The N.I.J.C Cardinal Review, Vol 5 No 3 November 10, 1950

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Party IRC To Travel I. , - ~ ; E;-EN-:;; - IHalloween ''Harbor Lights" Is Theme Is Held In Gym To Tacoma For Of A.W.S. Fall Formal To I gymRBIJIOila • } Confab Be HeId an NoVemher 22 ~ No•. 7 - Walclunakon·



No ..".ale~arE1!ginoer·, Club Dinno, Mooting. Templin'•· JC"s second •ocial event of Grill lbe year, the Halloween Party. .._ NoY. ll - Pollceme.n·s Ba 11. was held last week in the JC Gym. wilh cops plore nnsium. AllbOIJ#h the party Nov. 24 -Hospital Dance. In could not be tabbed as• '"wow'" A ~ = ~ · ~ E S everyone who took an acUve A regular meeting o! the In• , N • part m the plllnned actlVJUe• te • al R J ti Cl b 22 A.~·5:._ D~c•:_ __ bad a good Ume and thos~ whu The AsOoclated Women Studthe ~ 0~;"fdabou Jwrl: ents o! NI.JC arc giving their djdn't l.tlkc part had no excw,e. College, Tuesday, Oct. 2"1b at annual dance on November 22 O LARGE CROWD ATTENDS Hu.llowt'Cn rclreshmtnlS, ap• 7:30 P.M. The speaker for the It l$ a semi-formal aflair and POLITICAL .JAMBOREE pies, donu!' and cider were ev""1!0g wrus Miss Loretta Dunnote: the girls are to ask the One o! the largest orowds 1n served during the games ond nigan. Miss DWUligan gave " boys! the JC's younl! history gathered dancing. complete account of her mp to The theme for the dance Is to SeWng the opportunity !O 1n the gymn~1um last week for Music wns supplied by the Italy this summer. She showed be '"Harbor Lighte". Cruol La· SPOnsor the annual Chris\ma, the Democratic Jambore<!. ll wos rloeal "Rhythmaires". many pktures ond explained tbe vigne is the ohairmnn for tho party. the Sophomore class sponsored by the Young DemoImportance of each. Toward the decoration committee nnd help- formed the Initial plans las•. crate of. Coeur d'Alene. • end o! h<-r lecture a question inc her nre Carole Atkinson and We<!k in their first meeting of Aprol(lfflately 1d90 gues~ period WU held and many interNorma Lee Brugger. the year. served runner an . entcrta . e y esting: topics were d.iBcussed. . loco.I and profess,onal artists. At the close of the dlsc:usso Other . committc,,s for the Premdent Don IA,teldt• Candldaws for public office Mr. Piprew, who is the tac~ll; dance. mclude: the program ed over . the mect>ng. Re ~P- were Introduced and spoke be· advisor for the club told the commttu,,, with Barbara LeBlac. pointed .11m Taylor (• the cba1T- tore large assembly. The N.J.J.C. chapter o! Delta group about the f~rtheoming Mary C:Owley. and Ma11; Marg- mansb1p of the Christmas party Ps1 Omega, a dramatic club Regjo:nal Conference that b to aret Frtcltel; tho comiruttre to and selected two members to •t· under the sponsorship of Mi. be held in Tncoma, Washington. make arrangements for an Dr• tend the meeting ot the YMCA Preston Onstad, met October 24, lie stated that the memhen chestra a Lorene Moore, Shir- conferenc! to be held. In th!> to chose ploys to be worked on wbo will make the trip must ley M"t!ler. and Betll:' Swan; ';h• Presbyt<>rian Church thts week. and presented in the coming aign the list which 1s pagted on refteshment committee w11b s<>ason. the school buUeUn board Mr. Ruth ThomPSOn, Dona S~ley. Sue Ashley, acting as tempo,- Plprew said that the Ust of top. and Vetra .Adams; the publtCJty 0ffil The lntroductlon lo Edueation ary chairman, led the, discussion its tor discussion at the confercommittee 1s Mne Futter, Norma 'j'j class under the direcuon of Mr.;. on the propooed pla~. eoce are also posted and be reBrugger, and June .Martin; and Ogg has begun to choose its SO• Th !' t ~•• ~ quested the members to study 1 the commit- to arrange far ts. e trst P ay o "" presenu.-.. intermission ent<>rtainment Is 0V• m',;":'" Tim Kulscr, Jahn Is "Jenny Kissed Meh. H con• ~~Ir problems care. Mary ~el1$on and Kathy Jlod· Harre Id and Mu.ry Crowley have cerns a priest who trys to. mal<e y. k<-y. Pete ffiU, Instructor at the taken tho school-rating t.ests a little country girl over mto • Aviation School, announces that from Llfl' magazine and have big' e.1ty glamour girl to catch • will be meieorologlcal lee- distributed them to Roosevelt boJ friend. tures and tllms held at 7:30 in the junior high and high school . Norma Bruger, Janice Chrls· J room 25 of the main building i,, ..., bow ' Coeur d'Alene tian.en, Bob Hnnson, Don Freeevery other Wednesday. The schoOls compare with those not• key, Bob Bohlman, Don Emel. J ,, next ot these butructlon _periods ionally. borg, Sue Mh_loy, Catl_lrlne Rod· . will be held Wednesd>y, NovemHarr,son, Spu-lt Lnke. Md lu.ser, Mory Nielson, Tim Kulscr. Before, large entlutsiastlc mat- her 15. Everyone intettsled In Post Falls are some other schools Everett BofmCJ.Slcr, John HarJne~ nnd &verung crowds. the the weather, studcmts. and non- which have also been asked to 1seJd and Vetra Adams wert! United States N~ !:}and .P,,r· •tudcnts nlJke. "'° mv1ted to a:- .llU ou, the report. lh... who attended the meeting 1ormed m NIJC. •. auditonum tend. Carol Lavme and can,,; Al Nl.JC'• board ol eontrol an1.:ist. week n'I a brsllrnnl mannt..r. -kinson are aclini as ieacher·s uounced Uh: tlnt senustcr bud.The band. under Uw direction The Aviation •hop has hod ,, uids at Shorr,rnn ,chool wbllc /1,f get today. From the pool of o! Lt. Commander Charles '"(ac1al"', Mr. Kill revealed. H~ Don~ Strallt, and Ruth Tllomp- JJ'I.OC $1049.10 the budget t., set up Brandler. gave brllll:tnt and col- blmsel! a r<.'SpOnsible for lhe son are at BrYan. Tiu> object of and proportfoned in the followor!ul duo performances for 1be P•in, job and those who h•v" th• teacher·• • wd t., to 1et the ing way, rffidenLs of Coeur d'Alene and observed his artistry wish to E<lur ntion m;,Jors find out 1t .., Alhlettes $209.82 surrounding .territory. eamplimcnt him. they can worll. with youn1 child· 1 u you don't know how to go Publications 209.82 The bond 1s on a tour of the ren. •. nbout votmR in the coming elec- Dramatics 52.46 west and Northwest with slops Mr. G. 0. Kildow was guest tio.o North Idaho Junior Col· Social 4!9.84 sc,hedulcd In all mnjor_ cities. speaker al lire last meeting ~! leg,; will show you. Misc. 157.37 The group will complete its tour the Future Teacher,; o! AmerT d N be • h At the regular meeting ot the 0 in Los Ang<>les, c., 1ca, Re told the group nbou:. the nGo,.::::~t c1:~~.1~ bonrd last week lbe m<>mbeT-s S.OEl\t- of ~he mlC.rcst_mg things m :a mock election and 1t is pos· voted in Lorene Moore and Jaok The Junior College bo.sketb•ll the haclung profession and :vel sible that "as Ni.Jc goes so 11001 Warren as social oo-dtalrmen tor wam wiU hove a full schedule u.e,:n aome suggestions • ut Idaho'" . the student body with both posts !o_r the coming sc:,son. Coaoh deciding upon a career. Of ~urse this is a •upposltlon being accepted by both p,rties. Dick Armstrong announced that since we have no Gallup Poll . The ruture Teachers ol Amerthe following pmes would be to dellermlne the outcome of 1he 1ca were granted _perrrusston to The North fclaho Junior Col• played: pending pollticsl rnee. In any ~~me a recogntzed club of lrge boy's quartei has been in- Dec. l-Ganzaga Frosh, Ibero event, age and la:•wl~ge are A ·Jetter from I.he PretbyterVJted to •lDR at a meeting or the Dec. &-Gonzaga Frosh, here not reqwremente m tbi~ elec- Ian Church of Coeur d'Alene !astc~ctosa;i;.~ ~ Fmch. Jan. 19-N.J.C-E. Junior VarCS ~~r a:,,i!th':~v:enU: ci':,; requesting t~o representativu US.IC r s-ity, hero . h • to attend thetr mf!'Otlng regard· The quartet Includes: Verne Jan. 20-N.J.C.E. Junior VarA shovel cut into 1be earth. opes for a full turnout. ing an organiwd reoreation proEaton, tenor; Wendell. EMiey, sity. here poised ,tself momentarily ln the gram tor youths was read to the second tenor; Bob L<.-Cam, badair, and then dropped !ts Jond board. In complian,;e the board tone; and 13111 Russcll, bass. Arrangemente are now being Joto a acroen. From I.bat momO wiU ask two studenls to attend ··r Ain't A Gonna Grieve," a mnd: for th<: team lo play the cnt on, the members o! the Ax· this meeting. N<-gro spiritual nod some other Yaluma .Junior College, Wen• cliac'Ologlcal Club began popular numbers have been atchec Junior Co!l.,ge, East!m ancient arti!acts, punches, planned !or the program. Washington ~ollege of Educall~n scrupcrs, and p<,stals that some The chorus la going to aing Junior V~ty, and the Whit• womnn had used long ago as "Jesu. Soul of Man's Desiring," worth .Jumor Varsity. . •rut ••t doing I.he work of a by &ch, and "Sing Pralses." by Coach. Armstrong also said primitive. AZTow'heads, drill', TM Rad.lo Speech clnss at JC ClMU.m for the (orthcoming h< would pick up somr lndepen- and knlvcs fashioned of ston~ has begun working on a serle. a.<sernbly. They plnn to hnve the dent game,. a:nd bone wen, uncovered. This of programo tlUed •'J'hls Ts Two weeks ago Don Rainey student body Join In on some was the last field trip ot NlJC's Coeur d'Alene". Thes<l programs and bis stud"!'ts from the instru· Th:mk,;glvlng hymns. nrchaeology group. consbt ot interviews wllb oper- ment school Journeyed lo Geiger The chorus will also soon be• Observed on the trip were otors ot home town businesses. Field in Spokane and visited the gin work on Christmas musk '""'"' pieces o! Jnde fashioned The programs will be present• weather atnUon thert:. WhUe which will include "White 'T" T into a ch.isel and • pipe. The$•, ed over radio st.Ilion KVNJ and there the stude~ts had the op• Christmas" by Berlin and a tr.>· l O I. Q 01 1ze were collected by some l~,l are meant to acqunint the people portu.nity of seemg • huge C-99 d!tional carol. ''The Twelve Daya R ,i is bl , res1denU!. Ev1d~n~, on th<> site ol Coeur d'Alene with the var- and were '!'ery much tmpressed of Christmas." . The e, ossommg oul Investigated, mdicates people ious buslneses in town-the bug. "~th the unmenae size ol the mto a !"b 01d size neWSl)aper lived there p0sslbly os ror back ln"'1Scs they come in contact plane. ENGINEERS PLAN DINNER with lh!S ISSUe• . The COll';lle Cl$ 6.000 B.C. The site is deemed wllb dail , The jewelry class visited Ten· Journalism class 1S now dom_g so valuable, professional help Y . ne!rs Jewelry in Spokane to MEETING AT TEMPL11f"S it, own makeup and compoSJ· ma be called in. This class, under the dtrecUon observe I.he art ol manufacturing According to D. H Moser, tion. Thls new arrangement is wlntff the club plans 01 Prcston Oos1'1d. wrltea its jewelry. sponsor of the Engineer's Club. designed to give the.•e student< many interesting acttvlties dur- own scrl~ts. records its 0;," Next Tuesday (Nov. 7) the the club ls scheduled to have o. • chance to learn In a more Ing IIS Friday nctivlty period shows, '": tltc members or "' Watchmaking School Mil have dinner meeting Wednesday, No- practical way •• well as turning meetings. An annual reporl will clnss aehnit ongmeers, com- a get·to-i:ether party to acquaint vc:rnbt:r 8, ot TcmpUn's Grill out a la.rtt:er ond more nawsy be published to tell ot their an anno:ce:COThey the n.ew student$ with thl· class: The main topic for the S<'ssion coll"!!<> paper. progress. h e . using a perder an •wnt hold <'lloh semester !or wi.U be "Diff~rent Divisions of This week. for the first time,, Members of, club are Al· for their broadcasts. lhe incoming membt!rs. Bill Del· Civil Engiru,cring'". City Engin- advertl•=•nls appear in lb~' bcrt Somer,, Tom Miller, Rob- The Radio School has made yea fs in charge. eer Josoph L.1timore wll speak paper, an addition which was crt Hll?l$Qn, Ed Hamon, Don oullelS for_ sevornl of the microMrs. Gridley'• thimble. which on "Municipal and Sanitary made necessary 10 finanoc thP. Emehiser, Gar Johnson, and phones. wh~ per,ruts more ~nn was among the loot taken by Engineering,'" ond ffighway En- larger paper.. Norm,n Radford. Faculty advls- one nuke bemg used at a time. burglars when the school WAS Rineer Ru"8ell Parsons wlll talk College publications are under or 1s Pn,ston Onstad. In tho near future, lbe cl= broken Into recelllly, ha., been about certain phases o! the the supervision o! Mr. Wendt. Tom ~!Jller, chairman. ond pL-uis to have round-table dis- replaced wllh a new one. The highway department. A round· who replaced Mr. Rhodes this NoDWLtl &dford, ,ecretary, Wd" cuuions and a disc-Jockey pro- golden thimble w.s in far rel4ble disc,u95ion is to follow. fall. e~ed at the last meeting. gran>. pairs when It was stolen.

!"'"· =

SOphOfilOre ClaSS T Sponsor X-mas Partg


-=- -

r~" Dramatic Club Announces

Semestef Plag Schedule

Education Class

MeteoroI C}ass sef f or N 15

Mak1 "ng Survey


· t,;;:;

Student Board

u. s. Navv Band 'T"'h rr*/' 'ed Crowds

Annouces Its New Budget


k £/ection At Jc T uesda•v

Armstrong Announces Basketball Schedule



Quartet Plans Fall Appearances

ArChaeo Oglj C}uh 1 TIIlearths Reli

Ra di Speech Class Broadcasts

- -----

Heard Oq KVNI JC Watchmakers Visit Ge1ger • Weather Station •

Review Changes bl 'J S •




n::u.~ :i'

H I .J C


Red Team Walks Off With Butler Return JC Intramural Football Title Bolsters Hoop Cooch Diak Armstrong is •ni., lost lo a series of lnlro• working out daily with twenty• mural game, on NJJC's eampu$ GROUP MEETS TO two hoop hopefuls, whieh is one s ..w ,he Red team subdue the DISCVSS CHRISTIAN or the largest m NJJC lll$tory. With basketball soon t<> take Crecn team. 24-12. FELLOWSHIP AT JC over the apotllght at First quarter· The Red team The coacll commenl$ that the · ked Ou to th" Green. Sco,rlng A representative for the Inte,. NIJC, the Review stnll has been squad IS a hard working and th Reds in the lll'1t quar· Varsity Christian Fellowahlp lnterviewlllll some of the mem• energetic group and should deor e Captain John Hydes In met wlth various 1<tudents at bers of the basketball squad. velop int<> a Cine aggressive ag~~ '::Ond quarter, Hydes ·and the , Junior College to dbcuss Thu w"".k we asked Glen Bu:creeation. Bill Marshall scored for the s ~ g the ?rgan1ialfon. hero. l~r to give_ some or..the h1ghReds. H If.time score was 18-0 This is a Chnsti1m orgaru2a1ton lights of his 18 cxciung yenrs. Many ot. the frosh prospects to th •Reds for college students. For the past few months Glcnll have been showing up tine In !;,he, •sod to con .These •tudonts have been in hns referred l~ as Coach practice nnd should give the re• torti d t.he pace "'-as quiclc- vacd by the represent.atlve to Butler, because of his acllvlt:les tu mine lottcrmen a run • for edo~ anthe fourth quarter A nttcnd a conference at Ross with the Academy toolball their money. ~ u opened a place· fo· Point which take, plac,e on lenm. Under hia dirce!ion, the Added heigh!, weight and to for T .D. November JO, 11, and 12. This blue and while . has won three deplh should produce an Im• u thr minutes remained cont<!re.ncc ls _tor of of five gornes \Vlth one to go. FUl<NY MONEY ••• a.tu• WIU, provement over last year's car~ o Jim· ~ e r meed Into the lhe ~ler-Varsity Christian Fel- 1 Clen grad~ated from the D.C.. dlaptar, pbo&<>- dlnals. erid zone for 6 more Gr..,n lowsh1p In Id.nho, Montana, ana Academy m 49, after lclteru,g WaablAftoo, ot 0 fcaa.JU' monc11• with wblcb • Is Two minutes later .John Wa,,lungton. . two years In football and thrce st&a Beu .ue floodlq Geeoa. Ualy. poin · In we>ed through Bhose who are mterested will m basketball. They an counterfeit 11.b. dollar ~ydes scorf attend the conference at R05S _Butler's vttal statistics are; bills OD ODO 1tde &Del &DlMfe:ll HANDICAPPED STUDEHT IS 0 ~ Wendt, a· member oc the P~int belore . deciding to have !ave feet ten inches tal~ weight PNP•C"&Dda OD lhe oLbe.r . OVERCOMING DIFFICULTY JC faculty, of!ic,ated, During the this organization at Junior Col- about 165, brown eyes w,lh a wolfish gleam. and one, ot the FTA MEETING SET NIJC 1$ extrc~ely proud ot 11ame the, Green team chalkcd lege. 5 first downs while t.he Reds! retumm.: leuermen on th,s FOR NOVEMBER 13 one of its busme,s studenla. up ed th fir.,t down mark•r LEAGVE BOWLING year's Charles Tyree has overcome one • c CAPTAIN S ANHOVHCED Last summer Glen worked. The, Future Teachers of 1of th• most serious physical 7cross times. On Wednesday, November 8 with a JC graduate, David Apo-I Amerka wlll hold their next hnndicaps, ~hat of blindness, and the Bowling League held their dOcu, in Wallace for lhe Sho- meeting Monday. November 13 ha$ applied himself so adeMJIS. OGG COMMENTS ON Imc,c,ting. The otcicers ot this shone County Evaluation Com- durmg the evening, President I quately in dicta phone, typlng, N OCK ELECTlOH AT NtJC club are: Ben Luter, president; mittee-<>r they aided In sur• Johnson h.. announced that English and spelling that the . Pbll Boudl•n. vice-president; veylng the roads "in them Lhur Miss Alice Latta, Coeur d'Alene Idaho Dc,po\1ment of Pubhc AsDr. E:vn Ogg, head of the poll- and Janice Christianson, seerc• hills." High School teacher and prom. sistance has offered him emUcal sc,ence department at NlJC3 tary. Glen is n member or the Fut- mcnt member of the N E. A.. ploymcnl tollowlng the complolcongrnlulsted tho, studenla a,s . H was decided that they would ure Teacher,, ot Am<!rica and as will be the guest Sl)Cakcr. ion of his work nt NlJC. r<sult of the "mock" election bowl every Th!"'9day at 7:J~. might be imagined, plans :o be - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - held last Tu~dny. Each member IS to put five a coach UPOn graduation Crom 1- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dr. Ogg sai4 that she was c,ents in the "kiny" which will Eastern Wnshington College Of well plC8Sed with the. way _the go toward trophies al the end FAucMion. Hl$ ra,•orlte hobby is studenls expressed their choices of the term. , . are hunting, girls, fishing, girls, e, on ballots by not vollng the Otto Meyer, Perry Christian• dancing girls the red '38 Chev straight tickets Md aelocting the son, Phil .Boudien, and Garfield and ,:iris. ' ' Name Age Ht Wt H.S. Attended Yrs Exp men and women of their choice. Johnson hav6 been made the Frank Dammarell 20 6'2 180 Kcndrik 5 Out or the registered voters captains for the different teams. John Hooix,r 21 5'111 180 CD'A 5 only one person failed to vote Phil Beaudoin 17 5'10 155 CD'A I Indicating the Interest studenla ALLEN CA.RT&R MOVES 0 Ser E.aC 1Dg Don May 18 5'8 145 CD'A I ote taking >n their government Allen R. Corter, of the LinKen Hnttcnburh 18 5'9 HO Rathdrum ,I on all levels. ooln Mutual Lile Insurance Co., Don Scott 18 5'11 165 CD'A I Consensus or students vot<> has moved his office to 1116 Bob Kelly 18 6'2 170 Yakimn 4 n,veale dthat they were think- t.i,k.,.ldc. he announced.. Mr Dexter Moser is teaching Thomas Holland 18 5'11 156 Rose Lake 3 ang along the samt> lines as the Mr. Carter, whose office wu O OOUl'10 in Guidaace and Coun- Dale Andcraen 17 5'll 155 SL Maries J general public with the accep- formerly located In the Seymour sellinK for the Extension Divi- Verne Eaton 18 a·~ 1811 CD'A 2 t~~ ot Republlean candidotes building. has addcd aene!'1 In• •ion of the Univer<ity of ldabO Bob Ranson 20 5'10 165 Mt. Shasto. Oollf I which was the trend •U over I surance to bis ~W' life lo· lhts WI. The coun,e l• designed Tom Casto 27 5'8 155 RAthdnim 3

JC Prospects -n.




c::"': ;J;er race,




•c Basketball Roster




Ex tension Course

the notion. .su.iancc. he wltl. to fit tht needs of teachC!rs In Pot Hurrell 18 S'U 160 CD'A four levels: primary, intermedl· 1 Jim Taylm 21 5'8 150 IUt>viUe , , . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , ntc secondary and college In 1L~ Bill Marshall 18 5'11 165 CD'A THE NEW sp.;,l to help,ng students solve Bob LcCain 19 5'11 165 CD'A Itheir problem• and m choosing Jim Miller 23 5'9 170 Wo,ley careers. The course ts in line Jerry Markuson 20 6'2 175 Academy w,tb lasl year·, development of £d H"""on 18 6'3 200 CD'A Coeur d'Ale11e. Idaho ) n guidance plnn for Kootenru c. Christofferson 18 5'9 155 Kingston county schools. Glenn Butler 20 5'9 180 Academy eoe.u d'Alene, Idaho Owl Show Sat. a t 11 :30 Approximately forty•fl\•e coun- Cliff Stneter 26 5'8 170 OD'A Ly teachers have enrolled in th• &Olf. MOH. TUES. Sunday - Monday ' course which carries both grad.. CORT. SHOW SOlf. 2•11 1UDt.c and undergraduate credit. It'• a roaring romance 1 Meetings are held every Fn· day evening from 7 lo 9:30 in of a racing roughneck! the college classrooms. Some o! the topics discussed CLARK GABLE include: group guidaance actlvit1es, sell 3ppraisal and andcourses, working with home and community, :i study of the, vnrBARBARA l~us tests given lo students at Across From Post Oflioo Phone 4l all levels, and an appraisal of ST ANWYCK thcs~ tests and te.sttng progra..m.s. e 2ND BIG HIT e Several •peakers already feal-inLAWSON GOW NS And PAJAMAS ured wore Dr. RU&hong and Dr. Giles of lhe Psychology Dcparl· ment al the University or Idaho, "TO PLEASE George Mon.tgomoryThey ap0ke on testlng techniques A LADY" GOOD LOOKING ROd Cameron vallduy. and reliability o! Mule Wlndaor- the various tests. Plus Selected Sboro · .1 Tb The evening's program itsell is T uea. WF"• un. lnteresting in its setup. The, !int FA.ST COLORS hour is set up as n J(!Clure or o1 talk, followed by • coffee period. The last part of the, evening is They Make Wonduful Christmas Gifts Too spent in small group meetings where, individual problems are thoroughly diacU$$cd-



Grace Hall Apparel

''Dak Ota L"l'' 1 I


~08 Lakeside

Phone 1354



. la lllUT • lirlll 11'.......



1 3 l I t .i I 3 d 3

_FRID __ A_Y_ . _11 _o_VD01 -=== ER ::.:.._.:_: I O.::_l:..:l50 ::__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __:N:.._:l_:J~C


Air Force FTA Chapter Election Results Given Offers Good Gets Charter Out Bg Govt Class 0'Pynort uni"ty

Student Council



Meets On s. u., w!!0i1.~ .~!~1 ~un..!.oz;n.~'i!:


h Q

The 'mock" elocUon resulbl Of .Monday by the Northwes1 &President llichotd Johnson of the NIJC Ciovernmcnl clruis baye Op • UeS JOOS sociotion of Secondary and HighNTJC's Future Teachers o! Am· been tallied. Of lhe 63 resisiered l th ulAr m<!otin~ of the er Schools lRIJ)eCtion Board. O erlcn Club has received a letter voter6, 6~ C;.lllle lor-wurd and ex• tn tl re-g Th ult ot th·s 1 eet o of noti:fie:auon uom N.:ation:U erc1zcd 1.hc1r right.. 1·~crc were Student Counctl lha W(!(!k tht' may e detcrmin~ tb~fu~r: The United States Air Fo~ Education Association lhat NJ.. only eleven $tra1gh. tickcu, .!oUowmg ttems were brollghl status of our budding junior col.. has. POS~ 11$ Av,ation Cadet JC's chopter has been chutcrod which indicates lo thls reporterlbeforo the Council and dis<:us.,- )egc,, for tltls vu11l11100 comm1tTrauung Progrom on lbe bu.Itel- ond ,.,m be concluded In the thal ' 11 wast 54 ol lho votcn ed. tee will decide whether or not "' b~o.rds at NlJC. This program National Fl'A Yearbook. u,;i,d common sense tn electing . this college become$ permanentprov-.dcs a. constant flow of thOJr rcpresentettives, We now h '"-as dtt.aded to accept the ly accredited. The mL•mbcrs of young pilots !or active duty with Tho letter ouU!ned some of oUer a !isl of the ol<eb>d om- proposal ol the Soph<>moro clos:; the committee in ,iddilion to the air force. . !tw":ln~es ~~ ..!!rn':mpared 10 sponaor the annual Chriatmas Dean T. S. Kerr of the Un_lver. ~ progrom, combining fly- lhe united work of our prrues• party and to hold lt on the Fri- siyt Q{ Idaho, were President mg uutrucLion, academic work, slonal organl%Jltions-local rtato U. s. Senator (6 year ienn)- day p,....,,,dlng the Christmas Emmet J. Riley of Carroll Coland military training takes ap. •. d (R) H. Welker loge In Helem. Montano, and proxl atel 3 Th0 U and nollonol-we have unhmtlC U S Sen • (4 l vacallon. IL ls to be llll alter- Mr G W Wa!Jace, Eaten. ti m Y year. qua r.J- power to make our profession · · ator year term - noon affair ~xtendm1 into the wdsh1niton • College of Educa· : ~::"i/'r:C"' foUows- Age: 20 the stronaest professional group <Rt!>worshak C c vening Including the party and lion Cheney Washlngton. , ucat.1on: 2 years of in America. Meeting together is ·~l"resentabve m on:,ress, 1dancing. • . • . college (60 seme..ter hours or 90 achievement Working together (lsL Conarealonal OlslnOI)Monsignor Riley, on. !nspe<:tlna quorler hours); aptil\'de: apph- 1; progress. Keeping together is CR) John T. Wood. The resolution IO allow the the library, said that m. view of cants must ~ - a written quo.ti- succes.s:• Govemor--<R) Len 8, Jordnn Student Union CounCJJ to oper- the wonderful panoranuc sce~ea f}'lng OXllmmatton, designed to Ll. Covomor-(D) Howord D. ale the concessions at all attalr$ to be observed from the wm1ut aptitude for {lying; marilal The o!ftecrs and slall or the Hechlnor. was pa,sed, l!:xcoptlnl( of cour,e dows of the library, he would status: 1ingle, mnle citizen (must National Education Association Secretary o! Stale-(!)) Ira Ii, lhose actlvUt<s where the Stud• like to see the whole room availasroe lo remain single during presented this iltlm as a keynolA> Masten. en1 Union io rented along with able for reading 8"!1.•tudy with· training period; physical condi- or FTA members ~d sponsou: State Au.dilor-(R) N. P. Niel- lhc gym. out the book raeks interference. uon: good, with bigll require-I son.. The official results ol the lnments lor eyes, ears, hear~ "Plan m?re work than they Stoie Trea.surer--(D) Ruth Ci. One member of the . Council spec:tion will not be lcnown un1eeth. can do, . Moon was delegated IO inqwre inlo ti! Dec:<lmber 8, but I.he outcome . Then do IL Au;,mey Ceneral-(D) Frankl the poliCJes of the gymnasium looks favorable as the committee Pctsonal mte'l"View; applicant B11t: off moro than they can L ley as to clvl<: enterprises and the seemed to find everything m must have high moraJ and pe.rchow; "s!-rtnt•ndcnt ot Public ln• scheduling of da~ tor its uae. saltslaclory order. sonal qualirlcatlons. as Tnen chew it. ..... - - ---H11cb their wagons l O o •tar slruc!ton-(R) Allon B. Jones. NI by • bo:u-d of air force offi• Keep their heads; Stale M•ne lr,spector-(R) eers. And there they-<>ur l•adcra- Cieorge A. McDowell. Application blonks (At' Form .. St.ate S<!nalor--(D) James L. 41 11 ::~~;.,,~e.::tf!,1u s~Ar~~ are. RepresentaUves-<R) A· and U. S. Air For<"' recruilin,i tere,tlng program set up in ad· 1 •B. Lafferty and CR) L. P. Lar-' ' station, from one of the air force vance. Th1S way maximum ben~ ,aOJL. teams visiting colleges and uni- e!its are obtained for the time! Clerk or Dlstric~ Court-CR) A. Features versiue:s. or by writing to Head· spent al a mini.mum cost. ,D. MoCrea. . quartus, U. S. Air Fon::e. OiThe ship ·will probubl,y be ll j Co u n l y Commiss1oner-{R) r<Ctor of Training, Attonllon: Sludent-typc wsset Time on Axel M R<ioenlund and CR) C. SOUP, CHILI and HOT LUNCHES Aviation Cadet Branch, Wa.•h- board will be speot pr<paring T. Larson.. mgton 25, D. C. ror • bell<!r unden;tllnding of ProsecullJllf Auomc-y-(R) W During trairung the caciet re- &he sulYm\er-'s experiences. Ther(t D~c~_,:rta(Dnd). H H OPERATED BY <=eives food, unifonns, !light will be language clnsses, dhcusttri · aner. clothes. eqWpmcnt., bou5ing, s,iona o1 foreign problems, mov· County Trtasurer-<D) Berl ruedlcal o.nd don:ot care. To top 1ng pictures dealint1 with world M~A.~t~ur. Judge-CR) G th.i$ oU. the ®de\. receives a problems. singing. dancing, D-Jld \\!hl;;. _~ e M. a $10,000 Covcrnmenl ligo Insur- dramallos to hold the lntcresl o! C Auessor-(D) C w regular monthly o.1Jowance and the student.;S wh.Jfo on board. N~':un Y an~ po~oy with. all prcirruunll Application u. bctnc made . w ~0 Coroner-<R) Dr. v, pmd du.ting trainmg. Columbia Un..ivt:.rs1ty and Boa.ti..:• T Wood. Outstandb,g graduates_ receive Jun,or College for $ix polnll> 'county Surveyor--(R\ an 1mmt'd.i.Dte commission and credil given for the under Ashley othffi • commission In the Alr the Lille, ··Field Sociology." Con- JusU~e of P,,a,:e-(OJ 1.,, F Force Re<erve wtth an oppor• iull the JC's registrar lo see if Eng d (R) B th tunity to compete •or lho "':'";' the school will aecep1 the,c c~!t!i:te-(1)) ~o~ Hydcs. 1.gular corrun1.ss1~ns tend~red polllt& 111 transfer cr~dits. Those vnch y~ar. Corrurus,s10ne_d pllots who receive cTedit will keep a l'ecewe an :automatic thirty da)· not.ebook of experiences on the leave with pay. tou.r ;ind write a pilper on Im• Ir -any or you st':ldents !111 all p-r:es:stotl$ upon their return. the entrance rcqwremenl.S and "Alertness'' or ''in serv,cc•• creda.rr looking for. a good deal and it will be earned and transfer• ~ lutui:e. 11 will pay you to red to almost any universily or Word of the lhirty-third t"Ons1dcr this program very earl;- college. from Columbia UniveTSlly Tr:i.vfully. N<1Yf, while YOU _,rtlll ha_v• About $1113.00 ill I.he cost from World Study Tour was ree<>ivod One look tclb you M.usagic Shoes tame to pick your outf1t,c conSJd· l"NE:>W Yol"k to New York. e.xclus- el Service Agency by NIJC this dumiie 1111• ltlllUTI, A tty-oa e r ~.. :cts ~&re!Ulr an~ re- we ot fees for credit. You may week. The tour will b<?gin in proves cheir resilient mcu~ at c air orce 15 one' reset'\•e 3 place ·wlth the party July of 19~0 with the purpose o( the mo,a colorful branches ol by making n deposit of $JOO. o! •lu.dying tho pollticoJ, socioJ air cushion aod exclusive ~e J armedh sorv1"';"· ~~ 1 The leader ol the group wlll and cul1uro.J problems in WestArch Lilt p r o vid e _ _ ,IHll eomfon. '.""-• US1 w Ol you ve ttn - be Or. Paul E. Baker. Dean of ern Europe. ina 1or. Men and Chairman of I.ho The group will sail from New Come ia soon. GIRL FROM ,49 "1C CLASS oiology Dcparlment, Boiso Jun• York In early July ond will arKILLED IN AUTO ACCIDENT ior College,, _Boise, TclAho. Dr. rive bock in New York about has had a n1.unb~r of th«.'! of August. There Word was received Tuesday years of experience in conduct· will be !'1~Uf!gs aJ?d talks w.ilh morning of the tragic d~alh of Ing such toWT.. . . lenders in poht1c:s, m economu:::s. Cnrri.e Conn. NIJC st'u.denl tau If any tLudcnt is interested tn In edu.cat1on, 8;1ld an the arts. year. Miss Conn was fatolly in- gotna on a World Study Tour. Students wU~ v111t famous musJured in 8 collision shcruld contact any mem.bct,eums. beautiful cathedrals. and highw'ay 9S north of Coeur ,r of I.he Journalism clas. or write striking monuments, lncludln~ Alone to Dr Baker. lhe Louvre, Noire Dame, and the Vcrsalll"'5 Paloee. They will ,also tak" trips to Ghts&ow, the Trossachs, Edinburgh, London, Rolland, .Brussels, Paris. and 1












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Ni J c RE v i E w 'Library Exhibits Armstsong Back l'lorg.!~·1;.J.':.~·1. ; : ~ - Three New Books H d C ch

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Salesmanship Driver Of Na•h

Course w·IDds Arouses lntere•t Asf ea oa Of JC w; omen or This season up th"IS week

The NJJC Review ls nublished • college Among the •bcty-nve •itles I • 84'mi~mcmthly durin& the year. recommended by twcniy-threo book reviewers and critic;,; repB r B. J. HUDSON Editor -8ob Johnston resenting journal$ !rom every , · News Editor Ve,ne Eaton se<Uun or the country, were He's back again. Yes. thal s The salesmanshl class at JC ls I.he person who drives the SporlS Editur Norman Radford round ''The Mill On The Po," our basketball coach, Dick Arm- has le ~rolled Tim rU$t and cream colo_red Nash 47. . ~P Bus. M•n•«•r Bob Hudson "Kon Tiki," and "The Lire of strong. Thi~ IS the fourth year . b M.w married? Th,s question was Adv. Manager .Bob Bohlman! MMalma Ghandl", which co,- this enthu.srnstlc coach will lead t°"~e ''p~;g w!irman asked m the lasl l.ssue of ~ Circ. Manager -Don Freeborg ried the most votes of nlJ the the Card ma!$. otc the business department 3t Rev1ew. H~re ls your answer. Soc.ic-tv Editor Sue Ash1ey sixty-five. , . NJJC "U I were married 1 wouldn't • Reporters Coach Armstrong• e>.-perience · be driving the rusl and crea,n Fre<I Miller. Jerry Markuson. "The Mil Oo The Po" is a In basketball goes back to when Several businessmen In town colored Nash," stated Chris John Hooper translation lrom . lbe Itallan or he played on the Gene,;ee . high are cooperating with the school Ramos, gentleman in question. R1e<:udo Bacchelli's novel about !school squad and also lo mde- by selecting their c,xlra Christ- Chris, 22 although still unatEDITORIALS th• "little people'' or the com- pendent ball In ll\llt clty. He clerks trom the students tacbe<I ts 'neverthcle,;s keeping Wind$ are carrying hmts •• to mon marl in It.lly, bis universal Jate.r attendod the Unive,.,.lty ot :;:asthe class. an eye pee!M !Qr lbc right girl the potentialities or N.l.J.C:, struggle for enlightenment an_d Idaho and playe<I ~osb baskel• when sru, ru,pperis along. hoop squad tlus year. lf rumors redemption. The settmg of this bsll there, graduating in 1942. The class met dally Cor two Chris was born and raised 10 mean anvthing Coru:b Dick- Arm- epic novel is In northern Italy tn 19~ he entorod the Army hours lllst week. San Francisco where he got bis strong , bas on his b.aods a am"l the time is between 1812 serving for three and O hall Many of the members will re- start 1n the entertainment busl· snortln gOOd outfit teacly to and 1872. years. with eighteen months In lurn this week for a check on n~ When be ".'as ~lXl~ and avenge the sucess1on ot defeats "K0 T"ld" by Thor Heyer- the South Pacific. While In the what they l•amed 'big enough to lilt his big bass 1 that have been handod lhc !' tlve adventure ot Arm Armstrong coached b3"" · viol to his shoulder, he took to mighty Cud.inal and Gray lhe 81 d_ahl, who bad the ketb:U ond oosebsll. Things learned at the !int the road and pl ayed quire u past two years. " yo m n . meeting were: number of the 48 states. Or The Review would like to see courage lo cross f,lOO miles After leavmg the ~ · Arm· ~ register operation tn addition to mugic, which bi, a friendly rivalry started with Paclftc Ocean on a raft made of strong taught at ~· Juruor Col- Sales tax computation loves, Chris became inter<$1ed some nice unsuspecting fchool. mne huge balsa logs. leg~. His clas.,':' included ~n- Ring and wrap proecdure in Oriental culture and pblloLetters 10 the editor on this sub"The Lile of Mabntma Ghan- om1cs, . accounting. ln:ruct.ion Special authorization sopby somewhere along the line. ject will be a~epled ror publJ- di" by Louis Fisher, is more to Busmess, and ocono .c geogChnnge drill Tim .interest lo -~ the East led cation. H ,~ IS desired not to than a biography. Mr. Fisher raphy, At the -same time he Wrapping Instruction lo a staff muslClan spot on a single out one or two schools- strives to make Gbandi's phll· served as. JC's coach. He . also luxury liner going his way. Dur· then let's beat them all. osophy clear and to make Gnn- taught rughl school busme:$ Topics covered in the second Ing this period of employment L ast year at this time one "t di a human He succe«ls in classes. meeting were: be visited Manila. Tokyo, Shangthe leading questions wos: What both · In private life, Coach ArmApplying for a job bal, w,d Hong Kong. is college spirit ond what meas· strong ls a captain In the NatWhat the employer e:xpects A year ago, after several voyures ,tudent in1erest in scltool Mrs. Krider, librarian. reports ional Guard In the position ot What the customer e,q,ects ages, he l<>ft Uu, post on the ship activ ities? So far this year there that all three of these are now AdJutanL He is ma,- Mo.king out the sales cheek and joined a small novelty comseems to be no doubt In the on the library shelves and n,ady ried and tuu two children. Store arithmetic drill bo asp iring for The group minds of students where their lo be checked out. Kathy, six and Vicky, two. Third meeting subjects were: came 10 the Northwest 10 smooth lnte_resta lie. u you want your team to win Approaahlng the customer out its routines nnd get the Report<, from class officers, R AY COX, ' (9-50 S TUDENT games thi$ year come and sup, Presenting the merchandise combination working smoothly club presldents and Sponsors inPR.EXY IN LAW SCHOOL POrt your sch~ol, team, and, At the fourth meeting, the as a un1t The harmony d.isdlcatc an active Interest In all most oC all your coach ,,___ solved Into discord however and fields or ~ other word$ the old Ray Cox, NTJC student body ' · followlng topics were ..,..._,.5. the unit broke Ul> In i...wis,.on, college spirit Is there. It Is not president last year is now ensed: ~· fdabo. one ~ g or several, It ls tho rolled In the Oniv.;slty of Idnho liandling quesUcms and Oul""' The next stop for Chris was combmed reeling of the student I school Ra lso O the OW Ing eague CJ~~g the sale the Boulevard Club, where he body as n whole lo take a par. aw Y was a n -· now works while attending In lhe a\'allable activities.. Review strul last year. Operating Increasing the a~erage sale N!JC. He loves the acen.ic Miscellaneous poml:$ beouty ot tbJs part or the counNJJC's keglers hirve organized At the last meeting, oertifi• tey nnd has decided to stay !or their loogue and established av- eates o! completion wMe handed n while. erages tor the coming winter's out to su=sful students. Chris has a devout int<>res1 in meetings, ru:cordJng lo President phil'r-"'Phy. lfowever, bis lite Ben Laster. The league will have Mr. Eigeman~ assis+.a,nt .mana- ambition 1.s to compose a great the s.1nction of the American ger of Montgomery Wards Joe- work OIOmeday. His favorite comBowling Congress and will bowl al retail ~tore, spo1<:e at one poser is Maurice Ravel nl 9:30 p.m. on Thursday nights. mecting and . emph3S1%ed many A$ !or sports, Chris enjoys an "It is not too late to establish points of selhng. as well .:ts the OCCflsional round of aolf when be an average and get on a team," points already covered 1n the can take time of! from his many the prexy added. course. and varied avocations. which also include appliance selling in spare time. ON HlGKWAY 10 GOING EAST ChrJs Ramos is - very inter~ esting person to talk lo. U you enjoy a good <.Vnversationnllst the way l do, make fl a point lo meet Chris.










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one rogistered and who is taking at least one COW'SC in any coJ .. lege or university in the United Suiles. Manuscripls must nol excee<I 5000 words. Any number o[ manuscripts may be submilted by any student provided that e,jCh story has not bad previous publications. Each entry must be accompanied by lhe student's name. home address

• Better, Longerlasting Press! 'U'"by pu, up with old· fashioned drl c-le.&ntlllt

and the, name and address of lbt colli,gi, he ls attending. En-

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tries will be returned only If accompanied by a sell-addressed and stnmpod envelope. EntTies should "tie addressed to College Contest, Tomorrow Magazine, 11 East 41th Street, New York 17, N. Y. The contest will close at midnight, January 15, 1951. ,!\nyone desiring more information should contact the Journalism clns,i.

fttl Uk~ nt:'-\ ••• d.2.ill.V•lr('l!,h. ~ spotless! Cumr in or rhor.t.1




This contest js open to any..



See "Mom" Grass in the S. U.

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