Moravian College Magazine Winter 2007

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Moravian Big Man on Campus

Meet Christopher Thomforde Student Journals Give Dorm’s-Eye View One Moravian’s Quest for A More Beautiful World


winter 2007 02

Prelude: My Lisbon Lessons

stranger in a strange land finds that his A journey grants him insights to his own identity.


Move-In Day

Y ou’ve got your key, you’ve found your room . . . now all you need to do is unload your stuff and meet your roommate. Welcome to the first day of the rest of your college life.


A View from the Top

hy are small liberal arts institutions like W Moravian College more important than ever? New president Christopher Thomforde shares his thoughts on truth, community, sports, and more.


“I Can Do This”

L inda Evans Shotkus ’69 turned down an enticing job offer so she could follow her passion. That plucky choice led to three decades of fashionable success.


Out & About




Alumni News


Class Notes

Moravian College Magazine : executive editor, Susan Overath Woolley; managing editor, Rick Chillot; sports editor, Mark J. Fleming; web manager, Christie Jacobsen; director of public relations and marketing, Michael P. Wilson. Creative Direction: Jane Firor & Associates. Alumni Relations: acting director, Penni Zimmerman; class notes assistant, Patricia Murray Hanna ’82; student assistant, Kristin Gratz ’08. Copyright 2007 by Moravian College. Photographs and artwork copyright by their respective creators or by Moravian College. All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be reused or republished in any form without express written permission. Cover photo by John Kish IV Spread photo by John Kish IV photo by John Kish IV


My Lisbon Lessons

Larger-than-life Ideas

Peter Cunha ’07 explores Portugal and his past I believe you have to stay busy. You always have to be involved in something whole-heartedly, always evolving, always advancing. For college kids, that means an internship in the summer. The Career Center at Moravian has convinced me that experience is necessary if I want to progress successfully to the next level of my life. A previous internship advanced my understanding of journalism. This time, I wanted an experience relating to my other major, international business. And I wanted to see if I really could survive on my own in another country. My internship was six weeks at the Luso-American Foundation (FLAD, Fundação Luso-Americana para o Desenvolvimento), in Lisbon. FLAD was founded in 1986 by the Portuguese government to help promote relations between the United States and Portugal. The two nations share a diplomatic alliance that’s one of the oldest—if not the oldest—in American history. This was the first time that someone outside of my family invested so much in me in more than just a financial way. I worked in Lisbon in the Estrella neighborhood. Many international embassies are located there, including the U.S. embassy, which is just across the street. Our building was one of the first built in the area after the 1755 earthquake that destroyed a large part of Lisbon. My office had an unbelievable view of the Tejo River. One of my projects, an analysis of American students studying abroad in Portugal, resulted in the largest document I’ve ever produced—78 doublespaced pages. It took a lot of research and analysis, but working for people I admired and respected made it enjoyable. I’m the son of immigrants who left Portugal in 1968. The weekends were great for discovering my ancestral stomping grounds firsthand. I went to my folks’ home town. We still have family there. I saw my paternal grandparents’ graves, my dad’s crib, and I did some genealogical research. I visited the house where my dad grew up, and the neighborhood he lived in before he left for America. The area’s still very rural. It’s easy to imagine my roots because the way of life there hasn’t changed much. I found out that my dad’s house, now occupied by my aunt, has been in the family for six generations. Most Americans know the nationality of their ancestors, and a few lucky ones know where in that nation—in what town or region—their

family originated. But I know exactly where my ancestors lived some four hundred years ago. To find out that you’re part of something that extends so far back in time is a new discovery about yourself. I’m a soccer nut, and when the World Cup tournament is going on, so is everyone in Portugal. I experienced the World Cup in a soccer-crazy nation, one that went far in the tourney at that. Portugal’s fourth-place finish that summer was its best in 40 years, and I was there for the final five matches. It was the best. When the team won against Holland and England, everyone headed to the monument to Marques de Pombal* in the city’s center. I was stationed down the street, and after every victory I’d march down there and cheer with the rest of Lisbon’s population. People waving flags, rigging up their cars so that their automobiles look like caravels—15th-century explorers’ ships—with the Portuguese flag as a sail . . . it was a phenomenon that just doesn’t exist in the States as far as soccer is concerned. After being transplanted for those six weeks, I learned skills that can’t be transmitted in any other way. Working in a foreign nation teaches you to function successfully within another culture, something I feel many Americans don’t understand. You can read about social differences in a textbook, but you have to practice them or that knowledge is useless. My generation is going to have to deal with concepts like globalization and the European Union. After this internship, I’m very familiar with these notions. And I learned a lot about me that I didn’t know before. I grew up with very little knowledge of my great Portuguese heritage. Getting thrown into it headfirst made me come out with a new appreciation of names like Vasco da Gama, Fernando Pessoa, Luis Camoes. I came to appreciate an element of my personality that helps me understand who I am. Since I was little, I’ve always been looking at pictures in textbooks or watching movies and wishing that one day I could go there and see those places. I’ve always had this interest in what’s out there. Maybe that’s just the Portuguese in me: the blood of the explorers still going strong. W

<< To find out that you’re part of something that extends so far back in time is a

new discovery about yourself.

Left: Peter Cunha at Lisbon’s Parque Eduardo Setimo. right: Rooftops of Lisbon, World Cup euphoria, Peter and co-workers.





Prelude features stories of Moravian College community members in their own words. Send your submissions or suggestions to: * The statesman noted for his leadership after the 1775 earthquake. –eds.



photo by John Kish IV

Medieval Is Good for You

A Kulu Mele dancer teaches Moravians the right moves.

Dance with Your Ears Good dancing starts with good listening, says Dorothy Wilkie, artistic director and choreographer of Kulu Mele African American Dance Ensemble. “Beginners have to learn to listen to the drum,” she explains. “Each rhythm has its own call, and that tells you when to start, change, and stop.” The ensemble, whose name means “voice of our ancestors,” visited the Moravian campus in December 2006 for a program of dances and rhythms from Africa, Brazil, Haiti, Cuba, and the U.S. Students and faculty members had an opportunity to move to the beat of African drumming during a pre-concert workshop. The steps may be different, but music and dance play similar roles in African and American culture, says Wilkie. “They play music for many reasons—for the birth of a baby, for a celebration, for a naming ceremony. Here we have music at baby showers, parties, and weddings.”

How did the Reformation alter the representation of women? What narrative strategies did Chaucer use in the Canterbury Tales? How were dreams interpreted in the Carolingian period? Many such questions were answered—or at least thoroughly discussed—at the Undergraduate Conference in Medieval and Early Modern Studies, hosted by Moravian College on Saturday, December

music by members of the Baltimore Consort and Quartetto Brio. Taking a close look at these periods in history does more than solve historical enigmas or offer glimpses into a bygone mindset, says John Black, assistant professor of English at Moravian and one of the conference organizers (with Sandy Bardsley, assistant professor of history). It teaches

2, 2006. The conference featured 28 research presentations by students from Moravian and several other colleges and universities. The 220 attendees, representing 25 schools, also witnessed performances and demonstrations (including two Moravian music majors who constructed a 15th-century trumpet). Other events included a plenary speech by Arthurian literature specialist Kelley Wickham-Crowley, associate professor of English at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., and a performance of Sephardic

you to think outside your own particular box. “One of the main appeals of this field is its interdisciplinary aspect,” says Black. “You can’t approach it with blinders on.” While it’s possible to view the Middle Ages strictly from, say, an art history perspective, real understanding only comes from bringing together information from history, art, literature, religion, music, and other fields. And professors or students who learn to do that will find it’s a skill that’s sorely needed in today’s world. “Our modern worldview is utterly fragmented,” Black says. “We’re so drawn and torn and pushed and shoved and rushed and frantic that there’s hardly time for synthesis, for seeing how you or anyone else fits into the big picture.”

photo by John Kish IV

Blow your own horn: Moravian students Christopher A. Lucca ’09 and Sean Mason ’08 demonstrate the 15-th century trumpet they created for Moravian’s Conference in Medieval and Early Modern Studies.


Vespers in Televisionland A Moravian College tradition gained its widest audience yet when thirteen NBC-TV affiliates around the country broadcast The Music of Vespers from Bethlehem . . . the Christmas City on Christmas day 2006.

February 1 – March 11

February 21

March 15 – April 15

The program featured a repertoire of sacred and spiritual songs from a wide variety of cultures performed direction of Eduardo Azzati. Selections included an Australian aboriginal chant, the words of John Milton

by the Moravian Choir, under the direction of Paula Ring Zerkle, and by the Women’s Chorus, under the

Edouard Matthiew Pannetier

Lawrence Brownlee, tenor

The Design of Dissent

Payne Gallery • An exhibit of neverbefore- displayed drawings and paintings by the French-Cambodian surrealist, known as “Peccadet” to artist friends like Picasso.

foy concert hall • A remarkable evening of music with one of today’s leading bel canto tenors.

Payne Gallery • Renowned graphic designer Milton Glaser and illustrator Mirko Ilic present an exhibit of socially- and politically-driven graphics.

and Walt Whitman, and music composed by Moravian students. Also featured were Vespers standards like the hymns Morning Star and Jesus, Call Thou Me (Jesu, rufe mich). While nearly 6,000 members of the Moravian College community attend the Vespers services every year in Bethlehem, the broadcasts allowed viewers as far away as Michigan and Oklahoma to enjoy them. Or, in the case of former Choir soloist Susan McLeish ’75, to enjoy them again. “Imagine my surprise,” says McLeish, who lives outside of Atlanta, Georgia, “when I arose at 5:00 a.m. to make Moravian sugar cake, turned on the TV in hopes of finding something holidayish, and found the Moravian Vespers being broadcast!”






Reaching Readers, One Book at a Time

Preserving a Singular Treasure

Esther Tutella likes a challenge. “I wanted to teach in a school that really needs teachers,” says the 2006 graduate. “I feel strongly that some kids get overlooked, and I wanted to fill that gap.” So she applied to Teach for America (TFA), an organization that places recent college grads in underserved public schools. Because TFA wants teachers who will excel in difficult circumstances, their selection process is a demanding one. “There was a long application process,” Tutella says. “I had to write essays explaining how I’d overcome obstacles in my life.” After undergoing an extended interview and teaching a sample lesson for the selection committee, Tutella became one of 2,400 teachers accepted into the TFA program (out of 19,000 applicants nationwide). Tutella’s assignment, teaching English to 150 tenth and eleventh graders at Forrest City High School in rural Arkansas, came with challenges of its own. To help her class improve their vocabulary and reading skills, she decided to assign each student a book match-

photo by John Kish IV

Above: Donated books, packed by Moravian students and future educators : Daniel Huster ’08, Karla Erdman ’07, Christine Holmfelt CC, and Keith Brotzman ’08. Left: Esther Tutella ’06 and students.

ing his or her ability and interests. The individual attention works. In one case, a struggling reader was assigned to read forty pages; the next day she complained that she was only able to read sixty pages before her mom told her to turn out the light and get to sleep. This approach did bump up against a significant difficulty, though: a scarcity of books. “We’re in a rural area, the library doesn’t have much, and there aren’t many places to buy them,” says Tutella. Help came when Tutella described her situation to mentor Joseph Shosh, assistant professor of education at Moravian College. Shosh put a call out for donations, resulting in a collection of about 500 books contributed by Moravian students, faculty members, and staffers. They arrived at Forrest City High just in time for the December holidays. “One day I got a call from the school office telling me I had nine boxes that needed to be picked up,” Tutella says. She was able to hand-pick a book for each student to read over Christmas break, with enough left over to keep in her classroom library and share with a fellow English teacher. “I seem to get more support from my former professors and classmates than most teachers do,” Tutella says.

Few structures provide as many years of useful service as Moravian College’s most historic building, the Single Brethren’s House. In the decades after its 1748 construction, it served as a dwelling for single men, a workplace, a hospital for the Revolutionary army, and a dining spot for Bethlehem visitor George Washington (once). Today the Brethren’s House contains music practice rooms, classrooms, and offices. In 2006, a Save America’s Treasures matching grant from the Department of the Interior, National Park Services, enabled a welcome spruce-up: the windows were reglazed, 39 rotted windowsills were replaced, all sills were painted, all the carpeting and subfloors were removed and replaced, and the hallways and stairwells were painted. A new air conditioning system was installed as well. For all that, George Washington would still recognize the building, since its layout and stone exterior appear much as they did 259 years ago. Washington’s fellow revolutionary Ben Franklin also visited the Brethren’s House, where according to his autobiography he “was entertain'd with good musick” in January 1756. These days, the technophilic Franklin would be able to use his laptop to post blog entries while strolling around campus. Thanks to a grant from the George I. Alden Trust, Moravian’s wireless computer network is now available in and around more than a dozen College buildings, including the Brethren’s House. Eventually even the school’s outdoor spaces will be covered, which should allow users to follow one of Franklin’s many adages: “Employ thy time well, if thou meanest to get leisure.”


March 22–25

April 14

April 19 – May 13

April 20–22

Steel Magnolias

Relay for Life

Moravian College Senior Show

Presidential Inauguration Weekend

arena theatre • Flowery on the outside but tough on the inside, six southern belles laugh, cry, and support each other. Performed by the Moravian College Theatre Company.

north campus quad • Come and support Moravian students, faculty members and staff in this fund-raising event for the American Cancer Society.

Payne Gallery • Get a glimpse of the next generation of artists, as the College’s graduating seniors in art show off their creations.

Christopher Thomforde is inaugurated as the College’s 15th president. Celebratory events will include a parade down the Moravian Mile, a barbecue at Bethlehem City Hall Plaza, and a fireworks display.




MORAVIANBOOKSHELF ■ Medieval moralists considered the tongue a dangerous weapon, and in the later Middle Ages deviant speech became increasingly feminized. Women of all social classes risked being charged as “scolds” and prosecuted in court for insulting others or talking too much in public. This phenomenon and its consequences are examined in Venomous Tongues: Speech and Gender in Late Medieval England (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2006) by Sandy Bardsley, assistant professor of history at Moravian College. ■ Saving money for a down payment on a home, choosing between health insurance alternatives, understanding survey results reported in the media… sometimes mathematics is about more than abstract numbers. The new textbook Quantitative Reasoning: Tools for Today’s Informed Citizen, by Alicia Sevilla and Kay Somers, professors of mathematics at Moravian College, prepares students to make informed decisions in their daily lives. (Key College Publishing, 2007). ■ What happens when a mouse’s deepest wish comes true and the whole world turns into cheese? The answer may surprise you, as it does the title character of the children’s picture book Scuttle's Big Wish (Regan Books, 2006). Author and Moravian alum Sean Delonas ’84 enlisted the help of his then six-year-old son Ryan to craft the tale. Sean is a painter and illustrator best known for his cartoons that appear daily on the New York Post’s Page Six.



Online Journals Offer Inside Stories “I wouldn’t include a tirade about the three sleepless nights in a row I spent studying for finals,” says Rachel Beard, a freshman music education major. “But at the same time, I like to present life at Moravian as it is. I won’t spin a tale that college life is a cakewalk.” She’s not talking about e-mail, or something as antiquated as a snail-mailed letter. Beard chronicles her Moravian College experi-

Making Connections Tomorrow’s all well and good, but what about the next day? In a lecture titled “Staying Ahead: Innovation for the Day after Tomorrow,” visiting speaker James Burke showed how understanding technological innovations of the past helps predict social changes of the future. The science historian and author, famous for his PBS series Connections, also demonstrated his Knowledge Web, a computer-based interactive tool that creates visual links between diverse people, places, and things throughout history. The K-web, as it’s also called, will allow knowledge seekers to explore information that’s connected in an almost infinite number of ways. Such connections are often unexpected: start at earth-orbits-the-sun astronomer Nicholas Copernicus and you may end up with Mexican general and dictator Santa Anna (who also happens to be the person credited with introducing chewing gum to the United States). Burke’s visit marked the 23rd year of the College’s Cohen Arts and Lectures Series, which has brought guests as varied as Burl Ives, Kurt Vonnegut, and Jimmy Carter to the Moravian campus. “Everybody and everything is interconnected,” says Burke. “And because of that, every one of us, whoever we are, contributes in some way. Nobody is just a nobody.”

Master Planners

Above left: Moravian student diarists Rachel Beard ’10 (top), Lindsey Rice ’08, Andrew Piccone ’08


May 18-19


Alumni Weekend

America’s sixth-oldest college concludes its 265th academic year.

This year’s itinerary includes a tour of historic buildings in Bethlehem. photo by John Kish IV

May 12



photo by John Kish IV

photos by John Kish IV

ence every week on the College’s website. Each diary entry includes musings on recent events—anything from a master class with jazz trombonist Delfeayo Marsalis to Halloween ghost hunting on south campus—and a few snapshots. Weekly glimpses into the lives of Moravian students, provided by Rachel and six other volunteers, were initiated by the College’s Admissions Office in September 2006. The journals are intended to give prospective students a sense of what it’s like to attend Moravian College. The idea seems like a natural for a generation that’s into blogs, MySpace, and other forms of online journaling, says assistant director of admissions Amy Weiss. “The students want to share their experiences,” says Weiss, “and we think that because the information is coming from the students, it’s particularly valuable.” Rachel agrees. “Reading a journal like this would have been a great aid when I was looking at colleges,” she says. “You’re told so much about schools and campus life, but these journals are a real behind-the-scenes peek.” Because today’s media-savvy teens can easily spot marketing hype, a key strategy is to let the students write what they want, says Weiss. “If they had a bad week, they’re free to go ahead and say they had a bad week. We want the entries to be real and true, and from their point of view.” The journal entries and photographs are posted at


Some married couples can’t decide where to go for dinner without getting into a 4-alarm argument. But Cy (’65) and Brenda Krajci seem able to work shoulder to shoulder all day and come up smiling. As co-chairs of the committee for the April 2007 inauguration of Moravian College president Christopher Thomforde, the pair grapple with conundrums like whether a fireworks display can be held if it rains, or how to make sure the post-inauguration dinner dance is lively. (The answers: it can, and invite students.) The opportunities for communication are that much more plentiful when you share an address as well as an office, says Cy. “Just this morning, we were talking about the event budget over breakfast,” he adds. Among the other events the pair has lined up for inauguration weekend (April 20-22) are a Moravian Mile parade and a combined worship service at Central Moravian Church. Expect to see plenty of Moravian student involvement, too, including performances by student bands, and displays by student academic and community service groups. “We have great students here,” Brenda says, “and getting to know them is what it’s all about.”


Move-In Like your first kiss, your first step into a college dorm room is a clear indicator that your life is about to take an interesting new turn. At Moravian College, moving in is also a group experience, thanks to the help of volunteer upper classmen (in the white T-shirts), campus safety officers, a college president willing to do some heavy lifting, and somebody dressed as a greyhound. Not to mention choked-up parents, and siblings who secretly look forward to having the run of the house. W



photos by John Kish IV

Day 2006




A View from the Top A Conversation with Moravian’s New President Last fall I conducted the funeral service for the wife of my old friend Peter Carril, Princeton’s former basketball coach. After the service was over I talked with Pete and with Bill Werpehowski of Moravian’s class of ’51. Bill, who grew up with Pete on Bethlehem’s South Side, over on 3rd Street, said, “Chris, you should really think about coming

sity Divinity School in 1974, and a Doctor of Ministry from Princeton Theological Seminary in 2000. He is an ordained minister of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Thomforde had a varied career before coming to Moravian. He was an outstanding basketball player at Princeton, and was drafted by, although he did not have a career with, the New York Knickerbockers. After graduating from Princeton and taking intensive courses in Mandarin Chinese at Middlebury College, he taught Western languages and medieval European history at Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan, until 1971. From 1974 to 1978, he was an assistant chaplain and instructor in philosophy and religion at Colgate University. From 1978 to 1986, he served as pastor at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Dansville, New York. From 1986 to 1996, Thomforde served as chaplain at Susquehanna University and taught in the Department of Philosophy and Religion. From there he embarked on a presidential career, becoming president of Bethany College in Lindsborg, Kansas, where he served from 1996 to 2000, and then president of St. Olaf College in Northfield, Minnesota, serving from 2000 to 2006. The editors of Moravian College Magazine recently sat down with Moravian’s new president and invited him to talk about his role and the institution’s future.

to Moravian. Our president is retiring, and I think you’d be great there.” So it was the Carril-Werpehowski axis that got me interested.

What made you want to come to Moravian? A couple of things. One, the school is in a good position; it has a good sense of positive energy about itself. You don’t always get a breathing space at a small liberal arts college to consider the institution’s strengths and to ask how it could become stronger, but the work of all of you—Dr. Rokke, the administration, the faculty, the board—has helped the school gain a kind of stability in which we can consider where we go from here. Second, I sort of grew up in the eastern part of the United States, and I have family here, so the opportunity to come “home” was very attractive to me also.



With both you and your predecessor, Ervin Rokke, Moravian’s been lucky in getting a president who has had previous experience as a president. What have you learned in your previous presidential experience, both from mistakes and from successes, that will help you be a better president at Moravian? Probably more from the mistakes! I would say one thing is that I bring with me from all of my professional experience an appreciation for the great value of our country’s small liberal arts colleges. I also bring a sense of how fragile they are. They are very tuititon-dependent, so they can be in real trouble in a hurry if enrollment growth slows, because they don’t have a lot of other resources. So they’re very fragile, but they’re very valuable, and because they’re valuable, any effort put into making them more stable, more viable, is worth it because of the great benefit they have on the lives of students, in thinking, in professional training, and in moral character development. I think, since I’ve seen a lot of how three other schools work—Susquehanna, where I was the chaplain, Bethany and St. Olaf where I was president, and now here, so this is the fourth school like this—there are not too many things that would surprise me. I feel more mature, frankly, as a leader of a small liberal arts institution now than I did at any of the previous three places where I worked. I think having a leader who doesn’t panic or get too anxious or too fidgety is probably good for everybody. Maybe part of that maturity is knowing what things are really worth worrying about, and what are the daily trials and tribulations of small academic communities. And not taking either myself or the problems that we might face too seriously is helpful for a more steady kind of leadership.


<< I’ve been impressed, just in a couple of months, to find that community is very important here, that we discover the truth in community, and we live out our lives together in community.


photo by John Kish IV


hristopher M. Thomforde assumed the presidency of Moravian College and Moravian Theological Seminary on August 1, 2006, succeeding Ervin J. Rokke. The institution’s 15th president earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in medieval and Russian history from Princeton University in 1969, a Master of Divinity from Yale Univer-




A View from the Top

Basketball Dynasty

Chris Thomforde’s undergraduate experience at Princeton University included a stellar career on the varsity basketball team. Bill Bradley, Princeton class of ’65, helped basketball coach Willem Van Breda Kolff persuade him to come to Princeton. He was featured on the cover of the February 27, 1967, issue of Sports Illustrated with teammate Gary Walters (class of ’67, and now director of athletics at Princeton) as a sophomore, captained the team as a senior, and, like Bradley, was drafted by the New York Knickerbockers for a professional career in basketball (which lasted only through a twoweek training camp in 1974) after graduation. Although he found the ministry and academe more rewarding than a professional sports career, athletic endeavor remains a significant influence on his outlook. You use sports metaphors to express many things, and sports evidently provided a great learning experience for you that carries over into your life now. How does Moravian’s Division III athletics program fit into its liberal education and purpose? I think wonderfully. The idea of Division III is that the learning experience that students have. So it’s not that a student learns calculus or Greek or biology over here and then plays football over there. Paul Moyer, our athletics director, is good at asking: what learning takes

james drake/sports illustrated

athletics should be part of

place on those fields? Or in those locker rooms, or on those buses, or during a game? What have I learned about dealing with pain, or dealing with the judgments of other people, or getting along with people I don’t like, or dealing with success? Those are the things that can be learned there, that can’t be learned in a chemistry lab or history class.



in general. How would you say Moravian is different from other places? What makes it special? Every school of which I’ve ever been a part, either as a student or as a teacher, chaplain, administrator, has had some sense of community. But I think the Moravian religious tradition informs the value of community here. Probably not explicitly. But the Moravians, the religious group, had a notion that the truth is discovered in community. Much of scholarship, as you know, can be kind of a solitary, isolated kind of endeavor. I’ve been impressed, just in a couple of months, to find that community is very important here, that we discover the truth in community, and we live out our lives together in community. I was just reading Zinzendorf, who’s quite clear that the interpretation of the gospel only takes place in community. It’s not ex cathedra, in which a bishop says this is what this passage means, and you all believe it. That value is intersected by a realization that is occurring in many small liberal arts colleges, driven by the complexity in scientific discovery, that the understanding of the world is not really departmental any more, but that you need interdepartmental, interdisciplinary work. I think the days of having a major in one area and thinking that that was enough probably don’t exist any more. So you have the sciences, in particular, seeing that the world is quite complex, and you need a number of disciplines in order to understand the world. And this is aided by this piece out of our religious tradition. I think that can be very fruitful here. I also sense a balance here between the liberal arts—how do you think broadly, how do you articulate complex ideas and paradoxes cogently, how do you become familiar with your own great traditions as well as other people’s—and a healthy kind of pre-professional training. We’re not a school to train bankers, or to train doctors, but if you’re going to be a banker or a doctor, this would be a good place to come to get some of the skills that

are necessary to do that, balanced with the sort of broad thinking, creative expression, careful articulation that comes along with the liberal arts. And our artistic tradition, our very important attention to music and art, also provides a balance between aesthetics and technique. The other piece, as compared to other schools I’ve been at, is that we’re in the middle of a city with the rusty remains of the Industrial Revolution. The city poses the educational question: what kind of future are we building for our students in the new technological era that’s coming up, when all our institutions—health, government, education, religion—were shaped by the industrial era that, at least in North America and Europe, is essentially over. The blast furnaces are large monuments to something that was, and they are reminders that Moravian has an opportunity to help think about what comes next, and what will be required of us as human beings both professionally and personally in this new order that’s coming.

What personal values and traits are most important for the president of a college like Moravian? One quality that’s very important is clearheadedness: to be able to think clearly about issues that are complex. I think another virtue you might have to have is an appreciation for people. Because these are small communities, the motivations of the people who are here are other than power and success or capital accumulation. So you have to be sensitive to their motivations, and know how to appreciate them, and support and sustain them. And then I think there would have to be a love for the things of the mind. Running a college is different from running a business, because our business is thinking, learning, and performing, and if you don’t love those things, and don’t enjoy reading, or you don’t enjoy listening to music or watching a good football game, you’re going to be fundamentally out of step with the primary function of the place. And then you need a pretty good work ethic, because there’s a lot to do, and it never stops.

Where do you intend to focus your efforts as president? What’s your number-


photo by John Kish IV

You cite the value of liberal arts colleges

<< If you don’t enjoy reading, or you don’t enjoy listening to music or watching a good football game, you’re going to be fundamentally out of step with the primary function of the place.


risks. One is on the revenue side: how do we increase revenue so that the school can continue to run, and even increase revenue a lot, so that it can be enriched, without raising tuition exorbitantly, so that we would eliminate our historical market. For me, that would be, how do we really make the endowment grow, how can we make the annual fund grow. The second big issue is how we keep access open to capable students regardless of their ability to pay. Especially in the forties and fifties, we were recognized as a place where the son or daughter of a steelworker, or a high school teacher, or a postman could come and get a really good education and end up being a doctor or a teacher. So that’s sort of our calling, or vocation, you might say, but with the change in demography—more and more new immigrant groups coming into the country—how do we have enough revenue to make sure that people can come to Moravian who are intellectually able but maybe not financially able. So I think creating revenue and keeping the door open to people of ability are our two big challenges going forward.

What do you see as the role of a liberal one short-term goal, and what are the longer-term goals? My number-one short-term goal is simply to learn about this community. In any community there are espoused values or rhythms that you can see on the surface of things, and they’re good or bad as the case might be, but they’re obvious, and you should take them seriously. Then there are also operational values, and you won’t learn about those until you’ve gotten into some kind of crisis, because then you really see how people behave or what they really think is important. So I think number one is to get to learn who we are and what we are all about. There are many good things in place here, so I don’t have to come and invent everything. Next would be to do some strategic thinking. We have good people, we’re in a good city, we have a good heritage, and we’re doing many things well. What would it mean for Moravian to grow and become better or more mature? We’ve gone through a period of enrollment growth and financial growth, so maybe in some ways we’re like teenagers,


in that regard. Things are growing, and we’re getting used to the size of our feet and hands and body. But you don’t just keep growing infinitely. You reach some sort of point of physical growth, and that stops, and then you have to become more mature in other ways.

You’ve said that Moravian is on the move. Where is it going, and what are the challenges and what are the scary parts? One of the destinations I would like to arrive at is to become an “exemplary” institution. You don’t have to be big or famous to become exemplary. I’d like Moravian to come to mind if somebody were to ask, “where is a really good art department,” or “what schools with seminaries also have really good nursing programs,” or any of a number of other questions. If we were known amongst our companions, peers, and aspirant group as really knowing how to do things well: that’s the sort of destination I would rather get to than being number 25 or 62 or 198 or number 1. I think that the risky part for us will be two things, and they are manageable, but

arts institution today? And in the future? A liberal-arts education is absolutely essential for men and women going forward, for this reason: at its best a liberal arts education should enable someone to distinguish between things, think clearly about certain matters, and gain a kind of moral agency, having sorted and having thought through a decision, and taking action for the sake of the common good. I think historically the liberal arts have fostered those kinds of thinking, discerning, and acting on behalf of everybody. In our time and going forward we have this huge explosion of access to information. But how do you know which piece of information is authentic, or which is helpful, or what relationship exists between this bit of information and that bit of information? A liberal arts education helps you not only discern differences, but also make connections. And to distinguish between the good and the bad, and to prefer the good, and have the courage to act upon what you think is authentic. W



“I Can Do This” Linda Evans Shotkus ’69 is living her dream and making the world more beautiful, one woman at a time. By Caroline Funk Rabold ’69 and John Greenya


can do this myself, thought Linda Evans Shotkus as she left the job interview with Nancy Talbot of Talbot Clothing Stores & Catalogs. The year was 1977, the city was Boston, and Linda, class of ’69, an eight year veteran of the retail clothing wars, had just been offered a very good job. But Linda was tired of working for other people, and as soon as the light bulb went on, she could see with clarity what was in her heart. She would follow her dream and open her own store. Today, the wisdom of that decision is readily apparent. Founded in 1978, Lyn Evans for Potpourri Design is a thriving business with nine stores—six in the Boston area (Concord, Danvers, Hanover, Hingham, Wellesley, and Westborough) and three in Connecticut (Canton, New Canaan, and West Hartford), 80 employees, and a very happy owner. Linda even convinced her husband, Stan Shotkus, who had been in the manufacturing end of the retail business, to come aboard as manager of operations. Their current goal is to expand Lyn Evans for Potpourri Design to 15 stores. In keeping with its corporate motto of “Making the world more beautiful, one woman at a time,” the high-end boutique chain offers an intriguing mix of fashionable yet comfortable clothing with accessories, for everything from black tie to casual Friday. The stores’ unique niche is that they cater to women who are looking for fashion direction and also to the sophisticated buyer who is too busy to spend much time shopping. Lyn, who sees herself as “the middle man between

<< It takes commitment to excel,

but you don’t have to be a rocket scientist. If you use common sense and capitalize on a solid work ethic, you’ll be successful.


the wholesaler and the consumer,” prides herself on taking an active part in the design and décor of all her stores to ensure that their creative displays and window dressings lure the customers in to see more. Linda Evans Shotkus credits her psychology major at Moravian with giving her the background necessary for successful competition in a field where people skills are essential: “Moravian helped me gain the self-esteem and selfconfidence to pursue my dream.” An active and involved alum, Linda advises students interested in a career in retailing to study a mix of courses in business, especially marketing and retail management, as well as courses in the social sciences. She says, “Moravian’s new Leadership Program is an excellent course of study.” For Linda, Potpourri is anything but a 9-5 job. “But life isn’t a 9-5 job either,” she says. “It takes commitment to excel, but you don’t have to be a rocket scientist. If you use common sense and capitalize on a solid work ethic, you’ll be successful.” W

Left: Linda Evans Shotkus has a passion for fashion. Right: Scenes from Potpourri Designs.









“A lot of people still look at the athletic trainer as a person who just tapes ankles,” says Bob Ward, head trainer at Moravian College. “But these days, I think taping ankles is one of the things we do the least often.” Athletic trainers are highly-educated allied health professionals, he adds. And in his new role as president-elect of the Eastern Athletic Trainers Association (EATA), Ward says he’ll be working to get trainers the specialized instruction that will help them do their jobs. The association, which includes 3,000 members located in ten East Coast states, provides educational seminars to members and offers scholarships to students. “Our profession is growing by leaps and bounds, and EATA is growing with it,” Ward says. “We provide cutting-edge information to our members and I wanted to be a part of that.”



Cunha Leads Fall Academic Honors Senior defender Peter Cunha earned a spot on the ESPN The Magazine Academic AllDistrict First Team College Division Men’s Soccer this fall. Cunha has maintained a 3.82 grade-point average at Moravian and was a three-year starter on the men’s soccer squad. Moravian also had four studentathletes make the ESPN The Magazine Academic All-District Second Team with senior midfielder Alisha Davy making the women’s soccer squad and senior wide receiver Shawn Martell and sophomores running back Tyler McCambridge and

DIVISION III TENNIS CHAMPS: Assistant Coach Jason Toedter, Jennel Yelito, Courtney Hall, Head Coach Dawn Benner, Rebecca Angstadt, MaryKate Kelly, Brittany Popaca (Tournament Most Valuable Player).

kicker Brian Reckenbeil earning spots on the football team. Moravian had 57 of its fall student-athletes named to the 2006 Middle Atlantic States Collegiate Athletic Corporation Academic Honor Roll for maintaining at least a 3.20 grade-point average as a sophomore, junior, or senior.

Martell Finishes Career Playing Both Ways Senior Shawn Martell barely came off the field in his final collegiate football game. Martell, who was a three-year starter at wide receiver, also started his final game as a cornerback on the Moravian defense. Martell, whose father, Gary Martell ’76, has been an assistant coach for the Greyhounds since graduating and is also a member of the Moravian College Hall of Fame, had three catches for 78 yards including a 54-yard touchdown reception, and he made three tackles. Martell completed his career with 79 catches (12th in school history) for 1,436 yards (eighth all-time) with 12 touchdown receptions (seventh all-time). He also had 38 career tackles, two fumble recoveries and a forced fumble and averaged 20.1 yards per kickoff return and 3.8 yards per punt return. Martell also scored a rushing touchdown while playing in 41 of a possible 42 games in his career.


Priscilla Payne Hurd Named Honorary Alumna

Homecoming Lectures Enlighten Listeners

In grateful acknowledgement of her extraordinary support of Moravian College, on October 13, 2006, the Alumni Association awarded Priscilla Payne Hurd the status of honorary alumna. Since her appointment to Moravian College’s board of trustees in 1974, Mrs. Hurd’s steadfast service, inspirational leadership, and unparalleled financial support have had a profound impact. Her accomplishments include the creation of the Priscilla Payne Hurd Center for Music and Art and the Frank E. and Seba B. Payne Gallery, financial leadership for the construction of the Priscilla Payne Hurd Academic Complex, and establishment of both the Priscilla Payne Hurd Chair in the Arts and Humanities and the Ervin J. Rokke Endowment for student research. In 1999 she was elected Moravian’s first female chairman of the board. Whether interacting with students or conferring with fellow trustees, Priscilla Payne Hurd exemplifies the credo she wrote four decades ago: “No one is greater than the service he renders the world.”

Last fall, two alumni on campus for Homecoming shared their scholarly passions with the Moravian community. Bruce Coull ’64 and Ryan Mehl ’96 each presented two slide lectures, one to a class of Moravian students, and one to a wider audience of students, faculty, and guests. Bruce, who’s dean emeritus of the School of the Environment at the University of South Carolina, discussed near-microscopic animals that live in the sediment of rivers and tidal waterway. His lecture described how the wee critBruce Coull ’64 shared big ters are vital for the news about little creatures. health of aquatic ecosystems. “I wanted the students to learn that there are millions of small invertebrates in every meter of sediment surface, and these animals play very important roles in food chains and as early sentinels of pollution,” he says. To a class of biology, chemistry, and biochemistry students, Ryan Mehl described the research he’s done with “unnatural amino acids.” These manmade protein building blocks give scientists tools for creating new medicines and other substances, he says. As a relatively recent Moravian graduate, Ryan found that the students were as curiRyan Mehl ’96 unlocked the ous about his career secrets of designer proteins. path as his research. “I think because I’m not that much older than they are, they could identify with me and it allowed us to converse more openly,” he notes. “I was very pleased; it was really rewarding to be that engaged with a classroom of Moravian students.”

photo by John Kish IV


The 2006-07 Moravian College women’s tennis team has clinched the program’s first-ever NCAA Division III Tournament Championship berth. The Greyhounds, who completed the fall portion of the season with a 12-1 mark and as Commonwealth Conference Champions, will play five matches in the spring before the NCAA Tournament begins in May. Moravian’s 5-4 win over Elizabethtown College for its eighth conference championship took a while to play. The match began at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday, October 15, and after nearly five hours of play and the score tied at 4-4, Moravian junior Rebecca Angstadt was still on the court. Angstadt led her match, 1-0, and the second set was tied 6-6. Nine days later, Angstadt and several of her teammates made the trip back to Elizabethtown where Angstadt finished the match for the conference title. Junior Brittany Popaca was named the Commonwealth Conference Tournament’s Most Valuable player while two Moravian players, senior Margo Kokolus and sophomore Dyana Swan also earned Commonwealth All-Conference First Team honors. The team is ranked 11th in the South Atlantic Region heading into the spring season.

photo by John Kish IV

Women’s Tennis Team Earns First-Ever NCAA Tournament Berth

photo by John Kish IV


2006 Alumni

AWARD WINNERS photo by John Kish IV

Left to right: The award recipients at the 2006 Moravian alumni award ceremony, held on Homecoming weekend, October 13, 2006: Ryan A. Mehl ’96, Young Alumni Achievement Award; Henry E. May Jr. ’60, (’63 M. Div.), Haupert Humanitarian Award; Bruce C. Coull ’64, Comenius Alumni Award; Brian C. Corvino ’02, Emerging Leader Award; Robert K. Gratz ’75, Benigna Education Award.






Homecoming 2006 . . .

Augustus “Gus” Rampone ’59 (right), with Tony Matz ’59 and visiting canine celebrity Steverino (from the Steve Allen Show) in a picture from the 1959 Benigna. Gus was posthumously inducted into the Moravian College Athletic Hall of Fame on October 27, 2006. The citation was presented to Gus’s wife, Jean, by Tony. Also inducted were Tracy Wartman Bozik ’96, Paul J. Calvo ’52, Charles J. Hoch Jr. ’91, Shane Hollawell ’94, and Melissa Newhard Torba ’94. Caroline Smith ’96 was awarded the Robert Martin Herbstman Award. (For reminiscences about the award ceremony, see the note from Sam Maczko ’61 on p. 26.)


On a beautiful sunny fall day in October, over 800 alumni gathered for Moravian’s Homecoming Tailgate for the first time since 2002. Classes from the 1950s through the 2000s filled the Locust Street parking lot for some good oldfashioned tailgating. It was a day filled with eating, drinking, quoits playing, and of course reminiscing. This year’s Homecoming offered alumni of different affinities the opportunity to get together. Over 80 Greek alumni from many of the past local fraternities and sororities gathered in a large tent in front of Colonial Hall. The Grads of the 2000s hosted a Happy Hour for nearly 100 alumni at the brand-new Starters Pub. And members of the classes of 1981, 1986, 1991, and 1996 held their reunions. Many alumni volunteered their time and effort to make this year’s Homecoming a success. Next year’s Homecoming Weekend will be October 19-20, 2007.

Lauren Bahnatka; 1107 Carolina Avenue; West Chester, PA 19380; From the Alumni House: Hannah Azzalina is a community health specialist for the Bethlehem Bureau of Health. She works with city grants that promote health education in Bethlehem. Joe Oppold is working in the accounting department of Lehigh Cement. As a Moravian alumnus, he is in good company as there are a good number of Moravian alums in that department.


Michael McCartney; RR3 Box92; Pole 271; Lakeside Dr.; Harveys Lake, PA 18618;


Jessica Naugle; 443 Grove Road; Mohrsville, PA 19541;

Tailgating Returned!



From the Alumni House: Kate Chiminec recently moved to Manhattan and is working as a staffing specialist for AIG on Wall Street. Melissa E. Sadecki and Jeff Micari are happy to announce their marriage on September 9, 2006, in Hampton Bays, N.Y., where they currently reside. Tracy Smith and Amy Detrick ’03 were bridesmaids. Other alumni in attendance were Kim Broadbent and Laura Werner. The Micaris honeymooned with a cruise in the Caribbean.


March 22

March 29

April 20-22

May 18

May 18-19

June 30

Washington, D.C., Area Alumni Welcome Reception for President Thomforde at the Army Navy Country Club, Arlington, Virginia

Hershey Area Alumni Welcome Reception for President Thomforde at Hershey Country Club, Hershey, Pennsylvania

Presidential Inauguration Weekend

Founder’s Day “Exploring Our Heritage: A Day on Church Street”

Alumni Weekend

Lehigh Valley Home Club bus trip to King Tut Exhibit at the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia


From the Alumni House: Maribeth Ealey was married on September 30, 2006, to Jason Pfeiffer. Jennifer Mack ’02 and Brienne Wilson ’02 served as two of the ten bridesmaids. Brandi Christine ’01 and Kristina Palmisano ’04 served as the greeters. Other Moravian alumni in attendance were Bill Kenney ’02, Chris Boyajian ’02, and Janelle LaValva Frank ’01. After a honeymoon in Barbados they returned to their home in Pen Argyl, Pa.

2002 Reunion Homecoming 2007

photos by Gregory m. fota ’69


Tara Wozniak will be getting married to David Miller on July 28, 2007. In the wedding will be Jean Marie Guffin and Michele Kluk. Jen Tori Shick and Ryan Shick ’00 had a baby boy, Cohen Lee, on September 22.


Regina Lacombe; 161 Brown St.; Philadelphia, PA 19123; From Regina: Jennifer Strobel was married to Jason Barnes on September 20, 2006, and I was in her wedding.


October 19-20

Brienne Wilson; 105 Princeton Ave.; Kingsway Commons; Princeton, NJ 08540; From the Alumni House: Christopher Colley is a graduate student at People’s University in Beijing. He is enrolled in a master’s program for contemporary Chinese studies with focus on the emergence of Chinese civil society. He has been in China for five years and will stay through the summer of 2008. Next fall he plans to participate in developmental field work in Tibet. Julie Jones and Philip Shilane are happy to announce their marriage on August 13, 2006, in Warrington, Pa. Rachel Toroney Morissette and Sarah Ahlgren were bridesmaids. Susan Carr did a beautiful job as vocalist during the ceremony. Also in attendance were James Morissette, Erica Pysher, Amanda Morgenstern Duane, Patti Smith, Tim Hoyt, and Lauren Schwetje Olimpaito. Phil and Julie honeymooned in Maui and reside in Princeton, N.J., where they are both graduate students at Princeton University.


Kourtney Parrella; 18209 Cornerstone Drive; Yardley, PA 19067; From Kourtney: Gerald Vinci and his girlfriend, Larissa, were married in May 2005. They relocated to the Florida Gulf Coast to start a design firm in June. Since then, the business has taken off and they have successfully landed large clients on the Gulf Coast, Tennessee, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and even Canada! The business name is Vinci-Designs & Publishing and the link to their website is Gerald and Larissa purchased a 2,500square-foot home on a one-acre, beautifully landscaped plot of land in September 2006. So they have relocated from Miramar Beach, Fla., to Milton, Fla. In his spare time, Gerald still writes, plays music, and loves to hang out by the pool. Torine Pasek has recently moved to Chicago to finish up her graduate degree in medieval history. From the Alumni House: Maggie Awad Abboud and her husband, Kenneth, welcomed their second son, Nathaniel Kenneth, on October 7. Their first son, Nicholas Michael, celebrated his first birthday in September. In September 2006, Keri Schantz began working as an associate attorney for the law firm of High, Swartz, Roberts, & Seidel in Norristown, Pa.


Lisa Hahn; 25-D Sycamore Road; Clifton, NJ 07012; Faithann Cheslock; 26 Hill Ave.; Morrisville, PA 19067; From the Alumni House: Elizabeth DiFebo and Jason Drott were married on October 14, 2006, in Allentown. Their reception was held at the ski lodge at Bear Creek Mountain Resort, in Macungie, Pa. Moravian alumni in attendance included Lynn Keily, Jill Schwab, Josh Daly ’04, Lori




Brennan, Ryan McGarrigan, and Tiffany Van Gorden from ’00; Chris Francese ’01, Morris Balacco ’03, and Kim Broadbent ’04. In mid November, they went to Dublin, Ireland, for their honeymoon. They live in the Queen Village neighborhood of Philadelphia where Elizabeth is a designer for Philadelphia magazine’s custom publishing and Jason works for Merck as a researcher.


Christina Fulton; 21 Pocahontas Road; Hi-Nella, NJ 08083; From the Alumni House: Jeremy Schoenberger is currently working at Merck in Salt Lake City, Utah. He plans to return to the east and work at Fox Chase Cancer Institute while taking classes in the pursuit of his doctorate. Katy Fiandaca married Mark Dwyer on September 16, 2006. Mark Turdo ’97 and Michael Honsaker ’99 were ushers. Maura McGowan Domashinski is now the band director at Middletown High School in Middletown, N.J. She said it is a dream come true for her to direct at the high school level.


Jennie Coughlin Crotty; 5402 Fountain Circle; North Ridgeville, OH 44039; From the Alumni House: Melissa Hege Ayala and her husband, Mario, had a baby girl, Aurora Irene, on October 29. Melissa was the maid of honor in the wedding of Rebecca James-Poole and Daniel Michalski, who were married on November 24, 2006, in Stroudsburg, Pa. Rebecca has recently started an up-and-coming jewelry business named Nanuk’s Igloo. Sandra Novack reports that Random House has recently acquired both her partial novel and short story collection. Her short stories have appeared in such notable venues as the Gettysburg Review, the Iowa Review, the Mississippi Review, Gulf Coast, the Chattahoochee Review, and others. Her work has been nominated several times for the esteemed Pushcart Prize.



Krisa Murray Arzayus; 9002 Eastbourne Lane Laurel, MD 20708;

Reunion Homecoming 2007 October 19-20

Jennifer Kastle; One Franklin Town Boulevard; Apt. #708; Philadelphia, PA 19103; jennkastle@


Deb Yuengling Ferhat; 308 Highland Drive; Pottsville, PA 17901;



Denise Bradley; 173 Red Haven Drive; North Wales, PA 19454;


Michelle Litzenberger Trent; 1559 Surrey Road; Bethlehem, PA 18015;


cess in field hockey, basketball and softball. Her high school recognized her as “best female athlete.” Wendy is an eighth grade math teacher.


James and Lynda Farrell Swartz; 153 Lilac Drive; Allentown, PA 18104;

Mary Beth Sierzega Afflerbach; 4425 Spruce St.; Whitehall, PA 18052; afflerbachmb@


From the Alumni House: James Feher has been named vice president for advertising at the Morning Call in Allentown, Pa. He has been with the Call since 1993, and previously served as director of retail/national advertising at the newspaper, a position he had held since 2003.

From the Alumni House: Jeffrey Ethan Lee, a critically acclaimed and award-winning poet, was on campus last fall to read his work. Lee is a professor of creative writing at the University of Northern Colorado. He has had over a hundred poems, stories, and essays published, as well as a full-length poetry collection entitled Invisible Sister.



From Kerri: Krista Enholm Smyth and her husband, Craig, live in Apopka, Fla., with their two children, Chynna, 8, and Wyatt, 4. Krista reports that everyone is going great and that she keeps in touch with several friends from Moravian.

Paula Colizzo Lewinski; 118 Springdale Lane; Lansdale, PA 19446-3529;

Reunion Homecoming 2007 October 19-20

John S. Nunnemacher; 11607 Acama St. Apt 11; Studio City, CA 91604-2906; classnotes92@ Michael Q. Roth; 944 Renaldi Road; Wind Gap, PA 18091;


Our Man in Beijing If Chris Colley ’02 had gotten his way, he would have left for China at age 13. “I wanted to apply as an exchange student to Hong Kong, but they told me I was too young,” he says. Chris, who’s pursuing a master’s degree in contemporary Chinese studies at People’s University in Beijing, says that China has interested him for as long as he can remember. “My great-grandfather, John C. F. Tilson, was the American military provost marshal to Beijing after the Boxer Rebellion in 1900,” he explains. “And right after I graduated from high school, I spent a large part of the summer traveling in Asia.” In the past, Chris has lived with two different Chinese families; he’s since been living in apartments with various foreign and Chinese roommates. Perhaps not surprisingly, Chris finds that his presence among the populace of Beijing doesn’t go unnoticed. “I do stick out. When I first came here, it seemed that everyone wanted to have their picture taken with me because I’m a foreigner. Little kids would follow me and pull the hair on my legs.” That said, living in the university district has enabled him to make many Chinese acquaintances. “There are only six foreigners in my classes, no other Americans; the rest are Chinese students. Most of my friends are Chinese.”


David Zinczenko made his 17th apprearance on the Today show in September. He appeared with Steve Schirripa from the television show The Sopranos. Steve spoke on the subject of heavy men and referenced David’s 2004 best seller, The Abs Diet.

He notes that his Chinese classmates are much more aware of American society than Americans are aware of Chinese society, in large part thanks to ubiquitous American television programs. The country of China, or at least the urban portion, is undergoing vast changes, says Chris. “Beijing is morphing right before my eyes,” he notes. “Not long ago I woke up to find the old stone neighborhood outside my kitchen being torn down by hand. In its place a new high-rise apartment will be constructed.” The rapid changes have produced huge numbers of migrant workers traveling to the cities in the hope of making a successful life. In the countryside, however, life goes on much as it always did. “For me it’s the countryside that’s the most fascinating part of China,” he says. “In many areas the soil is still tilled by oxen and rice paddies are fertilized by hand. I like to spend my holidays trekking through remote corners of China, especially areas inhabited by the country’s 56 ethnic minorities. I stay with families who don’t speak Mandarin, and we communicate by gestures and symbols. It’s a China that few foreigners ever see.” Chris expects to return to the States in 2008, after the Beijing Olympics.


Melissa dePamphilis Jarman; 1601 Piedmont Park Road; Greenville, SC 29609; Christine A. Palermo Wallach; 12172 Glenmore Drive; Coral Springs, FL 33071-7828; From the Alumni House: Patricia Sudol Roke has accepted a new position with CIGNA as director of human resources in its healthcare business, and will relocate to West Hartford, Conn. Previously she was in CIGNA’s international business office in Philadelphia as a leadership development manager. Brian Sarisky was recently appointed to senior vice president of Selective Insurance Company of America and CEO of Selective HR Solutions Inc. and continues to lead Selective’s large and alternative market operation, Selective Risk Mangers.


Kerri Selland Pepoy; 9409 Foulks Ranch Dr.; Elk Grove, CA 95758;


Donna Male Siegfried; 5625 Grove Point Road; Alpharetta, GA 30022;


Lynn Muschlitz LaBarre; 651 Long Lane Road; Walnutport, PA 18088;


Dianne Sciabica Mandry; 9 Vista Court; Phillipsburg, NJ 08865; From the Alumni House: Laurie Ann Yeisley-Drogin was installed as a minister of Resurrection Lutheran Church in Roxbury, Mass., on September 10, 2006. She is the parish’s first female minister. She finds this ministry both exciting and extremely rewarding.

Reunion Homecoming 2007 October 19-20

Lauren Kelly Lawn; 1948 Stirling Drive; Lansdale, PA 19446-5561;


Dawn Bullaro Stawiarski; 47 Chestertown Road; Sicklerville, NJ 08081;

Diane Hvizdak Taylor; 89 Fieldstone Drive; Springfield, NJ 07081; From the Alumni House: In September Wendy Tretheway Condron was inducted into Stroudsburg High School’s Hall of Fame for her individual suc-




1982 Reunion Homecoming 2007 October 19-20

Lori Vargo Heffner; 1481 Sanbrook Court; Bethlehem, PA 18015; From the Alumni House: Bruce Bender currently works at Sea River Maritime and was promoted to utility cook in 2000.



Dawn Allen; 7 Shelby Hill Lane; Danville, CA 94526;

Craig “Kegger” Bartlett; 2405 W. Bayberry Drive; Harrisburg, PA 17112;


Molly Donaldson Brown; 1906 Wenner St.; Allentown, PA 18103; From Molly: John E. “Woody” Snyder recently accepted a position at Cardiff University School of Engineering, in Cardiff, Wales, as a senior lecturer (equivalent to associate professor in the United States). Woody recently was employed at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Ames Laboratory at Iowa State University as an associate scientist. Woody wrote, “Wolfson Centre for Magnetics at Cardiff University is expanding, with new faculty hired, and lots of new state-of-the-art equipment to be purchased, and my former group leader in Ames is the new centre director, so I decided to make the big jump. Any Moravian people coming to the U.K. or passing through—feel free to give me a shout!”


Steve Vanya; 3119 Red Lawn Dr.; Bethlehem, PA 18017; From Steve: Congratulations are in order for Ken Rampolla and Ann McCandless-Rampolla, who received the 2006 Gillespie Award for outstanding support of Greyhound athletics. Nice job! Your dedication and commitment to service are commendable and appreciated.


From the Alumni House: Robert Honor is the director of career development for the Tisch School of the Arts, New York University. He was the 2003 and 2005 distinguished administrator nominee responsible for career development programming and event planning for 3,500 currently matriculating Tisch students and 4,000 active alumni. He also acts as industry liaison and is responsible for job development and career programming for Tisch.


From Dawn: Kathy Ozzard Chism ’77 sent a ticket to me for her first gala fundraising event for the charity nonprofit she created, Dream One World, Inc., so I drove several hours to attend. It was a beautiful affair. You can see all the photos from it on the “Past Events” page at I was able to meet Susie Hyer ’76, who had flown in from Colorado to volunteer for the evening and had donated a lovely painting for the silent auction. Paintings were also donated by Jeff Epstein ’76 and Harry Douglas ’75. You can see more of their artwork at Kathy’s wonderful charity art gallery at Kathy told me that Bill Savoth ’76 recently saw Jeff Epstein’s work on the Gallery of Friends site, contacted Jeff, and purchased a painting! Twenty percent or more of all art sales from the gallery site gets donated to Dream One World, Inc. Even Mark Felt (“Deep Throat” from Watergate) and his daughter, Joan, attended and spoke. It was a very inspiring evening, and I was really proud to be a part of it. Dave Wilmer is back in Connecticut after spending his yearly six months in Canada as innkeeper to his two lovely establishments on Prince Edward Island. He is now an empty-nester with both children in college—Andrew, a junior at the University of Connecticut, studying communications, and Cristina, a freshman at the University of Delaware. And speaking of kids in college, Judy Primiano Bream is happy to report that her daughter, Allie, is settling in very nicely at Northwestern University as a freshman. Please pay attention to my new e-mail address. I am happy to say, though, that

there have been a few reports of rekindled friendships since some of you have been writing in, so come on Class of ’78—what have you been up to? Please take just a few minutes to drop a line.


John Madison; 5749 Blue Grass Trail; Coopersburg, PA 18036-1835; Constance M. Sokalsky; 1441 Hillcrest Court No. 210; Camp Hill, PA 17011-8021; Connie_sokalsky@

1977 Reunion May 18-19, 2007 John Fauerbach; P.O. Box 162; Chester, MT 59522;


K. Dale Zusi Scolnick; 45 Lake Trail East; Morristown, NJ 07960 From the Alumni House: Jeff Zettlemoyer was recently appointed borough manager of West Easton, Pa. He comes to the job with more than 17 years of municipal experience. In addition, Jeff is a certified building inspector and does work for two consulting firms part time.


Susan Bacci Adams; 402 Willow Road West; Staten Island, NY 10314;


Cyndee Andreas Grifo; 6988 Crystal Springs Rd.; Cincinnati, OH 45227;



Denise Maday Greiner; 309 High Street ; Catasauqua, PA 18032-1428; From the Alumni House: Garry Earles is a licensed independent clinical social worker. He has returned to Massachusetts after living in Pennsylvania for a few years. He continues to pursue his career in working with children and adolescents challenged by neurobiological/developmental disorders such as attention deficit/ hyperactivity disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, bipolar disorder, and Tourette’s syndrome, among others. He is gaining a national reputation as an expert speaker on impulse control difficulties and executive functioning, the core feature of ADD, as he tours the country presenting seminars to mental health professionals and educational personnel. His website,, is dedicated to informing and assisting others to better understand the intricacies of these disorders. The website also lists his seminar schedule. He would love to hear from his old classmates.


Caroline Funk Rabold; 232 Oxford Circle; Stroudsburg, PA 18360;

Dennis Jones; 833 Hoover Drive; Apollo, PA 15613; Priscilla Barres Schueck; 703 W. Goepp Street; Bethlehem, PA 18018

1972 Reunion May 18-19, 2007 Terrell McMann; 712 Fire Lane; Bethlehem, PA 18015;


From Caroline: I talked with Greg Fota at Homecoming this past fall. He lives in Bethlehem with his wife, Georgia. They raised two daughters: Catherine, a vice president for Wachovia Bank, and Lauren, a doctoral student at the University of Delaware. They have a granddaughter, Alison, and are awaiting the birth of their second grandchild. After graduating in 1969 with a B.S. in biology, Greg went to Wagner College, Staten Island, N.Y., for an M.S. in microbiology. He worked for several Lehigh Valley hospitals for the next nine


Gulf Update More than a year later, Katrina moments still linger The storm is long gone, and the aftermath doesn’t command national media attention anymore. But at the University of New Orleans (UNO), hurricane Katrina still looms large in the lives of faculty, staff, and students, says Moravian College alumna Janice Thomas ’84. As the director of UNO’s Office of International Students and Scholars, Thomas had to keep track of some 800 students displaced by the hurricane’s August 2005 landfall—while she and her staff were themselves scattered to the proverbial four winds. “I ended up in New Jersey for six weeks, hosted by Brookdale Community College,” she says. “Their international center provided me with a work space and other necessities.” In the first days post-Katrina, Thomas and her coworkers formed a virtual office connected by phone, fax, and e-mail as they worked to reestablish contact with their charges. Being unable to meet face-to-face with students was perhaps the hardest part, she adds. “You forget how much of what we do in academe is on a personal level. One young woman called me and was in tears because I couldn’t meet with her in person.” While young people far from home and family might seem especially vulnerable to a disaster of this magnitude, Thomas says her students were well-equipped to cope with the trauma. “Many come from countries that also deal with hurricanes, or with earthquakes or tsunamis,” she says. “And if you’ve chosen to come halfway around the world to study, you’re in a group of resilient risk-takers.” Even so, the incident did take a toll. “Many students lost their apartments and everything in them. Some weren’t able to evacuate and had to be rescued by boat or helicopter.” On the other hand, the generos-

ity of the larger academic community yielded some unexpected opportunities. “Some of our students got a chance to take courses at institutions they wouldn’t otherwise have attended, like MIT, Berkeley, or Penn,” says Thomas. The University of New Orleans experienced flooding and wind damage, but was able to offer courses at its satellite campuses in fall 2005. The main campus reopened in January 2006. Nevertheless, many in the UNO community are still affected by Katrina. “My home came through fine; it was the luck of the draw. I have colleagues and staff still living in trailers, still fighting with insurance companies and the state to get money to rebuild,” says Thomas. “There’s still a lot of work to be done, homes that need to be gutted, families that need assistance—we could use busloads of folks coming down to help.” One sign of Katrina’s lingering presence is how often the disaster comes up in casual chats. “We call them ‘Katrina moments,’” she says. “And I think all of us are longing for the day when we can go to a social gathering without Katrina becoming a topic of conversation.” Thomas suggests that readers who’d like to volunteer for relief work in the New Orleans area contact the Louisiana United Methodist Disaster Recovery Ministry (www.laucstormrelief. com), the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN, or Operation Helping Hands (Catholic Charities,




years as a clinical microbiologist. In 1979 he left to take a position with the Morning Call in Allentown, Pa., as a photography lab technician and part-time photographer. He gradually started his own freelance photography studio, Fotagraphy, in Bethlehem, working for AT&T, Sports Illustrated, Lafayette College, Moravian College, Cedar Crest College, and the Pennsylvania Stage Company, to name a few. Greg took an early retirement from the Morning Call in December 2005, after 27 years as the photo lab supervisor and photo assignment editor. He now works for Pittman Photography in Northampton, Pa., as a photo editor and event manager for the youth sports photography section. He also exhibits his art photography in local Bethlehem galleries. Several of his photos have won juried awards. And of course he still shoots alumni events at Moravian. We would appreciate more updates from other alums like Greg. It’s fun to read about what other classmates have been doing.

Kathleen Cavanaugh; 448 King’s Highway East; Haddonfield, NJ 08033;


Bill Leicht; 16819 N. 59th Place; Scottsdale, AZ 85254; Fax: 602-493-1949;

1962 Reunion May 18-19, 2007 Merr Trumbore; 1040 Ebenezer Church Road; Rising Sun, MD 21911; Emma Demuth Williams; 1013 Nicholas Street; Bethlehem, PA 18017;



George Berger; 107 Mohawk Drive; Johnstown, PA 15905; Jill Stefko; 671 Ferry St., #1; Easton, PA 18042;

1967 Reunion May 18 -19, 2007 Kathie Broczkowski Klein; 1734 Sycamore St.; Bethlehem, PA 18017;


Fay Stover Iudicello; 1659 Kirby Road; McLean, VA 22101; Fax: 703-827-0431; David Berg; 2058 Quaker Way, #45; Annapolis, MD 21401;


William F. Horwath; 22300 Maplewood Drive; Southfield, MI 48034;




Sam Maczko; 14 Sunrise Way; Towaco, NJ 07082; From Sam: The Sixth Annual Gus Rampone Scholarship Fund Golf Tournament was a huge success. The turnout was the largest to date. Our class was represented by Jim Kritis, James McCrudden, Joe Castellano, Ken Sepe Barry Gaal, and me. Mike Payonk ’59 and Tony Matz, with his son, represented the class of 1959. Pete Chimera ’88 did a commendable job of organizing the entire affair. I have received some nice e-mails from Chuck Merkel in Illinois who is well and enjoying retirement. He sends his best regards to all. If anyone is in the area of Wheaton, Ill., Chuck would like to receive a call and get together with them. You can e-mail him at The weather cooperated for Homecoming this year and the day was enjoyable. The new tailgating arrangement seemed to work out favorably and all who participated appeared to have a good time. The football team made the day complete with a win. Joe Castellano, Ken Sepe, and I volunteered with the parking at the tailgating area before the game. We met Barry Gaal and John Bregman and his wife and two grandchildren. I think the grandkids are prospective students, judging

by the new Moravian shirts and jackets they were wearing. John and Melissa are expecting their eleventh and tweflth grandchildren this fall. Barry Gaal is enjoying retirement and keeps active with community affairs and his family. Ken Sepe and John Bregman will be leaving for the warmer climate of Florida as the holidays approach. Joe Castellano and I attended the Moravian College Athletic Hall of Fame induction ceremony on October 27, 2006. We were primarily interested in the induction of Paul Calvo ’52 and the posthumous induction of Gus Rampone ’59. Paul was our offensive line coach in football. In addition he played football and basketball at Moravian. He also served as an assistant football coach for the Greyhounds from 1954-1971. Gus was a teammate of mine and personal friend and fraternity brother to Joe and me. Gus was awarded the Robert Martin Herbstman Award in 1998. He served as co-captain in 1957 and captain in 1958 of the football team. He earned several ECAC Weekly Team honors during his playing days. On the wrestling mat, Gus became the first wrestler in Moravian history to make the MAC finals. Tony “Monk” Morelli ’59 and Tony Matz ’59 presented the induction speeches for Gus and Jean, his wife, accepted the award. Monk, Tony, and Jean each gave a moving talk on Gus’s behalf. Also at this affair was Jack Finelli ’58 who was a teammate of Gus. Jack came up from Florida for the induction. Jack is still working as a barber in Fort Meyers, Fla. Charles Bartolet ‘60 was in attendance. Charles is kept busy with his work as a member of his local board of education. Jim Kritis ‘61 was in attendance, since he was coached by Paul and was a teammate of Gus. The accomplishments of all of the inductees were extremely impressive and their affection for Moravian College came through in all of their acceptance speeches.


Peter French; 7018 Honeysuckle Terrace; Bradenton, FL 34202;


Kathy Werst Detwiler; 1383 N. Allen St.; State College, PA 16803;


From Kathy: Fall greetings from your class correspondent in Happy Valley. This season Wayne and I did again cheer on our Lions at all home football games; we also attended the Notre Dame and Ohio State away games. It is so much fun to travel, now that Wayne and I are retired—but we do primarily “theme” travel. We enjoyed touring New York during the colorful changing of the leaves, visiting the Fenimore Museum display of Grandma Moses and taking a boat ride through the Erie Canal Locks. We have been planning to attend Christmas Vespers at Moravian College with family this year. Your holiday messages with your news for our next column are enthusiastically awaited. Bye for now.


Daneen Jones Phelps; 1547 Bonnie Drive; Bethlehem, PA 18018;

1957 Reunion May 18-19, 2007 Pearl Stein; 3 Tulip Court; Marlton, NJ 08053; From Pearl: May 18-19, 2007! Save that special date for our 50th Reunion at Moravian College. The reunion committee has been meeting regularly, planning events that will surprise and delight you. If you have not been back to visit the campus, you will be so impressed by the facilities available to students today. The committee members are: Pearl Stein, Pat Miller Helfrich, Carl Ackerman, Shirley Kunsman Bilheimer, Don Bortz, Irene Breslin Genther, Bev Love and Jerry Potter ’61, Gordon Sommers, George Toth, and Earl Zeiner. Following our meeting with Bertie Knisely, alumni director, on November 10, the female members of the committee were invited to pour at a tea for female faculty, administrators, and students in the beautiful atrium of the Priscilla Payne Hurd Academic Complex. Pat, Irene, and I were joined by Bev Bell ’56, Anne Frankenfield Howlett, Dani Jones Phelps ’58, and Carolyn Edwards Simmons. What a lovely and relaxing setting


to meet and greet students and faculty! All this and Moravian sugar cake, too!


Robert Gray; 98 Mill Run North; Augusta, SC 29860-8704; Renee Johnson Dragotta; 341 Biery’s Bridge Road; Bethlehem, PA 18017 From Renee: Our 50th reunion on May 19-20 had grand events from start to finish. Some women started early Friday morning by meeting at the president’s house on Church Street for the Founder’s Day celebration. After coffee and sugar cakes there we proceeded to the chapel for a speaker, entertainment, and a lovefeast. The morning ended with a luncheon in the South Campus dining room. On Friday evening all the men and women from our class joined together for the Reunionfest reception and dinner in Johnston Hall. This was the time we learned who came back to celebrate being away for 50 years. Saturday started with our class members attending our first 50+ Club Breakfast. Dr. Rokke introduced each of us individually and called us to the stage to receive our new 50+ pin. From there, the Parade of Classes began, the route being from North Campus to South Campus along Main Street. Our class led the parade, some walking, and some riding in convertibles. At the judging stand we acted out our class reunion theme, “North Meets South.” The women wore purple and gold sashes and men wore blue pants and Moravian gray shirts. The women and men then greeted each other and joined to sing to the College alma mater. All of this was done with such enthusiasm that we won the “Most Creative” award in the parade. We also won an award for the highest percentage of attendees for a reunion class. Following the parade we all attended the Alumni Grand Reunion Luncheon where Dr. Rokke gave his “last” state of the college address. We then sang both alma maters to finish this part of the festivities. Late in the afternoon there was a veteran’s reunion where Dr. Rokke was honored. The day ended with a Class of ’56 reception and dinner in the HUB. The following 29 classmates connected again and talked of the past and present.

Marietta Schwartz Banach is a medical technologist working part-time at Sacred Heart Hospital. She is proud of her daughter, Kelly, a judge of the Lehigh County Court of Common Pleas. Beverly Bell retired after many years with Bethlehem Steel and is presently active in many Moravian College functions. Richard Benner and Pauline Ritter Benner deserve the credit for guiding our class to a successful class reunion. Dick is a retired pastor and Pauline was a teacher. They love their new home in a retirement village in Hanover, Pa. Jeanette “Bobby” Marossy Brady and Elenor Beck Schleicher with her husband, Henry, returned to the campus for their first reunion. Jack Burke and wife Pat ’71 and Richard Stine are retired from the Bethlehem Area School District. Stanley Banach is a retired physician who continues to lecture on the impact of exercise and nutrition on chronic degeneration disease. There are more retired teachers: Gail Dangler Miller, from the Pottsgrove, Pa., school district, presently is a tour escort for a travel agency. William Marsh, living in Carolina Shores, N.C., retired from the Hillside Board of Education. Renee Johnson Dragotta and her husband, Vince, taught mathematics and computer programming for 40 years at Phillipsburg High School in New Jersey. Gil Stelter and his wife Sally and Tony Kochenach are retired university professors. Gil and Sally made the trip from Ontario, Canada. Tony and his wife, Marie, attended as well. Jim Johnson and his wife, Edith, came up from Charolette, N.C. Jim retired as a CEO of United Family Services. Also coming from North Carolina was Roger Kimbal, a retired Moravian pastor, and his wife, Mitzie Pennington Kimbal ’57. Others seen at the luncheon were: James Ovady, Bob Brennan, Ron Saderholm, Rudy Kresh, Millie Siftar Kimock, Art Jolley, Harold Frack, Jay Jones, Bill Stifnagle, and Joan Boyer Rathbone, who now lives in Biltmore, N.C. Joanne Albright Hoodmaker spends most of her time as a soloist for the Bethlehem Area Church Women United and as the vocalist for the Hanover Township Big Band.




Tom Labert came with his wife, Nancy. He retired after 40 years from the finance department of Bethlehem Steel and has been a realtor for 13 years. Fred Woitscheck and his wife, Wanda, are probably used to being last in a list and he is again. Fred is CEO and owner of his family business, Hi-Way Concrete Products.

Reunion May 18-19, 2007 Mary T. Pongracz; 321 W. Fourth St.; Bethlehem, PA 18015



Helen Varady Keyser; 2038 Kemmerer Street; Bethlehem, PA 18017

Andy Jasso; 35 W. Greenwich St.; Bethlehem, PA 18018-2439 Carol Buechner McMullen; 9 Magnolia Ave.; Montvale, NJ 07645;


Helen Desh Woodbridge; 3574 Browning Lane; Bethlehem, PA 18017; From Helen: Dottie Ruyak was in Bethlehem in August and came for a cookout at my home with another high school classmate, Anne Enright ’52 Secretarial. The Bach at Noon concerts performed in Central Moravian Church by the Bach Choir of Bethlehem and the Bach Festival Orchestra attracted, among others this fall, classmates Lois Lutz Geehr and her husband, Fred, Shirley Beck Dutt and her husband, Karl, and Bev Bell ’56. We were sorry to hear about the death of one of Lois’s sisters, Martha Lutz Samuels ’50, but were glad to hear that Lois and Fred enjoyed attending the Shakespeare Festival in Canada this summer. Our son John, from Michigan, was home for this dad’s 85th birthday in early November, and our son Rob and his family of four were home for Thanksgiving. A highlight of their visits here was a trip to Hawk Mountain with lunch atop the north lookout. Both grandsons will graduate this spring, Tim from Purdue University and Brian from high school.

From Carol: June Shafer Scholl recently moved to an apartment at Moravian Village in Bethlehem. On September 21 she invited a group of classmates to join her for lunch at the Moravian Village dining room. Present were Vanita Egge Marvin, Betsey Freas ’50, Jane Kincaid Missimer, Fern Bachman Koplin, Harold Gesell and his daughter Anne Marie, Lois Shafer Smith and Dick, Janet Fabian Andre and Paul with their daughter, June, and myself. We enjoyed a delightful lunch and admired June’s new home. As I write this, Thanksgiving is almost here. I hope all of our classmates have much to be thankful for.


Bob Scholl; P.O. Box 5083; Bethlehem, PA 18015


Norma Boldt Wynne; 1570 Glen Hardie Road; Wayne, PA 19087-1002; Thomas F. Keim; 335 Spring St.; Bethlehem, PA 18018


E. Allen Schultz; 1601 43rd St. North; Unit 230; St. Petersburg, FL 33713-4666; e.allen.schultz@ Polly Rayner; The Court, Apt. 2-F; 2830 Linden St.; Bethlehem, PA 18017




From Tom: I received a nice note from Bernie Terzigni. He says that he is enjoying his family and all the “good things God has given us.” Retired from medicine, he does consult with his boys and daughter-in-law as they are practicing. He is busy finishing his book, A Satire on the Motel Business. It contains cartoons and many funny stories based on the

experiences he and Joyce had during their 17 years as hotel owners in Wildwood Crest, N.J. He still hopes to take that cruise on the QE2 someday.


Jean Baxter McCracken; 490 Penllyn Pike; Blue Bell, PA 19422-1628; Charleyandjean1@ From Jean: I received the following e-mail from Edythe Steers Smith, who regrettably was with our class for only one year, yet we all enjoyed her presence. Thanks so much, Edie, for responding. “Hi, Jean, I’m answering your request to hear from old classmates. Kip Voorhees Pels and I met last Tuesday on Long Beach Island, N.J. This was our fourth meeting in four years. It’s so good talking old times and catching up on current times. Last year our grandchildren played together. Who would have thought we’d do that sixty-odd years later? Kip and her husband, Al, are still very active in their community in New Hampshire. They look great. On a sad note, my sister Ruth died March 7. She hadn’t been sick, so it was a shock. Fortunately, she didn’t suffer. I hope all is well with your and family. Take care.” Charley and I are still active, he painting and I busy with a chair caning business. These activities keep us both out of trouble. We don’t travel much, although I did spend a week in Cancun on a mission project—most likely my last. Our daughter Faith took a teaching job in New Zealand last February— teaching English. It has been a hard year for her, but she loves it there. Daughter Julie and I went to her in July, and I survived the twenty-hour plane trip! Our 60th reunion will be coming up in 2008, so I hope to see some of you when you come to celebrate!

Peg Loveless Browne; 256 Medford Leas Way; Medford, NJ 08055; Mary Jean Spangenthal has decided to take a break from being class secretary, and Peg Loveless Browne has agreed to take over. From Mary Jean: We’re ba-a-a-ck!! Thanks to some communication glitches, we lost an issue or two, but I think we’re on track again and the first order of business is a mighty thanks to Helen Kanuskey Canfield, Charlotte Unangst Schisler, Kitty Nies Geiger, and Jean Achey Schrader. They compose our reunion committee and were very helpful in getting information coming to me for this column. Your letters reflect an effort to settle in comfort for this next period in life, a move to retirement communities or a rearrangement of family members so that personal independence can be preserved along with a feeling of being cared for. Everybody sounds upbeat and forward looking, accepting responsibility for doing as much as possible for ourselves to maintain good health and to contribute to the world in which we still live. Mickey Coleman Silverberg is living at Country Meadows, a retirement community in Allentown, while Kitty Neis Geiger is still

play. This is all in addition to her work and activity in her church and family. But the overwhelming theme of the mail was family: accomplishments of children and grandchildren and the joyous anticipation of new members being born. Janet Parks Weinland and Bob seem to lead the pack with four daughters, eight grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren! Three of the four children and families live within an hour and a half away. Doris Trine Kennedy, Charlotte Unangst Schisler, Ruth Heitz Bachman and I also are enjoying the “great” generation and, in my case, a second is on the way. Charlotte, by the way, is still riding her horse, Rusty, once or twice a week. In her words, “It helps my morale and old muscles.” Jean Achey Schrader and her husband spent the last year looking forward to the next dinner event honoring their granddaughter, Jackie, who obviously is a very talented person, both academically and sportswise. Her sister, Jessie, occasioned more celebration by marrying in June. Helen Kanuskey Canfield had very different news to send us. Her husband Don, a veteran of the Battle of the Bulge in World War II, has an e-mail relationship with a Belgian doctor whose grandparents lived in the battle area and had great admiration

A Guide for Life After leaving Moravian College with a bachelor’s degree in economics, Jean Sun Shaw ’75 saw the business world from many angles. “I held staff and line positions in different corporations and different sectors: commodities trading, management consulting, technology,” she says. But she came to realize that what she really wanted to do was offer guidance to the corporate professionals she’d been working with. So, equipping herself with advanced degrees in counseling, she created

1947 Reunion May 18-19, 2007 George Kirkpatrick; 11250 Caravel Circle, No. 308; Fort Myers, FL 33908-5236


maintaining her home and herself in ways that will enable her to stay in her own home a very long time. She says she feels cared for by the young families living near her. Jean Zehner Lombardi isn’t driving much anymore, but her son has moved in with her since the death of her 95-year-old mother. She is active in two senior groups, and frequently goes on trips with them. She says that winter is coming and she’s ready for it, since she won’t have to drive in the snow. June Urffer Moyer and Bob are quite content in California. They remain very active in spite of Bob’s macular degeneration and manage to maintain the trip schedule they have enjoyed for many years, including a trip east to visit with their son and daughter. Unfortunately, some of us are limited by physical problems, vision being a major one. Doris Trine Kennedy has had cataract surgery and a recent procedure for her macular degeneration. She said it was an arduous process but she is doing well. Betty Riegel Mesner, who lost her vision many years ago, recently had two knee replacements, but expects to be dancing again in six weeks. She obviously has accommodated to her handicap, for she knits caps for babies and is learning to play a new Lowery organ with special buttons for automatic


Life’s Journey LLC. “I’ve had an interest in psychology since high school, so the career change was really coming full circle to an earlier interest,” she adds. In her New York City-based counseling practice, Sun Shaw works with mid-life professionals who seek to make meaningful change in their lives. Rather than simply offering conventional wisdom about networking and transferable skills, Life’s Journey also helps clients grapple with deep questions like “Who am I, really?” and “How do I express myself more fully in my career

and my life?” This approach yields a more meaningful process for both client and counselor. “It’s very gratifying to walk with my clients through the exploration,” she notes. And her time at Moravian seems to have influenced Jean’s ability to help her clients find their paths. “My college years allowed me to experience a wide variety of subjects,” she says. “I met lots of people, and had rich, diverse experiences that gave me an appreciation for the different walks of life people are called to take.”




for American troops. On a visit to Belgium six years ago the Canfields met Don’s e-mail partner on the night of the birth of the doctor’s second son, who was given Don’s name. In May of this year, the doctor and his family spent five days visiting Helen and Don in Bethlehem. Though language was a problem, I’ll bet communication was not. Kitty Nies Geiger is very busy with her volunteer work at Lehigh Valley Hospital in the gift shop. She also helps at one of her church services each week. I know Jean and Ruth will not be at the Reunion, but I hope some classmates who didn’t write this time are going to be there. See you in May! From the Alumni House: Peg Loveless Browne moved back to New Jersey after living in Devon, Pa., for 41 years. She currently resides in a Quaker continual care community in Medford, N.J., where she has her own apartment. It is a lovely community in a beautiful wooded area and located close to town and stores. She currently tutors foreign students at a local community college and is involved in a news discussion program. She has been traveling a lot lately, primarily to watch her granddaughter play field hockey at the University of Iowa. She even went to Chile last fall to watch her granddaughter play on the U.S. Team in the World Cup championships. It is very enjoyable for her to watch these games because she played in high school and at Moravian, watched her three daughters play, and refereed for 25 years! She misses the college contacts and visits hockey games provided her.


Ada Zellner Flower; 834 Hilltop Road; Oyster Bay, NY 11771 Ileen Whitehead Birnbuam; 4167 Green Pond Road; Bethlehem, PA 18020 From Ada: Dotty Wilmer Schlottman spent the summer keeping house and garden “in reasonable order” while Al went to Priest Lake, Idaho, to do lookout tower duty. Marie Holt Nash suffers from severe osteoarthritis. She’s had one knee replaced and is considering when to have the other knee



replaced. She is surrounded by children and grandchildren who are most helpful. She’s proud to have two great-grandchildren. She says, “Bless them all!” Frank and I made a brief visit to Moravian recently. We learned that Phyllis Clark’s piano and music library have arrived there and will be used in the Music Department. (Phyllis’s death was reported in the last magazine.) We also learned that the College has employed a part-time archivist who would welcome memorabilia concerning our time at Moravian. Original materials such as photographs, scrapbooks, albums, diaries, journals, small artifacts, and school publications such as yearbooks and catalogs are encouraged. Examples of coursework such as essays and art/sketches are also valuable. If you are interested in contributing to the archives call the archivist, Jan Ballard, at 610 861-1594 or e-mail


Jane Smith Ebelhare; 805 Buckeye Street; Ft. Collins, CO 80524; From Jane: Eleanor Beidelman Kline and her daughter went to Charlottesville, Va., last summer where they enjoyed the beautiful scenery and toured the James Madison homestead. The spent a wonderful visit with Eleanor’s sister while there, and the timing was most fortunate. When they returned home, they received the sad news that Eleanor’s sister had passed away shortly after they had left. Eleanor still goes to water aerobics three times a week. She continues her civic duties, having just completed the “yard of the month” selections, with the judging of the Christmas decorations in her subdivision in the near future. Dorothy Stump Lied is improving her skills in the game of mahjong, which originated as a Chinese gambling game. Dottie first heard of it in the movie Driving Miss Daisy. Then her daughter-in-law, who had learned to play it from a neighbor, taught Dottie and a friend of hers. Now Dottie and her friend play just for fun, or at least that’s what she says. Dottie still keeps busy painting, knitting, and making peanut butter cups, which are big sellers at the local bazaar. She

also does a lot of reading, and especially enjoys novels about the Amish, a people she very much admires. Jackie Stout McGiffert spent three weeks in September in the East attending reunions with a friend, but she was back in Missoula, Mont., in mid-October when she wrote to me. She will be leaving for Florida in January. Janet Moyer Paulus‘s daughter and older son have settled in comfortably in what Janet calls their basement, the “Hyatt Regency.” They have been staying there while construction is completed on Janet’s daughter’s town house, which has been promised for early December. Also, the younger son was to visit for Thanksgiving. It sounds like great fun. Janet’s husband, Dick, was to undergo cataract surgery in October, which hopefully will bring improvement to his vision. Janet “imposed on a hornets’ nest in August and felt their revengeful sting.” She has recuperated, but now is “armed with an EpiPen,” an automatic injector of epinephrine. Florence Fritts and Jackie Bauder joined Janet for lunch last summer, and they had their usual happy reunion. They will try to make it again before getting snowed in for the winter. Lois Moser Harke reports the Marguardt Village, the complex where she lives in Watertown, Wis., has opened a hospice unit. Of course they need a lot of volunteers, so Lois is helping with clerical/office work. She says that she “has folded lots of paper” lately. I got a short e-mail from Beryl Harrison saying that “everything is status quo” and that she is fine and healthy. Jackie Haas Bauder sent a great e-mail. She mentioned the luncheon in September with Florence and Warren Fritts and Janet and Dick Paulus at the Minsi Trail Inn, where they caught up with everyone’s news. Florence still has a daughter living in Easton, so when they come to the area, they have a nice place to stay. Jackie said that Florence had just had surgery for a deviated septum but was still going on as usual. Jackie attended her 65th high school reunion in September, and there were sixty people at the luncheon. Lillian Stefko Schaedler and some of her friends were instrumental in organizing the luncheon. Jackie says that the age of the group was showing “in the number of walkers and canes present.” Jackie stays in touch with Doreen Coburn Walters. Doreen and her husband, Don, live in Sarasota, Fla.


They missed the high school reunion because they had planned to visit a son in Cedarburg, Wisconsin. Two other sons and a grandson joined them for a “great family mini-reunion.” Jackie and Betty Wachstetter Griffis went to the Muhlenburg Festival and plan some other activities. She says that Betty is now a “proud great-grandmother.” Jackie was leaving on October 24 on a trip to Washington, D.C., to accompany a friend whose daughter is at American University. She was anxious to see the Indian Museum again and hoped to see the newly-reopened National Portrait Gallery and the new Smithsonian American Art Museum. As she says, “naturally my children and grandchildren are part of it too.” Then the following week, there was a family get-together in Pottstown, Pa., where her granddaughter, Amy, was to be married. Gloria Gately Chipman and husband, Frank, enjoyed the cruise which they took last July around the British Isles. They went to Glasgow, Edinburgh, Inverness, Dublin, Belfast, Wales, and Western Britain. Then when they returned, their oldest daughter, Ann, was married on the beach at Atlantic Beach, N.C. They were leaving on October 28 for Florida to take a seven-day Caribbean cruise. One of their stops will be at Grand Turk and Caicos, which is a new port to them. On their return, they will visit their youngest daughter in Deerfield Beach, Fla., before driving home. In August, Alice Joyce Yeager’s husband, Bob, was diagnosed with prostate cancer. He is facing a series of radiation treatments followed by seed implants, which has been shown to be an effective treatment with good results. Alice and Bob are very optimistic. They visited their daughter, Robin, and her husband in Tennessee in July. Robin came to visit them in Florida this summer also and while there, impressed everyone at Alice and Bob’s church with her marvelous singing voice. Alice battles chronic fatigue immune dysfunction but keeps going. She and Bob have tickets for the West Coast Symphony concerts, and the plays at their Little Theater have been great. They also enjoy the local restaurants. Andy and I leave on November 9 for our annual trek to Wellington, Fla. We should get back home about the second week in April after an even busier schedule than ever. I will send you our home address and phone numbers after we get there.



Margaret L. Albright; 129 N. 11th St.; Allentown, PA 18102 June Bright Reese; 801 N. Wahneta St., Apt 203; Allentown, PA 18109; From June: Members of the baccalaureate and secretarial classes recently met for lunch at Moravian Village. Betty Adams Roach and Betty Karte deserve a big “thank you” for arranging the meeting. After a delicious lunch in the Village dining room, we visited Betty Karte in her lovely apartment. Betty Roach is still tutoring, and she and her husband, Jack, enjoy playing bridge. Marian Carty Durkee spent ten days vacationing with her daughter and family at the Outer Banks. Janet Williams Sander and her husband spend a lot of time in Long Beach Island with friends. They have four grandchildren, one of whom, Amanda Seyfried, has been in several movies, including Mean Girls. She is also currently in Big Love on Home Box. Peggy Mason Marcks spent her 14th season working at Yellowstone Park. She drove there and back alone, stopping on the trip home to visit her son and grandson. Betty Karte recently had a surprise visit from Grace and Lee Schuchardt, who were in the area to see relatives. Mary Lou Patton “Pat” Phillips joined us for lunch. She and husband Jim are still in their big house. Sadly we report the passing of Marie Fehr Goodyear’s husband, Jack. In addition to his wife, he is survived by two daughters, twelve grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. He was predeceased by a daughter. We extend our deepest sympathy to his family. Let us hear what is happening in your life.

1942 Reunion May 18-19, 2007 Mary Kuehl Concevitch; 1036 Center St.; Bethlehem, PA 18018 From Mary: A note from Avis Gordon states that she sold her home in Bethlehem and moved to Moravian House II on Main Street. She’s

close to downtown and especially the Moravian Book Shop. From her window she watched the Moravian Mile parade on Alumni Weekend 2006, from one campus to the other. She hopes to see us in 2007 for our reunion. Two letters from Peggy Lutz Gray are so full of activities that it’s a miracle she had time to write. After months of writing and rehearsals they presented “Longwood Radio Hour II”—Peggy wrote the commercials (one was to the tune of Chiquita Banana’s theme song). Her new computer arrived, so now she’ll be busier than ever! Another classmate, Ruth Schantz Fortino, and her husband, Pat, have moved to an apartment at Moravian Village in town. Remember 2007—our 65th!


Ruth Hemmerly Kelly; Moravian Village; 526 Wood St.; Apt. 104; Bethlehem, PA 18018 From Ruth: A nice note from Dottie Ritter Comegys brings us up to date on her activities—involvement with health problems of relatives and leaving Moravian Hall Square and moving back to Main Street in September. She was in Durnstein, Austria, and learned of Zinzendorf’s connection with the area of Wachau (Wachovia), where his ancestral home was located. Dottie suffered the loss of her daughter two years ago and we extend our sympathy to her and her family. Ruth Overfield Fidorack and Mike continue their travels back to Tahiti and they are now planning a cruise around South America. In September there was a huge reunion of former students of Fountain Hill High School held at Lehigh University’s Stabler Auditorium. There were only two members of the class of 1937 there: Leona Quinn and I, both members of Moravian College for Women’s freshman class that year. I am enjoying life at Moravian Village, involved in puppet shows, of which we did four this week for kindergarten and first graders at Donegal School. It was the notorious Three Little Pigs and the Wolf, a very intellectually stimulating production, just off Broadway (South Side of Bethlehem). Beyond that I did some traveling, a cruise of the Mediterranean a year ago, and




last July another of the Baltic with stops in St. Petersburg, Helsinki, Stockholm, etc. Please classmates, if you want this column continued, send notes to me about yourselves and your families.

Men of 1941-46

Lloyd Fatzinger; 8434 Braewick Dr.; San Antonio, TX 78239;


Arlington A. Nagle, M.D.; 12 Orchard Hill Rd.; Robesonia, PA 19551;


Christine Roberts Fraley; 800 Hausman St., Apt. 208; Allentown, PA 18104; From Christine: There is very little news that I am able to report for the Class of 1938. Please send me a line to let me know how you are doing so that I can report it. Olivia Musselman Barnes is settled into her new home at Country Meadows here in Allentown. In my note for Fall 2006 I mistakenly said that Olivia was in the assisted living section of Country Meadows; she is in the independent living section and enjoying it very much. She has kept her car for the present and is still actively engaged in community affairs and bridge. Mary Fabian Strock is well and told me that she still keeps in touch with Rose Beidler Polentz. Rose lives in Richland, Wa. and says she is still upright. I, also, am still upright but use a walker when I leave my apartment.

1937 Reunion May 18 -19, 2007 Bertha Finkelstein Cohen; 11 Island Ave. Apt. 1404; Miami Beach, FL 33139-1326


Wilma Kistler Uhrich; 300 Willow Valley Lakes Dr.; Apt. A-319; Willow Street, PA 17584

Comenius Center

Sherron Quinn M.B.A. ’00; 222 Bushkill Terrace; Nazareth, PA 18064; From Sherron: Greetings from the Moravian M.B.A. I heard from Janette Roman ’05. She has a new addition to her family, son Alexander James Roman, born on June 5, 2006. Janette is enjoying every minute of baby Alexander. The M.B.A. Advisory Board has started a newsletter; all M.B.A. graduates should have received a copy in November. Please contact the M.B.A. office or drop me a line if you did not receive one. The fall 2006 Networking Night was held on November 16 at the Edge restaurant in Bethlehem. Some of the M.B.A. alumni in attendance were Chris Szutar, Rich Goch, Rick Subber, Gretchen Walters, Kevin Boucher and Rob Wentling. Save March 22, 2007, for the spring networking night also at the Edge. Please send me your news!

Changes Marriages


2004 Lauren Castellano Compitello and Joseph, a daughter, Sophia Nicolette, August 14, 2006. 2003 Jen Tori Shick and Ryan Schick, a son, Cohen Lee, September 22, 2006. 2001 Maddie Awad Abboud and Kenneth, a son, Nathaniel Kenneth, October 7, 2006. 1998 Melissa Hege Ayala and Mario, a daughter, Aurora Irene, October 29, 2006. 1993 Betty Terry Snyder and Michael, a son, Levi, August 1, 2006. 1991 Kate Bochnak Burke and Sean, a son, Christopher Fitzpatrick, August 1, 2006.


1983 Robert A. Kurtz, October 13, 2006. 1973 Susan Sargent Riggins, September 2,

Whowill willbe bethe theMoravian MoravianIdol? Idol? Who

With a dollar and a dream, it could be you!


1972 Lester E. Brookfield, October 4, 2006. 1960 Richard S. Casey, September 28, 2006. 1955 George Gonda, June 26, 2006. 1953 Joyce B. Hains Timm, September 5, 2006. 1950 Martin Black, September 11, 2006.

On June 30, 2007, our first-ever Moravian Idol will be crowned. Will YOU be in the running? All graduates of the last ten years (1997-2006) are eligible!

Martha Lutz Samuels, February 20, 2006. 1941 William A. Konrad, October 21, 2006. 1938 Miriam Schaeffer Romig, October 10, 2006.

Here’s how it works: 1. Become a contestant by making a gift to the Moravian Fund.

Comenius Center 1997 Edward John Cummings, August 26,

2. Tell friends, family, coworkers and classmates to log onto


and vote for you. Each vote costs only $1.00, with proceeds going to the Moravian Fund.

2004 Melissa Sadecki and Jeff Micari, September 9, 2006. Jennifer Strobel and Jason Barnes, September 20, 2006. 2003 Maribeth Ealey and Jason Pfeifer, September 20, 2006. 2002 Julie Jones and Philip Shilane, August 13, 2006. 2001 Brooke Dancho and Brian Swinteck, June 10, 2006. 2000 Elizabeth DiFebo and Jason Drott, October 14, 2006. 1999 Katy Fiandaca and John Dwyer, September 16, 2006. 1998 Rebecca James-Poole and Daniel Michalski, November 24, 2006. 1974 Carol Goldfeder and Philip D. Moskowitz, September 3, 2006.

3. S cores are determined by adding each contestant’s Moravian Fund gift to the number of votes he or she received. Every month, the highest-scoring alums to date are profiled on the Moravian Idol website. In June 2007, the alum with the highest total will be named the 2006-2007 Moravian Idol! Go to to make your gift, to vote, or to see the awards that will be to the Moravian Idol and runners-up.

Or contact: The Moravian Fund Office Moravian College 1200 Main Street • Bethlehem, PA 18018 800 429-9437 • 610 861-1339 32






The Liberty Bell visited Moravian’s south campus? Probably not, unless you’re class of 1777. In that year, the Liberty Bell was trekked from Philadelphia to present-day Allentown to keep it safe from British forces. Along the way, a broken wagon wheel forced the bell’s keepers to stop in Bethlehem, practically on the grounds of the Moravian Seminary. The Moravian community of 1976 witnessed a reenactment of this event on Founder’s Day (then held on September 24). The ’76-77 yearbook tells us that the Liberty Bell Trek—a wagon train carrying a full-sized Liberty Bell replica and about 140 costumed reenactors—arrived at Main and Church streets at about 12:30 p.m. Following speeches and a performance by the Moravian College Band, “an Ox Roast was held behind Main Hall for all Moravian Students, faculty, alumnae and Trek members.”

1200 Main Street Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 18018

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