The North Idaho College Sentinel Vol 55 No 8, March 13, 2002

Page 1

uition bill passes House

pmb:lbly oot tlQCitt 1hc 11.cR.uc too mixh.

AIIOIJICT cfrttl Of !he bill will be• nu~ In the !IIIO'l>'cd 1Ui1U)f'I \ll.'111111 fon.'CIUllllUtlJI)' co!Jc-J('- h would c~ns.c the ('uttcnl llllubnum J>f $901110 Sl.:?SO

Sctuk Bill I 384 -.""J-1 druitcd lo 1e.1,po~ to huJii:hH) ("IU!i Cl:J)CnCI~ lhroCJghoul tbc

\.t.lto c:oupK'd wld1 sta.od.'itd in.twtoo. t.:t.Jd Vitt

f'rc.'M<km ror f!.uemal Re1.1moo, M1Qle1, John!k'lfl. She ~lpcd pen bill in coopera:lia.t whh I~ Collc,e of Sou11km Idaho, the ocher ~hool thul would bc1,cfl 1from the prOJl(Al

One benefit of 1hc Mii 1\ 1ht •h1h 1y to .kcq, up w11h mfl..ition m lbc fim1rc. JO~ said

Th:,,·.,. ~tog• $<t doll:iir 11mwn1 c.AD'l do.


Tbc:- pcodmg ina<::tw;" \\ U11 Id tlCaUnul;;itc .u, ailimacc:d S5-'S 9~off\Cttlngthc rorccd.$JJ

milhoo bod~t rtJucooc1 bc1nnmn1 i11Jufy

Rnul$ 11titi1y c~t, nf.,1 l b.lvc .iltctt~LI sprndfng.

P.nrollmtnt 1t1crea5Cd by S pcnx111. yi~ldini (\,c)\)Rf nun~ wl1h no ,.pe..:i3,l rcm1,1men1 Michad Burt¢$1Ud

The c.&tq mooey

NIC's place Ill SWAC questioned

Budgct shortfalls, loss of rivals lead Leacbers to recommendations byl""1S1u"'1< ,MP,o1;&i.,o,

l'tn~ he ~MJ 11,c boo,) ptnWcl'll)<.IJd most tudeiu( will

Cut~ m fin .tnl't'\ hit NIC lLUoultnncotW)' w1tb 1ocrontJ &fOwtb.Jubrooa ,d.

Make ajo)ful noise

dom.t.cJ. NIC -.a., 11111)' «lucotioo.,J bt,.ututl<>n th:lt w:.s

(~d v.;th ®"'l'ltun", 'Ole. Olhcr 17 ~,,, twis grantrJ fund~ Jil\Cl '-=IW • dl"C:hn~.

•rn.cC'onar.JAlcni:Tnhe 1,, lai.:ul.¥ a loto( the \ilmc «onoolie i$$uc51hat c,C'l')'t,ody cl'loC

1, r.ictnw.- \.'Ud Mkhx.l Hurl.'e. ~dent o f

N I C. "'l'hey dnl ooeh.1,c:as much moooy1n lbtgei~J l'l(Jllt 10 lhl' II\\<.\)'. iO tWt'Q'ODC'• :ii.Ward


I lhmk lhC' 11tlpc'hll1Jorlheaw-ard tQ11\

c.,me from our n~mcnl w,th thC' 1ribe We

t':llll ttciurlJ~Point pjian,.'' OuAcsa1d lt' hn ag.n:cmc:nt ,o t'Q-llithonotc: an a \iUM4y~f .rr(W\.,

lO t l.r'l.k.1 NJ)tl ~c Amcnc,in Muckill1.10 dc',Cklp

.-. Na1hc AfflC'rk.m curric:ulum nnd tn f"'O"lde a

1c=-chinJ lllld lc:urung C1l\'1nxm1c:n1 on c.ampus

!hilt h,l~ a rh)'\kal (ltc!~r,c..-t."

h,t fundS v~Jby the cnbc h:n~ ioac

i.1110 NIC l~l'ld.iiiun wltll lbc lnbc lnsc!ndln.J .JI fund, to 1'<t' p l.Ktd in1.i tM cutn,~I ca11cr pnlf!XI, fJurkc ~d l)uo 10 d:ic CO!lt of dlt buildt.n:g bdni! $1.S nrillwo unJ SI 30.0QO h:1t1dcd fmm the rnl'lc. 8urtc he hopci diit the req or 1hc ~-r v. ill be "'hh '*" nidcflV\'W (mm 1tic., tommunlty.

Tm hopng 10 nukt ct• roimnumty fltnd· mmn• eo(foft," Burtt -..1.IJ. Joh11 l>iluJ JqoC5 ,. lhc d~ll[IIC.'.I Orth11 pr,,;tct. 1-fK go.,J i, 10 put the bu11dln, belund S01cr H.s,U. • hkh "'"*" the tl".ad11l°""I r;.1mpu)J area ror the Cocw tfAkoc robe. He OOJ)C.' ,~, blcnl.l thi" hu1Jdu11 into 1heaittmiunc1t1 wllhouc chopping: down an 1hc lf«'I.

J~. who Lt p;,,t ChtroLx. hn v.orkcd on

f)3.\l p(QJIXtlil

C\1e.ry1h1113 figun:(I ou1 and aodyio,ign-11><Jilwa,,,.,.."

L.aC~llcunl On Jul)' 7. 2000. ihe 1hc-n 20-)·(:;if--Oid w11:, IWCk ha shed~ b)' • ~R)' bulkt \\'bile , ltt:pm1, Sbaum.a Poh:. ll as tbr tune-and :ibo lltt NIC ilUdcnt. di~ed tbt bulJt'I from w1thh.1 hi.l flCo\:H.loor :apam nt'1it UC'c:Ue said tlw W n..'111111ncd tOll'iCIOU$ throuJ!hc>u:L onk.ll. She o p:analyLC'IJ (rom lht''NlllS1daW11 Tho three oritmlll fclooy chargn agaimt Pole. unbv. ful dakh;ar~ of :i fire111m m ti (hA.<c11io1. ~'lated b:me,y 11141 nwa ah."d assauJl. h:arc \Uh,cqucruly bct'n dropj,ed Ht b 11ppcalili& all 01hc:rctw1t~. The: e111i.rc qu~ioa ot guih ILnd 1nna,..~ we,n, 10 h.an1 oa 1hc w«d ''ln1cn1:·uctlk ,d. l:.\idenll)', Pole and cllC' ~,·r:rlll f"'"1d\ ptt.St.Ul 11'1 bi,

ap:tn1Jk'nt h.-1 l'Cffl f1n·oh·td tn M'lml." ,nfo•o dnnt.lna th111 c,·cmns

A drivc•tluouab oolf«-hut of htr-.lWll \\'.t., o goaJ MK. vr.t~ JllltMUJttt


~th.tll dtd

w,nie 1n,-uu...'11W1 mu~ ;icuoo. Four 1J\."\lruc:IOR met wilh ~idcnl Mjchac( Bud:c: Ftidn) to doc."\M their M»JJUnend11UQn that NIC cha.11tt 11 1. uffili:11100 fiurn SWAC lo LIIC Nurthwe,t M~i.alioa of Conumulit)' C'ollc~ (NWAACC), 11k 1rou:p, nuatk up,,r u-undt nd r.cld urvJ (TO\\~ cuan1ry caach Mike B\lod)', UO)'d Ouinati, Oud Ktlnger lll'ld Olin Spnituo:, foi.-uw:d lh cffMii ,,n nt,J'l)f" JMu~ - fiiw,x.-c.,. ~nl «bm JWd lbc. con1po,.ihot1 q( lhc t&.".ilm~ - with die goal or following • pow1ni 1rmd co 1~''<' lhe SWAC. N(C' i) oor tbc only IC.Am ""'*lb 411CM.1011S tlhool II< place ,n cheSWAC. AnothcT"-'booll.ltdtlc,dtolt;"" 1bt SWArTbuJSday chnnJins yc:1 ~,.am NIC', O\alrn::J UC1th V:illcy S11111e Colktc: annflllfh..~ Ir v.o-1ld lcol\-e tiflt'I' tbr 200?,n fot 1hc NCAA ~\'11too l r'h" c:s:mc nflcr two oihtr 1ei\1n,.. T r~1.1rt Valk)' Commwu1y Colleogt" un..l Rkb C'<~ltgc. t1111aou.rxW they w<"1ld tc;wc the c011<tn-ntt .111tsc rnd M 1h11 IN 11DE ,ea~11, It', 111lkoowu v.ti..11bc colkgc pl1.0, lt>du w1d1 the 11th1t"IJC department ThouM)t 13url.:c. wa.<; ,m.1,· (orrottuntnl, hi, er,W.n the a1blcll(:J w,11 have u, c.'.'ut ~01;1J1inJ from 1t1 bud'!=tt.

:qx' J..\QU IQ Jll\'l)iO( S\\AAH

mlhclf~fl c11dr1 \\'e OcCd 10 lake- 11 kNlk .il the l\\lk' - lhc. prcs1dtnl' hoord tlftru1t~:snd l-2ndcomc1on rolt"(n\l,h. · ,\lhkc.1: Ou«tut Jin, • TI,e Scrttind Jlt>;uJ1cy~ld."1bc:~~ cmataor1;)! and l1:naa14;1,1J M1u.mefll.~ each •·.1)· U'i 11100gb i~k': we' ll watt l.broup! II \(10,(how. One opuoo prcscatcd wil, 10 do wh.u OrcJ[Oll C.a.mmmd)'

College Ln lkoo cbd· 0a away w1ih llll Sl)C)lll' Thi! sroup clots no1 fa\'OI' 1lli r.op1,on ln.._sUC11tl, 1hey \\·ould hi\"Of li:e<pm,: .5pi>fb bl.II JWil'i'"h\.n,: '" NWMCC " Whtie' hl\'CI I pwUCUJIU"JOft ,poc In my bclll't (or Cffl\.Koonlf)' and truc'k.' Bundy '4W. " l ~oulJ "ct) much ld.:c to~ all our c,c , nu-, l{IOOS- g\·cd S\l.11Chlng

101hc: "f:\'WAACC would iacenmpl1 JI 1llh wlule ~Ill) Ing MllUfl lhc hud5t'1," rJIC comrt1~' m b.1,.c.:ally t1i'.',) "1dlct\'.'1Jt ,roulcl"C'lk'.Ct- I till, J'l(JUU 'J'bc b;1.slc1hllll. ,ollcyb.111. h.'l."4.'b:111, 'ldfth.lll 1mck aud r'icld and cro\'HOOtlU)' tc.lm~ conlrccc in 1bc SWAC. Socttt t'CMIIP«C'< in~ SWMCC onJ 'A'lt'3.lling 'i,),)(llpt:~ ia ~Jy 11tio •lc:;i;~UC" m~hcs. 1bc Jlffeorcnceo iu ci.N bclY..ttn lhe 1wocoafortnot'< I" \lsmrk,mt. Coinp:arc~SOC'l lffl\'d ~1,of nu.:11·1' 1100 1i'.'0Cnc11', b.,\ke1~11 n.ttd~ S.U'1.ccb;dl "f>Cl'ld) apprn:u1rwtly \$3 (1()() lo 0)' lbc IC9'1n.\ oC 13 men .ind lj WOO)Cfl 10 g.n~ as (ar a~ll)' a\ LQ Vega\, Sot.-«r $pe:1wl"I 11,bout S I S.IXlOc,n limen:tnd H>woincnplayen,11,1 Greyhou1.S C01n110 g1unts 1h.:.t arc<»inplctcly 111 th,: Nortb'.l·t:M+ Pmtof1be~1hc~,~~1tlll'll\"C'lfortbc: SWAC OOlftP':litioo th:111 the NWAACC rorupct1doo is thJI Ilk' SWAC k'.hc>Oh c.'Oll',1\l (!If 11."Ant.'i 1n SI. Gcot,c. ttt b.'licty, Colo. Anll lloldcnir)B. Nev. {bc:gmnin,g lhb fall). TI11t cbdt )('hao,I h I.Ix College ,,f S®i1Mm Idaho 111 T~,n Fall11. II hou11.i~y by bu" l11thc.NWMCC.11ll tc.i:1U<t iuc- geograph1,;;dlyclok1hl NIC than C.SI whh the uccplJon o( Soo.ihWi:\I On:,on Comm11ni t) C.Qflcce In COCK a,y. "'hich 1A·Wk11fl be w chc dlvhloi. irl whkh NIC v.·"'1ld «>ct1pclc o ~nill, I.he ~lblctJc pR.>gnun ,pctlds abool s~.wo on t':11."h mcn·11 b.,\lrtbi,,11 plll)ct v. ttlle u,cnd1n,: about $800 uta c.-c;h r l:t)'ff 1ttlhemtfl·\M)("C('tttam. Hnwc,cr, 11le:\c n1.1mbc"n dOn't wcluck tbc umoon1 o( ..cbo,l.lllhrp'< or v,ant\ ID•:iiid B,IVCII ,o lbc lt".iln bec-o11u-.c lxath IIOI C'Olts.1ckrrd rt'll1 ,noncy

Wednesday March 13, 2002
1,dent reactions ·red on new hike Jdw11''00~ nllow f4'Lhocomm,miJ) I"' h.l tncn"<15oe tuition by 10 percent every ,e..~ Ul I.he ld.lha IIQQ'-C t'II" U\'C& on Fd,, 28. lllivmg bttn cdb) the Se.1.:it,: 10 dnY' priPt il 1$ \ '\"totd, ~oocntJ C:)11 CXpa.1 10 rn Iii 11.ntlcwt 1t1,d tte11 nr,:1 ~mcs1i:r. IOpctt'l-'ffl li11u1 would repl.acc the- now )t¥ cap UDJ,·cNtie:.1, m v.-cre n/,C'd~rlkr thi~ year 10 l nctc.l\l: hUIKKI :mnu11lly (\1(' Pi'ci,de.111 c~ Wllll:utu be: lkbill 1r woaldi1tC1e.t~thc~ lei fxully anJ \taff ~oultJ
of d,c tludcc1
)(IC be c."UI
gcnc.TllttJ •·tll hkcl)' p, i.olo !he hbnary and ta."hnology 1Mid$et.~. 1:1jd Butte. 'The,c ;ft.n ttlra., ull !ltµilcit11,,, expl.11.1111."J Bu,U. "'Students lib: w:l!kinJ: 01110 C:lffl(ltl' • 1)d h,ivang llc:W C'(llllf(lla'\ M,1 U-t." lh1,U Id Studc:m n:«1~ ,.iry. Radwd Mdk\, :1 ~)dlc)k}gy mijor IH•n Kalhdn.u11,, s:ud i~11·c ton tbnllcd o.t-,oui tJie ll'ltttillt,( I do»'1think n WJ,lld i&~ - Mdh i.1id h't high eooup fora. &."Olnmunity ffilc:gt yt".1h. IOpc:r«:n1ti no bi~ v.l,111', ii c0tn.1 robe II.kc Ml:l yc::.r'"" Mcih,1n M11IOOC)'•.1 tn·imr~ng uudcnl from lla)~n.dorvl'l ld.e 1hc: ,r1e.•rc·.t:~d1t,tr, oo ·r-Vff, ,he. ,id w undc:ruaoo~ ""> cb<' bill \\lnpil~ ''I thbik ru:,uoo '" htgh mottih, bul 1r ti t,, ~11111() l,cndil ~tli.k1ll'- Ido11·1 mu.S p!a)'ll'IJ it."'iey~d. L fOflball lnfieJdor Laura Clark and freshmen outfieldef Kristan Kellogg stipport th& men's basketball team during a ogalnOI Treasure Valley. ASNJC spon sorod tho night•• Cardinal Night. d'A Tribe donates $10,000 ooy from revenue will go '1rd 'long house· project lbt fourth )eat in a row. \be. Coeur "trfnb,e h:t\gJn~l'I th!! (OlkJC doa.&l.kln~ kl b1uJd JI (11lnm1 l ttritcr "1111@ rro,u tnbc::', ,:anuoi R:\'tnuc huddU\g I IJOOthUl'IAI "fonJI lCRh.'CWt tohouliC l1i'i'OC~~ 1,m~ •n..i conkn:uc:,c r'OOfn~ tar'~ the bi"t'"I dec:tc~ m ln~I •11i,,.11.,•. ,. 1999. $40.ooow >t 1n 2000.SJO.OOO. ,,. 2001. $S0.000 )car, $10.000 WllS
1R 11\c SfflllhSO!li.:10 IIUCJII.IIC D()NA no~ ' COnlUMICN.I Oil t'llgc l .aCelle overcoming injury to success .1i mof shoo ting starti11g lee stand, plans to walk ~WdhJ:m'< ~I bUJ.lnt.s~ \'Ofltr.ld thlll w~ t'Cd I )'W And ll half Ilg<> bc.'CIIU~ of a cvm, ""--u rtMUy renc'A·ed tuld ...ccn.l.irc m ,rud,,.iarch i"\ ited to COU'lt: by 11nJ SO)' "hi " "II fnend T11111 UICcllc. w~e nc.1.dy CQfrN! bu,1 b loc:ueJ h)' tbc ' on Oo\'cnunt11l W;ay bctwc,;n "'-1Se3ic,tf'tt~ ",. 11\ad
afttt l1.1ving 111.·nrkcJ 114 c:bc'i hut for a )CU ood • hl!f. WC wd A 11Jtt,-e o( mta. LllCeoUc "''a) bom or.i Ai:Mil 18.1980,mK()(fk.·n,uMnbc.tlCC'flTtr She uttmdcd Pont Ri ver, Br),ut UJld B~h clco..-ntlU}' xhool, foUowcd h)' uaktlillld JtmiOr IUgb She "'D mlllOfUIJ! in r,eu~ml '-rud1«t11 NIC lot itb)u1 a k lnt\lrrtocfori: ihc 'M 11hot 1n her PoM Falh u1i:in1ncnt. Ph)'.!IK.:al thcnspy tJike> up , ,utN1-ant1al amounl or her li.toet~d:&~ LAC'hLLli: conlmucd tu P.~"t' 3 Coming soon POPCORN F O RUM
Tho tiuJgct 11hanf.ill and m,or ch.:sng1$ ln 1he Sccnk Wtt.t Ath lcrk C'o,1fcrcDCC ISWACJ ha\·c prosnpccd
J.n:tJ.,rr111Stii,...,. Tara LaCe.lle and flenc6 Kyte MUJor construct Your Dally Ffx, a coffee hut planning to open this month. ONLINE: www l BY PHONE: 769-3388 BY fAX : 769-3389 TOUCH US

,J;:tl ieSingle parenting not life-endin

Thr\\l'lfld1, 1ullot m.1noriues. St'ffll: WI,·( ddti:ttt1tcolc.,l'td •.l.11), Wl'l'IC h~\C phyiiCDI tt.ndKap, anJ ulhtn

.utmoplyof ;a ~iffat&'lt icnJct

But 1bttc m wmc Llu1,\k,w.. ro help bcUIJ ~\Ul'CIX)S 11f

t~1t1Vt\1blc m1nnn11~. f'hc Scntini.'f 1fle -s««1d u< • hvt'-p;a,I flllllOOI) fea1utt 10 be t"Pftluwalbnc

Young morhcr overcomes difficulty, goes on wirh lil'e hyTon)SQR°"'°


Cor111ory l{I whit tbe public IC'l'\'._c

11nt)1:XUK'i;l'llC'f\U \\OUIJ ha,c )OU t1ehc\ C',

he-inc 11111nfk pi1tt11t dOC'\o't h1tw tu I~


Wb1k II may not be Jdc•I. ,u,ak

p.ltt.ri1blllld l'I "°"1f"lhang \khkh rn•n>

>·oun,: racopk h11.,cm brnto del-1 \\itft OM <if lhci.c ) people h Nit-bok


Wallen 22 (11 R1thl.ltum h.t\ 1 nne

)dt--Old t.1.a11gh1cr. C.itl«. She 1, 11.liO•

1ull,t1111C '-liaJent Sound ch.alltriJJng1 JI u.

httl W1llffl lbm., lh1u. Jood AUitudc •IMI

\\'IC'!..~ kl m.1kc aJJusamcnl,. can lx-lp

Lile m.tly •tudt-m'- Wallen Illa, 1.\\'tlc~J m.11JOl"I • number ti( ca~. She \\CJlt from l~blnp ln '°'" v.dfl: If' hi)tory 1u,J dc:<iJOO on 1hr mcdtctl fidd. She n na\l. '111 lhe 1mlh h• t,cconMg AllU.N!

Wallen atk"nJl.'11 SIC (rnm 1998·2000 hi 2001 C'oJICt> ,..,..,,. hom. and~ made 1he J«i~lnn to k1.\C NJC' for Spobnc Communi1y Collet,"C, She d"idi:d 10 go 10 S("C b«.1t1i.c IM)' art op a 41Wtcf\,)'\lCUI which allololt"d ht:rlo lake• 1>1X·w(Ck. mll.ll!'mlt) k-11.\C' 10 b4\c her b,:ah)' \lf 11h-c,ut ,ni"'l"J II ti.air ci:f 1h,c M:bool )t~r

\\11tn d,c kfr NIC ,he Wa)

s<:t her ma.\tcr'., of nun,.io.s. die dc&rce mo nee.Ii. to be ll tull'IC practidof)cr. to hclp p,iy (or school \Vo.lien hts a wort JU.Id) job (ot 1hc nulnlKltU\l lc.adic:, 1ndw~of1hcdlt:tC"UC pffllAIU, ltet Kbtd.ui.c i1 dCA1blc. aod the oo ly hll.l co v.·c.t ~I 10 hours• \\~l.

wahcn itatd me 1l'l.ln,Je'i finnnclaUy with lou, anJ • ..cbolarihip lhtOUg.h Job Scn1cc lhlM pay,. for her 1w11on. With" P't:U Gni,u And t.Jtki.nJ QUI lbe rnu-imurn amoont of loan,; ,be Cllfl, the nllll"$ ttbou l •ri muc.h a~ 11hc iA'OVld wot'king • full,1ime JOO at 1n1n1mun1 y,:agt. s:i iJ .she's W;e:d 10 not having mudl mooey. w \be "n uwke ends men on tht'. SI.® a 1no1nh

c,n rtlyooC.atlc:c·, ralbcrlbbclp0t-. W1ulc they an::n'1 wgctbcr 1nd M\'c 11 pl.aos oo bdnp 1ogcthcr. 1hey try to tnC'.nd;. "One good 1hinJ 11bout him (is) Wt figh1 all we w1&M 10, bu1 be doem' t me to qud .cbuoL : ' Wahcra, s:iy.1:

Carlee-•, ralhcr h:a, hccn ~yina, "oluntiary chJJd 'iuppon. ab(lut half or lb.; C('MJR WIii I ,M'tk, him to pay WAlll'f'I. s.iid \hc-1J c.hanl ful 10 fC\:,m~ mocicy•hc dOC$. E•,en ,r ,ht, we~ l''mg full chil.l )UPr<)n btodil!i. n W'ouJdu't cove, lll( ur CatlC'e·s @yea~. At S.SSO • monlh, daycare cosu akin<' ,1i,.ou1d be eooot;h lo b:cp Wallen 04ll or ""hDOI or a Job fo, IIUIUcr. Dul thanb IO lhc

c:wnposcs w'Cll

.,.,'i1Jt lht pl oChtlPfflt I.hon tn nxopit.c llicir al,ibto lllltJ u.lL'11111 IO find 1t rt"",iu,-c dtn,cuvn In life. 1'be: bdp 1l'lily ui,'Ulvc dlCIIOl&ng a new~.

fl Se:itl•.re.c,ffc«idiou""1dc:~'toC pogplc. lQ&lividt.ud ;VU group ~·tm\ i.c (,fkmlw~iingkpil'Ct'lti.. noninod,.-J•""""'-~

v.fflm Mid othct pa,plc: who~ m tnln.\ibon, 'lbc-ttellCr offmtiiu,,w:t: aid •"'1>Jlop< ~gn<d ,. holp p<Oplc fmd and keq, jcl,l.11 ,ho rn, m '.iUppart ror-..udo1t, v.hol'-'\'$~)'Cd goin1- co a lot any runb(r of rca50ft, l'OI Pl f9:,,r--

ot tho speech cont.etl, ( from left) Kenny Yount, EUaa Bouer and Eric Kenner, show off their prl:tes.

Yount won first P'ac. In tho caree-r speech cat990ry for hi s speech on tnw e nforcement In the contest held March 6.

5e<:ond wenl lo Bavo(s speech on phololoumallsm. In the lnlormetfve speech category, Kenner won llr$1 p laoe with hi• speech U!led "LOve is a Choice. "

College requests early retirement

Some i11.wmctor.1feel it fa 1111 oppo r11111ity. mher.1 a bad idea

b}·llilJill\, "rt·,. 11rcmcui.l,iu'I-C'Pf'k"1UftU)' rnrwltk

Nii!wiAI I'll J)C:Of>IC,. I\ C:.'\Sllld. -·J \\l.\hlht'R." \\L"f't AIOI\::

Tbf c"lksc hlL.• oncn:d cmplo)CC1 ,1

DIX' hn"' t>nl) SJIC("tal v~~lunLH)

Sc-para1!ol•n .1nJ Rcurcmc:m flrc'>sl\lm

lhllt \\~tc \f!C(itklfl)' Jet,l~Df.-d 10 (k,lf

1hc currm1 budtct ,bonfnlb llOd 1~ on


The: prugnam ,..'" lk\'dtipe'd i.n allc"'°

~Jiai~k CfflplO)CC1 I fJ.ru111CllJ tntCUll\'C" lO

tt11R' llcu, they lklffll•II> \.\uukl The

l'(otlf•m 11 met1d)' fot, OOl wmc

'-!1f1 hi1.,c: hetu ootihcd.

b.ngJj~h inttruc1orGcof'lo:~ hi.>t v.u 11M:

ft~('liJib~c1nptu)·C'C tu tum In hb

(~~1. I le 1.1kt 11 \lo itUIJ Jl\,c. h m annthc-r yur en train h"f th( Cona1 J' Alme lriAthk>n.

ffl(Jl'e 1uttc tu R.iJ l'k!Ol... and hr &1k! hi\ can do more nncllnr

proplC' 1,, r,o,,.n,on 111 l,1\t ud\.u1ugeo or •1 (\'C"J wiiJ he 1h11\k~ 1bc pco,:ram I\ 11,,mi.ler1' He m.aya.~ had; ui the f111urc 10 tc::i(.'.b athc.t a hu1nlnitie1 or film <"l.a.u.. lie

WJ tbt ,.J,•1t111111=.o 1hac it 11ll1w., him io do IClofflC 1hm11, hi:'t o;..1n1cd.10 do any"•>· "'\Vhcu I l!l)I the ofkr. I lhou,:ht m)

1,1ua1K'.ll'I. and e~\,(111i.tll)· 1.h1.·J an, celling me:

I tilt\ ie.ia:h no tll~ Chu )'CU fot luill ffl)

l\.tUr)' OJ I OUl .JI 11)) C:lil~M: lll'l:I )'CM

h,r the t.ct~nJ h11IL" hci: ...alJ

·nae i.li11,wh-o1nL.lgc. h-~ 1,,1,1d. 11 die culk'J;C will lo.~ .1, lo1 4J/ ba•ic tl.pcrien«'. It

"'111 h,i\·( a t,lg tl1«1 {ln 1hr \ttld,;nb and tbmlcamin3.

he,. litlJ the C:olJcgc- I~ hkrl>· m fajJ (w I diffr.ttnl l\':ll,()tl -'nu,pn.lJfnm v.lll teduec

the ('UUeJ("'" ._,,,~r-11 t:omm.11tncnt A pal'1·

1&11,c employ«. v. ,II p(1Xltbl)' rcpl.M:t' hi11

l)O"IIIIOCI The: farnll,)' •nd ~al I wbo- fflC'CI lhe rcquin:tnC'nh oo or befon, ibc C:nd of their 1'002 t1QI ycu c.mptoy1nc:n, eootract an: t:hg-iblc fot pamc1pa11m 1n I.he., SVSRP They muu be 11, full·tunc: employ«. w~ posmon u. coin1)ICtcl)' JunJed by the profr,.s-l(IQAl-tcchnl('tl l•i,dgct 'Jbc cmpl0)1:c rmv.1 he I mhdmwn or 5S )'Clltt. 1lld and h.a\'C at lt:-,N IS )C,lB of COI\UftUOU1 bcncfllcd M:f'Vi« \lt-1ili ilie c:l) The cmr,10)« mire,; by itic c,MS or llil o, her 1002 fi~lll )'\!Uc:mplc,)'nlC:1'11COO.tmcL Empl1')u paid by gnnt d~llan •~ llQC ctlg1Ne Jlflign.m ii• tlf!C·Umc oiler atld ,, ·, n<>t cxpxkd 10 ht:comc I oonunuOO.\ re11l\lJ'\, SEVERANC1" ......,ucd on 1'11£< 11

Ak)ii, cxnll:'t net\\'t'lb Yt1lft fflJUUllh:IC)f progr.11m agcnacs.thc)·'AffiC\'tOffii'll'tCio,(lyy,.1th~ Cli<rM ffl"Ybc r,,fcm,J"' Stud<ft Scr,,co. theC<likl' Sk,ft, Ccnlcr, ApplicdTa.1~ Jlml[mn.\« \\1':IIA.."Vff SCl'VIOC fic;,.:llrifnc«L

Saroe(l(lhcda.v.ooffcn.'dh)·lhtoen1.crh1,-eOOlii)~ · "1th ~m m ci:umpc. (:6rc(,..,.,'15(' i,, a li,~\\ut cta. atreffll CO -.lull~~.n1tcttni Cltbcr the warlq1&~ ur ""~ and COil\ ~100 The good llCW'- u th.u fOf IJIC few program, thM do hMi ~=witbtl1te1.n.p,wtill!Stholilr'IJtip,lltt4\'.ail.ll:llcfcw

The 0,:0 al<0;0 pn,vides ~:l1.Sel as a SCl'\'ice t0 1he 1.'CW1 i)• P.trerulnl. Ap:an Wld Plftn1in3 ChUdtffl High Cooflitl Dh•1 om bctp people cla widl ~di\'on:c av.ucs:.




.,.,«ncrJnlS4 11lCft. lD.20)).0l lhecm1crlitt'\'Cdaboulol50 d""'.lltc J)C('lplc who p.i,w.aJ)l(c come tn,m difTctml 0 educllbca:al bQckgruund,., M0tt than 25 f'Cl'a:Qluf&be dlCIIIJ • lm-99 clauncd an il'ICOl'llc of'lc.~ than SS.(XX) per ye41. Alm-.1 50 I""'°" d cllc:oos ha! IIOf gone beyond hlib,chool or"'"" \hc.,r GEO. Provn 1)1rticipaino ranged. in~ from 18 to65..i

·-· I Thegooldohecmo«kU>" ....,.,too,rnhonttcau,l,c,.• middloof tduw1!1Jng fllfnlly atruc>ture. R the: miJJ1e of adl\Oft.'t

m,~ middleo{ a thangcan ""-*ty a,)d o»)h:• th~~{~· •-o.JiUndirfor thtotntCJ. pcopcra.·ch·i~ I* §OmtQnC: wbo'~ K'.mm tu dellh co tot.cit IO \\\,d;or \ al they' re iihla: I,() l'l'IO\"Caod w:e r!Cl.t Mep.- W-'


Damage do ne in Boswe ll

b}' HUl.uyf-111"m


\'.anchtliw (A) Campu, ""un1y ,. nohficd Feb 1S or 11, ~li.wn fcport 11W occurred in BolJ,\\'CIJ llaU. The 1Jnl.naY..1111u~p«h pl.-:c,iJ • (Xlllod trtt. a n

S.bctmao pa.rkmg loc. The dnvt~ c:,i;;ch.ingcd 1nf<1nn.1tio11 undone of 1he t.l:h'OD wrnt 10 lol·od.:. ,._. , .amou.n1fl( Wlmagc "'1U $7.SO. The Cotti; d"Atcnc PolKC Oer,.nment t'i1ed n n=po,t aAd a cillllon ""' il--1-Utd IO the other drh·cr (Of fa1hm: to yl<ld Auto J.neklcnl (D) An auto 1nc,dctU ".a). Rportcd co ~un 1y Mardi I

car The R>nl Wb pu."1ed b:1ek lnio 11A pl!K!e 1nd dil wheel Wall: bloc.ktd. h had DOC been In

Most t erJgaged during Q >-= i:5 themon!l\01 December. • • • • • • • NEWS
one hum.inluo rounc .i\\a)· rn)m ha a~ul.CS de~, No11,, \he Jake" a ru.11 C-cllftt,e laaJ. t2 cn:J.i.l1o, .al sec "'I h,a\.>i,n'1 l1.1J :my rnon: money dt.ul 1f1,11 (\'C!r:· 1hc ni.d. Wahrra' )h('11'1cm,gooJ i., 1obcco1ne 1 «ll•"l~rcd nu:l'c lkr lnn,,tenn soa11,co JI lhing.t.gct ,ull )' tiJht 4bt MINORITY: c<>ndnurd on P A11d th e winners are Center help ~
New Directions assists families school, students for 20 years ~~ool Sorensen r'II' l'O )'Cal1- 1h: C'a.11A' I« New Oim:tioo.1: N'- btm hd,_..,., J)(OPk! bccunc Mlf-wff1e.-n1 p.-r;t'CW1Uy
with change
and cc;ooooticaU)'. Tbc,c.«Mi:tfo-rNC"'~(CN0):11N ICil()tlCornt loca'\I ihrouJbc,ut Idaho ibt c:chcrcmitn arc lc..:Atcd on and uni\,co.iry
::';°'!r';~~~!t1."""""1•i!< FAIT
Three of the wlnnera
C'\pre,i:Kl ;:~~r:n:~==: vl~~~~:-ue In the clc,·IIJOf The ~Jue w,s \UM.Cqi,cn1l y atolt'n D.\m,~ f'CP)rtl"Cl 10 be app-a,im.1lcly SAOO. IIArllSmtnt (8) A ~pc.,n v. IJ r11cd M1.rtb 4 of a fQnntr rmployc,c: drivin1 by tllld li.ara.,.,ini:
Trank Al'ddtnl (C) Sa•umy t'«"fhed o ttpon o r 11 1n1mc .«.idcnt M1uch S 110 Wnt Cifflk'n
"n.." d1•S,,ay,na; ~oc gC"JNl'Cl'. Thc. rc>tuh or
i1k:iden1 illln' l knn\l,u yet
at the rnlnin« cc>
~=~~~~::::: !:;~·~:,~~;:!u~
gear ;mJ tJlc pa1ku11 br.1kc was no1 K"t No dainogc ,n dooc 11'.1 chher vehicle. IHI I.Od Qun (F.) SN:urit )' was ncmlioJ of a hie aml nm Feb. 27 all Collcg,t Dmc aJona 1hi: baseball fkld. An u11kDQ11o" '\dude lud blcktd into 1hc rroa1 of 1ht. vi1.1in1's whlcl~ 1'bc .1uspcc1 diJQ"1 n:pon 1be accide nt « ki4 .1. DOie willh 1hdr 1t1rorm11t1on. 'fbt: llln0Un1 ot d:all\At' dooc U. abou1 $300 tu $400 Gol ,1 nt~'l lipf Cont.K l Nt.'\lo,. Ed1t0f Mudor Phone: 769·3388. FAX: n,9-3389. £..IN.ii:St>n1,

lUker to leave Outdoor Pursuits

fimds may not be 1vailable for salary

,::co yea.a or coordht1u,n1, Pul"Jutl8, gunlu11 lllllft)' ~tudrnu.

pil11 and ,t.Jff nnd 1eachin£. \'IUlOUJ on ou1doo, IC'Cl'Uhl'.>11 and s3(c1y.

.- Luker is l~vlng.

1,1ti:t formally tt-"iJned in Janu.iry a.-d

, tbc tuvin_J at the cod oC 1hl.s

ct. Wuh IWO mMlh5 In ao. I mco1 it pl1n1ied ~o continue

r P\u,uu, ln time h) ,od: up Kime

UI t;,tc,'s knowledge and u_pc.rienc.e.

-~,c bas appro'led a re'tO!utlon o( 1hr but ckuul'l or 1he posi11on

diii:'11S«d in the Prnld~nt' , ncl ind wAJling final Approval

()Wdioor Put1ults ii o jll.ldc.01

filaoon tb.\l provides a of

,antdnJ ui~ and tenting 1cJ1r lor


tl.ll lripj a r dJiy u~

We liOl oidy KrVC lite wadeDtt: we

0 ~t1becommur111) AS \\t.ll," Luke,


p 1bc Sun Spot on the be3Ch

lJClle: Former studem

.., l;Jbled after neighbor

c:identally sho1her


f to lbcnp), the~ are .:i bunch ol people

I pn 1a tbe..s.utlC:: tituatfon. S~ Uitd iltaribd:1,ttand'\Olne~'A'UtW',h'~

,rcoai!onabtt lt'>bcmgubkto

.:tilt With Nhcr pcopk Who, I.,~

!<'!rwl>M you·n: gom1 throu -

!.£die itffl&~cdte. K)'Sc ~hllff, 21.

10 !Ible 10 walk down 1h,e

mmy or1;\uJ. LO.

11o"Olk"ing w,th lung fC! braces 10 d( to~k.,. UCdk s:ud. C)'O Sht', odi1Mttl :a~ d1~~nhns: 1ht

Enough rc\'cnlk. 1ucqul~d from rt'nu1b co support

UiJ>', leavfn& low cost, for !lh,1de1)~. rac-uhy a1)d staff Ourdoor PUfiuib is mostly funded by 1hc: ~udcou. S1udcn1 Sc:rvlt'c$

provide~ SI 1.8 10 from (ees :md $ 1.;f,Q,40 WA$

la,:1 ytar lhroup d~ rentals nDd lhc lrip!i AU this money b.

UJ.Cd 10 tlCCl:UI\UIIUC and upgadc enough gc11r I() 1hl the campus o.Bd n:nlab 10 the c<>n1muni1y. Lukerhn.\bulll theprograim 10 the potru where h C()Uld t°'ally [( funds wett pulled from 1hc program 'l'hc only hh<"h 1owatJ 1hc program's ,.pprov.\l h 1hc avad11bduy o( fu.lWJ lot tbc coordin."l1or·~ .sal:uy. which has rt:Khcd nearly $28.000 :11 Luker·" lc\'c:t of W1ployn1en1. Tbc position R"quircs a b.Kbclordc~11fWI Mhc-ni\lng wUI "'Ulrl ns as the details h1we bttn ,PpM>c<l.

If Luker had• s.ay m h. he wou1d tt'Comtlk'nd tlm Outdoo, Pun.uh,. tncludc

Vrhcclt'h:ur Jang rnoush 10 (1'11111)' Mltkt, She~ lhb e\·mt 11to1ivalCd ha IO koep on ~kutg a1her phys,iCllJ 1hcrapy M St. Lw:t•t Rehabihtnuoa Ccnttr tn Spobne " lt'i ooc, l..3Ctlle o(bct program 1lowcvcr. $he rtetlls 11nm: in 1hc l)Cfinrunt when il w.u prdl)' cough. 8VC'n

DOW.~ .aid. W flt«' ~llcogt, ch.It

OOI)' otbcr people with dtsJbilibcs can ~1prehcnd.

She and~lillcrstill m11n11getofi1 in plenty ()f tcctl".ll~al :'k..-ilv1t), l.A\c wmmc:r, die COl1~c h<M.1ghc 11 pontoon hoat ,;;o 1hc:y could JO OUI fis.hi!J.1 and "lung OUI U1 fflt' \WI 'rhey .ibo get a kK:k 001 o( WlOWmobUmg wbc-OC\er lbC)' CM. ~Wier W(lrt,\ M d,atlt1$ tbt wu,rtr Ol'ld SIC lht

1wo (uU-dmc. p(K"1t1on,: 111'1 cquipmc:01 S.Upc:tv'lsor 10 take over the ttntab, ,~adcm, and sc.lllng 1Pd an 011tdoor progrunmcr 10 focus on $tudclu lcadcr-.hlp.

Luker wa, ChOsci> by Dcin Bcnocu, .n$1Mnnt dlrttcor or Aw:iUary Strvicc>. in 1995 00:1 o( JS appli cinu. Uc ame from ~tMI. Wubin1ion Univet1i1y with a b:i.chelor's degree in ootdoor reacatJon Md brought c:.ipcrimce.!J, a;:11hcml lhrough 0ulw4nl 8ou11d•s wlJdemeS* l,eadmblp p,oanun}.

"1'he"bo1c leamlns cxpcric:nct.ti ve:ry COC>I."' Luker s:tid He. n.hl be ha~ enjoyed hl\ at>ilhy 10 Ce:ach (o, the IQI five )e;ars aod 1hi.nks the No. I thiog he- bu g1si"td b C).ptrieQltt.

The annuo.l ..,ring break Lr'lp 10 Mo:ab, \Jt.1J1, b .a (uorite ar bu. bul hb home'" hat b«-o hc;u-d to be I.he Sahnon River 'Tnps-10 Mo:ib jQt' JuJo hlkins and bddlll

1u)d trips 10 the Salmon k1vtt 1oc lude • week or over mrnn.i ts III soc-1.J 11.wJ cultural class.

"'The rcltuton.5hips i.1u<kn11 build w11h !be people on Lhc uip! ht:lp build the <<>lleic commwut)' he said, t...1ier is lie.1V1nJ (or Wa\"c Trek in Wa11hin1too. "'hero be will g1ud,e. h1!truc1 and co--o"'--n the businen

CQCW' d' AIICnc Rtll<lrt m lhc .wttwcr. ll, an rlfon 10 minf~ tht i:i:re l\.'U:1Jl111; oi guni mct$.'lg~ UICcllie ~nd hiet ruincc ,pob 10 J founh,plc cb..,1 at Spirl1 l.:!t:c Ekmc:nt:11}' Fu-u. Milkr d15eusffll gf'O'Wlng up w11h gum IIOCI I.he f.:t th.II they c:.w be u,;et'ul 1oot\. Then. s~ t.xpl,incd lhM her mju:nt"J :it-c tht rnult or SOO"ll.'O!IC a Arc.arm. ~y lciOO ol fallowed my 'itoty aod it Yo~"' Our. Safety Wed,.," "bo )lid, LooJ-nw,st: piaM include h=oonung o thud.-. 1""'111 gn,cJ, '""'""· She ""1 ~hll"' lltC plannmg to rctum l() i:ollrgc •nil cocnpl~ tbdrctlu...OJhont. Manwbdt· l.aCdlc v.ill be to ,..,('let,ine "Mudcub to bcrcoUee but where "'bt:'t hu~)' makins btr d~ms C(Jmc: cruc.

Minority: Support ava ilable from ICCP

fOnlinucd from ~Xf .?

ld.,bo C1tdd Care Profl":l1n MIC ti able u:i pil,) the dtl.)'C1tc co..~

ICCP ii ll ptopurrt of d ie Jleolthaud Wdf~ lhnt

belP' low 1000lnt faro,hC'i. ai>d 1Dd1v1d-u:tl\ pay («child Wt:.. Wthm l'l'CC:hl'iSUppoct()( a d.iffcRrJl&on ft001111.lnJl.lcp.vtn~ rwo1nun ;ic sec The c:lub ooc 11ic::.,••sk1tcn.. hb ptbcru1s,., fot-"!J)p.lR 0111d b,.i., conncc1ic>1i.,. w,l,h ~ncics 1b:11 ear, hr:fp OUI pt'l~ tJ\ tl«'J. Patillpt l,cr n,of:l llll!)(WWIC 0( wppon •• 11 nctwnn.. of (1mUy llnd (1.'IIOW !itl.Kknl~ When l come home t ban~ un :a1,1,'('S(lffle (:.m11y who t, invol\'cd in my Ute as "''ell Q Cui«'a. :,;he Ill.Id. She \akl it',1 NJ bclpth3t more than half olthcpcoplc: 1be goc,,. to I wuh an, In ,he SAmC as her They may ~.,'C <"l1.11tfnoa tlm nre )'OUD!ttor oldef"UW'l J~. OR di~ MJmo we nwTicd. bur.all or 1~m II.ft: nduJu and lbor suppon 11<11", Wa.ltL'ft MUd she thinks Lh.1t lhe t1.1ppon f'C'OSl'a"I:\ :,v»,jJ~Je t1 !l(h()oJ dn • ,rc,.a1 jot, The: in,p()fljJOt tbi.n& u 1Nit ,Ndcntj nttd ro tlll-e td~ o( tht'm. She swd she: dUW .studcoli ftCC<I. to be mldc nW'lrc o( wh.u progr.ims: are ilYAtl.lblc. bu1 ,,·, up to them 10 diec1dcwhrthtror not &,0 use 1hcm WaltcNonly~d~fwrcL,ysawtd,.bul'SlleKtu:i.11)' goes in (ex a fifth 0.1y Sheu~ chc fifth day lo llltc c.irc 0 1 bomewa,k. and go tO 1be libraly. stllt .scudies M home 1fshe- b:as u t~L. bu (Or tbt 11'1Qf1 p.m avoids it ~IJ\C! 11hc ~r:1·1 fel bcr ,LuJ)'inJl done nnd 11 jusc hnnp (ru.w-atJon. Wallets i, just ooc c.urnplt uf • 1unak PM~n, 'lloho i:S raang hcre:h!Lllcn~s bc;ad 011.S makJn& C'\W')' cffM tQ lead• ruu oodh:appyh(e. She a mrml>crof I aroup th111 Mlciely Ns II dl.ffercni tunti hocn p111(d. $lmnncd nnd even outtai,1 by \OC'lety.

, Above ,be Olive Cardca J.91) & Su.lhvan Rood

" (509) 456-810) ($09) 922-2325

, www.ba1/J3hebas com


....A... '1 "Greater Tuna" }{ I

..i IIJ/arlous come<ty about Texas' third smallest town, I

..., where tho Lions Club Is too liberal and Patsy Cline I nevor d1es1 I

Directed by Debra Coppornoll I

_.. Shows; March 15. 16, 17, 21. 22. 23, 24 28, 29. 30

For ReS<>rvallons Call la ko City Playhouse at I or !208) 667-1323 Coeur d'Alono, ldaho l

W'bcihcr 11·., bt¢wtie of deab. divon:e or a Id or ronunilmezic unooc: p.1rm1·~ pllrt, betl\J • lnJ lt' p:are11t doesn't ha\'< 10 meao dtM lift :is )'CU know i1 h O\'cr.

sidts plM 10 lned :lftd fin.dut :in :t~I di.II --~Id

auc"".- Kn!,,I.Opbtt 10 (oadnue h.,. Ing ln Coeur d'Altfle w,u, hi"'

mochcr bul 11IIOW111& v1t:ll~UOR.\ to Ith (adK'r hi ()r,u.\

Kriitopbef"~ b\·td in Cypru, mo,,t of bh tile. bul I.lid he: \\.;l.l'.lb to ln-c m the United S1at.c:1o, Drinkers needed for O.U.l. training

to chc middk or thls momh, l.11\11 cnfom"mcn1 "'1udcn,"' and pcrsoo,1('f 1t.1 O.U.1 tnun1Ag w1JI be CM<h:ic11n.& field '-Otln('I)' lNlt on volun'«n who WI\'(' ac:11.11dty been t.lrinkinf Voluntcc:n will be liked to COO\un.e cootml1td 11mt~u,h of ak:otiol bc:1woer1 10 a.m alMI 2·3 p.m. The cnfol'\'ICll:'lcnl •U•dnit, and ptAOonel v,tJJ COR(t.lJly monitor the \'OOJOt,ceA 10 m:tie '111ft diat lbcy do• cor:t"'1ffle 100 mut'h okolk•I

Voh~oets will be pkktd up ol>II rccumcJ to tbetr h<lfi)C.'\ M tlk' day of tho tcitin,. Thie)' iw lt$1.~d to b:nt' a tlOffflll.l bn'afaw IWd IUtlCb wm be pro\ 1dcd :.1 NIC: Those wflo COOIX1 ktllt'I ~hould wear &bs,;co; INt <by, For h1fom1:ic1on on pankip,-1dt1a,. conwn T3d tn,.h,.n,i1!1Juwcw o<llx bweatorctn-.cnc prosn1m11769--3216.

Tickets for 'Singin' in the Rain· on sale

111c NIC Fou.1Nll11W)n and lht' Coeur d' Aknc Sm1m1M 'fl.e,rlH' -..di prtit:nu coOCffl "'<rs.ion or··su,1in' in lhc Rain'" M.tin:h ll ,Dd 24 at 2 p.m.. lo Sc:-huler Aucbtonum The mm.anlJc com«I)' (e.iturn mim) ~," ,md d.ui,:~ «111m-J

IIOUOO the:. c-.v1y d1t)'l- o( tUm

Pro(m u.,11 beodil itudcot tcboLvshl~ IIJld otbtt cdUl.~1<1-1llll llfflls. l«scn'Cd uckdJ 111rc$ l8(oudulb111ldS1' rt1t1e1110. d tiztos nnd youthJ•:JC cmplo)'«S n:<.'.11,'.'l\'C' $3 off tkkccj. 'foJ,(h ~rt avsll.-bll' at Bosv,..dl JfalJ Box Off"KC: cw it) alU111 r..:U1Q,.11ck I I 300 .-23.2349

Writing Center gets new operating hours

l'hc Wri11n1 Cit:nrcr''t )(-heduJc h:H c-hl1n1,cJ ,b):hll)". On

Mond:iy1. lbcr-c will be :a wrihn& C()flo;ulmnt ~\i1l.-bl~ frocri Q. Jo

1.m. Ora Wedtle:~)'l, di~ v.dl bt iv,,o con., ln lht Writint

Ceu:1ct(R"in9--1011.11\ bu:t OOOXl.\1,llrfU'lt." frufll 10.11-ll in Tht new houn. ol lhc: Wndn5 Ccl'lttttlfe Ii\ follo,;,,,, Mornd.1) 3-11 .i.m. •l'.'ld noon 10 4 p.m

Tue~): 8 a 1n. co noon t1M l-l-:l0f1.m

Wc<hw:~-,y; S. 10 IIJo. 111.! noon 10 S p.m

1~d~y: 8 m, 14) 3 p.rn

rnd.ty:8•9a.m. and 10 11.m tol:)Op.m

When 1wo wntin,: tion.atullUJ1U m a\•lltbblc. tbc Appe.wKrnc111

S1a;n-up Schcduk' poswd on the a:n1u·,door nHo"' 11.1.0 ..iudcnt, to make app.1imment.~ o.t lhc conc,pmdwg tune

Spring Break change., Mol5tead Library hours

Mol11e~d Ltbflll)' ¥o'all bl:-c:lo!led Ma11rd 1 lt,..171t1..S \1.. 111 hi.· 11p,.-11 (o1Jov,1Jun11glhc:wttkt.l.a.>·•Of '-Pftlllfltoilk; 9u,1 1,l ··rm,, Mill\:h IS. 911 m tu .S p.m oo M.tJ-.h 19. 91u11.111 p.111 ~1 M.111 11 20, 911,,m.10 5 p.m oo ~W'("h 21 tuld 9 ~11,uo 2 rm on '.lard1 ll.. The lcbtb,y 14111 be Of1M"'lt1ln.thoor.couthcU.ttllffldfoll~·ln1 springbn:>k.

Donation: Classe.~ wilh Nacivc American conten t 10 be housed in cuhurol center Conlluutd from l~e I Two Orcul11t c~o;roo1~ wdl be built oa n1t,c,r ~Je u.l the SVIJCIUtt wbh an in·doQr street" c~us 1hem 111 I-ht: maddl,:, <>f lbe '°looJ housie," then::. will be :1notht.r ctn:ul..:1, roocrL 1-roen 1J,1, room.oaewlllbcable1ovl°"" L..akoCC1cUtd'Alnic Oi1 dac ru•d•)IOC)' roor. gran will be pl.iotcd " II') gomg 1.0be • ..pcclll(IIIILf ,ltc," R-urkie <t~ In 1btse cl.assroocn..,. na.lcunil instru(;liOI) \llil take: plntc (\11.1rw:, lbll& lul,veoaN;ith-t At0crlc:a11eoi1t.cn1 w1U bt!o,-~1,tcttd In 11th bfJJidlllg. 0uc 111 tht IIJdc:d C.l~>.f\XK'n•. IU('l(t' (\)(lllit\ V. tU b,.• ~vnllllblc in Olher butldinp '"I ddnk lhc~ultun, ttftlet 'lloill 1,rovldc. llQ.cdtk'ltlinn..l uprnt1K'< for those who are uitm:.,lcd i.n Nauw ArucriCl&A 4;U.1Jun:."' WI.I J1,lm Nehlldt. l&.ofCocurd'Alc11c N:it.,·cAnlfflQ1'1 llfl willbed1~l.-)'CJ :t'f \\·c:ll II\ 1111d10~1I Woad beiUR)cort!'>UUCt.ied attheettll'IWCC, !Wt'h bltilhe l.;i,U,t) IU Worley. ..II capture, )'Ol,lr lmagmahOO 1hc lllOf"C- )'OU get 1nH1h'..xl. 8ud;c uld. '"Tbceommtttth)' .,.,11.,.,n11ocoo1ollndM."t" l1. 11,l'lnuJd.1r1r..:1 louml.4. cdtKiloo and pcopli, vl~11ing the CIXl'iruunll) 11 •·ill hi:• place lhll1 )'OU "''lll wual-1 10 cornc \CC bccau.~ 11 will be- very Mn· lnathtional are now available

0 • NEWS
'" ...,,,..,.,_,.,-uooa11---. I ' °=':.~~ - n:c'!t.~---.J w ownership! -•.... New • tst Saturdoy K4rooke • '1od & 41h Salurdcys, L,.., Muslc • 'lid Satirdoy 8ocrd 6c1!1C Night • • Gffirt Coffu • p • Rocket Bakery • • F1rep l0<e • ,,f i.....--:-:-;<, .-(closed Sundays lion.· Thur s 6:30 a m. • 9 p,rn. 'Frr,. Sot. 6:3D a.m • 10 p m 23 tOH ~th ACJ'OSS from Th e Lo no Ear lnst.c:.l II ta0 Ulellll lhlt lire its )'00 DC\~ knew 1c could be iJ JI.I~ about 10 be,:m Complete Your Bachelor's Degree In Coeur d'Alene! 1 11~c LEWIS-CLARK \JJ ST AT I COJ.Lac, -----c.w,~- on the North ldah0Collo90 Campus I BRIEFS So n returned after settlement 12~~;,~~~~~':n:t!~:!;:C~u~~~1fu~,1 ;~ Wtlh ht:rtJ•hmb:il'ld. Eifl'IM ~iJ, in Cypnl,. Von Krt1)1)C('l1 '°'' \U;,!I ttcnovcd from bctClfC llCI ~~().~·bet! U.S. Man.hali Ul\-.:d an order to t-c0-,'11: him from hit 1111CJCher', Cocurd"AlcllC' borneKOfli• filed ;1, pehl100 Ul1dcr the Hague. Con\·art1t _.b1d1 dcah w11.h 1ntttn!lb0llul chlld obduL1loo n.,;ci, WC U.S. Stllk Oc-piinmt-m 1,xkcd clovi-n \'Oft K~i)e( l\\'O

g down and fall ~ asleep ia a c'heese c5 factory


A thletic s still he ading in wrong direction

They 1111 Jon·1 M,d it

Tbt rumor Ml cimll•cd from a few 00#.fb t111CIMllflU.I dlM IJw:

1'1lb ,n chc ll&hkckdtp.utmcnt h:i:\'c: •~idea act how to de11.l

• ld1thl\. 1 111lc'" budget d'ikmm.s.

Don'l "'On)' llboolW"'ingort :i. (C'\\ tnm:l cxpcns«hcrc lll(I

1hm::tohclpg\(n~y- 1lw'•not,Olttgtohappc-n eon·,

"'OnY nbouc ip:'nding lhouQnds of travel dollm 10 rby lllmC$ in

//c,..s,, IJOlh "1d Coi...Jo -tlw "ill wll l,;app<,,.

SO htn:'i UIC' SC>luoon: t..\111rio mosi \UCCeSstul teafh.l.

1'ht11·i,i£ht The Miits "'" to d llllinatc &o!!UT lnd: UllJ r.cld.

w rntllna aM~-((11.lnU)', 'rbesc riu atec:11.bct m vo ved

\\itb Che Nc..thwcM Ad1kdc A~soci11bon of COlmlunhy ColJcpi

tlf rb>· a 11~,ont)·.,,r nr.,n-coofcrmcc &lime:$. Thc.l,c

11p:i,d 1t gt\•:n &,al tc:ss tamouot of o lOOC)' It', •l.mOsl v,Um co

rucnp;in- the:~ un team,: \lfflU~ ba..4.dball tw.eba.lL

volleyboll •nd wllball


\Vh)' would I.he LhlC'UC: ikpmn'.lefll ru111 wimih.n_g i;quad 1h11

r«enll)'<:lnm?Why"'OOklth..-y v. anl to

au U'.lllC'k and °""\a.1ntty wbm I.he)' al mo$1 atv.11,f$ $t'M hkccs

to a..t.ionlab lh.u bring home lhc" ~·an:? Why "''OUld t.M.y • ·AIIC

w m. a 'oOCffr pmgrant thut in 1b: lu:st season hid a c:amhlotd

l"¢COl'd 1lf 27,J..J? Good qUCjticn- 'i\'t Matt •wld lib: ,o .know

Jlrtt'\ mMhcr gc>NS LJuobOn: Why did we aaid w r mcn'i and

v.o,1')(11'1~\M'lball tc:lrM,dowatoSa. Qcorge.Ucnh1 Ooo' 1gee~

\l,'fWlg_, \\.'t lo\·e oun:ca.,m and the athJ,:ta. But w a, 1l \1---orth


l..ast in 1~ h,wnllmCUI The: mi..-n') tam lo',.180-6..''L(only by 17).

lil.c blc)y.· out" nie "Ufht11°\ katl\ 71,)6...(a;ai,I.

onl) by J.5 poi:111:,;, At thrC'Dd(,ftbc.rm1half. thC'wmneu blldOAly


Tbt &:olitl(l v,wld bkc IO otfcr ll M>luhQQ. Many 1nwumn

<1Jn"C. clw lilt" onl)' rnlutic, fair IIDd logical w-;iy to tax th4 fl"ICU i.,

101run,fC'r' 10 l2lt NWMCC nu~ could o)l;'au lc!sS in, d npcnsc,.

lhJe1tti WC1n°1 mi~ :ti. ,m,eh ;.ebool. 1ho QPPQrtUnhy for t«ru {DOI

n;aliomlJ l&lcric. rt;lSOffl. for w. pa)'m to aiimd pmcsand the opp,xn1ni1)' fur incrca'-OJ ri\'Alrb.. Out C'Ut1'ml ..o calli:d·rival (the Collrrc orSouthtm ldaho)han ll·hwntn,·e1w1y.

b,lbm:~Jung 'A'e'1tn,~,,1nghctt" WheQ will lhcyget 1t lft their tr.ts thal .SWAC 1\ uuublc ant.I ,:sy opcn!'.hsc? Wm tbm-

,-«tlC' u~n., ~,ml1mcc" th.Iii "'t JOl'l'1 k.DcrA· ahout I

'Jbtore'• 1,0 t\."3.\0n why 1A'\',hou1Jn°1 be in the ooob\\.'C~ (ORlcrtl'll.'e.h~t1'1lldclup

The: Sct1hncl hop:,,. it docin' t need IWOtbrreJ,wn;ail .,..11h 11 hr:;Klll.n.., &hM rQb "'A~lct.iP !iCill 'iti11 haocbna in wffin, d1~Dn"'

A rh l erics. please c/011 1 cur my


Rudd ha l~ \ll\.'tj ng

A ~llluo of Buddha wu

\lullcn rrom1bc 11~ dt~1ncMduringlbc rroducOOll ol "Rashomon.· 1t d1dn'1 !dong &o 1bc thcillC1 dtpwncM: It t)rc~'d IO Tim Rlt.nCL.1bc:a1cr1n.,,~,,.,, Why~ Why 'o\ Wld '4>1])COM )tWa81Jddba~1lYlhti1 pcnotl jOlfll ltt (1111 II in hll or hctlh lnar01.,mllndsa)', 'Ul(il. 1\h~le thu CJVm NI~ Thii i• ndkutqv...1t·, .like•lln& a C'Nl:1t'i, or wmcllu11g.'~ M:c \Ul(ll,na b:idk.,nn:tlO)tJUl'l'(lf.11'•

OO~IOII\ 1hk i,tnon hn'I J.l"'"l

10 be e1Wgh1,cncd in 1hi1 lire


C'alcnd)r l n MS..)'

Old )OU ._now tho b.,l d3y io fft.'ffl d11.,-.., i1t Apnl fnol', lb)? I taUJU)tl lOi..lgui,c

Klmeonc: fCUlna. 11 ,ip:wiun: from bu or her lldYutr and h#ivlriJ ii ttad " M ffi)'

Mw-.c "

A Toodl) -fttly Guy

A formerNlC &.an ol

1n~Lnacbon (lhclr h i.leis ht~ m

rlO\','\'la.'·~111 ·11.J

fon:cd 10 resign hll pos11K1n u ~~knl ofNonh.tffl A"7(llm

Unhc"ilY ror reportedly

w,u.111y 1oochlng anothcrm:de

cm,10) in 1he kxtt'r room

Ant~ ('IC\\.~l)C" ttpOnL'd

1h>t O•en Cargot "\bo<k<d""'

employ« by v,,l>IJing lh<

guy'1t gcn,tals and 1bcn ~nd1111

him 11n mu.ii t!t.ln ng for "1bc

...,. ltv,: of pl >y(ul""' and

a(f«IK'lll." C.rt,:0,, SO, C:al kd

the i.bckk:n1 "'locik:ct room

aBtk, whco. ••hilc l(IWcbn1 hlmsclCoffaftcrafflOwtf, be IWJl.'C pahbctl the 1ully-CICMhcJ cmplO)·ct·lilfflllll \ Tht ec,ntt:l'll or Iha C'mall Wl_~



CbemP11ker I . ~

the fullll)' pllrt. Hc l.kJCnbcd hu"J1$C:UD "• Nb-your~bclly. gr.t,b-)·Ol&r·O,.ll,).ga,·c,-)W-1• h1.11, J,l.1p·)'Wt·bact.pull ·)UII'· (<hd:), .iqlletle•)OUr -'IWld, ehcd:·)OCll·f:ttt.l&lld pat-yourthi,&h ~00 ofJU>' " Afl« h< Jofl NJC u, '86 Corgol hc:td admlnistBU\'C posll.ioos 11Loui'Siw Sutt. Unh-m.lty, Htai,boc Community CoUcsc (Sc11dc>. Ck,cl:wl Slllk College (fcnnesscc) tftd 1bt UftJ\'Cf"IIY of Miw»AuJ\11111 F..d.ul"atlonln Hcre't l(Wl)tlhl:na rrom ,tie "Oops• fi.lC' A 11.lCMO WIS $CCII ~c rmmme Oiuance Ewc-1li.On stdl' mbtkd "'Di MCr EDU lieb bun !"' Acccint141 10 fl(11l1y mden. themcmoliMccJU,c


tKJ.I had numcroui JtM1fflll' 1nd ,pcllloi prot>lcm~ Maybe 1bat'i why they're ,,. the d.l\tancc.

Prop, Tbanb 10 S:tvt.1Ulab 10 chc &b:IU<d Cup ro,111c cea1$ 1ne<dc:d co buy I.hat huge mo<ha. Buc no ptop~ w1lx pc:non .,. bO decided co clo5c the lloo<al,.'1 Cupat l:JOp.m.,I> if oo one wacu to get Ill O~\'° aR.c, DOOII,

M11)'~\\h111,ct'II rh()lk'\W dant;C'fOU)b l~lll&cf4v,n 10 r,u,l:'l th-: t't11t1,lM If 1h11t',1hcc.1,c. 1btn ooonc 'A'OOld cl'Utl.uc 1hc rat.110

JJn,1 0,l\.'N'lson ,111 11 on 11 ,houltln'e 1.11lu~ mc,tt 1h,1u h;:all 11 \.CCOond 10 si n.fl('(' a1 your phone If jCIU hll\.'C to pu,h II buu.,n C<'II rhontt .01cn'1 a fK''I, J.:if\ger 10 drhcri.. l':1. 1h~ cq:1m 11 lcn1 of hl l kina 16 wmcor,c: In ) 1ltlr bllcl \t•t. ciulna .;i bur,er and c:hnng:ing: lhC' rldio st:oioo. Ho'A~\·cr. M>mc ,x"(lp)(' aw.1.rt:ruly can't «'I all lhOi.C thini, at Ol)Cc and "hen '4>thi:thin1 Nd ducli h:appi:11. lhc)' b lame 1hi: tell phone for Lbt:ir stupidil) I'm not "')·1na drivu1a wi1h II cell phone 1 ..are. h c.1n be ~er)' h1muaou.,- if the drh·cr c:to't hAadlc II Son,c people,

ho~C\ Cf, arc t•Jc.nh."d enough 101.1JL111 ccU rbone and dove 11 the tame IJJD( And 1bey lhoulJn'1 be pul'U\hed be(: 1hc~ are idl()(! ou 1 there tb0it co.o·t II', no111K cdl pbooc 1hal'~ the problem - 11'• 1h,o dl'1, If .)00 11 C'<'-11 phohc l)nd dn,·c 1111hc ,omc then thctc .d1ooldn'c be an) th 1ns 111 )OU. Bui ir you cu't, 1hto don't gollW blunc lhC phone .,..hen )'OU dn vc oO di, '"""c,11 pho(lcs 11co'1 I.® probJcm- 11'1 tht drwc, You CM' t say• etU pbooo .:1u,1~d 11.0 t&(( idcn1 Tb<' cell phoot d1d n" 1,e,k Lbc •·bctl b il 10 sec the cat brubft.a Ill rroot

1,·, 1hc d tn'tr'!l fouh So. plct,SC IJl<l-.c ,:.f you "-hO can't h.1ndtc h. Jon·, pl3)' ilh d)C pb()(IC• )'Ournr !IO tho,~ c:,f u 1b.1t cno nrn .-1 pun b bcd lor )Our incompctcncc. JN111 Dul iii•• LP• 1J1J/f ,.rlhrf,;r 11w St• llrr.p 11w.111r,.1t,t,c,,.,11, /(,ifflndM/lrff• •, 11, "t•lrnrr1t,r,.._rJ.,,.,,,.,.,1d,fr.,,ft111, f#'br'1,ll'4'1111fjro,<>,t,,w,nwa'W'1tir't~

Don ' t blame cell p hone s f or incompete nc e Soc 1ct) 11 lway11 find~• ac.apc:s<l:i.L The latc,.1 i~ that C'C'II phone, &Ul' hclfl; bliimeJ lor the uicompctc.DC.-col ~inc drivcr1',·l' b<'o.nog :..blc hoot anJ holler 1bou1 h\•w d:Jngcrm.1" (di phcmc, 111('. o• i( lbc)' \\'1:tc II JIC\\ th,.:l)l Thl' d,~u*-;lon etll pbooc., cnn pro"nk 11 »M 11 11\'\lt oo.c bit die c«l"t"Nh<tn v.1 1h 111»,thct person 1hi1, •• ,o d1u1icl'O\l1'!' ll'.t.Jll~ hie ht1\·1ng: ~mi:o(k chc 1n your to 1111k ,o. 01>c JU), dcmc,rut.ra1lo1 dri\.'ina whll a 1.TII, looled down wh1fo ht~ ~ ta k1n1 If )<n;i'rc 1h,11 dumb, 1hcn tnA)~ )'Otl ,hl'ltl dn'I be behind 1bc "bed bit that )'OU on ly ha,l' one h;1nd on the '- heel'' O h r,l<'a$C. llkc ball the popu llu ion dnvc) wuh both 11:md!I :all the tJ:tne'.h,udl) Whc1hc1 ,l's a bW'gcr. drinJ.. ciJ.irenc ()t"ju,1 rct.11nJ a b11nd on )·uut do..,,. ~,e'\c: all dnvcn with one holW at wmc pouu 1n omc Some people J.nvc 'A'lth 1hc1r lr~c" or elbowi: wby 1.hoold oo<' hnil be a probkm·•

Smokin g in doo rwa ys di sre sp ects n ons mo kers

J OJi1len h < hasd< 1t [j LOh< O

- •

o ther norumol.C'n.. l 1 rorocs 1bcm 10 •i•nd t, oulS:ide in lhe r11n and mil.kc,. 11 P""'l>n Mindy rc«i,..c nttaiivc. tooM Wolfrom

v.·tw:n a tloud t1f ,mm:c , blown imci M> nconc.· race I uy 10 \.)'rnp,thltc ~hh i.mQkrl" but m)' sympath y doc,n·1 c:,xt<'nd 10 11010J.1ni

v..hc:r~ u1dcnt l rsffi.c lt. eotUU'IUUIJ.._ For ullmpk, nonsmakC'n l~ahc

v. alk1l'g through 1bc c:lc,,ud uf s.mokc 10 g(l

10 (1do L«- t< Udo Uil ll Tbrtc al""•)') iccmi 10 be a hamJ lul of rc,~le puffinJ

11,w1y b I hofd my breach 10 go io1 1dc

To 1.ho.)c of u• who di0n'1 t.tnokc \\b)'

d e:, \\ 0 n«d 10 be ~UbjC:C'I 10 tilt t1C8flli\ C' effccnor,.111oldn1'!

Titc tc 111.: rtgulaliOO.S f0t iiiJOkcn


• Ed11on.al8cwd Jell)' Man1~r .,_ ~ ,"""' ~,_ .., Mall Mo)

' ·Bel,) lloboo ._. u.. Mwl) WOl!mm ~u... Lc(lcup, -,_Olldo ,_,_ l.aldaB.U -lffl•Roodahl ... .

Siant 1n hOl'II of camr1u dOOfWt)'i a:d:

•mokc~ nnt 10 .-mokc chttt, J f)J acc~rdlna to 1hc ASNIC SnJdc1u H..1nJbook ,molinJ h P'ohlb11 cd oo o:impu, The r0ic1 1C'mah1i th11i1.-n,okco oc«l to fioJ a no\lo platt to <rool.:C' for rhe bC'ahh ofothc:rt.lude nll Maybe• .Jlmplc 1111,•'t' r h~ • f<"4 :rud1, '"""Y rrom the cnlf)' of Lee-Kildow Ha.II -n-..-rt )tJnd" a newly con11lruc:tcd t,u\ $iOp (or,huuJe. bu~ p.\)$C IICCfi, 1t·\ a b1unc 1hc cvpcnlty program·i h.tllt work°" thb roofed. 81and·a.1onC' ~Ud101 i, b.aJJJy 11.,~d d110 , ~ tb• l•ck ot riJ cn. ()rt lhc "hun lc bu, Would n°1 le ~,n loa,c11l lo u~ thl, 1Ck111 tor c.hc."-mol:C'l'I. ' '<'1, ( v.,c d id bavcan atu !,,4'1 .._,1Uc for ,mo«rJ, 11 w~IJ probably KOlll o a., c:mpey .as the s h un k f,u\)IOj'I. la theor y, 11·d be ntc-e 10 h111,c JPlOkin• 10 dc!.i1nn1cd r lacn But 1hc tnnh, t.h.:lt 1.1nokcn don·, wanl to be


Manah&.-.y --

WBrowa R<be«ati.m

O.vidllolfonl C.1lri•lidlrtdi

IR.C_... Jo,h-...J

1, 0o.- Rd>alhp

l:.m1lylhltt T•yNll!J'l'M


K.oly O.lq TndWabffl

R-Ullanne CniJWllcol

Hill,ryl'lowcn MAlljori<Wdliamt

twlaccd ju~, u much .,, bf.:-k Ame diJ n'I wane lo be 11t'l(t£iUt'd. The only W:lY 1,, Slop people fr-om unoling ,n from or a1npu~c11uy,,...~1 wnhu1 the mindis ortbose "-bO do IL

M1#J, i'"'"'"' ,,.~A&! C,t;,w f,ortfwllrr1tp1 1!,111 •"'Nr.- ,. R.,J/'(l#l/1ctkr "1•m·t,,r1 tnur1t1tA,rJ1wr,""1hllttfl.,, S1,butN.-JJ""o,./tw•• --./NI ,.,.,,.011,t


I> h< ..,rioo,? Dot, RU>M:ll °"'"' atw.llJI)' bc ltCl"C: lbo Mrunl bc.wcy o{t, area" solnt'. b l>" dln,,ini~ by\, Ml.1 pco:oa;at h ygiene? He Jtt"ms 10 be coafl.lilfll 0.1tur1il 1,camy wath manufa.::wtm.


• A...

3: l,
• • • • • • •
s illegal in
0 _!:2 DakOll'I to lie
, L~..
I LETIERS POLICY ·Ille Scnl1 r>d 'A t:lco m~ kum 10 the ccfilOf, wbo suh1rui lctttN fflU\I Utnh lhccn lO JOO ~onu. 1f1n lhcm lcS,bly aftd pl'O\·idc II phone nurnbc, in order to verify authcn1icl1y. Some IC't~n: rm)' r,c,t tie pnn1 ed htt:.u\Cor 1.p.icc bmillltloc». or bccau.~ 1hcy O 11,t'O ,imlW' 101 number of 1¢1tcr1 :drc.ty rcomcd oo 1hc c wbj«L 2) 1*,$1hl y hbcJDt.15 or 3) ue • llk'g1bk The ScCIUnt"I l't.!14:f\ t':$ the rigJII lo t'dil kucrs. LdkrJ m;ay be m1ukd 10 the Stn11ncl <'·maUc:tt rt,Ud or twou1h~to Room 53 43f I.he Siebert Omlding. The Sentil.'l( I' J address i" 1000 W Oonkn Av< O>cutd 'Aknc, lD 83314 Phone. (2081769· ))88 Fu t2081769,Jll!9 &null: Scnlin<l 4tmc.cdu OPINION
l~ ::::~·:;:!:'rrom


Sign language course offered for instructors

hy M.uJoo< w,111.,.,,

A program ci.llcd " l.fow to Talk ,...lib Your Mouth ful l 101 introduced hind •1,111i,g Feb ?l lo l1 gb1 or 1hlc. ~Q.p.anu were tOld ,o bn111 a IUl)('.h The rour·p~111 ~ritfl', ,g:e:ittd ptlt011111y ,o.,.,.ttd iru.tmt1of"l, h bcina rrc.<1c-nt.rd by Rusi P.olltt™Jio. in1crpn,o1cr/cooo:hn 11or of S('tv1eet for the lk•( and II.a.rd of Hc:ann,:. The SC('ODd ~S!i l0D w" hdd. Mimh Sand 1hc rtmn11im116Si-Onl wdl be: 111 noo,1 ~brch LS and 29 in the Dnf1wooJ Bay Room ot 1hc SUB. 1k tlca(ar~Jun a!. l:tr,y.n tht hurina."

P,1Uer!>On said Jol.1nJI)', referring to •amc: or !he 11,ore abb1~v11tc:d IC\lurci u1r1C'J in hand i!,Jtuna. lie bc,an Vi-Hb II brief h1s.1or)' ofil,gnrng llnJ 1 Ct'it. fundrut1ett1alt for ~gum<f\ Accordi11a to, band i1gn.1ng de,·cloped in 1bt: I~ wnh

Thoma lfl)pkin( Cnlll.anck.1 who cacnh1nc:i.1 holh

En,lith nnd French 1cchniq1tt:'I

Ai 1he tilnc. dear children wen, inil1tu1ioa11iud ..iJ placed wi1h tt".u1.rdeJ otuldrca 04.IJandct returned 10 lbc USA m 1817 111K1 bci,!J11t the fiD>l

:Teaching the young

Hands-on. learning experience provided


!, 0-l\1d Oufont


"'Wr don"t tt.11 oo b.a~1ci and ',\'Cl oon·11.>lc:

QtC oi d.l)', •.ud !ihrlky Thum.:u du~'t11f

ll(ll'x C'hild C.11~ Cc:nltf <,n aanpu, -we MC

acltlldu1c tai:1l11y hctt ht n~11benreth1..-

tall..cimc. lm~.inmnc studcuh 11·hdt"

cclu1:alJn& I~ d11Jdft'n IM the rni~:~~-.,

Now in bet INh )C.2ro, 1hr d.1ta'1nr

Jllom.l; t-liUc., tb.111be n,0,.11mplflan1. ltun1

Ml the t'tUftt e, tbat 1be tcotbcn.

.-Ullll11)' 11\·c: 120 rncc:nt •tld lh.11 the llJi,

tome: hl kanL. ''°' to bt WiUdard.

lk.ticdU)' kt00Jf"i~d11f 12 fuJJ.ciUIC

laichf:N. \lohicll :MXOO.l)t• ror JO lk'l..:Cfll of lhc:

1adicr-\lulkn1 r;nw• Th('rc we t,ft thlklttn

a11:ollod. lU'<l .approx1mu1cl)' 189 on a on~-

JCllt •.i11 LIM widltlUI n guarani« 114

) cotoUmtm So ha., •uch ll dt,irc:

,,Ubl\Qff:1 ' ChUdren'a Cen ter teacher Lani re:Pds t o hor 4- and S-yoar-old g r oup over l unch.

<mt .1n",er h, the rxtem.h'e ll'.lLhhtJ!

~1Ulh. w11h CU'.h ha\'Ul,S at lc.1,1 an

A~k>C1,l'lc:al Aft, dcfn!C: 1D i:htkl

do"tlopm(Ot or ('(,jui~.ilcn1 The compc11'Hc

JIQC'eco1,dJ,h,0he n !:.:tor, nm11n,: (rocn

\lfJJ.a}' foc mf1uu, f() Sl9 S(II~) for IOddle1t Howc,·er. lhe c1J~,1iot1 i,..nd llttflhoo ,._,v-c11 i, by hu-1.bc a,u.:;;11c.,, lure to doCCC.

"'Childml lc-atn 1hrough rl'iy," 'fhooi;:a., ...i "Th.,11,1hclrJoh."

Tbt ct:nlcr focu~,. on an cmcrgcol ~ylc tlf 1~tt~, ih)'•lO-.da)· p l uw.,n, lt~ lhc IJ\M!iUOMI )'c.uf)' ptao. Thti 4Jlo-·,

Lorionn, Ion. an<! J amie. rlgh~ llsll!n lnll!nlly.

1e~hcn 111 11Upc IQ 1hr cbaldrcn ·, mlerc,1, t.~IU,hOIII d~ )'t'M' This llltC"re~. corubi.UW wt1h :i t~htt', nc-:uhle ~hedulc. t'TI!.1tc:" b.wch•OD, llt!lr·tnlhlilcJ kmllq c.11.pcrl(oce foe the duldml

1llec:111ldrttl J:llQ an u1tJiep,:UIJk.lln1, or C'\Wk:C'J'IIUlll lfUll~ru;al10., rt.idi!"IJ GnJ liCICOCC m11d411~ b.uJ.1 CouDWl,f.1~ con,1.,mlyin prn<li('(' 'fhe ,cuda~ art Cfl(oota,cd to tcad • bool. ll d:ty S<kncc 10), M>rh H 0:it,Ja:lr... a gda:unc,-1, t\lnlitlll'Ch c:onc«hPII, art u"C'd bl tc.lth tbc )'IJ'\Cet°' about (rktiOtt ·nk' toll,mt. lhc 1udrnl, dunn:, t~lr tmi,c

11.1 lhc ccnlcr .:n:1bli11111 suuog bond lllld t<ihc ol wi.hiU1y co f«ru Thi\ (\"llindJUOQ h.h )'leldcd mo.ti)

~1tive nhUlh Crom ~JumnL t.1IJ l11ocn.n.. t.\iXfll fr.,·,ho\(' ,1~h who conilnuc: fin Lo :i '"cookic·,cuud" "> le or cJ.us1,;room, d~t lumh todfrithmJ truunty •nd c-aptoro11km nlC'tt: we fw:1 ~tioa roon" ~httt

,ilfl(JU, c:lu~-, hJ\c bce11 .able to -.1ud.y the chll<hm'1\'lor JfO\llt'l)\et. ~hilt> wcadcnh mny lam trom chUdn:n. Thomn ,uun11ly UUl'-t..,. -Plft1m,:irt'.NO.l lnac:ttiJ1.r, ~11n11··

'>tbool (o, deal' Since c:uhutc:, NI\ r d,c\clQpc,J hata6 Jitt111n1 tndcpciklen11y, thc:rc i• oo ln1cm:a1K1N1J "Sign i11 m)' fir.11 langu11tc, Pinct"Ofl ~id HI" p:i.r.:1w1 Ruu P~UfttOn 1011.1 bun th.-.1 ii', impottanl 10 be h.appy at wh.iat tic·, dU1DJ, 1b1u be C<MJld ,uccccd 11 Wl)'lbi.oJ.

P-11111:NOn w.i\ born In 1952 u1 V,nw:ouvet. Wa~ lie i(thce>hk:<to(thrccboys. l-l c1ucndcd 8.1tt1c,rounJ Sc.hon!

1'bcrt wen: ccr'llifl adv11nlllge, HJ havmg dca( pam)li," Pauenon qutppeJ. My frietKh would uiy. ·1..c1·1all socwrr co Pancl'WCI·, hou1t We Clln 1u1t1 ur the «eft1.) a, loud ..1c WI! Wll.l'l.t 1.11,d bl, ro1rt11ltdoc\'1 cu.telJJi (ial11cr wt.J a cabinct-m.'IUr &00 bu mothcr, a

1."0lUntl who plxtd lint an pol1rall pholograph11, lbcn later. u IO•kcy opern.tor fuUo"'Uli h,,. cruh1AI)' c.~-s1c11tn1.--c m ·12. Pllt\choo \\·Qfkcd a, 11 r,ee•lo.noe p1ovtdcr ot slro anlt'l'rctauon The: I? ) Clltlht 'l)t:l\t :al W1Jb1n,:1on

Sta.le S,hool fOf"thc Ocar~rc \Cry g.-.uf1111z. he ,1ud. b«rau~ he wa, able lo ronnrc1 ~"TII -·nh deal kid, a1Jd bc<:01ne. • r;'l1hcr/rote modcl 10 m11ny There he rcahutl 1M1 ,;,D in~rprc1aoun W;h 1he n,111 ,·ocallOfl for him, Pmuc:rwn Aid. He c1mc to c«-ur d" in'% uJir:r five )Clt.l"S a, Cfiut College. an art Kbuo in Vn k'OLIYt'r P1llC'rsOn and hu1 w11'e LllUrll' hn,c d:nu&hltN. Llnd.y. 21 • .ond Sl\llnnoo. 17.Afttl sons.Jc!(, 'l"rtvot. '1 Hobbie, and rccn:auon lni.ludc: bow hunun,. oil r,ainhnJ.11)1r ond <arins fot hn bai.:kyard bp.,ndc Boo,at prdcn..

PAIICOOn hou orpni1.cJ ao 9a-campt1\. Si lcnl

11:mf.b. Oub which mcch c,•cry other Wednc:Way Il noon in Molll1t'aii.l Ubraty, Roocn 270. He b:n rlli.o ""'orkat ll1 ttle Coeur d'A lt'nc Labnary IQf • ycitr a;lld I h1111C. f'nday', gu~t, turned to u,n lcttctt. o(the aJpli.;ihct ParlleuWly ,igruCic.a.nt 1s tht po\lllOn o! 1hc PQlm. wbclhcr Jt ,~ turned tn. up, oo.l ot down. A JJ~til)C'IIOI) bc(11,·er11 ~~C\ n maJt w,d, ni.k t.1gns on the: upper h11lf of 1he flk!e, •nd lc1n:J e Otl t..he I011cthal( Can: must be 1h111 body lansu-as.c be c:modonally c-oogruau to the ,ign one: it ucrut1n1

··f1/Jor11,·, ·n,,. ,,,,,,.,.,,,.,.,huJ r,w~·trn."k'tt.tJ Jffllrh. \•1,,,. -...·,mt.,m1m1vfnt \'f.111 1t(dlt~1,J,. h;,t!ttp.'tJ1.1aJ.in1t P,.IJlllt $100, t/trprort'ffo/ k}Ml'.ictm7'fwt /1mh<rr,f11<'11t11,n $7$? "";,.. J1hicnlt •

J osh Oa, Je:- 20 Jo'M!l..c:mon, 20 Plyg1::iloOY. v.,1e11ifef '!ty 00. lf

"'/1/,r,r't1ttilll' "/llunluntu•rtlt ('IIIYb«crltJf'/4U'U ,llrt'ad)· ,iwo/Nt,.. • ,tprllUl'I',.



• Tht M!CCIRd hllrQf -"°" IW>Tlllk ••lh

The dominant band i!' I.he one 1h:u perform, mD"\I of the nw,·cmc:n~ llollowin• lr:ctci", the group leMned nucnbcn Md ,unpl.c gn:~un&'- ()nc panklpllnl w,"lnlk-n:d about how hand "gns ccwwcy 11w11bcn more dun 10. Putc tt.'1()11 uid 11 gclt l.'<mlplica1cd bec;,.·ecn 11 and 29 Ncvtr1hclcss hc;1.ucmptt'd lO 'thu\li the ll\\Cn,bl)' how ii iJ done:. rO'Nard t be end of Ihe \Cl,;!ICJOCl, PAUcn(ln h:d1r11cd • pmc i.:llllcd King'"Ouair. Sinil'II 1n • hu,c U i»iuon. each p:ulm.pan1

Y- MoolbFull 10 I" mwne1 noon M>n.11 15 ,wd;?9 ,n tbl:D,dl,,,oo.1 Ba> Room ol tht: SUB. 'l'k prupmn 1J Flffd -aJ

Ii"'~ Alcllcr IS hi., orhernn..ffle' h',;.;1 flulc lil,,.e m~kal t-htut11n

1hDJ c11Ch ume o1 p layer railt to r~Juu :ano1htt plll)'et·~ hlllnJ 11,gn of h1~r name l lC'cten. th,111 (dnycr mu11 awe up hulhcr )CAI 1ml n:lire from 1be Jll.mC, ·'The cllu, w.1, a ICM of run.- said Pau~, 1021.h 1rutructor. "'M0:-,.1ly due to Ruu• cnchu"lkSm and 11k1ll i and the att:11 tum-out I lovtd the" lopn'.'t to be dlsc:"Ut!lc:tl at upcocn1111 meotlnJi u1dudc f.rm1l imiation with Otaf Cu llutll And mteraeu~ pmtocQI_ Neil se11ion. panlelpant~ ihould koow how 10 sis.n tbt'ir they CllQ

chcmst lvC\ to each o ther•

11o'Muc.~ \ Th e nrst si&o i:,'.; l angw p b6o k was pvbl islfed in E ,c, 20. • • • • • • .
d/l,;ffll ,, .. .. """''"" ·w,,,-,,w ('('"O/j(l'ff)'b1·11t1~ m,N,1.t,·N)JdJ t1kllf wtd l!Wtt'),lkl,
r, U'tlthhy,• t.tltt.f4'\llhf'N Ann r Cn,Hi 19 Kristin 1~1'111',o,;l Ch::atnf:hi,. 19 ......... ..ibolflOI"""' -·· ..... °"''"
hunl."'1 ttlJn
u,,"'uhraJ l,mv ro~t,mr
JCtlLb GtrnaDl lO MkhtUI' J ohn, 26 °"" "O!ICl(t Coo<,,r ld.itoF" I
Col • f••lurtl
Ed,ior M.111 M.>y. Phone: 769·3188 f•t: 769-J389.
Coo1•<1 life
£.,,,.ii :


Slwl.it1.!!ucL: frnmorw1rl

rc--rlNm M \111,,an It An1t1Da)·

•t II m. Tln1ndll} m Sdmkt


\\1 u,h.,, ~rll"1o011

"'01r t lr(' e>(Soj,,urner

Tru1h: lhr '.',U1Juft' rur


r.,n1}a ~111rcwd-\\>;1.11.-. will

pc-rform onc,.~(>ltWJ plil) nn 1bc hie tll ~111umi. r

lrvtJ, ·

• ,\prlJS-T/JrE11d of 1 galhtd St11rtgotim1

KC'ynolr -\ddtt,;'11:

Rut-. fhttla:U "'lll pc:rfucm

TI.urpnl ~br~II 11 :i 111

fm.1.a) m :"M:hulr1 h,U,,_.,OJ!

ll u1ku, Rkh cJ Ji:.u k IJ.'ill

fl(do'lllU ;c. fohtt \I,.' [)uu,J

GUt'lll l.«turr:

Jenkinson to return as Thomas Jefferson



Re11n111ng- At~I I LIK' )2ml 11&11:tWCI

Pop.'Offl f\ll'V.1"11 WIii h( hC'ld ~11\IC llui \CM 1M forum ~111 hiJhli,h1 Im,, e\1."nt, m Amc.'llCiUI 11.i"(lf) whKh h,1\'C proml'lllcd hhl.:n)' ~u.J c,,t.abll!JlC\I mdtpc-ndt-occ for Amct11..:tn "i.

The (\'ir-llli, ~n. 2!$ )IIM J)C'riod

1~ p\{nh lr1duJc di.· -..1plntt ()( the OedAfllhOO of lndc~t1dl."lkC' C1716),

1hc b.1uk l'J\'l.7 ,1.t,.::I') dun1111he dlilflms of lhc U.S. Cm\\llion fl7S'7).thcC1"II Wai, ••"'1('t1'•nehh Jnd t.m1 righh-thQ\(ffl(11ti ol thc

19SO.. ''T'hc:rc ;u'(' t:l.'rtam i,:,·1.·n1, lh1111 have tuppcncJ th.-1111:re \\!t')' ffllC'i.1110 u11, dcm~, and i.1 c.i,h I"'! IM.k' polnh

lfw~ V.'Crt l',1,·n furct'I, UI~ JrUllr 11o·i111Ctn, lrttJ(llltt.11ntl UNbcr gtnuf\

U) lll.g CO <>rP,h( 11, ,-uJ pohlkll -w:icncctn\ln~lilf'at-2 rnun,lcrnl 1hr Pop,"'f'ffl fafu.m Tony Src...,·,,n we 1h.-11 v.'C' ~hi b;a\c a di~"'li'°" Jitiol.111h~ rw1lU1l('m ot our ikt ~i..'}l lil l'Jh.ia 11 i• todii)r S1'°"";ut


Tilu,gOOO \IILN\;all 1L1id J\~UJ \\o 0-A\'1• rli1)"111.g lh..-u put, In haul 1tf U'1l" «1ut1 Y<111'II hcl.11 thQ\t .arpmc,u, :uld 1hcn Ille cuurt \\tll h.:md wt lh dcn"JOffi 'A\."·11 :ii:tu.1Hy ,inml111c wbu,lc rr.x~~.Sc:,·cmtoeh~r 1ri:th v.ltlbt htM JQ'\\:lpl"l 1ni 1h1; ukaJt, ol 11\nJCW h1\t(IC'k;..ll!it11re-. A, m p;l'tl )~ill• dll!' l\,pc1,m f'1rl1m will b: ft'.tlurillf ki..:al .utJ Owt.iqu:i ac1on OL.iuqu.1 ,, • il)'k in ""tuch actur tat..t, tlfl lbt p:non.a ot :i h1\loncid fiJIUtl' 11w h1rum t'irJ!'aJl m l97U bul lhimi,."CJ w the- tlwlaqua 1,'IC'C ,;tylc five )~•11'\ .1go. 11~ ru,po,.c 11hr Popcorn fonun t, 10 '" c dlC' .1ud1~c the k.1)1.,-.ledgt 1h.r1 will 1111~· chem tu llt\:on"' bt11cr


··11,t,,,mmuml) .mil 1hr la.cult)' \!JUI ,flffl(', hue l n:.'111)' fl'l\.n\ ori the ,11,dn1,h.00 bcylJ '1*lk: ,uu.kL11,",mc: llk'fl lhc.-) goNCL tn lhtirtl.1'-'"l~ hill 'lth,·u ttht: .-;tor.I wall !All tttl "1.iJt in (ll",;CUmiC cmd the hfhlt $0 0111, ,1n ol .d "'U!.iJcn 1hey wy ·chh, k h,c 1~111 hkli u1cm11.-: • ··~"111lbln'4 ',11 liH:din du& CUCIIJillllCI r· be giJ

I Capt. Morgan's Cor ne

0~) knkin~lfl will Mum ltl lhc

Pop."1.'ffl Nmun ;a." Thucru:~ Jdl(Onn

April I A kJIOiki Schob.rattJ furn'IC"I

Jl(Oli:::,W"'lf l~f ilJl(Knl Mudk~ ~I the U1tiwf\il) uf N(\·adu ·Reno, Jc11kin\Clf1 h,i\ p,:rfonncd In (Mil of V.S prtot-ick:1m., Un,11."1 N.1ooa111nc1nb:n, D.1k11111iemhcJ,o(C-ooitc,,

Tbc r<,:ioorn r ,wm "i.11 kid. off \1u.Kb)' wuh 0.a) JcnLm.~·•• a.\ Tbom.\, Jtffa,,(Jn GIid Ken 8fUCht'JI ;i, ~,P;ah,e fhi1t)'c11ir'\(O.Ultlii.lU ol \Cl i~hldc w;\~t11l 111u-,ji;iLJ cn.1<rn~ tW()ClnC \lo1llll.UI f1l.1}',f0C~ ~lUfl,'a\., 1hc fiflh Jlun11111 Riil1111,qlK'I .Ind 1C\tt.LI hi!>IM1.~ nio, Olba prei<:irlcrs indudt Keilh Juftn.'\Oll, Sb;arl.i C.'h1niU..-rnnnl1C, H11pl Smi.U1 ooo J t,,, ey RtcluNn "Ow foru:11111\'1!11 dw: f)fl-~ntch uungu1ns h•~t.0nenl k,·~ ('1311 t~ of ui1m1ot can be UtJ!:ucd about bi' prommcm h1,1ancal fl~ an " L11nJa.1icf.J~hioo

~rnd.,y "'e·rc goana t(\ h.wt 1hc or aeo'rge Frein performs as Mattc v;tiole nlrloCI mtfflbch of the 4-'l\UR 'fiuint Twa i n In Schu ler Auditorium at last 1bt"te." S1cy..,1n tw,1(1. We'll hla,'C year's Popcorn Forum


On Northwest Boulevard

In H arbor Plaza

(Noxt to Idaho lndopondont Bank)

Use color to creme festive g reen drinks hy \".aughn St.,n,i 11., Oei;:111u,t 11 b ne~rly St. Pntrii:t.·, J.1), I 1hwgt111hi.1 I \l,·uuld th~ )Oil 1 1«lpc for II gtocn drink. As a honu J lboojhl duu I "'uu ld li\t' )ou tbrtc Jttcn drinb nl(" ftnt tlnli: I\. Midi.lo Sour 1'h1\ dnnk taitc., fk.)t 1111likc a JolJ)

k,11>1:h~r AN )'(!IU will need a 1:<1flec nl'ug~\.i71."d alas,; Fill 1ho Jl:i,~ wilb lte Nc.1.1 :add OClt': mince of Midllri mclonll~u.-ur 1"01opil()ff,ndd1.,..o oune~, or •"'CC'lt1M:d kmos1 jul..-e (th1~ 1~ wbcrc 1hc: Midtln Soorgeh ii.~ wur (romJ. M.:ile <1..Utt 1hi.i lhl! lemon Jmce ,,. wc.Jl ,wcc1encd (t,u1 not 100 much). C'lt the drink wdl 11ot la1o1c aood Jf )()l.l wiuu 10 add a a;.1rni.s.b, • chtrry would be- rroperTbc OC'~I dnnk h 1hc Gtb,hc,ppcr Thu i.lnnk 1,. Uiui.lly blct>JccJ wjth k.c. fr )"Ou are- 1-hnn OC)C t,leode.r. lh1s dnnkc.111 be:- ,halo.en Wllb ice.11nd then ,1ra:111cd lnhl .l &IAi.ofl. Add Jh,c_ followin& ln1-n:-chcnt., to )<xlr hkndn l'lt •h.:ikcr one hall ou11cc J:t1X 1I Creme de Mcnthc. one blllt nun,c \lw'hltc Creme de C111c;m imd two ou11ce,- hillt .,nd h.ilf (aeamJ. rhcn blend/shake .:lf'ld Mn'C. l"hiJ d1inl h in lh( C~aim d! 11tk. CMCgOI)' ('rt.mC 1,.k n1en1hc a!i" 11 mmt Oavo~ liqueur while Crcinc de Ci-.i::io 111 11

chocol:ue/\':111il l.t·04\'0I~ l TIii\. I\ It wry t.l\ly (l)IUtilDIIIGI )041 tlfC WI OI c.n:a.m. )'00 Call al; milk I ,uh,11lUle. Thc- la,11.lmll, uin·1 ,nil)' a at.ill h I\ jil\l a ,up,:t-~lfo1.,111.: C\ IM\" 10 color dm1k>1 10 nwkt th-.; 1:r~cn L.iJht heer h the 1,e 1 i.110 Ill c6ll'.lil' Mi) light akohol llw1 )•" 'D

v.·outJ lU .idJ Ull(q h'I 'tH...., l'ine (da.rl. ,1lr.:ohol, art h11rdaw '-Olnff. r:.0110'4 the d1rccuoo,- 011 tht 11 1 l:()lonng (fflll ,uncr ilM don'IU'ltl 'll u 1:kc-Atue mO\t hghl akobnbli

• fl..lltafiill)' )cllnw unt (ffl.:cpl Nl tle•r 11loohol,..•f).11urtlly), l1; toueh ul hl...c (ooJ ~0,1111111-sl ai lrncr gfcc-n H.JH' run fflJ tJnnl. uftl)l

Senor Frogg~

Specializing in rre~h. deli cious Mexica11 food

69 cents


A ll day, eve ry da~

• \pril 1-Thr l>tclarotion <>{ lnd,prndtt1'r Kt, 0,,lf ,\ddn:ftl.: L1.1)' Jr11,1UJl.1Q -.,,JJ pnt11r111 1111>o..,. lrlltfl"" 10 un \~y111S huk-r Aud1k'nurn. Bot."dl Ir.all h:iUnv.r!l!J: Jeu.k.11 1N.1n, Kttl fllittbc-11 v. 11! 1>C1fonn I\ Tiklln.L Piune. A qUl""'-i(llft aixi IUU ct ICl:ll\oa ~111 "'"rJxc l·!pm ·'()Id ti,urdllmr Sunp'" \ lm::J~u «-.~n 7·:ltl p.m M,>1Ml!iy m S,:hukt l',:ffoum.J tt)' NIC', bn f:n~ublt Mother T--... portrayed by Mona Kl Inger, addressas lhe crowd In Schuler Auditorium ~I last year's Popcam Forum. • .\prll 2 1 Jnt Rnttl, Onr S/1wrry During t/1r /Jrn/rin,: 11/ thr l!S. Cm,,·tilution 1't")UO:lt \ddn,,.\~ l\(Ul\ JohniOn w,U p:rfonn ,H U1."I.ICJC w ,1.-hlr1~1on 10: .'O PopcornForum explores evolution or democracy .a m Tuc:JJ..y III Schuk.t • ,\prll .l • thr Civil \\ar, 1-:muncfpatit,n Prru:la11U1tlon 011d tlu Cfril m1r .,nrr11d,ntwo· l\.~noh· \ddros: Kc-11 Ptl,,-111 rcrto,m11>1 \\'llltamUo_vJG~1111 a. m. Wr..!· h1 "k.huJa. full,l',\,1u1 r,·lo, lhlJth Smith llllll pcrfutm , Jubn c· {Jllhc.11.111_ ·1b• Rrlk' nf .\mbtnu·~ \ oo:,.,t, i;p1.411 pb}' hJ\Cd OU the ""nuug, pt l mill 0...'1:tnM.UI I p,m \h'd.lll-,d.,ey co \di~Jn rafonnnl I'?' iu,.L,;111 \lml."!·lbn r. • April .a - Ulunru:.. Hi_q/,/., nud thr 191/r ,-l.m,·11dm,11r hc:,on1ir
R,,t,m Si,i, 111 pc~ at,ou1 f""'Ot.41 r~1.'1.lotn CJ.f'l~ll lh1uui:h mu, 11.' 7 p.m tti.b) 111 St.:hukt tli.:(~d Aknc :::.)TI)rh~)' {)r(l1et,cru "ill p.rfuml a.I 7:10 rm.
New Fuji 41• 1ayer technology
pe ed 99c
all N I C Students and Staff 2.0% Off on all C~l.en• and BUICK , WIUU Developing and fl.lo i os fo CJ) ~nd i~is~ ~tud~nts. 10 % off for Nl C Studen ts & Faculty with college f.D. 30% offT-s h irl photos brmg m this ad wl1h your noxt dovolopment order and gel a fr ee roll of film lot.lll 7t h and Shennno Downtown Coeur d Alen~ 765-8522

• cref)ted in 1989 for :

"Indiana tones and : i:=> the Last Crusade." •

Contrary JllOtives


Jay intimate feel

cw rc1¥1n • ptl'\fk\.'11\·(1111,ay differ 1oudict J)Cf'IQn'._. 8«.au1e c;arch b.t\11~ldlc:tc1" h&W,,ln r,mt rM)' .«flirl'4:'\'('.ra) d1ff.:n:1n v.,,a)·"· [la, i, v. lhe pl.I)·

,Ji.,m,1n h.l1111"1"'fl 'l'bc-c.11.1.rilCLCf\ c:rtJ., murJcr !oCt'IX' fou.rd1rtcuut cik.1t1c:llinp.d1e 1.1&1t} h11ft11M. ~\'t'\l«ltlkbc-tfcr. nit\lUUng -·.hon tht-,tatt<>. 1'hn nlUJt:

I mnrt" pt'fk"IMI 110J ti>:int(.l(Ublc ff'r .iuJ1Cfil.:C J AJ_.-. IJl.t.;J ll bccnu~ lhc rc11 ,narc h·;d1•hc illu.l 1,oc ""'«.lid diltlol 11tdua:b.1r.S.vacdllr, t..f11tlc,,•,c.1.hU,1 J'bd110.,11'1J! ·~ IM.Uln \loffC\lo'CJJ .....t&Uin-\l,11kJ"'cd.J,1pld li,IJJn,1ti.,-,._c1K'\YhiN~t,,lh.::

n1 ,a;CiClrl~ ,if the -.c:.aliua. Sht lilii.1 bl.' "OJWll1c11Jed otl the: •11.)'

tfu, r\.11..m p)il) Ull(l ""ffltthu:i. 111

lM' .1;..S~tli!C u,ll.llJ undcNand ;arid

Sc.:-nt nod CO'll1nor d...""'Sll' "'crt VlT)'

I\,: JU!.uo \' E.:itun Jc,1vlil.!d th~

a"') 11001t,c, ,cc loolcd ~l1..tJC Ju4hlh

:hl!OC.)' ,.bi;~ 1hc t't11h1n'lt'1 a11J

•r•V ~th m.,.,,1t1g thffn ~'"" v.11h

lnbaoton. b.&J WbC' dw•.ten illkJ

U>U:B /(-,(' Vct11ttM11,1"'Cna,1\

lb pl.a)·cd the r,m of I~ ~t'lllcn •bi<h MC ,111~ h;md Lhnt

Ult"" an Nall.'.k. ;mJ wtue ma~.1~·t' ··,11vn1t,k .11nd

\c, rrnr"- 8ut M loOfl'lc, r,oinh I (6'md

dl..u'ik!l'I db-11.iictin, ~J,QS(' I ~uuJJ


:'licfU'\t l"'IIJU011y u r,oaitbchuld.11

Src.11.h am.'\lod lnr 1he lllhns tt,,

IOft \liA' 11t11 bl" lilkd the hu,h;uld, liibJdt'n~ t,1,,1.,thathcdiducm


Ille "-'"ml lN! C,11nt l~m the w.00 hclit'\cd kUIC\l the tn~rlcl die tec:ond :act II mn!lum (Anum<b

1 ...,., hrwih1 ,n l.ll titll dw ,1e.,. <if

Jew tiu,hacl Tbc mc,lium 11:,1ittc'd

• bu~h.lltd k1lk·J himk'U alt.:r

l mrruJa.1 huo ai)J h11 wife

m.d,cup u~ fotdi,c n>Nhum .JJtcl

rut• dcrnc:QI The ffiQJluin·t. folll."t

mi.nip. h,d, .ttled .l Jb.nll)


r!c: iintn1":it1 <,n \.l.1~c Ulen r«u\Ct 10

•oodc:utl.Cf i Lttb Junkr1, thr I h,n lt:.1a;J\ll omd 1hc ;-nnt

EttriqUC'.t). 'The)· t(;1Litt-d lh.11 lhc

:\l'litt the murtlcr tal..c (111kt' 001

Ol,t Jdm]1 to II bdor~


, 11,c 1nurJcrcr N.11 lkll lht. wa)'


•·,••-uncr't. JICl""rcd"c nli•Y h,t\'\'

lht ,note 1t",1b\UC' ,·~wn a( the

l '-l~ tbi, bcau\C' hr •11nC'\~ I~

r Yjlth C1U1 11'( tlea.\C'1 l~ ti~ (l(b,.:-t

ILkt 1ft' luJ n~ tta.'°'1 to ht .,nd

lll'lC li.a,t <"h.t.n,ci.S lhc \IDr) to ln.lkt


s,la) ,call) m..Jc- lhr :wJm~ie dw1l..

du, Q~110IL ff<IW olft' ,.._.(' ~h.uip.DI

~'.If) lB 11ur e\t1)J.)) Im•., co wL.~

I.~ ~lkr'' And ht,\\• h i,ur \tOC)·

•na the""'* ptc.1utc'.1

b)J1111o10u,,1d ,1l

~-'llf ··"'

Quarrel anticip(ltes production of their a cappeffa album

Pul filllTJU)''lo~lhcrandtHll,111)' )'Oli'llfda

k'ltc1ILM1hlc. Bui mlbc'C-"C't)Cthnnor ·N llntmnny, JUU rn an ,1 apptllA quath.1. tanrrn""I ,,1100, '-IC muttei.1n" ul»ul 10 puc tiuc thtn f1n1 :iltium 01oop,, tit 1111 ~ttid1. Ilk h>111i.:J c,nyd.i) 11:1

muf11rfc. W,1)'1; for !\rcl>l:t't '(lflnlnilflfl, Uf',.J r .n,. BmndcmAtdnJ~ Dev1J1 Rh'-C ttk:u

ll,l'OUl'I )W'l(d b;ick III tujh ,dNvtl Tbt: fo11r rl,.Jt'\I the r:ut ot tl 4u.a,tet ln lhdr llirh Khool lllU'\J~AI

··Muuc \11ui and Jt.'\:1ckd h• ~I.I)' r,,gah.·i /\ 1111,c

Jrom lb., mu..,k'..i b.u ,lol;t d,:,i.:nbc'J tbrni

-You'll pC''rCI \CC' lhc:~ C1;Jur llll.'1t 11p.ul "' t\11J Ill.Id t.

the bl.'lf.lMIOJC 11r 1hcu t.tttl')',

Soffit, ,rour, "f!('tld .1 lo! ol llmt' dcl11'iro.i1ini

O\'t'f nnm,·L Noc 1hc-: gu)~. lbc>· c.:.n)C ur ,..dh

1hckn ·bnphu;.ardly," th.: group's pchOA,)J 1ub·

\\'OOttt b;n, R1'1c:t ~ud lie Oc"•riy Mr~ 1.,u1 tbc

'f)t;akcr on the rc:iconkr u,,;J ln 1hi, 1rn~n·1~

•·Oht ,,,id humo1. ocic "'11J h.annl,11)'."' be 1a1d

Tiicy }.1,, • 1hi:t v.-.ankd h.\tmoll) a, p;in ot lbctr t1 me .1Dd alw 10 be lliowo u a. f1.1m group.

TIIC)'''Yt '11111.J ~\ 111tl1t lu.a11t0r...,id1 j1,l,II\OI 1httr a,1 cnn,,~11,,r of l11dC' a,m;.; mom1.'nl\.·'\l,l-"" ltlC) ·\e rn~C'll'd 1bc ,poc,mui; r,u*"aJ'- --,·aJJ11111.. r1u,-,.mJ hnn,n. uulw.!'\. ,ovnnor I lur11..btctm. Uw OJ"t'fa H,iu.,( 1t,1td di.: Ont- wJl,1. R,~ (' (\'CU hi!* Lt~ putt un ll'tt l«ybc,,ol

Met. M1tr all tb1n, lhr) '\'C fioall)'cut .1111 altun Hc:'11 In lhlltft'OC finan,~ .mdbc1,1n,c..., h'-'~~ ~ll) ,int' h»\tonc: a,1~ 111:h b the mu,1c m,4oilo&ff. '\klMd,:i: c:nll, tum Che "'rdlCJ!t!,.il N111j" ',,>mu11110111. Ute lucl lnlgn.\kin hn p.111 in -.cuu11 tlfl 1hc ¥•8•

Aldritl)lc. OIi tttptil tbC" chanl w11.b 11b ''tt) lC1lPf '¥1"11• ,:, J..iuMet. 11, gnlllr', Cl"lf'llM: ~lid111~1nl)' d~ 1.> 1hrtt tn.4kldJ fun olbmt He'•

.ihihtJ id LIJ\·~ \'iM

"H" dft\'n :I J")l:bop•llh. klluw h.-tnJ IDL"m~wud

JU)' wI.hit) ha"~ foouJ Jra,l UCte good lbJn • .&tiQ1,1I being II Cllppdl..i iroufl rhC)' ~ul lb<!)' toi•n Jc.itncd th.I .ttl, like (OliJ' ('lill'I lwn10111et •~ <'•h tu, nwru~ ro lit<:Ul'C bim,c.U


"Utlmur ·X' ll.uu1&1oy'11 01c.u1.N 1111', Tune., Tn lttug Your l:AN 10 h.:11 ~" f'C(OOled 1111J ~n, to u C01nf'1.III)' 11.1 Tc1t.11, l~1 ht' pf\'.lJ1nJ Scion lbi:1e r~u wlll be ~lbng d1nr nShu.m • C'\ Cl)' rb.Y lhc) c.:w1.1odOOh1g a c(10,·tH 111 Jh.c St 8 .uld •I \.\rlOU'I 1111l'iic,1~ro

Atlcr thtl 1t'me;,1cr Hmnol' ·s H.111fflttny will "(ltnf 1heir ~llf'' W.l)'S. Atdhl.llC wtll b(o r,cUlllJ 4dl'{LH'C (11( ~·iv.hnn,l 1tKhintt,. Rl,\.c will bC' ,:Cline t'ln 11 nfrhlnn lo, the LOS C'himb iwd "Ahrn he ft'h*fT11 he ,.,111 f:O Ir.Jo tbe mol,c,al HclJ. ~n) 'llci.ll be .a uu1,lc: t(.11:h,·1. anJ Surminr1011 wdl bca1n.c .ioek111c.1\11U)' tc.:hc-1

bu1f0f 11i11w.1ht'y'rc1;ull llufnl'lr'~ lli111UOC1}', fllW' JU), "'uJ, ptkb, loot .lllll.i a '4!tl'C! t hunlOI' 111 ltal'n 1no1i: aticiul 111.un~v ·N" t tvmony c,r pw"-b;u,c 1hcir 11Jbtn11 ~, uoc,. tt.> Plu~ ''t'our fo c:nu1I humnr _u b.umon:)QhPfm,uJ.4-00\{ll! cu.II Rl\lir .11 fi!JJ.JQ77

Musicians lose priority over students' lunchtime

Crowd lacks cnthu~iasm with traveling musicians h) Jr.-;, \\.ftl!K!fl _jWI

\lu, Amy \1arun, 21). 11.nd '''"°"

t.,u&c, ?7,of \11')(K1l1pbycdan

(If bu:D_gl')' people- I-ch 21<.

(or_lWl~rin Lbc SUB

nh ~e rca>·111g little 11tt.ruoon to them, tu or1c, tin)C I <:01111tcd cal"

I f'C'UPk c:1.,rr1.1,, i1 lf..a\li'1 RC\,llW d1o111hc mu~t1:u1nn,crc: bid The)' wJ d1.:y \'t' irnnwn c.k.h QC.btT ((If mn,~ ,~a• )'Cill" ;and ooth of thrm h,a\·c, l-«n pl.iy1111 fur IIK\t'l:lhllD 10),'.ID ll\\'ll.\JUW.tbclllil'lO!ipber< II KC'lntt.l Mone WlL\ dilf'r n, bcx.lU'-0 1IM')' "'etc c.id1cr too im·ohcd in 1btir fl"- n ,'Oll\'t'n.JIIOft\ lot~ hold a pen m ooc, 11.1111d u.nJ food m 1hc o thtt \1lh,., do yuu ,:,;pc,a:1 It"""' lunch1!m., Wbrlba or not oll1)1Jne ";i" l.i'ltcnmJ. f\W1m And lwdc .rill pl.i)'(J lU thct)(l(:I \\ho 'll,-~. Tht; r&a>cd ~p, from '"o aU'\ilTh

tb1.: \\-ilol~

1m\\ It 'IC'jQlkh b'-e am,,"' wn~ amJ " hu I(: or -ountf) Tu uIt: iA.rpplic:J 111 1ew .,IOI! .ind kM:Lni ,·aaib 'lihllt

M,nan dld lcadtnJ ,...,cal\. \1.:inin )11-.Undi

ht.~ :1. nu,~ Jo111 M11d1dl Mld t).u


GCOOl11J'JU)' IM flJCt',. ~1tllhlMJ pll.1r lhM ,ht play«!

11·,n.,1,;c tbul M.a,tJn ,u"k:i. to her

t1Jh;lhtft' J,,Oi,lnll C:\ca ch.on •.1111 l,11k, cn·~bclmh1g. After thr~ Kin,!i pl.aycd 1hi:- '.unt' \l,'.I.)', )'® trod 10 fd a link bcirtd Aucrcwryonc: u11t1«1 tca"·inJ for d,1M anJ lhc dtnlni w.u he\"(lfflmJ IN.I hc(.•bc, ~1.-UIIDIIIO\,:;.I Ultoll«'Ul'll,eof

i:;:··........ ,..... I Pc.nwas
Oovo.n Risko, Btad Perry, Brandon Aldri* and Spetncer Nomi lngton, the a c::appella quartet ol two years, Nlrmonlze durlng night
a Wtle ...
p<8Ctlc:e• In Boawell H411.
•·Brc.i1.ln, Mt:' Optn;· ·'Pnn«: Clwm,n:- :inJ "Let 11 Go'· 'lheyalwdtd llt."'O\Tt o(;a Na.I Yowi.g ~ l!f. I·m pn:lly (Utt 11 'Nl'Oc.11fc~ "Wtttb.oJ_! 8:iJL · hut 1cuuklnl ht~tO\('t ,dl1ht' 011'\C' fl!IC'y il.l"1Qdid11cohTc>t" Sc.11 YOlmt '°"I l'tn f'l\'11)' 1i1m: H 't\11\alkll "WrtrktnJ 0#11 '' ~t1t l ~IIJJdO"I bc.M o,·a :allthc l)Uflrot' Mnu .1nJ Tuttle~ 10 pb,) th.: w 11,c kind oJ nw.u, lhtoui:buut
l.'\)f'l('(':rt co 1t ll1mn1 l'OOfl1 p.xtcJ full
1hr:y were .cmn.,: f1,rSI S. The>· pl.a)C\l
II.kc "Soul HAAL.
,lt1Wttt.n1tJ!, ldldn'nhmL ii "'·oi1!Je~r c ild h '«1,.,J lill lbe l,~,c how of "1) lire b"ffl 1J 11('1 QflC-=IAJlllC"l,1 I()( 1h.:m Of 11how(J much 11tlt'cCt.l, lhey 1.ull dil.l ntlhc:t '-t'll M.11un 11114 •4"1cd.i lA1tr1J1.1t lliill l'IC 11munt1 Stank' »Id l"onlw.S IIOII OCkl' rL,,n ,WUDJ Ilk' talaod Nurth',t,·('\l, If ever )'(1(1 w!IQI to bnw rnorr QOOIII Am}' ~Lu1mclfhuT a CD, vi,11 ht'f"tb,11e1u "'"'"' .tm)-~ntn.o •m Y~1C2l"l~l110buy both bf hc.r lHIUltts ..illltnr

Band loses punk roo

Songwriter's return brings dense lyric s by Sc Gwmire ;ofal'WfW

~taluwftha young_, lnlhtmovi.

·wowSokllenl. s.t during the V1etnam Wat, tht movie deplctatho challenge,, IICad during the conflict.

Vietnam film depicts horror

'American Pie' star outshines Gib so n byO.a\utl>ubb.


Thh ,tw\'lt "We Were 84'1.dtcn

<****•••N~cdon1hciuue '-IOI')' We WCI<' Saldte1, Once Ai,J

You:na_ 1'hc cntia dlllm tbh rt,i,\·ic •lilt'\. lhr- AU\.~K' Wtlh IU, •il11udc, Mtl

01b~ Put lht' ,l,u u( the fflO\'-'"· aml

I mu,1 uy. 11urpri•1nit; cnouJb, h lhc I Amc-m.:.111 Pk,"' l•\:ontc

A:rv1cw <lm1 Klt-ln. \\-h1l give~ me pt" c ot w, ljfc A1k)lhcrsurpri,1ng,<'

111 J~ up-anJ.cotnUlJ J.tll G~J Om't capect .i ~hnrt and nun-

gnpb,c war Olm. \i'dJjt\., btt.auw- 1hc

d1rt'Cll'll(ofthh !Dl'Wieo a, nOOt"Olho

thnn k:a.ndaU W1llMe, \\,ho'~d:aun co

fame Lt •·s,a,d1e411.

Tiu, 1, ba'-Cd C)O I lf'U( \lllfY n( lhc

rm-t major tm!le of th< Vh:t1wn War.

Osi Nov. 14. 19M, 1n tilt 11 DranJ of V1rtu.i.m, Lt Col Ha.ruhl

M(lnfe (\1cl C'rlh'K'lltl ,nd lu1 W~


••• Gooo

uoop, 111>01 the l1.S. "tll Air C1v1Jry find 1bc:1nW!J\t~ sunvutldtd t't)' 4.000

ffleffl) \OlJiC'1'. llla_t.c.all) 10 &l'IC

.ut.)"mt1rc 1han 1ha1 h • ,1•b In 1he ,ldt

(If the m(l\'ic. IC\ gr,, "'•lcb ii Pu1 I t:in LI) 1tii,, 1he 100,.,fe h

mdcc:J 100 Joni• tuc.11 dul

011h,1111~.1hc ,wcht111."( h dnu,n In h)' th( UlC'O\l\C WUI l('Cllt• .I

c:alla:lhc- "'""'" JdN lhtouJh 1ht

~•U 11 trUh· cm,,tiucu1 ••.:ei~ .:ind

1hc 1utbc~~ laUJIII\ 1U lht',nr,uk

Tbr mi>,·,c ~,n'1 know whrn to

ru.\ C' \<..CDC'I rod. mali:1n1 Whal

tJarh utr 1otnm1 ,11)11 ruction

KhifY~n1 JU\i ~em dull m the end

11:ntl whhinA n ~wld '" PC'I Id 1hc

ntXI !'C'tlk" lbh film h "<')' gr.arlu.: anJ

dc(iJUltl) ltoC fc,tc\1.'l)'\'IDC. Ouc

piphlt du,pl11)' nc,vl'\ "•hen "bon,h c.tplOOC• in • hilllkf1c\J_ Surnconi:

1ri'"' ltl mtt\c 1lw- rcnc,n but !1tt1dcnt1ll) nt)\ ou chlUTI'd ~ktn Ofl Jm, kl' eV'PV, 1,n o1u1bcnlk hlnoJ-cunll1n, M:m,m, II Yl'l.'.n·,

•• OK * "Nor ANOTHER TEEN Movn• r,1n~tl1\0'()I:. The lfio,{ hau.11~,: part I.) the Lbt hnc" oo th..• NU.ld.c.ld by '1el G1h\l,n 10 • rq, Yw lcll 14·ba:1 b.:ipprn~-d lk'rt; )'OIi ttll ffl)' bo)', dtcd." and he: s,ld 10 know 1h.i,11hc ,ctcr.111,1: of the \ tcCtwU Wa, 1\.1,..c h.w chc1t Countr)' hDTI l.bC1t hidt (Ill them. bkh ll UlOI c. fngbLcalng ltw.O ¥D)' hi,mw- rit,n. Arv,chu pcu11h..t'1 ~1ually lYunlm1l iwJ ti."V' u. lhr: viords bcl1t.fa'I Othow,a 11nd Kk-tn throofhout dlc:mllrcffli.nlt SotC\'C:OJU.tol lbcY.1)·lh11 C\'Ct)' an dtl\ MK1\1C h Jl\'ffl a fct0e. l;,'Ctl • m11n Jigh1ln1 fr,r lhc Vk1 Kon,: pt."Cl the 4UC\IJUO: Wh,1111 do~·~ flJltl fnr'' .\tlddo"llrlCC\"l"T\iCIWl~ ~"'hOQ\·c,ICh (rceJQma• anydullJ 1:nurc WJtun11i1um"

To end ll>r m(tVIC, ~. htl OI d"...e-"hn dl:IC'd 1n th1, Joc,UM. •hJch In m)' op,n1n11. it the hi:11 U\butt llft)' W,lf fflO'<ie Clt.B ha,·c

Futuristic book lands place in movies

Cops. zombies, travel make presence in film



urt.t Timt' \tJie:;hJM· (So• pt.., lng..

l'C,13) 8a'(d vn 1he II\\ Wdlu.l '\·>k,

IOcnti'1 AlrunJct llat1.dcpt1 (Guy

f'tilM') bull\h III IU:Ot m;Khlnt: lh:.t

"ll«l~tot E•ll" (Mardi IS. R)

Thi, 1novic "'.u on a ",tkct i:;,nit anel 1t ccr1ainly .J'IOW\. Al •

¥<ftet111: I.IMikff.lOOIIIJ f-.:lhl), l 1fflhrdlll. C'orponuon. thr T-vm.11, 11i rtlea'iitld .md lull\ iaU the cmpl~ The SUJ)t1C'001(11)1Cr IQ ch-,:e dn<iCl c,'n)'thin; k> >.«p die ,1n,1 ll\llln

...-prt:adlhJ Ah«CMlll-,Jnrn,w.·Ma111.i

"Ra111 CMk.-hcUc ROi2dpclJ lclld a J1111UP of mntnWldcw, 111 fiswc oul

"h~··•·roog. Uplnrntcring,lht)

C)'( cant.I)' f«tht BU)\

"'Sho'A'dmt (Marth JS. PC~IJ_)

Aftrr thttc! r1ttloJ :aaaernpc., IO BO ma:,n-.u-cllffl v.·ltb Wear b1c,1 CO-. R«lpcfot' I Llk:' "No Su~c and "'New Arnm'°" · tb.: 1nRl.k-nu11.I h~puot "'"" Bad I Mc-h ~t,hxL Titrlt Rcv1tw ncv. co '1bc Prucc,~ of Belle(' k 1i l111Utd. ttsrc,,h·c .a1ttmp1. to 1ttal11w111 did• ~cdma fl\l"~ n1'1C'\ and itJbctc lo tht'u' n1cw fonnul:ti'° Jyncal/pohbcal \Citnd.rJt. 8..d 1ch1kln (IM v. ill ll(lprei:t11k the lnn1-.-.11k'dre1umP1 ~'"J"'f'lter 8rtu Outt~itJ And thdr tc'l\lm to Cun:wtt<'• lcg,.....,. ,..i,1puot. Lohcl ~u:ph. Ne,·mhdcu.. ,tngcrl~Ti1ttGat:• ('ffillfm'"' .,Ofd) lyric;al phr.a~ ha,c M.'0/Uc 1ncn".aloift$l)· dt'ft\C CUkl! •nJ m111,:h le~ lrrcH'f'Clltl OI tn1n1wA1 lh.ul tn'1n an)' olthrlr (lfC1i.c:dm3 al~in fl-rum '\\btfnalht"•·Y,iu't( ~lit'd anJ diun:~~ 'ce,;1. )'Oll c11n'I ru&k WI)' "11.116' 11t the l udia-.:Kl.1 OOl11QucfwaJ Jlk lJ)ICJI.I ~nc"'"*"' dr.11 wtll dcmt )·out t(JffiJilOII ~K the.Jot/ th111 ll"ln'I no reec:1.\ N1-.icth<-lc:$,,, mu~,-;.11ly, lbc i®nd <ti "Pvul:n.ul fkhrf" l,cuc lrom1ht \~r')' wmc w n 1hdr nr11c:r hpil.Jph rc.ard, '->Mf'-, rmndy -J>ru,\'C 11'" •11J •·8H,&.Cft UC qu11r- \lmll.d cc,~ h-1oJ ,,., Rc:ll&loa'• earl)' Epl 1.aph u· ··suncr Ho\lt<'\.tr, 1hdr l)'tK.t ladi. dlll:' u.111c, u.n:lonK, "punk" "{'-UlL -'luuc..U)·. 8.MJ R.clJJioo )w.

c:h.itn)tcd for Che bcttct Tilr add1tq flt a ni.·v,· dnmuutr. SrooL, W,11..ktnn.aA, ti.,, ,1pif,canU) lm-rro'-ed lhc:" RMXIOIOOCICI\ bnl hlld be1,,:otnc 1111 t'lantCII Cl( SN Rellghm•s mu.Jc-. The cl,,"-"lc ju-iupaution of qunJnrpk·>j'C«l pioL rilt, •"1, meloJ1..: 8c:.a,;b ~uc h.tm11.

1holt hnc- BIid Rrlirion apan I thi:r pun\ ell-.:~,, ,till 1ppgrcn1 0111"t'\\11T'$rrtuml,•,·ck:l.lfflt ,Jd.i1ic,u: 1he ttCUM of OuttV."111', UDIQUC' 1.,"\11&.cr uyln, with ,he b;iocr dnunc:ll'*C h.1rmon1« n loot.

1lm d11o(' a wo,1h'llrhlk pti\.ila~ O.;iJ Rd111on ,uwl pun._ f11t11 rcrt1.1p. be: r,vt1..11

Jdinc m tbc runk tl'IO\o'Cffltlll

New style sells recor

Self-produced CD No. I

!?l'!J:.1<•.!:!1"'" ..

l',c hc;MJ ;ooJ l'.lllt Nd Uu11,-, About t\t(lfl1,~tte0 1k'"" athum. "l.nck-r Rua $\\CP,'" ,,uac OUI <In 26. h'a htt r.~, --,10 album iuc,.:c 19QN~., •·Su~J 1-nnntt lnlah,IUUQ lwtdf-- Ind rl af,-,,. dcJlvt at Ne, t OQ 1hc Btllbolrd Oi.a1b. So v. hnt AIDn 1, bttt1 ll•Ylrt.l ulltr then'' Stw ~h.--J m Ood 1n tho

tnm!>pOIU him 800.000 )ftn m10 the I futwc.Jn'lln 1890. Thc:rc

Piuv1cw he tbb, 1tl.)r ltum:u111y


,r,a:1c ll.b 1111d Motlod; Oa,._

l«rt'l\ art btrr he must di.'ClOVt"t'

tlc.fon: be .:.:111 MUm 111 bu. wn lame For briJ1J ie,cnaJ huadlal ccnturio

inlO \he fUtlJl"C, lht t•·~ ~ICC M,·t

Jevoh ed IDil hl'f'c tk1 t«h1i,olc.'1ly at.

',l,·~ mo• lL w~ happc:m when «idy be\."OmC'i tau ckpendrnc""

Yournd 1,1p li•la, 1no,et. Eloi.

Jl~\·ct I.Jc UmbttUa llllll lw., 11.U turned lnlO 10!1~1\':t. And aB)'OOC IQ 1ooch.JJ\Ql)!'tbcat~

ooc 100 Ah~ nnd Rain make II m the MJJ)C'fWIUP,1Cr I.he Red Qu,m1 .uid thnt they n,11,1 c-..;apt to tht '*utfaor to fa.od the atiu-,1ru:1. Tb1, (lneqj'1

P'fl\t ~, cl1bcr ;tt tbc) mu'II

OvCIC<ICnc: many challtnJt:110 ~,c

e\·t'l)'CWIC 1(ft"t"1c..t and tbt Vli'QCkl

UM' I ~'lid. th11 mcl\'IC iii ddimJd) I \·-jd(o IAll1C' The ftll,JOffl)' oc ,bov. .an, Che hcrot\ O\tftM\'41 Uf"IOlli cib;JJcn~n and dcfrMlfl.l! the .t0t1,bin..

l'hl QM'\ JOI aaJw1.1CI·fi and 1Ul11ie'

LA.Pl) dd,xt1\C Mrtcli l'n:Mon (Rub:n De: N1,ol 1akn hb fob ~al)'. ~t1o·1nn1 1tiobJrP)••hcn Pasn>I Off""' T1<y Sdr.u, tf,ddot \lurphyJ ,w1nNc,.1m., an U~\·ct opcntiOII IUld Nlnli. IL What m.tkc;\ UtirlP, \I,~ j\. TV nt'W\ (R\I,• tff.n., (u:IJ., out, rurnwg c,'ff)'lhutg t.ruo una dh,lNtt In ttu,cnitlon. Mal.Ch ,hooi, thc"roent, ~hKh octWod. ~UC(1 Cha'IC Rt11ri fRftlt' Ru\C> oa film BUI' 1111iu.C-Wtat. thl.·yN1vc10 finiJ a f'l311 ntf th.,t ('*I m;ikr UJt (or the dclo.:h\e',>--r1il M:bnj laknl M1kb ~b MUCL "1th ,t P,t'AO(I hr 1~u1cl)' h.LCS: Sell.In. lltuisC.0.P.S. fro,nlhe 1W1J'1poh1.1. nfnrw WnhTrt)'betnl,r,la)~b)' Edilir \torph)', ,c·, bounJ to be b il.umus.11",i Jiw 10 KJI 'l\'hetbcrdu, i\ IINU Hulltlo'dOJ. U')'UII to P) 1111.o K'nt\lU po111.~ "·od, or J14.l1-.-c wm bcwtilif\J H.t'*it r.1W>uJ,h 10 be lwlly,.ooJ

I ,99s fl.l(l\-1,C Jqma'" REVI EW '"""' Pen Altl«I.. '.\1.ac1 CN11M.1na.lklAIM She aho pl"\hcJ lhe ·'tit)' of ArJgcltN ~k to No. I 'l\rth her MJnJ "1b.anlr. You So "·hat am )OI.I C't.pcd Imm her lalo1.tbum1 All I oaia ~y i,ifyou arc ~t.p,ecang. her to )'e-U Ol,lt l)'"f1C1, bMbtr dcbut alhum. ~·11 he d.l\.lppu4:ntcd Al.1n1!li h.n g,n""n up• bltJc ,i1,ct ahcn 1bc albun1 \t,llh nul wuh 1J1C ni« ,u111r-drh'.:11 ~I nunp l \\anl in• lovt'r." aod end, Y.1lh ,luw, Ctlut-1t1f1U(',i«-d ""l'tilf1:1 OliC firt-t :r.i"Jkit ·H:md,.Oi.-a'"~tuch b(,pcfuUy t'\ff)'OOC ha.~ htlll\J b)' 1~y, Thc.J1lhum run bttu ou1 ror a bu.Sc ""'n tbant~'"-«l..' and rm ~l~J) aide of"lhc *'"t· Rut tkd h.a,,n'1 \ I Opp(\l lt fromdthu11 a1ai No. lf>oo tbe Bdlbo;ll\1 un,ln ..:twl PmhaN)· my Ja\·•1tOC ,,oni i.-i tht albvml1"'So lJ~,;y I 1h111.l1c"1 a

'l("IRJ: U>Wh.11.'.h('\'C')'('lnet' aol. thm )'V\I r,ot,.,l1ly thtnl. h,jC)llyollOUl'tlf Tim,,. the ~I album ~Ml A1mb 1w f'"lllu.-,d h<f,cll She 10""'1 DIUMit:ml• tile l-1ao("1be RN Cluh Pc:W<"-• En< Awl,! ul "'Jllfl("'t.A6d1'ltoii." \tohc:.U Sdcl>C"'<IIOauJ 0....Dd-"'ol ·s11,nc l'Cfl'.tplc ~k:,1,,··1ntte.,l her. In tbi, .Jbum. AI.Jnl.l Crin lO JO chlkmil mu,icaJ dlttcuoo• ,~cat Jull ~,":unin, tU cvtC)thi(IJ. M 4 thr Mlfl!!." 'KIUDJ 1hcumt IOmt,S ('\'fflhcrl)~.uc , Allbcr l)"l'K"\ l«m to l'ie :ttlcllltt ttlltrlC'II~ The :ilhtlm JdinUd)' bu iU !lip antlk1•pw11 J1',,:N".1t1n,ccmil Al.ianh i\ t.uiin, I d1fftm11 •r'Pf'Od tohes-M1U'9Caitdllt.itW11~ tnvoh·td 11111 ltt•pduU)· "~ •ff! I h.,.:- lo wa.11 anat~"f dui."I! )<M1 t" 1inntha alhum

W11tc.h \-our (A.vorite 'J'Ol'tinJc C\'ffll ln I cltan, comfort.a.Mt 1111mosrhcrC"l

En;,,, our fuH $<I\ ice loiuw and grill! • World ft.mOU.1 Marprlt,H • Ne"' 1'-ikro Brcw1l • BlooJ>• Mt.,. • B-S2', • ftot,Cy Mua B«r • f<-nd!
.'t E. MANIA THURSO~YS 9pm • 11pm S5 Admission & ZS cent: O...iltt.r, Slv>< Raual, F,mch Frlu, & Sod., ,, ~.,~ H W C
r() Pm« ,~ Bchcr· h«,ll,lt,(' of lt.t, '"'"" bctu.1. 1ec11C't 1tnun~~n1 qoa.lrhct... llo\lli·('\tr, mwc hl:(:l)', tl\CJ •!Jl du!Jkc 1hc d1toe for 1hc U~rtec to the runi. KCnt' dr~ 1Jt.:11 ;1UttU('("t 101lfl NWmlltiMD The 4ua1.ity ol 1hc', 1.1)11c hlll tmptO\~ 10 thn ("0 ,.ll It ll,UUC appucl th.II 8*1 Ilc1Jpoa h:n ICJt.t Im' i:n~. J10hl1c.&llr r~oJ anJ lo1clk(tu.olly c~t 11auJ,011'd,1h.2c1ht) tm,ceocne!O

C ,,utyn Davidson was • paid S3'i in 1%4 •

:,,- for dei,igning the : _ Nikem-oosh. •

oddard beats

JCCAlndoor ational record

1n~ ir,1d, ••Id (icld lc.r,rn home ltlJffl N1tl1t•n.1I~

,JQC ftf\t rhlcc 6n1,hcr a1nd 1h~ ('Qacb of 1ht )

'1,tfll)' NIC ~udct11, <c>mpclcd .tt1 t\och 1hc mm .ti.ftd Y.Tln~n

,n1hplllC'l'uH1.1JlmManh.au11n K-'11 March t·l

,,.J Oddt.LttJ kl .in Nau('lln11,I Junu.M C'ollcslak l\thk1K 11011 lnJa,or '.ll11!1i1n.1h tcetmJ 1mJ tJrol.,· h,, n'4n ~JC'AA

,wJ 11:11hr 3S·poauJ \\.cal}lt Lhrow. GoJdanf .,,,,nth<" c-, cut

afll-01 JI.I lhrn\\ A,hian \\.1i1lu firil•hN fiflh ~1 ~S

, .i am.I Jue (jlll\'"WO(~ Wat \lltUt .u SI to. 1/Z.

,ill bb JcJi..11tu,n An,I hvc an the llldmcnl .tUll\kk, l.c:wl,

m'l..hlrad ~h. woi. n11mcd lhc mco·, mdonc lr.c.,_ anl.l

,~boltht',·'-'at for 1b..- ;H1111..,.n ·1n lhc ~OO·nitt,:n \kJ nn Jc,bnwu hn1,bcd

•·1lh, 11,oc or 2 .tl.51 and Laura Hmt.1n1tcr 11111,hcJ \lxlh

1!3.8-1( In the: prclum fohn¥Jn q\1.4.IJ(icJ ,1 (ounh w11J1

"9 IIIJ Htrmndc:t lol:\th .tt 2·:?4 l .l th,· 1.0111J-roe1ch, Julie- T'C't(l'\(t\ nm,hC'J lumth "'lh , 11 .90. and M1unJi fohn\Ora lliJ'- >.U.lh.&I \ 1l 74 1n lN:'1r r,tlim, J1'1u\,()n '4,u h,urth w11h l: 14 IS a,tJ Pdc"ca u,uh ,h 1h ~1th l:14 71 For lht' 3f.l(JC) Ok!lth Ft4JH.:iOC \IC' fitu,h,·J molh '<\1th I 1 11).8'.'i .ind •1'o 1111, ht'U \t.Vf111h in th< 5.000-mctth With 20 I .lOl Th<' .+'<-100 relay 1c11m <1f Jc,ik11

11t•h luhn'IC'ln llf'fl!'ftlitl ;ulcl ft'tcC'r.en f1nhbcd \C"1f\'nlh al



.._, • fl1ht fnr Jm.l anJ ~,,nJ IP th~ 4\~Ckl t1:l1)· ••

,n. John~ H~·rnandcJ: aoJ Tiff11t)} U,1111 flni,b(d wm1

». ,ttotiJ \'lklli)th fllf U\:UM pl~c 8;1nun Count)

l)il )' C'"ollcs~ 1ooli. 111'1-1 '4'ith 9·'.'J.97

Jiu.itt( medic~· tc.tm1.·1:1111pr1t.tJor John,tm. Juhnwn,

inJ Hoity ph1Ct"d 1hm1 wnh 1: n 8c,.. lltllh VntJcy

\\,U ).C~u-111.I 'IL'llh J:?:".\6 .tJ Hd ButonCuunt)' wa, f1r,1


Jl:tf Bront..b,e.,u pb~c-J I2lb t.D Uk .bot put wnb • dl,uncc

Ill 5(1 She .1ho pl41i;cJ •~"f;111sd 111 lhC' ''"'gbl lhmw with•

7j. l'rplAI Smnh hnJ J \\·ctt,hl throw meet r.:..:uhl ,11 56in :nm die Men ii, tht' l)fl(: mile. C:t'nc 'Oclan,;•~ut'• tinw wu

II for •n c1Jhth phi~..: flnhh. r~J Lhl falli,..t-J in nmlh

v.11h ~..t·J.s.m.

rhc IOOO-mc1.c~ lk1,111court tnd R)t\TI L:illC',Hkr kll ~rt

f11)·1n; 11>1 the fin~lt. In 1hc rm:h1u t Ullt11nc,1un ,,.,..,. l.lth

t .?·3157 II.Oil l..m(.i,tu IJlh Wllh .l:.\7 62 Tb.: 'f'Ulhfymg

•j,•I ?:13.75. •·h1k the h)I, «<J c"'"-:kcJ ln al 2:JUI

01,n en~ ilJd: in tht 1.o-JO.mctcr ril.:C' .mJ rl;Q"J third

a11,11eul 8:Jtl.7,1

r St1111hdJ Jc:n:m)' lv,n,, lnhai l),1na .t,nd Bl.I~ TA)'l(lr

th,1J 10 the •h.800 IJJ("l(I U) 7 5f1 98

1hc m,:n • iJ1u,11icc nn.-Jk). S11Lnf1('.IJ, hm,, T•)'lor anJ LL,I

,atlh v.jth •litltC "1 IO.H-~

Wlulc f&m1o.hcd v.·11h <>·O'? ,, 1n the h1J1h 1ump 1111,I

u:i .111c lt11 t ltb .:ilons "uh Sk)l.::r Prtct or C'hlUd

>- In lhc 1nrk Jump hr did notqualU}' a, •~•\Ill ol o foul

lhbc~t tool. l<\'C'fllh iti the ..hOI pl.II v. ath a tQ

'C'unm.1n Stev..,tt tonk 121h pluc:c v..111, a-UHl.l In.

Softball confident in new season

Girls travel 10 S11ow College for first SWAC game



T be v.~lfflct1 '1 \tlllt,-all icartl gut ofl 111 I >k"' i.l.lU1 Al 1hr Mmh M.1~lfte·n Toumnmcnt Of1 M4n:h 9. The C(IUtie ut 1bc Rtd,,.,·oodi. ''"''"'J-1v.o nm• ,a the ~tomof 1h91tfU.l11rn.1t1-toC'IJll 11l·

I \klM '"'<'r 1b.:·C:.nt, TIK team rnlli.:hcd 1h f1r,1 \1-(to)J)' M1111.:b 81,:lin"-I 81.1ue Cocnmunit)• College.

TI,.: C&rd, ddcn1oJ the R0<tdru11ni;l'II

Imm OrvllJc, Cal'1. 5-'4 in the fll'M gamt ~nd .a In dlil:' nlJ11ic11r lbcwUbtll tc.un1, 101-.-cll hJ 1r.i,dtt1 l.(wa~ton 11, pb) lit b(imc.pmc:,unul h\ held 1, ,uitabk- fot pl•), R<wrn1ni ,o tbr tcwn f11t unol.bcr ~.t\Oa

11 Ml:'gai, Ciaq:K'"nlef, a ,ophnm•ltC wtfl,;IJi.:r • bn \\'&"- nllml.'d to the SW AC nll- reyKln She i\ t1t'd tor 11f\l

In the NIC n•(unt l'hd" \'.·1d1 h\~ bl.'lfflt'

1-un, She., u"C:ood "'.R81s llDd lwrth 111 dug.ini:. Sbc ili 111 """' \C'ottd dllrinJt 1ht !,("a.ioR .,.·1th U. AIIO 101hc tc:t.1111hi~ "'11~ d wrhmunn- rui:htr \1.Jndy Alelln. c1f Ortgon. \\·ho b.J 11 .l.85 ERA for Cord 1.

ll.'1 •<'A.;OII. She p,ti:hi:J 9t, UlnltlS' IIIW hll4. tiOMn\('QUt!L -we 11re gu.i'l1: u, tll(k Trc utc V"lky C.C. tlm ~car." Alwa. wtd \\:l~ 1\ l1o11 t~i:J TVCC t.u.r )Ur 11.~ a lrnhimn. ilk!' ,t.,UJ \be: did no! l'IJiy up11Hft:t pt>tett1h1I. She CCCI\ heha, ,,otut1J1111s lo rro\c 1,1 rvcc 11ncltdb,::r~U tbll)'C-llt \~t'Ofdlni,t., hnldl1w. l~llllllC,..

Wilham, Wt'Uld DOC on holi\

,bc lclt tbc tc:&11.11'\oulJ dct lhl~ ,cvon

"Nti one Is reallr i11experienad · f.l}ierrhe/im co11plt;of ,,,,,;nJ.:.,·

l)ou Ouo \\ 11h11.10, Altm h the rltdwt "'ho \11111.te 1hc mihl 9cii0fl(>e1'11,: 11101.itldlfli, 1C;110B Thc '"11t,all 1.CA"1li.1t uni)' fouf '°'Pl)Qnlt'.«1i and nine f~mcn bui ,ot11"hn~ ltJ bt·.aJ c:t»1:h l)p11 Don Wilb11m,. 1bi\ \IOt)l nlf«1 th.:n 11blhl)· 10 t:om~l<' " No a1-: ,, rally 1n,c,tf'('t1<'n«'CI alll'r 1bc fiN n1UlJle uf ltmlflJ"-• \Villillln"- ~IJ 1'ht- f.c:-1 1h,u w~ ore young won"1 hurt u, •

t,«-autoe 11 ht~ not ,uancd confrrC'noc:t' pl•y The pl~~C'n <on other hUld kh \"1.-ry cc>nfident in lhtif 1Lhiltt)' Cn pl•y well thl'r;;;; tl't: Joiffl tG .tldt'batl ~1

mfl-eldn 1\·h:h ,ia Tl"Ue"dcll ..,,d

Tru~,dcll hrwl :!b flit.J anJ 10 RBh 1•11

:K":1-.c,Q She _." to.\tVP lothct htalh ~bi.lCll lrllm for thr«: }C.Jf' •NS wH lltlll("d all·lc.tJUC ~CCOOl.l ll:'iUU ti •JUJ»OJ ,md le> 11\(' hl"\l lt1un .;ii a ~mtlC

One otn 1ou1 IM.1,·amagc 1bc tn.m h;n lhb t.Ca'lOII h thf: fricflchhtr lhC)" all a.hilt(. frc,hnuw Amn.uda 1:.,kkfi, mfickkr .,,1.1 lhe whole g,:h ,1l(lin~ Vtr)' wcll .1111d lbe)' It.le .all -very cl~. Fnldtn.. lri.,rn V1111co,1\C't, W 1!1h "ll' t.elC\'1cd to 1h<: .all, lc3yt.1c- s«ood lcam •nd nll.fOC'd ~t l.ldcnJcr tv.-,l )c.u, in a mw in htr high ~hoot cnrttr • Thcglfh rta) 1ht"l1 liBl1.nnftrni« pmr • Mmb 1,,11111\•I Sni>" ('()lleg,: !l.lMl11xir fin.ttwnu• SWAC 4t1ufte \t,1.1~h 22 •ta1n,1 Treawrc Valky

en , women collap se against h i gh eeds in opening round of regionals Sluggers return 1Osophomores

Story named to AII-SWAC first team

The IDCU jlfO)"C'J lb\•)' ~l'\cd 1hl.!ir 1,pc-111111he R.cpon 12' 1U1.1m11rncn1. \htd1 7 ln St C",c,orge. Utih. h)' rl•>·m;

lu•l \Cl minute,, at lhl:' gurnc." u,d ,1.Hhl.1111 (c);a,;h Ry,m l oonc.,. ··Bui ~c had 1rouhlc Wllh ttit'Jr rn.:~l lWd lhC fin,1l 10 m11,utc1, .1nJ d~y hn ll~r frcc-,,\ 'I doY. n Ihe ,ttt,ch "' The men ldl h<Nt of "'"Wt)'

IIK' i.crontl hair '*htn 1111 of Disk', ..J1Ut11 Jell h1. Tho hma.J

!l,(Orc- ,u,. KO-M Johruut' S1Qey b,all II v.111nc b111h or 2J Jl('1nhl. ,hoQtms Q nl 16 fmm llit Ooc,r 1nJ ~min11. bhn .i.n AU·SWAC hN tc;am hundr


\\.CJU~I needed IP 'Wtn.'· men•,,_ c:o;i.;h lluib WJJ'-On ,.•uJ D~rn,ood Bacon 11.nd N:alr Robtn~oo c -.:b ttnilcd four ol die 11 1hrl:'1t·po111tn'll t.1.""'()rcd b) 111( CarJ, "\\'ecw:1:JC!ti \!)fflr COl&li/kfl(C." Wa\)Ofl 11,llld. 0.UC' ~·rnl nn 111 fl"' 11111111,.: C®ffl&l?l(tll Clfflliftf II bcrlh le> 1he .NJCAA tuurn,1.nw11t The ""'\,1', b.111kc1hall wam rnunkl..rJ 1hc men·, 1«n1. hn1iliio1-1hC'

Cards ((Ike 011 Spokane Falls Tuesday bvKoc.y Ouk't .,,,., OM: ~hn.1111'.un hon 1t11 v.,y t11,1 .,., ,nnm11 ~••HL 11,..:)' pii:-k(d up l\\o "\IH 11\I -Y.«kcnJ in folunidn 10J hn\'C" Sec-me • W~I Athk11c Ctinlt'tt'tla! rSWAC'Jrccl.lf'dpfS.!t : The C'inhu'ICd fourti11 inn1Dtt•1n,Yol:'<p:aS\\A( • Jnuhlchctukt lllt-llll't Ct~lo.-n.Jn Suttbv.c,,lt'ffl M.att.h Oal $panlln F1rlJ Kirk Grn.c-h ,mack ou, IJ .and h11d n,l .,...-,11., ,o kod lhc-Cant.1oonfl-:? 'Ainin 11,c (in:i game Jl)' 11 S.alld.,.,.;l)' follffl\cJ.,., Ith n r1w•1Mlnit, i,oc-h,uo- In th,: Clf\lino\l, 1 J-OblJ1nk of 1bc'- n11: game \\acli1kd.af1cr h11: inntnp due tit 11'.: 10--nm ru\c.. l'bl: t'nt\h b:id 11 hll, 1n the '\C'C'C,oJgamc. N!Ci.. c-ciac.bcdb~ Puul ~tlW.l..lJ"duu.nJ4uic•lcJ b)'Tu111 Miler, oullkli.ltr 8rc11 M1td1cU v.cnc S·loc-8 in the two

f:utt(' and Rol'ICn Rn·bt..'ftCCI hud f•llilr hlh ln the,,~ ,~me The ba.\.(b11II cc~m h:t.\. 10 rr1umm1 M1rhu1norc, 1hi\.

N:.1•1'lll On,c kt'l)' tllen1bc'r or 1hc SICtlll1J clubi, Salllw11},

S.ttl.a-.ay ""°' S-2 tor thC' Canhmil, wi 1h a ~t3'.\ ERA la,t

•ca-\otl, He pi1ched ,12 lnnn>t• -.,1h 41 ,mteotJI\ .;.nd ,u, 'W."ll'("lcd ll\ it :!!JOI S\\ AC 11.ll-,tlr.

S1.lf)hon1nh~ J11,(.ltt Cnll, Rob <.iill, Gt:orf FrC'cbc.,rn 1tnd

Kcilh <.icmu1 lllu-. made 1hc !001 SWAC Ml-11,u ltlHn (';c1n-11ni collected lwo "'in'II h,r cbe ("1rd1n11l, 111,t )ear lie p1h:hcd 47 ll'U'ling-&- -y, llh ,,, m1kcou1, A.h>ria,,., 11h 10 MIUttu11g ,(•phornut'Q 1,c :?O ff'C'\hmt'11. Ont)' 20 rl.,)c" wm 1,..vcl wuh th<' k•m Among the new pl.ayc.r, i, R«ucn..:~. Jt tw,.t11na11 from VAAL~U't't't, B.C Rei.:ucnco ha\ .ans h.lmns ,t\·a.1gc. lllw.t\ ii t.c:c:ond Tum Prcm,cr Le.ague Confcrt'ncc Scfcc1icm for 2000 lltlJ 2001 and A11·1'ourn•mefll SC'cPnd OJ'\Cman 11 1hc .?OOCJ M1Ji~1 N:ihon.ah NC'.tt tPlc C.uJ., tnm:1 lo Sr,okWk' oo '1 u""'J"~ co 111ke on SJ~'ll..ane F•lh Conmuanil)' C-ollci:c In l\ ~n·confctffl('c. gamli)

• • I.
a p,e..Nason
a freshman from Spokane. work.I on hor form at
one ,ou,h lt1U ilg.llIDI IIK' No. I '«'Cl. Onie S111e The CAn;J\ 'A,dkcJ 1010 lln: lad.:cr rr,qm 11t halh,mc l(;)JJnt \S.'.\I -w( ,111),:d wuh 1hrm l,et:111.a-.t \\\' t.:onJ.rolkJ tl1(: 1c1npc, fnr LhC'
mrn fc:ll intiJ 1he "-fK>l 111 tht' Rci:ioo l8 lourn2mcn:1 h:t, ?~. when d1c)' fln11lly coo11C tc:d Wllh die h1)PJ'I from lht field. thcan.b anJ 1ha: line In :111 C'1ihl· po1n1 009fcrcn1:< wm on·r Ttt.1.,1.1ttVoJIC')'CC •·1 don'I c..ltt tthu 1t ',l·-:t\
n.:p1hu '-l'.aMM\ wltb I"'" O\oc't TV(.'C al'ld II to\,toCSI Stllk'!fJC' Shc:phrnl. ~ho ha l<d lhc Vw'omcn' • lc11.m ;at ~b end, of 1!1oe: roun 1111 \eawn lunE •• 0-S wt1iet11hc wmnrn l1t".I H> Dom: CoUegc- dtmng the fi.N. n,und. of 1hc Rcrto11 lk 1nurn1mcn1 at St Gc11ci,.. Tih: fin:ilacN"' Wla 7J.ito S.bc;phctd \\.11 ,ielec:t.C'd 10 11')0 SWAC "«oniJ tc1uu 11wt Yt omen·~ Icam JW'l'llo c:r\.'d lbci! Feb ZS. bc11tuig T'VCC 11,0,t,b and cndJni tht-u que,, f,,r 11 'J>(Jl 111 th< Rc1111n 11' 1oum1uncn1 1111.~ Ytlfl lrH 1h~· WOlt"'-ft v..·tlh • S-12 Sc(nh: Wc"I /\1hlc1" Cotlfc-r\·n,c (SWAC-1 m:~1d. 11 So.8 rank Jll'd a tnp to lhc ltMlfflatni:nl

Cheerleaders wo rk 11 months of th e year

b} Cmg Wtk-o.\ St11fv-fl18r Cher the p,i.\l dcodc the Cardm.,tlchcl:r1~ h11\'C' c:,1,h'CIJ into nc,1,1 k\c:J o< compct&li('ln lnkJ»,,1,hc:..J 1.bterlnding c:oacb Kmu l...olll:ro:h: latd. 'l:IC cbct'rl~ctJ ~,·c- aJ...,-,,)'l aw.urned 11,r J)O'i.1100 or tu,l bdna pn:u y f.aca. 1ocby. thc:CardJn.,J cbc:fflQJina \CI-Uld hl!li ri\cn 10 a ne~ aJgm\1\'t pom1 Vnf0t1uru11ety. both 1hc male aod tC" c.apci.lh ml'-'W!d 1hc end ol tht 1e:1~ due to lnJune:,-_ UlllfC'.u Uc$.~. C'iapuun of die knu,Jc ""! 1ullttcd ll lhird de~· 'l'fil1urd anUc. Sbc- h •-e:ariog a llnoc IMI will come oft "ll'lfS,

ha~ come bock hOmc- th1~ ~n Shc~.uacb«rlc.:&dd" fo1 ~t FAb ttlgh Schoo1 a.nd lc:fl ( Of Southw~ Oregon llftcl' gr-J®j!Jfoa. "I really II.kc thca>:M:hinJ ,wr ht'rc at NIC."' Youna said. Othn l)C!W rfled thl'o W::."fla mdudc Orcndt Alckttl)n, Dunham. Bre.inn.a R01tdc\T\11h anJ c.m1 IIOllJh. Tho men hive blld" lOUgh

c lsc'i.)'Chcdulc fOf lhc 11.)'m Fci!:ltoJ nM>R IJLc l club ma)' noc be .an e.xaggcni uoa l'hltO" All ocher ,poru, h.a"c .llett(i,. IO 1hc weight room, and 0(1c:n 1~ dlet'rlcadlna Jql.100 h.t, 10 wait to 11\e the um "'blle 1ht \'~Jeyball tt ui fim.Jtcs. F 11 "-l•)t•r ch«rk.:lden gc, IU'UUnd SlS 1own,d their 1u111",, Any ~IUffllnJ cbc.ttleo>l.lcrs 1tct i\ C f ull IUll.iDn(O\'Cl"llJC.

·\U lhal .itt ;nvolvN 'WLlh

,; W e lta,·e kitl.J with tJ lhrC'antln11lcbC'crlc.adcnart lot of ambilion. but nur

the funding larks quite fJ "'Sc)cnc: ~r ,be >ltOng bit.·• po-1nt1 "e ha,•c ""'our pynamid":· Hes, \lid. Out ttli:' .,, nur~1ln p(Hntt 1, 00


performs • back fllp for tho crowd at a bas ketball ;amc

-11 ulU;C.) me: a;aJ 10 1Junt th!tt thh, may be the 1211 lllUC I cheer," Heu uld "'We tud the 10 cotupcll': (bi,. )(.U with o.11 ol our tokm. bur unfonW1atrl)' the hool couldn't come up ._,.,b I.he fundinJ

TIIC' origma.l npc,llo or mnJc ,qwwl, l<cHh V11nSl•tt. blh ,1cpped 1way Jrom chcerlc.1dln:g: 1b1 )'elkr, The nc\\'<:1Jputin.Kt'tttMlllh<n.1, oui Ior 1ht wato11 btc.w.,t o4 • fir$t-dtgrtt ~;IJnc(I d 111n, h bl.II pbtu to be Nek. Mandy C..udk h11, been InM\·cd wtth chttrtt'lldm1 rorut yea~. She l't\.-catJy ta-. rocc-1,'Cd a ltbol.:aflbkp We Ea,,ucm Wa!o.hing1on Unhr-n.ny for ~uc,n" •ldt fro1.n Cbc'alc.admt- 8cd1 Pertdm b.b checn-d to, lh'C yt'.111 81'Qnt11 AJatni bepo chc! (our yc.m •so 110d 'lhc I, Rtummg from la,t yur'!. 11C1111d. l.i hlbe> Youn,t

umc:: tbb >'c:11r k«piJtg a capcain on Lbc gyni Ooor. bn\\c.,.er, &be men au h,1,·o cnouJII C~ptti('OCC 10 cany the 1...i

Cody Dcu<.c has bc.,cn cb«naa fOf ,c,ca )'can.. lie uikl he b.'b :&lw~y-.. been :m,uod cbtttk.11dlnJ He hope::,;

1obeah1cta ~OIi toa more- compcmive w.-honl c\'tn he fotd• ltlllt he ha., lO "-'Odr.-blUd 1n,da\lldu,1tll )' lO g.:I pro:spcct, ~111c Pttcnon l\ {t..1run1 b1J fin. )t~r m c.hccr1cadmJ Kylt Dc:JC(lfwd h a .fk.',\ n'll'mbcr or the ..qu..'ld bu1 ha., bcm c:httrl111 ror H.1ur )t'il.M,. ihc,u;b aJI of the: member"\ 1.uc C'hecnog for thc. scbonl. ,, -~ l\a\t, ilS. dov. 0 )tdt\ "Sometimes 11 keh mott bkc • club thin • 1poc1 , Oelcmud saiJ "' \Vt .alW•)'I bl,·c 10 work around CY('l)'Ollf

·we ha,c Lid, w1du k'lf or .mtbitton. but our twwhaa lac.It~ QUll C • bll •t).W.OtU C'Olkb Sul' Oeorgc wd.. 1bc ch«rltadcn u.1J &«ill to uuJcnll.lJ'W lhnl cuts llre 1RC.'\>"IIO.bk- .11 Umcl. b ut I.bey rw cumna, ofr too inucb or lbc clh-crlc11,chng p rognun coold b""c a major impact OIi aU (tc;ll(MI\ of tponli, In may M>Utbcrn unJ,·cD.i.uc,., chc..-rtclld,n& li u 10p pnoti t)' (or 1hc c.nlht.1\WIU of lbo «hool

·I ~·nntc\C'l')'OOC to kn0\'l1h~1 lhC'SC kif.b pr.1C'hCC hud." Llacrob. m id. ""I'ltc)' work 11 month, o u1 of the )Cllf

r()r c:omJ>(hJll u p(l\111,·c 11111 !Lil tnt.tnJ todo~c ll. Ntxt >·w.,.,.,ll be•yc:iror~ fa~'- too. Tryouu .arc. comtnJ IOC)fl,. and 1hcre m nway new a1r1 NORTH IDAHO FITNESS

srAJRllASl'l:RS. BIKES. m :.muus




Apri l 12'h- 7:00 p.m.

Studeni Union Building $2 al the door

This is a gathering ofl ocal , outdoo r d ubs and r.~ .

CaU a ltead fo r,-r ,w"'1

r eady: 785-8878

J800 Go1,"et"IUllellf Wq Ju.t Sena». of ,,,__.,

P AOC tO THl 5f.HnNn I o, ·"'
Briana Roudabush, blology mejot, Jumps for th<! mon·• t>ask&U>all tlltlm
Mandy C&udle
j l \.I.{. Sp1 in~ Sp ecial
, Pll.\TES MATrROCIWI' 1 : +1u1111w1111+ :: -ewuw . : :: THREE MOJ.iH : ,$13.50 a month:: MfMBERSIIIP : omu,,,..,.,... 11 SS9.9S 1 I lJ,.tt....,....._ ht :: Offl.UUUIIU H : I l-,...._ II ,_....__....IIPflJ I ......._....................... ................................... for11milf01111,1liolcd 664-6213 31i..1YII.C)a1..-.11mt1 tJ-t.Oft
~~\\l (20g) "l(/j.)i01
. -- --- ------- -- --- ----

,iat1cs: ivcness could inNWAACC from Paget a,dw1ouch fllf.~\l,'Y

J-Pml «Lw tllk ils taU 011 c(-111hlc1<s P#IS Cul \CUOO t, lCtlffl itii:,"\'IUc:ytlCLll1eam ISdl)~('rclK~:tlld xo',-~ballml"\.'\l.-Jtbc •ed.: oC finals. On 1SWACp&11)'etftlll,IQI a., IOd,!)'1 of whool 1

t.lUll Tim fan,.l"n. dir\'U.or or hum11B n:SOW\."C"'o of tht' 37 d,pblc

c1nplu)«' arc con<idt,1n~ 1hc

tllll)' 1c1irernc:iu c>ffn There

lll't 1n!ln)' v•ri&ttlt'!i 11:m,h·cd

iwillt lhc program nnd 1bc


The SVSR,P mc<'rpor31C$ a

c~h 1n~cnb\'c o( ,0 pc'lt(.lll

nf lht' panicipanl't h.1\C annu11I ul.aty t« 1l~ WCU ~02

fi1ic11.I )'t';ar. P11ttlcir,l\nL, Y<ill

be p,id Sept 30, W02 11

l.loc,n•11ndude ""nload.

,minmet ,111J1ry or o,·cr1tmt.

The- p,l)'mtitl ,ub,ccl lo fcdcnil aod 11ate 1H I•~

P11.rudpanb nrc f¢qUlied lo

i.lpa •1111gr«mcn1 .and" ,i,nifyillg tbclr

a;tcc:m<nl co abjd(o hy 111,


lfflVP With d,1, 1$,.\Ul' lo (M

~•r~m. 19of d.;:28al\!

burn wt ,.:,C \1,.h:, fln• lhc}'CAI

bc(Of't' i6otthc:2gwt:rtfroru

•of Thi\ I\ CIJOtr..t\lcd lo

chc m(n's llOCCCr' team 1n v.,fud1

llurc ~the 2S al'CUl.lOl ',1.*.


opportllnl ~bwld be ~jlkJ

l..lrgdy torpcorlc ff\111110<.""&I

Cm\tn\lni1icc. 'fbc NWAACC

rub \'twlJ ~Ip \l,1Ch lhlil goal 'f<'.1.IM"'11:0I\I) ulk,\\C\ICu l't('l'Uilln·'"""trCtant nc:,,,...,11i llllect 100 11ft" wnil<d wdiJ,t "holmhlp, per """'While the f,IC'\lll) nll;rl~ dadn·1,~AcalJ)' ttlamct' OOl'l!p."llb"OIC\$..lnatllp.ln'ICOI

1."C)ll.)11 m,ld.: SIC •uulJ

bclJk)l"(.Ctl~lh'Ci:n NWAACC' ICtc:am!.h.l~ ron-.1qcn&Jy pcrformrd rocd)· 1," SWAC \1er1',~"'1.for in,1.11"". ho1J a loling ffflJN

tCTnh Ol l bc rruiiram •nd let rclc-n~ th¢ cull c,c (Nm «rt.1un type" o r tci.iJ liab1h1y Th~ p11.mclpilUt c:&n'L 'A'Ofk IU NIC fora pc.n0d()(90~•ya.. 'l'hn ordtr md1.1tle11 lkcqn111g

• "pmn1cc" to be tc• cmployul ,11 1hc IUnc' of tetircmcnt

M&u:dyn Leedom. beoc.aiu ,peclt1 1i \l Jn lltc 8u1ineu Office, will ad:mtnhter 1be Spc..~al Vo,hintvy Sepa.nth<ll'l Pl'Ogram Sht e.11n bt ~d SU 769•3346 or by e:1n11il IU mutl)'n_&oedom~nk Niu ln(om,111ion aboo1 the Pf\'>gnun ti aYadablc on the NIC Human, R~ourcc,; \\cb IIIC Ill WV." mf..Cdw'anploymcnt n-1 l}(ourootollhc U\I r.,c \CaliOrlll(200}:?001bllJ, "'""'""......i.r11-11. Vulloybal) has hOI hid 11 \\'IM1Dg ra.-cni111klbl~l997.l.Jbt ,e,t\Qhlh::~'i\'ttlt.\.121Jld chq<e:uhcfort\bc)'wm• l -13. NWAAC'l'"'""did tm\1tl.llNy be11er Men·~ SOtX.Cr "rol lS-2-1.nd•'Offll:n','(.Q:cf Wtnl l?•l •.J.. In lht-:ir (tDJ. l"u )..::.IA oJ NWMCC. COllJJ'CllllOn the ..ClQCl:f tc•n., h,1'\C: •et1tJlb11xJ

"""'1lo1S7·1H,nd1hl,yw fm;l lWd 5C("(Qd \\ilJI 1caJM .1lcrn.1

I FORT GROUN D '.i CAFE I 705 River Avenue I 664-4611 INow Servin g Espresso I·- - - - - - - - - - - - -I Xoff any : espresso : I With this coupon Free 12 oz. Espre sso with Purch ase of any breakfa st .... .-I r-JUM P/CA RTOONS
criti«I)' awnposcd ol W.'lhopia)""" The ~'WAAC:Cron,L"'ol JI> 1,.'00111.lUmty ciolkgct in W11.,hh1g11;1n o.llJ Ort~ (\\1th "Ol'llC'c:c,Ucgco.CUWC w~hlntl,QI' ond Ott:~n hi.>kt.i111 ~ll'nefnl'icr.h1p. ThP- mnknit ll1t l:trJc:u eommttnit) 1.'0ll~ge~ U\lhellnlll.."CIS~ H:;j +'r;en d told ;\- 1-.• vJ"'5 \Y\C.o.tt0--b \\!. of -tf.Ol"'S." Pregnant? B Birthright can help y ou . -free pregnancy tests -community referrals -infant & materniry clothing 923 Sherman Ave. Coeur d' Alene 664-1390 1-800-550-4 900 24 hour Hotline Featuring our world famous gourmet sandwiches, salads and burgers D1ne•in. delivery and carry-out Open al 8 a.m. ldl 4 pm Tuesday· Fr1day 8 am. bll 3 p.m. Monday Idaho Ruby's 1s available on Salunlay by """'rvalion fo, partlos, group meiotlngs, breakfast brunch Of lunch We are located at 206 North 4th Street right next to All About Sports Idaho Ruby's offers 10% d1scounl to all cash customers ·Phone In or fax orders for delivery or pick-up Phone: 664-8522 Fax; 667-6967 Receive a free drink with any order and this coupon. Nol good wtlh Ill!'/ Olbal off.,T Ti« $cNT1Nn. PAGE 11 1i-...+ (S VI'\~.\ t .Spl..S~<d burs:~ C>.<•cl ;" to h,s e..,..). lncrea1eYour ur. Get the And c optJo"' CiRE Become QuaJ;fled F0<A ER MoreFutfillinsC~r dvantage The NIC Carett Crnter invites you to allend FRE E Weekly Workshops to hel p you pla n your future! 9·10 a.m. on Tuesdays & Wednesdays (repeat of Tues ) a t the Career Center NO SIGN-UP NECESSARY! Upcoming Workshops Mad&6 Mu. t1&1J Mar.26&27 Continues through April 24 l~1htrop, rhu111~rn1fl)Q SVfbyClrciaDthc CartttCl'I\IO~Ucc rl11,.$1t'l ie1~ndd · IOfU•7'9-J297. 10% Student's Discount .• ........ , •... • .· ;,. I ' ' . • • I t ! · '-.) .'.: _· • • - I : y I; I f ]3.~8. l' .. , ... , ,,, 324 S h erm a n Ave. Coeur d 'Alene

t,y Mtndy Wolfrom ..

Galle,)' g i ves instructors n chance to shall' off their talent

P~\IJ1n1.~ \Cl!ocforimlru t.bov. then 1u1ulic uiJcnb, ,he 8 ~\\cJI Iii.ti c~,,l)t"f Gullet} opened at• ntw c,h,bil. due NIC An l·M!\111 )' itk.WI.;h.S. The (U1pl.1y offttJ :i \Ihde' 1'' o, ll)Wl~ lllC'IU<ling pl,c,U)J'IJ'h)·, ,npt!Jc &..Ian, -..atcrwkw ;1nJ mixed 1ned1a p.111ouog). l\\o-.aud•thrtt d1me.i,~l(ltiitl design plecn. 11110 pnn1, 2it1d ccmmi~. l'bc' •ti1.Wo·s 1un.

tune ~nd ;iJjuni:1 l0Mni,c1°"· 1"'010 n,·c PJC<CCI\ or rttc1uly ('R":ucd art u:inll April 5.

Plah"u1g1ml ~Ul'\Cyttf•rl hnlmi:1<1rALlic Vogl J.ilM

lht' $.bow Ii''~ i1tSUUC-1"'1 lbc as,portuniC)' to d l\PUI)'

thc,r wnrk ~lleawcly. Mh ,_,, cs a v1Mlll.11m3'C not only 10 NIC •nd 1hc

tt1m',unchn1 c:01mn11111ly, hut"""' 1mpor1,1uuly M our

~Udc:Clh <Aho 1c:1 a w11-c •C" arci ,-·ottmg artl'R.\ a:, wdl a,, m~lnl(lort."' Vogt uid

Vogt',:an ,:a:oM>nJ 12 lfhll\ltlOn' dhpl:i)'tl(\l.<WL

She delenbc-d bet wort. "'p. ('01\lUUlllll \'l&UIII roc.weruuon dwtt b:u. c.11:>U!d over 11 loog 5k'tfod of lJmc.•


C'omcr O..llr-1')· ~duUU(lf :mJd.ra:1ot10J1: lln1ru.;1l'lf l>ri..rill:i CORNER Cooper ~aid 1hc an rtp,C""Cnh tbrm,.lnklOr·,.aotoc:,b«nJ wltot~ Ol)l\idc: 114 1c;l<'tuo3 \t11dcnt F.,·,lfthi'~bi:('~.,1dr""J'Crr.

1<ri:M ut collu:c t.t.'ak-" -could1f1 htlp btlt m,1.kc her ~mi l e. St11: '-ltd ,he didn't h.m:

II (~\ uf\lC! aft1('1CIJ lilt' lnlltl)' p1c«s'Cd, bu1 ~be did

• n.. \r1J:.-.:ull) Shti\l. lH,,P.:11 \11ffl,ll) fri1.l.t)

1Ua.1n.10J i,tn

1.hru11,11.h Apnl

ll!l\'c i111111,p1«l.1hon (Of c.hc di/hi,.uhy w,oJ.,1.'d ,.J1h

Lfgi L)nc:"• cmunic "°wt1. Ont annf r. W\'lltk 1-0shcc found '',n(',mcn11ng" 'Iii.I~

1-D iand l-0 desi1n lm,truc:t(lf .\tkh.vl ll"f'"'llllll'r. •1;'."l)'bC m,cJu1 scrh") He 11:ud hJ, llfl. \\hkh ht t .lll.s cnnwvuiuni," .u-c 1c~-nl.l1tlu11.1I ttf ht1111.1m1y ·,. dcJU'CI 1.:, be III chqc. lie: "llld he: tocu~;, on the cotlhwo ~-t"'«" orpnu.it1ioo anJ mdtUuiabutt\,n lll tlh II mttbnnlcal ~\l#l"t·~\ \'Cl'\U} IJfltll.Ul\'. th1og."1 "We dcsiroy t"l(fr)lh1n, ,.,th arp;m1n1uon,'" HOf.\"''111 of\111111,,:J

C>thcr 11nJi:11 iolKbo, l.Lln\~ Whit<'. 18. found

1n1c1 "'' in ;"n h,,1 111r StaM Kn1i;h1'1o ,nb.tJ

m,"d111 \Ctlh t,;i~J 111t 11n Atw1n:11C1.1 c,pt-d1oan '1ll<! ~tlfth 1..ipt1,1n-J C'\;:ii,:tl> "'h;al lb<' f'l(lU:R' W:I\

1r)m,: 10 '"1) Whuc .._,,d "h." tull ()f n,c:111ing d1,,11 I

~-.mJ.l 1,\.l.WJ, Kn11h1'1 m,,cJ nic:dU& ~nc\ J p1oe1td 1hc Anu1.m:1c:a

t:\rcJ1tlOn hct"'(<ll lhl' l'mtl-d St.ah-:~ i.lntl Norw.t.). Hl'

uJ 1,1 ~en~ h l~ llfl lhc mu,1\.al )·mpbon)· hy

R.,lph V11u,l!h,11J Wdllain" Sy111pbt1t1k~ AollUtlH::I. To

hnnh the -'tne,\. Kn1ph1 mttnd-\ 10 t,ioJ dw "" p.1gn

o,1,,1h ,111 C'nJins ('ill<' 11110:1 hanJ.tn1 1Ml'l\l'II')\;

f!o..htt as \lo<'ll .i1. unQCJi,r "uJc::ttl Wly V;tuJhn. 20, towkl 1111ctt1.i 1n lh,·1d C'kmc,n', g,aptu, ck.'\lgn p!.C'Crs

V1u11h 1n MiJ 11he hLi:Jdi,: .ll.tlon tu.J d)·tumlC',·' Oj tlnntm ·, r.unun; ,,r a f l.ad1111l'lt 111Jcd ~o:unmg

Stllt\\lllt llh,hUIU1on.

1'hc ~1<· An r aull) Sbtw, J,\f'I-')' h upi:o 10 .i.m tq

,1 SI m ,\foml.t) dm>113h l'ml.l)' l'be ("OIQt'I O.tUct) will

hC' cl~J dun111 "J"'"I fi~luwang the (11CUlty''l an \h11w will he II d1-,on~ for ~tu~nh to Ji,.plt)' ,ind M"ll th.:lr•«L Junn; tht Stu.dcm \ti ,ho"' Apnl 15 tbroufh Ma) 10

Comer Gallery c:oordin, tor Prisc-1111 Coopor end husband Tom set up tho ll ghHng prlor to tho Art Fec:ulty Show's opening
l 1
W a ntmord Co to www.nM:.edu1.M'f'lllnC'I PIM>ntt: 769,3J86 f;uc: 76'J.J389. f m.,J1:'k'l•mc edu
Mk:hNI Horswill, 34) ert lnalruclOf', drill s hokts for LEO tights that wlU mumlnato e portion of hts sculpture This place was 1lartod two weeks ago and he anUcipate:s compleUon In about ML1"'-~ one more week.
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