The North Idaho College Sentinel Vol 55 No 9, April 10, 2002

Page 1

bartdl,l('totht-$1 ,nu1Uoo1hottfall

lk!•,,n h} IJ.,hn

Nhli1COR.""""'.i~., INl1Df

::!:s($C'd•I •S1u.J.:ru, 11.J

•nd rtp0ncdl>· ai11l&1 ,r..1 ,,.,

!ldocided 01 lhc (UU.. P•,:nJ, ll:

• fl,cS(nmlCI ond~'l'


Hn\llC-\ 1 1t1• -.k.llh~ 1h. 1,,tk.' ol •Mkhm cont~ liwlc's rrop:,w.J 1:1:i'IC-b.tU. tr1cl mJ. 1:t'lh,-('\)Ulllf\.' 1c.atnt from d": .uhkrk: ~p.1• ~htdt ill f~Jll-lf'IC:lll\> \II\(" .lhc)III $ 127.<n) Tb( ~mlxTI .-ncluJc J1hcu $107,IU.1 from 111,;tl&ilJ tlf1tnJ1t1.11V'o .Uld o1n , SZO.<XX> fnicn lraulu~g <•J'Cntt", r,i:-v10U1ol)' ,i the pnidrnf" "caMJftl('f)CY f\111d th1.· l'·l frnn1. ,~ En~)' Malkal ICCu.ill) v. ill jm,l not stnrl a'i ('l..:in~-J,, Ph)\lc•I Thcrar> A,\l'*•nl •nJ v,cJJws ~,., of!.:s:111,, ln.i)' he a11 In aJJ1oon.1hc ,uu ,.all fu, u flO ~nl rl.'.Juc:rinn ln tbc I.J¥ir· cnfof..:C1111.'nl rmvram cub u.ill

UI\C ithi-.UI ~_l)0,000 Tbc tul\ arc 1o141i.·c.'1d!lhlt'. Sl.ll&C lt'gol..m.ln an

th:.lWI 'CUl1w1,·1lh.J htt>UI SI 14 m1IJJl'ln. fmn lhC po11~t1cn1 i., -:,dtllU.\liRJ ll'lr ti\1dJcl ,u,rtu, ,.uli~U('ftt fflle\.,J(,n ianJ the t\'\juirnncnt 1h11 Otw. Out Kttnpch..-.m~ balllnot 1~lllldrett1•\uJttdin,-1.uc-"iJe~mcul~

Mll'I)' N.IIC J'll'lll°"n' n:a:J\~ on 11 l"Cf\'f'IU ,1111h1., )U,J lr1\lc:.i1I. NIC v,a, h11ndtod un ti J'IC«t'll-1 t·ut 111.J tbc P·T rrocr,tn'i" n:o:-1\ Cd •

tqWollt' 9.S "'"""' CUL iboo,ti lbc 1..111> 1n the P·T prosram.• m Jcepc,r, the puttlh; i.:ontn,\·n,)' b :h ..tfU~lt ow1 PNf!O'C.-d .alhkti-.11..Ul<i. A1 Ille m«hllf. Cl!ld Khn_scr, Etl#lt,h. rrocntcJ lhc \\Uh a 1uwcmcn, 1o1gn,.-J ~) l\lo-c,.lhird~ of~~· t.c11t1tcJ

,un anJ "4.•mc C0eur d' Alme IhJh Sehcd ~tuikrn, p-...n.K'ip..ted ~rr~~1r1 tu mult JJ>\Umfll"'"' hkc tt .-

f'CO'IO't lil1nJ1h.i.t lhc) an'I he.a, t• if lhrv'r~ t.k..11 tti.:~ t.)ll't •.,U. 4nJ ll,c, \crhalln: 1hc1t ~~·m "'5,uJ ~IQnin Oa.nicb,·DulSotl. 01<.JNIH~· Surp.111 Scl'\"1~ nnd,naUlf Vil."C F'l't\llkul of Sludrnl Senko 81Uc.c G1flc,rtl ,irrd l1e1dty mct11bcril DJHd (\m.11inJi1<11•. O.ut Etl..:k:.hcr 11.1W G«ntd \f.tlbi.:"'\ \'t1IIJlll«m.l I() •.al~ .11twlld bhml OCW:d4)' d\.lrillJ!: Oi14~ilil) ,\\11.UCl'II."', WcdJdl Cow.· 11,llcl\\t.'d the four nll'n .1rnuml ariJ ,ldco u('td 1hc1n. Sl'lr'IC C\ca Jiauth1 thtit d»t,e,-tNi-nJ. lbef11Culty',~.,,a,1ogce Mudenl an\'0,\·i:nk'.nl lllld t-tnns.11JlCll11on 1,1 bhnJn~1o In ,1 r,tuk.,_.,,orul fkliJ Cl1lW plan, 10 loop 1hc ,idro 11nJ pl11)" d 111 the SUB .'il>11t1Mknuc:-~n \1i:v. 11 Yt-hen they·tt v.1lkrt111! lhrl11Jfh VcnJ.-n ~(ttt(I Uf'ICWl)'da)' inlhc SU8 1,1,·ttb •w\l"·C' ti.."ChnPIOJU'. Scucknh ..,-m:: Mic In itUcOO by lt)'injt dl10f.lll' 1iucb :t\ 1

"'hccktu1, 1*'1.uc:I, WU('(e ;ttld wll111 o1nJ tiiqdu11 .a,~ du.,l,lcJ p:noa The) 1.:CJUld

«-me h)· aoJ ti) 1lic-ta.:lmology to 11ft • h,-.

1h lilt ;uld how n WIJfb..

W,; hrlr rcnflr "1th da\Jhihms tn firtd

us.i,tt,c 1e1.:hnoh,vy &,·lc,e\," '-lid SI.le

U1lU'lt. inf<11tffllllktn 11"'1 ttfeml (111 I.he

Ciepur of llu,Mtibtit-11 :uloit ltwru:n

l'>c:,·doe,rucnt ,C.0110) JI dw UIU\ffljt)' of libh,).

The LI 1,r~am u 1:.nlkd lbc Idaho

A\,Jfil\t' lc:chn~ Pro,tttl 'they

l\_r('Ci.alv.1,.'\I 1'1 a.,,h.ti\·t l('(.f1nol1)Sy ..a'\'liC~

l1111mnt .u-.t 1tctuu,;,d ief' k:c,.. ~J\\"-•)

K'n ICCI llll)d 11.N' inlttt"( ~n rrosirnm'I

0."nbtht)" A\1/Atcntu Wttk i1 lfl •rtt11,1.U

C\'\."l'l lhM aun111'1 \ lu t,.,,.il i.l.CT't'Ot)'rn, bon,: ith-nt;u111.l> \11\.abllillt:* ind

,lc-m,1t1,tQf" the 1.huq-. lh~I pe,c,r,k \lo'llh

J1,.ati1lihei ha\·c I" cnJun: OISA81LI o··CYtWJnucJ 10 P;tgt IS

A TREK THROUGH ANTIQUITY I Sports/Page t 3 Wedne sday Search for Freedom Explore r/Special Sectio n I ENTINEL April 10, 2002 POPCORN FORUM .,I. 55. :\n. '} N o 11 I II I ll \ 11 o (' o I. I I· c I Coeur d'Alene. Idaho Burke,trustees ignore outcry • 84hec:, Ray l<ao••Y Ind Chase WIiiiams ltll!!n lo pubflc outcry peakers upset with choice to stay in SWAC ~Stu,J,.w nc mnn1h 1hc ~nf or uu...i,:c,. \\ 111 \l.l11lh kutl-~ ,u,J r,u.-rvm \o\·1Il '~) :mJ "h"h" 11111,,, ruums in du~ !It lb~II. tnk:L anJ (CO-.\ l."UUIJtr) l('.IJU'f, • mooth frc~idt,~1 \11d1.lC:I Hutl.:~· lalJ our 'Jill Dl>t'UI tlC,lfl>· $4SO.UOO Imm ch< aJ11C'tk l'tul~al T«hnaul rVT, t.ldt,."Ch lhc
f11..11tty• 1111:h c~rn- wJ t,."(111Ct'ffl 10d 1Mu·oooa w11h lhifi.r', :aw Hc,1.llr)''1Jt111¥.ill1n~t to Track end Hold throwing Coach Bud Rasmunen talks co trustees es studont athletes 'lllnnus wins national photo award ~pt,«\il11o!d 1.n talCJ11f"k ·. ho t,.·tnJ "PM.~n.r lilbO\") Ori,.in.tll,i fr11tt1 Til&ll.lnd. p.,.,dldnJ v, •• rh\!CO ed11or Yr.1th rl,c SCntintJ .md ;:~6!~;:~k AWAkD: Nnuo11C'dtu P~"t' 1 C1J'r.'i ~tlJlucJ to , hope lhelr sports will be saved. I Participants assume disability Disability week held to raise awareness ~·_l_lllbt) ,"" cr,. .. .,,. l)u.ibiht)' Awan:'ne Wede \loa'lbrld \1,n:h 15---28 m the Slill tn '1ft Mic-,np. 10 •"'.m:n(-u. llDJ 1n peortc m.itt l111n1li111 Wllb I~ dullrnac-,; of be:1nJ ~,~, h&td. Oi.\tlh1huc1- rcpri."IC.'nu:d dunna 1ht \\ttk tl'kludctl J~"- ~iMul, IUIJ ffl001h1y 1mp,11ma..nt. h 111,a mdudcd lh04C v.1th ~ydwuic J 1uhU.1tieJ., lrurun1 d1uNh1~ 111MI chro111c hc•hh a,~ OIC AJviMlf)' ComJl1jllfX, MUiktlh, rxul1y.
ONLINE· www.m~.,-du/~n1inc l BY PHONE: 769-3388 BY FAX: 769-3389 tore , us

" .©. Student hopes forum will enlighten othe

lnvinbl e Mino ·ty Minority forum 10 be bcld to bring aware ness 10 NIC by Clm llcinnch S1,1'1'1111ti11

Expert speaks on population

b)'Chm/Jc111ncl1 $~"'"',.

Tht prc:odent c)f thr Popu111uon lt1J11t111.C' l)a Apnl 2

Wf(d U1>1imcn tu g<t ta their polu.fci:ln, and d~m;wl

t"aviro1unemar acticwtS 10 pl\'1>ct11 ck'\CM:1,oa ot UM:

ptuc, Wtrnt:1 f'<llTI&~ lf)Okc abou, gk,i,al clmutt ch:ansc: aod

mvironmc-nh1I c.lcptiUiM 111 • forum oet CClViruru:om.&.at


Fomoto N, bcx-ri tbc pn.:'lidcal un d,c Populabon

lrurnutc wn~ HI&!. H~ h.f,, 1.111..nt In f1(.'r11.1latit1Q

c:onfercoct• in 8t11:lwc:M. Mc:1,co Cuy .md C'.wro He i1

sbo 1be Nalitti" ttprtxnln:tJ\'C: to 11',e

lnccrna1«.)n11J Courk:11 (1ft !be Managcmrnl '"r~lpUIMion

Proplun.,.. f(lfflQI i'I thco 11u.1bc.1r ol thc bed., ''G111nln&

Pcc,pk1; Vl\rng Cin;Mind • The fir,.t uf !\J'l lnph.;11 1h01 r~nt,, oJJtturJ 'A'll.\ OIi.

U"cr pPpUl•llnn and 11 cJtc,ct, on Ule ca'ovoomcnt.

Furno. m"lupt iJ1i~

pn,blem lntu

flel'\p('('li"C ~) 8JVllli an oamrlc uC hmir

M<rlff'Ol'Ula<cJ mmyc;ountnaatt.

Ir AJl 1be pc,1plc:

"The largest desert txpumio11 is 111ki11g place i11 l,lo/l().''


of tho Mh&i~~ip"'. -Pro.II D"I, Prt-

\lft'rcpttl int1•ld.abo. lbc popu.J,u90 ckn.,1ty •'OUIJ w.dl tic. lt11t lban tblLI oc

BMIBladab, FCltn•,-. \.111d

By &he ycar20.!0. Sew YorkC11y. Lo1.Angclcund

ciJht uf ihe otbtr top JO chic,. ,y.1tl no loo~'ffc,;i,.t in 1ht

top 10, f'Om°"' 'ltld. Ht-bdJl!\·c.,. othuc:ilk, wtll lllkt lhdr pl~ 1ndud1ftS. Kihul. A/Jha1,htd. ,u,J Buap.ok.. la1laod. F~ rcforc~ dio.( O\'cr-Popula.1cd c1IK'!I A.1 "hcllbtil<~ alci\ ,hnuon

"l( 1hr Ututl'CI Swctr. o,I W anillk'IO pc:~t" t~y \ 1~ Ct:inu, Burt.11.1 Juic 1'"'\"Jictl"d 10600 inlllj"-' people. ,hen v. t' will ttal Iy rcM>Urcc •borfagc 1t1a1

""'·,t Ol':\'Cf iffUJincd before~ c:.~l'N!cially i( our conwmptioo r•tc: ronl.ln\k't 'o\C .att' dout; toda)·,,.

1bc l~,c Q(I.Ofl!iili.l lluc: 10 tJc(\'lm.bltiOtl w., Fornc»'

M;'(C)l)dpo11Yt 'TkCon:,UUJOfl all~"b llll of our b,-~: Fc.mlot Hid.

Another cumpk wa ,1..-co 10 hc.lp explain bow

c:iu.r,;me dtfort'>taeioo i, R,mo,. illustnUed how riumcn

In N"cpit.l MXp ma:i,,lng ur die lfunalay1n IIOd

cut do>A'O ti111btr lie t.aJd ~it tic,cauk lhcr~ 111 oo bu.Iler.

O).tt,._, 1At1tlcrCrom '{quJ tra,·tl\ Jnwn mco 8,m,11.tJoh,

C"ft')lang Oootllng aDJ dc,wy,n-g 10l*ul

1bc IJ,if\l i-km thlll Forno,, \\Ctu lhl'OiJ,.tl 14"'1.i.~


'1bt larce•l dodl e•r:muon b t.wn1 place in IJ.abu


portray them all nl.00' 1~ J\J~C ooe \Cet '"J'hctt&Oa that I *ADI tndo 1hit.. hC'

wi.J. -,-' Ulllt r&!unk rdigiou~ belief• arc \d')'ltnpt1rt1111 topt,OrJc lth1nl.u1,·ery i~1.a,n 10 un<k1'Umd 1hc rca-.oa diffcn:ril cultute\l.l'Clbew.,.l.heyare• Rer,:en w1d he (ttl, 1hal 1it1ng m d1l1 CQC'l'Jn,1111ity. l11, h11.tJ h) \1>1tne;..s and lnlet;11(1 wi1h diffrrt:nl rc-11~1. llt uid h,e bores lO c~rnually u11wf the WQtld sod Jo lawmmlman wort Ill dx Peace C'orp.

A~ the "ice pl'C;\idi:n1 of the Oq hl)' ct1o1t,. lk~11 ,,hi..: tP fllli;jiJ f, .\\\1/,n'at'\- f{lr1,1m aa Gdlt(.tp Uruver,11)' 1.ho.11) •fret &be 111111ack.,. on Sept 11 Dr \funt('ffllff<'do(W"yneSUU( llilocmly ".Lt one 1.rea~a llt tbt forurt1 thnc ~,~k Qol in Bcrgcn'l. mtnd. "ftt 1.1\JloiJ ~ut ltow d,c vk'"Yo c,I l~lim 11 poruoycd dilfe:rctMJy 1n the nK'diJ 1h111 ""hm Lht Konn lll:lU~~ J.a)·•,""' he ~w. 1'hit forum s)»l'kciJ lkracn·11111crt1>1 Qf

JlUnina oo one at N"IC 1h.i1,1,.wld indudc all the nu;o, ttllglom. SOOR di.Jieu~ioN by lhc Human Equ1bl)· Club took pl.x hcflXt' l!m forum. but lfl~-r bearing lhc ,•Ott'('$ o( m.inm.1Ja;, ,., to fully run.ur lhi) thlllcnic

1hrougl, lbelrd11ly ""'""" "''nlooi &he fact 111a, (for cxlfflple) Hj•

CQW\ and hew. lhaJ lhcu

11o1cplis 1oc:d\iea1('J)toplc


Bcttcn I.) lnvolwd tn ll»liy I.ho including lhc H1m\An b;u. been che dljcfjuJtt.CC n,f Court 111 YMCA. "-·btre tic pani Youlh 1n Go\'tfflment.

bu1c: lecWIU or lhcsc rclifPocu. to pa,pae out soc tb.a1 \l.e vea·1 All ··Hun1.11n 11:ghb 1nrJ tq\W1ty I\, big piln ol my btc.-hc Uid I 1>o111.ucrn1cd in (lht Humon f'l4.1ualicy Club} rrom m) family. \ly pan)'C'lll h,,·e al"'• bocn open,miDdcd and tried to ,bo"' me tUfrcn.,.- cultures.. ,re ptOPlo 0,111 don'I ge1lhe umc ctweatio,n l1kowc:doir1A~ Your1a:Jtokl:'l,-.rt' i:,f lbosc proplc lK-nu.,ic h"• ta.\)' co b1,·e )'{kit life an.l (t1t,ec IMlll 1hr:m.

Bcraen h lJual enrolled al Con., H1gt1 SdlOOI, whcrt he 1:1. 1n VJqJI) for his fowlh )CU' •l'ld i.1,, lllt.fflht sc:bolasuc 1t-1m .,.. OECA. °"1'> Jfldu:umgcbJ,)elltP\~

8Cfl('n 1&14 he WILM,i to show NIC and t1'11un!lnlt) thn W'k' rdJponl arc ICIUIIJI)' ,1m.iJM t'\:l!':r) N>d)''t ptn<>I\IIJ trllrian. ..I've 1111 ys fell due i~la bcd/cllow or J'!l'Ju<l ..s """'• fonun I hoperodimituLC ao«ntcif 'Wh~ J hope people ~'lll W.l'.llt 11wuy ,..,1h .a Jiuk morcopmwnd.'" he A:kt ""Try mlook:ald!illlgsao ad1f1Cffll1 l1£ht, Co llcwd

Plan beneli tribe, colle

Increase in Native Ame ric students 'dramatic', Burke by~:mOanmrc


NIC:'1 Nme-Pom, Plan 1\ now in 1tl ftflb )Ur JIU loct'pl10n. and many dforu. att berns: made b)· \;l(' 11updated And

The Nir,i:-Poim P11111 wa.\ principall)' in~tiptaho rruollmmt :unong An,crican lt1(.U2n!I The c:olleP' Ii (anflruly sc:arcbtng for new w•)'t io cnfn&nC'hJ-.c 1k pcc;,ploi t,( i,eighborift.ll 1riheii

"M4't imper!#! '" NIC wll•OOfale'I wi1h dx Wt we CM 1ncrca~c p.111.icipation nit~ fOf AmctlCII

~uJem~··Pn:stdcnl OurLC' uiJ. h11Jecd. dw JWUt11l."(: u( 'lat1\c Amcricai, 4,.wde:au "''1.1 DNrlJ aoc~htcnl u,nll 1998 "'bc-n 1he Ninc•Point Plan•• lN1111oJ "1'bet.e •~n·1 h11ndn:'di. <'IC •uacknl).'" Burtt said. ownben b.tveo i.oc«.ucd clnam.ltkaU) from a mne of ~nu to alnlOU 90 " Rettntly 1t bo.ud mectin11 w.s hcld t.o <liSC\JSI ,·a,, 1mprm't' enrollment 4Ul'ICMlJ ndghbottn1 crihe;. 'ibe: t'ioud ot w,uoes made i. dc(-1:\.ioa to '\I, al\t ,llllc 1t1itioa Cot fOffic of the In~ within lhb rtl,d l"CilCJ'\'AlllOflliMi: ooc.mthctitcofldilho.'" Vice lll\lJ\let.WO Jt"rry Goe said :u tbc mca.i111. 11.c Ull'O the Aalhc:lld.l. tbt. UmatiU11.., the Cocw-d'AJcr,e, anl Spokaoc. lnbc'~.

The Ntnc-Potnt Pbn grew°' ' o{ procb~d 1gn-crpc:nt bc:1w«n Nonh Idaho College and lb: d'Alene Tribe. Burke S3Jd. The proctamal.loo 1ffnt wallm,:~ to '4c)fk, i.occthtt wilh the! tnbt I<> (iftd wayi m coUabormc. ~,,,emiJ1lly, the i~ 111 IJrocmccM for NIC anti 1he Coc:urd'Alt'nC' Tnllt a;ttc: 011 .,..,nou, Ulut"s lhal ltri.lo.C lkft'lft the NlflC'·Point Pinn WM pul mlOtffeot.dw lhat elis!cd lo en(raach.l~ AnlrnC1n hld.iin awJclllll

The N.at1vc Amcncan Advi$QI)' Conmuluit (NAAO cocnmlucc included T()ffl Ail\l. Marpn:-t mJ,r .,,Ja mimhcr or Olhct people and workal 1odc'Ydop wllb American lndlan lnbt-1 and .vty "11llldt d'A lene tribe '1'hc Commuttt was very c:m.'('ta,-c Ot:t UJl1 Nloc,Potnt Plan \\'M put. mtu effect. the NAAC •• atq;ndoned '"fom ffllno. AWi Lamb ond owcn ba"c ,olly m.\U\Jn)('tlutl pan t.n kttpl.fl& thr !»II rolllf\l •IJ k ~Nauvc American RtlAhons) on 1hc fon:fraol ofdlt in,t,1u11on, Gee wid


Larr, Whi te ls a member of the Native Ameri oan Ind ian Club (NAJCJ. White ls rrom Red Mesa, Ariz. and has Olneh, Navajo hertll{le. The NAIC mocto 3 p.t'l"h T~$4tly• ol 201 R1v~r Ave..

N1c lw a ,cry iaMta:nUJI uc1 eit~il1gool~ Au'K'nC.1n ll'ldl.Att litr:ralurc: :u~ m,tctUh: 1n ()OffJ wllh the plan. Ltbrwi.ui 0¢:nlsc Clarl lw do,lc: «> de\·clop lhc li~'11 coUoccioa. The library hod' die,cst as.<ien1b-la,c1 of Arnt'tion lndtM IJ~ ....


Handicap parking signs va ndalized; bicyclist injured in collision with car b)lhlW}'~m .n

Aulo Uurgl:a.ry fM Campu, ~rlty OC'14Jficd ol im auto but&Jo,y Lh..11 OCcwml tn the IOI.Ith Kildo""' Pi.rLinp.1(11011 Match 11 Jbc= u.l~ Wtn from tbc unJ0i;:kcd car wcrt an Ol'fi1JC. .?lOwnip~. cv.,o COi !llld 1wo bactb of f11'C!'ICfir,tlo11 nkdK.lnc: ,nlucd 11 \ 167. f•">Pt"rtl l>AJnargt/Olsonluly Candun (BJ Prupen) d.ami&ar.mi.ldL~rt)'~1 IIII'~ to '((UJ'tly oo Mllt"b i.. r1 occucm! m the hA.v11k'tlt ur lhe SUB. /\ IIIUJcftl look a pl•~Uc p;ilio talik :ind ~tC'II' 11 llgllml UM.- £IA~• dool'lk ~. brukin., the t,,hk and k.wini '™"'" on tht' OO<n The ttf10f1 wa, ~110 the vioc Ptd,ldc:n& <>f "twaltt. Vandllls,n (C) Secuntyv.a)nollflicdnl nndallqnl(l hu,id.1c11.p

l):ui.m,g siaut: 1od pt>)Li &I th¢ n:i1(kocc lsafl•

Mu:roh 2b. The unkoov.o pcr,.oa(~) pulled• 01.11 of the irouod and 1h~ 1he1n into dtt

lf>t 'Ibey tote • third •i;11 aft .i.l)C)lhcr

1111 a nd Rua (ll)

Oo Match 27 • n:opon wM rtkd 10 ,n..'111111

inino.- fl(Upcny damage ..«ldcol on Colltl"' dri\·cr io a wt Volbw.,sgon Rtabbh parted• S~ b,a;;'.kcd ln101hc r,ooi(l(li' twice •nd I.hen into lhc: n:at o( lhc .;ar.1'bt happet1td In bt ..-alkin1 to hi, C'llJ' azid t.1•* inc.i.dc"t ThtC fr~n, b1.1mpera(1he~r v.,,1.,c koocttid damage WfJi (011nd on 1.bc- front orruroidlic \"(hk:le. Ca r •"- 8kycl,- ( t;J An accident o«Urted Ill the comet of R1,d



The U,S. Mini once considered producing :E douf,bnut-.shaped O cohfs. • • • • • • • NEWS
look llO occidcot rq,on Cot • ot¥i't tlpt Cool.>tl Nf'W\ Eduor M..1t1 M.,y_ Phon~: 7b9,Jl88 hx: 769,3389. E-mail : Senhnt-l@nic l'du
A,·enuc and
acll,,,J bicy1:lc oca Apttl 3. Tbc bkydi"t h,J tnihto"
Coc.ur d'Altne l>ol,c:c Ocpa.t1n'li.'111

:n: Across-1he-board cuts

boriwn Burke say,

~,.... .,...,

, rt,oSCCniC Wot Athletic Contercnce

raUonAlc 1h,1l.hcy b.we oftcmJ

lifnlll)' lea"ang the SWAC. in smd of 1u< 111c~

,.,..tillll tn


~::t, ''We wa1111/ais

s:::.e. ii level of

-.1'1 •hY, competition.~

Micbnd Burt« lylh< _...,_

peogram.s compromi«d the 1111,sioo tnd added tO 1tt

::pvuointt~pWl;&lkm. bul noul

tO g~LOU1 of A lf!A$VC,"

~""1 ··tdon·uhink\\~COl.lld JU31

p:a:~· Wc:'\'Cti...'C11 t~. yf 11 ro,a

"""· - RicbColle,r (Bnaha.rn Youns

,:;;:;~ ldlhO) left lb< SWACdu.< )'W.

~It wouktJcuw 1v,,n)'C'ln'Jro

;t\\'f. l!i:ah Va1Scy Commumt)l College, • mr-d>r\l.iryhwoulJJc:11,~c: fit,iul~ e.,p,cii'AI ml ecaoan •bOul lhc

1 ot comp:11tlon in~ NWAACC He • ,llcJv.'ttc\'ct)'dlffcR'ntk:lguc~

"'\\'c waru tb&ll lc,d oC cOlnpctiuun.••

•1uJ W11dcira d1so,gn.-cs ·11tc~'-"qWl.llhetelLIIU,.ll1c ll'llft Q1mpc:hhon ti:l\t~ ht 1,,::1,.J

At lhe mo:cing. \0('!10n11.1re ASJl.1C 81.'U Bn:11.,C0'.\1n1;aldr,u,e IO~"Mk.llt the SWAC in Ca\W of the NV,' MC<:

• h bettn-p.vallt:b NlC', mu.c;lcm ,wcmc:m and \'11.luC",-

• hMV'C$1l lta."$122,<XJ>1D rnllinlr:n,mcc and Qp(Olhtms..

• The et:,l~c woott.l wc an llddilional ttvenue (If S:.106.000 undL"t lhc

NWAACC ir.u• Uld ""1 fom,,.

• h \t,,oold bcla,ta>.lOj,t oo Ilk (ft.'itdtnl'• tl.Xlhhgcnq, hmd

• BoosattCJ.oo rw-1., in" mart reali:~.ic


• 1'hc commun11y would rel..Ufl $400,000 i.o tOUm and h.14rd.

• llkttp1,ludeott ,nd11 mon:otten

bc<::M,11ie-of lhc dllltncs& o( com.,ct1fnrs.

• NWAt\CC 11,;1~ higbi:r \lal>l.tu'iJ ••( \ludenl dig.ahtli.ty.

• Lt ~\.'C,. al.I 12.!iports,

• II ~pmck 1he QIP)'IOrtucut*'• for 11,udc:q~ l.ndic~, ASNIC Ptaidont 0....: w,m..,,.

,un·111"''\l 1l up· '"(Burk(') ~od that the l"'OllC'St' tu make '-.w-gk:al' C:Ub nithcrdW1.11eruu-lhe-ho;lfd C'U1' ff we (ollo'-4• dull .1n:aloa:y. what &USJCOO find,. bc:st a1nl mot.I tic11lth)' p;i.n-. ol hi, pmmli and MIJIO'*lO lban wtk:o • }inlf'lc um\l)Jant ml~ t.utly "3"t. 1hc1n ,tJI',. 1lic.trick and «ato-J-CUUfl:lry IC'.um o.:,m1.)I o( 6 l llhk&c1. !h·e profeuloo.J!.1. .ahd

Wilkl.B,i Thi.,, mili, up M""8 4"l rmicc• or 111hle1k~tyoncampi, ·we ti.m.· 1!,c .<O\,t budgd but the llugt\f JtOUp nl MtJJcntt,'" Wodunt Sllld.

'"lbt\ ba,cn::atcd IJ~uJ.Li~ for quHt ~tun,: Mtmbcn fr('l(ll the kAm\. ro,u;u.tcnlly mm il lU n!pxlill :utJ OMiON,I

Ql)mpct1t1on\ Bw:kc bid tie and 11.thletlc Jim

Hc.adlcy c.hose lrKk Md c~ coumry

be\;-~ the)' c:oo1d ~n Wllkhu in II lulJ.

11ff'l( l)Mlboo lli an tcadeauc adv,!ioCf, lbc

J.pwt~ ho\<c r.o Joc11.l vn1uic, 1hc overall ooq

,4nJ tb111 h wa., nm. a et~ SWAC sport

8(1.~ho.lJ Wil.\. :RIJ!8Clitcd for 1Jm.ilU

tc:MI.M\. Coach P11UI M.uaurJo cm bt

rd,,)ncd u director af in1.em1JW (pOfU,. lb

\·c.1~ will be tlhtt,natcd auon hcc:.ll)i( lhe

(:c,llctt pl:im lo buUd 1hc: N111ural 1nd

Htuhh ScicrlCQ BudJi:ns; on tbe J11unaocl. Unhtc U'Qek aoJ (o».$•cou.nll')'. however, b.lkNII i$ a ccn SWAC lpnri. "Thoe Vl'CT\: p.amcul~rly dtfficult 'PM" co ehmulldc for me.'' Burtc wnxe 10 b.1.s rul."ino 10 lltc eolfcg,c <ocmrWnity, .,ii,cc I am • bucball t.1n n:nJ 1parucipawd u, '><>th lntl:k lOOC'l'O!l\-COClllll')' NIC it.dlhu morccut,1orc.:ti1hc$l l million ,ut 10 it, btic. l1' nfterc.J earl) rctin::n)ti~ patk.i&a u, ,cx1ic racuhy 1111.-mbcn. n,duced (acllity cxptnchLun,. and rut oC(f"'OJC(ls "'~"· 8UfltcotA.ldthi::) ha\'C' b:&du,dcl11,ya la< BUI Burke made u ckar ACt()$S·lht• cuts arc Ulr\·tuaNc."

~oss of Prof-Tech programs ~~~~~~,t!:}~~~i;:.

1 u ·FIOWt'~ "I JUU hope WC dorfl JCI any ,1udcno, u-." WotJ Jttld. "'Tbt n111in ",«r) i, ft()I AMfft.Wt· au,ghl an d1r crack.'' Turley ""1.ld. lcnowlna y.,h.Ju 11 gOJng 10 h11pptn. lt'• up "1f JUlt 100 Nd bccau,o lhc~i: LM.S, d'III in tbc oir.'" want ll,l.leam ho"- Lov.t'lll 'Ah;al ,Ut' Ward p,ckcdOh• pro.s:r•m bcca1.1~ I.he)' gom1 lo dQ, u1d 011.1.< Gu1moDJ.. h;1d ,n tnterc:11 ,n It B} laking aw1y lhe "'eM1og ,1uJe1u, "There's 1. t,,g Jcm11nd progr.nn 11 ma.kt,\ ii h.arJcr 10 find for weldmti- No". ~bell! do wi:: 1i,.'<l for q~h(kJ pwp.le ""cldto1f.' Spok.n.uo? 'rhc~··n: lll11,:rnot tt, 1bt otb,:r l,cm1~111 h the be u.hlcro Lllkc c,'et)bod~.. phyi.ial lbt"tapy su.s:i,1an1 rroJl'lm "' 11.hinl: 1t', 11n ;icalkm11: r,u-.. f'3'i...• '"Iv.,~ n:ally 1h01:ktd.'",aiJJeanDI" Gutmond Marti. ph)'lllcal thcrnpi.,,la'im&anl oa1d. ··1 don't ,1uddl1 I 1hioL the: hiut11• 1h1t1t, I can

~::;r! "Nm k11awinK





ASNIC looks for officers

The~"' p'Cmllk'nt or NIC is obc)C11 I.O chnngc ll$11n A

Pf(»lklrt. .,,ec ~\kknl and (our,~ \'cO.llOR 11tc occded

Idaho taktt so mud1

'111-M.tld have Ira.,· pul cl Joi of Now •ht Im been ICll>king. ;11 2oing '" l:l«n cul'" ''lh!!.\ <>II It.\, 't, $pobt1c Commun ii)' Collcic t(I fin:iJ.h rhc

The prognm 111rKc ,he can'I On1i.h 1t hnc

\l.·e, ~1;.mc, V.-iui.1 She JU1J * 1hlnk.t ii w,1uhl be: ticucr tf rrop1n W9k1no l!"~ Uicy lbll.'l ii 11111< t,i1 from c''t:i1')'1hlng. She ~1.4:t1cJ w11h will l1nhJ1 her M'Kltlall\C of Amdein..~

HI 1wdeni. tu.1 yeas and 111,ihobly ""'<ltdd al .SIC ~1 will b:a\~ II> finhh 1hr hne 18 ?S 1h.i, )(.it. bo11hc- l"rosnm f"OJtl'lm ai sec.

\\on't be a\·Wl,tbJc h> dK'l1L h'lf the Ja,111 The (a,;t dw •he wHJ ht\·e to c:l.' lh.rce wet\~ Turley hu tittn oo 1hc rh~ will he cough, bcau\C 11 will 00.:e llK"ll'e a1hwcrin1t<1ue~ciou1 (Mn 1mdcnt• iri lhc un~ Pl)' from hum,c\\'(l(t \WU. ht~ rioiram and othal 1nt(fC:l.1ed hrcn i;oaog 10 NIC ~ff ill'ld on s,BC~ 199'2.

'7he tJuni: about \\-ch:h:n1 tb&t • ICH of Tbe ll"" e0Jorce1ncn1 rro,rrun chm pcoplcdon'I utkkn11nJ 11 dw:n:''"J(IOi, will be o(tc.rC'donl) In lbc rall The Utcrnl.l)' 111 t\'d'Y 1-,w11, coUDt)· o1nd ntlQl. requit't'd inlem,hip will be e>ffctt.'d only m and a'tU1ny in lhb COUIJU) fot \\ tlJcn." lht '-"PORI

TurtcJ , "'"'h me,!\Cd inc up, said Tocuc Tit1il\lD0, ·IJ I woulcJn:'1 h.1wc bc:t>u ~l,t< hl li&:w cn(orccmc111-.cUlkn1.. "l'tO\\. t h:t\'C 11, tbe: progrAnl, 1 ""'oUhln'i ha\e c-c,cnc- Nd,. Lllkc clM!tC\ in 1hc &UJWt'l('r and 11 •di be fo,r an)'1hioi cli.c: Guimnncl ,w.J. "'l w.a.• really bard bett (or "'ddini.. Tinghu)O 1h1nb oihcr progranu. cwkl Anud~r ""1.'ldi.n,: ,tuJctit M.,m1c Wml h.ave bttn cot and ooc. o,uch nff(Cttd b)' ~•td 1h11 i.t"'i I tclTiblc dc-,·aualicm II Bccau!.C ot the eu.1b:lct.. 11 Y1-ould h.i\'C "'f'htre"'1> ni>t i:111,ui,:h \1,chlcn tram -J for pul htt bc:h.lnJ if ~hr d1dn•t Cd~ aumnllCI' ihcjOO, th4t 1hey bA\C The Coeur clai.f;C:I. She oow hil~ ID Like ~u or het

J'AJcne arc-ah,~ a ttttJ for ttw.111:J clal>se, 111 on«. She ha:\ co la.kc nlot

vicldcn CSTilll,1hl1i.,ummtr

She »id 11·1 a Jood Bdd for womas. l'hc cub u )' 1Joctm immmc:nl. t-01 lbt)

She \\tlffJt:ll' aboilu not l.n°"·mi;. w~ her ~11'11.IIS"cJ in \lone ye.I. The final c:lt$~ will be he.Id MXt She 1• dcci,ioo "''ill he mnde when lbc bolll\J c.arrrlot 2.0 ctcdil'> ind Jr ,<.he lasb 11 n,ccu agn.ln 1n May.

fntctts:ttd 1;1uclcnu lhou.ld p..:k up packct.1

c:001al11ln.g: 1pph(atlo1u1 allh< ASN IC oil'"""" u,. - floor of the SUB. ASNIC ofricm an: required to mainlllin 11.5 GPA as wc.U a, ""'Ofk at least four office houn. per wcc:k. o«.ceri an: p:dd (ot 1bcir wort' with Mloria nuigina Croan $100 a n,or'tlh for tcn.llkll'\ w $200 I mon1h (or


Applk:atloni m~t be 1un.:J in by f'riday April 12 For lnfonn~IJoo con.txl Lhc ASNIC c>ffiec Id 7fh. 776 1

Food Services offers challenge

l lle Mukct.. Edr,cartd Cup and Bo&\\ocll Buuo h.lvc chnllcagcd dac colnc cunpo1 co a compct11iQn. The COl\1f,;t i, tot.« wbo can ~uppl)' chc mos, 1tc-ms ror We. Sbocbo.1 Trusure Projcc:1 ror Cocw d'A ICl'IC',Cbi~'"' VH l,gc.

Pood Scn·icei "ill dcli,-tr tbc boles'° I.he <:al)' dtrk's office. on Ar,-11 l9 t l I( any dcp:utmcnt cum~ in ffl('« t1wt lhtua. Food

Sel'\llctt will buymtmtwollugc~ IUld 12 \Oft drink,:. for in fomw1on on lhc Shoebox Trca.<iurc project c.atl Ctuldrr-n•t:

Vill>Jo a, 667-1189

Achievement Award to be give n to faculty

N~ un: now bcU1111e«p1cd (or eand1d11es (or the NIC foaDdllWJI Faaill)' {\dticY'ffllcnt A~·.ud

Faculty may be nm110111cd by s1ucxtlQI. in,uuclionaJ vice prnadctit, 1nd othei" (-aw.II)' 1ncmbcn.. lmlruc«)(I Wllb fou.ror n,ore )'C-ltt to,1)h'fflle'nl in cll.nroom 11l$tJ'UdJOt'I 01 NICAR: digiblc (or shcawitnl

1bc wlnon{s) will be d«idcd on cn,cn.11 ioch 11.S dwrooc:o crrcc1.1vene,~ lnd prol~iM1il 1:rowth.

The 1WMds., Sl.$00 ror one (xuJly mornbi:r,nd S500 tach for twoOl.bc:n. will bcpn!5Ctl.1¢Jattorumeottrncnt Mayl7.

Nom.ina,,ow, must be submitted 10 Ult VJa: Ptcddcnl («

Jns.truc:uon·somcenohittrtlu.n-1 p.m.April l l.

Fm 1nforma11bn i,."()111~ P:itn Catlin •l 769--))0;S

Book by local author availab le in SUB

The Mlc:a PtaL Eat:hlUlJ< Ju:u ra'Ciffd I mipmcnt of thc.aetA·

no,el, ibc Resort by JJ. Huot«

The fte\Ol'I hlld II\ dcbul II.I !ht Pacific: t,fon,hv.t-\l Boobcllm

COClfcrence- and wa, fo111~ in an an.idc in die Cocurd'Akmc


The. C~ur d'Alene Ret,Qtt play~• central role:. m tbc OO\'CI a.., lhc:

IIX4tionc11Mcoby 11 t.tart0rto Amctlc11 inbJ.1ql.)QI 1()scll II r,c\l, J)'

d1~'''-'ftd nuclt.!ll fonnulo 10 fortlgn powers.

1bt. publbbcn. priCt"" i> Sl4.9S. bu1 d1t NlC bookuort L\ e>tfcri:ng

11 IO~~n r,1t$J l .9S. ThcbnQ\:..\.t\X\' l~al'tOClffaing IS pcrccn1 off otbn genera) bOOk puu:hilio when 1'bc Rc~n L$ pu~bllSN. Market offers smoothies; ice cream soon food $a\.'icc·t Jatc.c,t llddiliOI\ ts 1tic Sour Cinpc, Smooth~ BJ1t locllk'd In the: M1Ukt!I or d1e SUB. s«u-Grapeiarrcrs mnny fla,·on or t.mootb1c, made with rruu. huh Juice, )-Ogun .-.nd mUk 1a.11d ill opra from 10:30 un. lO 1 p..m. d11d)'

Speaker: Pornos claims energy conservation key to ,1opping planel's demL,;e CC1nfil,Ul'dl'roml.l A(rii,:av.,a.,fcno,. No. I uuuhlcJC\1CIOnr1nwhenucunctodetnt ~panj,iQo 11c wJ lba& Afra u: tbc tasttlll•&tQWins con1lncn1 In the world. Twenty.tive )'!!AB (rom now. it,. popubtion will boou up to 1wu billion people.

G lobitl dilnlir tbnngc ¥o iu oho fflCfltk>Oed

""The L&.,t IS )i:40 ha,<c bcr:o the hott.e&t )'C2"- he wd.

He .-,·c aiolutloo to llu,CIIV!iy <bkcnl1\ll He$11d I.hilt i(wc \\'t':fe

10 Q.llUCCVC C'Ol''IY WO \l,1U j;lyt DOI only rocmey. bul 1bo http f,:l~ dloplanc1. To 5bow lhc h,gh mL-.ump1.1oa nuc. ol lrt:\h \\--atet. Foron:i. expllincJ lhae 011 OJ J)m):llC of w•ier ij dri1\bbtc the ltil.Li either ~tt +,r,'IIAl:f", Ill the North and South PiJkot ot otbcrwbt: undrinkable "We con fllWil)11 find a ,ubsiitutiQl'.I forQil, t,iJI, \Vt. an nevtt lind a ~ubw:MCI for \\1llet," he 5flld Ho b,t p:1101 Wt ht made. w~ the tu:1111 on or g:rnta- male ~bib1y. He combined fo;11 ;ckas ll•olhb!ientnl ~. bc111,.: in,proo,'t'fflf"f)i o( (cmidc litemcy Ml employment vppClrlUI\IUtf With ~. rnf.ntlt mortalll)' hu IO be reduced IO LU 10"~1 kvcl, Ital C()Uph:1 have IO hove ~nov..kdge11od 11.0ordable CXJ)tnse to COi~ unupt'l,.1cd ~,:rumde1. 1be iattroooOC'Ction belW"Ct':fl: wc'R IOWI tnV1R)l\mtnl


p.-:r(ormuce uoder our1»hlidln"', \\'C dart ~y I.Mt wc~going IO !ICCI oon:lllWL'd de\fa5bltioo m Ute (orco()orut.01 )'Cll.JS."

Birthright can help you. -free pregnancy tests -community referrals -infant & maternity clothing 923 Sherman Ave. Coew· d' Alene 664- 1390 1-800-550-4900 24 hour Ho/line

HundN:d,o( i.tUiknu racuJty merobcn and communic)'

lUt'ltlbrn 11howtd up to the m:cnt bnanJ of 1rusaees

meol1o.g wbm: the~ o( C\Mling )po,11 ud lel.::hrucal

1,'!ft)lnlm, ~,a, II'>~ dcciJed.. Tho,,c •'ho ~,kc 1fitd t.o "w-ay

bo:ard mrmbtn,, bul !heir rt5potl.!toe llCCnled Ol'lmpbccnl

To all~ ln llteftdwx:c. l1IICCfflCd 1ha1d,c bQo.N ~lmply

1&A(Vt'd the. p lca.1 cif 1tudc:nt.,, faculty nK'mbi:n anJ communit)'

mcm~ wbooffettd lO 11,~Jt.:h t lhlc:11c l'OQ.(~ u a .aluaion

10 MJ1nC rn the budat• t111t

Tbi1 hasbcl--omc the i»ue on (f.lnput. oliec:li.og. more dan jws l hi: .\luJcnlJ dartt1Jy im·oh'Cd.

NIC places h~ bN l1nc*fl in the h1mcb ol board members., yc1

1f dto hoard mc.inbtn cul p l chdr bcallhJC\I program,t., Ibey arco'c loolon, out (or the sch~'" bcsl lnl.Ct«t

But Y.'C tnu.\ft'I (~e v.-hcrc lh6c ft'\'C'Hut. P(llblcnu

origin11it'd, lfil hldll'tbc:ic:l'I fora huge t..L\ tcfuml w.iacd wt

)'Clll, "~ nu.p, 1m he ahlc to Wlf.Ch a 11prina b;ucbillJ giuue nclU

)Cat Idaho ,·Oleff n«d 1n nxoa,titc th.ii ln ekctioo,. co corrw:.

SmCC' lh,~muc ~!I ifllO a.II :UCJ.\ c.r ourcumru.., we dcicid(id 10 dcdkacc G good ponion of OU'r from pa,e 10 \be trmtltr.

To II few on~u,rr. ,he bsuc ol our fronc r ll.£(' lic:Mlhnc wu .1

4Wck dtbille. Jt. our opiruon lt'Ui QJ imo ®r Pllf't'f b) NMUI& the btlldl,oe w b1g?

But the Edttono.l twl' found JW,Ul'k:at.ioa (or this. A,. a 11tUilt:m.

OC'o\\po.pc'f, 11') out ttjp00~1blt1ly IOC()n\'C)' tbc OC\.\f \.\ llhouf

1my b,.,,, 8111 in lhj!I nr.c. it ju(! .o h:ippcn• di..e ft'.l:aJotily or

ll,c:, ~l\.ldcm, · opjruoru. mlLlebc,. our own

BIil '-"~ Attrt lhconly pt()f)Je "'l1h w_u(f itiovc the l»uc.

Rocentty. (ovr i.ruuui:ton illd a lOOy about 1hr: kncfilll or switc hinJ 111blctic coafmoet• Tbe)' pre!ielltl.'d 11111.isl~

nigali.Uog lbc low C PAi uf tbc ~1uik11t.~ ~11o c:omrc1c in !he

SWAC. Their «search almcd n1 pnwnWng Prctcidcnt Mic-hod

81,rtc tu~wiltb to clo.sC':r k:u prctCJ1km, Nonhwesi Athletic

A~4(1Cil.t&fln of Comtnlll\lly Colkgc,(NWAACC). which woukl keep ~udeni. clO&Cr 10 home M) I.hey could atttnd mQre cl11.~

Yrt. lhcdc-..dlh.c to"',\'Uth rorNWMCC \\'M Mlltdi31.and the board b.\ ycc to m;akc l dcrcistoo rognn:hng d1e budget cuti.

With dut optlctti, )'OU'Y'C m* a big mi,, hoard. How

CIIQ )'tiu hooolly U)' )'Ou·~ k)okina forwhul', in NIC's bat

tnktt,.l wi,en )'IO'vt igntffi.l a po.<.Siblc .olullon ca• lem

WI \I, ilJ r,c:g.iti,'dy 11.IT«t our ,ilUdcDIS?

Bow down ro



Trustees need to represent public - not B


Oh, lM Mont':Syou'D(nut) hear

E\cr wonder what they arc noctclli.nJ)'Cll.l?I s.un:do.

Uete:'\ • link bil on 11,baJ uuc

Morie~ you \\'l)D'I read ill 1lie

Stftlltl('I JA)l1D~ MlQf'I.

• ~portm ca11gh1 wmd o( • l'ClJI)' bod l\lffi<ll' di.I woa1 ii bntotbe~ ,\pplllCMI)', on,e tcochr.r (\loilo (hoSc to rt'maut lUIOClymow.) blOWll I few ecumrlcs of c,1u1111 i'ft"""'""I in•aructon

I.O p;ls.s wstudcnt" a lhlc1et Th,c:

ln«ru..."'l«~:lld he fe3,r,. forOO

Joh l(hc V.C'r'C IOC'OUIC' out and \I) $Ol'l'ICthina publicly.


rroblcm~ Fini. he'$ Ulc

11. 11a,1h or 1Jamiutnt1M


forw~d Ibo problc.m. and

i«aod, lf roai;hrs att

PfC,sunna 1.exbm

, 1lllkn1.1oJOdlC)·canplayonlhc:

tcan1:t.. "'h>· dots the wtccbllJ hl,-c MXh :1 Jc;rw GPA?

• Ru.ntc'.lh- tui,·c 00\VII MOOnd about the ba.~U k;llft onJ

drug"~· Tbc: r:1Q1vc unknolli n e.xKtly boc:11t1\0 no

n1tc •Wld cornmcnl and oo

pola« rcpon mcsns flO<:IOf),

But. hey, \I, ho cCMild them ff Ibey ¥.ffltttin,1Thcc, did Ju.u linJ out lhcy 'i\OOld

ha.,.c 10 liDd M'.lrne"'hcrc cho 10

pt:1y b~..cbcalJ ,omtt lhaa they


• Rc, Rlclwd Bcvlol, *111

n:ccntJ)' fired lj WtlJ I\ another iruttwWr, &t then: h no )IOC)'

lk:rt bl.\',•.;1.the h',apc,sannc1 i+.suc and the"imuon

con·, coo:lmcral on 11 I gUC\1o I can wxk:t\&IUld the in.11NCtot. but lk\1ra" " , en ftsurt oa~ I liken OIC , to Prt\ldcall eu,h finog Cohn l)o"''dt and tl<M

1e.lhns 1he pubhc tahout u. True thu 1.u muUi:n,l1U11.tt00 bu1 ii aW.1,~ "-" ln,ro,t11.n1lhing for the public ,u blow

Did )'CIH kno"'!

S0ttt,,JJ CCJOCh Don 0.0 Wlllumu it TM&cc RoUy·s d~i.'f·rn•b.w IUl(j boskcihaU cood> Cq Crimp I, hi, iOCl·in•bw? K.wd or cllnOl.tS

IUDCC ~lhc, o( I~ Jporb ILft on 1hc chopping bloc-k.

Stupid Bumpt~Jek t r Rnduometbln& hte. cbc re,-oluboow•"*·, ,,..on\l,1th a rtJ1,1eted IUll Hile CO brC1IC h to ) OU man, 1hc revolUhOII v.•an't won wich • rocm,1wionwitK' AK~7 c-hha. 0otsn•1 add up eo,· Ken1pc.horw -.-u at Canr1idd MMldk: Seboof ~11Uyl0:,.a.gnabi:ll th.11 1110\\',\ ftit a petC01t11ge qi~ in mition of the 1Cl dollar lfflOll:nt lhat Wti pn:Y1tJud)' ID plac<. Whil< lbc:I<. be:balMb.. Wpicd unJ. th:n g;i\ e the pen lO tOmt kid$. t Cl.ti Ju.)t im:aa,nc 1hc bib nmnmg home and J,hooling, Mommy 011ddy. klok v.MI I go&.1c'id,c: pen wt J*Jlled 1hcbill lhlt 'll.1ll rnale you i»,)' men :utJ more 111 tu.loon C\Cf) )W-! lvfc 1tw uc11a11gl'" Pbm.nln,t mi.x:..ip JI'• doubtful Jhal the C1I)' a.1nsidatJ lhb. wou:ldn't 11 bl\'C h«a b:tlcr jf road cu1uuu1.1,0n was hcW off b.l) 1hct-Pt>f)COl'nr'Clnlffl•-«k. Btit he)', OOW PQOPIC h.l;\'C I f'C'all)' aO()(l fSC-'U)C for hdn& llllc.


llK' Sc:nUt1d Y.dl'1llrnca kttmu, the.cd11.or

h'• reall) tOCI bad ao op, nlon llC.:d- to he wrltl.Ctl cxptrdnin1 lhc OUIJll~t. a1K1 do"' n,ngbt qi,o,uoilAhle KUon:~ 1b;11 out Pfl!\idcnl and bo«N of 1~1cc na.:ml'lcn. lll1: pc-rform,t11 h'nad 1n ffl) opimqn Hw can f be prood of th,;: 1.Chool'• narua,,:oncnt when I 1o1,.'Cl lhc pmn<lCnl ~nJ the hck\rd wnung u:p p11pc:N w 1111,dc:. c~Hvunuy aml Nl.\Cb.aJl hl:n die:)' don't hi.veto? Dt~ llfC bc1n, •hlWCrtJ. and they cuulll catt 1er,.,. If lbc)' did Cffl'. they wou..ld dQ \loh11&' 1 ng.hl Uul lbc} 'rt nut. nnd h'• m,nd-ht>UU... to 1111.y db.- lc<llL 1'hc:)' nctd t.o Q\"C moocy -OK S'l'l 11 So. boy, are W)' fl'WB k.J d4J 111 Wdl. tht'y \I.Al\l k> CUI a• lt'f lhn:c l'lldrt la~ fn,m lhc atJIJdic l'ffll'IM ~ff'. tlJIII WiJI M\C RIOOC)', bYt jt, ~lhic:;11 1 I, Ilk n11h1ahil•J lrl do1 Abwluldy na1• Here'• boW 1br1:ttls dolA'll; U lllhkta~ trllil\Ucmxl in$01hc NWMCC. oor pmNem,, \OIQU.ld bC' soh'Cd. We .,.,.oold aa\'t monc-y Dr, Burtr w:mh, and 11.e ~n·1 ha,T ta C\M any t=nu Bud.:.t. did )OU ht#t th,fl We \l,·oukto·tu,·~ ID cut MY tc-1u11~.

,~ ;:;;:;"' °' OJlliOB

d,spl•>'"' <IIOOl1.plnt !be bciilrd<•f truatcct mc:c:una. MtJreih11.n ::.SO rcoplc '"'I ,me.oded the Manter n,ccuna. "hir;h Wli' r(lit"Ccd 10 mo,·c in10 111<' Ll._c COC\lt J'Alatt Roon1 due 11, the nvcrwhclmm1 n11tnda1,c.'C. S1uden1-1u.h1c(CI, r11cully and c:o,m1111.1nl1y 1octnbcn uh-J .llnd ple-lkkd \1ii11.b Rwtc :mJ 1hc boatd 1ochang.c thei r 1n11)(b, The \Uth JU\t ••' there pretending li ke they Clll(d 81.tri:1! WU "\ak..itl.(J OOlh" Of •II 1bc ,pc#l.c:R .ticur1i hkt i.e. "-4.' v.ritina c,t,o....,.1hc1r s~iom. Nice cry. h wti bc•utiful ~ing 1~ i,.tu.tcnn pour 1hc,, hcart!J out 10 dic:;;c ~rd mcmbcr.f 11nJ our prc,tdtnt. hut 1t \l.'I~ lun1 k0(1\Uoi the ,ualt lll01'1 llktly uJready

made &heir dcetsion. Why m. the~ aw-tiJoe?

The bo11.1J mcmbcn 11CC."d 10 M:n<JW 111.k~ M) nc." hmc tind tl11 nk ,boot du, .Upf!01cdl)1 ttpre~I tht COfflffllJl.\il}

1.ho k'hool pro,.ldrnt. Members al'° n,c;in11 rtmandlna them JU\t cucth • cJ>e) jlOt,cn, M)'\l.,\y. Wc.klol

I.he: ri.gtn mote b. Why dot~n·1Dllf see. this'? \\'hydoe1tn ' 1®rprt'si.Jm ,Ju,?

I've beu.n.1 oct lhat etu.\1vc &J'llfli:'* me:1nl)c.11 a• the (acuity who ha\ ,: v; "''ith rl'lln)' ~dcul\ rcc1 lh~li&OII be But C'\ firq big rnl~ke. A ml~ bc*i, going 10 n:~t.. Out'kc hnHaid h1 the IOCl\1 BC"' di.,1 hc·\a run~ 111,d A'°1'11SC'hallfa'

Pl~. If be w"nLS 1c, do n \tllOOur c:onw, toutinc. our St\ldt':nJ E\-enb bJ,ud. prob:tbl) find tum a lime sloi us the

Same-sex paren ting danger ous for childre

P¢thap) bc11cvin1 O•lai ll Ulcv.,,rld.,.,hin

co, Jfa:n R(MJe

O l)ciooc:11 c:unc: wl ol thcCICbCL

~c)1::.:= In Rmi,cll voice eoUc:cth't" Dunne people of 1hc. warld mrondcJ v.1ltl a rc'Wtlding. "No ~p But IPDf'C timcrthn-1 UW\ O'Dann,:ll 11tinbn& 1,,:r oll<~«I b..'kro cowrv.a, fooling 11nyooe i, her nc\\· c:1111 to amu. gay (Yrcnti:ntt Unf0t111n01cly.1ht wide atldc or Floricltl bib found it..cll in Lhe:tjs;hl\ ofO'Oonndl', KD0$h •lia,_&3hoc. Af~1ll. 1hc Ultg.1Ji1y of g,y <>iloptloo b lbc '"""' uphill ~"lie IOJ Rm.le and her "Chub Ctuh.' 11see.rm tN1 0 10onMII hll put dc,v,rn hrr Oaa; Clf fllr)' 4.glarl,tgunl'OOINI top1d; Ufl 1he na1nbo\l.-wl0ffii of O.. ~'11Y righU, mo,nneat. Not unly does this "~td in

oJl&\\011 htt Ith.Hp tnto I fflOR tbk 1n11,on1y group, bm 11 (on."a oSl'J'CXiUon to on~ npm dn~11 dt:it "il.Wnous c,f locb.y', i,nllllcitllyiDCOmet morabtucl \1UUl!'j h Ct"l'lainl) 1, no1\Cttdtblt1 m1my duldn-11 m tbclc .c!opdon ~c-ncics need 1 lk'lntc 111,d p:irtnt" tu ld'w-r the.n1, o·onnndl ~gge,ll.

Yet wmdlov.• l t\'t!Wn ,kl•ptical ~1 U>c hkc,. ul bool·"\\eatln.g. ~ldr1<111t.~ri.g ltotbwt, iJ lbc be:i.t family \ll\lClUr'C for a }OIJn,s UUptt.<.~rorubk c-bllJ. nu, ·11ou.~1d" (0,1,'C$ lht ehild d1rtell)' inlO II ct\auo,·t•111ilt..1 llfc'>l.)-I~ l.h.ilt ridkule .1nd t.'\11\lentiort I\ Atll fil-r (!'QIU Pcfha?\, 8:tY f\lltc'ft~ can provide ,helter, thro: hUU anJ • rot.. tiu1 ,hou ld Utl, he:~, lhc W\J of 1bc: childhood onw lninlcd \j,ilh CXJ'.)()8,Utt' to I.he B1r,J,. and the Bee, a.., lnld ~)' Rk.hru J Sunrtklmt 'rbc h.'t)' f11et 1h11 Ame te.X couplaan'I ttprodu"'° tell "' n ,1un: mteoJt'd dtffntm h n:1ruuns lhM • chdd ha.c muth more to &un from a bnme v.hcre he l\ na. the

• R,pn,n. l'booopphm""' Anno

• Awllda

' Minify \\'oll nxn

LIIL, O-,. ,.,,.,,_ lamn-CII, .....LIIIIII

Jorv, R"'1labl

\iuriah Bcaway ScaaGannin, l:.n Orov,a Rcb=alunlt 0.,1d Bulc•d Omllelmidl l R. a.uu. -lana O.vid<oo _...,.. Emily O..lct r..,s.-..

0.¥iallollllt Andy l'cm Mnrpo V Koly Daley Tna WallaD Ruudl Duno,, Cralt WirHdr..,.AoMn ~WWial

PM:.E.C Tt«' SENlNt ...... = H oney islhili f)hly • = • ....... :::II fo(id that iloesn' I • = • >- ~poi! • -= • 0 •
IWHAT WE THINK Board need s to regard s tudents ' bes t interest
wtio 11ubntit kttm Im.Kl htnl:l lbc:m co 300 Y.'Qtd,. \lgn 1hffl1 lqib1y and provide. a phMe number m ocdct to ,cnfy llulhtfllk:ity. Son'II! 11:tktl ni.t.)' not be j'lf"lmed bequ'\C o r q>aoc llmiooion,. or t,«w1e1 they I ) 8n' !im.1111 to a nunlbcr <ti kile-l'l nJ".-1)' m.c,.,·cd on lhc 11tme ,;,ubJl.'Cll. 2) llf'e' po:s.t1Ny l1bcloo1. or l) art 1llcJJtlk. Th&, St-011ncl n ·e"' die n J ht t0 nlil k'Uel'!li, l ..ettrn, miy be m.i,lcd w 1hc Scnll.nC'I, c•nmlcd, t •xcd I'll' bsov3tu 10 Room 5)ol lhe S1tbcf1 OuUdlAJ. Tiic Se1u.l ni:ol' " llddtes.Sr it 1000 w G-., A,., Con,, d',\ l<oc,ID. 31~14 Ph00<:(l08)769 )388 FIX {208t 769-J J 89 £.mai l: Senuncl~nk' N u W mHf:S04V, APRIL,. OPINION
:S:;~~: r
Jcny Manier
lo,h Sa.duo
M.u ~t.t
Bcby O.kuio

Lf11ERS 10ard mi g ht b e

~ding som e thing

ts ,au1.k ol I I N IC. 0\1: t1he pblt.cVH

', 1p ,·c lllltnikd mo,1 borne twl.U::tlb11 ll , I anJ '-OCIX1 aiu~ I am ,.,ill 1ryi ns

~'411 \\ h) lhlll •lwn ol a ,iubhc - bt1d l4<ll Wcdt1ttdlly n atu

JcC'l~'B hi\ bttn mAJe tnd Uwn 1,

1h11" " be sauJ 10 c.hance l.he mi oct,.

rn,1k•n1 1hto J ec~Mm. I. a, a uu.payc:r wan1 IO btUHIC'lly v.hai

anil ratiOnllc ~·cl) U-.)Cd to mil.kc 1hc:

IO CUI try 'i\llCClcbiul plopllll)~ tlDd

,n • Ooundcn n1, L"OrJiereoce th11.t our

Jtt(OC)W>tenlly in lhc )O',\''Cfhlll( i f,.'l!IOfflO(, ., 1rommllnny i:ollcgc. I Wlinl 1hc

11.1 rt"J)ru(fll my C'()Cnmuni1y. not 1he (Ol'l HttW ma.n)· bfdw: men'>

11, player, hA\·e in -,:fin )C1"1 , lb.a' lft411ct, bow m:tny w iJhdnw

itly alter 1hi:i sca.\00.ju,t prior 1g

1l d illC

"\Ill b lbe plllJ)IJ.c or, corumu.nlly "11 11Ktlly ,mpona1u h> the 1itudett1

11 oppo.\t'd t o II fl:wdful or ~m.10

111,"'U1..lnnal'"CUfffcrc-occ,oriu1 more

.c, panicip:ilion And itudc111

,,tlfll'o, ~ia a ThuDdll)' •nd S:r.1urd4)'

,cro1be"N.WAACC lfU1t10af'C'~ll

lbal "--c need to drop team5. 1hc11 c:m

,titre pol-,1t,te. 1 do noua~ v.h.nJ

,.k'nl Burtc AthlctN: 01r«10f llc;,dley

:,,1tCW1lhw1\.\~y. lJmo\in3m,d~

\ACC l.:&vn.SJOO, dicn 1noH~.

It "1C AJr: At !I, fflJi)'he U\OVillg 10 the

"'CC' ouJd cre;ate a 1nu:abe>n whtrt:

1t,1i1dl-ll cux~ could arrango

la ,md lf'll\'d? ut·, ix. th11i '11,·()tdd

lot ll1e clinuuatlOfl (tf 11.00lh('f pu!¢ilio,r1.

cc,®" rm1nun,, 1c:k:hen,. why ooc


JR' t~ people h1d1nf' ThC't1: i•

18 ,·cry li\h)' w 1h !ht' WJY tltis h.a•

bDdJC\11 Smtih ofOooJ d)' boyb.wk

1a me I dl.1Uc:nsr: f'rc.,ldcri 1 Burtc m

,i die 11tuJcn1 body. Aft.:r llll it h; our

Ld the uuden1, vote' S\\'AC «


IDl)·bc \li"C' nc:tt.11<' \l,·Wu I• n,quJred -01

Jidl)r/'ri<j.l S1t1dt,11

·~ \'Ct) hurMn Ill lhc NIC h•II

Wt': h.t\C' lO \\'ntk l,,gc_tbcr Ill

olo<ii-t...1 ~•·rc.i1•goodpcoplc•

11f tny,1.alr, ll11inkthc),a.reJrCIII ttt rule, bci ng timkcn. Ibey ate rl()I t,JttthclrJ..ih c1ru. eOOCU11,en1('J

Majority: switeh leagues

Sun'C)' l"C\Uh\ •tt rmm clu~~ 1auglt1 by te,e11 h~tructo" l~t week.

AbcN1 300 \lucknl- p;a,n,c-1p1rcd

.tlKlft)DW>U'II)' m Ilk' ®ISMl(l&'tUi!ic i\lh·ey, 'Wb ith WII~ eoard,min-d h) i.pcuh tn\lJUClot

Moo.a Xlln;c-r Noc all ,11udcnu. aru,"\\·cn:d all q UC'\h(l(I•

lt. A~vnc whup;i,y1o lu1th1C'l 11ni.l wnco '.\Uppon lhe «>llcjC', 1nonl.")' spc-Ol on LUPP,RUIJ a ti:a.'1.c1haU ,com 10 r l 11y ID lhe ~h.ampil111\.t,hip3> 111 1mpon.ant to me

A Truc-t i' ,CJ9r<rc<111)

B. Faltc- Dk, r.t6p:tcfflt)

2). Ou1,-1dc CW any 1c:un l ra,n.i,;1pAtc oo. J •Ucnd•

A More l hllft lhr« a1hk 1ic ~\·cna o ycarlOll. t H percent)

8 thM th.rec - 6l lll pct\;c:11()

C None - 133, (4fi pc:rccnu

3). Hid I bttn •b,cnt from 1hi1 oat dau. i.1

10 c-1gh1 11mct this ,anc.,kr by uud1c-rm. acaJcmk.1.ll y l +KOO ld f,( Al>oi ng'>ff-11-51 ( 16pct«-i111

B Barely pa. .,,f\l 101 t.W J'ICl'.1."l'lll

c Mo,1 l ikely f111liGs - 149 do pcre~·nu

.a,. U I U.CfCI C1U1}'1nt a lull 1Cademk load of ll-1S cmHcc thc,IC'ruc'>tcr and wcrctoh.lV1: mlMCJ ,ii lod,ht(l(myd1.>-'b by m1dter1n. 1 w<iuld t,c,

A Doing wcU-29 (ftl~tl

8. Bartl)' paMltl!t - 1111 (4tl rm:rnll

C MOlit llkc l)' flllhng - 141 (SO pc:Ncnt)

A group of students supportrng • move to the Northwest Alhlouc Assoc1allon ~1 1

C ommunity Colleges hang a ·SWAC dummy" oarty morning March 14 In prole.L The dummy dlcfn'l last for very long, however Maintenance took tt down wi lhln two hours o f It being placed near the lront of the SUB

Answer is clear: NWAACC!

A• m)' h111orn1n ln~·nd him, 10

S&)·, ·1'hc fl·"• O ~lvdc.

"hvm,ni ho "naht. lcf1; look .-.1 the pil\t or the'""" alhklk:

t'Oflfr"IICC'.' tJ~1 SIC mi1t11 logi".dly p.uu~·ip.;,tc m alld rcllr<t die h1t\)rt lh:it C.aiJ,n~h mlJthl (njoy in them ~ti\'c:ly

;'llf11t.hv.e~ """'nmunlt)' rnlktt'l"

.athletics ws., fott.,.tr cl1ani"t'd • when ~,ien ~(hooh r,u,n tbc OC'CAJ\ 101ncd 1bc SW/\ACC ftX J9R).J9~~~,n merga h!:-tv.C'cn lhc

W:t.\hin@h)Q •nd ~-'loll cc,l~,~ h.t\ hd('N the °'\WAACC bccPITk a ~IJ Olg.&tU1,&hUQ s,nLt IQ~. nlt1COlhcrcoUtg(' tine ai.lJcd in1em.1llc11A1t"

.1lble1k.1 a1uVdifb«~nM' NWAACC 1nrmhcn To.J..y, the SWAACC 11:1\ J6 mcmbcr~li. mating ii the l.trl,'.~I ,m.glc t.onununit) cc,llcfc tonfc:1c-no: In 1l1c United,. (NWACC Wc&.111,c. c-rnJ)N,CJ,. •d..kd} While 1he SWAC Wcb11tC' h11d

nn ,ump.arabk nu11,rn11 ,1111cmttt1I I could IOC',1tc. h dnc, nfltc-· Th.: ~c-cn1,: Wc,t A1hlc1ic Co1ifctcnt"i: 1SWAC) ha.\ 11 m"mhc-f c-oUCt:<"' 1n Inc ,!iltc11 (ll111h. CQt11raJo. Or"a,,n, :"\\."V.1da .wt! IJJlml'" Lee \It hmhcr(',lA•1dt"t, bt")"l'C\('t. (blll l\l.\l SWAC" M:h1loh ouc cntntuill)" fuut·)C'1.H 1n,t1hJ1tn1t1 a11d U1.1h \'•llcy1 :md tbat of the m<mbcu arc lc11'"1nt: Refkm 18 CPtl\Jl"lll4c,l1 fff1.""..l\Ufl"" Valli:) Rkk!. ai•J Valk)·) Sh11uld lbc C..nhn•h' fu11,11c lie \\ilh a fM.fluni, un\111.lik or ""uh • J)'u.o..ntlc ll()WUlj ,:nn(('J('IW::C 1h1iir pt~\·1dc.• (()\l•C'fft<li\'(' cnmr,cuHon fl"lT autl'icnh~ ,tullcnt ,t,thkw1·1 Tu ftk 1hc anw,cr h clc11M NWAACC.NW/\ACC NWJ\I\CC, O,, C.1n.l• Oo'

!I). lf •c mu,l lecr .nh leue team•. J kJIJ u.~ change league~ or drop 0o1hc.r, ,o '.'i$\'("


\. Chonf(r k:.a1ue1o - 2(t,) (90 ri,crcc:110

8 <.\it h,e ICIU)II - .ll r 1n r,crccnq

Most important aspect: st ud e nts

Ai Nonh hhbo Cullcgl'.' am.I tb,: ,mnnw.nU) htt1 uvn 1hc prc,pa,,c:J i;-uu, 111111,(' a lllklk r1..,,riu11.. I 1h111l 1n;an}' r,;c1plc:att 1ll'im,1hr,1f dk' n1tl'II

imJ,onllJU a.~1: th,: ,1udcnJ1.. Wit.bout

1hc ,1u&JU-..1lll.'r~ 'o\OUld be DOC<JlkJ~.

1h~I'(' would I~ no Alhl~iA: rro1nm. ltflf 'A'tkJld dll('h' tliC :i beautJful 1;.1mpu) ncx.1 10 l.llke. Ctlt'Ut d'Alene AthlNie\

ilfC no11hc hwt 11.tdcno UJ.:'. Whit\ "on«n1, 11'1( lhc mo,.t i• thc lea.r oJ dc"KcJ mind, b)' 1br,,c "° 1mp,:1rtat11 to 1~ d«hlona. We Ju1.\c ht.itd public oommcnll Imm ..C\'Cf'I.I of out Tnt\l«s •.1.y1ng th.111hc) hil\C

oJttJJ)· m..iJc their JL'Ci:,1on Aha 'IL-clnr the'.' numbe r:,, tlf the r<"-~1l•1ht)" of mo\1n1 cnnfmntt,, 1J.ll\'l.tlf all !>opon_'-atlJ taVto!'. lbe IOJDt if noc mo,~ m~y. I 1111,oovm~:i:-d th111 thctt .uc utbaopc.oo., thlu 0.1'(' oot Ming ulic-1\ ~~)·. l hn,·c hr-atd a.II lhc u1.u1nct11• for ,tayin~ tA die swAC. but none or thr.m l,('(ffl ti) th<'! rllm,n:aht1Q ot QJIPOf"IUfll l)' lot ,Ul<ktlt, 10 anl'.'nd North ld:ah-1 C<1Ucsic :0-c:c-J J ~n11nd t''tff)'l1'1C l'tf the

,1.1tu• ul ~1C' ,\ commurut)' coll,c~ u dcu1o,,eJ lu '~"~ 1h~ oommunlly •nd tui ,tudc:tlb. A •Uflp.l!>Cd "'h11hct lc\·tl u1 cu111pt1i11011"' ,loc•n'1,C1.·m 10 be l!'Xpandin¥ bunun riotc:nual cnhMu::ma 1hc cqu11h1y or 11ft neatty :.~ mud, a\• hl;:hc:r cJuc.at11m l"hd!oC IUJ}a "outlmcd t,y the NIC mmtOC'I ,tatcmcnf arc bcin,: 11u1 In \tr1®'jwpJtd)'

I'm rioi writm.c co Jl\'C any &nJ\\'-CD.. I am 11mply v.nllns co po-.c ',C!\C:~J q11tsijon,. and lo make ~\ff.LI chall.cop I "IUIJ at u 11\.k lht Boa.rd and the w1no,u1li1t II). well. 10 ttmember 1M: m~1 imporun, people ,n lhl~ debate. ,ti.: \ludl'lili Rcmewbtt 1ti..1 ,1o • 1,111dcrit l'IQdy ,ppro,um,nci)' -1.000 ,1mttJ:, \\'~ lh! the- h11urco( 1h1, i.omnw.ouy, th~ 1-1..dc. lhis country arut lhh ·t"ll'IJ Tht"tlmrkii.lCllnf o ppottunil) for~udcob ,hou.ld lc.aJ lhc8C).ltd 11) ;1 Jcc1: 1nn

Chi1.1tWillMM6 ..\S,\'I(' Pnti,Jr,11

Senor Fro22Y

Specializing in fresh. delicious Mexican fOOd

79 cent Tacos

All day every day

10 % off for NIC Snidents & Faculty with co llege I.D.

71h and Shcm1un Do wntown Coeur uAkne 765-8522

Jeffrey Conard, 22, a law enforcement atudent from Sandpolnt gazH at !he hand of CM• Yount, ISP TrOOP"f and DUI lnsll\lClorot 17 years. Conard blood alcol>ol lovel waa 01.10 percent. The Trooper can Identity an lnlox lcated person when th&lr eyes move back and forth lo the linger tn sections r11ther than lluldly. Conard had bffn drinking !Tom 8 Lm, until noon In I conlrolled pracllca environment lor lellow classmates examlnatJon.

S.T.1. Tho7 wppli«l 1 ,""1ll sn,up or s:wdcnl" and ,·~ul'li«A. "'11h boc:tld ofbcc-1. Ourucb J•n. ,·adka. $00ldr. 1.eq11il1 asld mm T.aJ ~b. the ciun:piu- coordm t<'II', hid

ODO otw,~ &onl tor Lbc \~Unlt-m

10tt.x:h.. PO ST «l00fd1t1i11.cst.mlnc-nfot ,di ma.'\ and llll, been for the,1 16 >= PM ol p,auol pR)«'lliuro tn1i:mog i• tdenhf)'lftl drunk,, A,.,lk tmin ilum:ld and lo~ of fine nk'ltcir ~Ha. the '4udcc!b lt1t ,otunt«a for o&.hcr ,,gn, or dn1nk:cunC:1,.j. nic C(JfitroUcd M.lbfcclt. un1ICl}!O .~1and.1rrl 1e:sun,: f4'1t I\ drunk dri"c:r

Common tetb •ncludc hoomnt.a.l pie ft) 1i,1agnw, and mu 1Jcv11L1ion. 11 walk and cum. tac•co-wc: i.nd ,11 ~J ~•and,.,. one let: \\ hUc the other i'i 6 IDC."" ofl of the pounJ.. Wh:Ut" $01lk' Y}' dw • s,.\hcr pmon CllO 1ml lhc tN5. the

Health can suffer from stress

Counselors offer management tips

1,y~1 v..,IM .., .,,.!!,.

llo,plc m .i....ty .i.w,,.., by'"'"' b<foo:

Lhty I.Xlme to foehool~ then school~ trklfC

OJUntcl« Oocw, Rul'l,t JlliJ.

Runge I" me or the i.'Wn'Ckn on dltC

:kCc,od: flnat of die SUB in SWcbi1 SCt'\'icc:4..

She ~J ~lk' r<'l:h. ,.1/C',.\ 1~ a problem \I.1th

llloAll)' '1Ui.knu. fhould lliddtn.'Cd.

bcf<ft hurolltlt 00Cuf'4., Thctt arc two kind\ of~ pu11u,,: aid

AcJ.ICi\-C AcxudiJ-, ~i a pai~>l1kt "A Guide

lo,1'.nrulgui.g~ Jl'Wttl.iVC'ilntUtiUI

"'bdp )\'JU t<I Q.lnci:atnicc. foi:~ pcr(onn •nd

umofltrl hdp )VUloruc'bp:Di.<'ffiekney.'

Pco(,lc oflcn do their txu w«k ooJcr

aoo R'l,1ucfon rotlO\\,. \l.hiict1 C;V\ fud 11.

pct,on'• 1)1"'11 ('tltlca'o"f'lt

Nc,~,·c ,trct., oa."\U'\ when you can·c

,'!Chlit\·c tht 'Wlo1-\JW!ioo ftdmf aft(r nicct.1n1

11 CNllcng,e \1any lilWIUOIII an kcq,

Jof!JS°' )"'IIU JI.lid '°pUsll )~Nluua~., ' Unfortoo,;11d)", w11cn •tn:M. bcroun •

~um1 ,11 onit>U\S c)'C'k- )'Cllf hcat11t nnJ 'NC.II

bonsanl>l.dtcr. "'1hc p,1,lllllhlrt~

Nl"$.1ti:\'(' can be llnl:c:d '° bclllh

f'ITlbldrt, ho:n tic.d*-hc\ to he.ul 1111*::b

Oic f.irq ,1cp i, tO identify whtlt kinds of

~' Afl«1.\ )OOt hft', S&.u1 try ldc:nllf)Ul&

M>rnc of the wanun5 s.;pal1. Ph)'lic:aJ

,rmriom, IIICtudi! llf\)'lhiftJ from c,bvklll)

tt:IC'\.IUCl..1 IO~ (nlilJC,Sh."'an aod t.V.Cll)'

pilin.\t toUlha 1hlfl&.\ that au: C:Gtt\Cd b), in 1be looa nm (bocJc pain And '1CC'f"n1


8dunoru.J 1,ympom mdudc Cltt$Jl\'C' or Compuhi\>\" UIO\umption o( toed or Jrus,. a ~)' Ofm&agl Mllltlldc o( Ol.hc:n Mid - Emoooml '),nploo» mdu.k cr)'IJI&, anxiety, OCr\''QlbllCM. lK>rNktm, «!Jlne<t.onp""'lootli°""'

Wly.c:opilfVC JYfnpll'.lt'llS, include memory IC:.", bek of anbvtl) nrdc.arthoogbl

v.orry. lo,.sor ICIU(' ";JI humor ,nd inahihty io nwcc J«l,100:1 ). \Vhr:thcra, not a · h<.lda<hcood !'(,mlomc.,nb, llltnbl.llrt.llOtl

~·"''te:J.,ltwl, iJ> up 10 the: indl\·1<kul Run&< uid 1.im11ry,"'

lhclc1)~"11t1:hclr• pcnaa fia. the rn,blc:m.


!hdp fl'Qln a counsdo.r l~ al\41. up to 1 lhc imlividl&al. \\'Mr.,,:r the,hu..don may be, It J.-. alwi&r, toniiKttalL io:acoun'itlor

Tbe)' hnve ulltt!Jl UUQmtaUoft fhl~an hdp.c,'fflif•Jl('t'(lll11oo!y• Jmlt:

~"-5«10Ul. Runge i" JUU 0111C tbc re--.· CXllll\'•,dn!l "'ho an, tn1l!.bk:.10 )WJ.."Ott.. \Yu.U;-m 1ppo1ocmt1'1l• un: al~cd. Ruogc Md Kaut Kcl,o.~~,,.~.,ii.b.w.ll)"oJd:

.,..,th -\CULk'nb co r 'ducc lbrir 1'll'C$S Jc,·cls. Otbet av111la.Nc hctp fldl.kMt\ Li""'- Mkbal and P.111 Ot.,mcc. both bcalulg/fflln;t" prnctwoo:n. Tfi.ti.a Ru0$C , •niJlhc::r pi.'AOo 11.,.1ul.iiblc- Jd the coumchng CCfflC!t .iind spc,dalffl In W~r l,lo-fce&.ltwk lltb i?>ai \Gt of c:lcetrudN llllll plug• )lJU '°"" cheir~ mnn11«\ t11.Xblt ruo.:t101b It b tool frw i/Jcntdyin, wful ~u-c-.~ ll powr, L.a aoJ hQII. tu, or htt bod)' tcaet\ "'"~""The cot&Mek)N; arc u.l'IO aali><Jl•"""'l•"'l- If mother ··Stpc_ 11'' v.-c:rc io Ul:t'W, thet II.ti' uau1C.'d IO help e-.t..e people co tttp pinic anJ. ~u .i. • minim.I ltv<,I Akwlt9.1thl.hc ~n-don lune., flllln)' l~arca,·:til! IOI Wa)·,;10Copc W,th S~"'~ti~n,ogmgfrom 'kt JnVlliN in )'OUr hlc:.'" -1 "'get coough 1"crp to "W.C 11 bttbbJ~'' aqJ ''\Ult'h ii !llO'tie and~ popcall •· 'Copmlt With C".alle,o Sft~n: is a ,hon papn oo "Oe.llrni wld, 4 ctlblrr ol ltic clwlt<S "'Your Pttwct.11 S-1ttS50B'" 111d Slru) \\'1nUn1 Sia:nal\ ba4h deal ~'ILh idcald)'m.l tot1Nli1ft)wrli!c: F\• lfifonlllltiun. t'alJ the c ....,r1w-lmJotnce • 76'J.JJ70. llourt""'8-5 MoOdiyllvousb TI"""'-')-•nJ 8·:UOfnJ<y

n)M.Jgmus h inCaUJblc. '•A <dlo inlul,;1> """"lc'""' tic'hmJ the eye. •IUC'h ptn'tlllll normil cocitrol M movtfilal."

••Id The subj«u 1nvol~ ~?ff full..f1me MUdcllO. ooc ffll: n.nd one m1ffll pohcc OrfJCa

I.he IIU<k!OU nrt \rltC'~~tn(OR.' program II lhc Poli«.I)('partn,ent •nd Sptnt ~llec Dcp1u1.men1 ~1 r«l a littlc txr,,.cd °"" one uudcnt ~um:d ''01 cour,c, be don. Hc:'11 wd hA!t4:ountap,m. Ai the con1inurd lrum lhc two cJcar1r ><uclclll>,Lc..,h pl""""'*

,i,igcs a1oobol pou tomCQQe uiin1 lhc diffc~n1 volunettna

c:umple" l..cAch ckmonstnl«l lbc lel( 1.0bcr-Pffl'WI 1n1hcrot11nllld the Lmw Enft"IC'OC:l'neffl 'ilooenl "-M IC'tlin1 buu.ed tatltef. in c,,bviOU$ d1ff('f\'IICC, ood • th< i...,1ui1y,c-~hidl It 50 over lhc 0.081cJ•l lirolt Al'ta dnnk.1. ooc- n( die &itb blc-• a A,idc from tOb.. 1111 uff.ccn(lll'lof'fer.1breit1b.J per60n n:fu~ 10 take lbc: tat, ,be autOfflllK.lll)l !Ok1 bb:,

Rt&llitic t.runmg ts cnxul i.wd. "Prope:t DUI tt111\lA& l1

IK'tt~SIU')' bcau!IC more ikada a,...-..l hy drwlk dnv<n than bJ criminal aic1M1y "

Helping out second nature for student

Education major reads to children

b)· ~br,onc WdhMI$ .s,11.,11 P.,Uowioghabrmhcrs. Oal11t., .and Offl,·er. ;.«vM:(' \'Olun1.a..-r0:11q almo51 rumcd Des Moiocs. The 20.)' uutk'nl (,om Hau1tr Lake ~id lbe gl,o a C;OM1dcntbtc i.inoum uf 1ime antJ energy C111Ch w«t hclpin, \l&t10U, OtJJaJIWboo!I A rull-11mc ,wdcn1 v.-11h 13 c:rediu. ,he b 1n clcn.,cMan= «Ju,:;auoo n:uJor. JllarmbtJ io ill)1JUC'I third or founh gr)tdo. l lr.M' lmk- kid'l. .inti r®nh gfildcri ari:11°1100 young or old," Pa.f£'0e uld. ·Lo ()Cher wonb. Ibey "' lhc rc,fca 111c 00 PibCOt Y.Ofiu u :a hfc tOilCh 11.l AJphl Uc.ah Sm1oct. POii fall~. •here Ille bclp!J Ilic mc-nt.all)' ch111Jc:Df_cd "Tbtc:hc:nL1~n"r,i;omc.

C<lpC!Cially lht bnlc kids..'" i.hc ,old

She \lolunc~ for Ftman ~kmenwy', H,lp En<ou..,. o R<oJ.rTowy/H !;AR.Tl rm,.ranl, w~ \ht' rcaili. II) f("('(lflJ Comk'f Md 8-m.\.1~1, ,in Tuet.J11)~ A~ 1 811 S1\tcr ,>f N<lrtb ld&hn, ,ra,J1j l\\'O In WtC htlUl"lllWCC.k &.ii. -lno1<>12·-..W Lmlc St1Lt't, Eh1..tx1h They bopn tbctr n,t,o°"""p abc•11 ri,·cmoolh..,ago She ~'n:",V up without a r•hc:r.'"<hc- i,.a1C1. wbo •lio loq her tJ.iJ her Jl,ll'lk,r ~CQf al l<oOl<mJ HIJh :l<h'IOI u1 Harriv>n Shi.' \\,:;at'I, lod:t1 a p;cturc ~, hJm atound bet ncct. "We h.ang OIII and hnc "1.n.• 'lbcuidorlll.'t.l\'ibl:'l 1lh Eli,nlh •wc,..1oTnrk Pb). AJ,cntuin ·.- fun and 1hc nwdb, I cttjoy u Pa.\l ,·oJu,uiocr projcrl~ tncludt \.>t1o11m• • nunina home 11)(1 cJc1run1 up bcMb. • !ho pork.She--• mandlllnry number o( \Cl'\'.Cc:

rooc1bollki. SWMk!c to CJWllify r« • JIIOJC'"t II Miworl fup&l corop 10 R.ivca.ide. Cald'. thc- ounp. Pa.,'K'OC •\JaJW ~n·~ '11chcr wnbtooil. clolhlng llld lcikbca dul9. There ,he ''""""' how

"i: TuolTlas:Wson 5 invetWth; coat >-= r. 0 • • • • • • • LIFE Trainees conduct sobriety test C ontrolled drinking by volunteers helps law enforcement studen "' .... b)' David BuforJ ~...,..,. T,,,n:<l. be<I. ComnkXI Jlol!K)n ,...,lhll".I .oJruMt aa)' colkt,te COO\·ttt111hon. F<lr wmc. dnntins i• 11 rnn of coUcgc: life tr )'OU v.·t':rc 11vtn conttolkd amoom, ol aloohnl unckt pt11K(' t.upi:t\'idon would )'OU be ifflcrtlt.w i o "'101C the J~ I\ ludu::tOO\.., t,ut 1U «ht-N, if, 11 i:.b.llUcnge Ju\l befor~ \Pln1 l,-"4k dv: La" EnrOft'ClllC'OI Pro1r1m hosted I lWO· Ll.ay Wlnt~IH.hon through lbc P-,b;cOffioc:n, Siandw~ Tu.ining proS.J'tlm (PO
c-..,.1.11 Ed• •nb. 1tfo.,ca;IOI.""'" J ,t, .... · G l;o,o Bo, c..i, Cobtft, 1t.Cnmntil ,.PollFlllr.
" How do you feel a b o ut sport cuts? 11
Col A ftaturel Con1..-c1 Ufo Ed,t« M,:i:tl M,iY. PhoM: 769-3188. Fa)II: 7b9-J)8q f.nuil : Stnlll'!e10n,c.t"du.

umbine survivor speaks to students

Ji11g. /,wdershlp o[\1·111posi11111 s,.11Jfluh!!!,trut" !J."rntol IJic ,,·tnr,M!um \\Ni m.ycar~ \f..ill VllmC).

• Wf'Vl\:u,r ul <'nc l•I dlic v,~ 111\lalK.n OC k:hcl<ll violl'ftl:'C, dlC Colv.tubint '1i~..:"lflt'l

\' WBC) U'llwlod hum 1crou die i:uur11,y to ,pci,.k k> 1bt pt,up .,bout lk•ihQ& anJ lit-Nup "'On nol ltdt lhc r,i11dci., 1,rc."' Vtimc} "-bJ. •t,ut Ji\~~ 11!.al )'tw pun tw mc.u11n1."" Afitt lhc:,'Mnf 11m,1t,Jc:d '°°I ~ b1Jj M rt':k"f\lAhrn'I

oo lhe C''\'cnb d w tut.tried u,n

A~I 20, 19'r). \ arucy M!.a~I hi,ldtilo(v.h.1111 tllCU.'ld mcriJ n.tta m~:.. ln l\"~hrin& chat ha ffi<"lhtlJ (If OOflllJl 'i'il\ (OU.n~ud.J ('. b;1.b.ult1.."d lhc v. ay he ,,.,,th 1be k,<.._1;

,1(~111dda.\.~ Rtmc1nhtilbce. u,rmnmucainin and l'a:011JUlkltl Of ;,1 lnwll'W1C C'!'Cfll ~trc Varney', \ U"\>\lioru fot pcrw:,tloll hc-.ahng, , chink lhal tn lhe ,nc\!ni r~1. }wrcalJ)'DCl."dkl (1J11um:micitue and raticmbcr." ~IC"11dcmc.ity \"1Uldc:n.fuar. a,-,ycbt.1ton nta)'lt uid "'Ntd nm.king '°'-' ltl'lp0r1.Jllla 11.aucill. C1<p!Xi1tly •httScpl. II"

Af1ct I gn<:11 nxqicion fR:n'I hi, ru 1l 1pcech. Vamry •·en, ao to Jcli cr lriDOlbcr ,.pe«h oa lcilldrr.Jup Thl\ llmt lhc: r'Qoffl v.~ pecked :indliOOW ncn WOii ,.,,™"AA dtaln In hc.v. V1mcydt!lenhol1

k4itkr a,~ "'!PC"OIX ll1.11c IMit, lbc abLLil) not to eonuol b(l1 to 11t:n·c, b:1'$ tbc rouf1$c IO Ji:, \IC)

•ncl thWkn;J:d a«mJbl.)' "'8utlhc-ITT1~tunl)C'lnam

""" obovl bang • le.Jct'. Varney Mid, ~it pt'ffonTtillt ,.,rnplc ll("b l)f kiooOC!l.'I • He ,..:uJ 11,..i,1)nw£cJ5,n1 othml. e'\-tn ifl.r' , • ~Jmp&t

1:dtlltt. 1• 00C c,f chc tin, )'• lo de$1:my hncc imJ IIJlpt~g:oo,lwiJI, Anoiher puinl lhlll Va.rnc:y l'lalt •.u 1h.a111·1 noc (ll'\ly kand~'- but lutmms·Mutng )'QUl'\tll ilYllltibk l, the best "''2Y to keep <t1hen rrom ~u:tfrnng.nnd bonho& \IP ncplivc emot.iom. he t.:1id ""'Tbt cun,htncJ dtocu ot omJ.C:ntnMiM UC' the: M>lul.00 ,,


L\les like iced tea uVwtlw

you srr tor• g,'ol)d r,111y

lhill\itl'Oh.lnUtJ~'llAJ I.:

Adnn~ 1h;i1 f.&\IN ,,w blu 11.n·1

dnnL .\ Jnnl th,11 g.>C"I, down llld\juickly Adnnk that 1i1, 11 Ur11i,1

WI'• nsh1 )'ou are looking: tor A

h:lnJ ktil Tc.t.1bcdnuk 1hlt1

bile ke-J 1~ U\ie\ Hl,· 1t'C'd cc.a lanulblllJttlQo,'l!Cl) Utt h"J UI IL

oatuN,inn.\ hlaod kN Tea ,oown.t li,-c

&kobr1l1, n.1,11.nurotllJ1,n1he

1f1, ~'l"\·cr.lfitte41t:C\flllli tit lhc\e .doohol1. UI Ul1iC' U1n1

Ja:d lrt flllll( tJun~ C;k;.b). /\

firtJ, CODl.1Un1 7.W ml. Pr JU\t '-"out11..."1!'1 .SU1ryou·te

Club offers support, altemati ve to drugs

1bou1 )0 dnnk1, C'o1mJ.:.rm, th•1 oac ,,,., 1,.1...i 1m1 r.,. it ,.,.ihly"""'

Jnnll "OJth e,,f 11kohr" hf 1t l\ pouted cmu,:tlyl, 1bi, "n't tun tMIJ u( • deal a:f1cr:all

Bccau.,c 11 hn'1 \Cf)' c:1;.unom,~at ld t,uy 1111 nfthc inpdicnh for ju.~ oo~ dnnk. I will he h\lllll 1hr 1ngm,limh fros n1.11Jris 1bw1 50 drinb cyou can !Kale 1h.11.,.,~n 11 )OU "'ant. iu~, r;1) ,uen1i(l11 r;, "Yhill ~on tntu the •c1u:d r«1pe). ·n,c u1Jlt'<,111"11i11 ~J (llkc,hoh li~tcJ ,n fiftlnt llghc n11n. vodU. ,:1n. tequila, fnpk Corungc p:d Uquair), 1,bcn,111,c 1ucn. ol ltmon JUltc (1h" mJJ.b up h111l 1hc drink) 11~ • t"'o filer l'tl:1Uh: orCokttor n.oot.hcr d.ui. cob) 'J'u"V.edl.'.0 ll)(lkln!JftJUiet-. f'Old\lJ,!IC >UJ'' u:uughl)' halt• cup t:<"0 1ncu Cll(h ht« elf knll'n ,wee~ Yoo \\ill abo 00C1I (Uf!• lhiU will hold 111 kait I? 041ncc~ a( liquiJ Uf ab(,ut \\.h.)j h Ill yo..i, l\tnl)::C todaf'Llf'Oan A'luidc:n<.'le, I would

I !=lubs

ra:omnicnU h.uyln, bc.arcr akohl'il Fdl thr: glau "''b JCC, Next adJ tualr llUtkc of ea,.:h or Lhc- tht' alcotK,,I\. Searl~ fill 1hcts)•~• wilh lhc-iWOC'lcCIC'd lcmon)uk:c. Tc,p 1h);'J1' with Cukew udd color ni..c~ 111 lf)Ol,l 'lrilllt tocompk1t 1he lllu,loc~., ii k 1oon whttl un lbc •1Jc: ('If lhc .1ASfl, Hate run anJ drln'- 1..1:lcl)'I





On Northwest Boulevard In Harbor Plaza (Next to l~ho lndopendant Bank) New Fuji 4•• layer technology 24/100 speed 99c

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!'.,f...f ,JJl'A 10(,(lt<'t 11•1



xlng lnstructo, John Johnsion la lhrown by a student who demonslnites a Thal throwing technique In of hlt sht cJasse-s.
2JION.4th Across from n,.,lono Ear
GO TO Sfll8IT ROOM 53 brjng In thls ad with your ne~ dovetopment ordor and got. free roll offilm Tic $fl1l"l<iEL PAOC 7
• .U.rkan lndlao l luh Mmaf\F l\lc.¢)n1bt 1"4, ,r.\1-•J on~ '.0 kJ"t SI. •G111 ,~Alllaatt Mccu.11 IOun. fioaat:ldlh1rd f'ddo7, ""4 lb p •n:o>Dd llldfo1111hMondlo w-.1t11-m• -·
~, (,..,,,.,
f=P-"'"11 Nu""' ,.. .,tc lt:C'•


by Mi nd)· Wo !1 mm

A&EEclolOI' 8) hn,ohni an arra)' '11 m1aum1ng c\lcn3. the Phun Cum1n111oc m..Jc ,t, hN Jllanpl Ill nu11ing mc'H)C') (OJ

.,..,.., IChola"hlr, S1oJen,, 1&1liJ laalJ,y ere t:hCOLlfilS~ 10 pby b:t,lt! tmpet'\Onntc

k"«l,a,i, ,t.owc 'C 1hetr tJdcnl

11,nd C!vtn ms a pig dunns

E,Ut<11< Folly Day, held Marth 12- 14 \i(Wl,Cy waulc.o c.amcd k• hclpconunumcy orpni:tlllim; \\hQ h11\'C helped NIC. C"OM!uilllm- Krmn

Te:nn~ said Lbt c,cnt1

l'\CttJed IOI) ~p«l~lk>n\ .iJ:li.-

bad "'°l '1 c.bdn'1 thkok •e·d ttl..lke

th!U much,"' Tt'fU'lcwn N11d

ll,a,.n•t ~Utt 'otrhAI 10 C'Xpttl."

OopttG 1::1pcctauaiu.

fatrune FvUy Pa>·~ brougbl u1

S,1,763 r -.tudcllt ,c:hulanhipt;

A m:qllfity (1f tht money.

SIJ74. wa., r.aiM."J llunng tilt MU(h 14 pg~kt\\lDI CV~I.

W1tb t:ommtltlicallM\ b~\U'IJCtO( Mon. Kl mgcro,-trwhdmin5J)' w,n.nm, lbc ptu" h) ru.J~nJ!

S616 Some of 1hc money••\ n 1kld fo,dlc R«.1 lloc M.1m11.1,' trifl IU the Or.1nsc SOI' I In flunJo. •'hUc IUIOl.btt C.VCfll.. h.1~UlbJ U giame. rabcJ moocy rar mcmhcn. or lhc Col:IU' J'Al(~Palltl:I Oq,mn-.:m', hoe,or guard and lht Nttrthem Lakes fitt' Oep.i.nt1,c:nt

N)f the pie h(slns (onl.e\l., Klinger Jud anliapatal ll\limJI O~n)' 1bc. fl'ig loc ~me um.: s~ ,,h.11c'1 \'U)'ana offii:c• ul,n.t1 for 000.ttion, '¥11th n ,nouo, '"Wall bu pia rot ,1.Udcnl.l " When II am<' do"'"TI 10 bh1t11 •he ril#, Khng~r hmoglll a hocdc ol mouthu,h • pi1ir ~r l•k:,11: ¥)0\,:~ • r,.nl. r1, """' ...i hJJO'l•k.. Al I.he !Mt mitwte. a -urpra~ "'ll adlkd to n'IAke lbc. pcop,ko 'ft)IO nli'.ICJ lbl: ~I and the ar.,., .1n11J1J:nl or moat:)' 1hr pt;S TctuiC'SOP u,d c.\·t'C')·t.1MkncN.·Kllngcr•uuld "'m the pm:c uf kit.~ing lilt (Ii& hy cununi lht mo,.i money. but m.,ny ptnlC.:lp-'011 "omcd abou1 \lr'ho ~"00:ld c,.'lc'nc- In l:.u1 r l.xc To hli. su:rpriK', ASN(C Prnidcnl Cl\ll..c W11laatn• ~·;n &nOOOnce<l lb lbc: \/rho rai\ftt l hc. k•N M1'fflt:)' and rec,ci cJ the JVUC,olb,\in,g lhc plJ. Tenn,,_ -n'hcd Ill< near ~-pound-ptS ll &fO!i,,aod cc,, 'ffl"d ht pttn-ti11tcd l!Wd KJlnger' 11 cmhu. i~•m ""twt r c~,...akl~tqic., 10\CC 10 rucuro btmnc. Rllly °'>'' Tu cn.."OUhlJil! mon! -.1\klcru-. lll'CSfllal lCytO~ tn,,~h't'J. cht Phun Cotntrult« plan, co m,·c • dcltriding 10 dt\<'Uh 'A·h .11 CIUI l:tc done (or t'K"ll.l )ffr' & u:c~ foll)' O.p

M.11.nyt.1u,knt, hclp:dthc

l'bun CmumnCC". f1lC dan,I 0Mne dlllt \lr,b 111.1,t 11,r bcpnneng <11 the v.«k was mlldc b) the •ddl11!f ,nJ CltpClltl) tiudc.n11i, Jim s 11·111,1b nnd 11K trl.!t. huit tci;bn,CIJ

~~~·1)h h.,•lpi:d II~ lb~ oinltl lll.&l pe,tKlpo.rm u.,:in:

Wrc,lhni ~lu,ft1~h bC'lp:d tak<" rn~ aml th\· h11~1b1U Lc'.am \lr'\'rc of11tu1.b. Uurma: tll('mc folly tM~kt"tttall s,imc. Tc:nnctoa alrtndy hit., u, idc':. cunccmu1; i\;1my.rd •mmab forruwrc:Extn:111c.t-.,11yoa>·, Sbt wd \hl" ho lflC'i' u, t met ttll the wi:r«r flc&J. nuke_. )ll.111'11 ~ngoord1mJ tlnng 1n A(fflll, to rf4Y Cmr,. 8ln,.,~. '(k

v.nuld 'la\ 1n th<" 11o1x,-c, fitk1 Jons l"O(ltjiih to ln,•C' mt "'"C).,... pte: on <1nt" ot tbt pun:bbcJ btn"1 loqU.UN. Whcrc, er 1hc C1'Wo pk' lan,lcd. l.n\tlC'r oJ 1h.i i-tua« woohl ~inapn«

LdC't thn. muc11h. Pre-.1dc:m

M1,h11Cl D"rl,.c \\ Ill he. pV1ng the d1a:b1odw Nc,nhaa

ui.. -.. Fin: ()q\.utn1rm. tM

11u.i1.!'lt1, oc dic C,,eur d"Alrnr

Pc>hcc: dq,altmem":i. httnor

Kll.U\l1111i.1 th.: Rc:d l lot M:am;a.., ~hlOC)' Di)(1j for the Ntlftbern

Lan F,re ~mtnt .,.,;u in

,gnnnuJe 1ov..ud ehctr-hdp ln

1.hc hc,mmg cil ,h" At)•;m


5-" Instructor Mona Klinger reaclt lo newt 1ha1 ahe must " ki ss !he pig" 11 a reward ror raising the most money during an Extreme Fotti.. evenl P..-a lltnetll HlC scholarshl ps 0 ASNIC Senalor Brian Cowin show, off Daisy lhe Pig. O.loy was lhe reclplenl of Jclsses by participants In en Ext,..,,. Folly Days fund-nilser Merch14
,J,a(; th.
llrtan C-. ASNIC unator, hokla Oalty the pig While *PffCh lnttruclot Mona Klinger gets ~.Klinger - $1,304.70 NIC echolarthlpa. " My motivation WU that bNuUful pig,"~-- Gabe Man<lo<scheld, malntenanc:emllfwright program, ol Hope was chosan 10 l ight the eternal lorch becoUM he was the 1at1ett one In hit ......


Comedian attracts audience's attention

r/\pio gets laughs by pokin g fun at hi s lunch-tim e crowd ,..,Jan,aO....,tdwn I w, hl,·c: 1hn1 up 10 20 P"'X"' bun not 10 1n11kc run or ~1clrt>,. '1llc:,"rc

Ap.o,tked \\h.acihc: wasgo,ng 1odll i f ht dldo'1 ,lop. h11 llln, wilh her \ ltu~).' 11 11 •Jlt'I aDOlhcr lunr,;h ll{lt1r .ti the .SUH. Onrw: fl'"• pt"r1mmio& iutl\l (ooph, r« ,.,udc'nb•

aUtt11foo •t•an'-1 1hc !rte\, Jrinb

Film fest captures students

\V1lb th,r goa.l to mull.I. he wrnt on \\·uh hii ltl Ario ~n., horn Hd nu~ 1111--bwaH ltnd )tancJ off hi, fOUlU)C With J<ll;c, IIOOULh'i, honIC, irowi.D1 up llDd • common l l,iwruian luod Ht ~till°' 1.o,l.,1ug.abou1die ' ittng1b o( "'!I I M. mmlS •hJ Nyquil. ha fin.t a.amc :and lu,-ml! to 1oc 'A·ifh 11aoJ Ldhrthall The aoJ1t1K~·, .aHcullw. w11., kin,pcd up 10 l l le-Ml IS pctttnl v.hc:nheJ11C ltJ lhc i.m•*frjoto,. - ffldCldriglhc •udkntt ia lbc mil. - rukl ii gradu.dl)· iriCCU\Ccl :alter lh•L

would h11.ll w•y h-avetouplam I J<ll.t. It v.,1..1 either UIC' 11udlctk!e-', Jn.,Ucnh\'t'rlCS.~ N" thttm Jul.I lint gcu,n:g d,c,ok~ until be i,.1JV1al lo \f'c.'ll i QUI made for mon: llttllOC:mt."lll 1u1J nlOf'C l11ugh,1., Apa<> coo11nutd. hi'° ,ol.c, nw,gm, (mm lbc bathroom 10 tolnp cluti~ and I.hen fru111 1.111e po,uol mJnj.\ ;1n~ tn \kllng

A• har u iu,r"-~ In 1hc: SUB arc concancd, 1bn ,..ill O(lc or me best.. I le su«ccdeJ tn J('tt1ng hb 20 fl('l'«11t uct1h1m

11n,I o~n111nJ II mok 1hcm

l'ftl 111: tw,un JU\I hl _i:d l o l hc h"ll u r IIIOUtUill ll

The=)' ohoi.ho•-cd klll\C kll) Alrin J,t 111d a ·lc,UCJ' \\~NTl.&U N.ldy NlWmr f 111 ~all)""°"'tdouofl(l..m.ti.11 I f,h1i1 ,. '21\'(f)' int(t('11h11 t, llrcnuhd, of the MUfl I h,\·t 1ecn 0(1 IJse 'ff1 Ounrw:I elf ""lJUC ol lhc l«aJ I• lbc~ ,ihn • llltlC' !l,('11'1.:fl1 c:t.1~ '-Irr." whet('• g uy , n • •kdJt1mpcJ

1.0,UJunir Whi:nhc: 1-hdn '1fl' fot , he Jl"'C1dcd h) g<I [ ~,.. •nd }w-J Oft bi. bwc:~idc. Th.ti OIJC p)I

1<1 fcv-• l1u!l,h• from &be 1<l' d 11·~ lhin,: th111 you mil!)l1 M'."C' "n lhc


llq al«. NJ II produc1ic.n ")' b lJck 1hal "h~~cJ ,i.ling 11ud h), illli,ht.11,1,t ch.Ill ,hO\\c,d w:rf1ng

A11t111het tc.,Uy lnterc-.lin,: l'ICJtni:nl

cd two P.."Ol'k nJmg unic")'cle\ doY.:n

tk1f'IJ l•tfC'l nldUMl"n in North

·t1ca. I believe it...,..,, so,hc"Ahctt 1n ica. h -..ll!I pttU)' fun IO \\lllCII. all)·v. bcn 1hc IUY -ahoo-1 li,,i;I

rol J don't thinl h would be 100 l'M) pmcpnWI Pl ;i unk ) , k

It n,,oc o f d,e\c thing, clC'1tcJ you.).,,., cl h,a,1: •·un M>mc n:.,lly nlt'e doot

ThC' Ou1Jocir Pvl'\Uil 1 Jil\'(' J\\11) like: an ""•l r1d1C" "hcwcil, 1>hin~. 111d other prit.e~ I t:\'tn won 1wu


If )flu c\-.,:r Jcl 1bt: ch1u11:c to ICC ont nr mm., 1 hif.hly tcrommend st 11·, tlllrn-a.mlng. C"\'C:U ,r )OU'IC! 1hr ..

.,,c jokc."J a~u ~hen Monws11 h ..d no lfl'CN lmur\ inti hnv, O\'«)'tlQC e.\t'<ll' the Geo \1.dt1, JriYcn 'Whlll buppel"\3. af )'(!\I tJI~ liOC·IJlllc.'C~ wc:alncr Ap1u ad;N, rcl1tm1 to hi, ,h,,.,..· at Kelly's bar ~·here he hlld tu11:\'tn wor~ c.h11.0; die NIC 1i,klen1bwt R.h~,J ~" MCJI f • ""' s, Daryl Elmore plays tenor sax with the NIC Jazz Ensemble during the OJd Famlliar Song1 1 concert fn Schuler Auditorium The AprU 1 coMer1, di rected by Terry Jones, helped kid< off the 32nd annual Popcom Forum

Jazz concert plays old favorites

Foat 00 tbc llill/Ul11t:kbud."' 1'ht1111' wbctti the concert IOOk.t llim IO W( ~t~IJ,c. o(lh,: ~pdlll.Jon ar which mo,•1e II\Htl 8u1lllefa"(.lflU:ooewa. , d1>unctly "M-1-C- K-H-Y M-O U.S E." b}' Re~"Ct'll H.mb M£


M.'ll(K.. UJUeMk)' horn~ llnd

FantillM Soft&x," I REV!tiW btld Apoil I u,d tO<>k - - ,-e-.cra!J1lft'fffl.lMl"'!;!t. ,ind ,pl(!cd 1.hcm up hl t,a\·t" • JU1


11tC' bnnJ J'('riomicJ 1M dauk "S\'lttit\\'"hcn: O\·C't 1hc R,unhcw. ·• brauufullJ' Tn,n)h.'PC!'pla)'tf Sb.'Un)On f HC"°" came: 10 the hUM oflhe tUJC 11.lldco\ C~ mo~toI the o,ooll w 1d1 Pancl"Wi1 had• lc'II of lalent. anJ 1hc 1wdil'rk.."C 1.•otdd 1cll ,tic: h.ti.l r rattlr;ti.l quJic a t>11 for dti, pctl'onn~

'fbc (CJllC'Cn W,1f1QJ utll wilh lhc Colt Pur1ct M)llg " I l.o\C Pari•"' :iifld then mo..-cJ "" '" hn·c ~hi.' Lovdy• Wood"' ;uld '"'Tho

'rbc t11)tflbme \Qlo t11 NON'C'Jhin Wood" wa., -iutct wtd clm<;1,,1srJ nut by Ibo lllf'l!cr born.• in the b,.:qtuund. 1111, 11iuuld h~\'f' L"l-\0,C WI bcuc:r bill.I 1hc oditr 1n,1nun,:nl\ COOCi;i down thclJWUDJ

tbc ci.-otet1 ctxn h.,._ ;11111,Jan md: 1wiKt .and pctformcd 1hc Bead~· !.Ona, •· Ncx1 on 1ht wos f'O.\IC'r \\.J\ a wmp1lllbon of Dikl<'Y ,on,t. Tht'\ "'enc l.1url)' well m:ccpl dm rc,·,cwcr 4"0UIJ OOl fll:urc w lhc:: ltil ~JlDClll

Ruu11dlng001 lbcct'IOC'Cf1 \\,h lhc Jiui \'1:r,.lon uf''1'bc flU,ct.lOOCI .'" tl.:. wng a.tarted dul "·c.U. hu1it \4lOfl ux,I; a J'¥J.'f.Y Jppt(lfl(h. making the Wfl.l; UIIRtOgtUZAbk 1.1 ,wuJcJ bk.c ,he)' wen: r,111) an, Pffl" of die ..on, lh;11wtn:n' 1re.all y 1hcrr. The cnJ uf tho ,ong pc~J up a l1 11lc "~" iC n:tumcd h) 1.bc. (lriJiul IWi.c. But 1 t.ldl ldt 1hc- &audience Y-llh lhc ~O\'l.\\h)'1

In "The F~l on I U!l/8l11Ckbmt." ii \\·il.s h;a:rd lOli:11 if lhc. t.tid ,..1,) c,cn p li1i)'ln1111 l,c 11.1111c$,0Cla, Tbc group did oot 11oond lotcUla, and chc)· \huuld ha~o baJ more P1'11l"1J~ ~r*' pl11.y i-"' dlc 50AJ 1nu1CIC'C I L ThcC"OBCt"rllllmrJ tlt;lt 14·dl C\'ffl 1hoo~h :i (cw rotogn11~hlc problaM <'U.,tct.1. The contttl l•t.tcJ 11.ruund 40 muwlCli and hd: J'lk'C in !>c:hukr Authturiwn.

Band gives audience buzz

C~LENDAR • Lat CM, Rh,1bm ~t'"'

ld \4,.'(' ju\l how good be wa, lbcrc v.1\0•1100 much ,m,u, h1.11 1bcy raUvdldn' l ~J 11 Ju~1 hJ bC'nrtbc:m p b y WtJ. cntlUgh cntciuintn.:111 Or. II the- aud1toce &IJII tittJ 0(111.11. tlk;)

C"OUJd JU"'I wau;.b 'iOl!nc.

ur ,heir f11,;i11I ci,=:·u1 1he1r hou r ~j 1hty r l.a)"cd WDlt' lrom 1hcir t••' album~ :wJ .o 01.Xll)ICof~!•

fffltn 1hcir i.t,on·lo-bc.-rclc~ 1hird 1lbum. The) rh1ycJ '°"S hLc 'N1-w •9t,• ,nd "'TIIC Spc,'· M o,, of lhti, HIU\K \\11t M)mtlh111g t hlll ) OU catt C'llllly daficc to A t:ouple rcnf>lc. 'ltttt. fflO\'ll)J m Iheir 1C:U). hut oaly nne pcnon "1.Ulll lt 11ot up :md dnJtcctJ. ~( y1>u ewlJ c:ill 11 dut To mc h look~J like"bc \\11~ hllH08 a ,ti1.ure 11,c.hlnd pl,1} cd cnO\lly lbc umt type or mru1c lhruu~1u11he l1t1ur I •· suld ha\(' !deed 111f th('y ~11111111 liulc ,non:, but ll "a\ , tiU '''1 ~nkmitllllJ, ~01 b~ Inf• t,..,.n~ th.ti 1\ "ul.Cd 1-0 bat(_ lllc b~nJ al.a pla)'cd in Sl'l)bnc .ii ahc Blu., Sp..rl. The 1'11nd ha, bc(o 10gc:U1cr for tnur'C lh.,n (00 1 ii t1alf )'eat, anJ \jr•• ptll lof:clba h> lound1f1$ mcmh('r, Don Gt>t._14,h\·i11 kc)'bo,i.rd-.. Bob R~. pca(U""IOO lnd ~04 1C'~...-ln, drum~ O ther mctubcr,. arc Sn.bu M.val:L. ~~s h a,. brl.:11 y,.Jtb die' b.l11'I f or'" ,; )'ci&TI• .1nd ,suiamt Zoch S t"'-'4n. Ytil,Q hh bt«"n ~ilb the b:uli.l ior Ju.'"1dgh& 11lkl•\. If ci

S1udc:nt faCG11 buud u •poN,on •,11.4kt CH) Rh)'lhw ~cw, IP pc:r:nim ,u n• IQQ Thutkb~ tn the G~ Bay l>nU11J Ruorn t{ <hc Sl 'B • ""lh"C"r lq dM Sea., 11-c mm1 , drparuocn1 u; v.Ul be fcfflllfflll the Concc,1 Ri•-n CCJ lb: Sc,;i, 'I l p m Suadly 11 fbc SdtulU Aui.t1tnNu rn Thr cuncat 111'ill l111.tudc 1k C\lncrn Chuir Mulpts....,.. .... St1«a w..,.,.·, l!a..,.i,t, MntiAinota lhc -n il frcc mdfor 1111-..U 769-TIIIO. • "no., C..•a-.· 'lllt~ 1,)0 .......,, Apdl 11 '" M<llodtt&Maloolooto n.11111 .... =-===· Col .an ,uby st ory l cont,Kt AM: E.duor Mindy Wolfrom. Phone: i6'1· l3ft8. hx : 76CJ·HS9 E-mail: '"""""''orl itnlr t!du

;.."(1.f10'Aurc..kl4tet ....Al aska ha s thP j • highest perce ntage • • g o f people who • ;;,,-- • .c, walk lo w ork • i5 • ARTSE
I111141 then "~ rp,;a.~ tl Allhc:,ugh hl.llimc -..'Cr110,•er11 l1 nlC' .snd wmr. ~udcnh lcih MGQl<tc l~M ticlon:hc -..a.,tbu,.beJ., \Qlne fa.i 1h ru1 audience mcmbcrc \\·.iltcd :i li nlc for tum t0 fin,,b hh """11 nc IEV1lW a:l)d \- IQlOO\ CM\'Cf'*OIJl)t):,. - Jl()!Ae,·cr comcJu1n ICmnit Aplo -""'tts111v.,bcnbc1i~ 1cppedupiftfr001ot'1hr : di" .ittenuon o( ,hoo1 10 ptr«n, or )'OU ~:~~ p,10 ).tld 1Rcr er.clung f,OfflC opc:n1ns ,t,rs aodit"lh ltN 1nlnlnul rnpc.,11,c "'8ylhcc-nd.
pu1door Pursui t, featurt!s , limbing, kayaking movies Trl!dWal.'lOfl I ~ TI: 1$'rt' Jin ootdoor type cJf pC!NJf\. tbcst \Oil \\'OClld h. \'c.' likcJ lhl' I001h FIim F,e..11\· 1 h \\41. 1n 1hc ifflc.'f hilf (tf 1bc- Sl!B in 1hc Coeur I Alcr,c Rrom hum 7.9 p.nL M.11rcb 8 ' Jw.tS210l!Cltt'1 firu II lCg-rncnl from Berood fl\'lr)"' pla)'td le \\·ii;l a hlllCk u1i.l \\h1,c I rroJuclioQ \ho'f,illJ ,i Rt\'l( W thmh In T,Ntµinu
_ ~Jonlst Bob Rees 0010110 drummer I~ Goodwin and basstSI Sabu Mly1ta s '18""1nd bo11s
Wh:11 hrov)h1 ID the brg fo111.1g1" \\'I.' ~hen he lOY'Cdl1 c,;1hi:!uer ga, 1tilk--1.J;t'.• he i..tiJ, mimld,J11~ a hclk: G«I d11"cr ond co l.i na (lu1<.ctly I get b(Ucr· I si.t, lgcttlCUCfJIL'mlUa;e " He then wc:m on 10 Cdl h91i' a 'Aoman a,• pn:v iou, Jio,. hlld •tuod up ft1 1h,u lh~ ,,nd hlld
Ensemble takes j azz twists o n cl ass ics. re nd itio n of th e Beatles ' songs 'dark '
in1tnuncn1 lltC 9,·hlt amou11l1.-d co chc J.11" E.n..cmblc·• corkcn the fir,t nighl ,,. the Pore""' t-onnn "Ilic coo«n. cntilkd Old
hy SC\:\ s,e WoD\kf Both ot 1htsc IOllp 'AL"tC p ll)L'd \\ClJ, a.otJ \C\(Ul w>k'I• t0UD1kd ck-;ir and rn.'Cl\t: and ndJcd a rucc loui;h 10 11>1.· MlflJ\
Bee Craft 's performance kee ps crowd 's attention t,yfn,ciWahon St,!!#'. thc,,r wlk, \\Cte in the: SUD awen: 1ic11tcJ 1n i,- iron\• bllnd filled 8tt Cr.di Wl1h II h,lmt' hl;1; 6cc cm , I "'I" cxpceu ng In~(' oM la.J in kni lllnJ 1lm11\ Ood l hiU ""''n't 1b~ ca.""· Bc:c Cran \\111 Ktually flvt 11uy, p!Jly1n11 SO-Ilk' SOOll lOl.: k IW\IC. Tht fir&t wn¥ ,.1ar1cd c•U , 1"-., "'1th a lndc j11n rb)"1hm 10 11 , bu11t qutdl)' I REVlt W r icked "P to• tt10fe JtK.:k kc l - E.lch mcmbct bud• \Olo. o·ct.)i(lttc rou
cr )'OU \\-iLfl'I n,t,uy one 11r1h t u .:ilh um vou cari r ec them al Hatillt'IJ'I Pl the Luni l:..u t wuuld tc\."01nln<r1d t1:i.,.1n5 the,n a h t<'n

Concert gives audience screams, offers dancers

f hn.v.: t1V't'rbeard In m)' cntm, U(e. Ami I ml".llll lhu.1w1thl0\'C. 811.!icall)'. you !gve ;i group tbl,1

ll\ many <:W.J wurdi u 1bc:y cw1. mumblt1C

IJ>dr n,udc and 1rie110 be a Su1t1c-X np

o« Not lo mcnuon lhc Iact lhC'y do all of 1bit ,·try, ""'Y b.:KIJy. Afu:r rushing on u,,:c "ilh \·Cl') hnle daa"~ &hey ICl"Ccdled for aboot 45 minutct 1hcn le.ft 'ltase. They d1d.o'1 o"en bocher 10 get cht audience in nn lhe fun Thill WIii obviou., from 1bt gn,,,nd-OO<lf people • hn p,ul

O¥irt lO bt 1n o m06h pi1, but we:~ Jlbl

WCJC st.4ndiOS lbclt "°'8~ homblo.

As pti:vloutly ~toled. ot.bcfbnnJ, Th.c.Oomncd. d1(1t1't ,.bbw up. ll)'oo v,am my op1nl1>1). I th.11).k The lnmntd'• appenchx broke rrom l.aua)llng 50 h:ard al Sini.s.slu lha.1 thtt)' nerocd 1n opcrn11m.

Then at 8:4S p.m., Rob 2.omb1c tlllmr a.II doing the hcadbning: \Cog o(hl, toor, Ocmot\ Spcc:dlt1$," After that and 1nothrrsoni- ho cUd • ll ulc m.,,DQ!ot{U(' and 1),cn \\"Cnt uuo "Li1"ing Oc:aJ Oirl •• Thi,~ war. .a trc111 fur 1111 tho men m lb~ audience bee:».~ be Added go-go danct'l"l. Unhkc R\IIQy of totlay'1. 11.ftiu~

Zombtc didn't change 1."0$lut11c Ol'k'C throu1bou1 the 01'1.lUcd. btoojht in g~go d.m«n \Wuring a plethora Cl(

dlffth.'fJI OOtfif.6

The si,n. of 1hls 4ti,ow ,,.,·tte R<'b

2A>n1b1c and hi11.01usid•o~ Tbc)' bod ai, Jn.wie -.moun1or COC'f'SY 1111d made: die.

c:onl."'l"tl 1nJ1y (un 10 w111ch A person could

hOJK".Mly 1cll from ,be amoon1of raw power lhey were t'xplaling on 11.'lgt". wch

a, &he guital'U4 rollmg around on the floor duriog oac of hb i0&oc.1hey truly Jo., ·c-

~bat lhC)' dbi11¥

Rob Zombie WH a,;,c pcdtcl, he hnd a

~'C:ak choice or wnJ\ lnr 1hc mou pan

They P1•Ycd only :i ltw Mlllg.s from '"'The

Sinbtcr Ur&'C"' and "'"Y 100 many from

··HcUbiUy Dc.Juxe." I'm SON)', but

Hellhllly" wa,- not 1h1i.1 gca1or a.n album compaml 10 '"S inistet," In fact. ··sm..iste:t"'

b fu A-uptri0t. 801 I.bey triadc up ro, l1 bt playing I row son.p rrom 1b(o White


ThiK c:ooccn v.--.u ~sally rumizing

1l..: IKn.l wa.\ l up m«I)'. Rob Zombie

WAS in 1np performance, tlnd lhc d•nocn

wc:n: JUff cool , W11h 11JI of dt.l! going for

h, I cao't gtvc: lhc(lOncat II pcrfcc, -»re

TI..- chotct uf ~ng111 totild llll'IC: M't'A

much be.Utt, and 11. fa, ,upc:nor \\111tll·UP

band Cf)\IJd have: been cho,c.1 swur ID

God. watching Sinl'lSUr v.u ltko lelt1ng

all fo,m, of bf" dl'll~n '"'"Y· Next time

you do I coocct1. Rob, brlflJ in Bbct

L.abcl $oc:1c:ty 11.nd Ihm. hJ;\'O Ouy

Osbt-umedu "fR)nman" ""'h )'® 11'11 be

THSentinel staffers take a stance at the Academy's picks

nf .nt')'~<; Mr pu1 awn.y, die .,n,.,nJ1 b,wc been rtiumcd ll'ld 1hr tuic, are tuci.kcJ o.wo.y unnl flll'":'(l limc. E\•cn lhough the t\\·.1.rdi, M,·c btta gwcn !JUI (or tbc (Xiclfl, it doe.n't mcto lb:.! cwrybody agree.-.. wi1hlhcchoiC'CS..

8tSI Morit

A 8e,nutlM Mhwl'"

Oavin'r. UKJUght!> h was a decent 1nov1c. Onntcdn<lC mycui,or tr-•. bu1 I do gi,·c luJo" ti, cbc m.Aki:QJ ol 11 'OK' dtrct1tng W8$ fin! clau, 1M 11Cling war, ~xcc:Ucnt

11.1,d th¢ Mory line 'U C:Obm:flt \VIL\ fl my fll\'('>riiC' ou,or 1be chfeom.aincl'tllke.,-.Nc-. 11 w•, -.;t1111lly de,ad IAst CoU me old tuh.Onc:d. hut I love m""icall - mal:1n1 ··.Moolln Rl)UJt'°' m) ..ocactd tho1tc. My lu,1 ch~ w11\ ''TIIIC l..(.f'd (If lhc Rtng"'! FcllOV.'\hipofthc Jlmg OOt I n,alitt

tlw thf~ muvk fl.Lt a muln aulltentt. w I'll 1n·c an and NY A lkauttful MJUJ'' \\'IU right (Of 1h~ ltWml.

R(b«1:1a' 1 1huui:h'I, I 1ho1.1,tic 1h11 "·Mouhn Root,c:" "°'1IJ ha,"C" bc:co adC'Cffilcbolct. lthaJ\'ftuti!ulmunco.nda t.aknccd ca'll. The i;wry nuy bavc hem conhwng Ill liffl¢l. bu, the mu<ic wu w ,ood It rri,dc up (Qt 1111)' Ofhcr~Jh ii l.11:b:d And,('QQ:IC«Jel. bn'l

C\'tty(M'IC Cittll oC Rmsc:U Cro\l'C movlC'l·}

Uc-ii Oif'<'ctor Ron lfow•rd: "'A lktludtbl Mlod

Ouvin',. thought.

Gacng back on t.a)'lfta ""llle d1n, •Ji fml

d11,,:· 11111Jt,, upidofn, "\\1,pldn't11'~t·m

&QiUJ tOSo t.\llblur:ac: ~.,., lhi\,ICiC. Out of ch(' hnuli ,~.1 ~'.t' 1hi, ouc ,~ 1t.: nrh\ dK~"'

lbc: other nio\ie, '-'Ctt gnod. lJ1Jt lad:cd uemiin loon 1,f UC'f'll, ltw tbh mm I~ h.:IJ.. Ri:-bct.n s IOO\lgtu, l•Ft'v.11b 1.hc Acadetn)'. ROil llt11A·.ud ~lk,uJJ h.J\·c l'<ftn thh nwan.1: ht 1, 111.iknttJ d1n:'(10f •nll ,1 l.!1..--cent a..:tu, Thctitm1111fot 1.labmu\lc,..1-,,Junc 1hooc b)' ..Jk.'KK 11nf.11h111 "quite an 1tn~\'C" lhmg !Odo

SntAl.'tur Otmtl \\'Nlnaua:n: ·rra.lnhtJ,! Oliy•• Oa,1n',tit, Th1l nvivtc: ,ucW 8t'L'll.otn h1m.nntfCrowc, J ~lie\~ Cun-.~ \hciulli l111~t' "'Ill 1h,., A'Mlrd. Hoot:'ldy, lik'- uclin,: i11 Jl'lininJ 0.1)" w,b >«"t1nl.l t.1u1iU1y ~ompNtJ tn "'A Mind I gd an QPniPC11h111J1i\ \Nubutdoll u(:allc11lre1obc. ~11i .ill)" (Cln'(!l;l. anJ 11ut "" ac1u.aJ Cti,. whkh IC'Ctikd lO be iJ Wtog I\IJUlillJ dltQllathoo I ltk- t'Mlll'(t aremoo)'. fkbcc:('.1·,du.1' l lhouvhl it""' "-cildd1.1tdn~fllm w.ue..-.c11 nomln1ucd fo, nn ilV.illU. It 1,. not 01,c: lh1u I v.oohS 1.hlnk -oukl c,·i:11,1tl.", null.:cd rm·, ge11nc wtting. I like Orn.rel W:iJtin,ton bu1 I lhus~ Will Smith ,IM)ulJ li.a\c Ra:!l\<.-J lbc ~car Jot All UC':lJAct.rtss IIDUc- lkrry: "'\ lfJ~ltt', Ball" 0.:avm·, lhwJhl., Tiu• ,.,,as• big J1SD.prointmc1i.1 rot 1J11C ni~hl. 11 tclll Na Qlk' 111h nto\" It' J.ld nae dtlic'ri--c e-wn a oominii:bnn. lt:t ak)oc an Osar Wb:n i:ou11 up

Rf(ch¢e(:a',.lhouJhl!1. l "'.at gbd lfllll Halle Deny won lhl, owd i wa.~ 11. bit 11.::Mn1j'll111hmo'll ll'lrht-r and the Oua Bu, I do h1wc • rrot,km. Why 'il,a;i,n'1 R~ W1lbcnpoon nom1nllt&l (Of "IAga!I)' Bloodi("I

tl'IL'IUI., hdly'1 Thal Wll.1.~dlltl&:~Kbllj

8fsa Supporting AefOI' Jim Rr,,aclbm1: "lrl,''

G.nin' lhc,uJhb:

H~ 11,)'PIIC hen octu.:ally ht'3rd ol thb py1LI .a.lOOC' tbl\ IUDYic- t I lhCIIJghl nol.. llll MdCtltJ:I

1bou.lJha,cwor1 f()t hb Wt>tk In "1"hr Lc,nl\lf• Ring\· The Fcllllv r,blp of 1hc Rln.g'' h:tfllh \l'!CI llult 1n.,n'1 acllng 100k 1hc.n1oviei r(umac:uiua1

A~urdrlay nun-ic io a mo,·te u:1tll ltul" d(plb.

Rel~~ s lhnughb

I .,Ytc' "'ilb Gavin on lhb 'one- •Jris"I Wh,11

t\'n'11h11 UOClg.anbimdcw M)Ql1Cthin-,:1lln McKcUan hu II kil or 1.nlent. nnd thls 1..,.Md oot •.ntcd (lit M1mCOnc no CJCX b.1, c\c" hcanlol

Musicians honor Sept. 11 victims with c oncert

Performers choose songs reflecting NY's tragedy by l.1nd4Ba1J


Th,: trDlbinkAble bcc2mc rcil 1c, Ole a, I su.reicJ

1n1otbc1b)'otha1 W.tJ(tnn: 1hc W«ldTnidt

Cei,fct in New York. The: ~R'hrd bc1ildmg11 I ,unoundmg the aUc.. lhe w.Ut o(

REVIEW 1>")<11 and "''II "'i,liet ,ig,,ed by thout.1nJsQ.f,i,1tol").UktmyseJf

pcrfonr11nce, b)· an c~U'Cmc:I)' d1vcrqo !ocloc;tic,n nt 'iOlnc of 1oday' t. top :1ni1h .and Wmt' (J(oc:11 cndt.a,1n_g kgcn,J.,.. Ne"' Jcr&c:y°\ ('IWQ Brucie Spring,tcco opmcd dnsins l!ppftipn:itcly "My C,1y of Rum Dunnr 1hc toDtt'n l.bc tt \\Cre no h,e i\Uditnoc,, no appWl.s(".nowllficinl ,.w4 hoopl..1 -Jui\& ,inc:c~ ,:u,.wn:nc:luna The C'Oi>t.Cn Wa4 aho • bi:ndit. J'II.Wni mlUJon, lnrlht Sept. 11 lund u2·, \'Cnion of'" Grimmy 1v.-~ni-w,t1ning l"l'CClftl of !he )t'M, 'Walk On.'' wa.t. pn.lNbl~ the heil c,-c, (tla.)'Cd fll thi1 'IOni, The Cllc.'.rlded chorus ofhalletujaftl.ld I.IICt'l.tbc,·auplilunt, Chill, nm up m)' spulC' C.\'cl)' mnc r li 11cn co ncwcumt'r Allcb Kr), Jtliver tbe Omo)' H11hav.~y-pc:anc:J ··SomrJa,·Wt'U All Be N"CCI." Watthins a.he conccn WIK the fin111mc I hlld t'\n <itn, rlf hc:.lard ht, "n' Sht' elc:.ul)' h,11, a,1 ain.111n3 lakllC. tlc~oJ he.or the Gramm)'1, lmluJi111

"'0<~ Ne" /\n''*·"'

a dcJi11nt I Wlwf1 6.:L Oo\r.n ':,,.:en Young <"M·c.l"N Jahn Lfflnon't. ullim:itc 1utthc,n uf "lnu,:~n..- Billy Joel pilld hClCIUilC 10 lhc- .,..ou:ndcd (il) il'M.lf \\1lh • 1-twtnint New York Sl.lle u1 \1100 · fac:n 8on Jnv,, •hom I c~ld 11.lwa)'"UM' or luw. JAng II i.tunntng .w:01.hucnl \er,.,N)O ol "'Lhin' nn A Pr•yl·r" S1injl'\ haiclk' ,u., Eot~otl'l. .tnd ihe l)'rit!i .ut ccrib ;1rrroprbrc. ,onudcnng 1h11. 1"'Cl& '9in~ •Tincn bc:fott Scsic. 11. lie,,_ ··Pah.ip~thii hnal Ja:t\\u nlt~11UTud11ichal1kh1'1ro.'.·, aq?Umt11&/1l11r1 nochins romc-. rm1n v1olcn«/ And C'\ rr •uuJJ/ Nlf atl thOl\(' l't•ni l'lclk"41h ;in 111.11) ut1/ Lat we to!J(lr Mw 1n1g1k v.c. arc. T'M'> nl r11y ta\,1n1e ,onttu1pnr~ne1 g.wc•w.:wmc-111,."f."IU:\tiul pe{fflmbtl¢C:l Oa\<c: \t1111JN!...,_., wrlhdut me ~1111J, ~red hi, hc n out 0.1 "hc.•tyday."' Thrn, 1hc Mtmllly 1edu11jvc. Ml'\(fo:\1.'C-cJJJ·TV

PADE 10 lHt .som..a
Zombie crawls to
H,1\'(' )'OU C'ttTbrc:O .SCtn:hcd :&l I COCK:~11. nol be<;illlSC of'who you a,c. but bc:cau.e ir, wtu~ quo? tt·,ruUy fun Rob Zomb-k ha., come 10 1own. aod bll las, name says 11 lll Ju11 hkc Nigh1 of 1hc Living Oead." 1bc t.0mblc CTilwlcJ In. I lt.nvl.ll,g )'()Ut ,«111 chord$ REVJEW Jeld from screaming. And not from a 1a1al fe.veitber; they \I.CR dcllJ (Mffl Wllftlil\g more lie·~ the heildbncr oJ UlC '"Demon Sptt1dln1" LOW', followed up by lhc cntp bond Sini1-•r. Md 1hc ao-show The Damned. They to tllC Spoltaoe Ami.1 aa Ma.rcb 21. The warm-up 1roup, Sin\war, po$.<Jbly 1hc w~, WIL\1(' of fflU'1C
A&E " .
I01ime~ better
Bn,d Perry ol lhe Coeor d'Alono Symphony Orche9lra shares his lNmpel with Motody Updike, 6, of Orchard Prairie Elementary. The "Family Concert" was March 14.
MT\·cd u • reminder
New Yoct lhiu
ftomt\'ct)''ilrbcn:.rcaJJy~cm. With die~ thouahu m ttwtd. 11 ttcittcld like a Cootl hlfie 1q hooor who tia,·c (aU~ct. and 11 ::i~:.~~~u~::~~~u::::r;;'= togelhcr Sept. 2. 1 The ''f'ribut.c- h> firroo CO t.Anll: OW II Chn\111ill, I bought 11 be\:1W\C'd11Cax1cen cwem caniod bvw: on all 1be nujol' nc:t~~b. MlV and VH l drb\'tttd Mlmc lllOYllll tlld r,owerful
h w~.\ un~·re111iua 1,~
cvtnt. Tom Pdt)' 11nJ IJ)(
ob-,en<r ,he 1,:foc:tiOM thi.11 r,umc al &he vdmui p:r(QlmCt\ 4who hii\\': hund.rrchtrl~1adlri.rcrcditl~fot1hls
lfe.tflt,l'Cllktn ~lwcraJ
&kbc VcJJtt pi::rfonlkd '1..i1ttg Rt,lbJ" wilh lnc1id ~nd mc:.nlor Neil Yo.u\l pllylng 11)00,!L Of1 JUILIJ All the rc:rt1-.m:.1111.:n 'lhm.:, mdudmg the ladm. Pa1lb 11111. .Sheryl Cr,,'"' 4QIJ th.; OOrma1J)" .:in~ing Cd1n( 0.oo. '1i Im "'11¥ ll trinc<hllluig ··~\\U~~:._~=;·~nd. It loob p,J, ii i.OPd ,11d 1ba,·c nc,·cr rc.11 •uc::b eOtfl) In m~ Thl" co \1.111 .111A4)'l boh.l i, ,px,•I rl.:e 11, hcan lllr .a rcJ'll"CVtlli ~me ()f the~ 11 lid \>fr') bcJl lit the \Ct)' \\Cini of llrnt"tL

moochy 'twisted, gross' film

,ptlt ~elllS, the lllOVlr fot (re«! U.I

rdc:uc M.TI:enm,: ul WllmCr die!, SoJdi()( u, Hull)'wl,od IJ~I

~. l couldn' 1 btlphin lca,c the thr.:ilct v.ondctin~. '\Vli~1 1b: hell \\·a.., d 111."C1or Oaony DeVito

~ifll;?""'Oci1h 10 Smooch)'"'*·

l',\ i'llcd, sn;,ss. cnn•c bcli-:\~ t

,-SSforauclu:t kimJo( n,o,·le.

:)c.11QOOChyC1Lq 1\ imr,rt1"l\C'

E11 til!U"\ Ed\\.uJ Sortoo a

y 1hc Rhmo. Rabtn Will~

olpb Snulcy. l>411ny lJoVlt.>., and Jon Stewart a, Fnmk

r,.,- movie brg n, 1hc aud,cncc agli mJ)M' of RlllldolphSmilc) mg one ofht, r,orular allcmron ,., I.hat re!innbl~ our real li(C' dlno'HM' rncnJ "8ml<1)','" wnp. colocfo l Wn« rou1l11t"1

and a '\U,;e ful l or ibun people ruJmmg_ around m u utnlgt'Otl, c111u l1b tnal:e'li it 1he rcrl('(t ,cu t.fl• for I bit TV d 1,)W for 1hc little onr•. lbnlk)lph Smiley 1, So I • nJ he dc,C;)1f1 plan to &o 411)"\lobem, But, \\'hr:Dour lovat>l e. k'llndolph fnub ILim~U 'Al ilhuut 11 ~"", Lile produccn •re forced tO Hnd 11 ttr l11crn.eot- Sm(l«"hy. Dc,('ler.ltc.. poor and 111~k-mindcd R11nJ9lph vow, h) ,e1. J1h bo\11 b.1.:k. llM W111 Jn almost anyttun_g lo da ju\t th..'11 h' he~ \l,bl'U tbt fflCl\'k tllUb t&kang a weird C\lol!.l.1 woadcn:d wb)' .DtViro pllc«I IOtnc ol the tn 1bc 1-hl)'I\' ll\ he did Some: ~c.nn "·.:re odd. f.!Upid u.QJ Jowo ri#,hl duiuw.Dg. I rvc1y find lll)'M:11 di!.uacu:d by hk.1#,b lb.nguaic lo• u,ovic. bul dus ooc c.nt o,·crborud. Foe 1n~1ncc. 1bt1\l'

"''" ono ~ene wtlctc W111ia.m" ,ncaked hlc \O) ('lflUl chc ,-ct "hm: NM.on Wti libnmg a Swi1thing 1hr Pn.JP" tiag \Vdljanu i,laccd mille ~1111111 luokinti '-"OOkie, for N'«tA.m IA) gi,·e ta lhc hnJc kl.d~ an the 1.buw In hr,pc.-. 11f

JcUinJ: tht' c ~hmo CUN

Area bands' new LP adheres to punk scene

Sca llerbox. American Zero ' s effo rt marg inal hy St.,n Ga.more .........

In lhci.r nc\\ LP •·l.i~id. St:ifa, 1111d ShOIJIUn Sb(lh." 1hc ru:ok ba.o<h Scuu~x and American Zero lw,c pro\ lda1 • quint<.~scnlla.l took

,11h.e t11.1h<r.11it:U)



o OK


SounJ~ tunny huh'.' Well. ii ~011ld h.lvc ticca hi1ariOU), lK11 lbt) m.-Je lhc ~enc di$it.U!lbng nnJ m..iJe me ftt rrllt'-'cd thru I w11,n'1 (IQ I Rf'll J ic trymg. lo uur~1 a g,tl. I 'itia, lutl.)·, howt\(r, al dk: :w:rttmng hcc,n1\(' OC'V110 d>d conic C)~l lor I queslit,Q and az»V.C'r \C:"kl" One "OCCC 4($:<d. ··what h tbl\ mo"'ic. ~t.,.., HhlW.:io UCahlC v.1thaqulcl

po,nb! with your J,d.t. C"~ntkmen ~kL" ii IL group lhing ,inJ I 11ui;iti11 )'OO c~ck. I.I 001 (Of 1 m.11in« ur "aJI un1il 1l 0 l- .1t 1J1<d1'K'tlWIJ U1i:.a10

Animation not just for kids

panese tre nd starts new Oscar category

REVIEW to«! punk \C'Cnt. llic:1r 01>1Uh1ncd muJ>~.11 cU'Oll '" unly , l1Jt)nly btti.a lhnn nl.&rgmal, bo\\,cvcr. their .11,lhc.rencc 10 1he (lllnL. kcnc ~n,, \ IICCl'C Sc•UcrllO\ ', ac,ur.j i, R'ffllnl\.t.'ftll of 'iOfl1C' o ldn' Mtdcort h.t1>1h: 111( nttbk: ill ckliv~ml .i Ulplc whh .i.oony. m~~1phc.'ftlblc l)nt!. and m:uil'lJ bv1 •1mplo mel<'dk"I (lhinl Ci rcle Jcrk• ,1h R..ncid'• t.,:u, Fmknbonl.\ oo du• rccuni an: 1hc M>U~ "l..ocU>f' and "'Eo.J ol the Woe."howt\1,,-, ahc,r~na ''Ctivp,, Cabrn 1s111.11 r1f pllll.!" ffll 1hi nathtt dnrk LP. noc to mention the !>OOf\ cloo,.c s.imifarily 10 nc;nt)' C\'Cl)' RU1Cld Mmg ~vu (lla)"Cd Staucrbox·~ M>tlod lui"' chani'C'iJ C'(Whldera~ly kinl\X 1111 lnccpti,on Noc onl) lw 1hr twid'• stJII unJ"l'Q~cd. hut d1cu· .,,yk ti.a,- lq,in lcl ~'l>me nllt>r~ 1hcit tiwn 1ind k..-u likt 1hc nd,c;ulou,, bul'\bll:i,:um punl 1b:1J i.11 00\\ OOO<Jin11bc m111kct

1'hc: diptly oktc1 bo.od;1t1 hit~ put oul M:',·c:ral 1op-m.11th ~(&v.eUalo\C\tuet.r>cdJ.ocre ocic,) uc1 1hc I P Vc1~J1:c~ of c'1tl.> ·&O,,ak:.otu, ll.c-1r 111u~1.;. Tiicy t""-Xudo th111i.l 1"11anl, luocly keliri1 W\ v..:i, .,c, cndl!'n,k m abC'puolr."""-"'-f 1IM:ea1ly ·i;.I). Wuh W:ICli~ AAh ··v1,·11 la ll 11u"tu' and · N1p1 for a Hom1odc,'" 1hc)· ha,•c 1heir roe)!• f mnl)' pl11t11eJ in die: ponke.cott O\·erall II 1• 11 good. wcll 1huu1h1 001 fl.'COrd; pm re.member. 11 )"O'.I en)(I>·j(,\·ial h lllc punk "UCIIIJ, al'!Q\u gitl1, dor.-1 bu)' lhh CO. If )OU Att loorkini fot wcll-cnnc-.i rnclodtc guitar v\11,1!1,, don·, tiuy Um CD II )OU ,re ooking for the ku:ld ol roi.-k Fi-ni.,I. 1·x would r •)' fcillo.,..,nl,! • fou,,mcwh amrhcwnunt' biri,:i: )00 WI ii r,n,t».bl)' hJi:e lhl\ Cf)

Rapper's CD saturated with style, good beats

Cove r attrac ts reviewer. yields new album favori te h>· ltu.»tll Dunne:

opttufl8, line-\ of l.4.,t )'C'u·,

O,,C;1t.\lo'Vd•WIOnJftg ln,t)\ M: Stud;:" Utt a.i. l oUO\\·\

Kl ~ lS th1 fi.n:.tifl:attung p:i,nlo-buU llllyWAyr 'llheca.<1dc,wrulir1p 10 be n:\CUCd" hu lllktn; :about the W'tlit('ln.

.aday, Mnn:h 24, nwkt'd lhc l.'fll ot ,wc,ory. imimllled av.Old~ Wi1h mov es ltkc Shrek" end tht Dl:\\I)' Jclcaffil ·'Jee

Age" nuki1>e: :\.., moctl

'-cy-. lf oot nKln" lbon.. h \-c achoo

1l II utuk1'ltl;uidtlhl¢ wh) 1h11

W b«,t 1mpkmc1ucJ. Far

Ate" alonc. chl: J1n10U.ot of 10C1al.:) !bl. UI \l,IJ (l\'l!'r SJ() ntllliOG ln«C 1b t'l~<'Qmpe.111icm.·nw1alcir.e fut foW IUU\lC:I Jl'C

<a~hkc>I Bue lhh tttnd i~'tnr:w. JopanbJ.\ done 1hl~ 1ort ol lhm, foe cb;:idc'.'l 11l JupM Anlm11.uan or a.• t,00'\C prerc-r10 call, llnun,: The \.tOn~ ste dui1 of any mudmt-W)' dmn.a. lhc a1 1on anJ k1\·c ccncs COIWCY IC \'C:f')' (apelbly Di'<OC)' bwh e1npi re on thi, i.n:ncl bu, kepi all f~ oo the chtldn:a o.od ~med le> 1;11/C less abool the COJ(l)'tui.-01 of 1.hc adults. ThiJi tn 11.ll i." not lhcir l.tcult•. l'b,ey n'll"t 11uppl)· •nd Wil:ru:aod Pitrl!1lt11 dcmmdcd goocl r1,11i.urcd Crtl(f1ainmcnl lhAI h OOl c.Jtcn.(1\te in •n)"Wil). IO Oillfk!)I kq,t II 10 • '11ull llule box and m3<k ll Jiant profit ow of ii II', been vcry n:tl."nt lh.11 llAh,i.,uoa Ill A IIICfl(.a flo.s n:a.chtd OUl fl> .itn .audJcn....c &fen older lc:wl. W)!UJbl)' OOC until '""rc,y SIi)(} c;,.oicd, pceplc ~)' " \\loo Fra.o 1cd Ro,tt Rabbtt'" and 10% Student's Discount

movte, 111.1..:h a\ 1hi11 fil into 1h i \ ~ry,tru1lhWl)"pt$t,f 1UO.,.IIC1:lR el.b•.afio.1 mnre a.\ APll.\ ot re11.l lilc aM a11imntioo, OOI JUlt su1ughl llllim..11()Q ..,-O)' SlAlry"' bc1:an t<t hit w 11 h an o llk't app:a.l :iW highly hl(Lkn muuc11do. but It ,uU wa-~v.ith p l.1yiog the g111nc , NPI Unhl "S1ud."' ""'hkh mtlf'C 1ti.ln 60 mdhon. th1\ t:i;intt bc11u, h, bnud oot fionl)' wk! cooO<knll y w11h b1chly ,h1lcjtlk('I. thltl""l.'.f'tl-ffl(ffltkoaPO llrnong. ,.uch a.\ 1he e.,·('r -r1L1'll()U, hne 1mm 1hc \Upportin~ "'Shrd. t>hnrn,.,ter Ooob:)': ·'Shtd: 11.l)'~ l~I f·iUqu..d h.u II llllt,~ ,a~tk bc,c:.iu~ he·, for 11tltl}(.."lh111;. Now. I think thnl me,n, '" nll,ht !l\ Oc,nl.,c) geb backh1"1dcd

The (uu1I CtllliUfhh oo lhh att- lh.11 lllllJOll.Oon in America 1 bcil;onlinJ 11 U"Cntl Wt1h filnn M!Ch 11.~ 1llll\h~n Joe."' arid "lee A'!:(~" 1t· ot,v.ou~I) h11v1t111 M)O'IC' totnQu-. thou~l f'UI imo II o .,,o._,,. P'UTUflltE

9:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Friday, April 12 NIC Christ~nson G)1nn.uium • FREE and oPM 10 tllt pu/Jl/c

• Fl/Id out about {1111,t/mt, PQl't-tlme, and seasonal tlffP/Oymtnt oppommltles

II "C'ffib .11 lca,1 one C"I) 1)\\:tyi otd.« my c:)c •• I ,1mU die CO ,<~1,nn l,I , \11,n: Thi\ h bow I focmJ 111)'11Clf pon;h11 1n1 ~UIIIUILU,." lhc h(Wrc..\i (nm, rapp-, NIU,, Plld h«c'llUDt, pk.11 !ltlll)' ,-urpn1<:J N<>I hem.a <11 buil.' fan ol him my-.elf Iv.·;,.., M>lll pnnumly "n lhc I CDW\1:r. lhcn Rt\lll:W n.-.ah llng I b;id h<'J,hl onit<'lhl, llftl-\ before, and I mlJ liked ii My !c!.,p: i~iocn ~-etc lo\\, but •her tt, l t(.:th1.t'd my COCU~OUOII~ were w>dc.~crvCtJ J pt.1ppctJ th.! C'1) 111 11111d dbco\ -crcd 1ha1 th1t. CD \ll(IUI J 1i00n N."Cocne. ooc or my {a\·cin1.:,. Tu1cb \Ut.b '"Gf:l )'OU;~l( I • ,Uld Etha~ '('li diried in> 1icv.r°'md ran \hip (jc1 )'CIUnC'1' a "' In p;1.tbi.·ul111 v.a.~ my (;1\·11111 ,,'ltlK o l lhc lllbu:m It "'"' a h.ii.rmomoo" bknJ or tn\trumcnli and vocal,. ctca1inJ .a bc::al l~I t:~~n rnak~ wbi1c.-hu)'' lil..1me g,at up anJ do.1,.;c Thcf;Ht pr.ace o l 1hh ..nnJ: P">"'lltal me to NJ!C&I 11 (),;-er anJ over •prn. ftC'\<C:f hcina q11hc , 11t,r,~ \lo1lh how mtln the 1hrcc m1nuh: wo1. v..u E1.hcr'" 1,1,iu. clllatWJtlo1 to ll\.lCtl to. Jn d11~ 11Qn4t. a di11ru1e bc1 ,:cn Nia!ri 41nd kllo1.1.· e,1..,t coal t,ippct la) Z manif~'il ll)(lf U • harh'lgC al

tn.<u lt,. 111,J OlhcN i'< Uclibcnue rrm1ub. 1111, Ill the re,uh vi• rroll'logctl rcuJ t!C'IV.e"\.'tl the r111r,pc" llu 1l1•~ bctn Lindl.:J tiy lkro,atnn M-lOJJ\ wrine.n l•.1..:k n.nd ron.h .1hou1 t!'~th otbn, ~cmrn,nJ h001 llll C'o.dn·r 11llcn:11i~,n ~\ll~tlk'r. thn CD (ratwc~ J.I Jo{lfla, wuh N11.1: and hJIHl'C.V.

1Q1.11..'t'tb.8nds~•ti .:u.a, ,ocal •l1pt'atmw:,:1. b) \11U) J Bhgc m 1!11: "onat "'.8ra\·cbciiUlP'Mt)

The CO hit ,1ou: m OcfX1111~, 1111d I\ !bC ,u~•"~r to 11,, othc1 Clh." lll r11,o11,c.00 11 Wa, Wrin ,n." at11. "Sit<l rad:tm1h- and ·Qocrn&hndte AlhamII you 1111., e e\·cr hc-1rd N11, tic:fon: .1od h;i,e h«n urlimprc~~. I \I.fl"

)'(lU W tti\'C • Sli11l1'llbt" A JI\JCII The ("0 ~,u,...C'd w11h lh.: J.l)·k 1h.a1 h~ e,lllblhh1.-d N-" unc or 1bc mmt 1nO~atJ.1I na11P"r.. ur bl1r,; tim~ 1u,d prompl\'.'d inc 10 «1t1."rl)' a:ntkl~ic "'h~t<\<'CI m,y he nt'U



• Forln(omlatlon c,i/1(208) 769-3451 orvtsft ourwebslu:

hy (Edward Noo1on) Is the lllrgot ot Randolph smiley's (Robin Williams) hatred When Randolph rs II replaced by Iha purple rhino's children's show, Rando ph Irias everything to sabotage Smoochy.
l.11ugh lffld be \.lid , don't kn..w. OK. -.vme of you colk,c Ir.kb mlJ llt like- thi:, one. 0on cukt 1n,·ooc )®l'ISct lh~n 16 )'eat'.\ old. Thi"' 1\lfl 11. lirM didC kind 1.11 mov e whc:rt' )'1U ..,..Ii.Ill 10 uy aotJ \C()t't ",Qtn..-
~:.~ n
: . .,., t ; !fa~a l ; ..... ..,,,, .... 324 $ h erm110 \"c· Coeur d'Alene
=;~"t":%l'/= Mtldtt? · "4~ JOURNAL O'ZJf? (t)\f:i·~ @l~ NORTH IDAHO COLLEGE MOMIAY TIIIOIIGII fflllAY BA.M. TO 3 P.M. GO TO SIBERT ROOM 53 INI CALL 789-3888 TO CONfllM

Out with a bang

Athletes leave their mark at NIC


ot' Lewis WMkiM, bo:td coaeh, wa~ .Nmtd tbt tlllC pldot J)C(lf'le I have ,,,a- met Mcn'.t. Coad, ol lhc Year ,11 lmJuPt Nalion.ab. On AUbCIUU Tmck &kl F"tclJ 000th Vnn

Ma.n:-h 27 •C the botlld or U'\lSICC\ 1nceti11g, ii WU.

Troxel, pmt)' nwclt 11unullC'J up ury pr~ u> 1.11t 1hr uxk a11d fl.cld program Ju,r IO 1houghu tlKSJy when be .aid NIC J~ eon1inuiJ\8 fin.tncial struggle!!. The program. ho.'"' gonenbigger11nd bctlerbccausc6f will (ini\h 1bcuu.1doof~n hd¢e,ny t'UIJW.C

;1:lhklit$ amS ,1.;odc:ttdci.; v.hcn you \llilt pl.1Ct:. taking Wit away. ilts QOl going to help. The uvt llnd ficlt! ptop'lWt ha,. btcri 111 pb«U

In my 12: )'CILl'I, (I( being in,·olvc~l -.1th yqrs and bus (!Ceo much 9,·ci !he JW1 fow

olhkri~ l lt4vc r,c,-a mcl II coach 1trtk) it )'C':t.n ru. Wllional kH:.l

a.,. nlOUV1t1i()l'IILI l&nd fni:nJly as lrlCl. A«ordu1g t0 Walbn~. wi1h 1hc pou.1htc ~' field and Cf04iS c0tin1ry ('(111:C'h Lewi, cul the prognm, the~ l, ddini1t bc~t1,11;hc, The Walkins.. lie trulyeaf't) ahwtc,..(ryOIX'. aro ''Cf)' Light ndckl'l<l.and h I> ,tuim1:tth«il,..

lie \\1 11 k):,e four CCJim'i ~II Id Cll'JCC. ,1n 11ai,d, entire family. r-octy pcl\lffll of the .tthklo Watkins hllS w:g,cd ho atbkcci. to l.i\·c J1t lhc tna

11 NIC, whec.,11:.:L At!Jwh+•tdtx:.,tk"

tJowblU lbcyc-.1011"1 k1 soof wb.11 the:)' c11nooc ha,·c touy'? ..., l\llc li.oq,J.111 a p(l>ltiH' biuc-<olb1r .lll1tlldc.1'hc:tt

"'h'li bccl1 .am.i.11t1g.", ••id. " I'm gre.tta iswe, !bun tuvlng a progrun lilct 1bl rrood of this group, ,tnd I t11n·1 Y)'

cnt"IU&h, Thc! d«i1i,c,11 to C\11 the p,rogDM


'"f'l'n pcrcem l what the ('111yert do and 90pcn•

huJU•nd ia ,hock: forUic c:ntu~ ccam ho"' tJte) ~lto ,ilu.nhuni.,"' Wau:io-..,.1itl So11il 8ut onoe ,vc get MUied i11 ~nd AUf1 ,·cry impanant co tn;, a. f!011h\C 11ui1udc ll"lld compd.lng again, tvaything \\ill Yl'Od' k«pllll C'\'\"fY oppomini1y open. Wuh c:\·c,y doof out Our goal ii JU~ co mllko i1 to c l,~ 11.nQllicr i"« open, naliunal\ ,usd end cin • da'i.'i)', i.~,,ful \VCW:hn CTCdtb much~, hi.s pfO#nun, Jlf¢CC\S to oocc." mhcn..

No Yl'flftCkt he l1ai1 40 pertcnt o( the

I c-bOOS( lO &UrrOUnd l'O)'.ScU .....,,,. ri gbl pcopc.:

11.thlcte1i: 111 NIC ,aid Fol'cxample, Dud Ra muucn i~lhc beM

At Lbc bo.)td of U\l~cc:\ (1)1,.~tin~ MW coach in the coonuy., 27,thcdispbyof ,tudcru o.1hk1.C" lining Both lhc 11,en 1111d v."C'ffltn finul'C:'d:.ix11h Ill IUD

I.he front ro\lr'S wld die: back \\.ii.II vr lhc natittnlll\.. tiu1 the mnti,n.~ v..ue: "ct)' clo:\C' Tbr

LakeCocw-J' AJc:nc Room V..1,\¢J'IOOghlu +.hfrcrelk-c V.ll\ IOpolnh mc,re rorlhc wnmcat,o1*

brin, teAl'i to ffi)' cyN. So tnimy Jlhktd thud place and in tho men·, divi!l.ioo (ourth Ogt,ting (or• dulll.'\'. an opportunil)' li> 12:th place hJJ a 10-polnt n1.ui1n If d,c mce



ll«fU1rcd rout mort point~ lhcy v.truld hll\C fi1i,bo

1hc llCl"\'C co ll<"k them 10 hold 1hc-1t thlnJ

11.pplau!lt' m theirl1Ut pko. to fi-j!htforthc "O\'cNIU rm "\Jcty1'iltnficd ""1ch1ho!ie u:tlb·f'll"

i;ur,ivll) ur 1.hdr ?ir,M. fio,,h.t, COMPIU~ 14,) 1hc thinl•pl41:'e ODC1I fMn bil

UnbelicvaNe y~r." ht <..aid. ·we had many morr a«•omrJ "'Weare 1Qln8 CO g)W ii .all 'A<: hll~t fllf 1ndividUlll1)'."

lho ~4il or 1he )'Cir," a Cltd,nal ,1Me1c


8 ~:~:~


Role modcb.1bL'• wh111 lhey arc. l.'Ompc1hjQns. Waddn-" ,aid

Rok r:nodcl~ tn 1111 or 1.1$. FiptjnA 1,1111.11 tht Chit.I Goddard. a 1b,ee-1i1nc natumill cb1u1ipot c:nd, tnk:ing lhc proposed call 10 i.tndc 110d

1hc 1Ac.13h1 throw. ii fCCO\·crU'lg from I h1rratnD1 going ou, liLc cbmploo1,. ,n;ury •00 i\ no1.1un= 1( he will mck to~ Ciivinglhc1rall.dC\-pil.elhc: l'ai.11.haldic before ,uumnialie co cry h) become ll (O\lr·WIIC

OppM:unily cmtC given to 1bt1n b)·(hit

i:hrunplun college i., cnd..tng. Wntkin,c ti..u lhrce t'Xprt:huion~ for hit 11.1llt'Wt1

So 10 all the alhletc.1- wbo 10kt lhcLT

1bt ouldOOJ r,euon Opportunll)· .ncr lhlt)'C41','OO- "If1hcy 1,how ~pcc1, coumutm(nl und •


roJJO\\ yow drtll.Oa., u.1 tbC ,.cboot y,J~

W,11tkir1s ,a1J.. -The l('llffl h1t!1 been it diu.,. m:1 itwi'

cammnn,c;11u.10, Lbcn c,cr)'thioa; will b,c Jl.)rt nat. rime. dtdkattiKI 1md comn,umept to

anJ C>Uhtdl' or 1bc cla,;,,o._,n,,"

minion i..- "commmcd 10 11udcnt .\Uett'I~ Briaa Babc«l:" rit.:.ka.1 up hi\ flnt <lOl l~gi.alC cmUcn,c 1 1"'1 hfc-~g learning. v1c1ory itl lbc •hot·pu1 a 1bc Bob Oibb C1il,s;11:' l'dul'llliOCQl orportWliOes I.hid

Boi\C S1ate Univc-n.1ty


111 the: \CCl'Dd pmc of 1bc Joobldltadi:r M111<lo LS, htod Poul Maonrdo bJ Lo !ell lus tcflm th<)' nuabt aoc be (Offlang brl (or lmllthc:r !Ca.\Oft

111c bo>tb>ll progn,m may be ru1 fn,m 1he ooc1Jt1 Cuuln, the bbcblill rrov,un mc:..m cutung C'lpportUOllib for \luilcml. CulUris II QII or chMccs., 1 IOt llfh(ll)b Md a lot of dream, 'Oppc,rtum11, opponiimcy , opporurn.lty."wd 81111 'ft111plc-m1,11.1t volutllter ll'l'\nlanl with 1ht NIC net .and lictd JJCOJmnt "Thdil ii \lotUI,c)(' -·pcopi,"""1." Rc:c..:-o~ly dunni hi~ 1orcoch c~ JAy 811p1!<.ta. .t (f"c< c...w:tiedouWeSckr. told hi, c:111.\J \\·bas II mt:lln'l 10 him kJ

P,a 12 S(HfN.'l ..... 31: c::, S oftball wlll be • .J:2 • ls th~only'sport at • • >- • -= Q NI<;, next spring. • •
When I ('runt: 10 NIC lhl)
koC"A, one peqon- my The 11.rr,t pc,wn I met Q.Q,J msio.ndy becumc hirodt. w1Lb Wit) an iat.bldi" He "1oTut Otd of hb v,-uy to,., mean:,uad n.Mgee 11, know me lie intNdiaecJ SPORTS
act iJ :,~:.1:d and outside of classroom' 1 ~::1~:V.i1h by
IIIIClf thc St1N'o\•!18' ,poru on The
c:,mP\', I
came to hnd lhnt NIC alhlt:t~
ouldoor men's :and wl.'ln11:n•1 track and r•
ccam "4ncd w, 1hc "<J.:IC)II 14·1th many
S.1turd.1}. April 6. He Jl. 1 cxpilMhunian putaltltl &111.lcnl"1Kethc pc.rwnal rcc:ord wiah 1111»,J, gf$1 reel, B rnlfl'I" quality of fife for the 1udc111,. and che L Nie<1lc Cluucr, fndd Llt.1, Chad Wallin. Billy «immunity it ,er\~" Brian Babcock. an NIC thrower, took four1h phu::e whh a throw ol 153 feet at Spokane S1.n.nflcld. (ic(I(; Be1cneoon a"d Julie P.ctcrsoa.all Whatever OW rnca11111:. CommunJty Colk!ge March 16 at the Dusty Lane tnvltaUonal. qu,1 liOed for No.Ltonals , 10 be held io Odeo..,.a. l'l"I Baseball players: 'Go out like champions' Proposed cuts frighten athletes MP6l o( lhe umc. ,, 11, 1c;1m prtclll."tt bud COOtlgh with tht ng.hl iunount o( dtdicatioo n.nd dctcrm1f\Sll,Ot1. 1hc:)' tin"~ • ~hot at pwrt0min; 1hc1r IOUJt~t oppO(IC':nt. rwthc ba.~h.all th~ 1, not the. CU<. No umounl or pracu« wlU bdp them overcome lbcir 1ou1hcst l"'OmJ"C1.lti:,r, 1 trip back to lhc field ncitt :\41l.W11: alld \he coacinuAtioo of a '\j)Ot\ lhal 1w oon~umcd lhc lh-cs and dn:IUI" uf I'll.II\)' 11tu<lcau throoghool NIC', hiKwry. Shon.I)'
a!tn dctc.wn, 1ht Colle~"" £utcm Utah 8·1 m iht Of'ltOrt .mJ 5-J
u, d1e k\dMl l tc;un ··Anmy r,1nily I, tn H•v. AU. and wJ,en I~ home.Jck l hl,-c- N~ch!IJI ccam." Bap11,Ul wud. '''l'bcy nrc 1ny fnmily." l'he ba~ball tc;am <k,cs bave chc IN ofUu,.\t:t\Ql'land,. ac('Qnting todit pl.s)'ff\, I.hey M'C going 14) go OUI like obampiocu "\Vc llfe a<,m111 h»f:1''"' h al11J.c h.1,c f(1r the rc:\t oft.Jx )'CM, first h.s.'ICfniln Jason W~ahn ;.nkt. l'bc ldm '"'" kq1110 ll• \\"OfJ, b0ti1mg • 21·14 o,cn11 ft!CUhl Mc.I a 14-1-1 Scenic Wc11 J\1hlctk Ct1nfcrtm.-c~:~~~.:s~~:,f:;::c Dhic'!I Outd lbncn(N)Uprldrtl & lY.o bu1crto le.1d the Rcbcl;'l lO • 4·0 "hutout Q'f'Cflbc:Omh. '' m, are gai11g 10
year. Bapcl,111 bro.kc Thtimpwn·, ~••· mn,ug no-hiner whh 11110glc in 1hc \C\c-nth Oapthla 1th,.., hll a ,olu home run \l\"Cr cbc Ide fiold rcocc 1n Lh<' finl mnm1 u( tbc cwnd pm( end hllJ aao1hct ,inttk in lhe thltd 1ruung The Rcbc:1, ,nt on 10 ~,n 6·3 Jc,-pltc civht hit, by lhc C.udla.:1.h, April b. In On) 2 ottbc l'o\·CHlay K'ric,. the Card\ ,iewn l.ldealtd b) lhcR<llcb:~l1111JxOfC"",ol O;:~:;~:~1g log1."1lld fi\~"1 dm,ui;bout the IWY B;ulcv ! lrudc out 11t,cn. ,r.'ll-1""' allov.~d !('l'lrr hlh anJ l""euttfofl rumc in fi,·e innlnS"· The teain v.111 hr1in 111 Ctgltl·'9' ro:1d trip Friday, at t:1n..b: Vallie) Colfc.gc for .1 four.~amc J.CflcJ. 1111 Th< Ca,ub wall conunuc pl•1....., the rc to( 1he 1.i:,uon w,1.b thtfP'"7 1hu1 lhi, may be ifi. la~ tt'. S0tm lhc haM.ltialt racJJ "'111 ,J die founJ.11ion (or the pro~-~ ~:,~::ct,2:~~;111:1~:~J me pl!l)'«:n v.h" c:.amo lOt s1;,:, purtuil uf J dream. bc:1n1 • b.iulcbaJl pli)·C'.'r, a
give it(ll/wehal'l•for1/,e resr of the

A Diary OJMO'cib

Story and ph o1os by Jana Oavjdson ..SLllfWf1UH-

The group climbs at the Grand Gulch Prlmltlve Area In Moab, Ulah Tho weather was hot and sunny U1Tlil lhe1un went down.

March 17 (D"Y 1):

\\c aw(\kec.irl) lhii morning o.H.cs • IS-bou,nn ndo, LO hop 1n 1hc "'•" and J11~c to lbc Ora1.1J Guli;h Pnmhh,: Arn

Aha "'oppi.11t¢ h)' II~ Ran,:1:1 SUtiUn \Ii.,,: l<~k 'i>mc very rough di"n l"OIJi t411ho 1n1II We dc~cndcJ into an)OO,

lllldni In all the nc:-.d rt.Xlri. torm,1.dun.uod ,·.mou tle.M:.rt hfc

We found ,tic- old f.'.llmp 11( 111 t.atly \Cider; ~CUC(me nsl'l>Cd

Jim On,cn \'~m \\ha1 h;,d c ilt'\'cd hi, niune ii' tht rutl.

'lbt· hil.:c Wil& rrtll> good~ 11 Wa.'> all down hdl ll'ld 11'°'l1) t'fl tnd, Uf lta!lt. I J11J lf'!,' j.'Olfl;JI; dtc OA·toOC "".I)' Ol'U.:t'. but fiitt,trtdllOOl~lon:'~"1111'1!,!lOOfllt,

l dtJ llllftlC C'11plorm1: dunng lunc:h 11'1 fl hnk: "'de t'M!.10"

At1C'f 11ot;il "''"('mite. WCCDmC'IO an c:ta:lknl C'i1Ulp )pol

1hcneii;plon,.,._l .imundth,..·n!' wnK-; thcl'l:'W:l\ lltuic~ncuh)'.


l'bc ,un 1, sc111ug .arw. i1·1 g.:uina cnldrt'. i.o cvel')Vnc u g(~nJ ll' ~J IU.n\

March /9 (Day 3):

We decided )'Cqcrd.ay tMt we'd f'UUl alJll 50 I J mrll:'\ Uld.ay 1\11 "°aywc 1,.'0Uld be \UIC' V.,t'd tC'l 10 WOtc1' •nd lllkc ll W)' CC'lfflOfftlW. E\·an llfld I k ll !he ~rhC'\t 11smn and \\'et'(' soon joincJ by ·rOdd. plan w'" ru~k 111<• thi:: w11pii1~ ol'IJ 1hl.-o i(I lo help the l'lthen. Some of ii.em nrc gc,ung ouy blblo,. on thcar k1tt .ind ollp,. .arc icuini; brui~ hi~ llult v.~ the pl.m. Hcre·-.1hr ~Ill)':

AflttTodde1uJ1hl up.he11nd E\·M ...,~nllhclr

""'n pact. I fuJly ut1c:ntbl 1u Ur:ti up~ lib ll'K'm aftct C\'tt)' btellr.'., t,\li ('IIICC v.~ iW1<."d mo, Uli!, again. u "'b ool)' • le\\ m\111.,11~ hc!ott lhC)' \\C't<"

a. buoJn:J )'llllk .abc.aJ l\nt rpum1;...11ncc T<Kld b • miJQllhol\ M1ncr llnd E\·on rw1., tat fuu. t 1ool. 1n c1dllng 1bc:m W Supffllunwn., tclWI)' no1hmg ~I.owed them at o.11. 1sli~ and hurt m)selr.~ I~ ur fotu wlli~v.iihan an$fY1W,D

March 21 (Day 5):

I ·a q, \Si b


,a ll\\.iJbol Vtl')·bur We llk't "1Pll'.JU)'\ ft°"II -'0c:J'l\'C( We «re n1nnrns htto .i kil 1oote pcork oow

f:tiJI 1$1JI 111.S. hlto .11-S Plctograrna WO uam.-d 1hc dl)' wi1h me found ln a nearby w1nlkJ lil.llal~ 1rI a htt canyon. dnet1no. e.,'C'fY1imc v.cran mw,:,om1,.""11.,..1ulkol

·wh.:rewatctooulJbi:: roc111d\\o1., ns~1rcJ. Oo.:e "".:

M"rch 18 (Dav 2):

lt "'M·\\WLL, And.11rn.1.1mgl)'ltWiL\D'tlhxcold l

•k'P unJi:or.i lmlc 1«1,:..-. '()tU J fc.11 la~ mg111 WibaUult wind

l'hcR' mt' duo: ,,f u., W1thnut 4fflt, nnJ E~IW Fmnk hlld k)D'l(WC dun.11$ the ni11h1 fn gC"I °'It oldie Nl0'4 I~,., ,t,._,u"11.k.c thl~ IJIIIC' 1u mC"n1ion lhc n:Uftj,.") ol lhc:'.'IC

flClll'IC t v.111 he •Mlh all w\U. Otit iuy mdwu..:c ,,1 tht, vt"n ~ in (II.ha 'KCIN~ ll:tti: 10

Cilll)' u, ,hould M'..ik lht'~ kg-~ 0ul41ooi' PllRUtt·~Todd

1tc. ..c. I'"-: 1,lti:..dy 1111eouoo E:vao. hc'11 lll'M,J v.11b Qu:16c)Qr


UU- NOM>'1 Alt. lb: ttM con~ m r;utv JubaJ GXN.lncr. an

c\·~brint', pd hi\ fi~nc:ff OJ. Oilmol"(I: JIik¢ R'Mllh2m a1kl

Prsi.1oe ~urrm.,n. J(c1th Khnc 1100 Shwul(Jr, Balon and Bub

Bu"1d 11111J Arni Shuck. E,'t'l')·one i1- ~:'1 t'Ck."!'Xetic ILnd cip.iruii.t~ ,1~1• 1h1, h1l<~ tiodl ,~ 'CII')' c«lf. rm 1, I'm

~ut.:k in I.he 1niddti.' 1)1 ,_,",f11:c't 'A'llh ti...rriY people: lllld OOl

\\ht~\ 1roudic"

Ev~ 11rnJ r 101 oul t'lf couwr &'VIJC I\\O hool'll allCGd of C\'Cl)"\lfl(; m.11nly b«'.lu~ v.c Jtw1'1 hn,.c 10 "'Oft')' aboul W')'ttlJ

llll)'tccltA Wcdk-rlc:d c,ut, t-u.;h 1!f ruin, &.!though Y1n1C Wt'ttn'1

hi gel 11>. Tiu, i••fVtclR or li:tA)ffl' h:u 1hc: l111le<J cooxnc.r.1,00 of AflaWJ Ml~ or 111,n...:lhl ~ hi;(> dwt

The 11ncienh l'w11ilt 1htlr horn~ lln 1hc C'ilDyon v. ,di~\\·hhadobe: muJ.1~l.,.111d.,lkk."'- They'tt\'CI') ,m11ll 'l'hcO,lorw11)').ll'C hllrc.l} 1n..'lfc d,110 1 ll\l'II wiJc .uM-1~,, d«p. I ffbl\ll1l1,.-d Ill trq,;, into roe Wl!.11.ben hl1 my ht:.11.I trying lo gt'l 0111


I!be kdg,!~lo,:d l()lhc hOlKC"1hll\l'tlC'C'O worn nv.•yor collllpK(l N<ll ~i1lB \Uk.'r Iha::~ pcurk ln't\J lll llrlimt of k!ll.t.'1. Al 1hr: rum~ v.-c (Uld rtllluily pnllcry µ'Jgil'\ffl1$,.IIJ'ld wm

Qb.-wbcri=~)'grc"" (IOffl 1·m\l1lltry1ngt,•£i~oot

II ',\i).\II IUClt.l 1lf "'\('n milNIOl.l.a)' v.· ldldn'I bl1,·c II prubJrmw11ll l1 wuulJl1,n~be~~ 1( r'TMlmd t b...t11 m.1p. but~Mlf\·f\'Cd DI.Id to• .,.,.c hilv-o.'.' toCilff)'c:, v..t'U need on our baC'b and pM:k II c,111, "'' 1hc avcmgc rck i• bcl\\l!i!Q M).SO fl(J(l:lldt.. AllJ wlk.'1, I uypact 11 ,~. thuc mCIIWi ll'W.'d 1o1Jd f1,1pcr ""'·Ch'C'nalL 1l \\:I, s.voddny. $aw I04~Jnd Jadn·t gt1 100 tittd.

WBl~ Tht.1t V.'C' hi1 lbc fihb 11:-\oel c1f hell Noc quite 1hc loC\'CDl.h k••d. buri dclinllcl; dow l'bc: traJI went \·enkal 1100 caicb Mcp ga,~, l,ttk ll \l,'f.S ooly l&boul IS r«s tip. Wn \\e'd ;o down" IIC.'Cikin and gu righl Nc:I. up. Alla clim~flJI.I\\0(!£1hc.\',< I to,.1 ii.II mypaln·aftg;t'flll btiglk" ILnd MO\\al Juwn. 1'bt- SuperilUtnlO.'L kq,I going IOd • I lh111 pc11n1 ni)' 11'11)' l"tiCICl (Of b)io, 10 foll~ 1t.::m '-'a, i'{1 I didn't i.c, thl."Y,:rong \\'J.). We Jid lhc l I mi.J1."I ,n r, ·c how-<. I w,..,. cxhlllAlef.l. m)' bcxl) Y..A• !!llfC u1J L"Omplclc)), 1hrn,hed 6\·:m .tnd TudJ l{)t)k fllJ)bc a J()..mhio1e brc»: ~wm1backv,bc:tpwbm1,·wr~i1 IJUst lJkio11 m)' WCCpUJ,: t,,;,g.100 1! L'ffl ti) rnt,\'C.l loOk an hour nip. bQ1 1hcn I gi:>4 .- •uoklm ~1 C\~n loying. do~--n hurt It v,,;n(tql)"l(UUplic O( IWUbbofJ'ln! 6\,1,0WI\ b3c:L with wlUl'Oclt't. pack. Hc·d stm(I about 20 mUt.5 1ho11d.ay and Yill h:td lll111 nr C'Ml'II,)', '\1 t~I Mlt:lhttguy. l"m1"1rellll 0\'C'l'•nd tie•Hhmbin1 the canyon wait to 1ooL Id more rum~ The oth~·n li.'Ol hi:re CJtl) C\"<!nins.1reaJLA'd hn'A J lud\\.t...i<d11lccb)'· BJ ..SJul~I Md enpyt'd U.. IU.), ~"Cn n.:-.111ruiat.1111d C:\'tll lYd 1akcn • nap. '11.11 focb1lg !Ula tbc I l 11t!L>. I hWJ con..i1111t1)' c»1~ dlC dly 10 11 Jff\'ic!""· of hdl anJ \\N 1nton, uC" p.,m Al 1ca.~1I'll tic' 3lik to

March 20 (Day 4):

We h~ IWO mtb W $',, tiu1 I CO\'Cf't'd IL klt nl(JR': pmJUwlth:IL TbcfU'lllhlllf.oflhl:tl~y\1.4\gotaJ 10 ,amp and "'°l\8lll& •r'O&lnd Pactogrwus ll.lC lb• nca.rb)' Cd)1;1t1 I.bat l chcc:Ll-d 001. l'ben:'11 :t m1.1.11J mtliUI} htl\ IK';U 1N:m th1u h.t.\ ln(omuUoo t100l1t Ilk: f'tl'lf* thacl1\·at ,1ctC iuld wh.,t we find flO\,\' and 11...o a •gu~ book" 1.h.At pcor,lo can lt:J\•c &heir n:1n1C1 ianJ • lntlc: mc..~j!l.:" ut I loclay 1h11 oo pi(lure no~ lo die world ewld uuly o.phlte 1M bt.au1y as.I ~je!oly o f tho. p lllCC'. 'The n~I t.iJc:-1.iC'd wnle:r a.t¥1 " IJ lhc: pi, ll&nN(UC \\·ttt\l,1:ou1Jn '1 dtt 1u1hCc h•lhc 1n,e rugged woodtrot~cari)OCU. Th:i1,. b :1 dc:srnol nwir,ch •nd 1hi: 1b1ng\ I « and CAJIC'rtcau here trot 111~t ,nddcnbabk. ll1e ICtnt of iagc:. rock .11od r't'.I! tJut mil \\'ilhtheun)\ln w.t!h with lhl:it~tril"etf red )~Uow nnd brown and die suc:iktd w11h bla,.;k as if 'l(ICl)((Ml,r;: \phi CIIJI ril Ink" al the lfff' I \\'OO!kf IM.ifl'ICC.imn. if lhi,i laod h cuBOJ o, hlOo.1'.-d. II can fry jn 1hc dAy. fra:1~ Jn 1he 11ill,hl an~I can ho."c of '\JIOW

.« 10 O"t .::am~llt ,-,.i, twl lO bib: 11nntlwr mlJr lxfon, findtnl wn1er. ODc ,:ood refill i., Jilt we I\C('J 1b,,:c. ~·c:'11 he U&II ut bc,c toQII.JUO\\

March 22 (Day 6):

I wo cCOWI l.tJitfflflffllllfWflh\:<>IJfl:\'4 Aga,mt

1bete hn.,n'1 b«n 1Jnc nJghl I hJl,.:n'1 l,O\Sed and hama:d a r;-uUj\k h11un l,cfon: J.iiv.n tiocau'-t I h,-..l bkc:bo(ioc for lt'('t NCt n1.1Uct\\ht11 rv(don<" all ,lilanph fl:> Willml m) toe, ,W- bttn futlk rod;iy\\11 tile end of II Four 1nooR: md-:i :iad we." \l,,·('f'!" ow. JlO"C'\Cf we p1.ol"d al.mO\I llklO rm al111WC Yo11lh11\ t'W\I thl)llpC m1kt. An entltt \\CCL willk>Ul•o)' bathin1,(lr iu1y l«nl and I JIC\'(f R".ally •n~Ucd .aB)thlnJ until 'i''l' \\~n, inlolhc R11ngcrStahoo.. I'm \\'11.lbtl~ 111 tbt \,UI Dl.l\\ forc\'1."f)'IJflC:elw. I red one 0 11hc t,c:,.11hiog-.. ilbc"u 1h14 et1p \\.P. chi: .lllhU!.k o t e\tt')'OClc. O..."phe the plin 11.oo""' ,onic. of them""' in. 1hm! wn~ ncVt"r 1111)' wtun1n~ o, ~OU~ tC!illtf'la1ul111. Ne, ooc ~.,, 11nnoy ina 11;0J we oll Nd hm 1'bcy·rc all m l pc.ii pc:opk an,l 1nq,..·r~ to Jo 'Ab.-it lhry'"c:- dMc'. I'm sa.irt lllcti.' 1UC lllldctt< aut there th.ii l'Olllcli1't Jo thb ui~• MIii uf .W milCl-'Wl\h ll'l p(&lll\ C10 fiUill.lCk a,., I)~ ha\'('. Now ,t') Mk 1c,Mw.h aniJ 1bc:rcnttonlytv.o thing,1 an ~·,-mtnd.'. fib4. food lnJ .00...,ffl

lbcrc·s w many ••Y' lhl, IAnd 1.,10ld kiJI 110d ~I thctc'A lifo hcN. Oil mt 11\0\l in1pc~s1blc C"~ll)'OO WlllJ •""' i.-tn ,row Md m.iny bi,1h nf binlHall thi• -
•nl ycc yklJ no •Mer
Two hikers llop lor the night lo rest and eat at camp. Resl was well appreci,tecf Oller O long day"a WOf1h of hilting ond carrying a olO-pound backpack.

Card s not affected by proposed c uts by Bmy0111es,,1,10 SoortsE:dlW-·

Ai tbc ooly 1c;un pf'OJ)Ot,Cd 10

mn•m at NIC nc~t \pring the 10flblll team is I). I3 OYfflll and 'l-7 in tbt Scc-lU1: Weu A1bkhc Coofcn:ncc TIie C.U:d,,c:lcd 10 Rkb Colkg,, (16-15,88 SWAC), Apnll 10 pl,y • SWAC four game ffl'it-s a,:tlft.\l I.he Vik.inp.

Pllul• P.aucnan a,ad 1t1c: winn inJ R.81 for tbc Cllnhnalt. anJ McOillc> , truck ou1 !.C\'Cll

Ut tll.i:WUI

1'hc Card., dti>pped 1hc opcocr

:l-1 tn 1hc: flr,.ttl:iyor11&.'llon ln

Rc-'hllfS, hi tbc ,C"cond 1.lay uf 1.Ktioi; the Catw, .,.·en:: forecd to .enle

ro, Afldlhtir ,t.plll, afte( the

V1kin-t;:11 IJ,(('lrtd hvc 1un11 m 1h(' ~litth ,nn,ni m ,.Jidc b) NIC 9.7

Jn 1hc acc®d ii;.1m..e ol 1hc

doub lt'ht'ader h WU I 1(111&)1 t<N. but we' ll

boutKe b-.:k.'' NlC ca3'Cli Doti

Ova Wdhtm• sa,d The Cn.rd,)

IA'Ot the opcntt J~Z. Mcgon Cotpcntcr went l l'Of~

.a nnd dm,·e 1n r,"c run) (~r the

Cnrd.1 1n the s«ond pm". The.

tt.1m h3J 12 hib 1A 1he ~CC()nd


Clitrk -w1., .C <or--4 in 1hc fint


_...,..... ,......i w..i,..., flllby II M,,,.WII Field. I pro

Tut cw, ,p111w"h IP IEIT tho Vlki.n~, 2-2. NIC'i cl KaJU McO,lk_y f<iichcd fourYilid llitk.\.-. muing.i ••d i.,.,. C.,,itb,d lllll'O-Nn d<>uhleln

lite w,r oflhc sc ·c:nth co le-lid NIC to 11 ) vic1«y lo the ru,:h1ap.

Health S ervi ces s ees 15 to 25 students every day

f.tudc-ms a diy. lllc uurM" 1ua.1nk"nc:n AR"

ANc to di:tgnOM! and pi'C6C'n"he mtd,cine II) ),tu~k-nb.. lllcy arc 1,llilllhk frat hcallh

''CfJI hill< ,lcq,. Lai< ol,t,t ron ic, l&OO ,:arly monun~ d.1~ IIJd up loO ,-csy Utdc ck,:p. Ur'(Cl ,c,;,ni..:h, and Uin& heillh, A Id n( (ul)(h.,11nd Ii:~ n6m le.teh to koi., Lha.11 diNrabLc. C'.llllllg

lwiti"' F1Ltthtl.ldC1M1quK:Uy bcromc the i.l.llnd.m.l cUel of n


Sere~" can pdc. up at midtc:nn anJ final .,.,ccb 11 an aho be 11re.~~riilju\l tt)ing.10 l«p ur,


ITlillhUlininl a tttilll lire.

t...:ko/ ~kcr, pclOfaW'I!!

hnbll'\ .and .att.u w hen

cocnhu~I ..-hh 1.h( wide v1ri.dy

uf icnm dut 1«,1mpaay

hund~ or pe(lp e s.b:1ring 1tic

~me l,n:a1hin11 ,p:iec can be .i ret 1r,r fflr ,noc1»

Th i ~h where Studcc:11 Hc!l1 1h · Scni«, oomo 1n.

AC\.""O~il\$ lO 01n:c:10, or Stud.:111 Hrllth Scrvice1o Llnda

Midul. he'alth ,tr\·1cc~ ho.,c

~h :I\IU l ablc 110 Cl.lllJJ"~ rM

()\'tr 20 )'(la~ (t"U tum.I. a ""1!( 1tw

coo1~ed of l"'C'I nune

f"l"kl idoneni, Linda Mkbal anll

Pa, OcStnc:I. 1md an

1dminbu--.u,,e .t."li\4anl. l-lc1Lllh

Scni,ca from U to 2.S

l'< w '2

CQt\iUll.lllic>I\, c,·ah111tioo a nd muncn1 <•C 1nirKII" UIJW'll:&. ~~d.~. nu, N.addc:r u1rccdoo1 Sllh. ~pmcb;IM' hcaflh nnJ hc:ll1h pnt,lc.'lth. \Vhite 111(none pna,uoncni llnl•blcwlunc1lrcmo,tot1ht' complnir,u. 1h.u -ui,c1mt,. onmc in v.ill1tbc:) "'illR'k.1 '$1uJcnu,to ulf(2mpl\ nlrd1ul c.'att .,., hen .t pNNcm 11 be)·oDd thCU'tcO(ICSnmc ('If IJ)C commoti complamt, 1>ludrnl, 1u,-e arc cat ln(«boiu. urpcr l't'>pinUOtY tnfcainn,.,trc(.,allcl dcpr«li Anuu.ol C.Utfl.\ (\X wncnc.u. ram1 ly (limning and~ ('hy,ic~lt, makt• ur • l1ar11c pM.ioa or ,a, let'\ 11,..ail:INe.

1-k:a.lth ..c:rvitt, 11tt rn:c la all ,1udi;:n1..._ however, ttudctiblltt'h!"pc,1u,1ltlC"fOrt.b chafl,'(s th.11 arc llOC CO'YCrod b) IA)' f05u111o« cbe)' ml)' ba\11.' ,\bdW NJd lb,,.'Y arc klOting ~, f1ow they c:m pmvidc ll\ m,1117 )('l'\'K(.\ p)),iblc 'lllitb 1ht llllff tJicy luve ,inc:c lhc CUrfflll budget ~'Ol\·t•I""" the-mtohin: mnreuarr Mic:hll taid she ii an, lhlll wmc M.Udetwl have ooinc In Ill ll)e etid af tbe-1c llC'C'Cfld .........,...,..i.i~1eyb"1no tdc.tbco.llhscf\'ic.'nwl.'t'C:t1ml anil:ibk. In "Pile ol 1.!ut. all ll11)0lnlmdll ,IUU. filled and

Children 's Healtl1 Insurance Program CHIP bcncllis Include

• Oodor\lWIS

• llospll1l/ ll111eq\fflC)'Oltt

• Denl>I C:irc

• Prescripllon.,

• EyeG!Jsse.<

• lmmun!zllioos

• ,1

g:unc ~n,1Krimn Kcl logg "'"" 6-ror·8 in 1hc iwi.abil L l 'hc CauJ:. hoi.t Ccu1ral W•lhingtoo on 1·ut~d.:r,y ti M.cmori.11 Ac id, die 111\c hamc g:un,c- Ol lb,: ~.&1011 The \\ Ill ,ho take tffl Utah Valley SU11c Cotlog;e Friday 11ni.l Snmrd11y .11 Memori.11 FK'ld. Ciunn v. 11 1 begin 11.1 I p.m. htlitb tLl)'l l'l l·· Fres hman lnllclder l<alle Smllh preparos lo Hol d a g r ounder al softball pr actice at Momor lal Flold. The aoftbd will tok e o n Utoh Valley S al e Coll01je Friday al Memorial Reid .Nurse practitioners available on ! 1campus at students' convenience PICKUP YO CHECKS !Studen t
·Slitnv."!W •
; a,o
Touy Sorcl\)ffl
Hhto,IQ.lly 'f\Ukln&. \oluJcBI\
)I fnMI. hethh con.~
o(.«l~y E~~!;~::u;: I
:',.."'!!'r:~i're YOUR ~f"""· Cl,ildren Insured'! ( 11,ey Ct1n le •.. For FREE! ; \ ~ l ~L [c,
tntal HC2lthSemres 'D>oo.<andsoCl<bho kidsare<liglh1olor Ir<* htohh = co,, up ro Oft 19 - CYtJ> )00 work! In l'1a, ,n:my 'IIrl<I~ la11ullc;s C1nling $?6,47l ayear or more can llfl fREE heallh If you don't have health insurance, ..___cal ll l -8 77-KIDSN°'\' (962-2588)! .J 011 oc;c:1,1\'l(l IMUIII eum110d physicab m.a:, t,c •tlK"duh'd • wee~ out, •he utd. S1uJcn1, may nol be the moi.1 la.c111th can,c1llu•1p.eople, hut -.1th lic ahh ,('f'\,tch on c11mpu., 1hcy d(11fr ha.,c co be lite k•bl hc.,hhy flit!1>plc rFORT GROU ND CAFE 705 River Av enue 664-4611 Now Serving Espresso Xoff any : espresso : With this coupon Free 12 oz. Es press o w it h purch ase of any b re ak fas t '-- --' FROM BllOKSWAP GO TO SIEBlBT ROOM 53 .............................................................. ••• ,,,,~!'''mmm Apn l L 7:00 p.m . Student Union Building $2 at the doo r Tlus ,s a gathcnng or local outdoor clubs and organi,auons (20~) ,61-,i~ Featuring our world famous gourmet sa ndwiches, salads and burgers Olne-1n delivery and carry-oul Open al 8 a.m 11114 pm Tuesday - Frida)' 8 a.m. 1111 3 p.m Monday ldal!O Ruby's is available on Sawn!ay by--• panieS, grcup meebnga, b<eakf.iot. bNnch c,, 111"'° We are located at 206 North 4th stf91!1 righ t next to A ll Abo ut Sporls ld&I\O Ruby's off..,. 10% d1'¢0Unl IO ofl cash oJfllill" t Pho ne In or tax otd" !or deliv ery or_~ Phone: ~ Fair Recei ve a free drink with any orde r and t hi s coupon Nol goo<I '#91 Iffy O"* ...,-


:1,'i.ability S upport

S,tVices offe rs he lp

~from Page-I iidpa,plc ll'C\'Ct)'t~ ttieydobcc.auM:~y'w bliod for. \ 'C1"/ tooa lime:."


k-8UU0t..'k b. \n the p,n ASJ«inhon for llllel About hw ot id;\ in Wa.dungkm '-!ale

«It jo MODW\il 'lbe)' ba\ric nd5CS'Cffln:adcn, C10fu1,ctioo,,U.(lll)WCIJlli ,d) cl><doo.

'c ju,t wa11• co W\W. some

!,10 lhc WUC"dl\.lblcJ

b:i~"' ~lic:I.J..Bulloct


i,wd(rom Pa~t- 2. re are 1;,Cvc,al U«" ut lhe colkge lhn1

lt)1Dg 10 1c.ll lhe 1110,y of ('CICW' d'AJ.cnc 'fnbc ltDd jlttnll.1n c people in the. through soulp(urc MuJ an.


•tl)uc:u»cd in lhl' plun t, t he' "

QJ.lrucrioo ol m Amencan



:c;hook: Le:iminJCcntcr

\ls(Olfthebulld111311-c nu\\ arcbm":Clunl dciign

The 1nbc h•to for

Art~ll«tu rt,l wort and

I moclth h~ve tuii E.,t. bowcn:r 1he bu1hbng t~bcCOCbU\l..:trd for -.1csomc umc Ilk poin, 11\Jl1 nut>· be the plll dt~&IU I.lid d 1fncub h) I ii ~o. 3 on the plan. lt~ILl ,.,..Llh naming •nd ill& \';J.DOU• place, OJ

Oi,-3Nllty Suppon &'1'\·i......:':I bd~ uuJ.;nl\ gi.'1 the ac:<Xll111tltld.1ll&Xt.'t, Ury need. About SOO ~udc-ot.s on ~111nru, h!l'i~ idcn11J1,cd lhrnbtl\U B

b..i~~ i. donbdit)' "'Ptopk AttO'I fattd w1lh p;oplt \\·bohave dl\,1bifitiet. eva)-JI)' nod '\o!;lJlldifflcll Ibey doo t UIO\\· bow in i11tcr.1CL witb then\." o.llk.l Cbri\lmll Mllball, dl~hty 1.UPfO" \CMt'CS adnuni~tm.11,,: .,,,,Luu "'I lhini: \l,~l1td«:titkmpaw"'llff:l'IC\), to die tad poopk- "' In, b.avc

d•sM!ilbhc:1, ace ,ihl Ilic. umc lb

e,'Cr)'9ACd~ the)· ju1o1b4,'C: differenl ..-:I'll\~ io h:'8i' '' OSS gn~ 11udcm~ di.wocoon

fn,o c~in~ oiucndcJ,,

1>UPl)Qlt. «oonbruatc \llppM (rom thclr llu.lnk:ton.. Brail le ~thonbor-boobOOfll{"-' It g;,'ti than th.ii extra >tcr or

lhlll ch..")' mi#lt n«J_

in1c:n:M around campu.\ 1" COil\el~ with n4fllc~ from

IU1;11 I n,1livc-h 1 101'}

'1"otticbc:,1 l1f m)'

\"nowlcdtc wt h•vc nul

ch•ngcd .'In)' af 1hc, n.unc:, ~f the buU1.hn1 "n thl\ (am~ in rcln.uon,bip 101h11, aoal:' Cite

"11d. Tiiae h.o hl't'u some di!tCtJ~,ion 11lk.11t1 1 tbc

Pf Ill l c.a.,l POC buJldinj (!Cl

c;afl\pu!l.1100 the upo,m in,:

lonaht1U'lo(! Will u:nitlnly l'I(' n.DJncd ·,n re<OfBIU(II, or

tmrc,nant Coeur U Aknt Tribal lr.idt'n or culruml happcnJ11g11." a., 'l1dcd in the rlnn. Th1t gc.:i l h, o,tcn,, ihly, related 10 So. S un 1bc plan by

1ry1n, 10 1cll 1hc 1IOI) ot 1hc


lltc Cotur d' Alone ht.·uch

wu nnmcd in twnor or the

CCX'11r \J' Altnc tnhc c•n July

18. I 9k7 The hcaeh ·, n«me.

Y,Lp·Kcchn·Um, mc.111u '1lic

Wdrom,ng Place.·· in thelocal a1ach·e to11t1ut

NtC hi.\ bttn "·orkms on

tJc,\>clup1ng: • Nw,·c Arncbcu


'.'/.1.C. Spring Special









1,111 0 \II \IBI R.._lllll

M.1hon hope& I.hi.It MIIUC:bud)· ~ho ffla) h2\t been iaJrrulJ I() ~l1Jo0n.-1bod.ylnn14hccl c:tuurbcr,~v.illtocl 1oore COOl(Qn.\bk

The Ruundl.ablc lMctb.,ion f11C m~pcllin, my1h\ dNbi lmc~ ut1.-"\ltn'.d U0 ~b 281ttatJ Wlb U \'t1lf U> ditcanl the old • tdtlldc\ n.nJ pc,rcplil'lflt. "01-.t or lhc \I.I)'" \l,t UII cml)<)\.\-ct'OW)C.hc., i:\ to hel p utb,,•n,"B-uld. ihc Plf'CI t1 Ille R uidtablc Oii;cussioo s.a1J to c•ontinually

JIii.iie M)fflcl'C-lil)' ti. 1011111)' om&~ M""Y of lh< """"1'111< :wdquudfip)Ci'C SJ(''f'le! lu\'C l po-.111,~ 1ut11udo '1f' r can't ,cnr,d up. bui. lCllD wreMWIJ ou11•· Thcnu.in6(t;II LJ1(>t~ pc~ who hu.,c dt."abilh1t'"1 IO II\ (a, IL\ the)' S1(l"'tbl)· \"aQ nnJ do t1 m1.11;h M 1hcv can ror 1,hcrn.••,eh'C'il. •

,iu~htl) program

··we',<pul fC.11.1 mw,cy Jnto tun11g lblU s&all 11.n dc\·cJop,nv; tho1 ouriculwn " Ccc:: N1d. 0JfolOJ)l;C 1.."du~lllldll pt'l,g.rum\ Jft(luJcd1eD.1ll\-t'Coe-ur J' \k1K laog.i1:1,11e1."01Jrsi: r>ffctcd ;11 lhc C«ur d'Afrot' Tnhll1 8mgo Cui no, a.~ \l!"C"II •~ \-C\'~ other clb\-e1 m tht i'tununcr. Worley 1ru 'The Cucur d' Aku(' l.o.nJtu.l~c h..1• been n~-atly 1CK1 - al Otlt umc uuly u lul.tlJ!ul ~( pcopk \I.ere ab1t in J1':.•tk langu.agcti.Jt whh help from tllC' ,oUtge numbc:r ha., 11'4tn ..J11.nif1c;wtly "I 1tunk lh~t 1bc1t' arc upc:c:b of Hhl" Nioe·Po.tnl Pl.111) thlll bs\·c gone ,·cry ~ell, O« ll4Jd, Mo( cow~ 1h..:-t1; • 101 1114)l\' -.q1k lo ,lo, b\ll I tltl.ttl 11 ti., b«1u1 re.illy pP(111\'C' c.oi,l 10 ~ally oprn up .:nmmun1co1U1>111lJJ\c.lt11

1Jt\'c-1op an ap,1.1t."i;'Ulluo hlf h~Cd4 if;\ \\di 4\ l1clp ptqpk U)'ing 10 111«t c:omnt1m go.J..,


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OD 1h:i1 \UbWA)' 111.i.n, \\h1cb 'i\'&) JU~l Ir( ~ni.h from mufog ,111~1 uop 41 Chambc~ Su«:1. • couple <'HY Mock, awa~ bum Gn.wnd '/..t!ro. It w.u. ti ,c the Jocah, kntw 1he loc,mon nfld ,.,pccccd 11, nrthlncu. \\llh 11 \Urnt rill<, I loo '-lit v.11h tn)' am)\ 1uc;kcd IC> my~U a., V.t' l1,.1 ,1 l1.11t. I 1Na, there.

W:1lki1\J up1hc New Yol't ~hv.~y 1111:p!J, 1 lncw n1) appt«.itllflfl ol hk anJ JI.\ inherent hc:mry wa( ,ihout 10 dw~ Th-' pnnto.l ,..._1r,b. p 1<:IUl('1. niJ video chp,. \\hich lht'world hl\rrli cd on ltic M-\.;rnl month, w•• 1thou1 to bt npl.i,ccJ hy ll n(W CO\'t'rtlgt (t\\. pt\lph- v.111 ~\'t'f l.:001'- Tk 1u ft,m11s, plllD. and \.;llhk:.u w n\ 101111 II) hrtcm'II:' tel11 h Will Jlllif :I kw rooutc~ away lhal Wall 11\llmid,lhi,,: lha\'inJl M 1dc:J wt1.11 tbc: cold 111nJ t h•ul.l!f a(l('ffllXl'll \\·u,1M '-<1Pl1 be o{fc.nn,:. I Jlt)C,'i(d II w1., tom.a: 1c, be chaJkn i•mg "bcn I ~1m ,1 mltkllc aged m,u K"Cl ,1,.'lfnlon (mm tu !1.-in.ilc rn rnd h "u b r,.,.11Jbt1king. rcally.1bn man. '\\ho

proh,M) k t11 U,Ul .ICT'1UOU'. )IIIJf('llt while, hhr1J..c,I hlifflJIC)C')'C' I,. the i:uurlc lud JU\l COlt'IC from GrounJ Zen,, fl ',\,l\lfi) 1111" ff111t'l)lrCd Jc,·d 11 •a\tl'l rhy it.:Jlll pt,\,ihJc In vkl' d1,: CC'ntcr uf Je,-.l,t•tioo, but If\ unpJd W,11 •~l'l'tli hy lflt' .1.hallen:d bulld111g, 11m1111J ltlt' JS.:ictc ('J:(ia,·a11on ll( lht r\1111 ,,1111~ WTCTv,,in Towtn It •'fl lwJ t.ccirt,g tlflC" or lbc l.11gc::\t c1l1d i.n tht' \\01hl h.oc 1Ju, n~"uci h\llld bolt It J 1J 1ft 11 >I,. 11gh1. lt dldn' 1 fed npJ1t I 1cmemhc1 1ihtnd1nc lhl'.'rc I didn't knn•· \\b11111> 1bu1k Pc,1plc from Jtl twc:r the U.ntld ,toc)d 1.Trl\li·(k-d IUJC'lhl"f ll)illl Lu catdl 1sl1mp111.• f'fhulM01cn., fire.mcn•nd tt'M.'.Uc f'll;N,1C11'1cl Hui the huk\\'ll'-tl.•1Jccp •nJ IUOtllll':i~h'c ru, lrcc1·1nd \'Jc~ 111g C11y 11lflcialHlc:c11k•lJ tt((•II\IUKI I Vll."'ilring phrllt'lml 1.- ,iti'lo 10 gee• hcnt:r1111glc. ·~y dtJn'1pt.,,1 anU~11,r,i'd lb pof'lilarit)' -.hen pco,pk 9tctc" filed Ill W;tll fau1 IP fl\c IIOU~ 11/r hn:· mJ11uk, u.t vn•w10, t1mc 11'11: ckrn.t111d li'«cd nUm:ih. hi bcfm

.111cmp1 101 tn rruli1 tin the tcmlmt 111ucb hy 1o0U1ng mrrrh;indN.' :md indmdual pho«> alNmi.. It was .11 comp:lili(lCI for thMc r,=c,ple O)'lt\! tu lun: their nnt JMll.rlQIIL vmun ( ..,..u,fl lwpnwd when 1h,: litM'i ll,!c.nt h11t1Jcd mc .1 darl·bJuc Uc\:c.t 1h11 hid n 6.30 r.m \;J.:wang tune, whJl·h ntcn,u l bAJ. a chri."('.•hout ;;.o•i1. Bu111 "a.• OK; I Wllftl<d hntt lo k't" the tkdlc.Ulion wall Hin\ do I Jh,Cf1hi; • CI I )- block MIJTOU.ndmg 1hc tm1twJ• l'lf I hi,tl1flC' "hun:h trull', hc(n ,r.111,rnpncJ mlo a m<!ruonul for ,.,l 1t1.1t1\· fnnuUtt" It', ba.1J. - \Cf) hard Is', ,noi,c 1him Jlllll ,1n .an:..i of ,i1n11111~s nod lcttCI"\ ol..~- h'i u,ott, than candle... .and the l'ilank:ct dun d;it1,1Zk fh'lm dk· thurch IC"ncc 111i• v..ill v. n fof die hcroc'I. the 1hn11.,an1.l-, ol r,.-nplc lo~T. 1hc Amcnc.a1h. With brl)kcn he-,1n1 o.nJ thc1) t a cocnf\Xtma t 1ld i,.a;fc, (urun:.

11\\..,,t~.umrul mnn)· 'f.tOncr,, "ere 11,IJ on the v.,dluoncs ,uch il.S V:uk""-'.\JI O.atlln. who m!Hlt her husband l...uM:c. \Ii ho Ui fig.hllnp for r~otn S1Qti¢1 lil..c Cllhl·rl11( l.t)IUiJic.:. \\ho ln\4 htr life XJ'I 11 1 l'l\11 ,rlll hnJ Jw., h i<thJ4) t.""tlcbf11.h.~ll hy fnmily anJ lol·DJ,. bo bghtcJ ~ndl<, 1t1 hC'I: ti.'JOOf AnJ lhtft \1.-crc )tQflC\, like LioJa. who i, ,un 4eu.1ch1ng fnr C.an11,n A H1\·c-t11. "h(, 11i·11rirat in lhe l'('(l100 NtilJin3 c,n lbc %th ll{)C)f,Llnd1tv.rnt( ~tmh,)'Oll Carmtn .1hant you hlf -.av111g my life lllht 11·,o b} (ar lht' ltll.l\k",r thin~ \11-htk Vli1ht11,1 Cin:1'11W :/..cro. b.,-n 1bou,ttb 11·~ ~n dme to \ot\'tl'I rnocub. ,i.ncc ~cmcan1' IIV(lf, \\CO: tum ,11,,nt. 'r1Clbu1.•d :md ch.1111:cJ forc,.:t. I i.tttl tecl lit< lbc C't'<'tll hilppcni;-d na l) yc,tC"rdA)· ··,fo~mg ,Jy:n, wi:rc C\'Cf)'\\ hct('. •1kin1t pcpplc 1f

the) 'v" "4'tft thi:lrdaughtcr .uKI MHti. Ck~tu,c ,11 p,111nacl,a1 were. sphu.hcd tl1ro1.11flN)UI lhc dcdicalion wall II -:h.1ni:cJ m) hf~. I ti.IV. Ill\" c.ntirc Ornond Zero upo.r-ltn« llwt Jllettmon l'v< ttcen uurlsucd by \mcnc.r and h~w ~rrons d111 oat1on can be. c\·i.;o mon: w no\l. llwl r,·t, bc<n to Ground Zero. Tbc hcauty of my <'\JlCTlCflC(: ~hov.ed tt'le lbe ctue ddi.lUor:,n ul life ;tflrl h"'" \f'ICCllll 11 rc311)' i,. I ca1fk' ~.1<L tu uu, 11111c t'ily b)' the 1!1k(' ,nd grl fru•u.1h:d hy hild dr,\·tn, dt1appol11UllJ u~t ..col'ti ond fintncilll

"'"'Hot. I 1c:11.h1c oav. mor< than c,·cr Wt

it'., nul \l.onh II ;tDfnt\lrt'. Uft I, 100

rr~mt\l\ tn be huns up on minor dct1d1.

GwunJ t.c1u w~ ~. bu1 ii wM • IM>

l,,c;_~u11ful m ,t, o~·n ,pccial wa} h nu1kc$ our Amnrcun v.,vo(Ji(e a. hlUc ul«C

\\nrthy · And, I ..fppm::U11t 1h1t oow.

TRAVEL Two columns ol llghl, lormod by 44 lellrchllghts and 616,000 watts ol powot, llght the W.W York Clly sky Where the World Trade Center towers once stood seven months ego. The temporary memorials buUI tn remembrance o'f Sept. 11 terrorist nttack vlcUmt will run until Aprll 13. Just footsteps awa Visit to Ground Zero changes lives b)'Jt'rT)'M•111et t.tiliOQll'IOE.dl1Qr S,·,met.lung W\\.I wruNJ 'frill11hc l~w le,. of she dO""nto•,,n ACfi blue \ubv.:ty mun tu M1Ulh M.anlull;an People ~I mouonk'-" tbtu 1\0\.ht\ hu11g O\'ct There ";i\ an C'lbvinu• 11Ucmrc Ju 11, oid lhe u11(or5iVJh1c eye co11lilCl wilh urangcu, 11,c: ~•k'oce "''"Ill eerie It wa.1 r.lli·~ )'OU t't.1Uldn·1 won ft.1firc It .,.,.~ a alle:ncc ovcrOowing wnh ""'d cmollont., d1uk t.lldi,eu
a oproa.tcJ ,y,.('m \\~ft' vt'tl~ would ...,.;alk 10• ,.,tc- • hnll-mdc &\!ill): lu pKl u11 l rtc tt..:k.:h. h alw hdr,cd 1dicw ah~ maol\C h>t'I llllflM,: ·nu, "11,' • i,.·uoJ cbm:. IO be b) rt1)'st:lf .n I wal~~ 1ovo1rd d11: lK"Ut ,1u1h,n 11K' l.11ot 1h1.J111 l tc1, ltl,,.,: \\il' hcing ~111,l, h·c alunc slunk :d:,,'lh1ni d\(.'. I \\4-, fot.:tdtu 1•,l"-' 1l<rt('n, t•1 lltttl \·cnduo who \\'(rr
~,... A subway wall In New York city's PeflO S1a1lon serves as a makeshift memof'llil of nves los1 on Sept 11
Explorer is the Sentinel's annual publication for the Popcorn Forum. This year's focus is "Americans' 225 -Year Journey in Search of Personal Feedoms."

Founding father discusses freedom

Jefferson finds answers through independence

The f~t ~potlight and panel discussion for the 32nd annual Popcorn Forum were shared by Chautauqua pcrfonner Clay Jenki nson a, 'Tho mas Jefferson stm~man uml aul11or of t11c Declaration ol Independe nce, and Ken Burchell as radical aul11or and instigator Thomas Paine in a forum of impassioned discour..c. The charactcn,alions were delivered engagingly and focused on the conflict and camarade rie experienced by inner-circle patriots of the Amenc an Revo luti on in 1776.

Jefferson hcgan by noting that he was "a very poor public speaker and a very ~hy man," deferring lo his friend Thomas Paine as the man who "did more to sti r the emotion of the people to liberty" tJmn anyone e lse of tllc ern. Redu c i ng the c 11l ight c nc<l 11111n 's notio ns o f li berty to thcir mos t fundruncntal ~talc.:, Paine infused these idea ls with tremendous "emotional energy." Jefferson said. emphasi1ing his point with a flourish of raised fingers

Eventually Painc found him~elf in a Luxembourg pnson aml slated for cxccution by the same rcbcls-tumcd -zc,1 loL, that he ' d previous ly incik-d to rev olution

Briefly describing

the French Revolution of 1789. Jcfferson recounted the em's triumph, an<l lossci,, noting that in the encl, 1wolutionary fervor during the Reign of Terror "<-l>n,umcd the best min~ or the time."

But Pain e hu<l fallen from in tllc colonrc, 100: hence, Jeffeison ' , attempt to bnng Paine hack lo Amcrica wa, recounted as thi: most con1rovcrsia l thing he'd ever done Consequcn tl>, Jefferson s:ud he was subJcctcd to an enormous assault by the Federalist press Thereafter. Jcllcrson . tlle diplomat and graduali,1, kept Paine at a discrcct distance - at least publicly

The founding fathers were co nfron ted with i.crious questions. sa i<l Jefferson. "Whal wa., to be th e future of human liberty'/" Jefferson asked " ll o\li would our nallon go about creating the world's fir..t Rep ublican ,ocicty'?

How capable wa, man of ~If-government'>"

Allowing fn:e-spccch might mea n risk ing pan demonium . said Jefferson, each t11 ought carclully fram ed in dramati c pause , hi s left hand neml y tu cked under th e lapel of his jacket

"We were the ce nt erpi ece of a world -wide experiment in democracy." Jefferson said Ile said if they failed to creat e a succes sful govenunent , it would mean a return to th e old hierarchi cal order.

" Peopl e con onl y take .so much re vo luti onary energy at one time." Jcffe ~n said. "We must never do more than the people can stand ."

Jefferson pointed out that Paine's biggest flaw was that he had vision. but failed to "move wi th the people ."

The younges t of the delegation from Virginia, Jeffer..on said he was selected to write the Declaration of Independence for two reason. .

" I was kn own a~ a man who was versed in the his tory of ideas," Jeffe rson sai d. Also know n as a c lear write r of

Th oma s Jeffers on , pla yed by Clay Jenkinson, recall s the wri ting of the Decl aration of Ind ependence In the Schuler Auditorium Jenkinson was the first speaker on April 1 for the 32nd annual Popcorn Forum.

prose , he s pen t an average of 15 hours per day reading.

Jefferson said he saw himse lf as a peripheral player as o pposed to bei ng :11 the center o f lhe strugg le.

" Franklin was the greatest American, maybe th e greatest human of the 18th century, " he said

But Fran kli n refused the Ot.>c lara ti on job, explaining that he would never again write anytlling that was " subject lo committee review ," Je fferson i.aid Adams too , refused to wri te tllc document citing reasons why Jefferson was right for the task The panel discu ssion provided an exciting, interactive dynamic Jefferson was prepared to make ttadc-offs

rathe r than lose th e union between North and South over lavcry Paine was an out~pokc n absolutist who preferred ca ndor and directness over ~ubllcty , princ ipl e over compromi se

Performing in hundreds of speaking enga gements a year, other Jenkinson charac1cri1.atio ns include John Wes ley Powell . e xplorer, Meriwether Lewis of Lewis and Clark and Robcn Oppenhe ime r, an atom -bomb physicist

He is a recipie nt of tJic Nauonal Endowment fo r the Humanities ' Charles Franke l Pri1.e, is a Rhodes Scholar and a wide ly recognized writer an d author.

PAGE 2 ExPLORER America's Search for Freedom W EONESOAY, A PRIL 10, 2002
" P eople ca n 011/y tak e so much revo lutio11a ry energy ... We must never do more th an t he p eop le can stand. ''

Paine's princ ipl e s e m brace f r ee d om

Time improves religion, sl avery, speech freedoms, women's rights

Thomas Paine, portrayed by Ken Burchell. spoke with confidence in Schuler Auditorium ,1bou1 the one thing he cared for: principles.

His principles embraced individual freedom for nil humnnily; Paine proudly cited lu~ contributions lo American freedom. He poinLcd out how his wnling "Common Sense·· was the backbone of the American Revolution.

"'Common Sense' was lhe foundation that allowed lhe Declaration of Independence," Paine said.

Paine was uncompromi~ing in his insistence on women's rights, freedom of religion, abolishing slavery and free speech.

"It (slavery) was a blight and a stain on humanity," Paine said

The audience was silent when he slated thal they bad no idea what il was Hke in his days. He informed lhem of women who were considered "moveable possessions," of death to a person found Lo be a Quaker and of hole~ bored into people's tongues for the offense of swearing. A few audience members instinctively brought their hands up to their mouths.

Pu nctuating the silence was laughter. Paine's brutal

honesty was interspersed with humor, especially concerning modem society. He said he was bafllcd as he took a nighttime slroll and found very few people outside His discovery of lhc. bluish light cmanaling from homes led him to watch and mnke a quick judgment of Lelcvision.

"A few minutes was all I could take," Puinc said.

However, he did find one redeeming quality: public television. lie went on

Ken Burchell

Thomas Paine • 10 say lhat lhis one admirable quality was no longer supported by the government.

Not only did Paine take credit for the foundation of the Declaration of Independence, but he also boasted of his instrumental role in turning the Lide of the American Revolution. After great defeat on the island of Manhattan, men deserted by the thousand!> It was then that Paine wrote his "Crisis Pape rs" on the bend of a drum. The writings began with a line that was to go down in history: "These are lhe times lhat try men ' s souls."

Paine said how the 120,000 copies sold in three months made a big impac t o n deserters, and lhey returned.

After Paine's part in the American Revolution, he returned to Eng land in hopes of finishi ng a job that the

revolution ~tarted. l:Ie then wrote "Rights of Man ," which led lo a price on his head; Paine escaped 10 France. Conlinutng on his quest. he wrote the firs! rcvoluuonary French constitution. His radical views of the "stinking system of monarchy" landed him in prison.

Paine sees today's socieLy as vastly improved. He relayed how it is heartwarming 10 see women gel recognition and have equal opponunitic!, He pointed out hi& own contribution LO tl1e Social Security sy&Lem: his text "Agrarian Justice "

This text ops:ns with a telling philosophy of Paine: To preserve the bcnefics of whal is called civilized life, imd 10 remedy at the same time Lhe evil which ii bas produced.

Paine thought the lntemcl was an "extraordinary thing.'' and he recommended his own website:

"I heartily recommend it as I always do my own works," Paine said wilh a grin.

Just as the audience may have been feeling slightly proud, Paine pointed out their ignorance of history and law.

" Haven't you even the courage to know your own laws'!" be said.

Bold slalements like lhis one define a man who made a profoun d impact on the course of history. Paine never compromised, and he "gave his hand to all honest men and women."

Ken Burchell, as English American writer Thomas Paine, speaks of his support for the American Revolution during the Popcorn Foru m In Schuler Aud ito rium.
"(Slavery) was a blight and stain on humanity. ''

Sojourner Truth doesn't blame God for life of slavery

Sojoumer Truth, portrayed by Tawnya Pettiford -Wates, graced Schuler Auditorium Thursday, April 4. 10 continue her divine mission: telling lhe 1ruth This truth spoke beyond all racial lines. beyond gender and beyond de11orninaLions Truth began sharing the events in her life with "Amazing Grace" playing forcefully in the background.

Truth lived in New York, one of the first stales to do away with slavery. She was sold many times during her life. the first when she was 9 for$ I00. Tru11l relayed how her pride Ci<.lcndcd Lo her work, and she often did more than her master asked of her. She told of her 13 childteti and how they were: all sold mto slavery. She recited the 23rd Psalm: ''The Lord is my Shepherd; 1 shall not want." She answered the audience's unspoken question diree1ly aflcr this.

"I know what you're thinking," Truth said. "How can she keep praying to God and he don 'l never seem lo answer her pmyer'?"

Truth answered the audience's internal question with the continuation of her lile ~tory that led her through emancipation, lighting for women's rights and sharing her faith in God. She never begrudged her lot in life of slavery, of being a woman and of being a Negro.

"Because it's God who made me both a Negro and a woman and to him be the glory forever for who I am, what I am and what I shall I become," Truth said.

She said her faith empowered her to join the aboh1ionists' movement and to speak out against ~Javery and for the rights of women. Her commanding speech drew many of her time to her; they were hungry for lhc truth. She gave a story of Truth and Lie and how Lie stoic Tn1tb ' s clothes and paraded about the lOWn. She went on 10 relay the moral of the story:

"The truth i~ naked and without cover and although she may he hard to look on. she has nothing Lo hide."

The audience was hungry for the tnuh 100. They asked hard questions such as what would Truth's opinion be on pro-choice or pro- life, and she gave them an answer after she led the questioner to define what pro-choice was and then wha1 abortion was.

"I believe in the sanctity of life." Truth said. "I believe that on ly God should give or take life. I believe the choice ... should come before the baby 1s m her."

Her unwavering answer ilhciled large applause. Each question had a similar effect on the audience. Bold statements such as "l don'1 believe in tolerance," "Young people should stand up for their convictions" and "Ignorance is perpetrated by silence" gave the audience more answers than they may have wanted

Student Dan Woods asked Sojoumcr Truth what she thought was the deepest truth. She said that while she was reciting the 23rd Psalm she "realized thal God was tru e to his word" and that her being able to even come and speak Lo the audience was a miracle.

·'l ler answer surprised me," Woods said. "T gues~ l should have guessed it though."

The audience remained hungry and even after the questions were done. many flocked to the ~tage to talk lo Tawnya Pelliford-Wates. Her convictions were quite similar to Truth·s. although she said ~he was not "as forgiving of the church ' s inadequacies." This was Pettiford-Wates first lime doing Sojourner Truth and she relayed how she always tries to challenge people with her work. Like Truth, Peuiford-Wates feels God has a mission for her life: standing for the truth. Sojolll

Speaker arrested for voting

Shemade her mark in history by fighting for women's righls. Her name was Susan Brownell Anthony ( J 820-1906) and she wa~ born in Adams. Mass. Her family was Quakers and were anti-slavery and for temperance.

Throughout her lifetime she never married. She said she didn't find it necessary for her happiness Wh en she was young, women with views were condemned to a sing le state. Me n didn't want lo marry women with views.

Anthony believed thi s and suffered because of it.

Anthony promff a womaoo:;; she became a b;I: I f she marricM• parlor pct. " Had I murtl(» life a.~ a pct or,• ponraycd by SI: · " In stead I fell I· sta t.: Jaw thal p< • woman·s child I and having ah-" were not Jegall)"l believe t1131 would be reveltli that man wa~ C1T' woman for him. and woman lhl' 1 • conservator of'

Sharla ChittickTrainor portrays Susan B. Anthony at the Popcorn Forum.
"I believe the choice (abortion) should come before the baby is in he1:"
Tawnya Pettiford-Wates
· Sopumer Truth

Andy T(lVIS

lllrtrayed by Tawna Pettiford-Wates, speaks to the audience.

Darabi describes life as a Muslim woman

Muslim girls are considered adults at age 9

Forcefully succumbing to a religion that oppresses women's rights was a lire Homa Darnbi refused to live.

She chose 10 die rather than live a lifo of servitude and displacement," said Parvin Darabi, Homn Darnbi's sister.

On Feb. 21, 1994, she set herself on tire, leaving behind her life and her vision of peace - A vision, Parvin Darabi, author, engineer and human rights activist won't lei die, as her sister did.

This is the message she conveyed lo the 450 people who aitendcd (he fifth annual Human Rights Banquet, a1 the Coeur d'Alene Inn on April 4. The theme of the night was ''Living the Dream: Freedom and Equality for All."

"Women have rights and women have drcams,"Darabi said '·Don't short-change us: pay allenLion. We have a dream."

Darabi described what it was like to be a woman in a Muslim society "Muslims always tell you it is a

religion of peace." Darabi said. "I agree ii is a re li gion of peace - if we submit. I would nol have a problem if I said 'yes' to my hushand; the problem comes when I say 'no."

AL age 9 girls arc complete I) segregated from boys. The only time they are together is in the privacy of their bedroom.

Darabi said at age 9. girls are conside red adulls. They arc expected to pray l7 Limes a day fasl for a month each year and can

peace by askmg the audience 10 help her end "the heredity of religious dogmas."

Dr. Tawnya Pettiford Wates. a professional director and actress, also spoke at the banquet.

"IL is incumbenL upon us all to take this to heart and remember it," Wates saidofDarabi ' ~ message.

Wates shared with the audience 1he memory of a day 1ha1 she will never forget, a day she describes as "biuersweet."

be cxccu1cd in some countries for breaking these rules.

"Muslim worncrn arc birds with broken wings ," Darabi said." They cannot lly to freedom."

Oarabi went lo Iran five limes lo help her sister leave. but her husband would 1101 give his consent. In Iran there is a law that women must gel written permission from their husband ir they want to travel.

Darabi finished her message of

On April 4, 1972, Wates received a best actres~ award rrom her school in Pennsylvania. It was the lirsl lime at1 African American women received the award. The biller part of the day came as she teamed Martin Luther King Jr. had been assas sinaled. She said it was a day she will uevcr forget She ended with a line from her play "Nappy Edges": "Horne is a place I grew-up trying lo gel away from and will grow old trying to gel back Lo. "

The night ended with the song "B ridge over Troubled Waters·· played a long with a slide show that fcaturc<l human rights activists.

AII procee<ls of 1be banquet will go toward scholarships for students or color

dwomen's rights tor more than 30 years

drudge;· she said.


Suffrage was 1he women's right 10 vote. but what lhey fought for was the woman no1 10 be wronged. When she was busy with the temperance movement in 1848 the Senical Falls Convention was held_ This was tile first pub lic fornm in the world lo discuss women's rights.

Cady Stanton. another womnn, Anthony's younger sister and her parents were of the urst to ~ign the Dcclara1 ion of Women's Rights. Anthony met Stanton in 1851 and they were friends for all their lives. S tanton came from wealth and comfort and Anthony can1a from humble beginnings.

During the C ivil War she set aside suffrage lo light for the African

Americ,m. ln 1868 Anthony and Stanton c reaccd 1he Nationa l Women's Suffrage Association. This association campaigned for women·s rights, equal pay for equal work, custody and labor privileges.

They lhen created The Revolution. which was a newspaper edited and wrinen by women.

"In 1872 I decided 10 challenge the consiilutionalily ban on women's righl to vote," she said. " With some intimidation to march and on Nov. 5, 1872. i did something 1 had never done before; I stepped into a booth an d cast a ballol for U.S. Grant in Lhe Republican Party.''

Soon arter she was arrested aud her bail was se t for $500, then raised to

$1,000 after ~he refused to pay ii. Against her wishes her lawyer paid her bail. She believed she simply exercised her citizen·s rights.

At her trial since she was a woman she couldn't testify on her behalf. She lhcn formed the union. bul not to give blessings, bu1 to secure them.

"He ordered 1he jury to find mci guilty without deliberation and then be made pc,haps the greatest en-or in his judicial career for he asked me if I had anything 10 say." she said "Yes, I do I have many things to say."

The judge I.hen found her out of order and fined her $100, which she didn't pay.

Anthony spent 30 years after lrial traveling and speaking for women's rights.

Then in 1900 she su rfered a stroke. When she started fighting for women's rights there were 22 states in the union and in 1900 there were 45.

In 1900. 36.000 women enrolled in sta tes universities and private colleges, the Africa n American was emanc i pated and the male African Amer ican cou ld vote. In 1900 only four Slates allowed women to voteColorado, Utah. Wyoming a nd Idaho. Her last spea kin g engagement was in 1906. II was to an audience of studen ts, scho lars and reformers.

"Some how I know th at with such great women consecrat in g our li ves failure is impossible," Anthony said.

" Don't short-change us (women), pay attention. We have a dream.''
Parvin Darabi human rights speaker
1~yof ltmarry 11:n that .1• n~idea 1idea "land n\~ak 1f\.1 ~lhe
J11hony, 1nhor. o~mcn·s

President advocates policy change

Wilson's attitude toward women's rights changes during second te rm

·'Much was accomplished dunng my adminislrntion," said Harvey Riclunan. who portrayed Presiden1 Woodrow Wilson in front of about 450 people at Schuler Auditorium Thursday morning. Early on, !he I61h Amendment for a graduated income tax was passed, IJ1e 17th allowed for direct election of senators passed. the 18th was prohibition and 1he 19th created women's suffrage.

"l hope I did it well," Wilson said.

Wilson was born in 1856 in Staunlon. Va. His father was a teacher at HamptonSydney College before his 1enure as a minister for the Staunton area.

Wilson moved around often during his childhood untiJ 1873, when he attended Davidson College in North Carolina, where it was thought he would follow in bis father's footsteps to be in Ille clergy. But he coded up enro lling one year later al the College of New Jersey.

After New Jersey, Wilson was encouraged by bis strong essay to become a lawye r and enter into politics. He later

transferred to the University of Virginia to study law but mas1ered it reluctantly. He was impatient with lhe fine poinL~ of law, however. be found public speaking and political his1ory more satisfying. In 1883. he abandoned his law career entirely and entered graduate school a1 John Hopkinb University 10 srudy b.istory.

In 1910. with persuasion from C<>nservative Democrats, Wilson was elected governor o( New Jersey before receiving the nomination for president two years la1er.

The election was a three-way race with him Eugene Debs and Theodore Roosevelt. He only received 42 pcl'Ceol of the popular vote bul an overwhelming electoral vote.

Wilson was against women's righl to vote early in his administration.

"People.nid oot agree wilh how the gates of the White House were swarmed with lobbyists, and if I passed by, I would al.most say 'Good morning. ladies,' but I did not know they were women," Wilson exclaimed.

After a time, Wilson called the police to

have the women escorted away as he ··would not put up with that kind of problem."

In 1916, WorldWarlbeganandlhc Uni1cd Stales planned to stay out of 11.

"We tried to slay out of it as much as pos~ible," Wil~oo said. "We were as neutral as could be until 1he ship 'Lusitania' was bombed by U1e Germans."

Aficr the war. plans were made to join the League of Nations to make sure the end of all wars would end One of Wilson's 1op advisor caused the plan to fail. and Wilson never recovered from that.

He approached Congress screaming, ''My opinion had matured and so should yours" regarding women's rights.

After his reelection in 1921. Wilson helped Tennessee become a state, created the Federal Reserve, a tariff tax, lhe Clayton Antitrust Act, the Seamen Act. Fann Loan Act, Child Labor and worker compensation laws

" I did what was right as I saw it.'' Wilson said. "Growing up, we learned what our parents needed us to know. ·we were wha t we were."'

Twenty-eighth president Woodrow WIison was portrayed by Harvey Richman on April 4 of the Popcorn Forum. Lu~eGeorge Woodrow WIison explains his opposition toward the 19th Ammendment, which grants women the right to vote.

George Washington , portra yed by Ke ith John s on , ex plain s th e difficulties of creating the U.S. Con stitution during the ba tt le over slavery.

Revolution difficult to win

First president feared slaves would be set free

I-le was known as the "Father of our Country" and al lhe time of his death had owned more than 200 slaves. He was the first president to lead our nation. His name was George Washington.

"Throughou t my life I had a great respect for h1\\. for conventions and customs,'' George Washington, portrayed by Kcuh Johnson. said.

He was elected presi dent of the United States in 1789 and was re-elected in 1792.

«t became inc reasing ly aware of the stresses and strains of the place of blacks in the co lonies d uring the period when I was general in the Army," Washington said.

There were people who wanted to e nlist African Americans as freemen in the armies. Washington was opposed to having African Americans in th e military In the a reas conu-oll cd by Lhe Bri tish Was hing ton fea red th at people would act to set all the slaves free.

He didn't take kindly 10 the people's protests and insistence on Lrying to free slaves ouLSide of law Lati:r his views changed abou1 having African Americans serve in Lhe military.

It was very difficult for the Americans 10 light and win in a war. ihere was no central government and U\XCS cou ldn't be raised In 1787 he called lhc Constitutiona l Convention. wh ich was held in Philadelphia

Twe lve s ta tes se nt de legates to Lh e convention.

"'The underlying idcn was that we needed not to tinker wilh the Articles of Confederation: we needed illblead to create a new document:· he said. "a new way of seeing things and a central government."

The Constitution was first prcsen1i:d by Washington's friend and colleague James Mad ison and the delegruion of Virginia. Called the Virginia Plan, it dealt with C(mcepts such as the pub lic welfare. Their goal was 10 create a framewo rk so all those rights were accepted. In order for it 10 pass. it needed a two-thirds vote from Lhc stales.

T he importance of the Virginia Plan wm. th at it was a nationa l plan. fl c rea ted o nat io nal government with powers to tax, to regu late mi litias. to have LroaLic~ wiLh fo reign coun1ries. to regu late the Wc.,;I, lo control slavery and to pri nt and borrow money. Before that states had I.he ir own money .

The Constitution dealt wiLh such issues as import taxes on states. compromised on the issue of s lave~ in that three freemen would be: equal 10 live slaves. Many people were concerned tl1at if African Americans didn't join the union. Lhe union wou ld not exist.

Washington's will provided that all his slaves would he tau8bt to read. Slnvc lrnd.: wu~ prohibited after 1808 and would be halted 20 years later.

Garrison adv ocates anti-slavery, integrati on

Newsman refuses to excuse owners

by Marjori e William s

Ken Pe lo umed command of Lhc stage wilh hi s charuc te rizaliun of William Lloyd Ganison. lead ing J 9t h cen tury abolit ionist a nd ed it or of Th e Liberator public ati o n o uL of Bos to n.

G arrison s hared th e scage Wednesday with John C. Calh oun wh o se rved two vice pres idenc ies and who was secretary of war from 1817 to 18 24.

Calhoun was played by NlC graduate Hugh Smith, a tutor wh o perfonned as Teddy Roosevelt at pre viou s Popco rn Forums Conte nding vie wpoint s made fo r an intcrc.~ting o n-s tage dynami c

Finding s lavery inexcusable, Garrison publi s hed Th e Liberator for 35 years, from 1831 to 1866. He was outspoken. highly opinionated and unyieldin g. Garrison 's characterization took place on July 4. 1829.

" Fifty-Lhree years ago , the Fourth of July was a proud day for our country,"

Garrison said "lt very clearly and accurate ly defined Ll1c rights of man. h made no vulgar alterations in the abuses of society and it vindic.ited Lhe omnipotence of public opinion over kingly government."

In 1833. Ganison submiued his formal Declaration of Sentiments of Lhe American An ti-Slavery Convention in Phi ladelphia. The docnm1Jnl became the organization's offic ial manifesto

"Do no t ask me to be modera te, Garrison said. "I will not equivocate 1 will not excuse. I will not yield a sing le inch and I - will - be - heard!" he co minued. e mphati cal ly poundi ng out th e linal four words with hi s li s t.

"I am as hamed of my co unLry ," sa id Garrison with unshakable conviction.

"I'm s ick of o ur umleignl y praise of liberty and equali Ly and of our hypocritical chants about the righL'> of man."

As a news man , Garrison was charged wilh inte rpreting the inLricac ie.5 of governm e nt policy for Lhe public. Born in 1805, he served his first newspaper

apprenticeship at age 13. In 1828, he was dragged through lite streeL, of Boston at l11e end of a ropc by a group of disgrunllcJ s lave- holden,.

Gairison refused to rationalize any aspect Clf Lhe slavery situation. No slaveholder was exc used on tl1e acco unt of good co nduct, be nevo le nt ac ts of

c ha rity o r

o the r impecc abl e ch aractc ris Lics

'' I 'm sick of our undeignly pra ise of liberty and equa lity a n d ou r hypoc ritical chants about the rights of man "

Ke n Pe lo

- Willi am Lloyd Garrison -

"I am a man of th e 19th century who se philoso phy and valu es fa r transcend lhose of Lhe last century and from all indicalions thu s far. th e c urrent century. " Garri son said.

An advocale of both anti-slavery and racial integ ration , he identified himself as an lmmediatist. Some Abolitionists had

begun to re~pccl the right of ,laves to revolt or escape.

"I'm all on lire and have mountains of ice to melt," said Garrison. punctuat ing each syllabic at a volume that needed no amplilication. " I am not here to tell you slavery is a curse. debasing in its effect, cruel in its punishment, fatal in its cominuancc."

"T must say th at such glaring con Lrad iet io ns ex ist between our creed and prac ti ce that 6,000 years of histo ry cannot parall el the m,'' Garriso n co ntinu ed.

" Forsook. Null and void from th e beginning, a Con s tiluLion with legi slative edicts Lhat allow th e slav e hold er to deprive the slave of Lh e hold word of God," Garri son said A Baptis t. he was particularly an gry about provi sion s Lltat excluded African - Ameri cans from religiou s experience and education , thu s pre ventin g th em from acquiring the skills to change the s tatus qu o, to be selfgovemed. he said.

"Th e real dimension of a man is the size of hi s heart," Garrison said .

POPCORN FORUM America's Search for F r ee do m ExPLO RER PAGE 7
Luke G00tga

Court finds way to dissolve segregation

Brown vs. Board fina1 decision in desegregating public education

The c~e c.,[ Brown v~. 1he Board of Education was a key battle m pub lic education. The goal wa), 10 de termi ne if African-American children were losing their oppOrtunilies 10 freely allcod ~choob like while children hccau~c of their race. Chief Justice Earl Warren. portrayed by President Michael Burke. ~aid that segregating people because of lhc ir ra cc goc, again,t thc 14th Amendment.

Portrayed by Gonzaga University Professor Bob Banlcu, Thurgood MarshaU. chief legal coun~cl for rhe NAACP. said:

"The 14th Amcndmenl clearly states that children arc to be provided with equal opportunilics and if lhose arc not met persona l inj u ry can happen to ma n y of thc,c children."

The Supreme Co urt had live keys in its decision: Th e his tory o f the 14111 Ame ndrucn1 is inconcl usive as 10 its int e nded effect o n pub li c ed ucation. The q uestion prese nted in these cases mus t be d ete rmin ed not on the basis of co nditions e xi s tin g whe n Lh e am e ndme nt was adop ted, b ut in th e lig ht o f the full d cw lo pmcnt of publi c e du ca tion where a sta le ha, und e rtake n to provide an opportu nity for a n eclucalion in it s public sc hool s.

Segregat io n of c hildre n in public s chool s so lely o n the bas is o f race d e pri ves c hil dren of th e minority group equal educati o nal opportunitie s, eve n th o ugh the phys ical fac iliti es and oth er "tang ible' ' fa cto rs m a y be equal Lru.L. lh e "separate but equal " doctrin e ad opted in 1he Ples sy vs. Ferg us on case has no place in the fi e ld o f public education.

This deci s ion overturned two other cases, which included the Ple ssy vs. Ferg uson "separate bu t equal' ' case of 1896 and S we att vs Painte r, which fo und a segregated law school for ne groes co uld not provide them equal educational opportunities. Thi s court re!Jed in large parl on "those qualities w.hich are incapable of o bjective measurement but which make fo r greatness in a law school."

LukeGeo<go President Michael Burke portrays Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court in the monumental segregation case , Brown vs. Board of Education. Luke Georg<: L awyer Richard Kuck portrays South Carolina Attorney John Davis who defended segregation and argued against schoo l integration of races before the Supreme Court. Luke Gooroc Bob Ba rtlett of Gon za ga Un i versity portrays Thurgood Marsha ll , lead attorney for the plaintiffs trying to end legalized segregation In America.
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