Beneath Uknown Skies

Page 112

SATU R N Gas Giant

Saturn is the furthest planet from Earth that can be observed with the human eye and is remarkable for its orbiting ring system that the two Voyager spacecraft confirmed to be composed primarily of water ice during their flybys. Its largest satellite, Titan, is of particular interests as it shows Earth like qualities and is bigger than the smallest planet Mercury. Saturn itself is composed primarily of hydrogen and helium much like Jupiter and the top speeds in the upper atmosphere can get to 500m a second.

REFERENCES 1) NASA Solar System Exploration. (2016). Saturn - In Depth | Planets - NASA Solar System Exploration. [online] Available at: http://solarsystem. [Accessed 23 Oct. 2016]. 2) (2016). ESA Science & Technology: Saturn. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 Oct. 2016].


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