORAVIAN COLLEGE MAGAZINE

FALL 2014

1955 Total Giving: $4,425 33% Participation Comenius Society Arthur R. Spengler Monocacy Club Allan H. Cristol, M.D. Ann Hentschel Cutler John P. Galgon, M.D. Founders’ Club Louis N. Esposito George R. Scilley George W. Warfield Colonial Club Robert E. Detweiler Helen Varady Keyser Curtis O. Updegrave Greyhound Club Thomas R. Clay David G. Kerchner Francis M. Petruny Marlene Ehrhardt Porter Ray R. Salabsky Robert F. Shaup 1956 Total Giving: $5,575 25% Participation Comenius Society Jean Sosoka Lavelle Eleanor Beck Schleicher Monocacy Club I. Jean Woodcock Haring James J. Ovady Sr. Barbara Bartos Sloyer Founders’ Club Joan Boyer Rathbone, Ph.D. John R. Sopko Colonial Club Pauline Ritter Benner Richard E. Benner Robert E. Brennan, D.D.S. John T. Burke Renee Johnson Dragotta Barton B. Hartman, M.D. Greyhound Club Marietta Schwartz Banach Sherwood D. Gum Mildred Siftar Kimock Thomas V. Labert Sr. William S. Marsh Janice Brader Sahakian

Richard S. Stine

Barbara Flynn

George T. Hudson

Charles H. Lindner Jr.

Doris Roberts Wenger

Robert E. Wickizer


John W. Woltjen

Benjamin L. Meluskey

Harriet Peters

Comenius Society Neil A. Boyer Kathryn Werst Detwiler

Paul F. Noonan


Monocacy Club Richard D. Buralli Carolyn Felver Conners James B. Howell, M.D. Mary Lesin Mackenzie Ayala Anthony A. Matz Jr.

Monocacy Club Richard V. Chergey Jane Keogh Harberg

Ruth Collins Zweck

1957 Total Giving: $27,533 38% Participation President’s Associates Judith Acker Cornwell Cornelia Schlotter Heritage Club Earl C. Zeiner Comenius Society Shirley Kunsman Bilheimer Donald R. Bortz, D.Ed. Myron Genel, M.D. Lee A. Weaver, Ph.D. Diane Yaeck Wellington Monocacy Club Patricia Miller Helfrich Gudrun Krauss Lounsbury Gordon L. Sommers George J. Toth Founders’ Club Karen Johnson Berry Roland J. Passaro Carolyn Edwards Simmons Ronald L. Zeller Colonial Club Anthony Kochenash, Ph.D. John Kolchin, Ed.D. Greyhound Club Carl Ackerman Michael A. Ackerman Thomas J. Burke Richard A. Edwards Anthony W. Falco William F. Fox Jr. Tacey Young Funk Elaine Nothstein Kantor Richard L. Kantor Elaine Thomasch Nolfa Juliana Bobo Ott Jo-Anne Neuman Pessin Ann E. Rothenberger Arlene M. Sell Pearl Stein Regina Kelly Stephenson

1958 Total Giving: $11,205 29% Participation President’s Associates William J. Straccia Comenius Society William V. Herbein Isidore Mihalakis, M.D. Monocacy Club Joseph J. Guman Carol Sloan McElveen Founders’ Club Alfred F. Apple Michael J. Gallagher Norman E. Prochnau Kenneth Pyne L.L.D. Kathryn McMurray Saderholm Colonial Club John L. Finelli Jane Adams Gottwald Richard C. Gottwald Arthur R. Potosnak Robert G. Smerko, Ph.D. Greyhound Club Robert J. Breidenbach Robert J. Burkhardt Donald W. Eckert Truman W. Eshbach II Mary Ann Grube Fallon Anastasia F. Fry, D.C. Louis A. Gonsalves Frank L. Hettlinger William J. Hume Barbara A. Kinsey J. Bruce Mumie Daneen Jones Phelps Robert L. Reed, M.D. Joseph L. Rosenfeld, Esq. Richard J. Schwartz Robert H. Smith A. David Thaeler III 1959 Total Giving: $33,760 29% Participation Trustee Circle Anthony Morelli President’s Associates Virginia Dancy Dickie Heritage Club George E. Hollendersky

Founders’ Club Reuben F. Lilly Sr. Colonial Club Sandra Yost Collins Susan LeTowt Peverley Greyhound Club Mary Ann Gingles Boyler C. Jeanette Mirne Cornblatt Patricia Conover Diener Marcia Morgan Fish David C. Greulich Kate Kuhns Herrington Ruth Lapp Himler Elizabeth Dreher Honey Ernest H. Josar Joseph F. Keglovits Frederick L. Kraemer Barbara Banker Mahlau Jimmie L. Newsom Sr. Joseph M. Nunes Clarence J. Serfass Jr., D.D.S. Daniel P. Simon David A. Stanwood Janice Keve Steers 1960 Total Giving: $45,209 36% Participation Chairman’s Circle Ralph L. Shields, M.D. Heritage Club Charles E. Bartolet Jr. James J. Houser, M.D. Comenius Society Colleen Workman Bruckart Peter L. French, Ph.D.

Robert C. Russoli Patricia Thornton Snyder*

Founders’ Club Ronald R. Cavanagh, Th.D. Jean Bassford Galbraith James B. Galbraith Jr. Joseph J. Iampietro Joseph J. Jardot Abner S. Merkel Joseph L. Powlette Colonial Club Nancy Boerstler Coutant Judith Frederick Hosking Bernard L. Nehring BarbaraKay Hunsicker Smerko Theodore E. Wilde Greyhound Club Sandra Swor Bigatel Robert J. Boyler Robert F. Clark Faith Hartman Cohen, M.D. M. Janet Bunten Costenbader Salvatore S. DeLuca Charles W. Fishel Ronald J. Fradeneck Joan E. Gernert- Vignoul John A. Graver Dolores Lang Keglovits Jane McMurray Kell Robert J. Labdik, Ed.D. Constantine Loupos Francis C. McFadden George F. Metzgar Dominic A. Nolfa Lois Behler Reichard David A. Schattschneider Patti Vincent Simon Eleanor Rellinghaus Sites Beverly Luzietti Tisdale

1961 Total Giving: $22,066 34% Participation President’s Associates Richard L. Gilbert Heritage Club Rita Roseman Bartolet Margaret L. McClure, Ed.D. Barbara Roberts Woltjen Comenius Society Joseph P. Castellano Suzanne Astbury Decker Anita Filler Noonan Harold F. Oswald Jr. Ronald J. Stupak, Ph.D. Monocacy Club Sandra Yaeck Kratzer Sandra & Wayne C. Shugart, Esq. Rocco P. Zulli Founders’ Club Marcee Ammend Beilstein Judith Laning Cavanagh Mary Jane Dugan Figuli Deborah Herold Francis Paul A. Graf Alan J. Lippman, M.D. Louise Smull Negley Earl R. Pfeiffer Colonial Club John L. DeCesare Neil P. Eskolin Jr. John W. Jacob R. Burke Johnson Samuel F. Maczko Nancy Helms Mazziotta James J. McCrudden John W. Medernach, Ph.D. John C. Riedmiller Nancy Warren Van Dyke Greyhound Club Vincent E. Arnold David E. Bittner

Consistent Giving Society FALL 2014



thank you Dennis L. Bleam

Carol Herman Szarko,

Nancy Trach Harstine

Bruce C. Coull, Ph.D.

Ronald G. Gori

Anita Groenfeldt

Mary Jane Wolfe


William J. Pysher Jr.

Harry E. Dooley

Douglas L. Hackman



Greyhound Club Francis Amigo Richard E. Andrews Constance Platt Boos Kenneth J. Briggs Arthur D. Chap Julia G. Coleman James H. Dech, Ed.D. Gail E. Ekstrand, Ed.D. Joseph G. Kimock Jr. Bertram L. Lutton John F. McCarty Joan Karustis Miller Ronald R. Myers Roseann Lavan Pastir Robert T. Pastir Sylvia Rubens Emma Demuth Williams Roger J. Yost

Colonial Club Roy A. Frack Stanley L. Gilbert Susan Burger Hauser Robert F. Kohler Stephen O. Nicholas Jr. John J. Shigo, M.D. John E. Steers, M.D. Gary M. Straughan Patricia Fox Warne

Donna Stadinger

John C. G. Hutchison

James L. Morgan


Jeffrey S. Ingber,

Terry L. Musselman

Sandra Anderko Kitson


Arlington A. Nagle Jr.

Andrew K. Semmel,

Jeffrey A. Jackson

Lowell H. Tomlinson


Robert S. Johnson

Robert F. Zerfass

David L. Wickmann

Marilyn Fish Kester

Monocacy Club Elizabeth Graeff Barry Rosanne E. Bricker Joseph J. Charles Arthur E. Grim Iwao Hanawa D. Patricia Schillinger Hensinger Lynne Nafash Warnke Marjorie Wallace Wilkins Douglas C. Wilkins

Gary T. Kester

Founders’ Club Eileen Yuhasz Bogdan Warren A. Brill, D.M.D. Susan Miller Erb Richard W. Hafner Nancy Christensen Kohl John P. Kohl, Ph.D. Linda Reitars Silowka Louise Reinsmith Solomon Gerald C. Still H. Richard Wilsey Jr.

Ruth Karol Wexley

Greyhound Club Karen Whitten Aduba Carol Borrup Barber Donald H. Benninger Joanne R. Bobek Nancy Terreson Burtnett Lynette Stoltz Cabral John C. Demuth Jeffery I. Fuehrer * John Everard Griffith Gary S. Hartshorn, Ph.D. Thomas J. Haupert, Ph.D. Donald L. Henderschedt James F. Hertzog Nevin H. Hollinger Jr. Roger J. Hudak Anthony A. Krasnicke, O.D. Susan M. Maier Herbert F. Rubenstein, Esq. J. Peter Rush Ellen Stets Sachs Richard E. Schaffer, Ph.D. Vincent P. Seaman Harriett Pierie Segessenman Ronald N. Shrager William C. Silcox Stuart M. Topkis, D.O. Thomas P. Vadasz Bruce J. Weaver, Ph.D. John R. Williams

Audrey Heckert Cyphers Barry L. Gaal T. Jeff Gannon Manuel Gonsalves Kathleen McCann Hilbert David A. Koch Floyd L. Kocher Sylvia M. Lambert Michael L. Lansenderfer Donald H. Marshall R. Gene Medei Carol Losensky Messina Duane R. W. Murtomaki John J. Olson Thomas F. Schmoyer Kenneth C. Sepe Lucy Carl Sigley Barbara Senneca Solker Frank J. Szarko, M.D.* Harold W. Tuller

1962 Total Giving: $28,974 28% Participation Trustee Circle Dennis E. Estheimer Comenius Society Merr W. Trumbore W. Russell Yurchak Jr. Monocacy Club Richard K. & Lucy S. Braun James W. Frank James H. Gano Bela J. Gulyas, Ph.D. Shinsho Miyagi William C. Needs Founders’ Club E. Jane Albrecht Graf Carol Altemose Jones Franklin C. Jones Colonial Club Stephanie Rights Bertsch* Karen Kaprelian Jacob Roger W. Nagle Harold N. Rice Joseph J. Roseman

1963 Total Giving: $25,283 33% Participation President’s Associates Gary L. Sandercock Comenius Society Robert H. Dietrich Georgene Billiard Dooley Judith Studwell MacDonald James O. MacDonald Shirley Hart McBride Joel B. Nadler, M.D. Ann Woltjen Stoddard Grove W. Stoddard, Esq.

Greyhound Club Bonnie Brill Carol Horscroft Clarke John H. Dech Judith Adams Downing Stephen E. Edraney II Donald I. Egli Phyllis Peters Facchiano Susan Gares Farrell Ronald R. Freed Elizabeth Hicks Garrett Melvin R. Hamelsky Patricia Bonser Knoll Larry W. Lewis Rosemarie Braun Lohnert John J. McCarthy Jr. Janet Gleva Miller, Esq. Michael R. Miller Robert W. Moyer JoAnn Sydorak Schaffer Albert E. Schneider Jr. John A. Viglione Donald C. Vogel

Monocacy Club Richard A. Bedics, Ed.D. David R. Cornelius Charles E. Decker Jr. Jean E. Friedman, Ph.D. Robert E. Preston Richard J. Rusk Charles G. Stoltz Andrew M. Taus Marilyn Clewell Taus

1964 Total Giving: $70,492 40% Participation Chairman’s Circle Mary Beth Krater Dinneen

Founders’ Club Martin Garcia Charles T. Harberg

Heritage Club Lloyd H. Michael, Ph.D. Comenius Society

Trustee Circle Joseph C. L. Merola, M.D. President’s Associates Janice Whitfield Landis

Colonial Club John M. Abramson, D.O. Greta Zoe Ziegler Flint Gwynne Grey Gilbert Jack P. Goldberg Stanley A. Iobst, Ph.D. Judith Bartoe Kohler John T. McKeown Joy Ann Johnston Paine Ray J. Pfeiffer Sr. Byron E. Waterman, Ed.D. John S. Willis Greyhound Club Susan Jurman Beecher Charles J. Berger Jr. Arthur J. Crane Sr. Ron dePaolo E. George Dorer Ronald T. Dyson Sterling R. Geiger

Rosalie Fodi Krusemark Judith Robinson Kulak Linda Cook Luskus Peter L. Merluzzi Robert E. Mushrush Jr. Linda Garo Olson Peggy Jurman Quinn Margaret Dittmer Smith Karen Chervy Sorensen Connie Latchaw Viglione Alan G. Zeliff Alan L. Zelt James L. Zoks

1965 Total Giving: $48,959 29% Participation Chairman’s Circle Brenda Krajci President’s Associates John G. Landis, Ph.D. Heritage Club Russell E. Morgan Jr., Dr.P.H. Comenius Society Barbara Brautigam Caldwell Philip A. Gottshall Monocacy Club Laurie Boyd Hanawa Perry F. Mazza Hilda Wolff Soden Robert E. Sterling Founders’ Club Robert E. Houser Samuel Y. Kern III Paul R. Riccardi Jr. Elizabeth M. Wetter Colonial Club Jerry L. Damandl John E. Dratch, Esq. Lea Sutera Hench Kevyn DePuy Malloy, Ph.D.

1966 Total Giving: $36,172 25% Participation Trustee Circle Parry J. Miller, M.D. President’s Associates Woodrin Grossman Heritage Club Gail Smith Winson Comenius Society Douglas W. Caldwell*

Consistent Giving Society



FALL 2014

Peter T. Dunbar Carl F. Gitschier Myra Heimbrook Jones Michael O. Jones Robert M. Keller Jane Metzler Wolfe

Monocacy Club David G. Berg Georgia Dreyer Freas A. Owen Freas, III Leo W. Todd Jr., D.O. Founders’ Club Joseph J. Fassl, M.D. David D. Goldberg, D.O. Carol Coles Graf Karen Leonard Irish Thomas E. Irish John B. Mancke, Esq. James M. McMahan, Esq. Judith Smith Murphy Lynne Schlosser Raleigh Colonial Club Betsy A. Ahlum Marilyn A. Albarelli Betsy Miller Allen Janice Kirschman Donnelly Sue Hill Obal Patricia Reichard Skrip Biruta Andersons Spruds Nancy Szilagyi Ziegler Norman C. Ziegler Greyhound Club Audrey Matz Berg Linda Price Brodeur Ilene Suter Coroniti Thomas J. Driscoll Richard M. Fad Marie Oravec Jacobs* Thomas A. Larsen Marie Gerbino Lieb Eugene F. Mares Edward M. Meyers James R. Morgan Dorothy Gandy Rolph Walter A. Thurber Winifred A. White- Scherber Douglas E. Woosnam

1967 Total Giving: $23,896 22% Participation Trustee Circle Henry W. Nehilla Comenius Society Alan L. Herd Thomas W. Houser, Esq. Judith Plocher Kaaua Kathryn Broczkowski Klein Barbara Frowery Matlaga Monocacy Club Shayna Jaffe Geller Sandra Stewart Todd Founders’ Club Richard P. Koeppel Beverly Klausen Mancke Meta Linde Martin Dennis G. Rohn Olindo Zanchettin* Colonial Club C. Robert Adams Gary R. DeFulvio Barbara Worsley Morgan, D.M.D. Dorothy Thomas Wait Clifford W. Young Jr. Constance Trembath Zerfass Greyhound Club Margot Mathieu Andrews M. Elizabeth Brown Anthony Martha J. Bellanti Neil T. Clewell Jacqueline Snyder Cox Richard C. Ditterline E. Wayne Dovan Judith Oravec Farquer William G. Farquer III Cynthia P. Fox James A. Fox Kay Hill Hannan Kirby K. Hickey Paul H. Knipple Lance F. Kolts Diane Leeb Leighton Judith Derk McKendry Carol Ann Roman Norland Lewis A. Parker Calvin D. Peters Ruth Harris Runkle

Joanne Hunsinger

Arthur W. Smith Jr.


Thomas H. Wiegner

Scott R. Stoneback

Colonial Club David E. Freeze Jeffry C. Gernsheimer Robert E. Greene Stewart T. Herman Richard B. Kratz C. Edward Odell Dennis L. Robison John D. Wait

Mary E. Wilson Marianne Hunt Wolf Dianne Achey Zumas

1968 Total Giving: $114,945 34% Participation Chairman’s Circle Leslie C. Jones Trustee Circle Evelyn Trodahl Chynoweth Carolyn D. Felker President’s Associates Constance Stirling Hodson Robert C. Silcox Sr. Mary Kincaid Squarcia Heritage Club Robert L. Dutt Comenius Society W. Eugene Clater Richard M. Cope* Roger A. Knisely Robert J. Semper, Ph.D. Roger O. Williams Monocacy Club Shirley Messics Daluisio Kathleen Doyle Dowd J. Michael Dowd Willa Howard Kravitz Peggy Bartholomew Melchior Barbara L. Mueller Donald G. Musselman Sharon Gallagher Pfeiffer Founders’ Club Ronald J. Berta Valerie Papps Connors Edward S. Figuli Nancy Campbell Forgang Carl J. Fritzinger Jr. Gene P. Golini Philip V. Graf Carol D. Henn Kent H. Hollinger Judith Gregg Homan Diane L. La Penna Brian D. Parry Linda Bruno Rice

Greyhound Club Eileen Doyle Bauer Robert P. Bees Elaine Mansback Berk Robert L. Bilse Christopher W. Bracy Joseph T. Chickey Kathryn Fretz Churchman Morgan Cowperthwaite Jr. Carol Morrow Dovan Thomas H. Evans Warren W. Fischer Richard R. Gerber Grethe Andresen Goodwin Georgia Unger Hartman Martin Horowitz Edward J. Hudak Jr. Trisha Babbitt Jones Robert W. Kichline George H. Knoll Donna Marcks Line Patricia Toohey Lowman Richard J. Parente Jr. John W. Petley Barry M. Scheinberg, Esq. Linda Froehlich Schreyer Brian H. Seeber Lois Trotman Simmonds Charles R. Simpson Ginger Rooks Stage Jane Larzelere Wachinski Martha Genua Willis Mark E. Willis 1969 Total Giving: $29,451 26% Participation President’s Associates F. James Hutchinson Melissa Miller Robbins

Heritage Club Linda Wells Lark Comenius Society Richard A. Conley, Ph.D. Dana Burt Donaldson Denis M. Duvoisin Bertie Francis Knisely Jane Young Regina Jean Holzinger Somers Richard C. Subber Kristen Harberg Van Orden F. Jeffrey Van Orden Robert R. Young Jr.

Jerry A. Clymer

Monocacy Club Wesley Astheimer William S. C. Bradford Jr. Rosemary Polefka Fitzsimons Carol Ross Hoffman Robert S. Nitzberg, M.D. Trudi Peters-Goral Donald F. Spry II, Esq.

Marjorie Beals

Founders’ Club Noel J. DeSousa Walter V. L. Eversley Kathleen M. Fallon-Kline, Ph.D. William H. Grow Jr. Lee B. Herb Alma Coester McMahan Robert D. Rumfield Edward T. Sawicki William T. Scheidig Linda Evans Shotkus Susan Clay Smith Carol Flasch Waterman

George B. Moller

Colonial Club Elizabeth Riley Bell Jeanne Krenicky Kipp Joseph B. Lennert, M.D. Raymond L. Orth David B. Richards Helen Bauder Seifert Greyhound Club J. Fred Baettig Elaine Witt Bath Richard J. Bath Donna Owen Baur G. Jean Beach Terry J. Beidelman Nancy Glassmoyer Brittingham David N. Clinton

Susan Jankowski Conly Janet Chorney Connor-Hanninen Nancy Moon Cramer Charlotte Crone Cruse Mary R. Figlear Mary Kramer Fuehrer E. Robert Geyer Jr. Constance Urschitz Gilbert Lugenia Taccarino Guaraldo Robert J. Guerriere Grace Gustafson Halkins Hammond Barbara Wirth Heisler Elaine Kleinschuster Holtzman Barry L. Kleibscheidel Joseph R. Koch Albert T. Koncsics John M. Lehnert Charles J. Miller Thomas J. Neimeister Leslie R. Pektor Barbara Holland Peters Carole Thomas Petley Jack E. Schildt Patricia Hayes Schoeller Paul H. Stein Kent L. Swartley Ruth Anne Veruki Thran Richard A. Westley JoAnn Lowe Wolfram

1970 Total Giving: $15,940 23% Participation President’s Associates Patricia Nemesh Schoenen Comenius Society Richard E. Anderson Jody R. Miller James L. Regina Robert W. Smith Monocacy Club Michael D. Schrenko, D.O. Founders’ Club William L. Buss Richard E. Geiser J. Hugh Gratz Frederic S. Hamlin

Consistent Giving Society FALL 2014



thank you Mary Ann Pritchard Schankel Joyce Harrison Shaffer John R. Stabile, M.D. Mary-Susan Mackey Stoner Henry F. Trexler Holden T. Waterman, Ed.D. Santa Corpora Zanchettin

Colonial Club Richard J. Barsotti Ralph W. Barthold Sr. Rosalyn Schaefer Brough David P. Ferraro Donna Shankweiler Keppel Lora Jane Harvey Lisle John D. Pappas John T. Stieh, Esq. R. Drew Thomson Joseph E. Williams Greyhound Club Joseph C. Anderko Ronald L. Barner Alice Campbell Bartholomew Eloise Dodson Brotzman Ronald A. Duh Timothy J. Foley, Ed.D. Kim R. Frounfelker Phyllis M. Geisdorf Lee E. Houck Carol A. Hub Janet Rubin Kleibscheidel Linda J. Knauss Timothy J. Lang, D.D.S. David E. Lehr Deidre Kehs McKosky Lance E. Metz Kathleen Feist Reed Beverly A. Schneider Arlene Forest Sjoblom Sandra Vizzard Spall Otto A. Strassburg Mary Solek Tachovsky Tom A. Tenges Eleanore Ficken Weber

1971 Total Giving: $30,779 29% Participation Trustee Circle Robert P. Flicker President’s Associates David B. Vasily, M.D. Comenius Society Howard E. Lubert, Ph.D. Constance M. Sokalsky Janet Blomquist Young

Loretta F. DeWalt

Robert B. Smith

Jean Dickenshied Diller

Monocacy Club Barry L. Buchman Stanley J. Ramer Ruth Franges Rayna

Monita Russick Leavitt,

Founders’ Club Robert G. Doerr Daphne Greene Eversley Janice Goldberg Fischel Renae Happel Gollins John H. Harting John J. Iannantuono Roy E. A. Ledbetter Henry G. Naisby Jr. Dennis C. Shingledecker Barbara Woram Stabile Francis Thierer Jr.

Susan Holman Metz

Colonial Club Elizabeth Lempke Cochrane D. C. Dreger Elizabeth McKee Elterich Joanne E. Keim Fred A. Lucrezi Judith Balogh McLaughlin Karen Harke Michael Larry C. Michael Robert H. Paulsen Thomas A. Repasch John E. Riddell Jr. Donna Fiorini Saylor Virginia Swett Stanglein David W. Weber Susan J. Youtz

Colonial Club Robert R. Arnts James S. Brandl Thomas W. Burke Jr. Patricia R. Burke John N. Diacogiannis Douglas H. Kleintop Colette Geier Lennert Eugene M. Lennon Sara Paden Peterson Gail A. Rhinehart Eileen Beck Riddell Richard L. Rockwell Susan Warren Rosander Rodney H. Saylor Sherie House Weber Greyhound Club Elaine Singer Anderko Donald A. Beck Elizabeth Paizs Benotti Sandra A. Browning

Lorie Schlegel Dotter Mary A. Emery John F. Gehring, Esq. Sharon Harakal Macko Erma Gaffen Hoover Thomas E. Kelly Gloria E. Kern Annamarie Frisoli Knecht Alfred D. Konrad Jr. Ph.D. John P. Madison Louis C. Melinsky Barbara W. Miller Irene Gobel Neaman David A. Peterson Ruth B. Pope Ethel J. Pudleiner Stephen L. Seid Eileen F. Shanahan Thomas J. Sweetz Peggy Tuckey Thomas Helen Hofmann Trent Betsy Prunest Walker

1972 Total Giving: $24,733 22% Participation President’s Associates Harry S. Clarke Jr., M.D., Ph.D. Michael M. Ellis Heritage Club Maria Corpora, Esq. Comenius Society Jan R. Gollins Joseph A. Grieshaber Susan Collins Sillivan Monocacy Club Steven J. Santucci, D.D.S. Founders’ Club Linda Roscoe de Seife James E. Ingalls Jr. Karen Bruckart Naisby Dinesh C. Pandya, D.P.M. Tom Schwanda Harry E. Shea II

Greyhound Club Alan J. Bosch Randy J. Clymer Steve E. Craver Linda Huth Crook Linda Smith Dalsimer Robert W. Dobosh Theodore J. Drake William F. Gastmeyer Virginia Gonzalez-Belles, Ed.D. Bruce W. Hankee John R. Hyndman Joan Taggart Koch Marcia Reedman Madison Joseph M. Mangan Terrell C. McMann John M. Mickner Beverly J. Papps Skeffington Lois Missenharter Radford Sharon Beam Rohal John M. Suranofsky Cornelia Williams Treskot Dennis J. Watcke Edmund C. Watkinson David R. Wilcomes Ronald J. Zelezen Jean Zamadics Zweifel

1973 Total Giving: $105,748 21% Participation Chairman’s Circle Timothy A. DeBiasse, M.D. Keith D. Lambie Deborah Oplinger McKinnon

Marvin L. Boyer

President’s Associates Jennifer Swain Clarke Linda Joseph Stevens James M. Stevens


Comenius Society Timothy S. Gardner Gary L. Johnson Beverly Gaston Kochard Suleiman Modjadidi Peter D. Wolfe

John R. Hendrie

Monocacy Club Debra A. Dion-Faust William H. Eberts Jr. Barbara Hassler Martell David Mirro Jeanette Newcomer Ramer, M.D. Norman D. Sam


Founders’ Club Barbara Schwarz Egerton John Arthur Egerton Saul Finkle Daniel Y. Joseph Glenn J. Merkel, Ph.D. Claire Charles Scholz Paul R. & Susan Boyd Shelly Robert K. Strunk II

Gretchen Arbogast

Colonial Club Jane Heidecker Barthold William D. Glaser James H. Grifo Marguerite L. Meisenhelder Tamara Michael Robert E. Peterson Glen W. Stoudt Patricia Tallon Walsh Greyhound Club Cheryl Burger Abbott John C. Ardinger John R. Bashian

Jeffrey B. Canfield Jill Kerst Coleman Vera Giaffo Cosgrove Martha E. Cox- Popichak Ronald R. Engleman William T. Frey Alicia Cavanaugh Barbara Kosa Greason Wendy Perry Hartung Irving A. Kaplan Martha Weidner Lisa Sandra J. Magill Kathleen

Grieshammer Miller

Catherine Mazmanian Richard J. Segall John H. Skeffington Richard J. Smith Clifford Soroko James E. Spengler John E. Stefanik Susan Reczek Verbalis Jane Schnader Webber Whitney Valerie Klein Whyte Amy Schieferstein Williams

1974 Total Giving: $37,520 20% Participation Trustee Circle Patricia Owen DeBiasse President’s Associates Robert C. May Heritage Club Marie Skrilec, Ph.D. Janie Whallon Muir Comenius Society Linda Shay Gardner, Esq. Lynn Castagnoni Gardner Charles W. Heidecker Renee L. Roberts Richard J. Schaedler, Esq.

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FALL 2014

Monocacy Club Gary T. & Linda H. Marsh Richard E. Moon, Ed.D. John J. Zoshak, D.O. Founders’ Club Jeffrey B. Benner Barbara Dillman Davies Keene J. Jabbour, Esq. Kevin F. Jones, Ph.D. Robert C. Mende Susan Sikora O’Hare Bernard V. O’Hare III John J. Pesola J. Michael Pruitt Carol Hunter Tice, M.D. Colonial Club William F. Bauman Leonard S. Buscemi, Ph.D. Ann McKittrick Claussen Catherine Guillan Dreger Carol Rutledge Fogle* Patricia Rush Gombocz E. Cynthia Andreas Grifo Thomas E. Mingora Charles S. Pohl Sally Kuchar Rebhorn Barry L. Trauger Greyhound Club Anonymous Donor Donald J. Balogh Betsy Gustavsen Bradley Mary Wagner Dawson Debra Adams Gastmeyer Amy Thorpe Haggerty Theodore B. Harwick Leslie Ann Foley Kopf Linda Shears Krick Marc F. Kuptsow Edward F. Lester Rosalind Shapiro Lynch Kenneth W. Orme Vanessa L. Price Ronald B. Richter Alfred D. Schadle John D. Weaver Deborah Kracht Weissbrodt Thomas W. Werley

John A. Wright, V.M.D.

Patricia Mahon Anderson

1975 Total Giving: $42,989 23% Participation Trustee Circle Michael J. Perrucci Esq.

Nancy Hirshman

Heritage Club Robert K. Gratz Richard E. Harney Marilyn L. Herwig


Comenius Society Timothy J. Berger James T. Hicks Debra Lewis Zvanut

Cheryl Rush Heck

Monocacy Club Paul D. Balascki Walter P. Latimer Donna Jo Stayton Pipeling Daniel H. Pipeling Steven J. Rose Jeffrey L. Welaish Kathy Cinelli Zoshak

Nancy Martin Lasher

Founders’ Club Richard E. Chaney Julie Morris Chowansky Landis F. Frey Jr. John W. Iobst, Ph.D. Elizabeth A. Kovach Michael G. Lawrence John R. Mehler Jean Y. Sun Shaw Gail S. Warren

Jean Ruhf

Colonial Club Joseph M. Burke Daniel J. Elwood Diane Warren Hartelius Scott Ingold, Ed.D. Roberta Dollinger Leiby Cynthia K. Lewis-Hart Donald B. Lilley Eugene D. Lucas, Esq. George D. Lutz Marie Phillip Mingora Pamela Reeve O’Gorman David L. Peters Lynn Irwin Stoudt Jonathan W. Werley Greyhound Club Patricia C. Ackerman Susan Bacci Adams

Bacak Judith Druckenmiller Baker Sarah Dinsmore Balogh Janet Schwanda Jenny Saloky Collins Linda R. Davis-Wallen Deborah Brown Drake John F. Heck Helen Kinder Hoover Richard C. Kovacs Lucy Taylor Lasseter Kathleen Umlauf Mack Beverly Kindred Nehilla Stephen C. Nehilla Denise L. Oldenhoff Linda Eagan Penrod Patricia Leonard Sargent Jonathan M. Sargent David L. Schwoyer Sr. George T. Seiler III Cathy A. Smith Donna F. Smith Pamela Mount Watkinson Heidi Stickel Wilkins

1976 Total Giving: $19,530 22% Participation President’s Associates F. Robert Huth Jr. Heritage Club Ralph W. Hunsicker Comenius Society James S. Lyon Peter A. Raines Elizabeth E. Tober Lyon Monocacy Club Donna J. Lee Gary M. Martell Founders’ Club Sandra Dalrymple Gift Amy Greiner Hawley Robert M. McCormick Amy Lesser Mende Craig S. Troutman

Colonial Club Nicholas J. Ampietro John T. Boyer Lynn Kuhlmann Burke Patty Barnum Coxe Richard C. Doll Ann L. Greenzweig Elizabeth Graybill Jurgen Dean R. Jurgen Irene Silverio Kane David N. Klotz Joyce Cascario Kopko Stephen J. Kopko Karen Balcer Peters Mark A. Wimmer Betsy Ann Stahl Worthen Greyhound Club Linda Kresge Beris Kathleen Thompson Brent James G. Chase Dennis M. Coffin Dianne Cleasby Cook Wynne V. Edelman Jeffrey C. Eichler Lawrence M. Ellmaker Jeffrey M. Epstein Lynn Beckage Fairall Charles M. Glassmire Jr., Esq. Richard J. Goch Lelan E. Haller Jr. Donna Heft Hoffman Barbara E. Jinetopulos Marie Poleschuk Koehler Susan Gardner McConnell Donna Stever Nace James Ruzicka K. Dale Zusi Scolnick Cheryl Gilbert Sommer Debra Papile Sweigard Charles B. Sweigard III Christine Moore Young David S. Young Richard D. Ziegler 1977 Total Giving: $33,092 19% Participation President’s Associates Barbara Colbourne Huth

Robert E. Kafafian Thomas A. Ortwein Jr. Gregg L. McNelis

Comenius Society Richard T. Kingston Jr., D.D.S. Mark D. Myslinski Frederick S. Patt Edwin E. Yeakel Monocacy Club Gwendolyn Thomas Bolger Ina Kucey Kroc James M. Midgley Gail Adams Plumeri Founders’ Club David K. Bond Mary Hubbs Gasdaska Douglas B. Learn, Ph.D. Vincent E. Pantalone Edward J. Puskaritz Denise M. Torma, Ed.D. Bruce M. Weaknecht Colonial Club Yvonne Lettiere Boyer Keith W. Jones Wayne R. Kincaid Greyhound Club Kathryn Ozzard Chism David P. Corrigan, Esq. Page Lummer DeLong Irene Wolinski Fialkowsky Chris R. Jones Sharon Cahill Klamik Linda Shafer Kohl Kathy A. Lemke Kathryn J. Lilly Janet B. Matts Barbara Deckman McInerney Joseph L. Poluka Louis F. Puskaritz Jeanette Piagesi Schinstine Marta Balazs Storm James T. Storm Elizabeth Glenfield Strohl Anthony R. Villani Roseann Casciani Weinstein

1978 Total Giving: $75,943 21% Participation 1742 Circle Placido A. Corpora Heritage Club Beth Ann Williams Boyer Nancy Likman Graham Comenius Society Donald M. Bellis Randal R. Dietz James A. Dunstan Mark A. Fried Richard A. Leiby Jr. Corinne Fusco Patt Michael Popowycz Colin G. Sandercock, Esq. Robert E. Ternosky Monocacy Club Mary Faith Yanno Abbuhl David W. Abbuhl, Esq. Mary G. Mercer Martha Hughes Zimmerman Founders’ Club George J. Boksan Paul Chowansky John D. Hoenig David J. Maltby Daniel G. Nigito Abbie Higginbottom Slaman Colonial Club Martha Sears Anderson George S. Garland Joseph J. Haggerty Jr. Jane E. Jermyn Greyhound Club Robert J. Barnhart, Esq. Sally Snyder Bolmer Sarah L. Capawana Matthew L. Capuano Judith Labanz Colt Celia Kutner Connor Michael J. Cox Beverly Wilkinson DiPaolo Thomas S. Farnish, Esq. Jody Titlow Haller Michael J. Hartigan

Consistent Giving Society FALL 2014



thank you Hollis Haines Kent

David C. Muth

John E. Snyder, Ph.D.

Doreen Knotts Newby

Allen P. Wolfe

Marianne Desantis

Mary Monaghan

Jessica Dunlap




E. Blair McGwire

Irene Kresh Rosati

Terence X. McInerney

Scott C. Updegrave

Robin C. Murphy, Esq.

Greyhound Club Cheryl L. Greengrove, Ph.D. Michael A. Jacobsen Diane Bonnell Jones Jean Leach Lohmann Diane S. Lukac, Esq. Wendy Bauder Lukehart Valerie Wallace Mike Frank J. Rauscher III, Ph.D. Thomas F. Tierney, Ph.D.

Greyhound Club Dale A. Audenried Mark J. Buschi Janice L. Christofferson Deborah Tisdale Cozen Suzanne Hartman Diehl Daryl A. Eppley Robin Favreau Harley, Esq. Colleen Handlon Hendricks Sharon Burd Hontz Ann Palaskey Miller Brian E. Miller David L. Moyer Keith E. Nash Carol Vichiconti O’Connor Patricia Reider Ormsby William F. Ormsby Jane M. Paluda Walter C. Poposki Melissa Ludwig Rauscher Jody Vinzant Rennie Charles J. Rongione A. Renee Smith Stitt, Esq.

Donna M. Kish-Goodling

Robert L. Myers IV Cynthia Bear Pugnet Jeanne Stoudt Puskaritz Elaine Andrulevich Schaeffer Michael J. Shosh Nancy L. Snyder J. William Velekei Paul G. Wirth Mark S. Yuhasz, M.D. Rebecca VanderPoel Zoellner

1979 Total Giving: $113,369 15% Participation Chairman’s Circle Anne McCandless Rampolla Kenneth J. Rampolla President’s Associates Susan Gangwere McCabe Heritage Club Kristina Jones Groller Richard J. Szarko, M.D. Comenius Society John P. Aloe Robin Ziegler Dogas Steven W. LeVan Craig F. Wood Monocacy Club Keith F. Baeder Jon P. Otis Founders’ Club John F. Burke, Ph.D. Kathleen Calvo-Schulte Joanne Shaw Grant George P. Kurtz Jr. Anita Poda Moulton Stephen R. Vanya Jane Frankenfield Weber Colonial Club George W. French Jr. Mary Gordon Kirsch Peter F. Marion Joan Szvetecz Muth

1980 Total Giving: $12,420 16% Participation Comenius Society Robert E. Beitler Karl H. Butz Shari Miller Dunstan Patrick T. Parenty Daniel A. Polanski, Esq. Monocacy Club James D. Artuso, M.D. Nancy Lorenzo Baeder Margaret E. Couch Robert J. Hardner Patrice Masluk Schwartzman Founders’ Club Mary Beitler Beatrice Michael J. Beatrice Bernard J. Ezaki Karl D. Gilbert Craig S. Kafafian Kirk M. Kozero Yvonne Stroh McGee Michael J. McGee, M.D. Bartholomew J. Terroni Jr. Colonial Club Douglas R. Anderson, Ph.D. Julia Cranford Folk George B. Hallock Jr. Claude E. Kohl Andrew W. Meckstroth Christina Citrano Sandy

1981 Total Giving: $66,566 19% Participation Chairman’s Circle Ray S. Bishop Jr. Teri McCandless Bishop Comenius Society Kenneth D. Hanna Tamera Boote Hatton Douglas R. Hooper Evan B. Howell Nancy Duckworth Semanick Anita-Jean Wright Monocacy Club Maureen J. Beretsky Jack W. Bradley David A. Hnatow, M.D. Janice S. Warren- Findlow, Ph.D.

Founders’ Club Juliet Harris Baldwin Lois Wetzel Dieterly Michael S. Drescher Dianne Borkowski Jarmus Cynthia Wiktor Kurtz J. Christopher Landes Robert L. Strauss Colonial Club Celia Tonkinson Dollmeyer, Ph.D. Keith G. Follweiler Allison E. Frantz Rene Baker Hallock Dennis C. Kuhns Tracy Campbell Roeder Paige H. Yoder Greyhound Club Paul L. Albert Mark J. Allender Craig L. Bartlett Mary Yavorski Bender Andrew H. Bender Faith Lamorelle Butt Nancy Ponder Callahan Michael A. Collura Mary Mumper Desmond Peter S. Diehl Marlaine Rowe Fannin Charlene Coleman Frable Suzanne Bonnell Frederick Lesley J. Hand Cynthia Heymann Hansen David W. Innes Karyn Hokenson Krasnick Susan Moreau Lovell Ronald P. Madensky John R. Martin Jr., Ph.D. David R. Miers Joseph D. Mixon Lawrence E. Olsheski Jr. Donald R. Paulus, Ph.D. Cynthia Bahr Pontius Elaine Aagaard Sales Joseph A. Sebia Margaret Evans Stewart Steven J. Trunzo Emily Cook Vadasz Julie Carr Wityk

Kris Dragotta Yerry

Nancy Miller Fisher

David M. Ziegler

Ronald R. Fulmer Lori Ann Vargo Heffner

1982 Total Giving: $51,400 17% Participation Chairman’s Circle Laurie Riley Brubaker President’s Associates Brian H. Oswald Comenius Society Suzanne J. Bleiler- Conrad Jon B. Conrad Laurie Rutledge Esposito Larry J. Esposito, Esq. Patricia Murray Hanna Diane Feeney Mateo Margan Sztuk Mulvaney Michael P. Rauscher Karen Glenn Yeakel

Mary A. Hitcho

Monocacy Club Sarah Miller Gallagher Scott T. Kocher Susan Kressly, M.D. James A. McAdoo David L. Price Scott H. Warrick

1983 Total Giving: $19,655 20% Participation Heritage Club Susan H. Kuenstner Comenius Society Wendy Merkle Basta Michael G. Link Mary Ellen Markey Mayer Cynthia Pummer Rauscher Ronald J. Semanick Carl J. Wimley

Founders’ Club Jeff J. Bartlett Lois Rehberg Beamer Bruce C. Bender David T. Dieterly William P. Feigley, Ed.D. Cindy Mask Klaassen Joseph J. Kroboth Michael L. Magee Colonial Club Pamela Miller Daniels Donna Fabian Falk Robert F. Koehler Jr. Joanne Belletti Molle Greyhound Club Cheryl A. Baker Russell L. Bennett Sabrina Zimpfer Boyd Roy F. Boyd John C. Byrne Barbara Farrell Chilmonik Kevin M. Dougherty

Gary L. Kiechel Tracey Ann Knauss- Warnke Monica Sterner LaDuca Angelo J. LaDuca Jr. Joyce Mawhinney Mante Cindy Sherrer Miers George W. Myers Lisa Orlich-Mixon James A. Paradee Cynthia Glessman Pletcher Patricia Lynch Pologruto Kevin E. Raiser Renate Schroedel Shotwell Jamie Moll Singer

Monocacy Club Patrick R. Farace Michael S. Wolfe Robert T. Yavorski Jr., M.D. Founders’ Club Edward S. Attarian Thomas D. Baldwin, Esq. Tracy Young Biediger, M.D. Joseph M. Brenner Thomas D. Christman Deborah Casey Eisenberg, M.D. Catherine J. Hyndman, M.D. Larry L. Knokey Annette Budzak Landes, Esq.

Consistent Giving Society



FALL 2014

Janet Loprete Magee J. Daniel Pruitt Cynthia Cave Yanchek

Colonial Club Patrice Starner Amin Christina Haas Churilla Richard T. Duda Jesse J. Kiefer, Ph.D. Lynnette Souders Klinger David C. Malloy Dean A. Molle D. J. Nimphius II Vivian Bates Noblett Jane Lefanto Puckett Meinardo R. Santos Jr., M.D. Paul C. Sommers Greyhound Club Debra Brooks Nealy Jonathan E. Burcaw Raymond W. Carlier Judy Jones Curtis Amy L. Daly-Donovan Paul W. Egan Joan Detweiler Evans Donny L. Fisher Stephen A. Gohdes Babette Berger Guss William R. Hoke Stephen C. Kalamar III Karl T. Kessler Beth Ann Letcher Landis Craig R. Love Julie O’Donnel Lutrario Susan Farrell Meiser Michelle Stein Miller Cindy Peters O’Neil Lori Rogora Michael J. Russo Maryann Burriello Salabsky Kathleen McMullen Schafer Vicki Persson Scullion Ed.S. Deborah Butler Shaffer Tracey Bennett Stanton Kevin J. Stralo Karen Sneath Tettelbach, Esq. Carl D. Wagner 1984 Total Giving: $58,776 14% Participation

1742 Circle Sally Breidegam Miksiewicz* Comenius Society Bruce K. Mayer Ronald L. Miksiewicz R. Scott Shellington Monocacy Club Nancy Albright Price Founders’ Club Susan M. Bennett Aletha Custer-Bacon Fassl Donna DalMaso Genay Brian J. Hubert Denise DeJoseph Parkanyi Linda Paerg Pruitt Colonial Club Gary A. Brunvoll, D.O. Randolph S. Krail Susan Traficante Moscatello Lynne Morgan Neel Scott L. Phillips F. Joseph Werner, O.D. Greyhound Club Lori Frantz Balliet Eric W. Csencsits Linda M. Del Balso Sean L. Delonas Tammy Jacoby Dilendik James Gentile, D.O. Elizabeth Plarr Griscom David L. Griscom Michael F. Homa Janice Lipp LaPorta Wendy McKee Moore Sarah Boone Olsheski Charles G. Post Helen Berta Rogusky Cynthia Bogan Rupprecht Charles E. Schmidt Jr. Diane Sciabica Mandry John R. Shaffer John R. Steiger Jr. Janice M. Thomas, Ph.D. Michael G. Ulicny Steven P. Zajac 1985 Total Giving: $10,685 13% Participation Heritage Club

Richard D. Hooper

Comenius Society Gregory J. Tavalsky Monocacy Club Paul M. Brock Jr. Pamela Greeno Campbell Kerry S. Freidl, Esq. Kathleen DelGuercio Kececi Founders’ Club Jo-Ann Brantley Brenner Eileen A. Morgan Meitzner David R. Schulte Jill Hannah Waskiewicz Colonial Club Holly J. Edwards Lisa J. Foulke Earlaine Coleman Klingler Andrew L. Lamberto Lisa Hoffmeier Lynch Lynne Murray Morgan Valerie Hand Morris Ruth Errico Olson Greyhound Club John A. Andretti Richard C. Hassick II Deborah Beaver Hess Harris C. Hoke Jr., Ph.D. Marsha Lemley Horvath Ruth Schultes Huth Maureen Sinnott Kopczynski Michal A. Kucharski Lynn Muschlitz LaBarre Megan B. Lamb Timothy D. Law Sr., D.O. Jeffrey P. Lesitsky Paula Colizzo Lewinski Joseph J. Lewinski III Lori Scholz Mauger Donna Beck Reagan Lori N. Schmeisser Cathy Snyder Shaffer Jeffrey K. Travis Karen Saas Zurasky 1986 Total Giving: $48,155 11% Participation Chairman’s Circle Ralph F. Mittl

Trustee Circle Terence L. O’Rourke Jr., M.D. Heritage Club Todd E. Bateson Comenius Society Joan Kiefer Dickinson Gayle Fischer Rowland Bryan W. Sandmann, Ph.D. Monocacy Club Kelly K. Krieble, Ph.D. Lynda Farrell Swartz James F. Swartz III, Esq. Founders’ Club Scott A. Hoke Randy P. Longo Sheri Eutermoser O’Brien Carol A. Traupman- Carr Colonial Club Gayle Stevens Dimmick John D. Morris Susan Henly Phillips Robert J. Snyder Greyhound Club Robert O. Downes Kristin Matz Gawlik Christopher P. Gilbert, Ph.D. James R. Lasko James T. Lehr Eric P. Marquard Daniel P. Mastroianni Timothy S. McLaughlin Robert G. Medina Joseph A. Pacelli Jr. Kathleen Regan Patterson Joan L. Reinhard Scott K. Rhinehart Alice Ritter Samuels Catherine Allen Thoma Virginia V. Van Horne John C. Walton Valerie Dale White 1987 Total Giving: $17,929 16% Participation Heritage Club Claire M. Klatchak Gary L. Long Bruce C. Spencer

Comenius Society Todd J. Dickinson Ronald M. Kriner, D.O. Kenneth C. Yee Monocacy Club Rusty S. Bealer Elizabeth Tyler Bugaighis, Ph.D. Founders’ Club Sandra Hammel Cinque Shelly Bachman DeLong Jeffery R. Frekot Frances G. Holahan George M. Mytrowitz Conrad J. Radcliffe, Esq. David C. Stoyer Colonial Club Georgine K. Danyi, V.M.D. Nadine Aljian Fatzinger Pharon L. Metzger Philip T. Page Pamela Messerschmidt Pfeiffer Ray J. Pfeiffer Jr., Ph.D. Denise Corona Reinhart Peter Reinhart Amanda Taylor Roth James A. Roth Diane Hvizdak Taylor Joseph A. Zaia Greyhound Club James P. Carey Michael D. Deegan Philip J. Dommel Kenneth R. Franiak Douglas C. Green Robert W. Heck Jr. Kathleen Hanifan Hoke James B. Horwath Karen Morton Jensen Melanie P. Kloiber St. Hill Douglas R. Litzenberger A. Michael Mancini Martin J. Polakovic Timothy P. Ronan Leonard J. Selner Janeen Bentz Sproul Lori Chomo Traupman

1988 Total Giving: $18,449 13% Participation Heritage Club Joseph B. Hoffmeier Jr. Teresa Segar Long ‘88 Christopher A. Ohmacht Comenius Society Linda L. Atiyeh Glenn A. Geissinger David L. Marcus, Esq. Joseph M. Shosh, Ph.D. Scott A. Wood Monocacy Club Tarek M. Bugaighis Craig P. Danielson Douglas W. Derstine Jeffrey C. Ketz Mathew A. Pirozzi David M. Romanelli Founders’ Club Julie Anderson Atwood Keith R. Bachman Karen Mengel Graham Carla Kedl Green Colonial Club Paul M. Polsky Alexis Odinov Stambaugh Greyhound Club Michael D. Anthus Sofia D. Bakis Lisa M. Bechtel Francis A. Brogan Randall K. Brown Alease Duker Chabrak Peter D. Chimera John W. Gerencher Evelyn Estephan Hanni Mark D. Inglis Catherine Martin Janny Christopher K. Kemmerer Karen Hagerman Leary Lisa Sibilia Rhinehart Michael A. Rossi Jr., Ph.D. Karen Walters Scott Joan Simons Starnes Jason P. Szewczak Jane Lantz Urban David L. Van’t Slot

Consistent Giving Society FALL 2014



Why I Give

1989 Total Giving: $13,759 10% Participation President’s Associates Raymond J. Reimer Comenius Society Paul E. Kurzeja, Esq. Kurt J. Poling Monocacy Club Gianine M. Christiano Christine Wasser Hess

Paying it Forward

It’s Why I Support Moravian

I’d like each of you reading this to think back to your days at Moravian College, and as you do so, consider this question: “What occurred while you were at Moravian that helped to form you and shape your career?” I have heard from many fellow alumni who say they did have something that impacted them – and they can point to it. The same is the case for me. There was the opportunity to conduct independent research and a field study, and a challenge that came from two professors – Dr. Stuart Kulp and Dr. David Langhus. Each one pushed me to do more, to learn more, based on both my strengths and development needs. This was exactly why I chose Moravian College over other institutions. Learning was personal. Development was tailored. What I did and studied was, to a large extent, up to me. This approach has guided me throughout my career, as I have led small teams, large teams, coached and mentored. You need to find out what a person does well and leverage it. You need to find out what they need to learn, and give them every chance to do so. Years later, I knew I wanted to give back or, more aptly put, pay it forward. Moravian has impacted me and my career in so many positive ways that I wanted to do the same for others. So how did I pay it forward? Well, that list is growing, but right now it includes setting up a scholarship fund in Dr. Kulp’s name, serving on the Moravian Leadership Council, hosting interns, and providing information to the Career Center on pointers for job searching techniques. The list is not huge, but I know it’s having an impact. How? It’s in the letters and comments I get from scholarship recipients, it’s in the thanks from Moravian’s Leadership, but most of all, it’s in the impact I see in the students’ lives. I heard some years ago that, “It’s not the dates on your tombstone that matter, it’s what you did with the dash.” I think that says it all, don’t you? — By Bryan Sandmann, Ph.D. ’86 Bryan Sandmann, Ph.D. ’86 and his wife, Jennifer, are consistent supporters of Moravian College.



Founders’ Club Joseph M. Dremock James B. Galbraith III Richard J. Krouse Amanda Westphal Radcliffe Christine Germuga Rander Erik D. Rander Scott A. Stanilious Colonial Club Daniel E. Carusi Karen Helms Demarest Craig A. Munro Timothy G. Seltzer Greyhound Club James B. Anderson Bonnie Sue Banks- Beers James W. Beers Louis E. Chomo John W. Csencsits Michelle E. Dilorenzo Allen, D.O. John T. Dittbrenner Jr. Rita M. Fortino Lorraine Matuczinski Gyauch Richard H. Hoffman John F. Korn Rosemarie T. Krial- Victor Samantha Wood Mancini John J. Patrignani Stephanie L. Robison Jeffrey M. Roth John D. Stocker 1990 Total Giving: $100,444 14% Participation 1742 Circle Robert A. Verrone Trustee Circle Honnie P. Spencer, M.D.

President’s Associates Andrew W. Hart Bryon L. Grigsby, Ph.D. Heritage Club Thomas R. Ike Walter T. Wandall Comenius Society Steven J. Burd Richard P. Graham Sharon Duffy Graham Jane Tatum Helstrom Monocacy Club Beth Hance Arnold Kraig J. Correll Jennifer Smith Dieter William J. Liaw, D.O. Elizabeth Jennings Schreier Jean Mulroy Tewell Founders’ Club Kendall R. B. Dobbins, M.D. Kenneth J. Karch Keith W. Kardos, Ph.D. Erika Bayles Mondok Anthony D. Sabino Beth Unangst Sawickij Paul M. Staudt Colonial Club Robert J. Floyd Jr. Robert M. Light Greyhound Club Lauren Lauderbaugh Allen Karen Haux Baney Philip J. Baney IV, M.D. Matthew H. Crane Lee S. Detrick Andrea Fuller Giedosh Dianne Shefski Harper Diane E. Jarrett Mark William Kisselbach Michael J. Koury Jr. Michael M. Melsky David M. Mittl Donna M. Moser Vince P. Ramunni Robert C. Schmell LeAnn Blose Stitzel Molly Suter Szewczak Susan J. Weinlick 1991 Total Giving: $26,492 11% Participation President’s Associates

Elinor Shute Hart David A. Zinczenko

Heritage Club Kimberly Deischer Ike Suzanne Kmet Diaz Comenius Society Armando M. Lopez Brian C. Sarisky Monocacy Club Judith Tobias Chuisano Dana A. Mint-Danielson Jonathan D. Soden Founders’ Club Gerald T. Foley III Christy Piazza Krouse Francis R. Mozgai Jr. Demeitrius V. Sawickij Robert L. Topkis, D.O. Colonial Club Richard A. Capra Stephanie Potopowitz Light Jeffrey M. Poling Patricia A. Ward Greyhound Club Peter F. Bauer Catherine A. Bleiler John B. Callahan Timothy M. Cunniff John A. Dooley Jeannine Renninger Fielding Robert L. Godown Jr. James R. Hardin III Regina Zavecz Kochmaruk Linda Hatfield Kowalczyk Lynn M. Kuster John H. Moran Timothy J. Prochnau Susan Knasiak Raley Dwight D. Repsher Rebecca Williams Slominski Lorraine Willey Snyder Elizabeth L. Thomas- Bauer Renate Muller Wildermuth 1992 Total Giving: $7,288 9% Participation Comenius Society Susan Sandt Lopez Monocacy Club

Consistent Giving Society FALL 2014

thank you

Sherry Rohn Clancy

John E. Mattes III

Shane M. Hollawell,

Mary Beth Anfuso

Susan Knowles

David P. Nocek

Christina M.

Greyhound Club James C. Barclay, D.D.S. Kathryn Schaar Burke Christopher B. Buzby Jessica Rotz Campbell Thaddeus J. Encelewski Amy Endler Jeffrey N. Gibbs Connie S. Grube Patrick Herrity John L. Krupka Jesse H. Lawrence III, Esq. Jeffrey S. McManus Laurel Blair Mikovits Jocelyn Smith Mosher Nicholas T. Sacco Hugh D. Williamson




Kasie Hornberger

Nancy Williamson

Gregory A. Krausz

Carissa Barillari Wright



Megan Pray Middleton

Derek J. Wright

John A. Walls II

Elizabeth Charney

Rebecca Kleintop

Jason M. Yasenchak


Colonial Club Alan A. Babp Michael M. Folcher James A. Gold Zaleina Khan Kartick James G. Massey Susan J. Terry

Lawrence, D.M.D.

Neil V. Pagotto Scott D. Pfeiffer Mary Becker Powell Teresa Rizzo Soden

Founders’ Club David P. McCarthy Stefanie Padula Mozgai Mark R. Newsome John N. Quinones Colonial Club Christina Balum Maier, D.O. Carmella Solito Mattes Edward J. Rekai Greyhound Club Robert A. Carducci Krista Fassl Carson W. Christian Carson William J. Casciano Jennifer Lettie Chomo David S. Fields John L. Fourney Marta Boulos Gabriel Paula Giancamilli Hardin Michael P. Kennedy Michael T. Kriner Thomas H. Luhman Scott E. Maier, Esq. Stephanie Reimers Scott M. Wilhelm, Esq. Beth Derr Zmijewski, V.M.D. 1993 Total Giving: $10,947 8% Participation President’s Associates Todd D. Parlee Heritage Club Hilary Martin Wandall, Esq. Monocacy Club Barbara E. Reuper- Baum Founders’ Club Linda Hulse LaPointe Donald B. Pinkowsky Michelle Litzenberger Trent Colonial Club

Cannon Lawson, Esq.

Maureen James Gregory T. O’Neil Ann M. Schlottman Anthony E. Schuler Danielle J. Shisko-Guyer Patricia Horwath Smith Marlene L. Wachelka Ursula Morike Wuerth

1995 Total Giving: $23,684 10% Participation Trustee Circle Amy Kohler Howard

1994 Total Giving: $9,019 10% Participation Comenius Society Kevin M. Andris, Esq. Anne Shea Gaza, Esq. John M. Hoffer Dale Intemann van Gelder Monocacy Club Denise A. Bradley M. Bridget Heal Founders’ Club Deborah Maier Arabia Christopher C. Arabia Danny P. Maalouf Jane Kerbacher McCarthy Colonial Club Karl E. Klinger Eric A. Lambinus Cindy L. Snow Karen Mang Tricomi Greyhound Club Marianne B. Anestad Charles E. Bowman Karen Lechman Brady John Paul A. Cappiello Lisa A. Cardwell Deena Diorio Cross Jennifer Muth Draklellis Pamela Porter Grauer Lori A. Halenar Kevin R. Harstine

Keith W. Quelet


President’s Associates Janna Barclay Parlee Heritage Club Britt J. Simon, Esq. Comenius Society Mark A. Bonsall Founders’ Club Brandon W. Born Aubrey L. Hicks Lena K. Kenan Hugh P. McHugh Edward J. Roach Scott D. Seymour Kathleen Farkas Shaffer Christopher A. Ward, Esq. Colonial Club Krisa Murray Arzayus Frederick A. Harris Tanya Thear Hood Melissa Hertzog Johnson Janet Kucey Kovalchick Michael S. Peek, Ph.D. Greyhound Club Karen Mattes Anderko Kevin C. Anderko Cathy L. Cappel Kim N. Christman Eileen Diggs Dunn Christopher J. Fox Donna G. Franceschino Peter M. Gervasoni

1996 Total Giving: $11,864 9% Participation Heritage Club Christopher J. Brown James P. Orlando, Ed.D. Comenius Society Mary Kate Turowski Andris, Ed.D. Frank C. Chou Laura Kellers Queen, Ed.D. Monocacy Club Deborah Yuengling Ferhat Daphne Rhoton Pierce, D.M.D. Founders’ Club Robert J. Gray Alan G. Heverly Richard Senker Colonial Club Tracy Wartman Harris Eric M. Kniskern, Esq. Tennant D. Magee Sr., Esq. Tammy Tracy Peek Greyhound Club Kristen Jones Appollina Carl S. Appollina Matthew J. Bendekovits Kathleen McCann Cappiello Kevin P. Edwards Roberta Longo Gally Alenda B. Gardner Gordon J. Grauer Jennifer Heberling Krausz Michael J. Paciulli Steven G. Rhoads Michael J. Smith Michael D. Squarcia Christine C. Theodore- Kreschollek

1997 Total Giving: $3,515 7% Participation Founders’ Club Rebecca Kobler Brooking Renee Bond Geiger Phillip N. Geiger C. Eileen Kutzler Alan J. Pape John D. Rossi III Colonial Club Sarah Crews Chriscoe BethAnn Schrey Folcher Denise L. Kowitz Cynthia Rader-Geyer Jennifer A. Schaeffer Robin North Stankowski Ian J. Thomas Greyhound Club Lauren A. Baksa Allison Higgins DiCello Diane M. Hobbie Wendy Morgans Laird Carla Thomas Lindenmuth Jason M. Maslowski Nancy J. Moffett Mark T. Morrissey JoAnne Rufo Amy Croll Souders K. Derek Weber 1998 Total Giving: $7,408 10% Participation Comenius Society Melissa Hege Ayala Monocacy Club Frank J. Conforti Jena Woods Pado Audrey Weaver Sparks Founders’ Club Edward S. Brooking Lori Lawler Tara Wartman McClimon Kara Crampsie Nocek

Greyhound Club Joseph P. Braunstein Deanna L. Campbell Joan M. Gaetaniello Christy Danko Graybeal, Ph.D. Alison Parpagene Long Kristi N. Manley Judith A. Moll Marie Engdahl Moyer Stephanie Ann Newman Valerie D. Rhoe Sharon Somishka Shankweiler Ann M. Sheridan- McAndrew Robert C. Thear Lara Mathew Weber Gregory A. Woods 1999 Total Giving: $6,324 8% Participation Comenius Society Jennifer Coffin Dodd, Ph.D. Joshua P. Dodd Monocacy Club Merica Gellerman William F. & Mary Ann Harzer Jessica Coughlin Milner, Esq. Founders’ Club Catherine B. Huegler Tyler W. McClimon D.C. Kelly Lubenesky Wiland Colonial Club Joshua G. Gold Greyhound Club Mark Bendekovits James J. Bradbury, D.O. Jeffery F. Brill

Consistent Giving Society FALL 2014



Jana Musgnung

Dieterich, PA-C

Sara deMange Fox Charles E Gardner William J. Haskins Daniel J. Kent Geoffrey J. Laird Virginia I. Pantella Stephanie L. Rickards Corrigan Charity Feichtel Roth Marsha L. Stiles Evett Vega Kathleen Aguanno Zurenko

2000 Total Giving: $4,524 6% Participation Heritage Club Jeremy M. Straub Founders’ Club Margaret L. Buss Ashley J. Heiberger Colonial Club Michael R. Gedraitis Allison D. Harteveld Rebekah Worthington Massey Brian D. Unangst Heather Wickmann Watt Greyhound Club Gordon W. Frack Jr. Margaret M. Frantz Lisa G. Hahn-Egan, Ph.D. Jocelyn Eisenhart Kilhefner Douglas M. Kleintop Ostomy Matthew Diane Annes Mizerak Matthew B. Peak Robert Petrosky Timothy J. Pfluger Mary Lowrey Toczek Stephen M. Van Horn David W. Zimmerman 2001 Total Giving: $6,002 8% Participation Comenius Society Philip J. Black Hal A. Long Monocacy Club Rebecca Matijasich Stadelmeyer

Founders’ Club Amy DePuy, M.D. Kimberly S. Ghali-Rao, D.M.D.

Summer Miller Morris

Colonial Club Dustin Levy, Ph.D. Sarah Parker Makovsky Michael H. Milunec Torine E. Pasek Christopher M. Watt

Adrienne Krosecz

Greyhound Club Lynda Roney Collier Patrick D. Collier, D.P.T. Hilary J. Constable Amalia G. Dignetti Alexander W. Egan Douglas E. Gold, D.C. Erin E. Jennings Mollie Rade Magnotta Vera Marston Allison Fisk Mootz Carole R. Olszewski John D. Rhinehart Paulette A. Roberts Keri A. Schantz, Esq. Wilkinson C. Smith Heather Strizalkowski Stegmaier 2002 Total Giving: $9,596 8% Participation President’s Associates Brian J. Corvino Comenius Society Julie Jones Shilane, Ph.D. Monocacy Club Matthew W. Seaman Christopher S. Szutar Founders’ Club Josh W. Cesare Katie Copf Van Der Linden Colonial Club Michelle Hoopes Treichler Autumn H. Zander Greyhound Club Kevin R. Bush Melissa Herzog Cerco Andrew J. Cerco Allison Kuntz Chruscial Shawn D. Collier Kristie M. Cupples Scott A. Heydt Patricia Smith Hoyt Christina L. Mondschein

Robert W. Morris Debra L. Noble Suzanne C. O’Connor Schultz Inna Kolesnikova Scully Emily J. Shertzer Amanda Rissmiller Williams

2003 Total Giving: $3,285 9% Participation Monocacy Club Kelly McLean Rindock Joshua D. Weaknecht Founders’ Club Catherine Halley McCormick Victoria Homko Piccotti Colonial Club John A. Cupples IV Scott S. Zientek Greyhound Club Justin W. Arnold Dennis F. Batovsky Charles L. Bowden Jon R. Buskirk Vincent P. Cowlishaw Timothy C. Deily Daniel E. Diefenderfer Richard A. Fehr Lori B. Geisinger Jennifer L. Genevese Alisa Anderko Gonzalez Wilson Gonzalez Kenneth C. Greb William B. Harris Richard C. Kulp III Dina M. Liberatore Whitney A. Moore Jarrod M. Pence Alyson L. Remsing J. William Reynolds Jarod F. Rhinehart Jeremy C. Sawruk Patrick J. Sinclair Kristin L. Vazquez 2004 Total Giving: $10,573 7% Participation President’s Associates Jaime Marks Corvino Comenius Society Borko Milosev

Monocacy Club Heidi Keglovits Caldwell Ethan J. P. Ordog, Esq.

Raymond J. Costello

Kristin E. Schol

Melissa Duarte Daley

Emilia C. Suarez

Alyssa C. DeSimone

Gerald J. Venturino

Founders’ Club Marissa Weaknecht Ambron, D.O. Charles DePuy Carrie L. Fellon Michael D. Grillo, Esq. Greta L. Kistler Kaitlyn Cerco McKittrick Scott T. Williams

Jennifer Kunes

Courtney L. Werner,



Justin P. Driscoll

Bryan S. Wolf

Brynn Chromiak

Brendan J. Wright,



Colonial Club Jennifer Hastings Deily Melissa Soroka Williams

Carlye Roth Koehler

Greyhound Club Kimberly A. Broadbent Brynn Saltzer Buskirk Matthew J. Donnelly Amy Kish Dreisbach Janice E. Farber Gary N. Fehnel Anthony C. Iannetta Rebecca S. Kalapay Kelly Warner Kulp Stephen J. Maslanek Kristen Kuchera McNeal Anthony M. Merz Joel Bart Messick Joshua C. Miller Brooke Ehasz Rhinehart Tracy E. Smith

Joseph M. Moyer, Esq.

2005 Total Giving: $5,681 9% Participation Comenius Society Charlsie Keefe James Todd R. James

Greyhound Club Shannon Gardner Bakros Jamie Hillegass Bigley Joseph J. Bigley Lindsey M. Brychta Neil V. Caniga Eric J. Cuevas Stacee L. Cupples John D. Donofrio Carolyn Elliott Evans George J. Gray James A. Greene Matthew T. Hovey, Esq. Lauren D. Johnston Stephanie Seaman Kennedy Bryan D. Kohlbecker Kevin B. Landis Heather L. MacDonald Rebecca E. Moore Angela Delonti Munley Rebecca Yany Orwig Timothy A. Reinhart

Monocacy Club Daniel A. Corey Heather McGarvie Corey Founders’ Club Katie M. Suib Cathleen Lavelle Williams Colonial Club Michelle Lala Clark Andrew J. DeAngelis, Ph.D. Rebecca S. Stewart Courtney A. Wertman- Stambaugh Greyhound Club Lucio J. Alercia Mario J. Bevilacqua Christine A. Bobick

Jacqueline Collette

Fox, Esq.

Annette Heimsoth Frederick Amy B. Kranchalk Regina A. LaCaruba Ruth Ann Moyer Stephanie Beitler

Rauch-Mannino, Esq.

Guy R. Read Sheila Lichtenwalner Sacks Alison Stoyko Tannous

2006 Total Giving: $2,089 8% Participation Monocacy Club Amanda M. Logan Colonial Club Scott J. Burke Amy R. Frantz Gregory K. Rarick

2007 Total Giving: $1,970 8% Participation Colonial Club Kelly M. Applegate Julia E. Gasdaska Jennifer Marie Gillard Daniel A. Gohdes, Esq. Jennifer Connolly Rarick Greyhound Club Katie Custer Arnold Scott M. Best Laura Sahlender Boyer Tyler K. Boyer Matthew R. Brehm Anthony B. Gro Tatiana L. Hernandez Thomas J. Hirsch Amanda J. Jenkins-Ford Kyle A. Keller Eric M. Kratz Christina M. LaVecchia Samantha A. Madison Jillian Mlynek McMullen D. Patrick McMullen Travis C. Nace Sylvia Anna Paz Marissa Sharon Ramirez Angela Colon Rivera Valerie Korsak Sharkazy Scott G. Shelbo Lucas M. Sherry Amanda Birosik Shilko Emily R. Starner Jeremy R. Walker Brittany L. Zebro 2008 Total Giving: $2,503 8% Participation Founders’ Club David F. Carr Jessica Preston Grillo Daniel G. Soares Colonial Club John C. Mikovits

Consistent Giving Society



FALL 2014

Sabrina E. Ruch

Rachel M. Feinstein

Nancy Schreefer

Greyhound Club Eric E. Adams Matthew D. Adams Laura A. Bauer Robert J. Bernadyn Daniel M. Bobick Allison R. Boyd Keith R. Brotzman Brandon J. Cohn Joshua A. Collis Dana M. DeAngelis Daniel C. DeRicco Nikki Benson Falcone Rachel E. Fast Kristopher B. Foulk Ann Mease Gibson Alexandra Picone Gro Jill Hardy Todero Taylor S. Knabb Tammy Smith Kovacs Brett C. Kulak Jessica A. Lord Marta Kokoszka Marques Omar F. Ramirez Rebecca Angstadt Roche Geoffrey M. Roche John P. Wagner Bradford J. Wankewicz

Thomas R. Fischbach

Cruz B. Sierra

Perry R. Freifeld

Philip M. Spence

Raymond Garcia

Ashley M. Stone

Angela M. Geosits

Sarah Ann Thomas

2009 Total Giving: $5,843 11% Participation Heritage Club Joseph P. Durso Monocacy Club Deborah Martin Arner Founders’ Club Brian M. Hanchick Colonial Club Nicole H. Dorney Emily M. Gibbons Alicia Abbuhl Gohdes Paul G. Mack Jeremiah D. Reinhart Greyhound Club Katarina A. Birle Laura K. Boyd Meredith Wertheim Brehm Keith W. Danner Melanie E. DeSanctis Keith W. Feinman

Anthony Giovannini Marisa A. Gurnari Tyler R. Hersch Susan L. Herschlag Paul C. Jackson MaryKate Kelly Thea M. Kennerknecht Amanda J. King Alicia D. Kresley John W. McCullough Felicia R. Mercadante Timothy J. Murphy Hakim A. Myers Helen Benson Nace Carl P. Robinson Deborah Snyder Kristin M. Staunton Danielle Sacco Swiss Matthew W. Swiss Jason P. Tosches Matthew J. Velekei Andrew W. Waggoner Kasey Lund Walker Alan L. Woods Karen M. Zavecz

2010 Total Giving: $1,384.00 6% Participation Founders’ Club Dylan S. Stroup Colonial Club Matthew R. Bross Michael J. Zubia Greyhound Club Michael J. Bishop Christopher J. Boyle Kristen E. Connerat Matthew O. DeJesus Brian R. Dencker Chelsea N. Dotta Danielle C. DuBois Caitlin V. Fischer Dana L. Haslett Joseph D. Melchionna Mark William Newman Derek S. Protasiewicz Ryan M. Rempe Paul W. Richards Rachel E. Riggs

2011 Total Giving: $2,730 10% Participation Monocacy Club Corey C. Koenig Colonial Club Ravjot K. Chana Lucas A. Smith Hongbo Hannah Yang Greyhound Club Anisa Kocher Albertson Louisa T. Ansell Lizzette D. Arias Constance Asoh David J. Bennett Vanessa C. Bernardo Robert C. Brown Daniel J. Cancelliere Brian K. Cleaver Cassandra Cleveland Daniel B. Cress Christopher J. Cullen Thomas J. Dailey Kristy L. David Alexandra E. Frensky Kelly L. Grab Maryann Salamone Gross Alex J. Hersch Brian T. Hunscher Daniel M. Kane Nancy Shively Kichline Michael A. McClarin Kevin T. McCullough Jacob A. Millen Chelsea Dolan Mohapp Christopher J. Mohapp Thomas F. Mulligan Rebecca Christine Reeser Rebecca A. Renaldo Gregory J. Rittenhouse Jessica M. Rosato Timothy F. Smetana Christina Q. Vo Morgan Dotta Zaharchuk

2012 Total Giving: $3,691 11% Participation Comenius Society Andrew J. Shreter Founders’ Club Matthew W. Gibson Matthew A. Lutcza David J. Zubia Colonial Club Emily E. Cohen Greyhound Club Melissa S. Andreas Brittany M. Beard Nikos Bilianis Alexandra L. Blair Jaclyn S. Borden Elizabeth Ann Brundage Jennifer W. Buck Nicole M. Churilla Niccolo J. Dalpiaz Douglas P. DiMattia Jami L. Fein Diana M. Feldmann Edward P. Flaherty Patrick J. Gordon Nicholas J. Guerriero Megan Hallowell Ian W. Heck Lindsay N. Henkelman Kevin R. Holze Mark A. Hop Anne S. Joseph Alissa M. Lastres Carolyn A. Latkovich Natalie C. Lawrence Timothy A. Layng Michelle M. Martino Edmond F. Matta Brian J. McCoy Justin M. Miranda Seth C. Payne Jesse P. Peterson Allen W. Petros Jr. Katherine J. Pritchett Melissa D’Italia Sajban Gregory C. Scarlato II Blake W. Shortall Gregg A. Steinman Courtney A. Totten Brianne Underwood David L. Wacker Jr. Britany M. Wallace Kelsey E. Walsh Anna M. Whetstone Michael D. Zanoni

thank you

2013 Total Giving: $1,303 11% Participation Colonial Club Michael W. O’Gorman Greyhound Club Michael A. Battipaglia Marla R. Bianca Gabriella A. Breithaupt Arielle J. Brent Kristian J. Cantens Evan F. Carney Nicholas J. Clingan Katie L. Consales Stephen L. Cunningham Steven N. Delturk Margaret A. DeOliveira Felicia V. Diaz Jessie L. Ervin Nathaniel K. Ferraro Mona Lisa Gonzalez Kyle C. Goodbred Megan E. Gumpper Sasha R. Halasz Edward M. Harper Brian P. Heffern Benjamin S. Heiserman Matthew R. Johnson Travis A. King Stevie N. Klie Bradley H. Kutcha Nokukhanya Langa Micah E Leonard Vincent A. Leone Asia L. McNeil Shannen J. Mohr Albert C. Moran Ryan J. Onushco Emma D. Pacheco Christianna A. Rocco Anna M. SantaMaria Samantha R. Sheridan Troy J. Silfies Kyle R. Stackhouse Ian J. Vogler David M. Walp Katelyn A. Weiss Amanda J. Werner Melissa L. Zirkel

Shauna A. Abdouche Kelsy-Ann S. Adams Jeffrey C. Algor Jr. Alicia S. Altemose Hayley M. Althouse Samuel A. Ansman Justen M. Anthony Daniel J. Aquilino Craig M. Arner Lindsay A. Bacovin Myles V. Barros Samantha L. Bartley Jessica A. Bassil Lisha M. Baurkot Jennifer Beierle Shelby K. Bharrat Ericka M. Blair Michael T. Bonavita Sarah D. Boorujy Demitra Brenhuber Danielle N. Brogan Kelly M. Brown Amar Buljko Craig C. Bunting Shane R. Burcaw David E. Burke Francis S. Butash Maria T. Cafferata Margaret E. Callahan Marissa D. Cantelmi David R. Cariello Laura N. Casey Dante G. Casolaro Amanda E. Cavoto Genevieve H. Chaleff Harry S. Chilingerian Stephanie L. Christ Lori A. Chunko

Fernando J. Cifuentes Caroline M. Clark Mark A. Cole Michael W. Corman Melissa E. Cottone Cory M. Creen Robert T. Cressman Jennyfer M. Cruz Cameron B. Cullen Arielle D’Achille Ruben D. De La Cruz Francis J. DeFelice

2014 Total Giving: $4,167 57% Participation Colonial Club Nicole A. Baldelli Greyhound Club

Angela M. DelGrosso Rachel M. DeLucia Jaclyn M. DeStefano Julian T. DiGiacomo Justin Dilts Taylor A. DiSora

Consistent Giving Society FALL 2014



Why I GIve

Alexis T. DiStefano

Thomas J. Lazaro

Alycia A. Sabol

Erin E. Dolan

Jennifer Elizabeth

Allison R. Samson


Laudi H. EL-Kareh

Kate M. Saunders

Anders P. Engman

Kimberly A. Lescowitch

Alicia M. Schmeltzly

Catherine L. Ernst

Melissa A. Licata

Eric D. Schultz

Christina M. Estadt

Timothy M. Lorah

Daniel F. Seitzinger

David A. Fahim

Catherine M. Makoski

Miranda L. Sergas

Gina G. Farquhar

Sami Mamari

Laura J. Shearman

Dylan D. Fatzinger

Thomas H. Mariano

Justin C. Sinkbeil

Daniel M. Ferman

Leah K. Masterson

Amanda L. Smilgis

Brian J. Fisher

Eavan M H Matz

Jennifer N. Smilgis

Nicholas K. Fitzsimmons

Katelyn R. Maula

Matthew J. Smith

Cody S. Florindi

Steven W. Maurer

Timothy M. Smith

Presenting opportunities for others

Melissa A. Follett

Erica L. McGettigan

Ashley M. Smith

Wendy V. Fomby

Lindsay M. McGovern

Kasey L. Smith

Harrison E. Fonteix

John J. McHugh

Robert Solano

Alexandra N. Fontini

Tyler W. Merrick

Christopher P. Soltys

When I think about my life and where I am now, I know that I wouldn’t be where I am today without the help of others. I feel that even at a young age I was able to understand people, and what they were feeling, in a deeper way than most. Perhaps it was growing up with a single mother that made me more in tune; I’m not really sure. But what I do know is that this sense made it possible for me to build lasting relationships with all kinds of different people from different places. Growing up with just my mother, I needed this extra sense. When I think about it now, I can begin to appreciate how hard it was for my mom to raise my sister and myself on her own. But when I was growing up, I only knew that I wanted all the things I saw the other kids had: a big house, cool gadgets, and the feeling of happiness. The reason I donate is because it provides opportunity for others without as many resources. My mom needed help outside of the two jobs she worked and that assistance usually came from family, friends and random acts of kindness. It was all that giving that made it possible for my sister and I to have a Christmas, birthday and even college experiences. I still get chills when I think back to my junior year at Moravian College and how close I was to having to leave school. All of my hard work in the classroom, time spent bonding with friends, and the feeling of community I had been able to grow seemed as if it was going to be taken away from me. My mom had told me, “I simply can’t afford to send you to school this semester.” Hearing that at my age felt like the end of the world. But then something incredible happened that forever changed me. People at Moravian stood up and volunteered to help. They didn’t treat me like a student, they treated me like family. And as family, even those who didn’t really know me, made sacrifices so that I could continue my education at Moravian. Because of the love and graciousness I felt at Moravian answering the question of why I give is very simple. I give because I want to be that family to someone else. — By Hakim Myers ’09

Patrick H. Foose

April E. Micci

Cassandra D. Spatz

Nicholas F. Forouraghi

Joel R. Middleton

Kyle F. Spence

Anthony S. Gallo

Taylor N. Mihalik

Logan T Stano

Danielle A. Garzillo

Daniel D. Miksiewicz

Rebecca S. Stenger

Julian J. Gentile

Kevin P. Miller

Connor S. Stone

Erin M. Gilbert

Matthew J. Mitchell

Katelynn N. Strohl

Trevor A. Glanville

Thomas S. Motko

Megan Marie Strohlein

Karli A. Gnehm

Deja N. Moyer

Lauren A. Sumereau

Chelsea L. Grotyohann

Robert G. Moyer

Rubina S. Swavely

Kenneth R. Gula

Hannah K. Moyer

Ryan N. Teed

Matthew D. Gutkes

Patrick J. Murnin

Elizabeth D. Tillou

Benjamin R. Hammel

Chelsea M. Mursch

Kelly M. Torres

Alyssa E. Hann

Briana Newman

Leann M. Ventriglia

Christina M. Hardock


Erica L. Venuti

Gregory J. Hargrave

Adrienne R. O’Gara

Nicole M. Volk

Peter C. Harper

Jacqueline C. Olmstead

Brigid C. Walker

Kaila M. Heydlauf

Nicole M. Oren

Melissa V. Walters

Casey L. Hilferty

Katie E. O’Rourke

Kassandra L. Ward

Keith J. Hinds

Stephanie Ortiz

Brian M. Welsko

Kirsten A. Hinkin

Kelsey A. Ottey

Catherine N. Wherry

Caitlyn M. Holland

Sarah J. Pallitta

Brittany Wilczewski

Melissa K. Hosni

Jennifer M. Parodi

Tara A. Williams

Ariel E. Hudak

Anthony M. Perez-

Loretta B. Womelsdorf

LEFT: The son of a single mother, Hakim Myers ’09 cherishes his family and

their time together. In the photograph, Myers is joined by his mom, Jennifer, and sister, Kianah, in Times Square. Myers also works in New York City, serving as an account executive at RIGhT: Embraced by the College’s community as a student, Myers feels a tremendous bond with his Moravian classmates. Pictured (from left) are Matt Garr ’08, Myers, Jon Csaszar ’08, John Wagner ’08, Evan Weidaw and Stevie Strohl ’08.


Lindsay M. Huff

Mark A. Wunderly

Alex V. Huynh

Jaleesa K. Peters

Frank T. Yannotta

Jason M. Jamula

Mary Petrik

Kate S. Zien

Ashley M. Jean

Kayla M. Poole

Charles E. Zimnik

Rachel M. Johnson

Vincent R. Reed

Kristopher F. Joint

Andrew M. Reinhard

Laura A. Jordan

Hilary J. Reis

Amanda M. Kafes

Katelyn M. Remp

Sara R. Kaskowitz

Brett T. Rentzheimer

Rameet Kaur

Carol D. Repyneck

Kyle R. Kersting

Zachary P. Retalis

Christina M. Kiewkajee

Anika K. Riaz

Kelsey L. King

Adam S. Rinaldi

Christopher J. Klump

Adele M. Roda

Jennifer L. Kober

Jocelyn M. Rodrigues

Macaire E. Kolchin

Alicia M. Roeder

Emily N. Kontra

Kathryn E. Romig

Kara E. Lasky

Rachel A. Ruisard Consistent Giving Society



FALL 2014

Seminary alumni and friends Evangeline Bahnson Smith Society

Rev. Cheryl A. Stoneback ‘04

Members of the Evangeline Bahnson Smith Society are those supporters of Moravian Theological Seminary who have made a gift of $1,000 or more during the last fiscal year, at the following giving-club levels: Mission Leadership Society (Gifts of $100,000 and Above) Moravian Church, Northern Province Moravian Church, Southern Province

Rev. Lunnett M. Hilliard ‘10 Mr. C. Cassard Kaesemeyer Rev. Dr. Nola R. Knouse ‘09 Larger Life Foundation Honorable Wilma A. Lewis

President’s Circle (Gifts $10,000-$49,999) Rev. Dr. Janice ‘82, ‘91 & Mr. Thomas Young

Rev. Anna Deppen Lutz ‘70 Yvonne Thompson Maddox, Ph.D. Ms. Sherry Mason Brown Rev. Dr. Elizabeth D. Miller ‘85 Mr. H. William Mitchell*

Dean’s Circle (Gifts $5,000-$9,999)

Rev. Dr. Christine L. Nelson

Colleen Workman ‘60 &

Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Roberts

Dr. & Mrs. Ervin J. Rokke

James O.* ‘47. ‘49 Bruckart

Jane Young ‘69 & James L. ‘70 Regina

Rt. Rev. M. Blair Couch ‘78

Mrs. June Zimmerman ‘54

& Mr. Warren Gericke

& Rev. Dr. Richard I. ‘54 Shamel

Mrs. Roy C. Haberkern

Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. Sittenfeld

Mr. & Mrs. J. Robert Hess

Rev. Cheryl A. Stoneback ‘04

Mr. Bruce W. Marold ‘12

Rev. Dr. Heather Hartung

Mrs. Lynn Aprill Webb ‘11

& Mr. Gary Vacek

Rev. Dr. Walter H. &

Professor’s Circle (Gifts of $1,000-$4,999) Mr. & Mrs. Adam F. Ambielli Mrs. Janet Outten Amos ‘43* Rev. Dr. Deborah A. Appler & Mr. William Arnold Karen ‘88 & Jose P. Arencibia Kathy Lynn & Robert E. ‘80 Beitler Constance L. & David E. ‘88 Bennett Mr. Stephen D. Black Mr. & Mrs. James O. Burri Busy Workers Society Mr. & Mrs. R. Franklin Chitty Jr. Evelyn Trodahl ‘68 & Richard Chynoweth Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Crawford Dr. Audrey West & Rev. Dr. Frank L. Crouch ‘80 Mrs. Mary C. Dull Rev. Patricia F. Garner ‘98 & Mr. Harold H. Garner Jr. Ms. Lea B. Glembot Ms. Sallie L. Greenfield Bryon L. Grigsby, Ph.D. ’90 Ms. Amy S. & Rev. Dr. David B. ‘86 Guthrie Mr. James A. Hancock Jr. Mr. Carl J. Helmich Jr. ‘53, ‘57 Mrs. Joy G. & Rev. James T. ‘75 Hicks

Rev. Deborah M. Wagner

Rev. Christian D. Weber ‘52 Mrs. Priscilla Wolle Seminary Alumni

Trustee Circle Rev. Dr. Janice M. Young ‘82, ‘91 President’s Associates Rev. James O. Bruckart ‘49* Rt. Rev. M. Blair Couch ‘78 Mr. Bruce W. Marold ‘12 Mrs. Lynn Aprill Webb ‘11 Heritage Club Rev. Dr. Frank L. Crouch ‘80 Rev. Dr. Nola R. Knouse ‘09 Rev. Dr. Elizabeth D. Miller ‘85 Rev. Dr. Richard I. Shamel ‘54 Comenius Society Mrs. Karen A. Arencibia ‘88 Rev. David E. Bennett ‘88 Rev. Dr. Douglas W. Caldwell ‘69* Rev. Patricia F. Garner ‘98 Rev. David B. Guthrie ‘86 Mr. Carl J. Helmich Jr. ‘57 Rev. Lunnett M. Hilliard ‘10 Rev. Anna Deppen Lutz ‘70

Rev. Christian D. Weber ‘52 Rev. David L. Wickmann ‘67

Monocacy Club Rev. Dr. Elaine Fenstermacher Bogert ‘79, ‘82 Rt. Rev. Dr. D. Wayne Burkette ‘69 Rev. Carol Hart Campbell ‘89 Rev. J. Michael Dowd ‘71 Rev. Dr. Eileen Edwards ‘05 Mr. Gregory S. Ellis ‘07 Mrs. Erdmute Frank ‘03 Rev. Jane Keogh Harberg ‘91 Rev. James D. Hejl ‘81 Rev. Gary T. ‘83 & Mrs. Linda H. Marsh Rev. Dr. William H. McElveen ‘58 Mr. William C. Needs ‘63 Rev. Dr. Gordon L. Sommers ‘61 Mrs. Pamela M. Weiss ‘99 Rev. Stuart N. Zimmerman ‘78 Founders’ Club Rev. Dr. Craig D. Atwood ‘87 Rev. Hartmut Beck ‘50 Dr. Ronald R. Cavanagh ‘63 Rev. Wolfram Fliegel ‘56 Rt. Rev. Paul A. Graf ‘64 Rev. Charles T. Harberg ‘67 Rev. Dr. Willard R. Harstine ‘62, ‘86 Rev. Anthony Hayworth ‘08 Rev. Dr. James S. Hilander ‘51 Rev. John D. Hoenig ‘80 Mr. Darryl S. Jeffries ‘69 Rev. Franklin C. Jones ‘65 Mrs. D. Jane Joyce ‘93 Rev. Dianne Murray Kareha ‘93, ‘97 Rev. Roy E. A. Ledbetter ‘74 Rev. Norman E. Prochnau ‘62 Rev. John G. Rights ‘95 Rev. Dennis G. Rohn ‘70 Rev. Canon Gwendolyn Jane Romeril ‘81 Rev. George R. Scilley ‘58 Rev. Richard L. Sides ‘75 Rev. Robert T. Stevens ‘94 Rev. Robert L. Strauss ‘84 Rev. Dr. Craig S. Troutman ‘82 Rev. Katie Copf Van Der Linden ‘06 Rev. Aden A. Ward ‘71 Rev. Bruce M. Weaknecht ‘81 Rev. David F. Weyant ‘75 Mrs. Louise H. Young ‘90

Colonial Club Rev. Dr. Becky J. Beckwith ‘97 Ms. Kelly Howard Brooks ‘05 Rev. David R. Burkette ‘57 Rev. Carol Packer Dague ‘90 Rev. David D. Danneberger ‘75 Rev. M. Lynnette Delbridge ‘84 Rev. Brian R. Dixon ‘05 Rev. Wilfred L. Dreger ‘45 Rev. Robert F. Engelbrecht `56 Rev. Dr. Donald C. Esslinger ‘82 Rev. Terry L. Folk ‘78 Ms. Judith Ganz ‘08 Rev. David C. Geyer ‘97 Rev. William E. Gramley ‘62 Rev. David M. Henkelmann ‘57 Rev. Melissa Hertzog Johnson ‘01 Rev. R. Burke Johnson ‘67 Rev. Glenn F Jurek ‘64 Rev. Dean R. Jurgen ‘81 Rev. William B. Kerner ‘62 Rt. Rev. Douglas H. Kleintop ‘75 Rev. Dr. Stephen O. Nicholas Jr. ‘67 Rev. Charles Otto ‘03 & Ms. Margaret Gorman Rev. Catherine A. Parsons ‘95 Rev. Helen R. Pearson ‘93, 97 Rt. Rev. Graham H. Rights ‘60 Ms. Charlotte G. Rosenberger ‘92 Rev. Arkon G. Stewart ‘90 Rev. Dr. Glen W. Stoudt ‘77 Rev. Gary M. Straughan ‘66 Mr. Stanley Emmanuel Theodoredis ‘14 Rev. Richard J. Thierolf ‘78 Rev. Lynne D. Trout ‘05 Rev. Margaret Braden Wellert ‘99, ‘00 Rev. Carol L. West ‘00 Greyhound Club Rev. Robert G. Aregood ‘88 Mr. Michael W. Barnett ‘03 Rev. Jane A. Bender ‘97 Rev. Bradley L. Bennett ‘84 Ms. Jacqueline Billy ‘97 Rev. Walter C. Bishop ‘05 Rev. Karl F. Bregenzer ‘48 Rev. Q. Ray Burke III ‘77 Dr. Joseph R. Chuk ‘84 Ms. Julie Noyes Cook ‘87 Rev. Cheryl G. Cottingham ‘08 Rev. Steve E. Craver ‘77 Mrs. Susan Crawson-Brizzolara ‘15 Rev. Canon Virginia Rex Day ‘93 Rev. Dean A. Easton ‘05 Rev. Charles W. Fishel `63

Consistent Giving Society FALL 2014



thank you Rev. Carol A. Foltz `78 Rev. James L. Gill ‘89 Rev. Stephen A. Gohdes ‘86 Rev. Dr. Amy Gohdes-Luhman ‘93

Trustee Circle Evelyn Trodahl ‘68 & Richard Chynoweth IBM Corporation

Rev. John Everard Griffith ‘69 Rev. John D. Groblewski `90 Rev. Dr. Gene E. Handwerk ‘77, ‘82 Rev. Milton Hartentstine ‘71 Thomas J. Haupert, Ph.D. ‘69 Rev. Marvin R. Henkelmann ‘53 Ms. Therese M. Hero ‘95

President’s Associates Bryon L. Grigsby, Ph.D. ‘90 Mrs. Roy C. Haberkern Mr. & Mrs. J. Robert Hess Larger Life Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. Sittenfeld

Mr. Gregory A. Krausz ‘02 Rev. Reid P. Lauderman ‘10 Rev. Linda Leuser ‘08 Rev. Gordon B. Mowrer ‘89, ‘92 Rev. Jack T. Nance ‘65 Ms. Susan Kisthart Nenstiel ‘13

Heritage Club Mr. & Mrs. Adam F. Ambielli Mrs. Janet Outten Amos ‘43* Mr. James A. Hancock Jr. Mr. C. Cassard Kaesemeyer Mr. H. Wiliam Mitchell* Mrs. Priscilla Wolle

Rev. Jimmie L. Newsom Sr. ‘64 Rev. James C. Newsome Jr. ‘87 Ms. Carol Olzinski ‘10 Rev. Mary L. Plummer ‘04 Ms. Robin Lynn Reinhard ‘13 Rev. Janel Rice ‘05 Rev. Dawn R. Richie ‘03 Rev. James V. Salzwedel ‘61 Rt. Rev. Dr. Edwin A. Sawyer ‘38 Rev. Dr. Robert E. Sawyer ‘67 Rev. Marlin L Schaffstall ‘59 Rev. Eric J. Schulze ‘53 Rev. Dody S. Siegfried ‘02, ‘09 Rev. Robert H. Smith ‘61 Rev. Maria Evola Spada ‘89 Rev. Earl E. Stephan ‘57 Rev. Canon Jane B. Teter ‘83, ‘85 Rev. Allen. D Timm ‘92 Rev. C. Scott Venable III ‘79 Rev. Dawn Gibson Volpe ‘85 Rev. Nancy R. Von Boeckmann ‘83 Rev. John B. Wallace ‘84 Rev. Dr. John Henry Winlick ‘68 Rev. Warren D. Wenger ‘45 Seminary Friends

Moravian Circle Moravian Church, Northern Province Moravian Church, Southern Province Chairman’s Circle Anne McCandless ‘79 & Kenneth J. ‘79 Rampolla

Mary Kramer ‘69 & Jeffery I. ‘65*

Mrs. Rose Eifert Nehring


Mrs. Mary Ellen Binder Orben ‘42

Ann C. ‘08 & Mark J. Gibson

Wayne C., Esq. ‘61 & Sandra Shugart

Mr. & Mrs. William F. Graham Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. John P. Sorenson

Great Kills Church

Estate of Jessie J. Stone*

Mr. Robert T. Hauck

Mr. Paul R. Yochum

Mr. & Mrs. Roger K. Hockaday Ms. Donna D. Hurt

Rev. Diana Hill ‘93 Mrs. Patricia Smith Hoyt ‘11

Home Moravian Women’s Fellowship

Comenius Society Rev. Dr. Deborah A. Appler Kathy Lynn & Robert E. ‘80 Beitler Mr. Stephen D. Black Mr. & Mrs. James O. Burri Busy Workers Society Mr. & Mrs. R. Franklin Chitty Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Crawford Mrs. Mary C. Dull Patricia H. & Mark A. ‘78 Fried Ms. Lea B. Glembot Ms. Sallie L. Greenfield Joy G. & James T. ‘75 Hicks Johnson & Johnson Company Ms. Judith Plocher Kaaua ‘67 Ms. Bertie Francis Knisely ‘69 Honorable Wilma A. Lewis Yvonne Thompson Maddox, Ph.D. Ms. Sherry Mason Brown Rev. Dr. Christine L. Nelson Jane Young ‘69 & James L. ‘70 Regina Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Roberts Dr. & Mrs. Ervin J. Rokke Rev. Dr. Heather Hartung Vacek Rev. Dr. Walter H. Wagner & Rev. Deborah M. Wagner Monocacy Club Mr. Frank E. Driscoll Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Frey Mrs. Richard B. Gillett Mr. & Mrs. Cromer R. Grubbs Jr.

Founders’ Club Mrs. Julie Anderson Atwood ‘88 Ms. Susan L. Canfield Rev. Dr. Howard H. Cox Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Hanson Ms. Marcella Kraybill-Greggo Mr. Anthony Luciano Ms.Martha March Karen Bruckart ‘72 & Henry G., Jr. ‘71 Naisby Ms. Jean H. Siftar Mr. & Mrs. Halfred C. Smith Ms. Jane Frankenfield Weber ‘79 Mr. & Mrs. John E. Williams

Mr. Earl Jackson Mr. Edmund W. Johnson Mrs. Alice C. Johnson Mr. Lawrence Johnson Jordan United Church of Christ Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kennedy Dr. & Mrs. Roland R. Liebenow Mr. Frederick G. Lowrey Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Dale A. Lucas Luther Crest Resident’s Spiritual

Life Committee

Mrs. Emilie B. Manning Mr. & Mrs. Peter V. Meyers Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Glen Moore

Colonial Club Mr. & Mrs. David P. Ambler Mr. Albert Atwood Mr. & Mrs. Dennis M. Bielen Mr. & Mrs. Ben M Cahill Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Frank W. Crouch Mr. & Mrs. R. Michael Cude Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John E. Dewees Ms. Sylvia Muller Doyle ‘14 Mr. James A. Gold ‘98 Mr. & Mrs. M. Keith Kapp Lehigh Valley Health Network Mr. & Mrs. Jim Pettit Mrs. Kathryn Shamel Mr. & Mrs. Norman Trapp Ms. Henrietta Turner Margaret & Theodore E. ‘60 Wilde Rev. Dr. R. Jane Williams

Mr. Kevin Moyzan Ms. Rebecca Kleintop Owens ’95 Mrs. Mildred B. Park Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Perryman Mr. Douglas Rabbach Ms. Angela Colon Rivera ‘07, ‘14 Mr. Anderson Roberts Mr. & Mrs. James T. Roland Ms. Julie A. Rucks Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Rudy Ms. Mildred Saderholm Mr. & Mrs. Jerry D. Saunders Mrs. Madelyn R Schalow Doris Wood & David A. ‘60 Schattschneider Rev. Dr. Stephen A. Simmons Mr. & Mrs. John P. Smeltzer Mr. & Mrs. I. B. Southerland III Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Starbuck

Greyhound Club Mrs. Betty Lou Kohl Baker Miss Darlene Bucher Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Carter Mrs. Ruth Burns Carver Mr. & Mrs. Edwin F. Coble Mr. & Mrs. John W. Denham Mr. Stuart Joseph Ferguson Mr. Gilbert L. Frank Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Frey

Ms. Fay M. Thomas Mr. H. Douglas Walker Mrs. Irma Williamson Mrs. Linda C. Wisser Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Zimmerman

Consistent Giving Society



FALL 2014

Ms. Julia E. Gasdaska ‘07

faculty, staff and trustees

Rev. Dr. Steve R. Gordy

Present and emeriti members of Moravian College and Moravian Theological Seminary faculty and staff, as well as current Moravian trustees

Mrs. Deborah J. Hinkel

Miss JoAnn M. Grandi Rt. Rev. Douglas H. Kleintop ‘71, ‘75 Dr. David L. Langhus

Moravian Circle Mr. DeLight E. Breidegam Jr. Mr. Frederick A. Reinhard

Dr. Herman E. Collier Jr.

Dr. Joel D. Wingard

Mr. Jeremiah D. Reinhart ‘09

Mr. Jon B. Conrad ‘82

Mrs. Susan Overath Woolley

Dr. John V. Reynolds Dr. Edward A. Roeder

Rev. David B. Guthrie ‘86 Mrs. Patricia A. Murray Hanna ‘82

1742 Circle Mrs. Sally Breidegam Miksiewicz ‘84* A. Kathrine Miller, Ph.D. ‘34* Mrs. Betsey Tait Puth ‘51

Dr. Linda Heindel Rev. James T. Hicks ‘75 Ms. Amy Lou Johnson Ms. Bertie Francis Knisely ‘69 Dr. Eva Leeds Dr. Heikki E. Lempa

Chairman’s Circle Mr. Curtis H. Barnette Mr. Ray S. Bishop Jr. ‘81 Mr. Kenneth J. Rampolla ‘79

Honorable Wilma A. Lewis Dr. Nicole L. Loyd Yvonne T. Thompson

Maddox, Ph.D.

Dr. Santo D. Marabella

Trustee Circle Dr. G. Clarke Chapman Mrs. Evelyn Trodahl Chynoweth ‘68 Mr. Robert P. Flicker ‘71 Mrs. Deborah Oplinger McKinnon ‘73 Parry J. Miller, M.D. ‘66 Honnie P. Spencer, M.D. ‘90 Rev. Dr. Janice M. Young ‘82, 91

Mrs. Carol Ann Modjadidi Rev. Dr. Christine L. Nelson Dr. Gary L. Olson Mr. Bryan Peacock Mr. Mark F. Reed Dr. Ervin J. Rokke Joseph M. Shosh, Ph.D. ‘88 Dr. Janet A. Sipple Dr. Donna G. Smith Dr. Kay B. Somers

President’s Associates Mr. Brian J. Corvino ‘02 Rt. Rev. M. Blair Couch ‘78 Mr. Michael M. Ellis ‘72 Mrs. Genevieve Riordan Gee ‘43 Bryon L. Grigsby, Ph.D. ‘90 Mr. Andrew W. Hart ‘90 Mr. J. Robert Hess Mr. Robert J. Schoenen Jr. Dr. Bettie Moretz Smolansky Heritage Club Mr. Gary A. Carney Mr. Gregory Christensen Rev. Dr. Frank L. Crouch ‘80 Mr. Scot J. Dapp Mr. Robert K. Gratz ‘75 Rev. Dr. Elizabeth D. Miller ‘85 Ms. Anne M. Myers Reid Dr. Gordon Weil Comenius Society Rev. Dr. Deborah A. Appler Mrs. Karen A. Arencibia ‘88 Mrs. Karen Bader Rev. David E. Bennett ‘88 Mr. Stephen D. Black

Dr. Susan Martin Studds Dr. Lori J. Toedter Rev. Dr. Heather Hartung Vacek Rev. Dr. Walter H. Wagner Mr. James R. Walker Mr. Michael P. Wilson Dr. Robert R. Windolph

Monocacy Club Mrs. Ruth Calvo Dr. Bernardo J. Cantens Dr. Benjamin Coleman Miss M. Lillian Davenport Dr. George S. Diamond Rev. Dr. Eileen Edwards ‘05 Ms. H. Paty Eiffe Mr. John J. Gehman Drs. Dorothy & Dennis G. Glew Dr. Ruth Roberts Hailperin Ms. Dawn M. Ketterman-Benner Kelly K. Krieble, Ph.D. ‘86 Dr. Janet S. Loengard Mr. Gary M. Martell ‘76 Ms. Patricia A. Price Mrs. Carole Ann Reese Dr. Martha Reid Mr. Walter F. Williams

Founders’ Club Mr. Harold C. Anderson Dr. Mary E. Arenas Rev. Dr. Craig D. Atwood ‘87 Mr. James E. Barnes Dr. John R. Black Mr. George J. Boksan ‘78 Dr. Carole K. Brown Rev. Dr. Howard H. Cox Rev. Dr. Willard R. Harstine ‘62,’86 Mr. Ashley J. Heiberger ‘00 Rev. Dr. James S. Hilander ‘48, ‘51 Dr. Curtis A. Keim Dr. Lizabeth Kay Kleintop Ms. Marcella Kraybill-Greggo Ms. Linda Hulse LaPointe ‘93 Dr. John W. McDermott Dr. Joanne M. McKeown Mrs. Carol J. Meixell Ms. Erika Bayles Mondok ‘90 Mrs. Susan Sikora O’Hare ‘74 Mr. Douglas J. Plotts Mr. Joseph L. Powlette ‘60 Mr. John D. Rossi, III ‘97 Mrs. Monica Schantz Mr. Richard R. Schantz Dr. G. Alden Sears Dr. Alicia N. Sevilla Dr. James V. Skalnik Mr. Arthur W. Smith Jr. ‘68 Ms. Mary Beth A. Spirk Dr. Carol A. Traupman-Carr ‘86 Rev. Katie Copf Van Der Linden ‘02, ‘06 Dr. Barbara Vinciguerra Rt. Rev. Dr. Kay K. Ward ‘80 Mrs. Jane Frankenfield Weber ‘79 Mr. Neil Wetzel Dr. Stacey B. Zaremba Colonial Club Mr. William F. Bauman ‘74 Mrs. Dawn L. Buck Mr. Richard J. Churilla Mrs. Ann McKittrick Claussen ‘74 Rev. Brian R. Dixon ‘05 Ms. Sylvia Muller Doyle ‘14 Mrs. Bonnie Jean Falla Rev. Dr. William S. Falla

Mrs. Shelley A. Speirs Mrs. Anita K. Tannous Mr. Robert J. Ward Rev. Margaret Braden Wellert ‘99, ‘00 Dr. Debra Wetcher-Hendricks Rev. Dr. R. Jane Williams Mr. Joseph E. Williams ‘70

GREYHOUND Club Ms. Anisa Kocher Albertson ‘11 Mr. Christopher S. Basile Ms. Shelley Sorensen Bauder Mr. James W. Beers ‘89 Dr. Jane A. Berger Dr. Hilde Binford Mrs. Lisa Gianotti Brand Mrs. Marie T. Breisch Dr. Robert T. Brill Dr. George D. Brower Mr. John C. Byrne ‘82 Mrs. Catherine L. Dantsin Mrs. Elaine Newton Deitch Dr. John R. Dilendik Dr. Theresa A. Dougal Dr. Dana S. Dunn Mrs. Theresa C. Eddinger Mr. Kevin P. Edwards ‘96 Ms. Amy Endler ‘93 Ms. Jessie L. Ervin ‘13 Mrs. Janice E. Farber ‘04 Mr. Terence J. Fitzpatrick Mr. Edward P. Flaherty 12 Dr. Michael J. Fraboni Rev. Dr. Amy Gohdes-Luhman ‘93 Mrs. Regina Liberto Gower Mr. Ronald C. Haas Ms. Megan Hallowell ‘12 Dr. Joyce A. Hinnefeld Ms. Mary Anne B. Hoffman Dr. Donald W. Hosier Mr. Scott C. Hughes Dr. Diane W. Husic Mr. H. Benjamin Jacoby, III Dr. Daniel Jasper Ms. Amanda Jenkins-Ford ‘07 Dr. Ronald J. Kline Dr. Helen Kohler Dr. Astrid B. Kromayer Mr. Louis V. Lanza

Consistent Giving Society FALL 2014



thank you Mr. John Makuvek Jr.

Mr. Joseph T. Perno

Ms. Amy W. Saul

Dr. Paige Thompson Wendling

Dr. Albert H. Martin

Dr. Jason H. Radine

Ms. Suzanne Marie Schamberger

Mrs. Janet A. Wallace

Ms. Jeanne B. Masters

Mr. Vince P. Ramunni ‘90

Rev. Dr. David A. Schattschneider ‘60

Ms. Cathy M. Welsko

Ms. Lynn M. Masters

Dr. James J. Ravelle

Dr. Doris Wood Schattschneider

Miss Debra A. Williamson

Mrs. Michelle A. Matuczinski

Dr. Linda Light Ravelle

Dr. Michelle E. Schmidt

Dr. Hans M. Wuerth

Dr. Robert H. Mayer

Ms. Alyson L. Remsing ‘03

Ms. Martha K. Schrempel

Ms. Elizabeth Yates Seaman

Ms. Marty J. Moyle

Ms. Angela Colon Rivera ‘07, ‘14

Dr. Nathan B. Shank

Ms. Carole R. Olszewski ‘01

Mrs. Carla E. Ross

Rev. Dr. Stephen A. Simmons

Ms. Rose Panik

Ms. Laurie M. Roth

Ms. Ashley M. Stone ‘10

parents and grandparents

Current and past parents and grandparents of Moravian students

Moravian Circle Mr. & Mrs. DeLight E. Breidegam Jr. P ‘84 Mrs. Gloria J. Miller P ‘70 Mr. & Mrs. Fred Reinhard P ‘86, P ‘90

Mr. & Mrs. Mark F. Miller P ‘00 Ms. Pamela Moshini P ‘10 Margan Sztuk ‘82 & George F.

Mulvaney P ‘16

Dr. & Mrs. Terence O’Rourke Sr. P ‘86 Mrs. Doreen H. Paynton P ‘89

1742 Circle Mrs. Sally Breidegam Miksiewicz ‘84 P ‘14, P ‘16, P ‘18*

Dr. Joseph Pena & Dr. Karen Cortellino

P ‘17

Barbra & Kurt J. ‘89 Poling P ‘17 Mr. & Mrs. Andre Python Jr. P ‘11

Trustee Circle Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Brewer P ‘11 Mr. J. Robert Hess P ‘81

Ann H. & Peter A. ‘76 Raines P ‘10,

P ‘12

Mrs. Barbara Reimers P ‘92 Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Savite P ‘13, P ‘16

President’s Associates Dr. & Mrs. David R. Taschler P ‘16 Ida E. & David B., M.D. ‘71 Vasily P ‘02 Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Weller P ‘06

Mr. & Mrs. William F. Shortall P ‘12

Heritage Club Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fox P ‘87 Mrs. Margaret Taylor P ‘75, P ‘82 Mr. & Mrs. Russell Truscott P ‘14

Monocacy Club Mr. & Mrs. Tomas C. Bamberger P ‘89 Dr. Bernardo J. Cantens P ‘13 Mr. & Mrs. Louis J. Chomo P ‘85, P ‘87, P ‘89 Mr. & Mrs. L. Thomas Hornberger P ‘98 Mr. & Mrs. John Jamula P ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Chris Luke P ‘15 Catherine C. & James A. ‘82 McAdoo P ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. James McLean P ‘03 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Pavia P ‘13, P ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. John A. Post P ‘05 Mr. John L. Reed Jr. P ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. James E. Reese P ‘00 Dr. & Mrs. Robert Ruggiero Sr. P ‘85 Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Runne P ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. William Seitzinger P ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Walter F. Williams P ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. James Zien P ‘14

Comenius Society Mr.* & Mrs. J. Richard Beltram P ‘75, P ‘83 Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Case P ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Clark P ‘12, P ‘14 Dr. & Mrs. Herman E. Collier Jr. P ‘86 Joan Kiefer ‘86 & Todd J. ‘87 Dickinson P ‘16 Dr. Don C. Follmer P ‘77 Mr. Robert J. Fulmer P ‘87, P ‘92 Mrs. Joan Gilbert P ‘80, P ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hanson P ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Hastings P ‘04, P ‘15 Mrs. Betty Kuklentz Doyle P ‘68, P ‘76* Mr. Ronald L. Miksiewicz ‘84 P ‘14, P ‘16, P ‘18

Mr. James R. Walker P ‘07 Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Wilson P ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Ed Zondag P ‘13

Founders’ Club Mr. Harold C. Anderson P ‘04, P ‘05, P ‘08 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Boland P ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Bross P ‘10 Mr. & Mrs. John H. Byrne P ‘82 Mr. & Mrs. John Cave P ‘83 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Corey P ‘05 Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Drown P ‘16 Mrs. Grace Wilkinson Dunkley P ‘78 Dr. Peter Guidon P ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. James Haddad P ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hinkle P ‘17 Mr. & Mrs. Craig Kern P ‘17 Christy Piazza ‘91 & Richard J. ‘89 Krouse P ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Maher P ‘08 Mr. & Mrs. William Makoski P ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. William McKinley P ‘11, P ‘17 Carol J. & Daniel L. Meixell P ‘00, P ‘01 Mr. Elias Mourani P ‘02 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Moyer P ‘05 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mummey P ‘15 Mrs. Mary Poulson P ‘08 Mr. Jerry Pritchett P ‘12 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Renna P ‘12 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Rosko P ‘15 Dr. & Mrs. William Santoro P ‘11 Mr. & Mrs. Gerard L. Saraceni P ‘94 Mr. & Mrs. William J. Schade P ‘01 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Schulter P ‘97 Mr. & Mrs. David M. Setley P ‘04 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sinnig P ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Starner P ‘01 Mrs. Helen P. Strunk P ‘73 Mr. & Mrs. James F. Swartz Jr. P ‘86 Mr. James Werner P ‘13 Mr. & Mrs. Cary M. Wilson P ‘99 Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. Zacheis P ‘07

Colonial Club Dr. & Mrs. John W. Adamus P ‘07 Mr. & Mrs. Louis T. Alexander P ‘04 Patricia J. & Nicholas J. ‘76 Ampietro P ‘17 Mr. & Mrs. Hans P. Birle P ‘09 Yvonne Lettiere ‘77 & John T. ‘76 Boyer P ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Brower P ‘87 Mr. & Mrs. John Brown G ‘18 Mr. & Mrs. Ken Buck P ‘06, P ‘10, P ‘12 Mr. & Mrs. J. Vincent Byrne P ‘02 Christina Haas ‘83 & Richard J. Churilla P ‘12 Sylvia Muller ‘14 & Michael Doyle P ‘17 Mrs. Paul J. Endler P ‘93 Mr. & Mrs. Ben E. Evans P ‘04 Mr. & Mrs. Jay M. Feinman P ‘09 Mr. & Mrs. Jon Fineman P ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Fydryszewski P ‘09 Mr. & Mrs. David G. Givler P ‘15 Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Steve R. Gordy P ‘01, P ‘05 Ms. Linda Gotzon P ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Edward R. Helfers P ‘11 Deborah J. & David J. Hinkel P ‘03, P ‘04 Mr. & Mrs. Randy Knecht P ‘15 Ms. Kerry L. Kushinka P ‘09 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Layng P ‘12 Dr. Gerald S. Lefever P ‘01, P ‘09 Mr. J. Thomas Long Jr. P ‘09 Mr. & Mrs. John J. McGettigan P ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. McGrath P ‘10, P ‘15 Maryann & Pharon L. ‘87 Metzger P ‘17 Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Miller P ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. John T. Morrow P ‘16

Consistent Giving Society



FALL 2014

Susan Traficante ‘84 & Paul

Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Campbell P ‘98

Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Everett P ‘04

Mr. & Mrs. John Raymond Howard

Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Carney P ‘13

Dr. & Mrs. Domenic Falco P ‘88

Dr. & Mrs. Ray A. Moyer P ‘01

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Carver P ‘15

Ms. Cynthia M. Fanning P ‘16

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Horwarth P ‘17

Mr. & Mrs. Glenn B. Murray P ‘95

Rev. Tom Castlen P ‘15

Janice E. ‘04 & Chris Farber P ‘17

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hudak P ‘14

Mr. & Mrs. Gary O. Nace P ‘07

Mr. Michael J. Cavoto P ‘04

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Faust P ‘16

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Imhof P ‘86

Mr. Charles V. Osborne Jr. P ‘70

Mr. & Mrs. Jason Charlie P ‘17

Mr. & Mrs. David A Feather P ‘95,

Mr. H. Benjamin Jacoby III P ‘15

Mr. & Mrs. Francis Poling P ‘89

Mr. & Mrs. William V. Chepauskas

Mr. & Mrs. Matthew E. Jaffe P ‘00

Dr. & Mrs. John V. Reynolds P ‘03,

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Fenning P ‘17

Mr. & Mrs. Brian Jeffries P ‘17

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Chiarella P ‘11

Mr. & Mrs. Giovanni Ferraro P ‘17

Mrs. Barbara M. Jones P ‘08

Mrs. Virginia Geiger Shaffer P ‘97

Mr. & Mrs. William Childs P ‘17

Mr. & Mrs. William Ferry P ‘91

Mr. & Mrs. Willard Jones P ‘17

Mr. & Mrs. Gary Siepietowski P ‘15

Dr. & Mrs. Raffy Chilingerian P ‘14

Mr. & Mrs. John Fitzsimmons P ‘14

Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Jones P ‘17

Mr. & Mrs. John R. Sini P ‘95

Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Christman P ‘16

Mr. & Mrs. Douglas R. Fiumara P ‘16

Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Jordan P ‘14, P ‘16

Mr. & Mrs. Keith Skorton P ‘13

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Cicalese P ‘17

Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Flood P ‘10

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Kashmer P ‘15

Mr. & Mrs. John C. Smith P ‘16

Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. Clemons P ‘16

Ms. Robin Florindi P ‘14

Ms. Kathleen Keays P ‘17

Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Stenger P ‘13

Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Cohen P ‘14

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Fontini P ‘14

Mr. & Mrs. William E. Kellow P ‘16

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Tannous P ‘03

Ms. Gwendolyn A. Colegrove P ‘07

Mr. & Mrs. James W. Frankenfield P ‘04

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Kish P ‘89

Ms. Tamala Toleno P ‘15

Mr. & Mrs. Fred E. Cook P ‘97

Mr. & Mrs. A. T. Frink G ‘16

Mr. & Mrs. Karl Klaus P ‘09

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ventriglia P ‘14

Mr. & Mrs. Warren S. Corman P ‘14

Mr. & Mrs. James A. Gallagher

Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Kline P ‘97

Mr. & Mrs. Dale Wertman P ‘03, P ‘05

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Costantino P ‘04

Dr. Ronald J. Kline P ‘07

Mr. & Mrs. William E. Young P ‘10

Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Countess P ‘16

Ms. Theresa Gallagher P ‘15

Mrs. Joanne E. Klo P ‘94

Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Craig P ‘92

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Gassner P ‘07

Mr. & Mrs. John Kolchin P ‘14

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Csencsits P ‘84,

Mr. & Mrs. John Gavaghan P ‘13

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kolen P ‘89

Mr. & Mrs. George Geisinger P ‘03

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Koles P ‘09

Mr. & Mrs. James C. Cullen P ‘11, P ‘14

Mrs. Mija Gellerman P ‘99

Mr. & Mrs. Karl D. Korsak P ‘07

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Czarnecki

Ms. Juanita George P ‘17

Mr. & Mrs. John Kratch P ‘15

Mr. & Mrs. Roy Gibson P ‘12

Mr. & Mrs. Harrison M. Kresley P ‘09

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dalickas P ‘15

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gill P ‘01

Dr. Astrid B. Kromayer & Mr. Peter

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Dalpiaz P ‘12

Maj. & Mrs. Walter Gill P ‘15

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Davis P ‘15

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Gioia P ‘15

Mrs. Carol A. Krum P ‘95

Ms. Margaret DeAntonio P ‘15

Mr. & Mrs. John R. Goodbred P ‘08

Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Krupa P ‘10

Ramon J. Deeb, M.D. P ‘91

Mr. & Mrs. Eric Gordon P ‘12, P ‘15

Mr. & Mrs. Alexander P. Kubat P ‘91

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Delia P ‘17

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel M. Gottshall P ‘17

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lambright P ‘15

Mr. & Mrs. Dale Dengler P ‘16

Mr. John Gotzon P ‘15

Mr. & Mrs. Craig Larimer P ‘17

Mr. & Mrs. William J. DeNitzio P ‘12

Mr. & Mrs. Roger Gower P ‘16

Mr. & Mrs. Antoine Latour P ‘90

Mr. & Mrs. Charles DePuy P ‘01, P ‘04

Mr. & Mrs. Ricky Gower P ‘05

Mr. & Mrs. Carl P. LaVo Jr. P ‘01

Mrs. Sheri DeShields P ‘09

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Granahan P ‘13

Mr. & Mrs. Gerard J. Lawrence P ‘04

Mr. & Mrs. John Deutsch P ‘17

Ms. Robin Greengrove P ‘15

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Leedom P ‘14

Mr. & Mrs. Scott T. Diehl P ‘05

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Grigsby P ‘12

Mr. & Mrs. Rusty Lewis P ‘12

Mr. & Mrs. George DiLullo P ‘06

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Grotyohann P ‘14

Mr. & Mrs. Edward E. Little P ‘94

Mr. & Mrs. Donald Dimler P ‘12

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Grube P ‘11

Mr. & Mrs. Adelino Lopes P ‘15

Mr. & Mrs. Michael DiSora P ‘14

Ms. Christina Guarino P ‘17

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Loughery P ‘16

Ms. Victoria DiTomasso P ‘17

Mr. & Mrs. David Hagerty P ‘17

Mr. & Mrs. James Lyle P ‘17

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dizinno P ‘13

Mr. & Mrs. Norman Hait P ‘15

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. MacDonnell P ‘16

Mr. & Mrs. Edward J Dobry Jr. P ‘02

Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Halasz P ‘13

Mr. Timothy Mager P ‘17

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Dombrowksi

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Halliday P ‘17

Mr. & Mrs. Allen J. Magrini P ‘10

David J. Hanes, M.D. P ‘16

Mr. & Mrs. John Makuvek Jr. P ‘84

Mr. & Mrs. James B. Downey P ‘16

Mr. & Mrs. James R. Hardin P ‘91

Mr. & Mrs. Frank L. Maltino P ‘15

Mr. & Mrs. James Doyle P ‘12

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Haymaker P ‘05

Mr. & Mrs. Mounzer Mamari P ‘14

Mr. & Mrs. Wayne F. Dries P ‘07

Mr. & Mrs. Donald Heffern P ‘13

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Mammana

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Drozd P ‘14

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Heffner P ‘17

Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Eddinger P ‘05

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Henly P ‘86

Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Marcks P ‘16

Mr. & Mrs. Carl W. Edinger P ‘98

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel E Heydt P ‘02

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Marinaro P ‘17

Mr. & Mrs. John F. Eisenhart P ‘04

Mr. Robert J. Hinkle Sr. G ‘17

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Martino P ‘16

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Engelmann P ‘16

Mr. & Mrs. John W. Hobaugh P ‘99

Dr. & Mrs. James M. Mason P ‘16

Mr. & Mrs. Craig P. English P ‘14

Susan & William R. ‘83 Hoke P ‘16

Mr. & Mrs. William Masterson P ‘14

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ercolano P ‘11

Mr. & Mrs. John Hosty P ‘17

Mrs. Michelle Rogers Matuczinski

Moscatello P ‘16

P ‘11

Greyhound Club Mr. & Mrs. Sean Adams P ‘14 Mr. Nicholas Altebrando P ‘17 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Altemose P ‘91 Mr. & Mrs. Godwin Alukpe P ‘17 Mr. & Mrs. Bill Anastasopoulos P ‘17 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Arner P ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Avender P ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Baal P ‘01 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Baez P ‘17 Mr. & Mrs. Donald Barbadora P ‘89 Mr. & Mrs. Francis B. Barron P ‘86 Mrs. Shirley Bauer P ‘12 Mr. & Mrs. Warren Bechtel P ‘88 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A Beck P ‘92 Ms. Hannah B. Beckley P ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Donald Bell P ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. John P. Beniamino P ‘13 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Benonis P ‘10, P ‘13, P ‘17 Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Bianco P ‘13, P ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Black P ‘01 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Blackledge P ‘03 Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Bobick P ‘05 Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Bogart P ‘17 Mr. & Mrs. Brian Bortz P ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Edson Bosch P ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Boyer P ‘07 Mrs. Eleanor Braun P ‘84 Mr. & Mrs. Carey Brinckman P ‘06 Mr. & Mrs. David Brocket P ‘17 Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Brown P ‘14, P ‘17 Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Buckno P ‘15 Dr. & Mrs. Steven Bunting P ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Ralph F. Bush P ‘02

P ‘16

P ‘89

P ‘09

P ‘11

P ‘98, P ‘07

P ‘07

Mr. & Mrs. Barry Ernst P ‘14

P ‘03

Kromayer P ‘76

P ‘01

P ‘00, P ‘02

Consistent Giving Society FALL 2014



‘It’s Important to Give Back Because of all that I’ve Gotten’ By Matt Morgan



Dan ‘08 and Christine ‘05 Bobick, both Comenius Scholars, credit scholarships for allowing them to attend Moravian College. Today, the siblings are faithful donors hoping to provide the same educational opportunities they had to future generations.

Why I Give Siblings Christine ’05 and Dan ’08 Bobick Explain Moravian’s Impact Helping others isn’t exactly a family motto for Christine and Dan Bobick, but it’s close. Their father is a minister, and as a result the siblings were always involved in their community. Christine Bobick ’05 remembers her and her brother, Dan ’08, putting together care packages for needy families at Thanksgiving and donating toys at Christmas time. Serving people was the driving force of many family activities. It wasn’t something they needed to verbalize because it was the language they spoke. “It’s just what you do as an outgrowth of your faith,” Christine says. “It’s not something I even think about. It’s just something you do.” It’s no surprise that Dan and Christine have continued helping others as adults. Dan, an aspiring minister, is a director with MFP Strategies in Bethlehem, where he helps clients plan for retirement. Christine works as a paralegal and contracts administrator for Ikaria, a pharmaceutical company that delivers innovative therapeutics to meet the needs of critically ill patients. Their jobs aren’t typical helping professions but, more importantly, they fit their personalities and skillsets well. Both have careers that allow them to make a difference in people’s lives. Initially, Christine started her career working in litigation, but grew tired of the legal back and forth. When she started to look for other work, Ikaria stood out because of the company’s objectives: helping those in need. “It’s one of the things that drew me to this company,” Christine says. “It really seemed to speak to me. This is a pharmaceutical company that is helping critically ill newborns.” Christine, who majored in English, has always been a meticulous reader. For Ikaria, she reviews many of the company’s contracts. She believes her service-oriented approach makes her co-workers more willing to come for assistance, which in turn helps the company’s products reach more sick children. Likewise, Dan felt working with an investment company was one way he could use his mathematical talents while working with people. Dan started with MFP Strategies in school and was offered a full-time position when he graduated. Today, he negotiates with 401k providers like Fidelity and T. Rowe Price on behalf of organizations to get employees the best bang for their retirement buck. “I’m helping people be more financially successful, and it will lead them to be able to do the things they want to do in the future,” Dan says. “They can retire with more dignity.” FALL 2014

True financial freedom is something both the Bobicks can appreciate, and they have Moravian College to thank in part. When applying to colleges, Christine and Dan were both offered financial aid through Moravian’s Comenius Scholars program. This financial aid allowed Christine and Dan to graduate nearly debt free and pursue their preferred careers. The siblings are quick to say they couldn’t have attended Moravian without scholarships and are glad they didn’t miss out on an experience that helped shape who they are. Attending a smaller school gave the siblings more opportunities to participate and lead. While at Moravian, Dan founded a campus ministry group that still exists today. The work he did in that group inspired him to pursue a career in ministry. He currently takes classes at Westminster Theological Seminary and hopes to work as a minister when he graduates. “That’s really where I feel ... I’m called to go,” says Dan, noting that the hours he spends at church each week are the most meaningful and joyful time in his life. Christine explains the small classes and community feel of her alma mater made her more outgoing, which helps her stand out in the legal field. “I try to view it not as customer service but that I am there to help people,” Christine says. Dan and Christine want future generations of young people to experience the same education so they are both faithful donors to Moravian. “It’s important to give back because of all that I’ve gotten,” Christine explains. Dan says he never considered not donating when he got his first gift request. Giving back to people who have made a difference in your life is something that you just do. “It’s just one way to show my gratitude and appreciation for what they’ve done for me,” Dan says. MORAVIAN COLLEGE MAGAZINE


thank you Mr. & Mrs. John Maurer P ‘14

Mr. & Mrs. David R. Pateman P ‘17

Mr. & Mrs. Edward H. Silfies P ‘00

Rev. & Mrs. Hermann I. Weinlick P ‘92

Dr. Robert H. Mayer & Ms. Jan

Mr. & Mrs. John Pico P ‘01

Mr. John E. Simone Sr. P ‘15

Mr. & Mrs. Nick Weiss P ‘17

Dr. & Mrs. Michael Pisano P ‘17

Mr. & Mrs. Dale Sinkbeil P ‘14

Ms. Cathy M. Welsko P ‘11, P ‘14

Ms. Jeanne Mazzucco P ‘14

Mr. & Mrs. James L. Poling P ‘91

Mr. & Mrs. Frank W. Sipics P ‘98

Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Werkmeister P ‘07

Mr. & Mrs. William M. McCain P ‘74

Mr. & Mrs. Ken A. Poppe P ‘08

Mr. & Mrs. George Siragusa P ‘17

Mr. & Mrs. Glenn T. Wertheim P ‘09

Mr. & Mrs. John McCarthy Jr. P ‘16

Rev. Nigel S. Powell P ‘15

Mr. & Mrs. David P. Sletner P ‘97

Mr. & Mrs. John Wherry P ‘14

Mr. & Mrs. Foster J. McCoy P ‘12, P ‘16

Mr. Frank J. Preston Jr. P ‘16

Mr. & Mrs. Glen J. Smith P ‘14

Mr. & Mrs. Howard B. White P ‘11

Dr. & Mrs. James L. McCullough

Dr. & Mrs. Rado Pribic P ‘08

Mr. & Mrs. Roland F. Smith P ‘11

Dr. & Mrs. John E. Widger P ‘07

Mrs. Mary Pukszyn P ‘98

Mr. & Mrs. Leroy Smith P ‘17

Mr. & Mrs. Allen Williams P ‘14

Mr. & Mrs. Sean McDermott P ‘17

Mr. & Mrs. John Pulsinelle P ‘16

Mr. & Mrs. John Smull P ‘13

Dr. & Mrs. Francis H. Williamson

Mrs. Renee McGowan P ‘16

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Puszka P ‘17

Mr. & Mrs. James Snyder P ‘03

Mr. & Mrs. James W. McGuire P ‘03

Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd A. Ramsey P ‘00

Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Snyder P ‘98

Mr. & Mrs. James H. Willis P ‘14

Mr. & Mrs. Robert McLaughlin P ‘16

Ms. Joanne Ramundo P ‘13

Ms. Kathleen Snyder P ‘17

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Wolk P ‘14

Ms. Mia Mecleary P ‘17

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Raspe P ‘09

Mr. & Mrs. Irving Soden P ‘99

Mr. & Mrs. James Woodruff P ‘11

Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Messler P ‘98

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Reilly P ‘15

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond A. Soroka P ‘04

Dr. & Mrs. Gary R. Wright P ‘05

Mr. Al Meyering P ‘17

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Reinhart P ‘17

Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Sortino P ‘14

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel M. Yonosh P ‘03

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Michalczyk

Mrs. Tina Remp P ‘14

Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Spirk P ‘85

Mr. & Mrs. Haitham Zaiter P ‘13

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Remsing P ‘03,

Mr. George Staib P ‘15

Mr. & Mrs. Rossano Zanon P ‘14

Mr. & Mrs. John F. Mikovits P ‘03, P ‘08

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Starr P ‘14, P ‘17

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Zapach P ‘96

Mr. & Mrs. Dennis C. Miller P ‘04

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Reyes P ‘17

Mr. & Mrs. James E. Steiner P ‘98,

Mr. & Mrs. Philip Zeiser P ‘15

Mr. & Mrs. James E. Miller P ‘02

Mr. & Mrs. Mohammad Riaz P ‘10, P ‘14

Mr. & Mrs. Warren Ziegenfus P ‘17

Dr. & Mrs. Richard C. Miller P ‘11

Mr. & Mrs. James Ritter P ‘17

Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Sterner P ‘97,

Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Kent Ziegler

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Miller P ‘17

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Roberti P ‘94

Mr. & Mrs. Saverio Miranda P ‘13

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Roberts P ‘87

Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Stewart P ‘05

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Zimmer P ‘10

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Mizack P ‘08

Mr. & Mrs. Kreg Rodrigues P ‘17

Mr. & Mrs. Gary G. Stoudt P ‘98

Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Zimmermann P ‘16

Mr. & Mrs. James J. Molchany P ‘16

Mr. & Mrs. William Rodriguez P ‘15

Mr. & Mrs. Roger E. Straight P ‘17

Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. Zyzniewski P ‘96

Mr. & Mrs. Bassam Moussa P ‘16

Mr. & Mrs. William Roethke P ‘16

Dr. & Mrs. Ralph F. Stroup P ‘10

Dr. & Mrs. James E. Moyer P ‘14

Mrs. Elizabeth Rolley P ‘17

Mr. & Mrs. Clair F. Stroup Jr. P ‘00

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Moyer P ‘16

Mr. & Mrs. Alexander I. Roney P ‘01

Mr. & Mrs. William H. Swick P ‘11

Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Mudd P ‘94

Mr. & Mrs. John Rosato P ‘11

Mr. & Mrs. Chris Tallarico P ‘14

Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Q. Muffley P ‘07

Debora & Michael A. Jr., Ph.D. ‘88

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Tate P ‘01, P ‘16

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mulligan P ‘11

Ms. Susan G. Thunberg P ‘90

Mr. & Mrs. Lewis S. Needham P ‘94

Mr. & Mrs. Henry Rouhana P ‘16

Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Tramontzzi,

Mr. & Mrs. George Neely P ‘17

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ruggiero P ‘10

Mr. & Mrs. Steven Nesbit P ‘08

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Sadowski P ‘12

Ms. Maria Trusa-Stano P ‘14

Mr. & Mrs. David J. Newcomer

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Samanns P ‘16

Mr. & Mrs. William Turner P ‘17

Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Samson P ‘14

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Urbanski P ‘96

Mr. & Mrs. Keith D. Newhard P ‘94

Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Santamaria,

Mr. & Mrs. David Van Fleet P ‘15

Dianne M. & Mark W. ‘10 Newman

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Vanderhoff P ‘11

Mr. & Mrs. Reginald Scantlebury P ‘17

Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Venanzi P ‘02

Mr. & Mrs. Donald Noble P ‘13

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Scheirer P ‘11

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Wagner P ‘11

Mr. & Mrs. Neil O’Connor P ‘02

Mr. & Mrs. Neil J. Schlottman P ‘94

Ms. Alice Wallace P ‘17

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. O’Donnell P ‘16

Mr. & Mrs. Kirk S. Schmeltzly P ‘14

Cheryl B. & John B. ‘84 Wallace

Mr. & Mrs. Peter R. O’Halloran P ‘94

Ms. Elizabeth Schmitt G ‘10, G ‘13

Ms. Carolyn Olenowski P ‘17

Mr. & Mrs. Frederic Schmucker P ‘17

Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Wallace P ‘08

Mr. & Mrs. Francis O’Rourke P ‘14

Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Sculley P ‘03

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Walsh P ‘11

Mrs. Jean E. Otis P ‘79

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew S. Sencindiver

Mr. & Mrs. Martin L. Ward P ‘16

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Owens P ‘06

Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Wasser P ‘17

Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Pagano P ‘08

Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Sestok Jr. P ‘16

Mr. & Mrs. David Weaver P ‘12, P ‘14

Mr. & Mrs. Desmond Parker P ‘86

Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Sheeto P ‘00

Mrs. Maryann K. Weaver P ‘93, P ‘95,

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Parodi P ‘14

Mrs. Caryn Wiragh Shoenthal P ‘87

Dr. Michael Pasquale P ‘16

Mr. & Mrs. Jon Shreter P ‘12

Mr. & Mrs. Brian Weghofer P ‘17

Mr. & Mrs. George L. Pastre P ‘11

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Sickler P ‘16

Muzyczka P ‘13

P ‘11, P ‘13

P ‘94, P ‘99

P ‘05

P ‘14, P ‘16

P ‘07

Rossi P ‘17

Jr. P ‘16

P ‘16

P ‘00, P ‘02 P ‘04

P ‘93, P ‘94

P ‘03

Sr. P ‘11

P ‘10, P ‘16

P ‘98

Consistent Giving Society



FALL 2014

friends of the institution

Friends, corporations, foundations and churches

Moravian Circle Mrs. Helen Breidegam Holly Beach Public Library Association Priscilla Payne Hurd Charitable Lead Unitrust Moravian Church, Northern Province Moravian Church, Southern Province National Science Foundation Mrs. Frederick Reinhard 1742 Circle Mr. & Mrs. Martin Engels Merck Company Foundation Pepsi Bottling Group, Inc. Sodexo Chairman’s Circle Mrs. Curtis Barnette East Penn Manufacturing Company, Inc. Exide Industries Limited Exxon-Mobil Mr. Charles E. Merrill Jr. Charlotte W. Newcombe Foundation RMI Mr. John A. Ross Wells Fargo Foundation Trustee Circle Air Products Foundation Mr. Cyril J. Anderson Mrs. Ardis Vetesk Chapman The ClayMir Foundation, a fund of the Chester Community Foundation Mr. Lowell A. Cook* Crown Battery Duggan & Marcon, Inc. Gopher Resource, LLC Hammond Group, Inc. IBM Corporation Ms. Louise Moore Pine* President’s Associates Air Products & Chemicals, Inc. Mr. Kevin G. Barnes Mr. & Mrs. Daniel D. Breidegam Eden Charitable Foundation Employees of East Penn Manufacturing Company, Inc. General Electric Foundation Harmony Press Inc Highmark Blue Shield Just Born, Inc.

Larger Life Foundation

Mrs. Ruth Calvo

Dr. Arnold R. Cook*


Mr. David C. Chapman

Corporate Environments, Inc.

PPL Corporation

Mrs. Jerline W. Collier

Mr. & Mrs. Fred Dannhauser

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher E. Pruitt

Cornerstone Advisors Asset

Edwards Business Systems

Saucon Mutual Insurance Company

FM Global Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. Jary W. Shimer

Mr. & Mrs. Peter B. Daubenspeck

Mr. Elmer D. Gates

Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. Sittenfeld

Mr. & Mrs. William F. Deibert Jr.

Mrs. John J. Gehman

Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Stark

Orlando Diefenderfer, Inc.

Dr. Brett Godbout

Trans-Bridge Lines, Inc.

Mr. & Mrs. Dennis A. Domchek

Mr. & Mrs. Marc Granson

Vulcan Materials Company


Mr. & Mrs. F. Arnold Heller


Home Moravian Church

Freshpet Kitchens

Gillespie Printing

Mr. Michael J. Klatchak

Ms. Lea B. Glembot

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Langdon

Mr. Richard R. Godber

Meridian Leasing Corporation

Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley

Russell E. & Elizabeth W.

Johnson & Johnson Company

Lehigh Valley Arts Council

National Penn Investors



Mrs. Rose Eifert Nehring

Lutron Electronics Company, Inc.

Norfolk Southern Foundation

Atty. & Mrs. Blake C. Marles

Novartis Pharmaceuticals

Dr. & Mrs. Roger H. Martin


Mr. Paul A. Mess

Mrs. Alice C. Pulley

Dr. Alma A. Miles-Koch

Mr. & Mrs. John D. Rossi Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas O. Minner

Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Schwarz

Mr. & Mrs. Rufus L. Moretz

Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Smolansky

ParenteBeard LLC

Mr. Bernard R. Spirk Jr.

Mr. Donald G. Reinhard

Mr. & Mrs. Adam S. Stauffer

Edward Robinson Trust

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Stevens

Mrs. Ervin J. Rokke

Dr. Christopher M. Thomforde & Dr.

Schall Manufacturing Inc.

Mrs. Nancy C. Schultz

Verizon Foundation

Mrs. MaryAnn Sedlock

Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC

Heritage Club Mr. & Mrs. Michael M. Albarell Association of Independent College & Universities of Pennsylvania Boyle Construction Inc. Dr. Carlson R. Chambliss Mrs. Gregory Christensen Martin D. Cohen Family Foundation Embassy Bank Enterprise Rent-A-Car Company Guardian Life Insurance Company of America Hotel Bethlehem Institute of Management Accountants, Inc. Mr. C. Cassard Kaesemeyer Christian R. & Mary F. Lindback Foundation Mrs. Joyce B. Lyon Martin Guitar Charitable Foundation Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Mr. H. William Mitchell* Olympus America Inc. PNC Bank, N.A. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Mrs. Priscilla Wolle

Management, Inc.

Morgan Foundation Trust Company

Kathy G. Thomforde

Mrs. Marian A Smith Spirk Brothers, Inc. Stevens & Lee Ms. Lorraine Tilney Ms. June T. Watts Weis Markets

Comenius Society Abbott Laboratories Fund Mr. Alvin A. Albright Jr. Allied Building Corporation ArcelorMittal AT&T Foundation Mrs. Karen Bader BankAmerica Foundation Barnes & Noble Bennett, Bricklin & Saltzburg, LLC Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Bowers Dr. Joan Cady Brownstein Mr. & Mrs. James J. Bruder Jr. Busy Workers Society Alvin H. Butz, Inc.

Women’s Fellowship

Willis North America Inc. Ms. Joan M. Wright Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Zimmerman

Monocacy Club Albemarle Corporation Mr. Richard R. Barker Benecon Group Inc. Bethlehem Gallery of Floors Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Brown Jr. Mr. Mark A. Calafati Mr. R. J. Callen Ms. Gretchen Chapman CIGNA Corporation

Founders’ Club Anonymous Donor Adam Meyer, Inc. AXA Foundation Mrs. Margaret Baldock Barclays BASF Corporation Owen M. Bastian, Inc. Mr. James M. Beenders Mr. James T. Best Mr. & Mrs. Douglas J. Bouquard B. F. Brown & Company, Inc. Ms. Susan L. Canfield Ms. Martha Chapman Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Demshock Exelon Corporation Mr. & Mrs. Howard B. Foltz Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Fox Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Haines Mr. Albert H. Hauber, IV

Consistent Giving Society FALL 2014



thank you

Ms. Mary Ellen Herzog

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Long

Becker Professional Review

Diageo North America Foundation, Inc.

High Swartz LLP

Macy’s Foundation

Binney & Smith, Inc.

Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas G. Dicerbo

Mrs. Jean G. Kessler

Mrs. Josephine McConnell

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Boddy

Mr. & Mrs. Steven A. Diorio


Ms. Gaynelle McKinney

Ms. Tina C. Bonds

Ms. Joanne DiPietro

Mr. Anthony Lasko

Mr. Corey L. Moyer

Rev. Peter L. Bonny

Ms. Louise M. DiSarro

Mr. & Mrs. Randel C Laylon Jr.

Nationwide Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen D. Bower

Ms. Ann J. Dobry

Mr. Robert H. Littner

Northwestern Mutual Life

Ms. Marjorie W. Boyer

Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Dole

Lockheed Martin Employee’s

Ms. Sara L. Boyer

Ms. Maureen A. Dorety

Mr. & Mrs. Glenn V. Perrini

Ms. Llyena F. Boylan

Mrs. Dawn Dubbs

Mr. Anthony Luciano

Precise Landscaping, Inc.

Mr. & Mrs. Aldo Braido

Mr. J. William Earle

Mr. & Mrs. Albert K. Lynn

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Racobaldo

Mr. & Mrs. Edward G. Brey

Mr. & Mrs. Harold J. Eberly Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Masar

Mrs. Erma L. Reed

Mrs. Vickie Brockelman

Mrs. Susan Eiffe Edmondson

Mrs. John W. McDermott

Ms. Berry G. Richards

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Brown

Mr. & Mrs. Vaughn A. Edmunds

Minerals Technology Corporation

RLI Insurance Company

Mr. & Mrs. Roger Brusini

Mr. Charlesworth Edwards

Mr. William J. Morley

Ms. Joan C. Roberts

Mr. Richard L. Button

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Elliott

NJM Insurance Company

Mr. & Mrs. Rodney K. Shane

The Cafe

Ms. Susan Endler

Northwest Comprehensive Inc.

Shearon Environmental Design

Mr. & Mrs. Roque J. Calvo

Erie Insurance Group

Ms. Joan Lardner Paul

Mr. & Mrs. Emil G. Signes

Ms. Marilyn A. Campanelli

Mr. Barry L. Ernst

Pearson Education

Mr. Brian R. Smith

Mr. John J. Campbell

Mr. Bradley E. Ernst

Penn Valley Chemical Company, Inc.

Mr. John H. Smith

Mr. Steven M. Capozzi

Mr. & Mrs. David Escobales

Dr. Paul Peucker

Ms. Karen Smith-Moretz

Mr. Ronald Cardinal

Mr. & Mrs. Scott R. Esposito

Mr. Victor M. Rodriguez Jr.

Stirling Painting & Renovations


Ms. Maria Esposito

Mr. David G. Schappert

Subaru of America Foundation, Inc.

Mr. & Mrs. Lewis D. Carrington

Ms. Lois K. Evans

Schuylkill Valley Sporting Goods

Mr. Robert L. Taetzsch

Catagnus Funeral Home

Mr. John V. Faggione

Mr. & Mrs. John W. Sell

Ms. Henrietta Turner

Ms. Susannah Chapman

Mr. & Mrs. Terence L. Faul

Ms. Jean H. Siftar

Valley National Group, Inc.

Mr. & Mrs. David R. Chepauskas

Mr. & Mrs. Kerry S. Feger

SKF Industries, Inc.

Drs. Joseph & Margaret M. Viechnicki

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Chobot

First Energy Foundation

Ms. Donna L. Snyder

Ms. Linda Weber

Chocolate Lab

Mr. Craig G. Fleishman

Mrs. Ralph J. Wanamaker Sr.

Mr. John C. Williams

Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Ciotto

Mrs. Geraldine G. Flores

Mr. Mark Wels

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Zaloga

Clark Custom Homes, Inc.

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Fritts

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Clee

Garden State Groundskeepers

Mr. & Mrs. Merrill Clouse

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Garvey

Mr. & Mrs. John L. Collins

Mr. & Mrs. James G. Gavin

Rev. & Mrs. Charles E. Colson

Ms. Linda A. Gianni

Mr. Christopher R. Compher

Mrs. Margo Clifford Ging

Ms. Donna M. Conklin

Mr. George Goodman

Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Connell III

Mr. & Mrs. Brian C. Grant

Ms. Lan N. Cooch

Great Kills Church

Mr. & Mrs. George J. Coogan

Ms. Margaret C. Greiner

Mr. & Mrs. Sean T. Cosgrove

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Grossi

L. S. Countess

Mr. & Mrs. Craig Gruchacz

Ms. Joan Crete

Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Haberstumpf

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Cumbo

Mrs. Carol Hafner

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony P. Dalessio

Ms. Jo Ann Haines

Ms. Lucille D’Amboia

Mr. George F. Halfacre

Rev. Kurt Danga-Storm

Ms. Eloise Hall

Ms. Elizabeth V. Dannenfelser

Dr. Coleman R. Hamel

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Dascher

Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Hamilla

Mr. & Mrs. Archie Davison

Ms. Janie J. Hamner

Ms. Janice Deardorff

John Hancock Financial Service

Mr. & Mrs. John W. Denham

Ms. Patricia A. Hanley

Mr. George DeSchweinitz Jr.

Ms. Elizabeth M. Hanshew

Mr. & Mrs. Edmund E. Desmet

Mr. & Mrs. John W. Harris

Mr. & Mrs. John M. Deutsch

Dr. & Mrs. Kyoichi Haruta

Political Action Committee

Insurance Company

Mr. & Mrs. John E. Williams Ms. Margaret Murphy Woodward Young Plumbing & Heating Inc. Yuasa Battery, Inc.

Colonial Club Aetna Foundation, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. Baehser Bechtel Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Dennis M. Bielen Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Bittel BlackRock Chubb & Son Inc. The Clemens Family Corporation Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. Davenport Dun & Bradstreet Corporation GlaxoSmithKline Foundation Mr. & Mrs. John J. Grencer Mr. H. Graham Hill Jr. Mrs. Elizabeth Hittinger Ingersoll Rand Company Dr. Florence C. Kimball Mr. & Mrs. Steven Krawiec Lehigh Valley Health Network

Greyhound Club Ms. Marianne T. Adam Ms. Nancy P. Adams Ms. Barbara Aichele Ms. Sonya M. Alleger AllianceBernstein Allied Personnel Services Mr. Carl W. Allio Jr. AlphaGraphics Mr. & Mrs. Dan Ampietro Mrs. Elizabeth A. Ampietro Mr. & Mrs. Barry M. Anderson Ms. Donna Anthony Apollo Grille Ms. Nancy J. Armstrong B & R Pretzels, LLC Ms. Cynthia A. Bachman Mr. Jeffrey S. Balog Mrs. Pearl A. Banks Mr. Gene Basara Mrs. Patricia Donnelly Bean Mr. & Mrs. Glenn E. Beck Mr. & Mrs. Michael Beck

Consistent Giving Society



FALL 2014

Ms. Dianne C. Hatcher

Mrs. Emilie B. Manning

Ms. Mary Ann Pula

Ms. Alison Snyder

Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Heberline

Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Manus

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur P. Pysher

Mr. & Mrs. Howard A. Snyder Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Helmick

Mr. & Mrs. John R. Marchiando Jr.

Quik Stitch

Ms. Carolyn T. Spinola

Mr. & Mrs. Gordon E. Hendrickson

Ms. Kathleen O. Marinaro


State Farm Companies Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Hengy

Ms. Laura Ann Noversel Martin

Ms. Sallyann O. Ragosta

Mr. & Mrs. William H. Steckel

Mr. & Mrs. Leonard G. Herman

Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Maurer

Mr. Glenn P. Ramirez

Mr. Robert F. Steelman

Mrs. Patricia B. Herman

Mr. & Mrs. Frank S. Mayberry

Ms. Maria T. Ramunni

Mr. & Mrs. Francis E. Steigerwalt

Mr. Kevin B. Herman

Mrs. Gladys S. Mayer

Mr. & Mrs. Keith B. Reed

Mr. & Mrs. Brent D. Stoneback

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey M. Hetrick

Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Mayernik

Mr. Walter Regula

Stoned Crab

Mr. & Mrs. Harry M. Hill, III

Mr. & Mrs. Morgan McCormick

Ms. Eleanor Reinhart

Mr. & Mrs. James C. Stout

Mr. Ron L. Hoffman

Dr. & Mrs. Bruce McCumber

Mr. John J. Remer

Dr. Vincent D. Stravino

Ms. Kathlene W. Hogencamp

Mr. George McDonough

Mr. Robert J. Righi

Mr. Richard J. Strelecki

Ms. Todette L. Holt

Mr. Nicholas McKee

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond P. Robinson

Mr. Richard A. Sullivan

Ms. Emma J. House

Mr. & Mrs. John R. McNeal Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Roethke

Mr. & Mrs. Mike Tavarone

Mr. John J. Houseknecht

Mr. & Mrs. Michael McNeely

Mr. & Mrs. George A. Rollman

Mr. & Mrs. Howard Taylor

Ms. Lindsey S. Hughes

MeadWestvaco Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. John Rorick

Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Thompson

Ms. MaryBeth Sacks Hughes

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew R. Mihalik Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Glenn M. Rossetti

Titus Sports Academy

Instant Replay Sportswear

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen L. Mikochik

Mr. Christopher L. Roth

Toro Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. Randy L. Israel

Ms. Rose Misczuk

Mr. & Mrs. Philip P. Rozewski

Mr. James E. Trach

Mr. A. Terry Jackson

Ms. Cara Beth Mohlmann

Mr. & Mrs. Steve Rubin

Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Tremblay

Ms. Emily G. Johns

Maria Montero, Esq.

Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Rudy

Twisted Olive

Ms. Ellen S. Foscue Johnson

Moravian College Greyhound Camps

Mr. Charles A. Russo

Dr. James Tyler

Ms. Jane Ryan Johnson

Morey, Nee Buck & Oswald, LLC

Ms. Denise Ryan

Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Uhl

Mr. Gerald F. Johnson

Morgan Stanley

Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Sallemi

United Technologies Corporation

Mrs. Jacqueline L. Jonigian

Ms. Shirley Messling Morganelli

Ms. Janice L. Sandt

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Vallese

Jordan United Church of Christ

Ms. Lisa Mori

Mr. Patrick J. Santos

Valley Wide Signs & Graphics

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kennedy

Mrs. Marjorie B. Mott

SAP America, Inc.

Mr. & Mrs. Brian Vayda

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth W. Kessler

Rev. Dr. John E. Moyer

Mr. Bien J. Saysay

Ms. Patricia Vayda Mills

Mr. George F. Kirkpatrick Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Mundt Jr.

Ms. Elizabeth Scarpati

Mr. & Mrs. Gary Wagner

Mr. & Mrs. James J. Kisilewicz

Mr. & Mrs. John F. Murray

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Schaeffer

Mr. & Mrs. Jerome H. Walker

Mr. & Mrs. Sidney D Kline Jr.

Mrs. Dorothy W. Musselman

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Schaeffer

Ms. Elizabeth R. Walter

Mr. & Mrs. David H. Klinges

Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Myrlak

Ms. Jane C. Schaffer

Ms. Nancy Walters

Mr. & Mrs. Jack L. Koehler

Mr. & Mrs. Francis R. Nunan

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Scheltzer

Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Walters

Mr. & Mrs. Karl D. Korsak

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Oechsle

Ms. Alma H. Schlenker

Ms. Marjorie A. Weidner

Mr. & Mrs. John Kovach

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas O’Hara

Mr. & Mrs. Lucas F. Schoeneberger

Rev. Hermann I. Weinlick

Mr. Adrian Q. Kramer

Mr. Paul I. Olsen

Mr. Robert R. Schuster

Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Wells

Ms. Lyn Kamprad Krenz

Ms. Barbara Ottervik

Mr. & Mrs. James I. Schwanda

Ms. Mary A. Wenrich

Ms. Amy M. Kresley

Ms. Christyn Pappas

Mr. & Mrs. Alan L. Schwartz

Mr. Evan Wescoe

Ms. Elizabeth S. Krupka

Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Parish

Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Sebio

Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Wharton

Mr. Lew Kurlantzick

Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Parisi

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Secor

Mr. & Mrs. Fred W. Whipple

Mrs. Margaret A. Kuzma

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher L. Parsons

Ms. Lorraine K. Seitzinger

Mr. Thomas Wiley

Mr. Carmello Lacapria

Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Pashchuk

Mr. & Mrs. Dale D. Sensenig

Ms. Beth A. Wittenberger

Dr. Matthew A. Lang

Mr. & Mrs. James S. Pauloski

Ms. Anna Mae Sergas

Mr. & Mrs. Peter L. Wood

Mr. Lawrence M. Lang

Ms. Shirley J. Peiffer

Mr. Richard C. Sheldon

Mr. & Mrs. Warren C. Wormann

Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Laspopoulos

Penn National Insurance

Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Shontz

Dr. & Mrs. John C.W. Worsley Jr.

Ms. Verna M. Latick

Mr. Conrad W. Perry

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Shontz

Ms. Marie Zaccagnini

Ms. Lois R. Lefevre

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Peters

Mr. & Mrs. James R. Shreve

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Zajac

Ms. Susan M. Lepis

Ms. Michelle Peterson

Rev. Dr. Steven Shussett

Mr. Michael J. Zambelli

Ms. Jean D. Lieberman

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Petriella

Mr. & Mrs. Donald H. Siegfried

Mr. & Mrs. William J. Zavacky

Ms. Faye L. Litzenberger

Mr. & Mrs. John C. Petriello Jr.

Ms. Diane Smereczynsky

Ms. Anne M. Zug

Mr. James D. Loessl

Ms. Ellen M. Petronzio

Mrs. Harriet Smiley

Mr. Anthony Loupos

Ms. Margaret I. Picozzi

Mr. & Mrs. Carl L. Smith Sr.

Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Lukaszczyk

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Piperata

Ms. Christine D. Smith

Mr. & Mrs. James P. Mackin

Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Power

Mr. & Mrs. David A. Smith

Mr. & Mrs. Brian F. Magee

Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Prezuhy Jr.

Ms. Jennifer Smith

Ms. Delia Magee

Mr. Peter Pribula

Deborah Bland & Thomas Smull

Consistent Giving Society FALL 2014



thank you in HONOR of …

Dr. Pamela Z. Adamshick from

Dr. Kerry H. Cheever from

Ms. Stephanie Ortiz ‘14

Rev. Dr. Craig D. Atwood ‘87 from

Mrs. Janet K. Ciganick from

Mr. & Mrs. Albert Atwood

Ms. Donna Keeler from Ms. Dawn Ketterman-Benner from

Mr. Thomas J. Lazaro ‘14 Coach Fran Meagher from Mr. Timothy F. Smetana ‘11

Mr. William F. Bauman ‘74

Ms. Carol D. Repyneck ‘14

Mrs. Kathryn Ozzard Chism ‘77

Dr. Michele August-Brady from

Dr. Vernon & Sister Cynthia

Ms. Marissa D. Cantelmi ‘14

Couillard from

Ms. Katelyn R. Maula ‘14

June Zimmerman ‘54 &

Ms. Adele M. Roda ‘14

Richard I. ‘54 Shamel

Ms. Kate M. Saunders ‘14

Dr. Theresa A. Dougal from

Mrs. Jana Musgnug Dieterich ‘99

Mr. James E. Barnes from

Ms. H. Paty Eiffe

Dr. Claudia Mesa from Ms. Demitra Brenhuber ‘14

Dr. Joanne M. McKeown & Mr.

Charles Dangelmajer

Mr. Daniel Miksiewicz ‘14 from Mr. & Mrs. DeLight E. Breidegam

Dr. & Mrs. George S. Diamond

Mr. Patrick H. Foose ‘14

Richard T. Dundon ‘50

Mrs. Irene Wolinski Fialkowsky ‘77

Mr. William F. Bauman from

Linda Shay, Esq. ‘74 & Neville

Ms. Margaret E. Callahan ‘14

Dr. Shari Uldrich Dunham from

Mr. Brian M. Welsko ‘14

Mr. David A. Fahim ‘14

Dr. Joanne M. McKeown from

Ms. Samantha L. Bartley ‘14

Ms. Genevieve H. Chaleff ‘14

Beloved & Cherished Brother

Gardner P ‘08

Moravian College Graduates from Ms. Kerry L. Kushinka P ‘09 Moravian College Interns from Ms. Kelly Howard Brooks ‘05

Nancy & Robert K. ‘75 Gratz P ‘08

Mr. Zachary P. Retalis ‘14

Mr. Jesse W. Baumann from

Dr. George H. Fairchild from

Ms. Jo Ann Haines

Jr. P ‘84 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas O. Minner

Dr. Gary L. Olson from

Ms. Mary Anne B. Hoffman

Mr. Nicholas F. Forouraghi ‘14

Dr. Kristen Baxter from

Mr. Blair Flimton from

Ms. Patricia Smith Hoyt ‘02

Past & Present Staff of Moravian

Kathleen DelGuercio ‘85 &

Mr. David R. Cariello ‘14 Ms. Kelsey L. King ‘14

Mr. Robert T. Cressman ‘14 Mr. Kevin P. Miller ‘14

Brother David E. Bennett’s ‘88 25th

Rev. Carol A. Foltz ‘78 from

Ordination Anniversary from

Ms. Ashley A. Forsythe from

Great Kills Church

Dr. John M. Bevington from

Jr. ‘79 Kurtz

Dr. Cecilia M. Fox from

Ms. Amanda M. Logan ‘06

Mrs. Cindy Peters O’Neil ‘83

Employees of East Penn

Bryon L. Grigsby, Ph.D. ‘90 from

Joan Lardner Paul

Manufacturing Company, Inc.

Charlene & Walter Bino

Amanda Westphal ‘89 & Conrad J.,

Mr. & Mrs. Dennis M. Bielen

Dr. Robert T. Brill from

Psychology Department from Mr. Dante G. Casolaro ‘14

Cynthia Wiktor ‘81 & George P.,

Mr. Keith J. Hinds ‘14

Mr. DeLight E. Breidegam Jr. from

Mr. Craig C. Bunting ‘14

Rev. Dody Freed Siegfried ‘02

Erol Kececi Ms. Elizabeth S Krupka

Mrs. Mildred B. Park

Ms. Mary Petrik ‘14

Esq. ‘87 Radcliffe

Dr. James J. Ravelle from Ms. Angela M. DelGrosso ‘14 Dr. John V. Reynolds from Mr. Justen M. Anthony ‘14 Mr. Patrick H. Foose ‘14 Mrs. Kelly McLean Rindock ‘03 from

Mr. Samuel A. Ansman ‘14

Ms. Lea B. Glembot

Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Sculley

Mr. Fernando J. Cifuentes ‘14

Mr. Anthony Luciano

Drs. Bettie & Oles Smolansky

Mr. Brian J. Fisher ‘14

Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Rudy

Mr. & Mrs. John Smull

Mr. Cory M. Creen ‘14

Ms. Macaire E. Kolchin ‘14

Ms. Mary Ann Strembo

Rebecca Moore ‘06 &

Mr. John D. Rossi, III from

Mr. Spencer A. Brown from

Mr. Tom A. Tenges ‘70

Ms. Henrietta Turner

Mr. Vincent R. Reed ‘14

Dr. Mary Faith Carson from

Mrs. Irene Silverio Kane ‘76

Mr. Joseph P. Castellano ‘61 from

Patricia Ann & Anthony ‘59 Morelli

Mr. Amos Doran Chapman from

Dr. & Mrs. G. Clarke Chapman

Mrs. Ardis Vetesk Chapman’s 81st

Birthday from

Ms. Gretchen Chapman

Mr. Boaz Dobkins Chapman from

Dr. & Mrs. G. Clarke Chapman

Gretchen Beth Chapman and

her family from

Ms. Martha Chapman

Mr. Lukas Spitz Chapman from

Dr. & Mrs. G. Clarke Chapman

Ms. Susan Vanderbeck

JoAnn B. & Joseph P. ‘61 Castellano Dr. Edward A. Roeder from

Mr. Julian T. DiGiacomo ‘14

Jonathan Winter Mrs. Torine Pasek Yulish ‘01

Richard & Monica Schantz from Rev. Roy E. A. Ledbetter ‘71, ‘74

Father Wayne Killian from

Dr. Khristina H. Haddad from Ms. Catherine M. Makoski ‘14

Dr. & Mrs. James L. McCullough

Mr. & Mrs. M. Keith Kapp Mr. & Mrs. Roger K. Hockaday

Ms. Ariel E. Hudak ‘14

Mr. John J. McHugh ‘14

Dr. Matthew A. Lang from Ms. Hilary J. Reis ‘14

Ms. Jennifer L. Kober ‘14

Ms. Hongbo Hannah Yang ‘11 Dr. Janet A. Sipple from Mr. Richard R. Barker

Ms. Suzanne M. Kompass from

Dr. Joyce A. Hinnefeld from Dr. Frances Irish from

Ms. Nicole M. Oren ‘14 Dr. Nathan B. Shank from

Rev. Dr. Nola R. Knouse ‘09 from Mr. & Mrs. R. Michael Cude Jr.

Rev. Andrew L. Heil ‘12 from

Dr. Michelle E. Schmidt from

Ms. Bertie Francis Knisely ‘69 from Ms. Hongbo Hannah Yang ‘11

Rev. Dr. Craig Hartman from

Ms. Brienne Smith from Ms. Taylor A. DiSora ‘14 Ms. Mary Beth Spirk from Ms. Lea B. Glembot

Mr. James R. Lasko ‘86 from

Christine Chipman, Esq. &

Mr. Anthony Lasko

Mr. Aron Johnston from Ms. Rameet Kaur ‘14

Dr. Eva Leeds from

Dr. Christopher J. Jones from Mr. Adam S. Rinaldi ‘14

Mr. Daniel D. Miksiewicz ‘14 Dr. Heikki E. Lempa from Mr. Timothy M. Smith ‘14

Dr. Gary Kaskowitz from

Susannah Grace Chapman

Mr. Anthony S. Gallo ‘14

and her family from

Ms. Sara R. Kaskowitz ‘14

Ms. Martha Chapman

Mr. Gary M. Martell ‘76 from Mr. Robert G. Moyer ‘14

Theological Seminary from

Barry M. ‘68 Scheinberg, Esq.

Dr. Christopher M. Thomforde from Mr. J. William Earle Dr. Debra Torok from Ms. Megan M. Strohlein ‘14 Mr. Craig A. Underwood from Ms. Brittany Wilczewski ‘14

Consistent Giving Society



FALL 2014

Rev. Dr. Heather Hartung Vacek from

Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Frey

Revs. Deborah & Walter Wagner from

Dr. Debra Wetcher-Hendricks from Ms. Kelsy-Ann S. Adams ‘14

Ms. Kimberly A. Lescowitch ‘14 Ms. Lindsay M. McGovern ‘14

Ms. Margaret Gorman

Dr. Charlotte Rappe Zales from Ms. Kayla M. Poole ‘14

Mr. Jeffrey C. Algor Jr. ‘14

Mrs. Cathy M. Welsko from

Rev. Charles Otto ‘03 &

Ms. Nicole A. Baldelli ‘14

Ms. Chelsea M. Mursch ‘14

Renae & Bruce M. ‘77 Weaknecht from

Mr. & Mrs. M. Keith Kapp

Dr. Stacey B. Zaremba from Mr. Daniel M. Ferman ‘14

Dr. Neil Wetzel from

in Memory of … Mr. Edward S. Augustine from Mrs. Olivia Musselman Barnes ‘38 from

Louise & Thomas F. ‘49 Keim P ‘72

Ms. Bertie Francis Knisely ‘69 P ‘00

Patricia Ann & Anthony ‘59 Morelli

Drs. Bettie & Oles Smolansky Mrs. Ruth Burns Carver Mr. David M. Calvo ‘76 from Ann H. & Peter A. ‘76 Raines

P ‘10, P ‘12

Mr. & Mrs. Louis A. Wasser

Mr. Kevin M. Haggerty ‘73 from

Mr. & Mrs. James J. Bruder Jr. Burkhart Refractor Installation Inc. Mr. Mark A. Calafati

Mrs. Betty Lou Kohl Baker

Joanne & Michael Capozzi

Mrs. Margaret A. Kuzma

Carolina Industrial Products Evelyn Trodahl ‘68 &

Mr. May W. Lanning from Ms. Dorothy M. Decker

Ann H. & Peter A. ‘76 Raines

Mr. Stephen Kuzma ‘42 from

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Hanson

Mr. Robert B. Burns from

P ‘84 Glenn & Dorothy Brobst

Mr. Kenneth E. Kohl from

Marian R. & J. Bruce ‘58 Mumie Rev. Dr. John S. Groenfeldt ‘39, ‘42 from

Mr. & Mrs. George W. Ladd

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Minarovic Jr.

Mr. Roy B. Goshorn ‘58 from

Mr. Kevin G. Barnes

Ms. H. Paty Eiffe

Mr. & Mrs. Xavier March

Mrs. Helen Hofmann Trent ‘71

Mrs. Esther B. Burkhart from

Mr. & Mrs. DeLight E. Breidegam Jr.

Ms. Martha March

Daniel R. Gilbert Sr., Ph.D. from

Maria & Ronald M., DO ‘87 Kriner

Richard Chynoweth Stephen H. Cocks Resource

Mr. Thomas Hofstetter

P ‘10, P ‘12

Mr. Robert E. Jones

Mrs. Martha Stockton Hancock from Mr. & Mrs. William F. Graham Jr.

Conservation Group Constellation New Energy

Ms. Marlene M. Schanz

Gate City Class Company, Inc.

Corson’s Auto Supply

Mrs. Trudy Lanning from

Mr. Charles Cotton

Mr. Thomas Hofstetter

Mrs. Maureen Cashman Campbell ‘57

Karl & Toni Kapp

from Mr. John J. Campbell

Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Miller

Mrs. Beverly Corkhill ‘73 from

Sybil S. & Graham H. ‘60 Rights

Mrs. Ina Kucey Kroc ‘77

Ms. Janice B. Speas

Rev. Dr. Richard J. Manning ‘52, ‘55

Mr. & Mrs. William F. Deibert Jr.

Ms. Sherry Mason Brown

Ms. Alma B. Thompson

from Mrs. Emilie B. Manning

Mr. & Mrs. William Delcmap

Rev. Dr. Mary D. Matz ‘75 from

James & Alice DeLong

Mr. Carl A. Dull Jr. from Mrs. Carl A. Dull Jr. Rev. Charles W. Eichman ‘48, ‘51 from Pamela J. &

Richard J. ‘78 Thierolf P ‘12

Mrs. Lois Yerger Fischel ‘41 from Ms. Margaret A. Fischel Dr. & Mrs. Philip C. Irving Ms. Helene Mulhearn Mr. & Mrs. David C. Porter

Mrs. Nancy Jones Harney ‘74 from

The Doe Run Company

Mary Kramer ‘69 &

Mr. Richard E. Harney ‘75

Ms. Gloria Hauck from

Dor-Mae Industries, Inc.

Jeffery I. ‘65* Fuehrer

The Douglass Group

Mr. & Mrs. William F. Graham Jr.

Mr. Robert T. Hauck

Electric Applications Inc.

Mr. Joseph H. Mayer ‘50 from

Ms. Phyllis Iobst from

Emmaus Construction

Mrs. Gladys S. Mayer

Mr. H. Graham Hill Jr. Rt. Rev. Robert A. Iobst ‘36 from


Mr. Douglas W. McFarland ‘73 from

Exide Industries Limited

Rev. Roy E. A. Ledbetter ‘71, ‘74

Rev. Arkon G. Stewart ‘90 Ms. Donna Jackson from Mr. Earl Jackson

Mrs. Sally Breidegam Miksiewicz ‘84

Exide Technologies


Federated Auto Parts Distributors

Ms. Cheryl Ferrich

Hubert Abner

Mrs. Karen Pennypacker Jackson ‘64

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen E. Watts


Apex Freight Services

Barbra Fielden & Family

Dr. & Mrs. John C.W. Worsley Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. A. Terry Jackson

Arnold Motor Supply &

FirstEnergy Technologies

Linda & Gary Zwick

Mr. Paul R. Johnson from

Mr. George F. Kirkpatrick ‘47 from

Mr. Robert D. Frantz from

Mr. George F. Kirkpatrick Jr.

Mrs. Nancy Zeleski Frantz ‘53 Rt. Rev. Dr. Arthur J. Freeman Jr. ‘52 from

Fleetwood Vol. Fire Co. No. 1

The Merrill Company

Fleetwood Volunteer Fire Co. No. 1

Ms. Dana Aston

Mrs. Alice C. Johnson

Ms. Lorraine Tilney

Miss Helen Kline from Patricia Ann & Anthony ‘59 Morelli Rev. Fred Knieriem from

Ms. Debbie Bailey

Truck Crew Mr. & Mrs. WIlliam Flippi

Kevin & Pam Barnhardt Mr. & Mrs. Curtis H. Barnette


Ms. Laila Barreto

Robert & Kathleen Bashore

Jane M. & James W. ‘62 Frank P ‘86,

Forward Technology P ‘92, P ‘94

Ms. Mary L. Auman

Battery Alliance, Inc.

Mr. & Mrs. Leslie C. Barber

Battery Watering Technologies

Friend, Inc. Community Services

Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Bennicoff

James & Daphne Bauer

Mr. Charles Gehris

Mr. & Mrs. Brian E. Heiser

Mr. & Mrs. John D. Bealer

Craig & Cynthia George

Mr. & Mrs. David W. Hohe

Mr. Scott Belveal

Susan L. & Michael J. ‘78 Cox

Mr. & Mrs. Roy A. Knapp

Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Bowers

Louise & Thomas F. ‘49 Keim P ‘72

Ms. Patricia A. Leaney

Jim, Karen & Christian Boyer

Ms. Sherry Mason Brown Rev. Dr. Elaine Fenstermacher

Ms. Kaitlin P. Daley

Mr. Richard J. Smith ‘73

Ms. Mary Ann Reitmeir

Ms. Lorraine Fox from

Crown Battery

Ms. Mary Lettiere from

Bogert ‘79 & Mr. Leonard Bogert Rev. William E. Gramley ‘62

Mr. Robert P. L. Frick ‘49 from

Mr. Richard R. Godber Greater Reading Economic Partnership

Consistent Giving Society FALL 2014



thank you in Memory of …

Wrigley’s Business Products &

Ms. Edna A. Greiss

Philadelphia Scientific LLC

Ms. Beverly H. Grim

PM Fasteners, Inc.

GS Yuasa Group Companies

Prism Engineering Inc.

Yacht Battery Company Team

G.S.M. Industrial Inc.

Proto-Cast LLC

YWCA Bethlehem

Hahn Automotive

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher E. Pruitt

Ziegler Chemical & Mineral Corp.

Hammond Group, Inc.

Dr. & Mrs. James H. Reid

Ms. Cynthia Haring

Resources Alloys & Metals, Inc.

Riverfront Federal Credit Union

Hirsch Metals Corporation

Jim & Judy Rubright

Ms. Dawn Hoffman

Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Ruc

Richard & Jeanette Holben

Sageworth Trust Company

Hunter Keystone Peterbilt LP

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Schaeffer

Barbara Colbourne ‘77 &

Mr. Dwayne Scheidt Emil A. Schroth, Inc.

Industiral Distribution Group

David R. ‘85 &

Mr. Timothy M. Jenne

Robert J., Jr. Schoenen

Mr. & Mrs. I. B. Southerland III Ms. Sara L. Weller ‘06 from Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Weller P ‘06 Mr. George West from Sybil S. & Graham H. ‘60 Rights

Mrs. Beverly Frederick Morley ‘73 from Mr. William J. Morley

Rev. Henry Williams from Rev. Glenn F. Jurek ‘64

Ms. Deborah J. Moyer ‘79 from Rev. Lesley J. Hand ‘81

Mrs. Margaret Williams from Patricia Ann & Anthony ‘59 Morelli

Mrs. Bessie Zeleski O’Brien ‘51 from Mrs. Nancy Zeleski Frantz ‘53

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. Schlegel

F. Robert Jr. ‘76 Huth

Ms. Fay M. Thomas Rev. Dr. Mervin C. Weidner ‘37, ‘40 from

Patricia Nemesh ‘70 &


Industrial Battery of PGH, Inc.

Ms. Bertie Francis Knisely ‘69 P ‘00 Rt. Rev. Dr. Stanley F. Thomas from

Mr. & Mrs. Milton Zilis

Highland Associates, LTD

Frank J. Szarko, M.D. ‘61 from


Ms. Fatima Modjadidi from

Revere Smelting & Refining

Mr. & Mrs. James Harnisfager Mr. & Mrs. Timothy K. Heffner

Mr. Olindo Zanchettin ‘67 from Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Alderiso

Mr. Jamie Scott Reinhard from

Mr. & Mrs. Walter Andresen

Ms. Robin Lynn Reinhard ‘13

Mrs. Sandra Swor Bigatel ‘60

Ms. Jane Reither ‘68 from

Ms. Tara Buck

Miss Carol D. Henn ‘68

Kathleen Calvo ‘79 Schulte

Burberry Team at Tag Worldwide

Kalas Foundation

Alva & Jon Scott

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth K. Kern

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth W. Sharkey

Dr. & Mrs. Robert Ruggiero Sr.

Mr. & Mrs. David T. Kish

David G. Sheldon Company, Inc.

Ms. Mary Josephine Russoli from

Mr. & Mrs. Sidney D. Kline Jr.

Mr. Russell Sims

Knopf Automotive, Inc.

SLS Inc.

Koch & Koch

Mr. & Mrs. Roy G. Snyder

Miss Anne R. Enright ‘52

Sandra L. & Placido A. ‘78 Corpora

Kutztown High School Class of ‘44

Solar Atmospheres, Inc.

Ms. Maryanne Herzig

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony DiCandia

LFP Hooked Up Marine Inc.

Sovema Global Services

Mrs. Arlene M. Sell ‘57

Mr. & Mrs. John C. Donches

Ms. Susan Luckenbill

SSM Group Inc.

Mr. & Mrs. James Marley Teddi P. & Anthony A. ‘59 Matz

Jr. P ‘86

Ms. Brenda J. Ruggiero ‘85 from

Patricia Ann & Anthony ‘59 Morelli Ms. Dorothy L Ruyak ‘54 from

Mrs. Janice Larash Sacks ‘48 from Ms. MaryBeth Sacks Hughes

Standard Technologies Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Stark

Mr. Charles A. Saderholm from Ms. Mildred Saderholm

Stauffer Glove & Safety

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Meitzler

Leon & Sandra Steigerwalt

Maryann & Pharon L. ‘87 Metzger

Summit Strategies Group


Ms. Janet Swoyer


Carol Herman Szarko, M.D. ‘62

Midwest Wheel Companies

Daniel C. Tanney, Inc.

Mighty Distributing System of

Mr. William Taylor


Mrs. June Shafer Scholl ‘51 from Betsey Tait ‘51 & John W. Puth Rev. Dr. Earl R. Shay ‘41, ‘44 from Mr. Norton D. Smiley ‘62 from Mrs. Harriet Smiley

Texas Industrial Equipment Corp

Ms. Eleanore M. Smith ‘41 from Mr. & Mrs. Peter B. Daubenspeck

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas O. Minner

Travis & Stacy DeLong

Carol Ann & Suleiman ‘73 Modjadidi

Nathan Trotter & Company, Inc.

Rev. Q. Ray Burke III ‘77

Mr. Glenn R. Smith ‘65 from Mr. Brian R. Smith

Mr. & Mrs. WIlliam Truitt

P ‘06 Nancy & Raymond Moyer

Utz Quality Foods, Inc.

MTD Products Inc.


Lisa Murray, MD

Mr. & Mrs. Floyd E. Waddell Jr.

National Battery

Waddell Power

Niehoff Endex North America Inc.

David & Kathie Weinberg

Noble Americas Energy Solutions

Brian Welch & Family

Northern Battery &

Dawn & Craig Weller

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Wenz

the Donskey Family

Mr. Robert H. Smith ‘74 from Mrs. Marian A. Smith Mrs. Sally Snyder Bolmer ‘78 Mrs. Barbara Martin Stout ‘87 from Karen Lucci Grayson, Donna Weaver & Staff of Allegiance Nursing, Inc. Susan & Gordon L. ‘57, ‘61 Sommers

O’Reilly Auto Parts

Mr. Evan Wescoe


White Oak Display & Design LP

R. M. Palmer Company

William Paulette Stanley

Penske Truck Leasing Company

Harold & Judith Woolf


Robert & Helen Snyder from

Mr. & Mrs. Dominick Buscemi Ms. Janet Chorney Connor-

Hanninen ‘69 Mr. Dominick Corpora

Mr. & Mrs. James S. Frank Mr. Michael J. Gallagher ‘58 The Hsu Family Ms. Barbara Jones Mrs. Donna M. Kish-Goodling ‘78 Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Kopcho Linda & Harold Kreithen Mr. & Mrs. John R. Marchiando Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Andrew T. Marze Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. McMullen Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Michael Jr. Muhlenberg College Community Mr. & Mrs. Peter P. Murgia Ms. Rosalie Perrone Ms. Pamela Rowland Mr. & Mrs. William J. Russell Mr. & Mrs. Gregory D. Saba Mr. & Mrs. Guido Sigismondi Ms. Barbara Williams Mr. Paul G. Wirth ‘78 Ms. Judy A. Wolfe Mr. Michael Zeleski ‘60 from Mrs. Nancy Zeleski Frantz ‘53

P ‘82, P ‘83 Dr. Paul Peucker

Consistent Giving Society MORAVIAN COLLEGE MAGAZINE

FALL 2014

Cornerstone society Mrs. Joann Clewell Adams ‘56

Mrs. Mary C. Dull

Constance Stirling ‘68 &

Mr. & Mrs. Ben Fortunado Marcune

Ms. June C. Alter

Mrs. Grace Wilkinson Dunkley P ‘78

David L. Marcus, Esq. ‘88

Mr. Cyril J. Anderson

Kathleen & Michael M. ‘72 Ellis

Marie & George E. ‘59 Hollendersky

Mr. Bruce W. Marold ‘12

Elizabeth A. & Richard E. ‘70 Anderson

Miss Anne R. Enright ‘52

Mrs. Frances Kolb Hoops ‘50

Linda H. & Gary T. ‘74 Marsh

Patricia & Alfred F. ‘58 Apple

Miss Phyllis Ann Epperson

Marlene A. &

Barbara Hassler ‘73 &

Gordon C. Arnold M.D. ‘59, P ‘06

Patricia Price &

Mr. & Mrs. Walter E. Augustine P ‘87

Mr. George T. Hudson ‘59

Andrew Martimick, D.O. ‘49

Mr. Ivan A. Backer ‘49

Ruth Overfield Fidorack ‘41

Mr. David G. Hunscher Sr. ‘63, P ‘11

Barbara Frowery ‘67 &

Stanley F. Banach, M.D. ‘56

Peggy Ann Harte ‘54 &

Daren A. & F. James ‘69 Hutchinson

Mr. & Mrs. Curtis H. Barnette

Joseph P. Hutsko, D.O. ‘56

Rev. Dr. William W. Matz,

Mrs. Lois Brunner Bastian ‘50

Ada Zellner ‘46 & Franklin Flower

Mr. David W. Innes ‘81, ‘91

Mr. Rusty S. ‘87 & Mary Jane Bealer

Julia Cranford ‘80 & Terry L. ‘78 Folk

Mr. Darryl S. Jeffries ‘69

Rev. Dr. Henry E. May Jr. ‘60, ‘63

Ms. Beverly A. Bell ‘56

Dr. Don C. Follmer P ‘77

Ms. Trisha Babbitt Jones ‘68

Shirely Hart ‘63 & Gerald D. McBride

Mrs. J. Richard Beltram P ‘75, P ‘83

Ralph Z. & Sue Ann

Mrs. Carol Carson Joseloff ‘67

Susan Gangwere ’79 &

Louis W. Bender, Ph.D. ‘50

Diane C. ‘98 &

Mr. Jeffrey B. Benner ‘74

Mrs. Nancy Zeleski Frantz ‘53

Mrs. Frances Fulmer McClain ‘38

Rev. David G. Berg ‘66

Georgia Dreyer ‘66 &

Ms. Joanne E. Keim ‘72 &

Carol Sloan ‘58 &

Ms. Jane Bernstein

Andria & Peter E. ‘64 Bilan

Mrs. Katherine Meland Freeny ‘49

Ann S. & Burton L. ‘43 Kelchner

Deborah Oplinger ‘73 &

Mrs. Shirley Kunsman Bilheimer ‘57

Jean E. Friedman, Ph.D. ‘63 & Dr.

Corinne E. & Robert M. ‘66 Keller

Rev. Dr. Elaine Fenstermacher

Bernard P. Dauenhauer

Elizabeth B. & William B. ‘62 Kerner

Alma Coester ‘69 &

Dennis E. ‘62 Estheimer

Francis J. ‘59 Figlear

Henkelman ‘53 Fortney

A. Owen III ‘66 Freas

Thomas W. Hodson

James B., M.D. ‘59 Howell

Daniel Y. ‘73 Joseph P ‘01, P ‘06 Mr. Bryan Van Sweden

Gary M. ‘76 Martell P ‘07

Nicholas R. Matlaga Sr. ‘50, ‘53 P ‘78

James C. McCabe

William H. ‘58 McElveen Russell McKinnon

John P. Galgon, M.D. ‘55

Mrs. Jean G. Kessler

Mrs. Beverly L. Bohner ‘82

Mr. John M. Gallup ‘77

Mr. Gary T. Kester ‘64

Jeanne Freas ‘48 & Raymond R. Mellen

A. Joanne & John H., M.D. ‘54

Ms. Adele Garger

Mrs. Olive Wooler Kinter ‘50

Mr. Benjamin L. Meluskey ‘60

Bowman P ‘82, P ‘94

Mr. Donald Garger

Jeanne Krenicky ‘69 & Joseph M. Kipp

Amy Lesser ‘76 & Robert C. ‘74 Mende

Ms. Terri Koser Brady ‘82 &

Ms. Elizabeth Hicks Garrett ‘63

Claire M. ‘87, ‘95 & Michael Klatchak

Mr. Charles E. Merrill, Jr.

Mrs. Genevieve Riordan Gee ‘43

Miss Dorothea G. Klotz ‘66

Mrs. Carol Losensky

Mr. & Mrs. DeLight E. Breidegam Jr.

Pamela W. & Carl F. ‘66 Gitschier

Rev. James L. Knappenberger ‘77

Mr. James A. Gold ‘98

Ms. Bertie Francis Knisely ‘69 P ‘00

Mr. John M. Mickner ‘72

Mrs. Colleen Workman Bruckart ‘60,

Heidi B. & David D., D.O. ‘66 Goldberg

Barbara & John, Ed.D. ‘57 Kolchin

Mr. Chester Dale Miller ‘75

Betsy S. & Philip A. ‘65 Gottshall P ‘96

Miss Elizabeth A. Kovach ‘75

Cornelia Faga ‘47 & Paul E. G. ‘47 Miller

Mr. Barry L. Buchman ‘71

Judith C. Grant, Ph.D. ‘79

Mrs. Brenda Krajci ‘65

Rev. Dr. Elizabeth D. Miller ‘85

Mrs. Barbara Brautigam Caldwell ‘65

Ms. M. Anne Greene

Ms. Phyllis G. Kreider ‘46

Claire L. & Parry J., M.D. ‘66 Miller

William V. Campbell Sr., Ph.D. ‘61

Ms. Sallie L. Greenfield

Susan Kressly, M.D. ‘82 &

Cornelia Faga ‘47 & Paul E. G. ‘47 Miller

Dr. Mary Faith Carson

Margaret & Joseph A. ‘72 Grieshaber

Dr. James B. Mitchell

Mr. Craig A. Cavanagh ‘74

Ms. Lugenia Taccarino Guaraldo ‘69

Mrs. Kathryn Knopf Kricks ‘49

Barbara Worsley, D.M.D. ‘67 &

Dr. & Mrs. G. Clarke Chapman

Karen Boyer ‘78 &

Kelly K. Krieble, Ph.D. ‘86

Gloria Gately ‘45 & Frank L. Chipman

Dr. Vera Krisukas

Mr. George W. Myers ‘82

Mr. & Mrs. R. Franklin Chitty Jr.

Dr. Ruth R. Hailperin

Karen E. & Robert J., Ed.D. ‘60 Labdik

Karen Bruckart ‘72 & Henry G., Jr. ‘71

Mr. Joseph F. Christ ‘52

Ms. Diane Haines

Dena L. & Keith D. ‘73 Lambie


Evelyn Trodahl ‘68 &

Mr. James A. Hancock Jr.

Annette Budzak Landes, Esq. ‘83 &

Sara B. & William C. ‘62, ‘63 Needs

Kathryn Horwath ‘52 & Ray H. Hartman

Frank H. Frey

Mr. & Mrs. Maynard S. Northup P ‘84

Gail K. & David R. ‘63 Cornelius

Joan Schnable ‘57 &

Janice Whitfield ‘64 &

Mr. Raymond L. Orth ‘69

Sandra L. & Placido A. ‘78 Corpora

Linda G. & Thomas A., Jr. ‘77 Ortwein

Dolores C. & Paul E., Jr. ‘48 Crossan

Amy Greiner ‘76 & Richard H. Hawley

Dr. Donald K. Lauer

Dr. Barbara A. Osborne ‘70 & Dr.

Mrs. Shirley Messics Daluisio ‘68

Mr. James L. Heller ‘83

Ms. Lisa Lavigne Tejeda ‘02

Richard A. Goldsby

Miss M. Lillian Davenport

Bernice B. & Donald L. ‘65

Mr. Timothy H. Leh ‘86

Ann C. & Brian H. ‘82 Oswald

Linda Roscoe ‘72 & Lewis H. de Seife

Henderschedt P ‘93

Roberta Dollinger ‘75 & Robert J. Leiby

Janine J. & Jon P. ‘79 Otis

Mr. Ron dePaolo ‘64

Rev. Dale M. Henderson ‘69

Colette Geier ‘71 &

Rev. Charles Otto ‘03 &

Ms. Loretta F. DeWalt ‘71

Miss Carol D. Henn ‘68

Mr. & Mrs. John E. Dewees

Marie C. & Lee B. ‘69 Herb

Mrs. Emmeline Lewis Dimmick ‘48

Sara Paden ‘71 &

Mr. Albert C. DiDonato ‘67, P ‘80

Elizabeth & William V. ‘58 Herbein

Ms. Mae K. Long

Miss Marcella I. Dimmick ‘35

Mr. George Herczeg Jr. ‘69

Rev. Anna Deppen Lutz ‘70

Mr. Earl R. Pfeiffer ‘61

Kathleen Doyle ‘68 &

Ms. Marilyn L. Herwig ‘75

Mrs. Joyce B. Lyon

Ms. Ann Polanski

Mr. J. Robert Hess P ‘81

Mrs. Mary Lesin Ayala ‘59

Lloyd M. & Rose Beidler ‘38 Polentz

Mr. James E. Marconis ‘74

Mr. Joseph R. Pulley ‘58

Bogert ‘79, ‘82

Mr. Steve Verna P ‘84 P ‘72, P ‘79

Richard Chynoweth

J. Michael ‘68, ‘71 Dowd

Mr. Frank E. Driscoll

Odell, Esq. ‘77 Guyton P ‘03

A. Peter, M.D. ‘56, ‘59 Haupert

Greg Anderson

John G., Ph.D. ‘65 Landis

Joseph B., M.D. ‘69 Lennert

James M., Esq. ‘69 McMahan

Messina ‘61 P ‘82, P ‘83

James L. ‘65 Morgan

Ms. Margaret Gorman Robert E. ‘73 Peterson

Consistent Giving Society FALL 2014



thank you Betsey Tait ‘51 & John W. Puth

Martha B. & Robert E. ’65 Sterling

Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Werkmeister

Ms. Lynne Schlosser Raleigh ‘66

Miss Cornelia Schlotter ‘57

Sister Gunnel Sterner

Mrs. Susan Biemesderfer Werner ‘70

Anne McCandless ‘79 &

Patricia Nemesh ‘70 &

Margaret B. & Bernard

Mary Anne & William ’51 Werpehowski

Miss Elizabeth M. Wetter ‘65

Kenneth J. ‘79 Rampolla

Henry E. Schleicher

Robert J., Jr. Schoenen

J. ‘80 Story P ‘04, P ‘10

Mrs. Jane Sullivan Ramsdell ‘44

Cathleen & Fred B., Ph.D. ‘77

Katherine B. &

Linda L. & David L. ‘64, ‘67

Mrs. Ruth Franges Rayna ‘71

Ms. Mary Ann Rayner ‘53

Jean T. & E. Allen, Jr. ’53 Schultz

Helen & F. P., M.D. ‘43 Sutliff

Mr. Edward D. Wilde Jr. ‘64

Mrs. Susan White Redfield ‘68

Mrs. Nancy C. Schultz

Mrs. Nancy A. Taylor

Mrs. Margaret Wilde

Mrs. Adele Foley Reinsmith

Grace & Tom ’72 Schwanda

Mr. Tom A. Tenges ‘70

Rev. Theodore E. Wilde ‘60

Barbara Reuper ‘93 & Richard Baum

Mrs. MaryAnn Sedlock

Bernard J. Terzigni, D.O. ‘49

Mrs. Jacqueline Williams

Mrs. Helen M. Richards ‘74

Helen Bauder ’69 &

Mrs. Mary Veronis Thompson ‘42

Joan C. & Walter F. Williams P ‘81

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Richardson

Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth G. Tomberlin

Mrs. Harriet Peters Williamson ‘60

Mrs. Laura L. Ridge

Mr. Richard Senker ‘96

Ingrid & George J. ‘57 Toth

Leesa B. & Mark A. ’76 Wimmer

Sybil S. & Graham H. ‘60 Rights P ‘95

Mrs. Isabel Petro Sersen ‘58

Ms. Joann M. Trotsky ‘64

Mrs. Gail Smith Winson ‘66

Mrs. Betty Adams Roach ‘43

Barbara & Eric R., Esq. ‘68 Shimer P ‘06

Mr. Merr W. Trumbore ‘62

Barbara Roberts ‘61 &

Mr. Stanley R. Roman

Wayne C., Esq. ‘61 & Sandra Shugart

Mrs. Wilma Kistler Uhrich ‘35

Ms. Diane Haines & William J.

Miss Lucinda M. Shure ‘70

Mr. James P. Van Schoick III ‘74

Caspar L. & Helen Desh ‘54 Woodbridge

Schultheis P ‘10, P ‘14

Thomas Seifert P ‘97

Ronald J., Ph.D. ‘61 Stupak

Wickmann P ‘91, P ‘95, P ‘00

John W. ‘59 Woltjen

Mr. Halfred C. Smith

Thomas J. Veraldi, D.M.D. ‘76

Susan Overath & James D. Woolley

Joseph L Rosenfeld, Esq. ‘58

Mrs. Lois Shafer Smith ‘51

Mr. George W. Verheyden Jr.

Mrs. Kris Dragotta Yerry ‘81

Arrettia & Richard R. Jr., Esq. ‘60 Ruth

Drs. Bettie & Oles Smolansky

JoAnn M. & Donald C. ‘63 Vogel

Janice ‘82, ‘91 & Thomas Young

Dr. Shapour Samii

Miss Constance M. Sokalsky ‘71

Miss Marian M. Wagner ‘54

Ms. Laura D. Young ‘78

Donna K. & Gary L. ‘63 Sandercock

Susan & Gordon L. ‘57, ‘61

Rev. Dr. Walter H. &

Ms. Susan J. Youtz ‘72

Mr. Gerald A. Sarkisian ‘74

Leigh A. & Mark S., M.D. ’78 Yuhasz

Dorothy P. & Myron A. ‘58 Savacool

Mr. Arthur R. Spengler ‘55

Mrs. Charlotte Haag Walek ‘53

W. Russell Yurchak, Jr. ‘62

Doris Wood &

Mrs. Jeanne Scott St. Clair ‘47

Mrs. Deloris Ashcroft Wallace ‘50

Adele G. & Earl C. ‘57 Zeiner P ‘98

Cindy Trotner ‘79 &

Mr. Scott H. Warrick ‘82

Debra Lewis ‘75 & Carl W. Zvanut

Byron E. Waterman, Ed.D. ‘64

Rosenberg, Esq. ‘49

David A. ‘60 Schattschneider

Eleanore Beck ‘56 &

Sommers P ‘82, P ‘83

David M., D.O. ‘78 Stein

New Endowment Funds

Rev. Deborah M. Wagner

generosity of Gloria J. Miller P ‘70. The purpose of the fund is to provide scholarship support for deserving Moravian College students. Preference will be given to a junior or senior student studying pre-law and whose focus is upon the poor and/or

The frances barnard ’51 history scholarship fund The Frances Barnard ’51 History Scholarship Fund was established through the estate of Frances Longacre Barnard ‘51. The purpose of the fund is to provide financial support for deserving Moravian College students majoring in history. The class of 1968 endowed internship fund The Class of 1968 Endowed Internship Fund was established through the generosity of alumni of Moravian College Class of 1968. The purpose of the fund is to provide financial support for career internships for Moravian College students. The henry dieckman scholarship fund The Henry Dieckman Scholarship Fund was established through the generosity of Bryon L. Grigsby, Ph.D. ‘90. The purpose of the fund is to provide financial support for deserving Moravian Theological Seminary students. The leslie charles jones and diana lee jones scholarship fund The Leslie Charles Jones and Diana Lee Jones Scholarship Fund was established through the generosity of Leslie Charles Jones ‘68. The purpose of the fund is to provide financial support for deserving Moravian College students. The myrtle virginia mack endowed scholarship fund The Myrtle Virginia Mack Endowed Scholarship Fund was established through the



downtrodden and not on corporations or financial institutions.

The sally breidegam miksiewicz scholarship fund The Sally Breidegam Miksiewicz Scholarship Fund was established through the generosity of business partners, colleagues, friends and family in memory of Sally Breidegam Miksiewicz ‘84. The purpose of the fund is to provide financial support for deserving Moravian College students. The george n. and anna j. miller endowed scholarship fund The George N. and Anna J. Miller Endowed Scholarship Fund was established through the generosity of Gloria J. Miller P ‘70. The purpose of the fund is to provide scholarship support for deserving Moravian College students. Preference will be given to a junior or senior student studying music whose area of concentration is piano, organ performance, and/or sacred music, and who intends to pursue a performance and/or church related musical career. The Gloria j. miller endowed scholarship fund The Gloria J. Miller Endowed Scholarship Fund was established through the generosity of Gloria J. Miller P ‘70. The purpose of the fund is to provide scholarship support for deserving Moravian College students. Preference will be given to a junior or senior student studying nursing who intends to pursue a career in nursing with, perhaps, a concentration in pediatrics, geriatrics or Alzheimer’s patient care.

FALL 2014

Why I Give The lester a. miller endowed scholarship fund The Lester A. Miller Endowed Scholarship Fund was established through the generosity of Gloria J. Miller P ‘70. The purpose of the fund is to provide scholarship support for deserving Moravian College students. Preference will be given to a junior or senior student studying economics and business who realizes the importance and value of small businesses in our economy and is willing to take the risk of establishing such a business. the mittl family endowed scholarship fund The Mittl Family Endowed Scholarship Fund was established through the generosity of Ralph L. Mittl ’86. The purpose of the fund is to provide financial support for deserving Moravian College students. The Moravian tomorrow scholarship fund The Moravian Tomorrow Scholarship Fund was established through the generosity of Laurie Riley ‘82 & Lloyd S. Brubaker. The purpose of the fund is to provide financial support for deserving Moravian College students. The jeanette saums ross ’44 Endowment fund The Jeanette Saums Ross ’44 Endowment Fund was established through the generosity of John A. Ross in memory of his wife, Jeanette Saums Ross ‘44. The purpose of the fund is to provide financial support to the Music Department, Reeves Library and the Study Abroad program. The deloris ashcroft wallace ’50 endowed scholarship fund The Deloris Ashcroft Wallace ’50 Endowed Scholarship Fund was established through the generosity of Deloris Ashcroft Wallace ‘50. The purpose of the fund is to provide financial support to undergraduate students majoring in nursing or other health professions, with a preference for non-traditional, older and/or returning students. The lynn e. webb endowed scholarship fund The Lynn E. Webb Endowed Scholarship Fund was established through the generosity of Lynn Aprill ’11 and Kerry Webb. The purpose of the fund is to provide scholarship support for deserving Moravian Theological Seminary students with first preference to be given to students in the Masters of Divinity degree program enrolled in Formative Spirituality or Spiritual Direction classes. New Annual Giving Scholarships To help address the need for more scholarships, an Annual Giving Scholarship was established for the first time in the 2012-2013 academic year. For $10,000 a donor can create an Annual Giving Scholarship that would provide $2,500 per year for four years to a deserving student. An annual giving scholarship is an immediate way for alumni and friends to help fund a Moravian student’s education. The boyer annual giving scholarship Established through the generosity of Beth Ann Williams ’78 & Frank Boyer. The Hoffmeier annual giving scholarship Established through the generosity of Joseph B. Hoffmeier Jr. ’88. The sandercock family annual giving scholarship Established through the generosity of Donna K. & Gary L. ’63 Sandercock.

FALL 2014

‘The Power of Education’ Moravian College helped fulfill my mother’s dream that her children obtain a college education. This is why I give. I could write that my education at Moravian was a transformative experience, that the inspiration drawn from and the demanding expectations of many terrific professors helped me succeed in my studies in France and later in law school, and that my life was immeasurably enriched by the relationships I developed during my years at Moravian. All of this is true. But writing a check to Moravian is a very personal act for me. My sister’s admission to Moravian was a testament not only to her determination to go from speaking no English to graduating from high school in four years, but also to Moravian’s commitment to see potential in students who don’t come from traditional backgrounds or whose parents don’t have a college education. Her spectacular academic success opened the door for me to follow two years later. My parents were so grateful to Moravian that six years later they convinced my brother to enroll. As first-generation college students, we should not discount the hard work, resilience and determination that made us succeed in becoming the first in our families to make it to college. We should also acknowledge that Moravian supported our ambitions and often made them a reality by providing financial aid. Some of that money came from other first-generation college graduates, in small or large amounts. My parents believed in the power of education to change lives for the better, and it is in that spirit that I contribute to the Scholarship Fund. So to all first-generation college alumni, please pay it forward people. — By Maria Corpora ‘72 Maria Corpora ‘72, a private attorney who specializes in financial services and real estate transactions, credits her sister for leading her to Moravian College.




Revisit History Through Rocco’s Scrapbooks Ruth Calvo’s Meticulous Scrapbooking Keeps Greyhound Memories Alive Although newsprint may yellow and page corner’s curl, character never truly fades away. The proof is in the half-dozen scrapbooks highlighting Rocco Calvo’s legendary coaching career that were meticulously compiled by Calvo’s widow, Ruth. Today, these books are safely housed in the College’s Alumni Engagement Office, but for the past four decades these archives of Greyhound seasons past were in the Calvo home. “I was the one who actually put them together. It was a lot of work,” chuckled Ruth Calvo. “I wasn’t originally into scrapbooking; Rocco’s family actually started it. But I continued it because I knew he’d like them.” During the season, regardless of the outcome of her husband’s games, Ruth Calvo clipped out the newspaper articles and pasted them into their respective scrapbook. “Sometimes the away game articles were really small, especially if Moravian lost,” she recalled. Nonetheless, the articles made the bound books, though it was likely not until the offseason that Rocco took notice. The seasons were “hectic,” the coach’s wife noted. When the newspaper showed up Sunday, her husband was already preparing to watch film for next week’s game. There was no time to reminisce then. So the books sat on the bottom of the family bookshelf until the offseason, after the football and basketball seasons were completed. “Rocco mostly looked at them at the end of the season, and a lot when he was retired,”



By Tommy Kopetskie

Ruth said. “He would page through them and remember all the games.” The clippings often brought to life memories that didn’t make it into print. Recently, Ruth Calvo moved, and her family thought the scrapbooks would be most enjoyed by the coach’s former players, affectionately known as “Rocco’s Boys.” “The scrapbooks weren’t lost,” she quickly pointed out. “They were in storage in a closet with his Army uniform.” While the scrapbooks date back to the 1950s, their condition is near pristine. The clippings look a week old, just left in the sun. “I am impressed with both the depth and the quality of the scrapbooks,” said Bob Gratz ’75, director of alumni engagement, who received the books from the Calvo family. “The care that was put into them is really apparent.” The press clippings and scrapbooks tell the story of not just a football or basketball team, but also the impact of a legendary coach. As one of Rocco’s Boys, Gratz understands their value. “These aren’t just scrapbooks that should stay on a shelf,” he said, noting they will be stored on campus, available to alumni. “I have enjoyed watching others look through these scrapbooks,” Gratz explained. “It has made me think about how these people were all good teammates, and all good people. I don’t know if they all came to Moravian that way, but I think that the reason we left that way was in large part because of Rocco Calvo.” FALL 2014

Remembering Rocco Three Former Players Recall Legendary Coach’s Impact

Rocco modeled “Grace under Fire,” an archetype that was the best of what often times is referred to as “old school.” He taught me that the way I handle myself is as important as the outcome; that my actions and behavior should do the talking; that I should play with integrity and as part of a team; that I should give my best effort regardless of the score; that I should always hit hard but not play dirty; and that I should never give up. Rocco was one of numerous home-grown Lehigh Valley studentathletes who demonstrated these traits and who established a culture of dignity and respect. I found those same qualities among his coaching staff and within the athletes who played for Moravian’s football and basketball teams. They were role models for me. I learned that some of the most important capacities are the ability to manage strong feelings with dignity, to make a difference in the lives of others, to care for someone in a way that they will remember, and to cope with difficult life events with grace. Rocco coached in a way that taught these principles. He cared about his players in a way that withstands time and that has taught me to care about others. My life is fuller because of him. — Hugh Gratz ’70 Anyone who has ever played a competitive team sport can talk about the lifelong lessons they learned. I had always respected Coach Calvo’s preparation and ability to motivate while I was an athlete at Moravian, but the lessons I learned from him nearly a decade after graduation highlight Rocco’s talents for transforming young men. When I joined Coach Calvo’s football staff, I quickly understood that the qualities I saw in him when I was a student were genuine. Coach had his priorities in order – his players were students first and athletes second. I recall how Rocco never had to tell people that these were his priorities; he exercised them on a regular basis. I am still impressed with coach’s ability to stick to his beliefs in our culture that places a high value on winning. His example is the way college athletics should be. — Charlie Heidecker ’74 Often times, the lessons learned from a mentor are indirect, or in the observation of one’s behavior, as well as direct or intentional. Rocco Calvo was a mentor that in hindsight fit every category. From the moment I met him I knew he was a special individual, and not just a great football coach. He had wonderful qualities of being a leader, motivator, teacher, coach, boss, friend and mentor. In addition to his great reputation, he was one of the most humble people I’ve known. As an offensive lineman, I didn’t play directly for Coach Calvo, so my initial experience with him was somewhat limited during college. I did, however, get to know him after graduating from Moravian, and while serving as president of the Blue and Grey Club. It was the time spent together watching Moravian games, attending events, playing golf, sharing a meal, and getting to know him as a real friend that I realized what a true blessing he really was. I think of him often, and the impact he has had on my life, as well as the collective memories we all share from our experience of knowing him. He remains an inspiration. — Robert E. Kafafian ’77 FALL 2014

This summer, Kristopher Joint ’14 completed an independent study with Bob Brill, associate professor of psychology, researching how to effectively re-engage alumni. As part of his study, Joint put together a proposal on how the College could utilize scrapbooks. ‘I learned why people in the Moravian community respect Coach Calvo so much,’ Joint said of his research. ‘Before this project, he was just a name. I found out he was respected as much as a person as he was a sports figure.’

Lambright Named academic all-american Emily Lambright ’16 was named to the 2014 Capital One Academic All-America NCAA Division III Women’s Track and Field/Cross Country Second Team in June. An economics and political science major with a 4.0 GPA, Lambright earned a spot on the 2013 Landmark Cross Country All-Conference first team and helped the Greyhounds win their second Landmark title in three years. MORAVIAN COLLEGE MAGAZINE



To reach ALUMNI RELATIONS: 610 861-1366 or

Greyhounds Converge on City of Brotherly Love & Big Apple




With spectacular views of the Philadelphia skyline as the backdrop, nearly 100 Greyhounds gathered for a networking night on the 43rd floor of the Comcast Center Sept. 18. Fifty students met with 45 alumni, staff, faculty and guests representing a variety of career fields and majors. The event was hosted by Matthew Donnelly ’04, manager of retail analytics at Comcast.

1 Matthew Donnelly ‘04 (left) talks with current students. 2 President Bryon L. Grigsby ’90 addresses a crowd of alumni and students with the city in the background. 3 Angelica Ocasio ‘16 talks with alumnus Drew Menten ‘94, a contract management analyst for the city of Philadelphia, Office of the Director of Finance.

Moravian College descended on New York City’s Fifth Avenue on Oct. 6, hosting a student-alumni networking event for undergraduates interested in careers and job opportunities in the greater metropolitan area.




4 The event, held at Morgan Stanley, was hosted by Joseph Hoffmeier Jr. ’88, first vice president, branch manager, The Hoffmeier Sherer Group. 5 Dylan Coia ’00 (right), vice president, Morgan Stanley, shares his experience in the field of finance with students. 6 Ken Blom ’07, director of social discovery at Buzzfeed, welcomes a group of Moravian students to the internet news media company.




FALL 2014

Welcoming our Freshmen To introduce the College’s new freshman class – part of the largest new student class in the history of the institution – the Lehigh Valley Alumni Home Club hosted an on-campus Welcome Picnic July 22. More than 300 were in attendance, including 94 incoming freshmen along with their families. A second Welcome Picnic was held on July 17, in Bridgewater, New Jersey, at the home of Suzanne Kmet Diaz ’91 and Bill Diaz.

recent happeningS


Windy City Welcomes Greyhounds As the summer neared its end, Moravian held a Chicago Area Alumni Reception, welcoming President Bryon L. Grigsby ‘90, on Sept. 6. The event was hosted by Connie Stirling hodson ‘68, Tom Hodson, Betsey Tail Puth ‘51 and John Puth. 1 Scott Pfeiffer ’92, Ilsa Klebingot Flanagan ’90, Grigsby and Seana hasson ’90 celebrate classes from the 1990s. 2 Jeanna Taccarino Guaraldo ’69 and Eric Ruskoski ’69 enjoy a mini class of reunion. 2

young alumni Gather In NyC meredith Wertheim Brehm ’09 and Elizabeth Python ’11 planned a happy hour for recent graduates at Stout in New York City, hosting a little summertime fun with fellow Greyhounds. The June 19 event brought together a lively crowd, and there were a lot of laughs and stories about Moravian College. Pictured (from left) are melissa Gaines ’13, Samantha Savite ’13 and Samantha Dunn ’15.

SaVe the dateS!

For details or registration, contact 610-861-1366 or

november 14

april 17, 2015

november 16

The College will host its second annual ‘A Night of Stars,’ recognizing alumni who shine in their respective communities.

athletic hall of fame dinner & induction ceremony harrisburg/lancaster alumni reception

december 5-7, 12-14 Vespers

december 13

may 15-16, 2015

alumni Weekend 50th reunion and 50-plus classes

14th annual alumni awards ceremony

FALL 2014





Moravian College Magazine publishes all class notes that we receive. We reserve the right to edit for space or style. Some information may appear only online at All class correspondents with an email address are listed within the notes. Some correspondents without email access are listed below. If your class year is not shown or does not list a named correspondent either here or online, email your information to or mail to Barbara Parry, Alumni Relations Office, Moravian College, 1200 Main Street, Bethlehem, PA 18018.

DEADLINES FOR SUBMISSIONS: Feb. 1 for the winter 2015 issue. May 1 for the summer 2015 issue.

PHOTO POLICY FOR CLASSNOTES: • Please send us your image as a jpg file

at 300 dpi. • We publish one photo per wedding or birth. • We welcome photos of gatherings of alumni

and will publish as many as space permits.


Ada Zellner Flower; 834 Hilltop Road; Oyster Bay, NY 11771; L. Barbara Shepherd writes: This has been a good year. After some health issues that almost did me in, I rallied with the help of a great doctor and the ministrations of daughter, Heather, a super nurse, who literally put me back on my feet. My grandson, Henry, graduated from the Berklee College of Music in Boston and is now working with a film company in California. He dubs all the audible sounds in films and TV shows. My granddaughter, Samantha, is teaching math at a magnet school in St. Louis. She tested in the top 15% in math in the country and loves her job. Here in Florida, I continue to live in my own home and drive – safely, my children test me every six months. I am no longer on any of the opera and library boards and committees, but I do go out to attend functions and performances. I belong to a group of seven lively widows, and we keep active socially. We also keep an eye on each other and make sure that all are OK. My daughter, Linda, lives just around the corner and is now retired, as is her husband, Bill. We get together for lunch and an afternoon of Scrabble once a week. It is good



for all three of us, and we grant no quarter. We are highly competitive! A highlight of my life is when Ann Root Meyer and I are on the phone catching up on the news. We have hour-long conversations. I regret that we can no longer attend Alumni Weekends, but we are all over the map, and travel is difficult now for many. Secondly, the void left by those who are gone would not be happy. For the rest of us – the memories remain, and they are happy.


Helen Desh Woodbridge; 3574 Browning Lane; Bethlehem, PA 18017; Earlier this year, several classmates expressed an interest in attending our 60th Class Reunion on Founder’s Day in May. Those who made it here for the event were Sister Millicent Drake, deaconess at St. John’s Lutheran Church, Elynor Fishel Rights, who was accompanied by her son, John, Cas and myself. President Grigsby welcomed returning alumni. There I spoke with him about our colors – purple and gold – and learned about the reason for the present colors – blue and grey – and their connection with America’s Civil War. I mentioned to the president and Karen Johnson Berry ’57 that one of the paintings on display in Payne Gallery has special meaning for me; the scene of the Delaware Water Gap. The artist, Reubon O. Lackenbach, taught drawing and painting at the Young Ladies Seminary in the 1830s, filling the position of Gustav Greenewald, who returned to Germany. At the Lovefeast, Sister Millicent read the scripture she selected. Two Steinway pianos, the signature instrument at Moravian, were featured with a performance by two student musicians. Sitting with Cas and I was Gloria Badel Hilbert ’53, who wore a purple dink saved by her mother that complemented my outfit and my purple and gold sash. The sash was made by Anne Enright ’52 for our 50th class reunion 10 years ago. At this year’s luncheon, Cas and I were seated with Polly Rayner ’53 and Eleanor MacCormick Simmons ’53. Along with recollections of local history was also mention of the women’s protest of 1953. In December, Cornelia Schlotter ’57 informed me of Shirley Beck Dutt’s hospitalization and her passing on Jan. 8. A celebration of life was held for her on March 1 at First Presbyterian Church in Bethlehem, where she

was a member since at least her College days. Cornelia, Beverly Bell ’56, Nancy Zeleski Frantz ’53 and I attended to hear from her two daughters and two grandsons about their relationship with Shirley and her life. Before the dinner at Hotel Bethlehem Friday evening, I met and chatted with Dr. Gordon Arnold ’59 and his wife, Sharon, from York. A fine meal was enjoyed with classmates Elynor, Nancy, Dr. John Bowman ’54 and his wife, Joanne, from Lancaster, and James Molinaro ’73 and his wife, Denise. Finally, I believe these mentioned classmates and alumni illustrate that “they have wrought eternal friendships at our stately alma mater with its story fine and old. Hail the purple and gold.”


Kathy Werst Detwiler; Our 55th Class Reunion was super! The Moravian College staff had organized everything so very well; all we had to do was enjoy ourselves. Below are a few words from those in attendance and/or remembered through notes at our Moravian College Class of 1959 Reunion.

Sharon and Gordon (Gordie) Arnold were most enthusiastic about a doctor friend’s son who is a freshman tennis player at Moravian; this story speaks well to communications about the strengths of our College. Gordie serves as a disability determinator specialist II at Social Security, Labor and Industry. Their daughter Lindsay graduated in 2006 from Moravian with a Bachelor of Arts. She is married and is a researcher at a law firm in Harrisburg. Their daughter Alexis is a 21-year-old senior studying communications at Monmouth University in New Jersey. Neil Boyer and Johanna, his wife of 22 years, are most interested in family genealogy. Neil is serving as a deacon in his church. Since our reunion, Neil has supplied individual pictures of the happy times of our being together during the weekend. Thank you, Neil. Jeanette Mirne Cornblatt, accompanied by her beautiful daughter, Wendy Young, has served the past five years as president of the National Association of Retired Employees and State Organization Secretary. Additionally, she writes the newsletter for the retired employees. Thank you for your service, Jeanette. Our love to Ed.

FALL 2014

50 Years of Friendship Jeff Gernsheimer ’68 (left) and his wife, Jan, made their annual pilgrimage to Barry ’68 (right) and Chris Scheinberg’s cottage in Charlestown, Rhode Island. There are no more shellfish in Rhode Island until further notice. “Seems hard to believe it will be 50 years since we moved in Hassler,” Scheinberg writes. “Gerns moved in across the hall from me, and along with a few other special pals, we have shared a long and strong friendship, weddings, celebrations and all the various tests and challenges continuously since then. Each year, Jeff and Jan visit Chris and me at our beach place in Rhode Island, where we make believe we are still young enough to eat, drink and hang out on the beach without concern for age, skin damage or 8 a.m. chemistry class. And then we nap (separately).”

Fred DeFrank sent greetings to all from California, where he served as a “caller” for our reunion classmates. Thank you, Fred. We hope you and Diana Fetherman DeFrank ’60 will be able to attend our 56th next year. You were missed. John and Ginny Dancy Dickie are the official “class travelers.” This family logs big miles to Bermuda and Europe throughout the year. Ginny is very involved in editing their church newsletter. Patti Conover Diener continues to live on and run her 10-acre property. In addition, Patti serves on the board of the Outreach Center, plays in her church bell choir, packs and distributes food at the Spring City Food Pantry, and volunteers at the local elementary school. Marcia Morgan Fish has relocated to Quakertown where she volunteers three afternoons a week with her church as a secretary. Betsy Dreher Honey is living in the Nazareth area. She was looking very sharp as our official class greeter Friday afternoon in the lobby of Hotel Bethlehem. Mary Lesin Mackenzie Ayala sent her regrets that she would not be able to attend our 55th Reunion. At that time, her family planned to visit Illinois from Hawaii for her granddaughter’s high school graduation. It was time for a fabulous family reunion. Susan LeTowt Peverley also sent regrets to our class on attending our 55th Reunion. However, maybe next year will better work into your calendar, Susan. Yes, class of 1959, we decided Saturday night at our informal supper that getting together every year would be exciting and fun! Edward (Ed) Ryan joined our class for lunch on Saturday, and we much enjoyed his company. He has served with AARP for the past 20 years. His office is located in Harrisburg, where he works as a senior legislative advocate. Bill and Janice Keve Steers returned to Bethlehem from Roxbury, Connecticut, where Jan serves on the Council on Aging, plays Mahjong, volunteers as treasurer of the Historical Society, and “travels a lot.” Thank you, Jan, for the meaningful “pocket” prayer - shawl - squares you provided each of us. Wayne and your correspondent enjoyed the reunion a great deal. Talking and sharing old and

FALL 2014

new stories about Moravian College life are highlights of our time. We are both actively engaged in the pricing of math books for the AAUW Book Sale, delivering altar flowers to our church shutins, and supporting local community and college activities. In addition, I tutor math in the local GED program. Throughout the gatherings, friendships with other classes were engaged. Elynor Fishel Rights ’54, a widow of a Moravian minister, is enjoying life in the Piedmont area of North Carolina. Elaine Thomasch Nolfa ’57 and Dominic Nolfa ’60 chatted with many folks about current times. Cornelia (Corney) Schlotter ’57 volunteers as a master gardener in Camden County, New Jersey. Connie Glagola ’60 works with the Bethlehem Historical Society, in addition to running her own real estate business. All of our classmates and additional members of the Moravian College family of alumni are working hard to ensure that the values we learned in school will continue to be passed along to the next generation. I’m looking forward to sharing more stories after notes are received and/or after our 2015 reunion. Bye for now, Kathy.


Kathleen Cavanaugh was unable to attend Reunion Weekend due to scheduling conflicts. She is a self-employed consultant to nonprofit organizations, and reunion was during her peak season for weekend-long strategic planning retreats and board governance training sessions. Due to her inability to attend this very significant reunion, she submitted her resignation as class correspondent, noting that the weekend was surely a gold mine of information for any class member interested in serving in this capacity. She sends her best wishes to all ’64ers and for many healthy and productive years ahead. “If you are ever in my neck of the woods, give a holler!” she says.

1965 Robert Houser;

Jim Horwath ’66 has finally retired – well, maybe. His last full-time position was corporate controller for Dakkota Integrated Systems, a supplier of subassemblies to the automotive industry with 12 locations throughout Michigan, Kentucky, Illinois and Windsor, Canada. Jim served in the Navy from 1966-1971 and was released from active submarine duty as a lieutenant. In 1998, he received his M.B.A. from Southern New Hampshire University, graduating second in his class. Jim and his lovely wife, Jamie, plan to travel, especially to North Carolina and New Hampshire where their six grandchildren are located. And he may continue to work one to two days a week.


David Berg; Judith Share Yaphe writes: I always look forward to the Class Notes section when it comes in the snail mail and today, after reading the new issue, I thought it was time to catch you up on the changes in my life since I last saw you and visited Moravian – when Dr. Erv Rokke was president! In December 2013, I retired from federal government service after four decades. At first, I was an analyst on the Middle East in the intelligence directorate of the CIA and then worked as a Distinguished Research Fellow in the Institute for National Strategic Studies, a DOD think tank located at the National Defense University, which was where I met then General Rokke. I now teach in the Institute for Middle East Studies at George Washington University. Wherever I have been and still am, I focus on Iraq primarily, Iran and Persian Gulf history and security issues. It has been a long time since those wonderful history classes with Dr. Dan Gilbert, who was my mentor, guide and, as is said of scholars in Islamic studies, my “source of emulation.”



classnotes When I finally retired, I received a medal for Distinguished Civilian Service, the Pentagon’s highest civilian award – amazing for a Jewish girl from Bangor who graduated from Moravian College in the heady days of the 1960s. I will always appreciate the lessons learned from Dr. Gilbert and Moravian, as well as from my years of government service: that it is important to tell truth to power and that academic freedom has a value “far beyond rubies” – or something like that! We still live in Vienna, Virginia; our oldest son, Andrew, is a California lawyer after graduating from Stanford Law School, and our younger son, Joshua, follows the Middle East/Persian Gulf region at the State Department. I seem to have come full circle, having begun and almost ended my professional life trying to resolve the tragedy that was and still is Iraq. All best, Judith.

1968 Jill Stefko; After 38 years in the insurance business, Bob Greene has retired. He is living outside of Cleveland, Ohio, and plans to visit his daughter and grandchildren in Iowa, as well as his other daughter, who is currently living in Germany with her husband. Bob will also enjoy golfing at the country club next to his house.


Terrell McMann; Stockton College presented a book signing and presentation with Atlantic City author Jim Anders Jr. on May 18. Jim discussed and signed copies of his new book, “All Drinking Aside,” which was available for purchase in the Noyes Museum Store in the Arts Garage.


Cyndee Andreas Grifo;

TV and radio producer Denny Somach is the author of “Get The Led Out: How Led Zeppelin Became the Biggest Band in the World.” The 2012 coffee table book on Led Zeppelin was recently released in paperback. Denny recently held a book-signing event at Barnes & Noble bookstore in Delaware County.


Lisa Mansback Berk; or June Rhoda; Craig Smith, a veteran communicator with more than three decades of experience at the highest levels of the golf industry, has been named the new director of communications and media relations for the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America. F. Robert Huth Jr. writes that he and his wife, Barbara Colbourne Huth ’77, are living in DeLand, Florida. They relocated there in July 2011 when he changed jobs from executive vice president of Middlebury College in Vermont to become vice president for business and CFO of Stetson University. DeLand is on the east coast of Florida, approximately 40 miles north of Orlando and 20 miles west of Daytona. They love the weather. Robert was able to attend President Grigsby’s inauguration in April, and noted that, “President Grigsby is a fine choice and will help move Moravian forward.” Odell Guyton ’77 and Karen Boyer Guyton ’78 moved this past year to the Tampa area on the west coast of Florida, and Barbara and Robert

This summer Susie Hyer Peterson ‘76 and Bob Gratz ‘75, director of alumni engagement at Moravian College, visited the top of Mount Evans, Colorado, a 14,265-foot mountain in the Front Range region of the Rocky Mountains. Peterson, an accomplished artist, recently participated in 18th Annual National Juried Exhibition: Plein Air Artists Colorado. To view her work, visit



Fred Patt writes: We moved into the new house in Chestertown, Maryland, in December 2011, and are enjoying it greatly. We have gotten used to the long commute, although the summer beach traffic is a hassle. We have become dedicated locavores, as we can buy not only local produce in season, but also meat, cheese and wine. This is quite a change from living in the Washington, D.C., suburbs. In other news, our son, Michael, got married. He graduated from Florida State University last year and planned to start graduate school in the fall.


Barbara Hurt notes that writing for Wall Street International magazine is an on-going pleasurable experience, as was the publishing of her first four books: Dragons and Dragoons, The Great Tree of Milden Worf, Catherine and Razmus and Juniper. Additionally, Barbara notes that she is living in Bologna, Italy, and was recently awarded a plaque by the Art Journal of Bologna for one of her paintings displayed at an art gallery (Galleria De Marchi) in Bologna. “I have never stopped painting, singing and writing,” she says. Mary Ellen Sahaydak LaDuke is a middle school science teacher in the Whitehall-Coplay School District.


Molly Donaldson Brown;

Longtime Friends Enjoy A Rocky Mountain View


have been able to get together with them several times. The Huth family has four daughters: Tina, Lissa, Kara and Nora, living in Vermont, Maryland, Connecticut and Florida, respectively. The oldest three daughters are married and have provided a total of seven grandchildren to date.

Cindy Caporaso has been busy directing a school-age program in Morris County. In addition, she is a student at Princeton Seminary, working toward her certificate in theology and ministry. She still smiles when she remembers her Moravian days.


Lori Vargo Heffner; Susan Mowrer Benda is the district director of elementary curriculum and instruction administrator with the Bensalem Township School District.

FALL 2014

Bell Inducted as a Keeper of the Quaich Elizabeth Riley Bell ’69 has recently written a comprehensive book about single malt Scotch whisky, which extends to more than 400 pages. It is the first comprehensive book written by an American on the subject and was released in 2012, with a second edition released in July 2014. Bell is a consultant and authority on single malt Scotch and writes about single malts, the whisky industry, and Scotland’s distillery region, as well as conducting tastings, Scotch dinners, and staff development sessions. Additionally, she works on blind tasting panels at The Scotch Malt Whisky Society in Edinburgh, evaluates single malts for magazine buying guides, and works as a consultant for several whisky distributors. Her extensive travels in all the distillery regions in Scotland have allowed her to gain first-hand knowledge of the production of Scotch and new products and to establish professional contacts there, which included working a distillery run with the mashman and stillman at Speyburn Distillery. In April 1996, Bell was the first woman and the first American to undergo training in the evaluation of whiskies at the Scotch Whisky Research Institute in Edinburgh and recently updated her skills while attending a refresher course in 2011. In April 2014, the Scotch Whisky Industry inducted Bell as a Keeper of the Quaich in recognition of her contribution to the culture, heritage and promotion of Scotch Whisky.



Marc Richmond is a builder and a green building consultant with his own company, Practica Consulting. He has been involved in the construction industry since the late 1980s. His depth of experience in developing and implementing green building programs, both for government agencies, nonprofits and within private firms, is significant. Marc has been interviewed by numerous magazines and newspapers, and his projects have been featured in several magazines, including Architectural Record, LA Architect, Interior Design, Metropolis and Natural Home.

Kathy Beck DeKorte, one of the finest basketball players in the College’s history, was inducted into the Carbon County Hall of Fame in May. In 2002, she was named to the Moravian College Hall of Fame.

James and Lynda Farrell Swartz;


Melissa dePamphilis Jarman; or Christine A. PalermoWallach; Perrigo, a leading pharmaceutical supplier, has hired Gregg Albus as quality site head for Perrigo Animal Health, based in Omaha, Nebraska. In this role, Gregg is responsible for quality assurance and consumer affairs for the animal health business. Judith Tobias Chuisano, Merck IT transformation ambassador, wrote an article for CIO Insight magazine, sharing her lessons from her year in a pioneering role established to change the pharmaceutical company’s culture. The article was titled “Trust Me, You Need a Transformation Ambassador.”

FALL 2014

John S. Nunnemacher; or Michael Q. Roth;

Sherry Rohn Clancy writes that she has just completed her first semester as adjunct faculty teaching chemistry at Montgomery County Community College, West Campus, in Pottstown. “It was my first time involved with an accelerated, summer science course,” she says. “The experience was intense! I am looking forward to the fall semester, and already formulating plans to make my chemistry lecture exciting.”


Courtney Parrella; Hannah Wood is a volunteer for the nonprofit Project Capoeira, one of the primary organizers of Brazilian Day Philadelphia, which is part of PECO’s Multicultural Series festivals held at Penn’s Landing in Philadelphia. This year the event was held on Sept. 21.


Brienne Wilson Rodriguez; briennewilson@

Scott Heydt writes that in October 2013 he

officially launched his own educational consultant company, RefinED Character, focused on social emotional learning for K-12 and collegiate communities. Also, he now serves as the managing editor for the Guyhood section at The Good Men Project. The Good Men Project initiates and sustains dialogue about 21st century manhood. As part of collaboration with the Wharton Business School, Brian Corvino just completed his contribution for what will be the first textbook on the Indian healthcare system. This book will become part of the core curriculum for M.B.A. healthcare classes at the Indian School of Business, Wharton Business School and several other universities. Kristy Bredin left her life as an editor in New York City after 10 years to explore a sustainable lifestyle close to the earth. She now lives on a small island in the San Juans off the coast of Washington with solar power, woodfire heat and cooking, and rainwater catchment for drinking; no refrigeration, no indoor plumbing, no stores, and no ferry access. She loves being involved in this small community of about 50 year-round residents and running her herbal medicine-making business, Mermaid Botanicals. She enjoys the freedom and independence of being able to take care of many of her own food and healthcare needs, harvesting seaweed and foraging for wild foods from the land and sea in addition to growing her own garden. She has been developing her marine skills, regularly swimming in the cold northern



classnotes Pacific without a wetsuit and rowing five miles in a 14-foot skiff through open water, among the local orca whales and porpoises. She has found deep joy and satisfaction in being immersed in the beauty and the cycles of this magical island, and still finds time to share her musical skills honed at Moravian in community performance events.

Alumna Becomes a Published Author Kathy Ozzard Chism ’77 has published two books: “Garage Sale Success Secrets - The Definitive Step-By-Step Guide to Turn Your Trash Into CA$H!” and “The Power of Know - 30 Days of All-Natural Ways to Heal Mind, Body, and Spirit.” For more information, visit To learn more about Chism, go to page 7.


Regina Lacombe Laine; Lisette Vafides Jones reports that she is married with three stepchildren, who are married, and four grandchildren. She earned her M.S. in management from College of St. Elizabeth in Morristown, New Jersey. She is a certified Zumba instructor and is working toward her group training certification from AFAA. She is contemplating returning to school for an HR degree or certificate and is looking into attending Emory’s HR Management Certification Program. She works for Randstad and Office Team Placement agencies. Kristin Vazquez received her Master of Education in secondary school counseling from Kutztown University in 2007. Michael Zile has joined Susquehanna Bank as a commercial relationship manager, vice president in the Berks/Lehigh Valley region. Michael will be responsible for maintaining and developing commercial banking relationships and will be based in the W. Tilghman Street office. He is a 2009 graduate of Leadership Lehigh Valley and is currently attending DeSales University for an M.B.A.


Jessica Naugle; Kelly Van Sickle is engaged to Frank Costanzo. They were planning a Nov. 1, 2014, wedding.

Tracy Smith recently relocated to Houston to work at the Blaffer Art Museum, the official art museum of the University of Houston, as the director of development and membership.


Matthew Donnelly received his M.B.A. with a concentration in entrepreneurship and innovation management in June 2014. He graduated as a member of Beta Gamma Sigma for academic honors.

David D’Ostilio has been selected to exhibit two augmented reality artworks in the National Juried Exhibition “Digital Magic” at BJ Spoke Gallery in Huntington, New York. The reception was Aug. 2.



Regina LaCaruba; Justin Hahn received his J.D. in May 2013 from the University of Denver – Sturm College of Law. He is a member of the Colorado bar and has joined the firm of Brownstein, Hyatt, Farber, Schreck as an associate. Justin is a member of the corporate and business department where his focus is on mergers and acquisitions. He is located in the firm’s Denver office.

Lauren Bahnatka Bachner;

Laura Sahlender Boyer; Nichole D’Alessio and Friends of Nursing Celebrates Patient Care at Lehigh Valley Health Network received a 2014 Friends of Nursing Award. Nicole works for LVHN in the Pediatric Medical-Surgical Unit.

Greyhounds Connect at Air Force Academy This summer retired Lt. Gen. Ervin J. Rokke (left), president emeritus of Moravian College, and Ryan Cress ’08 got together to share stories about their Moravian experience. Both former Greyhounds now work at the United States Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Rokke, a 1962 Academy graduate, is the senior scholar for the Academy’s Center for Character and Development. He served as president of the College and Seminary from August 1997 through July 2006. Cress, an assistant professor of physics and quantitative reasoning center faculty, is the first Moravian alumni to teach at the Academy.



FALL 2014


amelia Dietrich; Evan Weller ’02 married Ashley Tait on May 25, 2013. michael Forster ’02 and Kira Weller ’06 were in the wedding, and Wilson Gonzalez ’03 and alisa anderko Gonzalez ’03 were in attendance. Joshua Schray ’04 married Jenna Denise Splain on Aug. 4, 2012. Their first child was born on May 8, 2013, and his name is Noah Robert Schray. Stephen hartenstine ’04 married his wife, Kate, in April 2013. Julia Damiani ’12 married Zachariah Bailey on Nov. 2, 2013.

Dan Purtell graduated with a Masters of Arts in public leadership from the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia in May. Dan planned to move to Hungary in August for a year through Young Adults in Global Mission program, sponsored by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. marisa Gennace graduated in July from the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies in Edinburgh, Scotland. Marisa completed the fiveyear course in veterinary medicine to receive her BVM&S.


Cassidy Thomas; Sarah Ward is engaged to Austin Roach of Toronto. A fall 2016 wedding is planned. Sarah became a permanent resident of Canada on April 10, 2014. maria DeBonis Braxmeier has been hired as a pitching coach for Liberty High School in Bethlehem.

allison Story ’10 and mike Clemente ’07 were married on June 28, 2014, with several Moravian College alumni and friends in attendance. Among the Greyhounds on hand were: matt Bartos ’11, Bernie Story ’80, Jason Roeder ’97, Pat Bray, Rachel Radocha Earley ’08, Ryan Miller, Dan Stansbury ’07, Tom Carroll, meredith Wertheim Brehm ’09, matt Devlin ’07, Joe Bobadilla ’07, Dave Bowden ’09, matt Brehm ’07, Chris Earley ’08, Tyler Tripucka’06, ’09, Ed Reid ’07, marta Boulos Gabriel ’92, Drew morrissey ’09, Toni Campione ’04 and andrea Schumann Reid ’07. amy Frantz ’06 married Scott Gross – son of the late William Gross ’65 – on July 4, 2014. Rev. Derek French ’95 presided over the service at the Old Chapel of Central Moravian Church in Bethlehem. Kate Strucek massa ’06 served as matron of honor and Scott Fritchman ’98 was a groomsmen. Moravian alumni in attendance included: Jane Kincaid missimer ’51, Rev. Gary marsh ’74, Suzanne hartman Diehl ’80, Ed Walakovits ’80 (who also served as organist), Colleen Kane marsh ’08, amy Neff ’07, Stephanie Giebler Grube ’06, Will Shimer ’06, Kellie Smith Shimer ’05 and Peter Diehl ’81. Also celebrating with the couple were Moravian College Political Science Professors John Reynolds and Khristina Haddad.

FALL 2014

amy Gollins is a competitive bag piper and is working toward becoming a professional piper. She is going to Scotland with her piping band. She finished her first year toward a Ph.D and now has a stipend for the remainder of her time at USC.

Moravians in Washington, D.C.

michael o’Gorman ’13, founding teacher at KIPP DC: Lead Academy and corps member with Teach For America, might have left Bethlehem, but he’s brought Moravian College with him to Washington, D.C. O’Gorman works in a classroom he calls “Moravian College” and the young students refer to themselves as “Moravians.” “Although they can’t quite say ‘Moravian’ properly, they will be sure to tell you that it’s the sixth oldest college in ALL of America, and it was the first school to educate women,” O’Gorman says proudly.





Never Too Young to Dress Well

Joshua ’99 and Jennifer ’99 Coffin Dodd welcomed a son, Zachary Paul, on May 20, 2014. Zachary joins big sister Abigail Maegan. Josh Cesare ’02 and his wife, Tracey, welcomed their second child, Emily Ann Cesare, on Feb. 16, 2014. Brienne Wilson Rodriguez ’02 and her husband, Emily Ann Cesare Cory, welcomed their first child, a son, on Dec. 10, 2013. Brienne teaches third grade in Montgomery Township, New Jersey, and Cory is a detective for the New Jersey State Police. Jennifer Ketz Dolga ’03 and Chris Dolga are the proud parents of a son, Darren, born in November 2013. amy Lawrence Neiderer ’04 and Benjamin Neiderer had their fourth child, Isaiah Gerard Neiderer, born on Feb. 4, 2014. Their other children are Kali, Micah and Audrey. Paula Saslafsky Schaeffer ’04 and Timothy Schaeffer are the proud parents of a son, William James Schaeffer, born on Nov. 4, 2013. angela Kramer maiorino ’05 and Nicholas Maiorino welcomed their first child last summer. Massimo G. Maiorino was born on July 17, 2013, and he is doing wonderfully. alicia Rampulla ’08 welcomed a daughter, Julianna Conklin, on Nov. 17, 2013.


Kelly Schneider; Samantha milita Pitcher has recently accepted the position of assistant director of admissions at Lehigh University.



Kate Strucek massa ’06 has twin daughters, Anna and Emma, who have impeccable taste in fashion and accessories, highlighted by their cute Moravian College ensembles. (Photo courtesy of Amy Frantz Gross ’06)


Rachel Kleiner; Elizabeth Python graduated from Fordham University Graduate School of Education’s mental health counseling program. Ryan ulk has moved to Houston, Texas, and will be working as the electric and natural gas pricing manager for Just Energy. He was scheduled to marry Michele Schrift on Sept. 13, 2014. David Lengyel is an elementary school teacher in the Whitehall-Coplay School District.


ali Zucal; Todd aronhalt is pursuing a master’s degree in environmental engineering at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia. John Dimler shot a 75 in the 59th annual Bethlehem Golf Club Amateur Stroke Play Championship. Gary Zack was just accepted in the Nurse Anesthesia Program (CRNA) at Thomas Jefferson University. Gary will begin in January 2015. matt Lutcza, a former distance runner at Moravian, captured the men’s title at the ODDyssey Half Marathon in June. He crossed the Fairmont Park finish line in 1 hour, 11 minutes, 28 seconds. Lutcza was also the top finisher in the 30th running of St. Luke’s Half Marathon in April, completing the race in 1:09:32.


michael o’Gorman; or Emmy usera; Brittany Garzillo, reporter and producer for WLVT PBS39, recently received four Emmy nominations.


Casey hilferty; Kristopher Joint earned All-America honors at the Division III Track and Field Championships on May 25 at Ohio Wesleyan. He placed third in the triple jump. Timothy Lorah also earned AllAmerican honors and placed fourth in the javelin. The Greyhounds finished 25th among 82 teams. Eavan matz was named Landmark Conference Senior Scholar-Athlete of the Year for Softball. Evan graduated with a 3.78 GPA in management with a minor in industrial organizational psychology. She made the dean’s list in each of her eight semesters. On the field, she batted .388 with 13 runs, five doubles, and one homer and 17 RBIs. Kate Zien was selected as the Landmark Conference’s Women’s Tennis Senior Scholar Athlete. She earned All-Landmark honors all four years, including first-team singles and secondteam doubles this past season. She was the Greyhounds’ MVP in 2014 and compiled a 44-21 career singles record and a 47-18 doubles mark. Kate earned a 3.76 GPA while majoring in economics with minors in Spanish and management.

FALL 2014

In Memoriam ‘May the Souls of the Faithful Departed Rest in Peace.’ Vera Ruhf Dorney ’40 • July 4, 2014

Irene Goncz Kovacs ’50 • April 16, 2014

HazelLee Hefner Knoble ’71 • May 24, 2014

Myrtle Steffy Martin ’41 • June 23, 2014

Joseph H. Mayer ’50 • March 6, 2012

Linda Howard ’73 • May 9, 2014

Dorothy Humenik Hixson ’43 • May 24, 2014

Francis Priolo ’50 • April 30, 2014

Dean Smith ’74 • Feb. 15, 2014

Priscilla Beatty Tyler ’45 • April 25, 2014

Judith Lyon Swenson ’54 • June 28, 2014

Jude Panik ’77 • May 31, 2014

Martha Meixell Danner ’46 • May 27, 2014

Michael Ripic ’58 • July 2, 2014

James Fiore ’78 • May 19, 2014

William Weinland ’47, ’49 • June 22, 2014

Alberta Henley Muhammad ’59 • June 11, 2014

Louise Van Ess Charnock ’49 • Aug. 21, 2013

James Carberry ’48 • April 28, 2014

Frank Szarko, M.D. ’61 • March 30, 2014

Sally Breidegam Miksiewicz ’84 • June 20, 2014

Joseph Malatesta ’48 • June 4, 2014

Stephanie Rights Bertsch ’62 • April 28, 2014

Pamela Strohl Storm ’89 • May 5, 2014

Albert Buralli ’49 • May 8, 2014

Bruce Leshishyn ’67 • July 2, 2014

Fredric Bulleit, former Trustee and friend of the College and Seminary • July 20, 2014

Concetta Ronca Burke ’50 • May 23, 2014

Thomas Irwin Jr. ’67 M.Div. • April 26, 2014

Elizabeth Gehringer Carlton ’50 • May 16, 2014

Susan Scott Brobston ’69 • April 8, 2014

Additional Class Correspondents 1943 • Margaret L. Albright, 129 N. 11th Street, Allentown, PA 18102 June Bright Reese, 801 N. Wahneta Street, Apt. 203, Allentown, PA 18109 1945 • Jane Smith Ebelhare, PO Box 360 Masonville, CO 80541; 1947 • Margaret Loveless Browne, George Kirkpatrick, 11250 Caravel Circle, No. 308; Fort Myers, FL 33908-5236 1949 • Norma Boldt Wynne, 1952 • Mary T. Pongracz, 321 W. Fourth St.; Bethlehem, PA 18015 1955 • Helen Varady Keyser, 2038 Kemmerer Street; Bethlehem, PA 18017 1957 • Pearl Stein, 1958 • Daneen Jones Phelps, 1960 • James Houser, Peter French,

1961 • Sam Maczko, 1962 • Merr Trumbore, Emma Demuth Williams, 1963 • Bill Leicht, 16819 N. 59th Place; Scottsdale, AZ 85254; 1967 • Kathie Broczkowski Klein, 1969 • Tim Tedesco, 1971 • John Madison, 1973 • Dennis Jones, Priscilla Barres Schueck, 1975 • Susan Bacci Adams, 1978 • Dawn Allen, 1983 • Karen Skoyles, 1984 • Diane Sciabica Mandry, 1985 • Lynn Muschlitz LaBarre,

1987 • Diane Hvizdak Taylor, 1988 • Dianne Pelaggi Irr, 1989 • Kerri Selland Pepoy, 1990 • Mary Beth Sierzega Afflerbach, 1994 • Denise Bradley, 1995 • Derek Reusser, 1996 • Deb Yuengling Ferhat, 1997 • Tiffany Shenman, 1998 • Jennie Joshi, 1999 • Christina Fulton, 2000 • Faithann Cheslock Barron, Lisa Hahn-Egan,

For Comenius Center alumni notes: Dee Lohman, or Sherron Quinn,

FALL 2014



ToP: Following Moravian College’s 2014 Commencement, Sally

Breidegam Miksiewicz ’84 (left) shares a moment with Daniel Miksiewicz ’14 and Ron Miksiewicz ’84.

Sally Breidegam Miksiewicz ’84


Rev. Douglas Caldwell ’66, MTS ’69


BoTTom: Lyn Trodahl Chynoweth ’68 (from left), member of the Board of Trustees, Dr. Christopher M. Thomforde, former president, and Douglas Caldwell ’66, MTS ’69 enjoy themselves at the dedication of the Hurd Integrated Living and Learning facility in fall 2009.

Forever Greyhounds

In summer 2014, Moravian College and Moravian Theological Seminary mourned the loss of two of its most prominent and influential alumni, Sally Breidegam Miksiewicz ’84 and Rev. Douglas Caldwell ’66, MTS ’69. A member of the Moravian College Board of Trustees since 2008 and a daughter of life trustee DeLight Breidegam, Miksiewicz died on June 20. She was the chief executive officer and vice chairman of East Penn Manufacturing, Berks County’s largest privately-held business. For more than a quarter-century, Caldwell was pastor of the Central Moravian Church in Bethlehem, the largest Moravian church in the Lehigh Valley. A fixture in the Bethlehem area, serving on the boards of several institutions, including Moravian College, Caldwell passed away on July 17. “We, as a college community, are incredibly saddened by the sudden passing of Sally and Doug, whose leadership has been instrumental to the College for so many years,” said President Bryon L. Grigsby ’90. “Although they are no longer with us, their spirit and love for their alma mater will endure for generations. They will undoubtedly be missed.”



FALL 2014

MORAVIAN PROUD A LEGACY OF MUSIC Moravian College is one of only 3% of American colleges designated as All-Steinway schools, a sign of excellence in music education. From the sound of the Steinways in the studios to the theory taught in the classrooms, Moravian has a history of excellence in music education. Vocal performance graduate Rachel Ruisard ’14 continues that tradition at Oxford University in a one-year graduate program leading to an M.St. in musicology.

Our Pride is Showing

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THE MORAVIAN EFFECT Dan ’08 and Christine ’05 Bobick are two of thousands of Moravian alumni who followed the passions they discovered at Moravian and today are making a difference in their communities.

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