Volume 81, Issue 2

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FEATURES “People here always give me a hug... It is a good difference.” PAGE 5.



“In that moment, nearly every living generation is present singing along with Elton John.” PAGE 3.

Football and The South: a tradition that can’t be kicked. PAGE 7-8.

Backyard Brawl XIII: 23-17 White, pre-season All American CAROLINE BRANDON SECTION EDITOR

Senior Jeb White, from Natchez, Miss., was recently named second team preseason All American by USA College Football. The award recognizes athletes that exhibit potential prior to the official season. Going into his senior year, White hopes to be a leader both on and off the field. “We’re going to get persistent production and constant leadership on and off the field,” says head coach Aaron Pelch, “As a senior no one will be influenced more by anyone else than White, especially on the defensive team.” White feels honored by the preseason All American Team title, but he is not satisfied with being recognized for the preseason. “It’s a big honor. I’m grateful to be preseason all American, but preseason doesn’t mean near as much as post-season does,” White says. Last season White earned the lead in tackles in the conference along with All SCAC honors. Head coach Aaron Pelch expects just the same if not better from White this year. “Jeb has gained more understanding of the game. His knowledge of the game and how to play has drastically changed and improved,” says Pelch. After a brief period of trouble with his foot and ankle inWHITE CONTINUED ON PAGE 7. | Photo by Kenya Strong Johnston

A story of two in Kathmandu SALVO BLAIR SECTION EDITOR

The scene is bleak and speechless gasps of disbelief fill the air. A bulldozer knocks down a wall that used to support an affluent Nepali’s supermarket. The whole Kathmandu street was being demolished to make way for a wider road. Most residents were standing in awe, talking quietly or not saying a word at all; nevertheless, their presence became a sort of peaceful protest. There was only one violent clash that day in Kathmandu, and it involved

the wealthy supermarket owner who couldn’t stand-by while his lively hood was reduced to rubble. Eventually, the angry supermarket owner was surrounded and arrested by the Chinese military. The fate of the supermarket owner is uncertain to Junior Laney Lenox and Junior Reilly Starrett, who spent the majority of their summers teaching and traveling through Nepal. Many Millsaps students return from study abroad travels with fascinating stories of debauchery and foreign customs, but listening to Lenox and Starrett speak softly in a secluded

corner of a noisy cafeteria, one easily recognizes a passion the two uncovered there. While, Lenox and Starrett finish off their respective bowls of Lucky Charms and Cornflakes an exotic story, no—an adventure—is told. After days-long air travel to Nepal through India, the two arrived in an airport in Kathmandu. Lenox decided on Kathmandu, so she could help women by teaching English through a program called “A Broader View.” Having never been to Asia, the duo must of known to expect a different way of living, but neither could have forecast-

ed what it felt like to finally be there. Lenox describes the cab ride from the airport to their temporary residence next to the Prime Minister’s office, as “the most intense culture shock. I can’t imagine a place more different than here. The air was even different, the smog burned your nose and throat.” Noting infrastructural inadequacies and chaotic piles of garbage, Lenox says Kathmandu looks as if it were “like a construction site.” She notes how there is both a Kentucky Fried Chicken and a Pizza Hut, but no NEPAL CONTINUED ON PAGE 5.



September 6, 2012

LGBTQ student expresses concern for lack of forum


Walking through the Student Activities fair last week, I remember signing up for email lists and realizing how strange it was that we lack an active Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA) or Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgendered Queer/Questioning (LGBTQ) club on campus, despite the dozens we host. It’s important to have a place for LGBTQ students at Millsaps to meet and network with each other, especially for

incoming freshman. Of course, there are some alternative, off-campus options, but those are limited as well. Local community centers may have events for LGBTQ youth, but those events usually have a cut-off age of about 18, which leaves out most college students. And even when the age cut-off is higher, such as 21, it can still feel alienating for a 20-year-old sophomore to hang out with a bunch of 15, 16 and 17-year-olds. I know the school itself is open and accepting. We have safe space training and designated safe space areas here, which is all well and good. But, in my experience, putting a symbol on a door does not encourage people to get to know each other like a structured club or series of activities does. We have a Diversity Club, the Millsaps Feminists, the Black Student Association and the Secular Society. Last year, we even had a transgendered man give a lecture as part of the Friday Forum series,

something that was very well received on campus. However, the fact that we don’t have an active GSA can make the school seem less open-minded than I know it is. Yes, the diversity club is a space that is open to these conversations, but it would be nice to go to an event that is focused on LGBTQ and queer people. It’s much more productive to have the conversation be centered on issues that pertain to you specifically than to try to join an already existing conversation and derail it for the sake of yourself and maybe one other. A separate and distinct conversation needs to take place. Recently, I had a conversation with some freshman who asked if there was a GSA at this school, and when I told them that there wasn’t, they immediately assumed that it was because the school was too conservative for a group like that to exist. However, anyone who knows the school would know that this isn’t the case. I couldn’t help but won-

der how many potential students saw this lacking and assumed the worst about a small school in conservative Mississippi. I would argue that a GSA is especially important in a state such as Mississippi, which is known for being very conservative. Since there aren’t a lot of pro-gay spaces in Mississippi, it’s important that we have the resources here. Dealing with peoples’ prejudices can be exhausting, and it would be nice to have a place where students could talk about these issues and show support for each other. Perhaps, there are already plans being made as I sit here writing this. Perhaps, the freshman with whom I had a conversation is printing posters for the first meeting now. Perhaps, there’s an email chain that I’m not a part of sending out locations of semi-secret meanings at Cups. If so, please clue me in. If not, let’s put our heads together and make this happen.

When it comes to books, know when the ‘Price’ is right


I am an employee of the Millsaps College bookstore, and I love my job. However, it becomes trying when someone, a fellow student, whines—or for that matter yells—at me something to the effect of, “(Insert expletive here), your books are too expensive. I should have just ordered mine from Amazon.” To this I can only respond a meek and probably kicked puppy-sounding, “I’m really sorry.” But, the truth is, I just want to scream, “Neither my manager nor I have any control over the price of books. We just work here.” Even worse is standing in the store and hearing a campus leader—whose role is to both gain the respect of and become a mentor to first-years—telling students



Editor-in-Chief | Kenya Strong-Johnston Managing Editor | Lana Price Visuals Manager | Sonum Sanjanwala Business Manager | Juan Fernandez Photo Manager | Genny Santos

who have never stepped foot in the bookstore to just order their books online because the bookstore is over-priced. As a student who works to pay her college tuition by herself, these words echoing through the place where I work make me shutter. I am an employee of a company whose future is determined by my own peers, and because of the aforementioned attitude the future seems bleak. Don’t get me wrong. This is not the attitude of every student. There are some students who adore the bookstore and all that we do purchasing books, snacks and t-shirts any chance they can get. But, there is an alarming number of negative (and unfortunately ill-informed) Nellys on this campus who have obtained a sour attitude about the store and proceed to spread it. Let me paint you another scene. I, Lana Price: bookstore employee, sit with a group of students a celebration lunch for one of the clubs I am involved with. Student A says, “Lana, you work in the bookstore right?” I say, “Well, of course.” Student A says, “I always buy my books from the bookstore.” Student B says, “Why would you do that? The books are way too expensive.” Student A says, “Well, I have never really compared prices. I have al-

Section Editors

Caroline Brandon Salvo Blair Genny Santos Layout Editors Maryam Qureshi Allie D’Andrea

Staff Advisor | Woody Woodrick E-mail corrections to Editor-in-Chief Kenya Strong-Johnston, stronkk@millsaps.edu. Advertising rates available upon request. E-mail Juan Fernandez at fernajd@millsaps.edu.

ways just gotten my books from the bookstore because it is convenient.” In the midst of both my protests and impending sobs, Student B then proceeds to convince Student A that buying his books from the bookstore is a terrible idea and that he should convert to purchasing via Amazon. The spread of such negative banter can be harmful to the futures of the bookstore employees, and once a person has changed their mind on the issue for a reason based on logic or not, it’s hard to get them back –even if the books they need are more expensive online. Now, at this point in an effort to dispel bias for my current place of employment and ultimately to keep myself from getting sued, I am going to address this as my concern for college bookstores as a whole and not as a concern of any specific bookstore company or chain of stores. I understand that sometimes purchasing your books online is less expensive, but not always, especially if a book is out of print or a professor is using a book that is two or three editions behind the most current. Sometimes it’s worth it to check the price at a college bookstore. But as far as overpricing goes, college bookstores, as I see them, are not an evil machine out to steal the innocence

Contributors Katie Greer Hirni Patel

The Purple & White is published weekly. This publication may not be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission of the Editor-in-Chief.

of those in the late teens and early 20s. That’s simply not the case. Employees do not have business meetings in which the whole purpose is to devise plans to hoodwink students into paying 300 or 400 percent the wholesale cost of a book. The truth is that a college bookstore is a company. It has employees who should get paid for their work—not just store clerks or managers but janitors that clean executive offices and men and women who work in a warehouse packing boxes with books to send to stores. All of them are hard-working people. Now, when a publisher sets a list price and only offers a wholesale price that only allows for a profit margin in the 15 to 20 percent range there is only so much a bookstore can do. And depending on the limits of the contract that Generic College Bookstore X has with Generic College/ University Y (which is more than likely written by Generic College/ University Y), the bookstore may be limited to only charge the list price of the book; in which case, Generic College Bookstore X is bound by the contract, and prices are not in any way set by the company that runs Generic College Bookstore X or its store employees. PRICE CONTINUED PAGE 3 .

Disclaimer: Views expressed in visual and written content printed in the Purple & White do not necessarily reflect those of the editors, Publications Board, Millsaps College, The United Methodist Church or the student body. Complaints should be addressed to the Millsaps College Publications Board. Contact Kendall Gregory or Dr. Pat Taylor. Letters to the Editor Submit letters to the editor to the Purple and White at Box 15070 or e-mail Kenya StrongJohnston, at stronkk@millsaps.edu. Letters should be turned in before 12 p.m. on Sunday prior to the Thursday publication. Anonymous letters will not be published.



| September 6, 2012

An Elton for all generations


Imagine standing in the Mississippi Coliseum surrounded by thousands of fans of all ages. There are young children, college students who have had “Can You Feel the Love Tonight” stuck in their heads since the premiere of “The Lion King” and grandparents who first heard the songs Elton John on eight track players in their parents’ cars or blaring on record players in their basements. The hands of a man aged with over 40 years of experience glide across an ebony and ivory keyboard, familiar melodies stream from a grand piano which fills the concert stage and everyone in the audience belts out the lyrics to “Rocket Man” and “Benny and the Jets.” Whether the lyrics were first heard on a Broadway stage, through fading speakers of a 1969 Cadillac Deville or on the big screen as Katherine Heigl is botching lyrics in a scene of “27 Dresses” doesn’t matter. In that moment nearly every living generation is represented in the audience, and they all sing along with Elton John himself. At 8 p.m. Tuesday evening, this


Sure, you can buy your books online. I understand that books can be expensive, and sometimes finances need to be the foremost concern. But, if you buy your books from an Amazon vender named cheeeepboookzzz4u_xoxo, then what do you expect from a user who chooses to exhibit such horrid use of both the English alphabet and numerical system? If you expect to get a book that is in the condition you need it to be with accurate page numbers and all the pages intact, you might be sorely mistaken. On one of the first days of classes, a

Elton John will be performing at 8 p.m. this Tuesday at the Mississippi Coliseum. | Photo contributed.

will undoubtedly be the scene as John performs his Greatest Hits concert at the Mississippi Coliseum. From his performance as the Pinball Wizard in the 1975 movie of The Who’s rock opera “Tommy” to his famous donning a Donald Duck costume on stage in 1983, John has never been one to skimp

on drama in a performance, whether it be in costuming or showmanship. According to the New York Times, “John behave(s) more like a master of ceremonies than a guest of honor. His patter between songs (is) affable enough to defy the dimensions of an arena.” Since his first album released in 1969,

fellow student was telling me about the trials he faced doing homework because the book he ordered online would hardly hold together and the page numbers were inconsistent with what the professor assigned. I am not saying this to say my classmate was foolish for ordering his book online. He saved money, which is smart, but in doing so he took a risk. And, in this case, the gamble might not have been worth it. Had the student purchased his book from a bookstore, he would have been able to return the book almost immediately when he noticed there was a problem with the page numbers. And,

more than likely he would not have had problems with the condition of the book being as described because a book in such condition wouldn’t have made it to the shelf to start with. With a bookstore you have access to customer service. With Amazon vender cheeeepboookzzz4u_xoxo, customer service is virtually non-existent, and if it does exist, then you are potentially dealing with slow email correspondence, extra shipping costs to return the defective product and extra days or weeks (that you need to be using your book) waiting for another. So, here is my plea, don’t completely rule out college bookstores when look-

John has had major hits in every following decade. His most well loved songs include “Your Song,” “Tiny Dancer” and “Don’t Go Breaking My Heart.” And, along with his top radio hits, John has written soundtracks for both major motion pictures and Broadway shows including Disney’s “The Lion King” and “Aida.” John has produced nearly three dozen original albums and has another dozen greatest hits and live albums for which he has won seven Tony awards, five Grammy awards and dozens of other awards. He has also recorded cover songs of artists such as “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds” originally recorded by The Beatles. By the time John performs in Jackson, he will have performed in three Canadian cities and will be preparing to make stops in other venues across the world including Tampa, Fla., Las Vegas, Sydney, Australia and Hong Kong. While the Mississippi Coliseum has sold out of tickets, those who still want to go may be able to find them on websites such as www.stubhub.com or www.craigslist.com. Ticket prices range from 77 dollars to 300 dollars.

ing to buy your textbooks. Shop around. You may find that a bookstore is the least expensive option. But, also consider that a college bookstore is there to serve the students not rob them. They exist to offer the best possible product along with convenience and customer service. So say your book is out of stock. Then most of the time the store will be more than happy to rush your copy, so you have within a day or two rather than a week or more with Amazon standard ground shipping. And, just know that most of the time the phrase, “you get what you paid for” is right.

This past Saturday new fraternity members celebrated Boys Bid Day. Also, students withstood the heat to show support at the Backyard Brawl. | Photos by Kenya Strong Johnston.



| September 6, 2012

September 6-September 12, 2012 Thursday





Arts & Life: In the Lewis Art Gallery: Mary Jane Parker, “Tracings”

Sports: 3:30 p.m. Volleyball @ Tyler, Tex. vs. Texas College

Sports: 11:30 a.m. Volleyball @ Tyler Tex.

Sports: 1:00 p.m. Men’s Soccer vs. Huntingdon College

Arts&Life: 7:30 p.m. Dr. Jovanni-Rey de Pedro, visiting professor of piano AC Recital Hall

5:00 p.m. Volleyball @ Tyler Tex., vs. LeTourneau 6:00 p.m. Men’s Soccer vs. Delta State University Greek Life: Women’s Recruitment: Skit Night

Greek Life: Women’s Recruitment: Preference Night

1:00 p.m. Volleyball @ Tyler, Tex. vs. Mary Hardin-Baylor

2:00 p.m. Women’s Soccer @ Centenary College

Tuesday Sports: 7:00 p.m. Women’s Soccer @ Bellhaven University

Wednesday Sports: 7:00 p.m. Volleyball vs. Birmingham-Southern College

Arts&Life: 8:00 p.m. Elton John at the Mississippi Coliseum

12:00 p.m. Football @ LaGrange

Greek Life: Girls’ Bid Day

To submit an event to the Community Calendar email Kenya Strong Johnston, stronkk@millsaps.edu


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...A story of two in Kathmandu


McDonald’s or Burger King. This is most likely because the cow is a revered animal in Kathmandu and is even allowed right-of-way on roads. In addition to bumper-to-bumper automobiles and herds of meandering livestock, the streets are jam-packed with pedestrians. Clearly, some streets needed to be widened, and the combination of lackluster government communication with residents and swift decision-making processes were responsible for the desperate scenes that Lenox and Starrett experienced. Lenox recants fond memories of Tibetan students that attended the school she was placed at through “A Broader View.”. The organization placed Lenox in Kathmandu in order to help with teaching adult women English, so that they can integrate themselves more easily in a growing international community. A Broader View is an organization that acts as a middleman and places workers in school-like institutes that are funded by a third party. “It was a school, but not a public school that you’d be used to seeing,” says Lenox. Somewhat skeptically, Starrett explains how the Himalayan Society (benefactors of Lenox’s school) supports Nepalese education. “Someone in the Netherlands sends the school a grant every year. The organization can’t accept much money because (the Chinese) may get suspicious where it comes from. Lenox clarifies, “The organization wasn’t exactly illegal...but, the Chinese pay the Nepali government to oppress Tibetans.” Lenox remembers filling out a resume for the Himalayan Society, “They kind of inform you of why you shouldn’t talk about these things.” From the roof of their summer home

in Kathmandu, the two watched as dignitaries gather next door at the Prime Minister’s office. Starrett tried to distance himself from the politics of the situation and be a non-biased observer. “I tried to ask about the politics, but its hard to find anything out because it is so chaotic,” says Lenox. During her travels, Lenox noticed

dissatisfaction of people on the street, and that seems to speak louder to her than drawn out political conflicts of Nepal, China and Tibet. Lenox says she would have seized any opportunity to cross the Nepalese border into Tibet, but the times were too dangerous with Tibetan activism and Chinese oppression. While Lenox and Starrett were staying in Kathmandu, five monks sat crosslegged on the ground and destroyed their bodies with self-immolation. For decades this form of protest has

| September 6, 2012

been associated with Mahayana Buddhism since Vietnamese monk Quan Duc set himself on fire to protest the Vietnamese imperialist regime in the early 1960’s. Lenox speculates that the monks set themselves on fire to demonstrate the unrelenting fatalism of their cause, while not harming other beings. Lenox and Starrett’s excitement for

“It was waterfall after waterfall, picture perfect scene, turn after turn,” Starrett says with gleaming eyes. On one morning the clear weather permitted Lenox to climb with Happy to a point where she could see the highest eight points of the highest mountain range on Earth. It seems the only draw back to the two’s trek was their repeat encounters with the ubiquitous leeches that inhabit the area. After the trio made it as far down the trail as they could manage, they returned to Kathmandu, and Happy showed Lenox and Starrett all the local venTop left: Lenox and Starrett toured Nepal with sherpa, Happy; ues that would top right: Lenox’s view of the top of the world; bottom: Tibetan students in Lenox’s classroom. | Photos contributed. probably pass under the nosnew horizons lead es of foreigners. them to expand A smile spreads across Lenox’s face their travels to the as she remembers the people of NeNepalese counpal. “The attitude of the people tryside. The two had a way of appreciating life withwere lead to the out feeling entitled to anything.” southern jungle Lenox and Starrett, with sunken close to Nepal’s hearts packed up and left Kathmandu Indian border, the just one day before the Dali Llama’s Chitwan. Starbirthday—a stressful date for the rett claims he both Tibetan Buddhist, who wish to “Met all the characters of ‘The Jungle celebrate the occasion, and the ChiBook’ there.” The two rode elephants nese, who wish to censor the occasion. through terrain that many acknowlAfter arriving back in the US, Lenox edge as a bird-watcher’s paradise. And maintains email correspondence with when the two tired, they took a refreshmany of the women that she taught ing bath with their giant pachyderms. at the pseudo-school. AcknowledgTheir thirst to see more of Nepal lead ing Tibet’s poster-child reputation for Lenox and Starrett to hire a Sherpa activism, Lenox says talking about who’s name, Happy, was tattooed across the people’s conflict and encouraghis forearm. Happy lead Lenox and ing peaceful resolutions helps, but “if Starrett to the foothills of the Himalayas you really want to help—go there!” for a breathtaking five day trek. The trail was near 13,000 feet, and Lenox sighs, “It was the hardest hike I’ve ever done.”


This year, Millsaps College is hosting 13 international students representing the countries of China, Germany, Nepal, Rwanda, Sweden, Tanzania and Vietnam. Ms. Sherryl Wilburn, director of intercultural and international student programs and services, says, “This group of students have probably been the most enthusiastic group of students I have ever met. They are all excited about being a part of Millsaps College and its culture.” Most international students often hear about Millsaps through school counselors and the Internet. Some students, such as Swedish student, David Forsberg, heard about Millsaps International Student Exchange Program. Students who hope to travel to Mill-

saps College are required to go through Student Exchange Visitor’s Information System, which is a homeland security based immigration program. Along with SEVIS, all students are required to take English as a foreign language test in order to test their speaking comprehension. An advanced understanding of English allows international students to better interact with peers living in the Millsaps community. “Many times students feel that being here is a privilege for them, but it is also a privilege for us. It helps with diversity and it’s important for traditional students to get to know them and their culture,” Wilburn says. “People here make me feel great because of how much they care about me. Sometimes students get homesick. I have

been here for two weeks and don’t feel homesick because of the people here,” says Vietnamese student Ahn Nguyen. All international students are participants of the Millsaps International Buddy System. MIBS consists of several student volunteers who help international students adjust to a new lifestyle in an unfamiliar country and school. MIBS member and Senior Mikhail Abramovich says, “We set their rooms up and take them to the stores. We have a game night every year where we play games and network.” International students enjoy learning about the American culture as well as sharing their culture with local community members. “Both Jackson and Hanoi are capitol cities, but Jackson seems more like a

town. I think the environment here is better, maybe because it’s less crowded. The people here are very friendly, even if they are strangers. In Hanoi, people don’t generally speak to strangers,” Nguyen says. Forsberg talks about what might seem like a minor difference to some, but is a major difference to him, “In Sweden we say things twice, which is probably a bit weird, but we do that,” says Forsberg. The group of 13 international students is dispersed among different departments such as anthropology, environmental science and geology. The group is not only getting a chance to share aspects of their native culture but they are also being exposed to new academic experiences. Gregory Machuran, a Tanzanian native, CONTINUED ON PAGE 7.



| September 6, 2012

Medicare: Cast your vote for 2013


The November election presents big changes for America’s heath care. Regardless of who wins, the question is not a matter of if the system will change, but how it will change, and the plans up for consideration are President Obama’s Affordable Care Act and Paul Ryan’s Path to Prosperity. Before diving into the differences of the plans, it’s important to note a few goals the plans share ending the discrimination of both seniors and individuals with pre-existing conditions as well as establishing a government spending cap at GDP growth plus .05 percent. While the spending caps are the same, the strategies are entirely different, and for this election, spending strategies are a huge factor as the current health care system is broken due to over spending. Starting with President Obama, ACA’s key strategy is to cut spending through new taxes and tax increases. ACA’s taxes are designed to shift the weight of the costs off the patient and onto the provider. Two of the most controversial taxes created, the Health Insurance Mandate and the Employer Mandate, were passed through the Supreme Court this summer. The Health Insurance Mandate states that those who remain

uninsured by 2014 will have to pay a 2.5% tax of gross domestic income. Jordan Hammons, Senior and member of College Democrats, explains the value of the insurance mandate, “If all Americans hold insurance they are more likely to receive proper healthcare more frequently,” says Hammons. The Employer Mandate states that businesses with over 50 full-time employees must provide health insurance for their employees or pay a tax. Insuring an employee would mean roughly three thousand dollars in costs versus two thousand in taxes. “Insurance premiums are far too high for many middle class families. If the employer subsidizes the cost it will benefit both the business and the families,” Hammons comments. Alternatively, Brittany Ford, Junior and Vice President of College Republicans sees the mandate as a negative for the already high unemployment rate. “If a small business has 52 people, they’re more likely to let go two people than to pay for the mandate,” says Ford. “If they decide to participate, they’ll still be forced to raise their prices in order to afford the mandate.” In addition to the newly created taxes, Obama’s plan implements a new govern-

ment administration called the Independent Payment Advisory Board. Made up of 15 individuals, the IPAB’s purpose is to monitor and reduce how much physicians and health care providers are charging for their services. The common

| Graphic contributed.

concern here is that the IPAB will limit the individual’s choice in health care providers and turn away physicians who already feel underpaid for their services. Because Obama’s ultimate goal in ACA is to make sure that every American has health care, ACA also calls for an additional 16 million citizens to be covered under Medicaid.

Voters’ concern with the increase in Medicaid users is twofold. First, there’s a concern that ACA increases patients without increasing physicians. Second, physicians who are currently protesting for being underpaid for Medicaid services might not participate which adds to the physician shortage. Ryan’s Medicaid plan takes a unique approach. In “Path to Prosperity,” Medicaid funding is shifted into block grants. “Giving Medicaid grants to the states would make our actions more aligned with the Bill of Rights which calls for the power to be in the hands of the people--not the federal government,” Ford explains. The grants are based on population and inflation with the goal of returning control of Medicaid to the states. The primary concern with Ryan’s Medicaid block grant is that inflation will rise faster than the grant. For Medicare, Ryan’s plan is made up of two options that are supported by monthly premiums. The first option is a government-administered plan which includes all traditional benefits of Medicare. The second option is an independent plan that is based on the notion of competition amongst free markets. For the independent plan, Ryan CONTINUED ON PAGE 7.

Isaac takes lead in hurricane season 2012 GENNY SANTOS PHOTOGRAPHY MANAGER/SECTION EDITOR

Isaac takes lead in 2012 hurricane season Hurricane Isaac made its official second landfall as a category one hurricane 8 p.m. Tuesday evening along the Gulf Coast. Despite Millsaps’ distance from the coast, weather and evacuees brought Isaac north. Throughout the storm, the Millsaps emergency response team, headed by director of campus life John Conway, maintained contact with Hinds County Emergency Management Office to anticipate the impact of Isaac on Jackson and the surrounding area. Jackson remained under tornado warning until late Thursday evening, postponing the Backyard Brawl and forcing classes to be cancelled. With Jackson escaping the brunt of the storm, Millsaps campus played its roll in hurricane relief by taking in evacuated students from the University of New Orleans in accordance with a contract held between the two schools. “The UNO and Millsaps administrators cooperated like a well-oiled machine,” says Pamela Rault, interim dean of student affairs for UNO. “The concern for the UNO students’ welfare from Millsaps Administration was to say the least impressive and admirable.” From Aug 27 to Sep 1, 109 UNO students and 10 staff members were housed in Franklin Hall. Rault explains “the stress that comes from evacuating is different for each individual (…) When (the students)

boarded the bus, they thought they would be sleeping in a gymnasium or a red cross cot. Rather, Millsaps College was able to house the students in an offline residence hall; the students were very appreciative to have a bed to sleep in, a place to shower, and a hot meal.” The majority of UNO students

its way to Jackson as a Tropical Storm, many students from the Coast and surrounding areas had friends and family greatly impacted by the storm. According to CNN, over 850,000 residents along the coast lost power in the wake of Isaac. “It moved so slowly and just stayed there, forcing so much water into

| Photo contributed.

who evacuated to Millsaps campus were out of state students, international students or students who simply had no other place to evacuate. Dean of Students Brit Katz comments, “they’ve eaten in our Caf ’; recreated in out HAC; and emailed in our library. We are so pleased by their positive comments about our food services and about our hospitality.” While Millsaps campus was relatively unaffected by the storm, finally making

the mainland,” observes David Ally, chief of operations for the UNO Police Department. “It just sat there picking up moisture from the gulf.” With the storm hitting nearly seven years to the day after Katrina, residence all along the Gulf Coast were reminded of the severe and destructive forces of Mother Nature. “Sadly, that fear must not have been a great enough force for people to evacuate; I know my family didn’t,”

says Junior Megan Smith, resident of Metairie, La. “So many people believe since they’ve lived through Katrina, then nothing can be worse.” Isaac’s United States death toll is currently at eight persons, but many are still suffering from heat-related health problems with remaining power outages. While flooding has been a problem with past hurricanes, Isaac seemed to bring stronger winds than anything else. “I went home to visit my mom this past Friday,” recounts Smith. “There were so many trees down in the streets that I had to park at a friend’s house about a half mile away and walk home.” However, the Gulf coast was Isaac’s second landfall. Isaac initially made landfall in the Dominican Republic and Haiti, claiming 24 lives according to United Press International (UPI). The storm indirectly affected the growing death toll of Haitians falling to cholera, currently at 7,000. In the wake of Isaac, Haitian doctors were forced to close cholera treatment centers in Port-au-Prince. As Haiti residents are still struggling to recover from the 2010 earthquake and living in tent cities, Isaac proved detrimental in destroying the ongoing reconstruction, damaging over 2,346 homes and destroying 335, according to UPI. Hurricane Isaac was destructive for the US and surrounding countries, hitting places still struggling to rebuild. “It’s horrible to feel like you’ve finally got your life back together then have your house or whole community wiped out again less than 10 years later,” notes Smith.



| September 6, 2012


juries in the spring, White was able to return to fall practice full force. “It’s as good as we have on the team. As soon as he could get back, his training schedule was harder than anyone on the team,” says Pelch. Pelch has also noticed White’s drive to achieve post-season honors for the 2012 season. “It’s triggered him to say, ‘hey I don’t want to be just a preseason, I want to be a post season all American,’” exclaims Pelch. According to Pelch, Jeb has been crucial to the success of the team and has served has a great leader for the team. “He is really focused on what he can help this team achieve. He helps in recruiting process by attracting good players and good stu-

Photo contributed.

dents as well. Recruits can measure themselves with something tangible through his performance,” says Pelch. White says his overall experience at Millsaps would not be the same had he not participated in the football program. White says he is dedicated to his team and has truly enjoyed the relationships and friendships made through the program, which has been his favorite aspect of the Millsaps football program. “My favorite part of Millsaps football would have to be the bond with all the players and how close we are with each other,” reflects White about his team, “You form bonds you don’t have with anyone else. It’s like being a family. We would do anything for each other, and we are very dedicated to each other.” White’s success has been greatly influenced by his relationship with his linebacker coach Ronnie Wheat. “He (Coach Wheat) taught me about

the game of football and not to just run out and hit people,” says White. White continues to benefit from getting to know Wheat and learning from about the game of football and about life’s important lessons. White has also experienced playing with his younger brother, Semmes White, this year and the last year. “It’s lovely. I like having my little brother play, not many people get to experience having your little brother play,” he says. White is sure to have an excellent season, especially with the recent win over Mississippi College. White has truly enjoyed his time as a Millsaps Major and says he wishes he could start over as freshman. “I’ve been getting better every season. One year left to prove it, it’s time to put up or shut up. I hope it will be my best,” says White.


The 2012-2013 athletic season marks the official beginning of a new conference. The Southern Athletic Association (SAA) is composed of eight schools— Birmingham-Southern College in


likes “diversity mostly and the fact that the academic system is very interesting.” “I didn’t expect to take a class like Heritage. It opened my mind. Now I understand more about the liberal arts education,” says Machuran. For local students who want to become more acquainted with global cultures, International Accents and Connections is a diversity group on campus. All students interested in learning about new cultures are encouraged to join. These students meet 12 P.M. every Tuesday. During meetings, the members discuss various diversity issues occurring on campus, the community and the world. Not only do they address these issues, but they also create plans to take initiative. This student organization is open to all students. “It is good to help students learn about each other on campus,” says Abramovich. When asked about how she likes the cultural transition so far, Nguyen says, “In Hanoi, people who meet for the first time don’t usually hug, but people here always give me a hug and I really like that here. It is a good difference.”

Alabama, Centre College in Kentucky, Hendrix College in Arkansas, Millsaps College, Oglethorpe University and Berry College in Georgia, and Rhodes College and The University of the South Sewanne in Tennessee. According to the mission statement posted on their website, “The Southern Athletic Association is committed to fostering athletic competition and cooperation among


ensures coverage for the second least expensive insurance provider. If the patient chooses a provider whose costs exceed the standard premium, the excessive fees transfer to out-of-pocket payments. This is where voters have become disenchanted, the concern is that out-ofpocket costs will pile up into a financial burden on the seniors. As Obama fights for affordable care through the use of IPAB, Ryan plans to conduct annual research with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid to make sure high-risk seniors do not become a target for outof-pocket fees. A final note to highlight in Ryan’s plan is that his changes will not affect those currently withdrawing social security. Instead, it will affect individuals under the age of 55. After the election in November, will be instated in the United States. It will be the newly elected president who will determine what that new healthcare system will be.

academically selective, residential liberal arts colleges located in the southeastern region of the United States. The geographic focus will result in reduced travel time and fewer missed classes, while still allowing for a strong conference of likeminded institutions, all of which integrate competitive athletics into the whole

of the student’s educational experience.” Jay Gardiner and Hoyt Young, both from Oglethorpe University, serve as commissioner and assistant commissioner, respectively.



| September 6, 2012

Spirit of the Southeastern Conference


Football season is one of the most anticipated seasons of the year, especially in the South Eastern Conference. SEC football season officially kicked off this past weekend welcoming two schools to the conference—Texas A&M and the University of Missouri. While, none of the schools were lined up to play rivals this past week, but it was a great way to start off the season. The SEC continues to be a force to be reckoned with. The past six years the SEC has come out as the Bowl Championship Series (BCS) National Champion. Last year, the SEC was lucky enough to send two teams to compete for the title. Through years of intense competition, football has become a way of life, for many. A countless number of people look forward to both high school and college football. The smell of freshly cut grass or the shine of turf sparks excitement that is unmatched with any other sport in the South. But what is it that draws thousands of fans to the games every year?

I think that now, football is about more than the game itself. SEC football has engulfed itself in the experience of tailgating. Why does tailgating make the experience of football season so memorable? Is it the food, the beer, the cheering or the bond formed with fellow fans? It has to be a combination of it all. People rush to set up tents the morning and afternoon before a game to get the best spot on campus. Fans become one support team for whomever they are cheering on that night. Whether in The Grove in Oxford or The Junction in Starkville, tailgating is the heartbeat of the fans for each team in the SEC. But, tailgating is not the only aspect


that contributes to remembering a game. For some schools, the cheering and the swoosh of a pom-pom dominate stadiums in the conference. For me, the loud ring of cowbell always brought football season to life. I remember while cowbells were banned in the SEC, people went out of their way just to figure out how to get one in the Davis Wade Stadium at Mississippi State University. Rivalries throughout the SEC have always been intense, especially in-state rivalries. Fans constantly talk about how obnoxious another school’s fans are, when in reality we are all about the same. The sense of pride instilled in fans is something that does not ap-

ply just to the SEC, but I think it is more relevant in this conference. SEC football shapes each of the towns—Athens, Auburn, Baton Rouge, College Station, Columbia, MO, Columbia, SC, Fayetteville, Gainesville, Knoxville, Nashville, Oxford, Starkville and Tuscaloosa. They all share an atmosphere unlike any other city, especially on game days. There is nothing more I look forward to than going to an SEC football game, even if I am not cheering for my favorite team. I know the experience will always satisfy my want to support something that brings community together.

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Athletic Scores

Who is your greatest inspiration? Favorite Movie:

Aug. 30-Sept. 2

Football (1-0): Millsaps Majors vs. Mississippi College 23-17

3 words to describe yourself:

Men’s Soccer (0-1-1): Millsaps vs. Fontbonne 2-2 Westminister vs. Millsaps 1-0 What would you do with $1 million? If I were a ___________, I would most frequently find myself ___________________.

Women’s Soccer (1-1-0): East Texas Baptist vs. Millsaps 4-1 Millsaps vs. LaTourneau 3-1 Volleyball (3-0): Millsaps vs. East Texas Baptist 3-1 Millsaps vs. Belhaven 3-1

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