@recscugog scugog.ca/recreation
REGISTRATION Begins Monday, August
Welcometothe2023Fall&WinterLeisure ActivityGuide!OnbehalfofCounciland myself,weareexcitedtopresentthis guidefullofamazingactivitiesandgreat eventshappeninginScugogthisfalland winter!
Astheseasonschange,sodotheopportunitiesforthingstodo inScugogthatcankeepusinvolvedandactive Townshipstaff continuetodevelopandofferanexcellentvarietyofprograms forallagesandabilities Thisguideprovidesanoutlineofthem alongwithalistofprogramsofferedbylocalgroups
ItisimportanttostayactiveandengagedandIhopeyouwillbe abletotakeadvantageofsomeoftheopportunitiesoffered.
Wilma Wotten, Mayor
Scugog Shores Museum Village 905-985-8698
Scugog Municipal Office 905-985-7346
OF CONTENTS 1-3 4 5 6-7 8-12 13-23 Registration Events CommunityContacts ParksandFacilities SkatingSchedules RecreationPrograms 24-25 26 27-29 Camps BirthdayPartyPackages Heritage,ArtsandCulture
Mon, Sept 4 Sat, Sept 30 Mon, Oct 9 Holiday Closures on Dec 24, 25, 26, 31 and Jan 1 Fri, Mar 29 Sun, Mar 31 Mon, Apr 1 Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed
Community Recreation Centre 905-985-8698
Fall/WinterRegistrationBegins:Monday,August21at7:00a.m. ONLINE
Visitwww.scugog.ca/registrationandclickthe"Registerforaprogram"button 1.
SigninorCreateanAccount 2.
Searchforprogramsusingthe"Programs"buttonatthetopofthescreenbasedoncategory 3.
Followthepromptstocompleteregistrationandpayment 4.
Paymentmethods:Visa/Mastercardorcreditonyouraccount VisaDebitcardsarenotacceptedonline
RegistrationisavailableattheScugogCommunityRecreationCentreduringoperatingbusinesshours Typicalhoursare MondaytoFridayfrom8:30a.m.to4:30p.m.
Refund Policy
The Community Services Department must receive all requests for withdrawals/refunds in writing to recreation@scugog.ca. A full refund will be provided for any withdrawal or refund request submitted at least seven (7) business days before the course start date. Requests submitted less than seven (7) business days before the course start date will receive a refund less a $10 administration fee. There is no $10 administration fee if the refund remains as a credit on your account. Requests submitted on, or after, the course start date will NOT receive a refund. Medical refund requests will be assessed at any point during the session, must be accompanied by a doctor’s note, and will be prorated to the date all completed paperwork is received. If the Community Services Department cancels a program, including programs that fail to meet minimum enrollment, you will be notified prior to the course start date. At this time you have the option to switch to another program or receive a full refund or account credit.
Age Requirements
The Township of Scugog adheres to the age requirements of each activity. For fall programs, each participant must be the age outlined in the program description or turning that age by December 31, 2023 to attend. For winter programs, each participant must be the age outlined in the program description or turning that age by the last day of the program session to attend.
Transfers will only be considered if a request is submitted at least 24 hours prior to the program start date. Transfers for swimming lessons will only be considered if a request is submitted three business days prior to the scheduled lesson. If less than three business days notice is given, a $5 administration fee will be charged for the transfer.
Program Cancellations
We reserve the right to cancel or alter any classes, times, costs or locations outlined in this guide due to registration numbers, policy changes or availability of staff. A refund or account credit will be given.
If a program is full, you may add yourself to the waitlist. If a spot becomes available you will receive an automatic email indicating that you have 48 hours to register. If you do not register within 48 hours, the spot will become available to the next person in line. We encourage participants to register on the waitlist as additional spots or programs may open if there is demand.
Their Opportunity
Their Opportunity is a grassroots charity in Durham that exists to provide low-income families (total household income of $45 000 or less) with the means to enroll their children in organized sports and recreation programs. Additionally, within the 3 months of receiving funding, each child is mandated to “pay-it-forward” through their Giveback Program. Their program inspires hope while teaching essential life skills of teamwork and compassion; proving that only one change in a child’s life can create an opportunity for inspiration and change, while further impacting our community. For more information, visit www.theiropportunity.com.
Canadian Tire Jumpstart
TheTownshipofScugogisaproudpartnerwiththeCanadianTire FoundationforFamilies Thisprogramhelpsfinancially disadvantagedkidsinCanada,ages4to18years,explorearange ofsportsandrecreationoptionsbysupportingover70different activities Inadditiontoenablingparticipationinhighprofilesports likehockey,soccerandswimming,Jumpstartalsohelpskidstake dancelessons,martialarts,ringette,ortakepartinanyoneof severalotheractivities.Whatkidsdoisuptothem;Jumpstartis heretohelpthemdoit!Jumpstartisproudlysupportedbythe CanadianTireFamilyofcompanies.Applicationscanbecompleted onlineatwww.jumpstart.canadiantire.ca.Ifyourequireadditional informationorassistance,pleasecall1-844-YES-PLAY.
The Township Scugog is proudly committed to ensuring our programs and spaces are inclusive for all.
Inclusion Services
The Township of Scugog provides integrated experiences for eligible children requiring extra support. To ensure a recreation or camp experience is provided to as many participants as possible, a minimum of four (4) weeks’ notice is requested to allow adequate time to assess and arrange for program support. You may need extra support if:
Extra support is used at school
Extra help is needed at home for basic care
You have a physical, medical, behavioural and/or developmental disability that could affect your safety or ability to participate
The Township of Scugog has the right to remove participants from a program if they cannot follow the code of conduct. Our Refund Policy will apply.
To make a request for inclusion services please contactmrahm@scugog.ca .
Durham Region Social Services Recreation Card
Participants in the Durham Region Ontario Works (OW) program have the opportunity to receive fee assistance to participate in recreational activities. Participants should contact their caseworker to determine eligibility and receive their recreation card. Contact the Department of Social Services, Region of Durham, at 905-428-7400.
Grade 5 Action Pass is Back!
The Grade 5 Action Pass is available to all grade five students in Durham Region starting September 5, 2023. The action pass gives fifth graders access to FREE drop-in recreation activities including public swimming and public skating across Durham Region at various recreation facilities. Students can obtain their action pass at the Scugog Community Recreation Centre with proof of address and grade. For more information about the activities and facilities, visit durham.ca/physicalactivity.
TheTownshipofScugogishometomanyexcitingeventsandfestivalseachyear BesuretocheckourEventsCalendarformoredetails aboutthefestivals,performances,parades,races,walks,activities,andmorethatScugoghastooffer
Scugog Sports Hall of Fame
TheAnnualSportsHallofFamecelebrationwillbe hostedonThursday,April25,2024.Markyour calendarstojoinusaswecelebrate,congratulate and“welcomehome”our2024Inductees Ifyou knowsomeonethatyoubelieve
fits the criteria to be considered for induction into the Sports Hall of Fame, pick up a nomination form at Scugog Arena, Scugog Municipal office or at www.scugog.ca. Complete the form and return it to Scugog Sports Hall of Fame Committee at the Scugog Arena by September 1, 2023. For additional information, please contact the recreation staff at 905-985-8698 or recreation@scugog.ca.
Scugog Family Day Fun!
Monday,February19,2024,from10:00a.m.to2:00p.m. JoinusforaFamilyDayoffunattheScugogCommunity RecreationCentre.Eachyeartherecreationteam,inpartnership withcommunitysponsors,offersfreeactivitiesforfamilies includingcrafts,games,specialguests,inflatables,snacks,and publicskating.ThankyoutoScugogMechanicalforsponsoringthe FREEpublicskatethisfamilyday Alleventactivitiesaresubjectto change
Scugog Scugog Shores Museum Village
TheScugogShoresMuseumVillageoffersavarietyofevents throughouttheyear.Seeafulllistofeventsonthe'Heritage,Arts andCulture'pageonscugog.ca
Annual Port Perry Winter Antique and Nostalgia Show
The annual Port Perry Winter Antique Show is back! Once again, over 25 dealers from across the province will be displaying antique and vintage items at the Scugog Community Recreation Centre on October 21 and 22, 2023. The show will open at 10 a.m. and run until 4 p.m.; the admission fee of $5 is good for both days. Proceeds from this show support both the projects of the Lake Scugog Historical Society as well as the Scugog Shores Museum Village & Archives. For more information, contact LSHS at lakescugoghistoricalsociety@gmail.com or Marilyn Pearce at 905-985-9250. Mark your calendars and come out to
Blackstock Mens Hockey League leaguelineup.com/welcome.asp?url=blackstockmenshockey 905-449-4263
Blackstock Minor Hockey blackstockminorhockey.com
North Durham Minor Hockey northdurhamhockey.ca
Port Perry LumberJacks portperrymojacks.pjhlon.hockeytech.com 905-985-7295
Scugog Mens Hockey League leagues.carhahockey.ca/scugog-mens-hockey-league 905-985-4867
Scugog Womens Hockey League leagues.carhahockey.ca/scugog-womens-hockey-league 416-436-2906
Blackstock Curling Club 905-986-4263
Port Perry Curling Club portperrycurling.com info@portperrycurling.com
Blackstock Skating Club blackstocksc.com 905-986-4148
Port Perry Skating Club portperryskatingclub.ca ppsc@portperryskatingclub.ca
Port Perry Snowmobile Club 905-985-6381
North Durham Pickleball Club northdurhampickleball@gmail.com
Blackstock Agricultural Society 905-986-0097
Blackstock Cartwright Lions Club e-clubhouse.org/sites/blackstock 905-986-5278
Blackstock Seniors Club 905-986-4420
Cartwright Sports and Recreation Inc. cartwrightfields.ca 905-986-4602
Greenbank and District Lions Club e-clubhouse.org/sites/greenbank 905-985-3723
Port Perry Lions Club e-clubhouse.org/sites/portperry 705-878-0962
Port Perry Agricultural Society www.portperryfair.com 905-985-0962
Rotary Club of Port Perry rotaryclubofportperry.com 905-985-8502
Scugog Lake Stewards scugoglakestewards.com 905-985-0958
Scugog Choral Society 905-985-4257
For a complete listing of the Scugog community contacts and organizations, visit www.scugog.ca/clubsandorganizations. Don't see your club on the list or had a change in contact information? Email recreation@scugog.ca to have your group added or updated.
905-985-8698 ext. 303
3440 Church Street, Blackstock
Available rental spaces include the main hall, kitchen, meeting room, and ice pad
Latcham Centre
905-985-8698 ext 308
121 Queen Street, Port Perry
Scugog Shores Museum Village 905-985-8698 ext 304
16210 Island Road, Port Perry
Scugog Island Hall
905-985-8698 ext 308
2710 Demara Road, Port Perry
Scugog Fire Station Training Room 905-985-8698 ext 308
30 Crandell Street, Port Perry
Scugog Memorial Library 905-985-7686 ext. 103
231 Water Street, Port Perry
Caesarea Hall 289-385-6816
3554 Regional Road 57, Caesarea
Nestleton Hall 905-985-5032
3967 Highway 7A, Nestleton
Vos' Independent Grocer 905-985-9722
1893 Scugog Street, Port Perry
Prince Albert Hall
19 Jeffery Street, Prince Albert
Greenbank Hall 905-985-3723
19976 Highway 12, Greenbank
Seagrave Clubhouse
53 Coryelle Street, Seagrave
Port Perry Scout Hall 905-985-3733
15585 Simcoe Street, Port Perry
Port Perry Curling Club 905-985-7972
483 Bay Street, Port Perry
For a complete listing of Scugog facilities, visit www.scugog.ca/facilities and view the Facility Directory.
Port Perry
Apple Valley Park | Between 9 and 11 Orchard Road, Port Perry
Baagwating Park | Curts & Water Street, Port Perry
Birdseye Park | 254 Water Street, Port Perry
Carolyn Best Ball Diamonds | 1655 Reach Street, Port Perry
Cawkers Creek Park | 199 Sherrington Drive, Port Perry
Herbert A. Bruce Park | West of 43 Greenway Boulevard, Port Perry
Joe Fowler Park | 53 Water Street, Port Perry
Palmer Park | 175 Water Street, Port Perry
Perry Glen Park | Chester and Heath Crescent, Port Perry
Poplar Park | Between 61 and 69 Ash Street, Port Perry
Port Perry Off-Leash Dog Park | 11 Edinborough Ave, Port Perry
Reflection Park | 273 Queen Street, Port Perry
Rotary Environment Park | 1 Old Rail Lane, Port Perry
Scugog Soccer Fields | 16700 Old Simcoe Road, Port Perry
Blackstock Pioneer Park | 3440 Church Street, Blackstock
Roy E. Carter Park | Crestview Avenue, Blackstock
Cartwright Peace Park | 170 Cedar Grove Drive, Caesarea
Putsey Park | Cedar Grove & Marina Drive, Caesarea
Couves Park | 12 Pearl Drive, Greenbank
Ianson Park | 1222 Cragg Drive, Greenbank
Cartwright Fields | 3951 Highway 7A, Nestleton
Seagrave Park | 9 Coryell Street, Seagrave
View Lake
View Lake Park | 145 Coleman Crescent, View Lake
Unity Skateboard Park | 1655 Reach Street, Port Perry
Blackstock Skateboard Park | 3440 Church Street, Blackstock
Caesarea Skateboard Park | Northwest corner of Cedar Grove Drive and Pier Street, Caesarea
For a complete listing of Scugog parks visit www.scugog.ca/parks.
Unity Skateboard Park
Port Perry Off-Leash Dog Park
Poplar Park
Palmer Park
Apple Valley Park
Perry Glen Park
All admission prices include the tax and are the same for both Scugog and Blackstock Arenas.
Adult Skate 18+ yrs
Adult Skate allows participants to skate in an adult-only environment. This skate is not supervised. Helmets are strongly recommended.
Adults 18+: $4.50
Seniors 55+: $3.00
Public Skate All ages
Public skate is an open skate for all ages. Helmets are strongly recommended for all ages and are required for participants ages 6 years and under. Adult supervision is required for children ages 7 years and under. This program is supervised by skate patrol staff.
Children: $4.50
Adults 18+: $4.50
Seniors 55+: $3.00
Family (5): $15.00
Family members must reside within the same household.
and Tot Skate Ages 6 and under
Parent and Tot Skate offers a slower-paced environment for young skaters. A parent/guardian must provide constant, active, on-ice supervision. Sticks and pucks are not permitted. This skate is not supervised. Helmets are strongly recommended for all ages and are required for participants ages 6 years and under.
Children: $3.60
(one parent/guardian participates for free per child)
Additional child or parent/guardian: $3.60
Scrimmage 55+ yrs
Participants enjoy a controlled scrimmage of hockey. Full equipment and helmets are required. No body contact or raising of the puck is permitted. This program is not supervised by staff. No nets are provided for this skate program.
Seniors 55+: $3.00
Ticket Ice All ages
This is a pay-as-you-go program designed for figure skaters. Skaters must be a Skate Canada member and be accompanied by a coach before participating in the program. Proof of membership may be required. This program is not supervised by staff.
All ages: $7.20
Shinny Hockey Age groups vary
Shinny hockey allows participants to play hockey for fun in a game organized by the participants. No body contact is permitted. Full equipment is required. Nets will be provided. This program is only supervised by staff during youth shinny. Goalies play for free!
Youth (17 and under): $4.50
Adults 18+: $7.20
Seniors 55+: $5.60
Stick N' Puck Age groups vary
Participants can work on the fundamentals of hockey and improve their skills. Helmets are required for all ages. No body contact, gameplay, or slap shots are permitted. Adult supervision is required for children ages 7 years and under at a ratio of 1 adult to 3 children. No nets are provided for this skate program.
Children: $3.60
Adults 18+: $3.60
Seniors 55+: $3.00
Sensory Skate All Ages
More information coming soon!
SCUGOG ARENA, 1655 Reach Street, Port Perry
September 11, 2023 to April 2024
No skating programs on September 30, October 9, November 10, March 29, March 31, April 1
Alternative schedules for Winter Break, March Break, Family Day and PA Days
Public and Adult Skate Admission:
Children and adults (0-54): $4.50
Seniors (55+): $3.00
Family: $15.00
Family admission valid for up to 2 adults and 3 children. Members must reside within the same household.
Parent and Tot Admission:
Children: $3.60
Additional child or parent/guardian: $3.60
One parent/guardin participate for free per child.
Shinny Admission:
Youth (17 & under): $4.50
Adults (18-54): $7.20
Seniors (55+): $5.60
Stick N' Puck and Scrimmage Admission:
Children (0-17): $3.60
Adults (18-54): $3.60
Seniors: $3.00
Ticket Ice:
All Ages: $7.20
Skate passes are available as a 10-Pass and as a 20-Pass. You get 1 free skate for every 9 you attend with a skate pass.
Family Public Skate Pass
10-Pass: $135
20-Pass: $270
Public/Adult Skate Pass
10-Pass: $40.50
20-Pass: $81
Seniors Skate Pass
The senior skate pass includes adult skate, senior stick n' puck and scrimmage only. 10-Pass: $27 20-Pass: $54
Parent and Tot Skate Pass
10-Pass: $32.40
20-Pass: $64.80
Adult Shinny Pass
10-Pass: $64.80
20-Pass: $129.60
Senior Shinny Pass
10-Pass: $50.40
20-Pass: $100.80
Stick N Puck/Scrimmage Pass
10-Pass: $32.40
20-Pass: $64.80
Ticket Ice Pass
10-Pass: $64.80
20-Pass: $129.60
MON TUE WED THUR FRI SAT SUN Public Skate 5:00-5:50 PM 12:30-1:50 PM Adult Skate 9:00-9:50 AM 9:00-9:50 AM 9:00-9:50 AM 9:00-9:50 AM Parent and Tot 10:00-11:20 AM 11:30-12:20 PM 1:00-1:50 PM 55+ Men's Scrimmage 9:30-10:20 AM 9:30-10:20 AM All Ages Stick N' Puck 10:30-11:20 AM 2:00-2:50 PM Ticket Ice 2:30-4:00 PM 18+ Men's Shinny 11:30-12:50 PM 55+ Men's Shinny 11:30-12:50 PM 11:30-12:50 PM 6 & Under Stick N' Puck 10:00-10:50 AM 18+ Ladies Shinny 1:00-2:20 PM 12:30-1:50 PM 55+ Stick N' Puck 1:00-1:50 PM 12:00-1:50 PM 65+ Men's Shinny 11:00-11:50 AM 75+ Men's Scrimmage 9:30-10:20 AM Skate at Lunch 11:30-12:50 PM 11:30-12:50 PM
2 MON DEC 25 TUE DEC 26 WED DEC 27 THU DEC 28 FRI DEC 29 Ticket Ice 8:00-8:50 AM 8:00-8:50 AM Adult Skate 9:00-10:20 AM Parent and Tot 9:00-10:20 AM 18+ Ladies Shinny 12:30-1:50 PM 55+ Men's Shinny 12:30-1:50 PM Jr Youth Shinny (7-10 yrs) 10:30-11:20 AM 10:30-11:20 AM Sr Youth Shinny (11-15 yrs) 11:30-12:20 PM 11:30-12:20 PM 16+ Shinny 12:45-1:35 PM 12:45-1:35 PM 55+ Men's Scrimmage Public Skate FREE SKATE 2:00-2:50 PM FREE SKATE 2:00-2:50 PM 6 & Under Stick N' Puck 3:00-3:50 PM All Ages Stick N' Puck 10:45-11:35 AM 3:00-3:50 PM MON JAN 1 TUE JAN 2 WED JAN 3 THU JAN 4 FRI JAN 5 Ticket Ice 8:00-8:50 AM 8:00-8:50 AM 8:00-8:50 AM 8:00-8:50 AM Adult Skate 9:00-10:20 AM 9:00-10:20 AM Parent and Tot 9:00-10:20 AM 9:00-10:20 AM 18+ Ladies Shinny 12:30-1:50 PM 55+ Men's Shinny 12:30-1:50 PM Jr Youth Shinny (7-10 yrs) 10:30-11:20 AM 10:30-11:20 AM 10:30-11:20 AM 10:30-11:20 AM Sr Youth Shinny (11-15 yrs) 11:30-12:20 PM 11:30-12:20 PM 11:30-12:20 PM 11:30-12:20 PM 16+ Shinny 12:45-1:35 PM 12:45-1:35 PM 12:45-1:35 PM 12:45-1:35 PM 55+ Men's Scrimmage 12:30-1:50 PM 12:30-1:50 PM Public Skate 2:00-2:50 PM FREE SKATE 2:00-2:50 PM FREE SKATE 2:00-2:50 PM 2:00-2:50 PM 6 & Under Stick N' Puck 3:00-3:50 PM 3:00-3:50 PM All Ages Stick N' Puck 3:00-3:50 PM 10:45-11:35 AM 3:00-3:50 PM 10:45-11:35 AM 10
No skate programs Dec 26 Arena Closed No skate programs Dec 25 Arena Closed No skate programs Jan 1 Arena Closed No skate programs Dec 29 Arena Closed at 11 AM
ARENA, 1655 Reach Street, Port Perry
25, 2023 to January 5, 2024
skating programs on December 24, 25, 26, 30, 31, 2023 & January 1, 2024
8 PA Day schedule has been adjusted due to the Solar Eclipse.
11 MON TUE WED THUR FRI Ticket Ice 8:00-8:50 AM 8:00-8:50 AM Adult Skate 8:00-8:50 AM 9:00-10:20 AM 8:00-8:50 AM 9:00-10:20 AM 8:00-8:50 AM Parent and Tot 9:00-10:20 AM 9:00-10:20 AM Sensory Skate 9:00-10:00 AM 18+ Ladies Shinny 12:30-1:50 PM 55+ Men's Shinny 12:30-1:50 PM Jr Youth Shinny (7-10 yrs) 10:30-1:20 AM 10:30-1:20 AM 10:30-1:20 AM 10:30-1:20 AM 10:30-1:20 AM Sr. Youth Shinny (11-15 yrs) 11:30-12:20 PM 11:30-12:20 PM 11:30-12:20 PM 11:30-12:20 PM 11:30-12:20 PM 55+ Men's Scrimmage 12:30-1:50 PM Public Skate 2:00-2:50 PM 2:00-2:50 PM FREE SKATE 2:00-2:50 PM FREE SKATE 2:00-2:50 PM 2:00-2:50 PM 16+ Youth Shinny 12:45-1:35 PM 12:45-1:35 PM 12:45-1:35 PM 12:45-1:35 PM 12:45-1:35 PM 55+ Men's Stick & Puck 12:30-1:50 PM 6 & Under Stick N' Puck 3:00-3:50 PM 3:00-3:50 PM 3:00-3:50 PM All Ages Stick N' Puck 1:45-2:35 PM 3:00-3:50 PM 1:45-2:35 PM 3:00-3:50 PM 1:45-2:35 PM 65+ Men's Scrimmage 12:30-1:50 PM Oct 6 and Nov 17 Adult Skate 8:00-8:50 AM Parent and Tot 9:00-10:20 AM Jr. Youth Shinny (7-10 yrs) 10:30-1:20 AM Sr Youth Shinny (11-15 yrs) 11:30-12:20 PM 16+ Shinny 12:30-1:50 PM Public Skate 2:00-2:50 PM All Ages Stick N' Puck 3:00-3:50 PM
ARENA, 1655 Reach Street, Port Perry March 11 to 15, 2024 April 8 Adult Skate 8:00-8:50 AM Parent and Tot 9:15-10:05 AM Jr. Youth Shinny (7-10 yrs) 9:00-9:50 AM Sr Youth Shinny (11-15 yrs) 10:00-10:50 AM 16+ Shinny 11:00-11:50 AM Public Skate 12:00-12:50 PM All Ages Stick N' Puck 10:15-11:35 AM
BLACKSTOCK ARENA, 3340 Church Street, Blackstock
October 30, 2023 to March 27, 2024. No skating programs on February 19, March 29, March 31. Alternative schedules for Winter Break and March Break
BLACKSTOCK ARENA, 3340 Church Street, Blackstock
March 11 to 15, 2024
MON TUE WED THUR FRI SAT SUN Parent and Tot 1:00-1:50 PM Adult Skate 2:00-2:50 PM Public Skate 3:00-4:50 PM 7:00-8:50 PM 2:00-3:50 PM All Ages Stick N' Puck 7:00-7:50 PM 5:00-5:50 PM Adult 18+ Shinny 8:00-8:50 PM
MON TUE WED THUR FRI Parent and Tot 9:00-9:50 AM 9:00-9:50 AM 9:00-9:50 AM 9:00-9:50 AM All Age Stick N' Puck 10:00-10:50 AM 10:00-10:50 AM 10:00-10:50 AM 10:00-10:50 AM Jr Youth Shinny (7-10 yrs) 11:00-11:50 AM 11:00-11:50 AM 11:00-11:50 AM 11:00-11:50 AM Sr Youth Shinny (11-15 yrs) 12:00-12:50 PM 12:00-12:50 PM 12:00-12:50 PM 12:00-12:50 PM 16+ Shinny 1:00-1:50 PM 1:00-1:50 PM 1:00-1:50 PM 1:00-1:50 PM Public Skate 2:00-2:50 PM 2:00-2:50 PM 2:00-2:50 PM 2:00-2:50 PM 122 MON TUE WED THU FRI Parent and Tot 9:00-9:50 AM 9:00-9:50 AM All Age Stick N' Puck 10:00-10:50 AM 10:00-10:50 AM Jr Youth Shinny (7-10 yrs) 11:00-11:50 AM 11:00-11:50 AM Sr. Youth Shinny (11-15 yrs) 12:00-12:50 PM 12:00-12:50 PM 16+ Shinny 1:00-1:50 PM 1:00-1:50 PM Public Skate 2:00-2:50 PM 2:00-2:50 PM MON TUE WED THU FRI Parent and Tot 9:00-9:50 AM 9:00-9:50 AM 9:00-9:50 AM All Age Stick N' Puck 10:00-10:50 AM 10:00-10:50 AM 10:00-10:50 AM Jr. Youth Shinny (7-10 yrs) 11:00-11:50 AM 11:00-11:50 AM 11:00-11:50 AM Sr Youth Shinny (11-15 yrs) 12:00-12:50 PM 12:00-12:50 PM 12:00-12:50 PM 16+ Shinny 1:00-1:50 PM 1:00-1:50 PM 1:00-1:50 PM Public Skate 2:00-2:50 PM 2:00-2:50 PM 2:00-2:50 PM
to January 5, 2024 | No skating programs on December 25, 26,
No skate programs Jan 1 Arena Closed No skate programs Dec 25 Arena Closed No skate programs Dec 26 Arena Closed No skate programs Dec 29 Arena Closed at 11 AM No skate programs No skate programs
BLACKSTOCK ARENA, 3340 Church Street, Blackstock December
30, 31, 2023
January 1, 2024
Kinderstart Ages 2 to 4 yrs
Ready, get set, kinderstart! Children will enjoy a structured program where our qualified leader involves your little one in activities including: circle time, stories, crafts, active games, and more while socializing with new friends. Participants should bring a nut-free snack, water bottle, and change of clothes. Children must be toilet trained.
Location: SCRC - Rec Room (upstairs)
Fall (12 weeks): $225
Tue, Sept 19 to Dec 12
No class Oct 31
Winter (9 weeks): $168.75
Tue, Jan 23 to Mar 26
No class Mar 12
Playgroup Ages 0 to 5 yrs
10:00 am to 12:00 pm
FREE! EarlyON Preschool Programs Ages 0 to 6 yrs
EarlyON programs provide opportunities for children from birth to 6 years to participate in play and inquiry based programs, and support parents and caregivers in their roles. Programs vary by month with programs including Family Music and Movement, Mother Goose and more! To view the monthly Scugog schedule visit KEyON.ca or www.durham.ca/earlyon. All programs are drop-in. No pre-registration required.
Location: SCRC - Meeting Rooms 2/3
Cost: FREE
Mon, Oct 2 to Dec 4
10:00 am to 12:00 pm
Fri, Oct 6 to Dec 8
No class Oct 9
Parents and caregivers can come together and watch as your toddlers play and learn in this safe, clean, and fun space. You and your tot will have access to mats, tunnels, toys, trampolines, and slides. This program is not staffed, but all equipment will be out for everyone to enjoy. Drop ins are welcome for $6 per visit.
Location: SCRC - Rec Room (upstairs)
Fall (12 weeks): $60
Thur, Sept 21 to Dec 7
Winter (9 weeks): $45
Thur, Jan 25 to Mar 28
No classes Mar 14
9:00 am to 11:00 am
9:00 am to 11:00 am
Please note that all recreation programs are subject to change.
Mon, Feb 12, Mar 18, 25
Fri, Feb 2, 9, 16, Mar 1, 8, 22 No class Feb 19, Mar 11
9:30 am to 11:00 am
10:00 am to 11:30 am
9:30 am to 11:00 am
10:00 am to 11:30 am
Tumble and Tots Parented Ages 2 to 3 yrs
Enjoy an introduction to gymnastics in a safe environment where your child(ran) explore jumping, tumbling, games, and more with both structured and unstructured activities! This is a parented program where parent participation is required.
Location: SCRC - Rec Room (upstairs)
Fall (10 weeks): $73.25
Sat, Sept 16 to Dec 9
No classes Sept 30, Oct 7, Nov 11
Fall (12 weeks): $87.90
Wed, Sept 20 to Dec 6
Thur, Sept 21 to Dec 7
Winter (8 weeks): $58.60
Sat, Jan 20 to Mar 23
No classes Feb 17, Mar 9
Winter (9 weeks): $65.93
Wed, Jan 24 to Mar 27
Thur, Jan 25 to Mar 28
No classes Mar 13, Mar 14
Jr. Gym Ages 2 to 5 yrs
9:00 am to 9:45 am
Tumble and Tots Ages 2 to 3 yrs
Enjoy an introduction to gymnastics in a safe environment where your child(ran) explore jumping, tumbling, games, and more with both structured and unstructured activities! This is a drop-off program.
Location: SCRC - Rec Room (upstairs)
Fall (10 weeks): $73.25 Sat, Sept 16 to Dec 9
No classes Sept 30, Oct 7, Nov 11
Fall (12 weeks): $87.90
Wed, Sept 20 to Dec 6
4:00 pm to 4:45 pm
4:00 pm to 4:45 pm
9:00 am to 9:45 am
4:00 pm to 4:45 pm
4:00 pm to 4:45 pm
This program is designed to offer a fun and active experience for tots that love to be on the move! This program will offer both structured and free play time adventuring through various gym games and sport activities. Parent participation is required. Location: SCRC - Main Hall
Fall (12 weeks): $60
Wed, Sept 20 to Dec 6
Winter (9 weeks): $45
Wed, Jan 24 to Mar 27
No classes Mar 13
Dance and Move 1 Ages 2 to 3 yrs
4:00 pm to 4:50 pm
4:00 pm to 4:50 pm
These mini movers and groovers will enjoy an introduction to dance through creative movement and imaginative stretches that come together in a playful class. This is a drop-off program
Location: SCRC - Rec Room (upstairs)
Fall (12 weeks): $87.90
Tue, Sept 19 to Dec 12
No classes Oct 31
Winter (9 weeks): $65.93
Tue, Jan 23 to Mar 26
No classes Mar 12
4:00 pm to 4:45 pm
Thur, Sept 21 to Dec 7
Winter (8 weeks): $58.60
Sat, Jan 20 to Mar 23
No classes Feb 17, Mar 9
Winter (9 weeks): $65.93
Wed, Jan 24 to Mar 27
Thur, Jan 25 to Mar 28
No classes Mar 13, Mar 14
10:00 am to 10:45 am 5:00 pm to 5:45 pm 5:00 pm to 5:45 pm
10:00 am to 10:45 am 5:00 pm to 5:45 pm 5:00 pm to 5:45 pm
Please note that all recreation programs are subject to change.
Sportball Multi-Sport Ages 2 to 5 yrs
Build self-esteem and confidence with creative and noncompetitive skill development in our multi-sport program for children. Sports include floor hockey, baseball, basketball, soccer, tennis, volleyball, and golf. Please note parent participation is required for the 2 to 3.5 year class.
Location: SCRC - Main Hall
Fall (12 weeks): $264
Mon, Sept 18 to Dec 11 (2 to 3.5 yrs)
Mon, Sept 18 to Dec 11 (3.5 to 5 yrs)
No classes Oct 9
Winter (8 weeks): $176
Mon, Jan 22 to Mar 25 (2 to 3.5 yrs)
Mon, Jan 22 to Mar 25 (3.5 to 5 yrs)
No classes Feb 19, Mar 11
4:45 pm to 5:30 pm 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm 4:45 pm to 5:30 pm 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm
4:00 pm to 4:45 pm
Learn to Skate 1 Ages 3 to 5 yrs
This program is designed to introduce preschoolers to the ice in a structured, recreational and fun atmosphere. Skates and CSA approved helmet with a facemask are mandatory. Parents do not go on the ice with their children.
Location: Scugog Arena (SCRC) and/or Blackstock Arena (BRC) as indicated below.
Fall (12 weeks): $180
Tue, Sept 19 to Dec 12 (SCRC)
Thur, Sept 21 to Dec 7 (SCRC)
No classes Oct 31
Winter (8 weeks): $120
Mon, Jan 22 to Mar 25 (BRC)
Mon, Jan 22 to Mar 25 (BRC)
No classes Feb 19, Mar 11
Winter (9 weeks): $135
Tue, Jan 23 to Mar 26 (SCRC)
Thur, Jan 25 to Mar 28 (SCRC)
No classes Mar 12, Mar 14
4:00 pm to 4:30 pm
4:00 pm to 4:30 pm
Dance and Move 2 Ages 4 to 6 yrs
These mini movers and groovers will enjoy an introduction to dance through creative movement and imaginative stretches that come together in a playful class. This is a drop-off program.
Location: SCRC - Rec Room (upstairs)
Fall (12 weeks): $87.90
Tue, Sept 19 to Dec 12 No classes Oct 31
Winter (9 weeks): $65.93
Tue, Jan 23 to Mar 26 No classes Mar 12
4:15 pm to 4:45 pm
5:00 pm to 5:30 pm
Kindergym Ages 4 to 6 yrs
5:00 pm to 5:45 pm 5:00 pm to 5:45 pm
4:00 pm to 4:30 pm
4:00 pm to 4:30 pm
NEW! Mini Basketball Skills Ages 3 to 5 yrs
Join us for an active and enjoyable program with an emphasis on beginner skills and having fun. Our aim is for participants to try new things, gain fundamental movement skills and meet new friends in a recreational environment.
Location: SCRC - Main Hall
Fall (12 weeks): $60
Wed, Sept 20 to Dec 6 (SCRC)
Winter (9 weeks): $45
Wed, Jan 24 to Mar 27 (SCRC)
No classes Mar 13
Introduction to Karate 5+ yrs
5:00 pm to 5:50 pm
5:00 pm to 5:50 pm
Young children will learn basic recreational gymnastics skills with an introduction to floor, trampoline, beam and more in a playful and engaging class This is a drop-off program
Location: SCRC - Rec Room (upstairs)
Fall (10 weeks): $73.25
Sat, Sept 16 to Dec 9
No classes Sept 30, Oct 7, Nov 11
Fall (12 weeks): $87.90
Wed, Sept 20 to Dec 6
Winter (8 weeks): $58.60
Sat, Jan 20 to Mar 23
No classes Feb 17, Mar 9
Winter (9 weeks): $65.93
Wed, Jan 24 to Mar 27
No classes Mar 13
Friday Night Fun Ages 4 to 10 yrs
This beginner karate program is for participants just starting off. Instruction will focus on sharing the basics of karate with students. Classes will build on a variety of skills and areas of personal growth, such as self-defense, selfconfidence, personal discipline, respect for others, and physical conditioning.
Location: SCRC - Main Hall
Fall (12 weeks): $123
Mon, Sept 18 to Dec 11
No classes Oct 9
Winter (8 weeks): $82
Mon, Jan 22 to Mar 25
No classes Feb 19, Mar 11
6:00 pm to 6:45 pm
11:00 am to 11:45 am 6:00 pm to 6:45 pm
11:00 am to 11:45 am
6:00 pm to 6:45 pm
6:00 pm to 6:45 pm
Drop your child(ren) off with our qualified recreational staff so you can enjoy a couple of hours to yourself, with friends, or go on a date. Children will participate in some active games followed by a G or PG rated movie. We will serve popcorn and children can wear their PJs. Don’t forget their water bottle and indoor running shoes. A different movie will be shown each time.
Location: SCRC - Rec Room (upstairs)
Cost: $15
Time: 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Fridays Sept 22, Oct 13, Oct 27, Nov 3, Nov 24, Dec 1, Jan 12, Jan 26, Feb 9, Feb 23, Mar 1
Please note that all recreation programs are subject to change.
Jr. Basketball Skills Ages 5 to 7 yrs
Join us for an active and enjoyable program with an emphasis on learning basketball skills, good sportsmanship and having fun. Our aim is for participants to work together, try new things, and learn new skills in a recreational environment.
Location: SA Cawker Public School
Fall (12 weeks): $37.50
Wed, Sept 20 to Dec 6
Winter (9 weeks): $28.13
Wed, Jan 24 to Mar 27
No classes Mar 13
Sportball Multi-Sport Ages 6 to 9 yrs
6:15 pm to 7:15 pm
6:15 pm to 7:15 pm
Multi-sport programs focus on skill development in floor hockey, baseball, basketball, soccer, tennis, volleyball, and golf. Programs are creative, non-competitive, and help children build self-esteem and prepare for a future of confident sport participation.
Location: SCRC - Main Hall
Fall (12 weeks): $264
Mon, Sept 18 to Dec 11
No classes Oct 9
Winter (8 weeks): $176
Mon, Jan 22 to Mar 25
No classes Feb 19, Mar 11
Learn to Skate 2 Ages 6 to 10 yrs
6:30 pm to 7:30 pm
Intermediate to Karate 5+ yrs
The Intermediate Karate program is for participants who have completed the Introduction to Karate program and show an aptitude for karate. Participants should be committed to putting in the level of practice needed to become proficient in this discipline. Karate classes focus on a variety of skills and areas of personal growth, such as selfdefense, self-confidence, personal discipline, respect for others, and physical conditioning (GI will need to be purchased at first class).
Location: SCRC - Main Hall (Mons)/Meeting Rooms (Weds)
Fall (12 weeks): $157.50
Mon, Sept 18 to Dec 11
Wed, Sept 20 to Dec 6
No classes Oct 9
Winter (8 weeks): $105
Mon, Jan 22 to Mar 25
Wed, Jan 24 to Mar 27
No classes Feb 19, Mar 11, Mar 13
Gym Club Ages 6 to 10 yrs
6:30 pm to 7:30 pm
This program is designed to introduce older children to the ice in a structured, recreational and fun atmosphere. Skates and CSA approved helmet with a facemask are mandatory. Parents do not go on the ice with their children.
Location: Scugog Arena (SCRC) and/or Blackstock Arena (BRC) as indicated below.
Fall (12 weeks): $180
Tue, Sept 19 to Dec 12 (SCRC)
Thur, Sept 21 to Dec 7 (SCRC)
No classes Oct 31
Winter (8 weeks): $120
Mon, Jan 22 to Mar 25 (BRC)
Mon, Jan 22 to Mar 25 (BRC)
No classes Feb 19, Mar 11
Winter (9 weeks): $135
Tue, Jan 23 to Mar 26 (SCRC)
Thur, Jan 25 to Mar 28 (SCRC)
No classes Mar 12, Mar 14
4:00 pm to 4:45 pm
4:00 pm to 4:45 pm
4:00 pm to 4:45 pm
5:00 pm to 5:45 pm
4:00 pm to 4:30 pm
4:00 pm to 4:30 pm
7:00 pm to 8:00 pm 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Get up and get active at Gym Club! Participants will enjoy an action-packed hour of gym games. Activities such as sports, tag games, and more will be played. Participants will be placed in groups with others close to their age. This program is funded by Jumpstart
Location: SCRC - Main Hall
Fall (12 weeks): $37.50
Tue, Sept 19 to Dec 12 No classes Oct 31
Winter (9 weeks): $28.13
Tue, Jan 23 to Mar 26 No classes Mar 12
6:00 pm to 6:50 pm 6:00 pm to 6:50 pm
Please note that all recreation programs are subject to change.
Girls in the Game Ages 6 to 12 yrs
Back by popular demand is our girls in the game program! Participants will learn about different sports, practice with creative drills, and enjoy game play each week with a new sport. The focus is on recreation, fitness, self-confidence, and fun. Participants will be placed in groups with others close to their age. This program is funded by Jumpstart!
Location: SCRC - Main Hall
Fall (12 weeks): $37.50 Wed, Sept 20 to Dec 6
Winter (9 weeks): $28.13
Wed, Jan 24 to Mar 27 No classes Mar 13
6:00 pm to 6:50 pm
6:00 pm to 6:50 pm
Art in Action Ages 7 to 12 yrs
It's time to get crafty! In this program children will complete a different craft each week tapping into their imagination and creativity. Masterpieces will include use of pastels, water colours, 3D drawing and more.
Location: SCRC - Rec Room
Fall (12 weeks): $87.90
Mon, Sept 18 to Dec 11
No classes Oct 9
Winter (8 weeks): $58.60
Mon, Jan 22 to Mar 25
4:30 pm to 5:30 pm
Nerf Battle Ages 6 to 12 yrs
Grab your gear and prepare for battle! Participants will enjoy an active warm-up, target practice, and variations of nerf battle challenges each week. Participants will need to bring their own nerf blaster, and eye protection. We will supply the nerf darts. Participants will be placed in groups with others close to their age. Game on!
Location: SCRC - Main Hall
Fall (12 weeks): $60
Tue, Sept 19 to Dec 12
No classes Oct 31
4:30 pm to 5:30 pm
Ages 7 to 12 yrs
NEW! Our new Glitz and Glam program has been created based on our successful Glitz and Glam summer camp's popular demand! In this program participants will have a new theme each week such as spa day, fabulous friends, make-over madness, crafty creations and more!
Location: SCRC - Rec Room
Fall (12 weeks): $87.90
Mon, Sept 18 to Dec 11
No classes Oct 9
Winter (8 weeks): $65.93
Mon, Jan 22 to Mar 25
No classes Feb 19, Mar 11
5:45 pm to 6:45 pm
Winter (9 weeks): $45
Tue, Jan 23 to Mar 26
No classes Mar 12
Family Badminton All Ages
5:00 pm to 5:50 pm 5:00 pm to 5:50 pm
Looking to get active as a family? Enjoy a pick up game organized by the participants. Pre-registration required to ensure sufficient numbers. Drop-ins will then be accepted for $4 per day.
Location: SCRC - Main Hall
Fall (10 weeks): $35.40+HST per participant
Wed, Sept 20 to Nov 29
No class Nov 8
Winter (8 weeks): $28.32+HST per participant
Wed, Jan 24 to Mar 27
No classes Mar 6, Mar 13
Cheer Crew Ages 7 to 10 yrs
7:00 pm to 8:00 pm 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm
5:45 pm to 6:45 pm
Please note that all recreation programs are subject to change.
Get your cheering voices ready to enjoy an energy filled program with a mix of introductory gymnastics, dance and cheer Participants will learn a variety of skills, poses and chants with a focus on teamwork and creativity making their own routine by the end of the session
Location: SCRC - Rec Room (upstairs)
Fall (12 weeks): $87.90
Thur, Sept 21 to Dec 7
Winter (9 weeks): $65.93
Thur, Jan 25 to Mar 28
No classes Mar 14
6:00 pm to 6:45 pm 6:00 pm to 6:45 pm
Basketball Ages 8 to 14 yrs
This program is designed to offer a fun and enjoyable experience with an emphasis on appropriate basketball skills. Our aim is for participants to work together as a team, try new things, and learn new skills.
Location: RH Cornish Public School
Fall (10 weeks): $31.25
Fri, Sept 22 to Dec 8 (8-10 yr)
Fri, Sept 22 to Dec 8 (11-14 yr)
No class Oct 6, Nov 17
Winter (8 weeks): $25
Fri, Jan 26 to Mar 22 (8-10 yr)
Fri, Jan 26 to Mar 22 (11-14 yr)
No classes Mar 15
6:15 pm to 7:00 pm
7:00 pm to 7:45 pm
Theatre Skills with Theatre on the Ridge 10-17 yrs
6:15 pm to 7:00 pm
7:00 pm to 7:45 pm
Youth Conditioning with Ashea Jones AIT Ages 7 to 13 yrs
Join Ashlea Jones or one of her qualified coaches for a 45 minute full body conditioning class. Focus will be on athletic movements and education on the importance of developing these skills for both sport and everyday fitness.
Location: SCRC - Studio
Fall (12 weeks): $82.03
Wed, Sept 20 to Dec 6
Winter (9 weeks): $61.52
Wed, Jan 24 to Mar 27
No classes Mar 13
5:30 pm to 6:15 pm
5:30 pm to 6:15 pm
Powerskating with Ashlea Jones AIT Ages 7 to 13 yrs
This program will help reinforce proper technique during all practice sessions, developing players with consistency, new challenges, and positive reinforcement. This program will be taught by Ashlea, or one of her certified instructors. Participants will need full equipment, including CSA approved helmet with face mask.
Location: Scugog Arena (SCRC) or Blackstock Arena (BRC)
Fall (12 weeks): $262.50
Wed, Sept 20 to Dec 6 (SCRC)
Sat, Sept 16 to Dec 9 (SCRC)
No classes Sept 30, Oct 7, Nov 11
Winter (9 weeks): $196.88
Wed, Jan 24 to Mar 27 (SCRC)
No classes Mar 13
Winter (8 weeks): $175
Sat, Jan 20 to Mar 23 (SCRC)
No classes Feb 17, Mar 9
Winter (8 weeks): $175
Mon, Jan 22 to Mar 25 (BRC)
No classes Feb 19, Mar 11
The Theatre on the Ridge Youth Collective is a unique creative training and performance experience for Scugog youth with an emphasis on stagecraft, playwriting, and process. Collective participants experience writing, collaborating, producing and performing their own original work, while developing their performance and production skills. Through challenging and confidence building theatre exercises and activities, and hands-on creation opportunities, participants discover and explore a complete theatrical experience onstage and behind the scenes, with a public studio performance held on the final session of the program. As this program builds on work created in each session, regular attendance is strongly recommended.
Location: SCRC - Meeting Rooms/Rec Room
Fall (12 weeks): $120
Tue, Sept 19 to Dec 12 (10-12 yrs)
No classes Oct 31
Fall (12 weeks): $385 - twice per week Sat, Sept 16 to Tue, Dec 12 (13-17 yrs)
No classes Sept 31, Oct 7, Oct 31, Nov 11
Youth Movie Nights Ages 12-17 yrs
4:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Saturdays 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
5:00 pm to 6:30 pm
Join other youth for some FREE movie nights hosted this fall and winter on our inflatable movie screen. Stay connected with us on Instagram @RecScugog on what movie we will be showing, location and snack of the night!
Fri, Oct 20 - Latcham Centre Fri, Feb 23 - Scugog Arena
Youth Fitness Classes
4:15 pm to 5:05 pm
7:00 am to 7:50 am
4:15 pm to 5:05 pm
7:00 am to 7:50 am
6:00 pm to 6:50 pm
6:00 pm to 9:00 pm 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Interested in youth fitness classes? Select classes are available for youth ages 13+. Visit our Active Adults pages to view a list of programs available for youth as well!
Please note that all recreation programs are subject to change.
Recreation Volunteer Orientations Ages 12+ yrs
Get active in your community and try something new. Many opportunities exist to volunteer within our recreation and camp programs. Anyone that wishes to volunteer must register for one of the orientation days. Due to the high interest in volunteering, each participant must enroll in this program before applying to volunteer. Volunteers must be 13 years old.
Location: SCRC
Cost: FREE
Dates Mon, Oct 23 Mon, Dec 11 Mon, Feb 26
4:00 pm to 6:00 pm
4:00 pm to 6:00 pm
4:00 pm to 6:00 pm 18
Red Cross Stay Safe! Course Ages 9 to 13 yrs
Real-world scenarios often call on children to respond to challenges. The Red Cross Stay Safe program teaches applicable and age-appropriate skills while increasing and reinforcing a youth’s capacity to improve their own safety. Course content includes being responsible and accountable, the importance of following rules, safety skills at home and in the community, how to prepare, recognize and respond to unexpected situations, and first aid skills. Participants will receive a Stay Safe! workbook and mini first aid kit with the course.
Location: SCRC
Cost: $65
Date: Fri, Oct 6 9:00 am to 1:00 pm
High Five PHCD Ages 15+ yrs
Principles of Healthy Childhood Development
Parks and Recreation Ontario certifies recreation and sport program leaders to provide the best quality child programming through this interactive and informative halfday workshop.
Location: SCRC
Cost: $70 +HST
Date Thu, Feb 29 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Please note that all recreation programs are subject to change.
The Lookout Youth Centre
The Lookout is Scugog’s drop-in Youth Centre located on the second floor of the Scugog Arena. The Lookout is a supervised drop-in space for youth in grades 6-12 to hang out with other youth in the community. The FREE drop-in includes: free Wi-Fi, PS4, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, arcade games, air hockey, foosball table, board games, and a lounge space. Times and dates are listed below. Hours are different during school and seasonal breaks.
Fall & Winter Regular Hours of Operation:
Sept 12 to Dec 15, 2023 & Jan 9 to May 24, 2024
Tuesday to Friday: 4:00 to 8:00 pm
Saturday, Sunday & Monday: Closed
Winter/March Break Hours of Operation:
Dec 27, 2023 to Jan 5, 2024
Tuesday to Friday: 1:00 to 6:00 pm
Red Cross Babysitting Course Ages 11 to 15 yrs
The Red Cross Babysitting Course covers everything from managing difficult behaviours to essential content on leadership and professional conduct as a babysitter. Babysitting promises to deepen and enhance the responsibility that older youth feel when caring for younger children. Course content includes: responsible leadership, childhood behaviour, creating safe environments, caring for children, and a large emphasis on first aid skills. Participants will need to bring a doll or stuffed animal with them, and will receive a Babysitting Manual and mini first aid kit with the course.
Location: SCRC
Cost: $75
Date: Fri, Nov 17 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Looking for a fun part-time job with flexible hours? Our Community Services department is looking for Recreation Program Staff for our fall/winter recreation programs.
What do Recreation Program Staff do?
Patrol public skate
Lead sport programs
Supervise drop-in programs
Teach preschool programs and more!
Schedules vary 0-15 hours per week. $15.50 to $16.00 per hour
Visit scugog.ca/employment to apply!
Strength Training Ages 18+ yrs
Looking to add muscle and tone up? This class includes resistance exercises to build strength and muscle. The class is in partnership with Ashlea Jones Athletes in Training and is run by certified instructor Ashlea, or one of her qualified instructors.
Location: SCRC - Studio (upstairs)
Fall (12 weeks): $82.03 +HST
Mon, Sept 18 to Dec 11
Fri, Sept 22 to Dec 8
No class Oct 9
Winter (8 weeks): $54.69 +HST
Mon, Jan 22 to Mar 25
Fri, Jan 26 to Mar 22
No class Feb 19, Mar 11, Mar 15
and Strength Ages 13+ yrs
am to 9:30 am
NEW! This program is for early risers to get up and get moving with Ashlea Jones or one of her qualified instructors. Enjoy an upbeat spin class followed by resistance training to build strength and muscle.
Location: SCRC - Studio (upstairs)
Fall (12 weeks): $112.82 +HST
Mon, Sept 18 to Dec 11
Wed, Sept 20 to Dec 6
No class Oct 9
Winter (8 weeks): $75.22 +HST
Mon, Jan 22 to Mar 25
No class Feb 19, Mar 11
Winter (9 weeks): $84.62 +HST
Wed, Jan 24 to Mar 27
No class Mar 13
Morning Rise Yoga Ages 18+ yrs
7:30 am to 8:15 am
Just Spin! Ages 18+ yrs
Participants will be moving to the beat with certified fitness instructor Ashlea Jones or one of her qualified instructors in this up beat cardio focused spin class.
Location: SCRC - Studio (upstairs)
Fall (12 weeks): $112.82 +HST
Wed, Sept 20 to Dec 6
Winter (9 weeks): $84.62 +HST
Wed, Jan 24 to Mar 27
No class Mar 13
Spin and Core Ages 13+ yrs
6:30 pm to 7:30 pm
6:30 pm to 7:30 pm
Participants will join certified fitness instructor Ashlea Jones or one of her qualified instructors for an upbeat, spin, and core class. You will spend half the class on a stationary bike, and the other half doing various core exercises.
Location: SCRC - Studio (upstairs)
Fall (12 weeks): $112.82 +HST
Tue, Sept 19 to Dec 12
Thur, Sept 21 to Dec 7
No class Oct 31
Fall (10 weeks): $94.02 +HST
Sat, Sept 16 to Dec 9
Sat, Sept 16 to Dec 9
No class Sept 30, Oct 7, Nov 11
Winter (9 weeks): $84.62 +HST
7:30 am to 8:15 am
Tue, Jan 23 to Mar 26
Thur, Jan 25 to Mar 28
No class Mar 12, Mar 14
7:30 am to 8:15 am
NEW! This program is for early risers to get up and get moving with Ashlea Jones or one of her qualified instructors. Morning rise yoga focuses on strength, balance and breath through physical movement.
Location: SCRC - Studio (upstairs)
Fall (12 weeks): $115.50 +HST
Tue, Sept 19 to Dec 12
Thur, Sept 21 to Dec 7
No class Oct 31
Winter (9 weeks): $86.63 +HST
Tue, Jan 23 to Mar 26
Thur, Jan 25 to Mar 28
No class Mar 12, Mar 14
7:30 am to 8:15 am 7:30 am to 8:15 am
am to 8:15 am
am to 8:15 am
6:30 pm to 7:30 pm
6:30 pm to 7:30 pm
9:00 am to 10:00 am
10:00 am to 11:00 am
6:30 pm to 7:30 pm
6:30 pm to 7:30 pm
am to
am to
am to 10:30 am
7:30 am
Bootcamp Ages 13+ yrs
Join Ashlea or one of her certified instructors from Ashlea Jones Athletes in Training for a cardiovascular workout, which is guaranteed to give your body the ultimate workout. Bootcamp is a combination of strength, cardio, muscle endurance, flexibility, core, and functional movement patterns.
Location: Scugog Arena (SCRC) and/or Blackstock Arena (BRC) as indicated below.
Fall (12 weeks): $82.03 +HST
Tue, Sept 19 to Dec 12 (SCRC)
Thur, Sept 21 to Dec 7 (SCRC)
No class Oct 31
Winter (8 weeks): $54.69 +HST
Mon, Jan 22 to Mar 25 (BRC)
No class Feb 19, Mar 11
Winter (9 weeks): $61.53 +HST
Tue, Jan 23 to Mar 26 (SCRC)
Thur, Jan 25 to Mar 28 (SCRC)
No class Mar 12, Mar 14
Adult Volleyball Ages 18+ yrs
Looking to get active? Join others and bring your friends to adult volleyball. Enjoy a pick up game organized by the participants. Pre-registration required to ensure sufficient numbers. Drop-ins will be offered at $4 a day if the full session receives the required registration to run.
Fall (12 weeks): $42.48 +HST (Port Perry High School)
Mon, Sept 18 to Dec 11
No class Oct 9
6:15 pm to 7:45 pm
Winter (8 weeks): $28.32 +HST (RH Cornish)
Mon, Jan 22 to Mar 25
No class Feb 19, Mar 11
Walking Program All Ages
6:15 pm to 7:45 pm
Kickboxing Ages 18+ yrs
Get ready for a fast-paced boxing style class that will develop your skills through cardiovascular drills. You will get a great workout while you kick, box and sweat your way to a more powerful body.
Location: Scugog Arena (SCRC) and/or Blackstock Arena (BRC) as indicated below.
Fall (12 weeks): $82.03 +HST
Wed, Sept 20 to Dec 6 (SCRC)
Winter (8 weeks): $54.69 +HST
Mon, Jan 22 to Mar 25 (BRC)
No class Feb 19, Mar 11
Winter (9 weeks): $61.53 +HST
Wed, Jan 24 to Mar 27 (SCRC)
No class Mar 13
7:30 pm to 8:30 pm
5:00 pm to 5:50 pm
7:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Please note that all recreation programs are subject to change.
The walking program at the Scugog Community Recreation Centre (SCRC) and Blackstock Recreation Complex (BRC) allows community members to enjoy indoor exercise walking around our ice pad (SCRC) or community hall (BRC). There is no cost to this program. The walking program is not offered on any statutory holidays. For any inquiries about the walking program please contactrecreation@scugog.ca.
Location: SCRC
Monday to Thursday
September to May
Location: BRC
Monday to Wednesday
October to March
9:00 am to 12:00 pm
Core and Stretch Ages 18+ yrs
NEW! Join Ashlea Jones or one of her qualified instructors for an hour focused on core movement, strength building and gentle stretching.
Location: SCRC - Studio (upstairs)
Fall (12 weeks): $82.03 +HST
Tue, Sept 19 to Dec 12
Thur, Sept 21 to Dec 7
No class Oct 31
Winter (9 weeks): $61.53 +HST
Tue, Jan 23 to Mar 26
Thur, Jan 25 to Mar 28
1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
No class Mar 12, Mar 14
5:30 pm to 6:30 pm
5:30 pm to 6:30 pm
5:30 pm to 6:30 pm
5:30 pm to 6:30 pm
7:30 pm to 8:30 pm 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Adult Badminton Ages 18+ yrs
Join others and bring your friends to adult badminton. Enjoy a pick up game organized by the participants. Preregistration required to ensure sufficient numbers. Drop-ins will be offered at $4 a day if the full session receives the required registration to run.
Location: SCRC - Main Hall
Fall (10 weeks): $35.40+HST per participant
Wed, Sept 20 to Nov 29
No class Nov 8
8:00 pm to 10:00 pm
Winter (8 weeks): $28.32+HST per participant
Wed, Jan 24 to Mar 27
No classes Mar 6, Mar 13
8:00 pm to 10:00 pm
Adult Karate Ages 18+ yrs
NEW! The Adult Karate program is new this session for participants 18+. Instruction will focus on sharing the basics of karate with students. Classes build on a variety of skills and areas of personal growth, such as self-defence, selfconfidence, personal discipline, respect for others, and physical conditioning.
Location: SCRC - Meeting Rooms
Fall (12 weeks): $157.50 +HST Wed, Sept 20 to Dec 6
Winter (8 weeks): $105 +HST
Wed, Jan 24 to Mar 27
No class Mar 13
Latcham Centre | 121 Queen Street, Port Perry | 905-982-2192
www.portperryseniorsclub.org portpsc101@gmail.com
Membership in the club is $35 per year from September to June 30. There is no additional fee for most activities. Classes marked with an '*' cost $3.00 per class.
9:00 am to 9:45 am
10:00 am to 11:15 am
11:30 am to 12:30 pm
1:00 pm to 3:30 pm
8:30 am to 9:30 am
9:45 am to 10:45 am
11:30 am to 12:30 pm
1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
8:00 am to 11:15 am
9:00 am to 11:15 am
11:30 am to 12:15 pm
1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
1:00 pm to 3:00 pm OR
5:00 pm to 7:00 pm
9:30 am to 10:30 am
10:45 am to 11:45 am
12:30 pm to 4:00 pm
1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
9:00 am to 9:45 am
10:00 am to 11:15 am
11:30 am to 12:15 pm
Exercise with Richard Simmons
Line Dancing (Intermediate)
Intermediate Exercise
*Chair Yoga
Gentle Exercise
Euchre (alternate Tuesdays)
Bid Euchre (alternate Tuesdays)
Intermediate Exercise
Mexican Train (1st & 3rd Weds)
Monthly Club Meeting (2nd Weds)
Pot Luck Dinner (4th Weds)
Gord Emmerson
Barry McClure
Rita Hilker (contact person)
Jeff Moore
Diana Bent
Diana Bent
Judy Mitchell (contact person)
Ann Berube & Csaba Becsy
Lyn Tracey & Linda Lake
Charlene Davis
Dianne Wiseman
Gord Emmerson
Judy Mitchell
Rita Hilker (contact person)
Kathy Hoar
Short Mat Bowls
Tech Support (by appointment)
Exercise with Richard Simmons
Line Dancing (Level 1 - Beginners)
Line Dancing (Level 2 - Transitional)
Diana Bent
Carol Gray
Bob & Pat Rankin
Rita Barrell (apple), Fred
Jennings (android)
Gord Emmerson
Sylvia Wolf
Margaret Jamieson
8:00 pm to 9:00 pm
8:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Pickleball is a fun sport that combines elements of tennis, ping-pong, and badminton. In partnership with the North Durham Pickleball Club, this program is designed for players to take part in organized games with others of a similar skill level.
Drop-In Schedule
Players can drop-in to the Scugog Community Recreation Centre at the time that best suits their skill level. A maximum of 50 players are permitted at a time rotating through the courts.
Location: SCRC - Main Hall
Cost: $4.25 per person, per day
9:00 am to 11:30 am
11:30 am to 2:00 pm
2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
9:00 am to 11:30 am
11:30 am to 2:00 pm
2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Recreational 50+
Intermediate 50+
Advanced 18+
Recreational 50+
Intermediate 50+
Advanced 18+
September 18 to December 14, 2023
January 8 to June 20, 2024
9:00 am to 10:00 am
10:00 am to 12:00 am
12:00 am to 2:00 pm
2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
4:00 pm to 7:00 pm
9:00 am to 11:00 am
11:00 am to 4:00 pm
Learn to Play 18+
Recreational 50+
Intermediate 50+
Advanced 18+
Open Play (no age limit, 2 courts only)
Open Play (no age limits)
Ladder Play 50+ (Pre-registration is required through NDPC. Currently waitlisted)
There is no pickleball on holidays, winter break or march break. On occasion, pickleball will be cancelled due to facility maintenance and community events. To stay up to date with cancellation dates visit www.scugog.ca/pickleball. Pickleball is not offered in the summer.
Tournament Dates
The North Durham Pickleball Club (NDPC) runs two tournaments each year. These tournaments are for Club Members only. Contact northdurhampickleball@gmail.com for more information on becoming a club member. The regular pickleball schedule will be cancelled on these days.
Fall: November 6 & 7, 2023
Spring: March 25, 2024
10-Ticket Passes Available Online or at the SCRC Purchase a pass and you get one free play with every 9 purchased. $38.25 $76.50 $114.75 $153.00 $191.25 10-Ticket 20-Ticket 30-Ticket 40-Ticket 50-Ticket
Camp Hours
Camp hours are 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. each day. Extended supervision is available before and after the camp program for an additional fee.
AM Care: 7:30 am to 9:00 am
PM Care: 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm
AM & PM Care: Both
Camper Ratios
$20/week $40/week
Staff to camper ratio is 1:10. The Township of Scugog strictly adheres to the ages of each camp.
Your child must be turning the age outlined in the camp description by December 31 of that year.
Camper Pick Up
Staff are required to identify the parent/guardian of each child by requesting government issued photo identification before camp staff will release campers.
Camp Leaders
Camp Scugog takes great pride in the amazing leaders we have providing engaging activities for all campers. All leaders are required to have certification in Standard First Aid and CPR level C as well as High Five Principles of Healthy Childhood Development. Leaders also receive extensive training focusing on leadership, inclusion, safety, and creativity while maintaining a child-first approach.
High Five The Best Way to Play
The Township of Scugog is committed to providing quality programming for children and youth. We are a registered member of the Parks and Recreation Ontario’s HIGH FIVE Program. HIGH FIVE is built on the belief that all children deserve to have a sport and recreation experience that supports their development. Positive experiences in sport and recreation help children to become capable, caring adults who contribute more effectively to the community in the future. Why would you choose any other program for your child? Visit www.highfive.org for more information on this quality assurance program.
What to Bring
Campers should bring a nut free lunch, snacks, refillable water bottle, non-mark running shoes, and extra pair of clothing. Campers will be playing outside each day, please dress for the weather with a warm coat, snow/splash pants, warm boots, a hat and mittens. All items should be clearly labelled with your child’s name. Personal belongings and toys will not be permitted at camp.
Camper Code of Conduct
Each camper will be asked to agree to a code of conduct while at camp. Campers who are unable or unwilling to follow the camper code of conduct may be asked to leave camp to protect the safety of all participants.
In the Event of Illness at Camp
If a camper falls ill while at camp, they will be placed in a quiet room with a staff person and isolated from the rest of their camp group. The parent/guardian will be contacted to pick up their camper immediately.
We will continue to use the communication app ClassTag for communication throughout the day as needed. Once you have downloaded the app instructions on how to sign up will be delivered via email.
PA Day Camps
Join our qualified camp counsellors for a fun-filled day at the Scugog Arena. Participants ages 4 to 12 years will take part in a variety of activities such as: crafts, sports, active games, and outdoor play. Participants will be split into groups based on their age. Visit scugog.ca/camps for more information on what to expect at Camp Scugog. Extended care is available at an additional cost.
Location: SCRC
Cost: $40 per day
Fri, Oct 6 Fri, Nov 17
Extended Care
9:00 am to 4:30 pm
9:00 am to 4:30 pm
Extended supervision is available before and after the camp program for an additional fee.
AM Care: 7:30 am to 9:00 am
PM Care: 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm
$5/day or $20/week $5/day or $20/week
Winter Break Camp
Join our qualified camp counsellors for some action-packed days at the Scugog Arena. Participants ages 4 to 12 years will take part in a variety of activities such as: crafts, sports, active games, skating, baking, and outdoor play. Participants will be split into groups based on their age Participants can register for each day separately or for the entire week Visit scugog ca/camps for more information on what to expect at Camp Scugog Extended care is available at an additional cost
Location: SCRC
Cost Week 1: $120/week or $40/day
Cost Week 2: $155/week or $40/day
Week 1: Dec 27 to Dec 29
Week 2: Jan 2 to 5
9:00 am to 4:30 pm 9:00 am to 4:30 pm
Winter Break Powerskate and Dryland
Participants ages 7 to 13 years will take part in fast-paced power skating instruction with a certified coach from Ashlea Jones Athletes in Training. Full equipment is mandatory. Coaches will meet participants on the ice. Tying up skates must be done independently or with help from family before the program starts. Powerskating will be followed by one hour of dryland training.
Location: SCRC
Cost: $250
Dec 27 to Dec 29
9:15 am to 11:30 am
PA Day Powerskate
Participants ages 7 to 13 years will take part in fast-paced power skating instruction with a certified coach from Ashlea Jones Athletes in Training. Full equipment is mandatory. Coaches will meet participants on the ice. Tying up skates must be done independently or with help from family before the program starts.
Location: SCRC
Cost: $22 per session
Fri, Oct 6 Fri, Nov 17 Fri, Jan 26
9:15 am to 10:15 am
9:15 am to 10:15 am
9:15 am to 10:15 am
Winter Break Open Gym
Open gym will give children and youth the chance to burn off some energy in a safe, clean and fun space this winter break. Activities for ages 0-5 include unstructured free play with blocks, tunnels, toys, trampolines, crafts, and more! Activities for ages 6+ could include team games, active games, sports, parachute games, crafts and more. Please note parent supervision is required for ages 0-5 years.
Location: SCRC
Cost: $5 per participant, per drop-in
Week 1: Dec 27 to Dec 29
Open Gym (0-5 yrs)
Open Gym (6-8 yrs)
Open Gym (9-12 yrs)
Week 2: Jan 2 to 5
Open Gym (0-5 yrs)
Open Gym (6-8 yrs)
Open Gym (9-12 yrs)
9:00-10:00 AM
1:00-2:00 PM 2:00-3:00 PM
9:00-10:00 AM 1:00-2:00 PM 2:00-3:00 PM
This March Break we are pleased to offer exciting and engaging camps for children and youth between 4-14 years old Our team of enthusiastic, creative, and responsible camp counsellors and supervisors will be providing an action-packed program for all campers this week Participants will receive an email one week prior to camp with a detailed "What's Happening Sheet" on each days activities
Discovery Camp Ages 4 to 6 yrs
Staff will provide campers with the opportunity to enjoy a variety of different activities such as crafts, gross motor activities, outdoor fun, and much more Campers will have the opportunity to skate on Tuesday Alternative activities will be provided for those who choose not to skate There will also be a special visit from Browning Reptiles on Wednesday
Location: SCRC
Date: March 11-15
Time: 9:00 am to 4:30 pm
Cost: $165
Trip Camp Ages 7 to 12 yrs
Each day, campers will ride the bus to a new, and exciting adventure! Campers are not permitted to make purchases on the trips and must bring their own snacks and lunch.
Trips include: Rock Climbing, Bowling, Browning Reptiles, LaserMaxx, Putting Edge, Science Centre, and skating. Please note: trips are subject to change. Sign in and out will always be at the arena.
Location: SCRC
Date: March 11-15
Time: 9:00 am to 4:30 pm
Cost: $275
Jr. Leader Program 11 to 14 yrs
Participants will gain a variety of leadership skills in a fun and supportive environment. These future recreation leaders will undergo leadership training throughout the day and have opportunities to assist with younger campers under the supervision of experienced staff
Location: SCRC
Date: March 11-15
Time: 9:00 am to 4:30 pm
Cost: $135
Adventure Camp Ages 7 to 12 yrs
Adventure camp is a general recreation camp giving children the opportunity to explore, learn and play in engaging activities such as sports, active games, arts, music and more. Campers will have the opportunity to skate on Thursday. Alternative activities will be provided for those who choose not to skate. There will also be a special visit from Browning Reptiles on Wednesday
Location: SCRC
Date: March 11-15
Time: 9:00 am to 4:30 pm
Cost: $165
Powerskating with Ashlea Jones AIT 7 to 13 yrs
Participants will take part in 1 5 hours of on-ice power skating with a certified coach from Ashlea Jones Athletes in Training each day, developing players with consistency, new challenges, and positive reinforcement Full equipment is mandatory including a
Leave the planning of your child's next birthday party to the recreation program staff. Choose from one of the themes below for the ultimate party experience. The themed packages include two hours of fun facilitated by our party leaders. You bring the food and the drinks, we supply the equipment and fun! Parties are available for up to 20 guests based on facility availability.
Cost (10 children): $145+HST
Cost (20 children): $185+HST
Parties are available from September 23, 2023 to May 26, 2024. We do not book parties on long weekends or seasonal breaks (Winter and March Break). A minimum of two weeks' notice is required to book. Party times and dates are as follows: 10:00 am to 12:00 pm, 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm or 3:00 to 5:00 pm and are based on facility availability.
Toys and Tots Party
Does your child like to run around, play, and explore? If so, this package is right for you. Our party leaders will supply tunnels, balls, hoops, and more for the ultimate party interaction, without the mess in your home.
Suitable for ages 2+
Costume Party
This party is all about imagination! Invite your guests to dress up as anything they want or a theme chosen by the birthday child for some imaginative play and active games led by our party leaders. Games can include freeze dance, tag, balloon keep up, and more.
Suitable for ages 3+
Birthday Bash
This party includes two hours of fun with our party leaders, playing a variety of fun & age-appropriate birthday party games. Games can include freeze tag, musical hula hoops, balloon pop, and more.
Suitable for ages 3+
The Lookout Party
Host your party in The Lookout Youth Centre! Party goers will enjoy The Lookout's activities including: an air hockey table, foosball table, video games, arcade games, board games, and more! Our party leader is there to supervise the free play in the centre. Only available Saturdays 10:00 am12:00 pm and Sundays 10:00 am-12:00 pm or 1:00 pm-3:00 pm
Suitable for ages 8-12
Superhero Showdown
If your child is ready for some Marvel madness, this package is for you! Our friendly staff will lead the celebration through many superhero themed games. Children will have the opportunity to play superhero tag, pass the kryptonite, save their favourite superheroes, and more.
Suitable for ages 5+
Princess Ball
This party involves imagination, active games, and princesses! Your child and their friends can come dressed as fairytale princes and princesses. Children will dance the afternoon away and enjoy the birthday ball just before we create our very own crowns!
Suitable for ages 5+
Super Sports
Back by popular demand, this party includes two sportfilled hours in the community centre. Our party leaders will lead the players through a variety of age-appropriate sports and related activities. Games such as dodgeball, floor hockey, and soccer can be played. We try our best to accommodate requests. This party is only available in the Winter session.
Suitable for ages 6+
Nerf Party
Children will take part in a variety of different Nerf Battle challenges and active games. Guests must come with eye protection and their own Nerf blaster. We provide the nerf darts. This party is only available in the Winter session.
Suitable for ages 6+
The Scugog Shores Museum Village is located on Scugog Island. The Village includes a collection of historical buildings including the Head School, the Head Church and Cemetery, the Lee House and the Ojibway Heritage Interpretive Lands.
Hours of Operation
The Scugog Shores Museum Village will be open to the public in Spring and Summer (Closed for Fall/Winter) from May 24 to September 1, 2023. Guided tours are available Wednesday - Sunday from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. At other times of year, the Village is open by appointment only.
Adults: $5
Students: $4
Seniors: $4
Children (5 to 12 yrs): $2
Children (4 yrs & under): FREE
*All prices include tax. Special event prices may vary.
Memberships are now available which offer privileges at the Museum Village. Membership categories:
Family: $56.50 (two adults and up to four related children under the age of 16)
Individual: $28.25
Senior: $22.60 (over 65 years of age)
Student: $22.60 (with valid student ID)
Benefits of Membership include:
Free general admission to Scugog Shores Museum Village
Free admission to special events
Free access to archival reference material (by appointment only)
Invitations to members-only exhibition previews and other special events
10% discount on adults and children’s workshops or programs
10% off all gift shop purchases over $20 excluding consignment prices
The archives contain a wealth of information for anyone conducting research within the Township of Scugog. Our volunteers and staff fulfil genealogical research requests for individuals across North America. The archives contain the following resources for the former Reach, Scugog, Port Perry, and Cartwright townships, now all part of the Township of Scugog: assessment rolls, birth/death/marriage registers, personal and agricultural census, tax collectors’ rolls, deeds, maps, municipal records, newspapers, school records and women’s institute records. We also have genealogy files catalogued by family name, a number of detailed family trees from local families, and an extensive photographic collection. Limited research material is also available on neighbouring townships. Access to the archives is by appointment only. Visitors may conduct their own research for a flat rate of $17.50, which includes 20
Discover more about us by following us on social media:
School Programs
We are pleased to offer a variety of curriculum based programs for all grade levels at the Museum Village. All programs can be tailored to the unique needs of your class. Full and half day programs are available. Outreach programs which bring history directly to your classroom are also available. To view the program guide, visit www.scugog.ca/museum
Group Tours
Guided tours for groups are offered seasonally at the Scugog Shores Museum Village. Explore the 11 buildings of our historic pioneer village and the Ojibway Heritage Interpretive Lands. Guided tours are provided Wednesday to Sunday, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. throughout the summer. Email museum@scugog.ca for more information.
Wedding and Facility Rentals
Have your wedding or special event with us! The 1860s Head Memorial Church, located at the north end of the Museum grounds, is one of the original pioneer churches on Scugog Island. Built by Scugog’s earliest settlers, this designated historical building offers a unique setting for wedding ceremonies that is rich in heritage and tradition. The church and attached tearoom are available for weddings and small receptions May to October. The museum grounds can also be reserved for wedding photos, family picnics, or gatherings.
The Scugog Shores Museum Village hosts a variety of special events and exhibits. The upcoming schedule for 2023/2024 includes:
Adventures at the Boo-seum
Sunday, October 22, 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Looking for a spook-tacular time? The 5th annual ‘Adventures at the Boo-seum’ at the Scugog Shores Museum Village is a great way to celebrate the season with your family! Tour the Museum, join us in the Village for trick-or-treating and a costume parade, or make a creepy craft, if you dare. If that isn’t enough toil and trouble, take a chance on our games and enjoy some treats. This is a family-friendly event with some spooky content. General admission applies.
Children's Old Fashioned Christmas
Sunday, December 3, 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Step back in time and tour our historic village traditionally decorated for the holidays with evergreen boughs, bright ribbons, and berries. Children’s crafts, parlour games, hot apple cider, and a visit with Santa make this a family-fun event for all. General admission applies. Children under 12 enter free with a food donation for Operation Scugog.
Save the date for:
54th Annual Canoe the Nonquon: Saturday, June 1, 2024
Northern Ramblers Car Meet, June 2024
Heritage Day, August 18, 2024
The Scugog Shores Museum is currently looking for volunteers to assist with the following areas:
Artifact cataloguing Educational programming Events
If you’re a high school student looking to complete your community hours, or just looking for a way to give back to your community, this is the perfect opportunity. Please contact museum@scugog.ca.
Walking and Driving Tours
Historic walking and driving tours booklets are available at the Scugog Shores Museum for $2.00.
Provincial Heritage Award
The Township of Scugog received the prestigious Lieutenant Governor's Ontario Heritage Trust Award for Community Leadership in 2012 for outstanding preservation, protection and promotion of Ontario's heritage. Also two commemorative plaques have been installed at Reflection Park to commemorate the War Memorial Library and Lawn Bowling Club.
Downtown Heritage Conservation District
Downtown Port Perry is an important cultural and economic hub at the heart of the Township of Scugog. It has long been a locally and regionally important destination that draws visitors to experience its Victorianera architecture, picturesque lakeside setting, and vibrant downtown. The goal of the downtown Port Perry Heritage Conservation District is to accommodate the continued evolution of the downtown while conserving and protecting the unique heritage characteristics that have been fundamental to its success.
Scugog Heritage Plaque Program
Help keep our history alive by taking part in preserving and identifying the historic buildings of the Township of Scugog. This is an excellent opportunity to increase our sense of community and identify the rich heritage built by those who founded and developed the Township of Scugog. all buildings constructed prior to 1920 are eligible and will be considered.
Apply for your Scugog Heritage plaque today. Applications available at the Scugog Municipal Office or visit scugog.ca.
Interpretive Heritage Plaques
Take a stroll one evening and discover the history of the waterfront! As part of the Port Perry Downtown Revitalization Project, four heritage plaques have been installed along the walkway of Palmer Park depicting the early tourism and lakefront history of the waterfront and Lake Scugog.
Visit the Library online or in-person to enjoy our many programs and services:
Cozy spaces to read, meet up, or just sit and enjoy the lake view
Check out the library website at www.scugoglibrary.ca to view our calendar of events and get more details about our current programs.