3D 2021

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Welcome Sarah Cullen • Editor

Welcome to the seventh issue of 3d – our annual decorative design directory, which lists more than 2,000 manufacturers, distributors and suppliers of decorative lighting products for the international specification market – categorised into continents and countries for ease of use. With companies ever evolving, much like any directory, it is inevitable that you may come across a few discrepancies. If, for example, you have moved building or changed distribution in one of your countries, please keep us informed so we can publish the most up to date details for your company. And moving forward, please let one of us on the team know of any changes over the coming year so we can ensure your entry for 2021/22 is correct. 2020 was a turbulent year on both a global and a localised scale. The death of George Floyd, and resulting Black Lives Matter movement, triggered a shift of awareness in both our professional and personal lives to be more observant of equal representation and recognise and support those who need it. All of us at [d]arc media are going to be working harder to use our platform to ensure we portray a fair representation of all in the lighting industry to the best of our best abilities. With that in mind, continuing with our annual darc designers feature, this year’s 3d design profiles focus on ethnic, cultural and racial diversity in design. Turn to page 10 to read about these fantastic people of light, their work and, for some, their experiences of diversity issues in lighting. Designed to work as a referencing tool for designers and architects, as well as our 12,000 strong circulation list, 3d benefits from distribution at all of the major design shows around the world. Trade shows remain an extremely important element of interior and lighting design, with manufacturers using them as a platform to launch new products. However, without the ability to host or attend these shows over the last year, the industry still came out in force with online product launches! We bring you the seventh edition of darc’s Product Round-Up, which features just some of the key launches that caught our attention during the past twelve months – head over to page 33 to find out more. We hope you enjoy this edition, find it insightful and informative. And, if you need to update your directory listing, please email me on s.cullen@mondiale.co.uk.

Contents Features

The Magazine

010 Diversity in Design darc shines a spotlight on those underrepresented in the industry

Managing Editor | Helen Ankers h.ankers@mondiale.co.uk +44 161 476 8372

033 Product Guide 2021 We bring you the ultimate guide to lighting products released in 2020/21 050

Mainland Europe Focal Point | Private Residence, Kyiv


UK Focal Point | Luxury Residence, Surrey


North America Focal Point | Naples Ristorante e Bar, Anaheim

Editor | Sarah Cullen s.cullen@mondiale.co.uk +44 161 476 9401 Media Sales Manager | Stephen Quiligotti s.quiligotti@mondiale.co.uk +44 7742 019213

090 South America Focal Point | Nayara Tented Camp, Costa Rica

Media Sales Executive | Adam Syme a.syme@mondiale.co.uk

096 Central Asia Focal Point | Private Residence, Dongguang City

+44 161 476 9118 Contributing Editor Matt Waring

004 | INSIDE 3D

3d Directory


052 Europe Mainland

Artwork | Dan Seaton d.seaton@mondiale.co.uk

072 Europe UK + Ireland

Editorial | Mel Capper

078 Europe The Nordics


084 Americas North America & Carribean

Finance Finance Director | Amanda Giles

092 Americas South America

a.giles@mondiale.co.uk Credit Control | Lynette Levi

094 Asia Middle East


098 Asia Central Asia


100 Asia South East Asia Chairman Mondiale Publishing | Damian Walsh 102 Asia India Subcontinent

Managing Director [d]arc media | Paul James p.james@mondiale.co.uk

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Marketing & Events | Moses Naeem m.naeem@mondiale.co.uk

104 Australasia Australia & New Zealand

[d]arc media ltd | Strawberry Studios, Watson Square, Stockport SK1 3AZ, UK | Printed by Buxton Press, Palace Road, Buxton, UK | ISSN 2052-9406

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Diversity in Design

To start us off, darc caught up with founders of United in Design, Alex Dauley and Sophie Ashby, who explain a little more about their initiative, which aims to support those entering the interior design industry. Can you give us a little background about yourselves and your careers? How do you know each other? Sophie: As is the case with so many interior designers, I moved a lot growing up. With a South African mother and a British father, my childhood was spent living for stints in London, Stellenbosch (South Africa) and Devon and, with 14 or so moves, I got used to unpacking and rearranging my bedroom. I’ve always been fascinated by the idea of home and how much it can mean to people. I was very lucky to get an apprenticeship with Victoria Fairfax, where I worked on some very special projects. Studio Ashby was born as soon as I got my first private client. I was lucky that within a couple of weeks, one client quickly became three and things have continued to grow steadily from there. Alex: My love of interior design started when aged 19 I moved to

London from Wales and I began working in the property industry as a relocation agent and property finder. I was fascinated by the wide ranging property styles, architecture and how interiors influenced the way you live and feel within your home. Having renovated my own homes and once my daughters were a little older I decided to follow my passion, studying at KLC School of Design in London and then setting up my practice, Dauley Design. My mentor Evey Dunbavin-Hands has guided me over the years and I now work on wonderful residential projects in Surrey and South London for great clients. I am passionate about creating well-designed homes for my clients and feel incredibly lucky to be able to have a career that I love, which allows me to indulge my creativity Sophie: Alex and I discovered quite quickly that we were simultaneously having the same conversations, thoughts, ideas and were independently beginning to put the edges to some kind of initiative. We spoke on Zoom a few times, got on instantly and agreed that one strong message was better than many quieter ones so we joined forces! What are your experiences with diversity, or the lack of, within interior design? Sophie: On 4 June 2020 I issued a statement on the Studio Ashby Instagram in response to the murder of George Floyd and the global anti-racism movement, acknowledging the studio’s shortcomings in running a diverse company and also some uncomfortable home truths about the elitist and exclusionary nature of the design world. The response I received was overwhelming; I spoke to at least 20 people on Zoom over the course of the following week, mainly black designers and students who had a story to tell me. I heard some very real and desperately sad stories and received the most extraordinarily heartfelt and open responses to my post that I felt motivated and compelled to figure out how I could help. Alex: As a black interior designer I am very aware that the industry is not diverse. There are many stories of designers from ethnic minority backgrounds having negative experiences trying to access the industry and that needed to change. My passion


darc magazine – along with sister publication arc – has uncomfortably recognised the lack of representation of ethnic minorities across the lighting and design communities. It wasn’t until a horrific act of violence towards George Floyd in the USA, which triggered international media coverage in 2020, that we looked inwards at our reporting of the lighting world. As a result, we are now working to better this and ourselves as impartial journalists to ensure we are covering the full breadth of the industry, bring recognition to those that deserve it and support making the design industry an equal one. To begin our journey in ensuring more of an ethnically and culturally balanced representation of our community, in this edition of darc designers we bring you a collection of profiles that celebrate some of the top international professionals in lighting from various backgrounds. This is by no means an extensive depiction of the ethnic minority community in design, but merely a snapshot and starting point to further promote its members and their important work.

for United in Design was ultimately fuelled by first-hand experience of this reality - which is why having trained and tutored at KLC School of Design I began to reach out to leading industry figures to specifically promote the benefits of addressing the inequality. What triggered the formation of United in Design?


Sophie: On #blackouttuesday, in light of the murder of George Floyd and the #BLM protests, I, like millions of others put up a black square on our @studioashby Instagram feed. I took the implied intention of that day very seriously and vowed to myself to do much more than just post the square; I took the day off work and tried to give the complexities of the problem thought whilst also considering my position in all of this. I put out a statement a few days later acknowledging my failures with regards to running a diverse company and acknowledged some glaring issues within my industry. Alex: I was inspired by my own positive personal experiences of outreach programmes and mentoring and I knew that incorporating those initiatives, amongst others in the industry could make a difference. The name signifies what we would like to see happen in the world, not just in Interior Design...Unity. People of all races, colours, creeds and genders all need to come together and work together to create unity. Can you describe the initiative’s concept? Alex: To face the inequality head-on and provide actionable avenues for change. We hope to play a part in making interior design an accessible and obtainable career choice, by working with the industry to tackle the obstacles preventing this - correcting the balance and levelling the playing field. How did you get the initiative off the ground and circulated within the industry? Sophie: Time, love, commitment, a drive for change and an excellent steering committee and teams of trustees and councillors! What was the aim you were striving to achieve with the programme? Why is it so important? Alex: We aim to become an ongoing sponsored initiative that can nurture, coach and develop high potential candidates from diverse backgrounds, eventually funding scholarships, apprenticeships and bursaries for programme participants via annual subscription fees and events. Who is involved in the running of United in Design? Sophie: We’ve worked pretty tirelessly to get it up and running in a tight timeframe and of course the context of a global pandemic too. We’re really fortunate to have such a dynamic, informed, and perceptive team of trustees and councillors that we can lean on. Admittedly, it’s been a challenge - but a hugely rewarding one, and one we are so proud of! Alex and I work well together - she is a ‘doer’, as am I, and we both seem to be solutions-driven, fast-moving people so the combination of us together works.

Who is currently taking part in the programme? Which brands / studios signed up? Are you trying to approach more? Alex: By pooling groups of four design studios, makers and suppliers together we are able to provide a 12-month apprenticeship placement with the apprentice spending three months in each organisation. The apprentices are paid a junior designer salary, split across the four studios, giving each the scope to gather a broader set of skills, knowledge and contacts in order to progress through the industry. Our first pool of apprentices are already in action, gaining experience over the year with companies such as Laura Hammett Interiors, Turner Pocock and Brady Williams Studio and many other leading firms. What feedback have you received from the participants? Sophie: Overwhelmingly positive, inspiring and hopeful for change. Alex: Sophie and I have been so thrilled with the response so far and we have now had more than 120 partners signed up for the initiative. We are also starting to receive emails from applicants who wish to receive mentoring, work experience and apprenticeship placements and many new outreach projects are being set up in partnership with United in Design. Are you working on expanding the programme for longevity? Sophie: We know that fundraising will become quite a big part of what United in Design is about; we want to make it easier for those given work experience, internship or apprenticeship opportunities by helping them on their journey with financial support for travel and accommodation. This year we piloted our United in Design Apprenticeship scheme and hope that this becomes a long-term initiative, run by businesses and individuals that have a significant impact in providing a foot in the door for those who need a pathway into our world. We also dream of setting up a United in Design scholarship fund. We will also be hosting our first festival - date soon to be confirmed. Are you aware of anything else happening in the industry that addresses diversity issues? Alex: There are some brilliant initiatives like Design Can, which are helping to provide actionable change. It feels like there is real momentum from across the industry. What can the industry do to help? Alex: If you are an interior designer, maker, supplier, magazine, stylist, photographer, interior architect or anyone working in this sector looking to take actionable steps toward equity and inclusion - please visit our website to register your interest. We would love to have you as part of the conversation. www.unitedindesign.com

Laura Hammett Laura Hammett Luxury Interiors - Steering Committee member, United in Design Laura Hammett is a London-based studio that creates luxury residential interiors. Husband and wife team Aaron and Laura Hammett bring a wealth of experience of the international property market, along with a thorough understanding of the dynamics and requirements of contemporary living. Founded in 2008, the multi award-winning London studio provides interior architecture and design services with a strong sense of identity. Image: Kate Martin

When did you decide to get involved with United in Design? The conversation all started brewing shortly after I felt compelled to write an Instagram post following the Black Lives Matter movement last summer, about the lack of diversity within our industry. A number of my followers reached out to me and very generously shared their experiences, ranging from people who have such a passion for interior design but had not even attempted to enter the industry because they just didn’t feel there was a place for them, right through to people who have carved very successful careers but with really shocking obstacles in their way. The common theme that came from each phone call was that the industry is not remotely a level playing field and once I’d been made so aware of what was happening around me it became impossible to ignore. I had a few conversations with Sophie Ashby and Alex Dauley over the weeks that followed, who were already well underway with forming an initiative to change this and make the industry more inclusive and diverse. Those early plans so quickly became the United in Design charity and I was incredibly honoured to be invited to be on the Steering Committee, alongside so many industry experts and powerhouses. What does your role commit to on the Steering Committee?

How do you plan to engage with new talent in studio? One of the first things we did was speak to our recruiters to ensure that we were being sent a diverse pool of candidates when recruiting and we’ve started to see the benefits of that already with recent hires. However, it’s not going to happen overnight because so much work needs to be done at grass roots level, particularly with education and opening the industry up so that there are more candidates out there. I also hope that the positive message coming from all professional members involved in the charity will naturally create a more welcoming and inclusive environment for anyone wanting to approach those studios and companies for employment. What has been a highlight for you of being on the Steering Committee so far? There have been many, but I think the early conversations were very exciting and after what had been quite a heavy few weeks of phone calls with people, it was so encouraging to be talking to likeminded people who were passionate and genuine, wanting to see this positive change. After what was a lot of talk, it felt good to see some real action. www.laurahammett.com


We have joined up with Brian O'Sullivan Studio, Fromental and David Collins Studio to offer a full year paid apprenticeship across all of our studios, and are really excited to be offering our three month stint to a very talented candidate in January 2022. As well as that I’ve taken on numerous other pledges as part of being a professional member of the charity, such as mentoring, outreach programmes and generally keeping the dialogue going to encourage the industry to continue taking progressive steps.


Edward Bartholomew Edward Bartholomew began his career as a lighting designer in the San Francisco Bay Area and later in Seattle. This was a formative time for him where he was able to explore big design ideas that interested him, most prominently, sustainable lighting solutions that integrated daylighting and electric lighting, and the application of contrast and luminance in interior spaces that he referred to as "exquisite darkness." He later moved to the Boston area and worked at the utility National Grid as an Energy Efficiency Lighting Program Manager. In this position, he developed utility incentive programmes that supported energy efficiency and lighting quality. After leaving National Grid in 2019, Edward went on to work as a Senior Associate at lighting design firm Available Light. In March of 2020, during the global pandemic, Bartholomew was made redundant from Available Light. While many would have seen this as a setback, he instead saw it as a great opportunity and used his time to restart his own design firm, Bartholomew Lighting, focusing on retrofit lighting, and how these projects could benefit from his lighting design experience. Now, a little over one year into this venture, Bartholomew has multiple projects and is competing for more. Alongside running his lighting design practice, Bartholomew leads Blacks Under-represented in Lighting Design (BUILDup), an organisation of Black lighting professionals who are committed to building up diversity and inclusion in the lighting industry. What has been your personal experience within the lighting industry? I have had a challenging journey to become a lighting designer, so I appreciate those from under-represented cultures and communities who are trying to find their way in this industry like me. I studied performance art and received a BFA in Interdisciplinary Arts from San Francisco State University. I also worked as a theatrical lighting designer in the San Francisco Bay Area. While doing research in the library for an art project I discovered William Lam’s book “Perception and Lighting as Formgivers for Architecture.” This showed me the amazing creative potential of lighting architecture and I never looked back. Who are your lighting heroes? Light Artist, James Turrell; Video Artist, Bill Viola; Phenomenologist, Olufur Eliasson; and Architect Tadao Ando.

As well as this, I had many kind people who supported my journey in lighting, but I now have a mentor, Mark Loeffler who has been instrumental in helping me grow my design firm. What is your most notable project? And is this your personal favourite? The project that I am most proud of is the University of Washington Facilities Services Training Center, an adaptive reuse project by the architects SHKS, but the conceptual façade lighting for the Rhode Island Natural History Museum is one of my favourites because it celebrates a neglected building for the community. What triggered you to set up BUILDup? I have always been committed to increasing diversity in the lighting industry, but I was disappointed in the lack of industry response to the murder of George Floyd by the police that sparked an international social justice movement. This inspired me to join with others to form this organisation and amplify the voices of others like myself. We have a strong leadership board and a growing membership of young and established Black lighting professionals. What do you hope to achieve through BUILDup? We hope to support each other in creating a more diverse and inclusive lighting industry. But also develop education opportunities in lighting for Black students to learn what wonderful careers are available to them. Lighting is a dynamic industry that will only become richer and more vibrant by welcoming diverse talent and practicing design that equally impacts both rich and poor communities. I am currently serving on the new IES Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Respect committee (DEIR). I believe that through practice and advocacy, we can use lighting to realise social and environmental justice. How can people get involved? People can let other Black lighting professionals know about BUILDup and can donate to our organisation to expand our mission in education and outreach. www.bartholomew.lighting

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Sakina Dugawalla-Moeller Inspired by Eleni Savvidou, who “single-handedly showed that a lighting designer is a key player no matter how small or big a project,” and Steven Rosen – Available Light, who “inspired me to seriously look within myself and realise that there was a talent there that so many had tried to suppress,” Sakina Dugawalla-Moeller is a lighting designer and owner of independent lighting practice Light.Func in the UAE. Tanzanian by birth, she considers herself a citizen of the world, having attended boarding school from the age of eight. Surrounded by multiple nationalities and cultures, she grew up not knowing the difference in ethnicity, culture, religion, or that colour was a thing! Dugawalla-Moeller moved to the UK at just 17 to pursue her A-levels before embarking on her Architectural Degree. While on a gap year she passed through Dubai, where she ended up staying to study Interior Design. “Interning for Erco in my second year made me realise I needed to focus on lighting because it really changed perception, and next thing I knew a passion I never thought was plausible, grew,” says Dugawalla-Moeller. “I joined iGuzzini two weeks after my graduation ceremony for a four-year period, then Linea Light for almost three years and finally I opened Light. Func in 2016. “I was inspired to pursue lighting design by a need to change how people live. Light is so emotive! I am a very emotional being and carry a lot of the emotional aspect of light into every project. Lighting is not just what you see or feel, it is technical, it is inspirational, it requires a lot of planning, sketching, dreaming, then coming down to earth.” For Dugawalla-Moeller the project that ‘put her on the map’ is the SLS Hotel. “It exudes glamour, luxury and restrained elegance,” she says. “The level of detailing by the Bishop team really tested our OCD for detailing. The fact that it is the first SLS hotel in the Middle East is also not to be forgotten, it has shaken the hospitality industry to the core. My favourite project however, is launching at the end of the year. It is the biggest Safari Park outside of Africa and being African first, Tanzanian second, it is very close to my heart.” Dugawalla-Moeller was the first woman to open a lighting design studio in the UAE and having not come from an independent lighting background she didn’t have a 'Little Black Book’ of interior designers or consultants to go back to, to look for work - her first job came from a French-English couple, one half of which was North African. “He was impressed with the work I had done when I was still employed by a brand for Eden - the most famous beach club of that time,” she says. “My never-give-up attitude, no-nonsense approach to getting the project completed left a good imprint. Perhaps it was a coincidence that a mixed-race couple believed in my talent enough to give me work, but now that I look back on it, all the work I won was by people of Arab or African ethnicity. “I think the lighting industry in the UAE is very diverse in the different nationalities, race and cultures but I think there is a misconception that the UAE is inclusive - this couldn’t be further from the truth. Certain nationalities will get paid more, when they’re less skilled; different nationalities have different needs and expectations. “In the UAE the Asian expat community is the largest by far and being of Asian ethnicity myself, I don’t consider therefore that they are in the minority. On the larger scale however, the Asian ethnicity is considered to be a minority - because globally, lighting is still very young here. Therefore, in lighting it is expected that the Western society is more talented.

“It is difficult to say whether the lighting industry has become more diverse recently,” she continues. “I would probably focus on the gender aspect… I still find a lot of women in bigger practices (and even sales industries) are not in a decision-making role. But if we look at all the lighting practices and supply industry in the UAE, I would boldly proclaim (without any substantiated data) that about 95% of those have men as CEOs or Middle Management. “A lot of the time, to sit in front of clients/contractors, one has to have a very strong sense of self - and it is often thought that women are either “emotional” or will cave. I have been called aggressive and scary plenty of times, because I have just put my foot down to ensure a semblance of design intent is met. I have not seen that same comment/wording used on any other member within that room. “I fearlessly started Light.Func. I come from a background where my grandmother and mother ran their households - so the idea of a struggle is not scary, it is a way of life. You struggle to get to where you want to be, and when you get there, you face other struggles. I think perhaps this has made me feel that by owning up to our struggles, the industry understands the need to support and become all inclusive! “I think the lighting industry is just like the rest of the world, in the Middle East it will always be a little bit more unstable, because it is still very young. We have a lot of time and work in front of us. The problems we face cannot just be put in little boxes because they range from gender imbalance, ethnic imbalance, nationality treatment (social stigma), as well as lighting as a whole being very much misunderstood. “When I first started Light.Func, I used to chase brands for information, now I get at least 10 requests a week for product presentations. I should be proud because it means I have succeeded, instead I am disappointed. When I started the practice, I contacted countless consultants that were in the top 50, and the level of response was closer to 0.001%. It made for some dark days. "When our first project went to tender, it was substituted with sub-par product, despite the fact we had worked non-stop for six weeks to get it to tender. The supplier who won did not send any queries, just put whatever product they wanted. Then, the client asked us to go and commission the project for free. I am not sure if they asked this of us, because we always say yes, or just because it was expected of us. And this client is known to work with a very reputable lighting practice, that is led by a man who is not of an ethnic minority background. “When I had to make a tough decision about the studio’s financial problems, someone abused my sister, who runs the studio with me. I was shocked and wondered if my sister had been a man and not of ethnic minority, would this person have treated her that way? “There are many stories that I could narrate back to the community, and responses would be, "yes, but they were growing pains," and "look at where you are now". Here is the thing. I used to ask myself when I hit rock bottom, if I was not female, and I was not African, and I came from an independent practice - would this journey have been easier? “I think yes. But I would do it again - not to prove anything - but because it is in my DNA to fight the fight. Also, because I know I have inspired a lot of people to start their own practices, and heck, if I can, so can you! “What being a woman and of ethnic descent in the Middle East rife with gender imbalance teaches you is nothing comes easy - but I was taught that nothing of worth comes easy, so I guess you just have to get on with it.”

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Marién Vélez

IALD member Marién Vélez began her journey in lighting as a self-taught designer and stagehand in Puerto Rico, working in theatre, music and dance. From the very beginning, collaboration has been a determining factor in her work, as she explains to darc: “Having the responsibility of creating a common language with others who I admire has been a privilege during my career. Those collaborators who allowed me to explore light on different stages gave me my first education in light. “Before deciding that I was going to dedicate my professional life to lighting, I spent a few years learning multiple areas of communication and the arts: radio, street theatre and event production among others. I wanted to do something related to the arts and design, but could not identify what exactly moved me, until I learned that lighting was a discipline that could be studied in depth and had various professional possibilities, all of them wonderful. “It is the impact lighting design has on perception and representation that inspires me,” continues Vélez. “It’s always amazing to think how much it affects our lives and environments. We can dramatically change spatial relationships. Buenos Aires challenged my curiosity, opening my eyes to a great amount of knowledge in a short period of time, it was there I finally declared my love of light. Both Buenos Aires and New York taught me the depths of light-space art and the nuances and the craft of architectural lighting design.” For Vélez, it is the work of Es Devlin, Julio Le Parc, Joost Van Santen, Olafur Eliasson, Antoni Arola and Robert Wilson that she finds the most inspiring. “They are light-space provocateurs who advance the frontiers of perception and representation, and sometimes even public or shared spaces,” she says. “I also admire the research project, “Configuring Light / Staging the Social”, since they combine sociology and lighting design, a pertinent combination of disciplines no one else has done in such depth. They are the most extensively documented and articulated in social lighting design.” Discussing notable moments in her career, Vélez sees there are three collaborators in particular that she must mention - Kairiana Núñez, Teresa Hernández and Mima. “The experiences and material I was exposed to during this time marked many of my current design decisions, which have always been in search of simple yet memorable lightscapes,” she says. “Mima’s music concert 'El Pozo', (2011; Theater of the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus) ‘put me on the map’ and in front of a bigger audience; with Teresa and Kairiana I share a place focused on performative research. In social lighting, the project that ‘put me out there’ was a collaboration with the organisation La Maraña where I had the opportunity of putting into practice my Master’s degree thesis: a methodology for co-designing lightscapes in public space with and for organised and underserved communities. My favourite endeavour, the one I feel most proud of, is the Light-Space Art elective course I recently designed for the School of Architecture in my

Alma Mater, the University of Puerto Rico (public higher education). The course will be a space for discussion and explorations around light. “Beyond my interests in art and design, I feel a responsibility to serve under-served communities with access to lighting design. We need, once and for all, to bridge the gap between our discipline and those who do not have access to the work we do for lack of financial resources. My expectation is to see an international lighting industry that is up to the times, not only in technology, but also in empathy and search for equity. “During my MFA in Lighting Design at Parsons School of Design (201618), I co-founded with other students from Parsons School of Design, a collective (2017-18) that studied the impact of the absence of lighting in the framework of governmental negligence that left a country without electricity for more than a year after Hurricane María (category 5; Puerto Rico, 2017). Then, in 2019 I co-created 22 studio, a transdisciplinary woman-led design practice and in 2021 I became the Ambassador in Puerto Rico and the Caribbean for Women In Lighting.” Throughout her career, Vélez has felt the support of Nathalie Rozot of PhoScope, with whom she collaborated with on the Light Reach project, through the initiative Recreo de Noche in Puerto Rico; and Francesca Bastianini of Sighte Studio, Vélez’s professor at Parsons and has since invited her to forums such as ‘How Very Queer’, recently presented by Women in Lighting and Design and the North American Coalition of Lighting Industry Queers. For Vélez, while she has seen more ethnic and gender diversity in the lighting industry, there has not been as much sexual or class diversity. She explains: “Unfortunately, I have not seen substantial progress towards a more balanced community, except for a few amazing initiatives (like this one!) that are committed to systematic changes; and individuals who carry a sense of respect, solidarity, empathy or justice. I believe that the industry as a whole needs to develop strategies to work on opening up its peripheries and acting aggressively on inclusion, if we really want a heterogeneous body of designers, workspaces, clients and projects. BIPOC communities have not had equal opportunities, attention, support or respect. As a queer Latina I have found myself with little opportunities to freely develop my design interests in a fast-paced, white, male-dominated industry that prioritises ego, capital and fear of being essentially queer: weird, nunaced, unusual. “There are independent projects and platforms out there that are genuinely trying to diversify the lighting industry. All of this helps and is definitely necessary, but I also feel that the industry at large should take responsibility in helping solve real-world problems. That includes everything from creating spaces of exchange and education in the lighting community to companies financially supporting the development of our multiplicity of voices. The change is systematic and urgent.”

Leela Shanker Having grown up in Australia and in such a multi-cultural family, Shanker was fortunate enough to have never felt the direct negative impacts of racial inequality throughout her educational and professional career. It wasn't until the Black Lives Matter protests in New York that she felt an awareness of her racial differences and how it could be perceived by others. “I was really disturbed by the events of last year when all of the Black Lives Matter protests were happening. It was like the final straw in amongst so many layers of pressure and stress and tension about trying to navigate Covid times in New York. “That was the first time I really felt the reality of how bad things are here and I have vicariously chosen to live in a society that has these issues. But for me, I think the sense of concern of fear or anguish associated with race is experienced more in a life-or-death situation,” explains Shanker. “I have chosen to not jog in the morning at a weird time because I worry that police might make mistakes and think I’m someone who's doing the wrong thing and out of place. I am more concerned about that than a problem of race in a professional context. I can say that in New York, in the lighting community, I have not experienced what I feel to be disadvantage or prejudice. I do think New York is a unique place; there's people from all over. And similarly, Parsons’ lighting programme is extremely international. We all work together from all different continents and really love the different influences and perspectives.” When reflecting on the issues of ethnic diversity within lighting specifically, Shanker believes that education is fundamentally the way forward for promoting the niche industry and to encourage emerging and young designers to participate. “I think we need more people having an opportunity to study in this area, and that's the only way we'll get more faces participating from different backgrounds. “In terms of key figures in my design development who came from a BIPOC background, I was incredibly fortunate to have Dr Sharon E Sutton as a professor for a design build project in third year of the dual degree architecture programme,” she says. “Emeritus Professor Sutton, who previously practiced architecture in New York City, was the 12th African American woman to be licensed to practice architecture, the first to be promoted to full professor of architecture, the second to be elected a Fellow in the American Institute of Architects (AIA), and the first to be president of the National Architectural Accrediting Board. “She was an inspiration to many as a trail blazer in the typically white, male dominated profession of architecture. Though to me, it was her design approach and personal integrity that left its greatest mark on me. Through her, I gained a strong sense of responsibility for participatory planning and design processes in disenfranchised communities. As an educator, activist, and public scholar, she continues to inspire me to recognise our role as designers in shaping the experience of community. I hope to continue that work through the Flint Collective NYC. She continues: “In my current role as a lighting designer within BR+A’s Borealis Lighting Studio, I see how a thoughtful hiring policy to select people from different professional and racial backgrounds creates a strong team and effective investment in the future of a lighting industry led by people from an exciting breadth of upbringings. “I do think if there was one thing that we have to highlight, it’s that making education more available to people from varied backgrounds is key. And from there, I really think we're pretty good as a community - we're very open and supportive and it's an amazing community to be part of, it's like a family,” she says. “If we create more opportunities for people from a diversity of backgrounds, we will naturally start to see more representation in the field.”


Leela Shanker is a Chinese-Indian-Australian Designer who currently lives in New York City and works as a Lighting Designer for BR + A Consulting Engineers. In addition to this, she also runs a non-profit organisation, Flint Collective NYC, that uses light to enhance public space, as well as doing work with embodied carbon in lighting in collaboration with the GreenLight Alliance organisation. Shanker has always had a passion for storytelling, which landed her an entry level role at the Australian Film Commission, as well as working on documentaries and children’s content at the ABC network in Australia. However, due to the increasing digitisation of the world at the time, Shanker was eager to step away from the screens and had a greater interest in creative work in the physical environment, public spaces, and public art. This passion quickly developed when she attended various lighting workshops and collectives across Berlin, Shanghai and NYC and resulted in her obtaining a place at Parsons to complete a joint Master’s degree programme in Architecture and Fine Arts Lighting Design to add to her existing bachelor’s degrees in law and commerce in Sydney. “It’s really the transformative aspect of the medium [lighting] and the fact that it's very much anchored in physical environments that was interesting to me,” she explains of her discovery of lighting design. “I guess you could say light was a creative means to a sociological end; give people experiences, bring them back together and make people see different things in the world around them.” Flint Collective NYC is Shanker’s non-profit organisation that works with the public communities in New York to generate unique installations that aid the locals. "Open" was a recently completed project that Shanker began during the pandemic last year, which recently won an industry-based Lumen award. “We got a special citation for lighting as a tool for social impact. It was memorable because of how it came together in the thick of the pandemic and the fact that it was supported by the lighting community to do something positive for the public.” The project brought eight storefronts to life with temporary light installations after store closures because of the economic fallout of the pandemic. The local public were invited to enjoy these installations during nighttime walks through the East Village area. “We really wanted to bring light back to the streets for struggling local businesses and restaurants, and to reinvigorate the neighbourhood. It was special, obviously because of the intent to do something positive for the community, but also because it was a demonstration of the lighting community coming together around that kind of project too. We were funded by the Designers Lighting Forum in New York, loaned all the lighting gear and had so many lighting designers and people from different design backgrounds volunteering time and expertise to pull it off - it was pretty amazing,” she tells darc. "The business owners who participated were so thankful to be included, which is a very unusual in New York, but they recognise that everyone really needed it.”


Kathrin Nuestro

Kathrin Joy Nuestro is a lighting designer at UK-based studio Nulty. Having joined the company in 2016, her career began in the Philippines having graduated in 2012 with an Electronics and Communication Engineering degree from Adamson University, Manila. Deciding that engineering wasn’t for her, following an internship as a software engineer, Nuestro wanted to pursue a career that “captured her heart and would change her forever”. “I know it sounds dramatic,” she tells darc, “but I’m one of those 22-year-olds that wanted to try something different.” And so, after a few months of re-thinking her career path, Nuestro applied for a job as a lighting designer. “I was hesitant at first as I didn’t know about lighting design and how different it would be for me as a career. Little did I know that this would be the best decision I could make and that I would fall in love with lighting design and it would change my life forever.” Nuestro’s lighting career started at Light Plan as a junior lighting designer; a small company in the Philippines where she had to learn everything from scratch. With very little experience in architecture or interior design, this was a definite challenge for her - reading plans, elevations, sections, the importance of materials and finishes and so on. Also, learning about light and everything it does to a space. “As I advanced, I tried to ensure that I educated myself by attending different seminars locally and overseas,” says Nuestro. “The Tokyo Lighting Fair in 2014 really inspired me, listening to the designers within the industry and hearing about their experiences across the world.” After three years working in her home country, Nuestro applied to work overseas, a huge decision for her to make at the time. “I believed it was time for me to move on though and become exposed to different projects around the world. I applied to Nulty and five years later I’m still here working as an Intermediate Lighting Designer and I couldn’t be happier. Having worked on quite a few retail projects at Nulty, Nuestro’s ultimate project and the one that is closest to her heart, is the Selfridges Trafford Centre Beauty Hall. “We created something sustainable by reinstating the old materials of the chandelier to make sure nothing went to waste. There was a challenge with this project to make sure everything we used was within Selfridges’ sustainable guide by carefully selecting all the fittings and collaborating with manufacturers to ensure that their aspirations were being achieved - not just with the design itself but also

when caring for the environment.” When it comes to inspiration, for Nuestro, her ultimate lighting hero has to be Kaoru Mende. “I’ve always admired his work and how fascinated he is with light and shadows. He always believes that before designing a space we must start from the darkness as opposed to the concept of beginning the concept that there was light. For me this makes absolute sense as no space exists without shadows. What we can do is embrace it and work with it. “For me, travelling and seeing the world shift from day to night is also one of my inspirations. A view that’s already beautiful and astounding during the day but has the ability to change during the night by creating something magical is very interesting to me. One of my favourite places, for example, is the Singapore skyline. Appreciating the different architectural elements during the day while it transforms at night, creating that magical moment that connects with locals and tourists, is breathtaking.” Nuestro has also found a lighting mentor and inspiration in Cecille Capuz, who works at Nulty in Dubai, UAE. “We worked together in the Philippines and she’s always inspired me and guided me when I started out. I believe that having a mentor was essential when I first started in lighting as the industry was not big in the Philippines at the time - so I’m very grateful to have had someone to guide me, collaborate with and inspire me.” When asked about her thoughts on (a lack of) diversity within the lighting industry, Nuestro replies: “At first I really felt that the lighting industry is less diverse than the other design industries in London. I know this is probably because more people might choose architecture or interior design, but I feel like there are less well known persons of colour in lighting than in the other design industries. However, as time has gone on and the community has grown, platforms such as Women in Lighting have been able to engage more people around the world. The industry is definitely becoming more inclusive...WiL gives women of all colours, all over the world, a platform and is inspiring others to share their own stories. “I believe opportunities such as these, for all BIPOC in our industry, is a good starting point for recognising their achievements. We need to continue providing opportunities, this will be key in ensuring they feel like they belong. I hope that sharing a tiny bit of my story of moving from the Philippines and working here will inspire other people to pursue their dreams and really go for it.”

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Ketryna Fares Ketryna Fares is a Lebanese Lighting Designer at New York-based HLB Lighting Design. Her work revolves around the human-centric approach of constructed environments that bring forth form and function with the activities in the place. She examines the impact of lighting on the environment and how spatial opportunities impact the human experience. As an international designer, Fares manages to remain flexible to the needs of different projects and clients and enrich her understanding of universal design notions and how to apply them to local project requirements. She is also interested in health and wellness, sustainability and a design that has a positive and durable lasting impact on communities. After pursuing an early career as an Interior Architect in her home country of Lebanon, Fares has also dabbled in stage design before transitioning into architectural lighting design after recognising the “weight daylight and electric light carried” in her projects. “During my MFA in interior architecture at the Academie Libanaise des BeauxArts, I took a course in lighting design with Cherine Saroufim who later became a close friend,” Fares tells darc. “She is an alumnus of Parsons the New School and the Women in Lighting ambassador of Lebanon, and she recommended I apply to the lighting design programme. After graduating, I headed to New York to attend Parsons. It was such an enriching experience that allowed us to discuss issues surrounding spatial design within the urban context, and all of which it encompasses; and connect with like-minded people.” After graduating Parsons in 2016, Fares joined the team at HLB, whilst also holding a place on the IES Emerg(ies) Committee (Emerging Professionals Committee) in New York and later became an IALD (International Association of Lighting Designers) NY chapter coordinator. “In my five years at HLB Lighting Design, I have been fortunate enough to work on amazing projects within many market sectors including Aviation and Transportation, Academic, Corporate, Cultural, Hospitality, Sports & Rec, Residential, and Retail; with skilled and thoughtful team members across our seven offices,” says Fares. “I am also fortunate to contribute to the culture of the firm by developing and being a part of the UNPLUG group at HLB, a platform for creators with the purpose of experimentation, collaboration and growth, where we host a multitude of educational workshops and clubs; and by actively participating in strategic planning and open-book management firm-wide initiatives.” One of Fares’ most recent and most notable projects she has completed with HLB is the David H. Koch Center for Cancer Care at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in NY (MSKCC). This project won both an IESNY Lumen award and an IALD Award of Merit. Fares references numerous design heroes that inspired her journey in lighting. “Lighting heroes aren’t only those who have mastered their craft but also built businesses around their craft, and in that way paved the way for others to find their voice in design and architecture as well,” she says. “I would instinctively need to mention the greats: Zaha Hadid, Le Corbusier, Louis Kahn, Bjarke Ingels, Steven Holl. However, there are so many lighting heroes among us, from the artists at Flint Collective who’ve used lighting as a tool for activism, to organisation leaders at Equity in Lighting, Women in Lighting, WILD, Nacliq and to the women who have trailblazed the way for lighting design to be part of the conversation and are pioneers of women-owned businesses on a worldwide platform such as Cherine Saroufim, Dalal Anwar Al Sharhan, Barbara Horton, Teal Brogden, Suzan Tillotson, Monica Luz Lobo, Mokoto Iishi, to name a few!” Fares adds that she is always open to the idea of being a mentor: “I didn’t particularly seek mentors based on their ethnicity, but I’ve been fortunate enough to be surrounded by wonderful mentors in and outside of the industry who’ve helped me in figuring out the path I wanted to take. I am always happy to pay it forward.” Continuing the conversation on ethnicity issues with darc, Fares says:

“As a premise, I would like to clarify that my experience of “otherism” whether that is race, ethnicity or anything else, is different from what’s experienced in the US (and where race-related terms such as “BIPOC” arise from). While I do acknowledge to have had a relatively “privileged” life, I do also believe that it did come from being conditioned to normalising unacceptably bad situations that are still pulling Lebanese talent down, from not having access to running water, electricity and the most recent scarcity of gas, the 4 August massive port explosion, hyperinflation, mothers not being able to provide citizenship to their children, and LGBTQ rights being completely overlooked amongst all the chaos. “Otherism” holds different meanings that are relative to history, politics, country, region and socioeconomics. There are so many people that work as hard as I do, with as many ambitions as I do, with skill that I admire so much, who are, simply put, stuck in a context that doesn’t allow for the same opportunities or rewards that their hard work should be rightfully receiving. This is for them.” When asked about her experience of diversity, or lack of, in the lighting industry, Fares adds: “I believe there is more diversity in the niche market that is lighting design in comparison to other industries such as architecture, engineering or distribution. Diversity is not only a women to men ratio. However, with lighting design being a niche in the industry, access to it becomes scarcer. I feel there isn’t much socioeconomic diversity observed in schools that are renowned for providing lighting design courses or diplomas. A solution to creating more diversity within the industry that from the bottom up would be for the schools to either reach out and give real incentives for people from underserved communities to join their lighting programme, or more lighting design courses should be taught at more diverse universities. Either way, creating opportunity at a larger scale would then provide options for lighting and architecture firms to hire from a wider and more diverse pool of students. Moreover, the gender revolution that has been broiling in society should be celebrated in the lighting industry as well. We should openly (and in action not just words) reflect the context we are in rather than opt out of being too “political””. Looking at the industry as a whole and how balanced and diverse it is, Fares believes, despite being relatively new to it, there are a lot of people and organisations in lighting that are striving to make it a better one. “I feel there are many people in the lighting industry invested in continuously making it better as a whole, whether it is through organisational work or by simply starting and being a part of real conversations around race and equity. I think it has a bright future and hopefully that trickles into every aspect and all factors within the industry. “I feel like lighting organisations definitely joined the conversations and other organisations have been formed and/or taken part in response to this topic: IES, IALD, DLF, Women in Lighting (WiL), Women in Lighting + Design (WILD), Equity in Lighting (EIL), North American Coalition of Lighting Industry Queers (NACLIQ), and others. So long as they are actively speaking and acting on the issue, I see a more balanced future for the industry.”

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Rouwaida Dugawalla Rouwaida Dugawalla is the Tanzanian-born Director and Partner at Light.Func, an independent lighting design practice in the UAE, and sister to lighting designer and owner of Light.Func, Sakina DugawallaMoeller. Dugawalla studied in Tanzania and Nairobi before moving to the UK aged 16 where she went on to complete a bachelor’s degree in Physiotherapy in London. “As a physiotherapist, I worked on many private contracts in different roles including audit and regional management and therefore have always handled budgets, staff, as well as coordinated services. I stayed within the UK working for a private healthcare provider for more than eight years before I joined Light.Func. Light.Func was established in 2016 and Dugawalla slipped into her role in the lighting world, just as many others have before her, with no direct intention. “I am not a Lighting Designer and not a part of the creative team within our studio. My role within our practice is commercial and mainly involves the operational and financial running of our studio as well as project budget management. “I never chose lighting or lighting design as my career choice unlike big sis! It somehow chose me! A funny story: I had my second born Madina in March 2016 and was out on annual maternity leave. During this period, I took some time out and went to Tanzania to visit family. Whilst I was there, Sakina must have been talking to mum and she had suggested that perhaps I could help her with emails and a few minor details as she was very busy. “At the time, the studio comprised herself, Ramees and Feisal. I therefore joined the team to be a temporary administrator. However, I grasped so much in the four months of maternity leave I had left and became such a crucial part of the team. Sakina therefore asked me to stay behind and grow my role within the studio. I then assumed the role of Director. My role within the studio largely involves the commercial, HR, budget management, procurement coordination along with leading business direction. With a great foundation in sciences, I have quickly learnt to grasp the technology and am now well versed in the technical side of lighting design.” Dugawalla’s time in lighting has been short so far, but she has fully emersed herself and followed her sister with great admiration and referenced her as her lighting hero when asked by darc: “A bit biased here as she is my sister but honestly my time in lighting has only been five years, so I am a light baby in some respects! I think for her creativity and her relentlessness in achieving excellence. I work alongside her and the attention and significance she gives every project is incredible. It could be a private apartment or a five-star hospitality project, it doesn’t matter. She is unafraid to turn a stone for there being too much dirt under it, therefore no detail is ever ignored. No concept is ever reimplemented, every new project is a blank new canvas! And lastly, she has taught me the importance of light and shadow and the impact of human centric lighting and its impact on our lives.” Dugawalla notes that some of Light.Func’s most stand-out projects to date include A’Capella, Molecule and SLS Dubai Hotel and Residences. “[A’Capella and Molecule] definitely showed we had arrived, and we are versatile as a practice. A’Capella remains my favourite project to date and its concept is truly timeless. “But the biggest one is the SLS Dubai Hotel and Residences opened in April 2021. This is a 75-floor, five-star hospitality project with an incredible number of spaces within it. Our young team came on board at the end of September in 2018 and in just a six-month period completed

our scope from concept design all the way to IFC. It has now opened, and the result is spectacular and really shows our ability as a studio to handle large projects and the level of detailing is absolutely incredible,” she remarks. When asked about her roots and racial identity, Dugawalla explains her family’s multi-cultural background: “So, this is a really complicated one. As a family, we are multi-racial in that we have a father who is of Indian and native African heritage and a mother who is of Yemeni, Omani and Comorian heritage. I find ethnic forms restrictive to this day because they group people, and if you don’t fit a certain box you go in the others box. “There is also an unspoken concept that whoever is not White/ Caucasian is then considered Black/coloured. However, I feel this concept doesn’t give a true representation of the differences we have as people, which I feel should be more embraced in society. A person’s make-up is much bigger than just the colour/appearance of their skin and sadly colour does not tell a person’s heritage on its own. Considering the above, I would therefore prefer to call myself Afro-IndoArab, or a pretty mixed person!” Continuing with the topic of diversity but looking at some of the potential issues with it in the lighting industry, Dugawalla goes on to describe the experiences she has witnessed across both the UAE and the UK’s lighting communities: “Firstly we look at gender. I think there is a lack of representation of women in senior leadership roles within lighting design. You will find most directors are male and of course this has been a massive drive of the WiL movement in really challenging the stereotypes and it’s a big point to be embraced. It is fantastic that having opened the first lighting design studio in Dubai by a woman and paved the way for others, there are now two additional studios owned by women in the UAE. “Again, I think within the UAE and in the UK from experience in the events I attend, there is a lack of representation in ethnic minority lighting designers. I don’t know if this is due to lack of opportunity or if it is more because lighting design is a specialisation and there is a lack of influence/ role models that drive this aspiration within ethnic minority students. “As an example, if you go to Ghana, there will be many architectural students who are inspired by the work of Sir David Frank Adjaye. Therefore, they mould themselves and study his methods of design and aspire to take the same paths. So, in this case, the big question is, are there a lack of role models in publications that can inspire the minority groups? Is there a problem whereby perhaps there are not adequate programmes that target ethnic minorities in inspiring them to perhaps specialise in lighting design?” she asks. “Having come from a physiotherapy background in the UK, there are BAME support groups as well as mentors within these groups that provide support. Perhaps a similar society would really help to bring minorities into the lighting specialism. “As a lighting design studio that was founded by a Tanzanian woman in the Middle East, we hope to serve as inspiration to others in choosing this field and are more than happy to mentor as well as guide others.” When asked about whether she has witnessed any improvements in the industry, Dugawalla again commends the efforts of the Women in Lighting initiative: “I think mostly from a gender perspective, there has been a much larger inclusion of women in conferences, award juries as well as just a general spotlight overall in celebrating the achievements

case, you do get more for your money because there is more detailing that goes into it and the service is much more personalised. It doesn’t matter if this service is being delivered by a Western-born/raised individual or an ethnic minority from any other part of the world. “As an example, both my sister and I are UK educated, yet we still have doors shut on us because of how we look or who we are. At times we are spoken to in ways that say a white middle-aged non-ethnic minority gent in a suit wouldn’t. I hope that everyone reading this article will challenge their own stereotypes and think of how to help others, especially ethnic minority groups – perhaps in celebrating their achievements, helping them to grow in confidence and in their role and within lighting design and the industry,” says Dugawalla. “Reaching out to many international practices and consultants and even with an exquisite portfolio, you can easily get overlooked, so the only way is to constantly keep fighting the battle and getting the chance at a fair interviewing process because on those occasions we have won the tenders by proving our expertise. “Someone funnily once mentioned to me as a director that I should approach a lighting designer that was available on the market because they are the ‘right skin colour.’ I found this insulting. This came from an Afro-Asian person within the lighting community, which also shows the history of where those problems come from.” She continues: “From an ethnical perspective I think firstly there needs to be a change at many levels: Ethnic minority lighting designers are very underrepresented within the lighting design community worldwide I believe. It is extremely important that the community puts together an interest group that helps to educate and draw this group to this specialism. Also, encouraging studios to show their diversity monthly and celebrating the achievements of ethnic minorities within the studio. This helps both in bringing their achievements to light but also inspire others in viewing these as heroes/sheroes and as role models,” she explains. “I think my last word is to challenge the lighting and design communities in to looking at diversity and pay gaps as well as exposure that is given to ethnic minorities in publications. Because publications create role models. If they are missing from these then who inspires the next generation?”


of women. It is fantastic with movements such as WiL and WILD really encouraging stake holders in balancing the gender gap. “There is nothing more challenging than being a woman in construction and then being a woman of colour in lighting design. “I still think, if we are looking at inclusivity from a race/ethnicity perspective, there is a really long way to go,” she explains. “As an example, on why I say this: There are many Philippine and Indian nationals who work in some of the largest lighting design studios within the UAE. You will seldom see them being touted forwards or being featured in panels or celebrated by and be the face of most studios. I think this is something that should be looked at within lighting design. Architecture and interior design seem to be slightly further forward in this regard. “There is then the dreaded pay gaps in the MEA where pay is dependent on nationality. Having spent my time in the UK since age 16, I am baffled that people can still advertise and specify a nationality and pay others less because of who they are or where they were born – but this is seen in a lot of industries, not just lighting. “Sadly, and unfortunately, there is a large misconception that if something is from the West, it automatically means that it is better than something from another part of the world. As an example, we have clients who insist a product must be a European brand and that if it is from certain countries than it automatically means that it is less superior. I am not going to mention names, but we recently tested a linear grazer from India that outperformed a Western product but convincing a client can be another issue. Unfortunately, people apply this concept to human beings too, which is extremely sad. Because I deal with tenders and proposals, there are plenty of times when people have expected us to be the cheapest in fees – we have expected and deduced that our studio is made up only of ethnic minorities or that we are much smaller in size,” she continues. “What these types don’t realise is we are boutique, what we offer is tailormade to a specific project and in this


Kapil Surlakar Indian lighting designer and Architect Kapil Surlakar is the Founder of Light@Work Design Consultants, an award-winning lighting design practice based in Goa, India. Prior to this, Surlakar completed a degree in Architecture from Goa University and pursued a Post Graduate Diploma in Management studies. He practiced Architecture for seven years before enrolling for a Master’s degree in Architectural Lighting Design at Hochschule Wismar in Germany. His lighting design practice has since completed more than 150 projects across various parts of India and the Indian Subcontinent and has had the privilege of being a workshop head at Lights in Alingsås and Lights in Blokzijl, as well as a speaker at numerous international conferences. “I try to keep my approach honest and strongly believe that light is inherently attractive to humans, but very few understand its impact and manifestation in our mundane everyday routine, making it difficult to convince people on the benefits of good lighting that go beyond the glamour and drama that it induces,” he explains. “As a practicing architect I was fascinated by the works of other architects showing a sensitivity towards light in spaces. Light was part of the language and cleverly articulated to show the character to that space. My complete lack of understanding of how and the need to learn to be able to make an educated intervention made me study lighting, to enhance my capabilities to do better architecture.” Drawing his inspiration from nature and the power of light; the various manifestations of light, visual and non-visual, fascinate Surlakar and guide his design approaches. The project that he regards as his most notable is the Akshardham Temple in New Delhi. “[It is] a magnificent structure, displaying the Indian knowledge and science of architecture, construction and artisan skills, along with its allied facilities on a 93acre masterplan. [It] was one of my first projects that was recognised internationally and was awarded the IESNA Paul Waterbury award of excellence in 2007. This was a project that exposed me to scale and complexity and allowed me to test my knowledge and confidence on a newly acquired skill. This is one of my favourite projects. “We are also currently involved in a small 12 key boutique hotel in Sri Lanka, which has a more personal and intimate scale and pushes us to work with limited resources as well as with sensitivity. Such a project is also my favourite.” When discussing his experiences of diversity within the lighting industry, Surlakar explains the historic influences that impacted the geographical prevalence of lighting design in recent years: “Until the end of the 20th century, lighting design as a profession was largely prevalent in parts of the European Continent and the USA. I learnt

about lighting design at the beginning of the 21st century and I believe that was the time when awareness to, and the educational avenues in architectural lighting design, started opening. This has now led to the propagation of the profession globally and thus has professionals from various regional and ethnic backgrounds. But this is a recent phenomenon and there’s no limit to the diversity we will see in the times to come. “The dominance of the West is slowly waning. Certain Eastern countries are challenging the West by sheer numbers and cost benefits they bring to the table. Today, I strongly believe the business sensibilities are going to dictate the decisions of inclusivity. It will no longer be an emotionally loaded decision. Whether one is accepted or excluded would depend more on the performance and value one brings to the venture.” Surlakar also experienced entry into the lighting world without the support of the mentor, but relied on his strong work ethic and determination to push him through. “I have taught myself. I ventured into the rough sea, unaided and learnt to weather the storm. Strong survival instincts, work ethics and a need to succeed have always been a guiding force. I have met a lot of good people who have supported me at times in my professional journey. But one needs to keep a keen eye on business practices to progress today. Mere excellence in the subject of lighting is not enough to navigate the professional currents,” he explains. When looking at the lighting community as a whole and whether there are positive changes happening to improve diversity and equity, Surlakar says: “Technology is taking strides that are opening up exciting possibilities. By being inclusive there is easy access to such technologies. However, such access can be detrimental to the profession, unless these technologies are used and applied with proper knowledge of the subject of lighting and design principles. Though inclusive is a very attractive and politically correct term, how pragmatic that is through the paradigm of knowledge and commitment to the profession needs to be examined more closely. Inclusiveness vis a vis ethnicity and skin colour are archaic concepts and would eventually fade into oblivion. However, one must not confuse the term inclusive to allow the unfettered dilution of the lighting design profession as is happening today, with no well-defined qualifying and educational criteria, dictated and diluted by financial considerations, which in the short run might appear beneficial to a few, but are largely detrimental and contribute to the downgrading of the profession.”

Seraphina Gogate

Goziem Ukachukwu Goziem Ukachukwu is an Interior and Lighting Designer based in Nigeria. The married-with-three-children designer who identifies from the Igbo ethnic group of Nigeria, began her professional career with a Bachelor of Education, majoring in English and Continuing Education. She furthered her education with a Master’s degree in Business Administration from Enugu State University. Following this, Ukachukwu went on to open a travel agency, which she managed for 12 years before venturing into the interior design community. She enrolled at the KLC School of Design to complete a diploma in interior design and alongside took some short courses including lighting design. Ukachukwu now runs her own interior and lighting design business in Nigeria. Reflecting on her inspirations for lighting, Ukachukwu tells darc: “I was inspired to get into lighting design after attending a lighting workshop. This passion increased after attending Light Middle East in Dubai, where I came across some very experienced lighting professionals and got a lot of encouragement from them. Ukachukwu’s lighting heroes are Rebecca Weir and Sakina DugawallaMoeller, who she considers are some of the great achievers in the industry. “Rebecca was my first lighting instructor, and who first inspired me. Sakina founded the first independent design studio owned by a woman in the UAE. She has made some good contributions in the industry, including the popular Light.ication,” she says. Aside from inspirational figures in lighting, Ukachukwu believes some form of mentorship would have been beneficial to her in the early stages of her career progression. “Unfortunately, I was not privileged to have a mentor at the start of my career. Unlike the West, lighting design, in the real sense of it, is not a popular career path for us here in Nigeria. We have more lighting and electrical engineers. Having the guardianship

of a mentor in the early stages of my career would have helped me a lot in starting off strong, aiding my growth rate and confidence to carry out larger projects,” she says. One of Ukachukwu’s most notable projects also happened to be her first. “My very first project as a lighting designer was a one I carried out for a church. It was a project in the public eye, that showcased my career as soon as I started.” When asked about inclusivity in the lighting industry, Ukachukwu says: “I would say that the industry has become more inclusive. An example is the Women in Lighting initiative, which has made it possible for a lot of women, who play key roles in lighting design all over the world, to be known and heard. It has allowed a high level of equality in the representation of all genders in the lighting industry.” [However], an improvement to what is already achieved is still much needed. The industry should extend a hand of support to their contemporaries in Africa. They can assist us by providing training and mentorship. Africa is a huge and growing market but requires a lot of awareness creation. Investing in African-based designers will help a lot in its growth. The industry could also show more generosity by establishing an institution for lighting design in Africa. This can be achieved with the help of lighting designers.”


Having trained as an Interior Architect, Seraphina Gogate became fascinated by light in her final year of study and so, rather than going down the traditional RIBA route, she chose to do lighting design as a Master’s degree at Edinburgh Napier University, catapulting her into a world she now loves. Having started her career at Nulty, Gogate has since worked her way up within the company, currently holding the position of intermediate lighting designer. “There is a certain poetry associated with the field of lighting design that enthrals me,” she tells darc. “By “designing” light, one in turn allows other facets of design to be viewed in their full glory; a property of nature that designers actively seek to control allows for their creations to be viewed unfettered. If improperly handled, light can bring down the very best of design, but on the flip side, it can elevate the simplest design decision to levels never seen before. I have always been fascinated by this dichotomy that is so intrinsic to Lighting Design” Having worked on numerous projects at Nulty, the one that ‘put Gogate on the map’ so to speak is the Chelsea Barracks project. “I took on the project at stage four and experienced what has been so far, my greatest learning curve as a lighting designer,” she says. “I realised my creativity isn’t rooted simply in trendsetting, it also comes from problem solving.

“One of my favourite projects though, is a small children’s play area I designed in Lusail, Qatar. It’s the most fun I’ve had on a project because I was working with roller coaster designers." Identifying as Indian, for Gogate, while she does see some diversity within the lighting industry - with Nulty alone employing a huge number of South and East Asian team members, one thing she has noticed is the lack of people of colour in positions of power. “Most of us are quite young and new to the industry still,” she says. “Also, there aren’t that many practices out there willing to hire from outside the UK. When I see ‘must have a right to work in the UK’ on an advert, it fills me with much disappointment. It would also be nice to see more people of colour from within the UK choose a life in the lighting and building industry, and this is something that starts at University level.” While Gogate has not personally had a mentor during her career, she explains to darc why she has now herself, begun to mentor her juniors who come into the UK from abroad. “My sister’s just moved into the NHS from India and hasn’t had the advantage of having gone to university in the UK,” she says. “Her experience of integrating with and understanding professional life in the UK is so different from my own that I try my hardest to do for my junior designers, what I would want my sister’s consultants to do for her as a junior doctor. Whether that be explaining the meaning of common phrases used in calls or going through British Standards with them before discussing associated deliverables, it’s all about making them feel comfortable enough to speak up and ask questions instead of scrambling around in the dark… pun intended! “For me personally, I look to Shashi Caan, author of Rethinking Design and the Interior, and designers Tadao Ando and Louis Kahn for inspiration. Shashi Caan, said: “The main protagonist in the story of the interior is not the discovery of habitable space but the human being”. These words are so incredibly poignant and define my practice. While Tadao Ando and Louis Kahn are masters of architecture, they use light as a tangible medium, much like concrete. Their work is a shrine to lighting design. Emotive and evocative.”


Anuj Gala Anuj Gala is a Finnish Indian Lighting Designer who has been part of the team at Lighting Design Collective in Helsinki for the past four and a half years. With a background in electronics, his interest in learning all about light and a career in lighting design began while working as an engineer. “Early on in life, I aspired to become a Cinematographer as I was fascinated by how the camera and light work in unison, but I soon decided I wanted to delve into how technology, combined with design, can enrich spaces around us and I’m really happy I chose a path in lighting,” he tells darc. “My lighting design journey began in Goa, before moving to Berlin and then New York, where I worked at L’Observatoire International, before heading to Helsinki.” Having obtained his Master's Degree in Architectural Lighting Design from Hochschule Wismar, Germany, in 2017 Gala was nominated for the ‘Best Newcomer’ Award at the PLDR (Professional Lighting Design Recognition Awards) in Paris and in terms of influences and inspiration, he says his two lighting heroes are American light artists Jim Kampbell and Leo Villareal. “Both artists use LED technologies in creating a transcendental experience of light, space and perception,” he says. “I find it amusing how both use light as an element in creating breath-taking artworks. Recently, I had the chance to see the works done by Leo Villareal for the "Illuminated River" project on the River Thames, but I am yet to see Jim Kampbell’s work personally.

Amardeep Dugar Dr Amardeep Dugar has worked in architectural lighting design since 2002. Having trained as an architect, it was thanks to a “friendly exchange” with an electrician during his undergraduate studies, that saw Dugar go on to pursue an MA in architectural lighting from the University of Wismar, Germany, before completing a Ph.D. in architectural lighting from Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. “I chanced on an electrician who had so many complaints about architects and their insensitivity towards lighting,” Dugar tells darc. “The electrician suggested so many practical ways of ensuring clean lighting installations. I was contemplating a career as a hip hop dancer (and still am), but this exchange became my ‘watershed moment’ and inspired me to pursue a career in lighting design.” In 2010, Dugar founded Lighting Research & Design with the intention of basing his career on the three key elements of lighting - design, education and research and has applied this three-pronged approach when exploring new career paths, ever since. While Dugar considers that every project a lighting designer works on eventually becomes ‘a favourite’, as they provide a “unique set of challenges and opportunities to demonstrate one’s creative skills and problem-solving abilities,” the GD Car Museum is probably one of the projects he’s best known for. Inspired by “all those people who are working toward providing better lit environments - activists, artists, designers, enthusiasts, installers, manufacturers and suppliers - these are my lighting heroes,” Dugar

“I have been fortunate so far to learn about, and become exposed to, cultural and lighting trends in different continents,” continues Gala. “I have worked on a variety of different projects including light art, interactive, commercial, UNESCO Heritage and mixed used development sites. My works mainly aim for developing innovative lighting schemes to create a long lasting and immersive atmosphere while improving the human experience.” Reflecting on his career so far and projects worked on, Gala says: “I always dreamt of being involved in a successful media architecture project as my Master’s thesis topic was on media architecture. At Lighting Design Collective, I got this opportunity with ‘Moment Magnet’. It was a project full of zest and life, incredibly fast-paced and was successfully executed by various cross-disciplinary teams collaborating such as coders, clients, structural engineers, architects, marketing teams, and manufacturers. The concept and budget were approved by the client in the first instance. It was fascinating to be part of this project and see how this project was realised and came to life.” tells darc. “ While there are some sung heroes heavily marketed on social media, there are so many unsung heroes who are making a significant contribution to the realm of lighting and I’d like to pay my respects to both the ‘sung’ and ‘unsung’ heroes.” When asked about diversity in the lighting community and how he likes to be addressed / how he identifies in relation to race / ethnicity for this article, Dugar tells darc: “ Having lived and worked in so many different countries, my personal experience of the lighting industry is that it has always been very diverse and inclusive. In my humble opinion though, this is more dependent upon the individuals’ attitude and behaviour. “It’s funny you ask how I identify, as I have been addressed under so many different ethnicities (sometimes Arabian or Asian, sometimes Australian, sometimes European and sometimes just Indian!). In my humble opinion, all creative people belong to a single race called the “creative” race. If you would like to add ethnicity to this mix, then it could be “audaciously creative,” “carefully creative,” “meaningfully creative,” “sensitively creative” and so on... “I would however really like to see more people of different ethnicities being encouraged to undertake leadership roles e.g. boards of directors for associations like IALD, IES, SLL, etc. While such positive changes are happening, more inclusiveness is always a pleasantry. “I see a lot of discussion about ethnicity/diversity/inclusivity but nobody seems to mention anything about aspects like comedy/hilarity/wit within the lighting industry. Laughter is something that binds the entire human race, and I think one thing that the lighting industry needs more than anything else, especially in these trying times, is a better sense of humour!”




Unique Timeless Lighting, Handmade in England Authenticity, attention to detail and an interesting mix of materials are hallmarks of our lights. These are created by skilled craftspeople across our UK-based factories, using the best quality raw materials to ensure the longevity of every light. Discover the complete collection at originalbtc.com



Linus Lopez Linus Lopez’s professional education began with an Engineering degree in Electronics from The Manipal Institute of Technology in India, although he says his real education began when he started designing electrical services for a variety of architectural projects. “Each excursion into a different typology yielded a deeper understanding of the complexity of electricity, its generation and distribution while also learning important lessons engaging in design dialogues with all the stakeholders,” he tells darc. “Accounting for safety while also delivering aesthetic elegance, designing for robust systems to handle local power conditions within tight budgets and communicating ideas on sustainability from the boardrooms to the worksites were significant lessons. After spending about 10 years doing a variety of projects from luxury hotels to metro stations, large format hospitals to airport hangars and multi-dwelling residences to corporate institutional projects, I sought to indulge my creative instincts a little more and that’s when I stumbled into the world of creative architectural lighting design.” With a Master's in Lighting Design from Hochschule Wismar in Germany, Lopez continued explorations into understanding the power of light and together with his brother and partner, Lyle, began, “what has been an incredible 20-year journey in lighting.” Now, together with a passionate bunch of colleagues operating out of Delhi, India, the duo seek out challenging projects and innovative solutions for projects in and around India and, through collaborations, a few projects outside India as well. “In the early 2000s, we were lucky to be chosen to light a travelling exhibition of Picasso’s works in Delhi and Mumbai,” continues Lopez. “Although we were selected based on the technical competence of understanding and controlling the UV and IR components of the ubiquitous dichroic LV halogens of those times, we were completely blown away by the interaction of light with art! Further conversations with artists and their understanding and interpretations of light fired our imaginations to experiment with the more creative aspects of light – there has been no looking back since!” Influenced and inspired by many in his professional life - including “the absolute brilliance of light artists Olafur Eliasson and James Turell, for their constant experiments with human perception,” Lopez says: “I must include my architect heroes – Antoni Gaudi, Le Corbusier, Louis Kahn, Tadao Ando and Peter Zumthor, whose seminal works complement form with light in ways that gently surprise and soothingly calm without ever being overt. In fact, one of the collaborations of Eliasson and Ando had me thinking of the magical outcomes that would emerge from the meeting of more of these intensely creative minds, each bringing their unique interpretations. “But at a more fundamental plane of design thinking, I have been,

more recently, completely won over by Janine Benyus’ work in understanding and promoting Biomimicry and the amazing, influential works of Neri Oxman and her team at MIT in combining the technology of the times to sustainably solve some of the bigger design challenges we face today.” In terms of stand out projects in his career so far, for Lopez lighting the India Pavillion at the World Expo in Shanghai, 2010, “was a fascinating design challenge – to light one of the largest free-standing bamboo domes ever made and to share that space with Heatherwick’s brilliant “Seed Cathedral” and other amazing works was definitely monumental.” However, among his favourite projects, “I think my fondest memories would be lighting the annual Serendipity Art Festival, Goa,” he says. “Despite always dealing with challenges of time and budget constraints, the adrenalin rush of lighting art in all its various forms and the engagement with some brilliant artists and art curators adds layers to our understanding of light and provides plenty of food for thought for weeks and months after.” While born an Indian and hailing from the western state of Goa, for Lopez “manmade state and country borders are quite unnecessary when it comes to identifying oneself,” he says. “And even while I believe more in cultural inheritance and community-based value systems, I strongly believe there is more that unites us as just human beings than anything that differentiates us.” In India, the lighting industry is quite small and relatively young and as such, according to Lopez, is relatively free of diversity issues based on ethnicity or sexual preference. “Ensuring equal opportunities and motivating a gender balance in the workplace has been a focus area for us within the firm and in the industry,” he says. “However, our biggest challenge here is overcoming an economic imbalance and its related effects on education and opportunity. We have chosen to work directly with many that might not have had access to the best education but show a desire to learn and nurture them by imparting skills that suit a particular mindset. “I would say overall that things are getting better in terms of inclusivity... I’m proud that our little global fraternity of lighting designers is at the forefront of the movement for a more balanced equitable professional space and I am very happy to see the progress made in the last few years. I do believe that this pandemic has made us view the fragility of life with a more balanced perspective of our priorities. Of course, there will always be more that we can do and I think one of the key areas going forward would be straddling the chasms that nationalism and divisive politics creates by focussing more on what unites us.”

The Design Review darc's Essential Lighting Guide to decorative product launches from 2020/21 virtual and physical events, all categorised by type for easy referencing.








Bespoke 1. Kuulas Cameron Design House

2. Bloom Karice

3. Mandala Willowlamp

The Kuulas, from British bespoke sculptural lighting studio Cameron Design House, is an award winning chandelier made of handblown glass pearls, each individually hung on industrial style chains. Available in three sizes - 25, 55 and 110-balls - and a variety of colours including amber, plum, slate and baize green. Each piece is bespoke and handmade by its team of artisans in London. camerondesignhouse.com

The Bloom Collection is based on an artist’s interpretation of a floral arrangement. Using brass and handblown glass. Each piece is unique and individual. Equipped with the newest in LED technology the light engine uses a dim-to-warm COB. Light is available in genuine Brass or Copper. karicelighting.com

Requiring an impressive 26 cubic meters of space just to hang it, and weighing over a tonne is willowlamp’s new custom chandelier. “The piece is based on the original version of our very first Mandala design, which we did for Liwa Suites in the UAE, which was commissioned by Jan Lewis of Design Union," says the brand's Founder and Creative Director Adam Hoets. willowlamp.com

2. Lantern Light Corporation

5. Inspiral Preciosa

6. Magnolia Crystal Caviar

The bespoke lantern pendants that are inspired by the Chinese pagoda float elegantly above the tables. The lanterns were manufactured and assembled by hand in the UK. The contrast of the lanterns creates drama and intimacy with a secondary lamp built in below the lantern, to create pools of light down onto the centre of every table. lightcorporation.com

Inspiral's design is inspired by calligraphy; writing with light. Like drawing through space, Inspiral becomes a ribbon of light, possibly dynamic, as it sweeps through a room. Each light is created from a specially formed stainless steel ribbon that can be bent and shaped as desired. An LED strip comprised of small diodes lines the edges of the ribbon www.preciosalighting.com

Crystal Caviar joined together in collaboration with Berlin-based T. Fotiadis Design firm, which specialises in superyacht design and architecture, to design the Magnolia tree chandelier. The dynamic and dramatic look of the chandelier mimics the effects of a magnolia branch blowing in the wind, creating an overall interesting visual piece. www.crystalcaviar.eu









1. Indre Rakumba

2. Akira Ultralights

3. Moni Articolo

Drawing on nostalgia and decoration, the collection delivers beauty through its delicately rendered double-wall glass capsules that gently cradle floating internal light. Individual capsules are connected by the graceful lines of a catenary-inspired interlinking rod system anchored with stone or timber detailing. rakumba.com.au

The Akira collection began with the exploration of paper origami, the angular folds and layers and their effect on light. Ultralights then transformed paper into an array of metal finishes and acrylic diffusers. In naming the collection, Ultralights chose to pay homage to Akira Yoshizawa — the father of modern origami. Modifiable to suit your design needs. www.ultralightslighting.com

Moni is an innovative and dynamic collection. Its monochromatic palette is softened by a gentle, fluid form that is perfectly complemented in proportion and balance. The white glass dipped detail provides an artisanal brilliance. Pictured is the Moni Triple XL pendant. Table and wall lamps are also available in the Moni range, along with various colour options. articololighting.com

5. Gravity Moooi

6. Horizontal Linear Down Light Duncan Meerding

Gravity chandelier is a graceful suspension lamp that re-imagines historic chandeliers. Inspired by changing what is static to something dynamic, Gravity replaces rigidity with elasticity. With the flexible arms you define the diameter and choose where the light travels, but gravity defines the form. www.moooi.com

This branch inspired linear light is made from Horizontal Scrub, a timber endemic to Tasmania. The branch form floats in mid-air, with warm white light bursting from the underneath in an unexpected and hidden way. The standard length is one-metre long, with custom lengths made to order. www.duncanmeerding.com.au

4. Manta Barrisol Manta lamp, by Ross Lovegrove for Barrisol, illustrates the perfect balance between organic form and high technology. Barrisol membranes with distinct stretching intensities provide layered sound damping whilst maintaining uniform lighting. Choose a desired colour temperature as well as the intensity of diffused light with the integrated dimmable control. 100% recyclable. barrisol.com








7. Gem Hammerton Studio

8. Kaleido Gabriel Scott

9. Eris LZF Lamps

An inspired fusion of organic and geometric design, the Gem ring chandelier from Hammerton Studio replaces traditional filament lamping with sculptural LED-lit glass ‘gems’, each handblown by Hammerton artisans in Salt Lake City, Utah. Additional downward-directed task lighting makes this a versatile go-to lighting solution for a wide range of applications. www.hammerton.com

The enchanting new pendants and chandeliers join Gabriel Scott’s existing Luna series. Available in satin brass, satin nickel, satin copper, satin bronze and black steel. Existing glass options include blue, California pink, yellow, smoked amethyst, smoked bronze and smoked grey. www.gabriel-scott.com

Eris marks LZF’s first use of handblown borosilicate glass paired with natural wood veneer. Designed by Mayice and handblown by master artisan Eduard Garuti, Eris has an ethereal beauty. Available as a table and suspension lamp, Eris is an atmospheric orb of light with a perfect glass and wood symbiosis. lzf-lamps.com

10. Pill Empty State

11. Code 130˚ Aqua Creations

12. Rowan Ebb & Flow

The Pill is brought to you by Empty State, a new British lighting studio specialising in configurable designs, from the creative minds behind Cameron Design House. A capsule shaped pendant made from handblown glass with brass features, the Pill is designed to be hung individually or in a cluster. Available in different glass finishes including opal, smoked, green, blue and pink. emptystate.com

Code 130˚ is a new limited-edition silk collection of creations hand-crafted by light artisans. For the first time in its history, Aqua Creations are using two different silk colours in the same piece. The collection provides 16 colours and five different shapes that will brighten any space. aquagallery.com

The Rowan crystal pendant lamp is produced in mouth-blown lead crystal, combined with gold metal fitting and two-metre round gold fabric wire and gold metal ceiling rose. Clear crystal colour and swirls cut pattern. ebbandflow.dk

Ceiling ctd








1. Cocoon HagenHinderdael

2. Cambria Astro

3. StarDust Marc de Groot

Cocoon is a 3d printed decorative pendant celebrating craft and pushing the boundaries of new and sustainable technologies by transforming wood waste into an organic, technologically advanced light. A collaboration between designers HagenHinderdael and 3d printing specialists Forust, Cocoon celebrates an innovative way to create a more sustainable product. www.hagenhinderdael.com

Created with hospitality settings in mind, the popular Cambria range welcomes a pendant to its offering. The Ultimate solution for modern, understated lighting schemes, fine details elevate it above other drum pendants thanks to a discreet metal ceiling rose, stylish braided fabric cable, and the lined polycotton fabric shade. www.astrolighting.com

StarDust, consists of dots and lines with different sizes and appearance. With quadrilaterals, pentagons and hexagons he managed to create a perfect spherical shape. StarDust spreads light like a starry sky projected on Earth and also refers to our galaxy where the position of the moon determines the tides of high and low tide. www.bymarcdegroot.com

4. Ihana Marset

5. Torrey Cerno

6. Half and Half Roll & Hill

This lighting system, created by Joanna Laajisto, consists of several opal blown glass diffusers that appear ductile and contrast with the firmness of the metal structure that determines its shape and fastens it to the ceiling. In an effort to offer ambient light for any classic or contemporary interior design project, this collection can be used to create light compositions. www.marset.com

The Torrey pendant delivers a high quality of light via an indirect source, emitting an even and diffuse light while not neglecting the need for a powerful delivered lumens package. The metal shades are sleek, robust and offered in various finishes. The round disc, which houses the LEDS and driver, is where Cerno inserts its signature solid hardwood available in walnut and oak. cernogroup.com

Half & Half launched in 2017 as the first collaboration between designer Jonah Takagi and Oslo-based designer Hallgeir Homstvedt. The play between the geometric shapes of the shade and ribbed glass was the starting point for this bold and iconic design, which has now been re-envisioned to include four new colours – green, blue, red and white. www.rollandhill.com


45625 Chelsom Sleeper Faux Alabaster DARC 236x333.indd 1


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1. Hybrid Chelsom

2. Almond Creativemary

3. Sampei Limited Edition Davide Groppi

Hybrid from Chelsom is one of the signature ranges from the latest collection, Edition 27. Striking over scaled cylindrical heads give ambient room light through the matt opal glass top domes and directional task light from below. Heads swivel right/left with a mechanical stop to prevent over rotation. www.chelsom.co.uk

Falling in love with the magical almond tree, Creativemary designers conceived this organic floor lamp to bloom forever. Highlighting the natural shape of the almond tree, the Almond floor lamp structure is made in brass mimicking tree branches. The brass shades personify the beautiful flowers and the details in a matt milky white glass. creativemary.com.pt

Designed by Enzo Calabrese and Davide Groppi in 2011 Sampei immediately established itself as an icon of international design. Davide Groppi has decided to celebrate its 10th anniversary with a special and limited edition of 200 pieces made with golden finished details and engraved with the serial number. www.davidegroppi.com

4. Pebbles Bomma

5. Gigi Grande Studio d'Armes

6. Navis Lumifer

Pebbles' diverse shapes and colours inspired Bomma’s playful collection that invites you to express your creativity. It provides options for creating distinctive combinations. The crystal components of the Pebbles Collection are handblown originals. String the colourful shapes onto its inner light source as you wish and create elegant objects that transform into artworks in any interior. bomma.cz

Studio d’Armes, in collaboration with Verre d’Onge, presents the Gigi Grande floor lamp. With its elegant geometry and its refined details, it stands in the space like a beacon of glass and light. Created under the breath of the glassblower, its shades and its glass components are unique, making each lamp an exclusive object. www.darmes.ca

Navis, a figurative extension of the Latin word for ship or vessel, influenced the sleek design of this lighting collection. Propeller design and mechanics served as the naval/ aeronautical aesthetic reference for the Navis fixtures, which use the Lumifer brass T-shape as a main axial from which the articulated shades can pivot from. www.lumifer.us








7. Re FontanaArte

8. Solstice Ore X Atelier001

9. Up Arkoslight

In 2020 FontanaArte reintroduced the Re and Regina glass lamps, inspired by the game of chess with their sinuous shapes. Their profiles stand out clearly in the white light diffused by opalescent glass. The dimmer allows to modulate the light making it a surreal element with different degrees of intensity. www.fontanaarte.com

Composed by bronze gradient patinated brass plates and finely brushed brass framework, the Solstice Ore X floor light is softly illuminated with integrated LED elements from within. This sculptural piece sits elegantly in both contemporary and vintage-inspired interiors. Hand crafted in London. www.atelier001.com

Up is a rational and sober sculpture. A floor lamp for indirect lighting with a great sense of verticality and lightness. Formal design of pure elegance. www.arkoslight.com

10. Absis Luxcambra

11. Ivy Brokis

12. Island lamp and tripod set Alphabet

Jordi Llopis Design presents the new Absis collection for Luxcambra. It pays tribute to the traditional Catalan vault and to one of the materials used for its construction: the clay from the Vacamorta area in the Empordà region of Girona (Spain). The terracotta of the lampshade combined with the iron structures gives to the collection a natural warmth. www.luxcambra.com

Designed by Lucie Koldova, the collection features three sizes in opal or smoke glass. Variable, elegant, and precise in workmanship all the way down to the smallest detail, Ivy is a high-tech lighting concept well suited to both commercial and residential applications. In intimate home settings. www.brokis.cz

Created to complement a lamp with clean and assumed lines, the tripod is an accessory that anchors the light object to turn it into a floor lamp. With an appearance halfway between sculpture and object, this tripod made of steel and wood is a nod to post-war modernist classics. alphabetmobilier.com









1. Fin King/Queen Original BTC

2. Acroplois CTO Lighting

3. Riflesso LT 3 Vistosi

The Fin King table light marks a new direction for Original BTC, combining the British manufacturer’s trademark bone china with the addition of a linen drum shade. Also available in Queen size, the Fin is finished with lacquered, brushed solid brass details and signature cotton braided cable in a pale grey, while the shade sits on an angleable ball and socket to facilitate reading. www.originalbtc.com

The unique veining of the alabaster means that no two lights are the same. Some are almost white whilst others have grey veining. Texture is added by our artisans by chiselling out the stone surface. The alabaster shade glows in a unique way to evoke a luxurious standout piece. ctolighting.co.uk

Designed by Chiaramonte Marin Design Studio, the LED light passes through a glass bubble to refract on a mirror in a game of continuous rebounds. Glass is not only a diffuser, but also an almost invisible intermediary between the light source and the reflecting element. Due to its success, the brand decided to expand the collection with two new table versions. www.vistosi.com

4. Lambda Teúkhō

5. Lafleur Velvet Slamp

6. Alba 265 Oluce

Lambda, conceived and created in cooperation with product designer Luca Degano, takes its name from the homonymous Greek letter “λ”, used to denote wavelength. The lamp, and the light embedded within its core, effortlessly follow the natural shape of the sinusoid undulations created by a wavelength. www.sevenmeadows.co.uk

“We pushed towards the unknown to find new compositional semantics,” says Designer Marc Sadler of the creative process that led him to shape Slamp’s technopolymers, bringing the battery-powered table lamp to light. This undulating bloom is made of Lentiflex that is hand-molded at a controlled temperature into a unique blossom shape. www.slamp.com

Designed by the young designer Mariana Pellegrino Soto, Alba is inspired by a drop of water. References to the world of nature, with soft shapes contrasted with square lines, together with the use of a satin brass finish and anodic bronze finish, combine to create Alba, a family with a strong visual impact. www.oluce.com








7. Kizu New Works

8. W1 Officina Luce

9. Poise Kundalini

The iconic Kizu table lamp expands with the addition of a little sibling and a new finish. For those intimate spaces, the new Kizu small table lamp provides the perfect measure of sculptural form and soft illumination. While the addition of a black marble base to the whole family further highlights the kissing point between bold form and floating radiance. www.newworks.dk

Officina Luce introduces you to its newest lighting collection, lovingly signed by Londonbased design practice Matteo Bianchi Studio. W1, most commonly known as the post code for Mayfair London, is a new lighting collection blurring the lines between elegance and modern, typical of this very distinctive neighbour in Central London. officina-luce.com

Robert Dabi goes beyond the conventional use of the table lamp. Poise is an invitation for play and movement, piquing curiosity. A circle of light and a metal rod in everchanging configurations. Thanks to the construction mechanism, interaction is simple and intuitive, allowing for experimentation with different perceptions of light. www.kundalini.it

10. Coper Northern Lights

11. Samba - M Ambientec

12. Relic Adorno

The elegant geometric lines of the Coper ceramic table lamp are perfectly complemented by the unique reactive glazes which ensures each finish is slightly different. With antique brass detailing and a slim drum shade available in several linen options this is a perfect solution for many interiors and hospitality spaces. www.northern-lights.co.uk

Samba-M is a reissue of the “glass of light” created by the Tokyo design genius: a goblet made of thin and double-layered glass, integrated with advanced LED technology. It lights up in shades of red at the softest touch, evoking the iridescent tones of the wine the maestro raised in a toast to the vernissage of the exhibition In-Spiration in 1988. ambientec.co.jp

Designed by Jonas Edvard, the relic lamp is made from a collection of different waste stream materials including wood, metal and stone dust. As the material is molded in shape a sudden and magical change in the colour of the surface appears – creating a detailed and black dotted pattern along the surface of the object. adorno.design









1. Octo Davey Lighting

2. Willow Hollis + Morris

3. Vine ANDlight

Octo is a family of versatile, slim profile LED wall lights for exterior and bathroom use. The Octo can be rotated and aligned to create an endless variety of patterns and effects. Handcrafted in the UK from sand cast brass, the machined IP55-rated lights are fitted with a frosted acrylic lens. Octo offers clean throws of light, illuminating walls, façades, stairways, paths and architectural features. www.originalbtc.com

The Willow sconce showcases the interplay of materials blown glass, metal, wood and highlights the surrounding wood grain of a bud. The light recalls a strong branch reaching skyward as if it is a newly budded bough. Wood is used to create the mount of the lamp and is sourced from renewable forest streams found in the US and Canada. hollisandmorris.com

The Vine series introduces exaggerated form with propensity for repetition resulting in a bold impact. Composed of a poised chrome arc flanked by two glowing glass globes - the fixture is able to create a big presence with a small footprint. The Vine ceiling/wall is available in a flush mount sconce or a ceiling mount. andlight.ca

5. Cascade Fosbery Studio

6. Caboche Plus Foscarini

With many customers looking for lampshades for busy restaurants and hotels, Fosbery understood that shades in high traffic areas can get damaged due to a build up of grease and dirt. Traditional lampshades are difficult to clean, so it developed an innovative solution – fabric shades that are removable and machine washable. www.fosberystudio.co.uk

In 2021, the brand reimagines Caboche Plus to include new technology and add more luminosity and lightness to the fixture. The design includes a broader base to boost brightness and transparency, as well as a new twist-lock system that ensures stability; simultaneously, a new double-face LED light source reduces power consumption up to 40% than previous designs. www.foscarini.com

4. Wall Blocks Finials Finial Wall Blocks are individually cast. Customise your finish from its INK library, which is an ever-expanding universe of pigments, powders, natural dyes and recycled materials. Once installed the outer housing, which we call the Finial, can be swapped in and out at will. No re-wiring. No tools. www.finials.ink








7. Neon Collection Magic Circus Editions

8. Flyer Prandina

9. Meclisse Sonneman A Way of Light

Magic Circus Editions has launched the Neon Collection, an important part of the brand's quest for contemporaneity. The straight lines of the neon lights contrast with the rounded shape of the fluted brass or nickel rods. Graphic wall lights that reveal a great modernity thanks to the new finishes available, in line with the time: black, red wine, red brick, green pine or blue ink. magic-circus.fr

Design by Needs Studio, Flyer is a 140° pivoting metal structure that is available as standard in white and black metal, mixing two different lenghts (145cm and 175cm). Equipped with a 23W LED source with 2700 or 3000K. The structure follows your needs and your desire, whether it's in your home or in a restaurant. www.prandina.it

Sonneman's Meclisse LED sconce is one of the brand's multi-form collections, which are lighting compositions of multiple elements often composed of abstract or geometrically shaped glass or metal pendants of singular or multiple sizes. Created to be used in a variety of configurations,that are scalable, dazzling, luminous arrangements of exquisite variety, shapes, and sizes. sonnemanlight.com

10. Antilles_S Linea Light Group

11. Martel Entrelacs

12. Tresa Two Light Generation Lighting

The Antilles_S wall lamp is designed for modern residential environments. The diffuser, in extra-clear glass with a nonsymmetrical sandblasted edge, is supported by a central body in galvanic copper, gold, chrome or embossed white finishes. Light and refined, this LED lamp has a diffused light perfect for the home. www.linealight.com

Entrelacs has created a new wall lamp, Martel, signed by Félix Millory. Realised in bronze, hardly polished, hand patinated, with its alabaster, an indirect light, silky, in V, comes to light the walls and their surroundings. entrelacs-creation.fr

The Tresa Two Light from the Aerin Collection is a striking double sconce featuring two metal shades inspired by the shape of classic task lighting, focusing illumination downward. It is Mid-Century Modern in character, while the conical shades have a contemporary twist with an open edge to allow additional light to pass through. generationlighting.com

Outdoor 2







1. Gople Artemide

2. Tank Out ines.artdesign

3. Pont Martinelli Luce

Starting from the iconic silhouette of the glass diffuser, Gople proposes new sizes and materials to create different ways of lighting spaces. BIG designs a family of outdoor lights to suit any space, with an almost nomadic character. The diffuser, made in lightweight, durable plastic, is the central element of the project, which combines with other elements to bring light into spaces. www.artemide.com

The Out Collection is designed to create outdoors a dreamlike and romantic atmosphere. The collection is inspired by the moon and its infinite mysteries, reproducing the luminescent and irregular surface of the celestial body in all its shades and texture, through the Nebulite material (a specially treated mix of resin and fibers). www.in-es.com

An arc of light in the night. A cutting beauty, like a blade that brings light onto a slice of lawn and then returns to the depths to close an ideal circle. Sadler states that Pont's idea is to create a "sculpture lamp", halfway between a technical and a decorative device, which does not flaunt its shape, but can illuminate portions of the garden with "light cuts". martinelliluce.it

4. Amphora Bover

5. In Vitro Unplugged Flos

6. Muse Contardi

This collection has been designed to create a warm environment especially in outdoors. However, thanks to its highly decorative look, the Amphoras can equally be placed both outdoors and indoors. The size and shape of this collection pay a subtle and discreet homage to the terracotta amphora formerly used for gardens and terrace decoration. www.bover.es

In Vitro Unplugged is the latest addition to the sophisticated In Vitro external lighting family created by Philippe Starck for Flos Outdoor. It is an enchanting glass lantern, rechargeable and portable, equipped with a handy softtouch silicone handle in orange to facilitate movement. While designed for external use, it is also ideal for indoor environments. flos.com

Contardi presents new and exciting colour combinations of the iconic Muse Outdoor lamp – now also available in the large version of the portable Muse Battery. The geometric metal frame of Muse is presented in a champagne colour with a burgundy leather handle; another version has a white metal structure and mustard handle; and another with a blue frame and white handle. contardi-italia.com


Photography © Jan Dallas



Miscellaneous 2







1. Azure Well-lit

2. Misko Camp B.lux

3. Belida Viadurini

The Azure range is a collaboration with designer David Huang and is a fantastic new collection of lamps that combines contemporary style with the latest LED technology. Form follows function, with a patented flexible LED filament running discreetly round the lower edge of a handblown glass pendant. well-lit.co.uk

Designed by Stone Designs, Misko Camp is made of a disc clad in a sheet of walnutcoloured wood or painted in black, which supports a white blown-glass diffuser simulating the texture of rice paper. Misko Camp includes a leather handle on its top to make it easy for you to carry it. www.grupoblux.com

Belida collection of illuminated furniture is composed of a low coffee table and a solid armchair. The armchair is characterised by a wide and a deep seat that is comfortable and welcoming. Complete with cold LED light kit, which includes: 20W class A light source, polycarbonate shell, 280-centimetres long black cable and splashproof plug. www.viadurini.co.uk

4. Leaves Cordula Kafka

5. Transmission David Tragen

6. Forest Vondom

The fine porcelain perfectly reproduces the light and translucent character of paper while enhancing and refining the effect it has on the viewer. Leaves is illuminated by LED spots from above and within. The size and technical details of the object are individually adapted to the room conditions. www.cordulakafka.de

Transmission is an illuminated, mounted sculpture, which creates different effects depending on the use of its integral lighting, external illumination or both. The name comes from the movement of wave energy, flowing out from the centre and then dissipating as it progresses to the edge. Made in cold cast bronze (a mix of resin and bronze) or cold cast aluminium. www.davidtragen.co.uk

Ramón Esteve designed Forest for Vondom, a backlit piece shaped after a geometric abstraction of a Christmas tree.Its clean, depurated lines make Forest a sober, timeless piece.The interior lighting, with a RGB LED light system, creates a surrounding atmosphere due to the use of light and colour, which can be adjusted according to the moment and the ambiance desired. www.vondom.com

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Focal Point Private Residence Kyiv, Ukraine Yodezeen architectural and design studio carried out a project of apartments in the historic downtown of Kyiv. For this project, designers and architects focused on uniting modern classics with Empire elements. British bespoke sculptural lighting studio Cameron Design House, who specialise in creating statement chandeliers, were handpicked to design an exceptional piece for the dining area. The Inari chandelier, one of Cameron Design House’s latest additions to the collection, was customised to sit within the space and complement the surrounding interior elements perfectly. Inspired by Lake Inari in Finland, the Inari chandelier is an organic exploration of light fluidity and entwining design. Made in Cameron Design House’s signature brushed brass finish, the piece was hand formed by a talented team of artisans to the desired size in their North London workshops. Due to the handmade nature of the design, each Inari created is completely unique, which made it an even more special addition to the project. www.camerondesignhouse.com Image: Andrii Shurpenkov


Mainland Europe / Europe

Albania A BI ESSE PO Box 8307 1051 Tirana tel: +355 42407290 www.abiesse.al Distributor for: Panzeri ALBAELETTRICA Autostrada Tirane-Durres KM.8 Tirana tel: +355 42406633 www.albaelettrica.al Distributor for: Wever & Ducre BRUNES Autostrada Tirane Durres KM7 Tirane tel: +355 48200753 www.brunes.al Distributor for: Flos OSRAM Rr “Bardhok Biba” Old Tirana Building, 21/C Floor IX 1001 Tirane tel: +355 42261288 www.lighting-solutions.osram.com


Armenia EUROLUCE INTERIORS 1 Leo Street 0002 Yerevan tel: +374 10536797 www.euroluceinteriors.com Distributor for: Baroncelli, Contardi, Elstead, Fine Art, Flos, Manooi, Oluce, Panzeri, Serip, Terzani

Austria ARTEMIDE Gonzagagasse 1 / Morzinplatz 1010 Vienna tel: +43 018032182 www.artemide.com BERANEK & LIGHT DESIGN Lerchenfelderstr. 18-24 1080 Vienna tel: +43 19576287 www.beranek.at Distributor for: Domus CONCEPTLICHT Lastenstresse 37 6840 Gotiz tel: +43 552364865237 www.conceptlicht.com Distributor for: Prandina DAS LICHT JOSEF NOPP Paschinger Strasse 111 4060 Leonding tel: +43 732680040 www.daslicht.at Distributor for: Targetti DAVID POMPA STUDIO Koschatstrass 2H 9020 Klagenfurt tel: +43 463269756 www.davidpompa.com EGGER LICHT Obere Tiebelgasse 7 9560 Feldkirchen tel: +43 42765507 www.eggerlicht.com EGLO Heiligkreuz 22 6136 Pill tel: +43 524269960 www.eglo.com

GEORG BECHTER LICHT Bach 201/2 6941 Langenegg tel: +43 551341072 www.georgbechterlicht.at GLASS INSPIRATION Brandmuehlestrasse 2 4541 Adlwang tel: +43 7258906995 www.glass-inspiration.com KAIA Wienerwaldstrasse 13/Top 1a 3441 Judenau tel: +43 6607589222 www.kaia.at KALMAR Bennogasse 8 1080 Vienna tel: +43 14090880 www.kalmarlighting.com KNY DESIGN Ramingdorf 23 4441 Behamberg tel: +43 72528141423 www.kny-design.com KOLARZ Hauptstrasse 103 2384 Breitenfurt tel: +43 22392721 www.kolarz.at LICHT & FORM BERND NAGE Marktstrasse 30 6850 Dornbirn tel: +43 5572394021 www.lichtundform.at Distributor for: Prandina LICHT ART Aubichlweg 1 Niederbrucker Aubichlweg 5322 Salzburg tel: +43 622936736 www.lichtart.com Distributor for: TAL LICHT DESIGN Hofhaymerasallee 21 5020 Salzburg tel: +43 6628220840 www.lichtdesign.at Distributor for: Tobias Grau LICHTFACTOR Königshofstrasse 47 6800 Feldkirch tel: +43 55526582821 www.lichtfactor.at Distributor for: Vibia

RIDI GROUP Industriepark Nord Rudolf-Hausner-Gasse 16 1220 Vienna tel: +43 17344210 www.ridi-group.com SIGNIFY Triester Strasse 64 A 1101 Vienna tel: +43 810001098 www.signify.com SWAROVSKI LIGHTING Rettenbergstrasse 30 6114 Kolsass tel: +43 5224671650 www.swarovski.com SYLVANIA Twin Tower Wienerbergstrasse 11/12b 1100 Vienna tel: +43 16174480 www.sylvania-lighting.com VIENNA LIGHT Salstorgasse 1 1010 Vienna tel: +43 15338670 www.wienlicht.at Distributor for: Vibia

BEGA Rijksweg 5 2870 Puurs tel: +32 38906050 www.bega.com BUZZISPACE Groeningenlei 141-143 2550 Antwerp-Kontich tel: +32 38461000 www.buzzispace.com CLAEYS VERLICHTING Doorniksesteenweg 237 8580 Avelgem tel: +32 56644840 www.claeysverlichting.be

WALDMANN Gewerbepark Wagram 7 4061 Pasching/Linz tel: +43 722967400 www.waldmann.com WOKA LAMPS Palais Breuner Singerstrasse 16 1010 Vienna tel: +43 15132912 www.woka.com

CRESTRON Oude Keerbergsebaan 2 2820 Rijmenam tel: +32 15509950 www.crestron.eu

Belarus ORIONLIGHT Kolassa str. 50/1 Minsk tel: +375 172873898 www.luna.by Distributor for: Lodes OSRAM ul. Voronianskogo 7a k48 220039 Minsk tel: +375 172723836 www.lighting-solutions.osram.com

Belgium ACE LIGHTING Kammenstraat 78 2000 Antwerp tel: +32 32252778 www.aceweb.be Distributor for: Occhio

LIGHTS OF VIENNA Viaduct Road 1 2353 Guntramsdorf tel: +43 223625722 www.lightsofvienna.com

AKOMO Wittestraat 1 8501 Kortrijk-Heule tel: +32 56363299 www.akomo.eu

MASSI DESIGN Bergg 30 1090 Vienna tel: +43 13199600 www.massi.at Distributor for: Prandina

ARTELIER C Doorniksesteeweg 237 8580 tel: +32 495304840 www.artelierc.com

OSRAM Leonard-Bernstein-Strasse 10 1220 Vienna tel: +43 1680680 www.lighting-solutions.osram.com

BAZIR Argentiniëlaan 49b 2030 Antwerpen tel: +32 34598234 www.bazir.eu

CLEANTECH SOLUTIONS PO Box 106 - Building CCN Noordstation - Gard du Nord Vooruitgangstraat 80 Rue du Progrè 1210 Brussels tel: +32 23602155 www.csbnl.eu Distributor for: Verbatim

LICHTSYSTEME KETTER Schwarzenbach 4A 4921 Hohenzell tel: +43 898197752 www.lichtsysteme.co.at Distributor for: Flos

MOLTO LUCE Europastrasse 45 4600 Wels tel: +43 72426980 www.moltoluce.com Distributor for: Parachilna

BASALTE Hundelgemsesteenweg 1a 9820 Merelbeke tel: +32 93857838 www.basalte.be

ARTEMIDE Beemdstraat 25 1601 Ruisbroek tel: +32 25340367 www.artemide.com AXIS 71 Altenaken 11B 3320 Hoegaarden tel: +32 475322970 www.axis71.com

DARK Vliegplein 43 9991 Maldegem tel: +32 50718140 www.dark.be DELTA LIGHT Muizelstraat 2 Moorsele 8560 Wevelgem tel: +32 56435735 www.deltalight.com DELUCI Kerrebroek 52 9850 Nevele tel: +32 93804344 www.deluci.be Distributor for: Trizo21 DESIGN BY MAI Visserij 171 9000 Gent tel: +32 475776177 www.designbymai.com EDEN DESIGN Woudstraat 5A 3600 Genk tel: +32 89386036 www.edendesign.be EDGES OF LUXUS Rue De La Baronnerie 9 4920 HARZE tel: +32 494515154 www.edges-of-luxus.com EGLO Antwerpsesteenweg 247 2950 Kapellen tel: +32 32506080 www.eglo.com HILITE Baron de Maerelaan 74 8380 Zeebrugge tel: +32 50543543 www.hilite.biz Distributor for: Tossb

HIND RABII Rue Bronde 2 Zoning Industriel 4801 Stembert tel: +32 87229374 www.hindrabii.com

SISTERCO Altenaken 11 3320 Hoegaarden tel: +32 16765400 www.sisterco-lighting.com Distributor for: Vistosi

IGUZZINI Residentie “Het Museum II” Museumstraat 11, Bus A 2000 Antwerp tel: +32 32411400 www.iguzzini.com

SPIRIDON 16 Rue de la Grande Couture 7503 Froyennes tel: +32 69779600 www.spiridon.be

ILLUDESIGN Rue Diguette 1 4031 Angleur tel: +32 43611533 www.illudesign.be Distributor for: Wever & Ducre KINETURA Stationsstraat 198 8340 Sijsele – Damme tel: +32 475318408 www.kinetura.com LICHTHAUS Donk 91 2400 Mol tel: +32 14311800 www.lichthaus.ch Distributor for: Moooi LINEA VERDACE Oude Baan 230 2610 Antwerp tel: +32 37407603 www.linea-verdace.be LLINELL Lostraat 31 9920 Lovendegem tel: +32 475479524 www.llinell.li

SYLVANIA Noorderlaan 105c 2030 Antwerp tel: +32 36104444 www.sylvania-lighting.com TAL Joos De Ter Beerstlaan 33 8740 Pittem tel: +32 51464341 www.tal.be TEKNA Industriepark E17/3205 Stokkelaar 13 9160 Lokeren tel: +32 93480802 www.tekna.be TOSSB Karreelstraat 2 Zeebrugge 8380 tel: +32 50543549 www.tossb.com TRIZO21 Kerrebroek 52 9850 Nevele tel: +32 93804343 www.trizo21.com VIPS AND FRIENDS Lage Vosbergstraat 83B 2840 Rumst tel: +32 15655792 www.vipsandfriends.com

LUCTRA Industriepark 14/101 9031 Drongen tel: +32 9281264445 www.luctra.eu

WEVER & DUCRÉ Kwadestraat 153 – Bus 2.1 8800 Roeselare tel: +32 51622650 www.weverducre.com

MARCKDAEL VERLICHTING VAN DIJCK Romestraat 6-B 2321 Hoogstraten tel: +32 477588702 www.marckdael.ber

ZANGRA Rue Victor Pochet 14 5570 Vonèche tel: +32 23183783 www.zangra.com

OIKOS DESIGN Oude Tervuursebaan 16 3060 Bertem tel: +32 16811459 Distributor for: Prandina PASSION 4 WOOD Koninginnelaan 52 8400 Oostende tel: +32 476936338 www.passion4wood.be PERFORMANCE IN LIGHTING Chaussée de Haecht, 1880 1130 Brussels tel: +32 27055151 www.performanceinlighting.com PSM LIGHTING Groendreef 60 9880 Aalter tel: +32 93741951 www.psm-lighting.com SIGNIFY Rue des Deux Stations 80 1070 Brussels tel: +32 25257575 www.signify.com

Bosnia and Herzegovina CASA MIA Ul. Kranjcˇevic´eva 21 71000 Sarajevo tel: +387 33666365 www.casamia.ba Distributor for: Foscarini LEVEL’S Skolska 10 Zenica tel: +387 32440350 www.levels-lighting.com Distributor for: Artemide OSRAM Kraljice Katarine 51 88000 Mostar tel: +387 36449740 www.lighting-solutions.osram.com

ALTRONICS LIGHT 13 6th September Str 1000 Sofia tel: +359 29809061 www.altronicslight.com Distributor for: Dark AMBITIO 60 Bulgaria Bvld 1680 Sofia tel: +359 28598334 www.ambitio.bg Distributor for: Wever & Ducré DEKKO 12-16 Dragan Tsankov Blvd 1164 Sofia tel: +359 28168116 www.dekkolighting.nl Distributor for: Marset EGLO 2B ‘Serdika’ Street 8000 Bourgas tel: +359 56960403 www.eglo.com GAMMA DESIGN 49? Parchevich Street 1000 Sofia tel: +359 29879155 www.gammadesign-bg.com Distributor for: Viabizzuno MEGALUX 1 Aviatsionna Street 4000 Plovdiv tel: +359 32620910 www.megaluxbg.com Distributor for: Foscarini OSRAM Sitnyakovo Blvd. 48 Floor 6 Office 604 1505 Sofia tel: +359 29712262 www.lighting-solutions.osram.com POLARIS PROJECT 58 Saltanat Str 9000 Varna tel: +359 52827231 www.polarisproject.bg Distributor for: Delta Light PRISMA 47 Vasil Drumev Street 1000 Varna tel: +359 52684848 www.prisma.bg Distributor for: LEDS C4

Croatia DEGA Medimurska 28 42000 Varazdin tel: +385 42290422 www.dega.hr Distributor for: Terzani EGLO Josipa Loncara 3 10000 Zagreb tel: +385 13794062 www.eglo.com GRUPA Popa Dukljanina 1 10000 Zagreb tel: +385 916437857 www.grupa.com IBF GROUP Zavrtnica 17 10000 Zagreb tel: +385 16055735 www.ibf.hr Distributor for: Oligo

LIKA LIGHT Industrijska zona “Smiljansko Polje” 71/4 53000 Gospic tel: +385 53639204 www.lika-svjetlo.hr LUMA ENERGY Miramarska 24 10000 Zagreb tel: +385 14657705 www.lumaenergy.com Distributor for: SLV LUMENART Veruda, 60/B Hrvatska 52100 Pula tel: +385 52535939 www.lumenart.net Distributor for: Viabizzuno LUMINIS LAMPS Skoljic 13 51000 Rjeka tel: +385 51337684 www.luminislamps.com Distributor for: Prandina NOX Zagrebacka 13/1 42000 Varazdin tel: +385 42290475 www.nox.com.hr Distributor for: Wever & Ducré OSRAM Visnjevac 3 10000 Zagreb tel: +385 13032000 www.lighting-solutions.osram.com OZONE PLUS Horvacanska 21 10000 Zagreb tel: +385 13688070 www.ozoneplus.hr Distributor for: Fontana Arte PRONING Vocarska 20 10000 Zagreb tel: +385 14662236 www.proning.hr Distributor for: Vibueffe RIBARIC Zaharova 9 10000 Zagreb tel: +385 16065480 www.ribaric.hr Distributor for: Moooi SPEKTO Bijenieka 35 10000 Zagreb tel: +385 14628220 www.spekto.hr Distributor for: Zumtobel TELEKTRA Industrijska cesta 15 Sesvete 10360 Zagreb tel: +385 12050666 www.telektra.hr Distributor for: Zumtobel

Czech Republic A.M.O.S DESIGN Beethovenova 9 60105 Brno tel: +420 542212898 www.amosdesign.cz Distributor for: Luceplan ALUPRESS Nachodska 2479-63 19300 Prague 9 tel: +420 222560172 www.alupress.cz Distributor for: Prandina


LUCIDE Bisschoppenhoflaan 145 2100 Deurne tel: +32 33663304 www.lucide.be


ATEH LIGHTING Geislerrova 20 61500 Brno - Zidenice tel: +420 548210239 www.ateh.eu Distributor for: Prandina

LUMIDEE Svornosti 12 15000 Prague tel: +420 547212150 www.lumidee.cz Distributor for: Vibia

BLOMUS Krizikova 209/51 18600 Prague 8 tel: +420 222316990 www.blomus.cz Distributor for: TAL

LUMINEX Petra Rezka 10/1203 14000 Prague 4 tel: +420 261215872 www.luminex.cz Distributor for: Oligo

BOMMA Hvezdova 1716/2b 14000 Prague 4 tel: +420 569453149 www.bomma.cz

MONOBRAND Sokolovská 98/96 Karlín 18600 Prague tel: +420 601323856 www.monobrand.cz Distributor for: Wever & Ducré

BROKIS Sídlisˇteˇ Jansˇtejn 39 58852 Horní Dubénky tel: +420 567211517 www.brokis.cz


BULB Jankovcova 1037/49 17000 Prague 7 tel: +420 220805410 www.bulb.cz Distributor for: Moooi CRYSTAL CAVIAR M. Horakove 200 40777 Sluknov tel: +420 608113153 www.crystalcaviar.eu DECHEM V Háji 35 17000 Prague tel: +420 605533446 www.dechemstudio.com DELTA LIGHT Vlastislavova 11 14000 Prague tel: +420 241740775 www.deltalight.com EGLO Náchodská 2479/63 Horní Pocˇernice 19300 Prague 9 tel: +420 281924163 www.eglo.com EXX Karlovarská 1104/14 16300 Prague 6 tel: +420 235097611 www.exx.cz Distributor for: Vibia HAGOS Nedvedovo nam 14 14700 Prague 4 tel: +420 244402459 www.hagos.cz Distributor for: Tom Dixon HALLA Litvínovská 288/11 19000 Prague 9 tel: +420 286881758 www.halla.eu ILUMIX LIGHT Holecˇkova 368/4 360 17 Karlovy Vary tel: +420 773900590 www.ilumix.cz Distributor for: Vibia LASVIT Komunardu 32 17000 Prague tel: +420 222362990 www.lasvit.com LUCIS Herspická 813/5 63900 Brno tel: +420 543248881 www.lucis.eu

MYLIGHT Trnitá 491/3 60200 Brno tel: +420 538704111 www.mylight.cz Distributor for: Sattler OSRAM U Slavie 1540/2a 10000 Prague tel: +420 272118850 www.lighting-solutions.osram.com PRECIOSA LIGHTING Novy´ Sveˇt 915 47114 Kamenicky´ Sˇenov tel: +420 488113111 www.preciosalighting.com PROFI LIGHTING Slunecni Namesti 2583/12 15800 Prague 5 tel: +420 251001991 www.profilighting.cz Distributor for: Schmitz Leuchten PROFILUX Bauerova 491/10 60200 Brno tel: +420 543215566 www.profilux.cz Distributor for: Vibia SANS SOUCI Vaclavske namesti 804/58 11000 Prague 1 tel: +420 773793808 www.ss-gd.com

Cyprus ASVESTOS 11 Constantinos Paleologos Avenue 1011 Nicosia tel: +357 22664818 www.asvestas.eu Distributor for: Globo CASA MIA 6 Menandros Street 1066 Nicosia tel: +357 22873748 www.casamia.com.cy Distributor for: Foscarini E KYRIAKIDES LIGHTING 5B Epias Ave Engomi 1682 Nicosia tel: +357 22819966 www.thelightpoint.com Distributor for: Wever & Ducre J. N. CHRISTOFIDES LIGHTING PO Box 21093 1016 Nicosia tel: +357 22813043 www.jnc.com.cy Distributor for: Prandina LUCE ATALIOTIS 10 Katsonis, Neoelen Marina Building, 3rd Floor Ofiice 301-302, PO Box 25121 1307 Nicosia tel: +357 22515511 www.luceataliotis.com Distributor for: Viabizzuno PETROS PIEROS 35 Macedonia (Spyrou Kyprianou) Avenue 3070 Limassol tel: +357 70007788 www.petrospieros.eu Distributor for: Bocci SAMBA-ELIEZER 20 Spyrou Kiprianou Avenue Limassol tel: +35 799444860 www.samba-eliezer.gr Distributor for: Siru


SIGNIFY Safrankova 1238 / 1 15500 Prague 5 tel: +420 233099111 www.signify.com

4ROOM Kaera tee 6 Vääna Harku vald 76903 Harjumaa tel: +372 6790360 www.4room.ee

SKLO Vazni 488 50003 Hradec Kralove tel: +420 495542071 www.sklo.com

ARPEN ELEKTER Pärnu mnt. 139/H 11317 Tallinn tel: +372 6506347 Distributor for: Zumtobel

U1 LIGHTING Building Five Na Valentince 3336/4 15000 Prague 5 tel: +420 606046538 www.u1.cz Distributor for: Wever & Ducré

FAGERHULT Artelli 10c 10621 Tallinn tel: +372 6507901 www.fagerhult.com

UNI LIGHT Hermanova 2 17000 Prague 7 tel: +420 266712709 www.unilight.cz Distributor for: Prandina VERNO LIGHT Radougnova 2681/24 15500 Prague 5 tel: +420 608702651 www.vernolight.cz Distributor for: Modiss

HALOVAL DLE Fr. Kreutzwaldi 8 10124 Tallinn tel: +372 6466991 www.deltagallery.ee Distributor for: Delta Light HEKTOR LIGHT Ringtee 26 51013 Tartu tel: +372 6154511 www.hektor.ee Distributor for: Vistosi

INSPIRA Maakri 19/21 1045 Tallinn tel: +372 6108468 www.inspira.ee Distributor for: Tom Dixon KUU STUUDIO Vana-Veski tee 22 75301 Harjumaa tel: +372 5533368 www.kuustuudio.ee Distributor for: Trizo21 LAMPARD Raua tn 10 10124 Tallinn tel: +372 5519001 www.lampard.ee Distributor for: Wever & Ducre LATERNA MAGICA Kreutzwaldi 8 10124 Tallin tel: +372 6466994 www.laterna.ee Distributor for: Vistosi MOODNE VALGUSTUS Rävala pst 7 10143 Tallinn tel: +372 6676670 www.valgustus.ee Distributor for: TAL NITT Masina 22 10144 Tallinn tel: +372 6418189 www.valgusmaania.ee Distributor for: Multiline OSRAM Väike-Paala 1 11415 Tallinn tel: +372 6308807 www.lighting-solutions.osram.com SALONG VALGUSMAANIA Pärnu mnt 80 10131 Tallinn tel: +372 6418189 www.valgusmaania.ee Distributor for: Wever & Ducre SILMANI ELEKTER Kadaka Tee 56 12915 Tallinn tel: +372 6711220 www.silman.ee Distributor for: Viabizzuno

France ADJAO MAISON 10 Route de Saint-Agréve 43290 Saint Bonnet Le Froid tel: +33 633789528 www.adjao.com ARPEL Avenue de Champs Elysees Lot 41 75008 Paris tel: +33 675630051 www.arpel-lighting.com ART ET FLORITUDE Z.A. Les Ouches Route de Santranges 45630 Beaulieu-sur-Loire tel: +33 238358825 www.artetfloritude.fr ARTEMIDE 52 Avenue Daumesnil 75012 Paris tel: +33 143444444 www.artemide.com ARTENOVI 15 Rue Lumiere 01630 Saint Genis-Pouilly tel: +33 638741343 www.nazzarenomundo.com

ASCETE 2 Galerie Vivienne 75002 Paris tel: +33 143467039 www.ascete.com ATELIER ALAIN ELLOUZ 3 rue de la Manufacture 78350 Jouy en Josas tel: +33 146946621 www.atelier-alain-ellouz.com ATELIER SEDAP 3 Avenue du Professeur Jean Rouxel 44481 Loire-Atlantique tel: +33 240998525 www.sedap.com BACCARAT 11, Place des Etats-Unis 75116 Paris tel: +33 140221118 www.studiobaccarat.com

CONFIDENCE AND LIGHT 111 Bd Duhamel du Monceau Pépinière d’Entreprises 45166 Paris tel: +33 616075717 www.confidenceandlight.com CRESTRON 31 Rue Des Hautes Patures 92000 Nanterre Paris tel: +33 147910000 www.crestron.eu CVL LUMINAIRES 79 Route de la Chevallerie 49770 Longuenee en Anjou tel: +33 241326754 www.cvl-luminaires.fr DABI DESIGN 40 Rue de Chabrol 75010 Paris tel: +33 608015073 www.dabidesign.fr DANIEL GALLO 14 Rue general Humbert, Hall 15 75014 Paris tel: +33 145434207 www.danielgallo.fr

BARRISOL Route du Sipes 68680 Kembs tel: +33 389832020 email: contact@barrisol.com www.barrisol.com

BEGA 21–23, Rue Aristide Briand 94340 Joinville-le-Pont tel: +33 148869393 www.bega.fr BELA LUGA SOKO 13 Rue Jean Prouve 59000 Lille tel: +33 630903066 www.belalugasoko.com BLACKBODY 35 Rue Pasteur Z.I. Toulon Est BP 320 - La Farlede 83077 Toulon tel: +33 494617290 www.blackbody-oled.com

CHROMATEQ 191 allee de Lauzard 34980 Saint Gely du Fesc tel: +33 952210755 email: info@chromateq.com www.chromateq.com Headquartered in France, with operations in Asia and America, Chromateq offers innovative and easy lighting control software/hardware solutions that enable custom RGB colour/variable white programming and automation of your lighting designs, and facilitate the integration of versatile DMX/Art-Net controls into your lighting systems. CONCEPT VERRE 54 Boulevard des Jardiniers Traverse Des Pins 06200 Nice tel: +33 492077078 www.conceptverre.com

DEBBAS 30 Rue Alexandre 92230 Gennevilliers tel: +33 147910334 www.debbas.com Distributor for: Tobias Grau DELTA LIGHT 81 Rue Saint Lazare 75009 Paris tel: +33 970735242 www.deltalight.com

JOHN CULLEN LIGHTING 34 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Martin 75010 Paris tel: +33 961682281 www.johncullenlighting.co.uk

FORESTIER Rue Radio Londres 33323 Begles Cedex tel: +33 556498030 www.forestier.fr

KAER & SPLANN 1 Avenue d’Ester 87069 Limoges tel: +33 981447875 www.kaer-splann.com

GALERIE KREO 31 Rue Dauphine 75006 Paris tel: +33 153102311 www.galeriekreo.com

KNGB 100 Avenue Clément Ader 59118 Wambrechies tel: +33 635942279 www.kngb-creation.com

GAU LIGHTING 7 Passage du Cheval Blanc 75011 Paris tel: +33 148052211 www.gaulighting.com

KOS LIGHTING 12 avenue du Garigliano 91600 Savigny-sur-Orge tel: +33 169244000 www.koslighting.eu

HAMILTON CONTE 50 Rue de Babylone 75007 Paris tel: +33 175577652 www.hamiltonconte.com

LA CHANCE 4 Rue de la Pierre Levée 75011 Paris tel: +33 146472132 www.lachance.fr

HAYMANN 16, Boulevard Saint Germain 75005 Paris tel: +33 140880987 www.haymanneditions.com

LABYRINTHE INTERIORS 6 Rue des Résiniers 40130 Capbreton tel: +33 558730961 www.labyrinthe-interiors.com

HENRI BURSZTYN 12, Boulevard de Courcelles 75017 Paris tel: +33 185092969 www.bursztyn.fr

LAMPE GRAS 71 Rue de la Fontaine au Roi 75011 Paris tel: +33 140213760 www.lampegras.fr

HUMBERT & POYET The Park Palace, 5 Impasse de la Fontaine 98000 Monaco tel: +377 93302222 www.humbertpoyet.com

LE DEUN 71 Boulevard Richard Lenoir 75011 Paris tel: +33 142746964 www.ledeun.com

DESIGNHEURE 5 Place Delille 34200 Sete tel: +33 467539963 www.designheure.com

IGOR PARIS 31 Rue de la Sourdiere 75001 Paris tel: +33 147033136 www.igorparis.com Distributor for: Innermost

EGLO 2 Rue de la Martinique 68274 Wittenheim tel: +33 389625030 www.eglo.com

IGUZZINI 10 Boulevard de la Bastille 75012 Paris tel: +33 140528181 www.iguzzini.com

ENO STUDIO 39 Rue Sainte Croix de la Bretonnerie 75004 Paris tel: +33 185732542 www.enostudio.fr

ILLUM&DESIGN 16-18 Rue Maréchal Foch 54140 Jarville la Malgrange tel: +33 383567363 www.multiline-licht.com Distributor for: Multiline

EXTENZO 4/5 Route de Pfulgriesheim Griesheim sur Souffel tel: +33 388461888 www.extenzo.fr Distributor for: Prandina FAGERHULT 105 avenue Jean Jaures, Batiment B5 69600 Oullins tel: +33 437226410 www.fagerhult.com

INEDIT 25, Rue de Cléry 75002 Paris tel: +33 147007676 www.inedit-lighting.com Distributor for: TossB INNLED 360 Avenue des Compagnons 34170 Castelnau-le-Lez tel: +33 950050878 www.innled.fr

FEUKA LUMINAIRES 156 Boulevard de Plombieres 13014 Marseille tel: +33 491027147 www.feuka.fr Distributor for: Slamp

JIELDE 9, Rue du Dauphiné 69800 St-Priest tel: +33 478201016 www.jielde.com

FLOS 15 Avenue de segur 75007 Paris tel: +33 153595888 www.flos.com

JMW STUDIO 97 Avenue Daumesnil 75012 Paris tel: +33 608999317 www.jeremyglass.com

LE STUDIO DES COLLECTIONS 29 Rue Amelot 75011 Paris tel: +33 148065286 www.lestudiodescollections.com Distributor for: Zero LES JARDINS 1115 Rue Rene Descartes ZAC du parc de la Duranne 13857 Aixen Provence tel: +33 442904530 www.lesjardins.com LINEA LIGHT GROUP Z.A. Heiden Est, 12 Rue des Pays-bas 68310 Wittelsheim tel: +33 389755223 www.linealight.com LUCTRA Immeuble Le Tryalis, 9 rue de Rosny 93100 Montreuil tel: +33 148121090 www.luctra.eu LUM’ART 8 Avenue du Général de Gaulle 28190 pontgouin tel: +33 237374093 www.lumart.fr LUMI INTER 260 Boulevard of BAB 64600 Anglet tel: +33 559522362 www.lumi-inter.fr Distributor for: Moooi LUMINTER 27 Boulevard de Reuilly 75012 Paris tel: +33 143436232 www.luminter.com Distributor for: Modiss Vibia


Barrisol® combines tradition, innovation and technology, providing the best solutions for walls and ceilings: acoustic, mirror, luminous, printed, 3D and airconditioned. Classified A+ and with the strictest European and international fire standards. 100% recyclable and of French origin. In 50 years Barrisol has over 100 patents and 50 prestigious awards.

DCW EDITIONS 71 Rue De La Fontaine Au Roi 75011 Paris tel: +33 140211919 www.dcw-editions.fr

FONTANA ARTE 1390 Avenue du Campon 06110 Le Cannet tel: +33 493456978 www.fontanaarte.com

LUXIONA 2 Rue Clément Ader 69740 Genas tel: +33 472146666 www.luxiona.com

PIERRE BACHY LIGHTING DESIGN 15 avenue Emile Bodin 13260 Cassis tel: +33 619585676 www.pierre-bachy.com

VERONESE 327 Rue Saint Martin 75003 Paris tel: +33 145626767 www.veronese.se

BENWIRTH LICHT Frohschammerstr.14 / Innenhof 80807 Munich tel: +49 8995477633 www.benwirth.de

LUZ NEGRA 113 Avenue Joffre 77450 Esbly tel: +33 618983343 www.luznegra.net

PRANDINA 5 Rue de Charonne, cour Jacques Vigues 75011 Paris tel: +33 188338780 www.prandina.it

VIABIZZUNO 26 Rue de L’université Saint Germain 75007 Paris tel: +33 142608062 www.viabizzuno.com

BERLINER MESSINGLAMPEN Sickingenstr. 20-28 10553 Berlin tel: +49 303907240 www.berlinermessinglampen.de

RADAR INTERIOR 107 bis Rue du Montgolfier 59700 Marcq-in-Baroeul tel: +33 695228462 www.radar-interior.com

VOLTEX 37, Rue des Ormes Ramonville Saint Agne 75007 tel: +33 534309119 www.voltex.fr Distributor for: Tom Dixon

LUZ NEGRA 113 Avenue Joffre Esbly 77450 Paris tel: +33 618983343 www.luznegra.net MANDALIGHT 24 rue Lucien Garnier Hameau de Tachy 77650 77650 Chalmaison tel: +33 626880901 www.mandalight-sas.com Distributor for: Prandina


MOA ROOM 7 Emilio Castelar Street 75012 Paris tel: +55 143140034 www.moaroom.com Distributor for: David Trubridge MYDRIAZ 83 Avenue Daumesnil 75012 Paris tel: +33 983550015 www.mydriaz-paris.com NANOLEAF 11 Bis Rue Telles de la Poterie 92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux www.nanoleaf.me NEMO Zac Paris Nord II 13 Rue de la Perdrix 5235295942 Roissy tel: +33 148630077 www.nemolighting.com NOVALUCE 172 Rue du Faubourg St Honore 75008 Paris tel: +33 142890318 www.novaluce.fr Distributor for: Slamp OCTAVIOAMADO 116 Rue De Menilmontant 75020 Paris tel: +33 611177781 octaaviomado.com

RIDI GROUP ZI du Forlen Impasse des Imprimeurs 67118 Geispolsheim tel: +33 388770777 www.ridi-group.com Distributor for: Norka RISPAL PARIS 69 Passage de Choiseul 75002 Paris tel: +33 661756594 www.rispal.com ROGER PRADIER 46 Avenue d’Occitanie 36250 Saint-Maur tel: +33 0677840752 www.roger-pradier.com

Germany ABSOLUT LIGHTING Hamburger Strasse 8a 50321 Brühl tel: +49 223276360 www.absolut-lighting.com

SAINT-LOUIS Rue Coëtlosquet 57620 Saint-Louis-Lès-Bitche tel: +33 387064004 www.saint-louis.com

ALTALINEA Am Sandhof 6 41469 Neuss tel: +49 213791263 www.altalinea.de Distributor for: Toss B

SAMMODE 24 Rue des Amandiers 75020 Paris tel: +33 143148490 www.sammode.com

ANTA Osterbrooksweg 59 22869 Schenefeld tel: +49 408391037 www.anta.de

SIGNIFY 33 Rue de Verdun BP313 92156 Suresnes Cedex tel: +33 825882309 www.signify.com

ARS VIVENDI Friedrich Ebert Strasse 42 34117 Kassel tel: +49 561772953 www.av-licht.de Distributor for: Tobias Grau

STRUCTURES 27 bis Quai François Mitterrand 44200 Nantes tel: +33 984345200 www.structures.me

OMBRE PORTEE 8 Passage Brulon 75012 Paris tel: +33 144879544 www.ombreportee.com

SYLVANIA Le Signac 1-3, Avenue du Général de Gaulle 92230 Gennevilliers tel: +33 155511100 www.sylvania-lighting.com

ORIGINAL BTC 32-34 Rue Bonaparte 75006 Paris tel: + 33 140468046 www.originalbtc.com

TAL Z.A. Du Mittelfeld 1 Rue Alfred Kastle 67300 Schiltigheim tel: +33 388764688 www.tal.be

OSRAM 5 Rue d`Altorf 67129 Molsheim tel: +33 388497599 www.lighting-solutions.osram.com

TARGETTI 8 Rue Alfred de Vigny 75008 Paris tel: +33 144290909 www.targetti.com

PERFORMANCE IN LIGHTING Parc d’Activités de la Couronne des Prés ZI de la Couronne del Prés 107 Avenue des Paitis 78417 Aubergenville Cedex tel: +33 130905360 www.performanceinlighting.com

THIEVY VIDE 67 Rue De Reuilly 75012 Paris tel: +33 143451435 www.thierryvide.com

PETITE FRITURE 83 Boulevard Richard Lenoir 75011 Paris tel: +33 144541395 www.petitefriture.com

WALDMANN Zone Industrielle Rue de l’Embranchement BP 23431 Reichstett 67455 Mundolsheim Cedex tel: +33 388209588 www.waldmann.com

TRIODE DESIGN 28 Rue Jacob 75006 Paris tel: +33 143294005 www.triodedesign.com

ARTE LUMEN Leipzeiger Platz 21 90491 Nurnberg tel: +49 9115675890 www.artelumen.de Distributor for: Megaman ARTEMIDE Hans-Böckler-Strasse 2 PO Box 1164 58730 Frondenberg tel: +49 02373975 www.artemide.com ASTRA LICHT Talstrasse 19 70825 Korntal-Münchingen tel: +49 7118395000 www.astra-licht.de Distributor for: Nimbus BALADA & CO Koenigsdorfer Strasse 15 81371 Munich tel: +49 8974654884 www.balada.de BAULMANN LEUCHTEN Selscheder Weg 24 59846 Sundern tel: +49 29338470 www.baulmann.com BEGA Hennenbusch 58708 Menden tel: +49 23739660 www.bega.com

BERND BEISSE Bärenschanzstrasse 8d 90429 Nurnberg tel: +49 911964780 www.berndbeisse.com BETEC LICHT Felix-Wankel-Str.10 85221 Dachau tel: +49 8131292656 www.betec.de BOCCI Kanstrasse 79 10627 Berlin tel: +49 1512 4060005 www.bocci.ca BOLICHWERKE Lichttechnische Fabrik Bahnhofstraße 14-16 76684 Ostringen-Odenheim tel: +49 72598000 www.bolichwerke.de BRILLIANT Brilliantstrasse 1 27442 Gnarrenburg tel: +49 476389290 www.brilliant-ag.com BRILONER Im Kissen 2 59929 Brilon tel: +49 29619712114 www.briloner.com CASABLANCA Hans-Bockler-Straße 16 63263 Neu-Isenburg tel: +49 69886033 www.casablanca-leuchten.de CLASSICON Sigmund-Riefler-Bogen 3 81829 Munich tel: +49 897481330 www.classicon.com

CORDULA KAFKA - LIGHT & PORCELAIN Heidelberger Strasse 65/66 12435 Berlin tel: +49 1732606049 email: ck@cordulakafka.de www.cordulakafka.de Porcelain in combination with light is our theme. Small series and tailor-made individual pieces are developed in our Berlin studio and realised by hand using traditional techniques. In co-operation with a German lighting manufacturer, the porcelain objects are staged using high-quality, modern lighting solutions. The atmospheric light objects have been used in international projects for 20 years. CRESTRON Ringstrasse 1 89081 Ulm-Lehr tel: +49 731962810 www.crestron.eu

DESIGN POST Deutz-Mülheimer-Strasse 22a 50679 Cologne tel: +49 221690650 www.designpost.de Distributor for: Wästberg DESIGNPLAN LIGHTING Alfred-Kowalke Strasse 30 10315 Berlin tel: +49 3051062020 www.designplanleuchten.de DIE EINRICHTER Rosemeyerstrasse 14 44139 Dortmund tel: +49 23191295100 www.dieeinrichter.net Distributor for: Prandina DIELICHTBERATER RHEIN-MAIN Färbgasse 23 35510 Butzbach tel: +49 060337499982 www.dielichtberater-rhein-main.de Distributor for: TAL DOMUS LICHT Unter der Bleiche 36 Amtsgericht Hannover HRB 100, 288 31848 Bad Munder tel: +49 5042933293 www.domus-licht.de DREIZEHNGRAD BreitscheidstarBe 78 01237 Dresden tel: +49 17622859641 www.dreizehngrad.de

EGLO Kleinbahnstrasse 35 59759 Arnsberg tel: +49 293262690 www.eglo.com ELOA Carl-herz-ufer 3 10961 Berlin tel: +49 1749604477 www.eloa.co ELSTEAD LIGHTING Annette Allee 33 Münster 48149 Germany tel: +49 15164586315 www.elsteadlighting.com ESCALE MÖBEL & LEUCHTEN Taqnnerweg 6 74838 Limbach tel: +49 628792060 www.escale.de ETTLIN LUX Pforzheimer Strasse 202 76275 Ettlingen tel: +49 7243107108 www.lichtstrukturen.de EWIGE LAMPE Neuer Wall 42 Hamburg tel: +49 40365829 www.ewige-lampe.de Distributor for: Prandina FILUMEN Am Neuen Markt 5 14467 Potsdam tel: +49 33123603910 www.filumen.de

ILLUMINATION PHYSICS Bruno-Burgel-Strasse 11 28759 Bremen tel: +49 42117421689 www.illuminationphysics.com

LICHT 3 Trankweg 17 53229 Bonn tel: +49 228555255 www.licht-hochdrei.de

FLOS Elisabeth-Selbert Strasse 4 40764 Langenfield tel: +49 2173109370 www.flos.com

INGO MAURER Kaiserstrasse 47 80801 Munich tel: +49 893816060 www.ingo-maurer.com

LICHTBOGEN Karlstrasse 3742105 Wuppertal tel: +49 692102880 www.lichtbogen-wuppertal.de Distributor for: Tom Dixon

FORM IM LICHT Bahnstrasse 56 40210 Dusseldorf tel: +49 211326175 www.form-im-licht.de Distributor for: Prandina

IP44.DE Mühlenstrasse 20 33378 Rheda-Wiedenbruck tel: +49 524257970 www.ip44.de

FORM IM RAUM Berliner Strasse 60 60311 Frankfurt tel: +49 69288624 www.formimraum.com Distributor for: Hulger FORMAGENDA Muenchner Freiheit 24 80802 Muenchen tel: +49 89414240880 www.formagenda.com GES - LICHT ERLEBEN Nordring 49 44787 Bochum tel: +49 2345165600 www.ges-bo.de Distributor for: Prandina GIRA GIERSIEPEN Dahlienstrasse 42477 Radevormwald tel: +49 21956020 www.gira.com GLASHÜTTE LIMBURG Glashüttenweg 65549 Limburg tel: +49 64312040 www.glashuette-limburg.com GLAUXS Sindelfinger Strasse 8 72070 Tubingen tel: +49 70715389140 www.guaxs.com GLOSTER Zeppelinstrasse 22 21337 tel: +49 4131287530 www.gloster.com GROSSMANN-LEUCHTEN Oesterweg 29 59469 Ense tel: +49 29389703170 www.grossmann-leuchten.de HOLY TRINITY Königsbrücker Strasse 96 Gebäude 32 01099 Dresden tel: +49 35140455510 www.holytrinity.de IDV Birkenweiherstr 2 63505 Langenselbold tel: +49 618493190 www.megaman.de IGUZZINI Bunsenstrasse 5 82152 Planegg tel: +49 898569880 www.iguzzini.com IKARUS Gutenbergstrasse 3 63571 Gelnhausen tel: +49 1805921000 www.ikarus.de Distributor for: Oligo

ISABEL HAMM LICHT riehler gürtel 84 50735 Cologne tel: +49 22116874899 www.isabel-hamm-licht.de JUNG Volmestabe 1 58579 Schalksmuhle tel: +49 23558060 www.jung.de KORONA LEUCHTEN Lindauer Strasse 25a 86199 Augsburg tel: +49 821906280 www.korona-licht.de KOZIOL Werner-von-Siemens-Str. 90 64711 Erbach/Odenwald tel: +49 6062604273 www.koziol.de KREATIVE LICHT Reuterweg 2 08056 Zwickau tel: +49 3752739416 www.kreativelichtgmbh.de Distributor for: Terzani KURT FAUSTIG Kraillinger Strasse 12 Stockdorf 82131 Munich tel: +49 898956310 www.faustig.de LASFERA DESIGN & VERTRIEBS Frankenstasse 55 50858 Cologne tel: +49 22197247550 www.lasfera.de LDM Frankstrasse 25 75172 Pforzheim tel: +49 723139890 www.ldm.de LESS’ N’ MORE Hildeboldplatz 19 50672 Cologne tel: +49 22199984480 www.less-n-more.com LIC LIGHTING TECHNOLOGY Hans-Böckler-Ring 3 22851 Norderstedt tel: +49 4030393922 www.lic-on.com LICHSTUDIO ERENS Patoratshof 18 47929 Grefrath tel: +49 215891650 www.lichtstudio-grefrath.de Distributor for: Tobias Grau LICHT & FORM Rodensteinstrasse 60 64625 Bensheim tel: +49 6251589458 www.heiko-heinrich.net Distributor for: Prandina

LICHTCENTER Grosse Friedberger Strasse 44-46 60313 Frankfurt am Main tel: +49 692102880 www.licht-center.com Distributor for: Tobias Grau LICHTECK M1 6 68161 Mannheim tel: +49 62123281 www.lichteck.de Distributor for: Tobias Grau LICHTHAUS Fritz-Reuter-Strasse 2 01097 Dresden tel: +49 3518104077 www.lichthaus.ch Distributor for: Moooi LICHTKARREE Glückstrasse 2 80333 Munich tel: +49 8952061765 www.lichtkarree.de LICHTKULTUR Flosserstrasse 19a 01139 Dresden tel: +49 35184718291 www.lightingdeluxe.com Distributor for: vistosi LICHTLAUF Sonnentaustraße 12 80995 Munich tel: +49 89309052740 www.lichtlauf.de LIGHT11.DE Alstedder Street 40 44534 Lunen tel: +49 8005444811 www.light11.de Distributor for: Ribag LIGHTING TECHNOLOGIES Fraunhofer Strasse 7 85737 Ismaning tel: +49 89550598611 www.ltcompany.com LIGHTNET Zollstockgürtel 63 50969 Cologne tel: +49 2212225260 www.lightnet.de LINEA LIGHT GROUP Aktienstrasse 214 45473 Mülheim a.d. Ruhr tel: +49 2082999790 www.linealight.com LOUIS POULSEN Kaistrasse 20 40221 Düsseldorf tel: +49 211732790 www.louispoulsen.com LTS Waldesch 24 88069 Tettnang tel: +49 754293070 www.lts-light.eu LUCENTE LICHTPLANUNG Stader Strasse 2 27419 Sittensen tel: +39 04224575 www.lucente-lichtplanung.de


EAGLE DESIGN Richard-Münch-Strasse 12 13591 Berlin tel: +49 3020678000 www.eagledesign.eu Distributor for: AQform

FISCHER LEUCHTEN Graf-Gottfried-Strasse 111 59755 Arnsberg tel: +49 293290050 www.fischer-leuchten.de


LUCTRA Westfalenstrasse 77-79 58636 Iserlon tel: +49 2371662312 www.luctra.eu

NEXT HOME COLLECTION Amsterdamer Straße 145-147 50735 Cologne tel: +49 221715050 www.next.de

RLON Lobeckstrasse 30-35 10969 Berlin tel: +49 3069519362 www.rlon.com

SIGOR Oak Weg 81 42279 Wuppertal tel: +49 233912610 www.sigor.de

LUMINI Falter Strasse 8 97318 Kitzingen tel: +49 9324981714 www.lumini-europa.de

NIMBUS Sieglestrasse 41 70469 Stuttgart tel: +49 7116330140 www.nimbus-group.com

ROOOOM Schwarzhauptstrasse 10 80939 Munich tel: +49 35892720 www.roooom.com Distributor for: Bover

SLV Daimlerstrasse 21-23 52531 Uebach-Palenberg tel: +49 24514833355 www.slv.de

MAGAZIN Aachener Strasse 40-44 50674 Cologne tel: +49 221820300 www.magazin-koeln.de Distributor for: Tobias Grau

NYTA Lessingstrasse 20 76135 Karlsruhe tel: +49 72147044707 www.nyta.eu

MASSIFCENTRAL Mommsenstrasse 65 10629 Berlin tel: +49 3091447562 www.massifcentral.de

OCARI Designagentur Ginsheimerstr.1 165462 Gustavsburg tel: +49 61345656709 www.ocari.de

MAWA DESIGN Neu-Langerwisch 36 14552 Michendorf tel: +49 33205228822 www.mawa-design.de

OCCHIO Wiener Platz 7 81667 Munich tel: +49 8944778630 www.occhio.de

MAYTONI Rothenburg 2 48143 Muenster tel: +49 3055572245 maytoni.de

OLIGO LICHTTECHNIK Tannenweg 1 53757 Sankt Augustin tel: +49 224287020 www.oligo.de

MIDGARD Hohenesch 68 22765 Hamburg tel: +49 1752011004 www.midgard.com

OMLED Friedberger Landstraße 645 60389 Frankurt tel: +49 694788150 www.omled.com

MILANO DESIGN & LEUCHTEN Schmale Strasse 12 70173 Stuttgart tel: +49 0711292929 www.milano.de Distributor for: Tobias Grau

OSRAM Marcel-Breuer-Strasse 6 80807 Munich tel: +49 8962130 www.lighting-solutions.osram.com

MILLELUMEN Max-Planck-Straße 16 63303 Dreieich tel: +49 69886033 www.millelumen.com MOBILIAR LICHT + RAUM An der Untertrave 100 23552 Lubeck tel: +49 45172424 www.mobiliar.de Distributor for: Tobias Grau NEO DESIGN STUDIOS Bull-Hochhaus 1.Og Wiener Platz 2 51065 Cologne tel: +49 22164062375 www.neo-studios.de NEO/CRAFT Schönhauser Allee 8 10119 Berlin tel: +49 3091206806 www.neocraft.com NEONWHITE DESIGN Steinwiesenstrasse 7 85253 Erdweg bei Munchen tel: +33 12544323 www.neonwhite-design.com NEUE OBJEKTE Kaiser-Friedrich-Strasse 106 41460 Neuss tel: +49 2212791120 www.neueobjekte.de Distributor for: Anglepoise NEUESLICHT Kohlenhofstraße 60 90443 Nürnberg tel: +49 91125425480 www.neueslicht.de

PAULMANN LICHT Quezinger Feld 2-10 31832 Springe-Völksen tel: +49 50419980 www.paulmann.de PERFORMANCE IN LIGHTING Leichlinger Street 14 40764 Langenfeld tel: +49 2173271990 www.performanceinlighting.com RADIUS EINRICHTUNGSBEDARF Hamburgerstrasse 8a 50321 Bruehl tel: +49 2232763636 www.radius-design.com RAUM12 Rehmstrabe 4 86161 Augsburg tel: +49 1728664340 www.raum12.de REMAGEN LICHT Ideen fur Licht + Raum e.K Neumarkt 35-37 50667 Cologne tel: +49 2212979712 www.remagenlicht.de RIDI GROUP Hauptstrasse 31-33 72417 Jungingen tel: +49 74778720 www.ridi-group.com RITTER LICHTTECHNIK Johanisthaler Chaussee 250 12351 Berlin tel: +49 306033804 www.ritterlicht.de Distributor for: TAL

ROSENTHAL LICHT Uhlandstrasse 184, 10623 Berlin tel: +49 308892473 www.rosenthal-licht.de Distributor for: Prandina RSL Tannenweg 1-3 53757 Sankt Augustin tel: +49 22418610 www.rsl.de

STAGELED Friedensallee 7-9 22765 Hamburg tel: +49 4088168776 www.stageled.com Distributor for: Sattler STENG LICHT Hedelfinger Strasse 103 70327 Stuttgart tel: +49 711238800 www.steng.de

RUCO Auf dem Nol 24-26 86179 Augsburg tel: +49 821808700 www.rucolicht.de

STYLUX Auf dem Steinfeld 23879 Mölln tel: +49 1702036946 www.stylux.eu Distributor for: David Trubridge

SATTLER Wilhelm-Zwick-Strasse 6 73035 Goppingen tel: +49 71619201930 www.sattler-lighting.com

SYLVANIA Graf-Zeppelin Strasse 9-12 91056 Erlangen tel: +49 9131793500 www.sylvania-lighting.com

SCHARKON LICHTKONZEPTE Kruppstr. 47 59227 Ahlen tel: +49 2382968680 www.scharkon.de Distributor for: Lightnet

TECNOLUMEN Lötzener Strasse 2-4 28207 Bremen tel: +49 4214304170 www.tecnolumen.com

SCHMITZ LEUCHTEN Niedereimerfeld 29 59823 Arnsberg tel: +49 293296770 www.schmitz-leuchten.de SCHNEID Einsiedelstraße 6 Alte Lehrwerkstatt 23554 Lübeck tel: +49 45158696762 www.schneid.org

TELUX Spitzbünd 6 77704 Oberkirch tel: +49 78027063830 www.telux.de Distributor for: Martinelli Luce TOBIAS GRAU Siemensstrasse 35b 25462 Rellingen tel: +49 41013700 www.tobias-grau.com

SEGULA Bergwiesenäcker 15 72160 Horb am Neckar tel: +49 7483912780 www.segula.de

TRAPP LEUCHTEN Im Kirdorf 25 57567 Daaden tel: +49 27432024 www.trappleuchten.com Distributor for: Trio

SEIPP WOHNEN Schaffhauser Strasse 36 79761 Tiengen tel: +49 774160900 www.seipp.com Distributor for: Tom Dixon

TRIESCHMANN Dieselstrasse 21 71277 Rutesheim tel: +49 7152928400 www.trieschmann-gmbh.de Distributor for: Viabizzuno

SENSES Dieselstrasse 80-84 33442 Herzebrock-Clarholz tel: +49 5245448350 www.senses-shop.com

UNCOVERED DESIGN Rosenthaler Straße 72A 10119 Berlin tel: +49 1735432655 www.uncovered-design.com

SERIEN LIGHTING Hainhäuser Strasse 3-7 63110 Rodgau tel: +49 610669090 www.serien.com

VANORY Alter Schlachthof 27 76131 Karlsruhe tel: +49 1749559158 www.vanory.com

SHAPES Salvatorplatz 3 80333 Munich tel: +49 89416170990 www.shapes.info Distributor for: Mater

WESTERNTRASH Falckensteinstr 38 10997 Berlin tel: +49 17638619906 www.westerntrash.com

SIGNIFY Lübeckertordamm 5 20099 Hamburg tel: +49 1803888333 www.signify.com

WEVER & DUCRÉ Schanzenstrasse 36, Geb. 234 B 51063 Cologne tel: +49 22113064960 www.weverducre.com

WINDFALL Amalienstrasse 81a 80799 Munich tel: +49 8928807920 www.windfall-gmbh.com ZEITRAUM Aussere Müncher Str. 2 82515 Wolfratshausen tel: +49 8171418140 www.zeitraum-moebel.de

Greece ARTEMIDE 34 Solonos Street 10673 Athens tel: +30 2103646770 www.artemide.com BOSS FOSS 41 Adrianoupoleos Street 55133 Thessaloniki tel: +30 2310252540 www.bossfoss.gr Distributor for: Wever & Ducre BRIGHT SPECIAL LIGHTING 13 Sofokli Venizelou Avenue 14123 Likovrisi, Athens tel: +30 2102851304 www.bright.gr Distributor for: Vistosi CHRISTOS CHATZIIOANNOU - LIGHT 123 Georgikis Scholis Av 57 001 PO Box 6108 Thessaloniki tel: +30 2310473601 www.chatziioannou.com

MALAPETSAS LIGHTING 9 Fleming Street Rentis 18233 Athens tel: +30 2104820063 www.malapetsaslighting.com MARALIGHTINARCH 41 Thermaikou Street 55133 Thessaloniki tel: +30 23210224245 www.406architects.com MODA LIGHT Lamia National Highway 14564 Kiffisia tel: +30 2106253802 www.modalight.gr Distributor for: Roger Pradier OPSIDIANOS 9 St. Alexandrou Street Karteros Heraklion 71500 Crete tel: +30 2810380731 www.opsidianos.gr OSRAM Athinon av. 31-33 & Sp. Patsi Street 12 10447 Athens tel: +30 2103400800 www.lighting-solutions.osram.com PETRIDIS LIGHTING Adrianoupoleos Street 6 Kalamaria 55133 Thessaloniki tel: +30 2310408700 www.petridis-lighting.gr Distributor for: Zumtobel PLACED DECORATIVE ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING 98 Kifissia’s Avenue 15121 Athens tel: +30 2108062704 www.placed.gr Distributor for: tossB

FOTOESTHISSIS 253, Kifissias Avenue Kifissia 14561 Athens tel: +30 2106236740 www.fotoesthissis.gr Distributor for: Valenti

PROTEK Kifisias 129 11524 Athens tel: +30 2106994403 www.protek.gr Distributor for: Multiline

G LIGHTS 40 Andrianoupoleos & 7 Amazonon 55133 Thessaloniki tel: +30 2310454448 www.glights.gr Distributor for: TAL GEKAS 5th km. N.R. Ioannina-Athens 45500 Ioannina tel: +30 2651085220 www.gk-gekas.gr Distributor for: Toscot GRAVANI 20, Nap Zerva Street 54640 Thessaloniki tel: +30 2310843611 www.gravani.gr Distributor for: Wever & Ducre IFI LIGHTING Algaiou 33 Chalandri 15231 Athens tel: +30 2106742095 www.ifigroup.gr Distributor for: Vibia LUCE ATALIOTIS 360A Kifisias Avenue 15233 Chalandri tel: +30 2106899011 www.luce.gr Distributor for: Viabizzuno

PSARRAKOS Navleri 3-5 18540 Piraeus tel: +30 2104110100 www.fotistika-psarrakos.gr RICHE Kifissias Avenure 204, Kifissia 14562 Athens tel: +30 2108011517 www.riche.gr Distributor for: Vibia SAMBA-ELIEZER 19 Afon Giannidi Street 18346 Moschato tel: +30 2104820946 www.samba-eliezer.gr Distributor for: Kopp SIGNIFY Avenue 44 Maroussi 15125 Athens tel: +30 2106162000 www.signify.com SMEKA 78 Spirou Merkourist Street 11634 Athens tel: +30 2107228504 www.smeka.gr Distributor for: Wever & Ducre SYLVANIA 3, Argyroupoleos Avenue Argyroupoli 16451 Athens tel: +30 2109966561 www.sylvania-lighting.com

ALL LIGHT Csorbai út 5 1119 Budapest tel: +36 17821641 www.alllight.hu Distributor for: iGuzzini BE LIGHT Szépvölgyi út 146 1025 Budapest tel: +36 14380748 www.belight.hu Distributor for: Swarovski

ALDO BERNARDI Via Vittorio Veneto 7 31017 Pieve Del Grappa (TV) tel: +39 0423538783 www.aldobernardi.it ANDCOSTA Via Delle Pastorelle 6 36016 Thiene (VI) tel: +39 0445873517 www.andcosta.com ANDROMEDA MURANO Calle Miotti 16 30141 Murano tel: +39 041736674 www.andromedamurano.it

CRYST Visegrádi u. 58/A 1132 Budapest tel: +36 209320519 www.crystbespoke.com

ANTONANGELI ILLLUMINAZIONE Via Como 74 20030 Paderno Dugnano (MI) tel: +39 0291082795 www.antonangeli.it

DECO INTERIORS BETETI TARSASAG Ustokosutca 112 Szeged tel: +36 3662450532 Distributor for: Slamp

APPARATUS STUDIO Via Santa Marta 14 20123 Milan (MI) tel: +39 3483474367 www.apparatusstudio.com

K-LIGHT Andor u. 47-49 1119 Budapest tel: +36 14635023 www.klight.hu Distributor for: Lucente

ARTEMIDE Via Bergamo 18 20010 Pregnana (MI) tel: +39 02935181 www.artemide.com

MANOOI Apostol utca 13/B 1025 Budapest tel: +36 13362690 www.manooi.com

ASSALONI LUCI Via Pontebbana 57 33010 Cassacco (UD) tel: +39 0432851459 www.assaloniluci.com Distributor for: Wever & Ducre

OSRAM Fehérvári út 84/A 1119 Budapest tel: +36 12253055 www.lighting-solutions.osram.com

AXOLIGHT Via Moglianese 44 30037 Scorzè (VE) tel: +39 0415845193 www.axolight.it

PATINAS Bajza u.62 1062 Budapest tel: +36 13126232 www.patinaslampa.hu

BALDIERI LIGHTING DESIGN Via Tommaso da Celano 11 00179 Rome (RM) tel: +39 0670491427 www.baldieri.it Distributor for: Vibia

SIGNIFY Alice Street First 1117 Budapest tel: +36 13821852 www.signify.com SOLINFO LIGHTING & HOME Wesselényi u 6 1077 Budapest tel: +36 12670444 www.solinfo.hu Distributor for: DCW Editions

Italy ABATE ZANETTI Calle Briati 8/b 30141 Murano tel: +39 0412737711 www.abatezanetti.it ABHIKA Via Newton 1 30036 Santa Maria di Sala (VN) tel: +39 0418910217 www.abhika.it ADG DESIGN Via XXV Aprile 30 35036 Montegrotto Terme (PD) tel: +39 3206354231 www.ad-g.it ALBUM Via Carlo Porta 65/67 20831 Seregno tel: +39 03621513011 www.album.it

BAROVIER & TOSO Fondamenta Vetrai 28 30141 Murano (VE) tel: +39 041739049 www.barovier.com BE.EMANUELGARGANO C.da Campiglione, 20 63900 Fermo (FM) tel: +39 0734628584 www.beemanuelgargano.com BEBY ITALY GROUP Via Mussa 16/A 35017 Piombino Dese (PD) tel: +39 0499366922 www.bebygroup.com BEGHELLI Via Mozzeghine 13/15 40050 Monteveglio (BO) tel: +39 0519660411 www.beghelliusa.com BONALDO Vis Stralle 3 35010 Camposamiero (PD) tel: +39 0499299011 www.bonaldo.com BRAGA ILLUMINAZIONE Via Soniga, 7 25080 Nuvolento (BS) tel: +39 030691775 www.fratellibraga.it BUZZI & BUZZI via Giovanni Pascoli 5 24040 Canonica d’Adda (BG) tel: +39 0290949424 www.buzzi-buzzi.it


EXPO Amaliados Street 13 14564 N.Kifisia tel: +30 2107485560 www.expo.gr Distributor for: Modular


CA’ BELLI 4U Piazza Foro Boario 12/13 61020 Casinina di Auditore (PU) tel: +39 0722362522 www.cabelli4u.com CANGINI & TUCCI Via Archimede 235 Zona Art. Case Castagnoli 47521 Cesena (FC) tel: +39 0547303035 www.canginietucci.com CARLESSO Piazza de Fabris, 76 36055 Nove tel: +39 0424590071 www.carlessosrl.com


CATELLANI & SMITH Via Cimitero 1/A 24020 Villa Di Serio (BG) tel: +39 035656088 email: info@catellanismith.com www.catellanismith.com Established in 1989, Catellani & Smith reflects the artistic personality of Enzo Catellani, carrying out work that is halfway between art and craft. Catellani & Smith is involved in producing special pieces for private and public spaces such as hotels, restaurants, museums, art galleries, theatres, events and more. CATTANEO ILLUMINAZIONE Via Pellizza da Volpedo 10 20092 Cinisello Balsamo (MI) tel: +39 0266046582 www.cattaneo.it CINI & NILS 138 Viale Certosa 20156 Milan (MI) tel: +39 023343071 www.cinienils.com CONTARDI Via A. Manzoni 134/140 20811 Cesano Maderno (MB) tel: +39 0362301381 www.contardi-italia.com CREATIVE-CABLES Lungo Dora P. Colletta n.113/9 10153 Turin (TO) tel: +39 0112478463 www.creative-cables.com CRESTRON Via Vicenza 2 20063 Cernusco sul Naviglio (MI) tel: +39 0292148185 www.crestron.eu DANESE MILANO Via Bergamo 18 20100 Pregnana Milanese (MI) tel: +39 0234939534 www.danesemilano.com DAVID DOLCINI STUDIO Piazza Fratelli Cairoli 65 26845 Codogno (LO) tel: +39 3663278028 www.daviddolcini.it DAVIDE GROPPI Via Belizzi 22-20/A 29122 Piacenza (PC) tel: +39 0523571590 www.davidegroppi.com DE MAJO Via Galileo Galilei 34 30035 Mirano (VE) tel: +39 0415729617 www.demajoilluminazione.com

DEA ILLUMINAZIONE Via San Cristoforo 7 06083 Ospedalicchio de Bastia Umbra (PG) tel: +39 758010150 www.deailluminazione.it Distributor for: Panzeri DEBSCH LIGHTING Via Ugo La Malfa 76 25050 Provaglio D’iseo (BS) tel: +39 0309823781 www.debsch.it DELTA LIGHT Via Privata Gaspare Bugatti 15 20144 Milan (MI) tel: +39 057182226 www.deltalight.com DESIGNCORPORATE Via Strigelli 5 20135 Milan (MI) tel: +39 3479496033 www.designcorporate.com Distributor for: Wonderglass DUEDI ILLUMINAZIONE Via A.Millevoi 29/33 00178 Rome (RM) tel: +39 0651530923 www.duediilluminazione.it Distributor for: Aqua Creations EGOLUCE Via I. Newton 12 20016 Pero (MI) tel: +39 023395861 www.egoluce.com ELESI LUCE Via Magellano 8 35010 Trebaseleghe (PD) tel: +39 0499385235 www.elesiluce.it ELETTROPOLIS Via degli Scipioni 4 00192 Rome (RM) tel: +39 63225896 www.elettropolis.it Distributor for: Prandina EUROLICHT Via Enrico Fermi 20 39100 Bolzano (BZ) tel: +39 0471973345 www.eurolicht.com/it Distributor for: Foscarini

FLOS Via Angelo Faini 2 25073 Bovezzo (BS) tel: +39 03024381 www.flos.com FONTANA ARTE Alzaia Trieste 49 20094 Corsico (MI) tel: +39 0245121 www.fontanaarte.com FORMALIGHTING Via Europa 35/A 200100 Pogliano (MI) tel: +39 0293540300 www.formalighting.com FORNASIER LUIGI Calle del Paradiso 14 30141 Murano (VE) tel: +39 3482414095 www.fornasier.it FOSCARINI Via delle industrie 27 30020 Marcon (VE) tel: +39 0415953811 www.foscarini.com FRED&JUUL Via Montefiano 3 50014 Florence (FI) tel: +39 0554630709 www.fredandjuul.com GLIP Via L. Scattolin 5 31055 Quinto di Treviso (TV) tel: +39 0422470614 www.glip.it GRUPPOLAMPE Via F.lli Agrizzi, 13 32031 Fener di Alano di Piave (BL) tel: +39 0439778777 www.lampe.it HENGE Via della Spiga 7 20121 Milan (MI) tel: +39 04381710600 www.henge07.com I DOGI GROUP Via dell’Avena, 15 30175 Marghera (VE) tel: +39 041926251 www.idogi.com

EUROLUCE LAMPADARI Via Aristofane 76123 Andria (BT) tel: +39 0883559385 www.eurolucelampadari.it

ICONE Via Vittorio Veneto 57 24041 Brembate (BG) tel: +39 3346291676 www.iconeluce.com

EXENIA Via della Chiesa 38 50041 Calenzano (FI) tel: +39 055541754 www.exenia.eu

IDEAL LUX Via Taglio Destro, 32 30035 Mirano (VE) tel: +39 0415790500 www.ideal-lux.com

.EXNOVO Via dei Masadori 46 38121 Trento (TN) tel: +39 0461955411 www.exnovo-italia.com

IGUZZINI Via Mariano Guzzini 37 62019 Recanati (MC) tel: +39 07175881 www.iguzzini.com

FABAS LUCE Via Luigi Talamoni 75 20861 Brugherio (MB) tel: +39 039890691 www.fabasluce.it

IL FANALE Via O Bredariol 15 31048 San Biagio Di Callalta (TV) tel: +39 0422895200 ilfanale.com

FABBIAN 50 via Santa Brigida 31023 Castelminio di Resana (TV) tel: +39 04234848 www.fabbian.com

ILIDE Via Massimo D’Antona 18 25030 Pompiano (BS) tel: +39 309460280 www.ilide.it

FAUSTIG Zona Artigianale 6 139040 Varna (BZ) tel: +39 0472272601 www.faustig.it

ILLUM Via Cabin 3/A 50129 Florence (FI) tel: +39 05509851 www.illum.it Distributor for: Luceplan

ILLUX Via I Maggio 1 06089 Miralduolo di Torgiano (PG) tel: +39 759880202 www.illux.it Distributor for: Targetti IN-ES.ARTDESIGN V.le Giulio Cesare 47 00192 Rome (RM) tel: +39 0696840520 www.in-es.com INVERLIGHT Via P. Stucchi 2 20872 Cornate d’Adda (MB) tel: +39 0396060754 www.inverlight.it ITALAMP via Fermi 8 35010 Cadoneghe (PD) tel: +39 498870442 www.italamp.com JOIN-LAMP.COM via A. De Gasperi tr. U. Foscolo 3 84018 Scafati (SA) tel: +39 0818508666 www.join-lamp.com KARBOXX Via Cornarè, 22 Basalghelle 31040 Mansue (TV) tel: +39 0422756025 www.karboxx.com KARMAN Via A Grandi 10 San Martino del Piano 61034 Fossombrone (PU) tel: +39 0721715042 www.karmanitalia.it KARTELL Labware Division Via delle Industrie 1 20082 Noviglio (MI) tel: +39 02900121 www.kartell.it KNIKERBOKER Via Delle Rose, 7 24040 Lallio (BG) tel: +39 035200536 www.knikerboker.it KOLARZ Via G. Volpato 5/C 30020 Quarto d’Altino (VE) tel: +39 0422331074 www.kolarz.at KREA DESIGN Via Vavour 129/A 22078 Turate (CO) tel: +39 0296750096 www.kreadesign.it KUNDALINI Viale Leonardo Da Vinci 20090 Trezzano sul Naviglio (MI) tel: +39 0236538950 www.kundalini.it LA FILOMETALLICA Via Balduccio da Piaza 18 20139 (Ml) tel: +39 025394314 www.megaman.it LA MURRINA Via isonzo 26 22078 Turate (CO) tel: +39 02969751 www.lamurrina.com LA RINASCENTE Piazza del Duomo 20121 Milan (MI) www.rinascente.it Distributor for: Vitra

LABER Strada Montefeltro 47 61100 Pesaro (PU) tel: +39 72125273 www.laber.it Distributor for: Targetti LAURAMERONI Via Manzoni, 2784 22040 Alzate Brianza (CO) tel: +44 31761450 www.laurameroni.com LEUCOS Via Delle Industrie 16/B, Salzano 30030 (VE) tel: +39 0415741111 www.leucos.com LIGHT IT San Polo, Calle de l’erbarol 30125 Venice (VE) www.lightit.global LIGHT-UP Via Enea Stefani, 11/A 40138 Bologna (BO) tel: +39 051320127 www.light-up.it Distributor for: Linea Light LIGHT4 Viale dell’Industria 2A 31055 Quinto di Treviso (TV) tel: +39 0422378122 www.light4.it LIGHTHOLE Via Mar Libico 35 00071 Pomezia (RM) tel: +39 069124430 www.lighthole.it

LINEA ZERO Via Torino 24 Negrar (VR) tel: +39 045989600 www.lineazero.it LLADRO Piazza Fontana,6 20122 Milan (MI) tel: +39 0227201787 www.lladro.com LLD LIGHT Via dell’Edilizia 100 36100 Vicenza (VI) tel: +39 04441497877 www.lldlight.it LODES Via Pialoi 32 30020 Marcon (VE) tel: +39 0414569266 www.lodes.com LOLLI E MEMMOLI Via Fratelli Vivarini 7 20141 Milan (MI) tel: +39 0289502342 www.lollimemmoli.it

LUCEPLAN Via E.T. Moneta 40 20161 Milan (MI) tel: +39 02662421 www.luceplan.com Distributor for: Modular LUCITALIA Via Monsuello 211 25065 Lumezzane (BS) tel: +39 0308925625 www.lucitalia.it LUCTRA Via Greppi Dr Pietro 15/B 23824 Dervio (LC) tel: +39 0341807806 www.luctra.eu LUMEN CENTER ITALIA Via Donatori del Sangue n.37 20010 Santo Stefano Ticino (MI) tel: +39 0236544311 www.lumencenteritalia.com LUMEX Via Varotti 10 31050 Vedelago (TV) tel: +39 3494336355 www.lumex.it Distributor for: Zafferano LUMINA Via Casorezzo, 63 20010 Arluno (MI) tel: +39 029037521 www.lumina.it LUMINARA BY ESTRO Via IV Novembre, 29/B 51034 Cantagrillo (PT) tel: +39 0573929294 www.estro.it LUX ILLUMINAZIONE S.P. 231Km 49.700 76123 Andria (BT) tel: +39 0883545355 www.luxilluminazione.com LUXIONA Via Milano 4 20070 Dresano (MI) tel: +39 0298274010 www.luxiona.com MAJORANO Via Argine 508 80147 Naples (NA) tel: +39 815914111 www.majorano.it Distributor for: Viabizzuno MARCHETTI ILLUMINAZIONE Via Pastore 13 60131 Ancona (AN) tel: +39 0712868666 www.marchettiilluminazione.com

LOMBARDO Via Pizzigoni 3 24060 Villongo (BG) tel: +39 035939411 www.lombardo.it

MARINO MANCA Via Macchiavelli 30 Loc. Su Planu 09047 Selargius (CA) tel: +39 070531619 www.marinomanca.it Distributor for: Zumtobel

LU MURANO Calle del Paradiso 14 30141 Murano (VE) tel: +39 041736176 www.lu-murano.it

MARSET Via dell’Annunciata 29 20121 Milan (MI) tel: +39 3666059083 www.marset.com MARTINELLI LUCE Via T Bandettini 55100 Lucca (LU) tel: +39 0583418315 www.martinelliluce.it

MASIERO Via Peschiere 53 31032 Casale Sul Sile (TV) tel: +39 04227861 www.masierogroup.com

NOBILED Via Portuense, 1555 00148 Rome (RM) tel: +39 0665002524 www.nobile.it

MAZZEGA1946 Via Nuova Trevigiana 127/B 31032 Casale Sul Sile (TV) tel: +39 04221871515 www.mazzega1946.com

NOI DESIGN Via Macchiavelli 10 31021 Mogliano Veneto (TV) tel: +39 0415830602 www.noidesign.it

MDA Via Raffello Busoni 13 INT 50053 Empoli (FI) tel: +39 571935454 www.mdaitalia.it Distributor for: Marset

NOVARESI Via Gian Carlo Puecher 5 20127 Milan (MI) tel: +39 022613245 www.novaresi.com

MEGAWATT Via Circumvallazione Esterna 89 80026 Casoria (NA) tel: +39 813614614 www.gruppomegawatt.it Distributor for: Viabizzuno MELOGRANOBLU Via Boschetti 87 24050 Grassobbio (BG) tel: +39 0354522451 www.melogranoblu.com METAL LUX Via Piave, 35 35017 Torreselle di Piombino Dese (PD) tel: +39 0495746067 www.metalluxlight.com MLE HOTEL LIGHTING Via A. Enstein 35 int 53 50013 Campi Bisenzio (FI) tel: +39 0558804703 www.mlelighting.com MM LAMPADARI Via Feltrina 37 31040 Pederobba (TV) tel: +39 0423688800 www.mmlampadari.com MODO LUCE Via Venezia 13 31028 Vazzola (TV) tel: +39 0438488076 www.modoluce.com MORETTI LUCE Via Divisione Acqui 14/16 Lumezzane Zona industriale 25065 S. Sebastiano (BS) tel: +39 0308204728 www.morettiluce.com MULTIFORME Via Montello II Tronco 19 35010 Trebaseleghe (PD) tel: +39 0499387669 www.multiforme.eu NAHOOR Via A. De Gasperi 12 25060 Collebeato (BS) tel: +39 0303366275 www.nahoor.com NEGRI ILLUMINAZIONE Via Valassina 53 20035 Lissone (MB) tel: +39 39794773 www.negrilluminazione.it Distributor for: Ribag NEMO Viale Brianza, 30 20823 Lentate sul Seveso (MB) tel: +39 03621660500 www.nemolighting.com NILUFAR Via della Spiga 32 20121 Milan (MI) tel: +39 02780193 www.nilufar.com

OBOR Piazza S Lorenzo in Lucina 28 00186 Rome (RM) tel: +39 66871496 www.obor.it Distributor for: Neri OLEV Via del Progresso 40 36064 Colceresa (VI) tel: +39 0424411403 www.olevlight.com OLUCE Via Brescia 2 20097 San Donato Milanese (MI) tel: +39 0298491435 www.oluce.com OSRAM Viale dell´Innovazione 3 20126 Milan (MI) tel: +39 0242491 www.lighting-solutions.osram.com OTY LIGHT Via Spangaro N8/a 30030 Peseggia di Scorze (VI) tel: +39 0415830499 www.otylight.com OVERLITE ILLUMINAZIONE Via Feltre 32 20132 Milan (MI) tel: +39 02210121 www.overlite.it Distributor for: Vibia OXEN LUCE Strada Mirabella 10 46040 Cavriana (MN) tel: +39 0376771513 www.oxenluce.com PALLUCCO Via Meucci 4 31022 Preganzioi (TV) tel: +39 0422438600 www.pallucco.com PAN INTERNATIONAL Via G. Michelucci, 1 50028 Tavarnelle Val di Pesa (FI) tel: +39 0558059336 www.panint.it PANZERI Via Padania 8 20853 Biassono (MB) tel: +39 0392497483 www.panzeri.it PATRIZIA GARGANTI Via Lucchese 39 50019 Sesto Fiorentino (FI) tel: +39 055310607 www.patriziagarganti.com PATRIZIA VOLPATO Via del Trifoglio 15/1 30175 Marghera (VE) tel: +39 041932857 www.patriziavolpato.it PEDRALI SP 122 Mornico al Serio 24050 Bergamo (BG) tel: +39 0358358970 www.pedrali.it


LINEA LIGHT GROUP Via Della Fornace 59 31023 Castelminio di Resana (TV) tel: +39 04237868 www.linealight.com

LUCE IN VENETO Villa Cà Marcello Via dei Marcello, 13/11 35017 Levada di Piombino Dese (PD) tel: +39 0499350457 www.luceinveneto.it Distributor for: Waypoint


PENTA via Trieste snc 20821 Meda (MB) tel: +39 031766100 www.pentalight.it

SLAMP via Vaccareccia 12/14 00071 Pomezia (RM) tel: +39 069162391 www.slamp.com

VENETIA STUDIUM San Marco 2425 30124 Venice (VE) tel: +39 0415236953 www.venetiastudium.com

PERFORMANCE IN LIGHTING 9/11 Viale Del Lavoro 37030 Colognola Al Collo (VR) tel: +39 0456159211 www.performanceinlighting.com

SP LIGHT AND DESIGN Via Modena 10 20090 Buccinasco (MI) tel: +39 0245707187 www.valentiluce.it

VENICEM Via Terraglio 54 31021 Mogliano Veneto (TV) tel: +39 0415936143 www.venicem.com

POSSONI ILLUMINAZIONE Via O.Favaron 34 20834 Nova Milanese (MB) tel: +39 036240038 www.possoni.it

STATUS Via Vittorio Veneto 23 20010 Bernate Ticino (MI) tel: +39 029759911 www.status.it

VENINI Fondamenta Vetrai 50 30141 Murano (VE) tel: +39 0412737224 www.venini.com

PRANDINA Via Rambolina 29 36061 Bassano Del Grappa (VI) tel: +39 0424566338 www.prandina.it

SYLVANIA Piazza Don Enrico Mapelli 75 20099 Sesto San Giovanni (MI) tel: +39 0224125811 www.sylvania-lighting.com

VESOI Via Vittorio Emanuele 209 80022 Arzano (NA) tel: +39 0818735613 www.vesoi.com

PURALUCE Via Di Pianvallico 9 50038 Scarperia (FI) tel: +39 0558487178 www.puraluce.com

TARGETTI Via Pratese 164 50145 Florence (FI) tel: +39 05537911 www.targetti.com

VETRART Via dei Tulipani 11 36061 Bassano del Grappa (VI) tel: +39 0424567999 www.vetrartlighting.com

RO SERVICES Via Erbognetta 3 27039 Sannazzaro (PV) tel: +39 0382901525 www.roservices.it Distributor for: Younique

TECNOLUX Via Caravaggio 26 20033 Desio (MB) tel: +39 0362300619 www.tecnolux.it

VG NEWTREND Via Gramsci 1/2 31055 Quinto di (TV) tel: +39 04224722522 www.vgnewtrend.it

TERZANI Via di Castelpulci Int. 9 50018 Scandicci (FI) tel: +39 055722021 www.terzani.com

VIABIZZUNO via Romagnoli 10 40010 Bentivoglio (BO) tel: +39 0518908011 www.viabizzuno.com

TEUKHO Via San Mauro 31 33050 Percoto (UD) tel: +39 0432676388 www.teukho.com

VIMAR Viale Vicenza, 14 36063 Marostica (VI) tel: +39 0424488676 www.vimar.com

TOM DIXON Via Alessandro Manzoni 5 20121 Milan (MI) www.tomdixon.net

VISTOSI Via Galileo Galilei,9-9/A-11 31021 Mogliano Veneto (TV) tel: +39 04159033480 www.vistosi.it

ROLD Via della Merlata 1 20014 Nerviano (MI) tel: +39 0331438118 www.rold.com ROSSINI GROUP Via Kennedy, 5 20090 Sercate (MI) tel: +39 022169501 www.rossinigroup.it ROTALIANA Via della Rupe 35 38017 Mezzolombardo (TN) tel: +39 0461602376 www.rotaliana.it RUGGIU Via Taliercio 22 31059 (TV) Zero Branco tel: +39 0422485200 www.ruggiu.com SELETTI Via Codebruni Levante 32 46019 Cicognara di Viadana (MN) tel: +39 037588561 www.seletti.it SERVOMUTO STUDIO Via Olona 25 20123 Milan (MI) tel: +39 291668674 www.servomuto.com SFORZIN ILLUMINAZIONE Viale Dell’Industria 21 20037 Paderno Dugnano (MI) tel: +39 029104958 www.sforzinilluminazione.com SIGMA L2 Via degli Olmi, 145 Sesto Fiorentino 50019 (FI) tel: +39 0554207107 www.sigmal2.it SIL LUX Via G. Pascoli 35/a 30020 Quarto D’Altino (VE) tel: +39 0422824756 www.sillux.com SIRU Via Morea 6 30126 Venice (VE) tel: +39 0415267932 www.siru.com

TOOY Via Alessandro Volta 7/9 63857 Amandola (FM) tel: +39 0297381915 www.tooy.it TORREMATO Via Bredariol Olivo 15 31048 San Biagio Di Callalta (TV) tel: +39 0422895200 www.torremato.com TOSCOT Via Aldo Moro 8 50019 Sesto Fiorentino (FI) tel: +39 0554208723 www.toscot.it TURNLIGHTS Via della Meccanica, 67 36100 Vicenza (VI) tel: +39 0444563609 www.turnlights.com UOZU LIGHTING Via Francesco Baracca 3/A 50127 Florence (FI) tel: +39 0555321042 www.uozulighting.com VALENTI Via De Vecchi 7/D 20090 Assago (MI) tel: +39 02457191759 www.valentiluce.it VARIAZIONI Via Arzignano, 12 36070 Trissino (VI) tel: +39 0445491552 www.variazioni.it

VOLTOLINA Via Selvanese 10 Olmo di Martellago 30030 (VI) tel: +39 041907666 www.voltolina.com WALDMANN Via della Pace 18 A 20098 San Giuliano Milanese (MI) tel: +39 0298249024 www.waldmann.com WAVE MURANO GLASS Fondamenta Colleoni 7 30141 Murano (VE) tel: +39 0415102543 www.wavemuranoglass.com YOUNIQUE Via IV Novembre 6 25040 Brescia (BS) tel: +39 0303366604 www.younique-plus.com ZAFFERANO Viale Dell’Industria 26 31055 Quinto Di Treviso (TV) tel: +39 0422470344 www.zafferanoitalia.com ZAVA Via Padova 48 31041 Cornuda (TV) tel: +39 0423639907 www.zavaluce.it ZONCA INTERNATIONAL via Gaspare Bugatti, 11/13 20144 Milan (MI) tel: +39 0235988502 www.zoncainternational.it

Kosovo ARCHLIGHTING Str.Kalbria p.n. 1000 Prisˇtina tel: +377 44239753 www.archlighting-ks.com Distributor for: Linea Light

Latvia A.R. ELEKTRO Noliktavas Street 5 1010 Riga tel: +371 67222220 www.apgaismojums.lv Distributor for: Chelsom BELLA LIGHT Sauliesu iela 19, Tiraine 2167 Marupes tel: +371 20409120 www.bellalight.lv Distributor for: Targetti ELEKTROSTUDIJA Ieriku iela 67a 1084 Riga tel: +371 67550777 www.elektrostudija.lv Distributor for: Zumtobel GAISMAS STILS Maskavas iela 12 1050 Riga tel: +371 67276760 www.gaismasstils.lv Distributor for: Marset LA FORMA Adresas J Basanavicaus g10 03108 Vilnius tel: +370 52651922 www.laforma.lt Distributor for: Vistosi

Liechtenstein LINEXA ANSTALT LICHT + WOHNEN Am Schragen Weg 9 9490 Vaduz tel: +423 2361875 www.linexa.com/le Distributor for: iGuzzini SWAROVSKI LIGHTING Dröschistrasse 15 9495 Triesen tel: +423 3995656 www.swarovski.com

Lithuania ARDENA Vytenio g. 20 03229 Vilnius tel: +370 52160717 www.ardena.lt Distributor for: Simes DELIGHT Vytenio str. 13 03112 Vilnius tel: +370 66611450 www.delight.lt Distributor for: Wever & Ducré ELEKTROBALT Latviu˛ str. 15/2-53 08113 Vilnius tel: +370 52124508 www.elektrobalt.lt Distributor for: Zumtobel GAUDRE Ateities Street 10 2057 Vilnius tel: +370 52796162 www.gaudre.lt Distributor for: Modular

HOPIS A. Juozapaviciaus Pr. 21-56 45256 Kaunas tel: +370 37473453 www.hopis.lt

SICHEL Rangwee 34 2412 Howald tel: +352 504748 www.sichel-home.lu Distributor for: Foscarini

KORGAS P. Luksio str. 19 09132 Vilnius tel: +370 52741500 www.korgas.lt Distributor for: Lodes

SIGNIFY 19 rue Eugene Ruppert 2453 Luxembourg City tel: +352 404061300 www.signify.com

OSRAM Verslo centras (Orange office) Senasis Ukmerges kel. 4 Uzubaliu km 14013 Vilniaus rajonas tel: +370 52195368 www.lighting-solutions.osram.com

SIPEL 42, ZAE Le Triangle Vert 5691 Ellange - Mondorf tel: +352 3166601 www.sipel.lu Distributor for: Foscarini

PROMODUS Kuzmos str. 4-1 44280 Kaunas tel: +370 37207596 www.promodus.lt Distributor for: Marset SOSTINES SVIESOS Didzioji 25-6 2001 Vilnius tel: +370 52120417 www.sviesos.lt Distributor for: Zumtobel THINK LIGHT T. Sevcenkos g. 16A, Vilnius 03111 Wilna tel: +370 52395910 www.sviesos-studija.lt Distributor for: TAL

Luxembourg AEM Allée J.W. Leonard LU 7526 Mersch tel: +352 2600271 www.aem.lu Distributor for: Vibia CASA NOVA CONTEMPORAIN 26 Avenue de la Porte-Neuve 2227 tel: +352 222627 www.casanova.lu Distributor for: Tobias Grau CVR CONCEPT 74, route de Longwy 8080 Bertrange tel: +352 26259001 www.cvr.lu Distributor for: Foscarini FILAMENT STYLE 22 Avenue de la Liberte BP 1057 1010 Luxembourg City www.filamentstyle.com MINUSINES 8 rue Hogenberg 1022 Luxembourg City tel: +352 495858 www.minusines.lu Distributor for: Modular MOBIL ALVISSE 1 Rue Jean Fischbach-zi, Am Bann 03372 Leudelange tel: +352 2637371 www.alvisse.lu Distributor for: Slamp

LUX Majka Tereza 2, lok. 2 (Vodnjanska 2, lok. 2) 1000 Skopje tel: +389 23116735 www.lux.com.mk Distributor for: Vibia OSRAM DC Kuzman Skopje, Mitropolit Teodosij Gologanov 28/II-18 2nd Floor Office 18 1000 Skopje tel: +389 23296224 www.lighting-solutions.osram.com PROTEX Ul. Prolet 31 1000 Skopje tel: +389 23116735 Distributor for: Foscarini

Malta ELEKTRA Triq il-Mithna, Zone 5 Central Business District CBD 5090 Qormi tel: +356 21494444 www.elektra.com.mt Distributor for: Metalarte ESS San Gwakkin Road BKR3000 Mriehel tel: +356 21255777 www.ess.com.mt Distributor for: SLV LIGHT DESIGN SOLUTIONS Emmanuel Schembri Street BKR1810 Birkirkara tel: +356 21496843 www.lds.com.mt Distributor for: Wever & Ducré

FAGERHULT Lichtschip 19 3991 CP Houten tel: +31 306889900 www.fagerhult.com

ARTIMETA De Koumen 86 6433 KE Hoensbroek tel: +31 455227722 www.artimeta.nl Distributor for: Trizo21

FLOS Cruquiusweg 109 Q 1019 AG Amsterdam tel: +31 205605070 www.flos.com

AY ILLUMINATE Vuursalamander 44-46 3824 VH Amersfoort tel: +31 334571486 www.ayilluminate.com BAVA Sylvain Poonsstraat 14 2548 XX Den Haag tel: +31 703450045 www.bava.nl Distributor for: Slamp BERLA Weefraam 15 5051 HL Goirle tel: +31 135182323 www.berla.nl Distributor for: Schmitz Leuchten BILLEKENS LICHT EN ADVIES Berg 25 5671 CA Nuenen tel: +31 402831983 www.billekenslichtenadvies.nl Distributor for: Tobias Grau BOOO Kastanjelaan 400 5616 LZ Eindhoven tel: +31 852084949 www.booo.eu BRAND VAN EGMOND Nikkelstraat 41 1411 AH Naarden tel: +31 356921259 www.brandvanegmond.com BRINK LICHT Tasveld 1-B 3417 XS Montfoort tel: +31 348435065 www.brinklicht.nl Distributor for: Prandina DAMAD LICHTSTUDIO Torenstraat 146 2513 BW Den Haag tel: +31 703647250 www.damadlichtstudio.nl Distributor for: Prandina DAVID DERKSEN DESIGN Voorhaven 57 3025 HD Rotterdam tel: +31 655366499 www.davidderksen.nl

FORMFOCUS Steniaweg 13-D 3702 AE Zeist tel: +31 653616930 www.formfocus.nl Distributor for: Lightyears FRAMA Herengracht 180 1016 BR Amsterdam tel: +31 618390281 www.framacph.com GRAYPANTS Herengracht 180 1016 Amsterdam tel: +31 208208990 www.graypants.com HILL LICHTSTUDIO Voorstraat 3 3512 AH Utrecht tel: +31 302333066 www.hilldesign.nl Distributor for: Tobias Grau HOLLANDS LICHT Cruquiusweg 111 L 1019 AG Amsterdam tel: +31 206918161 www.hollandslicht.eu HOOGE VERLICHTING Postbus 3238 5203 DE Hertogenbosch tel: +31 736893696 www.hoogeverlichting.nl Distributor for: Metalarte HOOGSPOOR DESIGN LIGHT Ringbaan Zuid 380 5022 GA Tilburg tel: +31 135425182 www.hoogspoor.nl Distributor for: Tom Dixon IGUZZINI Plesmanstraat 59 3905 KZ Veenendaal tel: +31 317497865 www.iguzzini.com ILLUM Waaier 50 2451 VW Leimuiden tel: +31 172506668 www.illum.nl Distributor for: Zava

DE VERLICHTING AJ Ernststraat 667 1082 LH Amsterdam tel: +31 204045845 www.deverlichting.com Distributor for: Omikron Desig

INLICHT Erpseweg 2 De Mouthoeve Gebouw 1E 5427 PG Boekel tel: +31 492820991 www.inlicht.nl Distributor for: Segula

DELTA LIGHT Burgemeester Stramanweg 104 1101 AA Amsterdam tel: +31 888040600 www.deltalight.com

JACCO MARIS Rudonk 6 4824 Breda tel: +31 765319622 www.jaccomaris.com

ALADDIN Koedijkerstraat 10 1823 CR Alkmaar tel: +31 725112324 www.aladdinlampen.nl Distributor for: Slamp

DIBO VERLICHTING Westhavenkade 48 3131 AE Vlaardingen tel: +31 102489364 www.dibo-verlichting.nl Distributor for: Prandina

KARVEN Herengracht 180 1016 BR Amsterdam tel: +31 208208083 www.karven.com

ANNET VAN EGMOND STUDIO Nikkelstraat 41 1411 AH Naarden tel: +31 356921259 www.annetvanegmond.com

DINGS DESIGN G.van Nijenrodestraat 151 3621 GJ Breukelen tel: +31 631951872 Distributor for: Atelje Lyktan

Moldova OSRAM Str. Sfatul Tarii, N. 27 2012 Chisinau tel: +373 22237306 www.lighting-solutions.osram.com


KO CO WISCH Laan Van Zuilenveld 10 AJ Oud Zuilen tel: +31 307432254 www.kocowisch.nl


UAB KORGAS J. Kubiliaus g. 6 08234 Vilnius tel: +370 52741500 www.korgas.lt Distributor for: Trilux


ARTEMIDE Hobbemakade 89 1071 XR Amsterdam tel: +31 204702668 www.artemide.com

KOODUU Nomenta Industries International Kenaupark 33-2 2011 MR Haarlem tel: +31 232052455 www.kooduu.com

POP LIGHT Havensingel 1 5211 TX ‘s-Hertogenbosch tel: +31 736412622 www.poplight.nl Distributor for: Foscarini

KOOT Raadhuisstraat 55 1016 DD Amsterdam tel: +31 206264830 www.koot.com Distributor for: Prandina

QIS DESIGN Meerenakkerweg 1-17 5652 Eindhoven tel: +31 888889200 www.qisdesign.com

LICHTPUNT Stettinweg 11 9723 HD Groningen tel: +31 505973999 www.lichtpunt.nl LICHTSTUDIO VANDERHEE BY ROBBERT Koninginneweg 129 1075 CL Amsterdam tel: +31 206642144 www.lichtstudiovanderhee.nl Distributor for: Tobias Grau


LOUIS POULSEN Castorweg 54 Leeuwarden tel: +31 582889089 www.louispoulsen.com LUCENTE De Werf 38 8401 JE Gorredijk tel: +31 850603350 www.lucente.nl Distributor for: TossB LUCTRA Monierweg 3 7741 KV Coevorden tel: +31 416543543 www.luctra.eu MARC DE GROOT Van Bossestraat 97 - 1hg 1051 JW Amsterdam tel: +31 624688000 www.bymarcdegroot.com MARCEL WANDERS STUDIO Oranje Nassaulaan 21 1075 AJ Amsterdam tel: +31 202620184 www.marcelwanders.com MASTERLIGHT Industrieterrein 102-104 5981 NC Panningen tel: +31 773078684 www.masterlight.com MIJS WONEN Ringbaan Zuid 251 5021 LR Tilburg tel: +31 135359464 www.meijswonen.com Distributor for: Moooi MODULAR Bouwerij 54 1185 XX Amstelveen tel: +31 203473047 www.supermodular.com MOOOI Minervum 7003 4817 ZL Breda tel: +31 765784444 www.moooi.com OSRAM PO Box 115 2900 AC Capelle aan den IJssel tel: +31 107501414 www.lighting-solutions.osram.com PERFORMANCE IN LIGHTING Ronde Tocht 1 C 1507 CC Zaandam tel: +31 756708706 www.performanceinlighting.com

QUASAR Burgstraat 2 4283 GG Giessen tel: +31 651182937 www.quasar.nl RENATE VOS STUDIO Loevestein 1 5307 TG Poederoijen tel: +31 648257245 www.renatevos.nl SANDER MULDER Peter Zuidlaan 22 5502 NH Veldhoven tel: +31 402122900 www.sandermulder.com SIGNIFY Boschdijk 525 5600 PB Eindhoven tel: +31 402787500 www.signify.com SISI LIGHTING DESIGN Marnixstraat 192B 1016 TJ Amsterdam tel: +31 636463359 www.sisi.amsterdam STUDIO DRIFT Asterweg 20 B1 1031 HN Amsterdam tel: +31 208406993 www.studiodrift.com STUDIO FREDERIK ROIJE Industrieweg 29 1115 AD Amsterdam tel: +31 204165706 www.roije.com TIERLANTIJN De Waterman 12 4891 TL Rijsbergen tel: +31 765964413 www.tierlantijn.com TONONE Veemarktrade 8-6117 5222 Ae Den Bosch tel: +31 857821333 www.tonone.com TOVERDESIGN Luijbenstraat 42 5211 Hertogenbosch tel: +31 738224556 www.toverdesign.nl Distributor for: WEP Light UNIQUE BRANDS Van Hennaertweg 7 2952 CA Alblasserdam tel: +31 786920929 www.uniquebrands.nl Distributor for: Sattler V3RS Zwaanstraat 1 Building TAB, Strijp-T 5651 CA Eindhoven tel: +31 613518078 www.v3rs.nl VERSTEEG LICHTSTUDIO Gedempte Oude Gracht 139 2011 GP Haarlem tel: +31 235421416 www.versteeglichtstudio.nl Distributor for: Moooi

VIJ5 Hallenweg 1E 5615 PP Eindhoven tel: +31 408200585 www.vij5.nl WALDMANN Lingewei 19 4004 LK Tiel tel: +31 344631019 www.waldmann.com

Poland 4 LIGHT ul. Grudzieniec 38 60601 Poznan tel: +48 618517300 www.4light.pl Distributor for: Wever & Ducré 5 PLUS ul. Jagiellonska 5 70435 Szczecin tel: +48 914344255 www.5plus.com.pl Distributor for: Vibia ARTEMIDE Ul. Saperow 4 82300 Elblag tel: +48 552324219 www.artemide.com BARANSKA DESIGN AI. Niepodleglosci 646 81854 Sopot tel: +48 585550403 www.baranska.pl CHORS ul. Soltysowicka 19c 51168 Wroc?aw tel: +48 713231400 www.chors.pl

LUNATIC Al Jerozolimskie, 179 Blue City 02222 Warsaw tel: +48 223117222 www.lunatic.com.pl Distributor for: Slamp LUXIONA ul. Sochaczewska 110 Macierzysz 05850 Ozarow Mazowiecki tel: +48 227217272 www.luxiona.com MILANTEX ul Pulawska 108/112 02620 Warsaw tel: +48 228441285 www.milantex.pl Distributor for: Zonca OSRAM ul. Wiertnicza 117 02952 Warsaw tel: +48 225502300 www.lighting-solutions.osram.com PUFFBUFF ul.Dluga 44/50, lok.906 00-241 Warsaw tel: +48 600873216 www.puff-buff.com RIDI GROUP Natolin 68A 92701 Lódz tel: +48 426719300 www.ridi-group.com SELECT ul.Przemyslowa 6/1 62300 Wrzesnia tel: +48 614376463 www.selectsc.pl Distributor for: TAL

DECOINA ul. Wiertnicza 165 02952 Warsaw tel: +48 508238320 Distributor for: Slamp

SHILO Antigo SC ul. Kordeckiego 19 42-226 Cze˛stochowa 5732846271 tel: +48 733113111 www.shilo.pl

ELSTEAD LIGHTING ul. Sportowa 12 Balice 32083 Poland tel: +48 124441091 www.elsteadlighting.com

SIGNIFY Al. Jerozolimskie 195B 02222 Warsaw tel: +48 225710052 www.signify.com

EMBASSY INTERIORS Wroclaw 50-127 (Breslau) PL ul. s´w. Mikolaja 56/57 Breslau tel: +48 728838438 www.embassyinteriors.com EURO-LIGHT 1 Maja 46a Street 05555 Tarczyn tel: +48 227367300 www.euro-light.pl Distributor for: Organic Lighting FAGERHULT ul. Komitetu Obrony Robotników 48 02146 Warsaw tel: +48 227491250 www.fagerhult.com ILUMNI st.Zakopianska 56 30 418 Cracow tel: +48 884899422 www.ilumni.pl LINEA LIGHT GROUP ul. Wiosenna 47 41253 Czeladz tel: +48 322651121 www.linealight.com

SYLVANIA Marywilska 34 03228 Warsaw tel: +48 228116032 www.sylvania-lighting.com VELT Galeria Velt, ul. Prozna 12 00107 Warsaw www.velt.pl

Portugal ALFILUX - ALBERTO BARBOSA E FILHOS Av. 24 de Julho, 26 1200-480 Lisbon tel: +351 213903495 www.alfilux.com Distributor for: Tobias Grau ASTRATEC Rue da Guine 25-1 2685-336 Prior Velho tel: +351 219428830 www.astratec.pt Distributor for: Sattler BOCA DO LOBO Rua Particular de Regueirais nº 33 4435-379 Rio Tinto www.bocadolobo.com

BRABBU Rua Particular de Regueirais nº33 4436-379 Rio Tinto tel: +351 914930065 www.brabbu.com BY BEAU DESIGN STUDIO Av Jose da Costa Mealha No 43 1st Floor 8100-500 Loule tel: +351 289432615 www.bybeau.com/en CASTRO LIGHTING Rua Presa da Cavada, 262 4510-640 Fanzeres tel: +351 224853176 www.castrolighting.com CLIMAR Rua Estrada Real 50 3750-866 Agueda tel: +351 234690330 www.climarlighting.com CREATIVEMARY Rua António Costa Viseu 2 - CM 4435-104 Porto tel: +351 220143048 www.creativemary.com.pt DELIGHTFULL Trav. Marques de Sá, 68 4432-4 Rio Tinto tel: +351 917970713 www.delightfull.eu DONKER Av. D. Carlos I, 99A 1200-650 Lisbon tel: +351 213932360 www.lightgtech.com Distributor for: Lodes

GET A LIGHT Rua Rodrigues Faria 103 Espaco g.02 1300-501 Lisbon tel: +351 213933030 www.getalight.pt Distributor for: Viabizzuno GMEX Rua do Barroco 174 Ad.01 Leca do Balio 4465-591 Porto tel: +351 229537348 www.gmexlight.com K-LIGHTING Rua Henry Thillo,Armazém D Sector X (10) Zona Industrial da Maia I 4470-249 Maia tel: +351 916257354 www.k-lighting.com LIGHTLAB Rua Teofilo Braga, 156 Arm. C Sao Domingos de Rana 2785-122 Cascais tel: +351 214455235 www.lightlab.pt Distributor for: Wever & Ducré MAMBO UNLIMITED IDEAS Rua Fernando Palha Santa Maria dos Olivais 1950-132 Lisbon tel: +351 218133391 info@mambounlimitedideas.com MEGARIM ILUMINACAO Rua do centro cultural 11 1700-106 Lisbon tel: +351 218438450 www.megarim.pt Distributor for: TAL

OSRAM Rua do Alto do Montijo No. 15 - 4 andar 2794-069 Carnaxide tel: +351 214165860 www.lighting-solutions.osram.com PAULO COELHO Rua do Norte 15 - Casal da Charneca - Apartado 27 2461-601 Alcobaça tel: +351 262505540 www.paulo-coelho.com PERFORMANCE IN LIGHTING Estrada Exterior da Circunvalação 3558/3560 4435-238 Rio Tinto tel: +351 229770624 www.performanceinlighting.com QUARTOSALA Praceta José Epifânio de Abreu, 4 2770-094 Paço de Arcos tel: +351 214411110 www.quartosala.com Distributor for: Parachilna SERIP Rua Dr. João de Freitas Branco . 26 Moinhos da Funcheira 2650-287 Amadora tel: +351 214933045 www.serip.co.uk SIGNIFY Lagoas Park Edificio 14 2740-262 Porto Salvo tel: +351 214237700 www.signify.com SULLAMP Estrada Nacional 125 Loja 2 Maritenda 8100-084 Boliqueime tel: +351 289366889 www.sullamp.com Distributor for: Foscarini SYLVANIA Edificio Euro Rua Pedro Alvares Cabral, 24-6o E/F Infantado 2670-391 Loures tel: +351 7937736 www.sylvania-lighting.com SYNAPSE Av. António Serpa, 32, 6 B 1050-027 Lisbon tel: +351 213471177 www.synapse.pt TRACO DE LUZ R. da Trindade No 11 4000-541 Porto tel: +351 222005733 www.tracoluz.com Distributor for: Prandina VICENTE & VICENTE Industria De Illuminacao e Decoracao Zona Industrial De gois Apartado 10 3330-909 Gois tel: +351 235778702 www.vicentevicente.com ZAM LIGHTING QTA Santo Estevão 27 1 EF 3515-145 Viseu www.zamlighting.com

Romania ATRIUM DESIGN str. Balciului, nr. 1, sector 2 021501 Bucharest tel: +40 212524653 www.atrium.ro Distributor for: Wever & Ducre HELIOS Str. Heliade intre Vii, nr. 8, Etaj 2 Bucharest tel: +40 212121890 www.heliospls.ro Distributor for: Vistosi MOIR DESIGN CONCEPT Stanislav Cihoschi 12 010592 Bucharest tel: +40 747053467 www.moir.ro Distributor for: Moooi OSRAM Soseaua Bucuresti Nord 10 Global City Business Park, Cladirea O21, etaj 10 077190 Cod postal tel: +40 212328561 www.lighting-solutions.osram.com SIGNIFY Fabrica de Glucoza No. 17 Sector 2 020331 Bucharest tel: +40 212032060 www.signify.com

Russia ARTEMIDE Bolshoi Zlatoustinsky Pereulok 1, bldg 1 office 103 101000 Moscow tel: +7 4959842238 www.artemide.com CRESTRON Kolodezniy pereulok 3 Building 25, office 5309 Moscow tel: +7 4957245527 www.crestron.eu EUROLUCE INTERIORS 10 Niznaya Siromiatnicheskaya Street Dwelling 2 Office V/10 105120 Moscow tel: +7 4951383888 www.euroluceinteriors.com Distributor for: Baroncelli, Contardi, Elstead, Fine Art, Flos, Manooi, Oluce, Panzeri, Serip, Terzani FAGERHULT Vyborgskaya nab. 61, office 304 197342 St. Petersburg tel: +7 8123800148 www.fagerhult.com IGUZZINI 24/A Bolshaya, Cherkizovskaya Street 107553 Moscow tel: +7 4953802767 www.iguzzini.com LASVIT 2 Tverskaya- Yamskaya str. 31/35, Office 610 125047 Moscow tel: +7 4992508417 www.lasvit.com LIGHTING TECHNOLOGIES 2B Otradnaya Street 127273 Moscow tel: +7 4959955595 www.ltcompany.com LINEA LIGHT GROUP Luzhnetskaya nab., 2/4, str. 3, of. 304 119270 Moscow tel: +7 4956399941 www.linealight.com

LITTESS ul. Stanislavskogo 29/1office 5 109004 Moscow tel: +7 9265299063 www.littess.ru Distributor for: Delta Light LUCTRA 2-ya Magistralnaya str Office 214 123290 Moscow tel: +7 4956019213 www.luctra.eu LUMINATOR Frunzenskaya Nab. 30 Rosstroyexpo Pav. 24 Moscow tel: +7 4952298588 www.luminator.no Distributor for: Marset MALTECH Novorybinskaya 19/21 196084 Saint Petersburg tel: +7 8123354909 www.maltech.ru Distributor for: Targetti OSRAM ul. Letnikovskaya 11/10 Building 1 115114 Moscow tel: +7 4959357070 www.lighting-solutions.osram.com PRECIOSA LIGHTING Office 150 Entr. 7, 4th Tverskaya – Yamskaya Street 33/39 125010 Moscow tel: +7 4959613107 www.preciosalighting.com SAROS Oru 18A 20205 Narva tel: +7 8123275495 www.saroslight.com SIGNIFY 13 Sergey Makeev Street 123022 Moscow tel: +7 4959611111 www.signify.com SPECTOR LAB 11 Ordzhonikidze Street, Building 40 115419 Moscow tel: +7 4959267524 www.spector-lab.com Distributor for: Viabizzuno SYLVANIA Novoslobodskaya 21 601 127055 Moscow tel: +7 4957752476 www.sylvania-lighting.com TRINOVA LIGHTING SOLUTIONS 28/60 Nikoloyamskaya str 103062 Moscow tel: +7 4959892910 www.trinova.ru Distributor for: Zumtobel UNDER IT INTERIORS 12 Nikitsky Boulevard, office 12 119019 Moscow tel: +7 4957305386 www.underit.ru Distributor for: Viso

San Marino MARINO CRISTAL Via Guardia del Consiglio, 29 47899 Galazzano tel: +378 0549901188 www.marinocristal.com PIANETA LUCE AND INDESIGN Via 4 Giugno 39/A-C 47899 Serravalle tel: +378 549904335 www.pianetalucesm.com Distributor for: Vistosi


FOTON ILLUMINAÇAO Rua da Garagem 3 2795-510 Carnaxide tel: +351 214169070 www.foton.pt Distributor for: Artemide

NORD Av. Infante D. Henrique Armazém B Loja 6 Cais da Pedra a Stª Apolónia Bica do Sapato 1900-264 Lisbon tel: +351 218821045 www.lojanord.com Distributor for: Zero

Serbia BERLIGHT Kneza Viseslava 13Belgrade tel: +381 113573068 www.berlight.rs Distributor for: Slamp INTRA LIGHTING Otona Zupancica 32b 11070 Novi Beograd tel: +381 112698476 www.intra-lighting.com LIGHTOLOGYLAB Misˇarska 8 11000 Belgrade tel: +381 113220490 www.lightologylab.com Distributor for: Vibia NIMAX Autoput Beograd Novi Sad br.83 11080 Belgrade tel: +381 113774172 www.nimax.rs Distributor for: Vibia


NOVOLUX Grcica Milenka 83 11000 Belgrade tel: +381 113447764 www.novolux.rs Distributor for: Oluce OSRAM Djordja Stanojevica 14 11070 Belgrade tel: +381 112281717 www.lighting-solutions.osram.com

Slovakia AKL Vietnamská 45 82104 Bratislava tel: +421 907767008 www.aklsro.sk Distributor for: Artemide BELLATRIX Popradska 80 04011 Kosice tel: +421 556325315 www.bellatrix.sk Distributor for: Swarovski DELTA LIGHT Tajovskeho 6 81101 Bratislava tel: +421 263530180 www.deltalight.sk ELSTEAD LIGHTING Villa Hungaria Razusova 9 92101 Piestany tel: +421 940853483 www.elsteadlighting.com ERILUM Tovarenska 14 81109 Bratislava tel: +421 252636831 www.erilum.sk Distributor for: Tobias Grau HITECO Továrenská 10 81109 Bratislava tel: +421 252631161 www.hiteco.sk Distributor for: Zumtobel ILUMA Bárdosova 33 83312 Bratislava tel: +421 254789193 www.iluma.sk Distributor for: Wever & Ducre

OSRAM Komárnanská cesta 7 94093 Nové Zámky tel: +421 356464001 www.lighting-solutions.osram.com SIGNIFY Plynarenska 7/B 82109 Bratislava tel: +421 220666101 www.signify.com TRANZEL Ul. gen. Flap 37 94501 Komárno tel: +421 357710655 www.tranzel.sk Distributor for: Preciosa UNI LIGHT Drienova 1/C 82101 Bratislava tel: +421 252733304 www.unilight.cz Distributor for: LEDS C4

Slovenia ARCADIA LIGHTWEAR Sˇmartinska 152 1000 Ljubljana tel: +386 12562174 www.arcadialightwear.com Distributor for: Vibia ASOBI HOLDING LIMITED Tehnolosˇki park 24 1000 Ljubljana tel: +386 41793475 www.tokiotokio.com DE BAAR Ales Kersevan Ulica Lojzeta Spacala 40 1000 Ljubljana tel: +386 15174248 www.debaar.si Distributor for: Moooi ES Ob Zeleni jami 9 1000 Ljubljana tel: +386 15401650 www.es-svetila.com Distributor for: Wever & Ducre MODERNA Periceva 23 1000 Ljubljana tel: +386 59020095 www.moderna.si Distributor for: Occhio PRELOG Cesta XIV. Divizije 4 2000 Maribor tel: +386 23324810 www.prelog.si Distributor for: Wever & Ducre STRLE SVETILA Masera Spasic Street 8 Ljubljana tel: +386 15654743 www.strlesvetila.com Distributor for: Tom Dixon

Spain ACB ILUMINACION S.L. Camino Valencia, 104 46190 Valencia tel: +34 962779260 www.acbiluminacion.com ADVANCED FIBER OPTICS Escornalbou, 1 08041 Barcelona tel: +34 934557200 www.afo.es ALMALIGHT Cristobal de Moura 195-197 08019 Barcelona tel: +34 932660775 www.almalight.com ALMERICH Ciudad de Alcoy 1, bajo Polígono Industrial Fuenta del Jarro 46988 Valencia tel: +34 961343230 www.almerich.com ALVE Polygon Ind Alvedro Street A 43-45 Nave Culleredo tel: +34 981654279 www.iluminacionalve.com AROMAS DEL CAMPO Pol. Ind. L´horta Vella Calle 7 Parcela 3 46117 Betera tel: +34 962737953 www.aromasdelcampo.com ARTEMIDE Calle Vico 12-18 08021 Barcelona tel: +34 934783911 www.artemide.com ARTURO ALVAREZ Rúa Castiñeiras 108 A 15895 O Milladoiro (A Coruña) tel: +34 981814600 www.a-emotionallight.com B.LUX Pol. Ind. Okamika pab 1 48289 Gizabuaruaga tel: +34 946827272 www.grupoblux.es BENEITO FAURE Poligon Valldoriof Carrer Thomas Edison 4-6 La Roca Valles 08430 Barcelona tel: +34 935684045 www.beneito-faure.com BILBOLAMP C/Larraui 1 48160 Derio tel: +34 946757842 www.bilbolamp.com Distributor for: Slamp

TILEN SEPIC Decˇmanova 4 1000 Ljubljana tel: +386 41211104 www.sepic.cc

BLAUET C/ Riera de Targa 65-67 Vilassar de Dalt Cardedeu 08339 Barcelona tel: +34 937539500 www.blauet.com

VERTIGO BIRD Trzaska cesta 222 1000 Ljubljana tel: +386 12009075 www.vertigo-bird.com

BOHEME DESIGN C/ Fusters 8 Pol Ind III 46120 Alboraya tel: +34 961851610 www.bohemedesign.com BOVER Av Catalunya 173 Pol Ind Sud Cardedeu 08440 Barcelona tel: +34 938713152 www.bover.es

BPM LIGHTING Partida Madrigueres Sud 11 03700 Dénia tel: +34 965781218 www.bpmlighting.com CA2L LIGHTING PROJECTS Alí Bei 57 08013 Barcelona tel: +34 932444343 www.ca2l.com Distributor for: Vibia CARPYEN C/Pere IV, 78-84 08005 Barcelona tel: +34 933209990 www.carpyen.com CASTAN Carrer del Crom 24 Hospitalet de Llobregat 08907 Barcelona tel: +34 933353245 www.castanweb.com CRESTRON Poligono Industrial Calle Francisco Moreno Lomena 7 Oficina 3 29670 Malaga tel: +34 952927868 www.crestron.eu DAVID DOLCINI STUDIO Calle del Maestro José Serrano 7 46005 Valencia tel: +34 637878568 www.daviddolcini.it DECOLAMP Polig. Ind. Pla dels Olivars Avda. Alginet, no47 Silla 46460 Valencia tel: +34 961210910 www.decolamp.com DELTA LIGHT Calle Pont Can Claveri 58 Rubi 08191 Barcelona tel: +34 935861900 www.deltalight.com DIAGONAL Josep Lluís Xuclà i Altimira sèneca, 6 08006 Barcelona tel: +93 4151414 www.xucla.net Distributor for: Parachilna E1D DESIGN LIGHT STUDIO Av. Can Bellet 68, bloque A, 2º 3ª Sant Cugat del Vallès 08174 Barcelona tel: +34 617560360 www.e1d.eu ECLIPSI Avda. Pau Casals 17 43003 Tarragona tel: +34 647953798 www.eclipsi-net.com Distributor for: Zero ELTORRENT C. Curreró, 8 Mieres 17830 Girona tel: +34 972680291 www.eltorrent.com EMOTIONS Santa Teresa 1 43870 Amposta tel: +34 977702099 www.emotionslight.com Distributor for: Zambelis Lights ESPACIO ARETHA Claudio Coello Street 46 1º 28001 Madrid tel: +34 918317787 www.espacioaretha.com Distributor for: Vibia

ESTILUZ Crta. Ogassa s/n St. Joan de les Abadesses 17860 Girona tel: +34 972720125 www.estiluz.com ESTUDI ANTONI AROLA Lope de Vega 106, 3er 08005 Barcelona tel: +34 933075369 www.estudiantoniarola.com Distributor for: Viabizzuno FAGERHULT C/Estocolmo 13 28230 Las Rozas, Madrid tel: +34 916407246 www.fagerhult.com FARO Dinamica 1 Castellbisbal 08755 Barcelona tel: +34 937723949 www.faro.es FEDE Av. Llenguadoc, 45-47 08915 Barcelona tel: +34 934183856 www.fedelighting.com FLOS Calle Mallorca 1 Ribarroja 46394 Valencia tel: +34 961669520 www.flos.com

G-LIGHTS C/Cobalt 188 L’Hiopitalet de Llobregat 08907 Barcelona tel: +34 933374290 www.g-lights.com GAUDIR IL.LUMINACIO Arago 245 08007 Barcelona tel: +34 934878603 www.gaudir.es Distributor for: Luceplan IBANEZ ARANA C/ Isaac Albéniz 2 01005 Vitoria Alava tel: +34 945254623 www.ibanezarana.com Distributor for: Viabizzuno ICEX - SPANISH COMMERCIAL OFFICE Part 4th Floor Podium 125 Old Broad Street EC2N 1AR London tel: +44 2077767784 www.comerico.mineco.es IGUZZINI Avenida de la Generalitat 168-170 Parc d’Activitats Econòmiques Can Sant Joan Sant Cugat del Vallès 08174 Barcelona tel: +34 935880034 www.iguzzini.com JISO ILUMINACION Pol. Industrial La Pahilla. C/Fuente Corachan 223 Ap. Correos 116 Chiva 46370 Valencia tel: +34 962523061 www.jisoiluminacion.com

KUTARQ C/ Corretgeria 4 - 1 46001 Valencia tel: +34 960051773 www.kutarq.com

LZF LAMPS Reino de Valencia 14 46370 Chiva tel: +34 962524780 email: hello@lzf-lamps.com www.lzf-lamps.com

LAMPARAS OLIVA C/De la Estrada 11 28034 Madrid tel: +34 913581993 www.lamparasoliva.com Distributor for: Slamp

Founded in 1994, LZF is an awardwinning maker of original wood veneer lamps. Embracing craftsmanship, innovation, and technology, we work with an eclectic roster of accomplished designers and artisans. We believe in manufacturing locally, championing tradition, and promoting sustainability. At LZF, our lamps are proudly handmade in Valencia, Spain.

LEDS C4 Carrer Afores 25750 Torà (Lleida) tel: +34 973468100 www.leds-c4.com LINEA LIGHT GROUP C/Longares 48 28022 Madrid tel: +34 653881578 www.linealight.com

MANTRA Pol. Ind. Los Vientos - Calle Alisio parcela nº4 Náquera 46119 Valencia tel: +34 961609950 www.mantrailuminacion.com

LLADRO The City of Porcelain Carretera Alboraya s/n Tavernes Blanques 46016 Valencia tel: +34 963187000 www.lladro.com

MARSET Ctra. Rubí 284 08228 Terrassa tel: +34 934602067 www.marset.com

LUJAN SICLIA C/Orellana 12 28004 Madrid tel: +34 913081173 www.lujan-sicilia.com LUXIONA Paseo de la Ribera, 109 08420 Canovelles tel: +34 938466909 www.luxiona.com LUXOMETER C/Ali Bei 22 08010 Barcelona tel: +34 935285434 www.luxometer.com Distributor for: Anglepoise LUZ DIFUSION Lope de Vega 29 08191 Rubi tel: +34 936970088 www.luzdifusion.com LUZ NEGRA Polígono Industrial Can Castells C. Carles Buhigues 13 08420 Canovelles tel: +34 938402598 www.luznegra.net LUZ NEGRA Carles Buhigas 13 poligono Can Castells Canovelles 08420 Barcelona tel: +34 902158441 www.luznegra.net

MARTINEZ Y ORTS G.V. Fernando el Catolico 48 46008 Valencia tel: +34 960716560 www.martinezyorts.com MASSMI Villa de Madrid, 48 Poligono Industrial Fuente Jarro Paterna 46988 Valencia tel: +34 961321416 www.massmi.com MAYICE STUDIO c/ De Sagasta 8 Segundo 28004 Madrid tel: +34 669101324 mayicestudio.com METALARTE C/Tambor del Bruc 10 San Joan Despi 08970 Barcelona tel: +34 934770069 www.metalarte.com MILAN ILUMINACION Arquímedes 24 L’Hospitalet de Llobregat 08907 Barcelona tel: +34 933369966 www.milan-iluminacion.com OMIO LIGHTING C/ Ciudad de Liria 66 Paterna 46988 Valencia tel: +34 671615345 www.omiolighting.com OSRAM Ronda de Europa 5 Edificio D, planta 4a Tres Cantos 28760 Madrid tel: +34 916555200 www.lighting-solutions.osram.com PARACHILNA Filatures 2-7 Colonia Güell Sta. Coloma de Cervelló 08690 Barcelona tel: +34 936307772 www.parachilna.eu

PUJOL ILUMINACION Industria 13 St Feliu de Llobregat 08980 Barcelona tel: +34 936857880 www.pujoliluminacion.com PUNTO LUZ Pau Claris, 146 08009 Barcelona tel: +34 934871108 www.puntoluz.com Distributor for: Luceplan SANTA & COLE Parc de Belloch Ctra. C-251, Km. 5,6 08430 La Roca tel: +34 938619100 www.santacole.com SELECT-LIGHT C/Londres 17 8029 Barcelona tel: +34 93114563 www.select-light.com Distributor for: Vibia SIGNIFY Calle María de Portugal 1 Sanchinarro 28050 Madrid tel: +34 901100084 www.signify.com SPACE LIGHTING Calle Aribau 225 08021 Barcelona tel: +34 902103229 www.spacelighting.com.au Distributor for: TAL STABORD Rua Conde São Salvador, 352 - 7th floor 4450-264 Matosinhos tel: +34 646456595 www.stabord.com STONE DESIGNS C/ Segovia 10 28005 Madrid tel: +34 915400336 www.stone-dsgns.com SYLVANIA Edificio Ofipinar Calle Caleruega, 102 Bajo 28033 Madrid tel: +34 916699000 www.sylvania-lighting.com TARGETTI Avda. de Roma 69 08029 Barcelona tel: +34 934746171 www.targetti.com TULUZ Avda Kansas City 76 Local 19 41007 Seville tel: +34 954261338 www.tuluziluminacion.com Distributor for: Vibia VIBIA C/ Progrés 4-6 Gavà 08850 Barcelona tel: +34 934796971 www.vibia.com VONDOM Polígono 6, 16 46293 Beneixida tel: +34 962398486 www.vondom.com

Switzerland 2MOL Bruggwaldstrasse 53 9000 St. Gallen tel: +49 792707687 www.2mol.ch


FM ILUMINACION Germanias 10-12 Nave D Poligono Industrial (El Pou) 46960 Aldaia tel: +34 961515977 www.fmiluminacion.com

KETTAL Aragón 316 08009 Barcelona tel: +34 934879090 www.kettal.com

ARBER ARGENTUR Dufourstrasse 34 8702 Zollikon Zurich tel: +41 434996555 www.arber.li Distributor for: TossB

LIGHTKNOW Molkereistrasse 18 8645 Jona-Rapperswil tel: +41 796352408 www.lightknow.ch Distributor for: Graypants

ARTELUCE Pumpwerk. 40 8105 Regensdorf tel: +41 448410900 www.arte-luce.ch Distributor for: Terzani

LOUIS POULSEN Grabenhofstrasse 6 6010 Kriens tel: +41 417685252 www.louispoulsen.com

ARTEMIDE Bärengasse 16 8001 Zurich tel: +41 432682727 www.artemide.com BD LIGHT In Busciurina 3 6528 Camorino tel: +41 918579550 www.bd-light.ch Distributor for: Fontana Arte


BELUX Belux AG Neufeldweg 6 5103 Möriken tel: +41 613167401 www.belux.com DELTA LIGHT Binningerstrasse 92 4123 ALLSCHWIL Basel tel: +41 614859910 www.deltalight.ch GO4LIGHT Sandweg 50 Postfach 823 4123 Allschwil tel: +41 613065050 www.go4light.com Distributor for: Studio Lumess IGUZZINI Uetlibergstrasse 194 8045 Zurich tel: +41 444654646 www.iguzzini.com ILLUMINARTIS Fabrikstrasse 14 3455 Grunen tel: +41 344324144 www.illuminartis.ch INTERIOR ATELIER SERT Oberdofrstrasse 19 Zurich tel: +41 442526633 www.interioratelier.ch Distributor for: Prandina LEUCHTEN & LICHT Werner Weber Strasse 11 8630 Ruti tel: +41 552601960 www.wirzpartner.ch Distributor for: Fontana Arte LICHT Stauffacher-Quai 54/56 Zurich tel: +41 442477272 www.licht.ch Distributor for: Tobias Grau LICHT & CONCEPT Bahnofstrasse 111 9240 Uzwil tel: +41 719510615 www.lichtconcept.ch Distributor for: Vibia LICHTHAUS Hochbordstrasse 9 8600 Dübendorf tel: +41 448337777 www.lichthaus.ch Distributor for: Tom Dixon

MOBEL ROSCH Guterstrasse 210 4053 Basel tel: +41 613663333 www.roesch-basel.ch Distributor for: Occhio NATURAL LIGHTING-DESIGN Kempttalstrasse 113 8308 Illnau tel: +41 523462521 www.felixbosshardt.com NEWEBA Sandweg 50 4123 Allschwil tel: +41 613013565 www.neweba.com NOVOLINE Flughofstrasse 56 8152 Glattbrugg tel: +41 448742020 www.novoline.ch Distributor for: Vistosi PRONTOLUX 14 Route de Chêne 1207 Geneva tel: +41 227005354 www.prontolux.com Distributor for: Signify SEGULA Griesernweg 50 8037 Zurich tel: +41 444404334 www.segula.de SIGNIFY Allmendstrasse 140 8027 Zurich tel: +41 442004171 www.signify.com SYLVANIA Schaffhauserstr. 470 Postfach 436 8052 Zurich tel: +41 443053180 www.sylvania-lighting.com TIC LIGHT Binningerstrasse 92 4123 Allschwil tel: +41 614859900 www.tic-light.ch Distributor for: Federico de Majo WALDMANN Benkenstrasse 57 PO Box 64 5024 Küttigen tel: +41 628391212 www.waldmann.com WEVER & DUCRÉ Unterlachenstrasse 19 6005 Luzern tel: +41 442458484 www.weverducre.com WOHNBEDARF Talstrasse 11 8001 Zurich tel: +41 442159595 www.wohnbedarf.ch Distributor for: Tom Dixon

Turkey ATALIGHT LIGHTING SYSTEMS Milli Kütüphane Cad. No:31 D:203 Elhamra I˙s¸ Hanı Konak, I˙zmir tel: +90 5425150881 www.atalight.com Distributor for: Wever & Ducre CITY LIGHT Istoç Ticaret Merkezi 85-87 Mahmutbey 34550 Istanbul tel: +90 2126593896 www.citylight.com.tr Distributor for: Metalarte DARK LIGHTING SYSTEMS Halaskargazi cad. Zafer sk. No:11-13 Manuel Apt. Nis¸antas¸ı 34371 Istanbul tel: +90 2122338338 www.dark-lighting.com Distributor for: Sattler DUYULUMUS Istoç Oto ve Ticaret Merkezi E Plaza Kat 3 No:22 Mahmutbey 34217 Bagcilar tel: +90 2126593119 www.megaman.com.tr GALATA ELEKTRIK Cad Ebulula Mardin 4.Gazeteciler Site No. 131 34330 Istanbul tel: +90 2122833829 www.galataaydinlatma.com Distributor for: LZF Lamps HI-TEC LIGHTING Sedef cd.No.2 A Blok K:19 D:80 Atasehir Kadikoy 34758 Istanbul tel: +90 2164563794 www.hi-tec.com.tr Distributor for: Viabizzuno HIGHLIGHT San-Bir Bulvari 4, Bolge No 73, Cakmakli Buyukcekmece Istanbul tel: +90 212886726665 www.highlight.com.tr Distributor for: Swarovski KARE DIZAYN Zeytinoglu Cad Gunes Palas B Blok 26/1 Etiler Istanbul tel: +90 2123528690 www.karedizayn.com.tr Distributor for: Zava LUMINA Macka Cad Ralli Apt. 59/6 Kat 4 Tesvikiye 34365 Istanbul tel: +90 2122342335 www.lumina.it Distributor for: Zumtobel MOZAIK DESIGN DEKORASYON Dereboyu Caddesi No: 78 PK34347 Ortaköy Besiktas 80840 Istanbul tel: +90 2123472387 www.mozaikdesign.com Distributor for: Tom Dixon OPTIMUM AYDINLATMA Inonü Cad. Sümer Sok Sümko Sitesi H1 Blok D:10 Kozyatagi Istanbul tel: +90 2164634504 www.optimumaydinlatma.com Distributor for: Wever & Ducre

OSRAM Nispetiye Mah. Baslik Sokak MM Plaza No:3 K:2 34340 I˙stanbul tel: +90 2123069000 www.lighting-solutions.osram.com SIGNIFY Dr.Adnan Buyukdeniz Cad No:13 Saray Mahallesi Umraniye 34768 Istanbul tel: +90 2166361500 www.signify.com TEPTA LIGHTING Nispetiye Aytar Cad. No: 24 Kat:1-2-31. Levent 34340 Istanbul tel: +90 2122792903 www.tepta.com Distributor for: Terzani UKON Aydınlatma & Danıs¸manlık Prof. Dr. Hulusi Behçet Cadde Paylas¸ Apartment No:8/3 Istanbul tel: +90 2163023701 www.ukon.com.tr Distributor for: Zumtobel

Ukraine BB&F AGENCY Gvardeyska str.80A 03118 Kiev tel: +380 504183692 www.bbfagency.com Distributor for: Vibia FILD st.Saksaganskogo 89A 01032 Kiev tel: +380 976676227 www.thefild.com KARMA DIGITAL 53 Boryslavska Street 03061 Kiev tel: +380 444066515 www.karma-digital.com Distributor for: Zumtobel OSRAM Business Center “Renome” Dimitrova Street 5 Office 201 03150 Kiev tel: +384 45835900 www.lighting-solutions.osram.com SIGNIFY St. Nicholas Grinchenko 4 Building 2, 4th Floor Horizon Park Business Center 03038 Kiev tel: +38 444909848 www.signify.com SVET Vozduhoflotsky ave 7 03049 Kiev tel: +380 442486000 www.svetgroup.com.ua Distributor for: LEDS C4

Showroom: 67 Farringdon Rd. London EC1M 3JB www.bertfrank.co.uk


Focal Point Luxury Residence Surrey, UK When Helen Green Design Studio wanted statement lighting for a client’s new build luxury residence, Dernier & Hamlyn was selected as one of the few companies which manufactures bespoke fittings in the UK to the high quality required. Its specialist team works collaboratively with designers to produce light fittings that meet the brief aesthetically and also from the vital practical perspectives such as installation and maintenance. This dramatic pendant that extends almost 3.5-metres from the top of the property to its entrance hall, features two vertical tubes to which 69 arms were individually welded and finished in antique brass. Each arm features different sized clear glass spheres with dimmable LED lamps. Dernier & Hamlyn has worked with Helen Green Design Studio on a variety of projects and whether it’s large, complicated and challenging chandeliers or straightforward table lamps, its team applies the same high levels of workmanship and customer care. dernier-hamlyn.com


United Kingdom & Ireland / Europe

UK 299 LIGHTING Unit 38 Dixon Business Centre Brislington BS4 5QW tel: +44 1179422512 www.299lighting.co.uk Distributor for: Tobias Grau 7 GODS LIGHTING Unit 22 1-7 Grenville Road London N19 4EH tel: +44 2071001937 www.7godslighting.com A SHADE ABOVE Regency house, North Street Brighton and Hove BN41 1ES tel: +44 1273881130 www.ashadeabove.co.uk


AAREVALO 24 Grafton Road London W3 6PB tel: +44 2089931953 www.aarevalo.com ALBIONCOURT The Idea Works, New Road Gillingham SP8 4JH tel: +44 1747822818 www.albioncourt.co.uk ALEX RANDALL STUDIO Arch 10 Cranleigh Mews London SW11 2QL tel: +44 2033027136 www.alexrandall.co.uk ALGER-TRITON Unit 223 Design Centre London SW10 0XF tel: +44 7979548226 www.alger-triton.com ANGLEPOISE A10 Railway Triangle, Walton Road Farlington PO6 1TN tel: +44 2392224450 www.anglepoise.com APPLELEC LIGHTING Unit 1 Wharfedale Business Park Shetcliffe Lane Bradford BD47 9RT tel: +44 1274774477 www.ledlightsheet.co.uk

ARTEMIDE 106 Great Russell Street London WC1B 3NB tel: +44 2076315200 email: showroom@artemide.co.uk www.artemide.com Founded in the 1960s, Artemide is one of the most recognised illumination brands in the world. Known for its “The Human Light” philosophy, Artemide produces celebrated products and architectural lighting systems. Artemide boasts high skills in light design and innovation, with products originating from research and high-quality manufacturing.

ARTICOLO tel: +44 7799186680 email: info@articololighting.com www.articololighting.com Articolo celebrates the art of light through a commitment to artisanal craft and quality workmanship. With showrooms in both Melbourne and New York City, the studio reflects creative director Nicci Green’s passion for the textural spirit of light; producing works that are internationally regarded for a contemporary yet enduring aesthetic and the luxurious pairing of materials. ASCO LIGHTS 91 Lower Hillgate Stockport SK1 3AW tel: +44 1612070212 www.asco-lifestyle.co.uk Distributor for: Swarovski

ASTRO LIGHTING The Astro Building Midas, River Way Harlow CM20 2GJ tel: +44 1279427001 email: marketing@astrolighting.com www.astrolighting.com Founders John Fearon and James Bassant came together in 1997 to create Astro with a shared commitment to British lighting design and a passion for quality and precision. Astro is a leading designer and producer of contemporary, timeless lighting for high end domestic and hospitality markets in over 90 countries ATELJE LYKTAN 33-34 Dolben Street London SE1 OUQ tel: +44 2074034123 www.atelje-lyktan.com

ATRIUM 28 Leonard Street London EC2A 4BY tel: +44 2076819933 email: marketing@atrium.ltd.uk www.atrium.ltd.uk Distributor for: Flos, Louis Poulsen, LTS, Modular, Sattler Atrium is the longest standing independent decorative and architectural lighting distributor in the UK representing Ares, Buschfeld, Cooledge, Flos, Grupo MCI, Modular and Sattler on an exclusive basis. Specialising in quality design-led technical and decorative luminaires, Atrium supplies lighting to leisure, hospitality, high-end residential, retail, educational and offices fit-out sectors. AVALON DESIGN LIGHTING Avalon, High Street Little Bytham NG33 4QJ tel: +44 1780410473 www.avalondesignlighting.co.uk AVIVO Unit 3 Hinksey Business Park North Hinksey Lane Oxford OX2 0NR tel: +44 1865245931 www.avivolighting.co.uk

BARONCELLI Studio C3 The Imperial Laundry 71 Warriner Gardens London SW11 4XW tel: +44 2077206556 www.baroncellidesign.com

CAMERON PETERS FINE LIGHTING 39 East Lockinge Ardington Wantage OX12 8QD tel: +44 1235835000 www.cameronpeters.co.uk Distributor for: Willowlamp

BARRY PERRIN 119 Longfields Ongar CM5 9DF tel: +44 1992611415 www.barryperrin.com Distributor for: Vesta Design

CANNING & SHERIDAN INTERIORS 13 The Clock Tower The Galleries Brentwood CM14 5GF tel: +44 1277849701 www.canningsheridan.com Distributor for: Prandina

BEGA Suite 9 Milton Heath House Westcott Road Dorking RH4 3NB tel: +44 1306882098 www.bega.com

CASAMBI TECHNOLOGIES 29 Whitton Drive Glasgow G46 6EF tel: +44 1721703461 www.casambi.com

BERT FRANK 67 Farringdon Road London EC1M 3JB tel: +44 2071646482 www.bertfrank.co.uk

CASCADE HOLDINGS Gorse Mill, Gorse Street Oldham OL9 9RJ tel: +44 1616286622 www.cascadehl.com Distributor for: Waterford

BINARY LIGHTING The Beehive Unit 2, Baird Close Crawley RH10 9SY tel: +44 7855449950 www.binarylighting.com Distributor for: LEDS C4

CAVIGIOLI Unit 6, 160 Barlby Road London W10 6BS tel: +44 2077922522 www.cavigioli.com Distributor for: Terence Woodgate

BLACKBODY 12 Hay Hill London W1J 8NR tel: +44 7741607980 www.blackbody-oled.com

CHAD LIGHTING James Road Birmingham B11 2BA tel: +44 1217077629 www.chadlighting.co.uk

BOATSWAIN LIGHTING The Old Library Dean Hill Park Salisbury SP5 1ET tel: +44 1794340333 www.boatswainlighting.co.uk

CHANTELLE LIGHTING Unit 36 Lomeshaye Business Village Blackburn BB9 7DR tel: +44 1282877877 www.chantellelighting.co.uk

BRIGHT GOODS Unit 7, J4 Camberley, 15 Doman Road Camberley GU15 3LB tel: +44 01276691230 www.brightgoods.co.uk

CHARLES LETHABY LIGHTING Freestone Studio Freestone Road Bristol BS2 0QN tel: +44 1277223855 www.charleslethabylighting.com

BUCHANAN LIGHTING 31A West Way Oxford OX2 0JE tel: +44 1865201411 www.buchanan-lighting.co.uk Distributor for: Indeluz BUSTER + PUNCH 28 Cowper Street London EC2A 4AS tel: +44 2074070888 www.busterandpunch.com

CHELSOM Heritage House, Clifton Road Blackpool FY4 4QA tel: +44 1253831400 email: marketing@chelsom.co.uk www.chelsom.co.uk

BUZZISPACE 9-10 Charterhouse Buildings London EC1M 7AN tel: +44 2072533363 www.buzzispace.com

Since launching in 1947, Chelsom have earned their esteemed reputation as one of the world’s leading designers, manufacturers and suppliers of decorative lighting to the international hospitality, leisure and marine markets. In collaboration with some of the world’s most renowned interior designers, Chelsom designs have been specified for some of the most prestigious hospitality & marine projects across the globe.

CAMERON DESIGN HOUSE 96A Clifton Hill London NW8 0JT tel: +44 2073727748 email: sales@camerondesignhouse. com www.camerondesignhouse.com Cameron Design House is an awardwinning bespoke sculptural lighting studio specialising in designing and manufacturing statement chandeliers. Every piece is bespoke and customisable in terms of sizing, finish and configuration. Each design is handmade to order by their team of artisans in their London workshops before being installed at iconic projects around the world.

CHRISTOPHER HYDE 2/12 Design Centre Chelsea Harbour London SW10 OXE tel: +44 2073510863 www.christopherhyde.com CHRISTOPHER WRAY LIGHTING 599 King’s Road London SW6 2EL tel: +44 2070130180 www.christopherwray.com Distributor for: Slamp

CINIER 20 The Circle Queen Elizabeth Street London SE1 2JE tel: +44 73789996 CIRRUS LIGHTING 34-35 Hatton Garden London EC1N 8DX tel: +44 2071932175 www.cirruslighting.co.uk Distributor for: Viabizzuno CLIFTON LIGHTING North Vale Mills, Floor 3 Bradford Road Brighouse HD6 4DJ tel: +44 1484712097 www.cliftonlighting.co.uk Distributor for: Voltolina CLIMAR 31-35 Kirby Street London EC1N 8TE tel: +44 2074921707 www.climarlighting.com Distributor for: Barrisol COCOVARA LIGHTING 34 Buckingham Palace Road London SW1WORH tel: +44 2072450203 www.cocovara.co.uk COEXISTENCE 288 Upper Street London N1 2TZ tel: +44 2073548817 www.coexistence.co.uk Distributor for: Oluce

COLLIER WEBB Unit 21 Redward Business Park Hammonds Drive Eastbourne East Sussex BN23 6PW tel: +44 2073738888 www.collierwebb.com CONTEMPORARY CHANDELIER COMPANY Unit 7, Trench Farm, Tilley Green Wem SY4 5PJ tel: +44 1939232652 www.ccc.glass COPPER & SILK 23a Tontine Street Folkstone CT20 1JT tel: +44 2084598772 www.copperandsilk.com CREATIVE-CABLES Unit 57 Hillgrove Business Park Nazeing Road Waltham Abbey EN9 2HB tel: +44 2039407550 www.creative-cables.com CREST 13 Westfield Street London SE18 5PH tel: +44 2088544229 www.crest.london CRESTRON Munro House 2 Portsmouth Road Cobham KT11 1TF tel: +44 8458738787 www.crestron.eu CTO LIGHTING 9 Cloudesley Road London N1 0FH tel: +44 2076868700 www.ctolighting.co.uk

CURRENT LIGHTING DESIGN 426 Bideford Green Leighton Buzzard LU7 2TY tel: +44 7309740069 www.currentlightingdesign.com DANIEL SCHOFIELD STUDIO Yorkshire Artspace Persistence Works 21 Brown Street Sheffield S1 2BS tel: +44 7766203811 www.danielschofield.co.uk

DERNIER & HAMLYN 82 Barwell Business Park Leatherhead Road Chessington KT9 2NY tel: +44 2087600900 email: info@dernier-hamlyn.com www.dernier-hamlyn.com Dernier & Hamlyn has the experience, knowledge and understanding of clients’ bespoke lighting requirements to design and manufacture appropriate fittings to meet their varied aesthetic and practical needs. Designers are welcome to visit their UK studio and factory to work collaboratively to attain their bespoke lighting aspirations.

EMPTY STATE 96A Clifton Hill London NW8 0JT tel: +44 2081948730 email: hello@emptystate.com www.emptystate.com Empty State is a new configurable lighting studio brought to you from the creative minds behind award-winning Cameron Design House. Following themes of modularity and inspired by design icons through the ages, the products are suitable for commercial, hospitality and residential projects. Every design is available in a variety of ‘states’ and finishes, assembled by hand in the UK.

DANNELLS MD House Mead Industrial Park Brooker Road Essex EN9 1HU UK www.dannells.com

DESIGNPLAN LIGHTING 6 Wealdstone Road, Kimpton Industrial Estate Sutton SM3 9RW tel: +44 2082542000 www.designplan.co.uk

DÄR LIGHTING Wildmere Industrial Estate Oxford OX16 3JZ tel: +44 1295672200 www.darlighting.com

DESINATURE STUDIO Tower House Town Quay Road Southampton SO14 2NY tel: +44 2380711675 www.desinature.com

ESTABLISHED & SONS 7 Tilney Court London EC1V 9BQ tel: +44 2076080990 www.establishedandsons.com

DARKLIGHT DESIGN Unit 10 Brookside Business Centre Church Road Reading RG7 1TH tel: +44 1189882294 www.darklightdesign.com Distributor for: Marset

DETAIL LIGHTING Unit 8 Cromwell Business Centre Howard Way Newport Pagnell MK16 9QS tel: +44 8450524442 www.detaillighting.co.uk

EUROPEAN LAMP GROUP Allanby House, Knowles Lane Bradford BD4 9AB tel: +44 8449914400 www.europeanlampgroup.com Distributor for: Sylvania

DI CLASSE 7 Uplands Road London N8 9NN tel: +81 338766610 www.di-classe.co.uk

FACTORYLUX Old Trouser Factory Greenhill Industrial Estate Hebden Bridge HX7 5QF tel: +44 2071932119 www.factorylux.com

DAVENPORT ORIGINALS Larkrigg Workshop Kendal LA9 7QS tel: +44 1539560630 www.davenportoriginal.co.uk DAVID HUNT LIGHTING Tilemans Lane Shipston on Stour CV36 4HP tel: +44 1608661590 www.davidhuntlighting.co.uk

DOWSING & REYNOLDS Unit 2, Scott Hall Mills Scott Hall Street Leeds LS7 2HT tel: +44 1138199985 www.dowsingandreynolds.com

DAVID IRWIN DESIGN STUDIO 5th Floor Tru Knit House 9-11 Carliol Square Newcastle Upon Tyne NE1 6UF tel: +44 1916452262 www.davidirwin.co

DYSON Tetbury Hill Malmesbury SN16 0PR tel: +44 1666827200 www.dyson.co.uk

DAVID VILLAGE LIGHTING The Old Cinema 5-13 Ashgate Road Sheffield S10 3BZ tel: +44 1142634266 davidvillagelighting.co.uk Distributor for: Moooi DECODE LONDON Unit 6-9 Fairways Business Park Lammas Road London E10 7QB tel: +44 20889889124 www.decode.london DELTA LIGHT 86-88 Great Suffolk Street London SE1 0BE tel: +44 2079605030 www.deltalight.com

ENIGMA LIGHTING 2 Commercial Street Manchester M15 4RQ tel: +44 1420473889 www.enigmalighting.com Distributor for: Dark

FAGERHULT 33-34 Dolben Street London SE1 0UQ tel: +44 2074034123 www.fagerhult.com Distributor for: LTS FANTASTIC LIGHTING 4 Kennet Road Crayford DA1 4QN tel: +44 1322558649 www.fantasticlighting.co.uk

E2 CONTRACT LIGHTING Euro House Cold Meece Stoke-on-Trent ST15 0QN tel: +44 1782625119 www.e2lighting.co.uk

FBC LONDON 12 Francis Street London SW1P 1QN tel: +44 2078286591 www.fbc-london.com

ELG SOLUTIONS Allenby House, Knowles Lane Bradford BD4 9AB tel: +44 1274473400 www.elg-solutions.com

FELIX LIGHTING 6 Bartlett Street Bath BA1 2QZ tel: +44 1225315110 www.felix-lighting-specialists.com

ELSTEAD LIGHTING Elstead House, Mill Lane Alton GU34 2QJ tel: +44 142082377 email: enquiries@elsteadlighting.com www.elsteadlighting.com

FINIALS Unit 7C Boeing Way International Trading Estate Southall UB2 5LB tel: +44 2085713785 email: joe@finials.ink www.finials.ink

Elstead Lighting has been manufacturing and distributing for over 50 years. They have developed a large collection of USA-designs to broaden the UK portfolio, including brands such as Hinkley, Feiss, Quoizel and Kichler. With a constant focus on quality, Elstead now offer a comprehensive range of designer ceiling fans.

Emerging from the banks of the Grand Union Canal West London. We value the freedom to experiment, explore and make a mess in doing so. All our Finials are unique in appearance yet modular at their core. This ethos underpins all our sustainable, interchangeable designs. Staunchly unsupervised, we cast light.


COLEBROOK BOSSON SAUNDERS 35 Union Street London SE1 1SD tel: +44 2079404266 www.colebrookbossonsaunders.com

CURIOUSA & CURIOUSA Haarlem Mill Studio 2 Ground Floor Derby Road Wirksworth BE4 4BG tel: +44 1629826284 www.curiousaandcuriousa.co.uk

FIRSTLIGHT PRODUCTS 22 Erica Road Milton Keynes MK12 6HS tel: +44 1908310221 www.firstlight-products.co.uk

HACEL LIGHTING The Silverlink Newcastle Upon Tyne NE28 9ND tel: +44 1912809911 www.hacel.co.uk

FORMALIGHTING Unit 3 Mitcham Industrial Estate 85 Streatham Road Mitcham CR4 2AP tel: +44 1908613256 www.formalighting.com

HAND & EYE Purple Studio, Old Paradise Yard London SE1 7LG tel: +44 1252715646 www.handandeyestudio.co.uk

FOSBERY STUDIO 23a Tontine Street Folkestone CT20 1JT tel: +44 1303251388 www.fosberystudio.co.uk FRANKLITE Snowdon Drive Winterhill Milton Keynes MK6 1AP tel: +44 1908691818 www.franklite.co.uk


FRITZ FRYER LIGHTING 23 Station Street Ross-on-Wye HR9 7AG tel: +44 1989567416 www.fritzfryer.co.uk FUTURE LIGHT DESIGN 41 Windwill Street London W1T 2JU tel: +44 2085434451 www.futurelightdesign.co.uk Distributor for: Occhio FW LIGHTING The Light House, 37 Wadham Grove Emersons Green Bristol BS16 7DX tel: +44 7891919169 www.fw-lighting.com Distributor for: Sforzin Illuminazione GABRIEL SCOTT 12 Old Burlington Street London W13 3AH tel: +44 2033181393 www.gabrielscott.com GEOFFREY HARRIS LIGHTING 131 Finsbury Pavement London EC2A 1NT tel: +44 2072286101 www.geoffreyharris.co.uk Distributor for: Northern Lighting GEORGE SINGER Studio 9, Unit 6 Thames Side Studios Harrington Way London SE18 5NR tel: +44 7970890596 www.georgesinger.co.uk GLADEE 416-417 Design Centre East London SW10 0XF tel: +44 7850632689 www.gladee.co.uk GLAMOX LUXONIC Unit 3 Capital Business Park Manor Way Borehamwood WD6 1GW tel: +44 2089530540 www.glamoxluxo.co.uk GWYN CARLESS DESIGNS Mansion House Building, Market Place Matlock DE4 5DD tel: +44 1773857388 www.gcdesigns.co.uk HABERDASHERY 18 Ashwin Street London E8 3DL tel: +44 2075037080 www.haberdashery.com

HEATHFIELD & CO Unit 1 Priory Road Tonbridge TN9 2AF tel: +44 1732350450 www.heathfield.co.uk HOAD & MORE Studio 35 The Silk Mill Brook Street Tring HP23 5EF tel: +44 1525222364 www.hoadandmore.com HOGARTH LIGHTING Birchen Reeds, Charles Hill Tilford GU10 2AS tel: +44 8003288051 www.hogarthlighting.co.uk HOLLOWAYS OF LUDLOW 35 - 37 Tower Bridge Road London SE1 4TL tel: +44 2076025757 www.hollowaysofludlow.com Distributor for: Ingo Maurer HULGER Top Floor, 8 Elder Street London E1 6BT tel: +44 2076507882 www.hulger.com IBERIAN LIGHTING Design and Innovation Centre Drury Lane St Leonards on Sea TN38 9XP tel: +44 1424428161 www.iberianlighting.co.uk IGUZZINI Astolat Business Park, Astolat Way Off Old Portsmouth Road Guildford GU3 1NE tel: +44 1483468000 www.iguzzini.com ILLUMINATI Unit 12/13 Tattersall Way Chelmsford CM1 3UB tel: +44 01245355507 www.illuminati-lighting.co.uk ILLUMIS LIGHTS Norwich Road Strumpshaw NR13 4NT tel: +44 2081444481 www.illumis-lights.com INDUSTVILLE 218D, 1 Swan Road Westminster Industrial Estate London SE18 5TT tel: +44 2079717871 www.industville.co.uk INFORM 99 St John’s Hill London SW11 1SY tel: +44 2072283335 www.informfurniture.co.uk Distributor for: Lightyears

JONA HOAD DESIGN The Studio, Ashpools, Chapel Lane Northall LU6 2HF tel: +44 1525222364 www.jonahoad.com INGENIOUS LIGHTING tel: +44 1908377329 email: simon@ingeniouslighting.com www.ingeniouslighting.com Ingenious Lighting supports Designers & Architects by providing unsurpassed product & technical support, we specialise in supplying project specific lighting solutions including the design and manufacture of complex bespoke systems. We have spent over 30 years developing, manufacturing and assembling the best team of innovative luminaire manufacturers in the Industry. INK LIGHTING The Old Vicarage Manorbier SA70 7TN tel: +44 7723013209 www.inklighting.com INNERMOST 2.02 - 2.04 OXO Tower Wharf Bargehouse Street London SE1 9PH tel: +44 2076201808 www.innermost.net INOX Unit 22 Brookside Centre Sumpters Way Temple Farm Industrial Estate Southend-on-Sea SS2 5RR tel: +44 1424775459 www.inox.co.uk Distributor for: Acoshape+ INSPIRED BY DESIGN PO Box 213 Manchester M8 4WY tel: +44 1612782094 www.inspired-by-design.co.uk Distributor for: Leucos INSPIRED LIGHTING Mutual Mills Aspinall Street Heywood OL10 4HP tel: +44 8448447600 www.inspired-lighting.co.uk ISABELLE BIZZARD 98 Broomwood road London SW11 6LA tel: +44 7846519524 www.isabellebizard.com J ADAMS & CO 47 Ward street Birmingham B19 3TA tel: +44 2082817115 www.jadamsandco.com JANIE KNITTED TEXTILES Harley Foundation Studios, 4A Tan Gallop Welbeck S80 3LW tel: +44 1909480163 www.janieknittedtextiles.com JAY WATSON DESIGN Unit 12B, Crawley Mill Industrial Estate Crawley OX29 9TJ tel: +44 1993703945 www.jaywatsondesign.com JCC LIGHTING PRODUCTS Lamplighter House Beeding Close Southern Cross Trading Estate Bognor Regis PO22 9TS tel: +44 1243838999 www.jcc-lighting.co.uk JOHN CULLEN LIGHTING 561-563 Kings Road London SW6 2EB tel: +44 2073719000 www.johncullenlighting.co.uk

JONATHAN COLES STUDIO Studio 14 Henley Enterprise Park Greys Road Henley-on-Thames RG9 1UF tel: +44 1491574883 www.jonathancoles.co.uk JONATHAN ROGERS GLASS Carmel Street Great Chesterford CB10 1PH tel: +44 7894464619 www.jonathanrogers.co.uk JPR LIGHTING 60 Sandy Lane Farnborough GU14 9HJ tel: +44 1252413291 www.jprlighting.co.uk KAIA 21 Boston Place London N1 6ER tel: +44 2072436299 www.kaia.at KANSA LIGHTING The Flour Mill Wath Road Barnsley S74 8HW tel: +44 1226351484 www.kansa.co.uk KARBOXX 52 - 54 St Johns Street London EC1M 4HF tel: +44 07913872851 www.karboxx.com KATE COLIN DESIGN 2/1 49 Peel Street Glasgow G11 5LU tel: +44 7801731737 www.katecolindesign.com KELVIN LIGHTING Stuart House Musselburgh EH217PB tel: +44 1315530269 www.kelvinlighting.co.uk Distributor for: Sattler KIRIGRAM 15/3 Coolhurst Road London N8 8EP tel: +44 7707466519 www.kirigram.com KOLARZ Aintree House, 63 Salisbury Road Farnborough GU14 7AG tel: +44 1483726052 www.kolarz.at KOSNIC Unit D2, Kennetside Bone Lane Newbury RG14 5PX tel: +44 8458386851 www.kosnic.com KREATIVE LIGHTING STUDIO 3 College Street Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 8SF tel: +44 7734247852 www.kls-light.co.uk Distributor for: Tom Raffield LASVIT 3rd Floor 131 Shoreditch High Street London EC1 6JE tel: +44 2074902004 www.lasvit.com LEE BROOM STUDIO 93 Rivington Street London EC2A 3AY tel: +44 2078200742 www.leebroom.com

LIGHT CORPORATION Unit 3 North Bridge Road Berkhamsted HP4 1EF tel: +44 1442216200 www.lightcorporation.com LIGHT HQ Light Headquarters Units 1 & 2 Lower Vicarage Rd Southampton SO19 7RJ tel: +44 02382022102 www.lighthq.co.uk Distributor for: Lucis LIGHT MEDIUM 4 Quayside Mills Edinburgh EH6 6EX tel: +44 1312080870 www.lightmedium.co.uk Distributor for: Prandina LIGHTING BY PLUM Chesham & Ley Hill Golf Club Chesham HP5 1UZ tel: +44 1494258738 www.lightingbyplum.com LIGHTING DESIGN NI 14 Boucher Way Belfast BT12 6RE tel: +44 2890688522 www.lightingdesignonline.com Distributor for: Artek LIGHTINGSPIRATION 5 Brookside Sabden BB7 9ET tel: +44 2030053232 www.lightingspiration.com Distributor for: Quasar

LIGHTPLUS 11 Woodland View, Lovedean Waterlooville PO8 9TR tel: +44 2392440550 www.light-plus.co.uk Distributor for: Lumini LIGNE ROSET Morley House, Badminton Court Church Street Amersham HP7 0DD tel: +44 1494545910 www.ligne-roset.co.uk LINEA LIGHT GROUP Suite 109 The Business Design Centre 52 Upper Street London N1 0QH tel: +44 2036371983 www.linealight.com LINUM LOOM Suite B2 Joseph’s Well, Hanover Walk Leeds LS3 1AB www.linumloom.com Distributor for: AQform LIQUI DESIGN The Factory Units 5-6 Cheapside Brighton BN1 4GD tel: +44 1273686119 www.liquidesign.co.uk LOUIS POULSEN St James House 13 Kensington Square London W8 5HD tel: +44 2083974400 www.louispoulsen.com

LUCTRA Ferndown Industrial Estate 10 Nimrod Way Wimborne BH21 7SH tel: +44 1202851130 www.luctra.eu LUMINAIR 148 Hartington Road Brighton BN2 3PB tel: +44 1273383435 www.luminair.co.uk LUMINAIRES The Old Bakery, Victoria Road Douglas Isle of Man IM2 4HD tel: +44 1624665801 www.luminaires.co.im Distributor for: Tala LUTRON Lutron House 6 Sovereign Close London E1W 3JF tel: +44 2077020657 www.lutron.com LUUM Studio 4, 7-17 Latona Road London SE15 6RX tel: +44 2080013857 www.madebyluum.com LYNGARD Longstaff Building, Albert Street Stoke-on-Trent ST5 7JF tel: +44 1270767095 www.lyngard.com MACMASTER The Guildings, Trimpley Bewdley DY121PG tel: +44 1299861738 macmasterdesign.com MAKIN LIGHT 45 Mossway Manchester M24 1WS tel: +44 5601591867 www.makinlight.co.uk MARC WOOD STUDIO Blackhorse Workshops 1-2 Sutherland Road Path London E17 6BX tel: +44 2035824495 www.marcwoodstudio.com MARTHA FREUD DESIGN Studio 9 Great Western Studios 65 Alfred Road London W2 5EU www.marthafreud.com MARTIN HUXFORD STUDIO Unit 11 Water Lane Storrington RH20 3EA tel: +44 1903740134 www.martinhuxford.com MAY CONCEPTS 48 Redchurch Street No.2 London E2 7DP tel: +44 7515701819 www.mayconcepts.com MEGAMAN Megaman House 2 Quadrant Park, Mundells Welwyn Garden City AL7 1FS tel: +44 1707902100 www.megamanuk.com

METRO Imperial Park, Rawreth Lane Rayleigh SS6 9RS tel: +44 1268782084 www.metroltd.co.uk MICHAEL ANASTASSIADES 50 Rochester Place London NW1 9JX tel: +44 2079287527 www.michaelanastassiades.com MONOLOGUE 93 Redchurch Street London E2 7DP tel: +44 7590565884 www.monologuelondon.com Distributor for: Parachilna MOONBEAM LIGHTING 88 Chapel Lane Altrincham WA15 0BH tel: +44 1619048872 www.moonbeamlighting.co.uk Distributor for: Pantone Lighting MOONLIGHT DESIGN 114 Station Road London E4 6AB tel: +44 2089258639 www.moonlightdesign.co.uk Distributor for: Original BTC MOOOI 23 Great Titchfield Street London W1W 7PA tel: +44 2089625691 www.moooi.com MOROCCAN BAZAAR Unit 2B & 2C Kelvin Ind Est long Drive Greenford UB6 8WA tel: +44 2085751818 www.moroccanbazaar.com MR RESISTOR 21 Lydden Road London SW18 4LT tel: +44 2088742234 www.mr-resistor.co.uk Distributor for: Original BTC MR. LIGHT 11 Quayside, William Morris Way London SW6 2UZ tel: +44 2073528398 www.mrlight.co.uk Distributor for: Stephane Davidts Lighting MUSE Studio 201C Old Gramophone Works Saga Centre 326 Kensal Road London W10 5BZ tel: +44 7951053985 www.muse-ing.com Distributor for: Saija NEST.CO.UK 9 Parkway Rise Sheffield S9 4WQ tel: +44 1142433000 www.nest.co.uk Distributor for: Tom Dixon NICK MAILER LIGHTING 36 Harrison Crescent Angmering BN16 4PD tel: +44 7889594343 www.nickmailerlighting.co.uk Distributor for: Windfall NLA The Beehive, City Place Gatwick RH6 0PA tel: +44 1293804788 www.megamanlighting.com

NORTHERN LIGHTS Hardwick View Road Holmewood Industrial Estate Chesterfield S42 5SA tel: +44 1246858750 email: sales@northern-lights.co.uk www.northern-lights.co.uk Established in 1987, Northern Lights is one of the UK’s largest bespoke lighting manufacturers. Designing and creating inspiring lighting solutions for the hospitality sector, our specialist artisans and design team work closely with designers to produce quality fittings for a wide range of hotel and restaurant projects. NUDE DESIGNS 261 High Street Dorking RH4 1RL tel: +44 1306735050 www.nude-designs.com NUDIDESIGN 25 Greencroft Gardens London NW6 3LN tel: +44 2073286340 www.nudidesign.com NULTY BESPOKE The Tower Building 7th Floor 11 York Road London SE1 7NX tel: +44 2078039300 www.nultybespoke.co.uk &OBJECTS Top Floor, Chelsea Reach 79-89 Lots Road London SW10 0RN tel: +44 2074276059 www.andobjects.com OCHRE 2 Bradbrook House Studio Place London SW1X 8EL tel: +44 2070967372 www.ochre.net ONE FOOT TALLER 272 High Street Glasgow G4 0QT tel: +44 8000751659 www.onefoottaller.com OPTELMA LIGHTING 14 Napier Court, The Science Park Abingdon OX14 3NB tel: +44 1235553769 www.optelma.com OPTIME 14 Wallace Way Hitchin SG4 0SE tel: +44 1462441920 www.optime.co.uk


LIGHTIQUE Unit 2a Eden Business Park Dunns Close Nuneaton CV11 4NE tel: +44 2476381559 www.lightique.com

LSE 6 Great Western Business Park McKenzie Way Worcester WR4 9PT tel: +44 190522243 www.lselighting.com Distributor for: Vibia

ORIGINAL BTC The Design Centre, Chelsea Harbour London SW10 OXE tel: +44 2073512130 email: sales@originalbtc.com www.originalbtc.com Distributor for: Beadlight, Davey Lighting Founded in 1990, Original BTC designs and manufactures timeless, classic lighting at its own UK bone china factory, glassworks and metalworks. Using the finest raw materials, quality and attention detail are key. With its further brands, heritage lighting manufacturer Davey Lighting and LED specialist Beadlight, it provides elegant lighting solutions for both domestic and contract interiors.


ORLIGHT 21b Cranbourne Industrial Estate Cranbourne Road Potters Bar EN6 3JN tel: +44 1707663883 www.orlight.com OSRAM 268 Bath Road Slough SL1 4DX tel: +44 1753484100 www.lighting-solutions.osram.com P&A PROJECTS 2 Firefly Square Plantation Road Burscough L40 8JT tel: +44 1704891333 www.pandaprojects.co.uk PAD HOME Studio 23, The Riverside Building 55 Trinity Buoy Wharf London E14 0FP tel: +44 2079877341 www.padhome.co.uk PERFORMANCE IN LIGHTING Unit 4 Hepworth Park Brook Street Lakeside Redditch B98 8NZ tel: +44 1527830439 www.performanceinlighting.com PETITE FRITURE Fora Clerkenwell 71 Central Street London EC1V 8AB www.petitefriture.com PHOS Unit 2 The IO Centre, Hearle Way 879 High Road Hatfield AL10 9EW tel: +44 2084927633 www.phos.co.uk PIERRE BACHY LIGHTING DESIGN 74 Westfields Avenue London SW13 0AZ tel: +44 7484653900 www.pierre-bachy.com PLUMEN Sustainable Ventures 105 Summer Street London SE1 9HZ tel: +44 2076507882 www.plumen.com POOKY LIGHTING 25 Chelsea Wharf 15 Lots Road London SW10 0QJ tel: +44 2073513003 www.pooky.com

PRECIOSA LIGHTING 3 Gower Street London WC1E 6HA tel: +44 02088706220 www.preciosalighting.com

ROUSSEAU DESIGN Coppergate House 16 Brune Street London E1 7NJ tel: +44 2079531259

PROP STUDIOS Studio 1 9 Thorpe Close Notting Hill London W10 5XL tel: +44 2073998664 www.propsstudios.co.uk

ROXO LIGHTING 24 Bedford Row London WC1R 4TQ tel: +44 2082412440 www.roxolighting.com

QUARTZ 7 Netherhall Milnthort KY13 0RL tel: +44 8456006088 www.quartzlc.com R & S ROBERTSON 9 Clifton View East Mains Industrial Estate Edinburgh EH52 5NE tel: +44 1313442650 www.rs-robertson.co.uk RAW STUDIO Unit 5-107 Thamesside Studios London SE18 5NR tel: +44 7711604323 www.rawstudio.co.uk RB 12 6 Holywell Lane London EC2A 3ET tel: +44 2071352246 www.rbtwelve.com Distributor for: Selene Illuminazione RELAY DESIGN AGENCY 18 Links Yard Spelman Street London E1 5LX tel: +44 02034881418 www.relaydesignagency.co.uk Distributor for: Zeitraum RESIDENT 10 John Street London WC1N 2EB www.resident.co.nz RIDI GROUP Unit 8-9 Marshgate Centre Parkway Harlow Business Park Harlow CM19 5QP tel: +44 1279450882 www.ridi-group.com Distributor for: EMFA RISCHE GROUP Unit 3 Ashburton Park, Trafford Park Manchester M17 1EH tel: +44 1618776200 www.rischegroup.co.uk RITSON DESIGN AGENCY The Old School House 42 The Village, Thorp Arch Wetherby LS23 7AG tel: +44 7931556345 www.ritsondesign.com Distributor for: Foscarini RO SERVICES 26 Stephens Road Mortimer Common RG7 3TU tel: +44 2071935190 www.roservices.it Distributor for: Younique ROOM 9 Unit 6-9 Fairways Business Park Lammas Road London E10 7QB tel: +44 7841659382 www.room-9.co.uk ROTHSCHILD & BICKERS Unit 7 Great Northern Works Hartham Lane Hertford SG14 1QN tel: +44 1992677292 www.rothschildbickers.com

SARAH COLSON 11 Havelock Walk London SE23 3BH tel: +44 7800800428 www.sarahcolson.com SCABETTI St George’s Works 44 Briannia Street Leek ST13 5EL tel: +44 1538371471 www.scabetti.co.uk SCANDESIGN INTERIORS 18 Horncastle Road Louth LN11 9LD tel: +44 7789684897 www.scandesigninteriors.com Distributor for: Senses SCP 135 Curtain Road London EC2A 3BX tel: +44 2077497399 www.scp.co.uk SÉ 60 Fulham Road London SW3 6HH tel: +44 2076274282 www.se-london.com

SEVEN MEADOWS The Studio, Low Burton Hall Masham HG4 4DQ tel: +44 1765774077 email: admin@sevenmeadows.co.uk www.sevenmeadows.co.uk/lighting Distributor for: Diesel Lighting, Lodes, Marchetti, Patrizia Volpato, Rakumba, Terzani, Younique We work closely with Architects and Designers to facilitate the specification and procurement of International Brands for commercial, hospitality and residential projects. Our team is available for CPD presentations and to assist you throughout the specification process to ensure that excellent products are delivered with unrivalled service. SHARON MARSTON Studios F34A & C31 Parkhall 40 Martell Road London SE21 8EN tel: +44 2086704644 www.sharonmarston.com SIGNIFY Philips Centre Guildford Business Park Guildford GU2 8XG tel: +44 8456011283 www.signify.com SIMPLY SCANDINAVIAN 70 Flaxman Road London SE5 9DH tel: +44 2070958400 www.simply-scandinavian.co.uk Distributor for: Bsweden

SKIALIGHT 34 Jacksons Lane Saffron Walden CB10 1PT tel: +44 2035144668 www.skialight.co.uk Distributor for: Wever & Ducre SKINFLINT The Warehouse, Commercial Road Penryn TR10 8AE tel: +44 1326565227 www.skinflintdesign.com SLV Unit E Chiltern Park Boscombe Road Dunstable LU5 4LT tel: +44 2039681100 www.slv.de SOLUS SOLUTIONS Unit 25e Anniesland Business Park Netherton Road, Anniesland Glasgow G13 1EU tel: +44 1419542771 www.solusgb.com Distributor for: Panzeri SORAA Unit 38 Ambition Broxbourne Business Centre Pindar Road Hoddesdon EN11 0FJ tel: +44 1992535053 www.soraa.com SPEAR LIGHTING Unit 8 Cowley Mill Trading Estate Uxbridge UB8 2YG tel: +44 1895746006 www.spearlighting.com Distributor for: Osmont SPINA DESIGN 12 Kingsgate Place London NW6 4TA tel: +44 2073285274 www.spinadesign.co.uk STUDIO 28 LIGHTING 23 Verney Street London NW10 0AY tel: +44 2084523810 www.studio28lighting.co.uk Distributor for: Zafferano STUDIO ROSO 13 Hague Street London E2 6HN tel: +44 2081333262 www.studio-roso.com STUDIOTECH Bridge House, Bredbury Stockport SK6 2QN tel: +44 1612929000 www.studiotech.co.uk SWAROVSKI LIGHTING 21 Sackville Street, 2nd Floor London W1S 3DN tel: +44 2072558440 www.swarovski.com SYLVANIA Longbow House 14 - 20 Chiswell Street London EC1Y 4TW tel: +44 2070119700 www.sylvania-lighting.com SYLVIE LIGHTING Unit 10 Semley Industrial Estate Shaftesbury SP7 9AN tel: +44 1747448500 www.sylvie.co.uk TAL Unit 8 Havant Business Centre Havant PO9 1HU tel: +44 2392440555 www.tal.be

TALA 25b Vyner Street London E2 9DG tel: +44 2030263246 www.talaled.com

TOM DIXON 4-10 Bagley Walk Yard Coal Drops Yard London N1C 4DH tel: +44 2074000500 www.tomdixon.net

TANGENT 8 Montpelier Avenue London W5 2XP www.tangent.uk.com TARGETTI 288 Bishopsgate London EC2M 4QP tel: +44 2037094065 www.targetti.com TERENCE WOODGATE Unit 2 Spring Mill Avening Road Nailsworth GL6 OBS tel: +44 1435796300 www.terencewoodgate.com TGA i6 Business Centre 6-8 Charlotte Square Newcastle NE1 4XF tel: +44 1913862314 www.tgace.co.uk THE GRAVITY WORKSHOP 28 Dartmouth Park Road London NW5 1SX tel: +44 2074856375 www.thegravityworkshop.com THE LAMP FACTORY Avenue House Workshops 8 - 28 Milton Avenue Croydon CRO 2BP tel: +44 2086830721 www.thelampfactorylondon.co.uk

THE LIGHT YARD 53 Waterview Park Leigh WN7 4JP tel: +44 3302233940 www.thelightyard.com THE LIGHTING EDITION 82 Wandsworth Bridge Road London SW6 2TF tel: +44 7980288826 www.thelightingedition.com THE NORWICH ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING COMPANY 38 Hurricane Way Norwich NR6 6JB tel: +44 1603418821 www.lighteastanglia.co.uk Distributor for: Oluce THE RAG AND BONE MAN Unit 4 Rear of 42-60 Ethelbert Road Margate CT9 1SB tel: +44 0773365774 www.theragandboneman.co.uk TIGERMOTH LIGHTING Chandlers House, The Wharf Pangbourne RG8 7DS tel: +44 8456589059 www.tigermothlighting.com TM LIGHTING Gallery, 7 Cubitt Street London WC1X 0LN tel: +44 7812150596 www.tmlighting.com TOBYHOUSE 14 Jenner Road London N16 7SA tel: +44 2088066431 www.tobyhouse.co.uk

Tom Kirk Lighting creates premiumquality, timeless lighting. We embrace the latest technologies and finishing techniques, whilst celebrating Britain’s rich heritage of quality manufacturing and skilled workmanship. Our product range and bespoke luminaires are designed and hand-assembled at our London workshop, supplying residential and commercial projects around the world. TOM RAFFIELD Nanskerris, Trevarno Helston TR13 0RU tel: +44 1326722725 www.tomraffield.com TP24 12 Station Road Chatteris PE16 6AG tel: +44 1354694591 www.tp24.com TRAINSPOTTERS Unit 1, The New Warehouse Libby’s Drive Stroud GL5 1RN tel: +44 1453756677 www.trainspotters.co.uk TYSON LIGHTING Gibson House, Walpole Street Blackburn BB1 1DB tel: +44 1254266000 www.tyson-lighting.co.uk Distributor for: Andlight, B.lux, Bocci, Bover, Brokis, Carpyen, Catellani & Smith, Graypants, Prandina, Resident UNIBOX Unit C2 Greengate Industrial Estate Greenside Way Manchester M24 1SW tel: +44 8452776000 www.unibox.co.uk URBAN COTTAGE INDUSTRIES Old Trouser Factory Greenhill Industrial Estate Hebden Bridge HX7 5QF tel: +44 2071932119 www.urbancottageindustries.com VEXICA Typhoon House Moxon Way Sherburn-In-Elmet Leeds LS25 6FB tel: +44 1132434813 www.vexica.com VEZZINI & CHEN Arch 35 Ermine Mews Laburnum Street London E2 8BF www.vezziniandchen.com VIABIZZUNO 122 Great Titchfield Street London W1W 6ST tel: +44 2076369065 www.viabizzuno.com

ECI LIGHTING 34/35 North Park, North Road Finglas, Dublin 11 tel: +353 1860860 www.ecilighting.ie Distributor for: Ares, Bega, Delta Light, Dyson, Florian, Orbit, Roxo, Zafferano

VIVACE LICHTMAN Drill Hall, Meadow Place Crieff PH7 4DU tel: +44 1764655392 www.vivacelichtman.co.uk Distributor for: Younique

FABULIGHT The Coach House Tullowphelim Co. Tullo tel: +353 879952489 www.fabulight.ie

WALDMANN 27 Heronden View Eastry Sandwich CT13 0EZ tel: +44 1923800030 www.waldmann.com WELL-LIT Unit 4 Sovereign Business Park Barnsley Road Huddersfield HD8 8BL tel: +44 1484609759 www.well-lit.co.uk WILLIAM & WATSON 71-75 Shelton Street London WC2H 9JQ tel: +44 8007720818 www.williamandwatson.com WIRED DESIGNS Unit G17 Ground Floor North Dome, DCCH London SW10 0XE tel: +44 2073522921 www.wired-designs.com

FAGERHULT Unit F1 Calmount Park Ballymount Dublin 12 tel: +353 14260200 www.fagerhult.com LED GROUP Western Retail Park Nangor Road Dublin 12 tel: +353 17099070 www.nationallighting.ie Distributor for: Modular, Slamp LIGHTSYSTEMS 794 Howth Road Dublin 5 tel: +353 14853380 www.lightsystems.ie Distributor for: Halla MULLAN LIGHTING Mullan Village Emyvale Co.Monaghan HEC 1898 tel: +353 4786584 www.mullanlighting.com PM LIGHTING Unit 2B Jennymount Business Park North Derby Street Belfast BTHN 153 tel: +44 2890743254 www.pm-lighting.co.uk

WITHIN4WALLS Thrackum Hall, Station Road Little Shrewley CV35 7HH tel: +44 1926772217 www.within4walls.co.uk

SHANE HOLLAND DESIGN Unit 11c Duleek Business Park Co. Meath tel: +353 419882220 www.shanehollanddesign.com

WONDERGLASS Orwell House, 16-18 Berners Street London W1T 3LN tel: +44 2039712100 www.wonderglass.com

SIGNIFY Philips House South County Business Park Leopardstown Dublin 18 tel: +353 17640000 www.signify.com

ZICO LIGHTING 3rd Floor, 207 Regent Street London W1B 3HH tel: +44 020772233087

Ireland APPLIED LIGHTING Teach Fada, Piltown Drogheda tel: +353 419829434 Distributor for: Dark, Limis, Zero BRITELUX 1st Floor, 63 Deerpark Road Mount Merrion Dublin APN 9423 tel: +353 15653685 www.britelux.ie Distributor for: &tradition, Astro Lighting, Foscarini, Gubi, Innermost, Lightyears, Muuto, Tom Dixon, Vesoi, Zero BUSHELL INTERIORS 12 Heaney Avenue Parkwest Dublin 12 tel: +353 14749236 www.bushellinteriors.com Distributor for: Zumtobel CRESTRON Office 104, Premier Business Center Unit 3013 Lake Drive Dublin 24 tel: +353 14693701 www.crestron.eu DLIGHT The Old Waterworks Knockenduff Tramore Co. Waterford tel: +353 51393464 www.dlight.ie Distributor for: Artemide, Buck, Eames Technical, Ghidini, Kreon, Lamp, Lightnet, Luxintec, Proled, Rovasi

WILLIE DUGGAN LIGHTING 25-26 Hebron Business Park Kilkenny tel: +353 567764308 www.williedugganlighting.com Distributor for: LZF, Lodes, Terzani, Tom Dixon WINK Ballywaltrim Business Centre Bray tel: +353 12762200 www.wink.ie Distributor for: Axolight, TAL


THE LIGHT LAB 22 Holywell Row London EC2A 4JB tel: +44 2072782678 www.thelightlab.com

TOM KIRK LIGHTING Unit D012, 62 Tritton Road London SE21 8DE tel: +44 2087666715 email: sales@tomkirk.com www.tomkirk.com

VITAMIN 9 Drysdale Street London N1 6ND tel: +44 2070929191 www.vitaminliving.com

The Nordics / Europe

Denmark ALL-LIGHT Brabyvej 52 4690 Haslev tel: +45 56380408 www.all-light.dk Distributor for: TAL ANKER & CO Dampfærgevej 13 2100 Copenhagen tel: +45 70213700 www.ankerco.com Distributor for: Wever & Ducre ANOTHER STORY Retortvej 1 2500 Valby tel: +45 38414533 www.anotherstory.dk Distributor for: tossB ANOUR Industrikrogen 6A 2635 Ishøj tel: +45 33607070 www.anour.dk


ARTEMIDE Skudehavnsvej 5 2100 Copenhagen tel: +45 70201700 www.artemide.com ASTEP Vermundsgade 40B 2100 Copenhagen tel: +45 53838290 www.astep.design BJARNHOFF Hyldvej 1/a 6092 Sdr Stenderup tel: +45 75503205 www.bjarnhoff.com Distributor for: Viabizzuno BRDR. KRÜGER SHOWROOM Bredgade 28 1260 Copenhagen tel: +45 39561555 www.brdr-kruger.com Distributor for: Nuura CPH LIGHTING Bytoften 2 6710 Esbjerg tel: +45 75180106 www.cphlighting.dk DARO Ribevej 8 8940 Randers SV tel: +45 86435066 www.daroe.dk EBB & FLOW Duedal 70 9230 Svenstrup J tel: +45 98163488 www.ebbandflow.dk EGLO Agerbakken 20 8362 Hørning tel: +45 70225511 www.eglo.com EMBACCO LIGHTING Maglemølle 93 4700 Naestved tel: +45 70228025 www.embacco.dk

FAGERHULT Sluseholmen 8A 2450 Copenhagen tel: +45 43553700 www.fagerhult.com

LE KLINT Egestubben 13-17 5270 Odense N tel: +45 66181920 www.leklint.dk

NORDLUX Oestre Havnegade 34 9000 Aalborg tel: +45 98181611 www.nordlux.com

FLOS Sydhavnsgade 28 2450 Copenhagen tel: +45 33886000 www.flos.com

LEMVIGH-MÜLLER Stationsalleen 40 2730 Herlev tel: +45 21568332 www.lemu.dk Distributor for: Luceplan

NORMANN COPENHAGEN Osterbrogade 70 2100 Copenhagen tel: +45 35270532 www.normann-copenhagen.com

FRANDSEN Egeskowej 29 8700 Horsens tel: +45 76581818 www.frandsenlighting.dk FRANDSEN GROUP Egeskovvej 29 8700 horsens tel: +45 76581818 www.frandsengroup.dk FRITZ HANSEN Allerødvej 8 3450 Allerod tel: +45 25190796 www.fritzhansen.com GATEWAY JAPAN Toldbodgate 55 1253 Copenhagen tel: +45 70205608 www.gatewayjapan.dk Distributor for: Yamagiwa GUBI Klubiensvej 7-9 2150 Copenhagen tel: +45 33326368 www.gubi.com HAGEN ETC Birkedommervej 33 3rd floor 2400 Copenhagen www.hagen-etc.com HAY Havnen 1 8700 Horsens tel: +45 42820282 www.wrongforhay.com IGUZZINI Værkstedsmagasinet Refshalevej 153A, 2 1432 Copenhagen tel: +45 33179595 www.iguzzini.com IMAGE COLLECTION Jyllingevej 48 2720 Vanlose tel: +45 26280313 www.imagecollection.dk Distributor for: B.lux IN LYZ Smedegade 1 8700 Horsens tel: +45 76690908 www.inlyz.dk Distributor for: Terzani KARAKTER Gl. Lundtoftevej 1C 2800 Kongens Lyngby tel: +45 38414131 www.karakter-copenhagen.com LAMPEFEBER Lilleringvej 30 8462 Harlev tel: +45 86361722 www.lampefeber.dk Distributor for: Top Light

LIGHT POINT Østergade 10 1100 Copenhagen tel: +45 70255525 www.light-point.com Distributor for: Oluce LIGHTING BY SAMANI Skovlytoften 26B 2840 Holte tel: +45 28345333 www.samani.dk Distributor for: Showroom Finland LIGHTYEARS Balticagade 12,1. E 8000 Aarhus C tel: +45 87301240 www.lightyears.dk LINDHOLDT STUDIO Forhåbningsholm alle 47 b 1 sal 1904 Frederiksberg tel: +45 31443630 www.studioflemminglindholdt.dk LOUIS POULSEN Kuglegårdsvej 19-23 1434 Copenhagen tel: +45 70331414 www.louispoulsen.com LUCEPLAN Dybendalsvænget 2 2630 Taastrup tel: +45 41675416 www.luceplan.com LUMIERE Karetmagervej 12 7100 Vejle tel: +45 76413400 www.lumiere.dk Distributor for: Delta Light MADE BY HAND Tommergravsgade 4B 2450 Copenhagen tel: +45 70208464 www.madebyhand.dk MENU Kongevejen 2 3480 Fredensborg tel: +45 48406100 www.menu.as

NUURA Lykkesholms Alle 8B, 2 1902 Frederiksberg C tel: +45 26159557 www.nuura.com ONE A Hyldvej 1A 6092` stenderup tel: +45 40557733 www.onea.dk OSRAM Dybendalsvænget 3 2630 Tåstrup tel: +45 44775000 www.lighting-solutions.osram.com ROAM Raffinaderivej 10 2300 Copenhagen tel: +45 40751993 www.roam.dk Distributor for: Parachilna TOM ROSSAU Federiksberg Alle 5 1621 Copenhagen tel: +45 51924788 www.tomrossau.dk &TRADITION Kronprinsessegade 4 1306 Copenhagen tel: +45 39200233 www.andtradition.dk UMAGE Kongens Nytorv 15 1050 Copenhagen tel: +45 20452034 www.umage.com VERPAN Egeskowej 29 8700 Horsens tel: +45 76581882 www.verpan.com WATT A LAMP Gammelgårdsvej 85 3520 Farum tel: +45 70261261 www.wattalamp.com


MODI FORM Damgaardvej 1 5500 Middelfart tel: +45 65914050 www.modiform.dk Distributor for: Slamp

ARTEK Lonnrotinkatu 7 00120 Helsinki tel: +358 106173470 www.artek.fi

MOLLER & ROTHE Baltikavej 7 2100 Copenhagen tel: +45 33913737 www.mollerrothe.com Distributor for: Sammode

CANDELA IMPORT Krämertintie 17 00620 Helsinki tel: +358 96223301 www.candelaimport.fi Distributor for: Knapstein

MUUTO Østergade 36-38 1100 Copenhagen tel: +45 32969899 www.muuto.com

CASALIGHT Varikkotie 2B 00880 Helsinki tel: +358 400998447 www.casalight.fi Distributor for: Slamp

CASAMBI TECHNOLOGIES Bertel Jungin Aukio 1 E 02600 Espoo tel: +358 105012950 www.casambi.com EGLO Malmin raitti 17A 00700 Helsinki tel: +358 207649820 www.eglo.com FAGERHULT Mannerheimintie 113 00280 Helsinki tel: +358 97771580 www.fagerhult.com FORMVERK Annankatu 5 00100 Helsinki tel: +358 96129550 www.formverk.com Distributor for: Foscarini GRANLUND Malminkaari 21, PL 59 00701 Helsinki tel: +44 406621096 www.granlund.fi HALOGEN GALLERIA Lönnrotinkatu 35 00180 Helsinki tel: +358 9646323 www.halogengalleria.fi Distributor for: Delta Light

HIMMEE Himmee Oy Pälkäneentie 19 C, 4krs. 00510 Helsinki tel: +354 09109190 www.himmee.com IGUZZINI Lemuntie 3-5 00510 Helsinki tel: +358 207289840 www.iguzzini.com KT INTERIOR Vattuniemenkuja 4E PL37 00210 Helsinki tel: +358 96860510 www.ktinterior.fi Distributor for: LEDS C4 LAST SHADOW Isoistentie 7 02200 Espoo tel: +358 405126822 www.lastshadow.fi Distributor for: Viabizzuno LOUIS POULSEN Hameentie 135A 00560 Helsinki tel: +358 96226760 www.louispoulsen.com NONEKA Vanha Puistolantie 22 00760 Helsinki tel: +358 400604208 Distributor for: Lightyears OSRAM Vanha Nurmijarventie 62 01670 Vantaa tel: +358 974223300 www.lighting-solutions.osram.com

SAAS INSTRUMENTS Henry Fordin Katu 5 B, PO Box 179 00151 Helsinki tel: +358 96860610 www.saas.fi SECTO DESIGN Kauppalantie 12 02700 Kauniainen tel: +358 95050598 www.sectodesign.fi SHOWROOM FINLAND Hietalahdenranta 11 A 8 00180 Helinski tel: +358 105261600 www.showroomfinland.fi SKANNO Mannerheimintie 4 00100 Helsinki tel: +358 96129440 www.skannoshop.fi Distributor for: Prandina SPACELIGHT Alvar Aallon Kuja 2 00100 Helsinki tel: +358 92600646 www.spacelight.fi Distributor for: Delta Light SYLVANIA Sirrikuja 3A 00940 Helsinki tel: +358 954212100 www.sylvania-lighting.com TECLUX Pohjoinen Hesperiankatu 7 00260 Helsinki tel: +358 92252410 www.teclux.fi Distributor for: Modular TUNTO Tekijänkatu 8 04440 Jarvenpaa tel: +358 104213000 www.tunto.com

Iceland EPAL Skeifan 6 108 Reykjavik tel: +354 5687733 www.epal.is Distributor for: Luceplan LUMEX Skipholti 37 105 Reykjavík tel: +354 5688388 www.lumex.com.tw Distributor for: Trizo21 RAFKAUP Ármúli 24 108 Reykjavík tel: +354 5852800 www.rafkaup.is Distributor for: iGuzzini VÉLAR & VERKFÆRI Skutuvogi 1C 104 Reykjavik tel: +354 5508500 www.vv.is Distributor for: Anglepoise

Norway ATELJE LYKTAN Strandveien 30 1327 Lysaker tel: +47 22065500 www.atelje-lyktan.com BLACK & WHITE Kolstien 4 5097 Bergen tel: +47 55336255 www.black-white.no Distributor for: Moooi BRODR KOLSTAD BELYSNING Gamle Drammensveien 38 1369 Stabekk tel: +47 67102790 www.kolstadlys.no Distributor for: Slamp CONCEPT DESIGN Pilestredet 75c, inng.27 0354 Oslo tel: +47 22561310 www.conceptdesign.no Distributor for: Viabizzuno CREO LIGHT Nordlia 1C 4016 Stavanger tel: +47 51588510 www.creolight.no Distributor for: Luceplan FAGERHULT Postboks 471 1366 Lysaker tel: +47 22065500 www.fagerhult.com FLOS Sjolyst Plass 4 0277 Oslo tel: +47 22128600 www.flos.com LIGHT HOUSE Biskop Jens Nilssønsgate 5 0659 Oslo tel: +47 22672000 www.lhcab.se Distributor for: Vibia LIGHT MAKERS Gjerdrumsvei 16 0484 Oslo tel: +47 22721909 www.lightmakers.dk Distributor for: B.lux LIGHTCOM Hovfaret 8 0275 Oslo tel: +47 22733276 www.lightcom.no Distributor for: Delta Light LIMELIGHT Drammensveien 130 B11 0277 Oslo tel: +47 40001589 www.limelight.no Distributor for: Wever & Ducre LOUIS POULSEN Lilleakerveien 2F 0283 Oslo tel: +47 22502020 www.louispoulsen.com NORTHERN Bygdøy allé 68 0265 Oslo tel: +47 40007037 www.northernlighting.no

OSRAM Vækerøveien 3 0281 Besøksadresse tel: +47 40004110 www.lighting-solutions.osram.com SIGNIFY Innspurten 15 0663 Oslo tel: +47 22748000 www.signify.com SML LIGHTING Kalnesveien 5 1712 Graalum tel: +47 69132555 www.smllighting.no Distributor for: TAL SYLVANIA Ole Deviks Vei 44 0668 Oslo tel: +47 23067470 www.sylvania-lighting.com SYSTEM & MILJOBELYSNING Po Box 106 Astridsgate 34 1701 Sarpsborg tel: +47 69132555 www.smlys.no Distributor for: TAL

Sweden ANNELL LJUS + FORM Alviks Strand, Gustavslundsvägen 131 16751 Bromma tel: +46 84429000 www.annell.se Distributor for: Wever & Ducre ATELJE LYKTAN Fyrvaktaregatan 7 29635 Ahus tel: +46 44289800 www.atelje-lyktan.com BELID LIGHTING Klasavagen 4 432 95 Varberg tel: +46 340662500 www.belid.com BLOND Silkesvägen 13 33125 Varnamo tel: +46 370301735 www.blond.se BSWEDEN Herråkra 36491 Lenhovda tel: +46 47423040 www.bsweden.se BUSTER + PUNCH Artillerigatan 29 11445 Stockholm tel: +46 763905222 www.busterandpunch.com CALABAZ Gemlagatan 1 34371 Diö tel: +46 738418694 www.calabaz.se CARDI Valhallavagen 8 114 22 Stockholm tel: +46 84429400 www.cardi.se Distributor for: Panzeri


HEM Telakkakatu 6 C 00150 Helsinki tel: +358 407752820 www.hem.com

PLUSMINUS Hämeentie 13b 00530 Helsinki tel: +358 925250300 www.plusminuspartners.fi Distributor for: Trizo21

FAGERHULT Åvägen 1 56680 Habo tel: +46 36108500 www.fagerhult.com GLOBEN LIGHTING Sagvagen 10 51250 Svenljunga tel: +46 325145520 www.globenlighting.se HAHASTHLM Pipersgatan 14 11224 Stockholm tel: +46 0769418080 www.hahasthlm.com HOUSE OF LIGHT Räng Sandsvägen 63 23591 Vellinge tel: +46 40423035 www.houseoflight.se Distributor for: Trizo21 IFO ELECTRIC PO Box 116 2922 Bromolla tel: +46 45626533 www.ifoelectric.com


IGUZZINI Åsögatan 115 11624 Stockholm tel: +46 86151540 www.iguzzini.com KONSTHANTVERK Box 147 28223 Tyringe tel: +46 045150905 www.konsthantverk.com

LIGHT ART LYSANDE INREDNING Mondalsvag 40-42 (Gatuplan) 41263 Gothenburg tel: +46 31180140 www.lightart.se Distributor for: Foscarini

MARELCO/VINGA Hulda Mellgrens Gata 2 42132 Vastra Frolunda tel: +46 31674300 www.marelcovinga.se Distributor for: iGuzzini

LIGHT HOUSE Tomtebogatan 2 70343 Orebro tel: +46 733319952 www.lhcab.se Distributor for: Parachilna

MARKSLÖJD Gränevägen 5 51162 Skene tel: +46 32030500 www.markslojd.se

LJUS I HUS Grimsbygatan 30 21120 Malmo tel: +46 40301200 www.ljusihus.se Distributor for: Viabizzuno LJUSGRUPPEN Stenyxegatan 17 PO Box 9134 20039 Malmo tel: +46 40224100 www.ljusgruppen.se Distributor for: Modular LOUIS POULSEN PO Box 23013 10435 Stockholm tel: +46 84464800 www.louispoulsen.com LUCTRA Fågelsångsvägen 4B 18621 Vallentuna tel: +46 86301150 www.luctra.eu

NUD COLLECTION Light City 51333 Fristad tel: +46 33210555 www.nudcollection.com OBLURE Fabriksgatan 38 41252 Gothenburg tel: +46 317979896 www.oblure.com ÖRSJÖ Emmabodavägen 14 SE 38245 Nybro tel: +46 48150960 www.orsjo.com OSRAM Rudanvägen 1 13650 Haninge tel: +46 87074400 www.lighting-solutions.osram.com OVATURE STUDIOS 30 Lassby Ang 42356 Gothenburg www.ovaturestudios.com

Advertise online Digital packages available Appear on our website, newsletters or feature in a show preview.

For more info contact Stephen: s.quiligotti@mondiale.co.uk

SKOGSBERG&SMART Bellmansgatan 26 11847 Stockholm tel: +46 706398001 www.skogsbergsmart.com SYLVANIA Uppkoparvagen 7 12044 Årsta tel: +46 855632200 www.sylvania-lighting.com WALDMANN Skebokvarnsvägen 370 12450 Bandhagen tel: +46 8990350 www.waldmann.com WÄSTBERG PO Box 22266 25024 Helsinborg tel: +46 42284010 www.wastberg.com WEVER & DUCRÉ Mäster Samuelsgatan 20 10139 Stockholm tel: +46 708448484 www.weverducre.com ZERO PO Box 800 38228 Nybro tel: +46 48180000 www.zero.se

THE VECTOR COLLECTION Made by hand in the UK www.jadamsandco.com | info@jadamsandco.com



Focal Point Naples Ristorante e Bar Anaheim, USA Naples Ristorante e Bar, created by Shea Design, is an authentic Italian restaurant offering Neapolitan-style pizzas, salads and pastas. Visitors can enjoy an Italian break in a typical decor highlighted by the sumptuous Infinite Loop light fixtures designed by Ross Lovegrove for Barrisol. XXL in size, yet lightweight, they diffuse a soft glow throughout the restaurant for the wellbeing of diners. The Barrisol by Ross Lovegrove collection illustrates the perfect balance between organic form and high technicality. The qualities and flexibility of Barrisol membranes and lightweight frame structures have allowed the creation of beautiful objects inspired by nature, which not only illuminate spaces but can also improve the acoustic environment. Barrisol Light solutions respect the environment by being 100% recyclable and are made with up to 70% recycled materials. www.barrisol.com

North America & Caribbean / Americas

Canada ANDLIGHT 1951 Franklin ST Vancouver BC V5L 0C7 tel: +1 6045636938 www.andlight.ca ANONY 200 Queens Quays East Suite 6 Toronto ON M54 4K9 tel: +1 4169949617 www.anony.ca ARCHILUME Suite 357-1027 Davie Street Vancouver BC V6E 4L2 tel: +1 6047102576 www.archilume.com ARTEMIDE 11105 rue Renaude Lapointe Montreal QC H1J 2T4 tel: +1 5143236537 www.artemide.com


ATELIER ANAKA 1610 Rue Notre-Dame O. Montreal QC H3J 1M1 tel: +1 5145243553 atelieranaka.com ATELIER STOBBEN 505 - 36 rue Queen Montreal QC H3C 2N5 tel: +1 5146076335 atelierstobben.com AUCOURANT 8455 Blvd Decarie Montreal QC H4P 2J2 tel: +1 5147332050 www.aucourantlighting.com Distributor for: Luceplan BOCCI 500 - 1706 West 1st Avenue Vancouver BC V6J 0E4 tel: +1 6046395185 www.bocci.ca CD/M2 LIGHTWORKS 330-825 Powell Street Vancouver BC V6A 1H7 tel: +1 6042157721 www.cdm2lightworks.com Distributor for: Viabizzuno CENTURY 5645 Royalmount Montreal QC H4P 2P9 tel: +1 5148423933 www.centuryamadeus.com CRESTRON 5250 Satellite Drive, Unit 16 Mississauga ON L4W 5G5 tel: +1 8777327378 www.crestron.eu DAINOLITE 1401 Courtney Park Drive East Mississauga ON L5T 2E4 tel: +1 9055641262 www.dainolite.ca DARK TOOLS 750 Lake Shore Blvd E Unit 2 Toronto ON M4M 3M3 tel: +1 6477253275 www.darktoolsprojects.com Distributor for: Karman DELTA LIGHT 6665 Millcreek Drive, Unit 4 Mississauga CA L5N 5M4 tel: +1 9058136130 www.deltalight.com EUREKA LIGHTING 225, De Liege West, Suite 200 Montreal QC H2P 1H4 tel: +1 5143853515 www.eurekalighting.com EUROFASE 33 West Beaver Creek Road Richmond Hill ON L4B 1L8 tel: +1 9056952055 www.eurofase.com

EUROLITE 200 Queens Quay East Suite 6 Toronto ON M5A 4K9 tel: +1 4162031501 www.eurolite.com Distributor for: Foscarini

LIGHT RESOURCE Suite 201, 4599 Tillicum Street Burnaby BC V5J 3J9 tel: +1 6046887541 www.light-resource.com Distributor for: Zumtobel

SALEX 435 Finchdene Square Scarborough ON M1X 1B7 tel: +1 4162932290 www.salex.ca Distributor for: Zumtobel

HOLLIS + MORRIS 501 Alliance Avenue, Suite 102 Toronto ON M6N 2J1 tel: +1 6479709716 www.hollismorris.com

LIGHTFORM 10545 - 124 Street Edmonton ON T5N 1R8 tel: +1 4167455656 www.lightform.ca Distributor for: Vibia

SIGNIFY 281 Hillmount Road Markham ON L6C 2S3 tel: +1 8005550050 www.signify.com

ICONE 73 Industrial Parkway N Unit 1 Aurora ON L4G 4C4 tel: +1 5144210064 www.iconelighting.com IGUZZINI 9320 Saint-Laurent Suite 100 Montreal QC H2N 1N7 tel: +1 5145231339 www.iguzzini.com ILLUMINATION LIGHTING 2300 Victoria Avenue Lachine QC H8S 1Z3 tel: +1 5146347200 www.lluminationlighting.com ITAMA 73 Industrial Parkway N Unit 1 Aurora ON L4G 4C4 tel: +1 5144210064 www.itamalighting.com JANIETECH 95 St-Joseph Bur 215 Quebec QC G1K 3A6 tel: +1 4187413101 www.janietech.ca Distributor for: Visa Lighting

KARICE #101-19057 25th Avenue Surrey BC V3Z 3V2 tel: +1 6045427137 email: info@karice.com www.karice.com BC-based Karice has enormous passion for creating beautiful lighting products, pushing creative boundaries to craft the unimaginable with their cutting-edge, custom lights, modern and artistic lighting collections. Karice designs and manufactures lighting and dreaming up what has never been done before, is just a part of daily life at Karice. KUZCO LIGHTING 112 E 6th Avenue Vancouver BC V3S 6M3 tel: +1 8558558926 www.kuzcolighting.com

LAMBERT & FILS 6250 rue Hutchison Suite 100 Montreal QC H2V 4C5 tel: +1 5148036844 email: info@lambertetfils.com www.lambertetfils.com Centred around preserving the bond between design and making, all lighting is conceived, designed and handassembled in the Lambert & Fils atelier in downtown Montreal. One of Canada’s most energized hubs for collaborative design, Lambert & Fils collaborates on art and design installations internationally and hosts a public exhibitions space in Montreal. LAROSE GUYON 621 Marie-Victorin Verchères QC J0L 2R0 tel: +1 4505835335 www.laroseguyon.com

LIGHTMAKER STUDIO The Distillery District 15 Case Goods Lane, Studio 202 Toronto ON M5A 3C4 tel: +1 4168554144 www.lightmakerstudio.com LRI LIGHTING INTERNATIONAL 1966 Triumph Street Unit 4 Vancouver BC V5L 1K5 tel: +1 6046396333 www.lri-lighting.com Distributor for: Bega LUMID 7940 Jean-Brillon Montreal QC H8N 2L5 tel: +1 5145241831 www.lumid.com LUMINERGIE 9221 Rue Edison Anjou QC H1J 1T4 tel: +1 5144481574 www.luminergie.com MOLO 1470 Venables Street Vancouver BC V5L 2G7 tel: +1 6046850340 www.molodesign.com MULVEY & BANANI LIGHTING 44 Mobile Drive Toronto ON M4A 2P2 tel: +1 4167512520 www.mbii.com NANOLEAF 162 John Street, 3rd Floor Toronto ON M5V 2E5 tel: +1 889222701 www.nanoleaf.me NIKKI ALAGHA DESIGN 517-428 8th Avenue West Vancouver BC V5Y 1N9 nikkialagha.com NRG MANAGEMENT 293 Boulevard Industriel St-Eustache QC J7R 6B7 tel: +1 4506231666 www.nrgqc.com Distributor for: Molto Luce OPTICS LIGHTING 855 42nd Avenue S.E. Calgary AT T2G 1Y8 tel: +1 4036681373 www.opticslighting.com OSRAM 2001 Drew Road Mississauga ON L5S 1S4 tel: +1 9056736171 www.lighting-solutions.osram.com PARACHILNA 267 Niagara Street ON M6J 2L7 tel: +1 887202150 www.parachilna.eu RANDY ZIEBER PO Box 38077 RPO King Edward Mall Vancouver VN V52 4L9 tel: +1 6047365201 www.randyzieber.com RENWIL 9181 Bovin Montreal QC H8R2E8 tel: +1 5143671741 www.renwil.com RIDGELY STUDIO WORKS 36 Northline Rd - Unit #11 Toronto ON M4B 3E2 tel: +1 4165489238 www.ridgelystudioworks.com

STL LIGHTING 130 Industry Street, Unit 11 Toronto ON M6M 5G3 tel: +1 4166048020 www.stllighting.com Distributor for: Miora STUDIO D’ARMES 148 Watchorn Morin-Heights QC J0R 1H0 tel: +1 514 2254139 www.darmes.ca TMS LIGHTING 247A Summerlea Road Brampton ON L6T 4E1 tel: +1 9057931174 www.tmslighting.com VISO 388 Carlaw Avenue Studio 207 Toronto ON M4M 2T4 tel: +1 4164618476 www.visoinc.com VIVID 11618 - 149 Street Edmonton AB T5M 3R3 tel: +1 7804880797 www.vividconcepts.com WOW LIGHTING 1115 - 46th Avenue SE Calgary AB T2G 2A5 tel: +1 4032666249 www.wowlighting.com Distributor for: Zumtobel WSA 101-5420 Canotek Road Ottowa ON K1J 1E9 tel: +1 6137450001 www.wsa.ca Distributor for: Louis Poulsen YELLOW GOAT DESIGN 341 Sheldon Drive, Unit 1 Cambridge ON N1T 1B1 tel: +1 2155104543 www.yellowgoatdesign.com ZANEEN 30 Tycos Drive Toronto ON M6B 1V9 tel: +1 4162479221 www.zaneen.com Distributor for: Quasar ZEED 162 Brunswick Avenue, Suite 2 Toronto ON M5S 2M2 tel: +1 6475227893 www.zeed.ca ZEGA LED 206 - 15292 Croydon Drive Surrey BC V3S 0Z5 tel: +1 6045417268 www.zegaled.com

Dominican Republic CIM Av. Winston Churchill esq. Max H. Ureña Edificio INTEMPO, Suite 306 Santo Domingo tel: +1 8092277131 www.cim.com.do Distributor for: TAL SPAZIO DI CASA Ave. Max Henriquez Ureña No.17 Ensanche Naco tel: +1 8093682001 www.spaziodicasa.com Distributor for: Artemide

SPECTRO LIGHTING Calle Haim Lopez - Pehna #11Ens. Paraiso Santa Domingo tel: +1 8094769117 www.spectro.com.do Distributor for: Troy Corbett

Trinidad & Tobago LIGHTSOURCE 41 Eastern Main Road Laventille tel: +1 8686259347 www.lightsourcett.com Distributor for: Louis Poulsen

USA A.LIGHT 3728 Maritime Way Oceanside CA 92056 tel: +1 7607277675 www.alights.com AAMSCO LIGHTING 100 Lamp Light Circle Summerville SC 29483 tel: +1 8432780000 www.aamsco.com ADESSO DESIGN 353 West 39th Street, 2nd Floor New York NY 10018 tel: +212 7364440 www.adessohome.com AES LIGHTING 6165 NW 86th Street Johnston IA 50131 tel: +1 5157271733 www.aeslight.com Distributor for: Sattler

ALASKA ARCHITECTUAL LIGHTING 5401 Cordova Street #202 Anchorage AK 99518 tel: +1 9075610100 www.akarchlight.com Distributor for: Louis Poulsen ALEX ALLEN STUDIO 302 3rd Avenue New York NY 11215 tel: +1 7182882710 www.alexallenstudio.com

ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING ALLIANCE 101 Turtle Creek Boulevard 100 Dallas TX 75207 tel: +1 2146589000 www.alatx.com Distributor for: Sattler ARCHITECTURAL SALES & ILLUMINATION 1815 University Boulevard North Jacksonville FL 32211 tel: +1 9047447000 www.asilighting.com Distributor for: Louis Poulsen ARKANSAS LIGHTING 1701 S. 28th Street Van Buren AR 72956 tel: +1 4794740876 www.arkansaslighting.com ART + ALCHEMY 154 Route 30 South Castleton VT 05735 tel: +1 8444194359 www.artandalchemydesign.com ARTECNICA 508 South San Vicente Boulevard Los Angeles CA 90048 tel: +1 3236556551 www.artecnica.com ARTEMIDE 250 Karin Lane Hicksville NY 11801 tel: +1 6316949292 www.artemide.com ARTERIORS 1745 Hayden Drive, Suite 1000 Carrollton TX 75006 tel: +1 8003382150 www.arteriorshome.com ARTICOLO 1133 Broadway Suite 1226 New York NY 10010 tel: +1 6469710065 www.articololighting.com ASHLEY LIGHTING 405 Industrial Drive Trumann AR 72472 tel: +1 8704836184 www.ashleylighting.com

ALGER-TRITON 5600 West Jefferson Boulevard Los Angeles 90016 tel: +1 3102299500 www.alger-triton.com

ASSOCIATED LIGHTING REPRESENTATIVES (ALR) 7777 Pardee Lane Oakland CA 94621 tel: +1 5106383800 www.alrinc.com Distributor for: Modular

ALW 1035 22nd Avenue Unit 1 Oakland CA 94606 tel: +1 5104892530 www.alwusa.com

ATELIER DE TROUPE 4100 W Jefferson Boulevard Los Angeles CA 90016 tel: +1 3235782112 www.atelierdetroupe.com

AMECIO LIGHTING 29 Church Street New Milford CT06776 tel: +86035487651 www.ameciolighting.com

ATELIER TAKAGI 3857 Beecher Street NW Washington DC 20007 tel: +1 5039579911 www.ateliertakagi.com

AMEICO 29 Church Street New Milford CT 06776 tel: +1 8603548765 www.ameico.com

AVENUE LIGHTING 18324 Oxnard Street #2 Tarzana CA 91356 tel: +1 8007980409 www.avenuelighting.com

ANGLEPOISE 49 Elizabeth Street, 5th Floor New York NY 10013 tel: +1 8885193225 www.anglepoise.com

AVRAM RUSU STUDIO 79 Quay Street New York NY 11222 tel: +1 7183890350 avramrusu.com

APPARATUS STUDIO 124 West 30th Street 4th Floor New York NY 10001 tel: +1 6465279732 www.apparatusstudio.com

AXOLIGHT 22 Shelter Rock Lane Danbury CT 06810 tel: +1 2037300542 www.axolight.it

BARN LIGHT 320 Knox McRae Dr Titusville FL 32780 tel: +1 8004078784 www.barnlight.com BASALTE 1177 Avenue of the Americas New York NY 10036 tel: +1 6467261406 www.basalte.us BEC BRITTAIN 27 W 20th Street, Suite 1100 New York NY 10011 tel: +1 2122204008 www.becbrittain.com BEGA 1000 Bega Way Carpinteria CA 93013 tel: +1 8056840533 www.bega-us.com BESA LIGHTING 6695 Taylor Rd Blacklick OH 43004 tel: +1 6144757046 www.besalighting.com BLACKJACK 1553 Barclay Boulevard Buffalo Grove IL 60089 tel: +1 8479410588 www.blackjacklighting.com BLOOM LIGHTING GROUP 1770 NW 64th Street, Suite 500 Fort Lauderdale FL 33309 tel: +1 8669897778 www.bloomlightinggroup.com BLUEPRINT LIGHTING 601 W 26th Street, Suite M258 New York NY 10001 tel: +1 2122436300 www.blueprintlighting.com BOVER 1231 Collier Road, Suite C Atlanta GA 30318 tel: +1 4049242342 www.bover.es BRAND VAN EGMOND SFDC Galleria Showroom 400 101 Henry Adams Street San Francisco CA 94103 tel: +1 4158171587 www.brandvanegmond.com BRENDAN RAVENHILL STUDIO 2122 Cypress Avenue Los Angeles CA 90065 tel: +1 3239778532 www.brendanravenhill.com BRIGHT ON PRESIDIO 344 Presidio Avenue San Francisco CA 94115 tel: +1 4159013404 www.brightonpresidio.com Distributor for: Veronese BRIGHT ON PRESIDIO 344 Presidio Avenue San Francisco CA 94115 tel: +1 4159013404 www.brightonpresidio.com BULBRITE 145 W. Commercial Avenue Moonachie NJ 07074 tel: +1 8005285555 www.bulbrite.com BUOYANT 510 9th Street New York NY 11215 tel: +1 9174503454 buoyantnyc.com BUZZISPACE 1200 Redding Drive High Point NC 27260 tel: +1 3368213150 www.buzzispace.com CAROLINA ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING + DESIGN 1205 South Pleasantburg Drive Greenville SC 29605 tel: +1 8643355065 www.cald-lighting.com Distributor for: Viso

CERNO 22892 Glenwood Drive Aliso Viejo CA 92656 tel: +1 9497151534 email: sales@cernogroup.com www.cernogroup.com At Cerno, we design and build lighting fixtures with the utmost respect for people, raw materials, and craftsmanship. We believe in studying and respecting the innovators and craftspeople who came before us. There are times we use contemporary machines and times we use traditional tools that would have been found in our grandparents’ workshops. CHALLENGER LIGHTING COMPANY 1400 Kingsland Drive Batavia IL 60510 tel: +1 8477174700 www.chalengerlighting.com CHAPMAN HOSPITALITY LIGHTING 481 West Main Street PO Box 359 Avon MA 02322 tel: +1 5085883200 www.chapmanco.com CHIMERA LIGHTING DESIGN 327 A. Street Boston MA 02210 tel: +1 6175423233 www.chimeralightingdesign.com Distributor for: Iris Design Studio CIRCA LIGHTING 513 W. Jones Street Savannah GA 31401 tel: +1 8777622323 www.circalighting.com CIVILIGHT 522 Buxton Grant Drive Cary NC 27519 tel: +1 9737238883 www.civilight-na.com CLEAR ADVANTAGE LIGHTING 1989 Fletcher Creek Drive Memphis TN 38133 tel: +1 9017979991 www.ctheadvantage.com Distributor for: Zumtobel CLINE BETTRIDGE BERNSTEIN LIGHTING DESIGN 116 East 27th Street 4th Floor New York NY 10016 tel: +1 2127413280 www.cbbld.com COLORCORD 3863 N Steele Street, Suite B Denver CO 80205 tel: +1 8004091070 www.colorcord.com CONTARDI 63 Pearl Street Pmb #601 Brooklyn NY 11201 tel: +1 7187150717 www.contardi-italia.com CP LIGHTING 2021 Cemetery Avenue Philadelphia PA 19142 tel: +1 4144261473 www.cplighting.com CREATIVE LIGHT SOURCE 985 Trade Drive, Suite E Las Vegas NV 89030 tel: +1 8008338188 www.creativelightsourceinc.com CRESTRON 15 Volvo Drive Rockleigh NJ 07647 tel: +1 2017673400 www.crestron.eu


AFX 2345 N. Ernie Krueger Cirlcle Waukegan IL 60087 tel: +1 8472495970 www.afxinc.com

ARCHIBALD & MEEK 537 W. Wrightwood Avenue Elmhurst IL 60126 tel: +1 6308337377 www.amirep.com Distributor for: Linea Light

CURREY AND COMPANY 50 Best Friend Road Atlanta GA 30340 tel: +1 6785331492 www.curreyandcompany.com DELTA LIGHT 4850 W Prospect Road Fort Lauderdale FL 33309 tel: +1 9546779800 www.deltalight.com DESIGN ON DEMAND 14 Dekalb Avenue New York NY 11201 tel: +1 3472829242 www.dodnyc.com Distributor for: Ilide DESIGNPLAN 79 Trenton Avenue Frenchtown NJ 08825 tel: +1 9089967710 www.designplan.com Distributor for: TAL DMAC ARCHITECTURE 831 Chicago Avenue Suite 100 Evanston IL 60202 tel: +1 8479050944 www.dmacarch.com


DUTTON BROWN 2323 Snelling Avenue Minneapolis MN 55404 tel: +1 6127890530 www.duttonbrown.com DYSON 600 W Chicago Avenue #275 Chicago IL 60654 tel: +1 3122373977 www.dyson.co.uk EDGE LIGHTING 1718 W. Fullerton Chicago IL 60614 tel: +1 7737701195 www.edgelighting.com EGGER LICHT 6304 Shadowood Circle Naples FL 34112 tel: +1 2397745463 www.eggerlicht.com ELA 17891 Arenth Avenue City of Industry CA 917481197 tel: +1 8004236561 www.ela-lighting.com ELEGANT LIGHTING 22 Makefield Turn Morrisville PA 19067 tel: +1 2154238880 www.elegantlighting.com ENGINEERED LIGHTING SALES 2300 Meadow Drive, Suite 201 Louisville KY 40218 tel: +1 5024526969 www.engltg.com Distributor for: Louis Poulsen ENLIGHTEN 1756 York Avenue Memphis TN 38104 tel: +1 9012728686 www.enlighten-design.com ENY LEE PARKER 40 Park Street, Unit 103 New York NY 11206 tel: +1 7149439236 www.enyleeparker.com ESL SPECTRUM 1591 N. Harding Street Indianapolis IN 46202 tel: +1 2393035120 www.esl-spectrum.com Distributor for: Martinelli Luce ESQUE STUDIO PO Box 31035 Portland OR 97231 tel: +1 5032896392 www.esque-studio.com

ESTILUZ 330 West 38th Street Room 710 New York NY 10018 tel: +1 2016411997 www.estiluz.com ET2 253 North Vineland Avenue City of Industry CA 91746 tel: +1 6269564200 www.et2online.com EUROMODA 16163 Lake Forest Drive Suite L Irvine CA 92618 tel: +1 9494383533 www.euromodalighting.com Distributor for: Terzani FABBIAN 307 West 38th Street #1103 New York NY 10018 tel: +1 6465184160 www.fabbian.com FABULUX The Brooklyn Navy Yard 63 Flushing Ave, Unit 271 New York NY 11205 tel: +1 7186257661 www.fabuluxinc.com FARREY’S 1850 NE 146th Street Miami FL 33181 tel: +1 3059475451 www.farreys.com Distributor for: Slamp FERMOB 200 Lexington Avenue Suite 414 New York NY 10016 tel: +1 6788843000 www.fermob.com FINE ART LAMPS 5772 Miami Lakes Drive East Miami Lakes FL 33014 tel: +1 3058213850 FLOS 200 Mckay Road, Huntington Station New York NY 11746 tel: +1 6315492745 www.flos.com FOCAL POINT 4141 S. Pulaski Road Chicago IL 60632 tel: +1 7732479494 www.focalpointlights.com FONTANA ARTE 45 Greene Street New York NY 10013 tel: +1 2123343295 www.fontanaarte.com FORMALIGHTING 164 W 25th Street, Floor 12 New York NY 10001 tel: +1 4704194003 www.formalighting.com FOSCARINI 17 Greene Street New York NY 10013 tel: +1 2122472218 www.foscarini.com GABRIEL SCOTT 372 Broome Street New York NY 10013 tel: +1 5149528599 www.gabrielscott.com GLOBAL LIGHTING 545 Frankliin Avenue Mount Vernon NY 10550 tel: +1 9145914095 www.globallighting.com GOTHAM LIGHTING 1170 Peachtree Street NE Suite 2300 Atlanta GA 303097676 tel: +1 8009229641 www.gothamlighting.com

GRAYPANTS 3220 1st Avenure S #400 Seattle WA 98134 tel: +1 2064203912 www.graypants.com

IN LIGHT 1774 W 166th street Gardena CA 90247 tel: +1 3107487855 www.inlightii.com

HALLMARK 9631 De Soto Avenue Chatsworth CA 91311 tel: +1 8188855010 www.hallmarklighting.com

IN SEK 1093 Pacific Street #2D Brooklyn New York NY 8915 www.insekdesign.com INNOVATIONS IN LIGHTING 136 N California Avenue City of Industry CA 91744 tel: +1 8187329238 www.innovationsinlighting.com

HAMMERTON 217 Wright Brothers Drive Salt Lake City UT 84116 tel: +1 8019738095 email: info@hammerton.com www.hammerton.com Founded in 1995, Hammerton is a leading U.S. custom decorative lighting manufacturer with deep design, engineering, artisan fabrication and global sourcing capabilities. Hammerton fixtures can be found in leading luxury hotels, casinos, restaurants, resorts and senior living communities, as well as some of the most beautiful residences in the world. HARRY L. STEARNS 7305 NE Glisan Street Portland OR 97213 tel: +1 5032622640 www.hlstearns.com Distributor for: Santa & Cole HINKLEY LIGHTING 33000 Pin Oak Parkway Avon Lake OH 44012 tel: +1 4406535555 www.hinkleylighting.com HUBBARDTON FORGE 154 Route 30 South Castleton VT 05735 tel: +1 8663981530 www.hubbardtonforge.com HUDSON FURNITURE 83 Wooster Street New York NY 10012 tel: +1 2126457800 www.hudsonfurnitureinc.com HUDSON VALLEY LIGHTING 151 Airport Drive Wappingers Falls NY 12590 tel: +1 8455610300 www.hvlgroup.com ICONE 840 Aero Drive #110 Buffalo NY 14225 tel: +1 5144210064 www.iconelighting.com IGUZZINI 60 Madison Avenue 2nd Floor New York NY 10010 tel: +1 2124818188 www.iguzzini.com ILEX ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING 82 Stevens St East Taunton MA 02718 tel: +1 5089779991 www.ilexlight.com ILLUMINATA GLASS 6520 5th Ave South Seattle WA 98108 tel: +1 2066231420 www.illuminataglass.com ILLUMINATIONS 3323 Cady’s Alley Washington DC 20007 tel: +1 2029654888 www.illuminc.com Distributor for: Viabizzuno ILLUMINATIONS CONTRACT 425 Peachtree Hills Avenue NE #3 Atlanta GA 30305 tel: +1 4048761064 www.illumco.com Distributor for: Terzani

INSIGHT LIGHTING 43-41 Fulcrum Way NE Rio Rancho NM 87144 tel: +1 5053450888 www.insightlighting.com INTER-LUX 3741 Commerce Drive Suites 306-308 Baltimore MD 21227 tel: +1 4103811497 www.inter-lux.com Distributor for: Sattler INTERNATIONAL LIGHTS 36 West 20th Street 7th Floor New York NY 10011 tel: +1 2124142803 www.internationallights.com Distributor for: Zumtobel INVERSE LIGHTING 1425 W 12Th Place #105 Tempe AZ 85281 tel: +1 4809678653 www.inverselighting.com Distributor for: Zumtobel IRIS DESIGN STUDIO 8345 NW 66 ST Miami FL A8550 tel: +1 8666139796 www.irisdesignstudio.com ITAMA 840 Aero Drive #110 Buffalo NY 14225 tel: +1 5144210064 www.itamalighting.com JAMES DIETER 63 Flushing Avenue, Bldg 5, Suite 317 Brooklyn NY 11205 tel: +1 7183846887 www.jamesdieter.co JAMIE HARRIS STUDIO 465 Carroll Street New York NY 11215 www.jamieharris.com JAMIE YOUNG CO 331 West Victoria Street Gardena CA 90248 tel: +1 8886715883 www.jamieyoung.com JASON MILLER STUDIO 32 33rd. Street, 3rd Floor, Unit 12 New York NY 11232 tel: +1 7182186636 www.jasonmiller.us JB LIGHTING COLLECTION 681 Lawlins RD Unit 50 Suite 106 Box 1B Wyckoff NJ 07481 tel: +1 2019030020 www.jblightingcollection.com Distributor for: Martinelli Luce JERRY LIGHTING 169 54th Street 18 Brooklyn NY 11220 tel: +1 3476880385 www.jerrylighting.com JOHN BECK STEEL 9500 Collinsville Road Suite G Collinsville IL 62234 tel: +1 6188927229 www.johnbecksteel.com

LIGHTSUP 148 39th Street New York NY 11232 tel: +1 7189866911 www.lightsuplighting.com

LUX LIGHTING DESIGN PO Box 382 Belmont MA 02478 tel: +1 6174846400 www.luxld.com Distributor for: Iris Design Studio

JUNIPER 68 33rd Street (3rd floor) Unit 11 New York NY 11232 tel: +1 3477992915 www.juniper-design.com

LINDSEY ADELMAN STUDIO 324 Lafayette Street Floor 7 New York NY 10012 tel: +1 2124732501 www.lindseyadelman.com

LUXXBOX 635 Texas Street San Francisco CA 94107 tel: +1 4158710448 www.luxxbox.com

JUSTICE DESIGN GROUP 500 South Grand Avenue, Suite 1100 Los Angeles CA 90071 tel: +1 2134370102 www.jdg.com

LINEA LIGHT GROUP 3741 Commerce Drive, Suites 306-308 Baltimore MD 21227 tel: +1 4103811497 www.linealight.com

MARIO CONTRACT LIGHTING 2490 Patterson Ave Roanoke VA 24015 tel: +1 5403421111 www.mariocontractlighting.com

NICHE PO BOX 311 Beacon, NY 12508 tel: + 1 212 7772101 www.nichemodern.com

KEEP BROOKLYN 2A, 499 Van Brunt St New York NY 11231 tel: +1 2122710080 www.keepbrooklyn.com

LITES ON WEST 245 West 29th Street 6th Floor New York NY 10001 tel: +1 2127756363 www.litesonwest Distributor for: Zaniboni

MARSET 20 West 22nd Street Suite 903 New York NY 10010 tel: +1 6467274250 www.marset.com

For over a decade, Niche has designed luxurious handmade glass lighting for residential, commercial, and hospitality projects. Created by a team of talented artisans and offered in a wide array of glass colors, each piece is uniquely perfect. Guided by a vision of simplistic, timeless design, Niche products are made with quality, precision, and love.

JRC 3041 West 2100 South Salt Lake City UT 84119 tel: +1 9522236301 www.jrclight.com Distributor for: Viso

KEY LIGHTING 901 East 31st Street Kansas City MO 64109 tel: +1 8165312544 www.keylightingkc.com Distributor for: Slamp KINDLE LIVING 2048 Armacost Avenue 1st Floor Los Angeles CA 90025 tel: +1 3104003024 www.kindleliving.com KONCEPT 429 East Hunting Drive Monrovia CA 91016 tel: +32 32618999 www.koncept.com

LIVEX LIGHTING 46 Clyde Road Somerset New Jersey NJ 08873 tel: +1 7328733700 www.livexlighting.com LLADRO D&D Building, Suite 1805 979 3rd Avenue New York NY 10022 tel: +1 2128389356 www.lladro.com LODES 1155 NW 159th Drive Miami FL 33169 www.lodes.com LORBITS 1180 Miraloma Way, Suite M Sunnyvale CA 94085 www.lorbits.com

LEE BROOM STUDIO 93 Rivington Street London EC2A 3AY tel: +1 2128048477 www.leebroom.com

LOUIS POULSEN 3260 Meridian Parkway Fort Lauderdale FL 33331 tel: +1 9543492525 www.louispoulsen.com

LEGACY LIGHTING 901 South Mopac Expressway Barton Oaks Plaza One Suite 300 Austin TX 78746 tel: +1 5124819971 www.legacyltg.com Distributor for: Dark

LUCEPLAN 287 Park Avenue South New York NY 10010 tel: +1 2123341809 www.luceplan.com

LEUCOS Mayfield Avenue Edison NJ 08837 tel: +1 7322250010 www.leucos.com LIGHTART 4770 Ohio Ave S Suite A Seattle WA 98134 tel: +1 2065242223 www.lightart.com LIGHTING ASSOCIATES 3216 S Brentwood Webster Groves MO 63119 tel: +1 3145313500 www.laiweb.net Distributor for: Louis Poulsen LIGHTNET 123 NW 23rd Street Miami FL 33127 tel: +1 8009409092 www.lightnet.de LIGHTOLOGY 315 W. Chicago Avenue Chicage IL 60654 tel: +1 3129441000 www.lightology.com Distributor for: Anglepoise, Artemide, Bover, Flos, Innermost, Lasvit, Louis Poulsen, Marset, Sonneman, Terzani

LUCIFER 3750 IH35 North San Antonio TX 78219 tel: +1 2102277329 www.luciferlighting.com LUCY TUPU 349 Broadway, 3rd Floor New York NY 10013 tel: +1 2123005002 www.lucytupu.com LUMEN ART 3333 West 47th Street Chicago IL 60632 tel: +1 7732540744 www.lumenartltd.com LUMENS LIGHT + LIVING 2020 L Street LL10 Sacramento CA 95811 tel: +1 9164445585 www.lumens.com Distributor for: Oty Light LUMIFER 508 West 26th Street Suite 6C New York NY 10001 tel: +1 2125641144 www.lumifer.us LUSIVE 3400 Medford Street Los Angeles CA 90063 tel: +1 3232279207 www.lusive.com

MENU 7521 Esfera Street Carlsbad CA 92009 tel: +1 7602306010 www.menu.as MEYDA LIGHTING One Meyda Fine Place 55 Oriskany Blvd Yorkville NY 13495 tel: +1 800224009 www.meyda.com MIGHTY BRIGHT 650 Ward Drive Santa Barbara CA 93111 tel: +1 8009223233 www.mightybright.com MLAZGAR ASSOCIATES 16350 West Glendale Drive New Berlin WI 53151 tel: +1 2627850144 www.mlazgar.com Distributor for: Xicato MODERN LANTERN 1500 Northpark Drive #126 Fort Worth TX 76102 tel: +1 6822245351 www.modernlantern.com MODERN VERVE 2909 16th Avenue S.Seattle WA 98144 www.modernverve.com MOOOI 36 East 31st Street New York NY 10016 tel: +1 6463960455 www.moooi.com MSK ILLUMINACIONS 235 East 57th Street New York NY 10022 tel: +1 2128886474 www.mskillumination.com Distributor for: Foscarini MULEH 1831 14th Street NW Washington DC 20009 tel: +1 2026673440 www.muleh.com Distributor for: Ango NEA STUDIO New Lab, Brooklyn Navy Yard 19 Morris Ave, Building 128 New York NY 11205 tel: +1 9176905480 www.neastudio.com NEMO 625 Jersey Avenue, Unit 7 New Brunswick NJ 08901 tel: +1 8007345858 www.nemolighting.com

NORA LIGHTING 6505 Gayhart Street Commerce CA 90040 tel: +1 8006866672 www.noralighting.com O’BLANEY RINKER ASSOCIATES 42 West 38th Street #800 New York NY 10018 tel: +1 2125772552 www.oblaneyrinker.com Distributor for: Stone Lighting O’LAMPIA 979 3rd Avenue #300 New York NY 10022 tel: +1 2125880188 www.olampia.com OBJETI 2383 Jasmine St Denver CO 80207 tel: +1 4409916079 www.objeti.com OCL ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING 11902 Lackland Road St. Louis MO 63146 tel: +1 3148631895 www.ocl.com OGGETTI 155 SE 10th Avenue FL 33010 tel: +1 3055761044 www.oggetti.com ORIGINAL BTC 56 Greene Street New York NY 10013 tel: +1 6467599007 www.originalbtc.com PABLO DESIGNS 888 Marin Street San Francisco CA 94124 tel: +1 4158655000 www.pablodesigns.com PAGANI STUDIO 100 Water Street New York NY 11201 tel: +1 7182465206 www.paganistudio.com PATRIZIA VOLPATO 9940 Currie Davis Drive, Suite C-138 Tampa FL 33619 tel: +1 8888994632 www.patriziavolpato.it PAUL MORGAN VISUALS 455 NE 5th Avenue, Suite D343 Delray Beach FL 33483 tel: +1 5613304982 www.pmvisuals.com PELLE 56 West 22nd Street, 8th Floor New York NY 10010 tel: +1 2126452602 www.pelledesigns.com


LASVIT Unit 90, 25031 Stanford Avenue Valencia CA 91355 tel: +1 3108227804 www.lasvit.com

MEMPHIS LIGHTING SALES 623 Jefferson Avenue Memphis TN 38105 tel: +1 9013637025 www.memphislightingsales.com Distributor for: Linea Light

NEW YORK DIGITAL 5 Pennsylvania Plaza New York NY 10001 tel: +1 2124620088 www.newyorkdigital.com Distributor for: Martinelli Luce

PERFORMANCE IN LIGHTING 2621 Keys Pointe Suite C Conyers GA 30013 tel: +1 7708222115 www.performanceinlighting.com PLC LIGHTING 9667 Owensmouth Ave Unit 201 Chatsworth CA 91311 tel: +1 8883574040 www.plclighting.com PLUG LIGHTING 8017 Melrose Ave Los Angeles CA 90046 tel: +1 3236535635 www.pluglighting.com Distributor for: Bocci PRECIOSA LIGHTING 15 North Mill Street, Suite 221 Nyack NY 10960 tel: +1 8458754541 www.preciosalighting.com


RAMBUSCH LIGHTING 160 Cornelison Jersey City NJ 07304 tel: +1 2014338011 www.rambusch.com RICCI SALES AGENCY 52 Park Avenue, Suite B7 Park Ridge NJ 07656 tel: +1 2019300222 www.riccisales.com RICH BRILLIANT WILLING 50 Greene Street 2nd Floor New York NY 10013 tel: +1 2123881621 www.richbrilliantwilling.com RICHARD COHEN 200 Lexington Avenue Suite 801 New York NY 10012 tel: +1 2126964938 www.richardcohencollection.com Distributor for: Federico de Majo RISE & SHINE LIGHTING 3330 W Hacienda Avenue #406 Las Vegas NV 89118 tel: +1 7023681160 www.riseandshinelighting.com Distributor for: Delta Light ROLL & HILL 3 Mercer Street New York NY 10013 tel: +1 7183876132 www.rollandhill.com SEGULA 225 Peachtree Street NE 1100 South Tower Atlanta GA 30303 www.segula.de SIGNIFY 200 Franklin Square Drive Somerset NJ 08873 tel: +1 800 5550050 www.signify.com SILVER HILL ATELIER 250 East 139th Street 3rd floor Bronx NY 10451 tel: +1 7185851691 www.silverhillarts.com SKLO 115 West North Street Healdsburg CA 95448 tel: +1 7073852101 www.sklo.com SONNEMAN - A WAY OF LIGHT 20 North Avenue Larchmont NY 10538 tel: +1 9148343600 www.sonnemanawayoflight.com SORAA 6500 Kaiser Drive, Suite 110 Fremont CA 94555 tel: +1 8554676722 www.soraa.com

SOUDA 101 Varet St 2 FL New York NY 11206 tel: +1 8555576832 www.soudasouda.com

WILD WEST LIGHTING 1550 N. 84th Street, Suite 201 Scottsdale AZ 85260 tel: +1 4803689909 www.wildwestlighting.com Distributor for: Tech Lighting

STICKBULB 10-40 46th Avenue 2nd Floor Long Island City NY 11101 tel: +34 74602852 www.stickbulb.com

ULTRALIGHTS LIGHTING 320 South Plumer Ave Tucson AZ 85719 tel: +1 5206239829 email: info@ultralightslighting.com www.ultralightslighting.com

STUDIO DUNN 310 Bourne Ave #1 Rumford RI 02916 tel: +1 4014000206 www.studiodunn.com

Get to the heart of your unique vision with beautifully crafted lighting from UltraLights. Every fixture is built to order in Tucson, Arizona, and is easy to modify to meet your needs. With dedicated service and timeless designs, we put our hearts into each of your lighting solutions, because we aim to meet a higher standard – yours.

STUDIO M LIGHTING 253 North Vineland Avenue City of Industry CA 91746 tel: +1 6269564209 www.studiomlighting.com SWAROVSKI LIGHTING 61 Industrial Boulevard New York NY 12901 tel: +1 5183244233 www.swarovski.com

URBAN LIGHTING 301, 4th Avenue San Diego CA 92101 tel: +1 6192326064 www.urbanlighting.net Distributor for: Vibia

SYLVANIA 125 A/B Villanova Drive Atlanta GA 30336 tel: +1 8009226693 www.sylvania-lighting.com

V2 LIGHTING 276 East Gish Road San Jose CA 95112 tel: +1 7073834600 www.v2lightinggroup.com Distributor for: LEDLAB

TAL 411 E Huntington Drive 107-115 Arcadia CA 91006 tel: +1 6263404559 www.tal.be

VARALUZ 4445 S Valley View Blvd Ste6 Las Vegas NV 89103 tel: +1 7027926900 www.varaluz.com

TANGO LIGHTING 2901 SW 3rd Avenue Unit 4 Fort Lauderdale FL 33315 tel: +1 9547670100 www.tangolighting.com Distributor for: Carpyen TARGETTI 3184-C Airway Avenue Costa Mesa CA 92626 tel: +1 7145131991 www.targetti.com TECH LIGHTING 7400 Linder Avenue Skokie IL 60077 tel: +1 8474104400 www.techlighting.com TERZANI 2501 SW 56th Avenue Pembroke Park FL 33023 tel: +1 9544387779 www.terzani.com THE LIGHTING ALLIANCE 2700 Esters Blvd Suite 100 Dallas TX 75261 tel: +1 9724569800 Distributor for: LEDS C4 TIGHTROPE 144 Waterbury Street New York NY 11206 tel: +1 3475296951 www.tightrope.nyc TILLOTSON DESIGN ASSOCIATES 40 Worth Street Suite 703 New York NY 10013 tel: +1 2126757760 www.tillotsondesign.com TOM DIXON 25 Greene Street New York NY 10013 tel: +1 2122287337 www.tomdixon.net TRACY GLOVER 59 Blackstone Avenue Unit 11 Pawtucket RI 02860 tel: +1 4017241100 tracygloverstudio.com

VIBIA 272 Fernwood Avenue Edison NJ 08837 tel: +1 7324171700 www.vibia.com VISA LIGHTING 1717 West Civic Drive Milwaukee WI 53209 tel: +1 4143546600 www.visalighting.com

WINONA LIGHTING 3760 West Fourth Street Winona MI 55987 tel: +1 8003285291 www.winonalighting.com WIRED CUSTOM LIGHTING 8690 National Boulevard Culver City CA 90232 tel: +1 3102299500 www.wired-designs.com WORKSTEAD 418 Warren Street #420 New York NY 12534 tel: +1 3476186096 www.workstead.com YELLOW GOAT DESIGN 60-20 54th Place, Apt 2r Maspeth NY 11378 tel: +1 2155104543 www.yellowgoatdesign.com YLIGHTING 1850 Mt Diablo Blvd Suite 470 Walnut Creek CA 94596 tel: +1 3103093793 www.ylighting.com Distributor for: Moooi ZAFFERANO 108 Thompson Street New York NY 10012 tel: +1 6462499239 www.zafferanoitalia.com ZENZA 4450 Witmer, Industrial Estates Niagara Falls NY 14305 tel: +1 8443335893 www.zenzahome.com ZUMTOBEL 3300 Route 9W Highland NY 12528 tel: +1 8456916262 www.zumtobel.us

VISIBLE LIGHT 24 Stickney Terrace, Suite 6 Hampton NH 03842 tel: +1 6039266049 www.visible-light.net Distributor for: Zumtobel VISUAL COMFORT 22400 Northwest Lake Drive Houston TX 77095 tel: +1 8322014982 www.visualcomfort.com VITRE LUXE 1411 SE Tacoma Street Portland OR 97202 tel: +1 5033100609 www.vitreluxe.com VONDOM 8803 NW 23rd Street Doral FL 33172 tel: +1 7863910274 www.vondom.com WAC LIGHTING 44 Harbor Park Drive Port Washington NY 11050 tel: +1 8005262588 www.waclighting.com WAKANINE 506 E St Elmo Road (Building A-2) Austin TX 78745 tel: +1 5122849672 www.wakanine.com Distributor for: David Trubridge WALDMANN 9 West Century Drive Wheeling IL 60090 tel: +1 8006340007 www.waldmann.com

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Focal Point Nayara Tented Camp Costa Rica In the heart of Costa Rica’s most popular National Park lies the Nayara Tented Camp, part of the award winning Nayara Resorts. A unique collaboration between South African architects Luxury Frontiers and Costa Rica based Estudio C2, the hotel presents breath-taking views over the Arenal Volcano and features 18 luxury tents. With many linked together to create spectacular two-bedroom accommodation, each tent is air-conditioned and features an ethereal outdoor shower and spacious bathroom subtly illuminated using Mashiko and Chios wall lights by Astro. A luxury hotel that merges with the surrounding nature and celebrates the rainforest, other highlights include a swim-up bar and expansive terrace featuring Astro’s Kymi lights painted in azure blue for a tropical injection of colour. www.estudioc2.com | www.astrolighting.com


South America / Americas

Argentina ARTEMIDE Paraguay 792 3º C1057AAJ Buenos Aires tel: +54 1143122590 www.artemide.com DARKO LIGHTING Manuel Ugarte 2831 Cabalitto C1428BSS Buenos Aires tel: +54 1144336230 www.darkolighting.com Distributor for: Zumtobel EDIMETRA Paraguay 792, 3rd Floor 1057 Buenos Aires tel: +54 1143124871 www.artemide.com.ar Distributor for: Artemide ILUMINACION AGUERO Armenia 1954 1414 Buenos Aires tel: +54 1145115100 www.agueroiluminacion.com.ar Distributor for: Metalarte


OSRAM Ramos Mejia 2456 ADN Beccar 1643 Buenos Aires tel: +54 1163338000 www.lighting-solutions.osram.com SIGNIFY Vedia 3892 Ciudad Autonoma CI430DAL Buenos Aires tel: +54 8008887532 www.signify.com SYLVANIA Arias 3751 Floor 21st Office NW C1430CRG Buenos Aires tel: +54 1145464200 www.sylvania-lighting.com

Brazil ALFILUX R. João Da Cruz, 195, S. 101 29055620 Vitoria tel: +55 2732278800 www.alfilux.com.br Distributor for: Vibia BRASITAS Ac Cel. Procopius Gomes 1056 Bucarein 89202300 Joinville tel: +55 4730253332 www.brasita.com.br Distributor for: Kundalini CASA CONTEMPORÂNEA Mario Nobre 04311001 São Paulo tel: +55 1145080290 www.casacontemporanea.com.br Distributor for: Slide CRESTRON Rua Pais de Araujo, 29 cj. 142 Itaim Bibi 04531090 São Paulo tel: +55 1131681517 www.crestron.eu ILUMINAR Rod. José Francisco da Silva 1505 Oswaldo Barbosa Pena Nova Lima 34000000 Minas Gerais tel: +55 3135891400 www.iluminar.com.br Distributor for: Prandina

LUMINI Al Gabriel Monteiro 1441 Da Silva tel: +55 1138980222 www.lumini.com.br LUZES DO MUNDO Rua Quintino Bocauiva 978 90440050 Windmills tel: +55 5133330033 www.luzesdomundo.com.br Distributor for: Martinelli Luce ONLIGHT R. Joaquim Antunes 162 05415000 São Paulo tel: +55 1130813282 www.onlight.com.br Distributor for: Tobias Grau OSRAM Av. Dos Autonomistas 4229 Osasco 06090901 São Paulo tel: +55 1136847408 www.lighting-solutions.osram.com OSVALDO MATOS Av. Dr. Cardoso de Melo 1.470 cj108 Vila Olímpia 05679160 São Paulo tel: +55 1130453095 www.osvaldomatos.com.br Distributor for: Zero PUNTOLUCE Alameda Gabriel Monteiro da Silva 934 Jd. Paulistano 01442000 São Paulo tel: +55 1130646977 www.puntoluce.com.br Distributor for: Parachilna SENZI LIGHTING Av Pavao 955 Cjs 127/128, 12° Andar Moema 04516012 Sao Paulo tel: +55 1150540297 SIGNIFY Av. Dr. Marcos Penteado de Ulhoa Rodrigues 939 Torre Jacaranda, Barueri 06460040 Sao Paulo tel: +55 8009791925 www.signify.com SYLVANIA Av. Adolfo Pinheiro, 1.000 Conjunto 002 04733100 São Paulo tel: +55 1156332400 www.sylvania-lighting.com

Chile GORBOI DESIGN Alonso de Córdova 2467 Vitacura Santiago tel: +56 229425229 www.gorboidesign.com Distributor for: Slamp GREEN DÜRING ILUMINACION Almirante Acevedo 5110 Vitacura 7630014 Santiago tel: +56 229445415 www.gdiluminacion.cl INTERDESIGN Isidora Goyenechea 3200 Las Condes Santiago tel: +56 22314114 www.interdesign.cl Distributor for: Tom Dixon

MONDO Amerigo Vespucio Norte 2890 Vitacura tel: +56 22072000 www.mondo.cl Distributor for: Foscarini NOVA IMAGEN Apoquindo 9085 Las Condes Santiago tel: +56 23641600 www.novaimagen.cl Distributor for: Wever & Ducre

Ecuador INTEGRAL ILUMINACION Km 2.5 Vía Samborondón, Tornero 3 Mz I solar 5 Frente a Bouganville, Calle La Moderna #133 Guayaquil tel: +593 46000622 www.integral.com.ec Distributor for: Vistosi

OPEN DARK San Sebastian 2839 Las Condes Santiago tel: +56 23737100 www.opendark.cl Distributor for: Tom Dixon

OSRAM An. Francisco de Orellana y Alberto Borges Edificio Centrum 7mo piso Oficina 4 Guayaquil tel: +593 42693070 www.lighting-solutions.osram.com

OSRAM Av. Providencia 1760 Oficina, 2501 Piso 25 7500498 Santiago tel: +56 26360500 www.lighting-solutions.osram.com

SYLVANIA Pasaje San Carlos Sector Brasilia 2 De Los Jazmines N53-147 y Quito tel: +593 23284407 www.sylvania-lighting.com

SIGNIFY Avenida Santa Maria 760 Santiago tel: +56 27302305 www.signify.com

W GLOBAL BUSINESS Av Coruna N30-89 and Whymper Quito tel: +593 2521984 www.wglobalbusiness.com Distributor for: Vibia

Colombia DELTA LIGHT Carrera 9A #117A-88 Bogota tel: +57 17495307 www.deltalight-latin.com NLA Calle 161a No 16a 08 Bogota tel: +57 16788604 www.megamanlighting.com Distributor for: Megaman OSRAM Cra. 14 No 94-26/44 Office 301-303 Bogota tel: +57 16192407 www.lighting-solutions.osram.com SIGNIFY Calle 93 11ª -11 Piso 7 Bogota tel: +57 13078040 www.signify.com SYLVANIA Calle 57B, Sur No. 72A-23 Bogota tel: +57 17825324 www.sylvania-lighting.com TARGETTI Cra 2 Oeste # 5-262 Edificio Av. Belalcazar, Apt. 901 Cali tel: +57 3128317174 www.targetti.com UNILIGHT Autopista Norte No 85ª 05 Bogota tel: +57 12185281 www.unilight.co Distributor for: Fontana Arte

Costa Rica ARTE EN LUZ PO Box 299 - 6151 Santa Ana 2000 tel: +506 22901159 www.arteenluz.com Distributor for: Delta Light

El Salvador SIGNIFY El Salvador International Zone Km 28 1 / 2 Road to Comalapa Olocuilta La Paz tel: +503 25266700 www.signify.com SYLVANIA Residencial Montefresco Avenida Andalucia y Calle a San Antonio Abad No. 3540 San Salvador tel: +503 22392239 www.sylvania-lighting.com

Guatemala D’ILLUMINAZIONE Diagonal 6 12-42 Zona 10 Edificio Design Center, Primer Nivel Local 116 Guatemala City tel: +502 22191928 www.dilluminazione.com Distributor for: Lamp

Honduras ILX 5a Calle 15-16 Avenida No 105 San Pedro Sula 21102 San Pedro Sula tel: +504 25503104 www.iluminacion-x.com Distributor for: Foscarini

Mexico A + N ARQUITECTURA NATURAL Diseño Arquitectónico en Toluca 06170 Estado de México tel: +52 5555848918 www.idc-mex.com Distributor for: Marset

CANDELA ESTUDIO Av. Cuauhtémoc 1107 Int-12 Letrán Valle 03650 Bénito Juárez tel: +55 65881722 www.candelaestudiomexico.com

SIGNIFY Avenida de la Palma No.6 Col. San Fernando La Herradura 52784 Huixquilucan tel: +52 52699000 www.signify.com

CASA PALACIO Ejército Nacional 843-B Granada tel: +55 91383750 www.casapalcio.com.mx Distributor for: Terzani

STUDIO SPAZIO ARCHITECTURAL Av. Revolución 1349 Col. Tlacopac, San Angel 1040 Mexico City tel: +52 5555939694 www.studiospazio.com.mx Distributor for: Fontana Arte

COMMUNITA Cuauhtemoc 158 B1 Col Tizapan San Angel tel: +52 5512533780 www.communita.com.mx Distributor for: Slide

SYLVANIA Urals 3rd Floor 455 Col. Lomas de Chapultec 11000 Mexico City tel: +52 5546275500 www.sylvania-lighting.com

CRESTRON Blvd. Manuel Avila Camacho 37 - 1A 11560 Col. Lomas de Chapultepec tel: +52 5550932160 www.crestron.eu

VONDOM Gobernador Melchor Muzquiz 15 - 208 Col. San miguel Chapultepec 11850 Mexico City www.vondom.com

DAVID POMPA STUDIO Colima 264 Col. Roma Norte 06700 Mexico City tel: +52 5565835027 www.davidpompa.com E1D DESIGN LIGHT STUDIO Dr. González Saracho 143 centro 20000 Aguascalientes tel: +52 4491939978 www.e1d.eu

Panama ILLUMINATIONS DESIGN Av. Samuel Lewis PB Edificio Comosa, local 2 y 3 Panama City tel: +507 2698051 www.illuminations.com.pa Distributor for: Vistosi LUMICENTRO Calla 50 Y via Brasil Panama City tel: +1 5073002400 www.lumicentropanama.com Distributor for: Slamp

H+V ILUMINACION Euler 152 Despacho 304/ Col Chapultepec Morales 11570 Mexico City tel: +52 5552547837 www.hmasviluminacion.com Distributor for: Zumtobel

SYLVANIA Via Ricardo J. Alfaro Plaza Max Jimenez Apartado 0818-00987 Panama City tel: +507 2361000 www.sylvania-lighting.com

LIGHTMEX San Borja No. 1031 Col. Del Valle 03100 Mexico City tel: +52 5555593210 www.lightmex.com Distributor for: Vibia LUMINANCE Felipe Carillo Puerto No. 38 Col. Anahuac C.P. 11320 Mexico City tel: +52 5553423019 www.luminance-lightingservice.com Distributor for: Fontana Arte +LUZ Berruguete 16-106 03700 Mexico City tel: +52 5555985459 www.mas-luz.com Distributor for: Zumtobel OSRAM Camino a Tepalcapa No.8 Col. San Martin, Tultitlán 54900 Mexico City tel: +52 5558991800 www.lighting-solutions.osram.com SCULTURA LUMINOSA Sudermann no. 246 Col. Polanco IV 11550 Mexico City tel: +52 5552502661 www.sculturaluminosa.com Distributor for: Artemide

Peru HILITE Av. Angamos Oeste San Isidro Lima 1617 tel: +51 16000280 www.hiliteperu.com Distributor for: Swarovski SIGNIFY Avenida Larco 1301 Torre ParqueMar Piso 4 Miraflores Lima 18 tel: +51 16106200 www.signify.com SYLVANIA Calle Tarata 160 Mezzanine Miraflores Lima tel: +51 14461435 www.sylvania-lighting.com TRAZZO ILUMINACION Libertadores 274 San Isidro Lima tel: +51 14402461 www.trazzoiluminacion.com Distributor for: Foscarini

SAN JUAN LIGHTING Norberto Magdalena Urb El Paraiso Parana Street 1519 009262814 San Juan State tel: +7 877677286 www.sanjuanlighting.com Distributor for: Flos

Uruguay DARKO LIGHTING Calle Joaquin Nunez 2868 11300 Montevideo tel: +598 27116198 www.darkolighting.com Distributor for: Zumtobel

Venezuela BORGGINI Avenida 104 c/c 140 Qta Decolighting Valencia tel: +58 2418227126 www.borggini.com Distributor for: Delta Light DELINEO Av. Orinoco con Av. Valle Arriba, Edf. Elkano PB Las Mercedes 1060 Caracas tel: +58 2129921671 www.delineo.com.ve Distributor for: Vibia ILUMINACION HELIOS Av. San Felipe Centro Coinasa Nivel Mezzanina 1060 Caracas tel: +58 2122655883 www.helios.com.ve Distributor for: Zumtobel


EUROFIRMA Rio Amazonas, 201 - Ote. Col. Del Valle 66220 Garza Garcia tel: +52 8183359737 Distributor for: Foscarini

Puerto Rico

LUCES ILUMINACION Centro Comercial Galerias Los Naranjos Nivel Oficina I, Oficina 83 Los Naranjos Caracas tel: +58 4164098058 www.lucesiluminacion.com.ve Distributor for: Louis Poulsen SYLVANIA Carretera Nacional Guarenas-Guatir Sector las Flores, Centro Industrial Las Flores Local D Caracas tel: +58 2123810452 www.sylvania-lighting.com

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Middle East / Asia

Azerbaijan ATALIGHT LIGHTING SYSTEMS Babek Plaza B-306 Xatai Baku 1025 tel: +994 502417006 www.atalight.com Distributor for: Vibia ITALDIZAIN U.Gadjibekov str. 33/35 Baku 1000 tel: +994 124989660 www.italdizain.az Distributor for: Foscarini OSRAM C. Cabbarli 44 Caspian Plaza CP II, XIII Stock Baku 1065 tel: +994 124372446 www.lighting-solutions.osram.com



HUDA LIGHTING Bahrain Financial Harbour West Tower 2nd Floor PO Box 2075 Manama tel: +973 17502782 www.hudalighting.com Distributor for: Osram

LUMEN ARTS Building 16, Road 30 Block 330 Abu Ghazal Avenue PO BOX 1859 tel: +973 17232880 email: info@lumenarts.net www.lumenarts.net Lumen Arts - a leading lighting specialist in the Middle East, established in the year 2009. Our design department is an experienced group of Lighting and Interior Designers, Architects and Project Managers. We encourage the idea of innovation in lighting, designing and consulting from commercial to residential.

Georgia ATALIGHT LIGHTING SYSTEMS Mtskheta Street 31 Apt.2 Vake Tbilisi www.atalight.com Distributor for: Wever & Ducre NEW LIGHT Didube Street 6 Tbilisi tel: +995 32596596 www.newlight.ge OPERA DESIGN 2 Rezo Lagidze Str Tbilisi 0108 tel: +995 32921984 www.operadesign.ge Distributor for: Modular

Iran ARATEC No 15 Sarv St. Above Mirdamad St Valiasr St Tehran 1968943653 tel: +98 2188781140 Distributor for: Zumtobel HAKIMIYAN INTERIORS 19 Noor Alley, Africa Blvd Tehran tel: +98 2188202500 www.hakimiyan.com Distributor for: UHS

PARS IDEA STACK 3rd Floor 116 Dadman Avenue Shahrak-e-Gharb Tehran 1467893963 tel: +98 2188373094 www.stack-co.com Distributor for: Zumtobel

Israel A A LIGHT GROUP 4 Steel Wheels Hertzelia 46485 tel: +972 9554020 www.st-or.co.il Distributor for: Flos AQUA CREATIONS 4a Shimon Ha’Bursekai Street Bat Yam Tel Aviv 5959245 tel: +972 35151225 aquagallery.com EXCLUSIVE LIGHTING FURNITURE 321 Hayarkon Tel Aviv tel: +972 36838802 www.exclusive.co.il Distributor for: Viabizzuno KAMCHI LIGHTING 23 Lehi Street 5120034 Bnei-Brak, PO Box 2005 Bnei-Brak 5112001 tel: +972 32130000 www.kamchi.co.il Distributor for: Zumtobel KARNEY-TCHELET Hanamal 36 Street Tel Aviv 63506 tel: +972 35450220 www.karney.co.il Distributor for: Tom Dixon LUCE Yunitzman 2 Street Tel Aviv 69360 tel: +972 36999988 www.luce.co.il Distributor for: Matinelli Luce MATAN-OR 102 Nachlat Binyamin St Tel Aviv tel: +972 36829815 www.matan-or.co.il Distributor for: Swarovski

HUDA LIGHTING King Abdullah II Bin Al Hussein Street Kalbouneh Center 1st floor PO Box 3360 Amman 11821 tel: +962 65854660 www.hudalighting.com Distributor for: Osram

CUBE LIGHT Antelias Main Road, DEMCO Tower, Block A 4th Floor Beirut tel: +961 4520314 www.cubelight.net Distributor for: Vibia

WORLD AXIS TRADING PO Box 1482 Amman 11183 tel: +962 65510655 www.watco-jo.com Distributor for: Zumtobel

HUDA LIGHTING White Tower Street Zalka 684 Building Office B Beirut tel: +961 1883879 www.hudalighting.com Distributor for: Osram

WORLD OF LIGHTS PO Box 3897 Imthari Al-N’aimat Street Khalda Amman 11821 tel: +962 65546107 www.worldoflights.net Distributor for: Zumtobel

LA GALERIE SEMAAN Building No. 657, GF Hazmieh, Sector 1, Street 16 Beirut tel: +961 54538279 www.lagaleriesemaan.com Distributor for: Oluce

Kazakhstan DOMUS A Khadzhi Mukan st. 39 Almaty 050059 tel: +7 7273510246 www.domusa.kz Distributor for: Delta Light OSRAM Uliza Gogolja 39 Office 1209 Almaty 050002 tel: +7 3272590193 www.lighting-solutions.osram.com

Kuwait AL RIYASH PO Box 2552 Safat 13026 tel: +965 2450460 Distributor for: Zumtobel ARCADIA SunCity Center - Shuwaikh PO Box 102 Safat 13002 tel: +965 2241644 www.arcadia-kw.com Distributor for: Foscarini

STUDIO BEAM 19 Busteny Street Tel Aviv 65147 tel: +972 89152443 www.studio-beam.com

HUDA LIGHTING Khaled Ibn Al Waleed Street Mazaya Tower 4th Floor Office B-1 Sharq Kuwait City tel: +965 22060837 www.hudalighting.com Distributor for: Osram

TECHNOLITE Hayahalom Street PO Box 172 Bareket 73185 tel: +972 35568433 www.tlite.co.il

KEC PO Box 46476 Fahaheel 64015 tel: +965 23985580 www.keckuwait.com Distributor for: Zumtobel

VITREA 11 Moshe Levi Sreet UMI Bldg Rishon LeZion tel: +972 35474746 vitrea-sh.com

KHABARI INTERNATIONAL PO Box 15021 Al - Deiah 35451 tel: +965 22495372 www.khabari.net Distributor for: Wever & Ducre

YAIR DORAM 28 Halechi Street Bnei Brak 51200 tel: +972 3136182619 www.yairdoram.co.il Distributor for: Serien

Jordan ANWAR LIGHTING AND DESIGN Houssaini Center Paris Street Souaifia Amman 11181 tel: +962 65864980 Distributor for: Viabizzuno CROWN ENTERPRISE 1-14-10 Nipponbashi Complex AlSweifiyeh Office 304 PO Box 85 21 21 Amman 11185 tel: +962 65854660 Distributor for: TAL

LUMIERE GROUP Bldg 28, 75th Street Ghobeiry Sector 7 Beirut tel: +961 1859055 www.lumieregroup.net Distributor for: Vibia OVER THE COUNTER 150, Abdel Wahab al-Inglizi St Beirut 20610904 tel: +961 1322786 www.over-thecounter.com Distributor for: Tom Dixon OXEN LUCE Khazen Tower, Blvd Mirna Chalouhi Beirut 27053413 tel: +961 1480609 www.oxenluce.com PSLAB Nicolas Turk Street Mar Mikhael PO BOX 175636 Beirut tel: +961 1442546 www.pslab.net SIGNIFY 7th Floor Jallad Building Riad El Solh, Bank Street PO Box 11319 Beirut tel: +961980016 www.signify.com

Qatar AL MANA PO Box 9440 Doha tel: +971 565097453 www.almana.com Distributor for: Saint-Louis HUDA LIGHTING D-Ring Road Asia Travel Building No.421 Office No.4 PO Box 22108 Doha tel: +974 44426757 www.hudalighting.com Distributor for: Osram

LAPPUCCINO Thunayan Al-Ghanim Building Soor Street 4th Floor Kuwait City tel: +965 22479761 www.lappuccino.com Distributor for: Vistosi

IGUZZINI Office L16, 4th Floor, Global Business Center Al Hitmi Village, Building No.8, Cornice Road PO Box 3264 Doha tel: +974 44023034 www.iguzzini.com

TAL Shuwaikh Industrial Area Sun City Complex Block – B Office 32 tel: +965 222412012 www.tal.be

LUCE ATALIOTIS Palm Tower B, Sector 3, 54th Floor West Bay 23300 tel: +974 70121449 www.luceataliotis.com Distributor for: Viabizzuno

Lebanon CINMAR LIGHTING Aresco Centre Near Central Bank 8th Floor Beirut tel: +961 1346444 www.cinmarlighting.com Distributor for: Modular

LUMATRON Al Rufaa Tower, 8th Floor 17 Al Mina Street Doha tel: +974 4622991 www.lumatron.com Distributor for: Preciosa

Saudi Arabia


ALFADDA GROUP PO Box 2447 Riyadh 11451 tel: +966 14612333 www.alfadda.net Distributor for: iGuzzini, Swarovski

ABENSAL PO Box 60244 Dubai tel: +971 43343931 www.abensal.com Distributor for: Terzani

ARCLIGHT ALLIANCE PO Box 571 Riyadh 11391 tel: +966 114649036 www.arclightt.com Distributor for: Crystal Caviar, Fabas Luce, Martinelli Luce, Metal Lux

ALGER-TRITON Churchhill Executive Tower, Office 410 Business Bay PO Box 65627 Dubai tel: +971 4472324 www.alger-triton.com

ARMADA TRADING PO Box 66144 Riyadh 11576 tel: +966 14885705 www.armada.com.sa Distributor for: Egoluce, Marset

ARTEMIDE PO Box 18526 Jebel Ali Free Zone Dubai tel: +971 48872022 www.artemide.com

CRESTRON PO Box 50184 Al Madina Road Kilo 14 Jeddah 21523 tel: +966 502794665 www.crestron.eu

BRIGHT GOODS Goodlight DMCC Unit 1805-6, Mazaya Business Avenue BB1 Tower JLT Dubai tel: +971 43699036 www.brightgoods.co.uk

DISTRETTO DESIGN Prince Siltan Street PO Box 7629 Jeddah 234332056 tel: +966 126829184 www.distrettodesign.com Distributor for: Artemide, Buzzi & Buzzi, Flos, Foscarini, Slamp HUDA LIGHTING Olaya Main Street Circon Building No. 14 Office 203 PO Box 7207 Riyadh 11462 tel: +966 112938091 www.hudalighting.com Distributor for: Flos, iGuzzini, Osram

LIGHTBOX El-Faleh Bldg 4th Floor Al Olaya Street Riyadh tel: +966 112161061 www.lightboxintl.com Distributor for: Davide Groppi, Flos, Ingo Maurer, Lambert & Fils, Light Years LUMIERE Al Shuhada St Villa 28 PO Box 6185 Jeddah 21442 tel: +966 22840830 www.lumiere.dk Distributor for: Delta Light, Flos, Louis Poulsen, Viabizzuno OSRAM PO Box 250369 Da’ood Building Dabab Street Riyadh 11391 tel: +966 112885192 www.lighting-solutions.osram.com SIGNIFY 1st Floor Canary Center Al Amir Abdul Aziz IBB Musa’id Jalawi Road Sulaimania District, PO Box 9844 Riyadh 11423 tel: +966 114628060 www.signify.com TECHNOLIGHT Omnia Building Palestine Street Jeddah 21483 tel: +966 26683028 www.technolight-ksa.com Distributor for: Wever & Ducre ZUMTOBEL Rolaco Trading & Contracting Co. Madinah Road Al sulaiman building Jeddah 21411 tel: +966 26533077 www.zumtobel.com

CREATION PO Box 49839 Dubai tel: +971 43244205 www.creationgulf.com Distributor for: Vistosi CRESTRON Business Central Towers B1802/03/04 Dubai Internet City PO Box 502494 Dubai tel: +971 44345310 www.crestron.eu DECOLIGHT TRADING PO Box 62162 Dubai tel: +971 42834346 www.decolightllc.com Distributor for: Linea light ELSTEAD LIGHTING PO Box 282188 Dubai tel: +971 43883025 www.elsteadlighting.com FAGERHULT Office 914 Onyx Tower One, The Greens Dubai tel: +971 43297120 www.fagerhult.com HUDA LIGHTING Airport Road Al Niyadi Building Off. No. 901 PO Box 75944 Abu Dhabi tel: +971 24498198 www.hudalighting.com Distributor for: Osram IGUZZINI DAFZA Building No. 6 EB Office 835 PO Box 54827 Dubai tel: +971 47017825 www.iguzzini.com IN-LITE PO Box 123799 Dubai tel: +971 42246822 www.in-liteco.com Distributor for: Vibia INSPIRED LIGHTING Sheikh Zayed Road Inter change -3 Dubai tel: +971 43383448 www.inspired-lighting.co.uk JOHN CULLEN LIGHTING 125 Al Manara Road Dubai 214018 tel: +971 4321114 www.johncullenlighting.co.uk

LASVIT Office 16316, JAFZA 16 Jebel Ali Free Zone Dubai tel: +971 48814546 www.lasvit.com LIGHT ANNEX 2337 South Yates Avenue 90040 tel: +1 3237203797 www.lightannexus.com LIGHTCRAFT LIGHTING SOLUTIONS PO Box 79814 International Clty Dubai tel: +971 43623836 www.light-craft.net Distributor for: Estiluz LIGHTS OF VIENNA c/o Zoluti PO Box 72198 Dubai www.lightsofvienna.com

SWAROVSKI LIGHTING Jebel Ali Free Zone R/A 6 Dubai tel: +971 48816562 www.swarovski.com SYLVANIA Dubai Airport Free Zone LIU/Warehouse No.15 PO Box 54350 Dubai tel: +971 42998141 www.sylvania-lighting.com TARGETTI Dubai Airport Free Zone Authority Building 6 West A - Office 732 Dubai tel: +971 46091033 www.targetti.com

Uzbekistan MARK TECHNOLOGY SERVICE 25a A. Temur Str. 100000 Tashkent tel: +998 711505296 Distributor for: iGuzzinS

LINEA LIGHT GROUP Jumeirah Lake Towers JBC2 - 35th Floor Office 02 PO Box 125902 Dubai tel: +971 44218275 www.linealight.com LTS Executive Suite Z-34 Sharjah Airport International Free Zone PO Box 121719 Sharjah tel: +971 65574410 www.lts-light.eu OSRAM PO Box 17476 Room 602 - 603, LOB 16 Jebel Ali Free Zone Dubai tel: +971 48813767 www.lighting-solutions.osram.com


IGUZZINI a Faisaliah Tower, King Fahed Highway Riyadh 11524 tel: +966 500372200 www.iguzzini.com

CINMAR LIGHTING PO Box 50003 Dubai tel: +971 42959930 www.cinmarlighting.com Distributor for: Modular

KALMAR Business Central Towers PO Box 53227 Dubai Media City Dubai tel: +971 44362386 www.kalmarlighting.com

OXEN LUCE Dubai South PO Box 712071 Dubai tel: +971 45096866 www.oxenluce.com PONTEM INTERIORS & LIGHTING Villa 563b Jumeirah Street, Umm Suqeim 1 Dubai tel: +971 43233286 www.pontem.net Distributor for: Schonbek PRECIOSA LIGHTING Building #7 Office A101 Dubai Design District Dubai tel: +971 48848234 www.preciosalighting.com SCIENTECHNIC PO Box 25490 Dubai tel: +971 42035777 www.scientechnic.com Distributor for: Lutron SELVA MIDDLE EAST Sheikh Zayed Road North Exit 46 Dubai tel: +971 43411933 www.selva-me.ae Distributor for: Slamp SIGNIFY Dubai Knowledge Village Al Sufouh 2 PO Box 7785 Dubai tel: +971 44461100 www.signify.com SPEAR LIGHTING Airport Road, Al Qusaidat PO Box 1307 Ras Al Khaimah tel: +971 72288131 www.spearlighting.com Distributor for: Osmont

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Focal Point Private Residence Dongguang City, China British Columbia based architect John Henshaw and his team frequently work in North America and China. Their impressive portfolio of projects demonstrates a transcendent aesthetic that blends eastern and western design harmoniously. Interior Designer Joy Chao of John Henshaw chose Cerno’s large Calx pendant over the dining table and the Tersus Sconce for the theatre at this private residence. Cerno’s Director of Design Nick Sheridan studied architecture; as such all of his designs are rooted in his deep passion for purposeful modern design. The Calx pendant and Tersus sconce strike a balance between minimalism and functionality. The natural wood warms up this contemporary environment without diluting the sleek design. Powerful lighting statements can be made without showering a room in excess light; both these spaces use lighting strategically to tie in the room’s design and set a relaxing and inviting mood. www.jhainc.ca

Central Asia / Asia

China ARTEMIDE Room 1907, 19/F New Hualian Mansion East Wing 755 Middle Huai Hai Road Huang Pu District Shanghai 200021 tel: +86 2164483650 www.artemide.com AVEZI 6th Floor Building A HuaxingWeiye Industry Park GuShu Xixiang Shenzhen 518102 tel: +86 75523227953 www.avezi.com BRIGHT Management District Board Town Industrial Zone Pujiang Road, Humen Daning Dongguan tel: +852 28892013 www.newbrightlighting.com


CITYFOS LIGHTING DESIGN Room 407 No.13 Cuihua Road Cuicheng Garden, Haizhu District Guangzhou tel: +86 213560480540 CRESTRON Rm 915, 9/F, Nan Xin Cang Business Tower Building, A22 Dong Si Shi Tiao Dong Cheng District Beijing 100007 tel: +86 1064096026 www.crestron.eu DELTA LIGHT Rm 941, 9/F, ECO City 1788 West Nanjing Road Jing’An District Shanghai 200040 tel: +86 13585785451 www.deltalight.asia EHWA TECHNOLOGY Room 501, Lido Plaza 6 Jiang Tai Lu Chaoyang Beijing tel: +86 1064913737 www.360lamps.com Distributor for: Vibia FLOS Unit 2299, 22nd Floor 68 Yin Cheng Road Shanghai 200120 tel: +86 2161946740 www.flos.com IGUZZINI No. 2758 Huan Cheng West Road Fengxian Industrial Park Shanghai 201401 tel: +86 2163411199 www.iguzzini.com KOIZUMI 12 Information & Industry Garden Xihu District Shilong Town Dongguan City Guangdong Province tel: +86 2154202760 www.koizumi.sg Distributor for: Zumtobel KOLARZ Room 301 No. 3 Lane 309 East Han Yang Road Shanghai 200080 tel: +86 2155886268 www.kolarz.at

KOSNIC House 262, Lane 388 Dushi Road, Minhang District Shanghai tel: +86 2164608359 www.kosnic.com LASVIT No. 15 Building No. 615 Feng Deng Road Ja Ding Shanghai tel: +86 2159978500 www.lasvit.com LINEA LIGHT GROUP YuXiang Industrial Area, HengLan Town ZhongShan City Guangdong 528478 tel: +86 76087618355 www.linealight.com LUXIONA Unit B, 2nd Floor, Block 2 Jiuhua Tech Park Xi Xiang Town Shenzhen 518132 tel: +86 75586149886 www.luxiona.com LUXRAM Floor 10, East Wing Zhubang 2000 Business Center No.1 Chaoyang District Beijing 100025 tel: +86 1085866434125 www.luxramlighting.com MEGAMAN Room 3201 No.436 Ju Men Road Lu Wan District Shanghai tel: +86 2163012312 www.cn.megaman.cc MSTAR A Building #6 Yunlian 8 Street Makeng Village China tel: +86 76981160298 www.msdhome.cn OSRAM No. 1 North Industrial Road Foshan 528000 tel: +86 75786482111 www.lighting-solutions.osram.com SHANGHAI PELLINI INTERNI SPACE 3F, B5, No. 5369 Middle Jiasong Rd Zhaoxiang Quingpu Shanghai tel: +86 2169755690 Distributor for: Foscarini SIGNIFY Highway No. 1805 Jiading Shanghai 201801 tel: +86 8008201201 www.signify.com SYLVANIA 11th floor, GRG, GZ Radio Group Science & Technology Building LIU/Warehouse No. 15 No.163 Pingyun Road West of Huangpu Avenue Guangzhou 510656 tel: +86 2038151138 www.sylvania-lighting.com

TANGYAO WIRES No.458 Chi Gang Xi Yue Zhong Nan St Hua Di Da Dao Nan Guangzhou tel: +86 13826171240 www.tangyao.cn TARGETTI Room 1206 Building B Winterless Center No.1 West Da Wang Road, Chaoyang District Beijing tel: +86 1065388956 www.targetti.com UOZU LIGHTING Room D703 Huabao No.1 Building Jinhua Road Futian, Shenzhen tel: +86 75582888869 www.uozulighting.com VIABIZZUNO Zone A No.101 Gao An Road Xuhui District Shanghai 200031 tel: +86 15221424479 www.viabizzuno.com VONDOM Building C6-103 No. 700 Wan Rong Road Jing An Zone Shanghai 200072 tel: +86 2165219916 www.vondom.com WAC LIGHTING 299-14 Bisheng road Zhangjiang Pudong New District Shanghai 201204 tel: +86 2133933558 www.waclighting.com WALDMANN Part A, No. 5 Normative Workshop 199 Changjian Road Baoshan Shanghai 200949 tel: +86 2151691799 www.waldmann.com

Hong Kong ARTEMIDE Unit 1303, 13/F Ruttonjee House Ruttonjee Centre 11 Duddell Street, Central tel: +852 25230050 www.artemide.com BLACKLIGHT ILLUMINATION 10th Floor Cheung Building 12p Smithfield Road Kennedy Town tel: +852 97638550 www.blacklightillumination.com Distributor for: Modular COC DESIGN 4B, 3 Caperidge Village Discovery Bay Hong Kong tel: +852 97664480 www.coc.design COLOUR LIVING 333 Lockhart Road Wan Chai tel: +852 25730063 www.colourliving.com Distributor for: Slamp

CRESTRON Room 2501 25/F, Westin Centre No. 26 Hung To Road Kowloon tel: +852 23412016 www.crestron.eu ELEMENTS ENTERPRISES 3/F No. 28 Russell Street Causeway Bay tel: +852 22950777 www.elements.com.hk Distributor for: Serien EOQ 11/f Luen Wai Commercial Building 93-97 Des Voeux Road West Sheung Wan tel: +852 27800330 www.eoq-design.com FAVOUR TEC 17/F, Perfect Industrial Building 31 Tai Yau Street San Po Kong Kowloon tel: +852 232162947 www.favourtec.com FLORA INNOVATIVE LIGHTING Unit No.3, 22/F, Kodak House 2 39 Healthy Street East North Point tel: +852 25909468 www.floralighting.com.hk Distributor for: Wever & Ducre FORMALIGHTING Room 3, 5/F Eastern Harbour Centre 28 Hoi Chak Street Quarry Bay tel: +852 25166500 www.formalighting.com HING FAT Unit 01, 1/F, Block C, Seaview Estate 8 Watson Road North Point tel: +852 29790063 www.hf.com.hk IGUZZINI Units 803 & 805, 8th Floor Tower I Enterprise Square 1 Kowloon tel: +852 25166504 www.iguzzini.com ILLUMINATION PHYSICS 606, 6/F The L.Plaza 367-375 Queen’s Road Central Sheung Wan tel: +852 60161115 www.illuminationphysics.com INNERMOST Unit 03, 2/F, EW International Tower No. 120 Texaco Road Tsuen Wan tel: +852 28575289 www.innermost.net KOIZUMI Unit A-B, 26th Floor, 8 Hart Avenue Tsim Sha Tsui Kowloon tel: +852 27143773 www.koizumi.sg Distributor for: Zumtobel LA DEUX Workshop 601 The Factory 1 Yip Fat Street tel: +852 29557121 www.ladeuxcom.hk Distributor for: Parachilna

LASVIT Suite 2111, 21F Asian House 1 Hennessy Road Wanchai tel: +852 28661234 www.lasvit.com LUMEN ARTS 4-6 Watson Road Room 3 11/F, Block B Seaview Estate Causeway Bay tel: +852 28034501 www.lumenarts.com.hk Distributor for: Viabizzuno MANKS 3rd Floor The Factory 1 Yip Fat Street Wong Chuk Hang tel: +852 25222115 www.manks.com Distributor for: Louis Poulsen MAXGRAND 19/F., Millennium Trade Centre 56 Kwai Cheong Road New Territories Kwai Chung tel: +852 39276363 www.maxgrand.com.hk MEGAMAN 12/F Lu Plaza, 2-4 Wing Yip Street Kwung Tong Kowloon tel: +852 26901660 www.hk.megaman.cc

PLC LIGHTING Unit A-D 9/F Gemstar Tower 23 Man Lok Street Hunghom Kowloon tel: +852 23302268 www.plclighting.com Distributor for: Slamp PRECIOSA LIGHTING Unit 2308 Enterprise Square 11 3 Sheung Yuet Road Kowloon tel: +852 93080157 www.preciosalighting.com SEGULA 7A 9F Hong Kong Industrial Centre 489-491 Castle Peak Road Kowloon tel: +852 55784664 www.segula-home.com SEVENTHIRTY AM 806, 8/F Arion Commercial Center 2-12 Queen’s Road West tel: +852 92479176 www.seventhirtyam.com SIGNIFY 5/F Core Building 1, 1 Science Park East Avenue, Hong Kong Science Park New Territories Shatin tel: +852 28215300 www.signify.com

LUMINABELLA 4-4-1 Fushimi-machi, Chuo-ku Osaka 541-0044 tel: +81 662028080 www.luminabella.co.jp Distributor for: Parachilna

SUPER TREND LIGHTING 1/F Green 18 No.18 Science Park East Avenue Shatin tel: +852 23452772 www.stll.com

LYNNBELYS 2F-Sivato, 1-1-1 Alato Chuoh-Ku Fukuoka 810-0062 tel: +81 927258400 www.lynnbelys.com Distributor for: Santa & Cole

TIMOTHY OULTON 17/F One Island South 2 Heung Yip Road Wong Chuk Hang tel: +852 25593021 www.timothyoulton.com

OSRAM Tobu Yokohama Building No. 3/ 6F 8-29 Kita-Saiwai, 2-chome, Nishi-ku Yokohama 220-0004 tel: +81 453235100 www.lighting-solutions.osram.com

TOM DIXON 52 Hollywood Road Central tel: +852 28822068 www.tomdixon.net

SIGNIFY Philips Building 2F 2-13-37 Konan Minato-ku Tokyo 108-8507 tel: +81 337405156 www.signify.com

WEVER & DUCRÉ Rm 1413, Block A, Sea View Estate 2 Watson Road North Point tel: +852 21106924 www.weverducre.com WIZ 148 Electric Road North Point tel: +85260100625 www.wizconnected.com ZODIAC LIGHTING 1801, 18/F Hong Man Industrial Centre 2 Hong Man Street Chai Wan tel: +852 28989023 www.zodiaclighting.com Distributor for: Rotaliana

Japan AOYA 358-1 Kawara Aoya-cho Tottori City 689-0515 tel: +81 857860116 www.aoyawashi.co.jp ARTEMIDE 2013 Tomigaya 1-41-7 Shibuya ku Tokyo 151-0063 tel: +81 357387410 www.artemide.com ELUX Mitoshiro Building 3F#B, 1-12-12 Uchilkanda Chiyoda-ku Tokyo tel: +81 362737412 www.elux.co.jp Distributor for: Vita FLOS PMC Building 9/F 1-23-5 Higashiazabu Minato-Ku 106-0044 tel: +81 335820974 www.flos.com KOIZUMI 3-3-7 Bingo-machi Chuo-ku Osaka 541-0051 tel: +81 662665750 www.koizumi.sg Distributor for: Zumtobel

SORAA 2-22-4-203 Funado Itabashi-ku Tokyo 174-0041 tel: +81 359487440 www.soraa.com TOM DIXON 2 Chome-1-13 Shibuya Shibuya-ku Tokyo 150-0002 tel: +81 357783282 www.tomdixon.net


OSRAM 208 Wireless Centre, 3 Science Park East Avenue Hong Kong Science Park Shatin tel: +852 29433488 www.lighting-solutions.osram.com

SUNNY LIGHTING TECHNOLOGY Unit 1311 Peninsula Tower 538 Castle Peak Rd Cheung Sha Wan Kowloon tel: +852 31571068 www.sunnylighting.com

YAMAGIWA Maruwa Building 3-16-13 Shiba Minato-ku Tokyo 105-0014 tel: +81 367412375 www.yamagiwa.co.jp

Macau CRESTRON Alameda Drive Carlos d’Assumpcao No.263 Edificio China Civil Plaza 5 Andar M tel: +853 28723680 www.crestron.eu ILLUMINATION PHYSICS Suite A 16th Floor Edificio Great Will No.665 Avenida Da Praia Grande tel: +853 60161115 www.illuminationphysics.com

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South East Asia / Asia

Indonesia CLASS INTERNATIONAL Jalan Halimun Raya No. 31 Jakarta Selatan Jakarta 12980 tel: +62 218282506 www.class-international.com Distributor for: Zumtobel DESIGN CLOPEDIA Jl. M.H. Thamrin Kav 3 Jakarta 10340 tel: +62 2139830333 www.designclopedia.com Distributor for: Foscarini


INDOLITE PRIMA JL. Tanjung Duren Raya 67 C Jakarta 11480 tel: +62 215640367 www.indoliteprima.com Distributor for: iGuzzini

SAMLIP ELECTRIC 282-1 Hagal-Dong Kiheung-Gu Yongin-Si Kyungki-Do tel: +82 313785818 www.samlipelec.co.kr Distributor for: Philips Lighting SIGNIFY Philips House 260-199 Itaewon-dong Yongsan-ku Seoul tel: +82 806006600 www.signify.com

Malaysia BRAND VAN EGMOND Starhill Gallery No.181, Jalan Bukit Bintang Kuala Lumpur 55100 tel: +60 187605514 www.brandvanegmond.com

LUXINDO PERKASA Ruko Mutiara Palem Blok. A7 No.15 Jalan Outer Ring Road Cengkareng Jakarta Barat 11730 tel: +62 2154358174 www.luxindoperkasa.com Distributor for: Wever & Ducre

CRESTRON 45-B, Melawat Urban 1 Lorong Perak Kuala Lumpur 51300 tel: +60 341078223 www.crestron.eu

OSRAM Jalan Siliwangi KM1 Desa Keroncong, Jatiuwung Tangerang 15134 tel: +62 215900127 www.lighting-solutions.osram.com

INLIGHT NO. 18-1 & 18-2, Jalan Puteri 1/8 Bandar Puteri Puching Selangor 47100 tel: +60 380513899 www.inlight.com.my Distributor for: Targetti

SIGNIFY Jl. Buncit Raya Kav. 99 Jakarta 12510 tel: +62 8001052678 www.signify.com

Korea CRESTRON 8F Dansung Building 144 SamsungDong Gangnam-Gu Seoul tel: +82 262423002 www.crestron.eu DUOMO & CO Taeyang Building 1-3F, 33-17 33-17 Nonhyun-Dong Kangnam- Ku Seoul tel: +82 5163022 www.duomokorea.com Distributor for: Vibia HWANGDUCK ENGINEERING 413 Seobinggo-ro Yongsan-gu Seoul 04416 tel: +82 27940801 www.hwangduck.com Distributor for: Zumtobel MALTANI LIGHTING 905-3 Taewon Building Daechi-Dong Gangnamgu Seoul 135280 tel: +82 25550500 www.maltani.co.kr OSRAM 3F Ye-Sung Building 150-30, Samsung-dong Kangnam-Ku Seoul 135090 tel: +82 25544112 www.lighting-solutions.osram.com S&D INTERNATIONAL 314, A dong Daewoo Trump World 2 Cha Yeouido-dong tel: +82 237752720 www.sdlux.com Distributor for: Slamp

LIGHTCRAFT 98 Jalan Sungai Besi Tanjung Tokong Kuala Lumpur 57100 tel: +60 392224219 www.lightcraft.com.my Distributor for: Anglepoise, Artemide, Foscarini, Kartell, LEDS C4, Lodes, Slamp, Tonone, Vibia, Vistosi LINDS FURNITURE 162 Jalan Maarof Bangasar Kuala Lumpur 59100 tel: +60 320946055 www.lindsfurniture.com Distributor for: Yamagiwa OSRAM Level 12 CP Tower No.11, Jlln 16/11 Pusat Dagang Seksyen 16 Petaling Jaya 46350 tel: +60 379525555 www.lighting-solutions.osram.com SIGNIFY Level 9 Menara Axis No.2 Jalan 51A/223 Petaling Jaya 46100 tel: +60 379657488 www.signify.com TSEN LIGHTING Dataran Sunway No. 9, Jalan PJU 5/3 Kota Damansara 47810 tel: +60 361418112 www.tsen.com.my Distributor for: Fontana Arte

Philippines KUYSEN 236 E. Rodriguez Senior Avenue Brgy. Don Manuel Quezon City Manila 1113 tel: +63 27407509 www.kuysen.com Distributor for: Slamp

SCHEMA Upper Buhanginan Street Sitio Tagbac, San Jose Antipolo City 1870 tel: +63 27365641 www.schemaproduct.com SIGNIFY 10/F Sun Life Centre 5th Avenue Bonifacio Global City Taguig 1634 tel: +63 26679000 www.signify.com

Singapore BAROVIER & TOSO 1 Nassim Road #01-06 258458 tel: +65 67350808 www.barovier.com BEGA 10 Raeburn Park No. 02-08 088702 tel: +65 66928029 www.bega.com BRIGHT LIVING 90 Cecil Street 10-02 069531 tel: +65 97624108 www.bright-living.com BRINK LIGHT ASIA 29B, Keong Saik Road 089136 tel: +65 62215312 www.brinklight.asia Distributor for: Parandina CRESTRON 701 Sims Drive 01-04 LHK Building 387383 tel: +65 68460215 www.crestron.eu FLOS 1 Commonwealth Lane #08 - 12 149544 tel: +65 63721495 www.flos.com GAURAV LIGHTING DESIGN 03-04, 1 Rivervale Link 545118 IGUZZINI 3 International Business Park #0218/19 Nordic European Centre 609927 tel: +65 65677910 www.iguzzini.com KOIZUMI 41 Ubi Crescent 408588 tel: +65 67477116 www.koizumi.sg Distributor for: Zumtobel LASVIT No. 9 Loyang Way 508722 tel: +65 65429422 www.lasvit.com LINEA LIGHT GROUP Operative office:21 Kaki Bukit Place 5th Floor 416199 tel: +65 69085758 www.linealight.com LUXLIGHT 80 Genting Lane 08-01/05 Genting Block Ruby Industrial Complex 349565 tel: +65 62788588 www.luxlight.sg Distributor for: Flos

LUXSPACE 21 Toh Guan Road East 04-31 Toh Guan Centre 608609 tel: +65 65150552 www.luxspace.biz Distributor for: Toscot MEGAMAN 10 Ubi Crescent Lobby B 03-19 Ubi Techpark 408564 tel: +65 67427388 www.sg.megaman.cc MILLION LIGHTING COMPANY 15 Kallang Way 5 349033 tel: +65 67433033 www.millionlighting.com.sg Distributor for: Yamagiwa OSRAM 05-04 Amtech Building 159 Sin Ming Road 575625 tel: +65 65520110 www.lighting-solutions.osram.com PRECIOSA LIGHTING The Signature #02-02, 51 Changi Business Park 486066 tel: +65 62562212 www.preciosalighting.com RELEX 3014A Ubi Road 1 #07-07/08 408703 tel: +65 62853633 www.relex.com.sg Distributor for: Rovasi SIGNIFY 620A Lorong 1 319762 tel: +65 68823869 www.signify.com SUNLIGHT LUMINAIRE 1 third Chin Bee Road 618679 tel: +65 67419055 www.sunlightgroup.com Distributor for: Viabizzuno TECHNOLITE GROUP 25 Tagore Lane #03-10 Singapore G Building 787602 tel: +65 64531978 www.technolite.global Distributor for: Sattler WALDMANN 22 Cross Street 02-50/51 South Bridge Court 048421 tel: +65 62758300 www.waldmann.com XTRA LIGHTING 9 Penang Road 01-01/02-01 Park Mall Singapore 238459 tel: +65 63360688 www.xtra.com.sg Distributor for: Parachilna

Taiwan CRESTRON 4F-2, 57, Sec. 3, Minsheng E. Road Taipei 104 tel: +886 225172323 www.crestron.eu FASHION LIGHTING GROUP 1st Floor, No.120, Minsheng E. Rd Taipei 10574 tel: +886 227182878 www.fashionlighting.com.tw Distributor for: Swarovski

LOFT 29 COLLECTION 1F. No.20, Aly. 13, LN. 248 Taipei tel: +886 227730129 www.collection.com.tw Distributor for: Tom Dixon OSRAM 7th Floor No.87 Sung Chiang Road Taipei tel: +886 225083502 www.lighting-solutions.osram.com

PAUL CHENG LIGHTING 1FL. No.1337 Jungjeng Rd Taoyuan City tel: +886 32151199 www.pclite.com.tw Distributor for: Vibia QIS DESIGN 18 Jihu Road Neihu Taipei 114 tel: +886 227998800 www.qisdesign.com SEED LIGHTING No.73-31, Qionglin S. Rd. Xinzhuang District New Taipei City 242 tel: +886 222046650 www.seedlighting.com TONG CHIEH TRADING No.7-1 Wu Kung 5th Road New Taipei City 242 tel: +886 222982821 www.tcc168.com.tw Distributor for: Slamp

Thailand ANGO 31/7 Soi Suparaht 1, Phaholyothin Road Samsennai, Payathai Bangkok 10400 tel: +66 28747505 www.angoworld.com LIGHT STYLE 1050 Soi Sukhumvit 66/1 Bangjak Phrakanong Bangkok 10260 tel: +66 274496245 www.lightstyle.co.th Distributor for: Preciosa LIGHTING AND EQUIPMENT 16 Floor, Gypsum Metropolitan Tower 539/2 Sri-Ayudhya Rd Rajthevee Bangkok 10400 tel: +66 26425092 www.l-and-e.com Distributor for: Zumtobel LIVE LIGHTING 219/55 Asoke Towers,16th floor Sukhumvit 21 Bangkok tel: +66 22595151 Distributor for: iGuzzini MOSAIC EINS 177/40 Moo 4 Srisoonthorn Road Phuket 83110 tel: +66 76620102 www.mosaiceins.com Distributor for: Flos

OSRAM Charn Issara Tower II 19th Floor 2922/251 New Petchburi Road Bangkok 10310 tel: +66 27155767 www.lighting-solutions.osram.com PALICON PRO-ART LIGHTING 404 Ratchadapisek Road Samsennok Huay-Kwang Bangkok 10320 tel: +66 22756331 www.palicon.co.th Distributor for: Delta Light SIGNIFY 28th Floor Thai Summit Tower New Petchburi Road Bangkapi, Huaykhwang Bangkok tel: +66 26528652 www.signify.com SYLVANIA Ploenchit Center Bldg, 19th Floor 2 Sukhumvit Soi 2, Klongtoey Bangkok 10110 tel: +66 26569039 www.sylvania-lighting.com

Vietnam AUVIET LIGHTING TECHNOLOGY 3/F, 98 Tran Quang Khai Street DaKao Ward, One District Ho Chi Minh City tel: +84 38480830 www.auvietlighting.com

BELLA VITA 15-19 Ton That Thiep Ward Ben Nghe District 1 Ho Chi Minh City tel: +84 838214101 www.bellavitafurniture.com Distributor for: Tom Dixon CAO TRAN 23 Tran Phu Street District 5 Ho Chi Minh City tel: +84 838333334 www.cara.com.vn Distributor for: Zumtobel GLOWING ASIA 298 Phan Xich Long Ward 2, Phu Nhuan Dist Ho Chi Minh City tel: +84 935178897 www.glowingasia.com Distributor for: Vistosi OSRAM Room 1307 M3-M4 Building - Khu A 91A Nguyen Chi Thanh Street Hanoi tel: +84 42750944 www.lighting-solutions.osram.com SIGNIFY F12 A&B Tower 76 Le Lai Street District 1 Ho Chi Minh City tel: +84 800599988 www.signify.com SYLVANIA 5th Floor, LE Building 11/71 Lang Ha Street Hanoi tel: +84 437151604 www.sylvania-lighting.com


Advertise online Digital packages available Appear on our website, newsletters or feature in a show preview.

For more info contact Stephen: s.quiligotti@mondiale.co.uk

Indian Sub Continent / Asia

India ARTEMIDE Unit no 5, 2nd Floor Raghuvanshi Mansion Raghuvanshi Mills Compound Mumbai 400013 tel: +91 2261774800 www.artemide.com ARTLITE ILLUMINATION 346 Sultanpur MG Road Lane Opp to Pillar 28B New Delhi 110030 tel: +91 01164637777 www.artlite.in Distributor for: Zumtobel CRESTRON 114 First Floor,Tower-A A-41, The Corenthum Sector-62 Noida (UP) 201301 tel: +91 1204276297 www.crestron.eu


DELTA LIGHT 162 Western Avenue Sainik Farms New Delhi 110068 tel: 91 1140562720 www.deltalight.asia FIREFLY 1/447 Brady Gladys Plaza Building No-1 Basement S.B. Marg Lower Parel Mumbai 400013 tel: +91 2266608959 www.fireflyindia.in Distributor for: Vistosi GOJIS LIFESTYLE 786, Sree Srees Avinashi Road Opposite Regional Passport Office Near Flyover Coimbatore 641018 tel: +91 4224379950 www.gojis.in Distributor for: Zumtobel INNOVATIVE LIGHTING DESIGNS D-14/9, First Floor, Okhla Industrial Area Phase-1 New Dehli 110020 tel: +91 1141406716 www.ildlimited.com Distributor for: Molto Luce

JOHN CULLEN LIGHTING 1201 Lodha Supremus Senapati Marg, Lower Parel (West) Mumbai 400013 tel: +91 2266666001 www.johncullenlighting.co.uk

OSRAM Signature Towers 11th Floor Tower B, South City - 1, Gurgaon Haryana 122001 tel: +91 1242383180 www.lighting-solutions.osram.com

KLOVE J2 Green Park Main New Delhi 110016 tel: +91 9810273388 www.klovestudio.com

PRECIOSA LIGHTING 1st Floor B Wing Prius Platinum Tower, Saket New Delhi 110017 tel: +91 7045145575 www.preciosalighting.com

L.S.I. SYSTEMS 105 Allied House, 1 Local Shopping Complex, Madangir New Delhi 110062 tel: +91 1141649021 www.lsiindia.com Distributor for: Modular LEGERO C-95, Sector 2 Noida 201301 tel: +91 1202520114 www.legerolighting.com Distributor for: Flos LIGHTALIVE 10/11B Bussa Industrial Estate Century Bazaar Lane Worli-Prabhadevi Mumbai 400025 tel: +91 2224945685 www.lightalive.in Distributor for: Flos LIGHTSQUARE 84 Richmond Road Bangalore 560025 tel: +91 8041693232 Distributor for: Slamp LUMIERE PROJECT LIGHTING 21 Kaliandas Udhyog Bhavan Century Bazaar Lane Prabhadevi Mumbai 400025 tel: +91 2224332120 www.lpl.net.in Distributor for: TAL LUMINATION LIGHTING & DESIGN 1st Floor 1020 Avinashi Road Coimbatore 641018 tel: +91 4224391144 www.luminationlights.com

SIGNIFY 9th Floor DLF 9-B,DLF Cyber City Sector 25, DLF Phase - 3 Gurgaon Haryana 122002 tel: +91 18001022929 www.signify.com SOGANI Farm 41B, Raod No. 2 Silver Oak Farms Ghitomi New Delhi 110030 tel: +91 9811903244 www.sogani.design SYLVANIA QRG Towers 2D Sector 126, Expressway Noida Uttar Pradesh 201304 tel: +91 1204771000 www.sylvania-lighting.com TARGETTI Teamwork building, 2nd floor No. 18 Chinnaswamy Mudaliar Road Tasker Town Bangalore 560051 tel: +91 8041120016 www.targetti.com THEA LIGHT WORKS 2-1-150 to 158 No. 7 HMI Estate, 2nd Floor MG Road Secunderabat tel: +91 9849016520 www.th-ea.com Distributor for: Prandina

Advertise online Digital packages available Appear on our website, newsletters or feature in a show preview.

For more info contact Stephen: s.quiligotti@mondiale.co.uk

VERSALITE HITECH LIGHTING 220 Khetwadi Main Road Tara Mansion Ground Floor Mumbai 400004 tel: +91 2243331818 www.versa-lite.com Distributor for: Mizar VICTORY LIGHTING 110 Prakashdeep Building 7 Tolstoy Marg New Delhi 110001 tel: +91 1123753214 www.v-lighting.in Distributor for: Graypants VIS À VIS Ground Floor, Gouri Kunj Kishore Kumar Ganguly Marg Off Juhu Tara Rd Mumbai 400049 tel: +91 2226612501 www.visavisindia.com Distributor for: Louis Poulsen

Pakistan OSRAM Office #103 1st Floor Farid Tower, 19 Temple Road Lahore tel: +92 4237321742 www.lighting-solutions.osram.com SIGNIFY F-54 S.I.T.E Karachi 75730 tel: +92 21111786777 www.signify.com


Egypt ENLIGHTEN 159 26th of July Street, 4th Floor, Apt 38 Zamalek Cairo tel: +20 1288288753 www.enlighten-eg.com Distributor for: Arturo Alvarez, Bocci, Fortuny, Gabriel Scott, Parachilna, Rakumba, Serip, Terzani, Viabizzuno, Vibia FUSION MOOD 23 Israa el Moalemeen off Lebanon Square Mohandessin Cairo tel: +20 233478073 www.fusion-mood.com Distributor for: Moooi HUDA LIGHTING 12 Ext. of Abd El Hameed Badawy Street - 1172, 2nd Floor Masaken Sheraton Cairo tel: +20 22699740 www.hudalighting.com Distributor for: Osram OSRAM 1169 Repeated Ministers Square Building 1, Sheraton Heliopolis Cairo tel: +20 222684379 www.lighting-solutions.osram.com PHILOSOPHY INTERIORS 40B Mohammed Mazhar Zamalek Cairo tel: +20 227380163 Distributor for: Foscarini

STYLE DESIGN 38, Cairo-Alex Desert Road Cairo tel: +20 238572027 www.style-design.com.eg Distributor for: Artemide

Ghana CASA TRASACCO Tetteh Quarshi Interchange, Legon Accra LG1095 tel: +233 0302823288 www.casatrasacco.com Distributor for: Slamp WESTONE F893/2 Ring Road East Danquah Circle Osu, Accra tel: +233 21762654 www.westoneghana.com Distributor for: Artemide, Estiluz, Flos, iGuzzini, Prisma

Kenya OSRAM PO Box 10755-0100 Marlexy Office Suites Luther Plaza Ground Floor Nairobi tel: +254 203010555 www.lighting-solutions.osram.com

Morocco EUROLUX Marouane CHAMI / Charge d’Affaires 69 Bd de la Corniche Ain Diab Casablanca 20180 tel: +212 52279950 www.eurolux.co.ma Distributor for: Slamp

Nigeria LIGHTBOX Plot 194 Jide Oki Street Victoria Island Lagos tel: +234 7053114444 www.lightboxintl.com Distributor for: Light Years WORTH WHILE VENTURES 7, Military Street Onikan Lagos tel: +234 12647711 Distributor for: Foscarini

South Africa EUROLUX 9 Racecourse Road Milnerton 7441 tel: +27 215288400 www.eurolux.co.ma Distributor for: Slamp EUROPEAN LIGHT & DESIGN CENTRE 310 Victoria Road Woodstock Cape Town tel: +27 214488684 www.eldc.co.za Distributor for: Prandina GLO LIGHTING AND LIVING 27 6th Street Randburg 2193 tel: +27 865742214 www.glolighting.co.za Distributor for: Hubbardton Forge M SQUARE LIFESTYLE NECESSITIES Shop 3/4, Illovo Square Shopping Centre No3 Rivionia Road Illovo Sandton 2196 tel: +27 114470807 www.msquareonline.co.za Distributor for: Tom Dixon

Advertise online Digital packages available Appear on our website, newsletters or feature in a show preview.

For more info contact Stephen: s.quiligotti@mondiale.co.uk

OSRAM Block 2 Emerald Park, 22 Reedbuck Crescent Corporate Park South Gauteng 1685 tel: +27 102214000 www.lighting-solutions.osram.com PROVINCE LIGHTING 100 Upper Canterbury St PO Box 12613 Mill Street Cape Town 8010 tel: +27 214644661 www.provincelighting.co.za Distributor for: Zumtobel SIGNIFY 195 Main Road Martindale Johannesburg 2114 tel: +27 114715083 www.signify.com SPAZIO LIGHTING 52 Andries Street North Wynberg Sandton 2090 tel: +27 825521564 www.spazio.co.za Distributor for: Artemide WILLOWLAMP Unit 6 Spencer Square 6 Spencer Road Salt River Cape Town 7925 tel: +27 214478529 www.willowlamp.com

Tunisia KBR DISTRIBUTION 147 Avenue De La Liberte Belvedere 1002 tel: +216 71802446 Distributor for: iGuzzini OSRAM Rue du Lac Neuchatel Les Berges du Lac 1053 tel: +216 71166461 www.lighting-solutions.osram.com


SIGNIFY 12th Floor Star Capital 8 City stars Nasr City Cairo tel: +20 224801450 www.signify.com

SIRAJ LIGHTING 38-40 Beirut Street Heliopolis Cairo tel: +20 222564030 www.siraj-lighting.com Distributor for: Zumtobel

Australia & New Zealand / Australasia

Australia ABOUT SPACE LIGHTING 138 St Kilda Road St Kilda VIC 3182 tel: +61 0395344288 www.aboutspace.net.au ADESIGNSTUDIO Part Building D 60-66 Petty Street Matraville NSW 2036 tel: +61 410127296 adesignstudio.com.au ALTI LIGHTING 250 Stirling Highway Claremont WA 6010 tel: +61 892842203 www.alti.com.au Distributor for: Vistosi


ARCLITE Level 2, 13-15 Levey Street Chippendale NSW 2008 tel: +61 293691411 www.arclite.com.au Distributor for: Martinelli Luce ARTEMIDE 504 - 508 Cleveland Street Surry Hills Sydney NSW 2010 tel: +61 296998472 www.artemide.com ARTICOLO 18 Willis Street Richmond VIC 3121 tel: +61 85958011 www.articololighting.com BEN-TOVIM DESIGN Unit 2/6-8 Leo Street Fawkner VIC 3060 tel: +61 390163322 www.b-td.com BRIGHTGREEN 70 Stephenson Street Cremorne VIC 3121 tel: +61 1300672499 www.brightgreen.com CHRISTOPHER BOOTS 369 Gore Street Fitzroy VIC 3065 tel: +61 394176501 www.christopherboots.com CRESTRON 1 Clyde Street Silverwater NSW 2128 tel: +61 297378203 www.crestron.eu CULT 21-23 Levey Street Chippendale NSW 2008 tel: +61 1300768626 www.cultdesign.com.au Distributor for: Louis Poulsen DAVOLUCE LIGHTING 242 Glenhuntly Road Elsternwick VIC 3185 tel: +61 395231777 www.davolucelighting.com.au Distributor for: Slamp

DEAN PHILIPS 36-38 Rokeby Street Collingwood Melbourne VIC 3066 tel: +61 394194195 www.deanphillips.com

JSB LIGHTING 22-38 Yurong Street Darlinghurst NSW 2010 tel: +61 295718800 www.jsblighting.com.au Distributor for: TAL

MONDOLUCE 439 Crown Street Surry Hills NSW 2010 tel: +61 296902667 www.mondoluce.com Distributor for: Slamp

DEDECE 263 Liverpool Street Darlinghurst Sydney NSW 2010 tel: +61 293602722 www.dedece.com

KE-ZU SHOWROOM Level 1, 69 O’Riordan Street Alexandria NSW 2015 tel: +61 296691788 www.kezu.com.au Distributor for: Parachilna

NEOZ 20 Tepko Road Terrey Hills NSW 2084 tel: +61 298105520 www.neoz.com.au

DUNCAN MEERDING STUDIO 75 Wellesley Street South Hobart Tasmania 7004 tel: +61 419406875 email: info@duncanmeerding.com.au www.duncanmeerding.com.au Duncan Meerding is a lighting design studio and workshop based in Tasmania, Australia. Our work is inspired by nature and the dispersion of light through and around objects. Dappled light and evoking a relaxed mood through light is at the core of our designs.

ECC LIGHTING Unit 8/39 Herbert Street PO Box 128 St. Leonards Sydney NSW 1590 tel: +61 294606600 www.ecc.com.au Distributor for: Terzani EDISON LIGHT GLOBES 152 Cowper Street Footscray VIC 3011 tel: +61 393961421 www.edisonlightglobes.com EUROLUCE GF/2 Hill Street Surry Hills NSW 2010 tel: +61 293569900 www.euroluce.com.au Distributor for: Flos, Oluce, Tala, Wastberg GINEICO Suite One 276 Devonshire Street Surry Hills NSW 2010 tel: +61 296901522 www.gineicointeriors.com Distributor for: Fontana Arte ILLUMINATION PHYSICS 6/40 Springthorpe Boulevard Macleod VIC 3085 tel: +61 394550761 www.illuminationphysics.com INLITE 80 Balmain Street Richmond VIC 3121 tel: +61 296993900 www.inlite.com.au Distributor for: Prandina JAN FLOOK Karinyah Studio, 105 Wallaby Creek Pheasant Creek VIC 3757 tel: +61 400044176 janflooklighting.com

KODA LIGHTING Unit 21, 198-22 Young Street Waterloo NSW 2017 tel: +61 296996007 www.kodalighting.com.au Distributor for: Vibia LIGHT IT Unit A 8 Birtley Place 2011 Elizabeth Bay Sydney NSW tel: +61 499545839 www.lightit.global LIGHT PROJECT 1st Floor, 70-78 Gipps Street Collingwood Melbourne VIC 3066 tel: +61 384151970 www.lightproject.com.au Distributor for: TAL LIGHTING OPTIONS 50 Kent Street Cannington WA 6107 tel: +61 861424977 www.lightingoptionsaustralia.com.au Distributor for: Soraa LIGHTING PARTNERS 16a Palmer Parade Richmond VIC 3121 tel: +61 384161500 www.lpaust.com.au Distributor for: Vesoi LOOMI PO Box 1400 Collingwood VIC 3066 tel: +61 300672499 www.loomi.co LUMEN8 38 Arthur Street Fortitude Valley QLD 4006 tel: +61 732544122 www.lumen-8.com.au Distributor for: Vistosi LUXXBOX 43 Kenyon Street Eagle Farm QLD 4009 tel: +61 732572822 www.luxxbox.com MANCE DESIGN 103-105 Green Street Richmond VIC 3121 tel: +61 394291959 www.mance.com.au MASSON FOR LIGHT 514 Bridge Road Richmond VIC 3121 tel: +61 394339251 www.massonforlight.com.au

OSRAM 11 Floor Building 1, 423 Pennant Hills Road Pennant Hills Sydney NSW 2120 tel: +61 294818399 www.lighting-solutions.osram.com PERFORMANCE IN LIGHTING 157 Wellington Road East Brisbane QLD 4169 tel: +61 733353580 www.performanceinlighting.com RADIANT LIGHTING 10 Gibberd Road Balcatta WA 6021 tel: +61 892401008 www.radiantlighting.com.au Distributor for: Tooy

RAKUMBA LIGHTING 4 Ardena Court East Bentleigh VIC 3165 tel: +61 395792355 email: sales@rakumba.com.au www.rakumba.com For more than 50 years Rakumba has been designing and manufacturing decorative and bespoke lighting. We are Australia’s longest established international lighting brand, bringing heritage, authenticity and technological innovation to our collections. As designers and problem solvers, our mission of “making beauty” and our relentless pursuit of perfection pushes us beyond the boundaries of possibility, to explore the creative unknown.

SAMMODE 15 Industrial Avenue Wacol QLD 4076 tel: +61 733353504 www.sammode.com SATELIGHT DESIGN 96 Hudsons Road Spotswood VIC 3015 tel: +61 393995805 www.satelight.com.au SIGNIFY Locked Bag 30 North Ryde NSW 1670 tel: +61 1300304404 www.signify.com SONIC LIGHTING 11 Cowie Street North Geelong VIC 3215 tel: +61 352779977 www.soniclighting.com.au Distributor for: Santa & Cole

SOUTHERN LIGHTING & DISTRIBUTION 34 Federal Street North Hobart TAS 7000 tel: +61 362315599 www.southernlighting.com.au Distributor for: PSM Lighting SPACE FURNITURE PO Box 7065 Alexandria NSW 2015 tel: +61 283397588 www.spacefurniture.com.au Distributor for: Italamp SPACE LIGHTING Level 6, 69 Reservoir Street Surry Hills Sydney NSW 2010 tel: +61 282182182 www.spacelighting.com.au Distributor for: Wever & Ducre STUDIO ITALIA 12 Thomas Street Yarraville VIC 3013 tel: +61 396904155 www.studioitalia.com.au Distributor for: Rotaliana YELLOW GOAT DESIGN PO Box 8638 GCMC Bundall QLD 4217 tel: +61 755328659 www.yellowgoatdesign.com

New Zealand CULT 73 The Strand Parnell Auckland 1010 tel: +64 9379446 www.cultdesign.com.au Distributor for: Louis Poulsen DAVID TRUBRIDGE Whakatu 4161 Hastings Aotearoa 416 tel: +64 66500204 www.davidtrubridge.com

ECC LIGHTING & LIVING 39 Nugent Street Grafton Auckland tel: +64 93799680 www.ecc.co.nz Distributor for: TAL FAGERHULT Level 1, 12 Allens Road East Tamaki, Auckland 2013 tel: +64 800324374 www.fagerhult.com

JEREMY COLE PO Box 22 251 Wellington 6441 tel: +64 43859780 www.jeremycole.net MATISSE INTERNATIONAL 99 The Strand Parnell Auckland 1151 tel: +64 93029191 www.matisse.co.nz Distributor for: Slamp RESIDENT 61 Upper Queen St Newton Ponsonby 47700 tel: +64 93775556 www.resident.co.nz SIGNIFY PO Box 1041 Auckland tel: +64 800454448 www.signify.com

Are you listed correctly? Contact Stephen


Or visit


SIMON JAMES DESIGN 61 Upper Queen Street Newton Auckland 1010 tel: +64 93775556 www.simonjamesdesign.com Distributor for: Zero

Advertise online Digital packages available Appear on our website, newsletters or feature in a show preview.

For more info contact Stephen: s.quiligotti@mondiale.co.uk


INLITE Level 2 Mountain Safety House 19 Tory Street Wellington 6011 tel: +64 48943812 www.inlite.com.au Distributor for: Prandina

AD INDEX Astro Lighting............................................................................................. IFC

Empty State................................................................................................... 32

Atrium............................................................................................................. 47

Gabriel Scott....................................................................................................5

Barrisol......................................................................................................... IBC

Hammerton. . .................................................................................................. 31

Bert Frank...................................................................................................... 69

J Adams & Co................................................................................................ 81

Cameron Design House.. ............................................................................ 21

Karice........................................................................................................... 6&7

Catellani & Smith......................................................................................... 15

LSE................................................................................................................ 8&9

Cerno.. ............................................................................................................. 17

Lucis . . ............................................................................................................... 89

Chelsom. . ........................................................................................................ 37

LZF Lamps. . .................................................................................................... 23

Duncan Meerding Studio........................................................................... 45

Niche........................................................................................................... OBC

Elstead Lighting. . .......................................................................................... 48

Original BTC. . ................................................................................................ 29


Barrisol Lumigon® XXL by Flynn Talbot

Arch. : Guy Walter

Design : Shea Design


Infinite Loop® by Ross Lovegrove for Barrisol

Butterfly Lamp® by Chantal Thomass for Barrisol



Piadno® Lamp by André Manoukian for Barrisol


Arch. : DYD Interiorismo / Chelo Alcaniz



Bird® Lamp by Denis Dietschy for Barrisol


Advanced Vision®

Lighting Solutions

Luminaire PLUS®

by Alix Videlier for Barrisol®


Lamp Manta® by Ross Lovegrove for Barrisol










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