Reeds Spring PULSE- October 2014

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reeds spring high school


october 2014

the D.R.A.F.T system college bound

hidden talent: Katie Lewis

PULSEIn This Issue

october 2014

cancer awareness 6 first date 101 7 star students 8 death in threes 10 a walk among the tombstones 12 homecoming royalty 13 7 Ozark Mountain Marching Festival 14 als ice bucket challenge 16 rocking the charts 17 College Bound 18 Hidden Talent: Katie Lewis 20 fall recipes 22 the d.r.a.f.t. system 24 10 healthy vending 27 4






Cancer Awareness alley grant

This month is Cancer Awareness month for Breast Cancer. The color being pink, so if possible, try to wear pink at least once this month. That’s not too much to ask, is it? Many women are diagnosed with breast cancer every day, but they are not aware of how it forms and what it really is. Are we taking a step back and looking into their lives, or even taking steps in their shoes? There are millions of cancer survivors all over the world, and quite a few in Missouri alone. So, why don’t we support and acknowledge this disease more than we do? Looking at what goes on; most people don’t even care about the disease unless it affects them in some way. Either they have been diagnosed, a family member, or even a friend. People who have cancer are some of the strongest people on this earth, whether they beat it or not. Breast cancer is the second most common kind of cancer found in women. To be honest, most women born in the US today will get cancer later on in life. According to the American Cancer Society, more than 200,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer each year. Breast cancer is mostly found after symptoms appear, but most women don’t show symptoms. These symptoms can include a change in how the breast feels. This is a reason why getting screening tests and periodically checking up on your health is very important. Breast cancer always begins with a tumor much like most cancers do as well. Tumors are formed

when normal body cells, or DNA, grow and divide, and abnormalities occur. There are things such as breast cysts, which many women misidentify as tumors. Breast cysts are small lumps in the breast. These lumps are small sacs filled with fluid. The only way to identify if a lump as a cyst or a tumor is going to the doctor and getting a healthcare scan. If the lump is discovered to be a cyst you may not be required to get treatment. Tumors, however, are cancerous and you will need to get treatment for them. Tumors can be benign or malignant. Benign tumors are not cancerous whereas malignant tumors are. Now it’s time we get started on how to make people aware of this type of cancer. A lot of people run for cancer awareness. There is even an event called “Relay for Life”, which is where you would run or walk for cancer and donate the money. Some other things would be things like hosting a party, which would be like having guests pay to get in or even having them pay for a raffle ticket to enter a drawing for a prize. Of course, the donations and money would go to the Cancer Awareness groups. You could throw formal benefits. This meaning that you would have people from the area get involved and you could make way for money off of this than you could but just hosting a party. Another idea would be hosting a garage sale. This would be beneficial to you and to the cancer patient because you could be getting rid of things that you need while raising money to


give to those who are in need. A pretty cool way to have fun while raising money for breast cancer is to offer your family’s and friends’ services in exchange for donations. You could even write a newspaper article to help spread awareness for this type of cancer. And who knows, you could be saving someone’s life just by doing that. You could do a silent auction or even run a bake sale. In all honestly, raising money for cancer awareness isn’t usually as tough of a job as it seems to be. Breast cancer isn’t a joke. Honestly, all types of cancer should be taken seriously. You may not be affected by it but put yourself in the victim’s shoes and see where you end up. Don’t just sit there and do nothing for the patients. Make a difference and join the movement and fundraisers. There are so many different types of ways that you could contribute with your community and help other people out. Nowadays you could just randomly see a commercial on TV and be able to call and donate. It takes like maybe five minutes out of your day. So what are you waiting for? Think of it this way. What if one of your family members had some type of cancer? Would you want to help them or just sit there and act like everything is perfectly fine? The whole point about this story was to inform you on things that can happen throughout your life. So, get your running shoes on, line up at the starting line, and run like you’re about to save a life!

First date 101 courtney bullis

How many of you remember your very first “boyfriend” or “girlfriend”? You know that first kid who came up to you on the third day of kindergarten, and said something along the lines of, ”Hey, I like you.” The next thing you knew, you were chasing each other around at recess every day for the rest of the year. Many kids have boyfriends and girlfriends through elementary and middle school, and I’m sure we can all agree its easy-peasy lemon squeezy, right? I mean, sure anyone can hold someone’s hand and sit with them at lunch every day; but what happens when it isn’t all animal crackers and coloring books? Real first dates can be nerve racking. We ask ourselves so many questions, and actually overthink the situation more than you’d believe. We all know ladies can spend three days picking out an outfit and putting on their makeup, while a guy is spending his time cleaning his car, shaving; and believe it or not, may even be ironing his shirt all for an unpredictable 3 hours. The first thing to consider when picking what to wear on your date; dress modestly, and dress your age. It will be more impressive if you not only act but look mature. Be clean and tidy, and focus on making sure what your wearing is appropriate for the occasion. At the same time, though, don’t forget to be yourself and have your own individuality. And always remem-

ber, “You’re never fully dressed without a smile.” Men, in most cases, it will be up to you where you go on a first date. Of course you will probably ask what “we want to do”, but it’s a known fact that a woman’s favorite words are “I don’t care”, and you will most likely end up exactly where you started; with no idea. Which leads me to tell you ladies: don’t be afraid to be honest. Give your opinion and input on ideas of places to go and things to do. Trust me, he wants to know what you want, otherwise he wouldn’t ask. Establishing interests and hobbies that you share is a good foundation for first dates. Don’t be shy. It’s important to avoid going to places that are “right around the corner”. If at all possible, plan to go somewhere out of town, or try to decide on a location that is farther than just ten minutes away. This is a big thing to keep in mind when making plans. Car rides open up time for conversation. They give you a chance to focus specifically on building up connections, and breaking your nerves, so that later when you’re actually out together there is no ice to break. On first dates, it is also important to avoid locations that will limit conversation, such as the movies, which is actually a really big first resort when planning a first date. Plan on going somewhere where you can be together and focus solely on


each other, and boys; don’t be afraid to be creative. Doing something unexpected will make the date and experience even more memorable and successful. Cliché is not a crime on first dates. Things like setting up a picnic, or simply going for a walk through the park is always a good idea. If you decide to go out somewhere that costs money, keep in mind this is only a first date and a girl may be focused on her independence. When it comes to things like paying, if she wants to split the bill don’t take it personally, just simply agree. If she’s insisting, it is most likely because it makes her feel more comfortable, don’t decline. And don’t forget, chivalry is not dead ladies and gentlemen. Things as simple as opening doors and using Mrs. and Mr. when meeting her parents will impress her. Be respectful, any girl wants to get the vibe that you care about her as a person, and not as an object. This is especially important to remember on a second or third dates or even years into a relationship. Be modest, be honest, and most importantly, be yourself. Ladies, he chose you for a reason, so don’t act like anything less than whom you are. You don’t want to mislead him; you’ll regret it in the long run if you do. Boys, let a girl know you are truly interested in her. Don’t make her feel like she just “another one of your girls.” Make her feel special. Trust me, it works.

STAR students Wyatt Cooper

The new school year is now in full swing as students become used to their activities and schedules. For some students, there is a new class that is part of the daily routine. This new class is called the STAR Program, which stands for Students Taking Active Roles. It is a career and college based preparation class which gives students a head start with the skills they will need. The program, although created by the Army, is not an ROTC program. Students do not march in formation or wear uniforms. Instead, they are put into a college classroom atmosphere, where they are given the freedoms of a college student. “This class is not aimed at getting kids to join the military. In fact, it’s the complete opposite. We want each and every student to go to college or some kind of trade school,” Says STAR instructor and Army Sargent Brian Youngblood. Youngblood is currently serving in the U.S Army as a recruiter and volunteered to build the new STAR program. “We want every student to succeed and achieve their goals. We get to learn about each and every student, who they are, what they want to do and where they want to go. We then give the students the tools and the support

to not only recognize their goals, but to achieve them.”

traditional teacher’s route, could come in and give students a different type of teaching style. Their boundaries can be opened and they can get different views because of a new instructors’ perspective. The Army in no way funds the program or its activities. At the moment, the program is only an elective and a one year class. Youngblood plans to build a STAR 1 and STAR 2 program for next year. STAR 1 would be open to juniors who would learn the basics and set up the foundation for their future. STAR 2 would be open for seniors and would emphasize and build on the skills learned in STAR 1. Mr. Youngblood hopes to one day have a total of four STAR classes, one for each grade. The course would be a four year molding process to maximize the student’s abilities and skills for their careers. Freshman would be in STAR 1, sophomores in STAR 2 and so on.

Many students joined because they thought about the armed forces. Half of the interviewed class said they were going to the military at one point or another after high school. Others joined to complete character development lessons. Four of the students interviewed joined to learn about leadership and how to become better leaders in each of their everyday roles. “We emphasize character traits in the program. I want every student to be well rounded in not only education, but as a person as well,” says Youngblood. Many things students learn about are aimed toward college. As I interviewed the class they were teaching each other how to write a paper in proper form for college classes. Mr. Youngblood says he eventually plans to cover public speaking, time management and other skills in the near future. “It’s all about the students,” Youngblood states. “They decide how Although the program was far they want to take the program and created by the Army and taught by push themselves to succeed. I hand Sargent Youngblood, the program out an assignment and a due date, the is in no way a recruitment system students are expected to manage their for the Army. The special idea about time and give their best effort to have the program was that someone with the assignment done. Some won’t a different background, besides the make the first few cuts, that’s just the


sharp learning curve. Many will not be used to having that kind of responsibility where they have the option to work on their assignment or not. I do not pressure the students to work on their assignments; I simply give out the work and tell them the end date. If the student cares at all about their future, or their grade for the matter, they will quickly develop a since of responsibility when it comes to assignments.” The class is not only geared toward college, but the work force. Students are taught how to cooperate and work with other students no matter what the relationship between them.

The class itself is set up in groups so that students can work together and get a sense of what being on a team is like. With many of the projects in the program, students get to work with partners or groups, and are given certain responsibilities. For some students it’s a challenge on their maturity. High school sophomores are expected to act like college freshman, which can be hard for the class at times. “The class its self is in the testing stages. This is only the second time this program has been set up and run in public education. Every day is a new challenge not only for me but the students as well.


Most students are not used to teaching an entire class how to cite your resources for a paper, or teach at all for that matter. It gives the students new challenges for which they have to find some kind of successful solution.” The class challenges each student in a different way. But with each challenge confronted and conquered, it builds on the confidence of the student allowing them to climb new heights. Both education and character-wise. For all we know future students of the program might be teaching each other how to conquer their own challenges with the instructor on the sideline, watching.

Death in threes abby williams At some point in your life you’ve probably heard of the superstition that death comes in threes. You may or may not believe it, but it is something that is quite interesting to look into. It seems frequently to be the case especially when it comes to celebrity deaths. Just recently, the media has been buzzing about the death of two celebrities; Joan Rivers and Robin Williams. So who, if anyone, will be the third?

people on the planet. He always had a smile on his face and was constantly making the people around him laugh. However, things are not always what they seem. Robin had been dealing with severe depression for quite some time. His cause of death was suicide and it took place in his home in California. It’s weird to think that someone that made so many people happy, couldn’t even find happiness himself.

Robin Williams died on August 11th at the age of sixty three. Robin was a very famous and greatly loved actor and comedian. He stared in popular films such as: Mrs. Doubtfire, Hook, Jumanji, Flubber, and spoke the voice of Genie in Disney’s Aladdin. On the outside looking in, you would think that Robin was one of the happiest

Joan Rivers died on September 4th at the age of eighty one. She was hospitalized on August 28th soon after she went into cardiac arrest during a medical procedure on her vocal cords. Joan was a world famous comedian, actress, style icon, and was a host on E!’s hit TV show, Fashion Police. One of the main things that fans


admired about Joan was her blunt and honest opinions and how she spoke them freely and never held back. Like Robin, Joan made people laugh on a daily basis and will forever be missed by fans all across the world. Like mentioned before, could there possibly be a third to die soon? One of the most famous set of celebrity deaths was in 2009 when pop star Michael Jackson, actress Farrah Fawcett, and comedian Ed McMahon all died within just two short days. There have also been several other incidents when deaths have come in threes. I guess we will have to wait and see.


a walk among the tombstones wyatt cooper The skies are dark with fog and smoke. The streets are dirty and loud. Y2K fliers litter the streets. Welcome to New York City, 1998. The film kicks off with us meeting the main character; Matt Scudder (Liam Neeson), a former NYPD Detective and recovering alcoholic, now working as an unlicensed private investigator. Scudder lives in a hotel in Hell’s kitchen and attends AA meetings almost every day to stay clean. After a meeting one night, Scudder is eating at a local diner when a man comes in and sits at his table. He introduces himself as Peter Kristo (Boyd Holbrook), an addict who was at the meeting and heard Scudder’s story. Peter tells Scudder about a job that his brother is offering and that he needs his help. At this point the two take a taxi out to the brother’s house. After arriving, Scudder is introduced to Kenny Kristo (Dan Stevens). Scudder complements on the size of the house and Kenny responds by telling him that he is in construction. The two then sit down and Kenny begins telling Scudder about how his wife was kidnapped. Carrie Kristo went out to run errands the day before and didn’t return. Later that night the home phone rang with a voice claiming that he had Mrs. Kristo and that if Kenny wanted her back, he would have to pay a million dollars. Kenny, not having the money, negotiates the price down to four-hundred thousand dollars in cash. He was then instructed to put the money in two bags and wait for the

next call. Finally he was instructed to get to a certain pay phone in the city in time or else he wouldn’t get his wife back. Racing across town Kenny barely makes it as the phone rings. The voice then instructs him to leave the money in his car unlocked and walk three blocks away, wait five minutes then walk back. The voice then promises that his wife will be in the car waiting for him. Kenny heads up the street just as it begins to rain. Ten minutes later he returns to find the money gone and his wife nowhere to be seen. The phone rings and the voice tells him that his wife will be at home waiting for him. Kenny races home to find his house empty. Becoming enraged he beings destroying furniture when his phone goes off. The voice tells him that his wife will be in the trunk of the abandoned car on the corner of a street. Kenny races off to get his wife. Kenny finds the abandoned car and opens the trunk to find tons of tightly wrapped packages all different sizes. Taking his knife he cuts into one and blood squirts onto his arm. Also in the trunk is a tape of his wife being tortured for his listening pleasure. Scudder immediately asks why Kenny didn’t contact the police. Kenny replies by telling him that the kidnappers said for there to be no police involvement. Scudder, half believing the story, studies


the house and decides to bluff Kenny and asks him if he is dealer. Kenny replies by stating that he deals strictly in transportation and shipping. Scudder then asks what Kenny wants him to do. He replies by stating that he wants the man behind voice who did this to his wife. Kenny offers twenty grand for searching and another twenty grand when the voice is found. Scudder, against his better judgment, agrees and begins the long search. The movie then picks up as Scudder begins to question witnesses, tail suspects and work the streets trying to solve the case. As the case goes deeper another person is kidnapped, a fourteen year old girl. Kenny then takes Scudder to meet with the leader of the Russian Mob, whose daughter has been kidnapped in the same way. I leave you with Scudder in a deadly game of negotiation for the girl’s life. The movie is surprisingly well written, and very close to the book written by Lawrence Block. The movie itself is very dark and suspenseful; it can also be a little slow at times. There is a little humor here and there, but for the most part the movie remains dark. If you can sit through a lot of language, blood, and 114 minutes of suspense then maybe you will enjoy walking beyond the law and into the shadows with Liam Neeson as he fights some of life’s scariest monsters.

Homecoming Royalty Darrian Arnold Let’s get ready to beat those Tigers!! Homecoming is here! The Reeds Spring wolves have started out the season with many incredible wins. The Wolves have worked very hard this summer to get to where they are now. Senior Josh Kent, one of the Wolves starters, begins the season with a great win. After high school, Josh would like to attend college to study criminal justice, hopefully playing football as well. Some of Josh’s goals for this year are to be a good team player, a good friend, and to do well in school. Senior Paul McFerren, also one of our starters, plans to go to college at Missouri State University to play football. Paul’s goals for this year are to get good grades, to graduate, to win the football COC and go to the state championships with his team. Starter Ben Arteaga, a senior this year says that they have worked very hard, and he can’t wait to see what this year’s football season has in store for them. Ben’s goals for this year are to succeed in school and after he graduates, go to college; he would like to win the state championships with his team as well. Ben says the best thing about football is the crowd cheering you on as you score. Ben also states that the best thing about

his team is that they are not just friends, but and class representatives. The cheerleaders have a routine on homecoming to brothers. GO WOLVES!! get the crowd pumped up for the game. Homecoming is the most exThey have worked hard this summer on citing time of the year. It is a tradition to their stunts and routines. Homecoming have a spirit week to get pumped for the is their favorite! The cheerleaders have homecoming game on Friday. We have a high expectations and goals they set for theme each year where we dress up and themselves. Senior Serenity Miller says she go all out. This year’s theme is Disney. loves cheering for a winning team, she is Get ready to see your favorite Disney also very proud of her team because they characters brought to life! Then we have have worked so hard and they improved so the homecoming parade as always, where fast. Let’s get pumped up Wolves!! the freshman, sophomores, juniors and The spirit doesn’t end right after seniors have their own theme for their the game; we brought the excitement to the class float and compete for first place. The dance. Our homecoming dance isn’t like juniors, whose theme was Alice in Wonother schools. We don’t dress up as fancy derland, took the prize. Also, one of the most important things is our marching band as everyone else. Wear your favorite pair of shorts and a t-shirt and you will fit in. playing music and leading the parade. Our The Homecoming dance is a time for the band has worked very hard, and has gone to many competitions and won. The Reeds entire school to come together and party! We danced the night away with the Reeds Spring band also loves getting the crowd Spring Wolves! pumped up and excited for the game by playing the “Bam” song, which is always Don’t forget to continue to come fun to do at the pep rallies. out and support our Wolves for the rest of the season, and into conference play. After the parade we always go to We are confident that they will go far this the pep rally, which the cheerleaders play season. a very important role in. We have lots of games just for the homecoming candidates


Ozark Mountain Marching Festival Josh Tate

OMMF (Ozark Mountain Marching Festival) is our band event here at Reeds Spring High School. It is an all-day event that takes place Saturday, October 18th. Many bands from other schools come to this festival to compete, play, and improve. It also gives other bands a chance to march on grass field instead of turf. This festival helps us raise a lot of money for the band and school. The WPB (Wolf Pride Band) has so many people that direct buses to certain areas so they can get prepared for their show, and then we move them to different areas so other bands can practice. We then direct them down towards the track when it is time for them to perform. After that, stu-

dents stand at the entrances of the bleachers to keep people quiet and from entering when a band is performing. There are people running things from the directors to the judges in the press box. There are also people that help run the concession stand. Some are even assigned to do things as simple as directing judges and bus drivers to a classroom for coffee. Reeds Spring High School also performs, but are not part of the competition. They do wolf calls, which is something you can do to be supportive of the other bands that may not have much of a crowd, or bands that perform early morning who don’t have an audience to support them. That is why we try to get people to


come help us out or just watch and cheer for those few bands. Later on more people start to get there as the bigger bands start performing. The bands are in divisions according to their size, and a few are selected from each one for finals depending on how well they performed. After every band has performed, they take a break and judges pick which ones go to finals. Those that make finals continue to practice, talk, and fix things that judges marked them off for. At 6:00 PM or so, finals begin and all the bands that didn’t make finals have a choice to stay or go. The winners are picked out of the finalists, and they receive the biggest trophy.


ALS ice bucket challenge abby williams Unless you live under a rock, you know that recently Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and all other social media sites along with radio and TV have blown up with the “ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.” Tons of people, including celebrities such as Harry Styles and Justin Timberlake; athletes such as David Beckham and Drew Brees; common people such as your friends and family; and even possibly you, have participated or at least been challenged to participate. Basically the challenge consists of dumping a bucket of ice water over your head while you are being recorded. Also, you have to ‘challenge’ at least three other people to do it as well. When you are challenged, you have 24 hours to do the challenge and you are required to donate to the ALS association. It’s asked that you donate however much you can because in the end, it all adds up! Most people only participate for a good laugh, and because they are aware that it’s all for a good cause. Not many people are actually educated on what ALS stands for and what it really is. ALS stands for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, and is often referred to as Lou Gehrig’s Disease. There are different forms of this disease including: sporadic, familial, and Guamanian. Sporadic is the most common form found in the United States. If you or anyone you know have been diagnosed with this disease you know just how devastating it can be. Basically, it affects the nerve cells within the brain and spinal cord. In our bodies, we have motor neurons that connect from our brain to our spinal cord and from our spinal cord to our mus-

cles. The ALS disease causes the motor neurons to die off and therefore, the brain can no longer control muscle movement. This can lead to becoming totally paralyzed and eventually death. Some early symptoms include: muscle weakness, trouble with speech, swallowing, and breathing. A total shut down of the respiratory system is possible. People between the ages of 40 and 70 are most commonly targeted. Over 5,000 people in the U.S. alone are diagnosed with ALS each year and only about 20% of patients live more than three years after being diagnosed. It’s estimated that every 90 minutes another victim is diagnosed. Although the disease is not contagious, it is hereditary in a small percent of families. Also, it can strike anyone no matter their race, sex, ethnic background, or social status. Although there is currently no cure or reliable treatment for this disease, there are prescription drugs that can be taken to slow the process and extend survival for 2-3 months. ALS is an extremely complex disease and there is no answer to what causes it. However, recently there has been an abundance of research done and doctors are actively working on finding a cure or treatment. Also, the ALS association is working to increase the number of scientists working on research for the disease. You might ask, “If Lou Gehrig’s Disease has been around for a while, why all of a sudden did people start doing this challenge?” Well, not that long ago, 29


year old college baseball star Pete Frates’ posted an inspiring video on Facebook that told about his story and personal struggles with ALS and how it affected his life and career in baseball. Today, Frates is paralyzed and has lost most of his speaking abilities but is living life to the fullest with his family and doing everything he can to help raise awareness for the disease that has taken so much away from him. The ice bucket challenge all started after Pete’s video was released and it instantly spread like wildfire. It started with just a few people and in the blink of an eye; people from all around the globe were participating and donating! Some people say that the ice cold water is supposed to give you a quick sensation and feeling of being paralyzed just like many people diagnosed with ALS. The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge has helped shine a light on the ALS disease and the donations have raised well over $100 million to help with research expenses. When you donate, you not only give money to the research program but you also give hope to everyone affected by Lou Gehrig’s Disease; and hope is a very powerful thing. It’s safe to say the ice bucket challenge has made a huge difference. It’s great to see people coming together to do something so amazing, such as raising awareness and money for something so incredibly important. It goes to show that when we work together, we can make things happen. There are so many ways to get involved and every penny donated counts!

rocking the charts courtney bullis individuality not only for girls but boys as well, as it is displayed in the music video that has now reached over 40 million views on YouTube. The video went viral on Facebook and quickly found its way to the top of the charts only three months after being released. “All About That Bass” has been described as Trainor’s debut body-image hit, and it is definitely getting the “message” across.

The end of the year 2014 is drawing near, but the music talent pool is still set to replenish itself. These top chart artists and many others are gearing up and getting ready to present fresh, new entertainment and their visions in music. Sitting at number 5 on Billboard’s Hot 100 is Sam Smiths “Stay with Me”, a song from his debut album In The Lonely Hour. The song, written by Sam Smith and Jimmy Napier, tells the story of the protagonist pleading and begging his significant other not to leave. It has become Smith’s most popular and successful song to date and is one of only three songs to ever top three hit lists simultaneously. Following Smiths single “Money On My Mind”, “Stay With Me” peaked the at no. 2 on Billboard’s Hot 100 back in August and made its way all the way to no. 1 in the United Kingdom after its release date in May.

Not only is she being featured on many other albums and songs, but she is also keeping her own music fresh and new. She is an artist who is definitely comfortable and confident in her career, just at no. 3, is Nicki Manaj’s new single “Anaconda”. After Manaj was discovered by Dirty Money CEO Fendi, she was signed and had no trouble working her way to the top. Manaj’s uniqueness and confidence quickly caught fans attention and she was soon the first female singer to top Billboards Hot Rap Songs chart since the year 2002. Soon after the iTunes release of Manaj’s single “Anaconda” the music video was released on YouTube and quickly reached over 100 million views. Following not far behind Taylor Swift, just at no. 2 on the charts is Meghan Trainor’s “All About That Bass”; a song that preaches high self-esteem and promotes

Composed of the raging vocals of two of today’s hottest rising young artists and the spitting of our generations MC, “Bang Bang” found its place at no. 4 on The Hot 100. This sassy hit, produced by Ilya, Max Martin, and Savan Kotecha will be featured on Jessie J’s next album due out this fall and will also appear on Ariana Grande’s My Everything deluxe edition album; along with Top 20 hits “Break Free” and “Problem”. The live performance of “Bang Bang” at the 2014 VMA’s had fans on their feet and made a point that this song isn’t finished working its way up the charts.


And last but not least, Taylor Swift’s “Shake It Off” sits at the top of The Hot 100. Starting the week of September 6th, Swift’s upbeat new single knocked “Rude” by Magic!, right off the number one spot. The announcement of Swift’s new album 1989 also came with an explanation for its lead single and album title “Shake It Off”. The title is not only dedicated to Swift’s birth year but is also a reference to an era in which Swift says she has found new musical inspiration. Who to Look Out For: Chancelor Bennett, going by the stage name Chance The Rapper, is a rising rap artist from Chicago. After the release of his second mixtape, Acid Rap, on April 13, 2013, Chance began to gain recognition and slowly work his way up in the industry. At this time last year Chance was particularly unknown nationally but in early July 2013, his mixtape was debuted at no. 63 on the Billboard Top R&B/Hip-Hop Albums and soon after was featured in Justin Biebers “Confident” released December 9, 2013. Acid Rap is certified double platinum on DatPiff after having over 500,000 downloads and was listed at 26 on Rolling Stones 50 best albums list. Chance is featured on Billboards “SXSW 2014: 10 artists to Watch” and many others.

College bound kaitlin Green

It’s that time again for seniors to start

only plans to attend OTC for two years, and

Mckinna is a second year student in the

deciding what they are going to do after

then transfer to University of Central Mis-

EMT program at the Gibson VoTech. She

high school. It’s a scary thinking about the

souri. She doesn’t plan to live on campus,

performed in the HOSA competition for

future, but it must be done. We’ve all seen

but to get her own place. After all her years

upcoming healthcare students. She made

the effects of those who do not plan ahead

of college she wants to work at St. Jude’s

it to nationals in Florida and made it in the

– they usually remain stagnant. Those who

Children’s Hospital. Mackenzie sees herself

top 25 teams in the nation. This is the one

plan ahead deserve a little recognition.

being a Physician’s Assistant at St. Jude’s

college she really wanted to go to, and

one day, and being able to help children

was the only one she applied to, in hopes

and families that are in the same shoes

of getting accepted. Crowder is the perfect

that she has been in. Mackenzie will do an

college for her because it’s close to home

amazing job helping other people with her

but she can still be out on her own. After

personality and personal experiences.

two years of attending she will have com-

Mackenzie Daily has added her name to the board! She will be attending OTC in the spring semester. She is taking advantage of the two free years at OTC for her A+ program, where she is planning to be an LPN/RN. Her personal experience

Mckinna Reed was the second

has motivated her to help others that are

senior to put her name on the big board.

struggling with the life of having cancer.

She is planning on attending Crowder

She took control early and filled out her

College and getting her associates of

applications and for FASFA. Mackenzie

Applied Sciences in Paramedical Sciences.


pleted her paramedic program and doesn’t plan on going any further. In the years to come she sees herself working at TCAD (Taney County Ambulance District.) She is excited to be out in the world on her own working at an ambulance district. Mckinna’s

biggest supporters are her EMT instructor

tremendously hard these past four years.

wants to go back for more classes to be

Lacey Williams and her family.

She got the ACT score she was wanting,

eligible for a principal position. She plans

and maintained her ideal grade point

to live on campus for the first year and then

average. Misty’s hard work paid off, and

wants to go out on her own in an apart-

she has been accepted to Missouri State

ment. Her biggest supporters are her par-

University. Misty wanted this college so

ents along with her grandpa. Credit goes

she could be close to home. She plans to

to Mrs. Stovall, Ms. Blount, and Doctor

study in the department of Early Childhood

Templeton for inspiring Marisa in her future

Education. Misty plans to live on the MSU


The first name on the board was Brooke Ruffin! Brooke was ecstatic when she got the email asking “Do you feel like a Jayhawk? ‘Cause you should.” Congratulations to her for getting accepted to her dream college at University of Kansas! She believes it is an amazing school with a great atmosphere. She plans to study in the field of Business – Marketing and Public Affairs. She knew from the beginning where she wanted to go, so she started applying early. Kansas was the only college Brooke

campus. She’s already got one scholarship, and is lined up for more interviews. Her family and friends support her all the way, but she supports herself a lot too. She pushes herself to the max.

We wish the best of luck to every senior deciding to go to college. Finding the perfect college isn’t easy for everyone. If you haven’t yet added your name to the board of colleges we encourage you to do

applied for, no other college would be right

When we were younger, most of

for her. She plans to live on campus for the

us wanted to be a teacher when we grew

will go in life, and what they will make of

first year, and then get an apartment, and

up. None of us have what it takes to go


plans to study for at least four years. Hope-

through with it. Marisa Bartee has what it

fully Brooke gets the Midwest Jayhawk

takes and is going for it. Marisa has been


accepted to Missouri State University, and

Hard work and dedication is the life Misty Curtis is living. She has worked

is planning to study in English Education. She wants to be a middle school English teacher. After her four year degree she


so. We are excited to see where everyone

Hidden Talent: Katie Lewis paige pritchard

Have you ever met someone with an amazing ability; one that makes you want to know how they got to be so amazing at what they do? Katelyn Lewis, more commonly known as Katie Lewis, is a freshman artist who tested out of her art class, and got bumped up to Advanced Art in just the first few weeks of school. She was surprised, yet excited when her teacher, Mr. Locke went to her and asked if testing out of art was something she would like to do. Katie started drawing when she was in fifth grade. She stopped for a while, then started up again in middle-school, and began getting serious about it. “I was just drawing for fun one day, and then it just kind of all came together.” When asked, Katie said one of her favorite pieces she’d drawn so far was a portrait she drew of Marlin Monroe, and the other one was a picture of a beautiful lily. “I feel most comfortable drawing on my dining-room table, or in my room on my bed,” says Katie. She likes to draw faces, and flowers; she also loves drawing logos from bands.

“My mom is my inspiration,” Katie replies when asked what artist she looks up to. Katie’s mother, Shelia, and her grandfather are both also artists. Shelia is so thrilled that her daughter has inherited this talent. She is also glad that Katie has found something that interests her, she can excel in, and makes her proud and confident. Katie’s mother and father are excited to see what the future brings her. Her mother is so happy they have the same interest in art. She is looking forward to seeing where her talent will take her. Some people ask how she gets inspired and how this all became a part of her. Art is Katie’s get-away from problems and stress. She puts all her emotions into her art work. She has a little area on her table in the dining room where she draws. She has her lamp, sketch book, different kinds of pencils and pens. That is where she spends most of her time drawing. She even put a desk in her bedroom. When you walk into her room, drawings, posters, band


logos, and other designs are on her wall. Her room is a collage of art. It is where she can hang her drawings, and it is an area for her artwork and supplies that can be just for her. It’s pretty amazing what art can do. Mr. Locke claims that Katie went into his Fundamentals with a good foundation of illustration skills. He gave her the option of moving up to a 2-D Design class that would give her more difficult assignments, after watching her do additional sketches and drawings, and noticing her want to do more than what the class’s expectations offered her. Katie more than willingly, and a little shocked, agreed to it. Locke believes that Katie will continue to develop her eye in terms of illustrating life drawings, as well as be competitive in area art competitions. He claims that it’s rare to have a freshman with talents, and the maturity to make the leap. “I occasionally have kids who have one or the other, but rarely both,” Mr. Locke explains.

Katie took art throughout mid-

dle-school with Mrs. Alexander. Mrs. Alexander is very fond of Katie, and loved having her in class. She talks about how Katie has such a wonderful eye for color, and can draw and paint beautifully. Katie is brave, and is unafraid of finding new ways to express her ideas. Even beyond her artistic talents, Katie is responsible and helpful. She was one of the students that helped find all the things that Mrs. Alexander had misplaced, and made sure she started clean-up chores on time. Mrs. Alexander believes that it is a bonus that Katie’s mom is a professional artist. Katie is an extraordinary person, with an extraordinary talent. She says that although she had been in art classes where they painted and made sculptures, she had never taken an art class for drawing. She taught herself, and learned from her mother and sister. Many people have talents and things they are good at; Katie’s ability would be drawing. Not many of those people chase their dreams, though, which is what she plans to. Her plans include finishing high-school and beginning college, and she hopes to start a future through her art.

When asked about why she is so interested in art, Katie explained that her mother has a love for art, and she brought her mind into it. She has tried stepping out of her comfort zone by painting and using charcoal. “It definitely doesn’t beat my drawing quality but for using it a few times, it has helped me know what I’m better at.”A lot of people believe that art isn’t a natural talent, that anyone can do it and be good at it. While that isn’t wrong, for some people it just comes easier. They don’t have to practice all day every day, or take classes. Some people can just pick up a pencil and go for it. Katie is one of those people. Watching Katie draw is so captivating, just watching her pencil go across the paper and watching her drawing come to life under her hand is amazing. Talent like that is rare as it is, but finding someone that does something with that talent is even rarer.

big. Other students like Katelin believe that Katie is not only gifted for her talent, but for her passion in the talent. Talent without passion is pointless, but Katie has plenty of it. Katie seems shy at first, but once you get to know her, there is nothing dull about her personality. Seeing Katie’s expressions and seeing how focused she is in her work is amazing. Not many people can draw like she can.

Katie is an artistic magnet. She draws on her arm, which often looks like real tattoos. Katie draws things like; bows, hearts, symbols and so much more. Many people tell her and ask her where and who drew her “tattoo’s” on her arms. She just replies’ nobody, and explains to them that it is not a tattoo; that she drew them and colored them in herself. Having such deep passion in something is scarce. Katie got this—with her artistic abilities— from her mother. Not only is it amazing that “Katie is one of a kind,” says Katie has this gift, but that it is a family trait. Katelin Pritchard, Katie’s best friend. They Art is in her heart, soul and blood. Not only have known each other for a very long does her mother have a talent for art, but time. You rarely ever see them apart. She her sister does, too. Katie’s talent will be is also a friend that will be there for you something extraordinary. Here is to hoping in your hard times. She is someone you that this ability will not stop with Katie, but can go to. Katelin says she can see Katie having her own studio and being something will carry on for generations!


Pumpkin Spice Marshmallow Cookies: Buffalo Chicken Dip: Ewwy gooey and oh so delicious! one bite and you will not be able to resist. The wonderful taste of pumpkin cookie with marshmallows and frosting! Who could get anything better than a little taste of Halloween? Something so simple but yet oh so sweet, you cannot go wrong with these.

Its fall so you know what that means? Football Sundays! You have to be game day ready with all the amazing food. Burgers, hotdogs, sweets and chips, but you cannot forget about the dip. It’s the best part! So why not spice it up a bit and try something simple and new with a big bang of flavor!

Ingredients: •

• ½ sugar

• 2 eggs

• 1 tsp. vanilla extract

• Pumpkin spice marshmallows

• 6 Tbsp. pumpkin puree

• Cream cheese frosting

• 1 ½ cups all-purpose flour


• ¼ tsp. salt Ingredients:

2. Mix together the spice cake, oil, and eggs.

4. Bake for 6-7 minutes or until golden brown 5. Quickly add two marshmallows on every cookie and bake for an additional 2 minutes 6. Allow the cookies to cool then add your favorite cream cheese frosting


• ¼ cup brown sugar

• 1/3 cup canola oil

3. Make into balls and place on a baking sheet.

Chocolate chip cookies with a fall twist. Just add a few spices and see what you get! There is nothing more than a love for chocolate chips and pumpkin, so why not mix it together and get a new outlook on something wonderful.

• ½ cup of butter (1 stick)

1 box of spice cake mix

1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees

Chocolate chip Pumpkin cookies:

• 1 8oz. Package of Cream cheese (softened) • 1 cup of pulled chicken(cooked) • 1 bottle of buffalo sauce • 2 bags of tortilla chips • 1 bag grated cheese Directions:

• 1 ½ tsp. cinnamon • 1 ½ tsp, pumpkin pie spice • ½ cup chocolate chips Directions: 1. In a medium bowl mix together melted butter, brown sugar, regular sugar. 2. Whisk in vanilla and pumpkin until smooth set aside. 3. In a large bowl mix flour, salt, cinnamon, and pumpkin spice.

1. In a bowl or dish spread the cream cheese on the bottom.

4. Add the liquid ingredients (that you premixed) together until you get the dough

2. Add the chicken and sprinkle on top of cream cheese.

5. Cover the dough and chill for 30 minutes.

3. Pour the buffalo sauce on top of the chicken (the amount is just your opinion the more you add the hotter it will be)

6. Preheat oven to 350 degrees and prepare 2 large baking pans.

4. Sprinkle cheese on top and either bake or microwave until the cheese is melted 5. Serve and enjoy

7. Roll the chilled dough into balls and place on cooking sheet. 8. Bake each pan for 8 minutes or until golden brown. 9. Serve hot with milk.

fall recipes Harley Watson

Pumpkin pie milkshake:

Peanut butter crunch cheese ball:

Who doesn’t love homemade pumpkin pie for dessert? The sweet, savory taste of fall; it just makes you all warm and fuzzy inside. Why not try something a little more cold to go with it! Step out of the ordinary and make it a milkshake.

Need a quick and easy dessert or appetizer for a unexpected get together? Do you want to blow them out of the water with your mad cooking skills? Its ok, you don’t have to have those, but this will sure make people say wow!

Ingredients: • 1/3 cup pumpkin puree

Ingredients: • 8 oz cream cheese, softened • ¼ cup crunchy peanut butter

• ½ cup milk

• 2 cups powdered sugar

• ¼ tsp. vanilla

• 1 tsp. vanilla

• ½ tsp. cinnamon

• 1 cup milk chocolate toffee bits (heath)

• 2 TBSP. brown sugar • 2 cups vanilla ice cream • 1-2 graham crackers, crushed

• 1 bag mini chocolate chips for toping • Graham crackers

• Whipped cream • Candy corn Directions: Combine everything except the graham cracker into a blender. Blend until it is at the right consistency for you. Add additional milk if you like it thinner. When done mixing pour into your favorite fall glass and top it off with whip cream, crumbled graham crackers, and a piece of candy corn for decoration!


Directions: 1. In a mixer, combine cream cheese and peanut butter. Mix in the powdered sugar 1 cup at a time. Mix in vanilla and toffee bits 2. Lay down two overlapping pieces of cling wrap on a work surface. 3. Scrape the cream cheese mixture into the center of the plastic wrap. 4. Pull edges of the plastic around the mixture to form a tightly wrapped ball 5. Refrigerate for one hour 6. Cover the ball with chocolate chips 7. Serve with graham crackers and enjoy


the d.r.a.f.t. system alley grant As you already know, this year Reeds Spring High School has changed some of the events that go on during the school day, especially regarding Guided Study Hall (GSH). GSH takes place between third and fourth hour and lasts thirty minutes. In the last few years of GSH, students’ homerooms, freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors were separated. The freshmen were put into specific classrooms with certain teachers. However, with new administration comes a new methodology. Dr. Sooter introduced the new DRAFT system to allow students the opportunity to work with teachers whose class they need help in. Now it’s time to get into how this system works with the students and teachers in this school. The system is called the DRAFT system. DRAFT is an acronym for Developing Relationships And Focused Teaching. Dr. Sooter’s vision was to make GSH more beneficial to students in need. To do so, he uses the DRAFT system kind of like a football team drafts an NFL player onto their team. Teachers whose classes you could do better in can draft you into their classroom. These changes last until the end of every check point, which is the end of every three week period. There are four specific teams that the teachers have been divided into; students are split amongst these teams, and they do not change. Your original team is the team you will always have, no matter what teacher drafts you. One of the most common questions asked about this system is, “How many teachers does each team contain?” The answer to this question varies depending on how many teachers per team. What teacher you get drafted to depends on the teachers you have on your schedule, and the needs you have academically. A positive aspect of the DRAFT system is that students may get drafted into a room with a teacher who matches their personality styles, so they might receive the help they need in a more comfortable environment. However, there is also a fear that students will be drafted by teachers for one subject when the student needs help in

a different subject. Take into consideration, though, that you can only be drafted by one teacher at a time. The draft encourages, nay, forces teachers to collaborate for the benefit of the students. Teachers team up and discuss what you need help in most at the 3 week term, and after the teachers discuss who would best suit you, you are then drafted to that teacher. If your grade goes up for that class, you will get drafted to a new teacher—if you need to be drafted— and receive the help you need. What do the students accomplish during their GSH time? Students are to work on assignments, work on tests, or even study for the teacher they have been drafted to. How will this benefit students and their grades? It should benefit them in many situations, considering they have one-on-one teaching and learning time with the teacher when they need it. It affords students the opportunity to get caught up on assignments, and they have a chance to really understand what they were taught in case any information was unclear. Changing GSH to ensure students are sent to the teachers they need was a change that should have been done sooner. The DRAFT system gives students a chance to use their GSH wisely, it keeps them from roaming around hunting for teachers, and they can actually stay in a class and learn. Students seem to be benefiting from this system already. The DRAFT system has helped the student body and faculty reach out to each other and has a much more organized study plan than that of the old system. Another problem that has arisen for some is the question of Freshmen Mentor Program (FMP). These Freshman Mentors are placed with freshmen who need help in their classes. Last year, there were three to four freshman mentors placed into a GSH with about twenty-five freshmen. Around eight teachers had freshmen, so only those eight had the FMPs. Now, since the freshmen are mixed in with all the other classes, each teacher has about four to five freshman; they only have one or two FMPs. The FMPs are assigned to all the freshmen


in their original GSH from the beginning of the year. So, for every four or five freshmen, there is one FMP. The FMP stays with these freshmen for the whole year; the teacher and the FMP discuss which freshman of the five needs the most help. Once the freshman is chosen, the FMP will follow that freshman to the class they were drafted to and help them for the three week period. At the end of every three-week period, the teachers look at how all the freshmen in their GSH are doing, and they repeat the process of sending the FMP with the freshman who needs the most help in that cycle. The idea for integrating the freshmen is to allow them the opportunity to get one-on-one help with a mentor, rather than throwing an FMP into a huge group of freshmen. This also allows freshmen to have a chance to get to know more upper classmen, so they will have older students who can teach them how high school works. As for the Gold, Silver and Bronze card distribution. These cards represent a means of rights students have during GSH according to their grades. Students with Gold cards have met the attendance requirement, their grades are B’s and above, and they haven’t gotten into any disciplinary trouble. Students with Silver cards either didn’t meet the attendance requirement, received one or more C’s, but they also didn’t get into any disciplinary trouble. Students with Bronze cards have one or more grades below a C, their attendance is not good at all, or they may have had a day of ISD. Gold cards get out Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday. Silver cards get out on Tuesdays and Fridays, and Bronze cards get out on Fridays. This relates to the new DRAFT system because if a student gets a Gold card, then they have absolutely no reason to be drafted to a new teacher. If a student gets a Silver or Bronze card, then they will still be drafted, but they can still get out on the days they qualify for. As the year progresses, we will be able to experience and find out more about the DRAFT system’s effectiveness.


Healthy Vending Darrian Arnold

Would you like the choice of healthy snacks in school? I’m not saying we should all eat healthy and I’m not saying we should take out the vending machines. Wouldn’t you like the choice of juice or a granola bar or maybe even yogurt? Not everyone will agree with this new choice, though. We as teens go to the school vending machine at least once or twice during the day. We do have some healthy choices in our vending machines now, but let’s be honest. How many people will get a granola bar instead of Cheez-it? What if people want something besides granola bars? Maybe more fun food like fruit, and juice. Others would just like the choice of healthy vending machines, not everyone has to get something out of it.

juice, yogurt, and applesauce. This would be a healthier choice. Instead of drinking a soda every day, you could change it up and get a juice; or instead of candy you can get applesauce.

How will we do this, you ask? First we would have to have many students be in on this idea. Is this a good idea? How many students would use it? We would have to have this approved before we go into bigger things. It would have to be approved by Dr. Sooter and Mr. Moler. Also, after they approve this we will have to go to people above them to get it approved as well. The kind of food that would be in the healthy vending machine would have fruit,

Vending machines are a good thing to have in our school. Some students rush out the door and they don’t have time to eat a full, healthy breakfast to give them the energy they need to start their day. With these healthy vending machines you can fuel your day in a healthy way. How does the school benefit from these healthy vending machines? Well, the vending machines are an easy way to get snacks for cheap, which earns the school money. This also

We should have the choice of eating healthy. So many students go to the vending machines between classes to get junk food and drinks. We should still keep our vending machines we have now, but we should at least get the option of eating healthy, don’t you think? I know some of our athletes stay after school to practice; they go to the vending machine before practice to get a snack, and wouldn’t it be the better choice to get a yogurt instead of some chips?


benefits our school by giving students the nutrition they need. This also encourages students to make healthy decisions. What it would take to get a healthy vending machine. Moler said “it would be something I would love to see. It’s would take a while and it would be a process.” Would it be hard to get these vending machines? He answers, “No, it’s actually not that hard but it’s the fact as how many people like it. As being a physical education and health teacher, I think it would be a hit. The only problem we would have is, will people buy it? If you had the healthy choice, would you buy it? If so we would like to see this in our school. It would be really great for our athletes.” Mr. Johnson thinks that we need a better choice other than junk food. The thing is, at lunch they cut our proportions in half so people go to the vending machines for more to eat. It would be a good idea to put in a healthy vending machine so people could have a healthier choice. Our students go to the vending machine everyday between classes, and I think it’s a good idea because we would be giving our students a healthy option.

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