Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria magazine for May 2014

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May 2014

Arkaroola/Lake Coongie/Menindee Lakes Trip (ISSUE 403) Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. Reg. No. A – 0006149J FWDV Member PO BOX 2456 Mount Waverley VIC. 3149

VOLKS-BARU SUBARU and Volkswagen Specialist Parts and Service Centre

We will smooth out your motoring costs with extremely competitive prices, offering trade discounts to all Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria members on all parts and repairs.

John Bailey 1362 Heatherton Rd Dandenong North 3175 Phone: (03) 9793 5655 Page: 2

INTRODUCTION TO THE SUBARU 4WD CLUB The Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. was originally formed over 30 years ago by an enthusiastic group of Subaru owners. Today the club has expanded to include all Subaru 4WD and AWD vehicles, as well as all other makes of AWD, light 4WD and crossover/soft-roader type vehicles. The club aims to participate in exploration of the Australian countryside without damage to the environment, vehicle or individual. Visitors are most welcome to attend the club’s General Meetings and contact committee members regarding participation in club activities. The club relies on membership fees to offset its running costs, including insurance. Membership fees are payable each year, due on 31 May. Fees for the 2013/14 year were agreed at the general meeting in April 2013 and are as follows: ● Interstate: $110 (Seniors card - $105) ● Single: $120 (Seniors card - $110) ● Joint/family: $140 - (Seniors card - $125). Joining Fee $10 ($20 for Joint/Family) (All annual fees include FWDV affiliation and trip insurance: $47) A trip fee of $15 per adult non-member applies (for insurance purposes) Please contact the membership officer for further information regarding membership, including pro-rata and monthly rates.


South Camberwell Tennis Club 322 Burke Road Glen Iris (Melways 59 H6)

Last Tuesday of each month at 8:00pm sharp (except December)

COMMITTEE Meetings 1st Tuesday each month: 7:30pm Damian Stock (President) Jessica Walsh (Vice President) Peter Bellis (Secretary) Bob Marshall (Treasurer) Martin Foot (OM: Trip & Social) Michael Hartshorne au (OM: Editor) Andrew Jantke (OM: Membership) Dale Rebgetz (OM: Resources) Stephen Whittaker (OM: Venue) Doug Greenall (Ordinary Member) Phil Milkins (Ordinary Member)

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PRESIDENT’S REPORT Welcome to the May club magazine. It seems so long ago that I wrote my last report but that was because our editorial crew were heading off to central Australia, causing an earlier deadline for the last magazine. There certainly has been a lot happening since then with plenty of trip activity and a very informative meeting to review. Apart from the central Australia trip there have been a few closer to home with Jamie opening his home, and outdoor facilities, for those who couldn’t make it for the big trip. Dave also did some pre-tripping up around the Walhalla area and I did some preparation for the novice trip around Narbethong. The story about the Narbethong trip is a funny one which I will expand on later in the report. The recent club meeting was very informative, with a great first aid awareness presentation by James from Revive Survive. James has a great understanding of the challenges associated with administering first aid in the bush as his parents are members of the Toyota Land Cruiser club. Both his talk, and the products in his first aid range, are specifically designed for quick access while in the bush. On the first Sunday in May I had planned on running a novice drive day in the Narbethong area. In preparation for this Angela and I headed up to the area on Easter Monday, which was our first mistake. We decided to inject a little money into the local economy by buying lunch at Buxton. The one food outlet in Buxton was flat out, thanks to the constant run of traffic heading back to Melbourne. Angela and I had to settle on a couple of microwaved pies otherwise we would have wasted a lot of time just for lunch. Heading off into the bush to the west of Buxton we encountered a number of pine plantations with road signs indicating that the roads were for authorized vehicles only. Not wanting to be caught on private roads we then headed west towards Murrundindi. In doing so we only found one or two tracks that were more than trail bike wide and on one of these we were able to damage the front bumper of the XT. While the new X-mode feature does a great job of slowing the vehicle when ascending or descending steep tracks, as it did on these tracks, you still need to be aware of even the shallowest of culverts crossing your path. The nose of the Forester hit one of these at virtually zero kilometres yet I was able to scrape the chrome paint off the fog light surround on one side and completely popped the bumper on the driver’s side wheel arch, badly damaging the clip that attaches it to the body. Even now it is still held on with cloth tape and I need to work out how I am going to get it to attach to the body properly and back under the headlight. It could be an expensive exercise. Given the number of times I hit the front of the ’07 XT on the Simpson trip, at

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PRESIDENT’S REPORT speed, without causing any damage, I am not overly happy about the damage caused to the new XT with such low speed contact. Given that the turbo is located at the bottom of the engine, at the front, I am not even sure if an aftermarket bumper would be an option. My next discussion with Subaru should be an interesting one. After having reattached the bumper we continued along the track toward Murundindi with the intention of taking the Melba Highway back to Melbourne. Heading home from this area on Easter Monday afternoon is not something that I would recommend, thanks to the badly designed bypass road and the heavy traffic using it. If you ever decide to take a run out that way on a holiday weekend don’t head home on the final afternoon, especially if you have somewhere to get to in a hurry. Having found little in the Narbethong area to practice driving skills on, given how overgrown the tracks are, I have decided to combine the novice trip with a night navigation run down at the farm at Woodside North. There are plenty of tracks to play around on, including sand, rocks and water and we can get some night 4WDing practice as part of the navigation run. Watch the events page for details of this fun weekend. On a recent Sunday I attended the launch of the second edition of Robert Pepper’s book, the 4WD Handbook, at the Black Spur Inn. Robert’s two hour presentation, on the future of four wheel drives, was most informative as was the industry panel question and answer session that followed. It seems that the 4WD of the near future will be more of a soft-roader with an automatic, CVT-like transmission. After my experience with the Forester at Buxton, not far from where the book launch was held, I just hope that the 4WD of the future has a much better approach angle and more robust bumpers. If what Robert predicts is true then we are well placed to welcome these new types of vehicles into our club. While I would love to keep our club predominantly Subaru, the reality is that most other 4WD clubs are not in tune with the requirements of soft-roaders. At least our easy to medium trips can accommodate soft-roaders, as evidenced by Jessica’s recent trip, whereas other clubs will not even allow a soft-roader to join or participate in their easiest trips. We will, however, have to adapt our training to ensure that our soft-roader drivers are well versed in how to drive their vehicles in the bush. I am sure that this will be something that our club instructor in waiting, Jessica, will be happy to undertake, with our help of course, when she has completed her training for this role. Last month I spoke about the great fuel economy of the two litre turbo motor, matched up to the CVT automatic transmission. I found an exception to the ... Continued Page 27

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VENUE REPORT APRIL GENERAL MEETING Date: Tuesday 27 May at 8pm Venue: South Camberwell Tennis Club, 332 Burke Road, Glen Iris Door Prize: This month, our door prize for members will be a Dick Smith Home & In Car 7” Media Player – a fantastic prize (kindly donated by Jamie Scott – thanks Jamie!). Come along to be in the draw to win! Presentation: Standard Trip Equipment & Recovery Gear – what should you take on trips?... what’s it for?. Given the wide-range of trips we undertake in our club – with difficulty ranging from easy to very difficult – we must ensure we are prepared for anything that may come up. It’s important we have fun on our trips while equally maintaining the highest regard for the safety of individuals, our vehicles and the environment. This month, Jessica will go through our Standard Trip Equipment & Recovery Gear list and detail their role and correct use. Come along and join the discussion! Presenters and meeting highlights to come in 2014: Car Workshop Night – Ringwood Trade Training Centre General 4WD and camping products Club meeting at a Subaru dealership There are door prize giveaways for members at each meeting too.

EDITOR’S REPORT The magazine deadline for next edition is Friday 13 June 2014. Send all copy to or call Michael on mob: 0408 323 864. Thanks Michael

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VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT Included with the latest issue of Track Watch is the 2014 Travel Companion. It is a very handy reference guide which is designed to be carried in the glovebox. Some of the gems inside include the 4WD Australia Code of Ethics, which we are all bound by as members of 4WDVic. There is also a list of training courses and dates for the rest of the year, UHF radio channel guide, fire safety advice and even some four wheel driving tips. On Thursday 22nd May the Association will be holding its general meeting. There is usually lots to discuss, so I will be reporting back to the club meeting with all the goss. Lastly, if you still have fundraising chocolate money outstanding please bring it along to the meeting so we can close off the books for this event. A very big thank you to everyone who has taken part in this major fundraising activity. Jessica Walsh Vice President

JESSICA’S JOTTINGS When was the last time you had a good look at your recovery gear? It is important that it is ready for use as soon as we need it. So drag out that snatch strap and have a good look at it. Is there any fraying, or does it look damaged in any way? If you are not sure then get someone who knows what they are doing to have a look at it. If you do use a snatch strap or bridle, then give it a good clean as soon as you can after use. Any dirt or grit left in the weave can damage the fibres, reducing its life. Speaking of life, a snatch strap is good for about 10-12 full extension snatches. After that its elasticity and therefore its effectiveness starts to be reduced. Which can be good news as you can then head to the 4WD store to buy a new one, credit card in hand, and look at all the shiny new toys whilst you are there. Happy (and safe) travels Jessica Walsh Page: 7

TRIP & SOCIAL REPORT ERICA TO WOODS POINT OVERNIGHT TRIP Date: Saturday 23 and Sunday 24 May Location: Erica, Woods Point, Jericho Valley Meeting Point: Erica Pub at 9:00am, leaving 9:30am Fuel: Top up in Moe, either bring an extra 20 litres or top up with fuel in Woods Point on Sunday Trip Rating: Medium, Difficult if it rains Trip Leader: Jamie Scott, email: This weekend we will visit the Aberfeldy cemetery for morning tea, then down to Jericho Valley to the old town sites of Violet Town, Blue jacket / Red jacket cemetery. Then we will follow the river along to the Jordan River Tunnel for a lunch stop. Up and out to Matlock. Down to Woods Point. There are a couple of river crossings (not too deep). The campsite has pit toilets. On Sunday, we will have a couple of steep climbs to do on the way out (which can be by-passed) which we may go down on the way to Woods Point, and a loop track with one long steep down hill drive to do (or this can be by-passed also) and back towards home. So you can come along for part of the trip or both days. LICOLA LONG WEEKEND TRIP Date: Saturday 7 – Monday 9 June Location: Licola district Trip Rating: Choice of trips, from Social to Difficult Trip Leader: Rick Koster, email: From a standing camp along the Wellington River north of Licola, various day trips will provide opportunities for drivers with all levels of experience and skill. Possible trips include exploring along Mt Margaret Track, including sections to the west of the Licola Road, and visiting Howitt Hut. Or just come and relax in camp! Contact Rick if you wish to attend, or complete the attendance sheet at the May General Meeting.

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TRIP & SOCIAL REPORT ARADALE ASYLUM GHOST TOUR Date: Saturday, 14 June Location: Heath St, Ararat, Victoria, 3377 Time 8:00pm Trip Rating: Social Trip Leader: Lisa Jantke, email: Cost: $35 adults - $30 concession/children (8-15). (Please note, those under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult) - $90 family (2 adults, up to 3 children)

Aradale is Australia's largest abandoned lunatic asylum. Opened in 1867 as Ararat Lunatic Asylum, this building housed tens of thousands of people described as "Lunatics", "idiots" and "imbeciles" - some of them described as the worst lunatics in the British Empire. Completed 40 years before Freud, this building saw some of the most controversial psychiatric treatments in Australia. Around 13,000 people passed away here in its 130 years. As a result, Aradale is considered one of the most haunted locations in Australia. Additional information: It is a night time tour, depending on the number of people attending will depend on accommodation for the evening. Lisa is currently looking into caravan parks. You are also free to arrange your own accommodation for the evening. If there is a club member that would like to arrange an activity for the Sunday 15th June in the Arrarat area please let Lisa know.

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TRIP & SOCIAL REPORT CHRISTMAS IN JULY … will be back on again this year, thanks to Peter and Jean Bellis. Date: Sat 19 July Trip rating: Social Location: Chez Bellis Cost $25 per head. More information to follow. LITTLE DESERT, BIG DESERT, WYPERFELD AND THE PINK LAKES TRIP Friday 31 October – Tuesday 4 November (Melbourne Cup Long Weekend) Trip Rating: Medium (to possibly Difficult) Trip Leader: Stephen Whittaker, email: The Mallee region, in Victoria’s north-west, is a large and very special area of Victoria. Sand dunes, Mallee scrub, historic sites and lakes make this region unique. Starting at Mt Arapiles, we’ll head north through the Little Desert National Park to Dimboola, then on to Lake Hindmarsh. From here, we’ll head through the center of the Big Desert and through Wyperfeld National Park visiting Chinaman’s Well, Milmed Rock and Lake Albacutya. We’ll then head north towards Underbool via Wirrengren Plain. Finally, we’ll visit the beautiful Pink Lakes on the southern side of MurraySunset National Park. This will be a fast-moving trip and challenging in spots with some deep, soft sand expected. Trip rating is medium, with the possibility of some difficult sections. The plans for this moving trip, at this stage, are: Friday 31st October: Arrive Mt Arapiles Camping Ground – anytime you can/like. Saturday 1st November: BIG DAY – Mt Arapiles – through the Little Desert to Dimboola, then north to the Big Desert and Lake Hindmarsh – camp at Lake Hindmarsh or track-side camp in Wyperfeld National Park (along Chinaman’s Well Track). Sunday 2nd November: BIG DAY – Chinaman’s Well, Milmed Rock, Lake Albacutya. Camp near Wirrengren Plain. Monday 3rd November: Wirrengren Plain to the Pink Lakes via Underbool. Tuesday 4th November: Head home. Page: 10

TRIP & SOCIAL REPORT OTHER TRIPS Unfortunately, Damian’s Novice Trip in early May had to be postponed due to unsuitable track conditions. So the call is still out for suitable trips, structured to provide opportunities for beginners to learn the ropes under the guidance of more experienced members. Possible locations include: Cathedral Ranges Murray River Also, we need more social events, such as: Melbourne Laneways

A Picnic at Hanging Rock

Martin Foot Trip and Social Coordinator 0434 770 497 or


Friday 18 - Monday 21 April by Jamie Scott Friday morning was wet but by lunch time it had cleared up, with a few people setting up camp. With both fires going it was time for tea. Stephen was running later - he turned up around 7.30pm. Saturday We waited for a couple to turn up for the day trip, so we headed to our lunch stop. Along the way we did a small creek crossing. Around to Cowwarr Weir for lunch. After lunch we headed bush with some decent /climbs and dry creeks crossing out behind Toongabbie and Glengarry area. The last section we had do had five creek crossings, with one a littler deeper, and a climb back up to the road around to the Tyers Lookout, where we said our good bye to the day trippers and went back to camp. Page: 11

TRIP REPORTS Sunday With a few packing up to go home and having one come up for the day, it was off we went out to Boolarra (up Grand Ridge Rd). We went pass the spring board tree but didn’t stop. Driving through then Gunyah Rain Forest area up to Mt Fatigue Lookout at 583m. Looking over Wilsons Prom. It was too cold to have lunch here so we went down to the start of the Morwell River for lunch. There was a side track that a few off us had a go at for some fun. We followed the back down for around 15 Km along before going back to camp. Back at my place a guest had cooked us Roast Lamb & Veg - it went down great! Monday The rest off us packed up to head home all had left by 1pm. Thanks to all that came along l hope you enjoyed it. Attendees Jamie Scott Land cruiser Les Scott & Elaine Hyde (Suboo) Brumby Shelby 4 legs Stephen Whittaker Forester Jessica Walsh Pajero Graeme Kerry Gill Outback Peter & Janice (Statesman &Ford V8 ute with diff-lock) Cory & Nathan Peterson Page: 12

TRIP REPORTS Saturday Bev Davison Splash & Bengie David, Anthony & Justin Wilson Rick & Josh Koster David & Ryane Ward

Forester 4 Legs Land Cruiser L Series Wagon Nissan

Sunday David Denver & Jess David & Michelle Ryan & Daniel Peterson

Forester Land Cruiser v8


Thursday 17 – Sunday 27 April 2014 by Martin Foot This trip was conceived as a follow-up to the Simpson Desert Trip of 2013, to visit several places we had to miss on the way. In particular, I wanted to see the overflow lake systems of the Cooper Creek (Lake Coongie) and the Darling River (Menindee Lakes) that are renowned for their birdlife and natural conservation value. Peter and Katie Mynard, Andrew and Lisa Jantke, Michael Hartshorne and Dale and Jan Rebgetz signed up for the trip, along with Dot and myself. We held one planning meeting at Dale and Jan’s about a month prior to departure to iron out the details. The agreed route was via the Riverland, passing by the eastern side of the Flinders Ranges near Lake Frome, then joining the Strezlecki Track at Mt Hopeless on the way to Innamincka. To get to Menindee Lakes, we would travel via Cameron Corner, Tiboooburra, Broken Hill. Finally we would take the Pooncarie Road back to Wentworth, Mildura and so home. Page: 13

TRIP REPORTS Based on glowing reports from Peter and Jean Bellis, and in discussion with the group, it was decided to add a three-night visit to the Arkaroola Conservation Sanctuary in the Northern Flinders Ranges to the trip and this proved to be the overall highlight. The trip would be close to 4,000 Km and vehicles needed to be well prepared for long distance outback touring. Not a lot of actual 4WD-ing was expected, but there were some options, mainly at Arkaroola. At the last minute, Andrew became unwell and ended up in hospital. As a result, the Jantkes were unable to do the trip, which was a great disappointment for all. Thursday 17 and Friday 18 April It had been decided that the group would assemble at Peterborough in SA on Saturday morning. So the first two days of the trip were spent covering approximately 1,000Km with each car travelling separately. Dot and I left on Wednesday night staying over at Maldon, before visiting Dot’s aunt in Bendigo, then headed off to be in Red Cliffs by nightfall. The others set off on Thursday, with Michael, Dale and Jan staying over at Ouyen. Peter and Katie, having further to travel, made it to Sealake. Very early on Friday, Michael made a dash for Peterborough to see relatives, arriving around 9am. Dale, Jan, Dot and I travelled together from Red Cliffs at a more sedate pace. After a delay involving the retrieval of a handbag (fine, Jan!), Peter and Katie caught up to us at Morgan, where we had lunch by the Murray River. There was a quick look around the historic township of Burra. By Friday night everyone was in Peterborough, which was very quiet (being Good Friday). Saturday 19 April Next morning we met outside the local supermarket to lay in some provisions, especially fruit and veg, as we were now beyond the Page: 14

TRIP REPORTS dreaded Fruit Fly Exclusion Zone. Morning tea at Hawker was followed by lunch at Blinman, where the bitumen gives out on the way to Arkaroola. After airing down, we headed on the back road for 140Km. We were now in the land of the bushfly, the kangaroo and the emu and due respect was shown to each. The road was easy, but not fast due to twists and turns and the occasional washout. There were some steepish climbs that challenged the L-series and its Cub trailer, but after a while the road levelled out onto the vast plains, with the ranges to our left. So we arrived at Arkaroola late afternoon and set up camp beneath a huge outcrop of rock, which is typical of the mountainous country of the sanctuary.

Sunday 20 April Sunday was a “free day”, with no group activities planned. However, Arkaroola had a range of options available. Michael, Peter and Katie decided to do the challenging Echo camp DIY 4WD route, which has to be booked and takes 6 hours, while the rest of us visited sites accessible on 2WD tracks to the west of the Arkaroola Village, including Nooldoonooldoona and Bolla Bollana waterhole (which fit the description of being “gorgeous gorges”) and the nearby copper smelter site, which is typical of the early mining activities located across Arakaroola. Finally, the Pinnacles and the Mawson Valley provided dramatic views (with Dale unable to resist scampering to the top of the outcrop). Page: 15


That night some of us attended an “Astronomy Tour” at one of the two observatories at Arkaroola. Taking turns to look through the 14 inch reflector telescope, we were able to view Jupiter’s moons, the star cluster Omega Centauri and other secrets of the heavens. The tour was led by Doug Sprigg, the son of the founder of Arkaroola sanctuary, the late Reg Sprigg, who was a leading geologist of his day. Amongst other things, he and his family achieved the first motorised crossing of the Simpson Desert in an early Nissan Patrol. Several copies of the book “Dune” by his wife Griselda, were purchased from the store, to get the “inside story” of this adventure. Page: 16

TRIP REPORTS Monday 21 April The morning was again “free time”, with clothes washing on the agenda, followed by more trips on the 2WD tracks. Dot and I went out to Stubbs waterhole to the north east of the village, and stopped on the way back at several notable sites, including the Ochre Cliffs, which provides a ready supply of soft coloured clays and the lookout over the original Arkaroola station that affords views of the plains and the valley into the hills leading to the tourist village.

In the afternoon, the group had taken a booking on the “Ridgetop Tour”, a 4 hour trip to the northern limits of the reserve. Private vehicles are not permitted on this track and so you have to travel in their vehicle, a series 70 Landcruiser ute with bench seats and rollover cage. It was “hold on” all the way and fortunately the tracks were dry, as some of the climbs and descents were very steep. We weren’t at all sure we could have made it in our Subies, but it was fun speculating! At the turnaround point, our driver/tour leader served afternoon tea and lamingtons. Here, the views from the end of the ridge were quite spectacular out over the plains towards Lake Frome. Page: 17



2014 MAY

Sat 23 - Sun 24

Erica To Woods Point Overnight Trip

Tues 27

General Meeting

Tues 3

Committee Meeting

Sat 7 - Mon 9

Licola Long Weekend Trip, standing camp plus day trips

Sat 14

Aradale Asylum Ghost Tour

Sat 19 July

Christmas in July

Fri 31 Oct – Tue 4 Nov

Little Desert, Big Desert, Wyperfeld and the Pink Lakes Trip



Post your Trip Here!

Trip Standard


Vehicle Suitability

Easy Medium

All wheel drive and high range 4WD. Can be Suitable for medium clearance vehicles with d

Difficult Very Difficult

Suitable for medium to high clearance vehicles wit Suitable for high clearance vehicles with dual rang

ALENDAR Location

Standard Contact for further info.

Cost Erica, Woods Point, Jericho Valley

Jamie Scott


Stephen Whittaker

Stephen Whittaker’s

Peter Bellis

Licola district

Social, +

Rick Koster



Lisa Jantke

Jean & Peter Bellis’s


Jean & Peter Bellis

Western Victoria

Stephen Whittaker

low clearance with single range and road tyres. dual range and all terrain or road tyres.

th dual range and all terrain tyres. ge and tyres suitable for the terrain (eg. mud terrain tyres).

$35 or conc.


On the way we heard much about the history and conservation practice at Arkaroola. We were advised to visit the neighbouring Vulkathunha Gammon Ranges National Park, where a grisly murder occurred in 1918 at Grindells Hut. We also enjoyed recitations of poems by Banjo Paterson, including The Man from Snowy River and The Man from Ironbark and as the evening closed in, saw some rare yellow footed rock wallabies and euros. That night we dined at Arkaroola restaurant, where the service was variable but the tucker very good. Tuesday 22 April Reluctantly it was time to move on. As we headed out onto the plains at turned north, the road northwards runs alongside Arkaroola for over 70 Kms, crossing a number of the creeks on their way to Lake Frome. Shortly after making the turn, Peter noticed a tell-tale smell coming from under the bonnet of the L-series that Page: 20

TRIP REPORTS turned out to be a leaking top radiator hose. This was quickly replaced and we were back on our way. The stretch of road to Mt Hopeless was perhaps the most remote track of our entire journey and clearly does not have a lot of traffic. It does however have a lot of grasshoppers, and quite a number of them became embedded in the front of our vehicles, quickly baking themselves on to windscreens, headlights, radiators, bash plates and roof racks. Still getting them off! Eventually by late morning we came to the T-intersection with the Strezlecki Track, which immediately impressed us with its width and high level of maintenance. It is certainly an unsealed superhighway and it quickly became apparent why, as we met the first of many B-doubles and exploration rigs making their way along the road, not to mention innumerable 4WD utes with sandflags, all company vehicles connected to the extensive oil and gas exploration and drilling underway in this part of SA. We started to see many side-tracks, signed with odd names like Alsyna 4, 7 and 10 and always “No Public Access” underneath. At the end of these would be drilling rigs or pumps extracting the fossil fuels below. It made us feel like interlopers at someone else’s party.

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TRIP REPORTS We stopped for lunch at Montecollina Bore where we were re-acquainted with the local bushfly population who seemed very pleased to see us. The bore itself is quite impressive with an extensive wetland due to the continual overflow from the main pond. Later in the day we approached Moomba, which is not so much a town as the industrial nerve centre of all the activity for hundreds of Kilometres around. Visitors are not welcome and apart from some very scant information at a roadside stop, it was a case of “Move along, nothing to see here�. We did however make use of their Telstra cell phone connectivity while en route. Innamincka was now close by, but not until we had endured the nasty corrugations of the Dillon Highway and faced the glaring sunset, which combined with the ever-present dust from the B-doubles made visibility near zero and driving downright dangerous. It was in the midst of this chaos and still 4Km out of town that my car ran out of fuel (a fine!). Thanks to Peter and Katie for the top-up and so we all eventually made our way into town and so to the campsite alongside the dry Strezlecki Creek. It was virtually the same location as we had used on the Simpson Trip. Wednesday 23 April The night was punctuated by the sound of dingos howling and B-doubles grinding their way in and out of town. Morning was far more pleasant. Dot took off to explore the nearby Cooper Creek. After breakfast and once fuelled up, we all headed off to the northwest in search of Lake Coongie. Peter and Katie lead the way, free for once of their trailer, which was waiting back at camp for our return. Lake Coongie is an overflow of the Cooper Creek, along a 100 Km anabranch of the river. The trip is through grazing land and across many cattle grids, nothing new by this time, but not always in the best of repair. Along the way we came to a spot where there were hundreds of corellas, feeding and drinking alongside the road. After many photographs were taken, we slowly pushed through the chattering mob, who were hardly concerned by us at all. Page: 22

TRIP REPORTS About two hours from Innamincka, the road enters a National Park reserve (where permits are required – and we were checked). The river and the lake were very impressive although on this occasion not a great deal of birdlife was to be seen, mainly a dozen or so crows, sea-gulls(!), plovers and terns plus a few pelicans in the distance. There were however many bushflies, who were overjoyed to meet us. Those of us who could took cover under their flyscreens. After an exploration of a nearby dry lake bed, we turned back towards Innamincka, arriving with enough time to spare to visit the gravesite of Burke (of Burke and Wills fame), who expired beside the Cooper Creek 150 years ago. Thursday, 24 April Packing up our camp, the group headed out eastwards, crossing into Queensland as far as the Dig Tree, where Depot 45 was located as part of the Burke and Wills expedition and where the famished explorers returning from the north discovered they had missed their relief party by only a few hours. After reading the interpretative material in the shelter and much photography, we turned back into SA and refuelled at Innamincka, before heading south down the old Strezlecki Track towards Cameron Corner. We were struck by the continuing presence of heavy vehicles and exploration tracks along what was supposedly an unmaintained road but was in fact just another highway.

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TRIP REPORTS Eventually we left this all behind as we approached the Corner Store some hours later for photographs at the corner post and some repast at the store. Waiting for our departure was a small aeroplane, like a Cessna, that apparently was about to use the road as its runway. Driving on into NSW we passed through the Sturt National Park (speed limited to 80 Km/hr) and so eventually into Tibooburra, where we were offered accommodation at the local aboriginal reserve. We arrived after dark, and once set up, headed into town for a pub meal. Friday 25 April Anzac Day dawned and with it the challenge of the showers at the reserve, which let you go in but not out again, due to broken latches on the doors. Managing this was relatively simple providing you were prepared to shower with the door half open or had a friend available to let you out. However, we had to rescue a lady (not one of our group) who discovered her situation too late to do anything about it except raise a clamour! Fuelling and airing up, we left town on bitumen of the Silver City Highway. I was of the understanding that the tarmac was a continuing thing, but after 5 Km or so, we reverted to dirt, then back to bitumen, and dirt again, all the way to Packsaddle. We had a morning tea stop here (again, complete with flies). At this point Michael announced his intention to head home and so with regret we said goodbye and then he was on his way, no doubt relishing the chance to give the turbo its head. I heard later that he made it to Tarneit in 12 hours, a distance of just over 1,000Km. Travelling at an average 95Km, however, we never saw his dust again! Once past Packsaddle, the road was consistently sealed, and we made good time to Broken Hill, where we had late lunch. The eating establishments were well patronised, it being Anzac Day. After an hour or so, we headed out on the Menindee road, running alongside the Indian Pacific railway line. On arrival, we looked about the district for camping options, before Page: 24

TRIP REPORTS deciding on the Menindee Lakes Caravan Park, rather than the bush camping of the Kinchega National Park, mainly for the promise of hot showers. This proved to be a very pleasant spot, apart from the noise of the occasional train passing by 100m away. Most of the water in the lake had been pumped out into the Darling River last November to assist in keeping up river flows down to the Murray, so the view was of green sward with just a little water off in the distance. After a spectacular sunset we settled down for the night. Saturday 26 April

After breakfast, we headed through the township of Menindee and turned south down the road to Pooncarie, along the east side of the Darling River. Back on dirt now, we nonetheless made a good pace. The adjacent properties were fenced, unlike the more remote areas we’d been through in the past few days. There were a few photo shots, and lots of kangaroos and emus to watch out for, but before too long we arrived in Pooncarie, in time for morning tea. Here we visited the old wharf site on the Darling (sadly, no steamboat could make it up the river these days). A local dog befriended us (or was he just after a snack?). There was a spot of tyre-kicking as we discovered a rather nice targa-top/sunroof Subaru Brumby parked nearby and chatted to its owner. (Jan, stop drooling!) Page: 25


The final run into Wentworth was relatively uneventful. We had lunch at the confluence of the Murray and Darling Rivers, where once again the local wildlife took an interest (this time two geese). After a pleasant break, we drove on into Victoria, through the busy Saturday traffic in Mildura, and headed south. We had thought of heading for Maldon, but as it grew darker and we were still some hours away, we decided to find accommodation in a town along the Sunraysia Highway. We decided on Birchip, which may not have been the best choice, as the service at the pub was appalling and what might have been a pleasant night’s sleep was disturbed by a band that played until after 2:30am in the morning. Sorry, Birchip, not impressed. Sunday 27 April The final day saw us gladly on our way, passing through many small Mallee towns with their tall silos visible long before we arrived. At St Arnaud, we turned onto the Wimmera Highway until Newbridge, then struck south to Maldon, arriving with rather empty fuel tanks and ready for morning coffee. After an hour of so of tourist sightseeing we bid the group farewell from our Baxter Street property and the trip was officially over. Thanks to everyone who participated for their companionship and contribution to making the trip a success. Attendees: Martin Foot and Dorothy Greiveson Dale and Jan Rebgetz Michael Hartshorne Peter and Katie Mynard

Forester 2.5X Forester XT Forester XT L-series with Cub trailer

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PRESIDENT’S REPORT (Continued from Page 5) … excellent economy recently when I towed a 300kg tandem trailer for around 800klms, part of the trip with a couple of timber windows as cargo. While I haven’t done a complete analysis of the economy I know that the fuel usage was well over 15 litres per 100kms for large parts of the trip. While unloaded the trailer made the XT feel like it was going to pull apart at its seams, due to the bounciness of the short leaf springs on the trailer. When fully loaded the trailer road well however the fuel economy was pretty atrocious. I now have to reevaluate what we will tow when we head off in the Forester later in the year. Anyway that’s enough from me for this month. I look forward to seeing you all soon, hopefully at the next meeting or out in the bush. Take care. Damian


The club makes this space available free of charge to members wishing to buy or sell items. Please note that the Motor Car Trader Regulations 1998-22(4) require that vehicles for sale advertisements must contain: (a) the cash price of the vehicle and; (b) the registration number if registered or the engine/chassis numbers if unregistered. Contact the club editor to advertise in this space.

Forester Aluminium Bash Plates: made from 6.0mm construction grade aluminium: $300 for club members, $330 for non-members. Fitting can be arranged. Set of 4 alloy rims from Outback 1997 model, $120.00 ONO Roof console to hold CB + lights and switches for Outback $100.00 Contact: David Wilson, email: Page: 27

CLUB MEETING MINUTES The general meeting of the Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc was held on Tuesday, 28th April 2014 at the South Camberwell Tennis Club starting at 8:00pm. 1. Present Peter Bellis, Jean Bellis, Michael Hartshorne, Ruth Marshall, Bob Marshall, Katie Mynard, Peter Mynard, Phil Milkins, Jamie Scott, Les Scott, Jessica Walsh, Dale Rebgetz, Stephen Whittaker, Dave Denver, Damian Stock, Paul Saleeba, Doug Greenall, Martin Foot, Graham Gill, Rick Koster, Andrew Jantke, Lisa Jantke, David Wilson. 2. Apologies Elaine Milkins, Elaine Hyde, Jan Aylott, Bev Davison. 3. Visitors John King, Peter and Edith Fullalove, James,Grace and Gabi Azzam, Michael Kuiper, Tim Folliard. 4. Welcome A welcome was extended to all members and visitors. 5. Minutes of the Previous General Meeting 5.1 The minutes of the March 2014 General Meeting were accepted without amendment after being moved by Jessica Walsh and seconded by Bob Marshall. 5.2 There was no business arising from the minutes. 6. Correspondence 6.1 In ● Magazines from various 4WD clubs ● Advertising material ● G&C Communications ● DJ & TM Wilkinson regarding sale of Subaru 4WD wagon 1974 model ● Explore Australia Expo (4WD trade show) at the Melbourne Show Grounds ● TJM Pakenham – open day for fifth anniversary. ● Simon Beverley regarding customised stainless fabrications (water tanks for 4x4’s, etc). ● Department of Justice – annual return reminder notice 6.2 Out ● None. Page: 28

CLUB MEETING MINUTES 7. Reports 7.1 Resources ● Nothing to report. 7.2 Editor ● Many thanks for all the trip reports for the last magazine. 7.3 Trip and Social ● Refer elsewhere in the magazine for details on forthcoming trips and events. 7.4 Venue ● Refer elsewhere in the magazine for details of future monthly meetings. ● Door prize donated by “Revive/Survive” – snake bit kit. 7.5 Membership ● Need to follow up on some membership enquiries / visitors. 7.6 Treasurer ● Current bank account balance is $4,386.32. ● Major payments during the month included hall hire for 18 months ($540) 7.7 Secretary ● Next committee meeting is next Tuesday at Bob’s place. 7.8 Vice-President ● Fundraising – still have three boxes to sell. ● Sand flags are now required for traversing the Simpson Desert. Size and placement is specified. ● 4WD Victoria – much discussion on funding. Financially it is sound but with a short term cashflow issue. A request was made to clubs to prepay their affiliation fees at a discount. 7.9 President ● Carnarvon Ranges – will be open in July this year for a trial. ● Australian Blood Donor – 4WD Victoria has registered with Red Cross as part of the blood donation challenge. ● Novice training – needs to be conducted for new members. Also, need to be aware of the location where the training is done so that potential damage to vehicles is kept to a minimum. 8. Membership Fees for 2014/15 8.1 The membership fee proposal for 2014/15 was submitted by the committee. 8.2 After some discussion, Jessica proposed that the fees for 2014/15 be accepted. Motion was seconded by Peter Mynard and was passed unanimously by the meeting Page: 29

CLUB MEETING MINUTES 9. General Business 9.1 Recovery hook for 40mm tow hitch – Martin has details as to where to source from. 9.2 Membership cards – will be supplied for the next financial year. 9.3 Simpson Desert video – Stephen is after expressions of interest. 9.4 Gorilla strut top lift kit from the USA – proved to be very cost effective. 10. Fines and Fun 10.1 Nametags ● Jamie Scott, Les Scott, Phil Milkins. 10.2 Last to Meeting ● David Wilson. 10.3 Trips ● Lerderderg and Wombat State Forests ● Peter Bellis – blown headlamp. ● Jamie Scott – forgetting his kettle for a cup of tea. ● Stephen Whittaker – flat battery. ● Stephen Whittaker – language associated with flat battery. ● Jessica Walsh – for back tracking and side trips. ● 10th Australian 4WD Gathering -No fines. ● Frog Hollow ● Jamie Scott – running out of water for toilet and shower. ● Jamie Scott – for blocked filters. ● Jamie Scott – for telling Stephen to take the chicken track. ● Les Scott – for getting water in his differential. ● Jamie Scott – ran out of water again on Sunday. ● Stephen Whittaker – leaving his billy behind. ● Jamie Scott – for not getting up the hills as far as Les. ● Other ● Damian Stock – for damaging his car on his Naberthong pre-trip. 10.4 Total fines collected - $13.45. 11. Presentation A very informative and educative presentation on outback first aid was made by James Azzam from “Revive & Survive”. First aid kit supplies were available for sale at the meeting. A first aid course was also offered to club members at $115 (usually $170) on 17th May 2014. 12. Meeting closed at 10:08pm and was followed by supper. 13. The Lucky door prize, a snake bite kit donated by Revive/Survive was won by Doug Greenall. 14. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 27th May 2014 commencing at 8pm.

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STANDARD TRIP EQUIPMENT The aim of all Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. trips is to have an enjoyable experience in the bush, increasing 4WDing skills and experience, whilst maintaining the highest regard for the safety of individuals, the vehicle and the environment. As a driver you have ultimate responsibility for the safety of your passengers and vehicle. It is the responsibility of any participating driver to contact individual trip leaders for clarification of individual trip requirements and standards. Financial members are encouraged to participate in as many trips as possible to increase confidence and experience. Visitors are welcome subject to the payment of the appropriate levy to cover insurance, but after two visits, should consider membership. Non-financial members are not covered by insurance and may not participate until payment is received. Individual drivers with concerns or queries regarding their vehicle and the trip standard should contact relevant trip leaders. The Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. recommends that each vehicle carry the following items of equipment on every trip: a) Personal details form as specified by FWDV, copy to Trip Leader b) Two Rated D- Shackles (minimum 3.2t); c) Rated “Snatch’em” Strap; d) Recovery Points, Front & Rear; plus optional bridle strap, according to vehicle design; e) AM (27Mhz) Channel 5 or UHF (477Mhz) Channel 16 CB Radio; f) Fire Extinguisher, accessible to the driver; g) Spare Tyre (full size); h) Jack and Wheel Brace, or equivalent; i) Emergency Supplies (matches, food, water and clothing); j) Sufficient Fuel, Oil and Water for the trip and delays; k) A Tyre Pressure Gauge; Compressor (according to the trip) l) An Axe, Bow or Chain saw; m) A Sturdy Shovel (collapsible shovels are no good); n) Spare Parts (appropriate to the nature of the Trip); o) A Tool Kit; p) Personal First Aid Kit; q) The Vehicle Manual. Any vehicle not carrying at least the first five (5) items of equipment should contact the individual Trip Leader before leaving. Any Club member unsure about any of the items of equipment listed above are advised to contact the the Trip and Social Coordinator or the Trip Leader concerned. All Trip Leaders carry a complete First Aid Kit in case of emergency. All nonemergency medical needs are expected to be meet by individuals own medical supplies.

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RESOURCES We have plenty of resources to sell. We may have many, some or none of the following items so if you are interested in any of these then please come along to the club meeting and I will be very happy to sell them to you. Correct change will be much appreciated. $ Hat Oiled Skin size 55


Hat Safari


size 59

Short sleeve blue chambray shirt with logo Size 14


New Style Red Polo Shirts (M, L, XL, 2XL)


New Style Vest


Blue Polo Shirt


Large Sew on Badges


Small Sew on Badges


Fuel Filter Plastic x 45deg.


Fuel Filter Plastic x 90deg.


Fuel Filter Plastic x Straight


eFlare HZ510 Red with Base


CV Boot Clamps Large & Small


CV Joint Grease


Wheel Nuts [Set of 4]


MSP Engine Formulation (oil additive)


For substantial discounts on all general automotive spare parts, oils, filters, shocks, etc., please see me for details. Thanks, Dale Rebgetz Resources Officer, email: Page: 32

COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Minutes of the meeting of the committee of the Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc held on Tuesday, 6th May 2014 at the home of Bob Marshall starting at 7:40pm. 1. Present Bob Marshall, Martin Foot, Doug Greenall, Phil Milkins, Stephen Whittaker, Damian Stock, Peter Bellis, Dale Rebgetz, Andrew Jantke. 2. Apologies Jessica Walsh 3. Absent Michael Hartshorne. 4. Quorum A quorum was achieved with nine committee members present. 5. Minutes of the Previous Meeting 5.1 Minutes of the April 2014 meeting were accepted without amendment. 5.2 Business Arising from the Minutes and Outstanding Actions 5.2.1 Pre-2003 Club Website – Martin has followed up with Mark Tyseen. Mark is trying to resolve access to the obsolete website with his service provider so that he can remove the old website. 5.2.2 Delegate’s nomination form. 5.2.3 Membership cards – When the club pays its 2014/15 membership fee to 4WD Victoria, membership cars will be issued. 5.2.4 Subaru Docklands 4WD driver training – Waiting on Docklands to get back to us. 5.2.5 Club perpetual calendar – Done. 5.2.6 Circulation of membership list to committee members – It has been circulated to Michael and Martin. It will be sent to the rest of the committee members this week. 5.2.7 Club website – Martin has contacted Glenn Arkell and received a proposal/suggestions from him. It is yet to be discussed by the Communications sub-committee. RESOLUTION

Committee resolved to allow Martin to spend up to $200 on upgrading the website in conjunction with Glenn Arkell.

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COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES 5.2.8 Club brochure. 5.2.9 List of new members. 5.2.10 Visitors’ fees – still need to collect for trips rated easy to very difficult until further clarification is received from 4WD Victoria’s insurer. Don’t need to collect for social trips and meetings. 5.2.11 Driver training – Currently don’t have any contenders to share a 4WD course with other “soft roaders”. 5.2.12 Explore Australia Expo – invitation to 4WD clubs to have a 6mx6m outdoor site at the Melbourne Show Grounds. 4WD Victoria has advised that they will not be getting involved. 5.2.13 Membership renewal notice in May magazine – Andrew has sent it to Michael and Martin. 5.2.14 Driver awareness training sessions for new members. 6. Correspondence 6.1 In Emails from prospective attendees to Naberthong trip. 6.2 Out Robert Pepper – presentation at club meeting. 7. Reports 7.1 Resources ● The current club polo shirt design is defunct and no longer available. The choice of colour combination is restricting our options. Options being investigated include a long sleeve shirt. 7.2 Trip and Social ● See elsewhere in the magazine for details about upcoming trip and social events. ● Licola trip being investigated by David and Rick. However, still waiting on details and dates. ● Langi Ghiran / Mt Cole 4WD trip proposed for Sunday 15th June after the J-Ward trip has been proposed by Michael. Need details. ● Peter and Jean are proposing a trip in the Anglesea area for August/September based on a Rob Pepper trip. ● Simpson Desert trip video production is in progress. 7.3 Venue ● See elsewhere in the magazine for details about future club meetings. 7.4 Membership ● New membership applications received in the past month. ● Dave Denver Page: 34


The committee resolved to accept Dave Denver’s membership application.

● Received a membership renewal. ● Prospective new members should attend a trip before they submit a membership application so that they can get a better understanding of the club, and vice versa. 7.5 Editor ● Nothing reported. 7.6 Treasurer ● Current bank account balance is $4,163.38. ● Major receipts include chocolate fundraising monies. 7.7 Secretary ● Nothing report. 7.8 Vice-President ● Fundraising – all but three boxes have been sold. ● Driver instructing training – have completed the theory and practical training sessions. Hopefully will soon be accredited as a club 4WD driving instructor. 7.9 President ● The club needs a mechanism to capture information about people who view the club’s website so that the club can follow up in regards to getting new members. 8. General Business ● Stephen produced a video of various trips highlights and posted it on the club’s Facebook page. It was very well received; cross posted 18 times across the world, and received lots of favourable comments. It has been a good positive promotional item for the club. ● Club succession planning – need to have it as an agenda item for the next meeting or the following one. Start the discussion at the June committee meeting. ● Towing vehicles – it was noticed at a rural town in Victoria that a RACV agent was incorrectly towing a broken-down ute with a trailer. The tow strap was attached to the towed ute by looping the tow strap through the D-shackle and was attached to the RACV towing vehicle via the tow ball. ● Members to be careful selling second-hand vehicle items and ensure that the items meet the necessary regulatory / roadworthy requirements. 9. Next Meeting will be held on Tuesday 3rd June 2014 at 7:30pm at the home of Stephen Whittaker. 10. Meeting closed at 10:14pm. Page: 35

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