The North Idaho College Sentinel Vol 55 No 5, December 12, 2001

Page 1

Smooth ride for online registration

()veralJ SlUdentS fepOft 1,nMooJay,lo,ioldbnc...S'm.ybc60.' l am "1dlutro--"'n in,tn<lolbllUllJLh<'"'MlflJot,u11Qnoncho • ' , n"a.lly .unl)rmcJ with IM:\c nwnbcn.. •pcol dmc IW\\'Cring IIC lllllE k1ffO. Tbb lod., lhc Mudtnc ouc 01tht ")''&an USfaClJOn Wl(b PfOCeSS 51X'•12002.m.ublbcfi"'tJ.,.,ruJcm;h;d "'""'4-00pl,ooeooU, aodfcr«•<h<mioCAll<h«<lhuu·,offictr,,bc

,. nae "1,Uten:d 1n o Cl\'Cfll. Onbnc duri~g the ..,eek, ortcn • OraJe,s &um tall unkd.od ~chmUu&nlbt.nttJfor-k,ochnie,. M.l)'~~dlforolbt- ICffltilC'fwtllbc: 1k1C1V«c1id~robh""1tt Bcv1r1,Nid.ontc

"¢<'• r ull)' a.i.s,,Ulllct, havy c»mpuLrr lib ute and• t"\'enlftf boi:an to help avai.lablc oalmt o,bov1.) 9.m. on Tuc\d4y I~ rsna dll) or fine lime. ~dt:Dh •crc::'lbJc10 rcr1at:r tunol J».pet 14«k. lbldeal.iwhofflOWto rc1tt.uauoo1 and anotbcrtirnc III tbraftcmoonon ani.110·"•urpril,c.thcvU1 "W~1blok 1111,·em tta!IY'(l.'tll,"' Bev,"'*awd. f'Cll~bcron: 7 p.m D«. ll. Wcdnodaybul fotonlyabotn JOWilllUfc.i ut 1hc:1u 1.bJ.

lkv1o, uld lbc high i~ cktc. tn 'l'I ~"~11.aMc on SIC ~·tiDt b;id aln:ad)· taktn Md rece,,ed II p... ,,n.a. jnlde ,wo-wcet penod." be p:u,,, 10 fillldc,nli """ho don"t ft.lJD out of tlw "') \km.

F~:r 8$ ptrcmt of wt.L..--nl'l tcghtacd MKh '"m111~ or cd\JCMIOft d:1.\~ and said 1'bc)i uc rccAinirJ uuhl IPQNI I.Jut C:a\l\JnJ tht' • ft(jhtrar Rkb;i.rJ Re"m .wJ.. "U )liU 't.11'$1t)' Tbt t)~m Is oot able IQ lwldle Olhcr problem,. uidl.ldtd ubouc. 200 ~udcuf1 llne1)ked me holAo many I lbougbl -AOUJd MtU.allOOl llkc thttt,c. To fill the problem. tkvin, wbo prts!ICJ tbc b#ekblmon aftttdicy wen, done

National cuts

increase college tuition

Pm:fdm1 M!dw:t 81.11b wet tU:ibc>I, •·,Un~ llttty &01IJ) OCXI )W by $1<1, lh< ma>imU10 nw.c:alk,\l,tdma)·c.arby•IUlfUtc: iftthcb)~,..., m on ~ntcd alJ-t"l'tlplo)tt mctUO,: hdd llr<.6. Burt.e ~pol.e 10 .WJ and lbc rucJJ.a llboul Ult cum:m bud¢ ,i1ua1u10 Ind ho\\• N1<' rtm.. fO aipe.,.,llhdwcub.. Out ,o. OOM'l9owd tn'IIJ Hl dw: ,~IWII C!OOOOlo)', NIC Mt Nd a l.6pcm.-m ,"\IC in cot.II ff'Vc:n&r f« this Rd )'Clf,i.ollmn111 Jf'C'nilin,: frttu. for m1n)· budJ.CO tbcnmpA Tbt collc,eftO\\. 1111%11 S.~pctt:dlt~~nM.a: thlan ~fur 1~,cyair. tQcall1111•bl)Ooll SI.ti mUUoa. bc,,.';ittt,t ofdcac.ut'J fWWlnr to

si..y Stlmok polta her IIOClology c laumato Aaron Ogi. .,._ the SUB and the baNboll n.1c1 during IM Prat -1111 lllOW!all of the Nason. Mofllan tlamosch end Marti Vo1t llwe II•• fun

w pay-tor-print program on its way

Copy cards will offer 20 percent discount Lb:uy', Jl'Y_..,,. lbo...,......

Cu, pns,iou1, m:dc in thc. llib i, uncctn&forbw.t.mdSI (arimlot

-Shelley C,*11-.,. bli \Upcrvl.<iGr, ,uld tht nwn f11a"' ror imu111uia thcprosrmu B tbe 11mouJ'11or,., 1b111 lt,'11.1,bcffl# \\'iWN

Sip, 'M1t" flQRCd up lbt IClllblO'

~o,&b.ica~lhM wnuld

c:~ (or pinllU! migh1 br: mitt11at ln,..tbat 11 WIJIJIJ\.~l Jor\l.llonlbc :.imounl "' pt,r:t" wMtc. Coticuo wad tj,c ,iJft\dldn·1 h.t\'C 1hcd1C\:l the)'


·wc·vchaJpn,pJcpndl.OOC ofpaipe, frorl1tuuoncU1*:mc.'IJ~nc.


Childu,lJ •·, lwd IO g<IUJC lhc

CU..1.Jdl'lllillW.O( 'WJSlt beau..: tO

m"'hoflllc......-11u...... oor111cr ,r, W,.. Thc~·.utcb ltJl!Uf"""' dloup. h<SttlJcl• rco CO\~«ic: lwd""'l\ft: ID1 ...,twore...S in lhc Llh but ooc lbC! COM of popc'I", 1ooenod tq)llin.

lbo-yr0<--< DUI afchodc-l"a lwgal. A,

"1l-'bl! mctUSCS, 50 Joct ca.a. Chrld,.,;cJ lbe .-.budgd<W h::i.,-m't bclprd t.hulp cl.her.

' We have IO cntc the: money from IOfflC•l)cr<."Cot,cooJlid. The t:.bnwy uuwutoJ a p:iy.(ur. pMI propllffl C'A'O )'Giil llJOtO cotOb,"11 Ill w~te problcOI '"'llwnN:)dlPJ~"""ffe complcrcly full <ryd,y." Clmuld.

"'Wt \\"tte U)q CO ihlCOllnllC the omoum or paper""" bci1111

Sinoc lhc....,... .... b«n on

t:ff«1. l.bcrc hu bccQ I loc kn ~tc. The libr.ay hi'1C10pl)'•ftlf-prinl ~Ws~bccnuf;ticwas cbqinJ vc•k>I• tor lhc '>"""' 'Ibo propam wtn mumc nut amtSlcr (Abew, >ald ""'""" JimrJol& , lhecomp,r.eninlhcbbiapn>vidc,J b)' .Studenl fttt. thC'y fttl Ml obl1pion t.>ldopt•~th2tl,~to lllc><udcol body ·Nathmg ls*l in Mone."~ .lllid ·•Wo"'1111lf.Ooomttolffl ~Dmt\'l.1thl\S'.'l..1C"' lnlldclJJion10officru111:lhc~ ""'ofpoperaod'1llll)lle,.C"1d Cbll4' d they boi>e lhc ')""" 'Wlll teech cudfflb 10 CUI doffll tJn 12lll'IOUIII of paper lhey waMC. Cobcno su~, ffl*ftb lc:am to cop)" * - OIi!) lhc motailll lbcy """1 Sbc tJ::~~:10

Education is key to AIDS awareness

~UI) Fto\\ot'n aad IUV," ,aid Omidle Mr.hooey.

llNglc of HIV 111W World ALDS Day; dw ii 11.t, Dl.b )'CJI ,tatc fcdcn.J pants AU>s :\0 Jlnd Otoe.. 1 WtlT "Out mi,iioa h to pl"O'>ide TllC program h.\• nu.1y (tmJni~ 'lits '11), pl'e\'Cnbl'IQ ooouch anJ .td, ocac:y around tbtoqhovt the )'Car It bu • wl1>e w.ui,a. •

\..i1or..11.o.!1 m.crba\c done their pm tn tj.$tl(t of JU\" aad AIDS '4.ld Kent. dleGc a~. a dtag J.bow aod ocher littk.

~laWorldAIOSOay NICJid Wofta,n..ecuni·cduocmrulSlAC t~uiu.

.tt •·rU. 0o ·o, 30 i.bc S<>M Id. Ol'I Nov. 30 NIAC l'lld • c:1ndklicl'l1 v111I NlAC ofTm n oral HIV ~I Ii an)'ODC ~CoollhnQ(SIAC)\1:1 upt.tbln 1.olbc- (or WodclAlOS 0.y aS1. Plu"XOw:ltb to hltiaayCOQetffla. Lbc)'tani:.all«i6S-1448, :--., Uhcvy

an ONCI" 1u up r« the tumb. die «illqc. 1,,1u upkin: a \Jnrt)" o( upim.1,. locmbU111 rc,'C!WbttomO!hcrtQQrtt1.'AIC"M pi:,, Dnd 1Ui11nn t'.4 00C 1.cp lbr a.(Jr,c "ill lake. lnlldJibOOto~Wltion.Bllf'ke. tnalltnOtli -«k..., nllnft ftn.lnl:UI aid UfCJUl)1 (o, .audcn~. •tr "''C abc twooo. I tccl anobiiptioft lO pnMde tUppOf1 ((l(d!O't y.l)o 11"14) be ,'COIX',cJ iDdi$1bk f«bipic:f ~IOP." UwL;;'\Aid, Hc..utcdlhcculk,e11Y)'"Jlllll.Mlc ~1:.ano 1blll 1vt Id e1!Cftti;JI to !"li1c·,oorc tm-..uon ,nwl!AJ.o.frtW.,n, lll:'l'O\t-·thc-~1.:uu, fie 1.1.t NIC' ha, d,c. Jl.frMlt;"' (If pl».IIUW,: f(lf ftCA.1 )~V. jn 1101hr 1UfJ!ll.\oC' buJ,.<"t ~"\•• t>lthi1 )"fir. wflcn 11ruc:h o(th( bw,ct ~..., alr<."1ybcca8~Wlid~ac«1.'i.ldNICtathlll.lR"

1tudcni:- ~" !IOI lW opeaoo. l ku11'tl11K«J the lm_pomncc o( eomtnuing: m.1n.~ SfOWU1 to leq, upwlib the CXJanl)', one-Cl( 1k b,i..~ a,0\\10110 the ~IC.

Butu abo !IW pl11m Jor lht h1llft Hc:ihJwSacncc bu1IJm1 arc !IOI bch1.1 -...i.c.o,dbDJ!ll>op,ojc<to,no< op<Jon.Bwt.ulld.

Bur\c s:aW: ti~ w,U be: O'llllt)' op1.•10,uaiitta latdttaP,.'\a~ .ad tllialllak·irt11ln,: lot'Ulllll:S l.rom nCIW~!>pringtcmtSitrr

8WU IUd with ASXIC th,: lbt wtt.l in NO\""Cfflho"ro ~u lbc ~le Jllllaot, hike.

BIU'ke iaid Ilk' !IC"C oon ,·Oh.:Cd«N'ICertn bul undcf'IIC!W tbt nrpa,'( dr«"h m the rutlft ql.Q:!11) or~ WC ooc nw.m, chr fuud, oou1d l'&W-.:.

B~ ....SU- IW\, U,01ho ~\ Jikm,,_

111111 notbcasimplconc. II ~1llb.1,'Clobc11

loOlul.too lhi1111,jJI tK<QU\C fuiurc .udc forXIC

""'We •ill 1oon: tb.n lllf\-hc. thu." be wd

··we wlU m.ilnwn Ox 1cm "'qu,ilt1y 4nd c.wdlrncc wt 11tt tnowii ror ·

The growing world of I I Tis the season z::> .A...- T z:::::-- C"" We dn es da y ..L~ V' ,-..:> Dec 12, 2001 Holid a y/Page10 t1;500·£ N T I N E L ii -~. '\o. '.\ o H I II I 1, I II" ( · 11 1 1 1 <. 1 C 01·111 ,1· \lnu·. Idaho
lhc ..»'atopc:*10 the on.line St"ntcc a1 1uUl'lc' Y.'hc:,1unott 1r, r-., u~ •nd I..SSS dhJ ,o u~ the ncy,, M\Mknu who \\'llfflcd to rc~,-a,:r ror cl~ th.,y ,ppomtmmt1.ovtt .i OIIWle' n1d ,.._ 9. it. 11 c:na,hc..
Like nlMl)' other r,nr•wnet.. Wc w.._:cc: .Ol'lk "~e:t.1 year•c art' • SNdcnbc111 Tbc proNrm \'ti..: dtllC onl,> lllOf'()Oflktan u~
UOI ~Ot-mK ~uldmti JuJ protikm\.. The hiUC1t. 8"\lM , wan, 1Ul gomg IQ 1C)t'tad
Plltlt 9 Gotcha!
REG1STRAT10;">. :ClWlliilCJ f1n
L ·1·~ lilldont
who WU people athiplllk orw W.5etie ~: - bclptas at OCJC of tho tables. Wohcr worb Wllb fu.od•ramng granl M•U•~ "' P«JP('. arc tiaubng In ,he The. Wo,id lre'.1hh O,,.nnb...1tio111lllfUd wri11n,. ptCVC'nr1oa ouu,:iicb aoJ wri.1.u)1 toot.wuou, SVB The uNn flrld help rt.mcnlba'C who ba,·c g(lCIC bdon: 11'.Homplady conlidc:adll;ju,l letYC ctlhcr lh.rtt.nCuritiCJ...ct-·amtJ. f'C!Orlc •nJ u.kinstobun mc,,,c VihoC'01Ulooc1bt lltpcclli.;~ora v,aguconcandtbey 111v lllJ Alt>S ,..oodt'ci ti.Wu 'lttUUk Will get Mt'k U>) oo To CC)Olllt1 NlAC coll ~1dtva1, ol r't'd ribboiu to wear in NIA(' h;a1. • 011.~ Q.Wl.a~'-ho "«b the: Ol.lmbcr above or 'fls,t them ooboc 111
concerns bJ MMIMII}' ths~IW'
NlC president meets staff about
·~ . 11rupUn1 •·11h thi• di~ .,.,.uh pcc,rk arc .,ff«ttd •itb HIV www .rikon.Qf'llnJ9'. Al thl• time tc h bnn1 ~y;~!:::::.~=~~~ :a:n~t~~~::=::,:1~. lllnlollo MahOney 111kt with _...,. Sp1"9ft", Jol,n Z.,mon, Ind Tl»o White lboul AIDS -. 1••c 1 II ONLINE: BY PHONE: 769-3388 BY FAX : 769-3389 Tl IC I I I


111Ao1 or &hf:5e rtoopt ~-c gooc back to

lhcir couricn~, .t u'('d their ltlllttln,g to

~l.C.. rrnmla aotl suib rt;,r hi tht

bt:uu of their cocmtr)'mm. Scores of

Laua Amcric:am .b.1vc ~a ldllal by

SOA .,,.i.....,, Sl•nnog,p,oo Hid.

"Jt'* bypocrulell.l oflbe U.S. tobc

fiJhhng a....,. oo 1morum when we

r= (1985-1986)dunag 1lw: eo. Wv. Both arc Coeur

d'Alene physfdant., The Latin Americ-aa tccn,, mi:n)' u.wd by l,hc SOA. would hon\b ft'dical ccr:um: in Nl(.Am~. St.orm9glplOD'$ pan:!OU

'A-<t:t1t last )'GU" to lbo pn,cen, but thU

...,.rui lhe [l.ltJ for KAtc, her brocbtt Luke

•Dd tbu..- Kenna 0 ,1Oct S. l'r<sld<nl Cleorg• W Bush s.aid, " lhny gOVtrnmtAUpomon the. OU1i1WJ and ldllas o(iru,occnee, they have become outliwt Uld cwrdmn

'1Tr·s hypocritical of the U.S. to be fig/,rit,g a war on terrori.rm when we are.

$f)()IISOri11g terrorism''

K.atcStom)Ogip~!msdva and they will t.u.c. that k>ncly pnth a11be:irown peril" Ooc. proccs!tt bc:ld IJ \ltUb thh t1.•l«J1Q)I oo II StolTllOllpsun nad bet famdy arc p;u1 oflbc.S01\ Watc;h 1bcS0.A WMc:h srn.ncd In mid-1990s and was foondcd by M:,rylcnoll friar Roy Buwg.ob 1b• SOI\ Waich io an indcptndem Dfll!Oiutioo th.ti llc:Cks 10 close chc-Scl,ool of cbe. Amo:nca,-, or 11, Clltretll name, 1M W~cm Hc:miiphcrc

~P")'ingtax-p:t.)"ttdoll&Bnod w-co.R kmlri1m.·• f!Ud Stonnogipsoo. a d~-< ,

ln,t1MC t« S«url1y CoopmilMM't (WHISCl.~vagil>. ta.11. il>d t,on,.\·k)h:nc JlfOIC5lS. l'bey use media mid kgu&w,·c wotk. lk SOA WAtch Adviiory Oroop it 11•,,offrdll&OJIJIIJyJ'WIC')'bodytJuil mtttl lC\·ctfl] times througbouJ I.he. yc:11r to plan• too "lupc tM IRO\·('tneDI.

St~·sp!L11:'ll1', Ju,1.1.naud

M.ldtc, c;\pcritnccd the 1enorum fim. hand while lmag In Nk.vagua (ort'i.O

Thc5t LAiin Arneru:11.n CCUtMes h,a\'e noa·dtmocraue p·cmmNlb ,mJ these troops are oplnj.owakd towatd chtupcopl<. 11,e so~ chall&••llt> "'"" 10 WHISC in order 10 get less f'Ubbcl.ty, acoonbng IO StMnO&ip,o,t lhe awcb wu a fuoernJ pro;:c11Jtoo for tmSc who b;a,•c du:d b«'litt,c of the lC"m;iris:m in Latin America. Protc:slen heki v..1u1i0 woodea CTOSSt$ with n rutme of MlfflCODC wbo W"1 k:UJecl by iOldleD in U!m Anw:rie11- Jt$UiJt. priests in l.®n America ahd mw were lllllOC1' the fflAll)' lha1 were luUcd because lhty wee,: ~ni out. Aftcre:,cb name 'A'A.1" re.let. c.bc p~cn- bdd up tbd, cros.set :md c:hMtcd '"prcsC'nte."

1ncanma prC\eni in "'rltll , 11,e

rroc~cn alw licld moci: oofflnt and no•:rn.. SiormoppMJn Yid u wn n.ovuag and prc:11y unbellcv~I~

dcn,oc:niuc COWlltk, 111\d the Umted StniN t' su~J to wppon dcmoc:r.icie,

"'Ago..-rmmeol th lp!Xl\(lft tc:m,ri:w b a 1C:m'ln\l, SlantaoJ1r,,oti id lhctt

rtn1e\.l, tbctt w.i, ii w,..: 511<ticr 'J' .iniJ mu,,1:. S11,nmo,: ,1 v..u • fun l.tmc for people. ta IOJfflld un,J h:dcn kl lbt oMK people lj'::ril lime .111l1 fflCIO()' (IL, ''h VID s.d aoJ tnUy i.n)p.!Cbt.ltf, bui 1t wat 1nspirin1 10 blow all thtie pcopk are fighdn,; fo, tbc '-'Ufle: c.iwt.c," s,....,,rp,oo s.ud "All lllc,1< J"''I*'

..,.,. Some p::oplc ere atrbtcd 11.tter the r~ bccauK they M:iycJ laze 11uo the nlsJ11,t.tldWt'"re~tn1,tinJ!lhe l"Old\\'11.)' Stormogip,cxt I ~uppoc1 tbc SOA htalu'tC. in l"fl", 11 tnun, 1100-

\f.ariah Ro,J.stil, 11. fomk'.f SIC" .cuJ¢111. nnC'ftdcd She 1• a &uhuWJ) 111 5c_.11Jc l:nn'ffl!I)', "fhc a,oop ffle T,\l'nl .along with nu\Od m~)' for l.lll'ffl to so t0 the. p«.'llN.

Shi: b thC' d.aughtc1 or NIC JOl,lm.dhn, imwccor Nib RO)l.).ahl

IASNIC WATCH Senator asks staff to leave papers alone

Stom10,tp,oa t..ilil U'Llt Wen' \'N) p;i..1..,'. r-b:1J \l,IC:tc C'I') int:: dunng

Owe WUJiruns, ASNIC P"idcol. a ClffllJ'U' ~ide eruail 0cc. 6

:iddu$.Sing cat'IOc:rns abo\ll the mponsc.s roc::cl'ltJ A«otdinJ to Willwnt' onaU, Pocce tcec,vtd JC"Vctul n:sp(Jll,.#S from stAff 1nr1nbcn dw wue quite Urlflt0rt:$S:!ONII in nutwc.

w,w1mr said II ffllWw "''lit sent

w, WC )'cAI, t)Q1 con~nn, all the campllunts ASNlC iutill ~Mng. lbe

miolvod "Wc11rt"«) appn:cJ.1llvc: o( the

~noc committed to " l'M'idina lhcm w,d, nc1t.",pape-11dl.recUy from sCudoli fer,."

1 lcadenlhip cioorere:occ in H.llbrnott Nov 30 and Dec. I. -·bieh pr,wcd to~ a vlWllble artllog upcnc:o(:'C.

1lle oon(c:ren«. w» IL"'CSOfflC.

WilU~ said. ~we f:Ol I Joe out. o( iL A wMlc dl:~t)' or c:Umic.lfOUP' 1t.'CR! tcp'C':$C"Btcd, aoft)CChin& wedon'1 gel 10 upcticoCe tn Nmb I daho.

''The v.hole dlin& w \"Cf)' intcmU.ttg,"' W1Uil\

WillWUS Qddcd lh:ll 1tfkr IL while, they r~l"Jcd th:11 I.bey werQ the only wtu~ people dim u~ (eh that reJ,U>· ..dJed to the ~cnrcc and they probably k-.amrd .,.,,.. The)' J*rocd ulf"Qffll.ltlOI\ Oil lbett mies~ wdl 11> bow to uay moth·:.ttd. Wdlbnu ni.d they di~ poht1c:;i,I IICIJY"lsm and made SC\ crnJ \·~hrabko cont.art1 \\'uh le!lde,,.h,p IMW othu«ill:cgc.J, WilllwmRldlniJ>C OW.Willl,m, <ma.L loOlllc:tASl«C flCi'.'), lalaton 11ttcmltd

Amuhctbc:i,c:f11 war. lh•t they bondc:J u a bcwd. getting 10 k'.DQ'II, one 111\0f.hcr better A few o1 tbc k:MtOD """'"' 11 cb> arty 11nd \\·etc ltblc to visil W,uhin,.ton.. D.C Nooe ol lhe srour had any 1.roubk wl1h lWJ)Oft ~"UJ:ity. tu 1.1 wa, mterr,.h-itg to obsm'Ctbeo.irport IC!WnlytOtiogM 16:J 1n 0Ahlrnoro WUJLun,.

Phi Theta Kappa, ASNIC puts up holiday trees

Gift baskets will be made for needy NIC students by Und.t Ball ind K1m Oimru<H'C


ASNJCand P'1l Th<tA Kapp., n ,he -or pf>cm& Qnfflrlll.1 tn:n at"0U00 c:atlpDJ adorned 'Mlh f..:ich U1£

""'""""' aduid whoh>sbecn ~op forll>C SI. J\Sl',1C_.... e,,.,bggwUll,oidllw:i1~annollcln1>10the¥ond8">d<ro(the du1d. c,lc<hing .,,. ood """ Ii< or lhe ~- for C'luu<mo• All)'clukl""'"'"11"""'1f..-llw:popm.11bn11twoii.d,o low - furnUic>. O,ildml"""" 12...,b< i,;i•= bl Bo,wcU H.lll, lho bl>nll)-. Hedlund. IM-Klldow« IJ>CASN!Cotr=-... ~,...., children fire ,qi~ b)' on(lther-100IV1CW) artnotlfitdby inVMal,00. s..ia,,.and(""'1t)CD11pi<l:op• 1ondpu-D<W1"'"' listtdon ii. 1bc. lil& bepctcd tip any hmc. they jusr a.<k th:11 ltie if&b<'""""lnbyl)c<. 19 The ua~glfto""' (,cd,q,p,:d off',t the ASNIC olf""' ASNJC i, iB~ or dcoc.nling lhe full $ilel: ucct.. whkh n dl~pla)-cd "'the SUB a-' bbtw)' Plil'lbcl8 K,ol'I"' .,_,,...,..., 1lw: s,ft, wllhthor=p, 8\llll pp,w,Ub<..,.ppog'"'1~1lw:£ifu..


The event cubniowd a C'brislmlb Pany o«. 21. I.a d11e Dnf1wood 8:sy Room sn lbc SUB. ·ni.: (hddrcr1 o.nd 1hctr (nnub~ wiJJ COJne to enjoy food SIM tlle amY1Ja(&wtawt.owlll p.. 001 lll<p1mnu101b«hildttn flEE llfT IIUI "La11. yea, all die 1.ig,; we-re filled nnd people were w1101Mg more," said Ju.lie Blume, ASNIC vi<:eprcsadenL

Another chatitabh~ progr.1m

1ha1 Phi Thrta Kappa, ASN IC aud Student Scrvic:Q is coonlinntin,: I.J, oompUing ,a.ih Mli.ot., (or tspeciaUy needy smclmu 11>0)'II Ide donn1ioni c,f anything 1.b111 mighr be llppn, such iH foetl, money, Vfb or ptl(Mic cws.

• Sliovcl • 11e1gbbor'1 drtw:ny cw sWewalk.

• Rctd IO childPen Ill a 1oa1-,.-


• Otw, blood. ·am,a-

Tbey 4R C$ptti.all)' W"JCtl111 slnglo pc:op&c: who •re otJitrwlk ~M'I~ from tOC1al prna,ntn.) thMfocus on (llmlh~.

PAGE2 lt1t.St:NtiMCl • • • • • • • WrlJNEfiOAv.O{c 1 NEWS Students
More than 10,000 people participate in protest of the School of Americas by H1U:*)' F10W'CC't • Sl~"''l10r Freshman KAie SlorrnoglptOO aod bcf r.airut) 1n:in:bed, lbe WTm ot Columllu).. Ga wllh l0.000 poopi. 1n prace>1 op1 11w: S<bool or Amorim (SOA)" """1>y Fort BClll1Ulll odW,ry ba,c. The SOA i1 • U-.S.. Army tnuoi~ 5ChoOI r« aoldja, aod mdlwy pat1K111ru:1 r:um Ulln Amcne:111 couotri~ i:o suti;c<:ts like ((IWICct,. in,urgeoc:y, mfllAU)' 111Clio, cililit:vy intclliccncc,'OOa opmltiOIU and commando operltiant,. The S0A b.M lnllDt.'CI more lha.n li0.000 LatiD ~1 rroops.
march for mes sag
tJic prolC\.t. Th< SOA W ok1, h>, m.><k •
On N<I,•. 17. die dA)' bcfott di.:
M111t May aad U1,ci:i 8 Hlwt Ed•IIX ahd 81#1 'M1llf ASNIC Sen. Julia Polee sect
cn~fl Dec 5 rcque1llng
am! ,-uiJ(10
u,.v,,~pen lhnt AS~lC purc:huJO (o,-11udc:nl.l.. Sc\'Cffl1 M•ff mmtbm.did nCJC like the tne5li0ge. 1'bc cm.:iU ukeJ nil NIC ualT to ka,'C' the (rw ~'$r3Pffl alooc 1111 they nrc fonded d1rovgb uudt-nt feci.. --·-1~ -~
.. ...........
Couo~.,_,,,__ bt\'c bceo 1nakin1 wggru.tiotll, rcga.n:bna mcdy 1ndi"1dual", but if 1hcn: ,, a i.tuckm 1hcy n1,;1y noc be awiuc of, please ~hiCt Julie Kint It AS~(IC1 ?69.7761, wi1b lheirnanlt. New ownership!. New it Uvc """le an Sal1lrdoy nights 1: Ro<kot 8olc.cry 't ~otl\tr c:.uches :k 'I( fl,..plo«,; '"4t Cof'-<'11' New hours: • closed Sundoys • Mon. • Thurs. 6:30 o..m. • 9 p.m, • Fri. • Sot. 6:30 a.m. • 10 p.m. Featuling our world famous gourmet sandwiches. salads and bui Dmean, ool,very and carry-out Open at 8 am 11114 p.m Tuesday. Frida)' 8 a.m. 11113 pm. Monday t ! N Receive a free drink with any order and this coupon. NotQOOct••Myolntroftlt Co••_, lip! u>n!atl News fditor Mau May. Pl>oM: 769,3388. Fn, 769-3389. E-mail, Seritin•ISni< edu

peech contestants show off skills

eiriy 100\ pcvdc,p..rcJ IR

,tie IOlh lltllw.11 "pccdl tomp.. ,uon

1#,hcf~ 16 ~tudcnu toropctcd for pro,,moo<)'

t1• .cw,ro1 >r,c.u.ct,. .,,ere plcM'd rrcm

~. :, prdindrwy ruuod l'be Not

l(IUod hl(l\Mlrt.l 1c,.1Cbera. p«n jfjJ .a

..-bkh p-0\ ided • ~-Ufc .,,uw101t

,Un.Inda U)\1''dl, of \1~ KJtOfl'f't

•·.u 11will'IXJ $100 rorlll!'I fiht~pbcc-

\~ ~h cw, mcJii.~ m~ukct'T1:mChriM.h:'1C'~'ll.•m

1or lu• ,pc«h oo 11, h,,

tlli\lllC'"\.Cl t.UL:.b In Sw'tiuch

_M' em, 10 lwldir budgcet filflSJn,i 1100.000 to c..i...0r,.,.

Jto)."k) Owtn,• c:1au, ~Alkcd llWiA)' wi1h

-.,, her sptccb co CPR.. O.nJ T!lll)'• r, Atirue McK1nlay'1.di.s. too:'>lr.

W for htt \(.'C'C\:b on .lOOI. IIUd tlic (laaJJlb al41,, rc.xm.·tl and au~'ohl~. E,'CIY compctjng w-a,owattltd•ffl'tU~ l'ho



-V.cht,cri."AIIY p)d ~pc~.bctt lhc

KhD.¥,rt. • sprub achet vf 21 )'«".a('I:. lhcC'\CITIUl~UOC11l.'lfl\\•Jlbl,hr

.p<'«h""""" compceiti~ 1111 tn:adc: up of eilbet

lWt' (If pentW,i \'"e ipttcbie,, 03 on winch 1ft octdcd. The rullll is ftlmtd. mlf rhf,«:b~ l\tC 1,1-.rJ

'hr Hend Sinn program in fall, h rrocndy In

,C-f>Ufll'I \\•itb thr- PO!!t Falls

Oi\cnct. lk'ow'it CM J>o,.t Palls dlooli pwing al ,ucb • Ill& J'IIC'C nttd..lhc 1'uildinJ rucrentl)'


b)·Hc-.adSlal1 lklldS1..1111

IO lmd U.\uwnfacllily. A (or Sl?S.000 w11, wriltcQ lbJ Stan co bu)" :I DC'\\''

tnouuotloolll Toohnology Supervlaor Jell erow. (rl9ht) lntlJuds Spee<:h compeHUon nnall 1ta how to woar a remote mletophono

Im h,t111c e:\,lll'lpk, lJI (~un•111Pllt1r,, 101 ··JJut,li('Srftk.1.111··cbs~

"'Srctth,..~ t.ooch f"\'Cl)"OOC 1:11:'c..lU\C II ~w·ct,l'Cw IOI 1io1ti,you'rtf(lin&tn~ffl

1tw,on, ,he"1li.l Thtfe '".t:'i ti1.Tt1~ of CommtUI .and ont \l,sd,.-111 pt1 \C\:tl<l"I can ~Jd~ u1 the 1orcoc-b ((lfflpcbti,;,n l'bm \\-ctt 16til.ltU p11n11..lpa1111 this M'l'Jln-tl't "·,1h 1$ ,lllllcuta twpn, the (IR'fimu,;11) ruonJ futr1 cmJ11 pouio 1ti·cre ;awanlrd to ChC' '1.udmc Jtt<I#', flital r111111J •·11, flh1~ ,wl~)f01wdl)

b> 1he hhllUc:tklfl,J Ta:h110l0$) ~t .i, ,e.dlr.n JUJ~('d tt'w ·~~N,., Pve,iJc-111 Clf t.l.c Atumoi A,M'lli.uhtltl \\o all) Ad.:lrlh a11d C"otnmQnk:,1kio, Oi\'Jsk>U Clwr ViJJirfaJchiN11tal"M.• -lhcOn,fn-l II n:.ill~ •~ CIIJO)'llblt to ut.\fc kn thtJcmon.-u1tioiu>f the~ \Jib l.bDc \.f,1Jc:nt,, hn~ ac;hk.""' " foluuca l!UJ A t«rpti1,n •iti hdJ at1tn·iud v,hctc ~1h rruvadrdtclrc•Juncnt4..cooiirs.3.tlJ ~•...t, tn ,.,enct1 lhtH p111k\.

food will go 10 1hc Nonh ldllho Food Bn.nk and Outtt.1ch & Am.\Ulllec. Marl Orabtt11ttu1, FooJ 81ank ptogtAlll mllt1tirt, ~ad tbt:)' cxhsl,1,tcd all 1bc food ooll«ced in fiu,t )'Cat', dnvc by Fcbnu1ry. Elctwci:n J11UUll,I')' a»d Augu.,, cfu1ribotcd mc:n

1ban 5.000 pouod, (If food.

Vlgil Mtd last )W" the Food for fine, prosr•m bt01.11tb1 ht 610 l)(lllnd\ Qf foc,.J •nd tbH )"CM goal I\ to t,,rcat 1.000 pourwh

l\t prognim i• c.aplndcd 10 11c«p4 Jcmali"n.., so c\ en ir n pc-non doc\n•t 01ti e! mnM.y, Ibey ~n 11Ci1J lifop 1Wt llOCl•('ettthibkt food 11.em~- Horne c.unDCd 11:r:rM arc a~'(:pcrd. but ,ia.,, c,o,nuiincn 11tC not Orop,,oCt bo,c1 11.rc loaltd ln lbc Ubntry and SUB

Wild Game Feast planned for January

Srnns ~nJC>ttt os,c,u \\-Ith 1ht NIC AJwnn, A,.«lnt.lOn·, dllnl \\'Hd Ci3lfk' lfl1tJ11n. 1q, in 1heSUB. Sca:l in& ,slimi1edtl'l l00, 1o0 tckcb nruM pun;ha\Cd in .td,ancc. Appdalffl wl.ll hr~., 6

"',n.• d,nncr 1tt 7 p.n, u, •" fo)'ff Thu-cx.traonlin:ary cuhrwy c.xptncuct'.• will od(a hvc appdizct tiufr~. ,ndl.Kbn1 appk wQOd \snol:cd ,ccclbcad and dud. ,M,JJ.aJe. The llffll or1hc event, 8111 RuthafonJ, ccrufieJ Oihnllt)' llt~rute of Amenca cbc:f, wtl1 inlr'Odllcc b.nptQO and~ dlttsc-:r.tlUfcd phyllop;artels

The miLln cwnc- ,,.,,II (a111re "ul.'IOO chqw wilh fl'n(lt no1, ~Cioa Ind wild """"h.toom ri.MllltO. lliSblipiL, will ill('JtJdc I tlcu-dh.pJay, lllidtrm} from JdAtxi hsh and G11mc. thC!cotl pasnhop of Ynldllfc:- 11nm Di.:inoe Mu.nki:nrick. and the ""'!'l"L,qua,1"1. Hu_ hr "'1mony. Wildlife pboloaraphyol Alan Limb nnd T,m Cbni:ti<" wlU :ilw be hilllum:I

'1'olcftts or NIC alumN "''ill be d>i.J'4\.-ak'd." Qiil Pbylll~ ~ttt, NIC AhuM1 Auoc:ii.uoo h 'ta grt:a \\"IIY t<t hXOllOCC1 olunml I.he colk-ge Md (OffUDUIUl)', TICWJ ate S" per pbte, SJ2 for lllnnm, mt:mbm. l'OI'" i.11formadoo a:IJ 769 1806.

Residence Hall plans day

Aw.ilwy Savk.u anJ ASNJC ti"C lOfdhc'r to spomor

11- •Plo" move 11'1 dtly (Qt uudtou who wdl be trl(Mtll 1t110 I.he. rdidt'occ hill. All f.llC'Ully Jnds.talfm,iovl~ tohc.lpJ1111.. 10 Thct\·mt will t,c. "1Wlarlo w, hinJ1on $11111.r 1.,•an-mity'• event. ln1msted \l'llun1t:a1eM call ASNIC AS7fl>.1761.


Justin Michael Stephens, 20

Ju.,1ht \IIC:h•cl S1ephcn.\. 2(1. dleJ \1~nday Dec 3, 200 I. a, • rnult o f

1n)uoc-• he te(:ei,·cJ In a ,oowbo.i1cli1tg


A edtbr•don of Ju~11n'1 life wet Saturd.t)" la 1tie wc1i,pn11gs Cl)m.Jma1my Center Burial wu IR GrMdvlC"w Ctmei.ery

Stc.rhc:rh "'·u11 born Sov. 30. tQ&l. in Cowr d. Aic:oC' to Mkhittl and CnroJe

rRudcbauJ,h> Sttplmn

Ht 11.Ju1ied hom BooncrJ Ferry H1ah

$1;bool in Ji,nc 2001 aad w•• v..orkin& a, •fl cl«1ndan ilpprcn11cc .,.,,itb Eagle Elci;;tm: o(

Spokut'e Hd rc:odvina i::111.s~room in\truc:11on


TM, pa,1 Th1u1bg1vwg. day, be JN&r1.JCl~U:d IP ,rn.: dc,i,:,

huftt.lUJ 1r1dHiflft •nd ,r,e:id M, v...1m1th among th< m.1t1)'

Stc:ph«, family members. lie 11bo wu able to Coutb the li\!c:t du1 d.2.y of the. MMinJ ranHyand lhc Bl~km0tt Um.ii)'

An avid outdol;,t\lnan. he lovC!d to i:.1mp. hur11 .and fhh.

Snowbo1.nhn1 was a p:usion and he tovcl.l hit many 1ncnd~

S1cphem w.u IMnJ, tau1hh1J 11nJ luvin,: H(c w~l't a ml~lup occ:um:d.

Uc wa, aa Ofg&ll and tluuc dooor t.od. iluough 1.hiJ; will live on ,n 1hc many lh·~ 1h•1 he h,H lfld wdl help

Survhon include hi, paJC:1'1'1 C.rok and Ken M1mni or Donncn 1:erry. Mike Stephens and O\mnJc Oro\'t', Oouncn Ftrl)"; sister Rc!11a M11.nng. Bo1mc:r1 Pcny; a:nu1dp~rcm,: Bail •11d Twuc Stephen•, Moyie Spring.~.

L. Friday+ 1Ve music Saturday night t Karaoke + Coffee every Thursday ~ ~D e..<' q;~% c::::::, C-=--= ,,., So_:.lTt.N4 l"-J·At. 213 SHERMAN AVE. COEUR D'ALENE, IDAHO (208) 292-1188 F.:I. (108) 292,1189 OPOf 7 OAYS AWEDC SUMOA'f1N'i- WM ;.IOND4Y WEDNC\OAY 7AM. .,,,. THURSDAY W\.l~Y7.v.r. UP~ P11111a ava J8II' textbooks baouwap. "'lmlW,. want to •c..111......, Pregnant? B Birthright can help you. -free pregnancy tests -communiry referrals -i11fa111 & maternity clothing 923 Sherman Ave. Coeur c.1' Alene 664-1390 1-800-550-4900 24 hour Hotline I BRIEFS Library hos ts ' Food for Fines' Herc', 11 cb:ancor 10 f~dJood aboutyoun.elf und w1pcou11h~ pci-k)' library fil'li:, Fo«1 Fu, FiM-1.. ln 11> llutd year, as uo<Jtt way .11 tbc llb~t)' amJ .u 1he SUB, nit rroanim bta•n under heud hhrnriao O\°Qt~ Clnrlc. Otbra Vir:1J hn, bt~ 1l1c eootditlAIOt ,IQ« 11.J i..occpuoo. ASNlC Jt ~nfc1pa11n1 ch1' )'CM•• "'ell Rather I.ban pa}' nth 10 craic your foes. they Aft: lhldng you bring: brinJ rooct item, 10 pt)' your n11e.~ Ooe fc)l)t) hem equah $1 Tbt
Devon Crawford aJ\d Vicki Waring of tho NIC Head start program aklp their way across The Coeur d'Alene Rosorl okybrldgo white on I ffetd trip.
om lHllllfln. Now Serving Espresso r------, !%.y~! L ...... .., .J -----Free 12oz EIPl'ISSI Wllh Pll'Clllle If 111 llreauast

IWHAT WE THINK Profiting off terrorist attacks is immoral A;1cr

the Sepe. 11 1111«.b co the.! .l)'mboh o( Amcrfca 1t productn,c ~nnmy, palliotiJm ti.a, become• to010'.IOO lupnforCUft!.1m~.

A\ cbc "'Ccld (ollo,..,·cd, mUJwfik:lu~n tc'Cogi)ll'cC!d 1be

c1dtt11)· urge to ttptt1(1)1 l.bdr pndc ltld tucltd lbc 6rc

wnh J1;Unotlc rroJuru. In one day, comumm hough1 men:,

thiw, Amcrfo11n nas:1 lit Wal~Mm IIOttS Al~ ihc


Wl'lilt 0)'111,: 1ho Amcncnn na, 1bow5 tupp0n for Amenn.

"'Ontf'Mic.'1 m: 11\iking m&\.'lvc ao,01.11lt11 or doll.m on

Amcn01·, M\lo llll:nd' pauil)CIC(O The proolcm i10'1 wil.h 1he

-.-n1111untn' p.1tnt1th1.n, t'!lib(:l' lbccowparoes ~klq: profi1


o·, UIC'Jbh" thiru thllc A) "I Lo••c N.Y.'' orcbe tclcvisJ01t

co1111111CrclaJ~ aod 11ev..1\papcr ad\'erti»cnitnt, dhp 1y1ng the

f1mNI Red, While end Blue. l! '!I compo.nW:\C lowcrin1 !N!ir •ml n:fa1t111 ti 1n dld.r pa&riodvn or iaviqg Jrtt Amcriclo

nap II.\ p:oo; IC1t •tgnina up ror ,heir f.UbKnpuoa

~uktog UJC.IDC)" oO the IIU#Cd)' (I( Sept. 11 tt. a $0mbc:r way to

pkk Vil our «onQm)'. Mutctina pau'ionun caild be

,nhonerrrtwd ILf ~ricli'• c:ipimlhni bcln,i. on profttin1

o<r our own los,.

To""°"' oortctn'lf1~1~ \\'t v.oo·t he $, ,1rc·n: bdnJ

e-nteura,ed ta •pt'n!,I money as c,ur ()AU'lodc: Ju1y 11., Ii *•Y to

\C"Cp lht' C)COUOln)' h.igJ1.

In p.t,l 'l\ill1, v.crc told toa\loid spending CKtrl.

moocy l'lt(11u1oe producuoo couldn't m&b: cnoogh 10 meet tbm-

Jc:nnuld. Bur unhie fffviou.1, wars. thr wn.r wc:·re flgh1ing io

l\la:hanb1.1n f1, noc

prod1,1..,;ivc car11bibhc:~

• full "\Cl.le lhobiliwion 1h111 rec1uJm tiuvy

So. tf L"OllSWltm don'l-'-penJ cnoup to mttt the mpply

hrina r,odwxd. 1hc: «onOOl )' wlll drop,, the c«inomy

dr-op lbc public tupport r« o)(l(lcy ,pcoc on• \\'U aialnsc

lmomm 1n Algbani,11m will dwindle any.

TIie ~ioa h.: Con• aa1io11 \\bok: ocooomy wu alrmldy

\kcbnln11 before Sept.. 11 be nble 10 pick n\Clf up?

11·,no11M"¢0111umcrc" fauh forw1m1in3c0Jbo* 1bdr

p11trloth,,1n. 0) <100\\i.n:t our patrlocism. wc·.re showing ow

1oirc-nath in numbtN.. But au we po'l"('!ul.wi ~Q1oc)C: prodgc1s to

• 1.bow our n.ahoo·, i.1.rtngth. \l/C .vt lo$ing m~)' to comparuci

• who dno't ~\·t-Jl plan l)ft dooatlns their pa1notl( dolbln to the:.

Never say /111mb11g 10•••


Qult )Wrtomplalntn,! Nocllinil>olhcr<1110.....,

~l,ca pcq,i<compl.u ,boul

C'USlitlf cmdllUII tbi1l dx)' - An<Jl,,,,.d:lhiJ

,~ fC'CJPlt i..1io bwlJ Chelr hotbcl

on llr OooJ pbcn ol' the


«lfl11'4su:4~11Cft 1hemu Oood:s lb,;,-. NIC b,1) I \imlt.''41Ulricrs


"'"""'1dll1jlhc u>o1.lhcf<Jn

"'"'""'"'"'""'bom cxim~1qlll);uoo,'CdJow

twbua: fron, 1he ~hool The

1t1111g 111111 tiuis me it Vial me, all

1-now,._ NJC bdm: <he)'

llooi,lv 1hdr bnmc<. Mo<!. d oo< alt oCI.he poorloe \\ilo l.l\'c: ill the

l,irt ~:m r,ciJhbcwhooJdlll


I<\:"""' CoCltgc,p'O'I'. 11'1.~ a


\'OllltltJUlor' IJte~lllall

mro!ltnm cml:tnuct IO~

Ytrlh.NIC'uirunnm~ooc.<11' room. Ytllh. ~•,cm be a twn•·bmtbeyp.rl;..t.,tthc


-~bcdi.tlk.~b'Vbl:$t1C:U loacoile&<mllhc)'11,>st,dt.Je

llrllW'<I) H,1wc»v."''°'''ll.dw p,,1,km?Wdl.•"•(t"011pia 11,e ,>!w nri$bbo<."" onU. l«tltl like the PC'Xl ltldy plxt fnrNICIOc'<l"'ld,bulllultll'4 ht{c1u ~tllle IA the nit.wt

-i_ .mlhcoolkg<""'11JOt toruui.tyCJ'JX'*-ll


AIIOlbcrd,11i,tha dm-c, mi, • h kaing ttuil enni hotir of Jl«pdulcai,bc-potdif)'OW" &.....:avit1c:a1' h h,~~,cdhtr<by. l w,, )""baldyobi<,oq111yM



Adviser speaks about last Sentinel iss

A fr" ill!IJI" In lh(' la\l Sc:mlnC'I r11~J more 1ti1m • frw ~ychrow1. A1.1ht- •d"1~,m~uucw, 1oc- n.~ ScotmC'.I. I weathered 11utnc.rou, •.JJ(:.l,t1c t"Omme11b a-nd me\1.llfC'i 1cf:Mdin,i the bchavi.:x of Joum~lism ,tudcnh ora 1belr

1.tip 10 oa.tlou.d CoUc;i,11tC' PrC'H

C'onvet11ion u1 '"Stn CH), Lounu111.1. Yo. "'n;cr (oud ,pon\ fdJtOr) Sam

ootclllho.1nodycramy$a.m. OC'ltimc:1"M10findCU1d»il l coulilh.J\<iJ'l'"""'11crhiu. I jtJl lhint i 'WWld be a rtalfy cool 1.....,, for<bocollclll'd thm,w:as II WOY toc.lllaD lhc ~u&nb when atbu canctllcd aod Jct 1btm knoll,, wbal'•PQ& ... For~11·,at,t•bl:1diiw.~1 lh:rcarc~lhaldri,'C:Crom ~ar<boS~,-,VJolley O\ cr~nucrroadsto 8:"'hett.l1mllftl.hty1N001d: ~d,

Slupid,r,tld<m Sui...--cmovina1c>N«tt,.ld.1tlo bjt11: Orto )M"l~'G, I ha.\'t' IIOl!Ccd•t1rnngt,1b~ ~11,1om. '°"t°' c1oo1 capc:. 1r, u,cd ro, c,u,1bl111,l le.\'Cft ~· IOf 'IOOfleklqlirlJ bis*-: .,,.,i,,,...i,11. My,wpicions ..,.,,,coallm,cd recauly ..,..,hM Isaw a bumpmO,:ladWI wj ''Due, Tnp,Meui;ah."

U n pl'"'OMMM O<m'lh.1\~lhc.maacyfor1 pngcror I.C!.1:t on1cdl ri-·10o ••S..W..1 pblJlogrllpbtrl:nill10colerd-. WiCfl•1111 o..i.....i orbctfrialdo N,,~ beeoustlll dWt imd • wn1J (JUIJide~ HaUtownat ~gn.D()ll,lbll'1~!

C'-llme!ron wrote, quite- \'1\'Jd.Jy II.boot hu lld\'(.QIUl'CII Wllh hoore a~ ,,c:,1tn•n nae n.nicle h ,11,.:«nttJ by ll hupc phlllo bl man)· )'WUJ n,cn 1J1~lott~ ,h • ~c~n, WOllUl.ll .,CAffll bl'J l.'lc.lMJ4"' Unfom111a1tly, 1he ht.1t.llm,r jn.JJL.1.IC\ tbcjoumali,m 'f.llldcn1, \llftt' nrJChing f\111 pwty Wmnh m lhc Bitt Eai). rhe) 'NetC'll't Tiicy •c1uall)' V.Cic t\a1l01llll "i..utn," ,iaimnp 1op honCIH a1Ml rommcna for 1hc:1r w9",. ,."' io 11111dc •h,»1ld ~vc 110Cc:d t~, bell dt~p,IC' tn)' 11au1.111< lht editot\ •en: too humM<' tu pnnt uoe 1'bc fflO\I \'JIOf"()IU (:ind .,~'11 WSiliVC) commcou rc1uuJmg cw Scttti11tJ lUUC' calll('_ from 1'1C arhlclic Jcp.utmcna pcr10«11v:I

They •daliued the ~tury WJI:\ accurntc al'IOClt two fott:i,:n ,1udc1t11 bcu1~ AV.Md<d lar,:t- gt,,1U•·lrl·1uJ \hupplllJ 1oehuvl immedialely whrn 1bc ha,Utb:111 WaM\JI WH O\'Cf They v.etc correcl th/I.I 1he he:.dhac "SfW,1fh •ho.,. grant SO.J,dt' the c-11tire sport1 dcp1mmct11 look •• fn.uh Tbe he.,d Joc:L1. \\t:ft rc.,Ur 11rnc1 al1cm1 the editorial (•Ito b)' Came-NIH indk,uina mat lheltdtpanruent wa, tidi.lleJ Vrllh hie' maa) abu,c::s or s.ran1H.rHud i.nd tra,·cl e•pctae\ for n far.nunp S1,;cnt.; W""''

Re: Ymmg whipfll!r.<ll(ljlf/<'r 11eed~ a gtHXI <pa11~i11' RwocU!bux· Yt»),Mlf"'bi~.So)'OO,~nC" ,.,,.,,. ""''I"~ Ytumtlllli'flb:IMltt)''lUl'IIJlln11)11i::ami Nl,y boornm. I"""" """"1-10 mt Yo.w~.i&b:rpmlnil)w.athooncwbo (~•ia.WCl'klW•\Vt..ldlm:. ih:Pi. mil lh:ll It\ yonrl:ft». n.\'ldrub.. Ta~ 1irlhc"'Onr..Tof{io:lp:t )qi 00 Your tunclSOOl'lql()l"Ccurdul \loh.11.)'Qllgy t~~==!YOW\loMJ.",-immc.Jf




Ad1le1lc: C(lnlc1thCt (SWAn .ending OW' lt'.UnS 10 l'll.Ul(:\ the) lvloC'" TI,C' cJ1tuni1I c.ondudC'~ 1h~1 hcin; 1n lc1-M::r lcq:uc "Aoold lcH,(lllh~C' C~J"C'n~c, Cc,pc.;1111) Wllbdu.:l)(<\I. h11tdlftJ C'Utha.ck111, v.hlle proud11,s !ocnl r,l,1yr111 v.Hb oprortUUllie\ ;1nd ~uddmg ri\'Alric, Wtllt U(IJhborni11d-..'IOI\.. Athlettc D1t1:1o'l(•t J,n, Ht,1Jley -.11)', the, -.111:n·1 lo'-tn. "' l,1\t)wrt11n<1f.1, h~,kc-lhall SWAC r«otdl :ind 19% when \lle\\Ctc founh Ii, the oollUD'"' ltc- 1io1111cd 001 And t1m Wrr.llhng tc-Am 'lliU1l tullJonal'!'. True Hnwe\'tr. «i;epc f11r .,..rc-,.1linr. ft•' 1nm• tune cumul11h:d an 1bclvc 4i0 ptif\.1:111 S.WAC "'"n·h.ui n"(.()td In tbc 1.111 fCJ,111' )"i:.lf'I And 1br rcgul.ilr SW /t.C' h;i.1. only one oiher wtt1od!11s cc.Jnt: Plbc-r k.lffl\ }oin from 1bc Nonh\\C'll Le.ague. 1\ccl'lfdlt11' h\Che SW.AC "'·et,~ue· ln th( f\ht four fc11Jvt )Urt men·, bJ\.k.ctb:ill u J~"'"'U and \\D1t1i:r1', N\kcth:ill n lb-~O In the Pll,.C lhrt'C: )'WI b.1ftball I• _'I.:$ .37 ,llld t10llb11l 1, 22• '41 Th~l.a~OV~.)icnt1owomcn·, vOllcyball wa, ll•S6. The t.OCnh arc n, wrn1, ,tAd 230 IOt.\C'1 Om er,-....\ i:<u,111,y and lmd, Lc.n11n qualify for o•tJon.1h, hut the lc.t$Ut! h.u on1)' four lcanh

)w'reluc~,)'UU~lll~oldtoo.A,tor the frtt'o\':I)' t'XWnple, moM '1n\'C'h dfllic:ip.1~ ClCk'(lnlUi, ,'tldtle) •Ml m,wc U\'\..,- • CUWlC:\)' - ~h),'IUI'\ A\ I Y\"IUAJ;. ~lll)l·tlO\Cd Jud. )UUI p,mdfa1bc:r 11,boulJ 1um )"OU 0\.'(1' h,_,. knNI on lltriplotht \'i"l»d-.hcd. St,cp,,,_1hUIJ )'OU pn~l)'fUl't,'Kd. Stuckm GIClri..tSnccJ Sentinel .,taffw11ve., goodbye I<> e<lit<>r. frie11tl

We hold to ge1 ~lh1n& 1n Whi1~" we' .~, S:tmmy? l'ot two "rkl ,111.1111

Alhll"lk\ rend\ S l60.00IJ for tt1 <with l~C' clO'\C~l S\\'1\(~ round lnp• I. lUO mlln.. 4ecorJ.ini: lO NlC't 1n11,fl'ltl.Ol10t1 dt~nmcm Ho-c :-,.:or,hwc"l fA".aguc •,hooh ;&Jc' 1t1 do\tt 1n Wa~hll'll!h"' ;111J <>ttJ"" 1l1l" tnnehng 1LLhJe1c, wot1llln'1 ml much dau. llmc-. ltr;adlC')' a bc\l .lr&UlllC'D1 lfi lh,at ~ltt"lhWC:.!ol Lc:siu~·, \l,JRMO don't co111~1~ ~yQ-nlol tbetr owa karut:. A r>CW1 poml 11'1 w,,nby to •lriW lo( _l!IC,1,lt'T IICC(lll1rl11ohffl('nls. IIOVrClff U'-cJ loc11I 11hJ«c1, we'd be com hir thilt< ,md ,pomn1 c"c-nl ,u.cnd.1ftl:t aa•)' "°'" bt'\:o.1ne of ttll p.1nk1pAJlon nf ;atblc:lr~ 11ml O\ ;1lri~, '1111th neam)· "4:boah l be \·.aluc, or tou1her c:01upchllOII IO !"I«: ,.,i:,1,b<'J 4j_lllUl\l lhc SWAC", C'.ltpc-tahc:. u·n\·c-l. r«mniui 11Dll ira .11id Qc",:,,itlc-, 1h.:1t 11nntc rc11t1aai rw111luc1 and Jl\rourai:c Idaho Isip khonl ,·uhle1C', Crnm ,1rh·1ni roti!SO ICilN\ We'll ,1kk b)· uuf NIIQlrbl tvdii!I lrag11C'\ A"i one ,urpt'lf'tcr of die S.c-nllne1'1 lbC\WJ;.C ~1d, "'lie}· Wt 1.tlfflnn1nuy eolle,:c, Thai', t'\·C'n ill lc111ue•, fornul nanic or the Nri• ..\1hlc11~· A<t,\(l\'.'lauan of Coma111r1,1, Colle,:ic~.

Nlh Rt•J.4/uhf U th.- 4,,11 t'tft /i~ 1Jw $(tlllh('/. //.Jy rJf>'ttlc..U Qt, hi< c)IUI. u,h1•rnlMm f,y wnnn,ft" lmrrmdrt f'•11tm·llt1,l1/rl1\('rlrr-,, 11tt1SM"<11Rd nrt1"llnr,1th'M'Wft1'1,·,r1lll/.\(1t11N'f

)'t'ilf'. ¥oe·,·c-.cC'n the m11:11dhlloot• ,tic r,c-,bc,1 .11,J cnlcrtll.l.llini ~wr,ee • e\·e, ft'.aJ III uur p,ptr. He h.u 111Jcru lluou11b tmmur 111.d 141!rJ' pc""1n.1hl)', "'c'1oc 1111 gr~Yr1110 l•~


HVnt\,, Wt ~tlll

We wbh huu lud, lnSc.lltl~~! t\'tl) 1hmg v.·tttt, 001 rn, 1bc t;r\1 ui lmk 1n ahe Cu1urc Dance tnll

ThJJJb. S111111n)

Jen) Manter Man.tJlng l!Jih,r

LiaJo o.u M.111 B.U Jan~ecu

DJcrald Rmwn linl B""'1> CheQI l aJ,..\,, Bn,y llalalkl JauD1wuhun fmllyl)nlt, K1m011umor\" M:uucllt>mmc llilla,yflow<n N1<oioo._

R~•HMm Malllolin..,, ki.,.11,;J Lantben M1chral Mauer khto.uw MG,f\Ul¢11Q ~\t,1111e f<obml..,. J.tt1orq Sdutudl P..aauSl&l,11 Rob.a l lbttdd11

c:: Rhode ldalfd to It's illegalln throw picklf, jui ce 3 while on atrolley • • • • • • •
LETTERS POLICY The Scutu'.ll'l v.eleolllr" k tlffl 10 the cd1t()I', Those who iUbnul l<tu.•n mu\1 bn,11 d.:m to )00 wonh. ,Jp1lhem ltpbly &Bel prtwide II phew awmbcr lll order 10 \ltri(y •I.AAelltic:ny. Some Jetli!ri. may ~:,t tic p-1U1eJ beau~ ol \~ lllnhadoa."' or ft«au\C they I l 11tt 11rnllllr10 11 number o f Jenni ,1re11dy rtl'fnNI tl\c \llll'IC' \ llbjc(1. 2JM( punlMy hbeltlU\ or3) are OkJ!Ne. The Sencinc1 die riahl to edit &cc~n. Lcm:rt: trlll)' tic malled~" tbt Sendntl. c:·n11Ulcd. fu.ed Of tirol1ghi to Room S3 o! cbc S1tben: Building. The. Scatmcl't lldcfn.ou ts JCXK> W. /w~ .Coeurd'Alene, lD.8.l8 L'4 Phonc-:C208) 7693.188. Fu: 008) 769•3389. E-owl<l ltoic.«lu OPINION
---· h -Studor Nd,ltotdal'IJ.
C1aa,:W~1 •IM)Orie 11,~ILun, Tm'loua,

dlccidi:IIIIDP"C~to pcopk' llilo WC - M •di alJ.·-·-"Lml


pb.Cmmnlllotlocp-opa, • Sp,&.-6,r bll •llo lncmtk.llff:CP,.•

..... _Ilk"••-=-=


•• pcnaa·, lite. ,\a

cdlm, 9111k - wcdl. _...,. ..... .... -..... ..... TIPl9 Mat danlin -.1 ca ,..,..i. __ ~IP, --661..a112

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Grill dishes good times Outdoorsman,

OX,IM o'ALD11.11wc> ,-- ~;:r,:r • J2 • • Tw J09ysof • c:, >- • -.::, • c5 ~-- •T - -S LIFE
photographer spices Cooked Goose ,-.....-. -A .,Cllllt"~foodNCllllplll ril fuod.-. willl ,-1 JG"l1"' ~ol uuln:•ka~&:Scc-t-c ACUIIIUD :at Ck Coobd GotMc- Goll ladle ,ue. Ad.mDlm llh (0.•\'11\c:r. Willi>m ..i tloar Ila), terYla{ YaidJ of focld.. Jad•if•, .,.._ ... ._ .. __ ,atJ. lk Im - • Ille SU-• ...._,.,.. _"' 1999 A<"'-M>~1-ll ll.1968... -,., r....i, bdldnua 1m v.,.u;.-.. .....,.......,. r :r, Jal"- wi1k , 2' Wdad Sdiool llulna1111-...:r. \t..nkll.ataa~ - ._..,.h,cubflsa:rr.o(ll:rf.-J.- Uie..,ODtmodiitr. flad. JO.•'-> b~a JtallNttwa pr,-.,..o ,n,m:J -.n1-. .,,...~ .......__ ...,._~··-~· ......... -·~-, laba,~--.......MJb""*pa.,c,11 111' l'ldc1t,.,..-<ISalpaia• IID --~-Mi-~s.-.,.-.. , •• ~.bdlmr:..,S-ill: .t.pcr.c-.---uid.'1-·-.,-lnol,,gad ,_......,_ ~-·ilalclaZUIIOIC. *lad: ...,- ........ -- Baog ......, ...__,_............,._ Soacofllobc,t_ _ att of tala ,,,_ Ile Oilcltta'•C- - ~___ ,._.,..... ..,.,. job Coobd GomcGnU._.lk_-...NIC................. ..... ........ ... .......,.., __ _ .. .._. -We·~ ah,ay,; wostia& a .-· oud. "MJ ,__ ICO<loo.- .._-o,,........,11ih-jal>islb.L.cckUltCtllCIIDa lk: -.- ..... '"'--'°..... die ipOrb laal..., loft; ......__, ____ ...,._ "'-----· ,., Cool<,I Go.- GriD ...., .. ....--.... rood -ttt'ricc • • r..-rrJW ...., .,, fed_ ._ac,'caacioad~'s•• .....,.-.- ,.._ -c.... n.-··-opleol,-I.Jlla Coou< d'Alono- of Slow, \clcnmo - IA<Wd l~p --to-...SK: ll<D tow•d. dqftc. T\" •• ~Wl)' loolJaa , pdlopparnamt.Q.., w,kllilc - - IClt:tllC ~. Ackcnalli uid. ad I llilff a b o<t. tcnwc -- ____ ..._..,,..,,. __ _ Faculty, students make difference through charities ~,10~ .._ M..,"'... _, ~~-t&l-,,nlOllllVIIIS llooos*ldlday-.,_-ta..i., --•F-,Wripl Risnihal •~lib iollcib""""00'"'22-0<"UI_..,.. D;s; kwllllil!ic....,...__ -·-tdt-plle(~ ----__ .... _, •-.:11t1-~ ...... ,_,Bob -·.... "'""-'--n.:.._.,_,..... kc-<yw i., - • ....., ..,..--. .U.,.6'.---........-r.. ,....... ,..,._.--.,.. "-7\s«idy. QalN-,cx1,_,..._ ~tl6flr!riimca.a _!loo __ .. -""'A'c....S-,.....ij(X)b... Ralo-.n..•s.-p,. ,, .......-..,;,1-it..., ,,_ Mo:L,by. - __ .., __ __ ..._,_ ana... Sjd.-~-.........,_.,_,..plb ,.io.fncah.'"11.:lw
... _ ..
Register- now for Spring! 111;:,111AJ ~l(A',(.OA.~· ·• c:anetc:trieMN ...__ Campus safety upgradedHazardous trees may be removed ..,...,......_ -Aarr"*~ "'Wcaca,IOT1*c8dlllc ,.,.. ,_t,_.., .._.... ... _~ _ nm (oms. ~n-.1:ay mttblp•• i,plag.,... __ _ nc~ will be abiis• o1ac ..-.. ...... ---' .,..,i ___ __ _ ~drleJ-~----CSL .....,.... .........,..,. _______.............. .,._ .. -...................... """""""lllrme -. _... ...,.,.. --·n.S<p&.11.....,.;,. ,.. ~-----,.-__ _,._ ... ___ _ ~~-lkrr:at"llal.illm:l&.ICICIIDIJ -.T _. ,--. G.dcaadltrfu-A_..._....,...., _..,._....._ .... -......-i,_,..........-_.,.. _., ___ ....... l'lly-. ~·~... -·---· _ .. ___ .,._... _n. _____ _,. ... __ ..,. __ _.....---~ --.ce._R:aWII_........_ __... ...____ ,,_ ................... ..... ...,_ .. _,._._ ... ..__., Sl,11 _,-..;.. ~----.--v-..- .. -ril ..--°""'-_llill......,.... ..... -Sllnclndge,----...-OlwllTracy,a. ...-......... _._._,... -----""-Yin--~ SAEl!J"Y,.- , -~- ... _ ·A..-.• •-"'•Ima _, __ ..,._. _,__. --- C.,t.-. -- r- r>ll.. _ --- - -... -·... -- ,_,. ... _ ,,__ --·- "-""- 0..-



Animation makes films intangible

111 mcw1ncn•f)whcre.. In 1btold~),,I.I

\!Un\Mcd oC falt."y bil!Ckgrocwd<i. mini.du~ •11d

Ul'lo,IVC''\ f111Ja)' it C!.UI all

l'lc d,ol>(" 1t h• elk~ 01 the

nw.n1~. \fn\·li:J like' \l.i1r111:•

.and"'Atn~cm-h-o\~ !t,b()wn u, w~t ,ii'ClnJc:R a

Merle tr1dltlmll1t

cftecu. 11t a 1nuvle. Uu1 ,lie compute, anln\.lllnrn 101nJ

too far"

J u.~1 about r,er,oru- Ju~n. the MIUIAI Stat Wqn-ll.1n

lo wtlh a N.:utrr. Pn11cn11.._•111n Q u1,1n1111n bil:tn1 and

Luke w,l.b t1ie 11Jt\,'tl, fur ''" I.true, WI: mo,Jt' .b.w 11<Ac1.1.m1c

ctr«n an,j ~·.u JUlf hnthunt Thcu Episodic I c;ameoul ,m,l tl \\:A,, 1;11)Cm.;itkaJI)'

•prUlllg JJs.arl)(Ylnl.mnlt \\'h>· 1h,.,.1 \i,1, ii lhc

on1,tn.1b hsd that Ep4wdc I v.,11 I.M:b11s1

An u,y .,,-:i)' 10 Jtn.-.o.,1~c: th.i, lc 1') take cwn from e.ach n-i11v1c u,141 corup.&n:: Chi:~b.ic<"I

an,I Ja• lat li1t\U.. (11(',;.J J 1JJ1'1 ,Ip mntt: 1hAn JtlWII as>J

JMJMlwJacool:attCm Nuthtd',1aotv.J1&1\\e'""

loolonr;.i. C'ht"t """ Wllil>' in• h11 haln "'"'1umc hut

he w,u rull fie .;oulJ be 100.:hcJ 11nt.l tClt could IC-1U

hi, •h•kv.ctJ;)u •1aiut.l ChN~"l:.11 auJ ""' haw h•

Wf,tl)' 41hn\11 a 1hiag

Jtn ht Oink, on tht t>lhc1 b.111J ._.u "11l1twoJ Yvu

C<IUhl tcJI JU\t hy lnot1u3 ,11 lum <·,lfflptnr, an1mauorn:

1tc ,wd aoJ ell.Kt Ill JC'ti hie. bul you cllll) !ltlJ tcll 11

C(l(i1ru1er·gcfl1..-ah'•l rhn1,i:tcr ln,cn .i u:;al 011c. Jnt J•r

lkkcd fCAllh. be lltl.cJ 1bc •holrn.·1,1 of Chi!"Y·

('nmp:li«~nini liC"lf'li'ptd butlr• 1.Jcl1Jo1P1111l11tll•

C)\'C'lhoAtJ. U lb.t -.tun~ It u Cllnt'ltlrl !,If $111,"poiOd k) hr

om,,ut"-1 tutlnWrJ.dw, ;taethlnJ. Hut v, J,tu)'OU'rc

pom.aymg a,lor)' al'IClUl u mAn'a life. whkhSt.,u Wm

duc',, 11,_.J, tulle Mpt rnL Would h b.lvc hurt \ommh

1outcthc\"X.ll'l l1mc ;uad 11101JCy IPll'lll"c J;.1 ,~ 1111d

tonat ~r d!lllgl ,new,: 1i11111hlt·'

S1"mt might atfUC lha1 in thi, J11) .:itu 11,e \l•mputi-r

.tmmattlm• arr. t'"tr~tlu111. LhDI )ll\l t.ul°I h.a"c a ionJ

1-buv. "idld11t them 11114 Ille} mAk\· n11di bcnct 'J'!Ctul

ef!a:b. 1111 d.llt<'R'lU ltghl 1hcJc·1 'rhr l..orJ 01 the Kmp: The

Fclk)"'\hl-por' Kin,· ~-ommg lothei1tc.-n llcc IY

~o I h111n'1 ,ccn 11 }ti hut l'u da.1~ my h11tnc1'·1•(l


he w.1111cJ '1hf mofl tcN to ft'd rnl" A c:o11:Un5 lO

Pctt-r J(ICljt>n. lb'1 J1mir-r "' • l.nrd Of 1bt' Jhnp"' f.,;mi

Movlcf1-rn<.cnm. more I \.01'10 luudmadc rna.,l;.11.,

(OUurne, ,1nJ Nhcr r,'Chthnlt1 w,rct m utc f,1, d1 i1 n1nvic

U 0t,,r1c L1 1U\" pul 1tt..1 mu,.;tt cllnn min maJJng

Ep111,:,Jc I rraL at 1'ot1lJ h.ltc 1xt-0111rul)·at,t,·n,•n11:

..., .. rm r,01 U)1n;i 1h,11 rompurer •ncma.unn, :ire bad. r hb> then, The:) QI\ 11 11C:r or fflr,,111. a ,how The trkL w.11h

c0tnp11t(r uima1w111 ,, l..nov. ing 1••hc11 cnot1J1-h 11 tllOlJ(lh

EplWtk I ,wcnl uvcrt,oud. 1'PC1unll&dy, some p(opl~ Mill

L'DO\lo· h,1111· '° Ucp 11 ,cal I lip my hat IU )t.•O. Pettt J;icboa Tl11lUU ror l*'"ltll Ut, a 1An1ihlc worlJ ¥flth real ch.lnicl.Cn and fl\111111# m 1hr: limc.4"ddlllf11,uuJ ooc ti.11dr,11hi:c.1,y \J,,-,1)' Vo>Jda

COftlJl'llt:r :am111•.ali>n~

NCI\\ 1f1 , , me 1c, •nil lot the mo,1c tot'IC rckn~J ;uld

JQd1mrn1 to ht r~,~ I'm cromna m)' hnp:,"'l lb.11 "'rbc

Lord or If)( R1n,, h,·'°' up to ffl)' npc,111.uom. m ,~.ul


/Ja11ds plo\' /i(l/tday c·tmcl'rls. mor,• in spring l>)ltcl,«., n ..


\I "h COIM'C'r1"' ac:, cnt>inntwn o(thC'

,,mrth)l'llt 1-11ld, !"1.I ~·hoir, tcle..:1

~, o. n',1,,-mt.11lilci.i01J1b,_ M..tn11ill

uo n ,\O(ll.bcr c,,'I in Snn·111hc1 "~"

kd by 1hf- 1.1,,c-1 ttmhle

Tbt'IC'c,.OQCUU.Onlt sbowt"d 1.urric oC 1hc mu,1 ,t 1•kn1111.u I,. 011 i.:amrus. There is alk'I a ,ympbonk! hand 1au ~n I .1nJ pep

to,nJ 1tui1 are Jed 11odcr 1bc J1r«1ie>11 c,1

Ttny Jualt l'bc"C bA,uh 1,u1011 'C"Wt:\I

11111,e pcr(ocru.iDCc, 111 lho Spm111 u:wc:,,trr.

11,a&Jlv pal,JfflUR4l tn tbc Sd1ukt

\udllUCJUtn lrt hM,,..·cll 11.all I be- tympboaJt; turw CUU51"U uf about KO mr•ohcn 1hQ 1,a11id c01nh111C1 tollc:ic1turknh on,!, 1,tnnn.mity nscmbtn ,1;1ad 1bro

J"JU on follt ,'111>1,:Clh A )Qlr I woof lbc

Art ga::.i11K

·'LOule- Louie et home t>ask01ball games.

•iafc lllli:~thc111r,Jurl.r1tl'"'··, pc1fu1m.ur.-C\ 11( tht! ll11tL °'h'ti,u Utt!!., ,oaccrt Oc..• x anJ n«c1wi. .-11, 1lml ha.,,. ~1r ,,I), t.ilrr..1 il.¥'0,.. r,i 111 ~""'C'll llall 1:wtun: pcrfotttun, u-.:luJc lwl') tollCflh, ~) C~mt- 10 Daixe- oo April 17 !Ind a Mu!hen fl-J\'

e<ici«I1 .IC lht: CUC'UI d'AJcnc ('1111';11k on Mi1y 1'2 On c.lmpm, the "aod b...i, U membcn. The membcrt eo-._,t~ of tulknn. .ind P>mnn.mJty mcmhn'\ S1ni"'C h limited. ,11:idlrio,u an: bdJ The)' hllYc um-c ninrc: «w:w:«b 11:bc;JulcJ lau SI• wUI I'll: Frh 5 .lltld '"()hi FIUtlilW SorlJ\ "di t,.f' a Wf'lccn per(on11C'J 111 lbe 1-'oJ,c~m 1:(lf'U1;i

Ar,iJ (. The Ul,1 C:(IACcrl lhc)' WIil flCl{Npl h calkJ Spnnp;umc on \l,•)' ,1 Tiie 111bc-r band lh.11 i, .1.:ti,r un c11mr the pep bund They play •• M!il,ut U h:hktrNII game.\ durrng lh~ •e.1.1011 \f, n~ of the tamc>• are ~th fflC'JI •, 1.111J _,,~mrn''they ptay doul'!Jc 'tl.'twl lh<'~ nom111ll}

v.11u1,l ,\n,11f1nn t.ll!h" ""'llJU't'.I IBt I 1hc rev band. and h con,l11t\ c1( I l'JI mcmhcrs Fnlill" lhc C!lhcr n,ti h.ln.:11 f'CIP Nod h u~J..c up uf \luc,k1t1\.1Jttl)

T~ conccri tnut;1e 1h"'f i• t.hoM"n u u,u,,Uy itlthtn,J a lhcn,c JOftiO

1,;uJ 1h1111hc) tr} lei gC'l diff 'fflll mtl\lt' lh.tat ti Vo 111 hrlf1 lh~ ,tu.JrUh lt;,m DKIJ\'. ll1eM2 h.:and1c.;in alto be taktn n, rorc1cJn \14D) luJc:nl, tt;a,ul¢t ~th(r n..$lcgc1.1mJ abo1.11 four CNC'n(' ,tMlluolupt c-, cry )'C.U to Jtl1crc1 I "" Age doom·, muucr 1n 1bc h-.inth .an,.1 J 1.11M the a,~ ranf'e frorn hl!h 1ch0tH 11i,1l:ntt who ,tt(' du;1I c-nrullcJ 10 ll)t','I 1hc•g.cof7n 1ktaiJtl\t) 1U('al1,1,1 l,IOlm1110, new rcoplc 1u }mn 1hc \11yuoc 111tcrf:'1cJ 111 1or,,n11.11111c • Up-,( w11n1 tonccrh nu.,- t.,111t1t !\;I( onh.c 1.11 7<,<J 1';lSO

Restaurant offer

UC'leobc 1111.s- pllCt h 11..1" ii ,at

t,ltWC :t I lhC lll'l'CP 11\M 1,1,.lJTIH cc,IJ,h., Lute '4Tdth, on 1bc h,ml ""ood llooc ;u1,t II C:bnilmA., u« a.lit' J,..'\.onlcd. What nuiy 11.ppc.ur n a '""'1titQ c.,hin l11hc l\)rucd~C1tft' l .oe.,tcJoo95$1


1•ut 1!~ .trlblJUC< 1111 ut.- .:JIii tbl'Oll11,hnu1 the J1111nsn«.1•

1;11, 1Jic '«OOJ noor lblrt "' ..Jw111hn11nm1ni'l!l) Cbn,t.ow tree vn1,;,111c'lll.., itrt'lh.<d bc;u \ Oic,..-~11ur,u1111c,v.:cdll1

JC'S._~ anJ Lynn ~a;:hP>\'}.11 t'lccn opci, fo1 11boul I l~,J. tbc louplt """thr c 1.1t-i1.W nttL111<'1 He uid th,·! tn

Erin Sickman, fine arts rnafor, odmltes the 1r1 of Lonni• Hutson and Gall Siogal al the Come< Art GaJa.ty J

a ha4t1e roll

-.-.1th 1u JUt .:inJ ( ".1c.tiilf ylJJ G(II In .trtiy .\lortl C0tt1.n:I A.r.f fd1tnr M,nd) Woltrom Phone: 769·3388. Fax: 76'J·l38'J. £.mo1U; "l·nt1nelOmc.t1Ju


ft,;llJUMI DC).l

P""'6 T..,$fNT11M:L -:r:: lliel'l!are • 0 c:: • con~in the • ::, • 0 >- hottom ot the • -= • c5 SUB. •
(('rlftpulcr an do 1(1 I~ ' -~,.-
crfcctl ,un tvins tc.11.
Clinton Roose and a fellow pop bind mcmbet play famlllar songa like
1 ~· eo-etlHall.
!'.x_Re~c.a Hmh. Sl$t'l1f! Quiti11litll1C'"'u1d1lla(Yw1.1IJ
Rn·m\· 1bc Jo:.:,urtdc c,1~ ,ny lll'(ffil1 baked .iml t.a 1y l.11,ncha. 1b1~re 1, c nb..c tcd1ui when tritcrt118 tht rc1tnir:nt ·nrr c.01.1ntr1 11 u111ho ra M ~Ide u( the lbw lllli.J Mt:aiJbl ll.1tn.l In~ 1hc Joor i\ the lht11n1 mc:a. ,\..-i(l\.1. lhc ,UJ1lll"t 1,a h:t,h1ltet "'ilh all tht' fi,1ni, 'Ill 11 C'"·11arc,ablt'lolft'I~· 1titm·,t·hC'11.1.ndpu.-l Olll tllc air ti~)' want kl u'IC C'ustoo,cn~ll'lkr mW r.1)' a1 1br.1.nu1\la h111 lbe tood I\ Nou,;ht 10 them. I11t ,J.mm110ticn h'n acvcnl d1tf('1cn11atilc 11nJ tl1.ur ,cU. me hl.'Jlt hn~ J ,·nouu,a, ,..11io11c•11Uk'lw11mJlara;,• W!'t'a«ht h;111ttn,: on I.he Joan. Thc~1.mJ,11~·r,1111l1'11 risht Jiflctrnl lum. h C'llfttct. f du15elhC' l ffn..hJ.1r h.-mu,11'J ofbc:cl \\Uh ch«ic awJ inlkJ oniam, un ,~ir t.C"n-«l 1111
Ci,tVtransNWo1).i11du,l~i, ..i«::,.ll"'l!l t'"' mu:11011,,n wu~ h1r.lld pudd111g ~,nd cbc..~ They~,~, lw,cc,,pn:,.ll' iL\~:'~:1ocb .1bc ,J1aeu;.adl
11 I WJitm cornfon:il'M :uni~'"phtn:. ldi:c ,otni: 1, Grat11.IJt1C.1Chcr' ,1M•1l',,C.w, .a1ret, &aid I r l.t11 oo 1.U.U!I ffWn

Break offers movie time

If• .a1ttxKI <1vcr 1bc end a< the tc11.1t,trt "

•$Cl (1$bJ Aller lht t.oftl,lrc (II (mah and timio

,,,tra aa,d~·in,:. )'0U'rcfoi 11g to be (roe. Wtw,

)C"II hl\"c: 10 Jo l() cm lboaie tfflpfy \rna,

M&l.xkClf'k..bool'.' l(yW·R IQ \W'C~llO

~...,,,.c,, U)' rnpOlldto.s "''U.h 'l'ru ,omg to the


,·,•Illa ~~-,. R U>tt. l '*)-lbc1~',b«1111.kili


~T«)' 1boot thts Olm. Tom Cnri~ i-. • rkh

,oca.:,o!Uf ,~ tau, in kwe "hh tu,'*"

o,rad'• Jr.rt tPc:ac.lopc CtUJ.). H:oy,·e,·a:, • ,cf\lOU) (UQlfUC'* of hl1t(;iUriiNOQ Oi-'I) "hc)w.,

-.;t ur in hu hie itrMI aoe,, , hy dm mg her .Uld Crui,e lfUO II ttte. Sht


Rf\'llW J~ and CN~''lo fu« u n.iuxd. \\'lXfl thm,:$ look ltl:e they

.ooWD·c be \\1.,nc:,lhc)' Jd t-d1cr Cnudcdnrn

JIO\'t f(11' Ct\i.ilk a.Dd dc',c:1°" NJ dieycao pu1

lZI (A~ ka:l td~. bomtik- lll.t \Cnllll"

ldl' w, h:iwcnlas rnv c:nt1h1 OOi ht~

,aJ C'rw,c O1)1.111 he n,o lotl.J(f t,3;1 WU'iih c»nJtOI

il•1\.JI ™1,, bl, hfe-w,11 tilU Dtxt.

4!1J ttiu, i, lhc rnylttry. Thi\ Qae lookJ bke op._, io ba\·I!: a lol tll rwi\h ubll my,,1:1')' l'iMI

...n lttp the ~JC. chat m.11.'lJ •·•nl aod aJ)IXI

011111 Mldt lktun.. One ot the lew pr.nlC\',"1 hu

-t,.-.....aOlu n.akcdU)'IA.JIOC'0,1,.'( Cf'\u'¢ f~


l\t lAtd or tM Rlnp: Tb~ fcllo 1u.hJp or t.bc-

tina-l'<HJ ID«, 191-0.Col thc ,......,

...111.11.Jes~·cr is brouJbt rroin 1he pii1ic 10 lbo Ni

"ITffl v.1,h 1~ lil'\t in a 1t1IQ&Y wllh JR R.

1~.IJOI ·• -im ol the Rlup ··In II pl111CC tllllkd

~t,JJk-c.mb. a dui lorJ SJ:umn 1«h to h.4\·~ pllJornui.AhM Mod~n,l"vc lbt wcc-ld. He isecdtotK" lhmg-AnnJ. The nn11.bov.·c,~r. ii ,tnJ inld dlC' pmtet:t-OII anJ care CIC Ff1.Xlo

IIJiiU flihju.h Wooc.l). a)'OUII,: UlOI •·,u

1:N b,r'd ~\'« titt.11 it A nctwod.: of fntndi., llr

!I TPlbc'n"t lMp,:t. a "'(c1l()Wt:'1lp.''htlp

Tbe ato,y, Ml In Englend, Is aoou1 lhe young boy-tumed,wlurd and hla attondance •••school o l magic. Hany (Danlel Radcllffo) received his messenger owt HodWlg rrom his frlond at tho aehooa.


'Potter's' magic harmless. fun story

~m1t 11. l wo, ~pl.kill at fin.1

AU('r l\cMIJIJ au thl.· h~ Jltiool

l.QT) Poll tr. I 1housh1 l ,..,,,uJJ

a,·oed 1hc trc'11J nu, •ftcr rc,'4,ng

dlC' ftnt ht.d. •·11.ury t•,.,u« and~

Mov ie leads peopl e to darker rea lms

1n IV.'O )«n. c\'Cll lh~1ah tlW! 1hioJ wa'I ('OIUC WI w•til 2000 II look.• IB.t a if11111t1h1"' tit«Lhu w &ft)'{iftt. fAn1o1,) 1..ii c.

1111.. lltovlJcnjO)-.

ll. R 10ct-. 25)- Will Smuh lltepJ uito tbc

; r.t.a,1n,. .\hlh;umn11d AU In a bk)pti.: abnu1



•0...1 -Su -r

Mo,i,:TiocRo,.d -...


1hci The n~W ,, a.doc:umi:n1ofAl1·, life 1mm lhe umc won 1hc world ch1map1oru.htp ,.., his lnfam°'h Rumt,lc 'In the JW13lc witb

Cl'l!Clfgtfotcm;ist-4 ,otal crl 10 ycan. Sml1h -...meJ lwJ. U'ltn1n1 wsth Ah bi~lf Mid kwntnJ oil he 1.-ould abob11ht hoxlnJ life. N'ow Smuhnumdu, U*initla l(ldlCe;:amcm tu i.:ap1urc I.he urc or 11, bo.,i~ ie,~1111.

Wl1JSm1.1hbol.LC1J-il ~·IIQUll.t'l"t'<.llftl f'K'~. Snuth n:'alJ) soc loto thl., tote Md fl(l('\li11IITIM W I 1J be a l'OOd ('IDC for ..-)'aOt'lrucrt,talln bo'.<ing. iachoo or JWC g¢1 11,ni an eyt-full nt Stnilh'1.N'ldy


~(C'IC't SJOl'tt"' 0111J 1«1111 d1ot

fflO\ol(' !he ft)fkw,fog J ). l'\'c." b:tk11

lrt.ta,.;: I'm• Hlfl')' l"'t.:'f Im

'fbc 11...,1, IJct- ill lbt' bcro. a

11ioJc,1 E:.nrla•h h<ty 11.1mn111.1ft)

f1i>ltct \h<t O\oct\:un'llllS JI n-.,,;}J

1tfe w11h h.i, ll.(I.Qt a"'1 uuc;k, Jwt)'

f1nnJl)' JC"., hrtlll. Ht•, .,,w I()

MltAd a tt·hool ,,t wi,n1Jrv u:nJ

•ikt.:r.&O wttae hccaa • pa.I wit.vd 11.tlT) h ,a 1:ooJ·

ri;i.1111C'd 1h:.t .m)'t.M1C WIUW be 'A'ilJ al'llllll hun

TI~ ~!ill') l, bJ;.,eJ on 1hc l'\'et •


1nuin1,b Cl~d l"\'ll, whn.h i1 why Hntf') Pnu,r I, llfl e1K:hant1ng IO ',h He J'l.k.'T~ lhc. \'tl''\\U 1n\.ldc tbt Lile of a }'OUUI, bo) bk tumc,J


IfJ be a ""'t'<11t$ ,ta1c111e11t 10 cl,um •b.l'f)' Pllth:f h 1-ii)lhini 01hc, lhan 1.aklo11 our 1.1p11gb1 h\.t'I anJ "'IC~U:18 .:i lilllc tm.lJUlllhOO mlOII ue·,.,u.,1huws)·Olhtt

ctuldfCn'1141.'11')' lliftn&.1jlk:in Harry Potkt b t)l) J,rrc~oc 1h.ln the ma$J, in Ptu-:r PQ11 ·ro""Y 11"1.

lloUywooJ 1c,ic:hit1f, d1dJn:n o.1,.,m

w11cb1,TI1fl ~nd • IJ.inlf)· 'Afllild toe ._y1ng 1h.\l PtU"l' P111 ...,.,u ,na._~ Jtili.ltn1 .,,. tu ny l1'11h:.t far tnt,,;1)· 1h;1f ".11"C hould hmi1 our ima~111atiof1 t.11 die (ODCfC'it 11.llUR! c,t ~111)' IHI." ~ha! It u,p t0 f Lll1ry'• \\wud ,choul c.:in

I~M,ncl-. \.\ olfrom hc,wmt A \acatlCWI fkt:awit llffly Cbt'Clt.C'I 10 do ,,,oo 1114flt. .i.aJ fot bctirl"Jill re;,~'- I 1h1nl. H.11T) Pooa 1:1 ,hi.,w,:1~rc,poth1btl11). ll",ouW c»1t) do m;lfJ~ IO h.im1 or mnn:t pun to the 1·,m11l} "bo r:uW hint lkll tn,1.cad. h: h-h a picl had oo hl,,tm1i1JJ..·11.. Adulh .,c 11t1:ot hclng

Ji•n"f'C\t<"J, 1lthcr Umn 1hl.11C who \houkl h'I' IR\l.ltlU'.. lhco l>utdC')"

1li11rry'1 .,wu aMI w,clc •·tlo niltiW hlm1 ni.tde him llvt undtroc.ith lhcu ,lltJJ\'alroC 11111d v.iould 1.1,thedmc, IJcprnc hi111 or I~ The) dldn·, dtfoCT\c rr: ptti. no IUilUcr wh.i their 1,:t.

ll11tt)f'ne1aJ.,,.,:\s.iJ1,.....-n,1"' fam1iit', w m.d,l" lld1 t,c-«,mr tuouu, 11hl11il S;itiumm h ', iii f•niily', 11ic1h0ll~(lfnthing d1i1J,l'n, lh,11 wdl b"Cl, them Imm h\.'C00118' (WffllA m Jatrmnis tnutal YIIIIK't. Thit llor)' d«1 ftllJl r,ia.1111 tttJ lh..C Wa.\11'1 Jllf'Clld}' riauttJ lroltl poof patt:t'IIUlJ S1.n1rl> put.' Hall) P,)ttff tt, nodi!ng matt 1J1.,n .1 m,U\·~ \.l1Jf)' twcn • •ntcr wtth a picl b1,aj1:hL:1t1nn

Filled v 11h Jt.,tl'\•t. JJ:nfC'f. d,it~\411UdN.:C'pfkln, \\AJM1 Rn,ditn" new mo"1e

•·H.ary f'orta and th,·~·, Stcxic·op.-illl)d J11 wca lhcntm uu

'.;,,v lb. C."tti,...'J" s.11UitttJ.and

10n-.:: ~e "'111t"d r.t\'t111l 11Unu1c1 ltJ('f1t ·rtlk'lli.eakr. l'n(m1111111ttlr,frv.·pc,oplc: m:O(lftJttJ t1w cl1mit1 .ahQJ By JU'llilll# \' tn!Ottllbm t1f darbK'\.i. lhrf) Jlou.n hoot, :ind 1ncnio" unnupc. '<1t11t1imet, '1-IM.'\"C'ufully. C•l-ln»J, 11'k I ,'11Jl\J•h0>1W1l t,,ul1Jo,,: i,.1.o,.1;. ttf .«tny- --111(! f.liniUy, ThC'IC' proJu1. l (, .1t1ll UMN •,1:ho crutc arK'I

1tU 1hcin.1.t<k h1 t,,,u,J S;a.t, aclJ de-.1tu1;b,,n Into '"CT)' Mo,c. \'ounsPottc:r srcf4U,·c,.wbo nniit hirn. mt l)wi.k)',,,rt 110!\·

1111.,-jc pcl.'lpk l\'.lrnl."d (u :1111 mu,~ A, p.,.llrt aJ11Cf111d11:1 •St 12.ibt Ou:,,.icy1Jui,c:ahoml'y!ng \'lul •hen JI 111.1121.. roor:h MC'I\Jtil Ri.aha,,. Jl-.g:rill fRt'11'1'iiC' Co1tranrl ti.c:,1.., Jo\loh 1he11 Joor anit &11~ )l'lltiUf l\,cw in Hc,swam S.:bi:,ol 01 Wttdu.:.111.II •Id W11uN,r\' Bdc)(c d;i.. "'\l1C111n l'l1t1l".r~ horr11og 1111' :i wo100 111,J 11.hool uppl~ Thrllllfhut11 I~ lh0\1c, ;i,lult, .lft IOOli:~ iLlld rlllWC.' CIIIC h> be bad 11IC" dul1Jt.:tt C'\ctt 1u.,ke run oC and drvibey lhc'h IC',~ba (n the movie, i,..1 ,un~kk-r~uon;. Jj\'C-ff to tM Dunky1' dc:•U'C1of(l(lt \\IJ'ltul& )l11.lllt f\lC.lcr 111 i!O 10 thC' ~l ni~ mo,·I( f'Bar, ctuldttn oi,r '"' 'iulc'" 111J prNCm• pm:nb and ,UUhl1'it~ ra,ura 1111 ''u1Ump:1m1111"' A, l\•&a- lllkwJ~ 1i4.:.lluol. vic:•cn


M'C'-.«OC1ol11:=hnl)llhll1hn1 :mempdn11ouw:- Jl(n\Cn nf dllJknc:M "'" flct1+1nmttJ mask. k\U!lliGI. 'lr'Jl'f"U:11 \\,,ncb. n),·ln.t~ hmocn'ltkb111",l.in1-.xlls. l11e JOO\ le r,cwnh th,'Sit o,1h·1tk"S a hmnl:tt:, fw:I !lfl/J lll1111'wbk f(lf chddren 1'l)tc problem w11h ClltollllJ il"'C'lh, ITU>7K tttd~ lUld k'VilllOOtl 111 IJwt IMM:' li.."IIVllacs lllmd \jrvonl. ;;tOUQn,: chnr c\1rio,,.11y 11h\io1 the ro,vr.·cn Wlltkueu.. A• a roua. • v1cwtr may llt'llll'I l:l('lot1l'lt 1n find OUI ho~ lhet,c Ato;;ll'r'ltlc,. Vo'Cf'C' p:rfonncd. 11tu1.. 1l1t \IC"wn h\\1' co dw: <knwa) c,f S.1tani\O'I Uta 'l>Ubtl<", but dla:11,~ '11",1)'. TIIC' 1.:nk htlpp:n, 101h<tt,c <A·hc> C".1.fll.n1r or~bblc in v.itcbcr.r1. "'iunlry « ""I"Toougti ca~mg\ ;, w1tdllfflt lllld maltin1 .,. a.mfr) locl,l. '"cool." lhr)' l\;i\'C' l'OOh hcdJoJ deep in s~~nJ..m. linfonuMtdy. people!: nplortn!l dl>f\'c fi11dtlllt &be bkkltn C'l'i.l qcncb unlll thc) lu(tu dee-ply in\luhloJ 11 ', ni:a-l} tmpoulblc 10 &'Cl roL rro,n thi, \Omt p.'CJPk l'I."' flu.ti 1,1.-ltllc the mo\k-m•.1ktn hcac:L. llti "t;Alth) •nd l.1u,:h

A & E
• Mo1.1nt
o"c thinr I.hat .a dc'\lrvy lhetll aH. Ouc \\'Ol'd ~-nl'O thu lll.m-lrugc. folbttl,"s '41t'IJl l ti.., been JdolJuJ IN dtt.a.kt lllfDOVo ~·1 tiecomin,: ~11na)' l'fO"fc: tobi: • orlbc gtNlt'II rdnu c,·c,, All three film1 111:R' taped
bu Cft1C1l IO de!>UO) 1be rm, bcfl'ltt
It All aw,i firodo as be Joumc,, to
of Doom to dt-woy the
INORTH IDAHO FrrNESSI NlC STUDENTS & STAFF ONLY ~ PURJUITJ Buy one piD'Aat menu p receive se~d piz~ or lesser~ e Fmffltt. FREE 1 MONTH MEMBERSHIP and 1 FREE TAN Don't Walt - Get In Shape Expires J 2 JS~ J NOR THIDAHQ FITNESS orrtcs; Hach/,.. Weights F,_ Wei9hts TrNdmllls, 81/ces Step a Rowing Hach /nes Aerobics A Step Clase, TurboKlclc TH lndooreydlng P//,otes Hatwor/c Tllnnlflf/ Shower a Locl<ttrs Juke Bllr NutrltkHYI Progn,ms Personal Fitness Traini ng CALL NOW 664-6213 * HUST BE IB YEARS OR OUJER .-I ...,NoarH m,Ho COIIICI * Attention * Students - Faculty - Staff Lookout Pass 8i. Sil ve r Mountain Di scount Li ft Ti ckets ! Save up to $5 (208 ) 769-780 9 Lower Level of the S1udcn1 Union Building (SUB) .a. Bettc:r ln~dients • Be tter Pi zza.

Freshmen Tana Fleming dribbles down th& court sear ch1ng for an opening. The women won tho Doc. 4 gome 1galns1 Big Bend.

H ubb ard puts in importan t p oi nts

Bacon huge in overtime win; Cardinals push record to 7-3



Thr t..~,t Oll1U1iCI. of NfC ""-"lu:1NIJI. ""°" iu1 Ac:hinti


Slaac tlllhbitn.l's Jwnptr v.ldt lhttt M',oikh lt:ft in

re1uJ11llacl. hl, or1ly hib.k(r ()f lhc pme. led 10 4ft 842

SWAt. \'k.'lory hMUng 1R.1\Utt V11.l1~y.

lluhlwd h1l I hit..~chncJumper c" llC ICOR' ,174

atMJ lur«.O'\ICI\Unt:. TIIC~n1imil,OQliCORU T~\Ut't"

V,llc) IU-R IA 1111( e~tr. pmaJ t(I ellffl 1hc "° '"· The Wln

w,~ lht lfl('n ·_, fio.i ln wnkrcac.-.: pb)

Oc.~lllQtll.J 0.tCl).O P,.1)'eJ jj b" J#I\C ro, tht c~r,.h.

nt11mi 35 pmot, 11gium1 a 1ouJh TtutuR" Valley zone

dC"(~nM:, incllldin,: ti• 1.hrtt pot.met'\. Johnie Scttf)', b:i<:k

fmrn ,n die !t.('fllin. d1ft'w 111 IS (Qnh •nJ JP'il,hl,cJ 1

,:ame-biJh nine rcboun(h. nil' •111, \1c the mcoa 7-)tt~o\crnllanda l·l mark in 4-0Bkn:11cl! r,11)

f1l(I cc,im dcfc-.1kd Sbordine Commwnl)' ColkgC"

I~ I t.1 NIC- 7S-~9.Cwth-PcaJcr~J lhcC.nb ln

t('(lnng wnh ll po1111,. tk•monJ Sll(on, Ad••• Tobln anJ htquc P.ii1e ,11 hJ1l I! potu1,. C.I Jnb11~ al..o hold JI poml• .aod Mt,·ca rebound.lo lottm hild M:'\·cn ,cbound,

1·tie CMdin,I, li:J :i1 lu1U11me 27. I~ 11,nJ N1Jt.t

IOOle in 1lw: 5CCOnd h:aU 1,, ',('('Ir\"' 41J points..

1·m tt611)' p1~1t1Jo£II~ Udt.." Mill m~n'1<0111.h Hush W11wn "They did ~l\af tht)' h;t,d 10 Jo

In ll1c Menk Wcr,I Athktk ConCc,cncc Story is r.tnl.1:J I Ith 1n ,cc,nntt wnh ian 1nrt111c ol 16 q rt1lnl, per 1111ot. StM) •ho u J01ti 1n rcbout1d1a.a, ,t\Cr111,mg <t.\ "boumJ,:,, g,1.m,c i.11J huh in blPo.::lcd, .,.,,h

0.86 pt:r same. Tobm i1 st1.'0od in firkt goc,.l p(ftlC-ltl ;lf.C W'lth .676 ptftttll, 1~0 ICl'li.hl bcfo'°' the l1:11dcr Bncon ~, ranked 10th io u!Uli.lJ nnJ i1o seoonJ for t!\llkil\J 12 ftC"C" 1Jirov, i11 ooc 11u111t. Hc.a,·c-r1,1" ).$7 poi11u p:r fanw He- l• thud III lrtt·IM>'l" pcrt't11t:1Jt v.11h .C)(}I) rcr.;c:111 Tbt CWtnllh tna~tl w the tlatc-Nnwa 1oumamcm De'". 14·15 C'o1rn111off Om,tm.ubrak. the tum wdl p!:&)' (01;11; CODkX'Ull\'C' home 1amn. bclinnin!I, J:i.11 J 1giUn,1

will me to $JS. Many JDOI.II\Ulin"t will p;h-c~dcith fmc:ollt1c- \ludc:nb Ql'l \Cit~ p.1.'1'l"', bcJI IICfflNing kl thctr' ,.d, ,uc. www .1eh"'ffltff,tom-thdc J• bl.I <uth de:tl Sk:1 aad llay l'IIIM IU~ 111.hmucd •1St,4.~. The dt.1rJN: (or• 'ICaSOO rw• wiU tlC S,450. f(IJ 1nforn:u1.tioo &be hodll,c 11 263-9SSS IIOl.l '¥.I n:pon t1o l6l-9S62. <m~cr Moanwn opened OI\ Doc. I wilh a W<Jn<...h} SuadAy c,pcniUllg 111o:heduk TI'it ,ooJola nw fmm $:30a.m. lll1 S:30 p.m.• a,11;1 die lifi, tun rfflffl, a.m ull,M()p.m. Tho moilf)lllO opcnod with 28' 1nt!hc-s Ill thclOpml.lC<UR!inJIOthcr,,conlJnCAI 78).1111.lllCba.w: 1, gr..-;iU- o.,y~ wdl(O')t.S261,1,\lhcoUqe IOt1od t.ell'iOt'I po.Met Ifft llf $290 w11h JO. "hsch., a p,:al <bl cooootrins: die $490 ~1iOll ch.qc 11o-1lhoul 11 Ski al'll,l '\lill}' r'lrlCI ilN!' ,1IJVtt1,htJ • S49.95. O\ba inf'Onrullifm t'atl al..c'I tic tou11J at \1,-WV.'.Slh'C'rmtcom.

l.ookou, ~,;.,ope:l\e!Joo~ .)(>wll.ti 2040 inc.bes •l lhc top uJ &hey bad 18 I~ t:if ftedt .00\\' l.(x,koot t\.a. hul;cs tllllf kau:-frnm "°\,1111 d1rfm:nl IOQualal In Ult Coeur I.I' Alc1,c: IUCI. Swung Jan. !Ii, tll.l"C~w,Uk-a,-ca· from The St,;;1 Sti..:k i1111.iydf:.O lilb 111 7:JJ ~n1, Imm\\ nrid Gym m 1\l\1 halh ~, 7·.i, un.., :and III Lou LoQ's Sport Shop at 8 a.UL

Uc:kelll 10.ld 1\1 $6 I ICM, but lo pu1N« a poteh:lsc, ~14 bou1-h1 in !MhllOiC'C. Da)· pa.'15nlfc aod$lb1f~~JJIJ11:r 12:'IJra Outdoor Pur<-tah, baJ aho pac lb\k, Inf" for-lhcupcamaag1m11 ftntlnp\ltl.lJ btJM, 6>-1110 Jad:\Olt W)"o..., tot 1,280. 1'bt. NIC Soo,. ll,y m the S\113 Jan 17 wtU be HI cd~U.,,UI day wllh \'('fl~ mid exhlh1tJ001. AJr,o lhcrc v. UJ t'IC: .tc:mi on '3foy. out-<ll•boulld, situ111io1l, ~rd111Mttr,euc.. R11ffle1o '\lo1U be hefd dunng ,tw dny. Fot $101111H'MI wma »lJ or 1hc tower ptQfik (lu lfl'P' tnp!I ioclutJc chttt tnl)ll to Schv.'l.'1 rnpio 10 .19 Oc,rcc,. Ntmh. d1~ mr8n1.hh Columbia and ~WCI tn~ u \l®1.11.1in Foc mrormn1100, calt 10 ,he 1\1)' • Ouidooc' Punult1' ot&c the lo,,.a oflhcSUB

• ll\Nl AA¥

• (>.IJ.J:id v111Uolc,\\yo.. ,~

• I7. Sll' 'So..:rwndrn Day io .!.t·».rtec.

• I~. :S-Sah'CI' ,\1nunt.lin. SIO.

• 18,:0 \\.111\llttnllaJu."Offlb. $_l)9.

• I 8. ~-S,hn 'Mountain. SI

•2.J9 I""""'~-"'

• 9-Sdi"'CltUT $29

• l ,-IS.I-C'ml"Knort.B(",$1

• .!J-491)(:ift'M NMh.114


,on ~r1n.,pr•1100 rrom II bait

l11JJ.,,u11porh p.igir Tiinoha\cn',ch.Jngcd.

11·,t,.,.~JC,dly I.Ii... ,o111k" \\'ii) 1'"1: \\'ntt.NIC\CJ)'

~hnntl n'(' luJ Ill The Scmioc.L $01,uo, If,

l'itung I J11 ii t!1.11 v.ay for lhc WI OflC"

l!"""IIY ltx."fc', a p.l&hcUc cu.-i.t\C for a funny

,pun• (Olumn hcl't'. l; I J\IC'U I ju,~ • 10 uic-

1ht "r:a' ld.l\·ocml,ltO'IC.JJntOOCV,hononn.ill)'

dot:sft'11(1 any. M.t 1 ''"t kJJJ1na. The Sctitim:l ha, \,·oo ,1 eon of ,1wanb dunng the:

r 'O )'CILl"l l '\c b«n hrrir (OK. I adml, It. J·\·c bun,: :iNllnd hw I~) Sutt the k1W. llod IJ\c BOD·

lt,1d.sbltn1l l)JlC~ 1·,C' workeJ with ha,·c put fon.h

tolftC' majol' dfnn 10 J"'C thi• coeir,c oac ot Utt

So I gu throuah 1111 fu,t -1,low ttgtSUtli()Q pro,."VU. When to)' ,um lo!\lgnup roreL,s.st1 a fu1wy klokln, old mu, a,tri)' brdiixu me: 10&heoon1p111cr bc·,at, anJlh.uJclhimrQ)' palhdlc u1.,uc (or•, tch:'.dulic.

He 1mtucdwcly n~k(l! 1 lllt'llrt·:t."" mnnrk Ditiout 1ne bcint • MUIWWI.I boy, Uftllthca be a,J.,, lf l'n\ tn, in J1101U wn11ng.

n,·c mlnuGf, t k.l,'l". sittned op r~ ~1111.S ,,.vooia·j(lumall•m ti~ M.> lifr .-11~ ch11a'"1 Coet\'Ct Whlld my rnmJ~ M,1t bcai \tuc._, fo dieir..olicgc 1•1\\on-..1',-c bttft Oft Scn1il1el·n:.l;x1cd trip!! to Wn\h1o,tino. o.c.. Sao i'ranMC'O. u,. VqL.M, rn. C1ll~ New Or1eaos D.fld Seult1c. Nili \\'(Non C'\'Cf)' tnp. Md C\'C1)' tnp \\·a,I l'ilinoi. Fo1ao oW &IJ)". he '"'h aho be SQlne fun lie le~ with so much hw.nor and c111hmiasm th.II I torso l'n, cw.n !ii "hool Nntortc- 1-1, O'\'ct hi1 hc~l't and he. de-.pcm1cly WllOI-,: tO kie 0th of h 1, ""J"lppl.ei" tu«ttd. tor 1h11nb. we ,uc,., tum out and worry him lO

lf.C'lnl, on ·Ole Scnund hll' gJ\'t:n me ,.ot 10 IOW. ~,1td 10. I 11.1..,.c .an Ai.twJ purJ'(*' being in school 011\N"&hatl to pul nffl1ft. l'N

D)!l(k rrkni.lWps with pc:or,lc I MnnWly "' hilftg uu1 with 1·V'C wodcd III TIIC' Sp.~ Rc:\'1C'l't' fotlhcpbt,)'1:#11.ndahaff. Yti!Jdt bcm av.C-'IC'ln~ I v.-11\ l'hlr 10 \\.itch h1gb i.pom and inkn,Jcw high tc:hool lll.hiccN. and kwcdit So. llndr-N, 11.. 1b&tlb. Thanl""\ fer look.lal (or me> :mJ a ll lhc mhct I•~ ,ooh )'00 • of 11tt11dl.RJ II tc wcren'1 for )'OU, r woulda·1 be wri.unt Th~ tut thm:-)·c.AB bom the n,o,.c prnducuori of m)· hie, wlJ )lll al.mos.1 en1i.tdy ~J"Olt,Jb1c for 11. I knffl' re fiNl Of)t )'OO'w hnicrtd, .u"J I 1.kf1n1tdr won·1 be the~ Tbe SeotmC'I hD (~poteJ me to dtfJ' vicwpoinli. Nn lnn,tr dot toot" .II thirl$1 f.rocn t.hc- t.tandpouit of a pop11t...r foc'L rw oo 11. JdJC'fflu liidc ttl ,btbr • Mc bcrr Pad h:u b«orne o blf\"d gu,r... Aud I htc 11., tic: ....,,c,1

p,._., 8 T~ SlHTML l Fu11~ cr~can be dribbled l ike -= i:5 b11sked,il Us. • • • • • • • SPORTS Winter snow opens resort Choices abo und fo r North Idaho ski, board lovers byCraifWilco.1. ·-G: ttun~ cocnc co WOt( Vl'bo nn: Cll-na Ullp:ltJCftL The: t,no\v 1CM011 tia, fuwly bC"gun. aod thr,:v who hA\·I." ;tt11 ilope-t llliJ.hl a8f"C lhllll thoe att K*1'IC' of the btJI conditions ln)·c.1n.. S( \1ouul.11n c,pel'l(J Dec. 30. willl ~9 Ul(bes ot thC' 1ummll .1od 39 inclic, "'' the b:ib(' Chatr hfb I,? Mid _. pni and .,Jd1 only 1h<M..- hfli op:ocd the-tr ,,. mricol) a chnqc of S30. Wha1 S1cl111 ftbc mOO>C'r hft) open" the ,chi
Cuturado !\~11fll1.,~an. All rumC""' o1rc plitytJ al C'luistiJD.llM Gynina,t1uu ~t 7:30 p.m Admt\\iQP h free Jc,r', with a .rudcnit II) Th e wome n'& s oc:ce r t ea m wo n the NWAACC t ourn ament Th• ear n ed thi rd BUI Elae nwlnter, wh o coache s both team,. w•• Coach of1he Year. Registration redir ects 'Montana boy's' Iii Senti nel staple ope ns e yes co world of possibilities 1,ys.01Cuuc11111 Scioi· U.b JkrC' ii S1W1111y momu1g, ar.arl)' I o·dcxt.. }c'' .ai,un rm """h"l .,, d ie 4"l"1lf)Uler ,c:ffll!ft bopin~ r\ll'J.C.X111·
Col a ljlOrb lip! Con""'1 Spotl> Ed,,.,, s.,m aim Pho-. 769,3388. F•,: 769-3389 6-malt S.,n11nPl•

"'Tree, on Ci.lnkn A\·f:OUc' an~

C*U\ll'I the ~JtwaJL1 kl buddc."' ~hU t.;1AJ. 'Tbc c:omplC',11)' o( dw di.Ilea~ Wal Uri~ with ll,&<'iUon t!Qc Ibo tft',ti M &tic C'ntn:n...e be 1b1nnc'd ti>· rcmc.winsc,·ct) nther-trtt nu,~J)'l!mpk ,oluhon cntJil1 1~ ooopcrat)('ltl or nwt)', IOmclune, ~"'1u11.s-tJ«, JwnwctH,ot k!MS m.a&bte1, Scauonal (l'lfldllla.~, \UCh ltill\'C.tou, lbc 11etfl.1anchrcn lh,i1 ('aDnot he: prt:rh.1turtl1 pllQCJ CD!'nfl(IUnd the: problem S111&\·t,.Sto6-COOl-.Wbllt' nn tna)' be \lotwteJ I.O l't'fiLII..-C

1h\J-.c 1h111 lhc amput QIUII

NIC OGJuw- n •\'• ror mon: lb11i, ".J11etn.n1 AvaUahk at lie' ,h1Jntt', J,t,m<po arrBJlld<,, \U1dlhcw tr•mcript, llid. for thr fuu tffllt', tM ahilhy 10 dJUf\laJ44'.l..l,aa:o111ytimcun1II Jan 9..-id!·, lifll.UUR' lkto.<'cn l4· IIC madcclb ho wt.ti to (h.1,1gcr tl'w.-tt

1<l,cJuk ttnhl l'C'l .t "1N>p/add tbp from l~re11,u..,.·•Offi"' en Ltt/Kiklcw, I.Lt11 llfid~l4 """.' ,lputllft' We li.f'C' fin.Lly•1*c\)ttt:1i r.tuJrnh bke die 11d:adh lhe) art and allow tbcm to a.Id or drop lld.lln clQ d11!'1r O'llfll.• ScvancWd J It' adtJ~ UQ(«' l~ adn\C.lf rdc,•.a 1bt lock Oil 1

IIUJtC'lt. the)' ~\C cowplele COlltrPI ol t.hctt kbedulc w-111 q

lo~ Hall \.ltd ,.1,( l1Jo1n, her be\! lo-.« thal the "u11egri1y o( the laa,dM.ape h PMlhllai:flN."

TrttV1atitluyw1II be

1iu.c~-.od by• COOJp,&rwth«' .mal)'"tl• o( thnr caacldiM dcca«t.-iotoeiow. ll(Q)fdln,i

IO llw C~lffln1tltcc' Utt of 1un'(ill.1n« l·•mcru.

IUC'lltll)' C.Ud lt')'I, Oftljh&'! f'Mli:lll of cvtn1t1a ,(alf oow, .IU'U.f k,i;.ataon~ prcplc anJ litu.alion AWDRN'\\ a·orbboft,. and a ~lf-dcfcn~ cit~ far •'Oalffl are alt0 ubdtt C('lfl,1dtMIOD.

Thi1 Md IX\I )aft budt,d Olll JIJIO bl~ a I&)' itt the l<t

S.tudc:a11 an alw, ~) 0111 11K' tbOUgb few hid on fnday.

S.1uJent~ ha\r 10 dJi)', ttt p.11 for t:.1~ ~ghuung 1tie da)' lhcy ''°Jiskt Pa)'ll'IC'l11 ~ilM made- OC\liM" u,inJ • m:dll Of twik(.41-J. Uf •1 1hr hthUICM Olhcc ut LcdKUdi,)W H•II Xe"' )W(knu ttgh.lffln, for cl.1WoC1 'lltill h1"0 tQ I.lo'° in Student Scrvlcc1.1t("',l.u" lD lhcSUU

Anyooc whom, DOI R°pslrrtd or -. 1, plmni.nJ I('! m11\c clwtga 11houJd dO ,o ,ooa, ae,111,...aiJ Alltf Ibo f1hl ';. ~0 <lu\t'1oflhe l,lOOotJorcd bad dO\otJ 1adui.tsn, n,('1'11 tntund d:tt.lot1,. kidboxm, and)"OS<L Ch't'NIJI. 8c:\'UIS t11ld, OIIIJne rest,lBIIOO ,,. n • \UllCh, He Uid II< 'AU ,.ff)' b.l~P>' w,lb thcwaylhin''"flll

___ _,, ,.. US:11 '

$ Comu,g di< fint week of •pnng <cmc ••• $



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Every Frida)'

o'Ai.J""".kwtD- Jump/CARTOON
Night! 11 :30 pm· I :30 am UnbeUa..ble ,howl lncmlU,k fun! TUllUY SHOOT LOUNGE fuva, "'" fuU ""'"" loung< ,mJ gnUI \\~,tJ famow. Marpnw • Nt• Micro Brc\l, ,t • Bloodv M•ry• 8-S2', • F~tv Mua lkfr • Great food! FIVE TV SCREENS TO CHOOSE PROM! Wat:ch vou.-r fl\"Ontc ,pomn, nent In .a clan, c:omfanalilt iuno.phcttct! GROUPS WEI.COME! Q.VA •-r E It MANIA TIWRSDAYS 9pm. 11pm $5 Admwlon & 25 coni: Bfrr. Boild1nr, SMC Rtneuf, .fo't'C'Mk Frtta, So..1.a 1: ,· HOW WRONCi? TtlC SO.-JN:i. P.LCIE 9 Senor Froggy Speciali,Jng in fresh. delicious Mexican food 69¢ Tacos All day, every day! 10 % off for NJC Students & Faculty with college 1.D. 71h and Sherman Do" nto" n Coeur d'Alene (~08) 765-8522 Complete Your Bachelor' s Degr ee In Coeur d'Alene!


---Fun family traditions make holidays even sweeter

Il1C'\'cr dloo&ht eoo mui:h Abl>w my famt.l)' llffld hPw •< ,rend Chn~mu

)'\c ahuy-. dtvughl wc',-c otlebralcd

lhe hoijday JIOI II m,111..,, ol /,millc, doc~)'Clt 81,11.,,·hc:oltnllycakethc-tirnc.and

lh',: or all die: liw,gh/1 llllld mttUCnC1i

1,1,e'\'C IJWtdO\'tf lhc: )e#"' iJ'11uccto

\aY !NII ffl)' fandl)' «kMII~ ll!it holiday wuh our own tiidctr.aJ1uoo.~ A1

p,(yulh<.11 ""yb<.1t,ey·,.ourown andlrultmakesow:(Wy ¢\-ctl ffllJk

'Jl<CiAI. On a good year. r,rc~ arm'1

IOOdlcd uouJ 1Tun.. The- fam,,fy lcwu

sotlln,-,Jttp. w, no loajiU fe<l lllt

aotd io chcdt ,r S1111t11 ~, dropped <•IT


zjf\s M -4:)0 a.m. {tomt(blJtg I did whca I wau bllJc llLcl Wcmjoy

twna our 1ime.

8d'Ql"e4'1)'of lhe(!ft'*:ctb'.:VC

uav.napp.-d. lbl.- old 111&11 k,\·c, making

e\'tt)")M bre'll..1'ihl And bmil:faiv :ac aur --.tb.111Jlll1•""'PI•

tallJrtblcd ew aiid cold IO<hl At lh)'

hcMl..e. Chrilltnar. bn:.&l.·fa\C '5 an c,cns

OOOOCtrlWoCL The ii.JIU~ brukfll\l ii

u,ua!Jy a 111~~~ "U •kldlCIO'k'

........ thc:mnow.


-:a~ :uldlbc dul,..

Jeny M.lnt(or

DO';t, l\awfuUy~ astu ~·Nll't under the titc. livro BvM.o. fnu'l.t:k 1r,d Jmcpb are eicitcd. 11 ·, cu-.iom;uy uw our pets rttdvc gifb too, UIU!llly. • nc:w colW Ot UMtf t:n:ac ror them wdl iSo tho inct. They ,bow lllcy'n, _.,.;,.K!Q (or lhe&ofla bydnnlong lhc """ unda lbc Cbriwn.'li ltte 1nJ pl:'1)rlt18 w1d1 die. onw,i,entt.

When 'A'C ruw1r gd OaJ arr &he a:nspq1et from hi,~ or Fl't'C Cd.I. \lo-e\l1111opr:ntn&OUt&)fu. We~1 oouplc minutctt trymg to remember who rfn)'rd S:inl.a Cllw....c lMI year. We u,uallr kt Ill< U.k i.., w,c the du•h lmilc.ld or W\Ulg WIO the pile of gifll v.,c alway, &dcct one prck:111 111 a lime.

E\'cn 1r il't lhc pair of s,xn lhnt Aunl Ecb1.11" t.en1. "'O w-.,y, tilt me lift"° "°dleh \\-hnaheo,shcu.opruing Well) 1111d'tlti111e~nallthc1irt-1hen' n.1fflC5 ,o wea\Q 1h:.r.ftk !hem t..« 1n 1n <tllalJ OI lcuct

\\.'bc:Q all 1ht pre,.cau bttn opened o.ndour l,\r11'1 room l,offieialJy dccbttd a dbas1crMCA. v, c pull ltlgcthcr n:ld ck-.m up. Well. tb:lt't whnl we U)' co doan)'W&y.Oncolu,""'•IIY.-b ul)5mln aod me, to :t\'Otd ok-.:wos the

After al I !he \\TllfllJIO~ paper It: pk1:ed upaDd \he. kim ha,·c an)~)' tried 10\Udc lhchcJ,\\ ooourdojt'shead. WC: U.\Ooll)' braJ 10 the bkhen aod btgu, l""l"'ffllJdlM<f Whtlbc:111',twtcyor bnm. 'ili·ckncn\.' II CCJltlcl out o( lheovcn a,!htctul',¥ *OI.I \'Cf)' la.'ity. Wc'&l\1..1)"1 ll\N(C,11 n:i('C mal The ~iidc di,bcl oanm1 orhtQd. roll\, awitimics., f.Wffin1. ofo-e. green beai"pow<oe<. IJJIV)'. !nnt ro<:Wil 11ld a iwcct pe,tato pie. Fat \Onat mnon. lbc kick Sl!wa~') (~ to scn·e 11'lc:nbelve111 poruon of (\\ffl J)OtlltO pc on thdr pl:itc.. Wend

lfw~h:i.,-to·1:i!lfnJk:nai.ltt:pti.gbl a!tcr dinner. we U:Mllllly vy 10 waoch "1li< Chruunas Story"- the bc<1 n10\ ,eof111I dnll". Even though U') pb)·cd cantiUUQU.,ly 00 TJllf for 24 boon. we throw "kko tap: in Yeah."''' boo&,hl ,t How could you

1)(111 kw~ link R.aJphy1 How "'01,ld you

1101 lo\'r lhe: p.u'I ordlc ~~·hero

R•IJ)bf• [lieud ""'1'.> h" IOOJU( "'die "" pole mid"""'"" ·s- $1UCk..snicL oh. comeoa guys. coroe ~come NCt. don't le11vc. me.


After lhc fl'I0\'1e. we- ll')' m.& cumplim;.111 the cby -.,1h a wvn1 UK:C o( dc-\scn. 1t' Clft})' bcr'C' \lo-htrc WO ,it back. rd~ ttmiabcc oca aood tunu.

Ourboltdia)'\ tft: QC!\'C'twildl)' ,m~. or Ver')' loud alld bit$)'. They"re DJ"'.1)'.1

ju)t M, \.'Omfort1ng 4lld ,o ri,gbt for us.

While tlflt C'lr'C'T)' mcmhe! ltlmil)' hve1 under lbt ~imc roof. we take the 11me and ct.ld,n~ lhe boladay whh than. Bccola,e tho: 1., QUI ume. l.Od

M)' t1n'k! •1MTwith my famlly I~ came WOM'!Xod"'I-




• Staff

Jerry Manter

.\faMtin, £dun, Sam Cameron )(plor (d,111r

Josh Studor

P.rodu.ctwn F..dJ.wr

Andy Tevis

Photo Ed(t,,r Nils Rosdahl

R ussel l Dunne

Man May .-

Mind y Wolfrom

L uke George

• Cover an by J ames Bell

• Xplor is a special s«llon of The Sentinel, the regular publicat,on by the journalism department of North Idaho College.

Flyers promoting rave eventa have become collector's Items. The pieces have developed Into a modem art fonn

It's a step into a room where the darkness is pierced with brightly colored neon light;; mi,:ed with loud, electr0nic music. On a stage stands 0111: man. the DJ, leading the dancing crowd through a mix of sound~ and beats. It's an allnight escape to a place that doesn't resemble daily life.

Raves sla!tc!d with techno mu~ic and began a~ an illegal following. Part.yen, broke into warehouses and danced w1til the police showed up. Now a mainstream following. attending raves until early morning bours is a common thing for people to do on Ille weekend.

Information lo attend these all-night panies is on ea~ily identifiable, brightly colored, space-like designed flyers. In essence. real raves are events that are held illegally. in unaurhoriud facilities without security. Rave flyers of illegal nature do not disclose the location of the event lo avoid police problems.

Most of the parties that are referred to ru. raves are more lik'll lcchno concer,s. In the laland Northwest, most panies are held legally. Though they are not uue raves, they still resemble what has evolved wto rave culture.

The idea behind a rave is really no different than a rock concert. It has its music, its fashion, its drugs and its following.

The music, created electronically and driven by heavy bass and repetitive patterns, is what guides a rave. It's led by one man with two turntables. labeled the DJ (disc jockey). The DJ plays bis set. mixing two records of different electronic noises, leading the crowd of dancers to varying levels of intensity. DJs that began unknown have attained superstar status.

Tcchoo music began in Michigan in gay disco clubs and in England with experiments of progressive music. Ifs original fonn was called house, a mix of dance music ,.;,., and drum ln most techno musie, lyrics aren·t the main focus; it's the music's changing rhythms that guide the mi)(.

In some aspects, the music is believed to have healing effects. With some foans of techno, the music has progressive beats that build excitement in the crowd for its highly anticipated climax. When it reaches that certain point. Ille tension is released from the crowd and dancers all cheer.

CloLhing trends, dance moves. common ideas and the issue of drugs are othei- things associated with the rave movement described in this special edition.

Raves are becoming more iofluential as they become more mainstream. Already, techno mu.~ic is played in the background of many commercials and clothing styles arc shifting towanl the trend that rave culture bas set. Tecbno music and the raves that foll ow are just like any other music movement.

Artdy Tevis/The Senbnet DJ Dig-Dug of Seattle stirs the dance floor with his bre aks during Marble Productions' " Keepin ' It Real 2 '' at the Coeur d 'Alene Gre yhound Park.
WEDNESDAY, Dec. 12, 2001

Promoter leads techno events

Legal parties keep area scene alive

·A& EEditor -

Parties have changed considerably since promoter Marble Production has hccn promoting the area scene.

Legality has become the only way to keep the scene alive. Venus arc becoming easier to rent. and the media arc promoting positive vibes for the soloist head of Marble

Product10ns, Jason DiGiamman;o, 20. With an upcoming event in January, "Kccpin' it Real 3," he's

Jason DiOiammarco - Marble Productions becoming known for promoting safe, all-night, all· ages events that arc up to state codes in Coeur d'Alene and Spokane.

Not only does DiGiarnmarco promote, he also ~pins his own music. ln his Hayden Lake apartment, DiGiammarco spins atop of his pool table. By the name of "Marble," he plays for clubs, but rarely at his own events, making sure the night goes smoothly.

DiGiammarco, an NlC student pursing graphic design, went to his first event in Venice Beach, Calif., When he was 13. Since events have become IDaiostream, DiGiammarco said the scene has changed a lot.

"It's gone from underground to more in the public

eye," DiGiummarco said "It's the only way 10 make ii survive."

Though the events thrown by DiGiammarco are a resemblance of what remains of the rave scene, DiGiammarco said there's a big difference between the tvenrs he promotes and a rave his events are legal.

There hasn 't been a rave since '98 when Underworld (local promoter) was still around, he said.

Another issue commonly associated with the rave scene is drugs. Earlier this year, the U.S. Drng Ent'orcemem Administration and the U.S. attorney held a ca$e using tl1e 1986 federal " statute" against 1he owners of a New Orleans club. The club was accused of promoung an event while selling drugs tJ1ere. DiGiammarco said a rave in Boise was shut down using the law. The case is significant to promoters like DiGiamrnarco because of the potential it has 10 end any techno music event.

"To say that if you are throwing a party and people are doing drugs there, that's a That's· absolutely stupid," he said. "Granted, you arc responsible ror keeping kids who are on drugs out of ther~. but if you talk to anyone who's thrown any type of concert. that's not possible."

The American Civil Liberties Union is involved iu trying to keep the crackhouse law from happening anywhere.

"ff they're going to use it, they need to use it for every kind of event," he said. He said that.would include everylhing from rock concens to Christian concerts.

He said new kids like the music and stay around the

Most techno mixing is still done using records and multiple turn tables.

scene while others come because they've heard they can get drugs !here. Those kids, DiGiammarco said, don't slay around the scene too long.

"If you're going there for drugs, you're going there for the wrong reasons;• he said as words of advice. "Go there for music, go there to dance, go to make friends. Don't go there for a crutch."

He said everyone is drawn to the scene by its family-like nan,re and their love of the music.

"Everyone watches out for one another," he said.

While there are other local promoters, DiGiam.marco said he's had the biggest turnouts, with one event at Silverwood Theme Park attracting about 2.200 people.

DiGiammarco's most recent event was held in the Spokane Convention Center Nov. 17 from 10 p.m. to the early morning hours.

Already planning for ''Keepin' it Real 3," DiGiammarco is finally making back what he's put into the scene. He said with a good rapport with U1e police and getting good press, Marble's events are running smoothly.

Jason Di Giammarco ""~··"-·spins one of his favorites, Andy Tevis/The Sentinel DJ Micro, In his Hayden Lake apartment.
"]fyou 're going there for drugs, you 're going there for the wrong reasons"
AMJy I &Ji!l/1ha 5enilnel

Donald Glaude mixes fo r the crowd at NAF Studios In Se attle. "Return2 Layg ol and" was held on Dec. 1.

Values fuel music culture

Events bring all people together for socializing, dancing in to early morrung

There is a point when the outside world ceases to exist. The area outside of !be dance floor has become complete blackness, as much in substance as in color. The dance floor itself has become a pulsating mass of life.

The DJ has become something similar to a spiritual guide, tappmg mto the energy inside each individual and


Sam Ca meron

unleashing that energy back into the collective whole.

Strobe lights, in time with the music, freeze each person lost in the moment. If you stop to look, you see frozen smiles of utter bliss. The music reaches a point where it seems that if i1 gets any faster, the entire mass will explode. The mass of people feel ihe impending blast and start to whistle and scream and shout, sending the intensity of the moment even hlgber.

At chc perfect moment, the music slops. For one second, or maybe two, the dancing mass itself has become black. Aside from bubbles of excitement from the people, there is no sound and no light The energy now in the mass is like

that of a long-silent volcano. For ages, pressure has been building up inside il. waiting. Now it's just about to blow.

And it does

The DJ breaks the silence with the perfect dance beat. The built -up energy is released. Life's little stresses, and big ones too, are thrown into the air like ash. They drift on and are fo rgotten. The mass divides back into enlightened individuals, and they dance .

This is the pinnacle of a rave

Lef s get into what a rave. or a dance party, or a tech no concert or whatever you want to call it. is. On some levels it's exactly wbat you think it is, but on some ifs completely not.

First of all, raves and drugs are related the same way that concerts and drugs arc. Some people choose to use; others do not. Those who really care about the scene would agree that drugs are the least needed ingredient, but they could easily become the cause of the demise of the electronic music culture

PLUR and a positive vibe are the real focus of the culture. PLUR stands for Peace, Love, Unity and Respect At a rave you'll notice people are very friendly and concern ed with the well -being of everyone there. Ravers

incorporate this super-value into the everyone not only gets along with ! out of their way to be friendly, the, Ravers don·t act like drunks Ther. fights at raves. and women aren't rn matter what role someone plays in e; become equals there.

In the Inland Northwest. events ar: biggest parties don't usually draw a. I Attendees don ·1 have to suffer t , and the prices don't usually surpass' coolest things about local ga!beri.og, knows euch other, and if they don\ aquainted.

~or a. look at the massive scene t. , as 1t exists today. Jet's look at a · Exhibition Center.

Typical" might be the wrong w parties are the same. The music · DJ spins. The vibe of a party is b~ · and can be so different from one pat' 1 tough to call any party "typical."

Lul<e George/T1le Sonllnel

Electronic devices that rave dancers use have variable speeds and patterns of light they emit. This dancer traveled 80 mllesfrom Yelm, Wash. for " Return 2 lego tand " In Seattle


glowsticks attached to stri ng, a technique known as poi , to create a tracer effect of light,

If roes any ~o y ome niry Seaule ·o time a factors 's

If you've been to the Exhibition Center. you know it's n huge location. which is perfect for a rave. Nonnally. 10.000-15.000 people attend pnrties there so the line can be a problem. It's 001 unusual 10 spend 1wo hours waiting to get w.

In line. you'll see people dressed in everything from blue jeans and T-shirts to full Winnie the Pooh coi.tumes. People from all races and all walks of life are there. Nonnally, it's =,y 10 strike up a conversation with just about anyone, and the time will go by a little fasier.

When you reach the front of the line, police and secunty arc everywhere. You h<111d over your ticket ond get back your stub for posterity. Nexl, girls and guys are sent to separate lines for full searches.

Despite the bad press raves get, these searches are usually quite thorough. More so than any concert. They pat you down, emp ty all of your pockets check your hal. shoes. backpack and anything else you might have.

After inspection. you head inside and wait for your friends Don't leave the door. or you might not see them all night.

Once all ore accoun ted for, take a look at what you ' ve gotten yourself into. I t's overwhclnung.

The first, giant room might have a rap or hip-hop theme. along with information table:. and vendors. Aside from Mage lighting and lights al lhe tables. the room is pitch black. Giant decorations hang from the ceiling and bouncy castles and ball pits lake up part of the room. People are everywhere.

You and your friends decide to walk through the o ther four music arenas-one for trance, one for jungle, one for house and om: for either break beats, hardcore, happy hardcore or any of the other music styles.

Walldng from room-io-room. you bump into people, and they apologize before you even get a chance to. Other people hand you flyers promoting furure events.

When you reach the techno music rooms, they're ju.,1 as big as the hip-hop ones, and they hove even more decorations. Huge screen.~ o n lhe sides of the stages show colorful visuali1.ations lhat go with the music being played. Laser lights pan over the crowd. writing messages and drawing pictures on !he walls. Crowds are dancing in fronl of I.he stage as huge bass is pumped from the sound systems. You'll see people da ncing wilh glowsticks and circle, around groups of good break-dancers.

On the outskirts of the rooms, people j ust hang oul and lisie n 10 the music.

Once you find a room 1h31 has good music, make a meeting spot so you con find your friends throughout the cv e11ing.

Now it's completely up to you to have a good time. Set ou t 10 lind a room with music you like and let go. U you can't dance, dance your ass off. If you don't normally go out and talk to strangers, strike up a convcrsalion with someone. lf you arcn' l feeling the music, go to a different room. Don·t forget to check ou l the meeting spo t every so often to see what's up with your mends.

The lineup of DJs progresses to the IIl-051 well-known throughout I.he night. The sets for the popular DJs are longer. and usua lly they draw the biggest crowd.

Al I.he end of !he party. one room will still be going. and one DJ will play the last couple songs. This is sometunes the best set to catch, because everyone wi ll be dancing, not wanting the night 10 be over.

As you walk out exhausted. the floor will be a mess of empty water bottl es. dying glowslicks and flyers. The sun greets you outside, and e ven though you're ti red, you feel strangely revitali7.ed.

'NEDNESOAY Dec. 12,2001
,'Indy TevJS/Tho Stlnll001
capt ured by a slow shutter .Ul<e Geo<!)" Tt,o 5e,,,.,,. Dancers spend $2 for 12oz. of water or $5 for 3 bottles the same size.

Pop it, lock it

Music inspires breaking

• Sentinel reporter •

Every action bas an equal or positive reaction .I1'sa matter of science. Rhythm, eat, sound; the body's natural reactions suggest motion, dance. Back, forth or side to side, every direction is explored. including down.

Break dancing is the combination of semi-acrobatic movemcmts perfoaned on the dance floor at clubs and raves alike. It is an essential clement to the hip-hop society, and the perseveronce of a dancing subculture.

Segments include:popping, (R&B performer Usher-like style of gliding, waving, and popping at the joints), locking (wild i\Olated movements that are quick and '·lock" into place). Any one of these~ styles, somelimes combined togetbc.r, will most likely create a circle where any bas a chance to show skills. Expect 10 see a variety of moves from any B-Boy (break dancing enthusiast). They will involve a coordinated movement of the legs in a circular motion around the body. all known as footwork.

Footwork is typically the prelude to power moves, which consist of gymnastic resembling ability to lift legs off the floor and roll or swing the limbs in the air and around the body. This also includes the ability to spin on head. Some times B-Boy will pause (usuaUy to the beat) in the process of dancing and maintain a frozen position. known as a pose, or freeze. The BBoy will incorporate a variety of other moves into bis dance which will contribute to cbe individual style.

Break dancing, like dancing in general, is inspired by the m111,ic. Music fuels the creativity of the B-Boy and promotes attitude. which allows him to bring his skill to the circle, and challenge any other to show his talent. This bas caused another occasion within break dancing to fonnulate. This is called ballling, when any crew or number of individuals compete among each other usuaUy for respect and recogrutioa.

Because of break dancing·s explosion of popularity in cbe '80s, its decline into recent day bas categorized into a seemingly "underground '" style, where sporadic cameos on mus:c vjdeos and comedic parody as in "Zoolander"" are all that is subsequently acknowledged by mainstr.:am.

However, those who witness and perform know the dance continues because they stop dancing for a moment, fom) a circle and give the B-Boy a break.


• Dance style using fluid and continuous body motion


• Energy drinks provide a quick energy boost for dancers at all-night raves.

• It Is important to remain hydrated while dancing through the night, whether on drugs or not.

• General tenn encompassing hip-hop dance scylc:s such as Popping. Locking. The Robot and Aerial and Power moves.

Andy Tovi&/Tha Senuoel A photon dancer in the " Keepin ' It Real 2" party at the Coeur d'Alene Greyhound park gives a light show.
\NEONESOAY,Dec. 12,2001

What brings raves under fire

The appeal of the '"club drug" ecstacy, {also known as "e") at popular all-night dance parties stem.~ from the peaceful, energetic euphoria it produces.

The flashing colored Hghts, electronic music and tactile stimulating fashion flood the users' heightened senses. Empathy and a feeling of well-being transfonn the packed dance floor into a considerate community.

Ecstacy's popularity in the rave scene has raised more than a few eyebrows. Government agencies warn the pubHc of die drug's possible perils and lobby for stricter laws while other organi7.ations claim the drug is a therapeutic tool. According to an article in the June 2000 issue of Time, critics tended to overstate the dangers of the drug, while supporters usually understated them.

According to the article, the amount of people who use eat least once a month is so small, less than 1 percent, that it doesn't register on the governments drug survey. Comparably. S percent of Americans over 12 say they use marijuana once a month and 1.8 percent repon using cocaine. The trend is growing among youth. however. Eight percent of high school seniors say they have tried it. ll is one of the only teen drugs where use is not on the decline. ''&-stacy is no different from crack (or) heroin," said an Orlando. Fla. , investigator featured on CBS ··6() MinuteS II."

On lhe other side of lhe scale, clainls the drug can cure schizophrenia and help people ··makecontact with dead relatives."

The drug wa~ patented in 1914 by the German company E. Merck. The company developed it to be used as an intermediary to develop therapeutic drugs, according to Time.

The scientific name for the drug is 3,4 methylenedioxymelhamphetamine, or MDMA. It targets specific cells in the brain that release serotonin, a chemical that regulates mood amongst other things. MDMA causes these cells to disgorge all of their contents and overwhelm the receptors with serotonin

Usually these levels are precisely maintained since serotonin also controls body heat. One of the major dangers ecstacy can pose is overheating, which isn't helped by dancing in close quarters. If a person using e doesn't know to drink plenty of water, his temperature can reach 110 degrees, causing the blood to coagulate. Do7.ens of people have died this way.

The effects of ecstacy last about three to five

hours. Because of the body's heightened senses experienced by users while ·'rolling," Vick's VaporRub or menthol cigarettes awaken the Lhroat and nasal passages. Pacifiers are used to prevent teeth grinding. a ~ide effect of ecstacy.

One of the most dangerous thmgs about ecsiacy may not be MDMA at all. OanceSafe, an organi:r.ation funded by millionaire and Microsoft employee Bob Wallace, confirmed that eight of nine people taken to the hospital from an Oakland rave had taken pills that were not MOMA They contained DXM {dextromelhorphan), a powerful cough suppressant that causes hallucinations and prevents sweating. which can cause overheating.

The organization sets up tables at raves to test ecstacy pills. A sliver of the tablet is shaved off and dropped into a solution. and they can detennine if it's pure MDMA or not by the color it rums. According to their website, they found that 20 percent of "ecstacy" sold at raves coruained something other than MOMA. In addition to DXM, fake ccstacy pills can contain PMA (paramethoxyamphctamine), an illegal hallucinagen that killed two Chicago teen-agers who thought they were dropping e in May 2000. Pills may also be laced with LSD, speed or PCP.

Test kits are available for purcha~e on DauceSafe' s website with prices ranging from $20-$50. The website also contains information about safety while using ecstacy, including conditions and medications that contradict with MDMA

According to the Time article, a secret Uni vcrsity of Michigan srudy using animals funded by the U.S Anny in 1953 found MDMA itself to not be particularly toxic. In fact, it would take about 14oftoclay's purest pills taken at once to kill a person

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) website, more recent studies h_ave pointed out that MDMA prevents serotonin from being reabsorbed. This concentrates the amount of serotonin in the brain, which can damage or even kill axons. Some grow back but may be abnormal

George Ricaurte, a John Hopkins neurotoxicologist found that animals that were given MOMA were found to have lower serotonin levels over time.

Despite all the myths and rumors (there's even one floating around that Nazis used the drug in the '40s). one fact still remains. The results of srudies on the permanent effects of ecstacy remain inconclusive.

Street names of ecstacy (pllls shown above) Include "e," "X," "rolls," "beans" or "bombs." Individual pills have proper names.

Luke eorge/The Sent ne Ravers at NAF Studios In Seattle enjoy a light show from a friend. Typically, users report enhanced visuals and tactile sensations. (Above) Menthol products enhance a user's high.

Xplor's quick guide to party fashion

Diversity iwd acceptance are two of the main concerns of the rave culture, and no place in the culture are these values more \•isiblc thnn in fushion.

Nearly every Lype of clothing eve.r made shows up at raves. Some people dress in full costumes. some in prom dresses or ruxedos and still others in jeans and T-shlns. Really, the only guidelines for rave wear are that iL is comfonablc, and that the wearer shows their personality in what they wear.

Probably the most well known style of rave dress is k.oowo as candy. Candy kids dress in bright colors and accent their dress with aans full of beadw jewelry. The jewelry itself is also referred to as candy, and it is custom for candy kids to bring plenty of homemade pieces to trade. Candy kids wear T-shirts featuring their favorite toys from when they were children_ It's like a return to innocence. Girls might wear colored wigs, while visors are extremely popular wiih guys.

Gigantic. baggy pants are a huge hit among many ravers. Some people say it is 10 give them room to dance; oihers say it is to be as unconventional as possible.

Athletic jumpsuits arc usual dress for some ravers. They get their origin from breakdancers ( BBoys, B-Girls). and are comfonable to dance in.

Be it expensive leather pants or a $3 shin from Goodwill. ravers wear what they want to because no one cares olherwise. If it feels good. I.hey wear it.


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