Research for Rehabilitation Center for Street Children in Cairo

Page 108

INDIVIDUAL TASK | CONCEPT III The concept is based on the relation between the project and the surroundings functions, creating a link between the project and the surrounding functions in order to transfer them from a static functions into a useful tools help our project and participate in developing the community.


The main function‘s triangle (link) of the surroundings which are Recreational – Youth centre and clubEducational – Many schools in the same area- Workshops and factories. The main concept is making the main spaces of our project (Educational, Economical & Recreational) on the same axes of these functions at the surrounding.



Educational area (Many schools as Ramsis Language school)

Recreational area (Al-Dokii youth center)

Al-Tahrir street

Al-Sudan street Sleeping area is not on the main street to avoid noisy impact on sleeping spaces, so it‘s located on a small path beside the project are, and also can has a view on the outdoor recreational area of the project.

Main Educati Hall Worksho onal Recreat ps Sleepin ional g

Workshops are (Some factories and workshops in Al-Moror street). STREET CHILDREN REHABILITAN CENTER I RESEARCH


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