Soybean Business September-October 2022

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Everyone was a winner at Minnesota Soybean’s Game of Soy. We cover the visual highlights from the booth that had everyone saying, “I want to play!”


This summer, Minnesota Soybean’s 44 organized counties connected with their communities by helping their neighbors, promoting safety and showcasing checkoff projects.

Why did Wells farmer and MSGA VP Darin Johnson join the organization? Well, for starters: to protect his land for the next generation.

MSR&PC checkoff investments scored a huge win this summer when the Council’s forward-thinking vision led to the first shipment of U.S. soybean meal to Uzbekistan.

ABOUT THE COVER Bob Worth didn’t plan to return as MSGA president. But life had other plans. This year, Bob is back as president, helping to tutor emerging leaders while leading MSGA into a new era of proactive advocacy.

With MSGA’s 60th anniversary coming up on Sept. 24, Gov. Walz honored – and surprised – farmerleaders at Farmfest with a special proclamation.

Read on Page 22

Photo by Drew Lyon

Joe MinnesotaSmentekSoybean Growers Association 888-896-9678

Mike Skaug Beltrami, MN Polk County

Art Director

Minnesota Soybean Growers Association Officers and ASA Directors:

Theresia Gillie Hallock, MN Kittson County

Andy Pulk Wannaska, Roseau/LOWMNCounties

Keith Nelsen Westbrook, CottonwoodMNCounty

Mary Dybedahl & Paul Mesner Chandler, MN Murray County

SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER - 2022 - Soybean Business - 3

Lincoln County


Steve Commerford New Ulm, MN Brown County

Corey Hanson Gary, NormanMNCounty

Otter Tail/Grant Counties

Lawrence Sukalski Fairmont, MN Martin County Doug Toreen Bird Island, MN Renville County

Jamie Beyer Wheaton, MN Traverse County

Nathan Legatt St. Cloud, SherburneMNCounty

Brad Hovel

Thief River Falls, MN Pennington/Red Lake Counties

Hannah Anderson Barnesville, MN Clay/Wilkin Counties

Steve Brusven Cottonwood, MN Yellow Medicine County

Managing Editor

Nathan Potucek Warren, MarshallMNCounty


Andrew Sather Moorhead, MN

Cal Spronk Edgerton, MN Pipestone County

George Goblish Vesta, RedwoodMNCounty

Robert Nelsen Westbrook, MN Murray County

Drew Lyon Sr. Manager of Communications Minnesota

Ray Hewitt Le Sueur, MN Scott/Le Sueur Counties

Tim Stelling Osakis, MN Todd County

Tom Grundman Osakis, DouglasMNCounty

Jeff Sorenson Morgan, RedwoodMNCounty

within this publication contain the opinions and information of the advertisers and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or views of the Minnesota Soybean organizations or affiliated groups.

LakePresidentBenton, MN


Kaelyn atroska@agmgmtsolutions.comAlexkrahe@agmgmtsolutions.comRaheTroska

Good Thunder, MN Blue Earth County

Soybean Business is published six times a year on behalf of Minnesota Soybean. Comments and suggestions can be submitted Minnesotato:Soybean Growers Association, 1020 Innovation Lane, Mankato, MN 56001.

Darin Johnson Vice FaribaultWells,PresidentMNCounty

Adam Guetter Wabasso, MN Redwood County Christopher Hill Brewster, MN Jackson County

Rose Wendinger St. James, MN Watonwan County Earl Ziegler

Layout Editors

Doug Monson Sr. Director of Communications Minnesota

Ryan Mackenthun Brownton,Treasurer MN McLeod County

Tim Nelson New Richland, MN Waseca County



Jim Kukowski Strathcona, Roseau/LOWMNCounties


CannonSecretaryFalls, MN Goodhue County

Trevore Brekken Crookston, MN Polk County

Bruce Nelsen Rose Creek, MN Mower County

Bob Lindemann Brownton, MN McLeod County

Mark Brown St. James, MN Watonwan County

Brian Fruechte Verdi, LincolnMNCounty

MSGA Executive Director

ADVERTISING: Bailey Grubish, Advertising and Sales Manager 507-740-0064 | 888-896-9678 |

Clay County

Jeremy Hanson Morristown, Dakota/RiceMNCounties

Gary Gertz Jasper, MN Rock County

Michael Petefish Claremont, MN Dodge County

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Tim Rasmussen Rothsay, MN

Matt Heers Owatonna, MN Steele County

Jim Jirava Ogema, Becker/MahnomenMN Counties

Kyle Jore

Jamie Seitzer St Peter, Nicollet/SibleyMN Counties

Joel Schreurs Tyler, LincolnMNCounty

This year, the Minnesota Soybean Growers Association celebrates 60 years of advocacy on behalf of our state’s soybean farmers. In the last edition of Soybean Business, we highlighted the storied history of the organization from our humble beginnings back in Sleepy Eye. The article and timeline highlighted the successes of the organization, and the list is long.

MSGA’s bipartisan approach allows us to work closely with all legislators and regulators; we’re not getting bogged down in political back and forth on policies that do not focus on soybeans and farming. At the same time, we are not afraid to speak out and stand up against a legislator or regulator when the interests of Minnesota’s soybean farmers are negatively affected.

It is often said that the best indicator of future performance is past success. In MSGA’s case, based on this measure, the next 60 years looks to be in great shape. I am humbled and honored to be in my position and look forward to beginning the work on a success story for MSGA for the next 60 years.

The issues and challenges that influenced the creation of MSGA are not the same issues facing farmers today. Recently, I had the chance to travel with the American Soybean Association (ASA) to Alaska to learn about the issues that will arise as a result of climate change and a melting Arctic. We are active in discussions on many state and federal issues: crafting the next Farm Bill, carbon markets, sustainable aviation fuel, renewable hydrocarbon diesel, loss of farmland to solar farms, increased input costs, supply chain issues – and more.

This is not at all suggesting that we’ll be resting on our laurels. The work continues. MSGA has grown and evolved over the first 60 years, and as we enter the next 60 years, we are in excellent shape to continue to be a unified voice for Minnesota’s soybean farmers. As you’ll read in this issue’s cover profile, we have an ideal combination of established directors, like current President Bob Worth, and a deep roster of emerging leaders, including Ryan Mackenthun and Rose Wendinger, among many others.

Joe Smentek serves as Executive Director of the Minnesota Soybean Growers Association. Follow him on Twitter at @CapitolSoy.

MSGA is wellpositioned to tackle these new challenges. Our board of directors is engaged and involved in many different organizations tackling these policies. Our Governing Board gathers frequently and gives MSGA the freedom to make decisions quickly on issues that face tight timelines. Comment periods and lawsuit timelines will not wait until our next full board meeting, and thanks to the Governing Board we are hitting these deadlines more efficiently than ever. MSGA is also well-represented at the federal level with seven directors on the ASA board, led by George Goblish, who serves on the ASA Governing Board.

Letter from the Executive Director

The power and effectiveness of this organization is widely recognized. In fact, at this year’s Farmfest, Gov. Walz issued an official proclamation declaring Sept. 24, 2022, “Minnesota Soybean Growers Association Day.” What an honor! We are truly standing on the shoulders of giants, from founding father John W. Evans to our most recent president, Mike Skaug. This proclamation is a testament to their vision and tireless efforts.

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The Next 60 Years

Ag Management Solutions Bennett Government Consulting Chevron Renewable Energy Group Clean Fuels Alliance America Compeer Financial Crow River Golf Club Dakota/Rice County Corn & Soybean Growers Duerr Government Affairs LLC Ever Cat Fuels, LLC Heartland Ag Systems Houston Engineering, Inc. MarathonISG Petroleum Corporation McLeod County Corn & Soybean Growers MEG MidwestCorpMachinery Company Minnesota Corn Minnesota Petroleum Marketers Association MPMA Minnesota Soybean Processors Minnesota Soybean Research & Promotion Council Norman County Corn & Soybean Growers Polk County Corn & Soybean Growers Roseau-LOW Soybean Growers South Dakota Soybean Processors Warrior MFG LLC We Tip Our Cap to Our Sponsors!

and Director Lawrence Sukalski spoke with Jensen on a number of issues, including high input costs, biodiesel and MSGA's 2022 policy successes. Later that morning, Jensen participated in a fiery policy debate with Gov. Tim Walz, the incumbent DFLer running for a second term in office.Wednesday afternoon, MSGA hosted its 60th anniversary celebration, connecting current directors with past presidents. Special guests included Minnesota Ag Commissioner Thom Petersen, Sen. Gary Dahms and State Auditor Julie Blaha."It's great to have Bob as president. What's old is new again," Petersen said. "I think about 60 years – it shows you have staying power. It shows your importance. ... It's great to see."

MSGA honored at Farmfest

On Wednesday, MSGA met with Scott Jensen, the Republican nominee for governor of Minnesota. Worth

Soybean Growers Association Day" in the"It'sstate.with great pleasure that I get to issue a proclamation," Walz told MSGA directors before discussing policyDuringopportunities.Farmfest,MSGA also visited with Rep. Paul Anderson, Commissioner Petersen and MDA Deputy Commissioner Andrea Vaubel, and officials from MDA’s Ag Water Quality Certification Program. Both Petersen and Vaubel also renewed their MSGA memberships. "We sure appreciate the folks at MDA for supporting MSGA," Worth said. "Commissioner Petersen and his team have been tremendous advocates for soybean farmers."

"We had many good conversations with legislative candidates and state agency leaders and candidates from both sides of the aisle," said MSGA President Bob Worth, who also outlined his Farm Bill priorities during a Congressional Candidate Forum. "That's what we're all about: having a conversation with folks to find common ground and solutions."

MSGA Executive Director Joe Smentek said the organization once again delivered its nonpartisan grassroots message at Farmfest. "This Farmfest had a huge legislative presence, and we were able to discuss challenges and opportunities with candidates in a relaxed atmosphere" he said. "Hopefully our priorities got across as we look toward the election and start to plan for 2023."

During the celebration, Gov. Walz visited Minnesota Soybean's booth bearing a special gift. To mark MSGA's 60th anniversary, the governor informed MSGA that Sept. 24, 2022 (exactly 60 years since MSGA held its first board meeting in Sleepy Eye) will be declared "Minnesota

By Drew Lyon

The Minnesota Soybean Growers Association celebrated 60 years of advocacy in grand fashion at Farmfest. Throughout the three-day festival, farmer-leaders met with dozens of state and federal officials, talking farm-friendly legislation and the path forward as MSGA looks ahead to the 2023 Legislative Session. Meetings took place with a bipartisan group of candidates, including Reps. Angie Craig and Michelle Fischbach and Minnesota farmer Brad Finstad, who emerged victorious following the Aug. 9 First Congressional District special election.

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MSGA Executive Director Joe Smentek helps a future farmer with his scouting skills.

Farmfest allowed MSR&PC a chance toupdate the farming community on checkoffinvestments, including the Ag InnovationCampus and Plasma Blue.

“This is genius!” Nearly 1,500 attendees played the Game of Soy at Farmfest.

A player attempts to guess the amount of foreign material in the displayed soybeans.

MDACommissionerThomPetersenthankspast,presentandfutureMSGAleadersduringtheorganization’s60thanniversaryeventatFarmfest. 8 - Soybean Business - SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER - 2022

As Counciltumbler.Director

Paul Freeman showcases value-added products, Skechers’ soy-

based shoes. ArecordnumberofmembersjoinedMSGAduringtheGameofSoyatFarmfest2022. AplanefliesaboveGilfillanEstateurginga repealofMinnesota’sCleanCarsRule.

part of the Game of Soy “beanbreak,” participants earned a MinnesotaSoybean


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MSGA President Bob Worth (left) and DirectorgubernatorialLawrenceSukalksi(right)talkpolicywithGOPcandidateScottJensen.

( YOU ) All soybean farmers, including you, are really big in poultry and livestock feed. How? By pooling your resources through your soy checkoff. Learn how your soy checkoff is bringing tangible returns back to you and your operation at Moving Soy Forward. Moving You Forward. ©2021 United Soybean Board [61133-1 7/21] MN Who’s the No. 1 protein source in chicken feed? YOU are. That’s right. You’re winning.

See more ways the soy checkoff is maximizing profit opportunities for soybean farmers at Brought to you by the soy checkoff. © 2018 United Soybean Board. Our Soy Checkoff and the Our Soy Checkoff mark are trademarks of United Soybean Board. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.

Whether you’re dealing with drought, flood, heat or other climate-related stress, the soy checkoff is working behind the scenes to diversify U.S. soybean genetics and increase stress tolerance. We’re looking inside the bean, beyond the bushel and around the world to keep preference for U.S. soy strong. And it’s helping make a valuable impact for soybean farmers like you.


The 40 Square difference

It pays to join the Minnesota Soybean Growers Association. Now, being a member of MSGA comes with an additional benefit.

40 Square health


40 Square Executive Director Amanda Beavens said the group’s ability to offer members of ATAs and co-ops another health care option could be a gamechanger for Minnesota farm families.

A large local and national provider and pharmacy network with Aetna supports personal, live customer service. Benefits

By Drew Lyon

For years, members of Minnesota agricultural trade associations (ATAs) and cooperatives were unable to access health plans through 40 Square Cooperative Solutions.Through advocacy efforts, that roadblock has been removed. Starting in summer 2022, members of MSGA can now join 40 Square’s health plans – with no stock investment cost – as part of their benefits

“We’repackage.veryexcited to offer this benefit to our members,” MSGA Executive Director Joe Smentek said. “Our board feels this is a special opportunity for our organization, and we encourage all of our members to look at the range of health care options that 40 Square offers.”

The Mankato-based cooperative, which began offering health plans in 2018, offers its members a variety of seven comprehensive health plans to choose from, including health savings account (HSA) eligible plans. Similar to traditional health insurance, 40 Square’s selffunded plans have an annual deductible, coinsurance and copays that members are responsible for.



“Theincreases.difference with 40 Square is we can take ownership in our plan,” said 40 Square Chair Cole Trebesch, who also sits on the Minnesota Soybean Research & Promotion Council. “We can provide a comprehensive health plan at a competitive price for my employees and our families. What’s great about 40 Square is we can sculpt the plan that we see benefits us the most.”

also include a 24-hour nurse line, as well as 24/7 telemedicine included, with optional mental health and dermatology benefits. Vision, dental and life coverage are all offered as additional optional benefits.Other non-insurance products to enhance the health plan include: hearing benefits, and AgriPlan and BizPlan at a discounted rate, which helps farmers and agribusinesses declare medical expenses as a business expense on taxes, and more. All health plans come with a free annual exam.“MSGA has been a longtime advocate for more affordable health care options. We’re confident our members will see that with 40 Square, members can truly own their health,” MSGA President Bob Worth said. “This new benefit is a win-win for all.”For more information and health plan details, contact 40 Square at 844-205-9579, or visit plans available MSGA

decreasing health care fees and/or curbing price

Turning Cornerthe

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“We’re eager to now have the ability to offer our health plans to members of MSGA and other Minnesota ag trade associations and cooperatives,” Beavens said. “We thank MSGA for their support.”

As the state’s only independent agricultural cooperative that exclusively offers health plans, 40 Square is first among equals. 40 Square plans are member-owned and member-governed. Unlike large insurance companies, with 40 Square any health care dollars remaining at the end of the year go back to members in the form of enhancing benefits,

Election Intrigue

“There are new faces every session, but regardless of how the election plays out, we are going to be establishing relationships with many new lawmakers after the election,” Smentek said. “That’s both a challenge and an opportunity.”

Midterm motivation

The new Congressional outlines are also likely to play a role in races throughout the country. In Minnesota ag country, Reps. Michelle Fischbach and Tom Emmer’s seats are considered safe GOP districts.

“This election will have a huge impact on the direction the American Soybean Association takes for 2023,” ASA Director George Goblish said. “We just won’t know until the dust settles after November.”

“We’ll be working on the issues that are important to our farmers,” Worth said. “We need to get that tax stuff completed so we can get soybean farmers some money.”

For MSGA, the possibilities are a bit murkey. If Gov. Tim Walz is reelected and mostly Metro-area Democrats gain control of the Legislature, MSGA’s legislative options could be narrowed.IfRepublican challenger Scott Jensen defeats Walz and the GOP retakes the House and Senate, a unique set of policy opportunities could be available to commodity groups. But if the divided Legislature status quo remains, policy stalemates are likely to continue.

By Drew Lyon

Both parties are projecting confidence, and for good reason.

At both the Minnesota and national levels, the outcome of the 2022 election cycle could tilt in several directions.Whereit goes, nobody knows...

VOTING 101 Visit to register to vote, find a polling station and learn more about early voting options. Most polling stations are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.

At the federal level, kitchen table issues like inflation and high fuel prices figure to weigh on voters’ mind, along with the June Supreme Court ruling that overturned federal abortion rights. Democrats are

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“It’s almost a cliché to say, ‘There’s a lot at stake in this election,’ but that’s certainly true this year,” Minnesota Soybean Growers Association Executive Director Joe Smentek said. “What will happen is truly anyone’s guess.”Nomatter which party gains control in January, MSGA will connect with plenty of fresh faces when the 2023 Legislative Session begins on Jan. 3. All 201 Senate and House seats are on the ballot Nov. 8. More than 40 legislators, comprising nearly 500 years of legislative experience, have announced their retirements.

In 2023, MSGA will continue to engage both parties on tax relief and pushing back against policies that would harm the state’s biodiesel use.

clinging to a slim majority in the House and hold the 50-50 tiebreaker in the Senate. Odds point to one, if not both, chambers flipping, but Democrats have been buoyed this summer by the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act (which extended the biodiesel tax incentive) and indications that inflation and fuel costs have Minnesota’speaked.House seats could also be close this November. Rep. Angie Craig is facing a tight rematch against Tyler Kistner, while Minnesota farmer Brad Finstad will defend his First District seat following a special election win over Jeff Entinger, although Finstad’s margins were closer than expected.

For Darin Johnson and others who were part of the delegation of a USDA trade mission to the Philippines, the recent trip was a chance to see just how close the United States is with the southeast Asian nation made up of 7,000Johnson,islands.who farms in Faribault County and is vice president of the Minnesota Soybean Growers Association, represented Minnesota soybean farmers with the delegation, joining representatives of the state’s corn and wheat farmers and pork producers, as well as Commissioner Thom Petersen and others from the Minnesota Department of Agriculture.

In all, more than 60 people, representing 29 agribusinesses, farm organizations and state ag departments, made the weeklong overseas trip to the capital city of Manila. Led by USDA Foreign Agriculture Service (FAS) Administrator Daniel Whitley, the trade mission’s goal was to promote two-way cooperation and build trade opportunities between the U.S. and the“ThePhilippines.Philippines is an excellent market for U.S. farm and food products, and we look forward to introducing a diverse group of companies and organizations to new export opportunities there,” Whitley

said in a statement prior to the trade mission. “U.S. brands sell very well in the Philippines, where consumers regard our products as safe, reliable and of good quality. The United States has enjoyed a long and prosperous trading relationship with the

By Shane Frederick

Darin Johnson looks on as U.S. soybean meal is prepared for shipment to local mills and farms.

because they think the way we’re doing it is the right way to do it. They believe in technology and science and, ultimately, they want to protect their food source.”

MSGA VP represents MN farmers on trade mission

Potential in the Philippines

“We had the opportunity to get out and see the Philippine way of life and how they farm and some of the things they’re trying to implement on their farms,” Johnson said. “They’re interested in American agriculture

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“I was so impressed by the Filipino people,” Johnson said. “They were very respectful and nice to us, and that’s because of the relationship that we’ve had with them for this extended period of time.”

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Philippines, and this mission is an ideal opportunity to further expand our exports there.”

The Philippines, which has the third-largest economy in southeast Asia after Indonesia and Thailand, is the eighth-largest market for U.S. agricultural products, averaging $3.1 billion annually (overall U.S. exports total $9.3 billion). There is both a need for imported food and food ingredients to keep up with the pace of growth and stave off shortages in the nation of 110 million, as well as a growing middle class that is buying higher-quality foods and has an affinity for products from the United States or products that contain U.S.


The mission included tours, meetings and site visits. During one visit, Petersen joined Kentucky and Nebraska in the signing of a Joint Declaration with Hermilando Mandanas, governor of the Philippines province of Batangas, affirming a commitment to work together to increase and strengthen trade relations and opportunities.

In another visit, Petersen represented the University of Minnesota in the signing of a memorandum of understanding to launch a new project aimed at strengthening local veterinary services for safe pork and pork products. The project, funded by the FAS Emerging Markets Program, Philippine Department of Agriculture technical officials will receive a twoweek training in the United States, equipping them with relevant knowledge to conduct workshops across the Philippines to help combat the spread of African Swine Fever.

Building relationships

Batangas boasts the Philippines second-largest port and brings in, among other products, soybean meal from the United States. Last year, the Philippines – which is about the size of Iowa in terms of arable land with a population of nearly 110 million people – imported just over 2 million metric

“Our relationship with them is important to the U.S. because they know we’re a very reliable source for their soybean meal and the little bit whole beans that they do get from us,” Johnson said. “We’ve really had seven decades of good trade relationships with them.”

tons of soybean meal and 123,000 metric tons of whole beans. That’s a 20% increase year over year.

MSGA VP Darin Johnson represented the Minnesota Soybean Research & Promotion Council on the USDA trade mission to the Philippines. He was joined by Shane Frederick of the Specialty Soya and Grains Alliance.

delegation also had a chance to visit La Filipina Feed Mill, the Cargill-Jollibee poultry plant, MacroAsia Airport Services Corporation, Gardenia break bakery, a wet market and various stores and shopping centers. And, in a cultural tour, the Manila American Cemetery. Located in the heart of Manila, it is the largest American military cemetery outside the U.S., with 17,000 buried and 36,000 missing in action commemorated on the walls from World War II Pacific Operations.

Name:____________________________________Date of Birth:______/________/_______ Farm/Company City:_____________________________State:______Zip:_________County:_____________Email:*________________________Phone:*_________________Cell:__________________Address:___________________________________________________________________Name:______________________________________3YearMembership:$250 (includes Minnesota Soybean sweatshirt and $100 biodiesel rebate) Pullover size (circle one): S M L XL XXL XXXL Biodiesel Coupon (Value $100) 1 Year Membership: $120 Yes I want to save $20! 1 Year Membership: $100 (with auto renew payment via credit card). By checking this option, I understand my annual membership to MSGA will renew automatically, charging the credit card on file at the time my membership expires Young Professional (age 35 and under) & Retired: $70 Student (age 22 and under): $20 I’m a new member Renewing member ID#____________Recruiter Name:______________ Check Enclosed (payable to MSGA) CC: (VISA/MASTER?DISC/AMEX) Exp.Card:______-______-______-______Date(M/Y):____/____CVV:____Signature_______________Paymentinformation: Minnesota Soybean Growers Association 1020 Innovation Lane Mankato, MN 507-388-163556001 Online applications also available at Cut on the line and return today

Other tangible policy wins Johnson mentioned included property tax and school tax relief, which help put millions of dollars back into farmers’ bottom lines.

“I just wanted to learn how they both operate – what’s the difference between paying a membership to MSGA and where our checkoff dollars are going,” Johnson said.

MSGA VP sees value in

Just over 20 years ago, Darin Johnson joined the Faribault County Corn & Soybean Growers Board because he wanted to get more involved.

“I enjoy going to St. Paul and meeting and talking to our representatives,” Johnson said. “At first, it is a little intimidating. But really, what they want to do is learn, too, just as much as we do. So we are able to talk to them about what we do and how we do it, and they are always interested.”Johnsonis proud of the accomplishments MSGA has notched during his leadership ascension.

“I always know that MSGA is continually fighting on my behalf in St. Paul and Washington, D.C.,” Johnson said. “That’s why I joined MSGA.”

Johnson’s passion for policy helped move him through the ranks as he became more involved on the state level. He now serves as vice president of MSGA.

Although both organizations work together, MSR&PC is federally prevented from using checkoff dollars for lobbying. That’s where MSGA’s membership dollars come into“Theplay.differences between the two organizations can be confusing. That’s why we continue to communicate to growers the importance of MSGA,” MSGA Executive

“Minnesota is a leader as far as biodiesel. We started at B2 and now are at B20,” Johnson said.

By Kaelyn Rahe

Director Joe Smentek said. “It’s really important to have an organization like MSGA because we can go where the checkoff side can’t.”

Once he became a county director, Johnson signed up to become a member of the Minnesota Soybean Growers Association (MSGA). However, like many farmers, Johnson didn’t understand how MSGA and the Minnesota Soybean Research & Promotion Council (MSR&PC) diverged.

“I was young and wanting to learn more,” Johnson said. “I knew that I was going to obviously be tied to agriculture for the rest of my life.”

membership Why JOHNSON JOINED 16 - Soybean Business - SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER - 2022

The Johnson Family Wells, Minn. SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER - 2022 - Soybean Business - 17

Courtesy of Northern Soy Marketing MEALDEALU.S.THEWITHWHAT’S?

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studies showing higher lysine in meal produced from temperate beans and high non-essential amino acids such as glutamic acid in meals produced from tropical beans. Thus, Swick recommends that amino acids should not be adjusted solely based on crude protein in the formulation matrix.

The results show an economic advantage for U.S. meal being in the range of USD $4.60 to $14.70 over Argentina and Brazilian SBM. The results also show that crude protein values should not be used to adjust amino acids in SBM and sucrose is positively related to caloric content in SBM for poultry.

The soybean industry currently uses the proximate analysis method developed in Weende, Germany in 1865 to value the quality of SBM. Swick suggests that soybean meal should be valued on its content of metabolizable energy and digestible amino acids rather than crude fiber and crude protein. These research results suggest that infrared spectroscopy, when properly calibrated, may give a more robust estimate of nutrients important for meat production.

The nutrient values and amino acid digestibility values were used to formulate broiler starter, grower and finisher diets using prevailing ingredient prices in Asia. With U.S. SBM at USD 630/mt, Argentine meal would need to be USD 4.60 less expensive in starter and grower diets and $7.80 less expensive in the finisher diet before it could be feasibly used. The Brazil meal would need to be $7.70 less expensive in starter and grower and $14.70 less expensive than U.S. meal in finisher feed.

The analysis also showed total lysine to be highest in U.S and Argentina meal, while cystine, arginine and glutamic acid were highest in Brazil SBM. No differences in valine or methionine were found between the meals.

The Minnesota Soybean Research & Promotion Council is a proud supporter of Northern Soy Marketing. To learn more about NSM,

Soybean meal (SBM) is the most common protein source in broiler diets. However, due to processing, soybean genetics and conditions during handling and storage, SBM can widely vary in nutritional composition and protein quality. Robert A. Swick, professor at Poultry Hub Australia, has analyzed 19 samples of SBM originating from the U.S., Argentina and Brazil to evaluate digestible amino acids and metabolizable energy.

Soybeans contain sucrose that remains in SBM after oil extraction. Sucrose is highly digestible and contributes to the metabolizable energy in the meal. Soybeans grown in cool climates tend to have more sucrose than those growing under warmer tropical climates

Because temperate and tropically grown beans have different ratios of the various amino acids to crude protein, laboratory analysis is necessary when comparing different origins of soybean meal. This information should be continually updated to keep feed formulations accurate and avoid deficiencies or excesses in the field.

The apparent metabolizable energy (AME) content was highest in U.S. SBM and sucrose content was positively correlated to AME. The coefficient for standard ileal digestible lysine was highest for U.S. meal compared to other meals. Methionine, cystine, threonine and valine were also found to be more digestible in U.S. meal as compared to Brazil meal.

So, what does this mean?

Swick says the high levels of sucrose in U.S. meal could be related to ideal bean storage conditions, contributing to higher digestibility by the broilers. Digestibility is important because it determines nutrients available for meat production.Insoluble

These differences confirm previous

The chemical and NIRS evaluation showed all samples to be of high quality. However, the U.S. meal topped the charts in sucrose, potassium hydroxide (KOH) protein solubility and insoluble non-starch polysaccharides (NSP) or hard fiber. The Brazilian SBM was highest in crude protein, about one percent

NSP correlates to hard fiber and could be expected to have a positive impact on gizzard function. The lower soluble NSP of U.S. meal may reflect the fact that more of the sugars are in the form of sucrose and less are present as oligosaccharides.

higher than both the U.S. and Argentina meal samples.

Improved gizzard function from the higher levels of hard insoluble fiber increases nutrient digestibility. Soluble fiber on the other hand is often associated with digestive disturbance such as sticky droppings and excess gas production in the hindgut, meaning low levels are a positive attribute.

Nutrient composition including crude protein (CP), dry matter, crude fiber and ash were analyzed by the standard methods in various laboratories and by near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) using calibrations provided by Adisseo. Apparent metabolizable energy (AME) and standardized ileal amino acid digestibility were determined in live broilers at the Bangkok Animal Research Centre in Thailand.

The study examined the nutrient profile of 19 samples of SBM from various origins with five from the U.S., 10 from Argentina and four from Brazil. The samples were collected from feed mills in Vietnam, the Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia and Australia and shipped to the Bangkok Animal Research Centre (BARC) in Thailand and University of New England in Australia. That means the future of a healthier food system isn’t manufactured — it’s Seegrown.whysoybean farmers are embracing SOYLEIC®. SOYLEIC® is a non-GMO, high-oleic option for today’s soybean farmers — and those they serve. • Maturity Groups for Your Area • Competitive Yields • Added Value for Culinary and Livestock Markets734 S. Country Club Drive Jefferson City, MO 65109 (573) 635-3819 When the world relies on you for healthy food choices, rely on SOYLEIC ®

REMEMBER, HE CREATED YOU FOR THIS. Don’t be afraid. Just believe. Mark 5:36

Bob Worth’s back to lead MSGA

Nearly 20 years following his first stint as president, Bob Worth didn’t expect he’d return to lead the Minnesota Soybean Growers Association (MSGA).

“Never say never, I guess,” said Worth, who was elected in June to become the first MSGA president to serve nonconsecutive terms. “I think I forgot some stuff, but I really love what I’m Joiningdoing.”Worth on MSGA’s officer team for 2022-23 are Vice President Darin Johnson, Secretary Brad Hovel and Treasurer Ryan Mackenthun. Worth said he’s hopeful he can pass his wisdom and knowledge onto the next generation of farmerleaders.“Ilove our officer team and our governing board,” Worth said. “We have some really good people on MSGA. They’re fun people to work with.”

But the chance to continue representing Minnesota soybean farmers at the state and national capitals was an opportunity this longtime farmer-advocate couldn’t pass up.

By Drew Lyon

Worth is especially encouraged by the upcoming crop of MSGA directors. Sitting in his shop at the family farm in Lake Benton on an August morning, he rattled off the names of farmers he’s confident will lead MSGA into the next decade: Johnson, Mackenthun, Brad Hovel, Rose Wendinger, Adam Guetter, Jeff Sorenson – just to name a few.

“Bob is so passionate about agriculture,” Mackenthun said. “You can see that by the way he talks. He likes to take the younger farmers under his wing, and he’s definitely helped me to become more comfortable.”

a squad leader in the National Guard. Leadership and teamwork became two of his core values.

“I learned a lot from Mike Skaug,” Worth said. “He was a good mentor to me to bring me back into a leadership role.”

Family ties

MSGA has stocked itself a deep bench.

Gail said her husband has learned to better manage his

“It’s up to farmers to tell legislators what’s going on in rural America, in addition to what we need for a new Farm Bill and all the other policies we promote and defend. That’s something I love doing.” - Bob Worth

Beforeon.”returning to MSGA, Worth sought and received the blessing of Gail, his partner since he was 14 years old.

“You’ve got to have the family behind you 100 percent,” said Worth, who turns 70 this year. “Otherwise, it’s not going to work.”

“In the military, you learn all these things to be a leader and mentor,” he said. “You’re always learning and passing things

Worth, who last served as president from 2005 to 2007, thanked past President Mike Skaug for keeping him informed on the issues and showing the ropes of advocating in the virtual age.

“MSGA is going to be great for years to come,” Worth said. “I really like the new and upcoming leaders that are coming into the mix. I think it’s going to do a lot of good for soybean farmers.”

On the flip side, MSGA’s emerging leaders are soaking up Worth’s morethan-20 years of experience as a county, state and national director.

“I want the officers and staff to be involved in everything we do,” he said.

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“I honestly don’t remember a time when we weren’t together,” Gail said.

“I always chuckle when they say, ‘Young Leader,’ Worth said, adding, “I just liked to talk and tell our story, because I had a passion for agriculture.”Duringhis first go-around as president, Worth described MSGA’s

died in 1998, father and son have worked side-by-side. Jon handles marketing and Bob oversees cash flows (and advocacy, naturally), while Gail manages the accounting. Jon’s wife, Shanna, is also part of the operation.

In September, Worth and MSGA’s officers fly to Washington, D.C., to visit with Minnesota’s congressional delegation and discuss legislation, including the upcoming Farm Bill. Typically, farmer-directors only visit the nation’s capital during biannual ASA Hill Visits.

“Lake Benton is a special place.” Worth Farms has been in operation since 1955.

This year marks Worth’s 52nd year of farming land in his bucolic southwestern Minnesota hometown, where agriculture and wind energy dominate the local economy. After high school, he started farming with his dad, Bill. During the 1990s, three generation of Worths – Bill, Bob and Bob’s son, Jon – worked on the farm, raising soybeans, corn and occasionally wheat. After Bill Worth

Open communication is a Worth priority. In the months ahead, he’ll collaborate with his fellow directors, Executive Director Joe Smentek, MSGA’s lobbying team and staff to plot the roadmap toward a successful 2023 Legislative Session.

legislative vision as more limited and focused strictly on soybean issues, primarily the state’s then-new biodiesel mandate. That’s no longer the case, he said.“Sometimes we tried to stop things, but we weren’t as aggressive as we are now,” Worth said. “Now, we’re working on all issues. That’s why we’re getting so much done – we’re a step ahead.”

“It’s a different situation now,” Gail said. “What Bob wants to do, we’ll support. It makes him more organized in other parts of his life. I rarely have a honey-do list now because he has everything done, so it works pretty well.”Gail and Bob celebrate 50 years of marriage this fall. During their interview with Soybean Business, they still tease and laugh with each other like high school sweethearts.

‘A step ahead’

“There’s not a better thing to do than working with your son and family,” WorthWorthsaid.had a quick rise through MSGA’s ranks. After serving on his county board, he became an MSGA director in 2003 and was elected vice president the following year. He learned from established directors such as Ed Hegland and Kristin Weeks Duncancson. The Worths also graduated from ASA’s 2003 Young Leader Program alongside future South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem.

discuss how elected officials can help farmers.“Wevisit with legislators more than we ever have,” he said. “We have to tell our story. We can’t have them hear it from someone else.”

“That’s been my dream for a long time, because we need to go out to D.C. more than just with ASA,” he said.Worth takes special pride in MSGA’s nonpartisan mission. He doesn’t care the side of the aisle a legislator sits on; Worth just wants to


forthcoming. Nope, he’s going to ride off into the sunset with his family, knowing he gave the soybean industry everything he was worth.

“I’m just going to walk away,” he said. “I don’t want this to be about me. It’s about MSGA.”

Bob is also the host of a local radio program, dubbed – appropriately –“For What It’s Worth.” During the show’s run, he’s hosted state and federal legislators, along with Ag Commissioner Thom Petersen.

Worth said that there will be no retirement announcement

“All this stuff helped me a lot,” he said. “Singing, acting – you learn how to work with people, and you learn how to get in front of people.”

Bob Worth (front) and his son, Jon, (background) scout for aphids during the 2022 growing season.“Soybeans is family.” Bob Worth has more than 20 years of soybean memories storied in his “man cave.”

Worth’s booming voice can be traced back to two decades spent producing and acting in plays at Lake Benton’s Opera House. For much of his involvement, the theater didn’t have microphones, forcing Worth to project his voice to the back of the building. That experience served him well in meetings and testimonials with legislators. He also honed his vocal chops singing bass in a gospel quartet.

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WISHH works with international associations to build lasting potential for U.S. soy trade. trade.

Connect with wishh.orgWISHH

WISHH is a program of the American Soybean Association and is funded in part by the United Soybean Board and state soybean board checkoff programs.

Join WISHH in the business of untapped protein potential.

WISHH is a program of the American Soybean Association and is funded in part by the United Soybean Board and state soybean board checkoff programs.

WISHH connects trade and development across global market systems, improves food security, and brings the power of strategic partnerships to our unique market-systems approach.

SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER - 2022 - Soybean Business - 27

Connect with wishh.orgWISHH

Grassroots groups team up to promote agriculture

Time to get creative. Nicollet/Sibley County did just that. Using the special project funding from the Council, the group hosted a Soy Sunday Fun Day. The goal of their event was to promote all the unique products made with soybeans. The event began with an introduction of soybeans from University of Minnesota Extension Educator Emma Severns and then went into painting a farm scene on a canvas. Why paint? Paint is one of the unique products that contain soybean oil. The board also hosted a snack menu containing soy. They offered a delicious spread of tofu, beef bulgogi skewers marinated in a soy glaze, baked goods and meat products containing soy-based products. The event brought in approximately 35Firefightersparticipants.and first responders are the core of small

Goodhue County holds a grain bin rescue training in August at the Goodhue County Fair.

The Soy Sunday Fun Day was a hit for the Nicollet/Sibley County Board.

communities. Whenever an individual needs help, they are there to assist and help. Keeping this in mind, Goodhue County wanted to step up and help their community. The board offered grant applications to every fire department in their county to apply for grain bin rescue equipment. In addition, the board hosted a grain bin rescue training session at the Goodhue County Fair. The event attracted 50 first responders.

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Southeast Minnesota

Brews and beans – could you ask for a better combo? Faribault County returned to an in-person annual meeting, this time at Margaret’s Pub, a vintage pub that provides craft beer, wine and whiskey. The unique atmosphere brought in a good audience. The board brought in a food truck and held a silent auction to raise money for scholarships.

Renville County spent two days in third grade classrooms teaching students about the lifecycle of soybeans. Working with Minnesota Ag in the Classroom, the growers provided a science project and ag-related books to the students. The materials were funded by MSR&PC. “I thought it went very well,” Board Director Connie Mulder said. “I appreciate the opportunity we got from the Council to have that much exposure with that many kids about our message.” The students learned how their body heat, a wet cotton ball and sun help the seeds grow in the early stages. After the students were able to create their living necklaces, they listened to a story called “My Family’s Soybean Farm.” The story followed a young boy telling the reader about the growth life cycle of soybeans and the uses of soybeans.

Minnesota’s 44 organized soybean counties sought to showcase soy this summer through promotional and community-minded events. While most counties participated in the Minnesota Soybean Research & Promo tion Council’s (MSR&PC) Stepping Up campaign, many boards also participated in other projects that boosted the presence of agriculture in their communities.

By Soybean Business Staff

County Connections

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In July, RePlay, a soy-based road sealant product, was applied on three miles of county Highway 14 in Becker County. To promote the use of checkoff products that aren’t as visible to the public eye, such as RePlay, Becker/ Mahnomen County purchased signage to place along the

To raise awareness of the many foods containing soybean oil, Todd County held a soybean grocery giveaway at a Long Prairie grocery store. As customers walked out of the grocery store, board members handed out bags of soybean groceries filled with Crisco, soy sauce, mayonnaise, ranch dressing and cooking spray. On each grocery item, they placed a label reading, “All of these grocery items include soybeans. Complements of the Todd County Corn and Soybean Growers and their checkoffs.” There was an overwhelming number of customers who expressed surprise that these grocery items contained soybeans.

Spearheading the fundraising process, Ottertail/Grant County raised $90,000 through business sponsorships to install five North Dakota Agricultural Weather Network (NDAWN) stations throughout the counties. NDAWN stations provide growers with timely weather information. In August, the growers hosted two demonstration meetings featuring NDAWN Director Daryl Ritchison, who explained the nuances of the technology and answered questions from community members.

Southwest Minnesota

application site that promoted use of soybean oil. Giving back to their local communities, Clay/Wilkin County used checkoff dollars to reimburse restaurants up to $300 for the purchase of soybean oil used in their fryers. To qualify for the $300, participating restaurants had to display signage, supplied by MSR&PC, explaining the benefits of high oleic soybean oil, for at least one month.

Nobles County brought more than 40 teams to their golf outing at the Adrian Country Club. Attendees went around the course engaging with sponsors and networking, before the Rock/Nobles County Cattlemen’s Association grilled more than 300 steaks for the largest crowd the event has hosted to date. The board recognized volunteer first responders and ambulance crews for their dedication to serving the communities in the region. The board honored frontline works as part of MSR&PC’s Stepping Up campaign.NoblesCounty promoted Stepping Up through a trivia contest on the golf course for participants to fill out to learn about the many uses of soybeans. Once the card was filled out, the golfer was entered into a drawing for the Skechers soy-based shoes. The board then gave away an additional five pairs through this promotion.

Lincoln, Murray, Pipestone and Lyon counties also received funding from MSR&PC for an innovative promotion of their county boards and the state organization. Through Christensen Broadcasting, the four counties broadcasted a video during sporting events that are broadcast by Christensen Broadcasting. The funding allowed for the creation of the videos and the advertising spots.

North Central Minnesota

MSR&PC funded a special project for Cottonwood County to donate sets of tires to local schools. The board wanted to continue the 2021 Driving Soy campaign, when it donated a set of tires to the Cottonwood County Sheriff’s Department.MountainLake Public School, Westbrook, Redrock Central and Windom all received a set of soy-based tires. Mountain Lake Public School put the tires on their driver’s education vehicle that the students drive during class.

Continued on page 30

Polk County has been busy promoting soybeans by purchasing signage in the East Grand Forks and Crookston hockey arenas with a renewable fuels message. They have made donations to FFA and sponsored the Polk County Fair along with promoting soybeans and safety through radio. The board delivered ag books to their county schools.

Northwest Minnesota

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Roseau/Lake of the Woods County sponsored the Roseau and Lake of the Woods county fairs this year. They received recognition and signage at the fairs’ rodeos. They also donated ag books to county schools and used county dollars to promote farm safety.

Norman County works with KRJB radio to help promote soybeans and corn throughout the county. They have sponsored the spring to lunch program by delivering meals to the farmers. They are huge supporters of their county fair by sponsoring all events. The board received signage in the Ag Educations Building, an ad in the Fair Premium and numerous announcements at all grandstand events.

Kittson County highlighted the Skechers campaign at the Kittson County Fair through a print ad. They sponsored the fair and the Ag Appreciation supper. The board updated signage at the hockey arena with a renewable fuel sign and purchased pencils to donate to Kittson County schools. The pencils feature the message: Food + Fuel – Minnesota Soybeans are “SOY” good for Everything. The board also held a calling night to promote MSGA membership. | 1(320) 587-2322 Made in Hutchinson, MN S��� S���� R���������� P��� F������ A���� T����� L���� 5 F����� Q���� T���� GET YOUR GRAIN HEAD READY

MSR&PC Director Kris Folland (back left) joins fellow Kittson County board members for an MSGA membership call night.

By making donations, Marshall County farmers are doing their part to help local students learn about the importance of agriculture.

Pennington/Red Lake County has donated to the six fire departments in the two counties. The donations go toward the purchase of farm safety equipment. The board also donated to their county food shelves to promote soy products. They sponsored the Pennington County fair by placing an ad in the Fair Premium and had a soybean pool and donated a picnic table to the fair.

Marshall County purchased a picnic table with a soy message as part of the Marshall County Fair, hosted a pedal tractor and sponsored the Beef Cook Off with biodiesel messaging. They also donated a $100 biodiesel certificate to the Ag Bash. The board delivered school supplies and ag books to county schools.

New for 2023

Xtend Flex® soybeans are a popular choice for growers with kochia issues because it allows them the flexibility to use different tools to treat their weed populations. Roerig says Mustang Seeds has been working for several years with partner GDM to develop exclusive new Xtend Flex® varieties that will be available for growers in 2023.

“We are looking at all our past research as well as new information from our strip trials that will be monitored this fall comparing past varieties as we move fully from Xtend into this Xtend Flex® system,” Roerig explains. “We also have all of our plot data on the website. Growers can scroll through their area; they can select by state or by variety.”

“It’s a big consideration, especially for growers in North Dakota and western South Dakota.” Roerig says. “Having weed control options is the deciding factor for a lot of farmers who have kochia.”

Roerig says a lot of farmers are having success in kochia control by using dicamba.

“We have a wide lineup of Xtend Flex® varieties from .00 to 3.0 relative maturity. We’ve been working hand in hand with GDM and having our own breeding line has been crucial for us. We have a lot of new varieties in the range from about an 0.7 to a 1.8 in the heart of that with six to eight new GDM products there that we’re really excited about,” Roerig says.

Need Options

Many farmers in the Midwest know all too well the challenge kochia presents. Kochia thrives under drier conditions, so growers in western South Dakota and parts of North Dakota are particularly vexed by kochia.“InSouth Dakota, especially west of the James River, kochia is the main concern,” says South Dakota State University Extension Weed Science Coordinator Paul Johnson.

Johnson says dicamba is one of the most effective tools farmers have for managing kochia. He says 2-4D has some effectiveness, as does Liberty® if weeds are treated when they’re small. Glyphosate can be effective for controlling kochia, but increased instances of resistance to glyphosate is limiting its usefulness.“Gettinga pre-emerge down that is good on kochia is an absolute must,” Johnson contends. “Post emerge options are the most limited on kochia of any weed in the state.”

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Roerig says a popular approach to managing kochia is to apply dicamba as a pre-emerge herbicide, then follow up with other technologies for

Variety information is available at www. Roerig says Mustang Seeds representatives are also available to help answer questions on the new Xtend Flex® varieties.

Options for Controlling Kochia

To learn more about Mustang Seeds and their seed portfolio, visit

post-emerge application.

Having herbicide or other management options available is important for farmers who have kochia. Mustang Seeds Soybean Production Manager Mason Roerig says kochia control is a key consideration for many farmers when they’re making their soybean seed selections.

“I know quite a few growers that have switched soybean varieties so they can use dicamba, and it’s cleaned the fields up very nicely. They’ve not had any issues moving forward with kochia,” Roerig says.

Roerig says breeders have been testing the new varieties for about two years and all varieties have been included in their test plots, yield trials and production field inspections, so there will be data farmers can use to compare and determine what’s right for their own operation.

“A lot of farmers do a burn-down or pre-emerge with dicamba, then come back with Liberty® later in the season,” Roerig explains. “They can burn the kochia down right away. Coming back for any stragglers with that second pass of Liberty® seems to work very well in our area.”

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Achieving optimal yields means more than just planting great seed. It comes down to smart decision-making rooted in agronomic research. That’s why we’re always fine-tuning best practices through our Ole & Sven Trial to help you see great results year after year. • (866)

CEO Tom Slunecka spotlighted recent checkoff initiatives, including the Ag Innovation Campus, Plasma Blue and the Stepping Up campaign.“Thecheckoff continues to find new ways, new markets, new varieties that put money back in your pocket,” he said. “It’s hard to realize how

Day 2 featured an appearance from commodities expert John Baize, who gave an overview of how soybeans are affected by geopolitics. Global

It was the first time since 2019 that the Council had hosted the retreat at Cragun’s in Brainerd.


“There are no bad ideas and we had plenty of great ideas proposed,” Vice Chair Tom Frisch said.

Constructive conversations

help move our industry forward... This was a great way to introduce county board directors to how our state organizations operate.”

Day 1 of the retreat was exclusive to emerging leaders and county soybean board directors. Both Council and Minnesota Soybean Growers Association directors discussed their pathways to leadership and how the two organizations work together.

MSGA Executive Director Joe Smentek also explained how MSGA influences policy through legislative advocacy in St. Paul and Washington, D.C.Frisch said one of his key hopes was that the seminar will help attract more leaders to the state boards.

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• Plasma concentration of nitrogen using water

Each night, farmer leaders bonded by breaking bread and gathering a bonfire.“This retreat opened me up to a lot of knowledge,” Kandiyohi County farmer Sarah Leshuk said. “It was also great to meet other farmers.”

“This is what soybeans are all about,” MSGA President Bob Worth said. “We’re family.”

“This was my first time at the retreat,” MSGA Secretary Brad Hovel said. “The whole roundtable deal was excellent. Very good program and we appreciate the Council board for hosting us.”

New Product Uses

The Future of Soybeans Retreat at Cragun’s featured 10 table talks over the course of the afternoon. Attendees rotated between the topics to discuss problems and possible solutions regarding soybean farmers and the soybean industry. Here are just a few of the takeaways farmers and researchers gathered from the sessions:

• Available maturities are limited in Minnesota

Renewable Fuels

Non-tariff Trade Barriers

Great discussions led to good times among farmers and industry leaders.

“The roundtable talks were interesting and are going to force me to approach my projects differently,” University of Minnesota Professor

• China by law requires FM to be less than 1% in soybeans; Minnesota consistently below the threshold

• Challenge in understanding genetics for each soy protein product

• What happens to protein quality if we increase higher oil soybean varieties?

• Need access to markets for value-added crops. Is agriculture going to have to change its expectations of how the farm is managed?

• How will farmers capitalize on carbon?

Animal Protein

• Are we at risk of losing any of our current chemicals? We must remain vigilant.

in the hopes of sparking new ideas for future checkoff-funded projects. Each table talk lasted 40 minutes, allowing farmers and researchers ample time to tackle issues.

• You’ve got to build high oleic into the infrastructure. if you did that, you could better separate.

Value-added Crops

Bob Stupar said. “It was valuable.”

• Educating and marketing the consumer/companies/world markets on quality and benefits of soy protein

• Crusher is critical to Soybean Meal (SBM) quality; SBM source impacts carbon footprint. Some companies are tracking this. Calculations are not standardized.

The Council hosted the discussion

• Soybean meal fertilizer

“The table talks were fantastic and robust, with lots of timely discussions,” Slunecka said. “This was far and away my favorite retreat that we’veResearchershosted.” also found the dialogue informative as they prepare for future proposals.

• Increase face-to-face communication with U.S. soybean buyers, regulators

The retreat also gave farmers a chance to bring their families and network with their colleagues in a relaxed atmosphere.

• Beef/dairy industry – is this an overlooked market for soybean meal?

Soy Protein Alternative Efforts-Human

• How do we get the added value of the crop to get to the farm gate? Where is the farmer’s share?

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• Do a better job of communication of the safety of our products

• Crude protein is too limited to use for animal feed selection

• Where is the main source of contamination? How do we monitor to find where contamination is happening?

High Oleic Soybeans/TruSoya

many people are working on our behalf behind the scenes dedicated to making sure this entire system works.”TheCouncil hosted table talks, where researchers and farmers tackled topics, including renewable fuels, animal protein, exports, high oleic soybeans, reducing foreign material (FM) in soybeans and more.

Essential Amino Acids & Nutrition

• How do we better optimize the amount of soybean meal in a turkey’s diet?

Reducing FM in Soybeans

Table Takeaways

• Can we harness food safety measures similar to food processing for humans and apply it to soybean meal?

Disease Transmitted in Soy Meal

circumstance relative to this climate onslaught coming at them.”

The Climate Smart Farm Endorsement serves a support role in working with producers to identify the climate benefits within their production systems. The endorsement enables producers to explore the existing climate benefits they are producing and potential opportunities for additional actions unique and site-specific to their agricultural land and management.“Ifyou’refarming today, you’re facing a blizzard of climate pitches and proposals from industry and government,” MAWQCP Program Manager Brad Jordahl-Redlin said. “We saw that happening with our certified-growers and decided that we had the opportunity to bring resources and provide space for our participating farms to take stock of their individual

The bridge payment grants are available to certified producers who have obtained the Climate Smart Farm Endorsement or are actively seeking the Endorsement. The grant application opened July 15, 2022 and can be accessed on the MAWQCP website. If you have questions about applying, please contact your Certification Specialist (www.“Withalittlemoney,and most importantly some time to assess their situation, we’re here to serve growers as they decide on a particular climate offering, or to stay out of these new carbon markets altogether,” Jordahl-Redlin said.

The MAWQCP puts farmers in touch with local conservation district experts to identify and mitigate any risks their farm poses to water quality. Producers going through the certification process have priority access to financial assistance. After being certified, each farm is deemed in compliance with new water quality laws and regulations for 10 years.

The more than 1,250 producers currently certified in the program – now in its seventh year of implementation – cover more than 912,000 certified acres and implement more than 2,500 new conservation practices. These practices are reducing over 43,000 tons of sediment of each year, 127,000 tons of soil and cutting nitrogen loss by nearly 50%. Gov. Tim Walz and the MDA have set a goal to certify one-million acres of farmland in Minnesota by the end of Farmers2022.and

Brought to you by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture

36 - Soybean Business - SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER - 2022

MNWaterAgriculturalQuality Certification Climate Smart Farms Project

landowners interested in becoming water quality certified can contact their local Soil and Water Conservation District or visit

In summer 2022, the Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) received a $100,000 grant from the McKnight Foundation to help farmers evaluate climate-smart farming practices that can mitigate climate change, build farm resiliency, and may provide them with a new income stream. The money will be used toward the new Climate Smart Farms Project, part of the Minnesota Agricultural Water Quality Certification Program (MAWQCP).

The MAWQCP Climate Smart Farms Project delivers individualized service to MAWQCP-certified producers through piloting an opportunity to receive annual payments of $1,000, with the potential to continue annual participation up to five years. These bridge payment grants provide producers support as they work with local representatives to explore and prepare for evolving climate marketplaces and public programs. The purpose of the pilot project is to help producers access new and reliable earned income streams for the environmental benefits they are providing our state and nation.


The Minnesota Agricultural Water Quality Certification Program rewards farmers like you for what you do best, taking care of your land and its natural resources.

To get started and learn more, contact your local soil and water conservation district or go to:

The first shipment to Uzbekistan took a mere 8 months to arrive from the U.S. Now, the U.S. will have to play the waiting game.

Looking forward

“Our intent is to thank the buyers for buying U.S. soy and see if there is anything we can do to make it easier in the future,” Nill said. “We look forward to meeting with them.”

quite frankly, until we did the surveys, no one really was aware that they installed such modern technology and had entrepreneurs and the capital to put together those facilities.”

“We need to keep pushing forward,” Andrew said. “The capital is there, and the technology is there to process U.S. soy.”With lack of resources in the region, U.S. soy is a unique opportunity for Uzbek“U.S.importers.soythatgoes into Uzbekistan is not displacing anyone else. They were using things such as sunflower, seed meal, cotton seed meal, wheat, etc.” Nill said. “All of them inferior in quality to soy and all of them are in short supply now because of drought in surrounding countries or ongoing war.”

By Kaelyn Rahe

As a result of Andrew efforts, the Uzbek agriculture administration contacted Andrew wanting to help make available some U.S.origin shipments of soy. With the cooperation of the Uzbek government, a subsidy was put in place that helped

pay half the overland freight cost, ultimately assisting in making the U.S. soy a viable option.

With the first shipment of U.S. soybeans now in Uzbekistan, the Council is hopeful and optimistic that this market can continue growing.

“Right now they are testing the waters with our soybeans,” Nill said. “We need to keep chirping in their ear the benefits of our product.”

“Our checkoff investments are making history,” MSR&PC farmer leader Patrick O’Leary said. “Getting soybeans to Uzbekistan can be challenging, as it is a double landlocked country. However, this shipment has potential to create a significant market for Minnesota soybean farmers.”

And that’s just what Nill and some farmer leaders will be doing. In September, Council directors will join Nill on a trade mission to Uzbekistan, further building relationships with this emerging market.

MN Soybean checkoff investment leads to first US soybean meal shipment to Uzbekistan

‘Making history’

MSR&PC contractor Chris Andrew, who lives in Uzbekistan, assisted in these surveys and helped find the need for U.S. soy in Uzbekistan. He said the Council’s work in Uzbekistan has only just begun.

Since 2020, MSR&PC has invested checkoff dollars in projects in Uzbekistan to identify the country’s needs for U.S. soy. Those forwardlooking endeavors helped move the needle, Council Director of Market Development Kim Nill said.

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It’s official! U.S. soymeal is heading to Uzbekistan. In September, Council leaders are traveling to Uzbekistan to continue building relationships.

“We started a series of surveys –surveying the poultry industry, the dairy industry and the aquaculture industry,” Nill said. “We located all the big modern farms and were pleasantly surprised that they do have big modern poultry farms with modern genetics, medium size dairies with modern Holstein genetics. And

After years of market research establishing relationships, the Minnesota Soybean Research & Promotion Council (MSR&PC) investment has paid off. In August 2022 – for the first time – Uzbekistan traders imported 700 MT of U.S. soymeal.

“It is gratifying Minnesota Soybean’s investment in Uzbekistan has achieved results in a short amount of time,” Andrew said, “but there is still work to be done.”

“There are very few jobs where you can walk out in the morning and look out at wide-open spaces,” Craig Lichtsinn said. “It’s freedom.”

By Soybean Business Staff

The group – comprising leaders from Asia, Central America and sub-Saharan Africa – visited Craig and Patty Lichtsinn’s family farm near Dumont, Minn., where they learned about the day-to-day life of a soybean farmer and marveled at the equipment in the farmyard. Throughout the evening, attendees were curious to learn about what it’s like to be a farmer.

As a sponsor of this course, the Minnesota Soybean Research & Promotion Council (MSR&PC) is investing checkoff dollars to achieve big results across the world –like providing children with a more well-rounded diet. The tour was one of the first formal trade team visits that MSR&PC had hosted since 2019.

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Whichever business reason participants have for attending, Minnesota soybean farmer checkoff dollars are being put to work to build new soybean markets across the world.“They aren’t here on vacation; they’re here to work,” said Marypat Corbett, WISHH project director. “They’re going to learn as much as they possibly can while they’re here to bring it back to their companies and encourage them to purchase soybeans. We have an opportunity with everyone here to move more soy protein products into that market.”

In August, participants from three different continents traveled to Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota to dive into the world of soybeans through Northern Crops Institute’s INTSOY: Introduction to Soybeans course.

“It was great to see the attendees come full circle,” Nill said. They start their week in Minnesota, and when we meet back with them at the end of the week, you can definitely see the excitement and knowledge they have gained by going through the course.”

The group had the opportunity to visit SB&B Foods, South Dakota State University’s meat lab, Davis Dairy plant and Prairie AquaTech. The attendees wrapped up their visit with presentations in Mankato from MSR&PC on soybean plant growth stages, soybean crush process and products and an overview and benefits of high oleic soybeans.

Leaders from three continents visit Upper Midwest, delve into soy

Promoting protein

As a nutritionist for El Salvador’s Ministry of Education, Ana Maria Vigil de Cativo attended NCI’s course after being invited by the World Initiative for Soy in Human Health (WISSHH), a group that connects trade and development across global food systems to improve food security.While on the tour, Vigil de Cativo gathered all the information she can to bring back to her peers in El Salvador.“InElSalvador, there is no protein in school lunches. It’s too expensive,” Vigil de Cativo said. “Small schools with 500 students can afford to include protein in their lunches

Aside from the farm tour, the group listened to some interactive soybean presentations at NCI and then got to work through some hands-on training with tastings, extrusion of texturized soy protein, pilot scale production of tofu and soymilk and soymeal uses in feed applications.

but big schools with 5,000 students can’t afford any protein. We’re hoping to incorporate soy into our lunches, which is why WISHH invited me to this course.”

“There is so much to learn in the soyfoods world,” MSR&PC Director of Market Development Kim Nill said. “This council-funded project truly enables us to showcase our soybeans and all their uses.”

Biobased RePlay keeps road construction at bay

“MSR&PC continues to invest in new and exciting research and development efforts because, as the world keeps changing and demand for new and innovative products increase, we want Minnesota soybean farmers to be able to profit from new markets and new opportunities,” said Mike Youngerberg, senior director of product development and commercialization at MSR&PC.

By Sydney Harris

“This formula basically stops the oxidation in your pavement,” said Bryan Coons, sales representative for Bargen Incorporated, a RePlay distributor. “It also puts polymers down that seal it up. It’s like waxing your car, so when it rains the water will bead up and run right off, preventing moisture from getting through.”

40 - Soybean Business - SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER - 2022

It’s hard to believe that there could be a road trip without those bright orange signs threatening to throw your estimated arrival time out the window.

Close your eyes and picture a world without road construction.

But with RePlay, this fantasy could become reality.

A road sealant product, RePlay works by penetrating the asphalt surface 3/4–1 1/4 inches to stop the oxidation process, preventing irritants like cracks and potholes. RePlay goes even further by reducing moisture penetration, which Mother Nature isn’t afraid to throw our way. Precious tax dollars can be saved by applying RePlay every three to five years, doubling the life of asphalt, and it doesn’t require re-striping.

oil, the United Soybean Board (USB) helped fund the original research that led to its creation in the early 2000s. Since then, the Minnesota Soybean Research & Promotion Council (MSR&PC) has invested checkoff dollars into promoting the product. In 2016, the Council teamed with the Agricultural Utilization Research Institute (AURI) to evaluate the effectiveness of RePlay. That research showed RePlay applications outperformed chip-seal applications, thereby extending the roads’ lifespan by three to 11 years.

Because RePlay is 88% biobased and replaces petroleum oil with soybean

“Markets don’t just happen — they’re created.”RePlay was the star of the show this summer, when it was applied to three miles of County Highway 14 in Becker County, where soybeans

Creating a market

“Normally, we do chip seals on our roads. So, this is something we’re going to try to see if it performs better than chip seal,” Becker County Highway Maintenance Superintendent Jona Jacobson said. “It’ll be a good comparison with them right next to each other.”

AURI and Minnesota Soybean, we continue to share the data that proves this product does extend the life of asphalt streets and roads beyond their original life span,” Youngerberg said. “That’s exactly why we helped with the Becker County application — so people can see how well it works in their area.”

Another MSR&PC checkoffsupported technology has influenced RePlay’sPlasmaproduction.Blue,which uses highfrequency electricity to transform sustainably grown feedstocks into biodiesel (also known as soy methyl ester or SME), is a simpler, quicker and less-expensive transesterification process. Because Plasma Blue, which is owned by MSR&PC, uses technology that delivers a more complete conversion, RePlay’s manufacturer purchased the SME product made using a plasma unit.

“MSR&PC continues to invest in new and exciting research and development efforts ... Markets don’t just happen — they’re created.”

chip seal, MSR&PC supported the endeavor with checkoff dollars. Investing in this project also provides an opportunity to showcase RePlay’s value to other city and county officials in the “Betweenstate.

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To offset the additional expense of applying RePlay in place of traditional

Checkoff-funded technologies are paving the way – literally, in RePlay’s case – for more soy-based products to enter the scene. All thanks to Minnesota soybean farmers and their checkoffs.“Thecrops that I grow in my fields are being used in products to make the road that goes by my house more durable,” said Bill Zurn, a Council director and chair of the Becker/ Mahnomen County Corn and Soybean Growers. “When products like RePlay and Plasma Blue are being created, proving themselves with real results, there’s no questioning the value of investing Minnesota soybean checkoff dollars.”

Energy boost

“At the Council, we are excited to let people know that we can link two efforts that MSR&PC has been working on for some time,” Youngerberg said. “Our Plasma Blue technology has been running at a biodiesel plant in Michigan for several months now, and they just recently sold a full transport load of their product to the people who manufacture RePlay. So we have successfully used a new technology, Plasma Blue, to create product for another new use of soy methyl esters.”

lined both sides of the road. Located near Callaway, the asphalt is only 2 years old, making it a prime candidate for RePlay. To have a side-by-side comparison, chip seal was applied directly across the intersection.

Minnesota has a long history of supporting the Young Leader Program. Most recently, Mary Dybedahl and her fiancé, Paul Mesner, and Nathan Legatt participated in the program in the 2021 class.

Apply today to become an ASA Corteva Young Leader

The farmer-leaders of the United Soybean Board (USB) convened for its summer board meeting to approve a 2023 fiscal year budget of $123M for program work, starting Oct. 1, 2022. Spanning eight portfolios, these investments in research, education and promotion add value to U.S. soybeans with the goal to build resilience, differentiation and reputation. This portfolio ladders up to USB’s new vision of delivering sustainable soy solutions to every life, everyInvestmentday.

If passionateyou’re

The Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) has awarded $120,000 to combat noxious weeds across Minnesota. Twenty-seven projects are being funded though the 2022 Noxious Weed and Invasive Plant Grant, a program that the Minnesota Soybean Growers Association successfully promoted during the 2022 Legislative Session.


The money, awarded to cities, counties, townships, conservation districts, and tribal nations, will be used to purchase equipment and supplies, conduct mapping and outreach activities, and hire private applicators to manage noxious weeds. There are currently 48 plants on Minnesota’s Noxious Weed List.

Applications are being accepted at

USB plots 2023 priorities

Patrick O’Leary, Gene Stoel, Lawrence Sukalski and Bill Zurn represent Minnesota on USB.

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2022-23 Young Leader program will take place Nov. 29-Dec. 2, 2022, at Corteva’s Global Business Center in Johnston, Iowa. The program continues March

Grant projects were awarded up to $5,000 to be spent in one year to support local activity. MDA has awarded over $1 million since 2017 to local municipalities and tribal nations for projects that focus on noxious weeds throughout the state.

portfolios will continue the board’s work of creating consistent, long-term domestic and global market opportunities to further demand for U.S.-grown soybeans. Investment portfolios are approved by the full board and consist of programs across Supply and Demand Action Teams driven by the three priority areas of 1) Innovation & Technology, 2) Health & Nutrition, and 3) Infrastructure & Connectivity. FY23 programs impact everything from improving production on the farm to expanding markets across animal agriculture, soyfoods and providing a renewable alternative for biofuels and nonfood uses.

Soybean growers, both individuals and couples, are encouraged to apply for the program, which focuses on leadership and communication, agriculture trends and information, and the development of a strong and connected network. Interested partners, even if not employed full time on the farm, are encouraged to attend and will be active participants in all aspects of the program.

apply for the next class of ASA Corteva YoungPhaseLeaders!Iofthe

7-11, 2023, in Orlando, Florida in conjunction with the Commodity Classic Convention.

ASA Young Leader Mary Dybedahl (right) visits with Sen. Amy Klobuchar during ASA’s summer 2022 Hill Visits.

MDA awards noxious weed grants

not the ones telling our story, someone else is telling it for us,” Johnson said. “I just think that if agriculture can keep telling the same story, it will create a larger voice.”

And that unified voice is important, especially if someone else starts creating their own version of agriculture’s story. Clickbait stories can spread like wildfire across social media platforms; sometimes, the engagement comes at the expense of the agriculture industry.“Ifwe’re

The Minnesota Soybean Growers Association (MSGA) is the nation’s premier soybean association because farmers and agri-businesses recognize the value their investment in MSGA brings. Here are two examples of Minnesota members who actively promote Minnesota’s soybean industry.

“They’re not just supporting soybeans, they’re supporting all aspects of what soybeans go into,” said Johnson, who was raised on the farm. “It’s a bigger, more unified voice.”

“Having a unified voice to speak our side of the story is important,” said Johnson, who grows wheat, soybeans, sugar beets and sunflowers. “It seems like many of our practices are being questioned, especially our use of pesticides. I think having a voice when it comes to anything political is critical.”

Johnson has seen the value that MSGA brings to Minnesota soybean farmers on his own operation. This winter, the U.S. EPA placed restrictions that prohibited the use of Enlist Duo in six Minnesota counties, including Marshall County where Johnson farms, because it could endanger the Massasauga rattle snake. MSGA later provided EPA with updated information that proved that the Massasauga rattle snake isn’t present in Minnesota any longer.

Along with farming corn and soybeans and raising hogs, Johnson also sells seed for Bayer and serves as treasurer of the Pipestone County Corn and Soybean Growers board.

It can be tough to explain to the non-farming public

MSGA member Tony Johnson, who farms near Warren, knows that ignoring this timeless maxim could have serious consequences.

“Over time, we’re farming more acres with less people. So, we have a much smaller voice than we used to,” Johnson said. “We have to have a unified voice to make sure that our voices are being heard and try to explain our story as we go along.”

Though Pipestone farmer Clayton Johnson has only been farming for three years, he’s been around agriculture long enough to recognize the influence of the Minnesota Soybean Growers Association.

is shrinking every year,” Johnson said. “People are just getting so disconnected from the farm.”


MSGA has done that I have seen firsthand.”Johnson knows that Minnesota soybean farmers are going to have to work harder to defend their industry.

By Sydney Harris

There are always two sides to every story.

“Without MSGA, we wouldn’t have had a voice to go and correct it,” said Johnson, who is president of the Marshall County Corn & of“AndGrowersSoybeanBoard.thatisjustonethemanythingsthat

the importance of the legislation.forlighttheirfarmersMinnesotaworksThankfully,community.agricultureMSGAonbehalfofsoybeantobringeffortstobylobbyingfavorable“Theagriculturepopulation

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44 - Soybean Business - SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER - 2022 January 18-19, 2023 Mayo Clinic Health System Event Center Mankato, MN #MNAGEXPO23 MN2023AG EXPO Mankato New Look. More Networking Opportunities. Join us in 2023! Save the Date!

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