Beauty Biz Year 16 Issue 6

Page 48

BLOG spot 2024: The Year Of Limitless Leadership, Business and life fulfilment and success. By Rebecca Miller As the year winds down and we stand on the brink of 2024, it’s a time of profound reflection and anticipation for those of us steering the ships of salons, spas, and clinics. The festive period, while often bustling and profitable, leaves us split between two extremes – either riding the wave of accomplishment or feeling utterly depleted. I’ve been there, running on caffeine and sheer willpower, trying to make every client’s experience magical while leading a team and balancing my own life (we’ve all had the “Shit! Have we got everything for Christmas lunch?!” thoughts in the middle of a facial, right?). It’s a familiar cycle for many of us that underscores the necessity of stepping back and reassessing our approach to leadership and life. As we step into 2024, the call to action is clear. It’s time for salon, spa, and clinic owners to step into their power. It’s not about running a business that merely ‘goes ok’; it’s about creating a sustainable business with a flow of money, nurturing relationships that are supportive and a healthy body and mind. It’s not just having a thriving business, but we want to hold and thrive in all the important areas of our life. Business and money, relationships, and health. In a world that often encourages us to relentlessly chase after possessions and achievements, the transformative power of the “Be, Do, Have” philosophy stands as a beacon of wisdom. While the conventional approach suggests that we must first accumulate material wealth and accomplishments in order to be happy and fulfilled, the “Be, Do, Have” perspective invites us to reverse this sequence, offering a profound insight into the essence of a meaningful life. By first focusing on who we need to be, cultivating qualities like compassion, authenticity, and purpose, we naturally align our actions with our true selves. This, in turn, leads to a life characterized by purposeful actions and meaningful experiences—the “Do” aspect. And ultimately, through this journey of self-discovery and authenticity, we arrive at the “Have” phase, where we find that the material possessions and external achievements, we sought no longer define our happiness, but instead, they complement the rich tapestry of our lives and business. Embracing “Be, Do, Have” can be a deeply transformative shift, reminding us that our essence, identity, and character are


Beauty Biz Year 16 Issue 6

the true sources of abundance, fulfillment, and contentment and the secret to a life and business by design. We must recognise that as leaders, our energy and mindset are contagious; they set the tone for our entire operation. An energetic and growth mindset leader can influence and inspire their team toward high performance, alignment and everyone moving forward together. As we approach the new year, it’s imperative to look back and honestly assess how we have managed our masculine and feminine energy. The masculine energy of action and drive is essential, but so is the feminine energy of creativity, connection, and nurturing – especially self-nurturing. Balancing these energies is crucial in avoiding burnout and maintaining a harmonious life and business. This reflection leads us to a crucial realisation: we are the architects of our reality. If we feel drained or lost as this year draws to a close, it’s a sign to realign our internal compass. It’s about taking responsibility for every aspect of our lives – our businesses, relationships, finances, health, mindset, and emotions. True empowerment comes from this understanding and that our external world is a reflection of our internal world. Take a moment to reflect on the past twelve months, acknowledging the triumphs, challenges, and lessons each experience has provided. Think about who you were at the beginning of last year and who you are now. This reflection is not just about looking back but also about making space for new growth and opportunities. Where are you now and if you could look to the end of 2024 and create your dream business and life what would that be?? Dream BIG. There is nothing you can’t be, do, have, or create, creating space and having clarity on exactly what you desire. Business, Money,Health,Relationships. Clarity is key to accomplishing any big dream.

• How much time off do I need to recharge effectively? • What activities or commitments need a firm ‘no’ from me this year? • What are the core feelings I wish to experience daily? • What is the money number to create freedom in my business and life? • What leadership qualities do I need to step into to influence my team? • Visualise a successful 2024 across all life facets – what does that look like for me? • What intention am I setting for the year ahead? Choose a guiding word. • What areas of personal development will I focus on this year? • What activities will I prioritise to bring me joy and happiness often? With this newly completed list in front of you, visualise the person you will have become by the end of 2024. Imagine the achievements, the team you’ve nurtured, the adventures with your family, and the vibrant health that you’ve cultivated. I bet it feels pretty amazing, right?! Now, it’s time to turn these beautiful visualisations into your reality. Your personal growth is intrinsically linked to your business’s success. Self-leadership involves deep selfawareness, acceptance, fulfilment, and actualisation. It’s about enhancing emotional intelligence and mastering the inner game of leadership. Encourage your family or partner to create their own lists, too! This exercise involves proactively designing your life rather than letting it unfold by default. This journey is about becoming the leaders we were always meant to be – resilient, balanced, and purpose-driven. It’s about creating a life and business that doesn’t just survive but thrives. Are you ready?

Questions for a Limitless 2024 As you envision the upcoming year, ask yourself: • Who will I become, and what habits will support this transformation?

Rebecca Miller . Mindset, energetics, business, and life coach

Articles inside


pages 40-42

Skin Perfection: an unobtainable goal or a deliverable transformation?

page 34

Elevating Your Glow-Up Game: Your Year-End Guide To Self-Care and Success Preparation

pages 74-75

New Year Social Media Resolution (Let’s Get More Consistent)

pages 72-73

Social Media Marketing Must-Haves for in 2024! Beauty Bosses

pages 70-71

Beyond the Digital Horizon, There’s Marketing Opportunities You Might Have Overlooked.

pages 68-70

Unveiling the Power of Entering Awards.

pages 66-67

Confessions from a Recovering Micromanager.

pages 64-65

Aligning Your Personal Values with Your Business Goals.

pages 62-63

Leadership Creates Success.

pages 60-61

Beyond the Treatment Room

pages 58-59

Is the Juice Worth the Squeeze?

pages 56-57

Protect Your Salon This Season! Christmas

page 54

BLOG spot - Navigating Uncertain Times by Tapping into the ‘Quantum Symphony’

pages 50-53

2024: The Year Of Limitless Leadership, Business and life fulfilment and success.

page 48

Welcome to the New Era of Beauty & Wellness

pages 46-47

Grow Your Business with Dermapen HOME™

pages 38-42

How Important are Macrophages?

pages 36-37

Meet the Beauty Squad 23 - Elise Birchell

pages 32-35

Making Everyone, Feel Like Someone.

pages 26-31

More Than Just A Haven Beauty

pages 22-25

sip. steam. soak.

pages 18-20

2023 ABIA Dermal Therapist of the Year Alana Giovenco

pages 16-17

The Essence of Fresh Skin: A Journey Beyond Beauty

pages 14-15


pages 10-12

Editors Note

pages 8-9
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