Frankfurt am Main , my beloved Frankfurt am Main!!

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Frankfurt am Main , my beloved Frankfurt am Main!! To Dirk Michael Roscher


Frankfurt am Main, this is where it all began for me, I became a Book and bestselling Author. A city to dream of, a city to fall in love with. That is why I have written this book, just as Johann Wolfgang von Goethe once did. Frankfurt am Main is home to the world-famous green sauce. We have the sons of Frankfurt Goethe and Schiller. The Frankfurt Book Fair with lots of literature that catches the ear. Thank you, that you exist, my beloved Frankfurt am Main. I dedicate this book of poems to this City (Frankfurt am Main) and The people of Frankfurt can be proud of you. Basically, it is a new edition of mine in an improved Version.

Chapter 1 Without Goethe and Schiller

Without Goethe and Schiller, German literature would be much quieter.

Chapter 2 Frankfurt on the Main!

My Frankfurt am Main.

You are so beautiful and so pure. In you the Rhine flows into the Main. And that's exactly why you deserve the beautiful name Frankfurt am Main you cast such a spell on so many people, if you were a woman I would be your husband. You have experienced and lived so much. German democracy was born in you. You were now the city chosen for it, your name was now on everyone's lips, you were now world-famous from one second to the next! Frankfurt am Main I am now yours forever.

Chapter 3 The Frankfurter Rindswurst! The Frankfurter Rindswurst tastes so good and that's why I love to take a hearty bite. Everything is made with love - the Frankfurt butchers always take care of it. If the Frankfurter Rindswurst were an ocean, I would gladly jump after the Frankfurter Rindswurst. Now this poem has thrown me completely off balance. I get hungry and my stomach sounds like a giant brummer. Yes, the Frankfurter Rindswurst has it all, it never lets you down. With mayo and ketchup, the theatre continues cheerfully. That's why you should always enjoy the Frankfurter Rindswurst with calm. Because the taste will judge, I'll never go without my Frankfurter Rindswurst again.

Chapter 4

The Lord from Frankfurt!

Here in Frankfurt, there lives a lord and he likes to drive through Frankfurt in his Ford. He feels so at home here in Frankfurt in this place in Frankfurt, of course. And that's why the dear lord lives lives here in Frankfurt with his Ford. But now the dear lord drives outside Frankfurt. After two months, the dear lord comes back to Frankfurt. And he speaks: So now you have me again, my beloved Frankfurt, from you I will never go away again, in the end you are the true victor. Thus spoke the lord who lives here, in Frankfurt.

Chapter 5 Money rules the world!

But also in Frankfurt, the dear money only counts. Frankfurt am Main, has so many faces and so many famous poets. Frankfurt shines in the sun with full delight. But there is also the dark side of Frankfurt am Main - does it have to be? Beggars on the famous Zeil and that too in the middle of May!

They want to live and survive. Money rules the world but in Frankfurt, too, money is all that counts. There are the rich quarters and the poor quarters. What a cuddle muddle! Frankfurt am Main, such a rich city and for some others money is already very tight in the middle of the month! Money rules the world but in Frankfurt, too, it's only money that counts.

Chapter 6 The cat!

I was walking through Frankfurt, I saw a cat at the side of the road. The cat was making fun of my bald head, that stupid cat. and made a stupid grimace. So I said to this cat don't make fun of my bald head like that. But the cat continued to make a silly grimace and continued to make fun of my bald head. So now I had enough, then I grabbed this old bad cat that was making fun of my bald head. I then took her to the clippers and said: "Please bald once for this ole stupid cat!

The cat hissed and scratched and she screamed terribly, but it didn't help the wicked old cat. Now the cat that once drew was a stupid grimace because of my bald head. A cat with a bald head!

Chapter 7 Quick, quick!

Life in Frankfurt is so fast and full of hustle and bustle here in Frankfurt everyone gets a tic somehow at some point. Quick, quick so people run into the shops and forget half the time full of stress and compulsive shopping you see here and there. There's an ambulance again, and with these stressful people you can understand why. Crowds of people push their way through the city, running their feet flat. Quick, quick it must go, just don't stop and the blood circulation also starts to rise. Frankfurt is a fast-living city and at the end of the day you are completely. Tired and flat! Fast, fast, that's how it has to be in Frankfurt, even the pigs start screaming from the farmers. That can't be true, Our life is quiet and fine.

Heart attacks are at home in the city. at home. In Frankfurt they don't take a break. That's why you should relax once in a while, you'll die soon enough. And therefore don't behave like hectic monkeys, but relax for once like the giraffes in Frankfurt Zoo, said Boh the flea Quick, quick doesn't always have to be, said the farmer to his pig.

Chapter 8 Housing shortage in Frankfurt am Main!

Housing shortage is absolutely not good, more and more flats are being privatised and human rights are being shaved off as a result! Tenant protection associations are running up against strong walls here. They are fighting here like Don Quixote together with old Lotte. Vacancy emergency in Frankfurt am Main I don't think that's so fine. Capitalism is at home in Frankfurt. That only rich Klaus with his sexy mouse moves into a new house. The poor are being pushed more and more out of the city.

and once again some poor slob has hung himself. Empty houses in Frankfurt am Main I don't like that at all!

Chapter 9 It rolls and rolls!

It rolls and it rolls and it sucks and it sucks! They zoom past you in the morning They zoom past you at noon. In the afternoon and in the evening. I'm just getting off the tram, and this young man comes along with an electric scooter. He misses me by a hair's breadth, I'm so scared, everyone sees me ducking underneath. They are everywhere and appear out of nowhere, get yourselves to safety, because it's that time again. I'm already ready for the next jump! It rolls and it rolls and it bugs and it bugs and I hope that this nightmare will be defused soon!

Chapter 10

On Friday Frankfurt is always upside down!

Friday at last or a bad day? Where every car driver complains about it! Finally the weekend arrives but far from it. Because the peace and patience are now voted out for the time being. Fridays for Future, that's the name of the new enemy of all motorists. First stress at work, then my boss, who always likes to yell at me. and now the youth who are on strike! I'm about to snap, I've got to get out of here out of this madhouse! On Friday, Frankfurt is always upside down!

Chapter 11 Frankfurt's Hammer Man!

You can see him hammering. Without pause. Frankfurt's hammer man shows that you can do anything. Frankfurt's hammer man shows the power of work and willpower. Frankfurt's Hammermann shows the workers how hard you work. Without you Frankfurt would stand still and not move forward. Frankfurt's hammer man shows us with the hammer we should also strike for a better future, We can't avoid it. Because without money No bread and without food no strength for a new passion for work. That's what Frankfurt's hammer man wants to tell us now with a hammer in his hand for which he is known throughout Frankfurt!

Chapter 12

The Resurrection of Frankfurt's Old Town

For years Frankfurt's old town was in a slumber. Politics here in Frankfurt what a stroke of luck. Revived Frankfurt's old town to new life again. When the last sod was turned, tourists came from far and wide. It was a veritable tourist quake. At last people could Frankfurt's old town Frankfurt's old town as it was in the past. Who actually had the idea for the new old town? Yes, it's precisely this question that makes you completely gobsmacked. Who? This question will be answered in a moment, but no guarantee! It's such a difficult thing with the truth, and there was even a big argument about it. The CDU was the driving force behind Frankfurt's new old town, so what? Is that really true? It's best to add the truth in a flash. In fact, on 20 August 2005 Wolfgang Hübner, at that time the only city councillor of the Citizens for Frankfurt (BFF), had submitted the application for a reconstruction of the Old Town, which was destroyed in 1944. And that is the truth and nothing but the truth.

Chapter 13 The Second World War!

"Frankfurt looks like an enlarged Pompeii". Frankfurt am is completely destroyed, my heart is completely outraged by it. My heart, it cries and weeps. Corpses lie under the rubble, who is to take care of them now. "Frankfurt looks like an enlarged Pompeii". It's winter, and it lies deep in snow. My beloved Frankfurt, how beautiful you once were, I can't understand why so many people had to go to their deaths. There I see a child shivering from the cold and shivering terribly. The child told me that he had lost his mother and father, then I took the child to my house, then I sat the child down in front of the fireplace. The eyes began to shine, I could understand the child well. Since then this child lives with me and I know that the years will pass quickly. Germany will also be rebuilt, even if the future looks better then,

but the memories and the nightmare almost take my mind away at night. "Frankfurt looks like an enlarged Pompeii. The mental scar will remain forever and I hope my children and grandchildren never experience anything like it.

Chapter 14 Frankfurt and death came!

I opened the newspaper and there I read. A mentally ill man from Eritrea had pushed an eight-year-old boy in front of an ICE train. Frankfurt and death came as I read in the paper. I was shocked, I have no desire for such a lunatic. His mother's life is now destroyed, I'm totally outraged by such sick people. Little man, why you of all people, I can't find peace in such things. Frankfurt and death came just as I heard it in the papers. Little young man, we will never forget you!

Chapter 15 Frankfurt am Main (Little New York)!

Germany a country It's well known. German cars were once very popular, but then the German car industry took a side blow. In Germany, almost all cities look the same, but one city here in Germany stands out in particular. It is Frankfurt am Main, the city of banks and the rich. But also a city of poverty which is really not good. When you enter Frankfurt, you think of New York. Isn't it super, it's not fine.

Skyscrapers everywhere you look, you could almost think a second New York blossoming into new life. But it's not the USA how strange. But at the same time how wonderful. Frankfurt am Main is an original here in Germany. And it will always be the original. Frankfurt on the Main!

Chapter 16 Hot summers in Frankfurt!

Climate change has now also reached Frankfurt and in 2018 Frankfurt was fully calibrated with the heat. Even the dogs in the dog heat looked for a cool wind shower, but I prefer to stay at home in this heat prefer to stay at home and take a longer break. No one could escape from this heat and no flowers could be seen blooming. Then Sarah spoke to me, I feel like I'm in the Sahara desert. Hot summers in Frankfurt! If trees could run away they would have up and run. Their leaves looked like autumn and yet it was only June, and I was completely dazed by this heat. I have air-conditioning in my flat, so she was happy the mouse here in the house. Hot summers in Frankfurt! It also got worse in 2019 I never forget these hot summers. But you can always get hotter. Hot summers in Frankfurt! Climate change has now also reached Frankfurt and in 2018, Frankfurt was fully calibrated with the heat.

Chapter 17 Stop at red, you can go when it's green!

Dear Frankfurt parents, Dear Frankfurt adults. Be a role model for the children, but some of them have lost their reason. They run red lights, What's all this silly fidgeting? I see some parents like that, They run through the red light with their children, It's a very dangerous phase. Some parents behave like stupid cattle my dear children. When it's red, stop, when it's green, you can go, because that's the only way the children can better understand the danger. Life, the safety of the children comes first and I hope this sentence catches your ear. Stop when the light turns red and you can go when the light turns green.

Chapter 18 Goethe Goethe, the prince of poets

he is an enrichment of the first order he wrote his poems with great passion Without Goethe and Schiller German literature would have remained. Goethe, Goethe, the prince of poets! His works are masterpieces are his own. Goethe had many wives, but one could always rely on his talent as a poet. Goethe and Schiller a great piece of German history. And as a souvenir wrote this poem for the two great thinkers and poets. Goethe Goethe the Prince of Poets!

Chapter 19 Frankfurt on the Main

Frankfurt on the Main shines in the sunshine so wonderful and fine. But a dark shadow has the city in its grip.

Even Frankfurt am Main now feels like the old Piff. This dark shadow also dominates the whole world as well. Evil has a name, who could have guessed it. His name is Corona, he is here and there. My beloved Frankfurt am Main, why must it be so? Frankfurt am Main show your magic that Corona goes forever. And that you will never see him again. The people have no pleasure any more. The inns are completely empty. My beloved Frankfurt am Main let a miracle happen so that people go shopping again with peace of mind on the famous Zeil. The Zeil belongs to you just like Frankfurt beer. Like the green sauce, otherwise everything goes to shit.

Chapter 21

Frankfurt's East Park

A beautiful park and a singing sparrow is just right here in this nice quiet place. I sit here and think and I secretly to make. The bird sings and sways to its song. The melodious song brings me to other thoughts. The Frankfurt East Park here I like to eat my Frankfurter Speisequark. I enjoy the time here, Then I'm ready for new Frankfurt poems. Beautiful flowers stand in front of me, here one likes to linger And from afar you can hear ducks and geese quacking I can tell you. And the next moment I'm thinking about roast goose again. Frankfurt's Ostpark is a place of tranquillity and companionship and also full of passion, where many a well-known photographer met with a new motif.


My latest book is actually a new edition and improved version of mine from another book I once wrote. But I have also added new poems. This book is funny and sometimes thoughtful. It is a book of poems for Frankfurt am Main and also for the dear people who live here. This city has given me the opportunity to become a book author and poet. Thank you to all the dear people of Frankfurt who will enjoy the book.

See you soon Your book author and poet Dirk Michael Roscher.

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