Volume 81, Issue 3

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FEATURES “If I put a book in their hands, they could take their mind off of problems.” PAGE 3.



Channel your inner Julia Child. In a dorm room. PAGE 4.

“She has a vision for her athletes that we have constantly been working towards.” PAGE 7.

A limit to



ot even the saturating odor of Clorox Bleach can conceal the musk of previous weekends –of perspiring men and women on an overcrowded dance floor, of knocked over Nati Ice, of rumors and secrets. Below the droning buzz of florescent lights, a casual air of restlessness dominates Lambda Chi Alpha’s (Lambda Chi) weekly chapter meeting. Among the suffocating beige of couches, chairs, walls and skin tones, a freshman saunters past his brother giving him a playful knock to the back of the head. “Faggot!” he calls after the freshman. Invisible among the vast cannon of fraternity insults, this comment goes unnoticed by all but one. Immediately stiffening his posture, Douglas Kennedy leans forward towards the insulter and pipes up. “Wait… what? What did you just say?” His fraternity brother is suddenly interested in the meeting’s proceedings. No response. He asks again, “What did you say?” Kennedy’s polite yet firm accusation melts away in the surrounding chitchat, just as the chronicle of this offensive moment will melt away into the dull interactions of everyday. Maybe it already has. Maybe—for everybody but Douglas Kennedy at least. The rest of the hour-long chapter meeting rings of heterosexual masculinity. Three brothers address the room at large from a regulation gray foldable table. As higher-ups in the fraternity, they are awkwardly situated somewhere between the lines of friend and disciplinarian. It shows in their fruitless attempts to control the group of men before them.




Though their voices still hold the same note of bored officiality that dominates the atmosphere of the room, there is a certain tentative way about which they address their brothers. The restless men are told that Lambda Chi will be participating in an Easter egg hunt benefiting Brown Elementary School for which the fraternity has been volunteering for many years. There will be one other fraternity and one sorority working the event. “Sounds like a sausage fest! Can we get another sorority?” A freshman calls out. He waits for the obliging laughter from his brothers. Soon after, brothers are gently reminded to find girls to bring to the fraternity’s upcoming formal, and a box of porn purchased by a member is joked about. Kennedy joined Lambda Chi, the largest general fraternity in America, as a freshman. Then, as an in-the-closet gay male, he felt there was no other option on campus for him. But even as an associate member of the fraternity where he feels most comfortable, Kennedy is angered by certain derogatory actions and comments from his own brothers, who, according to the national Lambda Chi creed are supposed to “approach the ideal of perfect brotherly love.” “It’s not that they’re insensitive to it,” says Kennedy about his sexuality. “But they still make jokes about it and they say,” Kennedy adopts a deeper voice, “ ‘Oh that’s so gay man’, but then it’s my job to say ‘Do you mean gay like happy, or gay as in a really cool guy who likes another really cool guy of the same sex?’” Kennedy’s coming out process, he says, was not hindered by his brothers, nor is his sexuality ever overtly criticized. This is a change from home life for Kennedy where

| Photos by Genny Santos


On the court this season: pride, unity and excellence CAROLINE BRANDON SECTION EDITOR

Over the past three years, the Millsaps volleyball team has seen a transformation in drive, respect and overall success. It went from a record of 15-24 in 2008 to a record of 22-13 in the 2011 season. Head Coach Jamie Fisher says she has tried to show the girls what they are capable of on the court. “Our success showed this group what they are capable of. It’s been a building process every year. Me telling them

they can do things and seeing they can do it is a real eye opener,” says Fisher. Players acknowledge Fisher’s focus on planning for the mental aspect of the game as a unique part of her coaching that has helped them improve their game. “The biggest thing is she’s made me a smarter player and more mentally tough. She has a huge stressor on being mentally tough in your sport,” says senior Kasey Laird, who was the 10th Major named to the 1,000-1,000 club this past weekend. Laird had already earned over 1,000 digs, and she earned her 1,000th

kill while playing East Texas Baptist. Players also appreciate Fisher’s ability to improve their knowledge of the game. “She is different from any other coach. She is so knowledgeable about volleyball,” says senior Raven Scott, “It’s not only about volleyball though. It’s about relationships with people and communicating with people. I learned so much about the sport. She has a vision for her athletes that we’ve constantly been working towards since we got here.” The senior class was her initial recruiting class, and Fisher has formed

a remarkable relationship with them. “We have become closer. I rely on them for everything, but they can come in here and talk about their personal lives. I want them to have a relationship with me after they leave Millsaps. We have formed friendships,” reflects Fisher. Fisher expects her seniors to take responsibility as leaders on and off the court this season. “They are the core of our team. I expect full leadership from my entire senior class. BRANDON CONTINUED ON PAGE 7.



| September 13, 2012

...A limit on brotherly love


verbal discrimination is overt and, unlike the comments from his fraternity brothers, intended to harm. When he found out about his stepson’s sexuality, Kennedy’s stepfather responded with “Can we get him out of that liberal institution, so he can stop making such rash decisions?” “Because it’s so easy to be gay,” says Kennedy, voice rising with sarcastic hilarity, “it’s a f**king cake walk, really.” But even on campus, away from a family who disapproves of his character, Kennedy is discriminated against. “My freshman year I was kicked out of Sigma Alpha Epsilon (SAE) for being gay,” recalls Kennedy. He was asked to leave a SAE party with the excuse that it was an invite only event. Later, Kennedy received multiple emails from SAE members apologizing for the fraternity’s discriminatory conduct. “It’s really bad at KA (Kappa Alpha), too,” Kennedy continues, “I mean they don’t openly make fun of me for it, but I know that it’s part of their culture. That’s not something that they’re sensitive to at all.” James McAuley, president of the KA fraternity at Millsaps, strongly disagrees with Kennedy’s generalization about his fraternity. “I don’t see anything in the laws or anything that we do that would make somebody not want to be a KA if they’re gay,” says McAuley. “Being a fine Southern gentleman and the way we treat women is what we base some of our morals and laws off of. I don’t know if they might not find that as intriguing as other individuals might.” KA, a fraternity that is based on ideals of chivalry and that hails the motto



Editor-in-Chief | Kenya Strong-Johnston Managing Editor | Lana Price Visuals Manager | Sonum Sanjanwala Business Manager | Juan D. Fernandez Photo Manager | Genny Santos

“Dieu et les Dames” (God and the Ladies) is based off of the notion of men courting women, not men. Though McAuley repeatedly stated that he could not speak for Kappa Alpha nationally, he did speak for his brothers and the way they view the sexuality of others. “Most members believe that if they want to be gay that they can be gay and it’s their choice whether they want to be gay or not.” Though the KA fraternity on campus has a reputation for being homophobic, McAuley combats that notion. “We don’t base our bids off of whether an individual is homosexual or not. We base it off of whether he’s a gentleman and if he has respect for women.” The KA fraternity prides itself on true gentlemanship. This core value is outlined in the mission statement: “The forbearing use of power does not only form a touchstone, but the manner in which an individual enjoys certain advantages over others is a test of a true gentleman.” Would allowing a openly gay man to join the ranks of KA fraternity test the notions of true gentlemanly conduct too much? “Homosexuality does not sway a bid,” claims McAuley, “obviously, we’ve had gay members.” Daniel Honeycutt was one of the only openly gay KA members in the Millsaps chapter’s recent history. Honeycutt was outed the second semester of his senior year. Having been president of the reputedly homophobic fraternity that year, this came as quite a shock to brothers and friends. But Honeycutt partly agrees with what McAuley said. “KA is a very Southern fraternity, but while the Millsaps chapter is a very progressive chapter, I think something KA still has a reputation for is having individuals that still aren’t very open-minded. I think that stereotype is untrue, especially at Millsaps.”

Section Editors

Caroline Brandon Salvo Blair Genny Santos Layout Editors Maryam Qureshi Allie D’Andrea

Staff Advisor | Woody Woodrick E-mail corrections to Editor-in-Chief Kenya Strong-Johnston, stronkk@millsaps.edu. Advertising rates available upon request. E-mail Juan Fernandez at fernajd@millsaps.edu.

Despite the progressiveness of the chapter, Honeycutt seems unsure about how sexuality plays into the KA dynamic. He thinks that if he would have been openly gay during the rush process, he would not have received a bid from KA, “and I became president of the fraternity. I think that speaks volumes for the types of individuals fraternities miss out on when they are basing their bidding on a person’s sexuality.” During his senior year Honeycutt was still struggling with the prospect of coming out, and worried about being outed. “On my way to the caf ’ one day I ran into two individuals, both in my fraternity. One of them said ‘What’s up fag?’ and they other one said ‘What’s up homo?’ I turned a 180 and ran back to where I had come from.” For the two straight individuals this exchange was a casual, run-of-the-mill encounter. But, like the “faggot” comment at Lambda Chi, this is not an easy moment for some people to forget. Honeycutt is still scarred by these words years later. “They had no idea, literally no idea,”

Contributors Sara Sacks

The Purple & White is published weekly. This publication may not be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission of the Editor-in-Chief.

continues Honeycutt, “but when they don’t understand the kind of implications it can have on an individual…” He pauses, thinking. “Really it scared me s**tless to find out they thought I was one of those people they had been talking about.” Though it may not be intentional, language is a perpetrator of homophobic interactions, not only on the Millsaps campus, but for many students across the United States. The Youth Pride Organization found that 91.5 percent of students quite frequently hear hate terms suchas “faggot” or expressions such as “that’s so gay.” No matter the context or the intended interpretation, these remarks are harmful even to those for whom they are not intended. “There’s a likelihood that more people at KA are gay,” says Honeycutt, “and if the language is still going on, it’s not doing anything but hurting individuals and keeping them from realizing their sexuality.” (...) But discrimination, while it may be a taboo subject at Millsaps, is still present. Though an anti-discrimination policy adopted by Millsaps in 2007 mandates each organization on campus to have an anti-discrimination clause, the policy is not prevalent enough to draw sufficient attention. To read this article in full, please visit: purpleandwhite12.wordpress.com

Disclaimer: Views expressed in visual and written content printed in the Purple & White do not necessarily reflect those of the editors, Publications Board, Millsaps College, The United Methodist Church or the student body. Complaints should be addressed to the Millsaps College Publications Board. Contact Kendall Gregory or Dr. Pat Taylor. Letters to the Editor Submit letters to the editor to the Purple and White at Box 15070 or e-mail Kenya StrongJohnston, at stronkk@millsaps.edu. Letters should be turned in before 12 p.m. on Sunday prior to the Thursday publication. Anonymous letters will not be published.



| September 13, 2012

September 13-September 19, 2012

Thursday Arts & Life: In the Lewis Art Gallery: Mary Jane Parker, “Tracings” 12:30 p.m. Gallery Talk

Friday Sports: Volleyball @ Hendrix



Sports: Football @ Point XC @ Azalea Classic, Mobile, Ala. Men’s Golf @ Rhodes Collegiate Class, Tunica

Sports: Men’s Soccer @ Centenary Women’s Soccer @ Dallas


Tuesday Student Life: 12:00 p.m. Intercultural Accents & Connections meeting Student Activities Room

Men’s Soccer @ Dallas Student Life: 7-8:30 p.m. Zumba

Women’s Soccer @ Austin Volleyball @ Rhodes Maryville

Wednesday Sports: 7:00 p.m. Visitng Writer, John Dufresne AC 215 8-9:00 p.m. Zumba

8-9:00 p.m. Zumba

Student Life: 1-4:00 p.m. SAPS- Band in the Bowl Ronnie & Grant Magee To submit an event to the Community Calendar email Kenya Strong Johnston, stronkk@millsaps.edu

Take time this week to remember those who were affected by the events of September 11, 2001.

A fight for Rwandan literacy SALVO BLAIR SECTION EDITOR

This past July, Jean-Leon Iragena pushed bundles of heavy luggage to a security checkpoint. Iragena was returning to his home country of Rwanda, but he was not traveling light. His bags were stuffed to the zippers with novels—three thousand to be exact. Not having been discouraged by an outrageous baggage fee, Iragena maintains a stalwart determination to distribute the books to children and young adults in Rwanda on behalf of the organization, Isaro, which he founded last year. His return to Rwanda with thousands of books may seem like a benevolent beginning of Isaro, but in fact, Iragena wishes readers to view this trip in media res. Iragena spent six years in a private Catholic school in Kigali City, Rwanda. The population of his school was small, but the classes were much larger than Millsaps. Elsewhere in Rwanda, getting a good education is difficult at best. Iragena explains a problem within the educational infrastructure. “Most schools in Rwanda were started in the early 20th century, so many of the schools have had little over 100 years to develop, (and) that is not long enough of a time to become strongly intellectual,” says Iragena. Besides the adolescence of the educational system in Rwanda, the student population is mired by a disinterest in reading and writing. Iragena believes, “this problem be-

gins with a poor economy.” A failing ies applied mathematics and economics. economy is obviously responsible for Besides being an astute mathematics the inadequate proliferation of reading student, Iragena has always been intermaterials to students. Iragena continues, ested in reading and writing. He blogs “How can a teacher assign homework for multiple Rwandan news organizawhen none of the students have books?” tions and even published his first novel, Also, there is another fracture in the “Rusalo”, just after graduating high educational advancement of Rwan- school. Clearly, Iragena wishes that his dan youth. During Iragena’s last year literary enthusiasm be adopted by Rwanin highschool, the education system of- dan youth, but making this wish into ficially changed from a French based a reality is an arduous journey. While system to an English based system. brainstorming ways to get Rwandans inIragena explains, “If I terested in the world of litwas hanging out with my erature, Iragena was lead highschool friends now, to the formation of Isaro. we’d be speaking French.” Isaro translates to the Rwandan students near English word, bead—a Iragena’s age are more term that is colloquially comfortable with speakknown in Rwanda as a ing French, but in the representative of intelliclassroom the texts the gence. Iragena’s foundateachers use are in Engtion has recently received lish. It is easy to imagine support from Millsaps the frustration of havstudents, of which 15 ing to communicate via have pledged to work for a language many are the foundation and atnot comfortable using. tend weekly meetings. In 2010, Iragena won Isaro may have humble Jean-Leon Iragena, founder of the Isaro Rwanda’s presiden- Foundation. | Photo contributed roots from the philtial scholarship to study anthropic vision of Iragena but has abroad in America. Eighteen to 30 stu- recently attracted the attention of dents qualify for the presidential scholar- Rwanda’s ministry of education as a ship each year, depending on the Rwan- viable effort and worthy of support. dan Ministry of Education’s budget. Millsaps trustee, Ken Blackwell has Many Rwandan Presidential Scholars go been a major supporter of Iragena’s efto Oklahoma University, but a few land fort to sustain Isaro by providing financial here, at Millsaps College. Iragena won support as well as testing methods firstthe grant to attend Millsaps and stud- hand in Rwanda. Blackwell traveled to

Rwanda recently to establish Rwanda’s first electronic library by distributing 30 Amazon Kindles to a rural school. The Kindles’ effectiveness at getting students back to reading is still in the testing phase, and it faces logistic problems in schools where students do not have access to electricity for charging or internet connection for downloading new content. Iragena passionately wishes to revive a literary culture in Rwanda. “I see guys riding the bus staring into space and I think that if I put a book in their hands, they could take their mind off of problems,” says Iragena The task of placing books in the hands of young Rwandans is not surmountable by an individual. This is where the need for the Isaro foundation is found. Iragena recognizes this task is not something he can tackle on his own, but through the foundation Iragena has been able to garnish logistic, financial and social support. Now, it is up to Iragena to maintain the credibility of his organization in order to receive further financial contributions. He has to preserve his vision, and must persistently adapt to what works and what does not. Iragena recognizes that Rwanda is not a nation that is adverse to story telling because it has a rich oral tradition, but Iragena says his challenge is to “keep oral stories in the minds of youth by writing them down.” And maybe if that challenge is accomplished, the youth will be inspired to create stories of their own.



| September 13, 2012


Connor Mize, a junior philosophy major, hopes to attend culinary school after graduation. He spent his summer interning in the professional kitchen of The Caboose, a restaurant in his hometown of McComb. One of the biggest complaints among Millsaps students is the meal plan. Caf ’ food can quickly become monotonous, and students burn out due to lack of variety. For this reason many students may supplement their meal plans by cooking. This can be a much-needed break from the grind of college life. Gaining access to a kitchen can be a problem for college cooks. Luckily, most Millsaps students can access a full kitchen via the dorms—John, Suzanna and Charles. I have always enjoyed cooking on campus, but before this summer, it was the typical college “guy food” such as steak and burgers. Since the internship, I cook with greater diversity, which helps break the monotony. I encourage students to try cooking for themselves, thus making it easier to create both diverse and delicious dishes that they might have previously thought beyond their culinary abilities. I want to show that dishes students might only see on restaurant menus can be made even in a dorm kitchen. My most recent college culinary venture was a pan-seared, sesame seed tuna steak over a bed of wasabi mashed potatoes and sautéed snow peas. The majority of the ingredients came from The Fresh Market in Ridgeland. Although some ingredients may cost more than they would at Kroger, the quality is worth the extra expense. For the tuna steak the marinade is simple. The recipe only calls for four spices: sesame seeds, ground ginger, salt and pepper. Two to three tablespoons of each should be enough to dust all sides of the piece of fish (depending on the size of the tuna steak). Once the tuna is marinated, wrap it in plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator until the other components of the dish are complete. Next, start the sauce for the tuna. This sauce consists of 1 1/2 cups of soy sauce; one-third cup of miren; half of a diced red bell pepper and half a diced yellow bell pepper, 1 1/2 teaspoons of onion powder, two to three tablespoons of ground ginger (you can also use fresh fine chopped ginger if desired); the zest and juice from a lemon, lime and an orange; about a handful of toasted sesame seeds and a half cup of dark brown sugar (you can always add more if the sauce tastes too acidic from the citrus). Both the soy sauce and the miren can be found in the Asian or exotic foods section of the grocery store. Simmer the sauce on low for five to six minutes to marry the flavors. After that is done set the sauce aside. For the wasabi mashed potatoes, peel and slice three to five golden potatoes and boil for about 15 to 20 minutes in salted water. The potatoes should be tender but not falling apart.

WHAT YOU NEED: Tuna steak Golden potatoes Snow peas Spices Bellpeppers Wasabi paste Sesame seeds Soy sauce miren Lemon Lime


astering the art of dor m room cuisine


| Photos by Genny Santos and Kenya Strong Johnston

When the potatoes are ready, strain and mash the potatoes. While the potatoes are still hot, add about a fourth of a cup of heavy cream, two to three teaspoons of lime juice, three tablespoons of wasabi paste and mix thoroughly. Retrieve the tuna steak from the refrigerator and remove it from the plastic wrap. In a sauté pan, add a small amount of

oil and turn to high heat. Once the pan is hot, add the tuna and sear each side for two to three minutes on each side until medium rare. Remove the tuna from the pan and add as many snow peas as desired to the pan after trimming the ends. Sauté for about a minute until tender. Now, for the presentation. Of course, a nice porcelain plate is ideal, but a Dixie

plate will work just as well. Plate the snow peas first. On top of the peas add a scoop of the potatoes and place the tuna steak over them. Spoon the sauce over the dish. After carefully carving away your first bite, relish in the wonderment of your newly found talent. Congratulations, you are now a dorm master chef.


| September 13, 2012

Welcome home, Kappa Deltas!

Hannah Huval, Malorie Proa, Katie Sands, Lakyn Collier, Megan McCullough, Cadi Duncan, Katherine Bowler, Lauren Voelker, Hirni Patel, Priya Patel, Skye Williams, Corissa Lambert, Brenna McNeill.

Welcome to the nest, baby hooters!

Whitney Smith, LJ Kerr, Alexsis Kercheval, Abi White, Bianca Suarez, Alex Morphew Amanda Baker, Alden O’Barr, Kenzie Smith, Tori Delaney, Pooja Goel, Sophie Lipman, Allison Ariatti, Lexus Andrews, Mary Allison Wilson



| September 13, 2012

Introducing your SBA senators

| Photo Contributed

Freshmen James Clark Zach Smith English major I do not for one second believe that those elected know what is best for the school. Through transparency and constant contact with those who elected me into my position, I plan to pursue policy that will best reflect the wishes of the freshman class. Ken Newburger Political science major My main goals are to take everything that allows the student body to function and live happily and advance it to a more accessible and comfortable atmosphere. Trey Vernaci Political science major My vision of an excellent institution is that of a place where students can grow in knowledge and maturity while maintaining a reputation that goes beyond the gates of the institutions and into the nation and the world. Edna Nkemdi Chukwmeka Non-Greek Representative Biochemistry and physics major An excellent institution would be free of bias and be diverse, not only in the contemporary understanding, but diverse and non-biased in every other facet as well. This institution would enhance who you were prior to enrolling, who you are as a student, and the individual you strive to be.

Sophomores Ghali Haddad Biology major Millsaps does an outstanding job in recognizing the student’s individual needs. The teacher student ratio at Millsaps mirrors the standard that the school sets out to create. Every student is catered on a private basis which parallels my idea of an excellent institute. Tiffany McArthur Communications major I do believe that everyone wants Millsaps to be the best it can be but there seems to be a lot of disconnect on campus. I feel like in order for Millsaps to truly become an excellent institution we have to work on communication. Anna Morgan Leonards Undecided major An excellent college needs to be more than capable of catering to the needs of the students based on what experts tell them - it should be able to communicate directly with its own students about their needs and what THEY think would be the best steps to meet them. Allie Peyton Greek Representative History major My main goals for the Millsaps community are continuing the preservation of the Millsaps campus while furthering the amount of places for students’ to go and helping progress the cafeteria among many other goals.

Juniors Callie Creekmore Religious studies & anthropology major Millsaps is now adapting to the new age of students, technology, and education. The best action the Millsaps community can take is to help our college with these changes by getting involved and having a hand in that adaptation… Have pride in our college and spread the love for that purple and white! Cat Schully Psychology major This is my first time on SBA and I hope that I can make a change at Millsaps. I want to help Millsaps grow by being a voice for what students need/want. Jean Leon Iragena Applied mathematics & economics major An excellent institution is the one that, not only satisfies students’ needs for their intellectual growth, but also instill in them other most precious social values that students need to survive in the world around us. Katy Morgan English major I want to enhance the communication between student life offices and student organizations in order to strengthen our campus organizations.

Seniors Kasey Laird Biology major An excellent institution is A unified institution that works together to accomplish its goals… Students can contribute by constantly being involved in our community. In my opinion that is where you really learn about yourself through your college career. Sarah Bolt Public Management Major At Millsaps, we must challenge our students to grow into the person that they see themselves being 10 years from now… Students can contribute to the growth of Millsaps by action. Acting instead of complaining and coming together can help the school grow into the school we all know it can be. TJ Tippit Psychology & political science major My plan is to author legislation that will work towards the removal of the meal plan mandate for on-campus students, to improve the integrity of millsaps’ security in light of last year’s robbery, and to assist in the creation of institutions to improve campus morale and stimulate student involvement. Jenna Johnson Athletics Representative Religious studies major An excellent institution is one that challenges its students grow not only academically but morally and culturally while giving back to the community.



They all have a different leadership role. I expect them to handle little things amongst the team and be the coach when I can’t be there,” says Fisher. The relationships Fisher forms are not limited to the senior class. “She’s more on the quiet side. She’ll tell you what you need to do with out yelling. She taught me a lot of things about how to be a leader and it’s only my second year with her,” says Sophomore Taylor Zeigler. Fisher and the seniors agree this is a bittersweet year for them. The seniors are unsure of what to expect of a life without volleyball being at the center. Laird says, “I haven’t thought about what I’m going to do without volleyball in my life. Hopefully I will go out with a bang.” Scott agrees, “I’m excited and sad already. I’m excited because I love to play and we have a great group, but it’s my last year. I love being around them and playing volleyball with them.” Fisher is confident that younger players will step up to fill in the important positions left open by last year’s seniors and will continue to do so after this year. “Our conference is going to be really tight at the top. Birmingham Southern, Centre and Rhodes will all be pretty good matches. We should be fighting for it. The girls will want to win at Birmingham Southern,” says Fisher. She believes that their competition against Birmingham Southern is one of the team’s most anticpated this season.

| September 13, 2012

After taking their first loss last weekend to Mary-Hardin Baylor, Majors look to improve this week and are aware of what they need to work on. “Caroline McKey (sophomore) is going to have a big role for us this year. She is one of our go-to hitters and defense players and brings a leadership role. Casey Brown (junior) has started to step into our libero position, she has wanted it and she is starting to claim it. Taylor Zeigler started as a setter and she will continue to be a consistent solid player to run our offense,” says Fisher. McKey and Zeigler agree that they have already learned this season. “We are going into practice this week focused and ready to work hard and strengthen our weaknesses,” says McKey. Scott also acknowledges that they will be able to work on their weaknesses this season. “As a unit, we’ve been through a lot together. We have a lot of experience together that will benefit us this year,” she remarks, “It’s (Millsaps volleyball team) nothing near what it was three years ago. Our work ethic, culture and atmosphere of the team and our respect for coach has completely changed.” The team looks forward to continued support throughout the remainder of the season. Senior Sarah Zito says, “If you show up, you can’t help but get enthusiastic about the game. Our energy is infectious.”

Athletic Scores Sept. 3- Sept. 9

Football (2-0): Majors vs. LaGrange, W-54-7


This is a sports column. Did somebody die or win? How about, did somebody do well that wasn’t supposed to do well? Obviously, this isn’t going to be the most informed piece. I believe it’s for this reason of utter cluelessness that some people get so afraid of sports. “But I don’t know anything about sports,” they’ll say. Yeah, well, I don’t know much either. What I do know is that you don’t have to know numbers and stats to know sports. You can know the sound of fans, leaning from their seats and shouting with joy at the recent victory of their favorite team. If you’re a frequent “ball-parker” you might know hot dogs and cotton candy or the smell of a freshly opened beer spilling on the ground of a stadium. You can know the swoosh of a tennis racket as it smacks the yellow ball across the court, landing inches from the boundary. If you are a “Saturday game-dayer” you might know the gradual increase of volume on your television as the game continues and the crunch of ranch flavored Doritos under your feet, grinding into the carpet. You can know the whack of

a baseball as it hits the sweet spot on an aged, wooden bat. You can know the fist-clenching suspension of the last minutes of a race. If you don’t even watch sports, you can know your friends who are athletes, the annual debate of Super Bowl commercials or the headlines about the Olympics. It is in these ways that the majority of people know sports. It is in these ways that athletics forms a culture throughout the world. It is a culture that unifies all of us (through more than just Olympics). Every athlete, every spectator, every coach, every fan and even every person who claims they know nothing about sports, is affected by this culture. What would this world be without the victories of Muhammad Ali who said, “He who is not courageous enough to take risks will learn nothing in life”? What would be the state of cancer research and development had it not been for Lance Armstrong and the yellow power of Livestrong? How about the world of tennis without Martina Navratilova who brought feminine power and gay pride to the court? Without Pelé, would Brazil have such an immense passion for futbol? Of course, we will never know the answers to any of these questions or the others that linger out there. But that is the beauty of the culture sports has created in our world. That is what unified us and made us patriotic, proud, frustrated and absolutely thrilled. So I dare you, claim that you don’t know anything about sports. Then, when all is said and done, ask yourself what your life would be like without them.


Soccer: Men’s (1-2-1): Millsaps vs. Delta State, L-4-1 Millsaps vs. Huntingdon, W-4-0

Women’s (2-1): Millsaps vs. Centenary, W-2-0 Volleyball (6-1): Millsaps vs. East Texas Baptist W, 3-1 Millsaps vs. LeTourneau W,3-0 Millsaps vs. Texas-Tyler W, 3-0 Millsaps vs. Mary Hardin-Baylor L, 3-0

Cross Country: Men’s- Loyola Wolfpack Invitational 4th of

Year: 8

Women’s- Loyola Wolfpack Invitational 3rd of 9

Sport/Position: Football Defensive End #5 Who is your greatest inspiration? My Uncle Jay

3 words to describe yourself: Outgoing, comedian, sexy If I were a millionaire, I would most frequently find myself helping out others.

Major: Psychology Favorite Movie: The Warrior What would you do with $1 million? Start an underwater basket weaving team!


| September 13, 2012

Phi Mu loves her newest Phis!

Alana Nardini, Katie Lane Kirkland, Katie Iskra, Caroline Parker, Sarah Hawthorne, Lauren Durbin, Adrianna Lopez-Esteban, Bryanna Green, Allysen Rayburn, Chelsie Wright, Sierrah Martinez, Lauren Crow, Karmen Smith, Madeline Iles, Olivia Kleyer, Courtney Huie, Brooke Visoski

Congrats to Delta Delta Delta’s PC ‘12!

Jordan Claire Albrecht, Meredith Cook, Teri Lee, Cali Longo, Tristan Bland, Theresa Woehnker, Rebekah Henry, McKenzie Conlin, Allison Barnard, Ellen Smith, Tori Morgan, Laura Kilbery, Katie Wroblewski, Ashley Cabecieras, Anna Brahce, Megan Rebman, Kathy Hernandez, Cotie Rouse, Quinn Icke

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