The N.I.J.C Cardinal Review Vol 13 No 2, October 14, 1958

Page 1

NIJC Charte red Into Enginee ring Education Society

o. H , Moaer, head or thO ~nginoru'lng department at NlJC, beal notified by W . r..elgbton Colllru,, se<:reta.ry, American Society for Engineering Ei!ueat.lon. l..bu.l t.hc: excenttvo board hM voled to grant A(fUlate Insmuuonal M"mb<lnhlp to NIJC. North Ioaho Juntor Collcg'" ls th.._ flrol acer..Uted junior college In Lho Pnclfl<> Northwest to become a member.

Mr. ?1-1:0!fet" stated lhuL. t.hrs meni~ beJ"lihlp entitles ?.'DC to participate 111. lhe aetlV!t.les o! ASE;E, the most Important beln,I\' Lbo yearly national and PocWc Northwest aonferente.s...- Tbe.:se con-rerene.e.s con11l,Ter such probl1>mt u engine rtng c1tnicutum , tcaobJng tcchnlquea, aelcct11>n a.nd orlent.aUon o! ~ngtnl!l!rlng atudenls and problem.!l of U,e ongtnc ring profeaalon

The next Paclfle Nortbweat conrcrcnco will be beld nt Montana Stnu, College In 13oMmM during Mny 1859.

Tble mcmberahlp, Mr MOll<>l' sta tcs, ena.blt111 NUC Lo a. olosc worklng colatlonahlp w,l.h ul.h<>r ASEE m.,mb<,rs In lhc P....U:tc N ortb,not. Tho Paolflc Notthwe,,L Section members nro: Oregon State College, 0(egon •recltntca1 tnaulut<>, PorUMd St.ate OoUego, University of WlL'hlngton , Wjl.fihlngton St.ate College, Unlve.rslty ot Idllho, Monla.nll Schoel of Mines and 1ontnrul State Colleg.,_ Mr Moa,,r lulJI been an a.ctlve member ot AS.Em tor many years.

The o!!lce of the NaUonaJ Secret..ary, ASEE Is at ttho University ot llllnols, Urbana, Dllnol.a

NIJC Students Serve As Test Gro up For New Placement Test

Sixteen cre8hmen are currently t.a:klng a placemenL teat conductell by the lilngllah department Th ia )JI noL the pie.cement test adll'linl&lend o.t tb~ beginning ot u,e ochool year. I\ la a now lost mnde up by the CooperaU,•e Teal DMslon o( the Education Teatlng Service of Prlnuton, N J

The dealgners ol the teat hope thu.l IL wW bu generally l\dOpled ror future use by collegc!J and Wllvc..rslUes. Tho students who arc t.aklng the teit ro1>reaent rA.ndom

l!llJllpllng or I.he !ceabman ctasa l\nd nro <\!l voluntecn RCllului of u,.,lr teats w11I be correlated ";th Nllulta of olmtlar tcet.s being simult.anooualy conducttd In several hundred other colleg,,,, and 111\i· ,· to provide a no.rm for Lba grading and evnluatlon of tuture teste.

Tile following atudento nro J>ar-

Uclpnllng: Sharon Mcy<>r, Donnu Mlllor, Sbnro11 McIntyre, John Mills, Jeane Manning, Thomae Mo.oy, Gero.Id l>tagnwson, Arlclgb

Luoma Robert Madden, Gary Lundblad, FrcnC!ls, tole. ~l.aalcn, Myrna. Long, GlorlOL Man· ly, Irlll Mellor, and Lnwrcnuc Magort.y,

Home Ee Students Go

To Boise For Convention

Home economic student.a a.nd lrultruotol'8 from the Unlvenlty of Jtlabo, Idaho Stale CoUeire, NorthW08~ Nn.zarone College, Bol11e Junior Colleg'o e.nd NIJC convened in Bolso ror Lbo lrtale convention of I.he IntornnUonaJ Homo )!Jc. Aun laat weekend. Altcndlng Crom NJ.TC Wol"c Judy Ghtglorl. Kl'thy

Mil•~• .Anita Howell, Sharon Stoln• Villi, Lola Mruie Muten, Mn ry Call S<1buU., and Barbnra SCl,lee

A member ot Lb~ NTJC Bome Boonomlea Club v,IJJ become etnle president nex;l year. This year a memb,,r ot lh1s club wm edit U>n ata.t e home economlci. nmvilllettcr~

Winners of Class Offices

Class Officers Selected; Election Turnout Was Good

s o,,-u n.b4>'' tu:c n ewly-elected ofUwn; Lt·H lo ,igbt: John d11ms. tro h preold nt; IIAI Hendrl okl>, ,oplor,m~n, P""'ld lro•h ,~ pr ld~nt: On.rot 1'nn;,)tu1, frosh 8<'<! r lnry: prcsld<!DL

Eve ning G e o lo g y C la ss

Und e rw a y a t Co lle g e

A cJnsa in elementary pby,ncal iroology at NIJC w"" ataJ'led Oat.

9 to run 16 w eeks ror n total of ~8 hours. Juolor college credit wUI be gt,·en to u,o,.. wb.O aucceostuJJy ~ompl •t• Lb• course. In Ou, r,ul studon ui ha.vo ulled. this credit lo meet sci ence •equlreo,ents for cerutrea.1.lnn.

Tllo re ror Lil~ ,..,W'?le I• ~20.00. lruitructor will be Merlin Nelson, Ooe,.r d'Alene Btgl> School bl<1logy 1n&t.ructor. Clap w1ll m,>et to Room 23 at th junlor college from 7 to 10 p. rn. ew:h Thurs(lny.

AWS Will Sp ons or Friend ship Tea At Coll ege Oct . 22

P..vA Bun"ll wos cbo.sen pl"1!!91: dml o! the Al!ooclo ted Women SLud(llltll al tho tlnil moeUng or lhe group recenUy. Collcg w omen also sclool~d Ca.rot PnrPIOllll M Vice pr rnont : Evelyn Bollvtk M secrctary,treasuror, ru,d Lo.Don11a

J acobkn fUI ropr.,.nnt.aU v• lo the social board of Lho- st u don l body.

Tb annu&I AWS trlendahlp lotl wU! bo bold Oot. 22. Cmnm!ttc,e membere ror the social a.l!olr tor all ,:allege students 4n!l faculty

a rc: Anita Rownll , Evelyn Hal!Vlk, Carol ParBOn&, Connle Mathe Fnmcea N ow~kl. Kathryn P ark. Sand)' Nyre, Barbara Osborne, nnd Barbllra Bouf,:'hlou

Thia ts LradlUonnllJ ona or tho <,oela.l highlights o( Ille yetlr aL Lbe ccllcgc Md the A WS urge.• everyone a.~ NIJC to ott•nd lUlll get acquainted.

Four Married Co u ples

Enroll e d This Fa ll

Thia yenr, a.s in previous yeara, w-e-• find Umt there are severel mnrricd couple,i attending NLJC.

Tbeso coupltla 11ro lo be ClOllllncn d ed tor Lh <>lr nceompll•hment.. !or U.ttlr job5 wo doubly dHfloult.

Most or them are engaged In hou..,ke6plnl!', oru·nlng a living, ru,d some, nwnnt; " twntly, bcsltl•• a ttending clas8e8.

Tho11e attending :UC thlll IICDl• ester are: Bill Md Marlf.11 • TO<Jh, To m and ~verly Ltt, Bob and Evalyn RallV!ck, and the nc\\1Y· wed• Gardon and Shn.ron Ped r,son.

Comparative Fall En ro llm ents By Curricula

Student C!M4 and ~t11danl body l!lectlorui hcld llurt. Wednesday h ow that npproJ<lmately 220 membor,r <>t the student body ca..,t vote,,, WJ..Dnor or UH: urnco ot atudent. body vtco-p1<a:11llenL v81l Bob l:lo.JJ. \11. wnh l.ili \~otO!I, Bob i.s JD years ot(t, n w pnomore mnjortog .111 euueauon.. He ta a dOUL Ol L-Oeur d 'AJcno IIJld grodunle<I irtlm Coeur d'Alene d.lgh •hool wu.h tho ClMa ot 18117 , 'h,u Otbhr li&n dulaie.,, Douglas roung o.nd Ray Lyona, rooelved •IO nnd DD ,•otos, n,•pectlvc!;y, 'l'h" new ~opnomorc CIJUs presJ. <lunL L9 Robla l>Chult lJ,om Kellogg. Robin is J.8 aru1 graduated from Kellogg High. School In 1957. .ae L9 aLUdylng tor a bachclor- oJ' arla degree Robin umulat«I. 30 votes. Seventy vote., were dlvld cd ln.1:rly ,wenly wnong tho other Uu eJiglble ca.ndida.tcs, Gordon J.'auat, Eo Spooner and Bill BwJb. Don P"<lerson la vlce-prcsldent of tb sophomore WA88. Oon la 2G and II l'c.lldent or Coeur d ' AJ.ene He graduated Crom Coeur d ' AJ no High School In W54, thon urved three year,, 1n Lb~ Mlll'lno Corps. .tiJa m&jor ta education. Don rec<>Lved 40 votes. The other two cU !ii!ble oandidllt"", Ed Al.orlcal and stdn Peery, received aa and 22 RCSJ)ecUvely.

The. n(!!w taOphomore clBSli eeorela.ry la Colhy Manning. Colby 18 19 and a class of 1057 lrl'aduate ol Coeur d 'Alone Hlgh SohDoJ. She ,~ an education major.,y re. celved 43 votes, and 63 votea were dlvlded nm0t1g the 0Lb11r lhree cnndldulea: kl Lani Porroao u d, CarmclJLB Selvage, and Clwi e SyV01'B011.

Final Fall Enrollment Fi gur e Hits 400; 106 Are Registered In Education Field

t•'llle.l ruu'OllnwnL rlguros (or Lhe tan aro. now comp1et.e.. wl u, 300 n,gtstl>Nd and ono trnd~ dopt1rtment student gmQted a late roi;Lotrallort to make- DD oven 00 ~ttcndtng Cll\&SC6 Bl NUC lhl• tonn. Thia Lot.a.I n,prcscnui " 16.28•; lncrcll.8<' o,•or o yeor ago wh<!-n 3-47 enrolled, A sLU<ly ot lhG rcgl~traUon shows 281 mun and ll9 women ru,~ roglatercd tlils Cull, ropr...,nUng 70~ and 30% re1pc.iLlvclY of tho student body. 'l"hlR 13 tcmarkttbly close to 1aBl fall wh•.n 71~ of I.he .s.ludenla WC!l"tt mAl~ 'l"he frealmum nlas., has 2Jll members, 64 women nnd Ili5 m.en, ccmpnred wllh 197 laBl ye&r ln Oclob9r; Lbo sophomores number ll , 30 womon und 79 men. compared wltb 95 I\ year ago; special .!\tudents numbl'r 26, 16 worn~ and 10 men, compared with 21i tn 1~7 Vocatianal atudents, nU Tll(lll, outnumber !asL yM.r"~ 30 by """en. By !ar the lorgcat dcpa.rLrnent nrollmenL lhla tllll l,i In educallM, wllh 100 men nrul women purauln8' tcac.h.lng ca.r~cra, 'l'llls ts 26 %~ll <lf tbs student body compared with 19<µ lrurt Coll. A year ngo ~gtn<.-e-1111 oulnumb<!'red aU other dopa.rtrnents. ha.vlng 72 enrolled. "" • ompnre\;I wlLh 69 In bwrine.s.s and 08 In edu lion. Thi.a !1tll there nn, li1I In onglnacrlng omd 6'I In bullncss tourlll>S, Tho nutc<u1 dopl!.J'lmenl ho, an ov rtlo,v ol4ss nt 27

Ol'lglnnlly 2( waa ••l n• tho limit In Uuu deportll)cnt, but collogo oftl<:lllls relented a.nd granted a drni..1on to thr c late am , ,uJa.

A turlber ~tudy t1t figure.a !Jbowa tbnl lhe rollowlng departments hove moro otudonb tbla year tba.n lHL: baol,elor ol nrl-a, from 20 to 21; bacl1olor <>f solence, from 10 to 12; education, trom 88 to 106 ;

Corestry, r:rom 8 to 14 ; hom • econumto-s, trom 10 t o t3; p-rcHaw, from O to 1 ; pre-med, pre•\'CL, prednnllslry. nurslllg nnd phet'fl'lney, !rom 13 to 18; auto me!<lhanlc.•. trom u to 27.

DcpR.rlmenta losing l!J\l"Ollmru,t from Last fall are, buslnc$.i, from 60 to 8'1; ongtncerlng, frQm. 12 to 6/l. Enrollment 1taycd I.he same in watchmaking, with. 10, Md Jn lnduetrin.l a.rte, w1U1 18 A lnble ebowlng furLhor compa.rutlve stallltlcs CM bo found ols<iwlu,r;, In the nowspapcr



rnnch week, The Rc,1 lcw reeclve.s ncwJl]lnptn, rrom most colleges In Lho Pncmc Norlhw~llt In eNcha.nge tor oo_ples ot Tho Rovlow Formerly these "'ere kept In the college llbmry, but lasl year o rack was plnced In the sludont union to dta,play thoa<, ,; newllpapers. StudenU may an1oy seeing what goee on In othor ~'Oll~grui nnd are Invited by Tho Review to 'read them wbllo In the S. U'.

John Adams la the new presld1111L or tho !rcshJruln clll.lle. Bo la 18 yell.l'8 old and la a 1958 tradWLLe O( CO<!ur d ' .Alc110 Rfgb SchooL J'ahn Ill majoring 1n ag'l'icutluro lie received 84 votes, tho largest mo.jortiy received by any candJ. date. Thlrty slx votes wo r o divided among Lhc J'CSL ol the candldAlu, Clifford Fender, Paul Woonlg, and Lcslfe Stoole.

The now fl'Qsh "tc&,,p,•OJlldcnt la Bmulrlck ot Spoka.oa Ha.I graduo.tcd rrom North Oro!tra! ffigb School 1n. 195 • Ho 111 18 Md a. nulliic education mo.jar. Bal reeelvod 24 votes ADIi the lOi rema.lnlng vote,, cut were dlvtdo d runong the many candldal"8. These candldu.LC~ were Robert C&rdl>r, Wlllliun Del'ltllng, Made Gi:ny. Sandra Nyro, .Kenneth Patton, Wlll!o.m Prince, Judy R"ynolda and Jay WIICO>C.

The frosh ,;ecrotary l:r08.lluNll' LbJa year la Cnrol Pnrsona. Carol Ls 18 and n 1958 graduate of Coeur High School She 18 majoring in .,rementary education. Cnn>I received 86 votea. J enne Manning nut II close second with M votes and the other 38 vow wera dlvlded NnODlf !>Inna Bonson , Kent Hultner and Meril yn N ewton.


0 'E N R E AL E 'tA:tE

For the tblrd 8lltcca.,lve year the college WIii otter an 11dull ovruilng lo~ North IdahD eotato people. Thi~ fall NIJ'C will ..,rve as a. ptlol l!Cbool ror a alllJIII In real oi,tnlo accounting, G)>Onao"'d jointly by tho State Board ot Roe.Jiora and Ulo college.

VOL lE Xlll, XO t lD ,UIO
l050-61 1057-ull 19113-110 Prrc<'llt Pereenl Pt.fl'f!llt B0.cl10!.or of Art.a 29 9.44 20 /i.76 21 !i.2~ Bachelor or Science _ lll 4.23 10 2.88 12 a.oo 8LHJ!n"}8'J 6-l 611 19,00 G•l 16.QO EducnL1on 50 1s.:,1 6 19.60 l06 26 .60 IDnglneerlng 01 20.83 72 20.111 $6 !MO Fore&lry 3 0 L73 H MO Home F.cono111 1'.l 3,91 10 2. 1:1 3.26 t.nuueLrJal Arts 8•1 ll08 1.8 13.82 18 L2.00 PN'-1..a.W l 0.31 0 0.00 l 0,25 Pn, -Mod. - VoL- OcntlJU.ry. Nu~ing - 11 3.6 Ul 3.'TO 19 ! ,711 ocauonal Auto llfocbanl,•s 1S ua 21 6.05 26 6.110 Watohma.klng 7 2-81 10 2.88 10 2.50 307 100.00,} :i,17 l.00.00 ')1, 399 100.00%
T DA \', 00'1'. L4, I OISS


Pvblh h.d S. mi •Mon thl y D'1? in g Th1111 C o ll IJ G 'YH t


Co-Ed i tor> ---·-··--·---E,,, oly • H•ll,l\ end J udy ~eyoold, Spoth Ed itor __ Dick. 8i1b11r

Photo9r•phtf"I ···--··-·······M e ry Jo Ev ns, Bob Griffin, MeMn Mooro

Ad" ffllMn g Me neg er _ Uri C-ochr•n•

C itcuJa tio n M1n-a9o r _ Cliff Youn9m1n

Report-en : IC. th y M•nn ln9 , Anlt• Ho ..,• ll , Bar b ue C t.borne. Je4n Menainq, Botty l\ltr\u m, Le land Alk ire1 Ow.n Sc.h r-oc~. Ff n«1 Now•dd, He len PC'tk.



"I, b lah blah " Ah. !he familiar words dear to he heart of eve ry fres hm an. Along with repeti ion of this dignified, heart-worming phrase, the lowly ones will be privileged to proudly display upon their kno wledge-cultured brows the insignia of the dog (freshmen) placed t here b y the master {sophomores).

All sarcasm aside. fhe beanie ploys an important function in our colle g e life. First. it is e merk of distinction, or tradition, if you prefer. The jokes, the stunts and pranks built around beenies and orientalion ore constituents of school spirit. They ore the first ice-breokers of the new schoo l term

True. the b eanie labels one 11s" lowly frosh, but on the other hand, it enables the upper classmen to determine who the newcomers ore. Once they have esteblished the!, they then know who to d"vote a Ii t:e e~tre time to end who to "show the ropes.' You fre sh men may find t ho + a sophomore can be a freshman s best friend.

Be a nies a re also e means for the sophomores to earn money. Such fun d s benefit more thon the sophomore class elone. Often they are used for class functions to which the entire student body is invited.

Th e moral of this story is "Obedience to the master means a bone for the d og" (just ask any sophomore). So get in there and dig, freshme n ; this orientation program promises to be humorous and fun as well as on opportunity for mee ing and making new friend's. Be o part of the festivities and toke away with you the memories to treasure for yea rs to c ome.


Do not deface school property.

TheJ'unior college is o relatively new building and has been well preserve because siudenls in the past hove recogni,ed ond observed thei r responsi b ilities.

Since most of us spend as many hours at school as we do at home we enioy having pleasant, neat surroun dings. Obviously, we ore the o nly ones who cnn see to it that we do have them.

We should refrain from ro 11owing the lead of the occa•ionol deskdeface r." If we see one in 11ction, we are equolly obligaled lo c"II his ottention to his poor citizenship.

The desk-defacer is not the cnly chorocter-type we should guard o g ei nst in ourselves and in others. Litterbugs are even more common. T his con easily b e observed by a iount to the student union where screp s, mess, pop bottles and litter of all kinds can be seen orn1>mentin 9 tab le-tops and "would-be s hining floors. ' Such • mess is neither 11 credi t to our school no r to ourselves.

W e ore pctentially responsible citizens. Lets put that poten iol lo wor k. Let s clean up the student union_ Let's toke care of our p r':'p ~rty ond remind o:hers of their responsibility ii they should forget. Th,s ,s our sc hool. It w,11 be what we make of it.



Fift e en miles on houri

w ~·r_e happ y to observe that most students hove been heeding !he s pe ed l,m,t p~sted on public roeds surrounding the college. However, for th e b enefit of those who are not yet aware of the rules we will here b riefly sum them up. '

In a ddition to the 15 mile on hour restriction. the streets are ,:e~ ul11~r patro led by ~i1y policemen. Anyone who exceeds the speed (1 m1t w'.1. naturally receive_ a t,cket or warning, but if that person should. on. a d d ,hon, b? involved on 11.n acc ident, he will be found guilty of contributory negligence, according to Mayor P. A. Christianson, also dean of men 11t NlJC.

Unlil ! he ~rking ~ree is spe~ed by designating lines, student. wili h_a ve to us1> their ow n 1udgment on parking arrangement Dean Christ •a son asks only that the students take cere not to block the area os , t , fofu, othe r pu b loc roods, mu•t be open at ell times for the convenience of fi re trucks a nd other e mergency vehicles.

Engineers Hear Talks By Geodetic Survey Men

llfemb ers of the NIJC Chapter or tho Am erican Association ot En gineer s heard J oe Nelson, supel' viso r f or the U. S Coast and Geodetic Survey di8c:Wls the princi p les o t tho lellurometor, which uses r adar f or •Urveying purposes.

H e was Introduced by City Engtn oor Don B rownson. Nelson sa.!d Lh l3 <>qulpmonl Is b\dll only Ill Capet.o wn , sou th A!rica.

Al so l!J)C&klng to the group duri n g thclr r egulw' fall meeting at Lhe Boo ts an d Saddl e O ct. 8 was W. W. H use.meye r, sc.n.lor G oodeUc enginee.r , w ho e><Pla.lned their d u Ues hHe Jn wo r king with lhe

ldu.ho D epartm e nt Of Highways. He also spoke abo u t world surveyIng pro blems. A n ru:cident prevented a Lclturornoter !r0m being dlsplayed at tho mentlng. It had t o be sent to W8Jihingto n , D C. for reprura.

The group a lso saw a mm depicting th e Mfo and modern use oC dynamite In engineering work, according to D ave Fudge, president of the chap t u.

CiLptaJn J llmes Cook , who circurnnn.vli:aled th e globe and claimed A ustraJJa for Lhe Briti!!h crown, WOJ!II a ~-tau ght -Rludent. Be boo:rowod a lamp so be cou lc;I sludy na.\r l gaUo n , mathematfcs and as-

N <,a c

Thi• week The Review would I ~ -,., and


llke to lnlroduco lllrs. Luclt~ Lange. anuLher new member of the by .Jcauo llfnnnlng

NIJC fiLcully. She teaches fresh.. Ama.ztng! Irene ChrJsliruIBOni \Vant to Go to College," by .Marman Engllall oomposltion, fnclud- l).'LJC librarian, announce• Lhe RT- garol "M1Clkey" Whiteley; "N•" Ing lw<> peclaJ clu.., ·• which meet rival .of " ,•ery exclu•h•u shipu eut Encyclopedia Brillicana." by Belle every day ror U1n11<1 otudonl.s who or First J::dillon:,, whict~ &l 3o Barnum; "The Decllne and FoJI of weak Englfoh bnckgroundl! cents apiece, Will increase the Sol1lty,'' by Rae Turner; "How lo

value of OW' school llbrw·y by 19 be n Certified Publlc Counterxlnlllng,,, 3 !arlhlngs. [eiter," by Jack f'ender : "Tho FIM

llln;, LuCJJe L1U1ge Mn,. Lange u.Ltendcu: Coeur .tlli:h :;,c.hool lhe Uru\'t:r• ••<Y 01 Jaano. wuno attending tnt urttvc.1·!u1y or, ~ue \\.tUi u memoer or Mortar .tron.ra, lbe wa1or women's honorf.ll'y he wso p111ycd bo..,,i ,·lol m Ulo Wgh ""11001 a.llil coU@ge orchestras, Mot on Lh.e wonten's nae tewn tor three )"tars, and ~longed LO Spurs. the nat.lonu.J women'a seniee orgn.nt7.a· uon 1n collegos.

Mrs. Lange .mn.Jm·ed LD hisLory umt Engl.l.llh. She altenuetl the umvcmnty of loano tasl summer and w d.1 her master'JiJ degree Jn ltln,&11§.Jl in u1e sumnuu or 19!t!,. Motore .Mr:,, Lange came Lo .,we. sne taught English for iour )·canr. m Lh~ Coeur d' A.lenf.!: l'tChoola. She h.u a.loo been a. copy \\'Tll.e1· nnd t.ramc manager for stauon K NL some student.a will remember her as the Story t.s.dy ove.r KVNl a. few yean back. She wrui tit?Ctetary to .MJ·. E. T. Knud:;00, lawyer, ot this c ity for l.hree a.nd onc•halt yeo.rfi.

Some of hilt' intere:.-i;Ld now include bridge, muSic1 baakeLball, ~nd or course, 11 r family.

Mr. Lange is a .sc..nior research er at Kllise.r Aluminum. He gradu• nted from Benson Potytc<:hn1c school In Poruand, Oregon. .Ai. presenL he tr, work.Ing on Ute testing or a new typo of aluminum cab le.

The Lange's h£1.V\! two i:ions. Chuck, who rs we.U known tn lhis arell. as Lhe flrsl Blrin& o.n Coeu.r d'J\.lenc·s regionu.l Wirullng bnskotba.ll team, ,V(l.s acuve ln sludenl a!ia.irs WI well as being an honor studenL Ho ls now attend· ing tho Univenrity of Idaho. Riobard, wbo IWIO promises lO be a !In< ball player, le a sophomore at Coeur cl'Alene High.

'\o\'hen asked whal she tboui:-h t or NIJC, J\ln,. La.nge roplled, "I juf!t. love It! -u is indeed & ple&oure to be a part of on Institution where morale Is so high 8.Jld student e(' fort Is so great. 1 hope LO be here ror a long tlmc.'' Tho atudM1ts and !acuity hope ao, too.

Americans have had boLLle<I curbonated so!t drinks for Lhc past 150 years. Dr. Benjamin Silliman. pl'<lf85$or of chemistry at Yale Unl\'orslty, WM the !!rat to botu the effenrcscont waters in t.hla country,

Among Lhe J:'lut (and J..aatJ Art 01 HorticulLur~:· by EBl'I EdlUon• are many thrilllng ooolui Priddy: nnd "Psychology, A , or ad\·tmturc. A tcw ot t.n~ uuc~ SUcb,t• by Ray Stone. are: "Dawn Over Tower lnn. ·• by thei· non-ficton works includ~ Loren t.turphy and Yo&utlnurpc "How to Write a Junior College "I oggJo, coUaoorn.ung; "'rile New9_paper," by King- l<ong. the Lillie Brown Jug MeeLs Big Black Wondor Ape; "T he Autobiograp h y Jug, by AJlon Bennett, ninth in of Fen\\iclt CulpepfX'r," caulhor ~ric~ ot Llltle Brown Jug od\'an• unknown); "Ode to o. Sophomore, turea; "Daddy L<>ng-L<:g,,," by and Olher Poems," by Fu lmer Stuhbj· .t..yon&i tind ":Srfdge 0\'itlt FHmerton Fignowton IV.; the River Kry," by Pexter H. "Fr&QUcal Appllcalions or Lho Mo..,,, <>ng!neer at the whole me'IS. 'Loa n,s and Fishes' Methods," by The library now possesses the Beryl Johnoon. Student Unton l.aL<:sL novel by Ernestine Fleming· manager for NorU1 Ido.ho Univerwny, " The Adventures of Dick, lrily; "LeL 's Bring Big-Time BootJane, Sally, Spol, and Pu!I"; and, legging Back," by Fred Ender,,; nlso, the "Solocls'<I from and "How to HumaniU a Biology (; n! Teacher," by Sandy Nyre, ·o locntinJ, Strictly Con!ldenUal, For future lnle.rtor decorator~ we Ultra-UlLra C<>nfidenttol, flU!ihtiUsh, anu Other Literary Maga- ha"• an enlightening book on the zmes," edlLcd by Murgatroyd. quedtion, "Should We Re-do tho U. N, Building In Early Amcncan," and, tor music la.rut, lhe intriguing "I wss 11 Spy tor Decca 1n Montovani 's Cc.Uo Section," by Gilbert Burns.

There arc many Mysteries-For Young-Adults, Including "The Caou of Crooked Patrol Boy"; ''The case of Lhe Hot J'elly-Bean Racket": "Did Hwnpty-DumpLy 'Fall', Or Ww; He Pushed?"; and "On Ute Tratl of U10 Hula-Hoop Snatcher."

SOme or Ute more scholarly works ln Utfs shipment are; "Pr&C· ucnl B1'1J.lnwashlng," by Ute Organlx.·d Teaching SWf of North tdaho

Junior College: '1.'he StudenL." Volume V, Books l-22, by Jack C. Drean.:.~y; u5o You

On Che maga.zJne raClk In th~ library you will soon see up-t.o-dat publlcallons Qf ·"Ranch Romancea," "Daffy Duck,'' "Peanut8/' "Zorro/' nnd other cnUghteniog penoc; There will be yearbooks Crom Lewiston Abnormal, Unh•ernlty or Slobovla, Hardly Normal, nnd many such lnsULuUons of lower lea.ming.

SNEA Elects Hedberg

Pres ident Fo r '57-'58


(Ed. Note: Toe Review wclcoo1cs letters to tho cditon1 un IWY subJoct student., foe! stro u g-

1) euuugh about to lgn tlodr ru:unefii. 1:J leso l etters t.lo not r flecL , •fews or the ediloni !>lnce \\C re-0.1 a w Uege pa p er MouJd be poltltoally ncut:rnl,)

.1.Jear Editor:

I recently 1·eee,\1ed 11 leller 1.rom one or last year's co - e<lllord or the NIJC Review, who h, now •tud~o!ng opLomet.ry al n unh•erlStLy. r lhoughL you might be Interested In one of Mr. Logar'• <»mments: "Tell Jllr Wendt that Lhe Jwtlor College paper is head nnd shoul<.lers than the meager efforts so tar put out by student journalists (rom coUe,;cs In this area."

Slnterely, Dreaney

Fa cu lty Office Hours

Posted On Office Doors

IL bas been called to the at Lenlion o! The Review lhal some stu• denb are apparently nol o.wnre or the fact that all Instructors have thclr schedules and of!lce hour.s posted on t.hoir otllce doors.

For the benefit of new studcnc..

Lhe faculty remln<ls them Lhnl they are avalla.blc for consult.lltlon during posled ofilce holll'II and at other umes by appolnlmenL How• •"er, students are obUgated to make U\clr wishes for corurultaUon known and !ldledul such conferences at mutually convir!'niant Limes. Wedding

Tne StudcnL National E<lucauon Assoc1a.l1on had its first meeting Oct. 1. Th1> meeting wa~ called to order b)· haron Waldram. baron oxpllllned to (he studenl8 wha.t the S.N.E.A. was and wbal. nctlvllle,, I.he orgnnJmtion wao pbt.nnlng thi!I yet1r.

Election ot officers wus held with Mr Hedberg elected as pr 1dent , Sharon Wald.ram as v1cepres1dent, June Sehaertl as secrl)tnry, and Ron Ya.ndt as r 1·


St<1dent ~ctlv!Ue&? An unsettled question around the junior college.

The next activity schoduled I• ~h Halloween party. which ls an pnnual event giv~n by the AW S The danee \\111 be 11, costume party •nd prizes will I><' glveo for the most origin t co. b.nnes.

According to the facully. they wUJ not give Lhelr uaual mixer bl)CRttse or thl" pre\-1Qua one and also due lo the l&.tenea., of Lhe dale. .A.s &>On as tlle organb:aUons beg1n regular tunctionlng, m01-e ovenLq will be organized and announced.


210 Shorm•n Ave.. • Coour d 1 Al e ne

at nlghL 1r~1
1:~;~;;;;"•T~,.~C U,O ~ n,o
Invitations Office Supplies Leader Publishing Co. 216 N. Fo orth St. - MO howl 4-210'/
Lusterized DRY CLEANING a nd LAUNDRY Coeur d'Alene Laundry & Dry Cleaners 307 F-ront • MOh•wk 4-JSl #J Fr ee Pic ku p e nd De live ry

Survey of Summer Activities of Faculty Reveals Them Well Traveled, Educated

bl.Utll!JJl.5. uo yc,y ottlin !lnll your-

• n.::;. wt Ln \\'om.Jur o.t lhi

,,,,posing Clgur.,_q at uie head ut

yo..,. elW!Sl'OOni.. 7 Do you t.ry t o

~·t.,. mmll lhd r,:,d pcr,;on bctunJ

u1.: cla..serw1n. ~nlllft..)~:: l~c-r-

Ing lh o last Lwo su mmers and h11& start<'<! u. ron,,i t ll.ll4 mm,ery tren !ill'Jll o n b1s l'allob ut P ol cbrld~ l.1oliL, o n U1e WC8l bo undary ot Glllder Park.

Th l• ,1c 1,1re fUH)vo ""<hnW.*i MJ(lhomore.& who ·ert• rtrd g !ti lnto PW Th hi. I\. p5m.. Junior l."Ollt'g'(" honor• "1"3r MOdl'ty, nt '.:\*'t;J ()c t 8. Let.ft t o right: <'tn~· 'Frurnt". & rton " rrlght. Oonfl.lll canto n UrH·r'ly Lt.11..•,

Pru11"1oy John......-n, BU.rlmrn Oti.t,onu:. d W1r- <tl uu, r u, or~t J1'1ml¢11, rnuJ Or. E,·u og-g. hDnOl"tlJ)' m rm h o..r. J\.ndr'f'I\\ 1£1):t t ery " not p~nl ro r th plotu r c ln.kbll{,

Pook a the Snoopa I

I"Cltllngc your partn~r." Oh, hi "1°"" wll.)': becoull<! lhc) provide kids, ll 's Just mi:,, Paclw. ('ye b~cn g<>(>d clcau fw,. "But, fl• no run pructJcing "'IWIJ:e r.!ance call• l'm here be.uuu.u nobody p,1tUctp11t...,• · u v,u1 &~rtously corn,id<>ring de ·~lop- ynu "'1;', 'l.'t,l<o 11 goo.I I k nt lng' a do.nee ot my own. \VhaL tlo your.setl'i you're one o.f the. t-no• y ou Utlnk ot c:alllng tl ""Tho Pookn"' bodte,r' who dOosn'l parUclpalo ur tloea Uml ring Loo much ol " ~'hat •llouHI augge8t (o you whnl ramlllnr n.olo, llko ''The Polk11"? 11lle<l lho r1n1l ml.Ket or lh~ )·ear. \"ou know, after Yl5tung,, lL 51,Quli:J olao suggusL to )'OU lbe ulltAI; U1e olller nlgb.t, I'm l,egln· solu1lon. How about making Uw ntng lo lhlnk u,u.t Uml'"9 <me or ru,xt m!Xcr •mll.8hing succcl!II: Lhe bost plnces lo nuike new Somolhlng el11<> l r,lcenU~· helU'd nquulnl.ant<>s Thal "ch"1&• your 1vas pnt,UcoUy a pleadlng r<>quoaL" call rca.Ul~ seit~ one- \! hen rur.llow. h1UBicat tonec; drlfl nround lho ring Ul's loo b,\d l:.'ni lu.?Jly Crom tho second floor Mun'• nut ut Ubt.lrty LP numtto.n all lhlj tou.u.gc lo t.he ftr8l f!Wr WOuttlll' it ,.cll,Jmlng llml uikea plllco during lounge, It , nln1ool murc limn t.ltt br.:nl In lhe mu.sic). p<1<1r ,,'ld.1 CWl bellL Tile lilal .I.

Whlle I'm on the !ll,lbJ<'Cl ot dlUlc· heanl !rum Uwm w1111 lhc w111ru1 Ing, I mlxht repi,n.t II r•w of I.he pbrru c, "Oh tor II radio." oplnloM I've overhollJ'd lntolJ;. lt Thal Rums up n1~• n •w9 tor tog nu Uke ntmost a.II tho •Ludents dny, lcld• I hope I've been or ltl4:e. lo d.ance, and whon Ut-<iy gl'I to n,10,, lo you n.nd Clin conlinuell d!tn\ltl lhat Ii, what tl•~>· aull~J- puttln1, yo1>r l'c,quea< and ~uirg-0•· pa\O <, 13n) l~ ll!at what. I.hoy lion• ln print before U19 eludenl do ·1 No 1!r! Not Ill I.ho Junior bod,Y. oollagl.!' 1 noyway. iror4., wu,cln~ and .Re.nh11nbrt·, l'm Jtigl obout 11.kl run I.JI.kc pln<:c a.t d<Ul<:e cla"" than 11ny olho: iltlty spirlt <vnth lb< at a specially planned boil)· mlxor. exception <1f being an ovt,gro\\"n "Whal!" you su.y, '"ImpoAl'lble!" pigeon I In Utat L hn.vo to llav Well. I! you don't b<•llcve me. go your confidence ooto,., I call ru1tc, lbo nexl ono ru,d •cc. 'iou fill your requeats. U you will conmlgbt. 0,1,•n nioy 3,~r&c,_Jf It you. fide m me, r 1.Um be n. atron.s at1.1;t.11d te\, ot th~ otbtll" uon-tlltrUQl.... dl!Dt-ttpt'1.':Bnnt.n.Uvc ngcnl tn school l)!ll\UI, would send your Aplrtt und affeJra. Tliat·a wllllL rm h•r'<' tor 1n 1tJntlvo lo thG succ,,.,., of soclnl - l<> ....-vo you. A,; you knu,v, lf runcllons.. you don'L bu.p(Je.Jl to llet tn.t• lurkArter a.II , ~nl UCll\'IUC> ""' an Ing Al;OUt tho ho.Us, you .,.,, alwa~"ll Important part or your llfe. 'Mley drop " nuLo for me In Mr. Womlt's vary th1> hablLuol, druly puttum, omcc. 1:1w you 'l(ffllethlnlf to l<lOk rorwal'd It> ruid put a spu.rklo In y ur


Ni p & Kurl Beauty Salon and Sc hoo l 104 Appl..,,y • MO~••I <4-SCSS

For That

Afte r-The-Game Snack or Study-Break

Refreshm e nt





Also Orde r~ To Go

Educ a tion Students

Form SNEA Chapter

A NlJO chapter of lhe SLudent NC\Uonctl .Education Alloin. will bt• orpnlud IJ1 lho neat' !ulut1! to\ ctJJ 111tor<>ated prol!p""U"• teadlru.,, accoAllng- to .Mr. Stone. fa.cull)' ad,.\a(ir tor th orQ'anlzaUr,n. Tho Sl\"ElA wu to1 morly en.lied lha

Future Teachers of America and rco~nuy CMnged II.• nu.m~ L~ dlC· Cel'ilnllnl-0 bctwciin high sclttl</1 llncl rollogo groups. Everyone In thQ (leld or oduca.

Lion Is lnvtl"d Lo Join the SNEA Visits to achoola ror obscl'Y&t!<>n. dlocuasion by lelldcn, In lhe field on r.uM"C!Jll problcmg. Md' many other proJoots lln' bclng CODHIB.or«i for

I hi, yoo.r'11 agenda

C.:nlcgo SNEA Clboptcra arc Cully rocoffUl>,c!l " loan.I unlta" M I.he ldllllo IDducotlon A""11


You r Exclu sive Yardag e

Ju dy Ghigleri Will

He ad Ho me Ee Club

~f=ll•ra nr Lile Hmoo Ee ClUb ,hose Judy Chlglorl lo bead t.hcir croup lhls school yco:r. She "'il l be n.o,rislec! by Mnry CIJ.0 Schutt, vlc<,presldont; l(elhy .Mlle•. ""~et,i:ry: $ n Slctlnvo.U. lrcasu.rer: June SchRcrtl. htatonan; and Anll o Howol1 1 pubtlell)• clu1Lr.tnnn.

Tilt,; club Ill probably Uio most ocU"r g,,oup at NTJC Md Mi Ghlglcrl told now membcr.l nbout lhe ,·arl~d cllvl J,m or yo;,,·. winch lncludt'tl monlhly cllnncr", BP<>n•orsh1,, or ,chool 90<!1018, bn.rhecn('s, n ~hrl8lmu.a Tea, and n (1brt.tnu\ll pn~ly Bl ho hom~ or ta~ult.l' a110n:t0r. Mm. St.rnnahnn. AntLu Howell Wtl.ll sel cted lO I.Ill< ;.r,• <>C h• flnil mQnthl)' dlnuet th fall. • n<I will bo uslsted by Klly 0111\ml><!rloln. Lnla fn,;(el"S Barlmra S..hlo nnd M~• Schutt Anyon<!' t.nklng CbUl"SOff trom l'tr·s. Sl.rMoluln 18 cllglbl~ tn J<1ln IJ10 dut;,. AU memtiono get t.he hrmc,, to b :t1CtJve rn mo;u n.cL\vtUc~.

Newman C lub Holds Its Organ izati onal M eeti ng .u ttw flnit m<l<lirqp,r Lho NWO Newman Club 1 officer, \'IH'!t'a. sn,Juatcd !01 ll,o S(lhoul )"i!o.r, They ore: 1n·esldcn1, B11rbarn S~blce; vlccpro,,ldent, Ron Schn.rct: sel!relary. J""nru, M.11rm1ng: publ!clty. An\ln Howell llr !cF'arland la !aaulty !'lf)OllSO.r for Lho gl'Oup and meet• Ing,. nr In cltnrgo o! RO\•. Hopkin~

All C"lhollc atudenl1< and QthN'I"dlleJ are ln<'llcd hy u,~ orl(IUllzaUon to anend mC<lllng,,. which wlll be ht!ld once " mQnlh A tllo colla~. Othor meetings wtll b<> hold nt SL 'l'homu church or nL other dc,ilgn11wd plocea

li brarians Announce

Da y and Evening Hours

The UbrartOJ111 have onnounced lbal the Ubrory will now be open do.fl'.',.• fra1n 1!"115 to 1:15 p. n1. EvMlnK hOl>f'II '"'" 7 p m. Lo 10 p. m., exoopt on l"rld&y.

Ne"' books which wm ROOn be on the ,shclvt'!s are: ''lnlrQduotJon Lo World G<>0g'nlphy," by Smith, Phillips Md Smith: "The Pn)sJ. dents,'' by Corwin. and Econom$c Geography," by DfckenB BookRloril lmnllll.Cllorm can be 1n1ule by onlllcUn,r lh li b rarian•

Ulb teal Uf~ w.h'l!IJlutes o, your ndffll.ffll)lo UIStructorB. Thelr

iruuuru.!:r acttv1Ues o.tu \'a.rt~ and cxci Ung, li.nd weU worth note,

,t.r~ 1-'" • Oa.kberg ot the ehamh~tr-y dtparr.m.cnt .tllled we :summer

i,,onulB w1lh nc.Uon.. During Junl!_.

~n un cxten:,il•o C<l.ll!ornu,, t our, hD , 1:>11.<d :mo f'rllnclsco, Suernm1mw, Lo" AJ1g,ll1!S an.I.I Pa.till.icna. Re r 1Lurue<1 by way ur Reno, Ntwuda. L..s.tor, In JUiy, ho d~voLod !I ve w,-eko to the U!th Olu,nticnl lrunllutJon of Uul N4Uonlll S ciencd

Jl'oderauon. l>Lr. OaJtl>org'~ <10m1>1mlons tro.velod trow 31 11:a,es to t<Ltond tho co n yenl.lQn. .11.11 l!on•·

ULed by lccLutta o n ne1" d velopmcnl o.nd trenaa, Including

Wltl lDOrga.nlC, ph}•s)QoJ 8.llll b!o ohcru.Jstry. Elxlra !oclurl.'Ji were pro-.ded l>Y world 1.rnvelors and odU<:lllOrs. For enlert.a.lntnonL, &<jUILt1' dnnolng, ozoch<>ry, and bowlIng we"" 11vallilblb.

?.Lr, &)'mond L. Slon o ot U10 e.ocutl a<::lru1ce dopu.rt,JtUlnt at t en.Jed till' \VnlLworUt aummor oeho<1l and completed his wor t, on a ruu t crs degree. Following IIUITIDlcr !!Choo!, b" lived dllngarously. tlyl11g hl>Ottllr for I.ho Foresl Ser\•lce. ll Wb'fl. !ourtb summtr i.n ffll)SClly Md Im put In UO bour,; in tlle. air.

Mrs. Lorotl.o. .DwmJ.gll,D 01 tho business deportment said sht! en Jny•d Coour d'Alene like a tourioi.. Sho WQrkcd nro1md 1,er hom e ana J; we nnd attended p n.ttll?ll. In her i1Mir lime, lib mado tnp,s lo SP<>''""" 11nd ScalUc, WUShlngu,n.

Mlos Gertrudo Gilbert. nlmOllL made 11 tour o! th,; Northwost, Jn. duding Canada.. Sbo lroveled to PR11CO e.nd ScnlUo, Waah.; Vanconver, B C.; .Bnn.l'! and LB.kc Loul...,, Alberta; a.nd Wlnnop<>g1 Sallk. She 1'1!1rul lned In Cnnn\U'l about six weeks, Ulen 8}>1llll a WC<lk In G!e.clor Notional PIU'k. 'l'blJI, •ho sl/j,l:ed, w1111 "good tuIL" Mlsa Beryl .lohnl!On ol U1e physical education depa~t, llko M..._ Dunnlgnn, illlJo:,rod Coeur d'Alene llllc n tourta.l, a.nd t o r the ti.rat Umc In !ht -years. I n ")ll'CCed· Ing y ,,_,,,, 111,e hw, Oown to E«ropc. loured New York City and New lilnglllnd and laugM OW'}"lhm!C•, Mr. Fronk E,·nns. at tho biology dopn.rlment.. wor'kod towarda sol\'· Ing workshop and rteld problems In selollUflo biology resca.roh. For 11 olu1n~ or scenery. h I.hen ei~dlod u,e ptarmigan ln "Alpi n e" couut.ry at Glo..cier NRt.lona.l Park ~

Iii• completed Lmvcls Included l,8o0 mOei,; by <l\r and pltme. B~lni, 11 naturally 1ndual.liou• penon, lit ha., buUL 11 l<Wimmlng pool dur-


Phon• MOh""'I i-S592 226 Sho trn • n AH , COEUR D'ALEN E, IDAHO

Mr& Chkrlcs l..tulgtl, w bO Jc, v summ~ seh001, s~nt six weeks ot lhe summor a u endlng Unlvortd l y or Ldaho She C}glrc ild I.he opinion thRL lh~ u or l , ehowi, 11 gr,at Il ea) or progre,,s 1n ()Dl yeat'II. ~ollowinll' .summor sch.ool. Mn. U. nge JUld hcr u.mlly onjoyed lrl ps lo Boise. ldalm, nnd lo tlbe C08'!L

M,.,.. Ch•~I"" f'lncl,, Charwi 1n11uuotor1 Qon.Unued ho r educat to.n by corr""J'On dence 0011rsa. Colot· l ul trlpa to NorLh Dnl<dlll t>Jld Ct\11 · ! ornln p 1'0\'ldcd ,• o.rfcly The typlw l and ,much enjoyetl l amll y outings w e'r e mountntn l),'<OW'S lon •. l',[J' W arren Keating. p hyJlleaJ o<lueai lnn, skl p pe,,ed nn t>ll.CW'lllo n boa. L at Gllu,[e~ N aUonl!l P llr k. .B.18 ag,,nda. inclu d ed lccturea, hlldog, l'lshllllr $Dd, nA LUrally, "ato tl es!' Mr Gen!ld \Vnnd t , ..acl l\J 8Q lence IIJlll bU4lnc~•, o p eru Lcd a llnoLype n L lh e PrOIIS o!! lcott. Mr P (IJ'I)' Obrlstlaruto n travel od to W118blngton, O. C ., a n d t o New York C ity H e also visi ted N!lnt.lvu 1n N orth O&kota. Bls work m,.tu rally , oontered aro und b is oUlcW d u Uci, u mnyor M d th e j unio r c,oll ege B e wro to c h ock l,he Revi ew nQXt Issue ro r ihe co n Unua.t) on o r t.111& lll'tlcle


Perry. Doi 22i SH ERMI\ N /WE. COEUR D'ALENE t , $25 .00

Mi li~m lining • Sizes 14 - I b - 18 100°/. Wool - C hippewe I.


Phi Theta Kappa Pledges Nine _.,.,.,..._...,.__
Shop 30 2 N. Fourlh St •• MC hwl 4· 6868 C OE UR D'ALEN E, 1DAHO
SANITONE DRY C LEAN I NG 0/'le Oaf s., 81 Req uoi f Gridley's Men's Store 221 Sh•rmon A, o. • i..tOh1wl 4,. 56 1l CO EU R D'ALEN E, IOAHO
m P» you
your pro!e:seors ~Jl ad
A.Jptni! J>l!Wt!!.
wan • """""litre
-~iw·otw or romn.nuc
dUUh as l.'"OftCJ.UC10l',S, OI
gu.y W®• or h ppy
we have tor yOll a glanato
Pepsi-Cola· ~hes
X. l.



Tho Board of Regents oC th e University of Idaho has author-

ized & prog,:am to be launched , beginning in September, 1959, which will inauguro.te graduate work leading to Doctor of Philosophy

and Do c tor of EducaUon dcg,:ees

FOR A LIFETIME Of The :specific courses are to be outPLEASURE lined by th e UnJveralty divi sions LEARN TO concerned , Md submitted to the BOWL Regents after approval by the academic and other councus of WH ILE YOU ARE YOUNG! University sLaU.

For Your Hunlln9 Equipmenl & Year-Round Sporting Needs

Delegates About To Leave For Boise

Cheerless leader

Not a "rah rah" left in him I He's just discovered the re's no more Coke. And a cheer leader without Coke is ns sad a.s a soap opera. To put the sparkle back in his eye - somebodylbring him a sparkling cold Coca-Cola!

Two Leagues Set Up To Handle Bowling Signup

The student Lurnout tor bowll.tig

Uus year was so great tha.t two ••parate Jeai;ues had to be !ormed.

Tne Wednesday iLCLc.rnoon league will conSU..l of six teams and Thur-s®y a.!ternoon J.2 uam.s wW hit Lbe Dlllples. During the flnal week of lh.e 22•week season the top two teams of league will bowl for the NIJC cham.plonshlp.

The bowling leagues just t ecently been formed bu t already a vote or thank8 should be given lhe league secrotary, Mary Knox.

M a ry has spent .many hours sclUng up Lhe league and league tewns.

In the next issue all teame wW have but for- the presool issue a number 1:J u&ed to de.note eaclt team. The asterisk denotes team captains. ( See Bow ling Column .!or averages),

Presbyterian Club Invites Students

To Join Activities

A pJea. !or more members was Issued last week by the Presby· tcrian club. Lucky Faust, temporary chairman, aaslgned all those present. the names ot sever-al people who had llsted the P,esbyler!M faith as their preference.

Current members asked to contact those people before the next meeting.

The general purposes of the club, as explained by Faust, are to meet in Christian telloWZ;ihip, lo promote school spirit, acUvltles and welfare. " stated l:hs.t tho membership o! the club Ls not strictly confined lo those o! Presbyterlnn !ait!, In lhe past, many who"" religious group.9 not organlzed a.t the college bave participated In the activities of the Presbyterian group. "Any interested students are welcome," Faust explaJoe.d.

Future meetings of the group axe tentatively seheduled for Wedn esday noons.



of The Coca - Colo Company by EMPIRE COCA-COLA BOTILING

U. of I. Symphony Will Give Concert This Fall In NIJC Auditorium

-Music patrons, both student and faculty, at North Idaho J unior College will be Lntercsted to learn that the University of Idaho Symphony Orchestra. wW present a concerL No,•. 20 or 21 In the NIJC auditorium.

This coneerl will be a major musical event tor Coeur d'Alene a.nd the orchestra. under the dlrcc· tton of Leroy Bauer, is reputed to be tbc. best the U. o! I. has ever had.

A young concert pianist, Steve Romanio, will play the Beethoven Plano Concerto No. 5 ("The Em· porer") wlth the oreheslm. Romrmio ls also a member of the uni.v<>rsity faculty.

Jrurthcr ln!ormatlon wlll be published jusL prior to the concert.

Oscar's Fountain




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Complete Fall Styles


Vi1it lake City lanes,
THE LIGHTHOUSE 2414 N. Fourth St- - Co.eur d'Alene 30S Sherman Av•. - MOhawk 4-5721
vnder avtho
COEUR D' ALENE, IOAHO • BOWLING WEDNE DAY LEAGUE , crage 1 Dave F1udge • - 163 Nell Hyde -·" 145 Lei Lani Perrenoud 63 Frank Pool -.122 2 La Donna Jacobsen • 103 Gary Boothe 110 Bart.o n Wright 110 Ray NeWell •.. 110 3 Amy HMd • - .123 Norm Craig - ..131 Ron l\lilea ·····-··········· 143 Larry Irvine -......... H2 4. Carolyn Bennion • ·-···-··89 Wayne Parl>Ons 129 Clarence Mason 11.4 Terry Tyler , 98 5. Sharon Stelnvall • ·-· 73 Edwin Mucller 99 Betty Barnum 98 Eld Jacquot - 123 6 Janice Barber • -~·-··- · 74 BIil Bush - .129 Ron Franklin 133 Oral Miller 110 TI.CUIISD/.Y L-eAGUE Average 1. Chuck Holme:t • ..•. •117 Rae Turner 114 Don House -. 92 Gerry Hou•e .111 2 Do n Pise hn e r • -· ·····"'···-lil Jack Ruthven .124 .Mike Hurrell ._ 118 Mel Moore 87 3 Francl.o Kelnbaum • 85 Robert Gr!ltln ····--····-·58 Wayne Haldi 110 Cordon Kauppi 127 4. A.rlene Jasmer • ·--···-·-- 56 Donald Yandell _.. 93 Jackson Holmbo 110 Robert Yost .110 5. Ed Spooner • - 170 Don Pederoon - .161 Dick B ieber - - H2 Mary Knox .154 6 David Ston0 • - ...127 Dwight Hamilton .103 Nell FltzSlmmons .109 Ed Badgett 85 7. Jane Arnold • ·····-···92 Ron Yandt - 98 Dave Deitz - 169 Fred Enders .113 8. Pat Wil e y • - 113 Bob Hn.rwood .134 Benny Jobnllon 110 Gary Rininger - 156 9 Marlo Gray • ..125 Kenl Hultner - 127 Barry Pry 93 Gary S t einvan 95 10 Sylvia Westerlund • 116 John Vandeventer 116 Gordon Miller 102 BUI Weller 186 n John Runge • 140 Herbert Solum _ 110 Richard Nordstrom -.101. Doug- Rasor -··-··--··-·· 104 12 Gloria Manly • - ..124 Doug- Ta.ylor 125 Cllff Youngman _ 121 Steve Spe,-ber - 110 13. Cliff Fendro- • - 120 Larry Goodale _ 110 Tom Re.Id - ·150 Stan Miller 132 There Is a. copper mining mu88um In the p!cture,,que mountain Village of Roros, Norway.
Corsages Boultlnnieres Bouquets Phono MOh•wk 4-31~5 or 4-6476 213 Sh.rman Ave • Co•ur d'Alene • l J. 0. .REVJE\\r, Coeur d'Alene.. fdah. 01 Tues., Oct. J.4, 1958 FO R
Three sophomo r e nnd th'l'ee freshmen llorue Ee lub d e.lega t are shown n.bou1 10 len,•e tor llhe state con-,,·entton of t:h.e Internatlonal Hom e. Economics Assn.
J.11 &I • Tiley n..rc, left to right: A.nit.a HoweU , Katl1y l\llles, l\lary Galo, Lola i\, Judy G higJeri, nnd S tnu~ teln nu.
BIG PAUL BUNYAN 608 Northwesl Boul eva rd
... Coeur d'Alene Clothiers 728 N. Fou.ih St COEUR D'ALENE. IDAHO ........................
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