Happy 50th

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To the most beautiful woman in the world, MY


I know that sometimes days go by and you feel un-needed or un-wanted, but just know that your hard work and your dedication to the family does not go un-noticed. I think about how different things would be if you weren’t the forgiving, gracious, and hard-working mother that you are now. You are the strongest woman I have ever met. You have sacrafied your life and your happiness to make sure the lives of your children were better. You are so full of the most pure form of love towards your children and it is the biggest blessing to be loved by you.


Turning fifty is a big deal, mom. Mainly because on your 50th birthday, I am old enough and mature enough to realize that you have done some amazing things in this lifetime, including raising the foundation for this family. More importantly, for being a huge reason that I am the young adult I am today. I hope few years from now when I turn fifty, I am in the exact same spot that you are, or should I say, that we are.

Happy Birthday to the woman who gave me life. I owe you so much its hard to describe. So just know that I love you and I’ll never forget or let go, of all that you ’ ve done for me.

You have done enough for us already. On this 50th, I want you to focus more on your dreams. I want you to pack bags, travel and experience I want you to reinvent yourself for the next half century. Happiest Birthday Mom!

Artist of the Month
we look at you and see a walking miracle. Your unfailing love without limit, Your ability to soothe our every hurt,The way you are on duty, unselfishly, every hour, every day, makes us so grateful

Your courage makes me who I am! I thank you for showing me that women can take control over their own lives and I thank you for teaching me in times of struggle, to not back down. Instead, go to war and fight! Mom, you are the strongest person I know. You are wise, nurturing, thoughtful and above all else, you are my biggest cheerleader. You support me in the pursuit of my dreams and are the rock that grounds me when I am struggling. Your presence in my life makes me better.

Mother (n.) – The woman who loves you unconditionally from birth, the one who puts her kids before herself, and the one who you can always count on above everyone else. Just telling her your problems makes you feel better because mothers always know how to make it all go away. Even if you fight, know that she’s just looking out for your best interests.

"As long as you are around, no matter where my journey takes me, without shame, embarrassment or fear, I will proudly declare it. And wear that label like the badge of honor it is. I am proud to be the daughter of a woman for whom wearing the label is worthy. "

H A P P Y 5 0 T H M U M M A

You are the most beautiful human being that I have ever met. You are not only beautiful on the outside; you are the most kind-hearted, selfless, loving, and caring woman on the planet. I want to be just like you, be I feel like I can achieve anything just because of you, and if I start to doubt myself, and I cry those tears we both know very well, I pick up the phone and in a minute you make me feel like a superwoman that can conquer the world. I love you more than I say sometimes.

You are my biggest asset, my biggest fan, and everything I hope to be someday. Thank you for being an outstanding example of what a woman should be.


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