Military Press, June 1, 2019

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Volume 43 • Number 11 • June 1, 2019





eventy five years ago, on June 6, 1944, more than 160,000 Allied forces landed in Nazi-occupied France as part of the biggest air, land and sea invasion ever executed. It ended with heavy casualties — more than 9,000 Allied soldiers were killed or wounded in those first 24 hours — but D-Day is largely considered the successful beginning of the end of Hitler’s tyrannical regime. The bravery by the paratroopers and soldiers who stormed Normandy that day is well-known, but there are a lot of things you may not know about D-Day. Here are a few of those nuggets:

The deadly D-Day rehearsal

On April 28, 1944, eight ships full of U.S. servicemen and equipment were making their way to the Devon coast in the U.K. to take part in a rehearsal for the D-Day landings. Unfortunately, a mistake in their paperwork meant the ships were using different radio frequencies, so when a group of German boats picked up on

the heavy radio traffic, the slow-moving U.S. landing ships and their lack of communication proved to be easy targets for the German torpedoes. In total some 800 people were killed in the botched operation, a heavier loss than on some of the DDay beaches. Worried about leaked intelligence and a drop in morale, Allied commanders ordered a blackout on all information about the attack and some families never found out how their relatives had died.

A woman’s charm?

In Jonathan Mayo’s book “D-Day” he tells the story of Terence Otway, whose unit was tasked with attacking the Merville battery on D-Day. Otway wanted to be sure that his men wouldn’t leak this highly sensitive information in advance, so to test security he sent 30 of the prettiest members of the Women’s Auxiliary Air Force, in civilian clothes, down to the local pubs. The women were told to do all they Churchill’s fears could try and get the information. None of Despite his well-documented capacity the men fell into the trap. for inspirational speeches, on the night before D-Day Winston Churchill was feeling less than confident. He apparently confided his fears to his wife the evening before the landings telling her: “Do you realise that by the time you wake up in the morning 20,000 men may have been killed?”

Code names in the crossword

June 1, 2019

when a number of these apparently secret code names appeared as answers in the Daily Telegraph’s crossword puzzle. In the month before the D-Day attacks, no less than five code names, including “Utah,” “Omaha” and “Neptune” were spotted in the puzzle answers. Alarm bells rang at MI5, which suspected someone was trying to pass information to the enemy, although a search of the writer’s home and office turned up nothing.

During D-Day preparations top-secret The D in D-Day code names were used to hide the allies’ Over the years many people have wonplans from the enemy. “Utah,” “Omaha,” dered what the “D” in D-Day stands for. “Gold,” and “Sword” were beaches on the Some have suggested DisembarkementNormandy coastline, “Neptune” was the Day, Decision-Day and even Death-Day. code name for the landings, “Overlord” In reality the D just stands for “Day.” was the ensuing battle for Normandy and D-Day and H-Hour represent the secret a “Bigot” was the code name for someone time and day an operation is set to begin, who had high level security clearance. so before and after WWII many other opAccess to this top-level information erations had a “D-Day.” The day before Dwas kept securely under wraps. However, Day was known as “D-1” and the day after in 1944, authorities became concerned as “D+1,” meaning that if the day of the •

eration changed, all the dates in the plans and Sword beaches, while the Canadians took Juno Beach. did not have to be changed.

Eisenhower’s letter

Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower wrote a letter that was to be opened “in case of failure.” In it he wrote, “Our landings in the Cherbourg-Havre area have failed to gain a satisfactory foothold and I have withdrawn the troops. My decision to attack at this time and place was based upon the best information available. The troops, the air and the Navy did all that bravery and devotion to duty could do. If any blame or fault attaches to the attempt it is mine alone.” The letter is mistakenly signed July 5 instead of June 5 — presumably he was a little preoccupied at the time.

It was almost a tactical failure

While the ultimate goal of liberating France and ousting the Germans did happen, a lot went wrong on D-Day — especially for the Americans, who were the first to launch the invasion. Thousands of U.S. paratroopers were injured or killed during their drop behind enemy lines at Utah Beach, having been shot out of the sky by enemy fire or weighed down and drowned in flooded marshlands. Many also missed their landing spots, as did the seaborne forces, which landed more than a mile from their intended destination, thanks to strong currents. The Omaha offensive turned out to be the bloodiest of the day, largely in part beThe U.S. only stormed 2 of the 5 cause Army intelligence underestimated beaches the German stronghold there. Rough surf Stories of how U.S. troops stormed caused huge problems for the amphibithe beaches of Normandy are legendary, ous tanks launched at sea — only two of with the names Omaha Beach and Utah 29 made it to shore, while many of the in- for overall success. Beach standing out in people’s minds. But fantrymen who stormed off the boats were the invasion stretched out over 50 miles gunned down by Germans. Gen. Omar The ‘man who won the war’ of land, so we couldn’t do it alone. Three Bradley, who led the Omaha forces, nearly Gen. Eisenhower once said “Andrew other beach invasions by Allied troops considered abandoning the operation. Higgins … is the man who won the war for Somehow, though, both sectors of U.S. us”. But who is Andrew Higgins? happened simultaneously: Great Britain and some smaller forces stormed Gold troops managed to advance their positions Higgins is the man who designed and For advertising information, call (858) 537-2280 •

built LCVPs, the amphibious vehicles that enabled the Allied forces to cross the channel. Eisenhower is reported to have said, “If Higgins had not designed and built those LCVPs, we never could have landed over an open beach. The whole strategy of the war would have been different.” June 1, 2019 1

Inside the ‘Tin Cans and Greyhounds’ of WWII Survival on a destroyer was no guarantee


By Elise Cooper Military Press

lint Johnson’s book “Tin Cans and Greyhounds” is a reminder that those serving on ships put their life at risk daily. This interview with Johnson reflects on Americans serving who sacrificed their lives to save others as well as a reminder that a ship sunk would have numerous loss of life. Johnson emphasizes in his book how destroyers were nicknamed “tin cans” because they had thin, metal hulls that were useful for quickly navigating the seas but not a great protection for the soldiers that they transported, and the men serving on these ships. Their quick speeds gave them their second nickname, “greyhounds.” Survival on a destroyer was not guaranteed. Johnson quoted Lieutenant Commander Robert Copeland as he calmly told his crew as their tiny, unarmored destroyer escort rushed toward giant, armored Japanese battleships at the Battle off Samar on October 25, 1944. Battles were waged “against overwhelming odds from which survival could not be expected.” Compelling evidence is told by Johnson regarding the two destroyers named the USS Jacob Jones. The first ship survived an attempt of a possible crewman to sink her by opening up the sea cocks. After eventually making it to France to act as an escort convey during World War I, she was sunk on December 6, 1917 by a German U-boat off the southern coast of England. Johnson describes how it was hit by “a single torpedo from the U-53, one of Germany’s most successful submarines, some of DD-61’s crew was killed by the initial explosion. More were killed when sinking depth charges exploded underneath the survivors floating in the water. Sixty-six out of the ninety-nine crewmen died.”

USS Ward (DD-139)’s No. 3 gun crew sank a midget submarine 1.5 hours before the Japanese air attack on Pearl Harbor.

The second USS Jacob Jones (DD- mer Bigelow of the USS Fletcher is someone Johnson wants Americans 130), was given the Jacob to know about. Jones ship name while “On February 14, still being constructed in 1945, off the PhilipFebruary 1918 in honor pines he sacrificed of the destroyer that his life while savhad been lost just three ing others,” Johnmonths earlier. On Feb. son said. “Refusing 28, 1942, while cruisto waste precious ing off Cape May, New time required to don Jersey, she was hit by rescue-breathing aptwo torpedoes, fired paratus, he plunged by the U-578. Only through the blinding 12 crewmen survived smoke billowing out of out of the 113 seamen the magazine hatch and and officers. What dropped into the blazing both these sinkings compartment. Despite should emphasize the acrid, burning powis that the men lost der smoke which seared are not numbers his lungs with each agobut fathers, husbands and nizing breath, he worked rapsons. Medal of Honor citation winner El- idly and with instinctive sureness and succeeded in quickly extinguishing the fires and in cooling the cases and Speak to an IRS Specialist Today bulkheads, thereby preventing further damage to the stricken ship. He did • Full Service Tax Relief this act of courage knowing that he • Audit Representation would likely die.” • Tax Preparation (Individual/Business) Regarding World War II, Johnson points out in his book that “the first • Business Planning and Formation American servicemen killed in World (LLC, S-Corp) Karla Zertuche Adame War II were 110 destroyer men lost six • Financial Strategy Enrolled Agent weeks before our nation officially en• Bookeeping Services tered the war. In Oct. 1941, the USS Ke(DD-432) was torpedoed off Ice(619) 547-8747 arny land with a loss of 10 sailors. On Oct. 2 June 1, 2019

31, USS Reuben James was torpedoed with a loss of 100 men.” He also has an interesting premise that the Japanese targeted the wrong ships at Pearl Harbor. “Instead of bombing pre-World War I vintage battleships, the Japanese should have gone after the 55 destroyers based at Pearl.” “The six battleships refloated at Pearl Harbor won only 32 battle stars for the rest of the war,” Johnson added. “The Pearl-based destroyers won 432 battle stars, meaning they were engaged in 432 battles. Of the 30 destroyers at Pearl during the attack, just two were destroyed. They would go on to earn 257 battle stars. Looking at the big picture, it is clear that American destroyers and destroyer escorts were the true work horses for the U.S. Navy surface fleet during World War II.” Johnson wants Americans to understand, “with a 5/8-inch-thick hull the destroyers had basically no armor. Compare that to a battleship that has 13 inches of armor. “The sea is unforgiving. Sailors are always in danger to be sunk by the ocean or by the enemy. When ships sink Americans should think of the individuals lost, and not just the cited number. We need to remember everything people enjoy now came about because of those who sacrificed their lives that includes the men who died on the destroyers. •



Staying and playing in La Jolla A day at the University of California San Diego

By Howard Hian Military Press


emorial Day marks the unofficial beginning of summer. If a beach vacation is in your plans, head to San Diego’s “jewel,” La Jolla. Although it has an upscale reputation, there are lots of ways to enjoy inexpensive meals and free things to do. I’ve lived in La Jolla more than 45 years, so I’ve shopped around plenty to find my favorites.

Stop first at the Birch Aquarium. It’s part of the internationally famous Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Don’t miss the newly opened “Seadragons & Seahorses” exhibit. Wander on campus to see the Geisel Library (thanks, Dr. Seuss) and the outdoor Stuart Collection, especially Fallen Star, Sun God and The Wind Garden. The Theater District features the Mandell Weiss Center for Performing Arts and the historic La Jolla Playhouse. The latter was founded in 1947 by Hollywood stars Gregory Peck, Dorothy McGuire and Mel Ferrer. Over the years, it has won 35 Tony Awards for productions that have gone on to Broadway.

Where to stay

The 5-star, ocean-front Pantai Inn has earned a prestigious No. 1 ranking for La Jolla hotels on TripAdvisor. Perched fittingly on the corner of Coast and Ocean Streets, this small gem sits amid beautifully landscaped gardens and patios overlooking the Pacific. The Pantai Inn pays homage to Balinese art with its furnishings and design. Included in the rate is parking, buffet breakfast and high-speed Internet. Coffee, tea, bottled water, plus freshly baked cookies are available throughout the day. Turndown service includes chocolates at night. It’s easy to understand how the Pantai Inn received such high rankings with

Get physical ‘Seadragons & Seahorses” is a new display at the Birch Aquarium at the Scripps Institute of Oceanography.

its little touches and attention to detail.


Stroll north from the Pantai Inn along the bluff to The Cove, then double back to the Children’s Pool. The latter is populated by seals and sea lions, which have become a bitter issue with residents,

business owners and environmentalists. Wander through the shops and art galleries on Prospect and Girard. Grab your swim/surf gear and drive to the Shores Beach. At low tide, take a long walk north past Scripps Pier to Black’s Beach (bathing suit optional).

Take a hike through Torrey Pines State Natural Reserve (only one of 14 California State Parks so designated). Six trails loop through the park. There are free public guided tours on weekends and holidays at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Golfers, take note: the world famous Torrey Pines golf course is open to the La Jolla, continued on Page 9

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June 1, 2019 3

“There are dangers in religious freedom and freedom of opinion. But to deny these rights is worse than dangerous, it is absolutely fatal to liberty. Harry S. Truman 33rd. U.S. President Served April 12, 1945 – Jan. 20, 1953

Alben Barkley

35th. U.S. Vice President Served Jan. 20, 1949 – Jan. 20, 1953

World events

• King George VI of the United Kingdom dies Feb. 6 at the age of 56. He is succeeded by his daughter, Queen Elizabeth II. Her official coronation won’t take place until June 2, 1953. • Prime Minister Winston Churchill announces Feb. 26 that

Elizabeth II becomes queen

of the United Kingdom.

the United Kingdom as an atomic bomb. The country would detonate one in Australia on Oct. 3. • The U.S. Senate ratifies a peace treaty with Japan on March 20. The Treaty of San Francisco would go into effect April 28, ending U.S. occupation.

The first B-52 stratofortress flight takes place.

• U.S. Lt. Cols. Joseph Fletcher and William Benedict land a plane at the geographic North Pole on May 3. • Ann Davison of Britain becomes the first woman to single-handedly sail the Atlantic Ocean on May 18. • East Germany forms the National People’s Army on July 13. • The Treaty of Taipei goes into effect Aug. 5, ending the Second Sino-Japanese War between China and Japan. • Germany is ordered to pay 3 billion Deutche Marks to Israel on Aug. 27 and reparation negotiations between West Germany and Israel come to an end. • The United Nations begins construction of the U.N. building in New York City on Oct. 14.

• The U.S. detonates the first hydrogen bomb Nov. 1 at Eniwetok Atoll in the Marshall Islands.

U.S. News

• The University of Tennessee admits its first black student Jan. 12. • “The Today Show” premiers Jan. 14 on NBC. It is now the longest-running television series in the U.S. • The “I Love Lucy” episode “The Marriage License” becomes the first TV show in history to be seen in 10 million homes the evening it aired on April 7. • The Supreme Court limits the power of the president to seize private business April 8 after President Truman nationalized all steel mills in the U.S. just before the 1952 steel strike. • The B-52 Straofortress flies for the first time April 15. • The U.S. Army Special Forces is created June 19. • Puerto Rico becomes a self-governing commonwealth of the United States on July 25. • Drs. C. Walton Lillehie and F. John Lewis perform the first open-heart surgery on Sept. 2 at the University of Minnesota. • The National Security Agency is founded Nov. 4.

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“Singin’ in the Rain” dominates the box office.

• Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower defeats Gov. Adlai Stevenson in the presidential election on Nov. 4 in a landslide. • The first successful surgical separation of Siamese twins is conducted at Mt. Sinai Hospital in Cleveland on Dec. 14.

BORN THIS YEAR: Patrick Swayze, actor (Aug. 18). Above left: Marilu Henner, actress (April 6); Mr. T, actor, athlete (May 21); Roseanne Barr, actress, comedian (Nov. 3); David Patraus, general (Nov. 7).

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June 1, 2019 5



By Art Garcia Jr. Military Press

The Chargers went into the draft needing to add playmakers on the interior part of the defensive line, safety and linebacker. Based on the reaction from analysts around the NFL, the Chargers had an impressive draft given the roster was already considered one of the most talented in the league. Last week Draftwire’s Gavino Borquez broke down the Chargers draft class and analyzed each pick. Here is a closer look at comments from Bourquez as well as a quote from General Manager Tom Telesco on his selections. Round 1. Jerry Tillery, DT, Notre Dame. Borquez: “Tillery offers great talent and he should have no problem right off the bat as the starting three-technique. He is strong, lengthy, and flashes great movement skills. He will have to work on some things, but his ability to push the pocket and create disruption should be an excellent boost up front.” Commenting on the draft, Stanford head coach David Shaw was surprised Tillery was still available at pick 28 and that he wasn’t mentioned often amongst the other top defensive linemen taken earlier in the first round. Telesco: “We figured he’d be there right around where we picked because it was really a strong defensive line draft and we felt there were other guys people thought were (rated) above him who would be taken before him. So we were pretty confident he would be there where we were picking.” Round 2. Nasir Adderley, S, Delaware. Borquez: “Los Angeles was able to see Adderley fall to them to the end of the second round, which was later than what most pundits had projected. “Adderley possesses the ball skills, range and play speed to be the team’s starting free safety for years to come. With Derwin James at strong safety and Adderley manning the single-high role, the Chargers could have one of the NFL’s best young duos in the secondary.” A four-year starter at Delaware, Adderley led the Blue Hens with 87 tackles, four interceptions, seven passes defensed. He also returned five kickoffs for 149 yards and a touchdown. Having released Jahleel Addae earlier this year, Adderley will compete for the starting free safety position. Telesco on Adderley starting Day 1: “He’ll come in and compete with Rayshawn Jenkins right now for that free safety spot. Rayshawn finished last season playing really well and we think he’s a starting caliber player — a starting caliber free safety as well. There will

6 May 1, 2019

The Chargers chose Delaware Safety Nasir Adderly in Round 2 of the NIFL Draft.

be good competition there … either way they are both going to play.” Round 3. Trey Pipkins, OT, Sioux Falls. Borquez: “Even though the pick was an unknown for most, the Chargers came out of the third round addressing the offensive tackle position. Pipkins, a Division 2 standout, was a player that the team liked quite a bit after his great showing at the East-West Shrine Game. “It’s unlikely that Pipkins will be the Day 1 starter over right tackle Sam Tevi going into 2019. Instead, Los Angeles views him as left tackle Russell Okung’s eventual replacement when he decides to call it quits. Pipkins possesses the athletic ability for the position, but he will need to get stronger and get caught up to the speed of the NFL before he gets out there.” After being dominated by the Patriots in the playoffs the Chargers had to upgrade the offensive line. Aside from his athleticism and balance, Pipkin’s performance in an All-Star game against Division I players who were bigger and faster than the normal competition he faced in college impressed Telesco. Starting 10 games at offensive tackle as a senior, Pipkins finished third in the voting for the Gene Upshaw Award (top lineman in D2) and being named first-team Division II All-American by the Associated Press and first-team AllNSIC by league coaches. Telesco on Pipkin’s versatility: “Actually he’s played both tackle and guard. He’s built like a tackle (6-6, 309), but he played some guard in the All-Star game and he did very well there. We see him more as a tackle but he has some versatility as well (to play guard).” Round 4. Drue Tranquill, LB, Notre

Dame. Borquez: “Tranquill might not be a three-down player in his first season as a pro, but he has the toughness, athleticism, versatility and high football IQ to be an ideal sub-package linebacker and special-teams aces right off the bat for Los Angeles. “Tranquill, who suffered two knee injuries in college, will need to continue to stay healthy. If so, he could potentially be a starter within the next few years and take over the middle linebacker responsibilities for Denzel Perryman.” With three starters going down with season-ending injuries last season, Telesco drafted linebackers in the 4th and 6th rounds to both compete with the starters and add much-needed depth to the special teams. A two-time Irish captain, Tranquill displayed his mettle during the 2018 College Football Playoffs. He started 12 of 13 contests, posting 86 stops, nine for loss, 3.5 sacks, and four pass breakups. When asked if Tranquill’s play reminds him of a throwback, hard-nosed football player Telesco replied, “He is, but he’s fast though and that’s a good combination.” Round 5. Easton Stick, QB, North Dakota State. Borquez: “With Stick’s arrival, it likely means that he will push Cardale Jones’ out of a job with Los Angeles. The chances are slim that he’s going to replace Rivers when he decides to retire. But he could ultimately become a true No. 2 after Tyrod Taylor leaves. “To start his career, he’s nothing more than a No. 3 quarterback who could be used as a gadget player because of his athleticism, similar to Saints’ Taysom Hill.”

Stick led NDSU to the FCS title in 2018, starting all 15 contests, completing 62.3 percent of his passes for 2,752 yards, 28 touchdowns, and seven interceptions. Although his 6-1 frame might worry some people, the intangibles Stick brings to the table — his leadership, mobility and versatility — really impressed Telesco. Telesco: “He has some great leadership abilities, he gets people lined up where they are supposed to be along the line of scrimmage and he takes control the huddle — he has all those qualities. Now you won’t see some of that for a little while because he’s a young player but you will see it relatively soon.” Round 6. Emeke Egbule, LB, Houston. Borquez: “Egbule possesses a versatile skill set. He has a great blend of size, length and athleticism. He lined up off the ball, showcasing fluidity in coverage and he played on the line of scrimmage as a pass rusher, displaying a quick first step to get to the quarterback. “He may receive some snaps at linebacker in his first season, but he will make the majority of his money as a key special teamer early on.” The Endzone: NFL Media’s Chad Reuter was on the same boat as others who liked the Adderley pick. Reuter came out with his early All-Rookie Team for 2019, and Adderley was pegged among other rookies at their given position who he thinks will excel in their first season as a professional. “Adderley might not start right away for the Chargers, but I won’t be surprised if he steps right in and wins the job opposite Derwin James,” Reuter said. “He possesses the skills to line up in coverage as well as stick his nose in against the run in a nickel capacity.” •


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June 1, 2019 7

the doctor. The doctor replies, “You’re not eating properly.”

Everything’s bigger in Texas

Just for

Laughs Feeling good

A Texan farmer goes to Australia for a vacation. There he meets an Aussie farmer and gets talking. The Aussie shows off his big wheat field and the Texan says, “Oh! We have wheat fields that are at least twice as large.” Then they walk around the ranch a little, and the Aussie shows off his herd of cattle. The Texan immediately says, “We have longhorns that are at least twice as large as your cows.” The conversation has, meanwhile, almost died when the Texan sees a herd of kangaroos hopping through the field. He asks, “And what are those?” The Aussie replies with an incredulous look, “Don’t you have any grasshoppers in Texas?”

Two elderly gentlemen from a retirement center were sitting on a bench under a tree when one turns to the other and says: “John, I’m 83-years-old now and I’m just full of aches and pains. I know you’re about my age. How do you feel?” John says, “I feel just like a newborn baby.” On notice “Really!? Like a newborn baby!?” A taxpayer received a strongly worded “Yep. No hair, no teeth, and I think I just “second notice” that his taxes were overpooped my pants.” due. Hastening to the collector’s office, he paid his bill, saying apologetically that he had overlooked the first notice. Poor diet “Oh,” confided the collector with a smile. A man walks into a doctor’s office. He has a cucumber up his nose, a carrot in his “We don’t send out first notices. We have found that the second notices are more efleft ear and a banana in his right ear. “What’s the matter with me?” he asks fective.”

Battle simulation

hill, sergeant,” answers the recruit calmly.

During a simulated attack, the troops have to defend themselves against an imaginary enemy, as the sergeant calls it. Bawling out orders, he notices that one recruit shows little response. “ You there,” the sergeant shouts, “the imaginary enemy is advancing, and your are caught in the crossfire. Action!” The recruit takes ten steps to one side. “What are you doing, man?” Yells the sergeant, purple with fury. “I’m taking shelter behind an imaginary

Rabbi in a Catholic hospital

Rabbi Levy had to spend time in a Catholic hospital. He became friends with the sister who was a nurse there. One day, she came into his room and noticed that the crucifix on the wall was missing. She asked him good-naturedly, “Rabbi, what have you done with the crucifix?” “Oh, sister,” chuckled Rabbi Levy. “I just figured one suffering Jew in this room was enough.”

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Continued from Page 3

public. Want the amenities of a first rate country club for free? Head to the La Jolla YMCA. You can receive two complimentary day passes to use the facilities: two pools, splash area for kids, weight and workout rooms, yoga and exercise classes, plus sauna, steam room and lockers. If you are a YMCA member in any other city, you have reciprocity. It’s the best deal in town.

Where to eat

Here are my choices in the food category; none budget breakers. Italian – Regents Pizza’s has a complete menu featuring pizza, pasta, salads, plus craft beers galore ( Burgers – The Melt is tucked away in the Shops of La Jolla Village center and dishes out everything imaginable grilled with cheese ( Sandwiches – Mendocino Farms serves unique “farm fresh artisan sandwiches,” plus soups and salads ( Mexican – Puesto is my go-to place for intriguing takes on Mexican fare. Don’t miss their award winning tacos ( Seafood – El Pescador Fish Market and Restaurant has been around for 40 years and features an extensive menu. Their calamari sandwich is my favorite (www. Hawaiian – Poki One n Half offers a choice of four of bases, seven types of seafood, 10-plus toppings and various sauces (

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Publisher: Richard T. Matz Advertising: Valerie Swaine Public Relations: Lisa Matz Editor: Tom Chambers Distribution: Dennis Wink Contributing Writers: Doug Aguillard, Keith Angelin, Elise Cooper, Art Garcia, Howard Hian, Jeri Jacquin (The Movie Maven), Carlos Kremer, Heather E. Siegel

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www.milita Volume 42

• Number 18

• Sept. 15,











Just $50 for a full year • Call (858) 537-2280

DISTRIBUTION Distributed on the 1st and 15th of each month. Available aboard all San Diego County military bases, onboard in-port ships, at participating Albertsons, Ralphs, CVS Pharmacies and 7-11s. For more locations, visit

The Military Press is published semi-monthly on the 1st and the 15th by Military Press Publishing LLC, a commercial, free-enterprise newspaper. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Department of the Navy and is no way associated with the Department of the Navy. The editorial objective of the Military Press is to promote support for a strong military presence. The opinions and views of the writers whose materials appear herein are those of the writers and not the publisher. Appearance of advertising does not constitute endorsement by the Military Press. Consumers should make informed decisions when purchasing products and services, and when considering business opportunities, and research before investing. Subscription by mail is $50 per year to CONUS or FPO addresses.

PUZZLES ACROSS 1. Stockpile 6. Group of two 10. Taps 14. Seaweed 15. Pearly-shelled mussel 16. Leisure 17. Prevaricators 18. Adriatic resort 19. A pouch in some birds 20. Prognosticator 22. Maize 23. French for “Summer” 24. Anagram of “Wanes” 26. Relating to cows 30. Plank 32. Blatant 33. Complex system of paths 37. Den 38. An area of Great Britain 39. Old stories 40. Supposedly 42. Site of the Trojan War 43. Bottoms of shoes 44. Breathes noisily during sleep 45. Thread holder 47. “___ the season to be jolly” 48. Iridescent gem 49. Half of a sphere 56. Mentor 57. Portent 58. Consumed 59. Modify 60. Enumerate 61. _____ in = aware 62. Anagram of “Sees” 63. Historical periods

Chico Bag – Travel Zip is a trio of small, medium, and large pouches for storing everything from your toiletries, electronic chargers/cords and wallet to anything loose you want to keep handy. Order online at Amazon or at Kleen Kanteen – The new thermal, vacuum insulated TKWide line represents another innovation in travel bottles. There is a choice of nine colors and four different tops (three with swivel loops). The TKWide can be found at sporting goods stores, REI, Whole Foods or shop directly at For advertising information, call (858) 537-2280 •

64. Labors DOWN 1. 50 percent 2. Hodgepodge 3. Food thickener 4. Unusual 5. A movement downward 6. Coarse edible red seaweed 7. Module 8. Assistant 9. Thresholds 10. Indiscretion

11. Moses’ brother 12. Russian emperors 13. Stitched 21. Consumed food 25. Mistake 26. South American weapon 27. Egg-shaped 28. Head covering 29. Indecisive 30. Spherical toys 31. Comply with 33. Stow, as cargo 34. French for “Black” 35. Not false

36. Skirt lines 38. Shaft of a well 41. Slime 42. Scrutinize 44. Female sib 45. Potatoes 46. City in France 47. Shades 48. Curved molding 50. Arab chieftain 51. Plateau 52. Angel’s headwear 53. Decorative case 54. Bobbin 55. Terminates

SUDOKU The rules to play Sudoku are quite simple. Fill in the blanks so that each row, each column, and each of the nine 3x3 grids contain one instance of each of the numbers 1 through 9.

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