The Modern Order of Saint Lazarus - Part 2

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The Modern Order of Saint Lazarus investiture in May and one in October, as had been the practice, only one investiture has since been held each year, usually in May.

The Grand Baillie, the Lord Borthwick of that Ilk.

Lord Kinross

Lord Kinross, recipients of awards and guests at the 2009 investiture

From the beginning, Christmas was celebrated with a carol service held in a different church every year. After the service the congregation would retire to a nearby hotel and enjoy a seasonal festive supper. During Lord Kinross' time as Grand Baillie, the carol service became a permanent feature, weather permitting, in an Edinburgh church. Immediately after the service of carols and lessons, representatives of the chosen charities for the year were presented with cheques, then invited to say a few words about their charities and how the given money would be used. After the

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