Time machine

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Purwanto SPA & Sugihartono June 22 - July 06, 2013



Kota – mengandaikan kerja keras, kompetisi total, tempat manusia mengekspos bahkan mengeksploitasi dan dieksploitasi - semua potensinya. Manusia kota hidup di dalam mesin waktu. Geraknya dari satu titik ke titik lainnya serba terukur dan tertentukan. Ada waktu diam namun nyaris bukan untuk semedi dan refleksi melainkan semata-mata untuk sekedar mengasoh. Selamat datang dalam mesin waktu! Sugihartono dan Purwanto SPA merekam fenomena manusia urban dengan perspektifnya masing-masing di atas kanvas selaku pelukis yang memang bergelut dalam keseharian waktu urban, dalam pameran bertajuk Time Machine di Philo Art Space, 22 Juni – 6 Juli. Pada hematnya mesin waktu merupakan bagian dari kehidupan manusia. Lalu menjadi berbeda pemaknaannya ketika ada sebagian manusia yang terikat dan tidak ke dalamnya secara sadar atau tidak. Keseharian manusia urban tentulah tak mengingkari keberadaannya dalam mesin waktu. Kerja sebagai proses tak lebih berharga daripada tujuan atau hasil akhir. Mesin waktu menekan dan mendesak manusia melupakan eksistensinya sebagai subjek narasi kehidupan yang seharusnya mampu mengelak mencari pemaknaan dirinya sendiri.

Mesin waktu menghasilkan efektivitas dan efisiensinya yakni memaksimalkan aparatus diri manusia baik akal apalagi indranya. Manusia itu sendiri mungkin heran dan takjub luar biasa memandang hasil buatannya, ilmu, teknologi, struktur masyarakat, institusi, dan sistem kerja yang jelas terpampang-transparan di depannya namun kehilangan daya



CITY – a representation of hard work, harsh competition, a place where human expose and exploit and being exploited – with all its potentials. City people live in a time machine. Their movement from one point to the other is measured and defined. There are moments of stillness but alas, it is not for meditation or reflection but merely for rest. Welcome to the Time Machine! Sugihartono and Purwanto SPA recorded the urban people phenomenon in their own perspective on canvas, as they are indeed painters who are dealing daily with the urban time, in an exhibition titled TIME MACHINE in Philo Article Space, June 22nd to July 6th. In essence, time machine is a part of human life. Its significance is made different by those who are bound to it and those who are not, whether consciously or not consciously. Urban people in their routine cannot betray their own being in the time machine. Work as a process is not more valuable than the end or objective. The time machine pushes and shoves people to forget their existence as life’s subject of narration who should have been able to avoid the push and look for their own meaning of being.

Time machine produces effectiveness and efficiency, by optimizing the human self apparatus: their mind and moreover, their senses. Human may be awed by their own creations of science, technology, structure of 3

melihat ke dalaman dirinya sendiri. Mesin waktu dengan tegas menegakkan pandangan matanya tegak lurus ke depan dengan satu tujuan: hasil maksimal! Sugihartono dengan jelas menggambarkan betapa mesin waktu itu demikian detil menjalankan maksudnya ke dalam diri setiap manusia urban. Gedung, jalan raya, skateboard, galah, dan lain-lain hanyalah tampilan yang bisa dibaca sebagai penanda sedang di baliknya jelas, kerja dari mesin waktu-lah yang memungkinkan manusia ada di sana, bergerak tanpa subjek individualnya. Setiap hari, nyaris tak lagi menyembunyikan apa-apa, kehidupan seperti yang terlihat jelas di jalan, di tempat kerja, mal, kafe, menandakan manusia sekedar sosok yang bergerak. Sugihartono menyibak eksterioritas dan interioritas mesin waktu; kehidupan kota dan kerja mesin waktu itu sendiri di mana manusia lalu-lalang seperti acuh tak acuh pada sesama, tak lain merupakan problem repetitif yang dari sini memunculkan pertanyaan klasik, lalu di mana makna kehidupan itu sendiri? Mesin waktu menarik makna di mana manusia kini terlepas dari adanya (secara ontologis). Maka persoalan dualisme diri manusia yakni tubuh dan jiwa mencair ke dalam narasi waktu yang menuntut maksimalisasi kerja itu! Tak pelak, dalam semua karya Sugihartono menyodorkan maksud, kita kini berada dalam repetisi waktu yang mekanistik. Bergerak dalam gerak waktu yang terus memata-matai ke mana saja arah kita melangkah. Sama sekali tak tersisa? Waktu merupakan satu-satunya saksi yang mengatakan kita atau kehidupan pernah ada dan merangsang untuk menelusuri asal usul kehidupan itu. Secara umum kita sudah paham dengan soal waktu ini yang disebut ‘nostalgia’. Sangat mungkin, bagi Sugihartono kita masih punya ingatan pada masa lalu untuk bisa mempersoalkan apakah mesin waktu mampu total menihilkan makna diri manusia per individu? Dalam hal ini Sugihartono menggelitik kita pada modus ‘modifikasi’ yang menandakan apakah nostalgia merupakan enerji yang 4

society, institution, and work system which are so transparently apparent in front of them, but they lost their ability to look inside their being. The time machine rigidly points human to the direction straight ahead with only one aim: the maximum result!

Sugihartono vividly describes how the time machine painstakingly reaches its objective in every single person of urban people. The building, road, skateboard, stilt, and everything else are just representations that can be read as sign, while it is clear that behind it, it is the time machine that enables people to be there – moving without its individual subject. It is revealed to us clearly each day that life at its face value can be seen on the street, at work, in malls, cafés, which present people merely as moving figures. Sugihartono unmasks the exteriority and the interiority of the time machine; the urban life and the time machine itself, where people are going to and fro without regards to each others, which in itself is a repetitive problem that gives raise to the classic question: what is the meaning of life? Time machine concludes the meaning where human is now free of its being (ontologically). Therefore the issue of human dualism of body and soul melts into the time narration that demands such work maximization! Without doubt, all Sugihartono work offer us with implication that we are now inside the mechanistic repetition of time; carried away in the time movement that spies on the direction we are heading every time we take a step. Nothing is left? Time is the only witness that could testify that we or our live was there and it amuses us to search for the source of that life. Generally, we already understand this concept of time that we call ‘nostalgia’. It is most probable that to Sugihartono we are still in possession of such memories of the past and it raises the question of whether time machine can totally obliterate the individual person significance. In this regards Sugihartono tickles us on the ‘modification’ modus that signify whether nostalgia is a hidden energy that would reveal itself and present us with human creativity in overtaking the mechanistic time machine? That work is purely for the sake of work without giving any new meaning to it?

tersembunyi untuk kelak menguak dan menampakkan kreativitas manusia mengatasi mesin waktu mekanistik? Bahwa kerja semata untuk kerja tanpa menghasilkan makna kebaruan? Manusia bekerja untuk suatu tujuan tapi lalu membatalkan tujuan itu sendiri karena terhimpit oleh waktu dalam kerjanya itu. Ironi! Sementara Purwanto SPA memiliki cara pandang pada eksterioritas kota yang tak lain hanyalah wujud dari masa lalu dalam semiotika nostalgianya. Jangan lupa, kota punya waktu panen juga namun terserabut dari waktu mitis yang digantikan oleh mesin waktu. Ada tersimpan sebuah tanda sarkastik di mata Purwanto SPA bahwa manusia-manusia urban itu pada hakekatnya, secara mental, tetap ‘ndeso’! Manusia yang tadinya siap untuk mengatasi waktu tapi ternyata tak berdaya dalam ketidaksiapan aparatusnya untuk itu. Namun kota bagi Purwanto SPA merupakan eksterior estetik justru karena paduan antara ‘ngota’ dan ‘ndeso’ itu. Bahkan kota dianggap sebagai penanda dari ketemunya ikon tradisional dan ikon kapitalisme global sebagaimana tokoh wayang di atas panggung dollar. Manusia urban mendirikan kerajaan pleasure yang beratasnamakan olahraga, membabat hutan untuk memukul bola kecil padat sambil bercengkrama dan ternyata masih membutuhkan gelitikan sejenis fiksi ilmiah (klenik?) crop circle itu demi menyatakan tahapan hidup yang tak terduga sebelumnya? Kritik Purwanto SPA menohok jantung persoalan yakni jantung kota dan manusia urban itu dalam ambiguitas diri dengan ambinguitas ruang ambang kota-desa, dengan harap-harap cemas apakah dalam ambiguitas ini masih tersisa harapan untuk mengatasi mesin waktu mekanistik lalu dari sana kita masih sanggup berpesta dengan kreativitas per individu?

That human work for a reason but then abandons the reson itself because of time constraint in their work. Ironic! Meanwhile, Purwanto SPA has the perspective on city exteriority which he sees only as the representation of the past in its semiotic nostalgia. Lest we forget that a city has its own time of abundance but that it has been uprooted from its mythical time to be replaced by time machine. There’s sarcasm in Purwanto SPA’s point of view, in which that at its core, urban people are still pretty much mentally ‘backward’! People who initially so ready to overcome time but in the end are rendered helpless by their own apparatus failure to be ready. But city to Purwanto SPA is an aesthetic exterior due to the contrast of those very ‘slickness’ and ‘backwardness’. Moreover, city is seen as a significance of the merge of traditional icon and global capitalism icon just like wayang personage on dollar stage.

Urban people establish the kingdom of pleasure on behalf of sport, leveling down woods to make room for hitting on small balls while socializing, and yet still have the need for those science-fiction (or mythical?) amusement from crop circle to represent the unexpected stage of previous life? Purwanto SPA’s critic stabs right at the heart of the issue of the heart of the city and the heart of the urban people are in their own ambiguity within the threshold of city-village, anxiously wishing whether in such ambiguity there is still hope of overcoming the mechanistic time machine that will enable us to party with individual creativity? Welcome to time machine! Tommy F Awuy Curator

Selamat datang dalam mesin waktu! Tommy F Awuy Kurator


There’s sarcasm in Purwanto SPA’s point of view,

in which that PURWANTO SPAat its core, urban people are still pretty much mentally ‘backward’! People who initially so ready to overcome time but in

the end are rendered helpless by their own ap-

paratus failure to be ready. But city to Purwanto SPA is an aesthetic exterior due to the

contrast of those very ‘slickness’ and ‘back-

wardness’. Moreover, city is seen as a significance of the merge of traditional icon and

global capitalism icon just like wayang personage on dollar stage.

KESEGARAN / 130 x 190 cm / Acrylic on Canvas / 2012 6

HARVEST TIME 150 x 190 cm / Acrylic on Canvas / 2012


BEAUTIFUL CITY / 130 x 190 cm / Acrylic on Canvas / 2011



/ 120 x 160 cm / Acrylic on Canvas / 2012 9

CITY OF HARVEST 100 x 120 cm Acrylic on Canvas / 2012



/ 160 x 120 cm / Acrylic on Canvas / 2012



the Crop Circle

160 x 120 cm / Acrylic on Canvas/ 2012



130 x 190 cm / Acrylic on Canvas / 2012 13

3 ANJING KOTA / 110 x 100 cm / Acrylic on canvas / 2013


Sugihartono vividly describes how the time ma-

chine painstakingly reaches its objective in SUGIHARTONO every single person of urban people. The build-

ing, road, skateboard, stilt, and everything

else are just representations that can be read

as sign, while it is clear that behind it, it

is the time machine that enables people to be

there – moving without its individual subject.

JIWA - JIWA YANG BERSEMANGAT / 100 x 200 cm / Mixed Media on Canvas / 2012 15

KENANGAN MANIS / 100 x 200 cm / Mixed Media on Canvas / 2012



/ 160 x 200 cm / Mixed Media on Canvas / 2012


Sugihartono dengan jelas menggambarkan betapa mesin waktu itu demikian detil menjalankan maksudnya ke dalam diri setiap manusia urban. Gedung, jalan raya, skateboard, galah, dan lain-lain hanyalah tampilan yang bisa dibaca sebagai penanda sedang di baliknya jelas, kerja dari mesin waktu-lah yang memungkinkan manusia ada di sana, bergerak tanpa subjek individualnya.

Setiap hari, nyaris tak lagi menyembunyikan apa-apa, kehidupan seperti yang terlihat jelas di jalan, di tempat kerja, mal, kafe, menandakan manusia sekedar sosok yang bergerak. Sugihartono menyibak eksterioritas dan interioritas mesin waktu; kehidupan kota dan kerja mesin waktu itu sendiri di mana manusia lalu-lalang seperti acuh tak acuh pada sesama, tak lain merupakan problem repetitif yang dari sini memunculkan pertanyaan klasik, lalu di mana makna kehidupan itu sendiri?

Sugihartono vividly describes how the time machine painstakingly reaches its objective in every single person of urban people. The building, road, skateboard, stilt, and everything else are just representations that can be read as sign, while it is clear that behind it, it is the time machine that enables people to be there – moving without its individual subject.

It is revealed to us clearly each day that life at its face value can be seen on the street, at work, in malls, cafĂŠs, which present people merely as moving figures. Sugihartono unmasks the exteriority and the interiority of the time machine; the urban life and the time machine itself, where people are going to and fro without regards to each others, which in itself is a repetitive problem that gives raise to the classic question: what is the meaning of life?

MODIFIKASI #1 / 100 x 140 cm / Mixed Media on Canvas / 2012


e n n .

, k a i ?

HIRUK-PIKUK RUANG URBAN / 90 x 150 cm / Mixed Media on Canvas / 2012


TOO COMPLICATED / 100 x 140 cm / Mixed Media on Canvas / 2012


Malam Tidak Pernah Sepi 90 x 150 cm Mixed Media on Canvas 2012


SPIRIT URBAN / 140 x 140 cm / Mixed Media on Canvas / 2012


FASHION MILENIUM / 100 x 117 cm / Mixed Media on Canvas / 2012


FASHION NOW / 100 x 200 cm / Mixed Media on Canvas / 2012

BERGEGAS / 100 x 140 cm / Mixed Media on Canvas / 2012


KOTA ARENA / 110 x 100 cm / Mixed Media on Canvas / 2012 25


Gresik, October 21, 1967 IKIP Fine Art Surabaya 1988

Selected Group Exhibitions: 2013 “Time Machine”, Philo Art Space, Jakarta, Indonesia “Meta-Amok”, Seni Rupa Nusantara, Indonesia Nasional Gallery, Jakarta Indonesia “Festifal Tangerang”, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara

2005 “Dari Negri Pabrik”, Taman Ismail Marzuki, Jakarta, Indonesia “For Aceh”, Indonesian National Gallery. Jakarta, Indonesia “3+3=?”, Rumah Budaya Titi Hijau, Gading Serpong, Tangerang 2004 “Exhibition In Memory”, DIS, Serpong Tangerang 1998 “Bebas Bicara”, Dewan Kasenian Surabaya, Surabaya East Java “Warna-Warna”, Westin Hotel, Surabaya, East Java

2012 “Idiotisme”, Rumah Seni Gudeg Citra Raya, Tangerang “Show Time”, Jonant Galeri Tangerang 2011 “Haul Pak Harto”, Crown Plaza-Jakarta 2010 JAM “The Second God” Indonesian National Gallery, Jakarta Indonesia “Urban in Between”, Philo Art Space, Jakarta , Indonesia “Breakin the Wall”, Grand Theater TIM,Jakarta 2009 “Urban Behaviour”, Philo Art Space, Jakarta, Indonesia “Menjadi Indonesia”, Studio Kayan, Gedung Arsip Nasional Jakarta, Indonesia 2008 “Jakarta Awakening Arts”, Hotel Sultan Jakarta, Indonesia “Fantasy Object”, Millenium Gallery, Jakarta Indonesia “Setelah 20 Mei”, Jogja Gallery, yogyakarta,Indonesia “JAA”, Galeri Pasar Seni Ancol, Jakarta Indonesia “The Silence of City”, Denindo Art House, Jakarta “Indonesia Today”, Linda Gallery Siangapre 2007 “Demi Ma(sa)”, Seni Rupa Nusantara, Indonesian National Gallery, Jakarta Indonesia “Keseimbangan, Serabut”, Rumah Seni Gudeg Citra Raya, Tangerang, Indonesia “Matra Realisme”, Gallery Surabaya, Surabaya East Java 2006 “Dari Cela Pabrik”, Rumah Seni Gudeg Citra Raya, Tangerang, Indonesia


Purwanto SPA/(Seno Purwanto Aji) Jombang, October 16, 1974

Achievement Award: 2003 Student with highest rank by Jakarta Institut of Arts 2004 Graduate as the highest score from Jakarta Institute of Art 2011 Nomination of “Nusantara exhibition, National Gallery of Indonesia. Solo Exhibition 2003 “Hegemony, Village and The Forgotten” Painting Exhibition at Imperial Country Hotel Arya Duta Lipo Karawaci Tangerang Indonesia

Selected Group Exhibitions : 2013 “Time Machine”, Philo Art Space, Jakarta, Indonesia 2012 “Show Time” Jonant Gallery Tangerang Banten Indonesia. “Idiotisme” Gudeg Gallery Tangerang Banten Indonesia. “LPSB dan GalNas-Menyoal Tubuh” Gedung Cagar Budaya Serang Banten Indonesia.

2011 “A[R]TSEM” Hotel Dafam Semarang, Indonesia. “Bagl Spring Time” Berlin Germany. ”Nusantara 2011” National Gallery of Indonesia. “Jambore Nasional Pasar Seni Jaya Ancol 2011” Jakarta Indonesia. 2010 “Baby Talks” Philo Artspace Jakarta. “Wouw!!!” Tujuh Bintang Art Space Yogyakarta. ”Feel The Vibe” Arslonga Gallery Yogyakarta. “Indonesian with Love” Crown Hotel Jakarta “Tramendum” 5Th Philo Art Space Annyversery, Galeri Nasional Indonesia Jakarta 2009 “Menyoal Patriarki” Painting Exhibition Philo Art Space Jakarta Indonesia. “Fantasy Object” painting Exhibition at Galery Millenium Jakarta “#1 @empatpuluhtahun.ikj” at Galeri Cipta II Jakarta “The King” Borobudur International Art Festival Magelang Central Java. “o,o Art Project” Galeri Cipta II TIM Jakarta. “Festival Hijau 6” BSD City Tangerang Banten. “Melukis Bersama”Anti Korupsi” Departemen Pertanian Indonesia “Transmisi” Museum Kartini Jepara central Java Year 2008 “S[y]ure” Painting Exhibition Philo Art Space Jakarta Indonesia “100 Tahun Kebangkitan Nasional” Crown Hotel Jakarta Indonesia 2007 “The World Of Soul” Art Exhibition at Biasa Gallery Yogyakarta Indonesia “Hold The Position” Painting Exhibition Milenium Gallery Jakarta Indonesia 2006 “CaliGraphy” Painting Exhibition at Restaurant Gallery Gudeg Citra Raya Tangerang Banten Indonesia. 2005 “Together with Tangerang Art Consult” at Tangerang Indonesia. “Together With Jakarta Institutes of Art” at Cipta II GalleryTaman Ismail Marzuki Jakarta Indonesia

2004 “Dunia Seni Rupa Sebagai Proses Pembelajaran” Indonesian Fine Art Students Painting Exhibition at Indonesia National Gallery Jakarta. “The End study” Exhibition at Cipta III Taman Ismail Marzuki Gallery Jakarta Indonesia. “13+” Galeri Cipta II Taman Ismail Marzuki. 2002 Exhibition of Indonesian Artist Wood Block Prints, at Gallery Irenz Hintere Srasse 2070734 Fellbach Germany. “Seno and Deddy Paw “ Painting Exhibition at Ibis Hotel Kemayoran Jakarta Indonesia. 2000 “The very lately new movement” with Jakarta Institut of Arts Jakarta Indonesia. 1995 to 2002 Art Fest regularly painting exhibition at Sekolah Pelita Harapan Lipo Karawaci Tangerang Banten Indonesia. 1991 “Together” Sanggar Gebyar Painting Exhibition - Jombang East Java Indonesia

Sugihartono and Purwanto SPA recorded the urban people phenomenon in their own perspective on canvas, as they are indeed painters who are dealing daily with the urban time, in an exhibition titled TIME MACHINE in Philo Article Space, June 22nd to July 6th

“Indie Art” Universitas Multimedia Nusantara Gading Serpong Tangerang Banten Indonesia. “Ke-Banten-an” Festifal Banten Indonesia.


Time machine concludes the meaning where human is now free of its being (ontologically). Therefore the issue of human dualism of body and soul melts into the time narration that demands such work maximization! Without doubt, all Sugihartono work offer us with implication that we are now inside the mechanistic repetition of time; carried away in the time movement that spies on the direction we are heading every time we take a step. Nothing is left?

This catalogue is published in conjunction with a duo exhibition

Time Machine

Purwanto SPA & Sugihartono, June 22 - July 06, 2013 Š Philo Art Space Jl Kemang Timur 90 C South Jakarta 12730 Indonesia t/f: (62 21) 719 84 48, m: +62 811 10 60 47 e: info@philoartspace.com w: www.philoartspace.com Curator: Tommy F Awuy Special thanks: Sugihartono, Purwanto SPA Photography of Artworks: Artist Translator : Andira Sampurno Design : milovtrisno@gmail.com Published by Philo Art Space 037/2013

Copy Rights Š Philo Art Space All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photography, recording or otherwise, without the written permission from Philo Art Space






produces optimizing

effectiveness the




apparatus: their mind and moreover, their

senses. Human may be awed by their own creations

of science, technology, structure of society,

institution, and work system which are so transparently apparent in front of them, but

they lost their ability to look inside their

being. The time machine rigidly points human

to the direction straight ahead with only one aim: the maximum result!


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