Module 3 Fabrication

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Colour was used to differentiate panels. When unrolling my first prototype I used numbers to identify which pieces started where.

Over the last few weeks I found that my rhino model had very limited connection to my original pattern concept. After the feedback from the Module 2 presentations I decided to take a look at my earlier models and bring forward some elements into my current designs. I looked at my first model, and tried the implement the ideas of repetition, scaling and the play on light that the triangular shapes offered. The scaling in my current model manifest itself within the cut out sections within certain panels. At the back (the edge closet to the user) these cut outs are small and towards the front these cut outs become progressively larger. I also implemented a triangular 3D pattern to the surface of the model, this harkened back to the triangular and edgier form of my original model. To easily flatten and assemble my model, I grouped certain clusters of panels and separated each of these groups with different colours. I also labeled these pieces so once printed I knew exactly which part corresponded to what section of the model.


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