Beauty Biz Year 16 Issue 6

Page 62


Aligning Your Personal Values with Your Business Goals.

By Jay Chapman

In Bali earlier this year, my team and I were lucky enough to do some business planning, a section of which was facilitated by a coach who now calls Bali home. As we gathered in our villa, discussing our goals and challenges, one profound statement resonated deeply within me - “Sometimes, we create a business that does not align with our personal values.” It was a wake-up call, a revelation that struck a chord. This realisation hurt, but it was the catalyst for transformative change for me. In that moment, I recognised that despite our coaching business being successful on paper and fulfilling its intended purpose, I had drifted into a role within my own business that felt “not quite right”. As a coach, I could easily identify what salon owners needed to grow their businesses, but I couldn’t see these things clearly in my own. It’s an interesting paradox - the ability to advise others while being blind to our own needs. In the coaching world, there’s a fundamental truth, even great coaches need coaches. We require that outside perspective, the guidance, and the mirror held up to our own blind spots. It’s a vital part of our growth and personal development! Practice what you preach. One aspect of my journey that I’m particularly proud of is my ability to make fast changes. I was able to realign myself with my true purpose, ensuring that my week was filled with activities that brought me joy and leveraged my strengths. Simultaneously, I delegated tasks I dreaded to those who found fulfilment in them. But this story isn’t just about me; it’s a narrative that many of us can relate to. We all, at some point, veer away from what’s truly good for us, both professionally and personally. A crucial part of my role is equipping industry leaders with new skills and knowledge to help them grow their businesses. Yet, a surprising revelation is how much of my role involves reinforcing what these business owners already know themselves. It underscores the importance of accountability, external insight, and followthrough. If we could consistently apply this level of insight, accountability, and self-discipline to ourselves, the need for coaches might vanish. However, the truth is that we are not robots; we are complex human beings with a multitude of emotions, beliefs, and codes that often serve us well but can also hinder us. 62

Beauty Biz Year 16 Issue 6

One fundamental element I had overlooked, something I also witness with clients I coach, is the importance of setting strong personal boundaries. For me, this means saying no to opportunities that do not serve me, clearly defining when I’m available for work, and when I must be present for my family. It means adhering to personal guidelines for self-prioritisation. Firm boundaries are among my core values, and it’s because I recognise that both my business and personal life require my energy. Neglecting this aspect led to a detrimental spillover effect in my personal life, prompting me to share this article. Now, I invite you to reflect on your own journey and values. From the list of common personal core values, identify your top three and briefly describe why they resonate with you. • Freedom • Growth • Stability • Courage • Exploration • Achievement • Integrity • Acceptance • Diversity • Wisdom • Connection • Belonging

• Health and wellness • Influence • Love These values, Freedom, Growth, and Joy, hold profound significance in my life. They represent the freedom to live authentically, the commitment to constant self-improvement, and the pursuit of happiness as a guiding principle. Now, take a moment to brainstorm actions and decisions that will bring you closer to living in alignment with these values. This simple exercise can serve as a guiding light on your journey towards personal and professional fulfilment. In conclusion, the path to aligning your business with your personal values is a transformative one, often sparked by a moment of realisation. It’s a reminder that, as human beings, we are constantly evolving and sometimes need external guidance to stay on the right track. The journey begins with understanding your core values and taking intentional steps to live in harmony with them. In doing so, you not only create a business that resonates with your values but also experience a richer, more satisfying life. Jay Chapman is a Senior Coach at The ZING Project. For coaching support and wisdom contact Jay at or follow on Instagram- jaychapman_zing

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Articles inside


pages 40-42

Skin Perfection: an unobtainable goal or a deliverable transformation?

page 34

Elevating Your Glow-Up Game: Your Year-End Guide To Self-Care and Success Preparation

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New Year Social Media Resolution (Let’s Get More Consistent)

pages 72-73

Social Media Marketing Must-Haves for in 2024! Beauty Bosses

pages 70-71

Beyond the Digital Horizon, There’s Marketing Opportunities You Might Have Overlooked.

pages 68-70

Unveiling the Power of Entering Awards.

pages 66-67

Confessions from a Recovering Micromanager.

pages 64-65

Aligning Your Personal Values with Your Business Goals.

pages 62-63

Leadership Creates Success.

pages 60-61

Beyond the Treatment Room

pages 58-59

Is the Juice Worth the Squeeze?

pages 56-57

Protect Your Salon This Season! Christmas

page 54

BLOG spot - Navigating Uncertain Times by Tapping into the ‘Quantum Symphony’

pages 50-53

2024: The Year Of Limitless Leadership, Business and life fulfilment and success.

page 48

Welcome to the New Era of Beauty & Wellness

pages 46-47

Grow Your Business with Dermapen HOME™

pages 38-42

How Important are Macrophages?

pages 36-37

Meet the Beauty Squad 23 - Elise Birchell

pages 32-35

Making Everyone, Feel Like Someone.

pages 26-31

More Than Just A Haven Beauty

pages 22-25

sip. steam. soak.

pages 18-20

2023 ABIA Dermal Therapist of the Year Alana Giovenco

pages 16-17

The Essence of Fresh Skin: A Journey Beyond Beauty

pages 14-15


pages 10-12

Editors Note

pages 8-9
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