Aug-Sept 2014

Page 1

The New Teachers

Page 6

Recipes Page 10

A New Chapter in Administration Page 8


The New Teachers- 6 A new chapter in administration- 8 the Influecne of Musicians- 10


In This Issue


Recipes- 11 Game Page- 12 Final Thought-13



August-September 2014



The New Teachers in School teaching PE and health, the head volleyball coach, and assistant track coach. Tim Scego, a new hire from Morrisville, will be a social studies teacher and an assistant track coach. From Marshfield, Chris Teed will be taking Gosch’s social studies classes, as Gosch will be teaching Advanced PE and Strength and Conditioning. Teed will also be the wrestling coach and the assistant football coach.

The new ISD teacher, and former social studies teacher, is Mr. Scott Walker, replacing Mr. Mueller as he retired.

A new school year brings about changes: schedule changes, new classes, being able to drive, and new teachers. This year’s staff looks a lot different, with five new teachers joining the ranks. Our old teachers will be missed, but we are glad to welcome the new as well.

We welcome the new staff members and wish them a good first school year at the High School. Change can be different and difficult, but our job as students is to make them feel comfortable and at home here.

Coach Lipasek, the girl’s PE and health teacher, and volleyball coach has taken a coaching job in Branson. In her place, Ms. Jennifer Nichols from Cassville will be

Rachel Pryor is coming from the Bass Pro Shops corporate office, and will be teaching math and coaching track. She taught at Southeast Missouri State University, and will be taking Murphy’s classes. Krysta Flud will be taking Upshaw’s place, teaching Math. She is from Gravette, Arkansas. Mrs. Melissa Locke, Mr. Locke’s wife, will be the special education teacher. She has been with the district at the Elementary school for many years.



A new Chapter in Administration Renee Herrington

How is a football team like a high school? I guess the only way for us to really know is to ask the new vice Principal Brian Moler. Coach Moler got started coaching at Hillcrest for four years while attending college. While he was also in college, Moler worked at Bass Pro in the Customer Relations Department. Moler says, “Working in Customer Relations helped me learn how to deal with people and find a creative solution to problems.” Coach Moler was also a teacher at Strafford High School for three years, Hillcrest High School for one year and Aurora High School for seven years before coming to Reeds Spring High School. Coach Moler has been a head coach for sixteen years; his first year being head coach was at Hillcrest High School, Strafford for three years, Aurora High School for six years, and Reeds Spring High School for six years. Throughout his years at Reeds Spring, he was the head coach for our football team. He also taught Advanced PE every year, and did a few hours of Middle School PE his first two years here along with some Academic Support classes. So now it’s time for the student body to get to know their new vice principal. Since it is going to be Moler’s first year he won’t be making any drastic alter-

ations, but he will be making some changes to the guided study hall system and the name of the “Sooter Silver.” The changes to guided study hall are going to be: that we won’t be in the same class the whole year, and if you need help in a certain subject, there will be a class that will help you. As for the “Sooter Silvers,” he’s changing it to Mo’ Money and the teachers will get Sooter Silvers in replacement of Livingston Loot. Mo’ Money will have more privileges than Sooter Silvers did, and obviously have Moler’s face on it. Mr. Moler does want to have more energy and excitement in the school. He wants people to come to the sports games, stand up and cheer for our team and go crazy. At the same time he wants the students to have respect for the other team. Mr. Moler says, “I only want good and positive energy for this school.” Moler says that there are good and bad things about his new job. The good things are that he gets to stay a football coach, and when he goes home, his work stays at the school. When he was head football coach, his work went everywhere with him, and now he has more time to spend time with his family, and play golf. The bad thing is he had to give up head coach. Coach Gosch is the new head coach. Coach Moler has worked with Coach Gosch for three years but has known him longer. Mr. Moler states, “It made the decision eas-


ier for me knowing Gosch is going to be the new head coach, but the decision was still hard because I have coached for so long. I have worked with Gosch for three years, so he will do a good job and do what he thinks is best for the team” Moler also says “Football will be a little different because Coach Gosch is not me, and I am not him so he will do some things different. It’s going to be tough for me to leave head coach, but I have done it for so long that it’s time for a change, and I need a new challenge.” Mr. Moler says, “Being a football coach has helped me get ready for this job by being organized. You have to be organized with being head football coach and vice principal. When I was a football coach I had every day planned out. Being vice principal every day will be different. You never know what’s going to happen next; you don’t know if you are going to have to kick a kid out of school or just talk to him or her.” Mr. Moler states,” It is important to know the students’ names, so they know you care.” He wants the students to exceed and grow up to do what they want to do. “I don’t want the students to think that I’m disciplining them for no reason, or I think that they are a bad person. I do it to help them because if the students never get discipline for their actions they never learn. Otherwise, kids will say you don’t care about them; you are just throwing them out of school because you hate them. Sure kids can frustrate us, but at the same time

we want them to do good and to do what’s right and there are times where that gets conflated.” Molar continues, “Being vice principal, you don’t only have to discipline the students, you also have to discipline teachers when they do wrong. It’s going to be a little difficult knowing all the teachers, but being a teacher in the past I know where they are coming from, so I will have a better idea of what to do. I also try to remember that when I have to discipline someone I’m doing it to help them grow as a teachers and students. You have to be thinking about the correction and not the parchment.” Mr. Moler says “The reason I get up in the morning is football and my kids. I have one going to college and two in middle school. Even though I have my own kids, I feel like I have 600 others here at school.” Moler thinks every day he helps Reeds Spring high school be the best school that he can. Mr. Moler explains “I get a kick out of watching kids grow up and achieve their goals. Whatever that may be, I think ‘how can I help them accomplish that dream?’ I also feel like I have more impact to make those directions now that I’m vice principal.” Mr. Moler can see himself working here for a while; somewhere around six or seven

years. When he retires, he is planning on staying involved in Football in some aspect. Whether that is through officiating, remaining in coaching or working as a grounds or equipment guy at the University. Mr. Moler comments “I would like to stay involved in football.” Mr. Moler does not want to retire and “just go home to sit on the couch all day and do nothing. “I have to be doing something whether that is coaching football, being a broadcast journalist, or playing golf; I have to do something,” says Moler. “I feel that I am in the career God had planned for me. I feel the most important thing young people are to discover is what their passion is, and what purpose God has made for their lives. Finding that purpose is a key to happiness.” Now we all know Mr. Moler is the new vice principal. Let’s talk about Mr. Sooter becoming our new principal. Mr. Sooter started his teaching career at Glendale high school in Springfield, and then he was the principal at Mansfield high school before coming to Reeds Spring high school. He started off as the vice principal for three years, and now he is the new principal. Mr. Sooter, like Coach Moler, wants every student and employee to enjoy being here every day.


Mr. Sooter states, “We are always looking at ways to recognize students and are finding ways to have friendly competitions that are built in the structure in the school, and get our students to be more involved in some of the decisions we make.” Being vice principal is a tough job some of the time because you have to be the bad guy. Mr. Sooter says, “Being vice principal for three years has helped me prepare to be the principal; I have seen how the school works and I have gotten to know the teachers, students, and the parents.” Sooter reveals, “Being principal will be easier but harder at the same time. It will be easier since I won’t be the one who disciplines the students, but I will have the opportunity to make the final decisions that impact the building. I will have the chance to put my own touch on things and get to work with more students. The only downfall is that I will have to make decisions that I don’t want to.” After Sooter leaves this job sometime in the future, he plans to become the Superintendent or teach college classes.


The influence of Musicians Jessica Hayes There are many different music genres— and with different genres comes all different types of artists. It’s no secret that music affects people in different ways. Depending on the song, music can also affect someone’s emotions. Now, getting to the point, certain artists influence adolescents in a negative and positive way. Also, the artist’s influence depends on their fans. An artist who has a large fan group is going to have a large influence compared to a new artist that nobody knows about. Beginning with the grunge genre, Nirvana was an extremely influential band throughout the 1990’s. Nirvana was an American Rock Band that was formed by singer/guitarist Kirt Cobain and bassist Kirst Novoselic in Aberdeen, Washington in 1998. Nirvana went through a succession of drummers, with the longest-lasting being Dave Grohl, who joined the band in 1990.With the lead single, “Smells Like Teen Spirit” from their extremely influential 1991 album Nevermind. Nirvana entered into the mainstream, bringing along with it a subgenre of alternative rock called ‘Grunge,’ instantly recognizable by its flannel-and-denim jeans dress, as well as its near ‘Emo’ appearance and style. Pink Floyd is an English Rock band that initially earned recognition for their Psychedelic music, and, as they evolved, for their progressive rock music. They are known for philosophical lyrics, sonic experimentation, innovative album cover art, and elaborate live shows. Pink Floyd is also one of rock music’s most-successful acts. The group has sold over 300 million albums worldwide and an estimated 74.5 million albums in the United States alone. The Dark Side of the Moon (1973) spent 741 consecutive weeks on the USA-based Billboard 200 album chart, the longest duration in history. It is

also the Fifth Highest-Selling album globally of all time with more than forty million units sold. In the pop genre, of course, we have Michael Jackson. When America first met Jackson he was a young, pint-sized kid with an electric voice that nobody had ever heard of before. Not only did Jackson have an amazing voice, but nobody could move like he could. Michael Jackson’s fashion was also as different as his dance moves. I mean, who doesn’t remember a white sequined glove? Jackson is truly the king

of pop and continues to influence artists to this day. In the hip-hop genre, we have Mary J. Blige. The Queen of Hip Hop-Soul debuted in 1992 and ever since she’s been the one woman depended on to sing their lives with the song. Mary’s work has always moved us, from her musical lessons on self-love, to her out-of-this world delivery of her heartfelt heartbreak, women all over will forever be singing Mary’s praises. Alicia Keys is a modern-day Renaissance woman. She is a 14-time Grammy Award winner, actress, an accomplished singer, songwriter, music producer, entrepreneur,


and a powerful force in the global fight against HIV/AIDS. Since the 2001 debut of her first album, Songs in A Minor, Alicia has built an unparalleled repertoire of hits and accomplishments with more than 30 million albums sold worldwide. In 2005, she became the first female R&B artist to have three consecutive #1 debuts on the Billboard 200 album chart in as many releases. Over the last 30 years, no metal band has been able to come close to capturing both the old school and new school metal-head crowd and the amount of mainstream attention and success as Metallica. They took a huge gamble with 1991’s self-titled album, or to their fans, “The Black Album.” It proved to be the right choice business-wise. Bands’ tastes change and progress over time, and you can’t play the same thing for 30 years and expect to not get a little bored with it. Slayer has even said on numerous occasions that Metallica single-handedly invented thrash metal. The very first Thrash song ever released was their single “Hit the Lights,” with the solo performed by Lloyd Grant. Without Metallica, Metal wouldn’t be anywhere near as heavy as it is today. Pierce the Veil is also an extremely influential band within the “Screamo” genre. Vic Fuentes, Pierce the Veil’s lead singer, is perceived to have saved lives with his songs. Along with his band, he’s also an advocate for bullying awareness and an ambassador for the Keep-A- Breast foundation. These are only a few of the many influential musical artists. Every genre has its star, which is why there are so many artists that are influencing kids and adults every day.

recipes Harley Watson Chocolate covered bananas

Snickers Popcorn

Fruit is always a good way to go, and who doesn’t love bananas? Sometimes they can just get plain boring. Why not throw a few things together and get a creation that will not only cool you down, but satisfy your sweet tooth!

Popcorn is one of the best movie snacks! Maybe its movie night and you want to toss things up a bit. Why not have your candy and popcorn all in one? Well this way you can! Ingredients:



Bananas 1 pack of almond bark (chocolate) 1 bag of chopped peanuts Directions: Cut the bananas in half, place Popsicle sticks into the bananas and lay on a cooking tray. Freeze for 3 hours then remove. Heat the almond bark until it is completely melted. Then, dunk each frozen banana in the chocolate and sprinkle the peanuts on top. Serve immediately! Different toppings: Mini M&M’s, sprinkles, or bacon bits.

Sunrise smoothie! Ever need a little boost, but don’t want to drive all the way to town? This is a simple smoothie that will wake you up and fit the summer mood!

1 jar of Carmel 1 jar of hot fudge 1 bag of mini fun sized snickers 1 jar of peanuts

Ingredients: 3 Oranges 1 mango 1 cup of pineapple (cubed) 2 cups of strawberries 1/3 cup of skim milk 2 plus cups of ice Preparations:

Preparations: • Chop the snickers into slices or dice them

• Peel and cut oranges

• Pop Popcorn

• Cut mango

• Heat Carmel and fudge

• Measure milk


Take the popcorn and put it into a mixing bowl. Add chopped snickers Add all ingredients into the blender and half of the peanuts. Mix well and blend. Add additional ice for then top it off with drizzling chocothickness. late and Carmel. Directions:




Hidden within these two images are 10 differences. Can you find them all?


Final Thought

The Same Box Your friendly neighborhood junior

Take a minute to think about the things you have at your house: not your electronics, or your clothes and shoes, but your bed, the food you get every night at dinner, your bathroom and the water you have in your bathroom. I’m sure you don’t think about those things very often because they’re normal to you. What if you didn’t have those things? What if you went home every night and had to sleep on the floor in a sleeping bag? Or on your way home, the only thing that you could think about is if you’re going to have a meal tonight. I know I completely take those things for granted, and it wasn’t until today I realized how lucky we are to have those daily things. A little boy told me the other day that the best thing about his summer was getting a bed and having dinner every single night. He was so happy because he finally was off of the floor and he didn’t

have to head home at the end of the day only to have to be worried about if he was going to be hungry all night or not. He said that when his mom came home from work, he knew he would have dinner that night and that he really liked that. The sad thing is, I know he isn’t the only person to have to go through that. There are people all over the community with similar problems, and these are people you meet in your everyday life. You might not even realize that the people you see every day are struggling, but they are. The person you sit next to everyday in class may have a whole other life you have no idea about. The way a person lives can effect the way they treat people and look at the world. But along with all of this comes a difference in realities. What might seem like the entire world to you could mean absolutely nothing


to another person. You’re super excited to get that new Xbox while the person across the room is super stoked to get those jeans they’ve been wanting for over a month. The bottom line is that life is different for everyone and what might seem like a drop in the bucket to you, could be the entire world to another person. Everyone has a different way of looking at life, and the things that are thrown at them. But at the end of the day, I think we’re all looking for one thing and it’s a place to call home. The definition of a home differs from person to person, expectations could be higher or lower, and who lives there can be a determining factor. However, no matter what you think or do you should always have a home to go to. I want to leave you with an old, Italian proverb: “At the end of the game, the pawn and king go back into the same box.”

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