My magazine

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becky french

sophie rowles


 

Michael Chan 

typography illustration art direction ~ graphical passion competitive drive individual style ~ keen visual brain traditional methods remain contemporary creative play

(subject to develop magnificently.)

which font

a growth of long hair on the neck of a mammal.

inspect thoroughly in order to determine their nature or condition.


uttered at the end of a prayer or hymn

mien mine used to refer to a thing belonging to the speaker.


intend to convey or refer to.

a formal test of a person's knowledge or proficiency in a subject or skill.




a procedure.


a skirt, coat, or dress reaching to the ankle.

a person's appearance or manner.


tim e trav . el wit h

exge ne t r - a e

but wait



e c p





READ THIS ~ Photography has become a convenient hobby to many, regardless of their profession it has become more of an everyman’s art. It has offered us a different spectrum of categories such as professional and commercial, as opposed to amateur photojournalism. All walks of life have become connected to photography through the slightest way of witnessing something documented or even practicing it. We all have a creative side that we all like to delve into and escape or come up with new ways of changing the mundane. In this generation photography has opened up a bigger picture of the world where we can see different cultures, and are exposed to many images, so much so that we have become immune to certain emotions, or put simply we need a bigger impact to trigger our emotions. Therefore art has become more of a challenge and become competitive to gain the audience’s attention, which could mean disregarding morals or indulging within the borderlines of taboo just to get noticed. Hence art itself is open for discussion on its borderlines, and I suppose it may not have any because art is so open. It just depends on that person and their feelings added with how they are going to express themselves. Art is all about seeing the world in your own perspective and they can interpret it easily through photography. I think that photography is just an example of the coming generation’s use of technology and accessibility. It has developed into film and built into our lives, we humans will always look for things that bring us pleasure and joy hence the advance in technology with camera integrated devices. In the past cameras must have been expensive and valued. But now with so many to choose from and different accompanying added features they have become easily replaceable. It is something we expect that everyone has in their pocket or at least has access to. But what concerns me the most is my future as a graphic designer. With technology advancing as it is now accessibility has become a double edged sword granting people with the opportunity to download design software. Added with YouTube tutorials and books to inform novices it isn’t just photography that is being diminished but perhaps the whole design ethos.

expe ctat ions

My hopes for third year are to become less lazy, less scared, and generally much more competent. I have already proven to myself that I can time manage juggling three different lifestyles of university, family business work and social life. This is my final hurdle and I intend to jump over the moon. I want to feel confident in all my work and showcase that in my portfolio, so that I am able to stand out in the world of competitive work. I would also like to take the opportunity in my final year at university to use many of the facilities it offers. Processes such as letter press and laser cutting are valuable resources that are hard to find elsewhere when I hopefully graduate, and I’ll expect it to be expensive. I would also like to take advantage of being a student, fulfilling my social life because once I am a fully-fledged mature adult I have the choice to prioritise my responsibilities. You’re only young once. Not only that but most live competition briefs are open to students only or students that have just graduated normally within a year and so I will take those opportunities as I would have nothing to lose, and if you do win then it’s a bonus and work experience could follow suit. After I graduate that is my plan to get as much work experience as humanly possible for a guy like me.


it’s hard to take risks.

Looking back on my GDP unit, I am happy with some aspects more than others as usual. Conceptually I am most pleased with the ISTD stamp brief, I had linked everything with its filter of ‘weather’ being able to tie in colour choice and packaging decisions to enhance the concept. I am not so confident with my theme brief, I felt it lacked something perhaps conceptually and I had basically spent a month drawing animal heads and putting them onto a card format – so not happy with this because it’s not really ambitious. I think the main reason I wanted to do this was because I wanted to delve back into my illustrative side which I kept hidden in second year with all the digital work. I had learnt that not knowing the outcome of your final piece is much better than already envisioning it as you may not develop that idea once you’re fixated. Finally with the final brief of the personal project I had equipped my illustrative style to make the conversational prints. I am happy with the outcome because it works both conceptually and hopefully aesthetically too. Perhaps for my next project I could do something out of my comfort zone or will I fall under the pressure? As for the reflection to my dissertation, all I can say is that I hope I pass that. I can’t afford to fall behind to resit a year. Either way if I could turn back time, I probably wouldn’t have changed a thing that I have done in this unit, except to do more relevant research work.

egy My plan of action for this final unit would just be to experiment like wild fire. Making use of the university facilities and seeing what works aesthetically and conceptually. I would try to get as much research done in a day or two and spend a good week busy experimenting and then develop the strongest one which also needs to have potential to expand. I am getting all excited but also anxious to know what the next brief is, and aim to interpret things completely different and unique to the rest of the class. I also think that once I know the timetable I can calculate what I can achieve and if it is successful. Basically I haven’t a clue about my plan of action, but to let things flow naturally like all my previous projects. I will aim to become more ambitious and play creatively outside of my comfort zone.


m e a x p l e

Campaign against

CONVERSATIONAL These conversational prints are custom to Britain’s affair with animals. They all share a common theme of being controversial due to public debate. There is no right or wrong opinion but only individual perspectives. In this series we showcase 5 animals giving an insight to their world. We aim to capture an array of topics. These prints are used to spark conversation showing that you are also knowledgablein current affairs, whilst displaying your passion and concern towards animal welfare. Another way of seeing these prints is how we have redesigned the way you can percieve news with a much more unique approach.


vulnerable godwit

meat my standards. citified fur


(transformed badger)

royally red

ˆ Arctic Ocean

wet & warm

Very Cold

Atlantic Ocean



Dry & cold


Northern Europe

ˆ CT







ˆˆˆˆˆˆ ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ


wea ther This is my response to a brief ‘paper messages’ to create a set of stamps that celebrates Britain. So i chose the weather because our system is unique and that it is a conversation starter.






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…………………… ……………………… TROPICAL

wea ther vane

baro meter

wind sock

sun dial

anemo meter


xh i b i t


design 13 - 06 - 13


show 1.30PM




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