Military Press Zone 1, Aug. 15, 2014

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Serving Those Who Serve Us

Volume 38 • #16 • August 15, 2014

The Greedy

% 1

• Wealth gap slows economic growth • America's 10 worst tax-dodging companies

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August 15, 2014 THE MILITARY PRESS 1




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2 August 15, 2014 THE MILITARY PRESS •

Wealth Gap

By Jack Boak AP Economics Writer

Slowing U.S. economic growth

WASHINGTON — Economists have long argued that a rising wealth gap has complicated the U.S. rebound from the Great Recession. Now, an analysis by the rating agency Standard & Poor’s lends its weight to the argument: The widening gap between the wealthiest Americans and everyone else has made the economy more prone to boom-bust cycles and slowed the 5-year-old recovery from the recession. Cont’d. on next page

The Military Press August 15, 2014 Publisher Richard T. Matz Customer Service Manager Carol Williams Advertising Manager Valerie Swaine Account Representatives: Michelle Hull

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Public Relations Lisa Matz

Telesco faces tough decisions as roster cuts approach

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Robin Williams’ close ties to the military page 18

•  FOCUS on the Family, page 8 •  Marriage Fitness, page 9 •  Military News, page 10-13 •  Housing, page 14-15 •  Sports, page 16-17 •  Just For Laughs, page 22-23 •  Crossword Puzzle, page 22 •  We Support Our Troops, page 24-25 •  Classifieds, page 26

The Military Press Newsmagazine is published semi-monthly on the 1st and the 15th by Military Press Newspaper, a commercial, free-enterprise newspaper. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Department of the Navy and is no way associated with the Department of the Navy. The editorial objective of the Military Press is to promote support for a strong military presence. The opinions and views of the writers whose materials appear herein are those of the writers and not the publisher. Appearance of advertising does not constitute endorsement by the Military Press Newspaper. Consumers should make informed decisions when purchasing products and services, and when considering business opportunities, and research before investing. Subscription by mail is $50 per year to CONUS or FPO addresses.

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August 15, 2014 THE MILITARY PRESS 3


But S&P challenges the notion that a rising tide automatically will lift all boats: “A lifeboat carrying a few, surrounded by many treading water, risks capsizing,” it argues.

continued from page 3

Economic disparities appear to be reaching extremes that “need to be watched because they’re damaging to growth,” said Beth Ann Bovino, chief U.S. economist at S&P. The rising concentration of income among the top 1 percent of earners has contributed to S&P’s cutting its growth estimates for the economy. In part because of the disparity, it estimates that the economy will grow at a 2.5 percent annual pace in the next decade, down from a forecast five years ago of a 2.8 percent rate. The S&P report advises against using the tax code to try to narrow the gap. Instead, it suggests that greater access to education would help ease wealth disparities. Part of the problem is that edu-

cational achievement has stalled in recent decades. More schooling usually translates into higher wages. S&P estimates that the U.S. economy would grow annually by an additional half a percentage point —or $105 billion — over the next five years, if the average the American worker had completed just one more year of school. By contrast, S&P concludes, heavy taxes that would be meant to reduce inequality could remove incentives for people to work and cause businesses to hire fewer employees because of the costs involved. The report builds on data from the Congressional Budget Office, the International Monetary Fund and academic economists to ex-


plain how income disparities can hurt growth. Many consumers tend to become more dependent on debt to continue spending, thereby worsening the boom-bust cycle. Or they curb their spending, and growth improves only modestly, as it has during the current recovery. Tax data tracked as part of the World Top Incomes Database project reveal just how much the economic chasm has expanded. An American in the top 1 percent of earners had an average income of $1.3 million in 2012, the most recent year for which data are available. Average income jumps to $30.8 million for the top 0.01 percent. Adjusted for inflation, the top 0.01 percent’s average earnings have jumped by a factor of seven

since 1913. For the bottom 90 percent of Americans, average incomes after inflation have grown by a factor of just three since 1917 and have declined for the past 13 years. Yet not all economists agree on how much, or even whether, the wealth gap slows growth. Harvard University economist Greg Mankiw wrote in a 2013 paper that “the evidence is that most of the very wealthy get that way by making substantial economic contributions, not by gaming the system.” But S&P challenges the notion that a rising tide automatically will lift all boats: “A lifeboat carrying a few, surrounded by many treading water, risks capsizing,” it argues.



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Spreading the wealth By Richard Matz, Publisher Pres. Obama’s plan on spreading the wealth is not a bad idea. The problem with his idea is that he had absolutely no idea on how to implement the plan. He’s left that up to his extremely left wing cronies. He created a larger bureaucracy to distribute our tax dollars to those already on welfare and to illegal immigrants that have broken our laws and crossed our borders. Obama care is just another failure on spending our taxes and the end result has become a nightmare. He’s asked for and received $368 billion to provide a temporary/permanent residence for minor children who have crossed our borders over the last year. An overwhelming amount of Americans totally disagree with this plan. All it has become is a signal for more illegal men women and children to come and enjoy the free ride on the American tax dollar. The motivation behind his plan is to ensure that the Democratic vote will increase over the next 50+ years. The Republican Party on the other hand is trying desperately to sue or maybe impeach Obama for his abuse of power and violating the Constitution. Years ago, I had an older friend who was related to the Kennedys. He was a lobbyist and represented a few national organizations which included the NAACP. He explained to me how the congressman and senators horse traded back and forth to enrich their

states and their own coffers. He also told me how he created a nonprofit corporation so he could donate monies to candidates of both parties. He told me he would donate 60% to the candidate or party that he felt had the best chance to be elected. Then he donated 40% to the other side just so he could cover his bet in case he picked the wrong candidate or party. He also told me some wild stories about the politicians on both sides of the out and how they abused their offices and foolishly spent our tax dollars. As we all know the President and both parties have accomplished absolutely nothing over the past 6 years. The both sides have the ability to take the public eye off the real problems. I’m referring to job growth, illegal immigration, and distribution of wealth. There always seems to be a new catastrophe to take our attention off these problems. The Democrats should offer the Republicans to close our borders immediately in exchange for the Republicans to agree to close the loopholes in our tax codes that protect large corporations and the 1% of Americans that control the wealth of our nation. This is just one simple solution to a major problem, but we have simple politicians that refuse to put our country first instead of their political agendas.

We always look forward to your comments, critique and kudos. email:



Richard Matz, Publisher


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August 15, 2014 THE MILITARY PRESS 5


America’s top 10 worst tax-dodging companies By Josh Kilburn According to a recent report released by Americans for Tax Fairness, corporate taxes may be at their lowest point in 60 years — in part because the corporations have become better at avoiding their taxes to begin with. The report singles out the ten most egregious tax-dodging companies, and explains how they do it in great detail. Loopholes include caps on executive pay taxes, deductions for fines paid when companies break the law, and other unnecessary write-offs. Common Dreams further reports that in 2013, U.S. companies hoarded $1.64 trillion over seas — 12% more

than than the previous year.

10. Bank of America

It shouldn’t surprise anyone seeing a bank on this list, especially not this poorly named treasonous giant. According to the report, Bank of America runs its business through more than 300 off-shore tax-havens. It reported $17.2 billion dollars in profits for 2012, and would have owed$4.3 billion dollars in taxes if this was brought back to the United States.

9. Citigroup

Another big bank; Citigroup has a significant chunk of the $11.5 billion


dollars it should have paid in taxes to the U.S. parked in tax haven countries. It made a grand total of $42 billion in profits in the year 2012, but paid zero of that in taxes.

8. Exxon Mobil

If pressed to name the most evil corporations on the planet, Exxon Mobil joins the likes of Rio Tinto and De Beers, achieving a notoriety comparable to a real-life Weyland-Yutani or Omnicorp. The quintessential Big Oil Company had a three-year federal tax on income of just 15%. We gave the company a taxpayer subsidized profit of $6.2 billion in 2012. By the end of the fourth quarter in 2012, they had raked in $43 billion dollars in profits, and paid zero in taxes.

7. FedEx

FedEx made $6 billion in profits over the last three years, and paid exactly none of that in taxes. In fact, they got a tax subsidy of $21 billion dollars, paid for and gift-wrapped, courtesy of the taxpayers.

6. General Electric

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6 August 15, 2014 THE MILITARY PRESS

GE’s has it really good on the backs of the taxpayers according to the report. They pocketed $21.8 billion in taxpayer contracts from the government during the period from 2006 to 2012. Then, they dodged their tax responsibility, gaining a tax subsidy —

again, courtesy of the taxpayers — of nearly $29 billion over the last 11 years.

5. Honeywell

A jack-of-all trades company, Honeywell sure managed to find the honey. Honeywell made $1.7 billion in tax subsidies, and while they paid $50 million to the Federal government in the years from 2009 to 2012, they made $5 billion in that same period. This puts their tax rate at a paltry 1%.

4. Merck

While dodging its fair share of income taxes, the pharmaceutical company Merck managed to net $8.7 billion dollars in taxpayer contracts from 2006 to 2012. Of their $13.6 million in profits, only $2.5 billion went to federal income taxes in 2009 through 2012.

3. Microsoft

The software company downloaded $4.5 billion in savings by uploading their profits to the tax haven of Puerto Rico. In 2012, the company had $60.8 billion dollars stashed off-shore, and paid nothing in U.S. taxes.

2. Pfizer

From 201o to 2012, the pharmaceutical company paid no income tax at all, while netting $43 billion worldwide. It also receives a taxpayer-sponsored gift of $2.2 billion dollars, in federal tax returns. TOP 10, cont’d. on Page 26



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Border crisis threatens America’s existence By Drew Zahn America’s porous southern border and the recent surge in illegal immigration is more than just a “humanitarian crisis,” claims the top U.S. general in charge of Central and South America, it’s a threat to the United States’ very existence. Marine Corps Gen. John Kelly is commander of the U.S. Southern Command, or SOUTHCOM, charged with responsibility for the Caribbean Sea and all lands south of Mexico. Particularly in regards to the drug trade, murder rates and terrorist activity brewing in Central America, Kelly says, the waves of Latin Americans sweeping through Mexico and illegally into Texas presents a threat to the U.S. every bit as serious as Iran or North Korea. “In comparison to other global threats, the near collapse of societies in [this] hemisphere with the associated drug and [illegal immigrant] flow are frequently viewed to be of low importance,” Kelly said in an interview

with Defense One. “Many argue these threats are not existential and do not challenge our national security. I disagree.” It isn’t the first time Kelly has sounded the alarm. In testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee in March, Kelly complained that budget cuts in recent years have handcuffed the military’s ability to shut down many drug and human trafficking corridors. “Last year, we had to cancel more than 200 very effective engagement activities and numerous multilateral exercises,” Kelly said, explaining that a full 74 percent of “actionable illicit trafficking events” simply go unanswered, because he doesn’t have the funds or resources to do anything about it. “I simply sit and watch it go by,” he continued. “And because of service cuts, I don’t expect to get any immediate relief, in terms of assets, to work with in this region of the world.”


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BORDER, cont’d. on Page 25

Border solution... Submitted by Joseph R. John, Capt., USN (Ret.), Chairman, Combat Veterans For Congress PAC The illegal immigration can be halted in about five days by doing what President Truman did after WWII and President Eisenhower did after the Korean War, when they employed the federalized National Guard to seal the border. The governors of Texas and Arizona and law enforcement officials across the nation have asked the Obama administration to seal the border. Unfortunately we are the only country in the world that has a wide open border allowing about 800,000 illegal Immi-

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grants, terrorists, drug dealers, human smugglers, criminals, and a slew of people from a number of foreign countries enter the nation each year. The numbers of illegal immigrant children being encourage to illegally enter will increase to 160,000 next year. There is no excuse for this lawlessness on the part of the Obama administration. Each child is carrying notes on them that tells the Border Patrol agents where they want to be sent to meet up with illegal immigrant relatives in the U.S. The crisis at the border is not an SOLUTION, cont’d. on Page 26

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August 15, 2014 THE MILITARY PRESS 7


BACK TO SCHOOL Tips for families to make this year’s transition back to school a smooth one!

By Mia Bartoletti, Psy.D. FOCUS Regional Director/Site Director, FOCUS Naval Station Norfolk My role with FOCUS offers me the opportunity to interact with Military families from several different branches and installations. Even though each family is unique, come fall, I start hearing the same question from many families: how can I help my kids get ready to go back to school? Upon hearing this question repeatedly, I started thinking about what it must feel like for kids to head back to school after such a long summer break. I thought especially about our teens that may be starting high school or transferring to a new school in a different town. Teens experience so many other life changes and adding one more with the start of school can make for a tough transition. As a mom of a teenager, I know that the beginning of the school year can be a bit bumpy but I also know there are several ways to make it easier.

Here are my top five tips for a smooth transition into school: Be open and understanding A lot of teens feel confused, nervous, sad, frustrated, overwhelmed, and irritable at the thought of heading back to school. Most of them are NOT going to come to you and say, “Hey Dad, I’m feeling really anxious about having to take upper level algebra and how I am going to balance that with football season.” However, they do give us signs and if we pay attention, we can use them to open the door to communication. If your teen starts complaining about

a lot of small things or getting really upset about something that seems minor, consider that their reaction might be covering up something bigger that is bothering them. Your understanding can go a long way towards diffusing these situations and creating opportunities for increased closeness. Start by sharing your understanding and acknowledgement of what

checks sometimes, so during interactions with your teen, ask yourself the question, “Is the way I am responding to my teen right now going to make it more or less likely he/she will open up to me.” If the answer is “less,” hit the reset button and readjust your approach. Fighting during these times will most likely only serve to increase anxiety and not be helpful with this new transition.

Prepare as much as you can ahead of time


Strengthening the Home Base

they may be feeling. This will validate what they are going through. It is very likely you are also feeling stressed by the changes, so share your thoughts and feelings. This will give them permission to open up. We all need parent

Many schools have handbooks and online FAQ’s available to help you and your teen get oriented. Set some time aside to sit with your teen to review this information together. Even if this request is met with moans, it is a great opportunity to show your interest in a big part of their world.

Complete story at back-to-school-2014


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8 August 15, 2014 THE MILITARY PRESS •

Thanks for the effort

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August 15, 2014 THE MILITARY PRESS 9


Captain Brian Smith of the 23rd Wing, 55th Rescue Squadron, flying Sikorsky HH-60s, at Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ, one of the Helicopters rescue pilots, stated that the biggest benefit for him while participating in Red Flag is “I never get to work with these other units such as the fighter planes, when I’m at my home base, so this really helps me and others out when they do get deployed to a combat zone, and I can take the knowledge learned back with me, and share

very realistic aerial war games Story and photo by Douglas Aguillard The third and final RED FLAG exercise of 2014 was held this past July in Las Vegas, Nevada. It was hot — really hot — and humid as weather was blowing up from the Gulf of California in Mexico. It made for almost unbearable conditions on Media Day, where approximately 28 photographers and journalists had gathered at Nellis Air Force Base

to cover the exercixe. Red Flag is a major exercise where units are formed into Blue Forces going up against the Red Forces (a.k.a. The Aggressors). This training includes units from throughout the U.S. Air Force and can be also attended by the U.S. Naval &

Marines Corps air units, as well as Allied foreign units (In this exercise, the French Air Force brought one of their Lockheed Martin C-130’s, and the Singapore Air Force was present with their Lockheed Martin F-16Cs and the Boeing F-15SGs’). The training is intense and brings units and people together for several weeks where they are put into various scenarios against the Aggressors planes. Why are Red Flag exercises important?

that knowledge with others in my unit.” Captain Anthony Keith of the 960th Airborne Air Control Squadron, 552nd Air Control Wing flying in the Boeing E-3 Sentry, based at Tinker AFB, in Oklahoma, stated that he had participated in an Red Flag exercise several years ago. Then while on a mission flying in Afghanistan, he recognized a voice on the radio. He radioed the pilot and asked if he had attended Red Flag the same year he did. The other pilot radioed back RED FLAG, cont’d. on Page 14


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Discounted wireless services for military spouses AT&T has updated its existing wireless services discount program for qualified U.S. military personnel to allow their spouses to enroll for the services even while their significant other is away on deployment. Under the enhanced program, spouses of active duty military personnel and those of deceased service members can register themselves to begin receiving a 15-percent discount on qualified monthly wireless services plans. Obtaining the discount is easy. All it

requires is a valid military dependent spouse ID card or active military member’s paystub. Validation is available in AT&T retail locations. To locate the AT&T store nearest you, please visit “We wanted to ease the way for military spouses to be able to take advantage of wireless discounts and hope our program enhancement will help to make their lives a little more manageable,” said AT&T Government Solutions President Kay Kapoor.


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August 15, 2014 THE MILITARY PRESS 11

News briefs...


Marines change special duty pay


Most special duty assignment pay rates are scheduled to be revised to meet budgetary constraints beginning Oct. 1. Most Marines reporting to special duty assignments after the effective date will receive a lower rate than in previous years. Special duty pay adjustments will affect Marines serving as recruiters, drill instructors, combat instructors and embassy security guards, among other billets; however,

Marines who started serving in special duty assignments before Oct. 1 will be grandfathered and will not experience any pay changes. Some special duty assignment pay allowances will increase after a 12-month introductory period. For example, after serving one year as a drill instructor a Marine’s special duty pay will increase from Level 3, $225 to Level 4, $300.

Military mail makes changes

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12 August 15, 2014 THE MILITARY PRESS

Changes to military postal operations (MPO) are intended to save the Defense Department $4 million annually while providing services comparable to the U.S. Postal Service. The changes will go into effect during October and November, 2014. For changes of address, automated equipment will intercept a letter if a change of address is on file and redirect

it to the new address. Servicemembers will now have to go online at www.usps. com and complete an Internet change of address. Authorized MPO patrons will be charged a $1 verification fee to their credit or debit cards, just as they would if they were changing their domestic address. For more information, visit

President signs $16.3B bill to overhaul VA President Barack Obama on has signed major Veterans Affairs Department legislation intended to speed up access to healthcare for thousands of veterans and hold accountable any executives deemed to be incompetent or abusing their positions. The $16.3 billion Veterans Access,

Choice and Accountability Act expands community healthcare options for veterans who face long wait times or commutes; funds the hiring of more doctors, nurses and other health-care workers; and improves accountability by making it easier for the agency secretary to fire problem executives.

DoD working on POV shipping issues The military is currently addressing concerns military customers are facing when shipping their privately owned vehicles. Navy officials acknowledge the transfer to the new POV contractor did not go as smoothly as it could have. Military personnel and DoD civilian employees who are experiencing delays with their vehicle arrival time should call IAL at 1-855-389-9499 and choose Option 2, or visit Customers can be reimbursed

for rental car fees incurred after their vehicle’s original required delivery date is missed. While the first seven days of rental car fees are handled by the member’s local military or government claims office, rental car fees incurred after the initial seven-day period will be reimbursed by IAL via an “inconvenience claim.” For details on each of the three options for filing a claim, visit

Packing tips for military mail Here are several tips for safely getting your package through military mail: (1) have secure labeling on the outside of packaging using tape; (2) provide full, accurate mailing addresses and return addresses; (3) include identical information inside the package, parcel, bag or trunk in case the mailing label comes off; (4) include a phone number and email address inside of the package; (5) track all mailed items when possible and always con-

firm receipt with the recipient; (6) include secure tags on all items, especially duffel bags or trunks with military equipment; and (7) when searching through the Mail Recovery Center, provide accurate, detailed descriptions of missing items, especially unique items. Servicemembers who call the Postal Service’s toll-free customer service number -- 1-800-275-8777 -- should say they are military and provide a tracking number for the missing item.

Veterans: Keep immunizations up to date August is National Immunization cal, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, measles, Awareness Month and VA’s Office of mumps, rubella, chickenpox, shingles, Public Health reminds you to protect tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis and ceryour health by keeping your immuniza- tain other vaccines you need if traveltions current. ing abroad. If you are not sure which vaccines Strive to protect yourself and others you need and what each shot does, against seasonal flu and other diseascheck out this Public Health web site. es by getting vaccinated. Everything Learn more about immunizations, who you need to know about vaccines is at should get them and when. Health and Human Services website, Think about influenza, pneumococ- •

Last crewman of the Enola Gay dies at 93 Nearly 69 years ago, Theodore “Dutch” Van Kirk navigated a U.S. B-29 Superfortress called the Enola Gay over Hiroshima, Japan, on a sunny August day. Once over its target, the Enola Gay unloaded the first atomic bomb dropped in war. A single bomb blast killed some 140,000 people and helped end World War II -- and pushed the world suddenly into the nuclear era. On Monday, July 28, Van Kirk died of natural causes at the Park Springs retirement community in Stone Mountain, Georgia, according to his eldest daughter Vicki Triplett. He was 93. His death means there are now no surviving members of the Enola Gay’s crew who, by doing their jobs, became an early and integral part in the ongoing narrative over nuclear weapons. While in the U.S. military, Van Kirk flew dozens of missions in Europe and North Africa. Yet the history books will largely remember him and others aboard that B-29 for the morning of August 6, 1945. By then, Van Kirk had flown about 15 missions out of England and about 10 more out of North Africa. He then returned to the United States with new orders, training “primarily to make the

rapid turn and running away from the bomb,” Van Kirk recalled decades later to CNN. They dropped the bomb dubbed “Little Boy” around 8:15 a.m. “You didn’t see anything except a bright flash and the airplane,” Van Kirk recalled. “You saw a white cloud hanging over the city. You saw the -- underneath the cloud the entire city was just entirely covered with smoke and dust, and it looked like a pot of boiling oil down there.” His first thought when the bomb fell was “’God, I’m glad it worked ... Number two, the thoughts were, ‘This war is

Theodore ts Jr., Major et b ib T l Sgt u a ee, Col P nbury and homas Fereb ewis, Sgt Wyatt Duze T r jo a M : tL Enola Gay , Capt. Rober Crew of the mit Beahan er K t. p a C , Van Kirk n. (Getty) George Caro over.’ And that was good. That was good.’” Three days later, another atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki. Japan surrendered soon after that, ending the bloody war in the Pacific and, in so doing, preventing a U.S. land invasion.


For advertising information, call (858) 537-2280 •

August 15, 2014 THE MILITARY PRESS 13

$15K toward new home purchase in Riverside County WINCHESTER, Calif. — Brookfield Residential has announced a $15,000 savings certificate at its new-home communities in Riverside County. The certificate is good toward the purchase of select homes at Liberty at Morningstar Ranch in Winchester or Big Sky at Audie Murphy Ranch in Menifee, where home prices start in the high $300,000s. “A $15,000 savings opportunity gives homeowners the chance to get into a brand new home, or help with closing costs, upgrades and more,” said Rocky Tracy, VP of Sales for Brookfield

Residential Southern California. In Winchester just outside of Temecula, Liberty at Morningstar Ranch offers three spacious floor plans ranging from 3,120 to 4,157 square feet. The homes debuted this summer with up to six bedrooms and 5.5 baths. Prices range from the $400,000s. At Liberty, homeowners enjoy spacious master suites and secondary bedrooms with walk-in closets, as well as many options for customization. Homes offer impressively sized floor plans and yards large enough for entertainment patios, swimming pools, and children’s

play equipment. Other popular amenities include stainless steel appliances, granite countertops, walk-in pantries, soaring ceilings and more.




Liberty Residence 2




Abelia St.


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Liberty: 35392 Autumn Glen Circle, Winchester, CA 92596 Big Sky: 30535 Buckboard Lane, Menifee, CA 92584 Sales Offices Open Daily 10am - 6pm, Wednesdays 1pm - 6pm

*Offer valid on select homesites for a limited time and subject to change without notice. Please contact a Sales Associate for details. Plan, pricing and product information subject to change. Map is an artist’s conception and is not to scale. Model photography for illustrative purposes only. Copyright © 2014 Brookfield Residential, LLC. All rights reserved. BRE #00991326. 8/2014.

14 August 15, 2014 THE MILITARY PRESS

Scott Rd. on Rd. any yC nd Bu

S t.

Approx. 3,120 to 4,157 Sq. Ft. 4 to 6 Bedrooms, 2.5 to 5.5 Baths 2 to 4-Car Garages Pool-Sized Homesites Excellent Temecula Schools From the $400,000s to Low $500,000s

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Cont’d. from Page 10 Domenigoni Pkwy.

Wash in gto n

Approx. 2,790 to 3,800 Sq. Ft. 3 to 6 Bedrooms, 2.5 to 5.5 Baths 3 to 4-Car Oversized Garages Oversized Yards for Entertaining Easy Access to Freeways From the High $300,000s to Mid $400,000s

Now Selling in French Valley

Newport Rd.

Win ch este rR d.

Liberty at Morningstar Ranch

Now Selling in Menifee

Rd. yon Can



Murrieta Rd.

Big Sky at Audie Murphy Ranch

R etz d . Go

Big Sky Residence 2

Derby Hill Dr.

Families need plenty of growing room, inside and out. Liberty and Big Sky are designed for the way you live, with large indoor spaces for daily activity and casual entertaining, plus big yards for playing, including pool-sized homesites. Discover two fantastic opportunities for your family to thrive!

Liberty at Morningstar Ranch is located within the sought-after Temecula Valley School District, and in proximity to excellent dining and shopping options in Murrieta and Temecula. Continuing with Brookfield’s spacious floor plans, Big Sky at Audie Murphy Ranch offers large dining rooms and spaces extending to outdoor rooms. Homes range from 2,790 to 3,800 square feet with three to six bedrooms and 2.5 to 5.5 baths. Here, there’s ample room for storage with three- to four-car garages as well as pantries and spacious laundry rooms. For a limited time, homebuyers will receive a $15,000 savings certificate toward the purchase of a select home at Big Sky or Liberty. For more information, please visit The offer is valid on select homesites for a limited time and is subject to change without notice. Prices, taxes, terms and specifications subject to change without notice. Liberty at Morningstar Ranch is located at 35392 Autumn Glen Circle, Winchester, CA 92596. For more information about the $15,000 special happening now, please call 888-628-3516. Model tours take place from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily, and 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Wednesdays. Big Sky at Audie Murphy Ranch is located at 30535 Buckboard Lane, Menifee, CA 92584. For more information about the $15,000 special happening now, please call 888-537-9633. Model tours take place from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily, and 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Wednesdays.

in the positive. Captain Keith stated he immediately felt better knowing he had flown with this other pilot from a different unit, and already knew how the pilot would react during their combat sortie.”The next day was a Media Flight with the Washington State National Air Guard’s 92nd Air Refueling Wing, 93rd Air Refueling Squadron, Fairchild AFB, WA flying in KC-135s. Once airborne, we rapidly climbed to over 35,000 feet. After only 15 minutes, we started to receive fighters thirsty for fuel, as F-16s from Aviano AFB, Italy and Shaw AFB in Florida, and F-22s from Tyndall Air Force Base in Florida. After three hours of refueling, we headed back to Nellis AFB. •


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Grand opening at Riverview Courts

LAKESIDE, Calif. — Quinn Communities announces the grand opening of Riverview Courts. Anxious homebuyers who have been eagerly waiting to view the models will get their chance starting Saturday, August 23. Phase I homes will be released for sale at that time. At completion, this dynamic single-family detached home community will consist of 26 new homes in a two story design. Prices start at $403,995 with first moveins slated for October, 2014. Great finance packages are available with both VA and FHA loans.

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Riverview Courts is located at 9662 Caminito Quentin just off Woodside Avenue at the corner of Riverview Avenue and Waterhill Rd. Three distinct floor plans, each with a drywall-finished two-car garage, are being offered. “Homebuyers appreciate the flex spaces we’ve created in our floor plans that allow them to customize living spaces to meet their particular needs and lifestyle,” stated Stefan LaCasse, the community builder and president of Quinn Communities. “Besides our standard RIVERVIEW, cont’d. on Page 26


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BROKERS WELCOME Seller reserves the right to make changes to, or modify any specifications, floor plans, elevations, features, and pricing without notice and/ or obligation as it deems desirable in its sole & absolute discretion. Floor plan square footage is estimated & may not be an exact representation. Renderings & maps are artist conceptions. See sales representative for details. CA BRE# 01194822 CA BRE# 01448813

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August 15, 2014 THE MILITARY PRESS 15


Telesco faces tough decisions as roster cuts approach

By Art Garcia During the decline of the Chargers’ teams over the last three years of the A.J. Smith/ Norv Turner era, lack of depth played a key role in no playoff appearances in 2010, ’11 and ’12. Smith’s strategy of stockpiling talent at each position threedeep worked wonders early in his tenure as the Chargers won fourconsecutive AFC West titles from 2006-2009. However, poor drafting, injuries and letting go of key players put the nail in the coffin for both Smith and Turner. Enter Tom Telesco and Mike McCoy. Despite being handcuffed by the lack of salary cap space Smith left behind, in one short year it appears the duo of Telesco and McCoy has not only restored the hope of the Chargers fans, but have assembled the talent that could lead this organization back into perennial playoff contenders. Although the offensive and defensive JEWELRY


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line might be questionable depth-wise, the tight ends; wide receivers; linebackers and secondary are hardly lacking in talent. But as roster cuts approach in the next couple of weeks, the toughest decision could be at the running back position where three players are battling to earn the fourth spot in the backfield. Everyone knows the three running backs who will be on the roster come Sept. 8 – Ryan Mathews, Danny Woodhead and Donald Brown. It is the three other running backs – Brandon Oliver, Marion Grice and Kerwyn Williams – whose performance over the offseason and training camp has turned some heads. With depth needed at other positions, if the Chargers do keep a fourth running back he will have to be a standout special teams performer as well. Players who are on the proverbial ‘bubble’ of being cut often make a team because of their versatility to contribute at different positions. Here’s a closer look at these talented ‘backs as they battle it out over a roster spot. Branden Oliver – the 5-foot-8 Oliver was a three-year starter at the University of Buffalo and finished his career as the Bulls’ all-time leading rusher with 4,049 yards. In addition to the career rushing record, Oliver also holds the school record in 100-yard games (20) and was a first team ALL-MAC pick after setting the single-season school rushing record (1,535 yards) and scoring 15 touchdowns as a senior in 2013 – The Sports Xchange. After going undrafted Oliver decided to sign with the Chargers after a short tryout with the Indianapolis Colts. Marion Grice – selected in the sixth round out of Arizona State, the 6-foot, 208-pound Grice scored 11 rushing touchdowns and led all FBS running backs with 8 touchdown receptions during his junior year without starting a single game. Grice was named MVP of the Kraft Fight for Hunger Bowl by rushing for 159 yards and 2 touchdowns. A Hornung Award Finalist in 2013, Grice rushed for 996 yards (14tds); caught 50 receptions for 438 yards (16 tds) and contributed 507 yards on kickoff returns (the only player in the country to surpass the 400-yard mark in each

of those categories). In his 24-game career at ASU, Grice scored 39 touchdowns and did not lose a fumble in 406 touches – Nolan Nowrocki, Kerwyn Williams – signed to the Chargers practice squad last October, the 5-foot-8, 195-pound Williams was a seventh round draft pick of the Indianapolis Colts in 2012. After becoming a starter his senior year at Utah State, Williams rushed for 1,512 yards (15 tds) and caught 45 passes for 697 yards (5 tds). His career totals include 2,505 rushing yards (22 tds) and 64 receptions for 870 yards (5 tds). Williams finished his collegiate career as the all-time leader in both school history and WAC history with 3,408 kick return yards. He is also the all-time WAC leader in all-purpose yards with 6,928, breaking the old record of 6,659 set by New Mexico’s Terance Mathis – per Wikipedia. Williams’ productive senior year earned him firstteam ALL-WAC honors.

The Endzone:

While all three players had impressive showings in the Chargers’ 27-7 victory over the Dallas Cowboys in the preseason opener, it was Oliver who clearly stole the show. Rushing for 64 yards on just seven carries, including a 16-yard touchdown burst up the gut of the Cowboys defense, Oliver’s performance in both the game and training camp might have made him the frontrunner for the fourth running back spot. Although Mathews is considered the primary back, the offensive game plan will utilize the talents of Woodhead and Brown throughout the games. When asked it sharing the ball will cause problems between the backs, running back coach Ollie Wilson said the team as a whole is priority No.1, not individual accolades. “It’s not easy, but they also know they are role players.” Wilson said. “We talked to all those guys when they came in and said ‘all these guys are going to get some (opportunities), but if you’re the hot guy then you’re going to get the ball.’ So they all understand that it’s not about who’s going to get it and who’s not – it’s about helping the team win.”




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16 August 15, 2014 THE MILITARY PRESS •

The NFL and domestic violence Special treatment for Rice

By Jeremy Bamidele According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence 1.3 million women are victims of physical assault by an intimate partner each year. Nearly one third of female homicides are committed by an intimate partner. The cost of intimate partner violence exceeds 5.8 billion dollars a year. Domestic violence is a serious social issue with violence being communicated, learned, and spread from generation to generation. Boys who witness domestic violence are over twice as likely as those who do not to repeat this violence against their intimate partners. It is common for children to witness abuse since 30-60 percent of those who engage in violence against intimate partners also abuse children in the household. Violence against women is a learned phenomenon and just as boys can grow up learning to abuse women so can they also learn not to abuse. It is the responsibility of the community to band together to protect its women and daughters against the dangers of domestic abuse. Domestic abuse has been declining for the last two centuries; however, it remains prevalent, and if the issue is ignored, it maintains the momentum to once again become part of accepted popular culture. While laws can help to fight domestic violence by lowering the legal threshold of what is considered by the courts to be abuse, a far more important and effective course of action is public media broadcast aimed at changing the public’s sentiment towards the issue. The government and those with social influence must coopt their power to send the message that domestic abuse has no place in modern society. Most Recently NFL Commissioner Goodell has come under media scrutiny for what many are calling a lax response and penalization towards Baltimore Raven’s running back Ray Rice. Rice was captured on video dragging his unconscious wife, and then fiance, following a physical domestic dispute out of an elevator in an Atlantic City Casino. Rice who pled not guilty to assault avoided a trial by agreeing to enter counseling. Late July the NFL handed down its sentence of half a million dollars and a two day suspension. This to many may seem like a large sum of money and therefore a reasonable punishment. However, when compared to other punishments the league has rendered in response to much lesser crimes, the punishment is considered by many to be nothing short of appalling. The response to the Rice incident is not ideal. It sends a message that has too often been modeled in the past— that domestic abuse is not an issue to

be taken seriously. It sends the message to the public and especially their fan base, that it is permissible. Celebrity has afforded Rice many social benefits, but the ability to batter woman to the point of unconsciousness without reasonable legal and professional reprimand should not be one of them. Many, including Keith Olbermann, are calling for commissioner Goodell’s resignation. How the NFL responds will influence the future of its and the public’s reaction towards domestic abuse. Jeremy Bamidele is a nationally syndicated journalist. He can be reached at HOUSING

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Advertise Your Business in the Military Press For advertising information, call (858) 537-2280 •

August 15, 2014 THE MILITARY PRESS 17

Military community pays tribute to ‘true friend’ Robin Williams

By Hollie McKay, LOS ANGELES – Robin Williams participated in United Service Organization (USO) tours for more than a decade, entertaining troops in war zones from Afghanistan to Iraq to Kuwait. He made many trips to 13 different countries and performing stand-up routines for almost 90,000 troops. So the news of his death -- believed to be a suicide -sent shock waves through the U.S. armed forces. Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel said Monday that the entire Department of Defense community “mourns the loss” of the Hollywood figure. “Robin was a gifted actor and comedian, but he was also a true friend and supporter of our troops,” he said in a statement. “From entertaining thousands of service men and women in war zones, to his philanthropy that helped veterans struggling with hidden wounds of war, he was a loyal and compassionate advocate for all who serve this nation in uniform.” The USO added that “Robin circled the globe entertaining troops and families. He will always be a part of our STORAGE

18 August 15, 2014 THE MILITARY PRESS

USO family and will be sorely missed.” Fellow Hollywood actor Gary Sinise, himself a tireless advocate for the troops, took to Twitter to acknowledge Williams’s “genius as an artist and comedian,” and his love for the armed forces which “no doubt was much appreciated by all who serve.” Indeed it was. “In the military in the last 15 years? Then you’ve probably got a Robin Williams story,” one former service member tweeted. Another wrote “thanks for making us laugh when we needed it the most.” Another observed that he was a “beloved figure” on base while one veteran tweeted: “Nobody had our back more than the great Robin Williams. A generation of troops will forever be grateful.” Williams, 63, was said to be in a deep depression in the past weeks, something many veterans can relate to. “Many veterans are expressing their grief, because depression does not discriminate. It effects the best of us as much as it craves attention from the worst in us. Robin put himself out there so much, especially for troops in combat,” Lt. Col. Arnold V. Strong, an Army Reserve officer and veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan, told FOX411. “I saw him myself in Kuwait in December 2004. So many of us saw him as a heart of gold, despite his demons.” Strong also noted that many in the military community are hurting to hear of Williams’s death because “we too have our own ghosts and inner hurts” and depression powerfully resonates. “Far too many of us are dealing with these issues through prescription drugs that are but one tool in a much broader tool kit of healing arts,” he said. “I fear that the initial sadness that so many of us are expressing may just as easily turn to anger within days because we all know fellow veterans that have taken their own lives.” posted a tribute to Williams highlighting perhaps on of his most memorable interactions with deployed men and women, a 2007 appearance to Camp Arifjan, Kuwait. In the video, the actor is left stunned when, suddenly, everyone turns away from him as a “Retreat” ceremony begins during his stand-up routine. WILLIAMS, cont’d. on Page 19 •


Roosevelt used to ride around in Al Capone’s limo Hours after Pearl Harbor was bombed on December 7, 1941, the Secret Service found themselves in a bind. President Franklin D. Roosevelt was to give his Day of Infamy speech to Congress on Tuesday, and although the trip from the White House to Capitol Hill was short, agents weren’t sure how to transport him safely. At the time, Federal Law prohibited buying any cars that cost more than $750, so they would have to get clearance from Congress to do that, and nobody had time for that. One of the Secret Service members, however, discovered that the US Treasury had seized the bulletproof car that mobster Al Capone owned when he was sent to jail in 1931. They cleaned it, made sure it was running perfectly and had it ready for the President the next day. Mechanics are said to have cleaned

and checked each feature of the Caddy well into the night of December 7th, to make sure that it would run properly the next day for the Commander in Chief. And run properly it did. It had been painted black and green to look identical to Chicago’s police cars at the time. To top it off, the gangster’s 1928 Cadillac Town Sedan had 3,000 pounds of armor and inch-thick bulletproof windows. It also had a specially installed siren and flashing lights hidden behind the grille, along with a police scanner radio.

Footnote: The car was sold at auction in 2012 for $341,000.


Cont’d. from Page 18 Williams was unaware at the time that the American flag on base was being lowered to end the day and by tradition, troops immediately stand at attention. The humble performer improvised with a humorous response. “I’m not going to forget that. I’ve never had an entire audience just go ‘forget you!’ he lamented, before turning his own back on the large crowd of laughing soldiers.

According to a source closely connected to the late comedian, he was very earnest and deeply engaged with issues involving our military. “Robin was very sensitive and compassionate person,” said the insider. “He cared a lot about the men and women over there fighting.” “He really put his money where his mouth is,” one prominent entertainment industry added. “Unlike so many, when he sought to help people, he really went ahead and helped people.”


For advertising information, call (858) 537-2280 •

August 15, 2014 THE MILITARY PRESS 19

Dwight D. Eisenhower 34th President of the United States Served from Jan. 20, 1953 to Jan. 20, 1961

“A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses.” — Dwight D. Eisenhower

1955 Cadillac

Richard M. Nixon 36th Vice President of the United States Served from Jan. 20, 1953 to Jan. 20, 1961

World events

• U.S. military intervention in Iran • Great Britain declares state of emergency due to national rail strike • The first commercial TV station with advertisements starts in London • The St. Lawrence Seaway opens to ocean vessels from Montreal to U.S. ports on the Great Lakes • The Soviet Union and its Eastern Bloc allies sign the Warsaw Pact giving integration of military, economic and cultural policy between the eight Communist nations • Ruth Ellis, the last woman in England to be executed, is hung at Holloway Prison • 77 die in a disaster at 24-hour Le Mans Race • New polyurethane is used more and more in everyday goods • West Germany joins NATO

“Our • PEZ was original-

• The military seizes control in Argentina, forcing Juan Peron to flee

U.S. news

• Hurricane Diane hits the northeast U.S., killing 200 and causing over $1 billion in damage • “In God We Trust” is added to all U.S. paper currency • United Airlines Flight 629 is blown up shortly after takeoff over Longmont, Colorado • Rosa Parks’ arrest for not giving up her bus seat to a white person in Montgomery, Alabama, sets the American Civil

Rights Movement in motion • Emmett Till, a black 14-year-old teenager, is murdered for not showing respect to a white woman in Money, Miss. • Jonas Salk produces the vaccine to prevent polio

American ly created as a mint dispenser in 1927, values but soon after the Pez Hass Austrian candyluxumaker the are not company decided to place ries, butdispensers and heads on the market them to children. Santa Claus necessities — not the and Mickey Mouse were the first renditions. salt in our bread, but the bread itself.” Movies — Jimmy Carter • Blackboard Jungle

• East of Eden • The Night of the Hunter • To Catch a Thief • Oklahoma!

Popular culture

• Disneyland opens in California • Though McDonald’s began in California by the McDonald brothers who initiated the low price fast food concept, it was not until 1955 when Ray Kroc opened the first McDonald’s franchise chain in Des Plains, Ill., that it became what it is today.

1955 Thunderbird 20 August August1, 15, 2014 2014 THE THEMILITARY MILITARYPRESS PRESS •

remember when...


TV shows

• Gunsmoke • Alfred Hitchcock Presents • Cheyenne • The Honeymooners • The Little Rascals • Highway Patrol • The Lawrence Welk Show • The Mickey Mouse Club • Captain Kangaroo


• “Cherry Pink and Apple Blossom White,” Perez Prado • “Rock Around The Clock,” Bill Haley and His Comets • “The Yellow Rose of Texas,” Mitch Miller • “Autumn Leaves,” Roger Williams • “Unchained Melody,” Les Baxter • “Sixteen Tons,” Tennessee Ernie Ford

BORN THIS YEAR: Bill Gates, Microsoft founder. Above left: Howie Mandel, comedian/game show host; Reba McEntire, country singer/TV star; Willem Dafoe, movie actor; Whoppi Goldberg, comedian/actress/talk show host.

Born this year

• Steve Jobs, Apple Computer • Bill Gates, Microsoft • Tony Dungy, first AfricanAmerican NFL head coach • Whoopi Goldberg, comedian/ actress • Kevin Costner, actor • Willem Dafoe, actor • Olga Korbut, Olympic gymnast, USSR • Reba McEntire, singer/actress • Donatella Versace, fashion designer

•  Income per year ........ $4,130 •  Minimum wage ............... 75¢ •  New house ............. $15,000 •  Monthly rent ..................... $87 •  New car ..................... $1,900 •  Gallon of gas ................... 23¢ •  Dozen eggs ..................... 61¢ •  Gallon of milk .................. 92¢ •  Loaf of bread ................... 18¢ •  First-class stamp ............... 3¢ •  Movie ticket ..................... 50¢

1955 Chevy Bel Air

For advertising information, call (858) 537-2280 •

August 15, 2014 THE MILITARY PRESS 21

said, “Uh, like hello! You need to roll up the windows first.”

Another doggone blond joke

How many blonds does it take?

A blond and her husband are lying in bed listening to the next door neighbor’s dog. It has been in the backyard barking for hours and hours. 
The blond jumps up out of bed and says, “I’ve had enough of this”. 
She goes downstairs. 
The blond finally comes back up to bed and her husband says, “The dog is still barking, 
What have you been doing?” 
The blond says, “I put the dog in our backyard, let’s see how THEY like it!”

Just for Laughs


A blond was driving home after a game and got caught in a really bad hailstorm. 
Her car was covered with dents, so the next day she took it to a repair shop. The shop owner saw that she was a blond, so he decided to have some fun. 
He told her to go home and blow into the tailpipe really hard, and all the dents would pop out. 
 So, the blond went home, got down on her hands and knees and started blowing into her tailpipe. Nothing happened. So she blew a little harder, and still nothing happened. 
Her blond roommate saw her and asked, “What are you doing?” The first blond told her how the repairman had instructed her to blow into the tail pipe in order to get all the dents to pop out. 
 The roommate rolled her eyes and

ACROSS 1. Anagram of “Meat” 5. Infants 9. A Maori club 13. Applications 14. French for “Love” 16. Offended 17. Grumble 18. Name of a book 19. Diva’s solo 20. Damp 22. Cable 24. Colored part of an eye 26. TV, radio, etc. 27. Custodian 30. Women’s stockings 33. Gave forth 35. Hindu loincloth 37. Diminish 38. Films of impurities 41. Little bit 42. Animal hides 45. Blowback 48. Property 51. Remedy 52. Reveals 54. Infiltrator 55. Frivolity 59. Hold responsible 62. “What a shame!” 63. Run away to wed 65. Cain’s brother 66. Nonclerical 67. Showers with love 68. Burrowing marine mollusk 69. Gambling game 70. Sharpen 71. Cravings

Irritated mom

A man had six children and was very proud of his achievement. 
He was so proud of himself that he started calling his wife, ‘Mother of Six’, in spite of her objections. 
 One night they went to a party. He decided that it was time to go home, and wanted to find out if his wife is ready to leave as well. 
 He shouted at the top of his voice,”Shall we go home, Mother of Six?” 
His wife, irritated by her husband’s lack of discretion shouted back, “Anytime you’re ready, Father of Four!”

Jumping to conclusions

A man, who smelled like a distillery, flopped down on a subway seat next to

DOWN 1. Large indefinite quantity 2. Brother of Jacob 3. Temporary 4. A painkiller 5. Make lace 6. Leave out 7. Clan emblem 8. Glum 9. Egyptian king 10. Emanation 11. Journey 12. Salt Lake state 15. Slender

22 August 15, 2014 THE MILITARY PRESS

21. Devil tree 23. Decorate with gold leaf 25. Drunkards 27. Landrover 28. Yellowish-brown 29. Record (abbrev.) 31. Pronounced 32. Look at with fixed eyes 34. Make a copy of a recording 36. Notion 39. Chart 40. Fraud

a priest. The man’s tie was stained, his face was plastered with red lipstick, and a half-empty bottle of gin was sticking out of his torn coat pocket. He opened his newspaper and 
began reading. 
After a few minutes the disheveled man turned to the priest and said, “Say, Father, what causes arthritis?” 
 “Mister, it’s caused by loose living, being with cheap wicked women, too much alcohol, and a contempt for your fellow man.” 
 “Well, I’ll be damned,” the drunk muttered, returning to his paper. 
The priest, thinking about what he had said, nudged the man and apologized. 
“I’m very sorry, I didn’t mean to come on so strong. How long have you had arthritis?” 
 “I don’t have it, Father. I was just reading that the Pope does.”


An older, white-haired man walked into a jewelry store one Friday evening with a beautiful young gal at his side. He told the jeweler he was looking for a special ring for his girlfriend.The jeweler looked through his stock and brought out a $5,000 ring and showed it to him. The old man said, “I don’t think you understand, I want something very special.” 
At that statement, the jeweler went to his special stock and brought another ring over. 
“Here’s a stunning ring at only $40,000,” the jeweler said. The young lady’s eyes sparkled and her whole body trembled with excite-

43. Hot sauce 44. Thin strip 46. A round handle 47. False belief 49. Cornered 50. Lemon or canary 53. Indolence 55. Hesitate 56. Wings 57. Acquire 58. Type of sword 60. Average 61. Shade trees 64. Eastern Standard Time

The old man seeing this said, “We’ll take it.” 
 The jeweler asked how payment would be made and the old man stated by check. “I know you need to make sure the check is good, so I’ll write it now and you can call the bank on Monday to verify the funds and I’ll pick the ring up Monday afternoon,” he said. 
Monday morning, a very teed-off jeweler phoned the old man. “There’s no money in that account.” 
 “I know”, said the old man, “but can you imagine the weekend I had?”

Potent impotent

Husband always insisted on making love in the dark. After 20 years wife turns on the light, finds him holding a vibrator. She goes balistic, “You impotent idiot. How could you lie to me all these years?” Husband looks her straight in the eyes & calmly says, “I’ll explain the toy, you explain the kids.”

Cover up

A woman didn’t come home one night. The next morning she told her husband that she had slept over at a friend’s house. The man called his wife’s 10 best friends. None of them knew anything about it. 
A man didn’t come home 1 night. The next morning he told his wife that he had slept over at a friends house. The wife called her husband’s 10 best friends. 8 of them confirmed that he had slept over and 2 said he was still there.

SUDOKU The rules to play Sudoku are quite simple. Fill in the blanks so that each row, each column, and each of the nine 3x3 grids contain one instance of each of the numbers 1 through 9.

This week’s solutions: •

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August 15, 2014 THE MILITARY PRESS 23

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of migrants have made the dangerous prise Institute fellow and former asjourney north from Latin America to sistant secretary of state for Western the United States border. Many are Hemisphere affairs during the George Worse yet, he continued, with smugchildren, and statistics show the vast W. Bush administration, was quoted gling routes wide open for business, majority of the immigrants in the re- last month in the Washington Free Beait’s far more than cocaine or children cent influx are unaccompanied minors con putting a fine point on how gang seeking a better life getting a free pass who have traveled from Central Ameri- activity and arms smuggling could creacross the border. ate problems not just along the border, ca’s “Northern Triangle.” “Clearly, criminal networks can And between rampant drug traffick- but anywhere in the country. move just about anything on these “There’s going to be a time when ing and human trafficking of Central smuggling pipelines,” Kelly said in tes- Threat spreads American youngsters, Kelly warned MS-13 fires an RPG into an Alexantimony before the House Armed Ser- through U.S. Congress, cartels and gangs that have dria [Va.] police car, and [Americans] vices Committee in February. “TerrorAs America’s top military eye on already spread throughout the U.S. will are going to say, ‘What the hell hapist organizations could seek to leverage Central America, Kelly is also warn- only grow more dangerous. pened?’” Noriega said. those same smuggling routes to move ing that the recent spike in illegal imKelly concluded his appeal before “Chairman, gone are the days of operatives with intent to cause grave migrants moving from countries like the ‘cocaine cowboys,’” Kelly testified. the House Armed Services Committee harm to our citizens or even quite eas- Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras “Instead, we and our partners are con- by arguing the U.S. needs to call upon ily bring weapons of mass destruction across the U.S. border presents another fronted with cocaine corporations that and equip the military to protect our into the United States.” level of threat. Those three countries, have franchises all over the world, in- southern border, now more than ever. SOUTHCOM’s intelligence assets he noted, are all among the Top 5 na- cluding 1,200 American cities, as well “Some of my counterparts perceive reveal the possibility is far more than tions worldwide in homicide rates, in as criminal enterprises like the violent that the United States is disengaging part because of their rampant gang transnational gang Mara Salvatrucha, from the region and from the world just crying wolf. “Supporters and sympathizers of activity. or MS-13, that specialize in extortion in general,” Kelly said. “We should re“Although there are a number of and human trafficking. member that our friends and allies are Lebanese Hezbollah are involved in both licit and illicit activities in the re- other countries I work with in Latin “The FBI has warned that MS-13 has not the only ones watching our actions gion,” Kelly told Congress. “Members, America and the Caribbean that are a significant presence in California, closely. … And in the meantime, drug supporters, and adherents of Islamic going in the same direction,” Kelly told North Carolina, New York, and north- traffickers, criminal networks, and othextremist groups are present in Latin Defense One, “the so-called Northern ern Virginia, and is expanding into new er actors, unburdened by budget cuts, America. Islamic extremists visit the Triangle (Guatemala, El Salvador and areas of the United States, including cancelled activities, and employee furregion to proselytize, recruit, establish Honduras) is far and away the worst Indian reservations in South Dakota,” loughs, will have the opportunity to exploit the partnership vacuum left by business venues to generate funds, and off.” he concluded. Since October, tens of thousands expand their radical networks. Some Roger Noriega, an American Enter- reduced U.S. military engagement.” For advertising information, call (858) 537-2280 • August 15, 2014 THE MILITARY PRESS 25 Cont’d. from Page 7

Muslim communities in the Caribbean and South America are exhibiting increasingly extremist ideology and activities, mostly as a result from ideologues’ activities and external influence from the Middle East, Africa, and South Asia. Mr. Chairman, we take all these activities seriously.”

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Cont’d. from Page 15 three bedrooms, two of our plans have options to include up to as much as two additional bedrooms.” The Plan One at 1611 square feet fits the needs for many home shoppers. With 3 bedrooms and 2.5 baths, it allows for your needs to dictate a variety of uses, from guest room to nursery to home office. An ideal home for a small family is the 1690 square foot Plan Two. In addition to the 3 bedrooms and 2.5 baths in this plan, there is an upstairs loft space that is perfect for a game or TV room or a study that is away from the main living area. The largest Plan Three offers 1832 square feet with up to 5 bedrooms and 2.5 baths for anyone looking for a more spacious home. You get lots of flexibil-

ity with a downstairs office space that can become part of a super great room, a separate formal dining area or a 5th bedroom. The over-sized two-car garage comes with a workbench area perfect for the handy person of the house. The kitchens are beautiful with granite countertops surrounded by white RTF cabinets with concealed hinges and attractive 13”X13” ceramic tile. A large working island can be found in the Plan One and Two. For buyer convenience a stainless steel appliance package that contains a selfcleaning oven and an Energy Star rated multi-cycle dishwasher is included.

For more information call (619) 9713782 or email info@RiverviewCourts. com. For community updates, register online at The sales office is open daily from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. starting August. 23. 26 August 15, 2014 THE MILITARY PRESS


Cont’d. from Page 7 insignificant issue. No country in the world under competent government would allow its borders to become utterly useless in protecting its citizens from harm (just try to enter Mexico illegally and see how quickly you land in jail). This manufactured crisis is about failed governance, it’s not about poor innocent children who are being used as pawns.


Cont’d. from Page 6

1. Verizon

Verizon paid nothing in taxes from 2008 to 2012, while making $19.3 billion dollars. Instead of paying taxes, it received a nice gift of $535 million

from the American Taxpayers in tax subsidies — it’s really nice of us to keep giving these companies all this money, isn’t it? We’re so generous we made Verizon’s effective tax rate negative! That’s right. Verizon has a -2.8% tax rate from 2008 to 2012.

Honorable mention

We are not sure why Apple didn’t make Americans for Tax Fairness’ list. Because they manage to be so evil while still having huge appeal to liberal, creative types, we feel obliged to give them an Honorable mention. Common Dreams reports Apple hoarded $158.8 billion in cash overseas in 2013. The New York Times adds that “Apple’s tax avoidance efforts shifted at least $74 billion from the reach of the Internal Revenue Service between 2009 and 2012.” •

For advertising information, call (858) 537-2280 •

August 15, 2014 THE MILITARY PRESS 27

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28 August 15, 2014 THE MILITARY PRESS •

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