April Pulse

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April 2012 Volume 1

Performing Arts Acting out in class again?

MIZZOU!!! What it takes to be a Tiger

Autism Awareness Month Spring Fashions Trends of 2012


Previews for upcoming sporting events at RSHS


reeds spring wolves rshs pole vaulter david mccall 2


7 Golf 9 Hunting and Fishing

11 Spring Fashion 12 Baseball

14 Car Art

12 Baseball

16 Tennis

What’s in store for the RSHS Baseball Team? If you’re interested in reading the PULSE Magazine online, go to http://www.wolves.k12.mo.us/hsindex.htm and look in the right column for the link.



17 Mizzou Review 18 Performing Arts

20 Track/5K 22 Austism Awarness 24 Legacy of Moreau

25 Games 26 Classifieds 27 Final Thought


18 Performing Arts

They’re just a bunch actors, right?

Sports Preview: Golf By: Kylee Goddard

When most people think of golf, they think of a man swinging a club and yelling “FORE!” They are partially correct. The object of the game is to use clubs to hit a small ball into a hole a certain distance away. However, there is more to the game than meets the eye. Golf originated in Scotland during the middle ages. It was played by swinging sticks at a leather ball. The person who hit the target with the least amount of swings won. While urban legend claims the word golf comes from the acronym “Gentlemen Only, Ladies Forbidden,” it actually comes from the Dutch

word kolf which means “bat” or “club”. From Scotland the game of Golf spread to England, the rest of Great Britain, and then to the British colonies. Believe it or not, golf has been banned several times in Europe. First in 1457 by James II of Scotland because he believed it was a distraction from practicing archery which was more beneficial for military purposes. In 1471 and 1491, it was banned yet again for being deemed an unprofitable sport. It was banned for the last time under King James IV of Scotland. In the 19th Century Golf really took off mainly due to the increased interest in Scottish history and

culture. During this time, a new type of golf ball was manufactured. Instead of being leather bound and filled with feathers, it was made of Gutta Percha which was used well into the 20th century. In addition to the new golf ball, golf courses began to appear all over as well. In 1880, there were twelve courses in England and after seven years, forty-eight more courses appeared in England; by 1914 there were 1,000. Today there are between 31,000 and 32,000 courses in the world! The scoring system is opposite of what you would think, the person with the least amount of points wins! This is because each swing of the club is a point and you want the least amount of swings possible. The ideal amount of swings is called par. One more swing is called a bogie, one less is called a birdie and two below is called an eagle. In a high school tournament, the ten individuals with the lowest scores are the medalists, while in regular matches, there is only one medalist. When it comes to the school teams, the four lowest scores on each team are compared to the other schools to determine first, second, and third place. Adam Cross, senior at Reeds Spring High School, commented, “Golf is an individual sport, but at the same time, when it comes down to it, it’s very much a team sport.” Golf is a gentlemen’s sport, meaning there is proper etiquette and unspoken rules while out on the course. A major one is to talk softly, if at all while playing. So unlike many other sports, there is no antagonizing the other players. It’s because of this reason many people enjoy playing. Though there is competition, everyone is very civil to each other and there is very little animosity. In high school, only five players are allowed on a team at tournaments and matches. Since most schools have more players on the entire team, the ladder system is used. In the ladder system the players are ranked from lowest scoring players to the highest scoring players – remember the lowest scores win. The list is always changing though because players are constantly “dueling” each other for their positions; dueling is when two players play a nine-hole game and the win-

ner takes his place over the other on the ladder. Currently, the varsity team (the top five players on the list) consists of Adam Cross, Bodee Hern, Vince Palmieri, Cole Bradfield, and Dallas Dodson. When the players aren’t fighting for their positions on the ladder, they are practicing driving, putting, or working on the chipping green. According to Coach Larry Mueller, each player is different so the team doesn’t focus too heavily on one aspect. At the high school level, most players are not focusing on how far or how accurate there swings are, but working on the basics and learning proper etiquette. The team this year is a very young one, not only is there a new coach, but many of the members are freshman and sophomores. However there is a great amount of potential and Coach Mueller has done a very good job with teaching and working with the players. Good luck golfers and have a great season!



Hunting & Outdoor Living By Dean Rogers and Matthew Tucker

You wake up early one spring morning to the sun shining in your face. It slowly creeps through your window panes and begins to cast odd shadows against your bedroom walls. You hear the sound of birds chirping and look outside to see tree buds and a beautiful array of newly born flowers. You smell the morning dew and freshly cut grass when suddenly you are startled by an extremely loud gobble. You wait a few seconds and then you hear it again, except with more frequency, slowly becoming louder and more distinct. You seem a little confused at the beginning of the orchestrating sounds of gobblers because the first thing you think of when you hear a turkey is Thanksgiving, but in reality the presence of a gobbler truly is the first sign that spring has finally sprung. Spring is widely known throughout the state as the home of turkey season. Hunters gather across all four corners of Missouri in hopes of shooting the next big bird, while others wonder what’s so great about shooting a turkey. Some enjoy watching the early morning sun break the horizon line and cast its light over the rolling hills of the Ozarks, while some just enjoy the great outdoors, but for many others it’s the thrill of being in pursuit with something ten times faster than any human and capable of taking flight at the faintest of noises. Turkey hunting of-

ten begins with rolling out of bed at the “butt crack of dawn” and an authentic “hunter’s breakfast”, as my family calls it. After eating twice your body weight in bacon, eggs, and four cups of coffee, it’s time to suit up and strap on the vest of a warrior, which generally consists of extra shotgun shells, a medley of turkey calls, and of course snacks for the early afternoon. After the boots are tied and game plan is thoroughly mapped out, it’s off to the great outdoors. Once you walk at a steady pace for a good half hour or so, it’s time to sit and listen, but keep in mind that all of this MUST take place before the sun even thinks about making an appearance. After finally hearing the first turkey gobble, IT’S GAME TIME! The pursuit often begins with a quick strategy on how to get around your bird without spooking him, and then the chase is on. If you’re lucky, the turkey will be within a one mile radius, but there have been many times in which I personally have walked nearly five miles in search for just a single gobbler. The hunt can last anywhere from an hour to nearly half a day. If and when you kill your first bird, it’s always fun to throw it in the back of your pick-up and drive into town, showing off your trophy, but remember that an avid hunter is a successful hunter. Sometimes it takes days of patience and perseverance to even see a turkey, let alone kill one, but when the time comes and you kill your first gobbler, it is definitely a prize worth winning! Now, it’s obvious that this spring has been abnormally warm with periods of heavy rain. Everyone loves nice weather and of course it takes rain to enjoy the full benefits of spring, but will this affect any of the local fishin’ or huntin’. It’s been reported that crappie and white

bass fishing has still been very good, especially in shallow areas of Table Rock Lake and Bull Shoals Lake. As the weather becomes warmer, the fish will begin to spawn and lay their eggs in shallow areas of water in hopes of keeping them at the perfect temperature, and what this means for any fisherman is that the fishing will be very good and very fun! There is one thing to keep in mind though. Since spring has sprung early this year, the fish have spawned early as well, and we all must remember that they will only spawn for a certain amount of time before the weather becomes too warm and they migrate to deeper waters. The same rule also applies to turkey. If the weather is warm like it has been, the turkey will begin mating early as well, so when turkey season officially begins on April 16th, their mating season may be coming to a close. So it will be much more beneficial to begin hunting and fishing as soon as possible this year! So, whether you are into hunting, fishing, or just merely enjoying the beautiful springtime weather, remember that spring began very early this year and that it will be much to your advantage to get a head start on it. Before long the fish will be in deeper waters, the turkeys will be nested deep in the valleys of the Ozark Mountains, and the hot summer days will soon be moving in. Enjoy this beautiful season and have a great spring Reeds Spring!




t’s officially the season of rain, cute little animals, and sunshine—which only means one thing— it’s time to retire those bulky, down, coats and wool tights, and replace them with the lighter, brighter, colors of spring! Spring fashion is meant to be a fun warm-up to the shortsleeved styles of summer, so be cautious on packing up your favorite pairs of straight-legged jeans; they will come in handy for this period of transitioning to summer. Spring is one the most exciting times to show off the best of your wardrobe. Spring allows you to pair bright colors with washed out jeans and florals, but there are a few tips that you should follow when planning out vibrant outfits: 1. Don’t overpower your look. Remember, you want to wear the clothes so don’t let the clothes to wear you. The most eye-catching and flattering colors include: bright greens, reds, purples, and anything pastel.

When it comes to matching these bold colors, make sure you keep your brightest color as pant or a shirt and tone down the rest of your outfit with boldneutrals like black, white, or gray. 2. The next staple of every spring wardrobe is floral patterns! Florals are an amazing asset to your look, but you have to be sure that you do not resemble a flower garden.

When wearing florals, you want to make sure that the base color of the shirt is a tan, gray, or navy and that the flowers are what pop. Pair a floral shirt with a bold, skinny jean in blue or tan (available at American Eagle), a structured white or denim jacket, and a scarf with a different pattern, but with similar colors for a fun and playful outfit. This look will allow you to transition from a

day to night look by adding a baggy blazer and a pair of wedges! 3. The last must-have garments to complete your spring wardrobe are skirts. The best part about skirts is that you can let them be the focus of your outfit and match them to almost anything. The best fitting skirts are those that are semihigh wasted and flow out and hit four or five inches above your knee. Remember, this is still spring, so you do not want your skirt to be too short. The best patterns are diagonal stripes in blues, bold colors, and calm florals. This staple can then be paired with anything from jackets to sweaters, blouses to tanks, and wedges to flats. When it comes to finalizing your look, have fun with accessories, but do not overdo it! If you want to wear a large necklace, make sure you minimize your bracelets and earrings, and vice versa. Also styling is everything; an amazing outfit can fall short if it is not styled properly. One of the cutest ways to style your outfit for spring is to do a cuff on your jeans. That gives off the vibe that you know how to dress yourself and also have fun. Also, for those mornings that are still chilly, if you feel you’re going to need a jacket, make sure you compliment your outfit with a boldly-colored one; the jacket needs to add to your look and not cover it up. The most important thing to be conscious of is to have fun with your clothes without using fear loud colors and mixing prints. Following these simple tips will allow you to enjoy showing off the fun, spring-like side of you! And now for the guys! Gentlemen, it is just as important for you to amp-up your wardrobe for the change in weather as it is for your girlfriends. I mean let’s be honest here, you don’t want her to over shadow you because, quite frankly, your outfit just doesn’t live up. The tips for men to adjust to spring fashion are minimal, but it does take a little more courage to stand up and say that you know how to dress yourself. The most passive way to do this is to let your clothes do the talking. The first step guys, is to throw away those old boot-cut jeans, and step into the modern world of straight-legged jeans, cargos, and chinos. Once this has been done, it is time to focus on the shoes. Men complain all the time about women having too many shoes, but you should try to make it a competition; you

can never have too many pairs of boat and saddle shoes. Topsiders and brightly colored, leather, saddle shoes are the best way to cross the line of owning good clothes and knowing how to dress oneself.

Spring also means it’s time to ditch the socks, so don’t be afraid to go commando and show off your feet in your favorite pair of boat shoes or saddles! The largest gap to bridge is the short-length boundary. Come on guys, we’re not all NBA players, so it’s about time we shorten the length of our shorts by at least five inches. It is also necessary to get rid of the extra pockets and leave your shorts with the plain, simple cut. Shorts should be purchased in vibrant pastels and hit right ABOVE the

knee. This will take you from looking like a child to a man of the twenty-first century. As far as shirts are concerned, stick to basic tees, plaid button-downs, and brightly colored polos. And for those chilly mornings mentioned earlier, don’t be afraid to bring out one of your bulky corded sweaters or eye-catching rain jackets (the best place to find these are Banana Republic and Tommy Hilfiger). Remember guys, it is just as important for you to have fun with your wardrobe as it is for the ladies. Keep in mind, though, to pair bright colors with bold neutrals, and to NEVER have your outfit be louder than your girlfriend’s. For more fashion advice and outfit ideas, you can follow me on Pinterest.


Season Preview: Baseball By Brittany Knebel and Lucas McDanold

The Wolves are back for another season of baseball, encouraging many fans’ love of baseball caps, sunflower seeds, and foul balls sent into the parking lot. But aside from the excitement of the occasional smashed windshield, and the irresistible ball park hot dogs grilled by parents, the baseball team is in full swing for a successful season. After finishing up the 2011 season with a record of 10-10, the boys hope to improve upon their previously decent season. With the loss of several large players after graduation this past year, the Wolves plan to battle back. Junior, Jason Bainter told The Pulse, “We are a team full of depth and raw talent.” This year’s team plans on proving just how much talent they have. With a tough schedule ahead of them, facing nine state-ranked teams throughout the regular season, the Wolves have their work cut out for them. Even so, hard work, leadership, and a sense of humor are bound to make this season a homerun for the Wolves. Returning seniors Lucas McDannold, Ryan Pearman, and James Woodward are hoping to step up to the plate with big plays and big wins. The Coaching Staff have much praise for this year’s team, and Coach Josh Flora sat down with The Pulse to share some inside information to this season, and the team dynamics that will lead to success. BK: “What is your role on the team?” CF: “I’m the pitching and catching coach, and I help with offense.” BK: “Who are your Varsity pitchers?” CF: “There are lots of them. We have Johnathon Locke, Joey Longstreet, the Woodward brothers, Stone Moss, and Langdon Simkins.” BK: “Are there any young standout players who have the possibility of moving up during the season?” CF: “Several have the potential; they just need to prove themselves in practice and game situations.” BK: “What are some of the team’s strengths and weaknesses?” CF: “Some of our strengths are speed, athleticism, and lots of arms. Our weaknesses stem from inexperience at the Varsity level.”


BK: “Who are the other coaches, and what are their roles?” CF: “Coach Funk is the Head Coach and coaches infielders and offense. Coach Dorr coaches infielders, and Coach Thomas coaches outfielders.” BK: “Can you explain some of the pitches that are thrown? Not all of us understand baseball terminology.” CF: “Well, the pitches depend on who the pitcher is. Everybody throws a fastball, but some are two seam, and some are four seam. Every body throws an off speed pitch, either a curveball, which breaks straight down like going from twelve to six on a clock, or a slider, which has a lot of horizontal movement with a downward break, and is more like going from two to eight on a clock. Also everybody throws a change-up, which looks like a fastball, but is slow, or a knuckle ball, which has no rotation, but downward motion.” BK: “Well Coach Flora, do you have anything else you would like to add to the interview?” CF: “I have high expectations for the season. We have a group of young kids, but have lots of talent.” With a game plan in place, and a season with hopefully many wins on the way, The Pulse met with Lucas McDannold (Senior Captain, catcher, center fielder, and pitcher), Johnathon Locke (Junior

first baseman, and pitcher), and finally Coleman Douglas (Sophomore short stop and second baseman), to get some player insight on what it’s like to play baseball for the Wolves. BK: “What is your favorite thing about playing baseball?” LM: “Two-ball in warm-ups.” JL: “Rolling the dice…one of Coach Funk’s punishments.” BK: “Does the team have any quirky habits or superstitions?” LM: “Everyone always sits in the same seats on the bus no matter what, and in tournaments, after a win all the bags in the dugout have to be in the same spots.” JL: “Throwing the ball around while running foul poles.” BK: “Are there any funny nicknames you have for players?” LM, JL, CD: “Ohhh yeah!!!! Langdon Simkins is Fireman, Ryan Pearman is Lumberjack, Joey Longstreet is Cadillac, Woody is Woodstock, Dean Rogers is Papa John, Josh Gronvold is The Situation, James McFerron is MacDaddy, Coleman is Carlos, Lucas is Wonderboy, and Johnathan is Deuces.” BK: “If you could give nicknames to your coaches, what would they be?” LM, JL, CD: “Coach Thomas

would be Alligator Man, Coach Flora would be Smokey the Bear, Coach Dorr would be Old School, and Coach Funk would be No Fun Zone.” BK: “Is there anything the team does that is funny or memorable?” LM, JL, CD: “We have LOTS of sayings! Our favorites are…. “The baseball gods want us to play today.” “Busch League!” “He’s throwing chin!” “Shenanigans!” “Yahtzee!” “Just tape it…” BK: “Alright, joking aside, what do you expect from the season?” LM: “We’re a young team, but we expect to have success. We have a tough schedule, but it will help us later in conference and district play.” With the season just starting, the Wolves have a head start on a successful season. So let’s go out to the ball field, and support our team. Don’t forget to bring some lawn chairs, sunglasses, and plenty of snacks. Most importantly, don’t forget to park far away from the field. Let’s play ball!

Baseball Games & Dates April April April April April April April April May May May

11 12 14 18 21 25 26 29 4 5 7

Forsyth Buffalo Springfield Catholic Mount Vernon Bolivar Blue Eye Logan-Rogersville Crane Hollister Monett

Away 4:30 P.M. Home 4:30 P.M. Away 4:30 P.M. Away 4:30 P.M. Away 4:30 P.M. Away 4:30 P.M. Home 4:30 P.M. Home 4:30 P.M. Home 4:30 P.M. Home 4:30 P.M. TBA @ Forsyth Tourn. Away TBD

The game of baseball has changed a lot in high school because the standard of bats has been changed. The old bats had a BESR standard and the new bats have BBCOR standard. What this means is that the new bats will act more like wooden bats so the ball will not come off the bat as fast and hard. For example, if you hit a 400-foot homerun last year with a BESR bat, that same hit would be a 370-foot fly out to the centerfielder. This change in the bats is for safety concerns due to the ball coming off the old bats so fast that kids where getting hurt because they couldn’t react to the ball. This puts many high school pitchers at ease because standing 60-feet away baseball would be hit back at them at 100mph. With the new bats, teams really have to focuses more on pitching and defense rather than just hoping for the big home runs to help their teams win.


Roads That Don’t End By Aaron Kyle

When most people think of me, the first thing they think about is about how in love I am with cars, and I am guilty of that. I am passionate about cars in general, but I would say that I have my eye more on fast, import cars. I am the owner of a 2009 Scion tC Release Series 5.0. As most of my fellow classmates know, I was the proud owner of a 2004 Pontiac


Aztek. The Aztek was not the most appealing vehicle to the average person, but I was able to compensate with the sound system. In October 2010, I was able to upgrade my vehicle, but I had to stay within a certain budget and the vehicle I got now would have to last me through college. The vehicle hunt had begun. As most young kids do, they look at cars that are fast, look cool, and what is going to pick up girls, without considering the cost of insurance or how much gas is going to cost you. Most of the vehicles I thought were a good option continually got shut down because of the factors that I didn’t consider. However, I was able to narrow my search down to a few vehicles that fit into the “parent approval” criteria. I found some vehicles that I liked and I was finally able to go and test drive the car I have today. The car is a Release Series five and there were only 2,000 of them made. The difference between a stock Scion tC and a Release Series 5.0 tC is that the Release Series is equipped with matte black 18” wheels, gloss black paint, TRD lowering springs, TRD sway bars, and a nifty TRD badge on my waterfall to tell me I have number 1,313 out of 2,000. Most people are content with the

way their vehicle looks when they receive it. If someone doesn’t like the way their car looks, they might take their car to a shop and have them install new wheels or personalize it for them at a certain price. I have always been a hands-on person and always interested in learning new talents, so when I was able to get my new car, I wanted to make it my own by doing all my own work. It is a rewarding accomplishment when you can show somebody something new on your car, and you are able to say that you have done all of the work to get it that way. I have had my car for about a year and a half now and it has been to the shop a total of 2 times. It was in the shop to get new tires put on, and another time to get an alignment. When I first got my car, I wasn’t into the whole car modifying scene, but after trolling on several car forums, I had inspiration and motivation to make changes to my car to make it my own. The first thing I wanted to do to my car was to give the sound system a little upgrade. I was disappointed when

my car didn’t have an auxiliary input or iPod connection to the head unit, so I went ahead and ordered a 7-inch touch screen head unit and 8-inch OEM integration subwoofer. Upon further investigation on my car, it did in fact have an auxiliary and iPod connection in the center console of the car, but there wasn’t anything I could do since my new head unit was already on its way. Installing the head unit and the subwoofer was the first challenge upon many to come with my car. For the head unit, I had to take apart the waterfall and wire it into the factory wire harness, which wasn’t a challenge. The most challenging part was taking apart my car to wire the subwoofer in. I had to remove everything in the back of my car until everything was to metal. There were instructions that helped me along the way, but hey, nobody has to know that. After I had the head unit and the small subwoofer installed, I took a break for a while on modifying my car. After some more research and looking around on forums, I knew that my next project was going to be painting the interior pieces and other small pieces. The theme of my car was a black and red theme, so I decided to paint my interior pieces with that theme. My parents weren’t very excited about the idea of me wanting to paint my interior pieces because they didn’t think I could get a good outcome with spray paint. I researched online about techniques and methods to spray paint items with a good looking outcome, and I decided to tackle the challenge. I painted my waterfall black in the middle, with red trim on the edges,

and painted everything else I took out red. My parents were impressed with the outcome to say the least. After painting the pieces and having them for a while, I got tired of the way they looked and had someone custom airbrush the waterfall. I took off all the old red pieces and painted them black so I could start to veer away from the black and red theme that is now overplayed. Ever since I painted the interior pieces for the first time, I have only kept the design for a little while before changing them. I always think that the design is cool for a while, then I see a picture of a design somebody else has, and I get an idea to change it. I think whenever you start modifying a car or start personalizing a vehicle, the journey never ends. You do something to your car and you like it for a while, then you think of something else that you would like to do to make it even better. I like the idea of having something that nobody else has, so I decided that I would wrap some interior pieces with fabric. The center console now has a signature black and white “gun show” Rogue Status print, and the headliner went from a light brown to black suede. Wrapping the arm rest with a different fabric was probably one of the easiest changes I have done, but probably one of the most noticeable and favorite changes I have done to my car so far. Disassembling my car so I could wrap the headliner with new fabric was probably one of the most challenging things so far. Who knew I would have to take out my back seats to take out the headliner? I figured that since I upgraded the parts that I see every day, I decided to do something that I only see on occasion. I had some old hardwood flooring at

my house that was never used, and my trunk was looking a little plain, so I put the two together and now have a hardwood floor trunk. I think the most asked question I get when people see my trunk is if I tap dance on it. I think the task would be a little difficult to complete considering the space is limited and I can’t tap dance to begin with. The outside of my car could be explained as “murdered out,” which is a trend where everything is black on the outside, but I wanted to get away from that and be original. As most high school students could agree, money was not something that I had a lot of. I always had the image of lowering my car on a nice set of coilovers with a sweet set of BBS RS wheels…if I only had $3,000 to spend. I had to make do with what I had, so I just had to upgrade the exterior with everything it already had on it. I wanted the all black look on the outside, so I tinted my tail lights and painted my headlights black and somewhere during that whole process I found time to remove all the emblems off my car. There is one emblem on the front of my car that is black, so I always get the question of what kind of car it is. I have gotten the question of it being a Honda Civic multiple times. The car, as it sat, looked like an all-black. I had my black tail lights for a while and started to get tired of how dark they were, so I traded my friend for stock 2005 Scion tC tail lights that weren’t tinted. About a week later, I found myself in the garage tinting the tail lights I just got from my friend. After having the new tinted tail lights and three police pull-overs later, the tint was removed off of the lights. They went back to their original red color, and from then on, I haven’t wanted

to tint them again and wanted to do something crazy to my car that wouldn’t get me in trouble with the police. Personalizing a car is something that anybody can do, and it is a way that you can express yourself through a visual item. People in today’s society are judgmental and the way your vehicle looks is something they can look at and judge you by, so why not make it something that really represents you? People personalize items every day to make them their own or to fit their liking. If everyone had something that was the exact same, with no visual change between the items, life would be boring. You can personalize something that is only a very small difference, but if you notice the change and you like it, then that is what matters. I have always felt that if you can make something or customize something that is going to make people ask you why you would want that, then you are doing something correct. When people ask why you would want to do something like that, it shows that you don’t fit into the category of the average person and are doing something that most people wouldn’t consider.


Season Preview: Tennis By Glenna Dement


The gentle thud of tennis balls on racquets fills the air as the match begins. Players run to and fro, back and forth chasing after the ball. Their immense amount of hand eye coordination allows the racquet to become an extension of their body, furthering the overall appearance of agility and well directed power and strength. Here at Reeds Spring High, our tennis team spends countless hours practicing and preparing for matches and tournaments. So far this year, we've hosted one home meet against Springfield Catholic High, and our boys' team attended a match in Bolivar against the Bolivar Liberators on March 29. As of right now, we seem to be doing fairly well, but with more practice will come better results. When asked about his hopes for the team this year, Sophomore Phillip Todd replied, "I think we have a shot of doing better, as a team, than we did last year." When asked the same question, Sophomore Trenton Blevins agreed. "Definitely," he said. Overall, everyone seems to have a positive attitude and great hopes for the outcome of this year. Last year, as a team, our boys didn't have any wins. In the way of individual matches, however, there were a few players that did well overall. This year, our players feel that they are already improving immensely, even those who have not previously played tennis on a team. "We started out with form, and since we got our form down, we’ve been able to put a lot more power into it," said Blevins. Todd, who has played tennis for approximately three years now, sees these improvements. He says that this year “everyone seems more consistent with their angles and serves and that everyone seems to be putting more power into it.” Hopes are high, and this year should prove to be a better one, even though all players except for three are new. Joe Grimes, a senior

who just started playing tennis this year, said, " I've never played tennis before, so having a natural talent helps since I won my first two matches. I'd say my serving has gotten a lot better since I couldn't even get it over the net when I first started. Now they call me Thor because I have a fast and hard serve." Even though our boys are very familiar with the sport and are very optimistic about this year, an explanation of the sport for those of us that don't play could be useful. The sport of tennis originated in Europe several thousands of years ago. It was invented by monks, and it was to be played during religious ceremonies. At first, the ball was hit with the hand, but then came the leather glove and a wooden handle--the sport’s first racquet. Over time, better racquets and balls were developed and the sport became more and more popular and spread across the continent. It was patented in 1874 by Major Walter Wingfield. That same year, tennis courts began emerging in the United States. Eventually, courts emerged in places such as Russia, China, India, and even Canada. Today's tennis game differs in several ways from the original form patented by Major Wingfield. For example, the original tennis court tapered down towards the net and the court was much shorter. Some courts were indoor courts in which the balls were played off the walls since these courts were so narrow. Since its patent in 1874, the rules have also undergone extensive revision. Originally, the scoring system for tennis in medieval Europe was based upon the number 60. In medieval Europe, 60 was considered to be a "complete" number. This is very similar to the way we think of 100 as a nice, round number. At this time period, the game was scored in a series of four points. The first point was set at 15, then 30, 45, and lastly, 60. There is a second theory behind the origin of this scoring system. It states that the scoring system for tennis was based upon quarter moves of the hands on a clock every 15 minutes. The scoring system today differs only slightly from that of ancient times. The first point is set at 15, then 30, and then 40. If both players tie at 40, then it is known as a deuce. In No-Ad scoring, the player who scores the next point wins. This being said, it’s clear that

tennis isn’t simply hitting a ball back and forth. It requires physical and mental skill, as well as the desire to perform well. Our boys’ tennis team has a good season ahead of them and we hope that they are able to dominate the competition and bring home the win wherever they go. Good luck boys and have a great year. Remember to have fun and never give up.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Varsity Phillip Todd Keith Hoffman Jordan Holik Toby Steinmetz Tyler White Hank White Junior Varsity

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Alex Chandler Wyatt Cooper Joe Grimes Trenton Blevins Dalton Chamberlin Zach Lightner Seth Thomas

University of Missouri - “Mizzou” By Glenna Dement

The wind whistles through the trees outside Johnston Hall. Today is your first day on the University of Missouri campus located in beautiful Columbia, Missouri. Your tour guide taking you through the entire campus. As you stroll through what has been dedicated as a botanical garden, you can't help but wonder about more than just the campus itself. What is Mizzou known for academically? How much would it cost me to go to school here per year? What are the graduation requirements? Here are some answers to the preceding questions. The easiest way to obtain information about attending Mizzou is to contact the Admission's Office online by requesting information. However, if you would prefer to contact them by phone or by writing a letter, this information is also available online. If you need assistance in acquiring information, then you can also check into contacting the admissions representative for your state and county. For Reeds Spring High School, that admissions representative at Mizzou is Alli Bailes, a student of the university who graduated with a Journalism degree in 2010. Between the vast wealth of information available online, by phone, and upon request, any questions you may have can be answered. Apart from obtaining information from the admissions office, wouldn't you like to know what Mizzou is known for academically? The University of Missouri is probably best known for their Journalism school. The J-School at Mizzou is continually ranked Number 1 in the country and has 7 buildings on campus dedicated to this program. The school offers not only an undergraduate program, but programs transcending to the Doctoral level in addition to an online Master's program. Despite Mizzou's reputation for their School of Journalism, they are also well known for their family and community medicine, dispute resolution programs, Freshman Interest Groups and their campus writing programs. For those students that don’t know what they want to do in the future, Mizzou might be the perfect place for you. The university has over one hundred different majors to choose from and students have the ability to go into college with an undeclared major. This means that you have no clue what you want to do with

your life, but you still want to explore your options. College is the time in your life where rash decisions and mistakes are acceptable. You can change your mind time and time again. The University of Missouri is perfect for anyone in this situation because they have almost any major you can imagine, giving students the ability to accomplish any goal they may have. The University of Missouri has quite an array of impressive academic programs, but at a cost. In addition to the tuition, there are other mandatory costs that you need to consider as well as some expenses that are optional. The price of tuition per credit hour as of the fall semester of 2011 is $261.60. In addition to the basic cost of tuition, there may be course fees depending on your major. Moreover, there are several flat fees that you will need to pay. They include your prepaid health fee of $94.17, the recreation facility fee of $133.98, and the student activity fee of $159.43. These fees are for students enrolled in a full course load. If you are taking fewer credit hours, however, some of these may be optional. At the university, there is also an information technology fee of $12.20 per credit. To be quite frank, the fees applicable to your tuition amount will vary based upon your course of study. The full list of fees is available on Mizzou's website listed at the bottom of this article. If you find that you cannot afford the tuition at the University of Missouri, but you still wish to attend, do not worry! With the combined effort of scholarships and financial aid, the dream of attending Mizzou can bring you several steps closer to becoming a reality. Don't believe it? Four out of every five students at Mizzou receive some form of financial aid. From 2008 to 2009, over $65 million in scholarship aid was granted to undergraduate students attending Mizzou. Every year, Mizzou offers $236 million in financial assistance to its students. For each student, the average financial aid package--including loans--amounts to approximately $11,969. Now that you know more about the financial implications of attending the University of Missouri, it is important to understand what it will take to graduate. For different degrees, the hours required will vary, which is what causes your tuition rates to vary as well. In general, to obtain a Bachelor's degree at the University of

Missouri, it will call for 124 to 128 credit hours over the course of four years. Despite the fact that graduating may seem like an overwhelming task, when you do your research and can make decisions based on a vast plethora of information, it is more likely that you will have an easier time choosing the school that is right for you.


By Mackenzie Mattix & Quintin Russell

The Drama department at Reeds Spring High is very broad and well-liked. Even though it seems like a more specific subject, there are actually many small groups and events that tie into Drama. Between all of the school plays and the debate team, Drama is a busy subject year round. This has students and teachers with full calendars and exciting weekends for almost the entire school year. Drama is sometimes stereotyped by people who believe that it’s just students running around on a stage for an easy A. What they don’t seem to realize is that it is so much more. Most people would be surprised to know what drama is truly about. Drama at Reeds Spring is controlled by the English Department due to the fact that plays and literature are part of English. Basic English classes may read old literature and a few required plays, but drama goes even farther. The drama teacher may have changed, but that didn’t stop us from being great. Mrs. Harrell is Reeds Spring High School’s new sponsor for Drama events and is also new to the school itself. Taking charge early and becoming a student favorite, she has a great hold on drama. Any student in drama that is asked about Mrs. Harrell only has great things to say. Drama students Ashley Kethkart and Maddi Bell agreed, saying that she has a fun teaching style and that she knows what she’s doing. Reeds Spring is always growing and a new trend


is that we are giving it our all. This goes to show that we can only improve in the future because experience brings success. Over the years at Reeds Spring, there have been several productions. This year’s plays consisted of Promedy and One Act, otherwise known as Death comes for a Wedding. Promedy was a comical show about Prom where some young high school students want to get rid of Prom, but after they end up getting dates, they all try to get it back. One Act is about a young woman named Beth who was to married Death to save her home village, but instead Death gets tricked into marrying an old woman from the village. Beth was able to achieve her dream and live happily ever after. This play is based off of the Greek story of Persephone and Hades. There have been other plays throughout the last several years, all of which were enjoyed by everyone that attended. One of the older productions was Lucky Stiff. It was about a young man who received a large sum of money from

his uncle, in exchange for taking his body to Monte Carlo. As a school elective, drama has a lot to offer. In the drama class, students learn about the elements of drama, how to direct and design your own productions, and how to act and perform for an audience. Drama is a specific experience which is completely unique and unattainable from anywhere else. A special project in drama this year allows seniors to work with fellow peers to create their own One Act plays. Half of the seniors are directors, while the other half co-direct. Other students in the class participate by playing the actors or actresses in the plays that the directors create. This year there are eight seniors, making four total productions from the all of the drama classes. As Mrs. Harrell says, “You get to come to class and pretend each day.” Try-outs for plays in drama are different than you might imagine. This year, hopeful students were required to read parts of the production directly from the script and then act them out on the spot. With forms that students had to turn in prior to their auditions, judges wrote notes with helpful tips about how to be a better actor/actress. There will be a bulletin posted with the lucky group of students who made it into the cast as the characters they feel fit best in the play. Rehearsals are held four days a week, usually Monday through Thursday. These rehearsals can be anywhere from two to three hours a night. When a new play is just started, rehearsals consist of reading through the play and getting familiar with the script. After that, the movements around the stage are learned, otherwise known as blocking. After blocking comes a rehearsal of run-throughs with scripts and blocks. By this time, there are only about 2 weeks until the play is performed, and members of the cast need to start memorizing their lines if they haven’t yet. There is a grace period of three days of which when actors or actresses can forget their lines, they can call out “line” and it will be read to them. This is the last time that the cast can have any backup, after that, they’re on their own. Many students can join drama, but think that it wouldn’t be much of a challenge. It takes self-confidence and a lot of

courage to be a great actor or actress. The drama experience is a unique one, being that it is the only one that you have to try out, and show that you are the best

with feeling and passion. If at first you do not succeed, try, try again. To be a good member of drama, you must be motivated and willing to put forth all of your effort, whether it is by getting into character, or just memorizing lines. It’s also very important to remember to be yourself, have an open sense of humor, and a determined set of mind. Starting practice early and practicing frequently will help you to become number one. High school drama can open the doors to your future and really help you to know what to expect in the rest of your career. Drama is about good times and that after all of the hard work, it is a fun experience and a bright memory. If performing in front of a large crowd doesn’t exactly appeal to you, but you enjoy doing so for smaller groups of people, we may have a solution: Speech and Debate. Speech and Debate, not all that capturing is it? Most people would think that you spend your time arguing over a topic and the opponent using the better word play wins the round. What we may not know is that, despite the long days and full weekends, our Speech and Debate team is full of fun activities and great wins from Reeds Spring. There is much more to the tournaments than just arguing the whole time. There is a great variety of categories to compete in, from debating to memorizing skits and performing them for the judges. Under the instruction of Mrs. Hohnstein and assistant director Mrs. Harrell, the very dedicated group of students has been excelling in many ways. Just like every other team, the Speech and Debate team spends many hours rehearsing and preparing for the fierce competition at many of their tournaments. There are tons of different categories that can be competed in. Humorous Interpretation (HI) is a 10 minute, one person skit that is comical and meant to make you laugh. Dramatic Interpretation (DI) is also a 10 minute, single person skit. This category tends to have a saddened background with tense subjects such as rape or war. It is encouraged for participants to portray more than one character in their skit. Original Oratory (OO) is a stu-

dent written persuasive speech that needs to be 10 minutes also and can be on any topic of their choosing. Radio is based off of real events that occurred within 24 hours of the tournament. The participant must prepare their five minute speech no earlier than those 24 hours prior to their event. Duo is a two person, 10 minute skit the two have to perform without looking at each other or making any physical contact! Extemporaneous is a 7 minute speech on a current political topic that is to be prepared in 30 minutes prior to the event. Story Telling is memorizing a popular children’s book and acting it out complete with different voices for each character and many over-the-top actions. Improv Duo is a team of two getting a random topic and having 30 minutes to prepare a 5-7 minute skit. Pros are a 7 minute story that is recited from a small binder that the participant had prepared. It can either be humorous or serious, but usually has more than one character to keep the audience engaged. Finally, poetry is just what it sounds like, reciting poetry for 5-7 minutes. All pieces are to be memorized and acted out fully, complete with actions and emotions in voices. The Speech and Debate team has been killing it at their tournaments. At the Aurora tournament, Emily Cutbirth and Delaney Pozek placed 6th in Improv Duet, while Emily Todd placed 5th in Humorous Interpretation. Samantha Retherford made All-Districts cast in Readers’ Theater and Maddi Bell also made All-Districts cast in One Act performance. Dylan Weber, who has only been competing for the second semester, placed 4th in DI at the Republic tournament. He also qualified for nationals, which will be the fourth year in a row for a Reeds Spring High School student to qualify! Nationals are a huge deal people! Nationals, a.k.a. MSHSAA, will take place in Indianapolis, Indiana with 800 students competing in the DI category. The competition will be fierce and involve several rounds

to narrow it down to the overall winner. Only 60 of the 800 students will make it past the first preliminary round. Dylan will be performing a piece called Confessions of a Mormon Boy. It is an autobiography of a man struggling to stay straight for his family and dealing with getting kicked out of his church. The participants that do not make the first cut then are permitted to enter a second piece. Mr. Weber has prepared a piece called Slow Dance on the Killing Ground for the category Pros. This one is about a young African American boy who is neglected by his prostitute mother and ends up murdering her with an ice pick. He hopes to gain the incredible experience of competing against people who truly care about Speech and Debate and getting the privilege of watching the top six students in the nation. As you can tell, all the hard work has definitely paid off. Dylan enjoys Speech and Debate because it is a “fun experience and a great way to channel your pent up energy and emotions.” He also says that “competing has really made him more confident and is a major confidence booster.” Although the days are long, there is a lot going on! Upon going to a Speech and Debate tournament, you’ll probably see hundreds of students practicing and performing to walls in the hallways, a common warm-up and confidence booster. There is quite a bit of down time, so to occupy themselves there are always several card games and rounds of Ninja set up all over the place! If you don’t fit in the sports scene or aren’t interested in the array of clubs, give the Speech and Debate team a try! You have to admit, they obviously don’t get enough credit for the things they do. It definitely takes a lot of courage to perform in front of a group of judges, and memorizing a 10 minute speech has to be very difficult. It certainly shows! Our Reeds Spring Speech and Debate team is very dedicated and have fun doing it at the same time!


Racking up the Miles By Brittney Stump

It’s four months into the New Year, so are you keeping up with your New Year’s resolutions? Nearly 47% of Americans make a New Year’s resolution about self-improvement, making it the number one New Year’s resolution. No one is judging if you made this resolution for 2012, because this year one of the major societal campaigns is healthy living. Currently, more than one-third of American adults are obese and 12.5 million children and adolescences are obese as well. Some struggle to find ways to be active or stay active, so why not try running? I know, the most hated word in exercise: running. Fortunately, running doesn’t have to be tedious or uneventful. The scenic, Ozark Mountains are a runner’s paradise. Runners can challenge themselves by conquering rocky terrains or pace themselves on flat trails throughout Southwest Missouri. The trails take runners through lush forests and bubbling brooks, distracting them from the pounding in their heads and tiring muscles. Senior, Alexis Haynes, has been on the track team at Reeds Spring since the


seventh grade and has found a new love running in community races. Haynes is known for her lightning speed in the 100m dash and 4x1 team race, plus extended leaps in the long jump. Haynes was pleased to be interviewed about her running career. Her main focus for this upcoming season is to work hard to get to State. She has been to State Competition in the past and has the desire to be there during her final year of athletics. When asked what got her interested in running 5k’s, she thanked Coach Matt Locke and his wife Melissa for begging her to run cross country at the beginning of the year. “I knew that running longer distances would work on the stamina I need for sprinting and I needed to stay in shape.” Her favorite race so far was a mud run in Columbia, Missouri. For this race, she and Reeds Spring graduate, Raymond Varner, dressed up as hillbillies, while seniors, Seth Thomas and Joseph Grimes, wore a preppy school outfit and Robin Hood costume. “I had such a blast with these guys. It will be something I always remember,” she said with a laugh. Haynes will be attending Crowder College in the fall and unfortunately will not be playing in college sports. She plans on continuing her running by training for marathons. Her dream is to run in the Disneyworld Marathon so she could ride rides afterwards.

The Reeds Spring Track and Field team is looking forward to having a record-breaking season. New to this year, David McCall, has been surpassing all of his coaches’ expectations. He is expected to break the pole vault record for the boys’ team with his 14 feet attempts during practice. Coach Brian Moler is eager to have the current record of 13 feet demolished. Senior, Aaron Allphin is anticipated to break his tie with 2008 graduate, David Selby, at 6 feet 8 inches. Sophomore, Danielle Curnes, and Senior, Samantha Akromis, will be “studettes” for the girls’ team, along with Sophomore, Autumn Flaugh. In the hurdle events, Senior, Dylan Weber will be a strong candidate in qualifying for State Competition. Tuesday, March 27th, was the first meet for the Track & Field team and fortunately, it was at home. Everyone was anxious to get their season started and represent the Reeds Spring School District to the best of their abilities. The Wolves ended the meet with a first place team win out of seven. McCall was anxious to get his pole vault event started. He watched his competition and claimed “Missouri is much different than my home state.” McCall did not enter the event until the height was at 12’ 0’’ and he cleared it with ease, capturing the gold. When asked about his high expectations on breaking the current record, he grinned and said, “I can’t wait to see what I can do this season. I want that record.” Allphin and the Girls 4x2m were some of the many athletes that brought home the gold. Also, Weber placed second in his 110m hurdle event. The coaches are pleased with how the meet turned out. They know there are areas that need work, but couldn’t have asked for a better start. So, with the season underway, it is going to be an interesting one. With the beautiful, earlyspring weather we are having, there is no reason not to come on out and support your fellow Wolves. For those of us who are not in track, it is time to lace up some sneakers,

Track & Field Dates & Time April 10 Nixa Varsity Relays There 4:00 April 11 Ozark JV Relays There 4:00 April 16 Nixa JV Relays There 4:00 April 19 Cassville Varsity Relays There 4:00 April 24 MSU Varsity Relays Springfield TBA April 24 Monett Varsity Relays There 4:00 April 26 Monett JV Relays There 4:00 May 1 COC Varsity Relays Hollister 4:00 May 3 COC JV Relays Bolivar4:00 May 12 District Relays TBA TBA May 19 Sectional Relays TBA TBA May 25th & 26th State Relays Jefferson CityTBA grab some water and friends, and hit the trails. Here is a list of 5K races coming up in the spring: April 7th, 2012: Gregg and BJ’s Happy Camper Scamper 5K Run or Walk to Benefit Camp Quality is a 5K fun run or walk to benefit Camp Quality, which is a week-long summer camp for kids with cancer. The course is a combination of road and trail and is considered moderately difficult. Location: St. Joseph April 7th, 2012: Run for Orphans 5K Run/Walk- This race is to raise money for orphans in the Dominican Republic. All of the proceeds earned go towards the St. Joseph/Savannah, MO Mission Team and the Bread of Life Orphanage in the Dominican Republic. Location: St. Joseph

raise money for the Multiple Sclerosis Society. The 4-mile, 1-mile, and 1/4mile Kids Dash courses are accurately measured and start/finish near Kirkwood Aquatic Center. The route contains scenic tours through Kirkwood and Kirkwood Park. Location: St. Louis

first woman president of the SpringfieldGreene County Park Board and a financial supporter for many women’s athletic needs in Springfield. A 1.5 mile walk and 5k run are offered that take runners through Downtown Springfield. Location: Springfield May 5th, 2012: Kansas City Warrior Dash- Kansas City will be hosting the famous Warrior Dash. The Warrior Dash is an intense obstacle course that requires strength and stamina. Reeds Spring High School Social Studies Teacher, Craig Barr, can testify to the difficulty of the course. He and his wife participated in the event a few years ago and had an unforgettable time. Location: Kansas City May 5th, 2012: One Sole Purpose- One Sole Purpose is an organization that strives to give all Springfield students who cannot afford a pair of shoes a brand new pair. All the revenue goes towards giving the students a pair of Converse in their favorite color. Location: Springfield

April 28th, 2012: Annual Bee Payne-Stewart Strut & 5k- Bee was a passionate supporter for women in leadership and sports. She was the

April 7th, 2012: Run4MS- A running event to help


Autism Awareness Month By Glenna Dement

You see the little boy sitting by himself in the corner at lunch. Everyone calls him funny names. You just think of him as the weird kid. Never do you stop to think that maybe he isn't just "weird". Never did you think that there was something legitimately wrong with him, so as you walk by with your tray, you stare at him for a few seconds. Startling you, the boy looks up with a confused look on his face and stammers out the words, "HHi. M-m-m-my n-n-name J-J-J-Johnny." You quickly mutter, "Hi." and rush away to your table where you proceed to tell your friends about the weird boy named Johnny who tried to say, "Hi." to you. You all snicker and laugh and crack jokes about it for the rest of the lunch period, not bothering to lower your voices. As the bell rings, you look over your shoulder at the boy named Johnny sitting alone in the corner. A lonely tear runs down his face. Blowing it off, you turn your attention back to your friends and continue on with your day, completely forgetting about the boy in the corner. Little did you know that lonely little boy has autism. In the United States, the first National Autism Awareness month was celebrated in April of 1970, and National Autism Awareness Day falls on April 2. The goal of National Autism Awareness month is to educate the public on how we


can help those who suffer from autism. Through raising awareness about autism, we can assist fundraising efforts that help people on the road to recovery. When recovery can cost around $35 billion per year here in the U.S., any and all fundraising is definitely worthwhile, especially when cases of autism are becoming more and more common. Each year, 1 in every 110 children is diagnosed with autism, and 1 in 70 of those are boys. Many of the sufferers have to live with this condition for the rest of their lives, though there are also many who can recover. Worldwide, 67 million people live with this condition, and a new diagnosis is made every 20 minutes. Autism Awareness month, in April, is all about trying to get the word out about these people who struggle to live their lives each day. These people need help. But what exactly is autism, and what can we do to help the people that have it? Autism was only recently discovered, though the term was first used by the Swiss psychiatrist Eugen Bleuler. He applied the term to schizophrenia. It was not until 1943 that autism was redefined by Dr. Leo Kanner of John Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland. Dr. Kanner observed 11 children that he noticed had withdrawal from human contact as early as the age of one. Despite his studies, however, people were still under the impression that all children who had autism were also schizophrenic, which is not actually the case. By definition, autism is a complex neurobehavioral disorder that includes impairments in social interaction, developing language and communication skills, and rigid repetitive behavior. This means that there is a problem within the brain that makes it difficult for the people afflicted with autism to communicate and inter-

act with others. These symptoms aren’t the only ones, however. Due to the extreme range of symptoms, autism is commonly referred to as ASD, or autism spectrum disorder. Some of the core symptoms of autism include having difficulties with social interactions, relationships, verbal, and non-verbal communications. People with ASD also experience a limited interest in activities or a preoccupation with certain topics or objects. In the way of social interactions, people with ASD have problems not only developing verbal and non-verbal skills, but also with interacting with people of the same age group. They have a lack of empathy and emotion as well as a lack of interest in achievements and hobbies. As many as 40% of people with autism never develop the ability to speak at all, so it's no surprise that life for them is more difficult that we can imagine. Being difficult as it is to attempt relating to their lives, it's important to understand that there are certain forms of autism that aren't as severe as others. At one end of the ASD spectrum is type of disorder known as high-functioning autism. Not only is it less severe than other types of autism, it is very similar to Asperger's syndrome in that there isn't any noticeable delay in language development or lack of intelligence. For people with high-functioning autism, they seem to have little understanding of the abstract use of language, like sarcasm. People with high-functioning autism do not tend to be introverted, unlike other forms of autism, though they may not understand the emotions of others since it can be more difficult for them to understand facial expressions and body language. Though there are many different forms of autism, with a variance of symptoms and signs, they can all be diagnosed in similar ways. Whether it’s Asperger's syndrome or high-functioning autism, it can be diagnosed through psychological testing, by observing the history of the child's development, by interviewing people who are in frequent contact with the child, observing the child's behavior, and also through requesting physical, neurological, and genetic testing. Additional information can be procured through seeking a speech and language assessment. It may seem that we know quite a bit about autism and its symptoms, but

the truth is quite the contrary. To be blunt, we hardly know anything about autism in regards to its root cause. Many speculate that children with weak immune systems who are given too many vaccines at one time can later be diagnosed with autism. Is that really such a surprise? Many vaccines today have ingredients like mercury, antifreeze, formaldehyde, aluminum, and ether. Considering that these components are extremely toxic, would you really want someone injecting your child with them? Apart from the vaccine hypothesis, studies may have shown that a new group of genes, very recently discovered, may be partially responsible for brain growth that we think can be a partial cause of autism. Possible mutations or abnormalities of the genes may even be the underlying cause of the brain growth itself, and therefore responsible for the cause of autism. Eric Courchesne, PhD, director of the Autism Center of Excellence at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine, has identified genes that may be responsible for premature brain growth in young patients from two to fourteen years of age. Other information from his studies showed that there was a 67% excess of brain cells in the prefrontal cortex. This is the part of the brain that is responsible for development in the way of social interaction, communication and cognitive development. Since the problems may lie in the genes, this would make autism a highly inheritable disorder. The research also suggests that abnormalities in the genes can change across a person's lifespan, which would mean that it could either become easier to assist curing autism or it could become more difficult. Despite what may seem to be well presented hypotheses, all of these are still only speculation for the most part. We have not delved deep enough into the neurobiology of the human brain to discover the true cause of autism. On the bright side, however, even if we don't know what causes autism yet, we know that it can be cured. The truly awesome account of Jenny McCarthy and her son, Evan, are proof enough of that. When Jenny McCarthy's son was diagnosed with autism in 2005, the doctors told her that there was no hope--that nothing could be done for her son. At first,

she was devastated, as any parent would be. But then, she decided that the doctor's no-hope diagnosis wasn't good enough. She took the initiative and did her own research. That was when she found a website called Generation Rescue that is dedicated to helping children with autism recover. After hours of research, Jenny McCarthy finally found what she was looking for. She read every testimonial of the parents who came before her and found that simple and safe things like changing her son's diet and his home environment might help Evan. After a few weeks, Evan was speaking 7-word sentences; a huge milestone. And then, a year later, Evan was a healthy, happy boy again. He was undiagnosed shortly thereafter. This success story just goes to show that recovery from autism truly is plausible and possible. Through trial and error, parents everywhere have been able to help reverse the effects of autism on their children. Once a year, the hard work of the parents of autistic children is revealed to the world. The further their stories travel, the more momentum and meaning that National Autism Awareness month will hold for people across the United States and across the world. In fact, April is more than just National Autism Awareness month for us here in the United Sates, as World Autism Awareness Day falls on April 2 each year, with a total of 20 countries participating. Though this may seem to be a plethora of knowledgeable people across the globe, ask yourself this: how many people in your community do you know that suffer from autism? Better yet, did you know what it meant for someone to be diagnosed with autism until now? Were you aware that April is Autism Awareness month? When one person is not informed of something, we can’t automatically expect others to be knowledgeable, yet, we do. Vast pools of information concerning autism are available in many places, but many of us simply never take the time to look, to study, and to learn. In order to spread the word about autism, each of us will have to make our own effort. After all, don't you want to help spread the stories of hope and the methods parents have put toward curing autism?

Facts and Statistics Courtesy of the Autism Society -1 percent of the population of children in the U.S. ages 3-17 have an autism spectrum disorder. -Prevalence is estimated at 1 in 110 births. -1 to 1.5 million Americans live with an autism spectrum disorder. -Fastest-growing developmental disability; 1,148% growth rate. -10 - 17 % annual growth. -$60 billion annual cost. -60% of costs are in adult services. -Cost of lifelong care can be reduced by 2/3 with early diagnosis and intervention. -In 10 years, the annual cost will be $200400 billion. -1 percent of the adult population of the United Kingdom have an autism spectrum disorder. -The cost of autism over the lifespan is 3.2 million dollars per person. -Only 56% of students with autism finish high school. -The average per-pupil expenditure for educating a child with autism was estimated by SEEP to be over $18,000 in the 1999-2000 school year. This estimate was nearly three times the expenditure for a typical regular education student who did not receive special education services. -The unemployment rate for people with disabilities was at 14%, compared with 9% for people without a disability. Additionally, during the same period, only 21% of all adults with disabilities participated in the labor force as compared with 69% of the non-disabled population.


the Legacy of Moreau by Floyd Baker

Time went by uneventfully for the better part of a week. We sailed farther out to sea so my view of the coast was lost, and along with it, my bearings. I noticed my body was growing weary of the journey. My face grew gaunt and my stomach was receding, I ate every opportunity given me, but the sloshing mess of pickled meat and porridge always left me feeling hollow. The crewman that brought my servings night after night evidently noticed I was losing weight; either that or the galley was in surplus. I say this because my portions were increased after the second week aboard the vessel. I also assume that it was around this time that the ship’s stock of rum went dry. From there up to our making port at Scarborough, a lesser known locale on the southern side of the Island of Tobago, the mood aboard the ship grew quite somber - almost depressingly so. At any rate, since his main entertainment was now gone, the crewman that had brought my meals started staying in my quarters long enough to converse with me. At first I thought him to be an old salt; he had deeply set eyes and his hair was always matted down with sweat or seawater. His eyes appeared to constantly be squinting at the corners and he had a sailor’s habit of sucking at his front teeth. He spoke with a grating voice. I later found out his years only numbered seventeen. We didn’t say much in the way of formal introductions, I never even caught his name, but through him I did learn some information that at the time seemed trivial but would prove to be of the utmost importance to me later. At this point in time I was truly unaware as to what lay ahead and the young crewman had even less of a clue than I. I told him what little Prendick had told me; I felt I could trust him enough, and he was shocked to learn of our destination. He was still just a boy after all. He shared his laments with me, saying that he’d left his “poor old mum” in order to find a job. He said that he intended to get back to her with his pay as soon as they came back to shore; he had planned slipping away while the crew was at town, but now the chance of getting back home anytime soon was remote in his mind. I tried comforting him, saying how I thought it quite noble that he provided


for his mother, but still he sat undoubtedly playing with hypotheticals in his mind. Before I could say anything more, he stood up and left with no haste in his step, just the slow strides of someone lost in thought. That was what caused me to go on deck the next day. I decided to search for the boy in order to make sure he wasn’t irrationally depressed. I found him working the rigging that raises and lowers the ship’s main sail. However busy he seemed, I still felt it my responsibility to check on him, and truthfully I longed for sunlight, one of the many provisions that were impossible to find beneath the deck of the ship. I walked over to him, weaving my way between preoccupied crew members, all of them seeming not to notice myself or even each other. It was a much different atmosphere than I had expected to find, I have to admit. So different was it that I forgot my purpose for being on deck in the first place. I looked to the boy attending the sails and said, “What’s the matter with everyone?” I realize now how absurd a question it was. Always selfless, he told me that there was a port, not twenty leagues south of us that had a, “very large kin’a cat.” We were set to pick up the animal. Not knowing how any of this could be relevant to our journey, I stood there appearing to the boy’s eyes. “Yah, a big black’un I hear.” He tried explaining it to me, thinking I couldn’t fathom it. He was a kind kid like that. I asked him why the captain would want a cat on board and he replied, “Oh, no sir, not the captain’s orders. Ol’ Prendick wants the cat.” I can’t say I wasn’t curious about why Prendick wanted a cat, but I was sure that the young deckhand couldn’t provide me with further answers, at least, none that were anything more than just hearsay. So I politely expressed appropriate interest in the conversation, not meaning to seem bored or too curious, and after saying, “Farewell, until you bring me my next meal.” I started making my way back below deck. About halfway there I heard his distinct voice over the sounds of the crew and the ocean waves. I turned around and saw him running to catch up with me. He looked terrified over something. “Hey! Hey, don’t tell ‘nyone I told

you, right? I think it’s s’posed to be a secret or somethi’n.” I nodded and told him not to worry, I was surprised to see him expressing anything other than boredom, the fact that he came up to me showed the urgency that he gave the situation. He gave a quick glance over my shoulder then, looking like a beaten dog, he turned and hurried back to his duties. When I turned to see what had scared the boy off my eyes immediately met those of Eddie Prendick, his expression almost made me follow the boy in his flight. “Valencourt!” he said after quickly throwing a smile on his face, “didn’t expect to see you out here amongst these,” he paused and looked at the crewmembers working hard about the ship, “men.” His contempt for the ship’s crew was hardly hidden, I wasn’t about to tell him I had come topside just to talk to one of them. I couldn’t give away my young friend’s knowledge, so I told him that I just came on deck because I wanted some fresh air, which wasn’t entirely untrue. He looked at me with the same expression he gave the crew, only for a second, but it was there in his eyes. Prendick knew I was lying to him. “Right then, will you be going back to your room now?” His voice was straight and calm, it was all an act. I didn’t give him the same treatment; I just nodded and walked away.

Game Zone See if you can find the 9 differences between the two pictures!

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Cars For Sale

Need something sold, or looking for something to buy? Contact Matt Locke in the art room, or KyLynn Fredrick-Patten in the commons during GSH to have your ad in here.


PS2 Games for TRADE Contact: Justin (417)-230-1228

1973 Volkswagen Super beetle (bright orange) New tires, seat covers, clutch, Stereo, brakes, carburetor. Working heater!!! Price Range: $4,500-$5,000 Call: Callie

XBOX 360 Shooter Games for SALE Contact: Kevin (417)-332-5045

SELL YOUR CAR OR TRUCK FAST!! Room A130- see Mr. Locke



She can make anything from birthday cakes, cupcakes, truffles, to cookies for any occasion! Flavors of cake, icing, and filling are provided. Price: Starting at $30, depending on what is made. Contact: Bonnie (417)-699-2823

Running with Scissors Salon & The Spa Located Between Branson West and Kimberling City 14843 St. Hwy 13 Branson West MO 65737 (417)739-1808


Your Ad Here! Contact Mr. Locke for details on the cheap advertising in the Reeds Spring PULSE.

The Reeds Spring PULSE Magazine provides half and full page advertiseOne color screened shirts with ments for local businessyour own custom design. es, free of charge, based Contact: Kevin on the support they have (417)-332-5045 provided, and continue to provide, to the students of Reeds Spring High School. New hybrid 5 wood Price: $20.00 If you have a person you Contact: John feel is a possible topic (417)-230-1576 for future stories, please

Bonnie’s Cakerie

’97 Ford F-350 (red) 460 motor long bed 5 speed, regular cab, 4 inch suspension lift,35 in tires Nice truck with a lot of power Call: Tyler (417)-298-3111


contact Mr. Lynch in room D-117. The RS PULSE staff is committed to providing positive stories involving Reeds Spring students and staff. Because this magazine is a class project the quality and content will vary somewhat from issue to issue. We apologize for any misspellings or errors that may be missed in the editing process. It is our intention to provide the best quality possible; however, this is a learning process that is “inprogress.” Thank you for understanding.

Choosing Your Path By Mrs. Harrell

“I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. It’s when you’re licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what.” I’m not advocating getting something permanently inked into your skin, but if I were to pick a group of words to still be looking at on my eightyyear-old, corrugated skin, Atticus Finch’s words are the only ones I can think of. Like some of you, I was “licked” from the get-go. Without going into too many boring, lengthy details, my Kindergarten through eighth grade years left much to be desired. I wasn’t blessed with impeccable genes and my home life was not the easiest to find my way through. Instead of turning toward what so many young people do—drugs, alcohol, etc.— I immersed myself in my education. It seemed to be the only thing I had control over. I couldn’t control what my mom was doing. I couldn’t control what my skin, teeth, and hair were doing. I could only control what I was doing. I read, wrote, and listened. Even though I found an escape through learning, I didn’t initially want to be an educator. Acting became another escape. I could crawl into the skin of someone else and take on her life. Acting was truly awesome. I started acting in ninth grade. Not because I thought theatre was cool, but because I wanted to skip cross country practice, and auditions for the school play was my way out. The play was called Addict, and it was about a group of kids who lost their fight with drug addiction. Drug addiction wasn’t anything I had ever experienced myself, but I had experienced my mom’s struggle. When I got on stage

and said the words of the character, I felt like they were my words. I was able to say what I needed through the words of someone else. It was a life-changing experience. It was my turning point. Acting became my life. I went to Missouri State University and studied theatre performance. I was able to experience my two favorite escapes in one setting. In class I could escape into the learning process, and on stage, I could escape into the life of whatever character I was portraying at the time. I had a different experience as a professional actor. As a teenager, it was

easier to escape into the world of acting and not think about anything else. It was harder as an adult. It wasn’t paying the bills, and I was working an inordinate amount of hours for little money. Acting as a business drained the life out of my dream. My escape was no longer escape. It sent me back to the place I was trying to escape from in the first place. So, I turned back to my first trusty friend: education. I had never really considered becoming an educator. At twenty-seven, I realized that teaching, specifically teaching English and theatre, was what I needed to do. It’s hard to make this discovery when you are almost thirty because things don’t seem quite as simple. They weren’t. I had to work my tail off and go back to school. For a few years, I didn’t have a life. I didn’t watch television. I didn’t know what movies were coming out. I didn’t see friends. I didn’t act. In fact, during this time I was asked by the casting director to audition for a little movie called Winter’s Bone. I politely declined the offer. I was going to become an educator.


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