Moravian College Magazine Fall 1999

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FALL 1999

Andrea Auf der Heyde ’64 First Official Teacher on the Iditarod Trail

Reunion 1999

Moravian College Magazine Staff Editor Susan Overath Woolley Assistant editor Christopher M. Hess Sports editor Mark J. Fleming Profile contributors Jessica V. Dunlap ’80 Claire M. Klatchak ’87

Alumni Relations Staff


FALL 1999

Director Bertha Francis Knisely ’69 Assistant director Elizabeth K. Martin Class notes assistant Patricia Murray Hanna ’82 Student assistant Heather Wickmann ’00

The Moravian College Magazine is published three times a year for the information and pleasure of Moravian College and Moravian Theological Seminary alumni, faculty, staff, students, parents, and friends. Readers are cordially invited to submit articles and opinion essays to be considered for publication in the Magazine. Submissions should be typed, double-spaced. Criteria for acceptance include timeliness, relevance to the life and interests of Moravian College and its community, and excellence of writing. Letters to the editor about issues discussed in the Magazine are welcome. Any reader who has access to electronic mail may send letters to the Magazine through that medium. Susan Woolley’s Internet address is woolley@ or Chris Hess’s Internet address is mecmh01@ U.S. Mail will get to the editors, too! Anyone who wishes to contact the Alumni Office may do so at (610) 861-1366, by fax at (610) 861-3945, or via the Internet at Deadlines for submitting articles and for sending news to class correspondents are: Fall issue: June 15 Winter issue: October 15 Spring issue: February 15 All accepted articles, class correspondence, and letters to the editor will be subject to editing.

Copyright © 1999 by Moravian College. Photographs and artwork copyright by their respective creators or by Moravian College. All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be reused or republished in any form without express written permission. Moravian College, in compliance with federal and state laws and regulations governing affirmative action and nondiscrimination, does not discriminate in the recruitment, admission, and employment of students, faculty, and staff in the operation of any of its educational programs and activities as defined by law. Accordingly, nothing in this publication should be viewed as directly or indirectly expressing any limitation, specification, or discrimination as to race, religion, color, or national origin; or to handicap, age, sex, sexual orientation, or status as a disabled or Vietnam era veteran except as required by law. Inquiries concerning this policy may be directed to Mr. Dennis Domchek, Vice President for Administration, Moravian College, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 18018, (610) 861-1360.

Table of Contents Around Campus


The New Dean Looks at His Role


Moravian Roots in Central American Soil


Sleepless in Alaska


Dog-gone Dreams


Hail! New Century, Hail!


Greyhound Sports


Alumni Association News


Class Notes


Volume 48, No. 3 Moravian College Magazine Fall 1999 Cover photo E. Anthony Valainis “Iditarod,” “Iditarod Dog Sled Race,” “the Last Great Race on Earth,” and “Teacher on the Trail” are registered trademarks of the Iditarod Trail Committee, Inc. Reunion photos on inside front cover by Gregory M. Fota ’69. Class photos by George Baker ’72. 3

Around Campus Moravian Computers Light Up a Lab on the Other Side of the World Members of the College community who received new computers over the summer discovered when the new school year began that their old computers would be serving the needs of students halfway around the globe. On July 6 Moravian’s Center for Information Technology, under the leadership of Ron Helmuth, boxed up 26 computers and shipped them to the Christian University of Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Ron’s friend John Fairfield, a computer science professor at James Madison University, had contacted him for assistance in a project he was working on with the Mennonite Central Committee, The CIT director Ron Helmuth and student Napo Ghonda ’01 pack Committee, a relief computers for shipment to Kinshasa. Photo: Andrew Mingione ’99. agency of the North American Mennonite and Brethren in Christ churches, was setting up a computer lab at the Christian University of Kinshasa, and was seeking donations of computer equipment. Moravian supplied the university with 486-33 and 486-66 PCs with network interface cards and 14- and 15-inch monitors. None of the computers could be sold because they were four to five years old. The College also transferred licenses for Windows 95 along with the computers, but no additional applications were sent. The Christian University of Kinshasa covered the cost of shipping and handling. Assisting in the packing was Napo Ghonda, class of 2001, a citizen of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Napo, a computer science major, mentioned that only one or two of the universities in his country have computer capabilities, and that the average salary among workers in his county is around $5.00 per month. John Fairfield reported that the installation was a smashing success. People from all over Congo flocked to the university to see the glowing screens of the computers. They were met by a banner proclaiming, “Que vive la cooperation entre Moravian College, Pa, USA et L’Université Cretienne de Kinshasa” (a rough translation: “Hooray for the cooperation between Moravian College and the Christian University of Kinshasa”). Students of computer science who had never touched a computer before sat in awe, handling the machines as they would handle a baby. The university held a formal demonstration inaugurating the arrival of the new machines. It was a national media event involving the national minister of education and the vice president of the Église du Christ au Congo. Fairfield commented that the arrival of the computers has given the university the tools to attract “qualified students and serious money.”


Moravian Concludes Another Record-Breaking Fundraising Year Susanne I. Shaw, vice president for institutional advancement, announced that voluntary gift revenues to Moravian College totaled $5,527,123 at the close of the 1998-99 fiscal year on June 30, 1999. This exceeded the prior year’s total by $2,616,392, due primarily to a major gift from an anonymous donor of $2 million, a significant increase in the Annual Fund total, and a 31% increase in gifts of $5,000 or more. The Annual Fund achieved a new high total of $1,404,707. In January, the Board of Trustees issued a giving challenge to all alumni and more than 900 responded with extra or increased gifts totaling $107,848 for the Annual Fund. Total gifts from alumni and trustees represent 72% of this year’s Annual Fund or $1,014,994. Alumni participation was 30% while giving by the faculty and staff increased 20% over the previous year, achieving a record $48,914. The 1998-99 Seminary Annual Fund reached an all-time high of $138,512 with a 43% alumni participation rate, putting Moravian Theological Seminary among the top ten seminaries in the U.S. in giving. Highlights of the 1998-99 Annual Fund: • The dedicated student callers and managers who staff the ten weeks of the on-campus phonathon. This year they raised $294,489 and had an amazing pledge fulfillment rate of 92%. • Combined giving by reunion classes totaled a new high of $156,341 with the Class of 1969 having the highest dollar total. • Gifts from 613 past and present parents to the Parents Fund increased by 25% to $74,464. Participation has increased by 269% over five years. • The Senior Class Gift Program participation rate of 40% represents an all-time high. The $9,052 class gift established a new scholarship fund for rising seniors. An unex-

pected matching grant from the Moravian College Alumni Association brought the total for this important scholarship fund to $18,104. • Gifts to the College from non-alumni friends closed at $115,925, an increase of 9% over the prior year. “Gifts to the Annual Fund sustain the core values of Moravian College, which are teaching, scholarship, and public service,” said Shaw. “By making regular, unrestricted gifts, alumni and friends give the president and the deans the flexibility to direct funds where they are needed and to capitalize immediately on opportunities to strengthen academic programs. “Thanks to all faculty, staff, and administrators who supported the 199899 Annual Fund. Every single gift makes a difference and is greatly appreciated.”

Lebensfeld Prize Winners Announced Joyce Hinnefeld and the Writing Center are pleased to announce the winners for the fall 1998-1999 Lebensfeld Prizes. There are two categories of prizes. The first category is for the best English 100 essay, written by a student enrolled in English 100 that semester. The prize was $25 and the winning essay and honorable mentions were published in a booklet entitled “The Best English 100 Essays, 19981999.” Judges for this part of the contest were the English 100 course instructors during that particular semester. The winner for best essay in the fall of 1998 is Andrew Grason for “Sad but True.” Honorable mention went to Michelle Kane for “To Be Beautiful.” The winner for best essay in the spring of 1999 went to Gary Fagan for “Jake and Jack.” Honorable mentions went to Frank Bruno for “The Breath of Life” and Kimberly Jaick for “Childhood.” The second category includes prizes for the best upper-division poem, short story, and essay. The prize award was $50. Judges for the upper-division prizes were ten Moravian alumni who are writers, editors, and journalists. The judges were Pat Corpora ’78, Rodale Press, Ron dePaolo ’64, self-employed

author/editor, Lisa Fromhertz Konzelmann ’92, Simon and Schuster, Jeannine Renninger Fielding ’91, Philips Publishing, Dr. William Horwath ’65, J. Walter Thompson, Polly Rayner ’53, Morning Call, Kelly Greenzweig Lutterschmidt ’89, National Aeronatuics and Space Administration, Monica Deeb ’91, Morning Call, and Sean Diviny ’83, freelance writer. Winner for best poem went to Tara Stoppa for “Maternal Instinct.” Cowinners for best short story were James J. Cudney IV for “Survival of the Fittest” and Amy Kingdom for “Smile and Nod.” Winner for best essay was Rachel O’Donnell for “The Second Reading.” The Lebensfeld Prizes are funding through the Lebensfeld Foundation of Jersey City, N.J. The foundation, founded by the late Harry Lebensfeld, was incorporated in 1959. The foundation has been a steadfast contributor to the English Department and the Writing Center since 1987.

Moravian Goes Global and Multicultural with Two New Appointments Moravian’s strategic goals of increased attention to global involvement and multicultural engagement received a boost this fall with the appointment of two new administrators. Casimer Sowa was named director of international studies for Moravian College and Moravian Theological Seminary in September. Sowa came to Moravian from Lehigh University, where he served as associate director of the Office of International Education. His primary responsibility was Lehigh’s study abroad program. Before moving to Lehigh in 1995, he was study-abroad adviser in the University Office of International Programs at Pennsylvania State University. Sowa received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from

A Very Special Birthday The Moravian College community gathered on September 14 to honor Priscilla Payne Hurd, incoming chair of the board of trustees and longtime supporter of the institution, on the occasion of her 80th birthday. The evening began with vocal and piano selections performed by current and former music students, continued with celebratory speeches on behalf of the students, faculty members, trustees, and administrators Priscilla Payne Hurd expresses appreciation for and the presentation of a customher birthday gift. Photo: John Palcewski ’86. designed gold brooch with a Moravian motif, and concluded with a birthday round composed in Mrs. Hurd’s honor by Larry Lipkis, chair of the Music Department, and sung with enthusiasm by the entire crowd. Mrs. Hurd was appointed to Moravian College’s board of trustees in 1979. Her generous gifts have led to the creation of the Frank E. and Seba Payne Gallery in 1982 (named for her parents), the Comenius Scholars Program, also established in 1986 which supports students of high academic caliber, and the establishment of the Priscilla Payne Hurd Chair in the Arts and Humanities in 1990 (this supports the salary of a faculty member in the area of the arts). “Without Mrs. Hurd’s generosity and brilliant leadership over the years, Moravian would be a very different place from what it is today,” said President Ervin Rokke.


Penn State. He has served as an instructor for the Council on International Educational Exchange and received a Fulbright Award in the German Administrators Program. He is also an active contributor to the work of NAFSA: Association of International Educators, the primary professional organization for international educators. As director of international studies, Sowa will have primary responsibility for the establishment and administration of study abroad programs as well as the advising of students planning to study abroad. More generally, he will play a key role in the refinement and implementation of the College’s Global Engagement goal and the recommendations of the Global Engagement Task

Force of the Commission on the Future, including the development of campusbased programs that build a greater awareness of global issues. Sharon Brown has been named Moravian’s first director of multicultural affairs. Brown brings to Moravian more than 20 years of diversified experience and success in higher education and student development. She comes from Lehigh University where she served as the assistant dean of students. She has provided leadership for Lehigh’s diversity programs and directed its Office of Multicultural Affairs for 13 years. She received both her bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Montclair State University. She is also an active leader in the greater Lehigh Valley community, cur-

Stop In and See Us Sometime

Moravian College went live this fall with a new, totally redesigned Web site at The College’s main page features links to academics, admission, athletics, alumni, events, news, and student life, along with an interactive news banner that links to important news and information. An interactive public events calendar allows visitors to discover a world of events and activities at Moravian that are open to the public. The calendar, utilizing software developed by Region Online, allows visitors to see what’s happening day-by-day or search for events by dates and/or categories. Visitors can also use an interactive form to request e-mail notification of events and activities. The new Web site features an extensive section on Greyhound athletics that includes web pages for each of Moravian’s sixteen Middle Atlantic Conference teams. Prospective students can request admission and fill out an on-line application, and prospective donors can find out how to make a gift to the institution and make a pledge on line. The College’s Web site was developed by Michael Wilson, director of public relations, and Christie Jacobsen ’00, a graphic design major. 6

rently serving as president of the board of directors of the Bethlehem YWCA. As director of multicultural affairs, Sharon will work to foster diversity in Moravian’s programs, activities, and curriculum through active engagement of the entire community of students, faculty, staff, and alumni. She will provide direct support to students from underrepresented groups and will advise campus constituencies, organizations, and offices on multicultural issues. She will also guide and track the institution’s progress toward its strategic goal of greater community and diversity.

Hillside Complex Offers New Housing Options to Students For 102 Moravian College students, moving back to Bethlehem this semester was more like checking into a hotel suite than moving into a school dormitory. College officials dedicated the new 22-unit Hillside townhouse complex with a ribbon-cutting ceremony and open house on August 26. President Ervin J. Rokke said the two-story red brick units are a major improvement over the 15 decades-old “overflow” houses that were demolished to make way for the new complex. “We’re really delighted,” President Rokke said of the furnished townhouses, in which each student gets his or her own bedroom. “We have replaced some very outdated and worn housing.” Other amenities for Hillside residents include free cable television and Internet connections, a sand volleyball court and horseshoe pit, charcoal grills and a picnic area. Project manager Pam Hoadley said the Hillside project cost $4.1 million, which included about 115 new parking spaces. In addition to the updated facilities, President Rokke said Hillside also increases the College’s oncampus housing capacity by more than 30 beds. That’s good news for the College’s swelling enrollment, which reached an all-time high of 1,250 students when classes resumed in August. Most Hillside units house five students, but two units are two-story, co-ed apartments that house 13 students each. Women live upstairs, with men on the

ground level. Men and women have their own bedrooms and bathrooms, sharing common study and recreation areas. One of those units is occupied by the service organization Campus Community Connection (C3). The group has nine women and four men. One C3 member, senior Michael Susek, said he is excited about the living arrangements and thinks they will enhance the program. “Special interest housing gives people with common interests the opportunity to live together,” Susek said. “It just works well for a community service group.” Hillside’s resident director, senior Geoff Hood, praised College officials for surveying students about what housing they wanted and designing Hillside to meet their desires. “I think it’s really important that the College be commended for listening to what the students wanted,” Hood said. “I’m really excited about it.”

Two Professors Receive Grants The U.S. Department of Education has awarded a grant of $110,000 to Sandra Fluck, associate professor and chair of the Education Department, for her program entitled “Project TECH: Teacher Education Collaboration Hub.” Sandy and colleagues at Northampton Community College and the Bethlehem Area School District will use the grant to establish a comprehensive technologybased teacher preparation program. The collaborative project will serve as a model for other teacher certification programs and consortia. The award was granted through the U.S. Department of Education’s “Teaching Tomorrow’s Teachers to Use Technology” capacitybuilding grant program. Cliff Kussmaul, assistant professor of computer science received a $9,000 grant from the National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance to establish E-Teams in Computer Science 334: Systems Design and Implementation. This is a project-based course usually taken in the junior or senior year. Kussmaul revised the course to emphasize entrepreneurship and related topics, and to involve students, faculty, and

consultants. The students will work in teams and all of the projects will share a common theme. This should provide a more realistic experience, and help students to learn from each other. The course, formally called Systems Software, was renamed Systems Design and Implementation in 1998 to more accurately reflect its objectives, and will be offered in the fall. Students can thus elect to continue their projects the following spring, and can use the portfolios they develop when seeking positions in industry or graduate school.

A Case of Academic Cross-Fertilization Joanne Dangelmajer, chair of the Department of Foreign Languages, and Carole Brown, chair of the English Department, are engaging in an intertwined pair of interdisciplinary scholarly projects. Brown became interested in the possibility that Charles Dickens based the character of Jenny Wren, the doll’s dressmaker in his novel Our Mutual Friend, on the case of a patient described in an obscure French medical treatise. Dangelmajer began translating the treatise into English to help Brown in her research, then spent her recent sabbatical completing the translation and traveling to France and Switzerland to visit the place where the treatise was written and the treatments preformed and the home region from which the patient came. Doctor Antoine Despine’s De L’Emploi du magnetisme animal et des eaux minerales dans le traitement des maladies nerveuses, suivi d’une observation très curieuse de guérison de névropathie (“On the Use of Animal Magnetism [in modern medical parlance, hypnosis] and Mineral Waters in the Treatment of Nervous Maladies, Followed by a Very Curious Observation on the Cure of Neuropathy”) was published in Paris in 1840. It describes the medical odyssey of a young woman who was essentially cured of partial paralysis and what we call multiple personality disorder by unconventional and progressive means. Both faculty members plan to publish the results of their work.

Campus Faces When asked what drew him to teaching, James Mitchell, professor of biology, stated that it was his love for biology as well as the love of people. “I enjoy watching students learn and achieve their inner goals,” said Mitchell. “I like to get to know my students on a personal level and continually watch them grow and achieve success in their chosen field, while making a lifelong friend.” A professor at Moravian for 35 years, Mitchell states that “most students have remained sincerely interested in the field of study that they have chosen to pursue.” He goes on to add that the interest often goes deeper. “For example, students in the pre-veterinary program often hold an innate love of animals. Mitchell taught at other institutions before coming to Moravian, but he chose to stay here because “teaching at a small college or university allows a professor to give his students more individualized attention. Teaching at a larger institutions just doesn’t permit you to develop a personal relationship with your students.” Over the years, Mitchell has had a number of students who have gone on to become leaders in their field. Among the many are David Vasily, M.D. ’71, a dermatologist in the Lehigh Valley, James Detterline, Ph.D. ’78, ranger with the National Park Service, and Catherine Micek, V.M.D. ’88, a veterinarian in Bethlehem. “Most of my students have been very accomplished in their chosen field. They are all fine individuals with a true zest for life.”


The New Dean Looks at His Role Randall K. Packer, in an interview with the editor, discusses his aims and challenges as dean of the College and vice president for academic affairs. What attracted you to this position at Moravian? In my 29-year tenure as a biologist at George Washington University, I had done a nine-year stretch as department chair. And I found it very satisfying to be able to help people get where they wanted to go, to help people develop their careers, to develop the curriculum. And when a search firm contacted me about Moravian’s deanship and vice presidency, I saw an opportunity to do that on an institutional rather than a departmental scale. When I came to Moravian for interviews, I thought that Moravian was at a position in its history where there were going to be changes happening, and that it would be exciting to be part of that process. Judging from what I heard about the Commission on the Future, and what I heard from people I talked to, it seemed to me that the College wanted to go in directions that I was comfortable with, and it looked like a good idea. Has anything surprised you about the job? I was able to foresee the “dean of the faculty” part reasonably clearly, I think—although I’d always been on the other side of the desk, I had a pretty clear notion of what the responsibilities and challenges of that part of the position would be. And I’ve been very happy with the interactions I’ve had with the faculty so far. I was less aware, coming in, of what the vicepresidential sort of responsibilities were. As a vice president you really have to take a global view of the institution, and be concerned about a lot of things that I’ve never given a moment’s thought to—and that means every part of the institution that doesn’t have directly to do with academics! Things like the student services side of what we do, or community outreach kinds of things, or interacting with the trustees. You spoke of coming at a time when there are challenges, when the Commission on the Future is “stirring the pot,” as it were—what do you think are the most formidable challenges to our faculty and our college? I think that the College, under President Rokke’s leadership, really is moving forward, in many ways, at a more rapid pace than may have been the case in the past. The biggest issues will be student demographics, affordability, and technology. We will have to adjust to the fact that students who come to us may come from cultural and family backgrounds that may be different from what we’ve seen in the past. And one of the challenges 8

is certainly to see that the demographic changes that are reflected in our student population are reflected in our faculty and administrative populations as well. We will also have to look for creative ways to make education more affordable while providing the technological support needed to enhance both the students’ quality of living—they come to us 7expecting residence halls to be fully wired, for instance—and their quality of learning. I must say that I think the faculty here are making appropriate use of technology in their scholarship as well as in their teaching. And I could be wrong, but it’s my impression that there’s really more integration of teaching into technology into teaching here at Moravian than there was at George Washington University as an across-the-board kind of thing. It was developing quickly at GW, over the last couple of years, but in many ways it seems to me that we’re a little bit ahead here at Moravian. Would you say that your role in all this is to look out for the interests of the faculty? I think it’s to be a strong voice for the faculty and the students. I really do feel that my constituency is both the faculty and the students. As a long-time faculty member, I really can’t separate that; they’re really two aspects of the same thing. The important thing for the institution is that faculty-student interaction. That’s where the institution lives or dies. One of my important roles is to be a strong voice for making sure that the faculty have the tools that they need, broadly described, to do the job that we’re asking them to do. That means giving them the technology they need, giving them feedback about their progress as teachers and scholars, and giving them opportunities for research. I think I have a fairly standard view of the interaction between teaching and scholarship, and that view is that to be an effective teacher you have to be an engaged scholar. Otherwise it’s impossible to bring that enthusiasm and love that you have for your discipline to the classroom. Teaching is a hard job, but it’s a fabulous job. Through my career I have had very few colleagues who didn’t want to go to work, or who thought that their life was outside of their work. My job as dean is to make it possible for our faculty do the best job they can do. That’s the long and short of it.

Moravian Roots in Central American Soil by Hugh Gratz ’70

A Moravian alumnus helps Central Americans cope with danger from human and natural forces.

Illustration: John Gummere

On April 25, 1999, six months after Hurricane Mitch roared through Honduras, I found myself flying to this Central American country as a member of a team of mental health professionals and acupuncturists, joining the international response for humanitarian assistance to the traumatized people there. Mitch was much more than the typical tropical storm. Beginning on October 30, 1998, it camped for days over Honduras, and by the time it exited, it was the deadliest storm to strike the Western Hemisphere in the past 200 years. Central America took a direct hit; the storm left dead and dying in every country, as whole cities got swept away. Honduras, the second poorest country in our hemisphere (behind Haiti) with an annual per capita income of $600 and unemployment at 40 percent, took the brunt of the storm. The United Nations Honduras Situation Report of December 3, 1998, updated the figures on the human toll of Mitch: 5,642 confirmed deaths, 8,050 persons still reported missing, 12,272 wounded, 100,000 houses destroyed, and 1,199,000 persons displaced. In November 1998 La Prensa, the Honduran national newspaper, reported seventy percent of the country’s infrastructure destroyed. Whole towns situated on river banks were wiped out. Morolica, a community of 3,000 people in the southern part of Honduras, lost all of its 300 buildings to the raging Choluteca River. Honduran president Carlos Roberto Flores estimated that this devastating hurricane set back his already poor country at least 50 years. I am one of two psychotherapists on the team of the Honduran Healing Relief Project, joining my friend and co-trainer, Dr. Selena Sermeño, a native Salvadoran and clinical psychologist, who lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Selena, with her Santa Fe colleague Dr. Maria Dolores Diaz, founded this humanitarian project. We are on the first leg of our two-country volunteer training project. After one week in Honduras, we will fly to El Salvador. We are faculty members of Avanta, the Virginia Satir Network and Learning Center, an educational and therapy training organization, which is the major sponsor for our venture. Selena and I are experienced psychotherapists, trained in trauma work, and a veteran mental health team making our first trip to Honduras, but our sixth to El Salvador. In Honduras, we work with two groups of health care professionals, including physicians, nurses, health educators, social 79

workers, psychologists, and psychiatrists. The first training group is in Choluteca, the country’s fourth largest city which had approximately 100,000 residents before the storm. Local officials estimate three to five thousand dead or missing afterwards. Choluteca is a hot, Dramamine-popping 31/2-hour bus ride from the Tegucigalpa airport. Our bus bounces around winding, dusty, mountainous roads, through numerous washed-out areas under repair, and overlooking steep drop-offs; somehow our driver misses the many road signs lettered Peligroso (Danger!). Set in the southern-most part of Honduras, Choluteca is known as “the devil’s vacation land,” because of its heat. We teach for two days in 95-degree heat under ceiling fans that work when the electricity cooperates, which is now and then. After this two-day training program, we are driven, mercifully by air-conditioned car, back to the capital to provide another two day training session for psychotherapists, university professors and psychology students at the Universidad Autonoma de Honduras. Participants in both training groups are tired and overworked, yet eager, committed, resilient, and responsive. In addition to their professional responsibilities, they and their families endured their own personal experience with the hurricane. They are serving a traumatized population struggling with basic housing and food needs, as well as illness, death, and loss of possessions and the related psychological consequences of such experiences. The participants tell stories of horror and heroism. The groups are receptive to learning about dealing with trauma through our respectful, humanistic approach. They allow us to demonstrate our model by revealing their own painful experiences, deepening connections with their colleagues, and adding to their own self-care tools for emotional, physical, spiritual, and relationship needs. Group tears accompany details of personal loss. The group takes care of each other, putting hands in the hands or on the shoulders of colleagues, sharing healing words of support and comfort mixed with respectful, tension-relieving humor. Tissues litter the floor. The falsity of stereotypes attached to peoples of developing countries is apparent; our training groups are filled with bright, skilled, sensitive professionals and students. The chief of psychiatry of Honduras and the Honduran cabinet officer who heads the National Office for Women inform us that they will seek funds in order to bring us back to train the mental health staff of the entire country. Our thoughts and feelings scramble with pride and satisfaction, sadness and inadequacy; our voices agree without hesitation. We say goodbye to people we’ve known only one week, yet with whom we’ve experienced a depth of truth, humanness, and solidarity that eludes relationships of a lifetime. We leave Honduras, tired, content, and preparing ourselves for what we anticipate to be a less-strenuous experience in El Salvador. My instincts should have reminded me: any time I really believe that the hard work is over, duck! In El Salvador, we train members of the staff of the inspirational social service community, Agape, a small campus-like refuge founded by Father Flavian Mucci of Boston. Agape provides a wide range of services, including a school, a hospital, housing and medical care for pregnant youth, a soup kitchen, vocational training, and housing for the elderly. Its main cam10

pus sits on a busy road on the outskirts of Sonsonate, a city of almost 100,000 people. Sonsonate is considered the most violent area in a country labeled by a reporter for the New York Times as the second most violent region in the world. Security fences and armed guards are Hugh Gratz and Selena Sermeño at the site of the requirements in this tempestuous former prison in Tegucigalpa, destroyed by flooding. culture. Agape’s staff represent some of the best and most socially-committed of this war-torn culture. They work with a population that has been physically and emotionally injured by the war, a population struggling with poverty, violence, and post-traumatic stress. This is our second training trip to Agape, and it is one of my favorite places to work in the country. The staff welcomes us and the training we provide them. Because Selena is a native daughter, family and friends surround us, watching for our safety and supporting our work. Our “easy” work fantasy ends abruptly when we are informed, upon our arrival, of the recent murder of a staff member we had taught last year. We begin a duplication of the Honduras work: debriefing of loss and violence, community-building/ team development, self-care, and an overview of the trauma framework. We again hear stories of poverty and violence that are part of daily life. We do two days of teaching with a group of twelve, composed of accountants, office staff, auditors, and supervisors from housing, restaurant, and the maintenance departments. We then spend one day working with a group of fifty medical personnel, counselors, and community outreach health workers. We also welcome the participation of staff from the agency’s print shop who petitioned for inclusion for the debriefing, self-care, and team-building benefits. Our final day in El Salvador is spent working with security personnel. When working with military or law enforcement personnel, we spend significant time building a safe context for debriefing the traumatic experiences that occur on their jobs, and that often triggers experiences from the war. Stress management techniques are a central part of our curriculum, as the continuous danger of their work often results in a state of hypervigilance which negatively impacts their health, relationships, and on-going safety. The beginning of the training is tentative as we struggle to connect and to elicit their needs. Our small group navigates through this clumsy start. The conversation becomes real and painful; these strong men reveal parts of their soft, bruised insides. Traumatic events are processed and their connections deepen as they openly support each other in a

manner that seldom exists in daily routine. In the evaluations, they request a follow-up training for their staff. Saying goodbye to Agape is a relief, yet it feels like deserting the front line of battle. We promise to return. The staff returns our affection by promising to embrace and watch over my niece Lauren, who, I’m proud to say, is beginning a ten-week internship for her Latin American major requirement at Michigan State. Lauren is the daughter of my brother Turney ’69 and Jeanne Batchelar Gratz ’70. We spend our last evening in the capital city, San Salvador, lecturing to thirty members of Nuevo Acropolis, an international leader in humanistic education, who provides local support for our training. They are proud of Selena, and grateful even for this limited-Spanish-speaking gringo. On Saturday, May 8, my return flight to the United States includes a group of men from a church in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. They are returning from a week spent re-roofing an orphanage in Tegucigalpa. They are among the many church communities from our country, modeling practical spirituality by helping Honduras rebuild. At 11:20 p.m. my wife, Roberta DeAngelis, is my one-person welcoming committee at the Philadelphia airport. We are pleased and relieved to see each other yet the stress of the two weeks away is on our faces and in our bodies. We require our own re-entry process, which happens over time. It takes two weeks to re-adjust.

Hugh, on the left, with Agape staff members in a training program exercise honoring a murdered staff member. Photos: courtesy of Hugh Gratz.

During this transition time, my thoughts return to experiences of the trip and ideas about the next visit. I enjoy the adventure of traveling to new places, the challenge of the work, and the chance to meet and learn from people of other cultures. Making a difference is a core belief for many of us and I am thankful for the opportunities and the skills to do so. These thoughts bring awakened memories of, and appreciation for, Moravian College and its place in my development. I come from a Moravian College family. Both of my brothers graduated from Moravian after making outstanding contributions as scholar-athletes. My father-in-law, two brothers-in-law, and two sisters-in-law are Moravian graduates. My mother took

courses towards teaching certification at Moravian, competing with me for a grade in a sociology class taught by Dr. John Michell. Moravian hats and jerseys fill our closets, and pictures of Moravian buildings hang on our walls. The Moravian star is a fixture at holiday time in each of our homes. I look up the latest Moravian game results in the Sunday newspaper. There is reason for such affection and loyalty. Undergraduate school is a beginning. Over 30 years ago, the roots of my professional career began at Moravian College. It provided a wonderful bridge between the developmental chaos of leaving home and becoming independent. It was not perfect, but no home is and no college is. It offered me a humanistic community possessed of values of respect, self-care, and personal connection, both internal and external. These values are laced into the trauma framework we taught in Central America. Leaving home, entering college, visiting a foreign country, trying out for a sports team, and teaching in a different culture are experiences in chaos, as we move from the familiar to the unfamiliar and struggle with our self-esteem over the clumsiness of new experiences. Through my work I have discovered that everyone, no matter where they live or what their roots are, needs respect, a sense of safety, and support in order to fully risk, and when injured, to heal. At Moravian I received those gifts in many forms, from fellow students, from teachers too numerous to name, and from my roommate Bob Silva, an African-American from New Jersey, who tutored this white boy from Kentucky in math and Motown, joined me in excelling on the girdiron, and introduced me to a new world, a world of difference and increased consciousness. One of the effects of trauma is that victims disconnect from the traumatic experience as a coping adaptation. Part of the treatment technique is to help the victim remember the support of loving relationships as they manage the strong feelings related to the traumatic event. I cannot estimate how many times I use my memories of Rocco Calvo to help me through a challenge. I still remember the feeling of his arm around my shoulder, those gentle, piercing eyes offering love and support in victory or defeat. For me, he remains the personification of integrity. I could not ask for a more solid foundation upon which my dreams could become reality. Humorist Garrison Keillor once talked to an audience about his overwhelming delight when he realized that his reality had exceeded his dreams. I know what he means. As I am co-authoring an article about our recent Central American experience, I am interrupted by a phone call, asking me if I am willing and able to participate in two new opportunities: a diversity training project in New Jersey and trainings in Nicaragua and Guatemala for dealing with trauma. Willing? Certainly, sometimes at the expense of gainful employment! But able? I smile. Yes, but I sure wish I had taken Spanish at Moravian. A long overdue “muchos gracias a mi escuela, Moravian College.” Hugh Gratz ’70 is a clinical social worker in New York and New Jersey, specializing in family therapy and its application to traumatic events. 11

Sleepless in Alaska No Time for Sleep When a Hound Joins the Huskies on the Iditarod Trail by D. A. Barsotti 12 Photo: E. Anthony Valainis.

“The sky was magnificent with the most brilliant stars glittering in the darkness,” wrote Finney in her electronic journal. “The air became colder as I stood there anticipating the arrival of the next musher . . . the cold began to penetrate my layers and very heavy suit as the temperature continued to drop downward from –5 degrees.” Finney is Andrea Auf der Heyde ’64, veteran teacher who wanted to show her students how lifeskills are used in attaining a goal. That quest landed her the title of “First Official Teacher on the Iditarod Trail” as she traveled a lifetime away from Rogers Elementary School in Bloomington, Indiana to the 1999 Iditarod. “I wanted to teach my first graders about something they didn’t see in Indiana,” Finney said. After a visit to her sister in Alaska, Finney knew that the Iditarod Trail Dog Sled Race was a perfect opportunity. “Children are enthralled with the raising and training of the dogs and then the dangers and challenges of the race itself,” Finney said. Finney saw a chance to incorporate the challenges of the Iditarod into a new program that was introduced to her school. She explained that the program, C.L.A.S.S. (Connecting Learning Assures Successful Students), teaches and provides opportunities for using lifeskills, lifetime learning guidelines and the seven intelligences. The students are encouraged to focus on lifeskills that they will use to be successful in their daily lives, including cooperation, courage, flexibility, organization, initiative, perseverance, problem-solving, and a sense of humor. The Iditarod tests the relationship between the mushers, their canine partners, and the elements of nature. “The Iditarod has an educational validity beyond lessons in math, science, social studies and language arts,” Finney said. “I knew that if I could get out on the trail and interview mushers, I could illustrate the lifeskills used by mushers and dogs in the process of attaining a goal while involved in a real life experience.” As Finney taught her students about the Iditarod, her enthusiasm and excitement fueled a passion to pursue her own dream. “In my youth, I loved adventure,” Finney said. “I adored cold weather, snow, mountains and dogs.” As an educator, she has not been afraid to take risks to provide another learning experience. As this particular dream took form, Finney confessed, “The time was right for me to spread my wings and take my own risks.” “I’d give anything to be part of the Iditarod,” she wrote in an e-mail message to musher Don Bowers. Though they had never met, Finney and her students had been following Bowers’ preparation for the Iditarod through his diary entries on the Official Web Site of the Iditarod. He was very encouraging, suggesting that it would be a great idea to have a “teacher on the trail.” Bowers steered Finney to Lois Harter, education director of the Iditarod. The Iditarod Trail Committee, Inc., has been providing resource material for classroom use, hoping that teachers around the world would use the Iditarod Dog Sled Race¨ to stimulate the learning process. The committee agreed that a “teacher on the trail” could provide an added dimension with behind-the- scenes reports and unique insights that an educator would be able to relay to the four to five thousand classrooms who follow the progress of the dog teams each year.

Harter, excited but cautious, explained that Finney would need to take care of all of her own financial arrangements and assure the Iditarod committee of the support of her school district and principal, as well as her own personal commitment. After her four years at Moravian, several certificates in areas of special education, a master’s degree from Indiana University, and 24 years of classroom experience, Finney was determined to make this dream a reality. “In mid-May, I flew to Anchorage to meet with Lois Harter,” Finney said, her sincerity about the new venture stuffed into her portfolio in the form of letters of support from her school administration, parents, colleagues, students, and even the mayor of Bloomington. Financial support came from sponsorships by the Ronald McDonald House Charities and many other contributors, including Finney’s local YMCA, who provided a trainer to help Finney build up the strength and endurance she would need in the rugged, frigid climate. Receiving the official word that she would indeed be the “First Official Teacher on the Iditarod Trail,” Finney e-mailed Bowers with her news. His reply, “Was there ever any doubt?” One week before the start of the race, Finney arrived in Anchorage. She finally got to meet Don Bowers and the other mushers. Finney was kept busy meeting other volunteers at Iditarod Headquarters, holding a teleconference to report on the Junior Iditarod, and speaking at an educators’ luncheon and the mushers’ pre-race banquet. Finney witnessed the commitment and dedication of the scores of volunteers needed to coordinate this historic race that encompassed some of the planet’s most extreme conditions. In one of her first journal writings posted on the Official Web Site of the Iditarod, she wrote: “It became obviously apparent to me that the Iditarod is a “real life” experience that truly illustrates the use of all the lifeskills that are important in achieving goals and living a productive life.” “We went over the Alaska Mountain Range and I thought that I could reach down and touch the tops,” Finney wrote as the bush pilot flew their small plane to a check point along the trail. “I still can not believe that these mushers go over the terrain that they do on their journey,” she wrote, describing the trail as it passed over a glacier, across a river and into a swamp. “These different terrains cause the mushers to really think about how to accomplish the task.” Later in the race, the teams would run over the frozen expanse of the Yukon River and along the coastal area of the Bering Sea. “They face an entirely different set of challenges, such as the wind, ground storms, white-outs and stretches of boredom which may cause the musher to lose some focus,” Finney noted. Finney wrote of her own contribution to the race: “Tonight I was the chief cook at the checkpoint and I put together a stew that I have never concocted before. . . . The real challenge was being able to come up with a dinner for all the folks on a single hot plate.” And she marveled at each new experience: “I tried caribou hot dogs today!” At each checkpoint she had the chance to watch the mushers care for their teams, catch some sleep and make decisions. From each check point, Finney related the trials that the mushers often face. “Folks are sorry about Dee Dee Jonrowe’s

A Brief Iditarod Glossary for Greyhounds The Iditarod Trail. A National Historic Trail commemorating a mail and supply route that serviced the coastal and interior communities of Alaska. The Iditarod, “the Last Great Race on Earth.” From Anchorage, up to 80 teams of dogs and their mushers race through 1,150 miles of rugged terrain and frigid temperatures to the finish line in Nome. Instituted in 1973, the race begins on the first Saturday in March and lasts from 10 to 17 days. The race commemorates the 1925 Serum Run, a successful effort that used teams of dog sleds along the route from Anchorage to Nome to transport serum to ward off a diphtheria epidemic, saving hundreds of lives. The Mushers. Trained and qualified sled racers who use voice commands to steer their dog teams through the Alaskan wilderness with hopes of at least crossing the finish line. scratching. . . . She wasn’t able to get anyone to lead the team down the trail, for they were all wanting to rest. . . . Steve Crouch had frostbitten the bottom of his feet pretty badly and was going to have to scratch. . . . Peryell Kyzer said that as long as she has her headlamp on, the lead dog will keep going, but as soon as she turns it off, the lead dog will go off the trail. . . . We are in a weather watch mode for the next few days. The headwinds are horrific, and the temperatures may make my usually temperate vessels a bit chilly.” The diary of this teacher on the trail paints vivid strokes on her electronic canvas. “I walked out onto the Bering Sea. It is hard to imagine that the sea is actually frozen and that I was standing on it,” she wrote. “The streets here are totally covered in snow . . . and look like sheets of ice because the wind blows the snow over them constantly, which polishes them and they shine in the lights . . . ” and “the wind blows so much, causing drifting . . . folks must stand on the mounds of snow and shovel [it away] so that they can see out of their windows.” In her journal writings throughout her month-long trip, Finney captured the beauty that surrounded her and described the spirited people who carved a living in this extraordinary place. But more than that, Finney’s educational journey documents the determination of the men, women, and wonderful four-legged creatures in this real-life experience where survival depends on the use of all of those life skills. It is these life skills that bring impossible journeys to their conclusions and dreams to their reality. After completing her school year in June, Finney readied her classroom for her next charges, and then headed north. She spent the summer in Alaska working for musher Lynda Plettner, soaking in as much as she could about the raising and training of Iditarod dogs. “I made a personal journey which allowed me to realize that we alone are in charge of and make our own happiness,” Finney said. “As a teacher, enriching my own life will enrich my students with excitement, enthusiasm, passion and knowledge. That is why I can’t let this journey end.” Debra A. Barsotti is a free-lance writer. 13

Dog-gone Dreams by D. A. Barsotti With just three weeks to go until her graduation with a bachelor’s degree in art history, Melissa Carta Miller ’95 was hounded by a not quite dormant dream. “When I was in second grade, I read a book about dog sledding,” said Carta Miller. The images were never far from her consciousness. “I will always be in awe of the Iditarod.” During her four years at Moravian, Carta Miller didn’t connect herself with the last great frontier of Alaska, or the special relationship between the brave and hardy mushers and the canine athletes who share their journey. She became immersed in her art, studying history, painting, and drawing. Yet the posters of Alaskan wilderness in her dorm, the rugged northern landscapes she created, and her sketches of the noble Huskies played on her mind. “As much as I loved art, what I really wanted to do was go to Alaska and find those sled dogs I had been dreaming about since childhood.” In January 1995, Carta Miller took a step toward what her friends called the ultimate dream come true. “I wrote a letter to Susan Butcher, four-time Iditarod champion, top musher and personal heroine of mine.” To Carta Miller’s amazed delight, Butcher wrote back, offering a position as a dog handler at her Trail Breaker Kennel in Alaska. “A handler’s job includes poop-scooping, feeding, watering, kennel maintenance and helping train the dogs for races like the Iditarod and the Yukon quest,” Carta Miller said, and she was eager to experience it all. That fall, in Fairbanks, and later in the remote interior town of Eureka, she took care of Butcher’s 105 dogs, tending mainly to the mothers with young pups, young dogs and retired dogs. Though her childhood in Vermont didn’t prepare her for the –40 degrees of Alaska’s winters, she found the climate as exhilarating as her time at the kennel. “Huskies thrive on cold

Melissa helped at the birth of these pups, two of whom are shown in her arms in the upper photo at an even younger age. Their mother is in the background. 14

weather. The frosty air makes them spunky,” Carta Miller said, as she learned about the sled dogs, and about herself. Realizing that she couldn’t be without sled dogs, Carta Miller transported Rancher, her “faithful and loving” canine companion, back to her home in Pennsylvania. And when she returned from Alaska, Carta Miller was hired as a dog handler at Rolling Thunder Kennel in Sellersville, Pa., where she has been working since November 1995. Carta Miller explained that a handler comes to know the meaning of a particular bark, or the animal’s health and demeanor, just by working with them. It is Carta Miller’s responsibility, and one of her favorite tasks, to break in the younger pups, introducing them to the harness, hitching them to unrimmed tires to help them discover their deeprooted love to pull. As a handler, Carta Miller spends her days nurturing the dog’s instinct to be part of the team effort, cultivating the partnership of Iditarod champion Susan Butcher and Melissa Carta human and Miller. Photos: courtesy of Melissa Carta Miller. animal, and promoting humane and dedicated care of sled dogs. “The Iditarod has helped bring about great improvements in canine health and happiness,” Carta Miller said. “The undeniable communication of love and loyalty that passes between musher and dog shows that we need to value the animals of our world.” The dogs are teaching her some things about herself and about human nature. “The dogs teach me patience, for them, for other people,” she said. “During training or in a race, the canine athletes don’t quit. They put all they have into the moment. And afterwards, as they lie in the sun, they enjoy each moment.” Carta Miller has delved into her dream, rising before the dawns, facing the chilly air, running miles of snowy trails, delighting in each and every moment. Where will these trails lead her? Not into competition, she said, knowing that the challenges and joys of raising and training the dogs are more meaningful to her than coming across a finish line. Is there a thought of operating her own kennel? Tempted by the exhilaration of a long, brisk day out on the trails with her own team . . . perhaps, she admitted. Her dream is still unfolding.

Hail! New Century, Hail! by Daniel R. Gilbert Sr. The historian in me, conscious of those TV ads warning how little time I have to get ready for Y2K, has been pondering how the students of the late 1890s reacted to the coming of a new century. It was, to be sure, a different time, with much of America still living with a pastoral, agricultural economy and just beginning to sense the implications of a new industrial world. A prominent church and college leader of that time took for granted the necessity of walking everywhere—but he also was clearly fascinated with the new technology and made frequent trips (often with visitors) to see the wonders of what was to become Bethlehem Steel’s Rolling Mill. The two institutions that were to become the modern Moravian College were at that time still living in a different age. The Seminary for Young Ladies enrolled only about a hundred students in its K-12 program in addition to a few young ladies taking post-graduate courses in what was the forerunner of the collegiate program chartered in 1913. The faculty numbered about twenty, including the part-time instructors in art and music. The principal, the Rev. J. Max Hark, and his indominable wife ran a school that struggled to keep up enrollment while working to build up the endowment to replace the direct church support which ended in 1898. They also faced the upgrading of facilities that were, by their own admission, woefully out-of-date and in need of repair. The all-male Moravian College and Theological Seminary was not in much better condition. It occupied the new campus on North Main Street (still unpaved!) but it still lacked an adequate library and, as the students complained, proper athletics facilities. The enrollment of about thirty five included eleven who were registered in the theological program, and there were also a few part-time “non-resident” and master’s degree students. The faculty, including the learned scholar and gymnast, President Augustus Schultze, numbered only six, including a part-time instructor from Philadelphia who taught elocution and oratory and the well-known leader of the Bach Chair, J. Fred Wolle, who taught vocal music. The school offered a classical curriculum and a new Latin-scientific major, and President Schultze lectured the trustees each year that additional faculty as well as a new library were needed. But how aware were students at the two institutions of the coming of the new century? The official newspaper of the Church, the Moravian, left no doubt as to its importance. “A New Year’s Trumpet Peal,” it proclaimed, and went on to add “January 1, 1900, finds the issue joined between Christ and Satan as never before in the history of the world.” The College and Theological Seminary students in their publication, the Comenian, were less worried and welcomed the year 1900 with the effusive greeting: “Hail! New century, hail! Speed on the mission the old has given thee.” Looking back at the “twilight of a passing century,” they noted that “the educational man

looks back on the achievements of the century with a feeling of just pride.” There had been the growth of universities, colleges, and libraries and expanding public support for education. Also, student writers noted that church membership was up, slavery abolished, and that there had been much progress in social reform. Some of the College and Seminary writers were more cautious. One noted that “intemperance and the misery and corruption that follow in its wake, have proceeded steadily onward in their course,” and added that “vice and crime continue rampant not only in the large cities but in rural districts as well.” Others expressed concern that “the desire for the accumulation of wealth has become paramount” and that “the evil results of this materialistic tendency are observable in our own life, endangering the very existence of our republican institutions.” I have to add that amidst these sober analyses of the human condition and frequent articles on such problems as the French Dreyfus affair and the wisdom of British policy in the Boer dispute in South Africa there were also comments on such weighty matters as “our football successes,” or “the mission of song,” or the “advantages of examinations.” The newspaper of the Seminary for Young Ladies, aimed at a younger audience, was more inclined to contain articles on “The Life of Cupid” or to contain that memorable story, “The Adventures of a Raindrop.” But there are also items which suggest the young women were well aware of a larger world. The meetings of Salmagundi, the dominant literary society, were replete with brief summaries of current events. One issue of the Mirror also contained a long analysis of the problems of the laboring man and of the unions, and one has to wonder how the expressions of sympathy for the cause of labor went over with the entrepreneurial fathers who were paying a handsome tuition for their daughters’ education! Thus it is apparent students at both institutions were well aware of the larger world, took pride in what the nation had accomplished, and showed a keen awareness of the problems that lay ahead. One looks in vain, however, for some comments on such 20th-century issues as race relations and problems developing out of the alleged technological “progress” of the past century. But what is most interesting is the tone of these student observations. These young men and women still believed that the United States had a divine destiny and they also reflected an almost romantic belief that “our problem solving machinery and institutions are equal to the magnitude of the problems we face.” It is in a way fortunate that the young leaders contemplating the coming of the twentieth century had such a positive outlook as they moved on into what was to be an era of revolution, world wars, and confusing technological development. Daniel R. Gilbert Sr. is professor emeritus of history.


Greyhound Sports There’s an exclusion zone on the practice field. Just beyond the line of scrimmage, in the realm of the strong side linebacker, Jarod Rhinehart, number 46, has been told not to set foot. It’s a friendly warning, coming from sibling J.D. Rhinehart, number 34, who won’t resist putting the pads to his younger brother. “A little pop; nothing big or nasty,” said J.D. “Just to show him that I’m here and I know he’s there.” J.D., 21, is the elder of the Rhinehart tandem on the Moravian College football team, the Greyhounds’ third-leading tackler and a second-year starter. Jarod, 18, is the newcomer, a freshman wide receiver who sits atop Moravian’s receiving stats (15 catches, 162 yards, 4 touchdowns) following a breakout game Saturday against King’s when he had five pass receptions for 81 yards and two touchdowns. They’re the first brothers to start at the same time at Moravian since 1979. “We take care of each other, and talk about football and the team, but there’s always that rivalry,” J.D., a junior, said. “I never got to play with him in high school (at Warren Hills High in Washington, N.J.). When he was a freshman, I was a senior. It’s really enjoyable, especially for our parents. We’re close, and when he was looking at a college, I think I got him to play here.” Missing football, J.D. transferred from the University of Maryland to Moravian in the spring of his freshman year, following a family tradition. Two aunts, two uncles—including former quarterback Scott Rhinehart—and a sister have graduated from the school. “I realized I wanted a smaller college and I had a need to play football,” J.D. said. A strong safety his first year, when Moravian went 7-3, the 5-foot-11, 185pound J.D. was moved to outside linebacker a year ago. “J.D. has a strong work ethic,” Moravian head coach Scot Dapp said. “A big factor is that he makes his brother a better player. J.D. is a coach on the field. He understands the game and translates that to the field. He’s not the biggest guy on the field, but he’s a player who will do what he has to do to be successful.” 16

by John Jay Fox Last year, J.D. had 40 tackles, 25 assists, seven tackles for loss, three sacks, one fumble recovery and one interception. “I knew of the college and team because of my family,” J.D. said. “It was an easy choice because of the coaching staff and the players. I’ve really enjoyed playing ball.” Moravian has faltered the last two seasons, going 3-7 a year ago and winless so far in 1999 except against Juniata. “It’s been tough,” J.D. said. “We had most of the team back, except for the offen-

sive line, and we had high expectations. It’s tough to get in the right frame of mind. The new job is more physical taking on the linemen, and it’s a little bit of a change for me, but it’s not too bad.” The elder Rhinehart has 43 tackles, two tackles for losses, and one fumble recovery in ’99. “This past weekend was a big one for me,” J.D. said after the game with King’s. “We’re trying to take one game at a time, and trying to get the team straightened out, but I was so happy when Jarod was making those catches. It was a personal lift for me.” “He has potential,” Dapp said of Jarod. “He’s learning the position and learning to run coverages. Defensive backs are in his face and he’s learning to

adjust. He just continues to work. He’ll be a good one.” Jarod says he looked at Monmouth, Rutgers, and the College of New Jersey. He’ll admit Moravian was his only choice. He already knew the college and football program by heart. “I think it was playing with my brother most,” said Jarod, who replaced J.D. as a wide receiver at Warren Hills asking for his brother’s old number after choosing football over soccer. “I had been watching J.D. play and I knew the team,” said Jarod, who plans to become an accounting and finance major like—yes—his brother. “I also liked their live passing offense.” Despite following his brother into the pass-catching business, Jarod is happy J.D. is now on the defensive side of the ball. “If he were a wide receiver, I’d probably be playing behind him, so I’m happy at that,” Jarod said. “He’s a good athlete, but he was never the biggest guy, so it’s surprising to see him at linebacker. He’d beat me up. It’s nice to see him on the other side of the ball. We both have a chance in this program. He was always bigger and stronger, but he did help me out.” Jarod, at 5-11, 175, gives away an inch and 10 pounds. “We’re competitive, but we talk about our strengths and weaknesses and what we are doing wrong,” Jarod said. “He’s been here two years. We’ve been struggling and we keep each other up.” Jarod’s four touchdowns lead the Greyhounds and he has a team-high long catch of 37 yards. “We’re not winning and that’s very disappointing,” Jarod said. “We finally came out with a strong second half last week and I felt comfortable in the offense.” “They are extremely quiet,” Dapp said of the Rhineharts. “They lead by their actions on the field. They are both talented. When Jarod does well, J.D. is the first to congratulate him. He’s also the first to kick him in the butt.” The original version of this article appeared in the Allentown Morning Call on October 13, 1999. Copyright 1999 by The Morning Call. Reprinted with permission. Photo: John Palcewski ’86.

Alumni Association News Moravian Alumni Host Three Freshman Send-Off Picnics Moravian College alumni sponsored three freshman send-off picnics this summer. Alumni, faculty, staff, current students, members of the Class of 2003, and their families were invited to share an abundance of food, fellowship and fun. The first picnic was held on July 22, when Rick ’77 and Leslie Kingston hosted the fifth annual Lehigh Valley picnic. One week later Scott and Mary Mercer ’78 Strickland offered a taste of Moravian to New Jersey freshmen; and on August 8, Dean ’83 and Joanne Belletti ’82 Molle welcomed Philadelphia-area freshmen into their home. The incoming freshmen were able to get a glimpse of what life is like as a Moravian College student. Having met and talked with current students and alumni, they arrived at Moravian this fall better informed and able to recognize some friendly faces among the upperclassmen. The informal gatherings once again proved a wonderful way to welcome the freshmen and their families into the Moravian community.

You Are Our Focus! A Message from the Alumni Association President Jeanne Taccarino Guaraldo ’69 This fall, the Moravian College Alumni Association is launching an exciting new program, “Focus on Alumni.” In cooperation with the board of trustees, we will be establishing a series of focus groups so that we can ascertain your interests, listen to your concerns, and answer your questions. Since almost half of you live close to Moravian, we will begin our meetings in the Greater Lehigh Valley before we expand our program to other areas. If you are interested in participating, as an attendee or as a host, or if you have ideas or questions you would like to share with us, please e-mail or call one of the following alumni: Teri McCandless Bishop ’81 Jeanne Taccarino Guaraldo ’69 Candy Barr Heimbach ’79 Claire Klatchak ’87 DCS ’95 M.B.A. Betty Adams Roach ’43

(610) 760-0454 (610) 866-9332

We look forward to hearing from you.

Spend a Hot Winter Night in New Orleans Please plan to join Moravian College faculty, staff, and students on Saturday, February 5, 2000 for the Second Annual Mardi Gras Dance from 8:00 p.m. to midnight in the Haupert Union Building. Semi-formal attire. Music by Holiday Sounds and the College’s own Dixieland Band New Orleans style hors d’oeuvres, beer, and wine Café du Monde coffee and pastries Sponsored by the Alumni Association and the Student Alumni Association

Incoming freshman Nicole Grube and her parents chat with chemistry professor Dan Libby and his wife Carol at the Lehigh Valley freshman send-off picnic held at the home of Rick and Leslie Kingston.

For further details, contact the Alumni House at (610) 861-1366 e-mail: 17

Classes Ending in 5 and 0 Get ready for Alumni Weekend 2000! May 19 and 20 Please note: the reunions for the Classes of 1985, 1990, and 1995 will take place during Homecoming 2000.


Photos: Gregory M. Fota ’69.

✒ 1999 News of

Christina Fulton 21 Pocahontas Rd. Hi-Nella, NJ 08083 From Christina: Well, first I want to congratulate everyone. The months since graduation have flown by. I already hear much anticipation about Homecoming and I hope to see many ’99 graduates there. Additionally, I hope to hear from many of you before then as we all find and settle into new jobs or begin graduate studies. Now that you have ways to contact me, give me a buzz and I’ll relay your news. I’m busy working in vaccine manufacturing at Merck in West Point, Pa. Tracylynn Derr accepted a sales position at the Community Phone Book in Plymouth Meeting, Pa. She received a phone call from Brendan Echelmeier and Justin Schlosser who were backpacking through Europe for the summer. It seems that many of our classmates decided to vacation following graduation. Kelly Butcher also ventured to Europe and returned home safely. Matt Getter is visiting Mexico for a couple of weeks and Karmel Dutt is vacationing in Australia for a month. Karmel’s housemate Jolie Therrien is currently completing a freelance project in her hometown and plans to move to the Philadelphia area. Another 215 W. Laurel resident, Natalie Giancamilli is anticipating starting her new job as a Spanish teacher for fourth through sixth graders in Blairstown, N.J. Likewise, Heather Bennett will be teaching second grade in Blairstown. Beginning in September, Mark Bendekovits will be teaching math in Northampton, Pa. Geoff Laird recently moved to Lindenwold, N.J. and is working as an auditor for AAA in Philadelphia, Pa.. Tom Steigerwalt will be attending chiropractic school in September and Anthony Socci is currently working for Vertek Corporation in Murray Hill, N.J.. Nick Calandra plans to test to become a N.J. state trooper. Finally, best wishes to Dennis Gerhart who is getting married in August. From the Alumni House: Sarah Soden has begun her new job as a writer in the corporate communications department of Robert Packer Hospital in Sayre, Pa. Jan Mellon is attending graduate school at Indiana University of Pennsylvania, earning a M.Ed. in student affairs in higher education. Jill Ayers is working as an accountant at Hahnemann University Hospital in Philadelphia. Hallie Seiwell worked at a YMCA day camp for the summer while looking for a permanent position. Rebecca Hutler recently was offered a teaching position in her home town and has two more interviews next week. She is getting married next summer to William Kretzer, who is also from Forked River, N.J.


✒ 1998 News of

Dave Connor 1956 Allwood Dr., Apt. D Bethlehem, PA 18018 From Dave: It’s been quite a year. I’ve received a lot of updates from all of you. I hope everyone’s first year as an alum has been successful. I do have one correction to make. It was mentioned that Anthony Fiorilli was at Temple Dental School. He is at the Podiatry School. Sorry, Tony. David Williams, who is currently an account representative at Hampton, Mowrer, & Kreitz Insurance Agency, told me that he is engaged to Julie Hoffman and they are planning a December 2000 wedding. Sharon Somishka got married one week after graduation and is now Sharon Somishka-Shankweiler. She is teaching fifth grade at the Lehigh Valley Lutheran School. Sam Snell will be attending George Washington University to pursue her master’s in museum studies. In the meantime, she has done some traveling in Europe. She also gave me the scoop on some others. Missy Stengel is working for Lutron Technologies in Coopersburg and, as of June 10, has been engaged to Doug Andresko. Jennie Coughlin is still working for Johnson and Johnson in her first sales territory in North Carolina. Amy Damico was married to Wally Sargent on January 9 and is living in Nazareth. She is still working as a staff accountant at a public accounting firm in Allentown and studying for her CPA exam. Ryan Capple has just started his new job at EPCO Communications in Easton as a multimedia and print designer. He spent last year at Regional Network Communications, Inc. in a similar position. I know there is more going on out there with all of you. Some of you I have spoken to rather recently and you did not follow up to give me all the details. You know who you are. How do you expect me to get my Pulitzer if you people do not send me all your news? No matter how big or small, give me a call. Every update has all of my information. Leave me a message if you don’t want to talk. I have voicemail that won’t cut you off mid-sentence. I expect a great response for the next update.

From the Alumni House: Kathi Jackson recently got engaged in London to her boyfriend of seven years, Lance Corporal Todd Schunk, U.S. Marine Corps. She is currently in North Carolina working as an admissions counselor at a private college and teaching some night classes at the community college. Marcie Fraulo is working for designing and maintaining the investor relation web pages for public and pre-IPO companies. Nicole Wagner is working at EPCO Communications as an account executive. She is still living with Kris McGurren who is awaiting her acceptance into med school. Nicole also lives with her boyfriend Ty and will be moving to West Palm Beach, Fla., in September. On June 19 Tara Wartman, Becky Page and Kristie Reccek ’99 ran with the Has-Been Hounds and the New Litter to win the women’s race at the seventh annual Miles for Matt, a fundraiser for the National Marrow Donor Program. Eight alumni and current Moravian College students shattered the old record, turning in an outstanding performance. Dave Connor has been designated an accredited adviser in insurance at Henry S. Lehr, Inc.

✒ 1997 News of

Jennifer Kastle 1078 Spring View Drive Southampton, PA 18966 Melissa Romanoski RR #4 Box 79 Sunbury, PA 17801 From Jen: Wedding bells were ringing for some classmates this summer. Terri Flowers married Chris Seifert on Memorial Day weekend at the Old Moravian Chapel in Bethlehem. Roy Beeson (who came all the way from Hawaii), Becky Kobler and Tino Monti were in the wedding party and Lisa Dixon sang at the ceremony. Other classmates in attendance at the wedding were: Marie Nuno, Pat Mullins, Kelly DeWalt, Tracy Asper, Bob Wolak, Greg Webb, Bonnie Katz, Jayme Schulter Lehman, Susan Hosterman, Michael Jobst and myself. Terri and Chris will be living in Germany where Chris is stationed in the army. A month later, Marie Nuno and Pat Mullins tied the knot on June 26 in the Lehigh Valley. Laura Sortino e-mailed me to tell me that she and Craig Neiman were married at Old Moravian Chapel on May 22. Earlier in the month, on May 2, Craig ran the Pittsburgh Marathon, with a time of 3 hrs.,14 min. Laura also told me that Pat Egan was named Northwest Airlines’ employee of the year. Renee Bond and Phil Geiger e-mailed to say that they are planning a wedding for October 19

Class Notes 2000. Phil has been promoted to senior accountant at Beard & Co., a public accounting firm in Reading, Pa. Renee is employed as an industrial hygienist at East Penn Manufacturing Co. Jason Hoffert is in grad school at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore in the doctoral program in biochemistry. Nariah Broadus graduated from Indiana University in Bloomington with an M.S. in higher education and student affairs, and is now working as hall director at the University of Michigan. Nariah frequently sees Jessie Sterner who is living in Bryn Mawr, Pa., and Janine Misevich, who is an English teacher at Kings Park High School. Joe and Gina Martin are doing well. Both are still enjoying teaching and Joe will be taking over the ap history program at his high school this fall. This summer, I also had the privilege of celebrating Brian Gonor’s birthday at a surprise party given for him at Ortley Beach, N.J. Bill Wekluk, Bob Azzolino, Adam Grutzmacher, Scott Stevens, and Mike Jobst were also on hand for the festivities. Scott is engaged to Susan DeJong ’99 and will be getting married in June 2000. Bob Schneider, Nate Groff, Bill Wekluk, Adam Grutzmacher, and Jack Walls ’98 took Sea Isle, N.J., by storm this summer. They rented a beach house and went down on weekends to relive their college years. Mike Jobst is enjoying his new position as the advertising manager for a marketing firm called the SpeciaLISTS located in Weekawken, N.J. Becky Kobler also has a new job in the New Jersey State Unemployment Office. Lisa Dixon will begin her third year in the fall at Widener School of Law and Rania Neddoff will begin her second year at Dickinson School of Law. Emily Evans is working for Magellan Laboratories as a study director administrator by day and on weekends is a caterer and an independent wedding planner. Tiffany Shenman is living in Hoboken, N.J., and teaching sixth-grade language arts in Westwood, N.J. From the Alumni House: Tara Evans is working as the graphic design/ desktop publisher for the Graduate School of Industrial Administration at Carnegie Mellon University. Roy Beeson is still stationed in Hawaii. He was promoted to first lieutenant on November 30, 1998. Brian Hunsicker is working for Times News, reporting for the sports department. Brenda Haak is a writer and editor with a magazine publishing company in King of Prussia, Pa., and is a publications design graduate student. Recently she traveled to Italy, Iceland, and Egypt.

✒ 1996 News of

J.P. Orlando 217 Valley Park S. Rd. Allentown, PA 18104


Mary Kate Turowski Andris 138 North 2 St., Apt. 3B Philadelphia, PA 19106

and Jackie Marzen were married on July 3 at Lafayette College. Craig Neiman ’97 was among the groomsmen and Jason Switzer was a reader in the ceremony.

From J.P.: Our featured alum for the class this month is Renee Szabo. If you would like to be a featured alum in our column, just e-mail your request to Renee is a voice of prudence in a jungle of chaos. “Teaching personal finance makes sense. How many of us graduated and then realized we were over our heads in debt? I think I’m still paying for a 2:00 a.m. snack from Pizza House I charged on my credit card freshman year!” High school students are often ill-equipped to make financial decisions or manage their money. Renee Szabo is helping to implement a new plan for putting an end to this financial illiteracy. She recently accepted a new position with a consulting firm in Arlington, Va., to serve as the director of a project called Financial Literacy 2001. FL2001 is a state-by-state campaign to increase the average high school student’s savvy about personal finance and investment. High school teachers are given a free comprehensive teaching guide called “The Basics of Saving and Investing” and then trained them to use it in the classroom. Renee’s job involves establishing and maintaining contacts in each state, publication of the monthly newsletter, coordination of teacher training, promotion and marketing, and occasionally putting on workshops for teachers at national conferences. One was in Anaheim, Calif. recently, and another, in San Juan, Puerto Rico, will be held in the fall. Promoting personal financial literacy is not new to Renee since she worked for two years for the Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy, a national non-profit which seeks to increase public awareness that financial illiteracy is a huge problem with the youth of today—soon to be the consumers and investors of tomorrow. While it was an exciting project, she felt there was a better fit for her in an educator-based, grass-roots campaign. She enjoys being able to work directly with the teachers and helping them help high school students learn things she wishes she had. Renee is busy planning her November wedding to Moravian sweetheart Sean Richardson ’97. Their ceremony will take place in Bethlehem and the reception will be held at the historic Perkiomen Bridge Hotel in Collegeville. Since Renee and Sean met six years ago in the halls of Rau-Hassler, she claims to be forever indebted to Moravian. In other news, Carl Appollina and Kristen Jones are planning a wedding in September 2000. Noel Fowler is getting married to Andrew Hedges on April 15, 2000. Laurie Weinberg’97 will be her maid of honor and Eric Kniskern’96 will be an usher. The wedding will be in New Jersey and soon after they will be moving to England, where Andrew lives. Noel has moved back to New Jersey and is working for Cendant. Mike Squarcia ’96

From the Alumni House: Rich Senker received his M.Ed. in college student affairs on May 1 from the University of South Florida. He has taken a position at the University of Florida as the residence director for Hume Halls. Darren Hoch is residing in Nashville, Tenn., and is a senior partner in an Internet consulting firm, Internet Solutions of America. Grant R. Dorwart is currently employed as an accountant for Price Waterhouse Coopers. Jason Magyar is working for the U.S. Attorney’s Office, District of New Jersey, in Newark. He is employed in the financial litigation unit. Tanya Lauser has finished her master’s degree and is working at the Boston Conservatory.

✹ 1995

Reunion Homecoming 2000 Julie Moyer 902 Pritchard Place Newtown Square, PA 19073-3036 Fax 610 861-3959 From Julie: I attended the wedding of Kelly Dudas and Michael Hauschen on July 3 in the bride’s hometown of Ho-Ho-Kus, New Jersey. Bridesmaids included Jean Miller, Alicyn Sabol, Nicole Makoul, and Brenda Yost ’94. Other Moravian alumni there were Michelle Hummel, Lisa Peterson ’96 and Eileen Rizzo. The newlyweds will settle in Florida. My old roommate Stephanie Heimer Anthony and her husband Dave are expecting their second child in November. Their daughter Laura is coming up on her third birthday. Kelly Core is engaged to Scott Goodman, a Lehigh graduate. A spring 2000 wedding is being planned. Kelly has just recently moved back to the area from Atlanta. Matt Caltabiano and Anastasia Hovan were married on August 15, 1998, at Moravian’s Borhek Chapel, by chaplain Chris Giesler ’83. Anastasia graduated from the University of Scranton in 1997 with an M.S. in elementary school counseling, and received her certification as a National Certified Counselor the same year. For the past three years, she has been working as an elementary school counselor at the Pleasant Valley Elementary School in Kunkletown, Pa.. Matt has been an editor at Lucent Technologies in Allentown for the past year, and prior to that, he was employed at the Villanova Law Library. Matt and Anastasia are living in Washington Township. From the Alumni House: Tonya Holtzapple moved back to Pennsylvania last year after her mother suffered a stroke. She is employed as a wraparound therapist for children

Class Notes with emotional and behavioral problems at Keystone Residence. Tonya was married to Chris Stafford on April 26 in Jamaica. Jennifer Kernich Hallman is working as a public relations account executive for Somers Communications in Limerick, Pa. She was married on October 10, 1998, to Keith Hallman. John J. Mannion was named director of strategic planning for Bethlehem Steel’s Planning Department. Sara Malkemes moved to Vermont in January to be closer to her fiancé. They were married in Pennsylvania at the end of June. Fred Harris was recently named the Morning Call Coach of the Year for 1999. He is the head baseball coach at Freedom High School in Bethlehem. Rebecca Kleintop has recently been hired as the head organist at Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Valerie Schwader Kleppinger wrote that she Stephen Kleppinger on May 5, 1996. She tried several different jobs and enjoyed them all, but “by far, my favorite was working at a local community college as a professional English tutor. I really felt like I was able to give back a little of the knowledge I gained while at Moravian.” She had open heart surgery Friday, November 13, 1998, and was unable to work outside her home. “Still, I was not going to let my education go to waste,” she wrote. She started her own home-based business as a Web designer. She also continues to tutor and publish her own creativity magazine, CJACKS. “Overall, reflecting back at my time at Moravian and remembering the terrific professors I had such as Dr. Brown, Dr. Diamond, and Dr. RiveraMartínez, I really am happy that I chose to attend Moravian. I have encouraged the young high school students and community college students I come in contact with to consider attending Moravian. Long live the Greyhound!”

✒ 1994 News of

Ann Marie Scholttmann Washington College 300 Washington Ave. Chestertown, MD 21620 e-mail: From the Alumni House: Jennifer Derr was awarded the D.O. degree from the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine on June 6. She is doing an internship at Warren Hospital in Phillipsburg, N.J. Randall Escoto got married to Rebecca last August. He is employed by ASTA Engineering, Inc., in Malvern, Pa., where he works as a senior programmer. Lisa Bittenbender is working for Regional Network Communications, Inc., where she is designing and developing web sites. David Palmer is seeking his certificate in computer programming at Rappahannack Community College. He is currently living in Urbanna, Va., and is employed

with a temp agency. Eric Lambinus is back at Moravian as the head coach of both the men’s and women’s soccer teams. He is also captain and starting defender of the Reading Rage professional soccer team. Lori Jo Huffman Bowers and Chris Bowers were married on November 7, 1998. Lori is a manager of Enterprise Rent-A-Car, and Chris is a district manager for the Daimler Chrysler Corp. They live in California.

Caitlyn Sue, on May 23. They reside in Edison, N.J. Catherine Herman Parker ’94 and Steven Parker ’92 have a second child, Rose Elizabeth, born on June 8. Their son David will be three years old in October. From the Alumni House: Elaine Hanzsek has been named assistant vice president of financial analysts at Nazareth National Bank.

News of

✒ 1993

News of

Michelle M. Litzenberger 1866 Mansfield St. Hellertown, PA 18055

John S. Nunnemacher 235 North Valley Street #136 Burbank, CA 91505

From Michelle: Jason Miller completed his surgical residency at Temple University Health Systems in June 1999. He just began an additional two-year residency at Temple in reconstructive foot and ankle trauma. Jason wrote that he also moonlights as head of security on Thursday and Friday nights at McGillin’s Old Ale House in Philadelphia, the oldest Irish pub in the city. Marc Sabo has finished his medical residency at Presbyterian Hospital in Philadelphia. He is engaged and started his surgical residency in July with his fiancée at Frankford Hospital. Susan O’Hanlon Knoeller gave birth to Jared Ryan in March. She and her husband James Knoeller also have a 2-year-old son, James Stephen III, and are building a house in Forked River, N.J. Sue wrote that couples Kristen Mahon Yoder and Dave Yoder ’92 and Carrie Norcross Murphy and Ken Murphy ’91 were each expecting their first child at the time of writing. Jessica Rotz Campbell and her husband Brian had a daughter, Paige Elizabeth, in February. The also have a 2-year-old son, Evan Jay. Michele DeMarzo accepted a sales position for Perry Ellis in Manhattan. Andrea Marx is a senior financial analyst at Colgate Palmolive. Beth Moxey Eck was promoted earlier this year to associate editor at Runner’s World magazine. She and her husband Steven live in Barto, Pa. Beth’s college roommate Hilary Martin Schock took a new job in May as the promotion manager for the Department of Innovative Media in the U.S. Human Health Division at Merck. She recently finished the first year of a J.D./M.B.A. program at Temple and was selected to attend the 1999 Food and Drug Law Institute Program in Washington, D.C. Beth wrote that she also keeps in touch with Beth Bruzda ’94 who currently lives in Doylestown and is the director of a day care center. Her boyfriend Matt Delarato is currently attending Chubb Computer School. Matt owns his own Bachman Product route. Mary Beth Borkin Gesell and her husband Hance became proud parents of an 8-pound girl,

Michael Q. Roth 944 Renaldi Road Wind Gap, PA 18091

✒ 1992 From the Alumni House: David Houck was married to Shelley Herstich on June 5. David is working for the Lehigh Valley Black Diamonds professional baseball team and the Lehigh Valley Steam professional soccer team. Heather Morris Smith is currently working for Price Waterhouse Coopers in Fairfax, Va., as a consultant. She completed her M.B.A. at the University of Maryland in 1998. Edward Youwakim recently joined Vista Bancorp as a network manager. Mark and Karen Bachenberg Yaros are living in Pittstown, N.J. Karen is still working as a controller of Data Base Systems International, Inc. Mark has recently accepted a position with Data Base Systems International, Inc., as general counsel. This corporation is in the process of moving its offices to Bethlehem. He will also maintain a law office in Clinton, N.J.

✒ 1991 News of

Melissa dePamphilis 8 Knoxbury Terrace Greenville, SC 29601 Christine A. Palermo 380 Mountain Road, Apt. 609 Union City, N.J. 07087 From Melissa: Judy Tobias Chuisano gave birth to a 91/2poundsbaby girl in March, Amelia Rose. Judy took the summer off from work to take care of her. She plans to return to her job at AT&T part time in September. She is also half way through her master’s degree in information technology at Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken. Judy mentioned that Suzanne Kmet-Diaz is still teaching elementary school in the Union School 21

Class Notes District in New Jersey and doing well. She and her husband Billy live in a new home in Bridgewater, N.J. Billy works together with Judy’s husband James at Omnipoint, a cellular phone company. Susan Knasiak Raley continues her work as an analyst in Washington D.C. She and her husband Arnie just had a beautiful new home built in South Riding, Va. From the Alumni House: Thyra Hartshorn recently spent 31/2 weeks in Russia as the stage manager for a 12-dancer solo ensemble group that premiered “Lambarena” there. This modern dance en ponte is described as “Bach set to African drums.” She will travel with the San Francisco ballet to London and Belgrade in October. Pattie Sudol is engaged to Carl Roke and is planning a wedding for June 3, 2000. They will be married in the Philadelphia area. Amy Zukosky Wodaski ’92 will be the matron of honor. Pattie is a senior consultant/executive recruiter with Raymond Karsan Associates in Wayne, Pa., and has been with the company for over five years. Kristine Lare is engaged to be married in November 1999. Sherry Paul is living in Franklin Park, N.J. She has recently bought a townhouse. Dennis Hlavac is selling dental supplies and is enjoying the coast of Connecticut.

✹ 1990

Reunion Homecoming 2000 Jeannine O’Grady 4 Renault Drive Flanders, NJ 07836 From the Alumni House: Charles Smith is currently working for Kenan Systems Corporation in Washington, D.C., as a sales consultant. Karen Plessl Samson and her husband Reuben had twin girls, Rachael and Danielle, on August 20, 1998. They joined their other sisters, also twins, Shirley and Rebecca. Karen is working at home in telecommunications services. Her husband recently had the grand opening of PJ’s Auto Connection across from Southern Lehigh High School.

✒ 1989 News of

Amanda Westphal Radcliffe 68 Highpoint Drive Berwyn, PA 19312 From the Alumni House: Craig Haney is now a network architect for SkyCache in Maryland. Patrick Sabatino has been appointed vice president of business development for Bethlehem Steel Corporation’s Subsidiary Railroads Group. Robert Emery has been promoted to area manager, plate marketing, at Bethlehem Steel’s Burns Harbor Division. 22

✒ 1988 News of

Cris Santini 2900 Delk Rd. Marietta, GA 30067 From the Alumni House: Dianne Pelaggi lives in Bethlehem with her husband Hans Irr and their children Alexandra, 4 and Taylor, 2. She does freelance writing for the Morning Call. Dawn Rydell Baxendale lives in Bethlehem, but is building a home in Nazareth, Pa. She and her husband Randy have two children, Casey, 5 and Randy Jay Jr., 2. She is teaching 5th grade in Washington, N.J. Beth McIntyre Kane lives in Marietta, Ga., with her husband Stuart and their two canine kids. She is assistant vice president of underwriting for Discovery RE in Atlanta. Karen Labuta was married in May 1999 and lives in Bridgewater, N.J. She is a financial analyst for Telcordia Technologies. Rachelle Clavel Palanca lives in Blairstown, N.J., with her husband Chris and three boys, C.J., Jordan, and Chase. She works at Labcorp. in N.J. Renee Bueckner DiPinto resides temporarily in Belle Mead, N.J., while her home is being built in Princeton. She lives with husband Joe and son Joey, 2. Cindy Harrison Szwec lives in Marietta, Ga., with husband Jeff and three boys, Tyler, 6, and twins Joseph and Mitchell, 4. She works as an elementary school counselor. Wendy McSwain lives in New York and works as a casting director at MTV Networks for The Tom Green Show. John Polakovic and wife, AnnMarie Frew Polakovic ’86 live in Easton. Their first child, Marina Grace, was born on May 22, 1999. John works for DataLink in Allentown, Pa. Ann-Marie is a teacher in the Bethlehem School District. Nadine Hasenecz is a special sections coordinator at the Morning Call. She edits “Lehigh Valley Woman” and “Mature Visions of the Lehigh Valley.” She lives in Bethlehem with her 6-year-old son Elias. April BaSaing is still working at Quantum Corporation in Silicon Valley, and has moved into the channel marketing group.

✒ 1987 News of

Lauren Kelly Lawn 1948 Stirling Drive Lansdale, PA 19446-5561 Edie Fuchs Lewis 216 Old Lancaster Road Devon, PA 19333 From Edie: I recently got an e-mail from Ruth-Marie Cole Burcaw. She is still in North Carolina and is

running her own special events company. They are called Quantum Events and they do corporate special events like theme parties, murder mysteries picnics, awards celebrations and fundraising galas. They just got their first national contract. Jessy and Jake, her children (6 and 2 years old), also keep her busy. Ruth also reports that Sandy Hamill had a baby girl last October. I was enjoying my summer off from teaching and am enjoying the extra time with my two girls, Julia and Caroline. We were also looking forward to Michele Vitacco’s wedding to Michael Purcell at the end of July in Philadelphia. From the Alumni House: Susan Erney-Skelton has been appointed assistant vice president of Harleysville Group, Inc. She was also made assistant vice president and manager of personal lines underwriting by the board of directors of Harleysville Mutual Insurance Company. She also holds the titles of chartered property casualty underwriter, associate in management, and associate in personal insurance. Liz Musselman is getting married in December 1999. Her fiancé, Ian, is from West Yorkshire, England. Alysia Sabatine Phillips ’87 lives in Saylorsburg, Pa., with her husband Shawn ’86 and two children, Samantha, 6, and Conner, 3. She is teaching Spanish part time at a junior high.

✒ 1986 News of

James and Lynda Farrell Swartz 153 Lilac Drive Allentown, PA 18104 From the Alumni House: Kristin Matz Gawlik married Ty Gawlik on May 30, 1999. They reside in Kennett Square, Pa. Brett Weisel was married and is now divorced. He is currently living in New Jersey and working as a service manager for a Saab dealership in Princeton. Joanna Dunn Scheirer wrote that she has been married to her husband John for four years and has two young children. They are currently living in Delaware, and Joanna is working for the welfare office in Wilmington. Christian Honer married Debra Dudas in 1997, and they bought a house in Chatham, N.J., in December 1998. Christian is a senior scientist at Novartis Pharmaceuticals, located in Summit, N.J. Scott Hoke and his wife Desiree had a daughter, Abbi, last February. Scott is the deputy warden of treatment at Northampton County Prison.

✹ 1985

Reunion Homecoming 2000 Lynn Muschlitz LaBarre 651 Long Lane Road Walnutport, PA 18088

Class Notes Paula Colizzo Lewinski 118 Springdale Lane Lansdale, PA 19446-3529 From Lynn: Carol Schlaefer Halvorson lives in Alexandria, Va., with her husband Tom and their two sons Ryan, 4, and Matthew, 3. Tom has been working for the Pentagon for the past two years and his career has given the family a chance to live in many places including Virginia Beach, Va., Newport, R.I., Jacksonville, Fla., and Monterey, Calif. Carol is happy to have rekindled a past friendship with Robin Pflugler Kanefsky ’86 who lives in Baton Rouge, La. Babies arrived in the homes of two classmates. Connor Matthew Edmonds was born on May 4 to David and Corinne Parker Edmonds ’86, joining big brother Parker, 6. The Edmonds family still resides in Macungie, Pa., with Dr. David working in several podiatry practices in the Lehigh Valley. Also in May came Emma Rose Muldoon, daughter of Jim and Joan Burke Muldoon of Bridgewater, N.J. Emma joins her big sister Sarah who is 21/2. From the Alumni House: Major James Danna III is currently on active duty with the U.S. Army. He is assigned to Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas, and the Army’s Command and General Staff College.

✒ 1984 News of

Janet Gomes Feakes 18 Hamilton Ave Berkeley Heights, N.J. 07922 From Janet: I have just returned from Alumni Weekend held on May 21, 1999, to celebrate our 15th reunion. We didn’t have a large turnout for our class but I like to think it is because of our age group—many of us with young and growing children who need our attention at every moment; and careers that just won’t let us take a break! For those of us that attended, it was really a great time. I met Leigh Newbaker Smith and Diane Sciabica Mandry in the HUB for a tour of the main campus. It was amazing to see the growth of the campus since 1984 and also comforting to see the things that didn’t change. The library enlargement (and that’s an understatement) and the field house where Otis Place used to be were terrific to see. It was fun to tour with graduates of varying years to hear the stories of what Moravian was like “back then.” Since the HUB was such an integral part of our class experience, it was fun to learn that the students in the late ’50s had an additional $20 charge put on

their tuition bill to help pay for the construction project. Fred DeFrank ’59 shared that piece of information with us. Fred is originally from Bangor, Pa., and now resides in California. Leigh Newbaker Smith and her husband Craig and their little boy, Craig, 21/2, live in a beautiful, very old home in Stockton, N.J. Diane Sciabica Mandry is on maternity leave from Easton Middle School in Easton, Pa., with her 10-month-old boy, Tommy. At the alumni barbeque on South Campus we met Teresa Hoadley Langston and said hello to her husband Ray before he left with their 3-year-old daughter Brooke. Teresa is working for the New Jersey State Department of Environmental Protection—but is currently out on a work-related injury. Fortunately, she’s doing well! Also at the barbeque was Tom Shields who lives in the Philadelphia area with his three daughters and is employed as an electrical union foreman. Ron and Sally Briedegam Miskiewicz were both there, having helped put the weekend together. They are both working in a family manufacturing business and juggle their schedules in order to take care of their four children—twin 7-year-old sons, 5-year-old daughter, and 3-year-old son. They live in Oley, Pa. Ron is currently serving on the Alumni Board. Bob Kopyta and his wife Carla came in from the Cleveland area. They have three children including a newborn. Bob is employed with IAMS and is being relocated to the Tampa, Fla., area. We continued the fun later in the evening at the OBT with Lisa Makuvek Godshall and Frank Godshall ’85; Bill Malitsh (Beans) ’84 and his wife; Chuck Post and his wife Nancy. We then all (well, not all) proceeded back to Jo Smith to relive our dorm experience. The morning was highlighted with an alumni parade and we were joined by Scott Phillips ’84 and his wife Susan Henly ’86 from their home in Yardley, Pa. Although many could not attend, some in our class returned the requested information sheets to the Alumni Office. Dave and Cindy Andersen Dutt live in Irwin, Pa., where Dave is a vice president of research and engineering at Kopp Glass Inc. Cindy works as a quality assurance officer in toxicology research. Laura Barton lives in West Chester, Pa., and owns her own graphic design studio, Barton Design Inc. Thomas Chandler (formerly Werst) lives in St. Petersburg, Fla. He married Deborah Lampe in 1992 and they have two children, Elizabeth, 21/2, and Rachel, 10 months. Tom graduated from Loyola University Law School in 1989 and obtained an LL.M. from the University of Miami in 1991. He currently works as an attorney for CCH, Inc. in Chicago, telecommuting from Florida. His wife is a pharmaceutical sales rep for Bristol Myers Squibb. Kurt Montz lives in Schuylkill Haven, Pa., where he is a supervisor in the State Attorney General’s Office. His wife Mitzi is a registered nurse with Berks Visiting Nurses. They have two sons, Seth, 12, and Cody, 9. Wendy McKee Moore is a chemist and manager of technical services for

Algroup Wheaton. She lives in Egg Harbor Township, N.J., and has two children, Daniel, 9, and Leslie, 6. Jon Reeves lives in San Rafael, Calif., with his wife Natalie and sons Dylan, 5, and Connor, 2. He is vice president of sales and marketing for ICG Communications. Charles E. Schmidt Jr. lives in Lisle, Ill., a Chicago suburb. He is director of media relations at the Alliance of American Insurers. He tries to participate in the Rocco Calvo Golf Classic each year. Geraldine M. Hnatin Vitovitch lives in Annandale, N.J., with her husband Nick Vitovitch III ’82. They have four children and one more on the way! Before “retiring” to raise their children, Gerri worked as a Unix computer systems engineer and product marketing manager. She completed her M.S. in computer science from Brown University in 1986. She now volunteers as an art and French teacher at local pre- and elementary schools. Dave Roth and his wife Sherry are living in Greeley, Colo. Dave is a freelance musician and Sherry is a physician recruiter for Lutheran Health Systems. They have two children. From the Alumni House: Robert Price was recently appointed vice president of private banking for Lafayette Ambassador Bank.

✒ 1983 News of

Dawn Bullara-Stawiarski 26 Fox Chase Drive Blackwood, N.J. 08012 From the Alumni House: Cheryl Baker Nagle was promoted to vice president of marketing for EPCO Communications. Lizabeth Fowler Wolchko has an ISP business called which she and her husband run. She began working with him after a career in film and television in Baltimore. She worked on the set of “Homicide: Life on the Street” and the feature film For Richer or Poorer. They have a daughter, Chloe.

✒ 1982 News of

Joanne Belletti Molle 618 Jamie Circle King of Prussia, PA 19406 From the Alumni House: Michael Rimikis is living in Greece and working in Athens as the director of European affairs, Janssen-Cilag/Europe. Jeff Bartlett is now working for Bethlehem Township as assistant township manager. 23

Class Notes Teaching for a Score Carol Mooney Kemp ’80 will have taught eighth grade for a score of years come the millennium. She will also have “scored” numerous awards and forms of recognition in the State of New Jersey: Best Practice Award from the Department of Education, State Board of Education Award , and Governor’s Teacher Recognition Award. Today, she’s participating as a consultant on a developmental book about teenagers. Her devotion to the field indicates she’ll be around for the next score. As an undergrad, Carol was a good student, as well as an involved classmate. She was a Pi sister, tour guide, writer for the Comenian, contributor to the Manuscript, member of student government and the homecoming queen court, and an OGO regular. Carol’s room was the place to hang out before a party. Her door was always open, the same welcome and openness evident in her teaching today. Carol is proud of her experience at Moravian, and attributes her success to many of her teachers there. She remembers, for instance, when Dr. Ramsey suggested she put some life into her oral reading, otherwise her students would fall asleep. She took that advice to heart and now practices what he preached. Carol’s teaching may seem unorthodox to the “old school,” but her students and their parents participate wholeheartedly in a different form of education. Carol makes her characters and their era in literature come alive. While reading Dickens, her class is treated to a Victorian tea—waited on by their parents—and they act out the trial in To Kill a Mockingbird. Her classroom is her pride. Half of the room is a typical schoolroom with desks and chairs; the other half is a home away from home. She has a comfortable living area with cozy chairs and a kitchenette. One wall is covered with a collage of current events; when students are stumped for an essay topic, they visit the wall and always find a subject. Carol’s outgoing nature has weathered the years; she’s always done more than just teach. She’s been a director of the school musicals, cheerleading coach, class advisor, yearbook advisor and dance coach. She strongly encourages students to participate wholly, not just in the classroom learning, but experiencing extracurricular activities that prepare young students to become socially adept adults. When asked what her prime objective in teaching after all these years is, she responded, “I’d like to see my students come away from my classroom feeling good about themselves. I want them to be good writers, to feel confident in speaking before others, and to enjoy literature. I hope that they have grown as students and individuals because they have interacted with me.”

✒ 1981 News of

Tamera Boote Hatton 715 Pineview Lane North Wales, PA 19454

✹ 1980

Reunion May 19-20 Molly Donaldson Brown 1906 Wenner Street Allentown, PA 18103 24

Patrick J. Malloy 372 Central Park West, Apt. 3M New York, NY 10025-8203 From Molly: I guess we can forgive classmate Walter Hepp, M.D. for not getting in touch in (let’s see) 19 years. He’s been busy going to med school, getting married, having children and saving lives as a cardiologist. Motivated by the fact that my e-mail address now appears at the top of our column, Walter sat down at the computer and procrastinated no more. Walter graduated from Tufts Medical School in Boston in 1984. He served his internship and residency at New England Deaconess Hospital. (That’s where he met his wife, Kerry, who was a nurse in one of the wards he worked on.) The same year they were married, he began his fellowship in adult cardiology and electrophysiology in

Philadelphia—no honeymoon. The Hepps’ first child, Jennifer, was born in 1989. In 1990, he left his fellowship, having been offered a position with a cardiology group in Sarasota, Fla., where they continue to live today. In 1991 their second child, Nicholas, was born. Two years later, their youngest, Ally, came along. So now Dad Walter divides his time between heart patients and T-ball games, dance recitals, and gymnastics classes. The Hepps have a home on the bay with views of Siesta Key, Bird Key, Lido Key—and even a partial view of the Gulf of Mexico. They recently tore down their old home (built in the ’50s) replacing it with a big Key West style tin-roof home. He and Kerry like to go out kayaking and boating in the Gulf with their friends, enjoying wine and cheese as the sun goes down. When they can, they also spend time on jetskis. Walter and Kerry are fitness enthusiasts, lifting weights, working out and cycling. They enjoy an annual bike tour through New England. Walter would love to catch up with Mark and Lisa Mesino ’81 Tummarello, Russ Rentler, Rich Heller, Russ Gelormini, and Rene Baker Hallock ’81. The good news is that we’re all invited for the wine and cheese on his kayak for the sunset (but do call first!). Another shining star from our class who likes to do bike tours is Angie DiDonato Anderson. In July she and husband Lynn, after catching a James Taylor concert in Hershey, Pa., headed for Vermont where they hiked, biked and canoed. In the real world, Angie is the corporate public relations manager at D&E Communications in Lancaster. In recent months she dined and/or partied with Katie Couric, Gladys Knight, Dick Vermeil, and Sally Ride. Angie’s children, Jenna and Mike, are now 12 and 10. With her stepson Tim now a freshman at Lehigh, she expects to be back in Bethlehem often over these next four years. Angie stays in touch with another of our Florida-resident classmates, Charlotte Kepfer Hooker. Last winter they got to visit when Char and family came North, just in time to experience that 1/4" snowstorm we had. Angie said there were kids everywhere and it seemed as if “Char and I never really got to finish a complete sentence.” Angie also keeps in touch with Mary Hitcho ’81. Now that our class is done with this 40-thing, our friends in ’81 are “flying up.” Angie and Mary spent a weekend last summer in Annapolis, Md., celebrating Mary’s 40th. They laughed a lot and appropriately “talked about wills, IRAs and investments.” Angie added, “I guess we’ve ‘grown up’—or something like that.” It was great to be in touch with Cindy Knauf (CAK) last spring. CAK is still the same sweet and caring person we all remember, with a great love of the outdoors. She and her husband Ernie live in Vermont. Now I have three requests for you. First of all, think of our classmate Walter above and if you haven’t been in touch for years, please take inspiration from his effort. Try my e-mail address if you don’t like old-fashioned letters.

Class Notes Secondly, as the countdown to the year 2000 gets closer, please drop me a line and tell me what your plans are for that evening: a subdued night at home or more of a grand celebration? Whatever, please share the details with us. Finally, our 20th reunion will be taking place over Alumni weekend: May 19-21, 2000. There are lots of activities planned. Come alone or with your entire family. Rent a room at a local hotel, bed and breakfast—or treat your children to a night in a real college dorm—wow! Check this column for future details and specifics on our individual class gatherings. We can also use some help—any volunteers? Distance doesn’t matter. From the Alumni House: Mitch Freed is working as director of customer support services in the Information Technology Services Deptartment at Kutztown University.

✒ 1979 News of

Steve Vanya 3119 Red Lawn Dr. Bethlehem, PA 18017 Robert Owermohl Jr. RR 7, Box 7615 Saylorsburg, PA 18353 e-mail: From the Alumni House: Many thanks to Jane Merlo Bray for serving as the class correspondent and helping you all stay in touch with each other. Please send your news to Steve Vanya or Robert Owermohl; they are waiting to hear from you.

✒ 1978 News of

Robin Tobman Lubin 5120 Chevy Chase Parkway Washington, DC 20008-2920 From the Alumni House: Joseph J. Haggerty was appointed manager of strategic projects for Bethlehem Steel Corporation’s Planning Department.

✒ 1977 News of

Vince Pantalone 48 Half St. Hershey, PA 17033 From the Alumni House: David K. Bond has been elected senior vice president of Harleysville Group, Inc. and of commercial lines underwriting by the board of

directors of the Harleysville Mutual Insurance Company. John Morganelli is president of the Pennsylvania District Attorneys Association.

✒ 1976 News of

K. Dale Zusi Scolnick 55 Dyckman Place Basking Ridge, N.J. 07920-1413 From the Alumni House: Scott Stewart is engaged to Chona M. Alaan of Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines. He has been working as a process engineer at Diversified Systems, Inc. in Indianapolis for the past 21/2 years. David Calvo was one of seven financial advisors for Legg Mason to be named to the firm’s prestigious president’s council.

✹ 1975

Reunion May 19-20 Carol Brown Dibley 21 Chandler Road Chatham, N.J. 07928-1803

party was hosted by Linda and Neville Gardner at their shop and tearoom on Main Street in Bethlehem. Linda’s adventures as a lawyer were featured in the last issue of this magazine. Nicole Standish is also a lawyer living in Connecticut and Keene Jabbour is practicing law in Easton, Pa. Dave Burt has a dental practice, as did his wife until they had two little girls. Kevin Jones has recently moved to Oregon and is working in medical research. Bill Bauman works for St. Luke’s Hospital in Bethlehem. Cathy Balcombe Wirth teaches third grade in the Lehigh Valley area.

✒ 1973 News of

Dennis Jones 614 Crestline Avenue Bethlehem, PA 18015-4204 Priscilla Barres Schueck 703 West Goepp Street Bethlehem, PA 18018

✒ 1972 News of

Rev. John Zoppi P.O. Box H Hunker, PA 15639

Beverly Papps Skeffington 25910 Stuckey Avenue S.W. Vashon, WA 98070

✒ 1974

From Beverly: “College ties can ne’er be broken, formed at old M.C.” The weekend of June 25 was the occasion of an “every five years” reunion of Main Hall women, hosted at the home of Andrea Scripture Macnab ’74 in Windsor, Conn. This reunion seemed to be a time of transition for several there. Andrea, after teaching elementary school for about 12 years, has made the decision to reduce her work time to half through a reading program in the local school district. She and her husband Jim will be traveling later this summer to Prague, Vienna, and Budapest with a vintage dance group they are part of. Cindy Varenick Skale ’74 is returning to the University of Southern California this fall to pursue a degree in social work. Anne Turissini ’73, who lives in New Orleans, has shifted her work as an attorney for the Office of the Public Defender to more work in civil law and work with children in need. Dr. Priscilla Connors, who lives in Texas, is a professor of nutrition at the University of North Texas in Denton, and also does consulting work in nutrition for the state of Texas. Jan Giles Howard ’74, who lives close to Andrea in Belchertown, Mass., works in the Development Office at Amherst College. Diane Murphy Pektor and I, roommates for all four years at Moravian, got to be roommates at the reunion. In March I heard from Linda Smith Dalsimer and her husband Jim Dalsimer ’74. They are

News of

Cindy Andreas Grifo 1207 Gulf Creek Drive Radnor, PA 19087-9804 From the Alumni House: After twenty-five years Otto and Susan Dreydoppel have ended their service as class correspondents. We thank them for their support and dedication to the class and to Moravian. Please send your news to Cindy Grifo for the future issues. A reunion update from Ann McKittrick Claussen, reunion chair: The Class of ’74 celebrated its 25th class reunion at Moravian the weekend of May 21. Classmates who made it back included Cathy Balcombe Wirth, Linda Shay Gardner, Keene Jabbour, Chuck Pohl, Cindy Andreas Grifo, Nicole Standish, Linda Schober, Dave Burt, Bill Urban, Bill Bauman, Bob May, Bob Mende, Linda Shears Krick, Paula Matus Ferry, Sevaste Nichols Gallagher, J. Mark Jones and Martha Walker Jones, Otto and Susan Dreydoppel, Robert May, Gary Jerabek, Sally Kuchar Rebhorn, and Kevin Jones. On Friday evening, a


Class Notes living in Maryland where Linda has entered the work force as a programmer/analyst after being at home to raise their children. Jim is still working as an engineer for Bethlehem Steel and is celebrating his 24th year with them. He is also working on his master’s degree at Towson State. Linda says he is driving his professors crazy there, just like at Moravian. From the Alumni House: Linda Pekarski Kraushar recently joined Arthur Andersen’s Metro New York Global Structured Finance and Leasing Practice as a managing director.

✒ 1971 News of

John Madison 5749 Blue Grass Tail Coopersburg, PA 18036-1835 Constance M. Sokalsky One North Second Street Harrisburg, PA 17102

✹ 1970

Reunion May 19-20 Denise Maday Greiner 309 High Street Catasauqua, PA 18032-1428 Kenneth T. Small 216 Owego Street Candor, NY 13743 From the Alumni House: Garry Earles is now moving back to the Lehigh Valley. He is working in historic information resources. Tom Tenges has accepted the position of executive director of the Lehigh Valley Association of Independent Colleges, Inc. Bob Greene informed us that his sister, Janet Greene MacGregor, passed away on May 4 after a long illness.

✒ 1969 News of

Wayne Beaver 15848 North Tenth Street Phoenix, AZ 85022-3143 From Wayne: Many classmates responded to the survey for the 1999 reunion. Wes Astheimer is a banker in Glenside, Pa. He is married with three children. Packard Biddle is a social worker in Monmouth County, N.J. Nancy Glassmoyer Brittingham is a principal at Totoket Elementary School. Maureen 26

Moravian College—Springboard to the World Moravian College and then—the U.S. Navy? That’s what Captain Cornelia deGroot Whitehead did and is still doing 25 years later. A native of Revere, a village in Nockamixon Township, “Cory” received her bachelor’s degree from Moravian College in 1973 with a major in psychology/sociology. She chose the Navy on the advice of her older brother Richard, a Navy aviator. “I joined for the short term to see if I would like it, and stayed.” Cory deGroot went off to Officer Candidate School in Newport, R.I., for 19 weeks of basic Navy seamanship and was part of the Navy’s first integrated class. After commissioning as an ensign, she chose training and education management as her specialty and has been all over the world in various training and human resources management assignments. “I joined the Navy to see the world, and I have definitely done that.” She’s been stationed in the Mediterranean, where she taught foreign diplomacy to American personnel stationed overseas; she has been to the Pacific, Alaska and Iceland; traveled all over Europe; catapulted off carriers and submerged deep in the ocean in submarines. Captain Whitehead especially likes submarines—“It is breathtaking to surface in the middle of the ocean and watch dolphins frolicking in your wake in the early morning sun with nothing else in sight.” While managing training commands, Cory found time to continue with her own education, earning three master’s degrees, and a doctorate, all in the education and management fields. Her largest training command began in May 1996—as commanding officer of the U.S. Navy’s Recruit Training Command in Great Lakes, Ill. This is the largest command in the Department of Defense, with more than fifty-five thousand students training there annually. Captain Whitehead was the first woman to hold that position in the 85-year history of the Recruit Training Command. Captain Whitehead has received several military honors, including the Navy Commendation Medal, the Meritorious Service Medal with two gold stars, the Defense Superior Service Award upon leaving her assignment in the Secretary of Defense Office, and the Legion of Merit, which she received when she left the Recruit Training Command. Cory feels the Navy is an excellent career choice for women, particularly since the combat exclusion rules were lifted nine years ago. Women today can do anything they are capable of doing, from flying jets to commanding combatant ships. Even submarines are being studied for integration. She sees Moravian College as “the springboard that got me started and wanting more.” And “more” is definitely what Cory found!

Brandafi Cort is an administrator and coordinator of the adult literacy program at Northampton Community College. Patti Owen DeBiasse is married with two daughters living in Murraysville, Pa. Noel DeSousa is married and is a high school principal in Pittsfield, N.H. Dana (Dee) Burt Donaldson is an interior designer in Ridgefield, Conn. Mick Doney is the superintendent at Great Meadows Regional School District and lives in Easton, Pa. Walter V. L. Eversley is an Episcopal priest and professor of theology. John Farace is living in Roseto, Pa. Eleanor Fenstermaker is a nursing instructor at the St. Luke’s School of Nursing. Carol Kissinger Griffis is a nurseryschool teacher in Aurora, N.Y. Lugenia (Jeanne) Taccarino Guaraldo is married with three children, living in Wilmington, Del., and current president of the Moravian College Alumni

Association. Grace G. Harkins is retired and living in Bethlehem. Jeanne Krenicky Kipp is a guidance counselor for the Bethlehem Area School District and an agent with Century 21. Bertie Francis Knisely is our Moravian Alumni Director. Deborah Watt Mangan retired from the insurance business after 21 years and now is vice president and comptroller of Lead Technologies, Inc. Alma Coester McMahan is married with three children and living in Zionsville, Pa. Gino Nicolai is married with one son, living in Pipersville, Pa., and president of Hannabery HVAC. Caroline Funk Rabold has three daughters and is the circulation manager at Eastern Monroe Public Library in Stroudsburg, Pa. Eric Ruskowski is married with two children and president of Seaquist Closures Group, an international corporation. Dr. David Saltzer is

Class Notes married with two children and is a psychologist in Northampton, Pa. Greg Seifert is with the Internal Affairs Bureau of the New Jersey State Police and lives in Phillipsburg, N.J. Michael Siegel is married with one daughter and the CIO of Maxim Healthcare Systems, Inc. Susan Clay Smith is married to Art Smith ’68, with three children, and is a preschool teacher in Bethlehem. Jean Holzinger Somers is head librarian in South Orange, N.J., at the Maplewood Board of Education. John Swarr is doing neighborhood planning in Washington, D.C. Tim Tedesco is married with three children and a 2nd-grade teacher (sometimes principal) in Oakland, N.J. Jim and Janet Brackbill Tucker are in Jamaica. Jim is a musician and in music productions and Jan is an educator and in bank administration. Carol Flasch Waterman is married with two children and the music director for St. Patrick’s Church in Enfield, Conn. From the Alumni House: Oliver Delgado graduated from the University of Missouri at Kansas City with a master’s degree in history and from the Nazarene Theological Seminary with an M.R.E. in children’s ministry. He is an ordained deacon and is serving the First Church of the Nazarene in Bethlehem.

✒ 1968 News of

George Berger 107 Mohawk Drive Johnston, PA 15905 Jill Stefko 734 Second Avenue Bethlehem, PA 18018 From George: Richard Gerber has left his position as pastor of Westminster Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Hamden, Conn., where he was pastor for 20 years, and assumed a new position as associate general secretary of Home Missions and Church Extension in his denomination. He will be living in Bethlehem, working out of the administrative offices in Willow Grove, and assisting in planting new congregations throughout the U.S. From September to December 1998, I took my sabbatical leave from the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown. I spent some time at George Mason University going to seminars, consulting with the economics faculty, and doing my research. I should be finishing an article for publication this summer and possibly another by the time classes begin again. From the Alumni House: Ronald R. Morello recently retired from Bethlehem Steel He was employed as a division manager and had worked for the corporation for 31 years.

✒ 1967

✒ 1963

News of

News of

Marisue Brugler Easterly R.D. Box 3109 Saylorsburg, PA 18017

Bill Leicht 16819 N. 59 Place Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Fax: 602 493-1949

From the Alumni House: Millie Hugonet Twitchell has been living in Bethel, Alaska, since 1993 and is married to a Moravian Yupik Eskimo, Peter Twitchell. Last September, they were given a baby girl to raise by a woman from the nearby village of Chevak. Her name is Suzi Leann Mary Twitchell and she was born September 24, 1998. Millie is working for the native corporation, the Yukon Kuskokwim Health Corporation, as administrative coordinator of the home care program. Her husband is a counselor at the local jail. Last year Kristen Harberg Van Orden ’69 went up to Alaska with her parents who were missionaries years ago. Millie said that it was wonderful to see someone from Moravian.

✹ 1966

Cluster Reunion May 19-20 Fay Iudicello 1659 Kirby Rd. McLean, VA 22101 Fax: 703-827-0431 Dave Berg 624 Juniper Hills Ct. Arnold, MD 21401

✹ 1965

Cluster Reunion May 19-20 William Horwath 22300 Maplewood Drive Southfield, MI 48034 From the Alumni House: Bob Zerfass continues to play baseball with the Blue Mountain League in Hellertown, Pa. He has been with the team since 1963. Ted Bowman was elected to the National Association for Poetry Therapy board of directors.

✹ 1964

Cluster Reunion May 19-20 Judith Morecz Simpson 2532 Hepplewhite Drive York, PA 17404-1216

From Bill: Chuck Stoltz is now retired from Palisades School District in Bucks County after 35 years of teaching middle school English and coaching girls’ and boys’ basketball and track. Chuck’s wife Bonnie is still working for the Visiting Nurses Association as the liaison person at St. Luke’s Hospital. Both are active in tennis; Bonnie went to the USTA national finals in Orlando, Fla., two years ago.Chuck often attends Moravian basketball games and takes pride in watching his former middle school players compete for the Moravian’s Women’s team. He welcomes e-mail from classmates at Don Vogel and his wife JoAnn returned from a pre-36th wedding anniversary trip to the Fountainbleau Hotel in Miami, and will be heading to their Hilton Head villa in August. Don can be reached via e-mail at Carol & I were blessed with our first grandchild, Blake William, who happened to be born on April 7—my 60th birthday! I received a nice letter from Sally Ann Deysher Reimer. Her son Rob ’88 and daughterin-law Andrea Selconis ’89 now live in Arizona. Sally suggested we form an Arizona alumni group, which we already have. We had reunions the past two years, one attended by President and Mrs. Rokke. I’ll make sure Rob and Andrea know about the next one. Sally has served on the 30th and 35th class reunion committees. She has had major health problems of late due to her long bout with juvenile diabetes. She has lost her ability to walk and drive, but still does substituting and home-bound teaching in Bangor, Pa. Sally has been teaching private voice and piano for 25 years. Dr. John Shigo is a family physician in Germantown and an associate professor at the University of Maryland and Washington Schools of Medicine. John recently attended his thirtieth reunion at Temple University School of Medicine. Back in the early ’60s at Moravian, John was an active TKE. He asked me not to hold that against him (reference this column in the last issue!) John can be reached on his e-mail From the Alumni House: Dick Bedics, Pensacola Junior College Milton Campus provost, has been accepted into the Institution for the Management of Lifelong Education at Harvard Graduate School of Education. Dick is a past president of the Santa Rosa Chamber of Commerce, 1998 Santa Rosa Man of the Year, and the 1999 president of the Santa Rosa County United Way. 27

Class Notes

✒ 1962

News of

Emma Demuth Williams Box 221 Newfoundland, PA 18445

Kathy Werst Detwiler 1383 North Allen Street State College, PA 16803

Merr Trumbore 1040 Ebenezer Church Road Rising Sun, MD 21911 From Merr: Enjoyed exchanging some recent e-mails with Judy deBray Dominici. She mentioned that the combination of her geographical location and family responsibilities over the years prevented her from returning to Moravian since graduation. She resides in South Carolina and spends a fair amount of time writing novels. In addition to her writings, she does some painting and enjoys keeping in touch with family and friends. She asked that I pass along her e-mail address, and welcomes e-mail from her friends and acquaintances. From the Alumni House: Jim Malloy, Lewis Halley, and Charles Bartolet ’60 met at Jim’s home in Indian Shores, Fla. for a TKE reunion during the March Madness Final Four.

✒ 1961 News of

Sandra Kromer Jones 9 Driftwood Drive Somerset, N.J. 08873-1717

✹ 1960

Reunion May 19-20 Jane Ziegenfus Hamill 237 Thorn Street Swickley, PA 15143 From the Alumni House: This summer Rev. Dr. Henry May created 1,000 kits to make birdhouses for a junior camp’s craft program. He supervised a group of volunteers who used a table saw, drill press, and sanders to assemble the wood and pegs needed to build houses for the Carolina bluebird, an endangered species. Peter French retired June 1 as president of Newberry College. He held this position since 1995. The student body voted him the Outstanding Administrator award. He and his wife Grace are moving to Sarasota, Fla.


✒ 1959

News of

From Kathy: “We Are Family” sounded from the boom-box as the ’59ers marched in the parade and won the Spirit Award at our 40th Reunion! Kudos to our chairmen Gus Rampone and to Monk Morelli; they filled in great ’59 details. Gus and his wife Jean recently became grandparents for the first time. Retired in January 1995, Gus has assumed an “interim” athletics director position. While Monk is still working at AM Industries, he and his wife Pat find time to return to MC for reunions and homecoming. Monk highly recommends the golf events of both weekends. Since 1980 Nancy and Jim Cannon have enjoyed year-round golf and their life in Marietta, Ga. Jim recently retired from a 35-year career in scientific and chemical sales and management— most recently with his own business. He is currently serving as a consultant in textile chemicals. Carolyn Felver Conners, now in her 21st year of teaching, balances her language arts successes in Easton with skiing and biking vacations, twelve trips a month to the fitness center, and traveling to Switzerland, England, and Italy. Ed Goldberg and Jeanette Mirne Cornblatt were last at Moravian five years ago for our previous reunion. Jeanette is an administrative officer for the director for intelligence and information security at Fort Monmouth, N.J. Fred DeFrank retired in 1980 from the U.S. Navy as a naval officer in the Supply Corps; in 1998 he retired from his second career in contract management with Lockheed in Sunnyvale, Calif. Fred and wife Diana Fetherman DeFrank ’60 have celebrated their 40th anniversary. Their future is filled with serious travel plans, including lengthy stays in England and Italy. Ginny Dancy Dickie returned to reune with us and shared news of her current activities as a church and community volunteer in Bel Air, Md. Ginny serves as editor of her monthly church newsletter, is a packer for Meals on Wheels, and is a volunteer for the National Foundation for Ectodermal Dysplasias. Recuperating from recent surgery, her husband John was not able to attend our 40th. Patty Conover Diener serves as the Department of Transportation secretary in the Great Valley School District. Leisure interests include reading, gardening, walking, roller blading, knitting, and volunteering at the hospitals. Now living in Livonia, Michigan, Marcia Morgan Fish made our reunion truly a family affair. Her sister Margaret Morgan Blanda ’67 attended with her. Margaret’s son Arthur Blanda graduated from MC in ’96! Marcia and I much

enjoyed reminiscing about our physics class with Jack Ridge. Retired after 361/2 years of teaching, Betsy Dreher Honey is enjoying the new home she built in Upper Nazareth, the classes she takes, and the volunteer tutoring she does with the adult literacy program and ESL classes. Dee Lang Keglovits ’60 and Joe played a most integral part in our spirit award for out 40th reunion: Grandma Dee pushed the stroller and Grandpa Joe carried our boom-box in the award-winning parade! Faith Cannie ’57 and Ernie Lodics made their first trip back for a reunion since relocating in Valparaiso, Ind., in 1965. Ernie retired from BSCO in 1985, and did some electrical engineering consulting from 1985 to 1992 when he officially retired! He is now busy with golf, fishing and “the good life.” Gene and Barbara Banker Mahlau visited Boca Raton, Fla., for seven weeks prior to our reunion. Barb retired from IBM in December 1996, but continues to work in their church. Also enjoying the festivities were Dorothy Elliott and Rodney Miller. Marian and Bruce Mumie cruised to Bermuda in July past. Bruce is semi-retired—works two days a week as a learning consultant, and plays golf on other days! Susan LeTowt Peverley last visited Moravian College at our ’59 graduation and we enjoyed her presence at our 40th reunion. Now retired from Legg Mason brokerage firm as a sales assistant, Susan is actively engaged in running her family farm in Bel Air. Bill and Janice Keve Steers were able to attend the Friday activities of a busy reunion weekend. Their son Billy has written a children’s book that has been published by Golden Books. Barbara Roberts Woltjen ’61 and John traveled from Lake Winnipasaukee, N.H., for our gathering. They winter in Indian River Shores, Fla., each year since John’s retirement in 1995 as vice president for administration/treasurer of Lehigh University. Mary Lesin Mackenzie Ayala was married in August 1997. She is a sales associate at Lord and Taylor in Evanston, Ill. Rev. Joseph Carr and his wife Millie are now retirees and loving their new way of life. However, Joe does keep very busy as a supply pastor in his UCC Conference. Paul Dorney Jr. serves as a courier for PNC Bank; he had served as a Bethlehem Steel production supervisor. Francis Figlear is currently a development officer for Lehigh University. Most of his past 40 years had been spent in private education as a teacher and fundraiser. Our Miss Moravian, Nan Gingher, retired in 1989 because of health complications. She has been hand-quilting for almost 30 years. Nan lives on Shenanigan Farms in the Catskill Mountains. Reuben Lilly Sr. reports he was last at Moravian in 1997. He serves as wholesale manager for Waldorf Tire Company. After 25 years Tony Matz has now retired from baseball umpiring at the collegiate and interscholastic levels. Tony is an associate professor of math at Kutztown University. Thomas Meder serves as an ocean analyst for Schenker Internationals. He and his wife live in Houston, Tex., and enjoy traveling, square dancing, and high school sports.

Class Notes Via Valley Forge and the Pennsylvania Elks Convention, Wayne and I traveled to Moravian College from State College. I continue to teach math in the high school. Our cross-country train trip last summer was a prelim to our Florida train trip this summer with our two grandchildren.

✒ 1958 News of

F. Jarrett (“Dee”) DeJulio (Bennie Bennett) P.O. Box 607 Dover, N.J. 07802-0607

✒ 1957 News of

Pearl Stein 3 Tulip Ct. Marlton, NJ 08053-5542 From Pearl: A special thank you to Cornelia Schlotter for news from Founder’s Day and Alumni Weekend. Carmella Carrescia, curator of the Italian Heritage Room at the Slate Belt Heritage Center, hosted friends Cornelia Schlotter, Harold and Karen Johnson Berry, and Jan Byram Cook ’54 at her home prior to Founder’s Day. Pat Miller Helfrich told us all about her trip to China in April. And for all of us who remember the Teas and Dean Bushnell, Pat learned the art of serving tea and coffee very well; just like old times, there was Pat pouring at the reception for Founder’s Day. Cornelia shared her information about Founder’s Day when she visited me at my new home in Marlton, N.J. Tina Bando Ridgeway and her husband Ed also visited. Tina and I spent a day at the Burlington County Historical Center Earth Day celebration. I visited Dena Drucker Deyoung and her husband Norman, their daughter Judy, and their grandchildren in Margate, N.J. recently. As always, I enjoyed their company and the lovely Sabbath meal that they prepared. As I write this I’m hoping to see Karen and Harold Berry during a vacation in Vermont. They are looking forward to the wedding of their second son Ned. For the past two months I have been working part-time as a school librarian in a private school that was once a public school where I taught sixth grade. From the Alumni House: Dr. Tony Falco retired as professor of economics and business at Newberry College. He was named Outstanding Member of the Faculty by the student body. He will return to his home in Clearwater, Fla.

News of

✒ 1956

News of

Robert Gray 3190 Pheasant Drive Northampton, PA 18067-9768

Helen Desh Woodbridge 3574 Browning Lane Bethlehem, PA 18018

✹ 1955

From Helen: Joanne Landrock Schlegel ’55, Mary Pongracz ’52, amd Pauline Ritter Benner ’56, after reading our column in the last winter issue, responded to my request for any news about the twenty-two names I listed, names that I had recently received from the Alumni Office. From them we know that Anne Czipoth Decamp is glad to be back in town where she volunteers in the gift shop at St. Luke’s Hospital. Anne’s sister Margaret (Peg) Czipoth Underwood lives in Costa Rica. Jeanette Marossy Brady, listed as secretarial in our yearbook, lives out of town with husband, Richard; she has a sister, Martha Marossy Collins, who graduated in Mary’s class— ’52. Another secretarial in our yearbook, Elda Polentes, is deceased, as is her husband, Anthony. In preparation for our 45th reunion the Alumni Office sent each of us a survey to complete. Those who, like myself, sent back the completed surveys were Rita Dikon Adams of Bath, Pa., Shirley Beck Dutt of Easton, Pa., Lois Lutz Geehr of North Wales, Pat Nuttall Lewis of Colorado Springs, Pat Krolik Nebinger of Bethlehem, Elynor Fishel Rights of Clemmons, N.C., Dawn Van Keuren of Jacksonville, Ala., Marian Wagner of Myerstown, Pa., Cathy Klepinger Hershey of Mechanicsburg, and Joan Kinard Mercado of Houston, Tex. Founder’s Day events on south campus bring back memories of the time spent there and the friendships made. Those who responded to Founder’s Day again and some for the first time since graduation were Rita Dikon Adams, Jan Byram Cook, and Shirley Beck Dutt who served on the planning committee with Bev Bell. Others in attendance were Millicent Drake, Betty Kuss Erney, Lois Lutz Geehr, Pat Krolik Nebinger, Dawn Van Keuren, Marian Wagner, and myself. The barbecue on Friday evening was again on south campus under a tent. Those gathered for the buffet at the ’54 table were Jan Byram Cook, Dawn and traveling friend Frances, Bev, Paty Eiffe, Marion, Cas and I. With the exception of Jan who rejoined Corny Schlotter ’57, Karen Johnson Berry ’57 and her husband Harold for the drive back to the home of Carmella Carrecia, the others wound up the evening at our house, where Dawn and Frances put the finishing touches on the poster started by Marian and me the previous day. The next morning eleven of our classmates showed up for the parade at the HUB. Bev and Dawn had their links with them and Anne Enright had purple and gold sashes for each of us

Reunion May 19-20 Helen Varady Keyser 2038 Kenmerer Street Bethlehem, PA 18018 From Helen: The highlight of our 257th Founder’s Day on the Church Street Campus was the rededication of the stained glass windows in our old chapel, now called Peter Hall. David Crane, a stained glass artist from Bucks County who restored the windows, spoke of returning them to their former glory. The alumnae were also in their glory when once again they could see the beautiful windows in the chapel as they remembered them while students here. Following the lovefeast in the chapel we enjoyed a wonderful lunch and fellowship in the Clewell Dining Hall. At our table were Sister Millicent Drake ’54, Lois Lutz Geehr ’54 and husband Rev. Fred, Beverly Bell ’56, Joan Landrock Schlegel, Meridian West Fulton ’56, Renee Johnson Dragotta ’56, and myself. At the alumni luncheon in Johnston Hall on Saturday I enjoyed sitting with some ’54 class members. At our table were Pat Parth Johnson and husband Bill, Nancy Bishop Risser, and husband James (Pat and Nancy were ’54 secretarials and they still keep in touch with each other). Also Janis Byram Cook ’54, Cornelia “Corny” Schlotter ’57, and myself. Pat just retired from Muhlenburg College where she was a secretary in the chemistry department since 1969. Nancy and her husband were taking a trip to Bermuda for her birthday on July 10. Betty Kuss Erney ’54 of Houston, Tex., called to ask about her ’54 reunion. Betty flew here for her reunion and stayed several weeks to help look after her 95-year-old mother. While she was here, we had lunch at the Minsi Trail Inn, and had fun talking about our childhood and school days. John and I attended a wonderful community organ recital at the Cathedral Church of the Nativity. The program featured their new Austin organ in which our own Mary Pongracz ’52 took part. She played “Ave Verum” and “Regina Coeli,” and it was beautiful! Barbara Cump Schmoyer and husband Charles and Sarah, their granddaughter, Joan and I enjoyed the reception and Art Auction which has taken the place of the popular Moravian College Antiques Show.

✒ 1954


Class Notes to wear. The college provided us with a banner to carry in the front. This reunion not only put us classmates in touch with the Alumni House but with each other through phone calls and notes made by Pat Nebinger, Shirley, Bev, Lois, Marian and me. We hope Dorothy Ruyak is feeling better and will be able to drive her car and travel again, now that she is fully retired. Adine MacGregor spoke with interest about our 45th but was unable to leave her residence, now at Canal Side Manor in Walnutport, Pa. Anne Enright shared with me the name of a ’52 secretarial friend, Doris Thieroff, who attended Founders Day activities. Anne shared her enthusiasm for our class reunion with Eleanor Guidon of Jefferson, N.Y. who wrote Anne about her interest in the event but was unable to make the 51/2 hour drive alone. Since the publication of the recent issue, received in July, I have also received a nice note from Joanne L. Hoodmaker who finds “joy in knowing that she may inspire others and pass along a gift of singing” which she considers “a blessing from the Lord.”

ments. One was the neonatal department where he rocked and fed newborns as the first male “nanny” when the program was started initially. Since then he has transferred and now works in the patient holding area. Charlie continues to be a “people person.” David Henkelmann said that he and his wife Mel spent two weeks in May traveling throughout England and Wales. Dave has also remained active in his retirement by chauffering for a limousine service to metropolitan airports within driving distance from the Lehigh Valley area. It’s familiar territory to Dave since he served Moravian churches in Philadelphia, the Bronx, and Manhattan. He continued his pastoral activities in serving the Canadensis Moravian Church in the Poconos during the 1999 summer months. While on vacation in June, I learned of the sudden death of Wilfred Harke while he was en route to a meeting at his former church in Egg Harbor City, N.J. Wil frequently attended class reunions and was a great supporter of MC.

From the Alumni House: John J. Schlamp recently retired as chairman of the board of Nazareth National Bank after 45 years with the bank.

News of

✒ 1953 News of

Charlie Hasenecz 3940 Washington Street Bethlehem, PA 18020 Marilyn Nuss Landon 1510 Taylor Avenue Ft. Washington, MD 20744-2911 E. Allen Schultz 931 San Carlos Avenue, N.E. St. Petersburg, FL 33702 From Allen: In May I received an e-mail message from Lee Parson’s widow, Fran, informing me that Lee passed away on October 24, 1998. She said he retired from Lucent in February 1995 after more than 35 years, and that he was very active with the Bethlehem Garden Club, serving as treasurer and president. Charlie Hasenecz sent news about the recognition he and Allen Lilly received at the St. Luke’s Hospital annual volunteer recognition and awards dinner. Allen, with a degree in chemistry, was honored for 4,500 hours over a period of 16 years in the hospital’s pharmacy. He also was with the Research Department of Bethlehem Steel for 30 years analyzing and testing potentially toxic substances in air and water to ensure the safety of the employees. Charlie was honored as volunteering at St. Luke’s since 1985 with over 3,000 hours serving in various depart-


✒ 1952 Gloria Parkhill PO Box 214 Stockertown, PA 18083-0214 From Gloria: A very welcome update from Barbara Edwards Bacon indicated she is still very happy in her motor home in Florida from September to June, in Michigan and Pennsylvania in July and August, with some time spent in Sea Girt, N.J. She says it’s hectic but “no stress.” After many years Bobbee is once again playing duplicate bridge tournaments. She enjoyed the nationals in Orlando and is grateful not only for having learned to play during her undergrad days at Moravian, but also “for the many years of fun I’ve had playing.” I enjoyed reading the news from Kathy Horwath Hartman and husband Ray. A new and positive experience for them was the Elderhostel program in Newport, R.I. They took a 22-day China trip which included tours of the Yangtze and the Grand Canal, and climbing 605 steps on the Great Wall. Kathy and Ray live in Mahwah, N.J., where Kathy is a bird watcher, baby sitter, and teacher of English as a second language. Ray writes proposals for amputee victims of Bosnian land mines and continues in real estate development in addition to counseling, choir singing and serving as an interim pastor where needed. Another Elderhostel participant heard from is Zora Martin Felton who was in Rehoboth Beach, Del., in spring 1998. Zora has been an intern in archival work at Howard University Research Center and continues her association with the Anacostia Museum, where she was a guiding light from its early years through her retirement. In addition to a myriad of cultural and

physical activities at her senior center, Zora does volunteer work at church. Xenia Lychos Filipos is having her biography published in the year 2000 editions of Who’s Who in the East and Who’s Who in America. She is leaving for a trip to Cairo in December. To prepare for her journey, Xenia will take a course in Arabic in Moravian’s Division of Continuing Studies.

✒ 1951 News of

Andy Jasso 35 W. Greenwich Street Bethlehem, PA 18018-2439 Carol Buechner McMullen 613 Cliff Street HoHoKus, N.J. 07423 From Carol: On May 21 I headed for Bethlehem and the Founder’s Day events. Arriving at the reception in Payne Gallery (once the Women’s College gymnasium), I met Janet Fabian Andre, June Shafer Scholl, Jane Kincaid Missimer, and, all the way from Albuquerque, Nancy Oplinger Dover. Following the reception, we proceded to the chapel for the lovefeast and the rededication of the stained glass windows. We felt very grateful to our classmate Betsey Tait Puth for her support in making the restoration of the chapel windows possible. June Scholl mentioned that her sister Lois Shafer Smith and husband Dick were planning to attend an Elderhostel in May in Essex, Conn. I understand that Dick has revived the stand-up comedy routines with which he has entertained companions at Elderhostels and on cruises. Nancy Oplinger Dover e-mailed me. She was looking forward to an Alaskan tour, and then at the end of June, a trip to Washington, D. C., where her husband, Ed, was to give a talk and book-signing at the Washington Airplane Society meeting at the Air and Space Museum. Ed Dover’s book, The Long Way Home, was recently published. It is an amazing true account of a Pan American Clipper on a flight from San Francisco to Auckland, New Zealand, with a stop in Pearl Harbor. On December 7, 1941, the plane had left Pearl Harbor and was approaching Auckland when the crew learned of the Japanese attack. The plane’s planned return following the same route was then impossible, and the book relates the adventures of the plane and its crew as they made their way around the world in their effort to reach home again. After Founder’s Day, I returned home to prepare for another move. Randy and I had decided that we would stay in New Jersey and are planning to buy a house. We had found the house, but with a closing date set for August and the lease on our place about to expire, we packed everything but a few essentials and sent it all off to

Class Notes storage. The essentials, all my houseplants, my computer, and my husband were loaded in the car and we headed to our house in Bushkill for the duration. We were welcomed by a gentle doe and her twin fawns who have made it clear that this is their place but that we are welcome so long as we respect their claim.

✹ 1950

Reunion May 19-20 Bob Scholl P.O. Box 5083 Bethlehem, PA 18015

✒ 1940s Men of the

Charles W. Eichman 1280 Wynnewood Dr. Bethlehem, PA 18017-3553

✒ 1949 News of

Faye Werley Jurden Oak Lane Manor 1113 Parkside Drive Wilmington, DE 19803 Thomas E. Keim 422 East Locust Street Bethlehem, PA 18018 William H. Woods 3032 Coplay Lane Whitehall, PA 18052 From Faye: Our class reunion was so nice, and those of you who couldn’t attend were missed! We had a warm, sunny day, and after a meeting of the 50+ Club, preceded by a breakfast with us as their guests, we attended the Alumni Association annual meeting. Next we assembled for the alumni parade. Each class had a motto, and ours reminded everyone that we were the class with the daisy chain! Our gals carried a daisy chain made for us by Louise Scott Gross’s daughter-in-law. We had a very nice luncheon following the parade, caught up on everyone’s news, and “reunioned” as we ate. Present were Katie Knopf Kricks and Joe, Corne Faga Miller and Paul, Loise Scott Gross, Norma Boldt Wynne, Audrey Kirchman Tostevin and Ron, and Polly Raynor, our “honorary” classmate, and Hildred Humenik Drumm. Although they couldn’t stay, Magda Marossy Mitman and John were at the breakfast. Not enough room to cover all the news, but will continue in the next column. Louise and Bob

sold their Florida home, and moved to Mechanicsburg, Pa., in 1998 where they live in an “in-law” suite at their son’s home so they can be near him and his wife and their grandchildren. Katie and Joe still live in Bethlehem. They are involved in English conversation, Bible study, gardening with Korean graduate students and their families in their home, and many more activities. Corne and Paul live in Bethlehem. They both sing in the church choir, and since Paul is retired, they travel a lot. They have a cabin in the Poconos where they spend time fishing and relaxing. Remember Magda Marossy Mitman ’47 secretarial? She and John have lived in Cape May, N.J., for eight years. They have traveled quite a bit, and she and her daughter visited relatives in Budapest recently. They visit Bethlehem often since they have relatives there; her two sisters are also Moravian graduates. It was good to see Hildred Humenik Drumm. We’ve corresponded over the years, but it has been a long time since we laid eyes on each other. She still travels a lot, and her grandchildren give her much pleasure. Polly Raynor is still working for the Morning Call. I hear she has won so many awards for her work she probably doesn’t have room to keep all of them. Audry Kirchman Tostevin and Ron made the trip from Ligonier, Pa. They travel a great deal; one of their favorite places is East Africa. She is still interested in theatre, both directing and acting, and owned and operated a traveling puppet troupe for a number of years. She volunteers for church work, the library, historical society, Ft. Ligonier Activities, and the Latrobe Hospital. Norma Boldt Wynne is a busy lady, putting many hours at a shop whose proceeds go to charity. She kindly sent me some news about Corinne Schreibstein Gerson who has remarried with a new last name of Ackerman. She now goes by Corinne Gerson Ackerman. By the time you read this, our younger daughter Jan will have been married in July. Jack is still drawing seven cartoons a week, and although the election is a year away, since things are building for it, he should have a good year of subjects about which to draw. From Tom: It was great to see our classmates, some for the first time since graduation. Lorenz Adams, a retired minister, had an interesting career as a missionary in Central America, spending 20 years as a pastor, teacher and administrator of a mission school and a medical clinic. He also served as a pastor in Minnesota and Wisconsin. He still serves the church as an interim pastor. Clark Apgar, retired owner of Apgar Oil Co., is enjoying golf in his retirement. His son James is now president of the company and his daughter Jane Apgar Domitrowits ’82 is secretary-treasurer. Harold Allen, M.D., director of medical

services, U.S. Army Health Clinic, Letterkenny Army Depot, Chambersburg, Pa., is proud of his son John Allen ’79 and his accomplishments. Harold is chairman of the Iodine Deficiency Disorder World Wide Service Project of Kiwanis. Richard Artis, retired from Pepsico Inc., is currently a director of Pepsico. Dick and his wife Jeanne Serman Artis ’51 will be married 50 years on September 10, 1999. Ivan Backer is past president of Community Organization & Development Southside Institutions Neighborhood Alliance in Hartford, Conn. Charles Barner, retired pastor, has had a busy career in the Evangelical Congregational Church serving seven churches in eastern Pennsylvania. He served 14 years as chief employed officer of Christian Endeavor International. He and his wife Etta are currently restoring an old house and farm in Lewistown, Pa. James Dundon retired after 41 years with the Bethlehem Area School District as a teacher and principal. Jim has traveled to God’s country, Ireland, six times (I wonder if he’s Irish) and to England, France, Italy, Spain and Portugal. Robert P. L. Frick, our retired curator, Historic Site Administration, Nassau County, Long Island, N.Y., is still active as a board member of Jacobsburg Historical Society. Bob is a trustee and alumnus of Saint James School, Maryland. William Marshall, retired pastor with 20 years in the Moravian Church and 20 years as a chaplain in North Carolina and Pennsylvania, is enjoying traveling in his retirement. Has visited Europe, California, the Canadian Rockies, and Boston. Patrick McArdle, retired from Bethlehem Steel, is enjoying his retirement. Pat has recovered from open heart surgery and can be seen walking at the Westgate Mall in Bethlehem. William J. Rosenberg, retired lawyer, returned to MC for the first time since graduation. After a stint in the Army he served as city prosecutor, city attorney, municipal court judge in Paterson, N.J., and counsel to Passaic Valley Water Commission. After retiring he trekked the rain forest of Belize and Guatemala, camped and hiked the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, Italian Alps, the Atlas Mountains of Morocco, the Azores in Chile, and finally Mount Everest in Nepal where he reached the 19,000 foot mark before turning back. John Semanick is retired from Bethlehem Steel. John reported that Andy Martimick visited him in late 1998 before Walp’s closed and had dinner there with him. Walt Triner retired from Ciba-Geigy Pharmaceuticals in 1981. Bill Woods, my co-correspondent, retired as manager from Family Consumer Discount Co. Bill reports proudly that his 24-member family has many happy days throughout the year. He considers this his greatest achievement, overshadowing his U.S. Navy service and graduating from MoMo with the great class of 1949. As for myself, I keep active at MC, in the community and sing with the church choir and with community groups. I play golf occasionally. 31

Class Notes Some of our members filled out survey sheets but could not be at Alumni Day. Walter Kessler retired from Bethlehem Steel Co., but could not stand retirement so he accepted a job as employment specialitst under the AARP Senior Employment Program. Walt’s wife died in 1982. Leonard Papel, D.O., M.D., lives in Rockaway, N.J., and continues to be active in his profession. Ray Evans retired after a career as a life insurance representative with John Hancock Life Insurance Co. From Bill: What a great 50th reunion for the Class of ’49! With beautiful weather over the two days, the ’49ers not only represented the largest contingent of the reunion groups, but also swept first place for originality in the reunion parade! Dressed as true “forty-niners,” complete with pick-axe and shovel, the 15 or so in the march passed out gold (Hershey’s chocolate) nuggets from their “sifting pans” to the waving and cheering fans.The parade also featured two bands and six greyhounds, the four-legged variety. From the Alumni House: Harold Allen visited Kenneth Bergstessor, a retired biology professor, in January. He is living at Cornwall Retirement Center in Lebanon, Pa. Harold and his wife had lunch with him. It was a delightful renewal of friendship after 45+ years. He also writes that his 50th reunion was most enjoyable. He met Ruth Hemmerly Kelly ’41, whom he assisted in the library in 1946-47.

✒ 1948 News of

Marion Schmidt Heacock 407 East Fairvier St. Bethlehem, PA 18018

✒ 1947 News of

June Urffer Moyer 27012 Aldeano Drive Mission Viejo, CA 92691 From June: Jean Zehner Lombardi writes that her husband peacefully went to sleep about 10:00 p.m. March 7 and never awoke. Jean spends weekends with her mother who is ninety. Barbara Schlegel Miller invited Jean to lunch to see Ken and Barbara’s new residence. The Millers moved to the Highlands in Wyomissing, Pa. They have adjusted to life there. In three days everything was unpacked, in place, even pictures hung. Barbara and her sister (sec. ’43) attended Founder’s Day in May, when the refurbished chapel windows were rededicated. Charlotte 32

Unangst Schisler and Helen Kanuskey Canfield confirm Barbara’s sentiments. The service with old hymns, the speaker who restored the stained glass windows, and the lovefeast were beautiful and interesting. Charlotte and Al are attending high school and college graduations of their grandsons. Charlotte’s mother is ninety-five and still going strong with a walker. Helen and Don have been doing their annual family traveling. They went to the National Airborne Reunion in Danvers, Mass. since Don is a former paratrooper. The event included a tour of Boston. Helen is still involved in many activities. M. J. Grider Spangenthal says she is very well. She had a total hip replacement in September 1998 with absolutely no difficulties. She is back in full swing, serving on a few boards and still validating child care centers for NAEYC. Mickey Coleman Silverberg writes that her term on the Moravian Alumni Board is over. She enjoyed the contacts and learning the changes made since our Moravian days. Phyllis Rose Iacocca ’45 sec.writes that it has been a busy couple of years trying to make the golden years golden! Phyllis enjoys golf and plays every chance she gets. Ann Root Meyer ’46 and Ed entertained the Moyers one weekend while we celebrated Bob’s birthday. Two weeks later the Moyers reciprocated celebrating Ann’s milestone. Moyers and Meyers are fine—doing their best to enjoy these exciting years. My Bob decided to update his pilot’s license, and he is flying again after umpteen years. From the Alumni House: Edward Steager has found a new career. After years of writing poetic verses for family and friends he is now being published by Queensbury Press. His daughter Barbara Malone is the owner of the publishing company and started the company to publish her father’s literary works.

✒ 1946 News of

Martha Miexell Danner 10 Lynbrook Drive Lambertville, N.J. 08530-3007 Ada Zellner Flower 834 Hilltop Road Oyster Bay, NY 11771 From Ada: “Both Dovin and Johnson are regulars at the Foothills and the audience is familiar with both these gifted actors, but in this production they shine. Johnson reminded us (the reviewer) more than once of Hepburn in the role. But being familiar with Johnson’s work, we knew that the resemblence was coincidental.” The above is a quote from a theater review, January 14, 1999, in the Sentenel & Enterprise, a Worcester, Mass., paper. Eve dePaolis Johnson was playing Ethel Thoyer in On Golden Pond. She also appeared in a

play based on the Robert Fulghum book All I Really Need to Know, I Learned in Kindergarten, again to an enthusiastic review. Marie Holt Nash is having difficulty with osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia, for which she is getting therapy. While Marie is somewhat disabled, Jim has become a good cook. Son Bill, who had been a partial quadraplegic since an accident years ago, died in 1997. On the brighter side, the other Nash children, grandchildren, and a great grandchild have been thriving and active. Dotty Wilmer Schlottman and Al were planning to spend their fire-watching shift on Middle Sister Mountain overlooking the St. Joe River. Dotty was going to spend the extra time playing golf. Phyllis Clark was off on a tour of New England visiting friends and sightseeing when we chatted. She has been very active in the “Learning in Retirement” program at the University of Rochester Athenium—as a participant and as a leader. She sponsored a chamber music series and also planned day trips. We and Ilene Whitehead and David traveled “east on the island” in June. Ilene hoped to find spots in Southampton where she spent time sixty years ago. We were pleased to find some of her old haunts. Frank and I participated in an Elderhostel week in Bethlehem learning about Moravian history, culture, and religion. It was very interesting. Another component of the week involved using the Internet at a computer lab at Lehigh; it was mind-boggling to say the least.

✹ 1998

Reunion May 19-20 Jane Smith Ebelhare 805 Buckeye Street Ft. Collins, CO 80524 From Jane: Gloria Gately Chipman was the early-bird correspondent this time, and as usual, she had some fantastic news to tell me. She and Frank enjoyed a 21/2-week cruise in South America in late January and February. On a sad note, Frank’s mother, who was 96 years old and lived at Moravian Hall Square, died on March 10. They attended Frank’s 55th reunion at Choate School, and then in early June expected to embark on another cruise, this time along the Norwegian coast to the North Cape. Despite the heat in Texas, Eleanor Beidelman Kline stays very active. She took a trip to Austin with the senior citizens group and had a very enjoyable time visiting the capitol and seeing the state government in action. Janet Moyer Paulus and husband Dick have sold their home of many years in Phillipsburg, N.J., and as of April 4 are living in Allentown. They are within walking distance of their daughter, which makes it possible to see more of their grandchildren.

Class Notes Dorothy Stump Lied always insists that she doesn’t have anything to report, and that she’s in what she calls “a comfortable rut.” However, with her painting classes, exercise classes, short trips, and what sounds to me like some wonderful family get-togethers, it seems as though she’s pretty busy. I haven’t noticed any reduction in activities in the Ellen Peters McGinnis/Ralph McGinnis household. Ellen had took a trip in April to visit her first great-grandchild, Kai, and spent some wonderful time with him and his parents at their home in Capitola, Calif. In June Ellen and Ralph traveled to Annapolis, Md., for the wedding of a nephew, who is the son of Harriet Peters Williamson ’60. The affair turned into a minireunion of the Peters family. Alice Joyce Yeager traveled north to visit both of her children at the end of July and returned at the end of August. She is trying to encourage help and support for CFIDS (Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome). She participated in the seventh annual Awareness Day and had a letter to a newspaper editor printed. I received a letter from Helen Van Wye Somers. In March she went on a TransCanadian train venture via Elderhostel. In August she traveled to Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Cape Breton, and Newfoundland, for Thanksgiving she will travel to Wisconsin, and to Montreal for Christmas. Andy and I landed back in Colorado on April 1, and since then our time has been consumed primarily with doctors and surgeons. Andy had his left hip replaced on May 26, which is the second replacement for him. He is doing well, and for the first time in a year, he is walking without any artificial aids.

✒ 1944 News of

Jane Shirer 6447 Overbrook Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19151 From Jane: The “Moravian Family Tree” in May was great, thanks to Bertie Knisely ’69 and her assistants in the Alumni Office. It was the class of 1944’s 55th in 1999 and we enjoyed perfect weather, good food, and many memories. Beth Butterfield Marthaler came east from Sun City, Ariz., combining reunion with visits to family and friends. At home, Beth plays tennis, Herm is a golfer, and they both play duplicate bridge. Dotty Minnick Kuchar stayed with her daughter Jane Loupos in Bethlehem, and daughter Sally Rebhorn ’74 came along for her 25th reunion. John and Jeanette Saums Ross came out to the Founder’s Day festivities. Jeanette is still active in her local League of Women Voters group. Marie Hekimian Alberian came to the barbecue,

staying overnight with friends. Now that her work as co-chair of her church’s 100th anniversary is over, Marie continues to get involved in community projects. Lucia Magill Weidknecht came to lunch in spite of a foot problem that developed on a trip to Spain. She will be moving to Maine when her new house is ready. It was also good to see Sallie Magargle Gery ’42 and Doris Dieruff Loux ’42. Pauline White “dabbles” in water color painting and has won blue ribbons in women’s club exhibits. When Peter Jennings and Todd Brewster came to Stamford for a program on their book The Century, Polly saw them. Todd is her cousin once removed and she has a photo of hersef meeting with the authors. Ruth Steers Moreton missed reunion, but she contacted classmates and helped with a parade idea. She is still busy training Newfoundland dogs for water rescue work. Steve and Kathy Bailer Stephens were on the high seas in May. A series of trips and cruises will keep them on the go for most of the year. Adolph and Miriam Sachs Clachko left for London the day of our reunion. Dolph is retired and son Marc took over his medical practice. A knee replacement kept Mary Patton Phillips out of action for six months. At reunion time she and Jim were driving to an Elderhostel in New Orleans. We missed Cordelia Jones Sperry, who had planned to come up from Charleston. Eleanor Sloatman Garis wrote about her life since the ’40s. She became a nurse and the mother of twins Martha Garis Weidner ’67 and John Garis ’67, and of Gail Garis Schell ’73. Both John and Gail married Moravian graduates. Eleanor went on for her B.S. in education and taught practical nursing for 20 years. Retired now, she enjoys family and church activities in the Reading, Pa., area. Secretarial graduates of ’44 at reunion were Lucille Schaffer Wenck, Jane Sullivan Ramsdell, Katrina Stolp Homewood, and Mary Yerger Wurst. We were sorry that Kitty Werner Dragone, Irene Lambert Eisenhart, and Rheta Adams Weidenbacker couldn’t come back to reunion. There was no news of Peggy Trask Davy, Jane Craven Arpe, Mary Inscho, and Gloria Bachman Rivers.

✒ 1943 News of

Margaret L. Albright 129 North 11th Street Allentown, PA 18102 June Bright Reese 22 East Washington Avenue Bethlehem, PA 18018 From June: Members of the two classes held a minireunion at the Aspen Inn recently. Those attending were Frances Correll Hablett, Marga-

ret Terr Willey, Nancy Reichard Kichline, Betty Adams Roach, Betty Karte, Joyce Gilbert Lukehart, Maxine “Macky” Sortwell Kerrigan, Marian Carty Durkee, and Bertie Knisely ’69. Two members celebrated their 50th wedding anniversaries this year—Margaret and her husband Ed, and “Macky” and husband Thomas. Fran Hablett is spending the summer at her home in Vermont. She is on a new chemo treatment which has been tougher than the last one, but is hoping this will be the answer to her problem. Joyce and Pete Lukehart saw Janet Outen Amos and Richard while they were in Florida this past winter. They are both doing well. Nancy Kichline and Marian Durkee are both keeping busy with volunteering, and the Garden Club. Our class is honored to have one of its members serving on the Alumni Board. Betty Adams Roach was elected at the annual meeting during Alumni Weekend. Bill and I spent the winter months at Marco Island, Fla., and were glad to welcome Bertie Knisely on her tour there. When we returned home, I spent more time on my art work and was asked to participate in an art show held at the Bethlehem City Center during June. Gertrude “Trudy” Randolph Starner has moved to Montgomeryville, Pa. Call the Alumni House for her address.

✒ 1942 News of

Mary Kuehl Concevitch 1036 Center Street Bethlehem, PA 18018 From Mary: The sympathy of the class is extended to Zenon and Betty Birk Nowicki upon the untimely death of their son Robert, who died April 28, 1999. The sympathy of the class is also extended to Corinne Kelley Chase, whose brother Byron died on April 9, as a result of an accident while vacationing in Italy. And we extend sympathy to Gretchen Wunder Ewing, whose husband died June 6. Seven class members attended the Founder’s Day Lovefeast and luncheon in May, and some attended the 50+ breakfast that same weekend. A note from Peggy Lutz Gray says “nothing new and different” but she did attend a Pirates vs. Kansas City baseball game with her niece and family. She also took courses in “mature driving.” Pat and Ruth Schantz Fortino spent April in Switzerland with their daughter Sally. She is a professional musician playing the harpsichord, forte piano, and organ. They enjoyed seeing her in concerts in Basel and St. Helen, and in Bad Krozinger, Germany. Ruth still sings in the Central Moravian Church choir, along with Corinne Chase and myself. Her brother Dick is our director.


Class Notes Sister Felicia Tanzella writes about the “Adopt a Sister Program” that has made their Salesian Sisters become known all over the world. Felicia is in contact with a lot of adopters. She says she will “semi-retire” this summer. Ethel Wuchter Englert sent a card from Texas. She, her husband, and son Tom were visiting their older son David and family. She says everything in Texas is so big!

✒ 1941 News of

Ruth Hemmerly Kelly 30 West Market Street Bethlehem, PA 18018

✹ 1940

Reunion May 19-20 Anne Borhek Manning 2913 Anderson Drive Raleigh, NC 27608-1507

✒ 1939 News of

Arlington A. Nagle, M.D. 855 N. Park Road, Apt. 201 Reading, PA 19610 Marguerite Resetco 21 W. Laurel Street Bethlehem, PA 18108 From the Alumni House: Alice Snyder Wilson had a hip replacement in June; two years ago she had the other one replaced. Due to her recent health concerns Alice felt it best that she resign as your class correspondent. We thank her for her many years of dedication as the class correspondent. Marguerite Resetco be taking over for Alice as your new correspondent. Please mail your news to her; she is looking forward to hearing from you. A reunion update for ’39 Women from Esther McNomee Sleight: We had a beautiful day for our 60th reunion. Thirteen members of the Class of ’39 gathered for the luncheon and a time of conversation and catching-up. Several of us attended the 50+ breakfast and participated in the parade as well. Betty Batdorf Hummel provided us with our theme and a sign “Moravian Women Lit the Way,” which recalled the Christmas programs we had when we were students. Marguerite Resetco and Mildred Diefenderfer Thompson, who came from Florida to attend, carried the 1939 banner ahead of the bus in the parade. 34

Our class picture, taken in front of the library, turned out very well. Besides the women already mentioned, those who attended were Dorothea Kissner Arbizzani, Mildred Mirth Bachman, Lee Shields Butterfield, Ruth Bender Cowley, who drove from Texas with some of her family, Betty McCall Evans, Thirza Ward Janecek, Peggy Hastings Johnson, Cleo Funk Rohrbaugh, and Alice Snyder Wilson. On June 4, Peggy Hastings Johnson passed away. Peggy had become an enthusiastic greatgrandmother in March and she had looked forward to the reunion. For many years she had coped with the problems multiple sclerosis brought to her life but she continued working at home for her local library and served her church and community by volunteering on telephone committees.

✒ 1938 News of

Evalyn Adams Hawk 306 Ohio Avenue, Shimer Manor Philipsburg, N.J. 08865 From Evalyn: Founders’ Day found four of us back at Moravian again! Christine Roberts Fraley and Jeanette McCandless Vary joined Olivia Musselman Barnes for the chapel stained glass windows rededication on Friday, and Olivia and I enjoyed the 50+ breakfast, alumni meeting, and luncheon on Saturday during Alumni Weekend. From the Alumni House: Olivia Musselman Barnes has devoted 55 years of community service as a member of Quota International, the first international women’s service organization. Olivia works on projects that benefit the speech and hearing-impaired as well as disadvantaged women and children.

✒ 1937 News of

Bertha Finkelstein Cohen 2800 South Ocean Boulevard, Apt. 9A Boca Raton, FL 33452

✒ 1936 News of

Harold E. Orvis 421 East Drake Road Ft. Collins, CO 80525-1731

✹ 1935

Reunion May 19-20 Wilma Kistler Uhrich 300 Willow Valley Lakes Dr., Apt. A319 Willow Street, PA 17584 From Wilma: Our deepest sympathy goes to the familyof Camelia Stedman Murtland, who passed away February 10. She taught kindergarten for 21 years, retiring in 1978. She was preceded in death by her husband, Walter, on February 19, 1962. Phyllis Iobst Hill and Graham keep busy. They no longer care to travel. Graham has a job at church every Monday morning and is active in Rotary. Phyllis has a weekly prayer group at church as well as being co-chairman of the seven prayer groups on the prayer chain. In addition, she plays duplicate bridge once a week. Kitty Adams Eckhard continues to travel. She’s been to Sydney and Melbourne, Australia. Closer to home she vacationed in Myrtle Beach, S.C., and Orlando and Epcot Center in Florida. A while back Anna Neamand crossed the Atlantic in the Royal Viking from Miami and visited Casablanca, Lisbon, and the U.K., and flew home from Copenhagen. Betty Wallace Schlenker says, “The older I get, the behinder I get!” Several months ago, she took a trip to the Holy Land with a group of 25. They stayed in the guest wing of a girls’ boarding school at Beit Jala, about a mile “up the hill” from the city of Bethlehem. “Up the hill” because Beit Jala is on a hill even higher than nearby Jerusalem. The pastor of the church described the situations his people face. There is a checkpoint below Bethlehem on the way to Jerusalem. A young Palestinian, a member of the church, was taking his pregnant wife to Jerusalem to the hospital since she was near delivery and having problems. At the check point, the young Israeli soldier with his machine gun, after some delay, refused them permission to enter Jerusalem. The couple had to return home, and as a result mother and child died. We keep busy and never lack for things to do. We don’t care to travel, but we read a lot, and have more handwork projects than I’m afraid we have time in which to do them. Building and expanding this retirement complex is on going and when completed, we’ll be number one in the country of lifecare facilities. I’m glad we’re here, though I do miss my gardening and outside work.

Due to the very high volume of class notes in this issue, publication of notices of births, marriages, and deaths will be deferred until the next issue.

A Woman of the ’90s Alma Musselman was a woman of the ’90s. Although born in 1898, she was a woman who was truly ahead of her time. She was a gifted artist and would put her skills to good use in her 54-year career as a draftswoman and color coordinator at Lovelace, Spillman Farmer Architects in Bethlehem. Alma was an independent and respected woman in the business community. She was a forerunner of the women’s movment, was a longtime member of the Quota Club, a professional business women’s association, and served as its president. Always a visionary, Alma remembered Moravian College and Moravian Theological Seminary through a charitable bequest. Her bequest will provide unrestricted funds Alma M. Musselman (1898-1998) for the president and board of trustees to use at their discretion and to respond to the institution’s highest priorities. Moravian College and Moravian Theological Seminary are truly grateful for Alma’s thoughtfulness. More than 350 alumni and friends have remembered Moravian in their charitable estate plans. If you wish to consider doing the same, contact: Lisa Dippre Titus Director of Gift Planning Moravian College & Moravian Theological Seminary 1200 Main Street Bethlehem, PA 18018 610-861-1342 Toll Free 1-800-429-9437 e-mail:

Invest in Future Greyhounds

Max and Robert Smollinger are true Moravian College babies. They tried to arrive in Reeves Library, where mom Teresa ’80 and dad Fred ’82 were studying for their M.B.A.’s (mom made it to the hospital in time). Max and Robert plan to be Moravian freshmen in the fall of 2016. By supporting the Annual Fund today you will help ensure that Max, Robert, and all future Greyhounds will have the best education possible. Announce your new addition to the Alumni Office and receive the bib you see the boys sporting. MORAVIAN COLLEGE 1200 Main Street Bethlehem, PA 18018 Address Correction Requested

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