Mar 1, 2013

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Volume 37 • #5 • March 1, 2013

Serving Active and Retired Military, DoD Workers and Civilians for Over 35 Years


SUBSTANCE ABUSE Report shows ‘unacceptably high’ use of alcohol and illegal drugs by military & their families

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March 1, 2013 THE MILITARY PRESS 1






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2 March 1, 2013 THE MILITARY PRESS •


... military & their families on page 4>

... college & high school students on page 6>

... alarming teen trends on page 7>

The Military Press March 1, 2013 Publisher Richard T. Matz Customer Service Manager Carol Williams Advertising Manager Valerie Swaine Account Representatives: Michelle Hull Michael Riches

This item recently sold for over $61K at auction

Tim Hardaway Jr.

find out what makes this item so special on page 24>

Like father, like son...

Public Relations Lisa Matz Production / Web Manager Sandra Powers

This former military wife has lost over 120 lbs.

Distribution Ernest Moralez, Dennis Winks Contributing Writers Doug Aguillard Crystal Arriaga Art Garcia Howard Hian Jeri Jacquin, The Movie Maven Jessamyn Patterson

now she invites you to start your own journey with a new column on page 20>

Contact Us: 9715 Carroll Centre Road Suite #104 San Diego, CA 92126 Tel 858.537.2280

Sons of NBA stars making it big in college basketball on page 16>

the movie maven interviews Norman Reedus, ‘Daryl,’ from AMC’s hit show on page 12 >

The Military Press Newsmagazine is published semi-monthly on the 1st and the 15th by Military Press Newspaper, a commercial, free-enterprise newspaper. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Department of the Navy and is no way associated with the Department of the Navy. The editorial objective of the Military Press is to promote support for a strong military presence. The opinions and views of the writers whose materials appear herein are those of the writers and not the publisher. Appearance of advertising does not constitute endorsement by the Military Press Newspaper. Consumers should make informed decisions when purchasing products and services, and when considering business opportunities, and research before investing. Subscription by mail is $50 per year to CONUS or FPO addresses.

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March 1, 2013 THE MILITARY PRESS 3


Substance abuse in the military By Bob Brewin Drug and alcohol abuse by military personnel and their families constitutes a “public health crisis” that requires the intervention of senior leaders to develop consistent and cohesive prevention, screening, and treatment services, the Institute of Medicine charged in a report released today. The report sharply criticized U.S. Central Command policies that provide troops deployed to Afghanistan and Iraq with up to a six-month supply of potentially addictive prescription drugs and an Army policy that shifted management of substance abuse treatment from the Medical Command to the Human Resources Directorate. The investigators also blasted the Pentagon’s decision to outsource residential treatment programs funded by TRICARE insurance -- the medical care program for military troops, retirees and their families. Alcohol and drug use in the military remain “unacceptably high,” the reported noted, as nearly half of all personnel acknowledged binge drinking in 2008 and illegal drug use soared from 5 percent in 2005 to 12 percent in 2008. IOM’s findings are detailed in its 352-page report, “Substance Abuse Disorders in the U.S. Armed Forces,” which was prepared at the Pentagon’s request. Cynthia Smith, a Pentagon spokeswoman said Defense is in the process of analyzing the report’s findings and recommendations. “Most importantly, we want to do the right thing for the

cal supervision, and given to service members who have alcohol or other substance use problems,” the report said. Though troops diagnosed with PTSD or traumatic brain injury also have substance abuse problems, the Defense Department does not have a cohesive policy to deal with these problems on a holistic basis and a “lack of standardization, monitoring and evaluation of [substance abuse] policies and programs by DoD and the individual branches contributes to a variety of strategic and quality control problems,”

Tackling Alcohol Abuse

service member. If there are areas in need of improvement, then we will work to improve those areas. The health and well-being of our service members is paramount,” Smith said. The increase in drug abuse is due, in part, to a huge rise in the number of prescriptions for pain relieving drugs to deal with combat injuries in Iraq and Afghanistan during the past decade. Such prescriptions skyrocketed to 3.9 million in 2009, quadruple the number in 2001, IOM reported. From 2006 through 2010, 133,900 active-duty personnel, or 9.5 percent of the active-duty force of 1.4 million, sought substance abuse treatment, a statistic that does not reflect the total extent of the problem due to the stig-

ma associated with seeking help, IOM reported. In August, Nextgov reported that 316,248 active-duty troops were diagnosed with either alcohol or drug dependence between 2000 and 2011,

Alcohol abuse stands out as the major problem the services face, IOM said, and recommended Defense adopt the practices the Veterans Affairs Administration employs to routinely screen personnel for alcohol use. “It is imperative that screening for unhealthy alcohol use be available without stigma or disciplinary consequences so that screening responses will be truthful and a brief interven-

The increase in drug abuse is due, in part, to a huge rise in the number of prescriptions for pain relieving drugs to deal with combat injuries in Iraq and Afghanistan during the past decade. based on a July report from the Armed Forces Health Surveillance Center. That was triple the number of troops diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder for the same period. A Central Command policy to provide deployed troops with 90- or 180day supplies of highly addictive prescription psychotropic drugs before they deploy to combat zones contributes to the problem -- a situation Nextgov first reported in January 2011, IOM noted. Central Command’s “prescribing practices are intended to address the potential lack of access to medications currently being taken by the service member in a deployed environment. Yet these practices may contribute to physical dependence on such medications in several ways -- being given for a longer duration than is clinically prudent, given without close medi-

tion can be delivered clinically, either by Internet programs or in direct clinical encounters, such as in a primary care setting,” IOM recommended. The report said, “Screening and brief intervention should be understood according to DoD policy to be an educational intervention akin to an indicated prevention approach. Screening is not diagnosis and brief advice is not treatment.” Though VA and Defense developed what IOM called an “excellent guideline” for screening, diagnosing and treating substance abuse disorders in 2009, this guideline is not being followed in a systematic way by the services, the report said.

Complete story continues at


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4 March 1, 2013 THE MILITARY PRESS

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LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Responses to last issue’s “Women in Combat” article Enjoyed Nicole Cottrell’s thoughtful article. Over the years we were told that women were a civilizing influence on society. They nurtured and raised our children and were a civilizing influence on man. We were told if women were in charge there would be no more wars, no more conflicts, women could work out the differences among our family of nations as they did with their own families. This couldn’t be further from the truth. We see women in politics to be just as ruthless and deceitful as men in their quest for power. We see in the corporate world women with just as aggressiveness in the quest to meet the bottom line, to grab their share of the profits and market share as much as their male counterpart. Women Military leaders will have the need to prove themselves and will be as aggressive in the arena of war and on battlefield. They will not be a civilizing force, if anything it could a catalyst to increase our propensity for war as the need for these women to prove themselves as equals in what was once

an exclusive domain for men. It will be interesting to see how society reacts when their daughters come home in body bags, with missing limbs and all the varied post-traumatic stress disorders that will ensue. For centuries we have lamented the sacrifice our sons to war, now we willingly and proudly sacrifice our daughters. This is progress? — Gene I don’t think that’s a good idea. No matter what, even if they are stubborn and say they don’t need help, we as men will always go out of our way to protect them. That’s our nature. This would only jeopardize the men’s lives. I agree if the decision is made to let women serve on the front line. They should be able to do the same things the men do, no exception. I’m not a feminist but that would just put more lives in danger. Love women. But that’s just not for them. With all my respect. — B. Alvarez

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March 1, 2013 THE MILITARY PRESS 5


Medicating success

Kyle Craig, a musician, athlete and high-achieving student at Vanderbilt University, was the only one who saw the train coming. His family affectionately called him “strong, large and in charge,” but in just one year, Kyle lost his social confidence and became increasingly paranoid in an almost imperceptible downward spiral that deceived nearly everyone. In the early hours last May, Kyle — the all-American kid — stepped out in front of a passenger train and ended his life at the age of 21. “Kyle was confident, not arrogant,” said his father, Walter “Chip” Craig of Spring Lake. N.J., as he choked back tears. “He was bright, beautiful — a thrill a minute, focused, happy, achieving and social.” That may have been part of his undoing. Kyle turned to Adderall -— a drug legally prescribed for attention deficit disorder (ADHD), which helped him stay up all night to study and perform the next day. By Friday, exhausted but eager to party, he would take more,

mixing it with alcohol. He had a respectable 3.5 average, but as he watched his fraternity brothers get 3.8s and 4.0s, eyeing careers on Wall Street, Kyle thought he could do better, ignoring lifelong advice that he need only “do his best.”

‘Smart drugs’ are a dangerous solution for poor academic environments

Kyle Craig, a 21-year-old college student from Spring Lake, N.J., took his life last May have a struggle with Adderall abuse. At first he got the blue $10 pills from friends. Then, he feigned ADHD and sought a prescription from a doctor who didn’t ask too many questions. And because of confidentiality laws, his parents never knew. “Knowing that someone else is taking them and that gives them the edge, he was willing to try it,” said his mother, Andrea Craig. “If he’s into something, he’s in all the way — to take it to the next level.” By junior year in 2009, when Kyle told his parents he had lost interest in the fraternity parties that used to be so much fun, they thought perhaps this personality change was a sign of

maturity, but only in retrospect did they realize these were the earliest signs of a growing psychosis caused by Adderall abuse. After his death Kyle’s classmates and friends told his parents, “Everyone takes Adderall.” The Craigs make no excuses for Kyle’s choices, but they believe the effects of Adderall abuse, coupled with a cluster of suicides in his hometown that year, likely created the “perfect storm” that lured him to the train tracks. Suicide is the third leading cause of death among 15- to 24-year olds and accounts for more than 12 percent of all annual deaths in that age group, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Onethird is positive for alcohol and 1 in 5 has evidence of prescription drugs. “The hardest part is missing him... missing him,” said his mother, struggling. “He was such a bright light. There’s sadness, now that we know everything we know and trace it backwards to the exit ramp. If we could have known, I wonder what a difference it would have made.” Now, the Craigs, who say they are “still raw” from the loss, want others to know the danger of Adderall, a highly addictive drug that works on the brain like cocaine or methamphetamine, and is rampant on the most competitive college campuses. An estimated 1 in 5 students has abused Adderall, a powerful combination of four time-released amphetamines that increase the amount of dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain, according to the CDC.

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6 March 1, 2013 THE MILITARY PRESS •


Dangerous teen trends

(and ) dumb

Over 30 Years experience

Teenagers are always pushing the envelope. The latest teen trends make the underage drinking games of yesterday look like child’s play. Here’s an inside peek at some of the dangerous things teenagers are doing today... and that they will never tell you about.


The activity involves lying face-down on any surface. Once in position, the participant’s friends take a picture and share it on the web through various social media outlets. It might sound harmless and even funny, but some teens have expanded their creativity and planked on unusual and sometimes dangerous surfaces such as rooftops, vehicles, or escalators. Many have been injured and at least one death has been reported.

Drunken tampon

A tampon is soaked in alcohol and then inserted in a girl’s vagina or a boy’s rectum. The alcohol is soaked up by the vaginal walls, creating the feeling of being intoxicated without sipping alcohol directly. Besides the obvious risks to those private body parts, the tampon can soak up about a shot of alcohol, increasing the risk of alcohol poisoning.

Bath salts

Commonly referred to as “Purple Wave” Vodka and “Bliss,” this drug Planking on an escalator. eyeballing contains high levels of Teenagers are quick to find new mephedrone, methylone, and MDPV, ways to consume alcohol without leav- three drugs that cause hallucinations ing the obvious smell of booze on their when smoked, snorted, or injected. breath. This new trend involves pour- Until recently, these salts were often ing vodka directly into the eye, pass- found in smoke shops and were sold leing through the mucous membrane gally in the U.S. This drug can cause and entering the bloodstream through paranoia, suicidal behavior, and chest the veins around the eyeball. The pain. result is a quick buzz. If done often, this activity can burn or scar the cor- Distilling hand sanitizer nea, and in some extreme cases cause This inexpensive and very accesblindness. sible product is easy for kids to get This game creates a momentary high parallel to that caused by the use of certain drugs. The child uses various restraints to cut off the flow of blood to the brain, depriving it of oxygen. After the restraint is released, the blood immediately rushes back into the brain and evokes that natural high feeling. Many who have played this game have passed out and lost consciousness.

their hands on. Salt is used to separate the high quantities of alcohol found in hand sanitizer, which is then consumed. The amount of alcohol used by distilling hand sanitizers is equivalent to that of a shot of hard liquor. Several cases have been reported, and a few teenagers have required medical treatment for alcohol poising as a result. Parents are urged to buy the foam type of sanitizer or ones that do not list ethanol as their prime ingredient.

Vodka gummy bears

Car surfing

The choking game

News broke recently about YouTube videos that showed how to infuse candy with alcohol. Kids now have access to a step-by-step tutorial on how to soak gummy bears in vodka and consume them in plain view just about anywhere. The result is an instant buzz not easily detected on their breath. The candy is often consumed in big amounts, rapidly leading to high levels of intoxication. Kids are unaware of the amounts of alcohol in each piece of candy so they begin popping gummy bears until the buzz kicks in. Reports have shown that several kids have ended up in the E.R. being treated for alcohol poisoning.

Here’s how it works: teenagers climb on top of a car, hold onto the roof, and pretend to surf while the driver hits the pedal and drives. The faster the car, the greater the fame for the rooftop surfer. Some kids have gone to the extreme, and tried surfing on top of trains and subways.

Purple drink

This drink has become famous because of various rap artists who drink it in videos. Even NFL players have gotten in on the act. The drink includes a mixture of Sprite, Jolly Ranchers, and codeine cough syrup. It TRENDS, cont’d. on Page 24 For advertising information, call (858) 537-2280

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March 1, 2013 THE MILITARY PRESS 7


Leaving Active Duty? Continue to Serve in the National Guard

companies deFor many, the ployed overseas call to military may see combat, service never but are often stops. There’s found building nothing else like schools and hosthe adventure, the pitals, training camaraderie and local peacekeepthe pride of servers or teaching loing your country. cal farmers more If you have prior efficient techservice and are niques and better thinking about uses of their land. continuing your The National military service, Guard participate in domestic exercise. Guard’s unique you need to connect with the California Army Nation- dual mission — serving both the state and federal governments—offers you al Guard. The National Guard serves both opportunities you won’t find in other state and federal governments. The branches. You’ll live and work where difference between the National you choose. You’ll be combat-trained Guard and other branches is that while and equipped to defend America anyGuard units are combat-trained and where in the world, but you’ll be just can be deployed overseas, they are just as likely to serve in your home comas likely to serve in their home com- munity—usually by training just one munities—training just one weekend weekend per month and one two-week per month, and one two-week period period each year. Whether you’ve each year. During local emergencies, served in the Army, Marines, Navy, National Guard units assist residents Air Force or Coast Guard, you’ll be endangered by storms, floods, fires able to combine your years of prior and other disasters. National Guard service with time in the Guard to stay on track toward your 20-year retirement. National Guard Members can choose from over 150 careers in fields including medicine, technology, engineering, transportation, communications—serious jobs that can give you a real advantage over the competition. As a prior service individual in the National Guard, you can: • Move into a new career, or move up to the next level in your current career. • Use up to 100% tuition assistance. • Hone your leadership skills with advanced leadership schools. • Combine your prior service with your Guard service to earn retirement benefits. • Serve part-time in your community. • Maintain healthcare benefits. • Continue to enjoy all the other traditional military discounts and benefits. Benefits are subject to change check with your local Recruiter, Reserve Component Career Counselor (on Active Duty posts) or visit www. for the most upto-date information. Riverside County Sheriff’s Department You already know about the action, is actively recruiting for Deputy Sheriff the excitement and the sense of purTrainee, Deputy Sheriff (Lateral-Prepose you get from serving your counService), Correctional Deputy I, Sheriff’s try. Now you can apply your leader911 Communications Officer I, and other ship and skills around the world and clerical support positions to fill in your community. Put your prior vacancies throughout the County! service to use in the National Guard. We encourage you or someone you know There are openings statewide for prior to apply online at service Officers and Enlisted personnel. Visit, call 1-800-GO-GUARD or contact your local Recruiter to learn more. 8 March 1, 2013 THE MILITARY PRESS •


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March 1, 2013 THE MILITARY PRESS 9

MILITARY NEWS 50 Cent in hot water

Curtis James Jackson III, better known by his rap name 50 Cent, is a certified eight times platinum artist and well known for surviving being shot nine times in his native Queens, New York. He has admitted to dealing drugs as a teen; however, he was eventually discovered by rapper Eminem and signed to Interscope Records, an achievement that led to Jackson garnering top hip hop honors and later gave him access to riches that transformed him into a respected businessman. Recently, Jackson found himself in hot water over an image circulating around the internet of him wearing the United States Marine Corps uniform, including medals. This is not going over well with the men and women of the Marines who place their lives on the line in battle for the rights and freedoms most Americans value and enjoy. U.S. Marine Cpl Schafer Matthew B shared his feelings about the image in an emotional post on his Facebook

page this week. The viral post stated, “The Reason I Am Writing This Is To Ask You What The [expletive] You Think You’re Doing Disgracing My Uniform We All Damn Well Know You NEVER Served In My Corps What Makes You Think You Have The Right To Put Medals On Your Chest That You Didn’t Earn I Wanna Know Who The [expletive] You Think You Are And Who Gives You The Right To Impersonate A Marine!? The post has since gone viral amassing well over 120,000 likes at the time of writing and growing rapidly. 50 Cent has yet to issue a response to the matter.

75-day leave carry-over policy extended

The 2010 law that allowed Sailors to carry over up to 75 days of leave has been extended to Sept. 30, 2015, per NAVADMIN 026/13, released Feb. 13. Afterward, leave carryover will be reset to 60 days and any leave balance in excess of 60 days will be lost.

More than 250 Wounded Warriors to compete in Marine Corps Trials CAMP PENDLETON (CNS) More than 250 wounded warriors are slated to compete in various sporting events during the third annual Marine Corps Trials, which will begin next week at Camp Pendleton. Beginning March 1, four teams made up of Marines, veterans and international service members will compete in a week of events, including archery, shooting, wheelchair basketball, volleyball, swimming, cycling and track and field, hosted by the U.S. Marine Corps Wounded Warrior Regiment, according to Camp Pendleton public affairs. The opening ceremony will be

held Feb. 28. “The athletes will learn skills that will enable them to be highly successful not only at the trials and games, but in their future endeavors,” said Jennifer Sullivan, who manages the Wounded Warrior Regiment’s Warrior Athlete Reconditioning Program. Following the trials, 50 Marines will be selected to represent their service branch at the 2013 Warrior Games, to be held in May at the U.S. Olympic Complex and the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colo. The annual competition is held to bring together wounded, ill and injured service members from each branch to participate in the Paralympic-style competition, officials said.

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MILITARY NEWS Retiree IDs now have expiration date

Camp Pendleton Young Marines Members of Camp Pendleton Young Marines recently participated in a two-day event selling items at the Oceanside Swap Meet to raise money. They also handed out copies of the Military Press Newspaper. The Young Marines is a youth education and service program for boys and girls, ages 8 through completion high school. The Young Marines promotes the mental, moral, and physical development of its members. The program focuses on character building, leadership,and promotes a healthy, drug-free lifestyle. Thanks to Gino Carpinelli, Oceanside and Escondido Swap Meet promoter and owner of Carpinelli TV Productions.

Blue retiree identification cards issued prior to December, 2012 had the word “indef” instead of an expiration date. Since December, retiree cards issued have an expiration date effective the day before the retiree’s 65th birthday. Although benefits will not automatically expire, some changes will take effect based on Medicare eligibility. Retirees who have the new card showing the expiration date will get a replacement card showing the indefinite status once they turn 65. Retirees who need to renew their retiree ID card can go to the nearest Real-time Automated Personnel Identification System office (military personnel section), or call their nearest RAPIDS facility for assistance and guidance.

ICE-X ’86: Freezing The Cold War Based on true events, ICE-X’86: Freezing the Cold War tells of a topsecret mission: a team of young engineers who face insurmountable odds — ice storms, polar bears, military bias, espionage, fear and selfdoubt — while launching torpedoes from the surface of the Arctic ice pack. Will the team once and for all prove submarines cannot hide from torpedoes under the ice? Will successful torpedo tests help to mitigate the Cold War’s greatest threat, or will a rogue Russian submarine that interrupts the mission spark international retaliation and something even worse? “Of all the high level, vital and extremely challenging programs of my military/federal career, the ICEX project tops the list. I was honored to lead this team of dedicated engineers to successfully overcome the design, logistics and tactical impossibilities of the Arctic environment and prove the U.S.’s capabilities against a very serious and real world threat.” — Actual ICE-X team leader (Alex Trinola in the story). “What a terrific adventure! We had no idea the ramifications of these tests until the top-secret mission was over.” — Len Morini, design engineer, 1986. About the author: As a master degreed mechanical engineer for 35 years at the naval research lab in San Diego (currently SPAWAR), he designed torpedoes, weapon accessories, and laser systems. Available at Barnes & Noble and Amazon. Also available for Kindle and Nook.


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March 1, 2013 THE MILITARY PRESS 11


‘Daryl’ talks about his role in AMC show By Jeri Jacquin, The Movie Maven Norman Reedus, who plays Daryl Dixon on AMC’s The Walking Dead, talks about duking it out with his onscreen brother and why Chandler Riggs considers him the other kid on set. Emily Kinney told us about how they worked her skills as a singer into the show. Have any of your off-screen talents been integrated into your character? I can’t sing like Emily, but a lot of my characteristics are in Daryl. I ride a bike and am good at giving people

dirty looks. You’ve been riding your motorcycle on-set and off for a few years now. Have you found some good back-country Georgia roads to cruise? I take it south of here and I don’t even keep track of where I am. I drive for hours. I’ve found so many new trails and so many new roads. The motorcycle Daryl rides is the one they picked out from Season 1 — it was in the background. They found that bike and left the stickers on and liked it so much they didn’t want to change anything.

It’s hard to imagine anyone else playing Daryl. What are some ways you’ve made the character your own? When you do television, you have this opportunity to drop these subtle hints everywhere. The way you say things, for example, sometimes those seeds turn into trees. I’ve had quite a few of those things happen. Daryl’s childhood, for example. In Season 2 when Carol kisses me after Andrea shoots at me, I flinched. That wasn’t in the script and now this year there’s a story line about how I had an abusive childhood. Having to do 16 episodes with these characters, of course we’re going to find more to do. Carol and Daryl have a stronger bond, and I’ve gotten to explore stuff with my brother, for example. Was the reunion of Daryl and Merle this season as sweet for you and Michael Rooker as it was for fans? We love each other; we’re the best of friends. He’s awesome and such a powerful actor. He’s also amazing to watch. We’re similar in a lot of redneck ways already, and we’ve become more similar on the show. Michael Rooker says he gets pretty enthused about fight scenes. Did either of you go too far when you fought in the walker arena?

12 March 1, 2013 THE MILITARY PRESS

You always get hit a little bit — catch an elbow or something. The fight scenes can be really intense. That one, we could have played that two ways: We could have played it how we played it, or we could have done it like two untamable wild animals. My choice was to play it like an execution. This wasn’t about the Governor at all -- it was all about the little brother and big brother dynamic, establishing who’s who. Chandler Riggs told me that he’s able to survive without many other kids on set because you’re there to be a kid with. How accurate is that statement? I’m going to beat the crap out of that kid. Chandler is more adult than Steven and I put together. He hangs out all the time with us. He’s really good at gadgets and gizmos. I get a lot of goofy fan mail with toys, nerd DARYL, cont’d. on Page 24 •

JUST FOR LAUGHS Getting old is not for sissies

lowest bidder. 8. If you can’t remember, the Claymore is pointed towards you. 9. All five second grenade fuses are three seconds. 10. Try to look unimportant. They may be low on ammo. 11. The enemy diversion you are ignoring is the main attack. 12. The easy way is always mined. 13. The important things are very simple. 14. The simple things are very hard. 15. When you have secured an area, don’t forget to tell the enemy, and CNN 16. Incoming fire has rightof-way. 17. Teamwork is essential. It gives the enemy more people to shoot at. 18. Friendly fire isn’t. 19. Anything you do can get you shot, including doing nothing. 20. The only thing more accurate than incoming enemy fire is incoming friendly fire.

Three old men were sitting around and talking. The 80-year-old said,”The best thing that could happen to me would just to be able to have a good pee. I stand there for 20 minutes, and it dribbles and hurts. I have to go over and over again.” The 85-year-old said, “The best thing that could happen to me is if I could have one good bowel movement. I take every kind of laxative I can get my hands on and it’s still a problem.” Then the 90-year-old said, “That’s not my problem. Every morning at 6 a.m. sharp, I have a good long pee. At 6:30 a.m. sharp, I have a great bowel movement. The best thing that could happen to me would be if I could wake up before 7 a.m.”

Murphy’s laws of combat...

1. You are not superman. 2. Recoilless rifles aren’t. 3. Don’t look conspicuous. It draws fire. 4. Never draw fire. It irritates everyone around you. 5. When in doubt, empty the magazine. 6. Never share a foxhole with anyone braver than you are. 7. Your weapon was made by the

your mother if she would sleep with Robert Redford for a million dollars. Then go ask your sister if she would sleep with Brad Pitt for a million dollars. Then come back and tell me what you’ve learned.” The kid is puzzled, but he decides to see if he can figure out what his father means. He asks his mother, “Mom, if someone gave you a million dollars, would you sleep with Robert Redford?” His mother looks around slyly, and then with a little smile on her face says, “Don’t tell your father, but yes, I would.” Then he goes to his sisters room and asks, “Sis, if someone gave you a million dollars, would you sleep with Brad Pitt?” His sister looks up and says, “Omigod! Definitely!” The kid goes back to his father and says, “Dad, I think I’ve figured it out. Potentially, we are sitting on two million bucks,

but in reality, we are living with two tramps.”

Bumper stickers

• I don’t suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it. • I used to have a handle on life, but it broke. • WANTED: Meaningful overnight relationship. • You’re just jealous because the voices only talk to me. • BEER: It’s not just for breakfast anymore. • I got a gun for my wife, best trade I ever made. • Keep honking, I’m reloading. • As long as there are tests, there will be prayer in public schools. • I took an IQ test and the results were negative. • Always remember you’re unique, just like everyone else.

Del Mar Fairgrounds March 9 and 10, 2013

Lesson learned


A kid comes home from school with a writing assignment. He asks his father for help. “Dad, can you tell me the difference between potential and reality?” His father looks up, thoughtfully, and says, “I’ll demonstrate it for you. Go ask

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March 1, 2013 THE MILITARY PRESS 13


5 common VA loan myths dispelled Discussion about common disbeliefs further demonstrates that zerodown, VA-backed mortgages are hard to beat. Dismiss VA home loan myths about the federally-backed, zero down loan program.

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Myth #1 – VA purchase loans are not for short-sale or foreclosed real estate Myth #2 – Surviving spouses don’t qualify for VA mortgages Myth #3 – Military members deployed overseas can’t get a VA-guaranteed loan. Myth #4 – All realtors are good VA home loan advisors Myth #5 – VA loans take forever to close Fact #1: VA home loans can be used to purchase foreclosed and short-sale with as little as no money down. VAeligible borrowers may have an ad-

vantage over those who need up to 20% cash down to qualify for conventional loans. A VA appraiser is trained to certify value and safety and can spot red flags of distressed properties. Fact #2: Veterans, active duty and certain surviving spouses are eligible for VA home loan benefits. Qualified surviving spouses may borrow up to $417,000 (more in high-cost counties) with no money down. And, surviving spouses are exempt from paying the VA funding fee. Fact #3: Military members deployed overseas can sign a document called

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power of attorney or (POA) designating a spouse or someone else to act as on their behalf for a VA loan transaction. The POA grants permission for the attorney in fact to sign on behalf of the VA-eligible borrower. The service member must give intent to obtain a VA loan through an email, letter or other correspondence. Only a spouse can satisfy the occupancy rule (move in within 60 days of closing) in a deployed serviceperson’s stead. Otherwise, the borrower serving away from home will be granted an extension of up to 12 months to occupy the home. Fact #4: A VA certification for real estate agents does not exist. Therefore, a real estate agent should not be used as a reliable source for VA loan information. Real estate agents who are not well-informed about VA loans can even unintentionally dissuade VA-eligible borrowers from choosing the program which may be best for them. A VA specialty lender, one whose majority product is VA-backed loans, can provide reliable VA loan facts. Fact #5: If a lender is specialized in VA home loans, then closing can often happen within 30 days. he VA-approved lender is given flexibility to decide on its own whether a borrower is a satisfactory credit risk. Even a borrower with extenuating circumstances may close quickly.

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14 March 1, 2013 THE MILITARY PRESS •


Models open at Brookfield’s Big Sky MENIFEE, CA — Professionally decorated model homes are now open at Brookfield Homes’ Big Sky neighborhood at Audie Murphy Ranch. Homebuyers who want a brand new home in Menifee are encouraged to visit this newly opened neighborhood today.

Surrounded by trees and century-old rock formations, rugged silhouettes of the San Jacinto and San Bernardino mountains provide a majestic backdrop to this special destination.

within the center of Audie Murphy Ranch, while miles of meandering trails and paseos link residents to community amenities. Three planned public parks including an 11-acre, future sports park will provide an abundance of recreational opportunities, including a baseball and soccer field, basketball courts, tennis courts, playgrounds and picnic areas with lighting. The community’s location near the I-15 and I-215 freeways offers convenient access to business and leisure from San Diego to San Bernardino. For more information, please call 800-977-7604 or visit

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“Big Sky has been thoughtfully designed to showcase large one- and twostory, single-family detached homes within Audie Murphy Ranch and now is a great time for guests to personally explore the professionally decorated and furnished models on display in a leisurely, relaxed setting,” said Rocky Tracy, Vice President of Sales for Brookfield Homes. “Visitors and prospective homebuyers are also encouraged to spend time getting to know the members of the sales team, who can address any questions they may have regarding this luxury neighborhood and to also help them determine which Big Sky residence is best suited for their family’s individual lifestyle, priorities and financial expectations. Finding just the right home is a tremendous decision and visiting Big Sky is the first step for families who want a spacious, elegant new Menifee home in a community that fits their life.” Offering a picturesque, elevated location within the naturally majestic Audie Murphy Ranch community, Big Sky’s new home designs range from approximately 2,790 to 3,830 square feet of interior space, with three to six bedrooms and 2.5 to 3.5 bathrooms and a Introducing Big Sky at Audie Murphy Ranch, big beautiful homes situated variety of room options to give famion large lots now selling in Menifee. Spacious, stylish and smart floorplan lies the flexibility they want. Threedesigns deliver on Brookfield Homes promise of creating the best places to and four-car oversized garages are idelive! We look forward to welcoming you. al for buyers who need extra room for vehicles, sports equipment and tools. One & Two-Story Single-Family Homes Generous lots afford homeowners the Approx. 2,790 - 3,800 Sq. Ft. • 3 - 6 Bedrooms • 2.5 - 5.5 Baths opportunity to dine, entertain and re3 and 4-Car Oversized Garages • First Floor Master Suites Bonus lax outdoors. Prices are anticipated to MENIFEE start from the low $300,000s. Rooms • Outdoor Rooms • Optional Living Suites Audie Murphy Ranch is a new Newport Rd. Remarkably priced from the low $300,000s d. master-planned community set amidst on R any C road Rail 1,100 rolling acres of homes, parks and timeless beauty. Surrounded by magnificent trees and century-old rock formations, rugged silhouettes of the San Jacinto and San Bernardino mounN tains provide a majestic backdrop to 30535 Buckboard Lane | Menifee, CA 92584 this special destination. Under development by Brookfield Residential, the master plan community provides a variety of new home neighborhoods Copyright © 2013 Big Sky. All Rights Reserved. Plan, pricing and product information subject to change. Photos are of model homes for classic family living. Bordering and for illustrative purposed only. Corporate license #00991326. 3/2013 an ecological preserve, Salt Creek is For advertising information, call (858) 537-2280 March 1, 2013 THE MILITARY PRESS 15 888-532-1853

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NBA sons making their mark in college basketball By Aaron Beard, AP Basketball Writer There are some familiar NBA names lighting up college basketball courts Seth Curry this season. Curry, Hardaway, Hawkins, Howard, Mason and Robinson. Below the sons of six former NBA players who are having strong seasons this year. And there are often shades of their fathers’ games in

their play, whether it’s their knack for scoring in bunches, knocking down 3-pointers, playing with a tough-nosed style or wearing the same jersey number.

Seth Curry, Duke

This family is known for the ability to shoot the 3, starting with Dell Curry during 16 NBA sea-

Tim Hardaway Jr.

sons starting during the late 1980s. Next came son Stephen’s rise from Davidson to the Golden State Warriors. Now there’s Stephen’s younger brother Seth, a 6-foot-2 senior for the Blue Devils. He has been the top outside threat to complement Mason Plumlee inside. Curry has rarely practiced this year due to persistent pain in his right shin, but he’s averaging about 17 points and shooting nearly 44 percent from 3-point range entering the week. Maryland coach Mark Turgeon put it simply after Curry scored 25 against his Terrapins earlier this month: ‘’Seth Curry is a winner and he makes big shots.’’

Tim Hardaway Jr., Michigan

The 6-6 junior guard and son of the former NBA all-star has been part of the Wolverines’ 1-2 punch playing alongside sophomore guard Trey Burke. Hardaway is second on the team in scoring (15 points) and shooting about 40 percent from 3-point range. He’s also been one of Michigan’s top defenders and scored his 1,000th career point this season. He’s reached double figures in 20 of 26 games this year, highlighted by a 23-point performance with six 3-pointers against Ohio State. NBA SONS, cont’d. on Page 24


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16 March 1, 2013 THE MILITARY PRESS

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Quotes from His Airness


In 1982, a young freshman guard on the North Carolina Tar Heels college basketball team scored the gamewinning point with 17 seconds left on the clock. The game was the NCAA championship. The freshman was Michael Jordan. After another three successful seasons with the Tar Heels, MJ went on to dominate professional basketball during the era of some of the biggest names in the sport: Patrick Ewing, Muggsy Bouges, Charles Barkley, Larry Johnson, Shawn Bradley ‚Äì and those are just the bad guys from “Space Jam”! Jordan led the Chicago Bulls to six NBA titles. After several false alarms, he actually retired in 2003. He is now part owner of the South Carolina Bobcats.

On success

“I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.”

On basketball

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On obstacles

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On failure

“I can accept failure. Everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying.”

On weaknesses

“My attitude is that if you push me towards something that you think is a weakness, then I will turn that perceived weakness into a strength.”

On talent & teamwork

“Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.”

On hard work

“I’m not out there sweating for three hours every day just to find out what it feels like to sweat.”

On great expectations

“You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them.”

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Last issue’s solutions:

Good luck! March 1, 2013 THE MILITARY PRESS 19


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By Jessamyn Patterson Health & Fitness Coach I couldn’t, I wouldn’t and flat out I didn’t want to. I was always going to be overweight, I was always going to have stretch marks, and I was always going to be a busy mom. Why bother. Only I knew my driver’s license weight was off by 100lbs and had been for over 6 years! This was me! Age: 25, 4 kids, and over 100+lbs overweight. In January 2011 after being turned down for being “too fat to sky dive,” I knew I needed to finally take real control of my life. I was 25 years old, 5’7’’, 263+lbs, a 42ddd, 3xl and 20+ jeans. Married, four children and hadn’t ran a mile since PE in the 8th grade. Owning a bathing suit was a foreign concept, and playing at the park meant social networking on my phone in eyesight of my children. I had spent years being overweight, not active, heavy set, insecure, emotional, and in sheer denial. I had no idea what to do. I started off walking, every day. I chose a destination and made it there and back 2-8 miles. I started tracking what I ate. I completely stopped purchasing all my trigger foods. That meant no dessert, no cheese, no bread, and no luxuries until I learned self-control. I won’t lie, the transition was hard. The realization of how bad my favorite foods were for me, shocking. The “you just need healthy food and exercise” statements, were frustrating. The gym sucked, exercise sucked, food sucked, water sucked. YES I AM SO SELLING YOU ON THIS RIGHT? It sucked because it was a foreign concept for my body. I told myself Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes. Just outside your comfort zone is where the magic happens. I pushed through. I started eating clean, food journaling, weighing daily, and exercising whenever possible. I mean that! Squats while you are cooking dinner count! Once my body figured it out and got on program, change was possible. The pounds started to come off. The inches lost was insane. I knew that I was earning this!

20 March 1, 2013 THE MILITARY PRESS

I lost 40 lbs. on my own sheer walking and food editing. After that I joined a team with Team BeachBody. This is where I learned about proper exercise, what my body needed and what results came from each exercise. I learned about all the nutrients my body needed and the super foods to empower it. I lost 100lbs in 8 months. I was unstoppable! By the 12-month marker I had shed 120lbs! I lost 120lbs in 2011. I lost over 10 jean sizes. I embraced weight training. I love to exercise. I love healthy food. I drink water daily. I just passed the two-year marker of when I started. I have maintained my weight loss. I still work out daily, eat right, and now this lifestyle has changed me. I coach others on how to live active, healthy, and fit! This is now my passion, and my children will never remember the “mom” I used to be. You have to be ready for change, to make change. You have to realize that short cuts don’t work, that diets are temporary and that an occasional brownie will make you sane. This is a lifestyle change for a longer life. Are you ready? Embrace your change. For more information, visit www., or email •


Plan your spring getaway now By Howard Hian

San Diego

Daylight Savings begins on the 10th. and that means Spring is here and it’s time to plan a vacation. Two new hotels are opening in San Diego. In East County, it’s the Viejas Casino & Resort, opening March 21st. The property has 99 luxury rooms and 29 VIP suites. Among the new amenities are a large pool and lounge area, fitness center and userfriendly business hub. There are five restaurants in the casino and great shopping at the Outlets at Viejas. The casino offers 2,000 slots, table games, bingo, poker room, off-track betting and concert venues. ( In North County Carlsbad, the LEGOLAND California Resort opens April 5th featuring themed pirate, adventure and kingdom rooms. Premium class accommodations incorporate extras including LEGO models, treasure chests for each child and a kid’s area with a bunk bed and pull out-trundle that sleeps up to three.

An advantage to reserving this category is entry to select LEGOLAND rides and attractions before the park opens. Additionally, there is a heated swimming pool, play areas and interactive LEGO features throughout the hotel. There’s also child-friendly dining at the new Bricks Family Restaurant. (

news; about 85% of the rooms are nonsmoking. There is a big commitment by the owners to serve outstanding food. There are ten restaurants including five-star dining. They roast their own coffee with a special blend for each outlet, they have their own brewery, butcher their beef in-house and, best of all, they have a

Left, LEGOLAND Resort. Above, Magique show at the Eldorado Hotel Casino in Reno. Right, Viejas Casino & Resort.


On a recent getaway, I stayed at the family-owned Eldorado Hotel Casino. Casino Player Magazine recently named it as having the “Best Rooms and Suites” in the city. They are spacious with interactive flat screen TV, in-room safe and comfy beds. Good

bakery that daily pumps out outstanding desserts, bread and gelato. There were too many places to eat during my short visit but here are a few recommendations. Go to The Brew House for Happy Hour and don’t miss the Saigon Subs at Pho Mein. Head to The Buffet for dinner; there is a carving station, extensive salad bar, an array of ethnic entrees and desserts.

Tivoli Gardens is open 24/7 and the baked goods alone make it worth a stop (it’s also a Wi-Fi hot spot). Roxy offers over 100 martinis; try the lobster medallions appetizer served escargot style and ask for a basket of cheddar bacon bread. For entertainment, don’t miss Magique, their showroom extravaganza featuring beautiful women, lavish costumes, imaginative dance routines, blazing pyrotechnics, amazing special effects and great magic and illusions. It’s running through April 14th, followed by Menopause The Musical. Poker-wise, there’s all the action one could imagine. If you like live games, the daily 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Hold ’em low buy-in tournaments attract locals. That’s always a tip-off to a well-run poker room. There are also continuous five-card stud and limit and no-limit Hold ‘em games. For more info, visit Join Club Eldorado for customer recognition rewards. For a free app of the Reno/Tahoe Area and other details, go to www.visitrenotahoe. com. Safe travels and enjoy the journey…

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March 1, 2013 THE MILITARY PRESS 21

“When there is a lack of honor in government, the morals of the whole people are poisoned.” — Herbert Hoover Herbert Hoover (August 10, 1874 – October 20, 1964), America’s 31st president, took office in 1929, the year the U.S. economy plummeted into the Great Depression. Although his predecessors’ policies undoubtedly contributed to the crisis, which lasted over a decade, Hoover bore much of the blame in the minds of the American people. As the Depression deepened, Hoover failed to recognize the severity of the situation or leverage the power of the federal government to squarely address it. A successful mining engineer before entering politics, the Iowa-born president was widely viewed as callous and insensitive toward the suffering of millions of desperate Americans. As a result, Hoover was soundly defeated in the 1932 presidential election by Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945).


. uto Show at Paris A r a C ic s s 1931 Cla


• Empire State Building is completed and becomes the tallest building in the world at 120 stories • U.S. population 120 million • U.S. unemployment reaches 8 million • Nevada legalizing gambling • Chicago runs out of money and can’t pay teachers for 2 months • “Star Spangled Banner’ becomes National Anthem • George Wash-

ington Bridge opens • Ford ends production of the Model A • Following the Wall Street crash, 2,500 banks fail


• Strobe light • Electric guitar • Aerogel • Magnetic steel • Iconoscope • Rhythmicon

• Frankenstein • Mata Hari • Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde • The Public Enemy • Monkey Business • City Lights starring Charlie Chaplin


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Born in 1931

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Empire State Building completed

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1931 Duesenberg Model J Figoni Boattail Speedster

“Is there anything better than to be longing for something, when you know it is within reach?” — Greta Garbo 22 March 2013 THE MILITARY PRESS Page 22 1, February 15, 2013 THE MILITARY PRESS •

remember when...


Edward G. Robinson

Grand old Studebaker

Joan Blondell

$1 in 1931 = $14.37 today New house $5,790 Wages $1,850/year Gallon of gas 10¢ Rent $18/month Loaf of bread 8¢ Spaghetti dinner $1.29 Lb. of hamburger meat 11¢ Alarm clock $3.50 New car $650 Electric train set $5.95 Tuxedo $25 Mattress $5 each Dozen bananas 25¢ Laundry soap 22¢

Jean Harlow

“In the 1930s one was aware of two great evils mass unemployment and the threat of war.” — James Meade For advertising advertising information, For information call call:(858) (858)537-2280 537.2280

March 1, 2013 MILITARY PRESS February 15, 2013 THETHE MILITARY PRESS Page 23 23


Signed baseball so rare it’s criminal

making the Cubs the By David Brown next great American Big League Show Babe Ruth It was neat enough, getting the likes team. He had devised of New York Yankees slugger Babe a plan to trade for Ruth and “Scarface” Al Capone, icons Babe Ruth by paying Yankees owner of 1920s America, to autograph the Colonel Jacob Ruppert — who wasn’t same baseball. Hall of Fame pitcher really a colonel but a former brewer Herb Pennock, a longtime teammate — $500,000 in cash. According to Al, of Ruth’s, somehow made it happen he had already talked to the Babe during the the 1931 season — right be- about using him as both a player and fore Capone was sent up the river for a manager. The Babe was very excited about the idea; he had always wanted tax evasion. The ball was recently sold for to be a manager, but Colonel Ruppert $61,863.34 at an online auction house. wouldn’t give him the chance. We know it’s true that the Yankees Not an unreasonable sum, when you consider what other autographed mem- never let Ruth manage, which is part of why he eventuorabilia goes for, ally left the franand the backstory of how Ruth and It was rare for Capone to chise. But even if could have Capone knew each sign anything, much less Capone stayed a step ahead other. And that a baseball... of Eliot Ness and Capone schemed his Untouchables, to buy the Chicago Cubsfrom the Wrigley Family — off could he have bought the Cubs under the record, using blackmail — and the table? What did Capone “have” on to later purchase Ruth from Colonel William Wrigley? What would he pay? Jacob Ruppert and the Yankees and The book’s answer: “What would you offer him for it?” make him player-manager of the Cubs. Sound fantastic? Perhaps, but that Ralph finally asked [Al]. And then, as he told me the story, was Capone’s dream as published in “Uncle Al Capone, The Untold Story Ralph broke into a big grin. “I swear, From Inside His Family” by Deirdre Deirdre,” he said. “Al said to me, ‘I’ll make him an offer he can’t refuse.’ “ Marie Capone. Oh, come on, it does not say that. On page 46, she quotes Al’s brother (Yes, it does.) Ralph Capone: Capone could have been boasting “I could run the organization better than Wrigley can,” Al boasted. “If I don’t of course, blowing hot air. And he take it off his hands, he’ll run it into the would have had to hurry, too. By 1932, not only was Capone in prison, but ground before long.” Al did know baseball well. And William Wrigley had died. And Capone’s characterization of he already had a number of ideas for


Cont’d. from Page 16

Corey Hawkins, UC Davis

Al Capone

the Cubs was off. They had won the NL pennant in 1929 and proceded to reach the World Series in ‘32, ‘35 and ‘38. Didn’t win it, of course. But with Capone’s bankroll and attitude, who knows how history might have been different. Keeping such a deal from baseball commissioner Kenesaw Mountain Landis would have been tough, seeing that he was headquartered in Chicago as well. And if Capone’s Cubs had won the World Series, he’d be bragging all over the place. Deirdre Capone’s book also talks of Capone’s vision to buy players from the Pittsburgh Crawfords, a Negro League team owned by Al’s friend Gus Greenlee. Satchel Paige and another star might have beaten Jackie Robinson to the majors by 16 years. If only Capone had paid his taxes (and a few other things had happened). As a baseball owner, Capone would have been something like a murderous Mark Cuban. Full of challenging ideas, gumption and money. And yet, Mark Cuban can’t seem to buy his way into Major League Baseball, either. It was rare for Capone to sign anything, much less a baseball, but Pennock took a breath and got it done one day at Comiskey Park back in ‘31. He also got reprimanded by the league for chatting up a gangster — the gangster — in public. Later on, he got Ruth to add his signature and a one-of-akind item was born. I’d buy it, if I had $200,000 laying around.

The son of former NBA guard Hersey Hawkins entered the week averaging 20.5 points and 5.7 rebounds. Hawkins was also shooting about 47 percent from the field and 40 percent from behind the arc. The 6-3 sophomore is an Arizona State transfer and had a school-record 40 points at Hawaii in January to follow in his high-scoring father’s footsteps at Bradley, where Hersey Hawkins is the school’s all-time leading scorer and ranks seventh in Division I history with 3,008 career points. In Hersey’s senior year, he averaged 36.3 points and scored 63 in a game. ‘’One thing he always told me is be able to get into the lane and finish around the bigs,’’ Corey Hawkins said. ‘’... Not being that tall, you have to find ways to finish in the paint. He helped me a lot with that.’’

Complete story continues at nba-sons DARYL

Cont’d. from Page 12 games and stuff, and I usually just give that stuff to Chandler. He’s one of the best actors on our show, hands down, and he’s killing it this season. Given all the deaths on the show, are you ever worried that your character could be the next one to go? I think we all have that fear. Nobody’s safe in this world — on our show, as well as our group. Everyone is a moving target. I don’t think anyone thinks they’re going to be on for a certain amount of episodes. They think they could go at any time, and the producers have made that clear. We are all afraid.


Cont’d. from Page 7 is highly toxic and can cause hallucinations, unresponsiveness, and lethargy. This concoction has been glamorized in the music industry so much so that a style of music has even been created to how the effects of the drink

Chat roulette

This website allows the user to anonymously chat online with anyone without the use of security blocks or filters. The website is easy to use and does not protect users from adult content or disturbing images. Once you’re logged on, the site pairs you up with a stranger.

24 March 1, 2013 THE MILITARY PRESS •

For advertising information, call (858) 537-2280

March 1, 2013 THE MILITARY PRESS 25




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26 March 1, 2013 THE MILITARY PRESS


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March 1, 2013 THE MILITARY PRESS 27

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28 March 1, 2013 THE MILITARY PRESS •

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