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Interviewwith stunningAlinaRai

From living and working in mumbai as a model I guess the transition from model to actor blurred and before I know it I have two movies under my name. I am so grateful for everything and especially my fans and supporters who are always encouraging and giving me so much acceptance and love.

Well originally I’m from London, I had initially come to mumbai as a model. However India has always been very close to my heart but actually being india made me really fall in love with the country, the people, the food, the cultures and ofcourse with my work.

Tell us a little bit about you and when did you decide to step into the world of acting?

What kind of projects you will love to be a part of in future?

Badshah himself had contacted me to work with him on his next shoot which was ofcourse super exciting and a dream come true as I was already a big fan of him from london. He is incredibly down to earth and kind and shooting with him and being launched by him ofcourse was exciting.

You worked with badshah for the song "Kamaal hai", How did that happen and how was your experience working with him?

With an Instagram following of over 884K, what impact has social media played in your life?

Well firstly I have an upcoming album song with javed Ali to be released on 7th sept. And my upcoming movie rosh.

Social media these days is way more than we can imagine, it’s always a blessing to see your own support and social media grow. I remember there was a time when I had initially first come and started my modelling career I had only 7k followers so to see it grow so much over a period of time is just amazing. I’m always so grateful to the people and their support and love. I am only here because of all your love. Thank you!

How does it feel when people call you a look-alike of Katrina Kaif?

Movies that I’d like to be part of in the near future are movies full of romantic comedy, they are ofcourse my favourite genre. But ofcourse anything thriller always gives a good watch. For me it’s always important to have a good narration and story to really like the script beforehand.

I feel we are both individuals with our own unique individuality and therefore comparing us would be politically incorrect. There is enough space for us all to part of this industry so instead of comparing let’s appreciate each other as individuals first.

But let's be clear from the start: when we talk about sustainable fashion trends, we don't mean specific cuts, colours, patterns, or new style combinations revealed on Fashion Week catwalks, but rather new manufacturing techniques and revolutions in the fashion business. It's about long-term trends that may make the fashion world, as well as our awareness and consumption, more sustainable in the following year and beyond. Here are the most important sustainable fashion trends for 2022:

The fashion industry has made rapid progress toward sustainability in recent years. A worldwide pandemic, raging wildfires, fast fashion scandals, and growing awareness of the climate problem have all left their (indelible) imprint on us. For environmentally concerned shoppers, fashion must not only look nice but also be beneficial for the environment. Short-lived fashion fads are losing popularity, while long-term fashion trends are gaining traction. And, as climate technology advances, (sustainable) design advances year after year.


"Sustainable fashion trends are revolutionary movements aimed at transforming the fashion sector in a long-term and sustainable way. Because, although fashions come and go, sustainability is here to stay!"


Product Passports & Transparency, maintaining openness is one of the most crucial parts of sustainable fashion. The number of greenwashing efforts has expanded in the world with the number of sustainability initiatives in the fashion sector. However, technologies such as blockchain and product passports enable the tracing and verification of manufacturing stages, projects, certifications, and efforts. Product passports are essentially a portfolio for storing and distributing important product information for both customers and manufacturing partners. Counterfeits and greenwashing can be detected more successfully using this technology.

Recyclable textiles, The throwaway mentality toward outdated garments is one of the fashion industry's most serious issues. Fast fashion businesses' fast-changing collections, as well as the low quality of their short-lived items, have rendered fashion disposable in recent decades. Furthermore, as our purchase habits have almost quadrupled since 2000, the fashion sector is now responsible for around 40 million tonnes of textile waste each year!

As a result, it's only logical that recyclable materials are a major trend


Metaverse fashion, the metaverse is one of the most recent and bizarre occurrences that will have a huge impact on our future. Our work and habits are increasingly taking place in virtual places. It's only a matter of time before we have fully complete virtual fashion to express ourselves in the metaverse, in addition to NFTs and games. Nike made its first move in this field when it acquired the virtual shoe business RTFKT.

People go vegan for three reasons: for the animals, for their health, and for the environment. For most individuals, it is one of these reasons that motivates them to go vegan, and then they hear about the other advantages that encourage them to continue with their vegan diet. In this piece, we will look at the facts behind the most common reasons individuals become vegan.

What Motivates people to adopt Vegan Diet?


For decades, public health experts and practitioners have recommended people to consume less meat, particularly beef and pork. They mentioned health issues such as heart attacks, strokes, cancer, and others. Recent studies, however, demonstrated that individuals may have had the erroneous conviction about red meat all these years, noting that the evidence linking red meat, processed meat, and sickness was poor at best. Another long-held assumption about red meat has just been debunked: that its saturated fat content clogs the arteries.

Plant based Diets, There is no shortage of evidence that eating a variety of fruits and vegetables helps to maintain a healthy body and mind. Indeed, several studies imply that vegans and vegetarians have superior health indices than omnivores. In fact, many health professionals prescribe plantbased diets to those with heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and other health issues.

Health concerns about animal protein, One major reason individuals avoid animal products is health concerns regarding animal protein, especially red meat.

“Veganism is not about giving anything up or losing anything; it is about gaining the peace within yourself that comes from embracing nonviolence and refusing to participate in the exploitation of the vulnerable”

Environmental activism, If you ask a vegan why they choose to eat vegan, they will almost certainly cite the environment. Many plant based eaters are concerned about environmental protection, and for good reason: we should all endeavour to do our part for our planet. Many consumers, including environmental specialists, blame contemporary environmental difficulties on animal agriculture, citing eye catching data regarding greenhouse gas emissions, water and land consumption, waste, labour expenses, and transportation involved in livestock production.

Beliefs about human needs, Some people select a plant-based diet because they think humans do not require animal sources of sustenance to exist and flourish. While there is some truth in that statement you can absolutely satisfy your daily nutritional requirements on a vegan or vegetarian diet, especially if you exercise often – Anyone eating a plantbased diet should take precautions to ensure they get appropriate nutrients from animal sources.

Some people select plant based diets for all of the reasons listed above, while others do so merely because they dislike animal protein and dairy products, or they have sensitivities to them, such as lactose intolerance. Finally, you don't need a justification to choose a plant based burger over a traditional burger; you shouldn't feel forced to justify your dietary choices to others if you don't want to.

Each of my Bookmark designs costs $5.00 Only and Book Covers cost $15.00. My poetry and designs are available on my Instagram. It’d mean a lot to me if you check out my work on my socials and show your support.


Hello, I’m R.Z.Ufuk and I go by my initial R. I’m from Istanbul, Turkey. I am a poet as well as a Graphic Designer. I recently started digital printables such as Book Covers and Bookmarks for poets and writers. I’m also designing these bookmarks for anyone who wants them designed as per their favorite books. Everything I design is available in digital format only and is sent to the customer in HD Print format. I’m currently providing this service to writers and poets who are self-publishing their books, the poets who want bookmarks designed as per their specific poems, and anyone who wants a bookmark of their favorite book. Currently, I’m designing my literary magazine which is my first big Graphic Design project. It will be published in October.

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