1944-1945 DMLC Catalog

Page 1

Dr. Martin Luther College High School and Normal

Announcements for 1944-1945

Catalog for 1943-1944


North western Publishing House Milwaukee. Wis.

The Sixtieth Anniversary of

DR. MARTIN LUTHER COLLEGE Nov. 10, 1944 For sixty years Dr. Martin Luther College has been privileged to carry out its great educational aim: An abundant life in Christ here on earth and hereafter in eternity.


Dr. Martin Luther College uncompromisingly clings to the divine inspiration of the Bible. It believes, therefore, that all education, if it is to be really beneficial to the individual and to the community, must make the human soul conscious of its sinful tendencies and inspire it with a living faith in Jesus Christ, the Savior. This alone enables man to face life's problems wisely and to appear before his God confidently and eagerly. Only the Holy Spirit can so educate, and H e works only through the Scriptures. Dr. Martin Luther College stands up for this Truth, preaches this Word, and builds all of its education on this Basis.

Tire lai., Rt'<'. C. J. A lbrul,t Fournier and First P resident


Calendar for the Year 1944-1945 -.:eptcmhtr 19. Tue,da), 8:30 a m. Op,,ning ~en-ic1.., and Rcgis1raLion. Tl e re-t oi the c:tlfndar will be fixed as the ~chool ~ear i:r~re•"<'- and conditions warrant.


Board of Directors of Dr. Martin Luther College Chairman

REV. E. G. FRITZ ......................................Fairfax, Minn. Vice-Chair man

MR. F. H. RETZLAFF................................ New Ulm, Minn. Secretary

l\1R. HERBERT Snz .................................... New Ulm, Minn. TERM EXPIRES 1945 l\1R. HERBERT Snz .................................... New Ulm, Minn. MR. HENRY DECK......................................Hoskins, Nebr. TERM EXPIRES 1947 REv. E. G. FRITZ......................................Fairfax, Minn. REV. G. HINNENTHAL.............................. New Ulm, Minn. M1{. J. WmTH............................................St. Paul, Minn. TERM EXPIRES 1949 REV. E. BIRKHOLZ.................................... Redwood Falls, Minn l\1R. F. H. RETZLAFF ................................ New Ulm, Minn. REv.


EX-OFFICIO BRENNER ................................Milwaukee, Wis.

President of the Ev. Luth. Joint Synod of Wisconsin

and Other States

BOARD OF VISITORS REV. G. HINNENTHAL..............................New Ulm, Minn. REv. E. BIRKHOLZ.................................... Redwood Falls. Minn MR. J. WIRTH............................................S.t. Paul, Minn. EXECUTIVE BOARD MR. F. H. RETZLAFF................................ New Ulm, lVIinn. MR. HERBERT Snz ....................................New Ulm, Minn. REV. E. G. FRITZ ......................................Fairfax, Minn. REV. G. HINNENTHAL.............................. New Ulm. Minn.


The Faculty C. L. SCHWEPPE, President, 26 S. Franklin St. (English.)

E. R. BLIEFERNICHT, Vice-President, 213 S. Jefferson St. (Religion.


G. BuRK, Highland Avenue. (Emeritus)

R. M. ALBRECHT, 309 N. Jefferson St. (Pedagogy.


H. R. PALMJJACH, 1005 Center St. (Mathematics.

Natural Sciences.)

H. R. KLATT, 311 S. Jefferson St. (History.)

0. LEVORSON, College Heights. (English.)

E. D. BACKER, 110 N. Franklin St. (Music.)

A. C. STINDT, 225 S. Jefferson St. (Pedagogy.)

R. ]. JANKE, 24 N. Payne St. (German)

E. H. SAUER, College Heights. (German.)

V. F. VoECKS, 221 S. Jefferson St. (History.)

0. J. NAUMANN, 1111 Center St. (Latin. Mathematics.) M. ALilRECHT, 1118 Center St. (Music)

Mrss IDA lNGEBRITSEN College Heights (Assistants

Mrss LENA ScHMIEGE, College Heights in Piano Music.)

The names of members of the faculty, except that of U10 president and the Yice-president, are arranged in the order of apvointment.


Committees of the Faculty CREDITS R. ~1. ALBRECHT H.







E. H.



Officers of Administration C. L. Sc11wcrrE, Pre,i<lent E. K ilLIEFERXICHT. \"ice- President H . R. l '.u.:11B.\CH, Secretary H. R. 1':L-\TT, Purcha•ing Agent Librarian



.\ thletic; Director \". F. ,·ocCKS

~-lrs.s. ESTIIER ScnXITKER . \s~isram L ibrarian De~n oi ).[en

Dean of \\'omen

E. H. S.\UER

.\11;:.s JD.\ lxGEBRITSEX

Superintendent of Building~ :\DOLF GL.-\F:"-DI \ , ,


General Information ~

Dr. Martin Luther College was founded in the year 1884, by the German Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Minnesota, mainly with a view to supply min­ History isters of the Gospel for the mission fields of that church body. Besides the theological, the institution provided for a normal, a classical, and an academic training. In the year 1893, the Minnesota Synod combined with the Synods of Wisconsin and Michigan to form a Joint Synod. Dr. Martin Luther College was then changed into a Lutheran normal school with a two-years' course and with a three-years' preparatory department. - A com­ mercial course, which originally had also been offered, was discontinued in 1901 by resolution of the Joint Synod. In its stead, a four-year ancient classical course was intro­ duced in 1903. By action of the synod at its session in 1919, the preparatory department was enlarged into a high school, offering an ancient classical and a normal preparatory course. To this a two-year norrnal coitrse was at first added, bttt by resolittion of the Joint Synod in 1927 this course was extended to three years. In 1941 the JoiHt Synod resolved to 111ake it a foiir-year normal course. This fonrth year will become effective as soon as feasible. By a resolution of the Synod, the i11struction in the institution is also open to young ladies.

* The college grounds are located in the southwestern part of New Ulm, on a beautiful wooded rang-e of hills. forming a fine natural park. The city may be Location reached by the Chicago & Northwestern Railway ('vVinona-Tracy division), by the Minneapolis & St. Louis Railway ('vVinthrop-Storm Lake division), and by Highways 14 and 15. * See Pages 76 and 77 for maps.


.-\DMINJSTRATIOX Bu1LD1XG. This build ing, 12-l by 208, erected in 192&, - modem, fire-proof, and adequate in every respect - contains t he classrooms, the B uildings library, the chemistry and the physics laboratories. a spaciou g)·mnasium, an auditorium which, when combined ,,;th the gymnasium, has a seating capacity of 1,000, the president's office, and a reeeption room. $ERVICE BmLDIXG. This building is so arranged that the basement is used entirely for storage, with the exeeption of the space neeessarr for a laundry for college linen. The first floor offers 1he kitchen and the boys' and girls' dining rooms, and the second and the third floors are used as li,·ing quarters for the steward and his family and ior the maids. In addition, this building contains hospital rooms with all the necessary facilities.

Bovs' DoR~IITOR\". This dormitory, a four-stor}' fireproof building, modem in every respect, can accommodate about 130 pupils. The living rooms and sleeping rooms a re supplied with electric light and steam heat. In each story of the building are y.-ash rooms with complete toilet a rrangements. G1R1.s' DoR'.\IITORY. Br action of the Joint S),iod oi \Visconsin and Other States, the former director's residence was converted into a girl's dormitory. This spacious fifteen-room hou~e affords dormitory facilities for thirty girls.

~Irs1c HALL. This building is used for practice purposes. It contains practice rooms for organs and for piano~, alro one classroom. LJBR.\RY. The library i~ situated on the first floor of the new administration building. It has ample ,,tack room and reading room, with a book store adjoining it. .\t present it consists oi 11,000 volumes, but space has been prO\·ided for 20,000.

This is located in the new administration Dimensions: 68 to 76. ~Iodem shower and locker room for both boys and girl have Equipment been arranged in the basement. Another and a smaller gymnasium is situated in the boys' dormiGntXASIU~I.




tory. Here we offer ample space and facilities for health足 ful bodily exercise. LrnRAI<Y OF Musrc. This library contains 800 volumes on Church Music, vocal and instrumental training. LAllORATORIES. The science lecture room is equipped for the necessary demonstrations in the various subjects. The students' laboratory contains 56 individual chemistry desks and physics tables, also the most modern apparatus and equipment. TRAINING SCHOOL. The local St. Paul's Lutheran Con足 gregation permits our training department to use its graded parochial school. Thus, in connection with our normal department, we have a regular training school consisting of scholars from the second, third, fourth, and fifth grades. Here each member of the graduating class of the Normal Department instructs about three weeks under the super足 vision of a critic teacher. After Easter these students also conduct a beginners' class. * CAMPUS. The college grounds comprise twenty-four acres, a part of which, being naturally wooded, is reserved for park purposes, another for baseball, tennis, and foot足 ball. Various bequests have been made to Dr. Martin Luther College. Of these the following have been combined into one group: John Horrisberger, $1,000; Anna Funds Reim, $400; N. N., per Rev. A. Ackermann, $100; Louise Vv'ellendorf, $288.73; Carl Tolzmann, $200; Eva Anding, $2,318.88; H. Burmeister, $100; John Schwartz, $7,035.37. This amounts to $11,442.98. The Funds Committee of the Joint Synod also has charge of the following bequests, also designated for the benefit of Dr. Martin Luther College: Robert Schmidt, $1,000; John Boock, Sr., $100; Emma Oppenheimer, $500. Total: $1,600. * See 1nap on page 76.



\'arious bequests have been made from which the interest accrues to the library: Re,·. A. Ackermann, $1,000; ~iinnesota District of the Xational Lutheran Educational Association, $2.800; Lutheran Teachers' Choir, ~Iilwaukee, \\'is., $50; Ladies' Aid, Arlington, ~I inn., $35; Delano, ~(inn., Catechism Jubilee, $100; J. J. Hadler, Goodhue, ~Jinn., $--1.000; H. J. Heilmann, ~linneapolis, ~[inn., $500; Henry Lehmann, Sr., Juneau, \\"is., S200; ~lemorial Funds: ~[rs. F. H. Retzlaff, X ew Um, :Minn., $55; 1\Ir. and ~Irs. F. \\'. Uhlhom, St. James, ~!inn., $38; Prof. ~I. J. Wagner, Xew lilm, ~[inn., from pastors and teachers near Norfolk, Kebraska, $12; from students of D. ~I. LC. (1930-1931), $71; ~frs. A. Lueck (nee Helen Limpert), $11.50; 1frs. Cornelia Schapekahm. $15; Harold Seehusen, $26. This amounts to $8,913.50. This sum is also administered by the Funds Committee of the Joint Synod. XoR~AL CouRSE. The E,·. Luth. Joint Synod of \ \'isconsin and Other States has made this institution a teachOb • t d A. ers' seminary and has thereby estabJec an im lished as its chief aim the training of able teachers for Lutheran parochial schools. Accordingly a course of study as outlined on Page 38 has been arranged and carried out.

* Cu.sstCAL CouRSE. In order to meet the particular requirements of the congregations in Minnesota and of those farther to the west, a college preparatory course is offered to young men who wish to prepare for the holy ministry. This gives them an opportunity to spend their first student years nearer to their home. * GENE.RA!. EDUCATION. Although our school is not accredited, it offers to young people an excellent opportunity for perfecting their high school education. We claim a positive superiority for our school because all government and instruction are of a distinctly Christian character. D1v-1xrrv SnroEKTS. All students enrolled in these courses, with the desire to prepare for servire in the Church, are considered as divinity students. • See courses,, Page 3S.



Boys' Dormitory


fflt't f( (l




Music Hall

ANNOUNCEt!ENT. New scholars should be announced as early as possible, so that all necessary arrangements for Entrance Requirements

the new school year may be made. Announcements, with

full details as to the students' previous studies, together with a transcript of credits already acqiiired in some other i11stitution, are to be made to the president, to whom also

new students, upon their arrival, should present themselves. A II this is necessary before scholars are definitely enrolled.

TESTIMONIALS. Upon entering the institution, a student will be expected to submit to the president satisfactory testimony of his good moral character and a certificate cf good health. The latter may be obtained from the family physician. Students from other institutions must furnish proof of their honorable dismissal. ADMISSION. All graduates of the eighth grade are eligible for entrance into our high-school department. For those who cannot take up our course in regular German, special arrangements will be made. Scholars having been graduated from the public high schools may have to enter our twelfth grade unless they can furnish a sufficient number of acceptable credits. Male students desiring to enter onr Normal Department must be able to play at least third-grade piano music.

Upon entering the institution a scholar will be ex­ amined as to his knowledge and accordingly assigned to one of the classes. To this assignment the scholar will self-evidently submit, even if he entertained higher expectations. It should not be his aim to complete the course in less than the prescribed time. Rather put this down as a safe rule: Better to study a year more than to be - a dabbler. Dr. Martin Luther College, being a Christian school, can not sanction dabbling, a thing which m itself militates against the Christian spirit. A scholar can enter a higher class only after having mastered the tasks of the previous one and having furnished proof therefor.


REJ;l;-TRATIOX. All new students for the next school ,ear will present them5elves to the Committee on Credits ~n \\.cdnesday. September 19, 1944, immediately after the openin_z ~ervice at 8: 30 a. m. They will then be assigned 1o their respecti,·e classes. WoRD OF GoD. As the institution is under the control of, and is supported by, the Ev. Luth. Joint Synod of \Visconsin and Other States, it is underD iscipline stood that the \Vord of God is to rule supreme and that the discipline of the school is to be shaped in accordance with this norm. Regular attendance of the forenoon services in the local SL Paul's Lutheran Church is required 0£ all students. Resident of the dormitory, unable to attend, must furnish satisfactory e.xcuse. PUNCTUALITY. In the interest of all concerned, it is expected that pupils arrange to be present at the beginning oi each term. Tardiness causes loss of time in the classes and e..xtra work for the instructors. This pertains especially to such pupils who intend to enter in September, because these may be required to submit to a preliminary e..xamination. Please note the calendar on Page Fi,·e of this catalog. - Every student is expected regularly to attend all classes. Absences are to be excused with the respective instructor: beforehand, if possible; otherwise afterwards. Absences from t/re cit,•, necessitating t/re i11terruPtion of schoolwork, will be permitted 011/y upon request ,,-ritten by parent or guardian. Su.sSTITUTIXG. No student intending to take up school work ought to interrupt his studies without first notifying the president and getting his permission. Under no circumstances will scholars of the high-school classes get permission for such step. All inquiries in tliis directio11 should not be made to the scliolar concerned, b,tt to tire Preside11t. Assistants for summer schools must not be expected to take up work before the close of the school year. During the school year an assistant will not as a rule be excused from classes for more than hvo weeks. ATRr.ET1cs. All athletics are conducted under the supervision of the athletics director, who is assisted by an a th1etic board consisting of seven students. By the order of the College Board of Directors competitive games ,\·ith



Back Row: G. Burk, A. C. Stindt, E. D. Backer, C. L. Schweppe Middle Row: E. R. Bliefernicht, 0. Levorson, R. M. Albrecht, E. H. Sauer Front Row: M. Albrecht, H. R. Pa\mbach, H. R. Klatt, V. F. Voecks, 0. J. Naumann, R. J. Janke

other schools are allowed in football, basketball, and baseball- Such games must be arranged with the approval of the athletics director. This applies not to the schedules oi the college team only, but also to class teams or other teams who wish to play local games. Jn order to be eligible for competitive athletics a students must meet the eligibility requirements of the Southern :\Iinnesota Junior College Conference. Two hours of physical exercise per week are compulsory for all students unless excused by request of a physician. STUD£:-T AcnnnES. Band, :\farlut Singers, Aeolian Choru5, Literary Societies. These organizations are conducted by students under faculty supervision. D. :'IL L. C Messe11ger is a quarterly edited by the students. Subscription price is 75 cents a year.

:\fAn.. All mail addressed to students living in the dormitories must pass through the bands of the inspector, or his "Ubstitute, and be deli,•ered to him by the post-office. This rule is necessary in order to guard against the influence of unscrupulous persons and concerns who especially attempt to reach students with their demoralizing letters and printed matter. Parents and guardians, in sending pupils to this institution, thereby give their consent to this rule. This also includes students who are of age. BoAJU>ING WITH PRIVATE FAMILIES.

It has been found

by experience that the regularity of dormitory life can,

as a rule, be maintained only very imperfectly in private families. If parents or guardians wish their boy or girl to board in a private home, the institution must decline all responsibility for him, or her, except during recitations.

_F~CILITIES. Board and lodging can be had in the college building. Each pupil who wishes to li,·e in the institution Board and Tuition ~ust prov(de himself with mattress, h p11low, qmlt, blanket, sheets, comb, 5 oebrush, towels, and trunk. Students must also make arrangements to ha,·e their laundry done either here in · ho me. The 111stttutton · · · f um1s · hes town bed or b)· ma1Tmg 1t stcad. table, bookrack, and a chair; but these article:< 23

remain college property.* - The dormitories will be oprn to students one day before school-opening and 011e day after school-close. This rule covers both the longer sum­ mer vacation and the two shorter recesses for the Christ• mas and Easter holidays. EXPENSES FOR THE YEAR.

I. For students living in the dormitories and preparing for work in the Church: Board and Room a) during high-school years: Boys ...................................................................... $12 0.00 Girls .................................... ............................... 180.0U b) during college years: Boys ......................................................................$100.00 Girls .................................................................... 180.00 2.00 Matriculation fee, payable first year only........ Athletic fee .............................. ............................... J.00 Medical fee .............................................................. 3.00 Deposit and Incidental fees ................................ 2.00 Reading room fee .................................................... l.::JO Tuition .......................................................................... None 11. For students seeking only a general education and living in dormitories: Sarne as above plus tuition ................................$ 4 0.00 ! l l. For students not living in dormitories: FPel, only for those not paying tuition............$ 10.00 2.00 �fatriculation fee, payable first year only........ .-\thletic fee .............................................................. 3.00 200 Deposit and Incidental fee .................................. 1.0 0 Reading room fee .................................................. Tuition, only for those not preparing for \1·ork in the Church ................................................ 4000 * The girls' dormitory is equipped with mattresses but girls must furnish mattress pads. Boys are expected to buy their own mattresses. These can be purchased at the college at various prices.


St. Paul's Ev. Lnth. School - Our Normal Training School Remodeled 1940 at a cost of $23,000

IV. Special fees: Laboratory fees Chemistry ..........................................................$ 5.00 Physics .............................................................. 2.00 Music Piano or organ instruction, per year approximately ................................................ 16.00 This is refunded in full if student com­ pletes our normal course and is willing to accept a pos1t10n in the church, or if he ac­ cepts a teaching position earlier at our re­ quest. V. Approximate cost of books and stationery $10.00 to $16.00. VI. Girls may obtain board and room with private families for sums ranging from $4.00 to $5.50 per week. One-half of all board and tuition accounts must be paid at the beginning of the first semester; the other, at the beginning of the second semester. All fees should be paid at the time of registra­ tion. A deposit of $5.00 is required from all students in the beginning of the school year as part payment on book bills. No st,1de11t will be given his credits for transfer to an­ other institution until all of his accounts are paid in full. No June report will be se,it imtil Delinquent Accounts the accounts for that year have been paid or satisfactory arrangement for payment has been made. TVhen students who have attended the instit.ution before desire to register for the new school year in fall, all the old accoimts must have been paid in fiill. The expense for board as well as for fuel is figured quite low for divinity students, the synod being ready to make up in cash all shortage in the household. Pledge In order to protect the institution as much as possible against any loss from such pupils who, after hav­ ing for years enjoyed the advantages offered to them, eventually, without any return service to the church, turn to some other vocation, the board of regents adopted the


E'!J. Luth. St. Paitl's Church

resolution that all divinity students upon entering the institution be obliged to give the following promise: In consideration of the opportunities offered me by Dr. Martin Luther College, I promise upon honor that I shall not discontinue my studies at that instit ution except by the advice, or with the consent, of the faculty and that, after finishing the Normal Course, I will submit to the decision of the assignment committee of the Ev. Luth. Joint Synod (unless other arrangements have been made) and assume a position as teache, in a parochial school of the Lutheran Church, if offered to me. If I should not continue my studies to the end of the course, except for a reason sanctioned by the faculty, o, if, afte, graduation, I tum to some other occupation, I promise 10 make such returns to the treasury of the college for board and tuition as may be considered equitable.




All inquiries, announcements, etc., should be addressed to C. L. SCHWEPPE, Dr. "!l.fartin Luther College, New Ulm, ::-.Iinnesota.

Diui11g Room


Credits Required for Graduation HIGH SCHOOL A credit equals a course gi,·eu for fifty minutes at least fi\'e times a week throughout the year. Seventeen academic credits are required to complete this course. Among these there must be Religion _ _ _ _ __ .4 Algebra - · · · · - - - - English ·······-·---- 4 Plane Geometry -····-··-·· German ····-··-············-·- l Science ············-····-·-···· 2 Social Studies ____ 2 Piano ······-····-··--·········- .6 Each student must also earn A credit in physical ednc.:ation for each year of attendance. Scholars will be promoted from class to class on a minimum of 4 nedits, but will have to make up failures according to regulations laid down by the faculty. The passing mark is D, and the average of the two semesters will be used in the promotion of scholars from grade to -grade. A diploma will be awarded upon the completion of thi, c-ourse. ~OR.i\IAL SCHOOL A normal credit is reckoned on a basis of the semester hour - an hour being fifty minutes; a semester, eighteen weeks. One hundred ten semester hours. exclusive of physical -education. are necessary to complete the present three-year cour;e. Among these there must be Religion · · - - - 15 History ·············-······· . ... 9 En~lish ............................ 20 Organ ······-··············-···-·· -l Germ:ln ·······---8 Harmony .......................... .:I Education ················•-··•· 33 Each student mw;t also earn 10 seme.ter hours in physical education. A diploma will be awarded upon the completion of this -course. Students plarming to graduate with special recognition in music must acquire 18 semester hours in that subjecl, :plus the abilit)· 10 play satisfactorily in church sen-ices.



Administration Building as seen from Athletic Field

GRADING SYSTEM Passing grades are A, B, C, and D; the condition and failure grades are E (condition), F (failure) and I (in­ complete). A "failure" (F) in a one-semester course necessitates a repetition of that course. A "failure" (F) in either se­ mester of a two-semester course necessitates a repetition of the entire course. The grade I (incomplete) indicates that a student, for reasons satisfactory to the instructor in charge, has beeh unable to complete the work of the course. This grade is given only when the work already done has been of accept­ able quality. Any student receiving this grade will be given an opportunity to complete such course according to the stipulations laid down by the instructor in charge. If an "incomplete" (I) is not converted into a passing grade during the next semester of the student's residence, he loses the credit in the subject for the semester in which he received the incomplete grade. In the High School Department all conditions (E's) of the first semester in a two-semester course may be re­ moved by obtaining a C in such subjects in the following semester. All conditions (E's) in the second semester may be removed by examination within thirty (30) days after the beginning of the fall semester, except that in Latin a condition may also be removed by obtaining a C in this subject in the first semester of the next school year. In one-semester courses all conditions (E's) may be re­ moved only by satisfactory examination; arrangements for such examinations must be made with the instructor in charge at the beginning of the next semester. If a two-semester subject results in grade A and B, or B and C, etc., the instructor in charge will determine whether the credit grade shall be A or B, B or C, etc. In the Normal Department all conditions (E's) may be removed by satisfactory examinations; arrangements for such examinations must be made with the instructor in charge at the beginning of the next -semester, but in no case will the credit grade in such subject be higher than C. 31

CLASS HOUR SCHEDULE Derntion 8: 00 I 8:15 I! 9:10 III 10: 05 IV ll : 00


8 : 15 9:05 10:00 JO: 55 11 : 50

Xccn Hot:~ 11: ~0 V 1: 20 -

1: 20 2:10 3: 05 4:00

VI 2: 15 3: 10 -




*Courses of Study for High School XIKTH GRADE 'TEACHERS


Religion Ancient and { Medieval History English German Algebra General Science Singing Piano

Religion Ancient and { i\Iedienl History English German .-\lgebra Latin Singing


SReligion p,rodern History English German Biology Plane Geometry Singing Piano

l ~[odern

History English German Latin Plane Geometry Singing

ELEVEXTH GRADE Religion English German t;_ S. History Economic Geography Physics Singing Piano Lihrary cour;.e

Religion English German L. S. History Latin Physics Singing

Library course

_. Students desiring on]!· a general education must choo!Se a c-:-,u~ nf ~tutly whirh will meet wilh


Fnr cleu1 lls ,;ee Page 3S.


the appro,·al

of the



Religion English German English History (I sem.) Social Science (1 sem.} Chemistry Drawing Singing Piano

Religion English German English History ( l sem.) Social Science ( 1 sem.) Latin Chemistry Singing


Course of Study of Normal Dep't Sf.COXD YE..U


Religion English Political Science History German Education ~Iusic

Religion English German Political Science History Education :Music THIRD YI:.\11

Education Religion Current E,·ent~ English :\fusic Science XO'T'F.: A fourth year will bt:come eliecti\·e as soon as fra,ihle.



The Curriculum for the Year 1944-1945 NORMAL SCHOOL The curric.-ulum in our X ormal Department is intended to prepare students for leaching positions in our parochial schools. It is open to all who have completed a course equiq1lent to lbat of our high school. For further information see Page 42.

RELIGIOUS rnSTRUCTIOX l'rofessors Bliefern.icht and Stindt I.-Review course based on Luther's Small Catechism. Three periods per wc.-ck for all public high school graduates. l-II.-IXTROOUCTIOX ro THE BTBu:. Three periods week for one semester. A study of the books of Old Testament, according lo Schaller, Book Books. Txmonucnox 10 TRE RTB1.F. Three periods week for one semester. A study of the books of Kew Testament, according to Schallt:r, Book Book,,. Xot offered in 19-+-1--19-+5.

per the of per the of

CHURCH H1sroRY. Three periods per week for one semester. From .Pentecost to the l{eformat.ion. Xot offered in 19--14-19-+5. CHURCH HrsroRY. Three period~ per week for one semester. From the Reformat.ion to present times. IL-The Smdy of Samud and Kings. Three periods, six week.'\. Review of Bible Stories. Three periods per week, tweh¡e ,-..-eeks. III.-The C.onfessions of the Lutheran Church. Three periods per week, one semester. A'.\tE.RtCAX CHURCH HISTORY. - Three periods per week, one semester. 38

EDt;CA TIOK Professors Albrecht, Bliefemicht, Stindt J'Elt.\COG\".

I. C;eneral ~[ethods. The Aims of our Christian Day School. The EJemcms of the Technique of Teaching: Lesson Types, Lesson Aims, Lesson Assignments, ~lethods of Teaching, The Recitation, Teaching Excellencies to Achieve, Teaching Errors to Avoid. Three periods per week, one semester. The Elements of School 1fanagement : Organizing the School, Routinizing the 1finor Details of the School, Hygienizing the School, Disciplining the School, "Carrying On" the School, Beautifying the School, Excellencies and Errors in ~fanagemenl School Programs, Types and 11ethods of 1[odem Schools. Three periods per week, one semester. II.-Special ~Cethods. Bible History. Three periods per week, six weeks. Engli h Reading. Three periods per week, twelve weeks. English Composition: I. The Expressional Phase in the Primary, Intermediate, and Grammar Grades. Three periods per week, si.x weeks. 2. The Formal Phase; Poetry and Grammar. six weeks.


Spelling and Dictation, Three periods per week,

Three periods per week, six weeks.

Educational ~feasurements. Three periods per week, ,cix weeks. Catechism. Three periods per week, six weeks. Science. Three periods per week, si.x weeks. II.-PS\'CHOLOGY.-Three periods per week. A Course in Elementary Christian Psychology.


lll.-Xormal Geography- I. ~Iethod of Teaching. Three pcriv<ls µer week, ~ix \\eeks. 2. Rt·xiew Coutse. Three periods 1icr week, rweh-e weeks. Arithmetic- !. ~lcthod of Teaching. Three periods per week, six weeks. 2. Review Course. Three veriods µer week, rweh·e weeks. Children's Literature. iweh·e weeks.

Three periods per


Primar) Education. Three periods per week, six weeks. Penmanship and ~Ianuscript \\.riling. per \\ eek, six "eeks.

Three periods

The Teacher in the Chri,tian School : His Call; Relation to Children, Parents, Colleagues. Pastor, Congreg-dtion, Synod, Community. Conducting a Sunda) School. Twelve periods. II L-H1sroK\'


Evuc.-n1vx.-Three periods per week. EXGLISH Professor Schweppe

1.- Four periods per "eek For back-.,ard students one addjtjonal peri-od per \\eek "ill be arranged. Litera1 ure : Shakespeare: King Lear; Survey of Engli,h T.i1eramre. Composition. Report on four books. II.

Three periods per week. Literature : Shake,;peare: Hamlet; Survey of American Literature. Composition. Report on four books.

lll.-Three periods per week. Literature: Shakespeare: Othello, Romeo and Juliet; ~[o<lem Drama. Composition: Essay \\'riting. 40



GER)IAX Professors Janke, Albrecht, and Sauer I.-Four periods per week. Literature: Goethe, Hermann und Dorothea; Schiller, Jungfrau von Orleans. - Survey of German Literature, from earliest period to Goethe. Composition and Grammar: Hagboldt, Essentials of German renewed. - Compositions on material read. IT.-Three periods per week. Literature : Goethe, Goetz von Berlichingen ; Schiller, )laria Stuart or \\"ilhelm Tell. - )!eyer-Foerster, Karl Heinrich. )1odern German drama. Composition and Grammar: Hagboldt, Essentials of German reviewed. - Reports on material read. I. :\.-Four periods per week. Hagboldt and Kaufmann, A )Iodem German Grammar; Inductive Readings, Book I. - Extensive reading: Baxter-Collins. First German Reader; Seligmann, Altes and Xeues; Allen, German Liie. 1(emorizing of poetry and prose.

1I. .-\.- Three periods per week. E,-ans and Roescler, College German. Burkhard, Sprechen Sie Deutsch? Reading: Hagboldt, German Graded Readers II. 1-5. .\us alten Zeiten. - Extensive Reading: Doebeln Book I, etc. )1emorizitlg of poetry and pro;e. Compositions, oral and written. HISTORY Profes~ors Klatt and Schweppe 1-11.-Three periods pcr week. A. Greek History, emphasizing .-\ge of Pericles and Hellenistic .-\ge, 12 week:,. B.


Roman History. emphasizing Ci,-ilization of first two centuries o! Roman Empire, 12 week;:.. ~!ediaeval History, emphasizing Crusades and Renaissance, 12 weeks. 41

JII.-One period per week. Current F.Yents: Discussion of, with oral and written report;; on, the chief contemporary events at home and abroad. MATHEMATICS Professor Palmbach TI-111.- CoLU:CE A1.GÂŁBR.A.-Three periods per week, one semester. Fundamental processes with the development of laws oi signs. Factoring. Fractions. Linear and quadratic equations. Graphs. Complex numbers. Simultaneous linear and quadratic equations. Laws of exponents. Logarithms. Ratio, proporti-on and variation. Progressions. Binominal theory. PeI"mutations and combination,, and prohability. Theory of equations. Xot offered in 19--J+-1915. II-IJI.-T1t1c.o:-.0METRY. -Three period., per week, one semester. Trigonometric functions and their relations, equations. and solutions oi triangles. Xot offered in 191-f. 1945.

SCTE~CE Professor Pa.Imbach GE.XER.-\1.





.-\ '7-\L\"SIS.

IT-TTI.-This course comprises a thorough study of the principal clcmenls and compounds, their industrial uses, and an introduction to the fundamental prin<"iples and theory. Du ring the second semester of this course tl1c work is devoted to the systematic identification and separation of the common metals. Xot offered in 19--J+..19-ti 111.- ScrEXCI: SURTIY G-mRsE.- This course consists of lectures and demon;;;rrations in the fields oi astronomy, 4-:hemisrry, physics, and biolOllY- The


topics selected from each field are chosen so as to acquaint the students with the men who have con­ tributed materially to their respective field, the scientific method and procedure, the principles and problems of the different branches of sciences and to show the interrelation of the various scientific branches. Collateral reading with student reports will supplement the class work. Second Semester. Human Physiology. IL-Public Health. Three periods per week, one se­ mester. TYPEWRITING E. Schnitker I.-One period per week for ten weeks. This short course in typewriting for personal use provides necessary information about the parts of the typewriter; about the techniques of paragraphing, hyphenization, capitalization, and · correct spacing before and after punctuation marks, about forms of letters, envelopes, outlines, etc. The student also learns how to make carbon copies, how to erase neatly, and how to cut stencils. The course plans to develop a reasonable rate of speed, perhaps twenty to twenty-five words per minute, without need for watching the keys. The student who finishes this course should be able to use the typewriter for any personal purp-ose. MUSIC AND ART Professors Backer, M. Albrecht, Stindt I.-Four periods per week. SINGING: One period per week, according to Wedge: Ear Training and Sight Singing; Part-Singing. 25 chorals, hymns. ORGAN: One lesson per week. Palme: Book I; Reu­ ter's 337 Preludes. Playing of chorals and cadences. HARMONY: Two periods. General theory of music: scales and intervals, triad and their inversions, sev­ enth chords and their inversions. Harmonizations. Heacox: Harmony for Ear, Eye, and Keyboard. 43

11.-Four periods per week. Sn,GlXG: One period ix:r week.

\\'edge: _-\dyanced Ear Training and Sight Singing; Part Singing. 25 chorals, hymns. 0RC.\X: One le,,on per week. Palme: Book 11. Reuter, English Preludes and Lutheran Organist. Ilook IL Choral;. hymns, cadence;:;. T,,o periods per week. Suspensions, Retardation, Alteration, Organ Point, :\lodula1ion. Harmonization in iour, three. and two parts for mixed, male chorus and women voices. :\Iusical form.<. Heinze-Osburg: Harmoniclchrc. HAR:\10:XY;

11 !.- Four periods per week. S1:-.G1:-.G: One period per week, one semester. \\'edge: Advanced Ear Training arid Sight Singing; Pan-Singing. Chorals an<l hymns.

S. De Lani,:e: Daily l'edal Exerci~e. Book T. Eight short preludes and Fugues by Rach, chorals, hymns. pre-. inter-, posth:cies of ,¡arious kinds, liturgic work, cadences, and modulation~.

0RGAX : One lesson per week.

Co:sSTKUCTIU:-. OF THE ORGAX .-\XD ITs \;SE One period per week, one semester.

1:-. THE


CHUKCH :\Ius1c: One semester. One period. The historical development of the Lutheran Choral, Liturgy, Choral and Organ :\lusic from the Six1eenth Century on. Kircheumusik-Geschichte von \\'. Stahl.


S<.:HUOL :\I us1c: One period per week. :\laterial adaptable to our schools: Chorals, Hymns. Songs, Collections of Songs, Systems oi Textbooks. Rind of songs, as to form, structure, difficulty, to be presented in each grade or combination of grades. Outline, for, and problems of, each grade or combination oi grade;:; together with the problems oi presentation in the primary, intermedia1e and upper grammar grades. The problems of the mixed school.

~Iusic Rea<ler for Lutheran Schools an<l Schumacher. :llu:;ic E<lucarion Series -



uixuucnxi;: One period per week, one semester. Technique of the baton, Rehearsal conducting. PROGRAM- RUILDING. :\fosic for our Lutheran Choirs, Conducting and rehearsing under observation. CHOIR ... XD BAXD.

Ceom. - :llixed Choir: Four periods per "eek Sacred and secular choruses, motets, anthems, songs by old and modern masters. Chorus work is required of all students from Tenth Grade on, provided they are able to sing.

BA.,D. - Two periods per week. -".KT.

CoxsTRt:cnox. -

Three periods per week, 6 weeks.


Three periods per week, 6 weeks.

PHYSICAL EDLiCATIOX Professor Voecks Two hours of physical e.xercise is required of each student. This may be taken in ,路arious actiYities as outlined by the director of athletics. College students are required to earn 10 semester hours in physical education for graduation. H igh school students are required to earn A credits for each year of attendance.

HIGH SCHOOL This co,u路se co,路ers four years oi regl1lar lugb school \\Ork. lt is opCD to all ,,ho ha,e mastered the ta~k oi an ordinarJ路 eighth grade. For applicants \\ho ar:! not able to take up oar regnhr German cour;:e ,pecial arrangemenb will be made.


XI~TH GR:\DF. Ra.1c10~-H1sro&\". :\. Two periods per week. Old Tcsrament History including the Hisrory oi the Jews from the Restoration to the Birth oi Christ. B. Five periods per week. .-\.ncicnt and "'.\fedie\"al Hi,tory. (K.) E:-.GLISH.-Fi,·e period., per week. Literature: Barnes and Other;.: High" ays; Shakespeare. ::\Icrchant of Ye.nice. Two weeks will he de,·oted to the reading of a novel. Grammar and composition according to \\'ahb: Plain \\ 3). Report on six booh (L) Gat:1-1.\x.-Five periods per week. Hagbolrlt and Kaufmann: Deut<ch fiir :\nfanger, Le:;cbuch iur Anfanger. - F.:'(termve reading: Hagboldt: Allcrlei; Fabcln. - "'.\femorizing of simple poetry and prose. (J.) (K.) L.u1x.-Five pe1 iod, per wet'k Smith and Thompson, Fim Year Latin. (Y.) .-\U,EDR.\.-Fh·e period, per week. Four fundamental operation,. Equation~, factoring, fractions. Textbook: Edgerton and Carpenter, C-fffleral ::\lathcrnacics. (X.)

Sc1t.:-.n:.-Four periods per wttk. Gener.ii Science according to Hunter and \\ human, Problem• in General Scieni-e. (J.) ::\h;,1c.-Singing: One period per "eek. Yichl, Graded Studies in . ight-Singing, Part Singing. 25 chorals. (Ra.) Piano: One le,son per ,, ttk. Ox iord Piano Cour,e for .\dult Beginners and various rompo~llion,. (:\lb, Ingehritsen and :\Ii,, Schmiege)

TEXTH GRADE R u1,.10:s-H1-;roR\· .

.-\.. T"o period;; per wttk. Xe" Te~tamcnt Hi<.tory. H. Five period,; per w~k. ::\Iodern Hbtory. (K.)


Exc.L1sn.-Five periods per week. Literature: Literature and Life, Book ll ; Scott: The Lady of the Lake; Shakespeare: Julius Caesar. Two week., will he de\·oted to the reacting of a novel. Composition according to \Yaish: CumuJarive Re• view. Report on six hooks. (L.) Gt:R)I.-\X.-Five periods per week. HaKboldt an<l Kaufmann: Deutsch fiir Aniangcr; Lc~cliuch fur .-\nfanger; Graded German Readers, I, 3-5. - 'lfcmorizing of simple poc1ry and prose. (Sr.) Ln1x.-Fi\·e periods per week. Latin. (K.)

Scudder, Second Year

Gro:i.1ETR,.- Five periods per week, according to \\'elchons and Krickenberger. Plane geometry is begun and completed during the year. About l(JO theorems and problems including rhe general propenie"' of rectilinear figure.-, the circle. the mea,urement of the circle. of an.,de,, and regular JX)lygons. Applications of theorems and prolilems are made to the solutions of original C.'-erciscs. {X.) ScIEXCE.-Five periods per \,eek. Biology, according to Ella Thea Smith, Exploring Biology. (P.) 'lfus1c.-Singing: One period per week. \ ' iehl. Graded Srndies in Sight-Singing, Part-Singing. 25 chorals. (-\ L) Piano: One lesson per week Oxford Piano Course. Book III and \·arious compositions. ()1iss lngebritsen and 'lfiss Schmiege)

ELEVEKTH GRADE Rll1G10:-..- Thrce periods per \\CCk. Fh·e part~ ~•f Luther·s Small Catechism are treated. Ten hymns committed to memory. (Sr.)


ENGLJSH.-Five periods per week. Literature: Literature and Life, Book III; Shakes­ peare: As You Like It. Two weeks will be devoted to the reading of a novel. Composition according to Walsh: Sentence Mastery. Report on six books. (L.) GERMAN.-Five periods per week. •

Hagboldt, Deutsch fiir Anfanger. - Hagboldt: Graded German Readers, II, 1-5; Ernst: Biblische Geschichte; Extensive Reading, 3 books. - Memoriz­ ing of poetry and prose. Easy compusitions based on material discussed in the classroom. (Sr.)

LATIN.-Five periods per week. Bennett, Latin Grammar. Caesar, De Bello Gallico and Cicero's Orations. (V.) HrsTORY.-Five periuds per week. American History.


ScIENCE.-FiYe periods per week. Physics, according to Dull, Modern Physics.

( P.)

GEOGRAPHY.-Three periods per week. Economic Geography.


Mus1c.-Singing: One period per week. Viehl, Graded Studies in Sight-Singing, Part-Singing. 25 chorals. (Ba.) Piano: One lesson per week. Oxford Piano Course. Book IV and various compositions. (Miss Ingebrit­ sen and Miss Schmiege) LIBRARY CouRsE.-One period per week for ten weeks. Classification and cataloging of books, etc. Z. Brown, The Library Key. (Bl.) TWELFTH GRADE RELIGION.-Two periods per week. Bible reading, selec­ tions as outlined. Eight hymns committed to memory. (Bl.) 49

E:-.GLlSB.- Five periods per week. Literature: L iterature and Life, Book IV; Shakespeare: \facbeth. T wo weeks will be dernted to the reading of a novel. Composition according to Tressler: English in Action. l{eport on ~ix book,. ( L. ) GEil~' -'"·-Four periods per "eek. Grammar re,·icw according to Hagboldt, \(odem German Grammar. Classroom reading: Lessing, ~inna ,·on Barnhelm. l'opular German Stories. Exren,ive reading; --l books. - Composition,:. \lcmorizing of poetry and pro:sc. (J.) L -fftx.-Ffrc periods per "eek. Smrr-Sanford-Ikeso11, A Third Latin Book, Revised. Literature: Selection,, from Cicero. O,·id, and \'irgil. ( :'\.) C11n.11STRY.-Three period,, of lecture and lwo periods of laboratory \\Ork. The principle elements and their importam compounds arc studied in detail. \\'ith the study of the elements, stress will be laid upon the laws of simple, multiple, aud reciprocal proportion, the occurrence and discovery of elements. and the importance of chemistry in the industries. \kPhcrson Henderson, Fowler, Chemistry ar \York. (P.) H1sT01n-.-Six periods per "eek for one ,eme,,tcr. English History according to Cheyney, Histo ry oi England. ( S.)

Soci .\L ScrE:-C£.- Six periods per week for one semester. _.1,. study of the chief problems confronting society and government. (S.) DIL.\Wt'-r..- Three periods per week. Per~pecti,·e, object drawing, li)!ht and 5hade, CI3)ou \\ork. and warer color~. (P.)


\f us1c.-Two periods per week.

Sinxing: One period. \\.edge, Ear-Trdining and Sight-Singing, Pan-Singing. Twenty-fi,¡e chorals. (_-\I.) Piano: One lesson per week. Scale;;:, .-\ rpeggio.<. Oxford Piano Cour~c Book V. Hanon Czerny. Heller Studies, en:ntually those by Cramer. Kuhlau and Clementi Sonatinas. Easier Sonaras by Haydn and ..\lozarl. \¡arious Compositions. (\liss Lena Schmiege and \Iiss Ida lugcbrils.en)

Arbor Das


Enrollment of Students 1943-1944 THIRD YEAR NOR.\IAL

Engelhardt. Ruth -------Elgin, Xo. Dak. Gieseke, Carol - - - - - - - - - K e w Um. Minn. Grunze. Richard _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ::\filwaukcc, \\"i~. Hartwig, Gunhild ________ Hartland, Wis. Hilger, :\Iyron - - - - - - · · · · - -··:\Iarkesan, \\'is. Huebner, lone ·-·····-------:\lanitowoc. \\.i,. Kehl, Leslie _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Columbus. \\"is. Puttin. :\fargaret ________ Pinc Ri,er. :\firm. Quandt, Lillian - - - - - - - - ·X eenah, Wis. Smith, Ruth ···············-····················-···· \\'aukesha, \\"is. - 10 SECOND YEAR :NOR:\1.-\L

Becker, Emily _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sc. James. 11inn.

Bode, Ewuce -····-·····-··-----···Xew t:lrn. ::\{inn. B rue,,ehoff, Alberl ·······-----·\\.att:rlown, \\'is. Brun,. :\lyrn ............................................ Ximllet. :\linn. Fuhrmann. ::\farvcl ···························-····· Elmwood, \ \ ·i~. Gross. Helen ----············JefTcrson. Wi,. Gurgel, :\iarie ····-·····-······-······-·············''°onewoe, \\.is. Gutzke, Gerald -------····Xew l:lrn. :\linn. Hagemann. Eunice ···-···-···-····-··········Fond du Lac, \\'i,. Hoffma,m, Ho,,ard ···-······-···-·····-····Xe" l:lm. ::\!inn. .ioharmes, Elisabeth ···-·········----Two R.i,·ers, \\"is. luonka. Edward ···-····..-···-----···::\fanitow•x:, \\'is. Krause, Lillian - - - - - · · - · ··········La Cros,c. \\'i,. Krenz, Loretta -----·············Sullon. Xo. Dak. Luehring. \\'ilbert ________ C. S. Xavy. Rengstorff, Lucille _ _ _ _ ..... Vesta. :\lion. Schierenbeck, Robert ·······················-···Sanbom, :\!inn. Siedschlag. Inez ························-·····-····· Fox Lake, \\'i~. Tabbert, Betty ···································-·····Two R.i,·crs, \\.is. Thalman, Valeria - - - - - - -·····Grccn Isle, ::\lion. Trettieo, Lois ·····-····-····························l\e" l:lm, :\Iinn. \\ egner, Lois _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ :\filwaukcc, \\.is.


\\.it.'Chmann. Alila --·---·--·-Xew l"lm., :\linn. \\.ilch. Ruth -··----·-----······••lenera, Ohio. Zimdar,-, Elvira ·---·. ----····Xew L"lm. :\linn. Zimmermann. Donald - - - - - · · · ·Flint, ~[inn. -?.6 FIRST YEAlt N0IOIAI.

Bathke. Carol~n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \fanitowoc. \\"i,. Becku. Delore, ---·--St. Jame5, llinn. Bode, Harriet ······-································Courtland, \\'i~. Bop:en,c-hneider. Elaine ______ \\'est llend, \\·i,. Bryce. Roberta ________ Ray City, llich. Burmci'-lcr, Eileen -·----···-······-·'1ilw:111kee, \\.b. Dom, Orlan - - - - · · · -l ·. S. ~rmy. Engelhardt Hclt-ne _ ______ Elgin. Xo. Dal.. Goehring, :\fare-ta . - - - ---······· Hazelton. ::'\ o. Dak. Hauge, OriPtte -----·········Carson, Ko. Oak. Kuhnl..c, Ruth - - - ·- - ··- Bay City, :\Iich. Lenz, ).la,·orette _ _ __ _ _ _ _ Rem;lle, \[inn

\lagadanz, \'ema ··-·--···-····-··-········Hortonv11le, \\"i,. :\le)er. \!aril' -·· ·····-·-··-·--llilwaukte, \\'i,. ).loldenhauer. Rohcrt _ _ _ _ _ _:\filwank'!e. \\ "'· \[ueller, Gt:rharci _________ Xa:nah, \\ is. \fundstock, Bemire -----···········La Cros«e, \\ is. Petermann. Kurt _______\Iilwauk~, \\ is. Sauer, Euuicc _ _ __ _____ Xew l'lm, \[inn. Schlu:hter. Evar<'nf:' - - - - · · ···..-·\layville, \lich. ~ied,chlag. :\Iarjorie ···- ---·--Fox Lake, \\ 1s. \'oelz. Arlene _ ______ Danube, \Jinn. - 22 T\\' ►-1.FTH


Abendroth. Delores __ _ _ _ _ Rhint:lander, \\ is. :~lbr~ht, Quentin _ _ _ _ _ _ Bowdle, So. Oak. llauer. Gerhard - --··-····Echo, \[inn. Dode, Eugt:ne _ _ _ .. _Xcw t:lm, :\lmn. Fischer, Arlene _ _ _ _ _ :-,;ew \;Im, \lmn. Gerlach, Loma · - - -··· ·--·-·····Xcw l 'Im, \!inn. Goede, Harold·····-·_ _ _ _ \Iih,auk,·.-. \\ 1~. Greve, Lola --··--· _ ____ .-\urora, So. Oak. Hellma11n, Richard . · ----···---···Xew 1·1m, \Jinn. Hinz, \ 'ern -·-····-····-·· -·····-···········Fairmont, ).!inn.


:Knutson, Lois ........................ _ _ __ Xew l31m, \Iinn. Kock, Korval ---··-····················-·Goodhue, \!inn. Kuehne, John - - - - · · · · · ··········· ..... Reeds,·illc. \\.i-,. Kueqer, Janice ·····················-··············-Chaseburg, \\'i~. Kuske, Helen ·-······-··············----Rem·ille. \lim,. Learman. Xonna ··-····-····· ·······-······-Xew Lon<lon, \\.is. Pelz!, Jame~ ......-··-···········... - - --Xew Clrn, \lirm. Poehler. E,ther ···············---·········Xe" Clin, \linn. Riess, Elsie ······················-·····-···············Xew Clm, \linn. Ring, \\'alter ··- ·-·····•·· - - - - - X e w Clm, \fom. Schul1.2., Glenda -----··················Xc,Y Clm, \linn. Schweppe. Flora ····-····-·····-···-············:\'ew Um, \Jinn. Sitz, Carleton ···-···-···············-············-:\'e" Clm, ::l.finn. Spaude. Milton ........................................ Lake Jknton, \finn. Trettien. Carroll - - - - - ···-···--Xew l_;lm, \Iinn. \\'eber, Lorraine ----·-····-··-··Elkton, So. Oak. Zarling. l\'an ···-····-······-········---Rockfield, \\'i~. Zietlow, Ardelle ············-····-········-·--Cbaseburg, \\"is. - 23 F.Lt.VENTH GR.- \OE

Albrecht. Cluysta -·····-·····-·············..····Johnson, \iinn. Albrecht, Eh-era ·-·····-·····-···················'1inneapolis, ).[inn. Albrecht, Lois ................ _ _ _ _ _ Bowdle, So. Dak. ..\mdt, Litana ·-·····-····················-···········Grcen Bay, \\'is. Battermann, George ................................ \lih,aukee, \\'is. Beussman. Dennis ·······-·····--·-······-·Xe" {.;Im, ).[inn. Hirkholz, Gerhard -···------·····-· Re<lwood Falls, \[inn. Bleck, Shirley ····-·- -..·······---Buffalo, \linn. Bunde, Gilbert _ _ _ __ ____ \\'atertown, So. Dak. Bunkowske, Gerald -···-···----'·ergas, \Iinn. Coller, Pauline ··-····-····-····-····-······_.\drian, '.\lich. Fuhm1ann, Loi;: --···..---..····-·····-····-·Elm,,-ood, \\'is. Greve, Agne~ ---------~C" .Prague, \[inn. Holt. Stanley ····-·-·-··-·····-·............. Xorthwood. Iowa. Hookstead, Eleanor ................................ \lilton, \\'is. Hoppenstedt, Ruth ..........· - - -- -·~ew Um, "'.\finn. Horst, Helena ···············---·-··-'1ission, So. Dak. Jackson, \fcrlyn ··············-·--·-···-·Lake City, \Iinn. Ju~r. Xorma ------···-···--·\\.ood Lake, \[inn. Lueker, Charle., ·····-- · · · - - - - -Xew Lilm, \finn.


1larg, Bonnie _ _ _ _ ................... Minneiska, \(inn. \.larxh:rnsen, Ruth _ _______ Courtlan-i, \linn. \futtcrer, Frederick - - - - - -... Roci-·ford, \firm. X olti11){, Albert · - - - - - - · · - · -- Frontena-::, ~linn. Xordby, Robert .........................._ .._.'.\lirmcapo)i:,, \lion. Pelz), Charles ..........- ....- ................__ '.'\ew Clm, \linn. Petzke, \fildred .................................... Sauk Rapids. .'.\tinn. Rengs<lorf, E.,·elyn ···-···-····--······-····-Courtlan,:I, .'.\linn. Scharf, Lorraine -----·-···•-Xew "Chn. \[inn. Scharlemarm. Herbert -····-····-····.... Lake City, Minn. SeeYer:., Kenneth -----···-····- X ew l:lm, \Iinn. Sprengeler, \"crnou - - - -................ Hazel, So. Oak. Steffenhagen, \\.anen .......................... Ha.,ting,-. \[inn. Stelljes, Carry) - · - - - - - - - X e w l'lm, \Iinn. Strege. lone ............................................ \\·acerrown, So. Oak Temple. Frances - - - - -..·······..···Xcw lj]m, \Jinn. Timm, E.ldonna _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ Brownton, \finn. Vogel, Syh·ia .. ..\\.atenown, So. Dak. \\'iechmann, \\·ayne - - - - - - . X c w Clm, \£inn. \\"olf, Rohen ·-···········•·..· · - - - - - Truman, \£inn. --10 TI:XTH GRADE

Aufderheide, Fred ............._ .... _._.... Xew Clm, \!inn. Rauer, Dorothy - - - - - - - - E c h o , \[inn. Hode, Lillian -··-··..-----···Kicollet, \Jinn. Rrei, \[elda .....- ..- ....······-····--·Kew t:'lm, \lion. Buss, Carol . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ \.fanitowoc, \\ is. C,arlin, Alberta _ _ _ -···--··-·-·-Adrian, \lich. Dietz, Curtis __________ Xew Clm, \Iinn. Frey, Philip ...................................·-···-Dem·er, Colo. Gtrlach, Joel ..... · - - - -............ Xew Clm, \Jinn. Gutzke, Gerane ...................................... Xcw l'lm, \!inn. Hanke, Joyce ···-- - ·· · · - - - - -·.. Rollingstone, \[inn. Just, Harol<l -······........· - - - -···.... Wood L-.ke~ \linn. K.lossncr, Ruth ..........._ ....- ...··-····-··Xcw l'lrn, \finn. K.ruegcr. James .........................·-··-··Corvuso. \finn. Learman, Lucile _ .........···--·..·-·······Xew London, \\'is. T.indemann. June - · -- - -............ Xcw {'Im, \finn. Lothert, Le Roy -····-····---····-·······....Olh·ia, \£inn. \!eyer, \·emon ...- ................................. \[ankato, \finn.


Xaumann, Lois - - - - - - - - ········)fih,auk<.:c, \\.is. Priesz, .\rthur ·-····································Xew Clm. llinn. Redcmske, Elizabeth - ----······\\.atertm,n, So. Dak. Retzlaff, :\farcus ···-····-··----Xc" l:lm, :\fom. Schaller, Jonathan -············----Kicollet, ).iinn. Scharlt:mann, Robert _ _ _ _ _ _ Lake City. :\lino. Schmeling, Lyle ···-·····-·····-···----·····--\\'atertown, So. Oak. Schultz, Harold - -- ···•····•··•············:\e\\ t;lm, )[inn. See,·ers, Gt-mid ....................................... :\e" L,lrn, \I inn. Spaude, Jerome ...................................... Lake llenton, ).finn. Strelow, Ronald ..._ ....- ·--·-···-·-Xew 'Clm, ).!inn. Tietz, Dor is ............................................ Xew Prague. ).£inn. \\'f'indorf, Kenneth ................................Goodhue. ).£inn. \\'inter, Dorothy .....................- ........... Lebanon, \\.is. \\'itte, Harvey _ _ _ _ _ __ _ Buffalo Lake. )[inn.

- 33 :-.IXTH GRADE

Albrecht. H orner _ _ _ _ 13owdle, So. Oak. .-\ll,recht, Paul _ _ _ _ _ _ Bowdle, So. Dak. Allm-cht, .. Ruth _ _ _ _ ...........- .Johnson, ).fom. .-\rndt, Kathryn _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Green Bay, \\·1s. Backer, Bruce _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ :\ew Chn, ).iinn. Behrens, Xorma ··-······-······..····.............Gibbon, )(inn. Biede11be11der, Kermit _ .....- ................. Appleton, \\·is. Dode, Donald _ _ _.. ____....... Courtland, ).linn. Bode, )farion ____ ......................... Courtland, ).!inn. Rrandt. :\lalcohn ................................ Hanska, )[inn. Bruns. H.a.mona ..._ ........ _ _ _ _ _ Gihbon, \finn. Footh, Clifford ...._ ............................- .. R-Oyd. \I inn. Fuerstenau, Norman ······-··..-···-····Hazel, So. Dak. Haase, \ 13rjori e ..... ·····-·····........ \\.inona, ).£inn. Hohenstein, Bonita ................................ Loretto, \!inn. Janke, \lartin - - - - · · · - · - · -..···Xcw Clr1, )!inn. ]f'.men, Harold -·····-·...................... Hanska, \Jinn. Kamitz, \\·atdemar ............................ Belle Plaine, \!inn. Kock. Da\'id ...................................- ...... Goodhue. :\Iinn Koch, Joyce - - - - -- - - · ········ \\'inona. :\Iinn. Kramer, Dorothy ......................... . Gibbon, \finn. Kramer, Richard ................. ... .. ....... \\'inona, ).[inn. Kuhlman. )fonica - -..-------·····\\'atcrtuwn, So. Dak.


Ku~ke, Theo:.lore ·······-···----·-····Hutcltinson. )!inn. Lauer, Robert ··-····-···-----Broken Bo", ;.; ebr. Lindloff, Donald -·····-·-----Elkton. :o. Dak. )knsch, Donalcl ··········-·- - - - - L a k e Beuton, "'.\linn. )lodlcr. Kenneth .................................... Fairmont, "'.\linn. Oren. o~car ........................ ____ "'.'lfadelia, .\linn. Panning, Rolan<l -·················----Gibbon, .\iinn. Petersen. )larian .................................... Sleepy Eye, .\tinn. Pipke, Paul -·····-······-········..··············-Uoyd, .\1 inn. Reek, Alice ···-····-···-···--··········..······ \\ eyauw~ga, \\.is. Salz"edel. .\lerlen ----················F.cho, .\lim1. Schmeling, Arlyn - - - - - · · ·-······ \\.atertown, So. Dak. Schuetze, "'.\lartin -··-·····-····-·············"ew l.Jlm, )[inn. Schulz. Arthur ··-··----················ \\ inona, "'.\iinn. Seemann, Shirle) ·--·-····-············· Courtland. .\li,m. Spaude, Ah-in -----··•······.......... Gibbon, .\iinn. Timm, Ruth -----·····················... Ho!land, "'.\Iim1. Trenien, \\ alter ...·-·····-·····-····-·····-Xew Um, .\lim1. l]rich, Man·in ·········----···········Xew Um, .\!inn. \\·emer, \\ alter ·······--···--····-············· \\.ood L,kc. "'.\[inn. \\·oldr, Alfons _ _ _.......................... Rockfield, \\·i~. ---W SPECL-\LS

Bonit,. \\·alter ........................................ "'.\{ellen, \Yis.. Kozitka, Eva ···-········--·······--··-·······--······ Staple,, "'.I. finn. Lindemann, Paul ...................·-······-······Xew L"f.,,, "'.\finn. - 3

Xormal Depa.--rment ____.._ _ _................................ .58 High School D1cpanment 1-15 Svcciah 3

.. 206


Going Do1,m


Center Street

Cottomrnod Lnlte

Graduates of the Normal Department CL.-\55 OF


( 2)

Gleichmann, Edward ············-····· .._.Decea:.ed. Mielke, Hermann -·············-····· ..... Deceased. CL-\SS OF '93 ( 5) Graf, Gusta,· '.\fomgomery, Orto - - - - --· __ Xew t.;lm, ~inn. Pelz!, John .. ··············-····--······ .. Xew Ulm, '.\{inn. Stindt. Ono .. · -· _ _ _ _ _ lfenomonie, \\.i:.. Vogelpohl, Frederic _______ Deceased Cl- \SS OF .96 (6) Albrecht Richard -············--··-· .. Xew Ulm, '.\lirm. Gic5chen. John -···-········-·---·-Deceased. Henkel, George -··-··· - - - - -'.\Iilwaukee. \\"is. Jac){er, Henry -·-·-··················-············So. '.\filwaukee, \\'is. Prahl. William -···· · - ----·····-···'.\filwaukee. \Vi~. Zautner. Charle; _ _ __ _ _ _ Rockford, Ill.

CL\SS OF '9i (i) Drc,s, Charle, ·························-···· ....·-···· Rich,·ille, ).lich. Hauber. Otro _ _ _ _ _ ···---·-Decea5ed Jelm. Rudoli - - ·- -- Xahma, '.\lich. Kannenberg. Frederic _ _ _ _ _ _ \\"e,t .~Iii<, W is. Schroer, H erman - · ·-······-····-·····-········Dcccasccl. Sievert, Loui, ··-·..···-··--Deceased. Zautner, H enry _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ De=cd. CL-\,.,,; OF .9S (14) Bolle, Charle• ........ ............................... \\.atc rtown, \\'is. Brenner, Chari~ _ _ __ _ _ _ Bea,·cr Dam, \\'is. Durk. \'ictor - -- - ·- - - - Buffalo. X. Y. ITellermann, Ono ·-··-·············).lankato. '.1.!inn. Jaeger, Hermann -······················..·······Oconomowoc. \Yi; Jaeger, Jolm _ _ _ __ ··-· ·····---.lanes,illc. \\.i;. '.I.feyer, Hermann - -- · - - --Deceased. Mohr , John ---·-········..···---····· Appleton. \\"i5. '.\fohr, Lillie ··-····················-····-· ....Deceased. Reichmuth, Frederic --· - -- _ ....Deceased.


Roeck, Albert - - - - - - - ·--······Lo, Angeles, Cal. Senahn, Louis Decea,ed. T hie,, Charle5 ················-······-······-··-·Decf><l::;,,d. \\'icke, H enry ··-····--···-Fond du Lac, Wis. CLASS OF '99 (9) Roelte, William ··········-·····-···--·····-·Bay City, Mich. Espenson, \\.illiam - - - - - - - ~.I inneapolis, 1finn. Frey, Oscar ___________ St. Paul, Minn. Gieschen, Claus _ _ _ _ ______1Iifwaukce, \Vi;;.

Jens, Rudoli ····-·--------Dcccascd. Keipe, Charles --·-------~cccascd. l~e1111er, \\·m. von ·-·······························\\'oodbuni, Ind. Schroeder, \\'aher ·-····-···············-····-Fairmont, ).firm. Stein, Hermann _ _ _ _ __ .....__Bay City, ).lich.

cu.ss 01' '00 (8) Urocker, Louis ·············-······-······--··-~lilwaukee, \\'is. Hag:edom, llemhard -·-·---···-····~Iilwaukee, \\.is. Kran,c, \\'illiam --···-·-·-····-···········neceased. 1, ri<'g:, Hugo ·-··························---···).[ilwaukee, \\'is. Kntz, Heinholcl ····-····-- - ··-···-··Arling:ton, :\[inn. S1cffe11, Allen ······-·······-·- ·····-·····-·····:\[ilwankee, \\'i1>. \·olkcn, Ot10 ·······-·····--····-········-···D"ceased. \\·achhoh:, Hugo - - - - · -············:\lilwaukee, \\'is. '01 (3) _______ San Francisco, Cal Schoenberg. Otm -·········-·····················DC<.'eased. Schultz, Gu~tav _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Deceased. CLASS 01'

Gruber, Frederic

'02 ( 5) ______ :\lilwaukee, \\'is.

Cl.A;;;. OF

,\ lbrecht, l lerman

ilarsch, Otto ···················-···-········-·······Decea;;ed. ilenz, Alexander ......... ······-········-·····-·\ pplcton, \\.is. Clasen, Henry . .. ···················-···········- \\'atcrtown. S. Oak. ~fayerhoff, Ilenoni · · - · · - - - - - Appleton, \\'is. CL.\SS OF '03 (7) Albrecht, Gustav ·····················-···········-St. Peter, :\!inn. Kahnen. Henry - - - - - - · · ····-St. Paul, ~finn. ~fanthcy, \\.illiam -···-·····················).1ih,aukee, \\'is. Pape, .\rthur ···-·-···-·····-············-······-~1ani10woc, \\'is. Reid, Eyan ··-···-···-··----·········Concord, X. C.


Rowe, \\.illiam ···········--·--·-·-···· Arthyde, ~!inn. Schulz. Erne;: -------··-·-Apple1on, \\'is. CL.-\SS OF '01 ( 5) Ehlen. Louis .. ·····-···-··-···············- Decea,ed. Hcllcrmann. \\"illi.im ···-···················- Xecnah, \\' is. Kudarr, Theodore - - - - - - · - Dcceasecl. Schuhz, Theodore -·-·-···--- Goodhue, :\finn. Sperling, Ida _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Xew \;Im, :llinn. 0 •.-\SS OF



Bartz, John --······· -·-·-·-······-······- Suring, Wis.. Grimm, Frederic _ _ _ Lcwi~ton, :\finn. Fre}, Hugo _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ SL Paul, :\finn. Hackbarth, :llax - - --··-····--'\·auwatosa, \\"i.,;. Holiinger, Charles ·-···-·····-·····-·· Decea~<..-d. Lehmann, Albert ········--·-······ ..... Stanton, Xeb. :\fanens, Charles _ _ _ _ __ ......Deceased. Stindt, .\lben _ _ _ _ _ __ _ ::\"ew l,;lm, :llinn. CL.ASS OF '()6


Gruber, Immanuel ............·-······ ........... 1linneapolis, Minn. Jaeger, Alexander - - - --··-Decea~-d. K.lan, Iluldreich _ _ _ __ _ ._Xew \;Im, :llinn. ._Seattle, \\"a~b. Kroll, Hermann Raedeke, John Deceased. _ _ _ __ Reese, ).fich. \Yyneken, Gusta~e CLASS OF '07 (5) Dier3, Hermann _ __ _ _ ___ St Paul, 11inn. Loebcl, Frederic :llilwaukee, \\'i~. ).litzner, Hen!')· ···-·····-\\'atertown, \\'is. Rusch, Ernest ········-· ···-··-· ).fanitowoc, \\'is. \\.i11t1:r, Edmund - - - · Bay City, ).lich. 0 •.-\SS OF '()8


Aufderheide, Charles ····-············-··- Xew t'lm, ).!inn. Harmening. John ············-··· ... ··-······-· Sleepy Eye, :\finn. Rollofi, Emil -·-··•-··-····- - --Fo11d du Lac, \\'is. Scheurer, 11aric _ _ _ ___ _ Oshko,h, \\'is. CLASS OF '()9

{ 5)

Duin, Siegfried ······-·····-····-···········- Decea•ed. Gurgcl, Hermann ------······--''°onewoc, \\'is. Hippaui, Paul ).fankato, ~linn. 61

Schultz, Ferdinand ................................ \Ii lwaukee, \\'is. \\'andcr scc, A lben _ _ _ ,\nn Arbor, )lich. CLASS OF '10 (6) .-\ufdt:rht:idt:, Herman ........... ·-·····-···-Xcw l,;lm, ::\[inn. _ _ _ _ _\Vatertown, \\"is. Brueschofi, Richard Krause, Ernst -·····-------\fih~aukee, \\'is. \luesing, \\.alter -----·······-l)eceased. Quandt, Courtne~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Red \\.ing, ::\linn. Strauss, Edwin ........---········..···-Mil"aukee, \\'is. CL\SS OF 'll (7) Haar. :\,,"Iles ................._ .. _____ ::\finneapoli;, lfinn. Hohenstein. Carl ··········-··-·-···-·)1inneapolis, \IimL Kerkow, Otto ................_ _ _ _ _Jordan, ~linn. \le~er. Harry _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Detroit, \lich. .\"itschke, Arthur ...............---·-Good Thunder. \ linn. \\"ojahn, \\.illiam ····- - - - - - · · -\"an Dyne, \\.is. Zarwell, Gerold ············-······-··-·-··..- \\·est Point, Xebr. CLASS OF '12 (9) .--\ufderheide. Herth::t -····-···-··········.Xew l;lm, \[inn. Boerneke, Ono ···-..··························-···Deceased. Fuhrmann, Carl .................·-·-···..-Xoriolk Xebr. Jacobs, Emil ..................·-···-··--Cle,·eland. Ohio. Kirschke. \\·m. -··································\1ilwaukee. \\.i,. Kuester. E"ald ···-·····-·····..····-·····-·St. Paul. ::\Iinn. Pape. Carl .............................- ...- .........\lil\\aukee, \\'is. Peters..-\Ima ···-···-·····---··-····...-Ft. Atkinson, \\.is. Retzlafi, Armin - - -······--··..···-"ew "Clm, \linn. CLA~S OF · 13 (6) Albrecht. Oscar ...................................... \ \ atenom1, \\.is. Faubel. August ........................................ Indianapolis. lnd. Gawrisch. John ·······-·········--···-·········· La Crosse. \\'is. \!eyer, Fred ···········-·····-···-··-····--'Iilwaukee. \\'i~. \ \'a<"hte r, Gu <ta,. ··········-·········--............ \I ani towoc. \ \'i ,. \\·indland. --\lfred ········--····-·----·-··----···.Xew Dm. \[inn. Cl..-\55 OF 'U (S) Backer. Emil ........- ...- .................._ ..Xew l:lm. \Iinn. Dommer. \lanin ·-··-·····················..... \lgoma. \\'i,. Hohenstein. \\.alter ··-·······..····............. Lake City. :1Iinn. Luedtke. Leo ·················-··-·--··-·······-Pigeon. \fich. Stephan. Leonora ··-··-·..·-·····..·········-"ew l:lrn. \firm.


a ,ss ot· '15 (6) Grams, Lillian -···········-·········-·---)._[j]waukce, \\ i$. Hinz, Carl .-\.. - ---··-·--).lason Ciry, Ta. Kir;chke, Erich _ _ _ _ _ _:\1,h,auk.:c, \\"i~. .\feyer, George ······-·····················-"edfonl, \\"i~. Spau<le, Paul ·················-·········· .. ...Lake Benton. :\Iinn. \\"inh, Jacob-·-·--..St. Paul, :\Iim1. c, .\•S 01' ·16 ( ll) Ba,,ow, Emily -····--·---·-·-\ppleron, .\(inn. Ebert, Erich ······-·-· ···············-·········Baraboo, \\'is. Fal<le, .\adel ····-·-···-···---St. .Paul, .\Iinn. Forhc,, Loui, ········---· Gerlach, Adolph ·-·--·--··..-~ew L"lm, :\liun. Koemg, Em,t ············-···-· _....St. Louis, .\lo. Kolander, Paul ··········-·······················•···· \\'a1erloo, \\.is. '.I.Ian they, Albert -····----····-··-De<"e:t ,;ed. Sirz, Herbert - -·-·----···-·······Xew lilm, :Minn. TrPnin, Emil ____ ··-···--).[ilwaukce, \\'i$. \\.P-ierl..--amp, Paul ··----··--···-·-Dctroi1, .\fi<"h. 1"1.-\SS OF •)j


Dy,tcrheir, .\[innie ·····-··-···········-···.. '.I.Iinnl'apoli,, .\li.1111. Ehlke. \rrhur _ _______ :\Iilwaukee. \\"i:s. Fril.£. Lydia --·····--·····-····--·Sprini;r \·alley, \\ is. Gie,e. Hulda -········· ........................... '.\linm:a1Xlli", .\finn. Jolm,on, \\.altl'r ......................-- \\·i,. Ra11id;,. \\"i~. Kohlhon, \\"alter ·-·-·•····••····-·Jor<lan. ).!inn. Luehri11" Henry ···-········· ··-·-·-Xicollct. .\(inn ............St. Paul. '.\(inn. ::'\aumaun. HedwiJ? ···-· _ 7inter, Helen .................... .............. Uecea,c<l. Cl \53 r "IS ( 10) Friu. F.dna ---·-····--·--··················-· .Summit, So. Dak. Gehm. Erna -·· -- - · · ·········· Ray Cny, .\Iich. Gehm. Johannes •.. ········-···················-Toleclo. 0 . .\letz. ThPodore ··················-···--·-····--Xorthrop, ~inn. -·-··················-Foncl du Lac. \\ i;. .\lo;l-.op, .-\lber: -·· Reuter. Elizabeth -•-··················-Port Ore-hard. \\ a~h. Sperhr -· Erne-t ·-···••······-······-Xew l·lm. \Iinn Steffenhagen. Carolin!' ... ...........-F-:eno,ha. \\"is. Str:i,;en, Frie<la ............ . ................. ~1ih,aukee. \\"is. 7.ac<l..e. Clara -·····-·· --··-·····-·······Ocunumowoc, \\'i;


, CL-\5S OF



Albrecht. Erna ................................._._Xew Ulm, '.\linn. Boettcher. Theodore ..................- ..... _Kaukauna, \\"is. Buenger. Clara ...............................·-···-Kenosha, \\'is. Dierks, August ..........................·-·····-···\\'es1 Bloomfield, \\·i,._ Garbrecht. '.\fartin ............... _ _ _ _ \\·aukesha, \\.is. '.\fundinger. Clara ............................... Johnson, \firm. CLASS OF '2Q

( 9)

Blauert, Edgar ..............· - - - - · -··Creenleai, \\'i~. Buzek. Anna __________.... Czecho-Slovakia. Gedicke, Frieda .......... _ _ _ _ _ _ Xew Ulm, '.\£inn. Glaeser. Gilbert ...........· - - - -····-Kenosha, \Vis. \fontgomery, Esther ..........·-···-·····-St. James, .\linn. Pelz), Theodore .........._ _ _ _ _ _ Xew Ulm, .\linrL \\·eissenbom, Otto ..................................St. Paul, .\linn. \\"ilbrecht, Arnold _ ............................... Brownsville, \Vis. \\·inter, Lydia .......................................... Xew Ulm, '.\Ii1!n. CL."-55 OF '21 (13) Bergemann, Siegbert · · - - - -............ \\'ate.town. Wi.;. Bradtke. Edwa,d ·-····------Kcnosha, \\·i~. Fritz, Esthe, ··--·--···..·------Fairfax, :\(inn. Hinz. Erna - · - -..- - - - - - ·Williamsport. Pa. '.\fittel;1aedt, .\dclinc ----···-·Deceased. \foelle,. Leona ....................... ____ lJillsboro, Ind. Schimmelpferming, Anita _ __ _ Oconomowoc, \\"is. Schmidt, Edward ..- ..· - - - - · · ···-\1ilwaukee. \\.is. Schnitker, lrene ..............._ _ _ _ _ :\finneapolis. :\linn. Schrieier. Katherine ......._ _ _ _ _ Kenosha. \\.is. Schulz. Godfrey ............................. _ ..... \filwaukee. \\'i,-. Sitz. Erna .................................................. \\'aterrown. \\·i~. Stelljes. Otis .......................................... \[ilwaukee. \\.is_ CL-\,ic- CW '2.2 ( J3) Albrecht, Yictor ...................................... \Ianitowoc, \\·i~. Albrecht, \\·alter ................................... La Crosse. \\·i,. Bei;;el, \[arg,.ret ...................................... Keno,ha, \\.is. Engel. Leona ...................._ .................. Adrian, '.\Heh. Giegling, L iJJie ··-·····-····--····-·..--... \Iilwaukee, \\'i~. Haertel. Gertrude ....- ....................- .. Fairmont. 1Iinn Huso, Dena ················-·····- ·····--··--·Lakc 11ills, Iowa. Koch, Gerda ..................... _ _ _ _ '.\fanitowoc, \\·is.


Koehler, Florence ---·-··········-········· \\'atertown, \\"is. Lein, Johanna ·--······--········-···········-Glenham, S. Dak. Sievert, Ada ··--·--···------\Vatertown, \Vis. \Viechmann, Renata ·· · - - - - - -.Good Thunder, ~linn. \\lilbrecht, Irma · - · · - - - - - -- Peshtigo, Wis. CL.\SS OF '23 (9) Backer, Adelbert ........ _ _ _ _ _ _ Milwaukee, \\"is. Falk, Anna ········-····---- ......._Gibbon, ~finn. Hafner, Pauline ················-·······-·········Green Bay, \\'is. Huehnerkoch, Esther ......_____ Deceased. John, Frieda ······-············---·······-···)Jicollet, Minn. Krueger, Arthur -······------Phoenix, Ariz. Kuehn, Elmer ··•-··•------··-~lilwaukee, \Vis. Messerli, Verona ·····-·······-----Columbus, \\'is. Sonn, Lester ··········-······----········ APPieton, \Vis. CT.ASS OF '24 (9) Gieschen, Gertrude ---···-··········\Vauwatosa, \ Vis. Giziewski, Ethel - - - --·········-·Columbus, Ohio. Har ms, Louise ---······--········-····Daraboo, \Vis. Heck, Helen ···-········------·······Lake City, Minn. Kolte, Antoinette ·····----·······-~[ilwaukee, \\'is. Oetjen, Viola ················-···-······--·~Iilwaukee, \\"is. \\'inter, Anna ···--········-----~folnvonago, \\.is. Yanke, Ruth ·--··············-··-·····-·-········ La Crosse, \Vis. Zempel, Lydia _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Plymouth, X ebr. CL-\SS OF



Buenger, Esther _ _ _ ........ Xew Ulm, Minn. Jantz, An·in ······-·······-·····-··-·-·········Benton Harbor, ~ich. Meyer, Laura ·······-----··-···HinkJey, Minn. !\Iueller, Frieda ·-·-··········--···-·····--.JanesYille, 11inn. Oswald, Kurt ···-······----- -\Vatertown, \Vis. Stensrud, Sophus - - · - - -······-11ilbank, S. Dak. \Vilbrecbt, Bertha ·-········-········-···St. Paul, 11inn. _ ___ New Ulm, 1Iinn. \Vitt, Carl _ _ _ _ a.ASS OF '"lf, (14) Backer, Edgar ·······-·········-··---Saginaw, Mich. Denninger, George --········-·-········- ·-··Milwaukee, \\'is. Glaeser, Angelica -··· - - - -.... Milwaukee, \Vis. Hainer, Alma ·-··········-·····---·-Yelm, \\'ash. Hauch, Herbert ----······-······-Benton Harbor, Mich.


Hoffmann, :\Cartin _______ Kaukauna, \Vi.i. Lau, Theodore _________ Hortom·ille, \\.is. }.feyer, John --------······-····\Vatertown, \Vis. }.fueller, Ger hard ···--··-······-·····-······· Grafton, Nebr. P rice, Leona -·-·--······-----'Iilbank, S. Dak. Rauschke, Armin ·····-·----- Lake City, Minn. Roeder, Emma -······-····-----·····Stanton, Xebr. Waidelich, Guenther - --···--·-\{ilwaukee, \Vis. Zorn, Loretta _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ......Cleveland, 0. CI.,\SS OF '2i (17) Albrecht, Ema _________ Bylas, A,iz. Bartsch, Erwin _ __ _ _ _ _ _ Johnson, \ finn. Finup, Carl _ .............................- -···-Beaver Dam, \Vis. Thlenfeld, Helmuth _ _ _ _ _ _ Columbus, Wis.

John, Certrudc ··-···..·······-········- ········ \Vatertown, \Vis.. Jorrlahl, Olina _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Lake \fills, Iowa. Kiecker, George _ _ _ _ _ __ _ Appleton, \Vis. Koester, Arthur _________ Fond du Lac, \Vis. Lcx.-ck, Otto ................_ _ _ _ _ _ Balaton, Minn. \laakestad. Harriet - -- - - · ·······..Good Thunder , \l imL \la,ti11, Hilda ····-··-····························Echo, \finn. \lueller, Carl - - - - ·-·····..................Saginaw, \fich. Paap, Gertha - - - ---···············Goo<l Thundc,, Minn. Rossow, Edwin _ _ _ _ __ _ _ Amboy, \linn. Schulz, Henry ···-- - - - - - - S L P aul, \linn. Siegler, Cordelia - -- - - - - · -·Stratford, Wis. Sievert, \fartha _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Winthrop, Minn. CI.ASS OF



Bartel~. F ritz _ _ _..______ Owosso, :'.I.Iich. Bartsch, lfelinda _ _ _ ··-·····.. Forest Park. Ill. Buchholz, Esther ________ lfadison, \Vis. Dey, Gertrude ···-·-··-·····-·············-~eenah, \Vis. Ducstcrhocft, Juliane ...- ............- ........Corvuso, !\finn. Gicschcn. Dorothea _ _ _ __ ...... \{ilwaukee, \\'is. Grimm, Erwin - - - - --············St. Paul, \finn. Kramer, Irene ·-···-··············----\lorton, \-£inn. Krause. Irma ···················-···-- -- La Crosse. \Vis. Kuehn, Herbert ···-·············-····-·····-1feh·ina, \Vis. Leitzke, Emil ..... _ _ _ _ __ _ _ Two Rivers, \Vis. Me)er, Henry ·······-····-----\lobri<lge, S. Dak. Moerer, Augusta _ __ _ _ _ _.Deceased



Olson, Olive _ _ _ _ __ _ ___ Yilwaukee, \\'is. Ottenbachcr, Arthur ··-···-···----Zeeland, K. Dale. Pape, Waldemar Reedsville., \Vis. Schriefer, \Villiam Xew Ulm, Minn. Schuetze, :\fargot -·-···------Lewiston, iiinn. Seehusen, :'.\lartha ~cw Ulm, :li.{inn. Sievert, Hertha ·········-·· -···· \\'atcrtown, \Vis. :l.clinneapolis, :I.lion. Skogen, Inez \Varerman, Florence :'.\leh,ina, \Vis. Lewiston, Minn. \\'ilcle, Erwin 0-ASS OF 79 (30) Alhrecht, Martin - - - - - - -.... Xew l_;lm, :'.\finn. Bender, :\folly - - - - - - -·····Algoma, Wis. Berghol7, Margaret -··-··············-····Milv.,aukec, \,Vi~. Boese, Bernhardt -·················---····New London, \Vis.. Boettcher, Irma -····-·····-······--···-··Neenah, \Vis. Conradt, Ida - - ····-···-·----Montello, Wis. Fuerstenau, Adolph ·-···-····-····-····:\fontello, \Vis. Geiger, :\Iarie - - - - - - - ······-Algoma, \Vis. Hagedorn, Fred - · · · · - - - - -- -:I.Iilwaukee, Wis. Jordahl, Jeanette -············----"'.l.fanchcster, Minn K.remin, Viola ···-··· _ _ _ _ _ _ Vesta, Minn. MeisteJ", Norma _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ray City, Mich. Meyer, Charles ·- · · · · · · - - - - -···Lake Benton, Minn. Mueller, Adelheid -----·--·Forest Park, m. Oswald, Irma ···-· · - - -----Fremont, \Vis. Pape, Gerhardt ···---- - - - - 1 uneau, \\"is. Rahn, Ellen . Redwood Falls, Minn Schuetze, Hildegarcl --···--·-·-··-\,Vhitcrivcr, Ariz. Schw-arz, Dorothy _ __ ·······-···-Xew Ulm, :li.fiun. Sie,·ert, Alma _ _ _ ______ \\'est Allis, Wis. Stegemann, \\lilliam _ _ _ _ _ _ \Valtbam, Minn. Steinberg, :\fartha _ _ _ _ _ _ Chicago, Ill. Stindt, \Valdemar _ _ _ _ __ ._Hay City, :\iicb. Vergin, Leopold _ _ _ _ _ _ ····-·:\lilwaukee, \Vis. Vogel, Leonarda .............._____ nurlington, \\"is. \Vassmann, Eleanor _ _ _ _ _ _ Qwos.so, :Mich. \\lendt, Helene _ _ _ _____ .. Fairmont, Minn. ·-~filwaukee, Wis. \Verner, Ada -···-·-·······--Woltmann, William ---··-··-Bay City, :li.{ich. Zeitz, Ernest _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Fairmont. Minn. ,J


CLASS OF 'JO (24) Albrecht, Annin _ _ _ _ _ Appleton, \\·is. .\lbrecht, Mildred -··-··-..···.................. )filwaukee, \Vis. Busse, ).fartin ..... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Two Rivers, \Vis. Ilussc, \Valtcr ···-·····..· · · - - - - - l " . S ..\rmy. Ilussmann, Hildegard _ _ _ _ _ _ Hortonville, \\'is. Duesterhocft, ).farie -··-----Goodhue, ).(inn. Engel, ~lolly _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Saginaw, 11ich. Fehlauer, Adolph ..................- ..- - -~lil"aukee, \Vis. Gabrysh, Helen .......................·-·······-·Kenosha, \Vis. Klug, :Margaret -···· .......................- ...Kapa, Cal. Le,·orson, Valborg ... _ _ _ _ _ _ Emmons, \(inn. Loeslin, Emma ·-···-···-----Kew Ulm, lllin:1. Louis., Viola _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Grant, X ebr.

:Meier, Irma ·-··········..······..···················· Truman, ).Iiun. \!eyer, Arnold - - · · · · - - -·······..·····hlilwaukee, Wis. ).!un<lingcr, Gerhard _ _...... ··-····· Tucson, Ariz. Xolte, Edwin _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.)kw ULn, \!inn. Roehler, !lartin - · · _ _ _ _ _\~'a)ne, ll.ich. Rudolph, Adele .................·-···-·-·······\1inneapolis, Minn. Schiuunelpfennig, Laconia .. _ ,...._ ... Jefferson, \Vis. Schmidt, Armin ................- .................Stevensville, Mich. Sprengeler, Arthur ...........................- ..St. Paul, :Minn. Zarling, Irene - - - - · ·- ..······..···.....Slinger, \Vis. Zuberhier, Traugott _ _ _ _ _ _\\'inona, \linn.

'31 (9) Broker, Sylvan -·····..·············-·····-..-··Lake Mills, \\'is. Duin, Gerald ........................·-····....·-·U. S. Army Hellmann, Edmund - ...... _ _ _ _..).{jJwaukee, \Vis. Huber, \Valtcr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..Sebewaing, \(ich. Klatt, Harold -······..········----..Sleepy Eye. :\I inn. Kutz, Harold ···-······························........ Fairmont, ).!inn. Oswald, Hertha ...................................... Detroit, ~lich. Redeker, Frank -····-·····-··•···-·······..······Tomah, \\'is. Steinberg, \Valter ·-····-····-····..·····...)lankato, Minn. CLASS m• '32 {22) Arndt, Emanuel ...................................... \lilwaukee, \Vis. Decker, Gerold - - - - - - · · · -···.. Dethel, ).Jinn. Ilehmer, Raymond ·--· _ _ _ _..Tawas City, \lich. Ilode, Edith _ .....- .............· - - - · -····~fadison, \Vis. Fahje, Mathilda ··············-----Fond d.11 Lac, Wis. Genz, \Vilma -······..············...................Ixonia, \Vis. CLASS OF


1 J

Gruenhagen, Henry _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \Vest Bend, \Vis. Harnisch, ~farguerite ...- \Vinona, Minn. Hormann, Frederick _ _ _ _ _ _ \Vest Salem, Wis. Huhn, Annin ····-····-Mihvaukee, \Vis. Humann, Ervin Hclcnvillc, Wis. Koepsell, Gerhar<l :Manitowoc, Wis. Lehmann, Victor ·····-------Ixonia, \Vis. 1fanthey, Frederic _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Rhinelander, \Vis. Mehlberg, Clara _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Jamesto,..,-n, Xo. Dak Raabe, Lester _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \Vatertown, \Vis. Redeker, Frances _ _ _ _ _ Chesaning, Mich. Schauer, Roland ··················--·---\Valerluwn, \Vis.. Sie,·ert, Erich ......................_____ Xeillsville, Wis. Sie,·ert, Richard _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ flint, Mich. Timm, Gilbert _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Decease<l. Zahn, 1feilahn - · - - - - · · · · · -·····-·Oshkosh, Wis. CLASS OF '33 (20) Bartels, William --------Oshkosh, Wis. Beck, Fred · · · - - - - - - - - - F o l e y , hlituL Boock, Gcrtru<lc - - - - - - -- Burlington, \\"is. Bremer, Jolm _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hustisford, Wis.

Dahms, Ardella --····-·····-----~icollet, Mum. Deibert, Edna ··-···-·· - - - -~tilwaukee, \\'is. Hafenstein, Vera --------Westby, Wis. Kessler, Orlando _________ S. Army. Lahmann, E-leanor _ _ _ _ _ __..Flint, Mich. Lober, Arnold ·--·· _ _ _ _ _ _1filwaukee, \\'is. :Meier, Arthur _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ East Fork, Ariz.


Paap, Hildegard ·············-····-····-··-Kew London, \Vis. Schuetze, Victoria ············-----·-T~'l Crosse, \\'is. Schumacher, Adelia ·-·· -- - - --Xeillsville, \Vis. Sorgatz., Edwin ···········- · - - - - - S t . PauJ, :M:itm. Sorgatz, \\'alther _ _ _ _ Bylas, Ari7_ Steinberg, Edna ____ _ _ _ _ Fairchild, Wis. \Vacker, Carl _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _1fanitowoc, \Vis. \\"iechmann, Edgar _ ___ Rocldiel<l, \Vis. Wilbrecht, Adolf _ _ _ _ _ _ ... Ft. Atkinson, \\'is. CL.',SS OF '34 (17) Arras, \Villiam - - - - - - -- .. Ray Ciry, Mich. Baumann, Louise _ _ _ _ _ _ Gibbon, \finn.


Behrens, Elmer -···--------\Veyauwega, \Vis. Berndt, Norbert - - - - -- - -Bay City, ).fich. Bode, Esther · - -----·-······-·--•-·······Faribaull, ).linn. Broker, Floyd -------···-··Green Bay, Wis. Glende, Arthur - - - - - -- -.... Arlington, ).[inn. Heimann, Esther ························-··-···Kenosha, \\'is. Jacobs, Roland ................_ _ ___ Fond du Lac, \\.is. Kopitzkc, Eldor _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Appleton, Wis. Lorenz, Ruth --···-···························-····-\dington, .\linn. Oswald, Clara -········---······-·-Kimberly. Wis. Robisch, Elizabeth -····-·-----Tawas City, :Mich. Roekle, Waldemar · - --··•···-·····-·Tawas City, :\[ich. Schulz, Rudolph ----··················-Rochesrer, :\finn. Stellick, Christina - - - - -·········- Tomah, \\"is. _ _ ____ Cudahy, \\.is. Vogel, Gertrude CLASS OF '35 (16) Clements, Ida _ _________ Xeenah, \\.is. Diersen, Harry --·······-·Xcwburg, \\.is. Duehlmeier, Raymond Xicollct. :\lino. Fehlauer, Herman Crete, Ill. Gilbert, Gerhard Milwaukee, Wis. Ha,;;.,e, Henry _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Fairmont, ).linn. Lawrenz, \"era -········-···-----Lomira, \\"is. Kanlke, Ada ····-······-------\Vest Bend, Wis. Prosek, Elsie --··-·-···-----···-Bangor, \Vis. Rad!, Clarence -···-······-·····---·-···Suring, \\·is. Rauschke, :\Iartin ···--- -···-·······\\'est Allis, \Vis. - - --··-Ciberue, Ariz. Riess, Raymond Sauer, Doris ... _________ ).Iitwaukee. \\"is. Schnitker, Ruth _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ '.\[animwoc. \\"ia. Teske, Linda _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tomah. \\"is. \Veyland, Helen _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Xecnah, \Vis. CLASS OF



Berg, Elizabeth .............. ····-·····-----· -\ppleton, \\'1,. Hrockelman, Albert ____...__ .Yakima, \Vash. ).leyer, Frances ________ ... , ew London. \Vis. 1-Ioldenhauer, Beata ·················-···--·;\lilwauk~e. \\"is. Nohe, \Valdemar ···············----Cudahy, \\·is. ::--Jommensen, Adele ________ Freepon, TII. Pretzer, Erwin ····· · - -- - - ... Saginaw, :\iich. Seehusen, Ruth ·················-····-···-···-\\.is. Rapids, \Vis. iO



Stindt, Oliva -----····-···-···-···Shcridan, Wyo. Strege, .\gncs - - - - · · ········Dadur, :.\linn. Uhlig, Ruth · · - · · - - - - - ·······-··Two Ri,•ers, \Vis. \Vantoch, Julius -··-···-···--·-Acoma, 11inn. \Vegner, 11argaret ·····················-·····-·So. Milwaukee, \ Vis. Weyland, Rudolph ·············-····-·--·l'awnee, Okla. \Vitte, Florence ···-····--· - - -- -"eenab, \\'is. \\'ollenburg, Ora _ ... _ _ _ _ _ _ :.\fiJwaukee, \\"is.

cu.ss OF '37 ( IS) Tiradtke, :\filton ···•··-·········· ···········-··· Milwaukee, Wis. CoppPns, Arnold ·······················---···\\·auwatosa, \\'is. Gunn, Catherine .... ...... ····----Kenosha, \\'is. Holzhueter, Ruby . ········· · - - - - - Juneau, \Vis. Kelm, Velecla _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .._\faywood, Ill. Kochler, \Iargaret _ _ _ _ _ _...:.\[ilwaukee, \\'is. Kuehn, Erna -··- - - - - - -······Raraboo, \\'is. Limpert, Gertrude · · · · - - - ····-······La Cro~e, \\.is. :.\fueller, Helen Jane _ _ _ _ _ _ St. Paul, :.\linn. Paapc, Esther ······-····· ______ Kcno!;ha, \Yis. P riesz, Cecilia ·········---- ··-····hlilwaukec, \\"is. Raddatz, Florence ·····--· ____ Bay City, ~fieh. Richter, Olga ······-······-·--···-············· Wis. Rapids, \\"is. RollolT, Gerhard ····························-······-\.pplcton, \\.is. Stoekli, \\"infricd ··············-····--·-·-Seenah. \\·is. Taras, Eva ··-······-···· _____... Xeenah, \\'is. Timm, .-\.gues ·······················--········-·····\\.illow Lake. S. D. Trapp, Lillian ................ ______ \\·aukesha, \\·is. CL-\SS OF 'JS (l.f) Albrecht, Estella -······-··--·-··············:.\iinneapoli:,, :.\lirm. Behrens, X orwald ·····-·····-····--···-·····Amboy, :.\linn. Beutler, Elizabeth · · · - - - - ····-····La Crosse. \\'is. Engelhardt. Henry ..._ _ _ _ _ _ \\'ood Lake, :.\(inn. Geil, Da,·id ····-······-·····-····-···-···-····\Vest Allis, \ Vis. Hinnenthal, :.\Iarie ·····-···----······Foud du Lac, Wis. Hoefer, Roland ········-- - - - - --"·esL Salem. \\.is. :.\(inelsteadt, Karl - - - - -···-·····U. S. Xavy. Xohe, Robert ........ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ilea,·er Dam, \\'is. Pagenkopf, 1f)Tt1e - - -··-·······-·····1fankato, :.\linn. Plagge, Dorothy ·---- ·--·-······················Good Thunder, 11inu. Schnitker, Heine .. _ __ _ _ St. James, .Minn.


Swan1z, Ralph -·· ··························----La Crosse, \\·is. \Valther, Gertrude ····················-······--··Saginaw, i\fich. CU,SS OF '39 ( 18) Derg, Florence _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Baraboo, \\'is. Birkholz, Xaomi _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \\"ood Lake, Minn. Bode, Marie -···························-········-··Bay City, ::l.(ich. Bode, Ruben ·········-··············-·····-···-··Deceased Boelter, Geraldine ···-············-·····-··Keno:oha, \\"is. Frochlke, Dorothy \iinneapolis, .\Iinn. Fuerstenau, Paul ·······················-········· ···Hazel, S. Dak. Gehll,ar, Ruth _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.\lilwaukee, \\·is. Koeninger, Ruth ----···············.\iilwauk,,e, \\.is. Krenz. Henry _ _ _ _. _ _ _ _ _ .\lih,·aukee, \Vis. LtLx, En·in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Bay City, .\Iich. \Ieyer, Robert _________ Princeton, ::l.1inn. Moldenhauer, Adair ... _ _ _ _ _ _X. Fond du Lac, Wis Oehlke, Florence ··-····-· ............__ Freedom, Wis. Sauer, ;\Jaomi -········-····-·····--·····-··-Curlahy, \Yis. Temple, :\farion ···········-·······-··-·--··- Applcton, \\'is. Thurow, Lenore ···················--·-·-·Jeffer!'On, \\·is. \\.ehau;en, Edgar ·-··------::1.!ilwaukee, \\·is. CI.ASS OF '40 (20) Bode. Roland _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Bay City. ::I.licit.

Fischer, Gilbert ·-······-·······----Fond du Lac. \\'i:;.. Gruendemann, Esther -··--·-·--·-··..·-···Bay City, .\lid,. Hotlen, Curtis _ _ _ _ _._ _ _ _ .\fadison. \\'is. lngebritson. Julius _ _ _ _ _ _ _ la Cro~,e, \\'is. Kowalke, Grace -·-··..·-···-----Janesvillc, \\.is. l..awrenz, Irmgard _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .\lanitowoc, \\·is. Lutz, Gertrude ··············'·········---Oshkosh, \\.is. ::l.!eyer, Ruth ··-···-·········· ...·-····-·····-Sparta, \\'is. Mueller, Raymond -······--····--····-·-··· .Kenosha, \\.is Xc;;seth, Valborg - - -- -········..···.Ilea,·er Dam, \Vis. Xitz, Richard · - - -- -- ............ St. Paul, \Iinn. Reierson, Jeanette ....._______Trar~·. \finn. Scharlemann. Ferd. _ _ _ _ _ :'\orfolk. Xebr. Schmebier, Gerhard -------Sebewaing, ~fich. Schultz, \\'ihu'-' ----..·····-----Truman, \finn. Steinberg, Hazel - · · -...........-···-Truman, :\finn. Tradup, Xorman ···---·----"G. S. Arm,· Yangeu, Lois ·-················-· Barahoo, \\.is. 72



\\·alther, Doris

_ _ _ _ __ Xccnah, \Yis.

CL-\SS OF '41 (21) Bade, ..\rthur ______ __ __ .::\farmarth, No. Dak.

Fischer, Isabelle ···········-·-- --BYlas, Ariz. Fredrich, Lois .__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _\\"aterloo, Wis. Heckmann, George - · · - · · · -- ·· -- 1..a Crosse, \\"is. Hintz, Bernice - - - - · ·------··•So. 11ilwaukee, Wis.. Klinker, Louise _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ::\Iarinette, \\"is. Kuether, \\.illiam -····-·- ·-··-- -Sanbom, ~{inn. Lcirmander, Bemice -·-··-·····-·······-··-Xew London, \Vis.. :'.\Iatll\\ eg, Harley ·····-····· _ __ ..... Colome, So. Dak. :'.\1attek, Floyd ···-········· ·ewaunee, \\"is. :'.\Iueller, Wilbert ················- - --Bylas, .\riz. :'.\[uenkel, Ralph ····- - · - - - - --:'.\faniromX'.., \\"i,. Pries7.., Ruth _______ Kenosha, \\"is. Puttin, T..orraine _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sauk Ra!)ids, ::'II inn. Rider, Caroline - - - - · · · - · · -·- Tom.ah, \\"is. Rolloff, Earl _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Winona, ::\1inn. Schroeder, :Morron _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ::\fad.ison, \\·is. Schumann, Dolores _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ::\farirn:tt•!, \\"is. T oepel, Dorothea ········-······-···········-···La Crosse. \\.is. \\.iechrnann, Erhardt ····-····-·······-·······Fairmont, ::\finn. Zimmermann, Ethel _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Saginaw, ::\Iich. CLASS OF '42 (16) Burow, Harold ........................................U. S. Army Busse. Clifford -·············-·······-············-\\·ascca. ::\1inn. Dommer, Ruth -··············-----··Bea\•cr Dam, \\'is. Falk. .\<ldia -------·········Xew London, \\"is. Gerlach. \·emon ······-·····-·····-··--····- \"an Dyke, :'.\lich. Gie,eke. ::\fary Ann ······-·····-·····-····-·Cakdonia, \Yis. KempfeTl. Orville _ _ _ _ _ _ _t.;. S. Army

Krause, Gilbert -------·-··-C· S. Army X olting, .Paul -------···-···''"alerto"n, \\.is. Sauer, (.1:iailone _ _ _ _ _ _ _...Tltiensdle. \\.is. S<"hweppe, lletty - - - - - -··········::'llilwauk~e, \\.is. Stern, Eunice - ·- - - - - - ······ .. ),fonroe, :'.\Iich. S1ol'kli, Gertrude -·········-················\fadi~on, \\"i~. Stru~,-. Ru1h ·······-···•·····•·········· .............Gihbon, )!inn. Clrirh, Loraine ···-·······. .... ····-······-···Hustisford. \\'is. Zie~emer, Charlotte ········----·••···Fond du L-ic, \\'i~.


CLASS OF '43 (9)

Konetchy, Alice ........................................ Bangor, Wis. Kutz, Anita .............................................. Racine, Wis. Leitzke, Martin ........................................ Kimberly, Wis. Lindloff, Gladys ...................................... MilwaukP.e, Wis. Poetter, Richard ...................................... Fairfax, Minn. Reier, Corintha ........................................ Bay City, Mich. Stechmann, Violet .................................. St. Paul, Minn. Sweeney, Helen ......, ................................. Lake City, Minn. Walz, Ervin .............................................. Corvuso, Minn. TOTAL



I I(


Graduates of High School Department Just: 11, 1943


Rar h ke, Caro I~11 . ····-··············-··············· .\lanito" oc. \\'is. Tientrup, Ruth ..................._ _ _ _ _ \\.inona, .\!inn. R rin kman, Elaine ·-···············-·····-·····-T roman, .\I inn. ne,·ine, Orlan -···-····················-·····-\\ ood Lake, .\li1111. Dorn, Orlan ····-····················-·····--····-· Hendricks. Minn. Engel, Donald ·-··············-······-·····-······ -\mboy, '.\1inn. Fuhrmann, Harold -············--·-···-·Elmwood, \\.is. Fuhrman, Xorma ··-····-···-·············-·Grace,·ill-e, .\linn. Gerlach, Xaomi -·--------·:1-rlington, .\linn. Himz, Gerhard -··· -----····-Xeenah, \\'is. Tlor;;t, .-\rlo ···· - · - - - - - -····-·:.\(ission, So. Dak. Janke, Philip ···-····-······················-······-·Xew Chu, .\linn. Kiekhaefer, Fred _______ :.\fanitowoc, \\'i,-. Larson, Howard · · - - - - - ._.Xew l"lm, :'.\finn. Lenz, :\favorerte - - - · · - · - · - -·Ren\"ille, :\!inn. Lindemann, Paul ·-····-···-···-··-·-'"ew Clm, :\!inn. :\[ack, Loi~ ----···----···-·····-·Sanborn, :\[inn. :'.\Ieier, Donald .__________ \\"atertO\m, So. Dak. :'.\[olrlenhauer. Rohen ·-····-····-·····- ··.\fih,aukee. \\"is. :'.\[unrlsrock. Bernice _____ ·····-·· La Cro,sc, \\"i«. :\fueller, Gl"rharrl ________ Seenah, \\·i,. Pape, Theodore ---·--··············-·:'.\fanitowoc, \\ is. Priesz, Paul _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Xew Clm, :\[inn. Sanville, Kenneth ----················Two Ri,ers, \\"is. Sauer, Eunice --------···-··Xew l"lm, .\linn. l"hlig, Elmer - - - - - - - - · · · · ··· RacJ..·us, .\!inn. Clrich, Ruth -·····-·············-···················Kew l"lm, :\(inn. \"allcskey, .\ron -----··-··--··:\(anitowoc, \\.is. - 28


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