Boletin 371

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Boletín 371

Septiembre 2014


DEL PRESIDENTE: Hemos perdido a una gran socia de la Casa de España. Anita León falleció el pasado miércoles 13 de agosto a las 4 de la madrugada. Nuestro más sincero pésame a su esposo Dr. Peter León y a sus dos hijos Ramón y María José. La familia León siempre nos ha ayudado muchísimo a lo largo de muchos años con su entusiasmo, presencia, ánimo y apoyo financiero para que la organización siempre siga adelante. Anita y Peter ayudaron con muy generosas donaciones para construir la casita, donaron el mueble de biblioteca que tenemos en la casita, una vitrina con todas las figuras, nos dieron un préstamo para poder terminar la casita, y después nos ha donado dinero para diferentes proyectos de cultura. Adjunto pongo su nota de la última correspondencia que tuvimos con ella, siempre ayudando hasta el último momento. Hasta en su tarjeta de defunción nos recuerda su amor por España con esta canción:

¡Descanse en paz!

De Salud: Nuestro socio y buen amigo Quentin Olson ha pasado delicado de salud, pero ya está en un proceso de recuperación. Desde estas líneas le enviamos nuestros saludos y deseos para que siga adelante en su mejoría.

NOTICE The Board of Directors of the House of Spain/Casa de España requested the By-Laws Committee to review some sections from Article 4. The Board will present the following revisions for a vote by all members at the November General Assembly: ARTICLE 4 OFFICERS SECTION 2. QUALIFICATION, ELECTION, AND TERM OF OFFICE Candidates who are members in good standing and are fluent in the Spanish language and are familiar with the history and culture of Spain shall be eligible to hold office. Furthermore, to hold the offices of President and Vice President, the candidates must be native Spaniards, children of a native Spaniard, or citizens of Spain (subject to verification). In addition, the candidates for President and Vice-President must have served on the Board of Directors for at least six (6) months 1 year. All Officers mentioned above shall be elected at the annual meeting of membership. Furthermore, three (3) members in good standing shall be elected to serve on the Board of Directors. No two members of the same family shall serve on the Board of Directors.


House of Spain, Casa de España, in San Diego, (HOS/CDE in San Diego) P.O. Box 33064, San Diego, CA 92163 September 1, 2014 Dear Members of the House of Spain, Casa de España, in San Diego: The purpose of this letter is to inform you that following Article 4 of the bylaws of the HOS/CDE in San Diego the General Assembly and the election of the Board of Directors will be held on Sunday, November 9, 2014 from five – ten o´clock in the Hall of Nations at Balboa Park, San Diego. We remind all members that the payment of the 2015 membership dues should be made at the very latest at the beginning of the Assembly in order to be able to nominate and vote. Every member who has paid membership fees and wants to vote may do so in person or by proxy at the Assembly (see form below.) The current President of the HOS/CDE in San Diego, Jesús Benayas, will preside over the Assembly and the Secretary, Penelope Bledsoe, will fulfill the duties of secretary. Henry Herms, Sergeant of Arms, will preside over during the assembly. The new members of the Board of Directors will be elected for a one-year term, from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015. General requirement according to the bylaws are: candidates for the Board of Directors must have a good knowledge of the Spanish language as well as the history and culture of Spain. They will not receive any compensation and will be reimbursed for expenditures made for the benefit of the Organization authorized in advance by the Board. Those in attendance will be able to announce issues they want addressed during the Assembly, according to Roberts Rules Newly Revised version adopted in the by-laws. The positions and qualifications are as follows (a complete description will be available during the assembly.) President – Additional requirements: 1) native of Spain, son/daughter of native of Spain, or citizen of Spain (subject to verification) and 2) have been a member of the Board of Directors for a period of no less than six months. Responsibilities: Primary director of the organization and with the approval of the board of directors supervises and controls all aspects of the HOS/CDE in San Diego. Presides over meetings, represents the club at every level, and takes responsibility and acts to enforce all the rules and guidelines that govern the organization. Vice President – Additional requirement be native of Spain, son/daughter of native of Spain or citizen of Spain (subject to verification.) Responsibilities: in the absence of the president, fulfill the corresponding functions of the president. Secretary - Responsibilities: In charge of taking minutes and their availability, up- to-date membership list, sending and responding to mail, among others. Treasurer – Holder and custodian of the Association funds, is the primary person in charge of the use of said funds with the approval of the Board of Directors, to provide monthly reports of the balance of accounts, and to prepare the necessary financial reports for government financial institutions as appropriate. Members of the Board (3) Varied functions. CANDIDACY AND NOMINATIONS: Anyone who wants to present him/herself for one or more positions can announce his/her candidacy in advance or on the same night as the General Assembly at the beginning of the election process. Those attending can nominate candidates for election as well. Candidates must have paid their 2015 membership dues. If they cannot be present the evening of the Assembly and in case they are elected, they should have left their acceptance of the position in writing. In order to avoid irregularities, a period of time will be reserved to nominate and announce the candidates for each position (in the order indicated above) and after this time period, further nominations for that position will not be accepted. Those candidates who so desire will be able to address the assembly and present a brief global vision of their candidacy (maximum of two minutes per candidate.) ELECTIONS: The name of each position and the respective candidates for each position will be announced on the chalkboard. Immediately afterward, voting on each position will take place following the before-mentioned order and so successively until all the positions are covered.

Voting by Proxy General Assembly of the House of Spain, Casa de España, in San Diego Elections: November 9, 2014 I, (full name)__________ active member of the HOS/CDE in San Diego having paid my 2015 membership dues, by means of this statement, wish to make use of my right to vote during the upcoming elections, and not being able to attend the General Assembly on November 9, 2014 in person, delegate my vote and give permission to (full name)___________________________ active member of the HOS/CDE in San Diego, being present at the General Assembly to vote on my behalf. Date:__________________________


Nomination Committee House of Spain, Casa de España in San Diego Joaquín Anguera ha sido tan amable de aceptar el cargo y encabezar el Comité de Nominaciones para las próximas elecciones de la HOS/CDE in San Diego. Así que por favor hablen con Joaquín si desean presentarse como candidatos o si saben de alguien que ustedes crean sería un buen candidato a la Mesa Directiva. La persona o personas que se comprometan a ser de la directiva, que por favor sepan a qué se comprometen cuando aceptan el puesto ya que cada miembro de la Directiva tiene unas obligaciones y si no las cumplen otro miembro tendrá que hacerlas y no sería justo. También es esencial ser prudentes, tener buena conducta y sentido de colaboración en la organización. Solo para el puesto de presidente, el candidato tiene que haber sido miembro de la Directiva por un periodo de no menos de seis meses. Joaquin Anguera has been kind enough to agree to head the nominating committee. Please speak with Joaquin if you want to nominate yourself as a candidate or if you know of someone you think would be a good candidate for the board. The person or persons wanting to be a board member should realize what is required of a board member. Each member has certain responsibilities and if he/she doesn´t fulfill those responsibilities, another person will have to do it and that isn´t fair. Additionally, the person nominated should be discrete, exemplify good behavior, and show a willingness to collaborate on projects. Telephone: 858-997-6341


NOTICE FOR THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY After the meeting is called to order and the agenda has been accepted, there will be time for general comments. Comments will be limited to two minutes and the total time for comments will last no longer than 20 minutes. The person wishing to speak must submit a "request to speak form" to a designated person before the meeting is called to order. Comments will be limited to the subject written on the "request to speak form". Each person will be allowed to speak once. If a person wants an action be taken, they should submit a motion to the board in writing no later than two weeks prior to the general meeting. A motion should be specific and be in the form of "I move that...". The board or executive board will then decide if the motion should be placed on the Agenda. If the motion is not accepted by the board, the person may ask that the motion be placed under new business. This is done when the members are asked if there are any changes to the agenda. If the membership accepts that change (simple majority vote), the motion can therefore be presented as new business. If the membership does not accept the change, the motion will not be considered. Under New Business, the motion will have to be made and seconded before any discussion will be allowed. Any discussion must address the specific motion and be limited to one minute per person. Roberts Rules state that a member may speak twice but the second time only after each person wishing to speak has been given the opportunity. Comments or discussion may be stopped by "laying the motion on the table," this action needs a 2/3 majority. This in effect kills the motion. Henry Herms, Sergeant of Arms, House of Spain, Casa de España, in San Diego

ACTIVIDADES DE AGOSTO 13 de agosto: Almuerzo para las “Ladies Auxiliary” de House of Pacific Relations House of Spain/Casa de España in San Diego ofreció una comida a los miembros de esta organización: ensalada y una riquísima paella, preparada por Susi Lusti. Josefina Gómez, Maruja y Bob Williams, Nina Yguerabide, Sagrario Din, Regli Dee y Penélope Bledsoe ayudaron a organizar y servir el almuerzo. A continuación, Jesús Benayas hizo una interesante y amena presentación sobre Vasco Núñez de Balboa, el Hombre y el Explorador.

La deliciosa paella

Susi Lusti, y Maruja Williams

Visita al Sr Cónsul General de España en Los Ángeles Jesús Benayas, Asunción y Rudi Lusti y Penélope Bledsoe hicieron una visita al Consulado de España en Los Ángeles para saludar al nuevo Cónsul General, Sr. Don Javier Vallaure y darle la bienvenida a California. Al enterarse de los interesantes programas y actividades de la Casa de España en San Diego, el Sr. Cónsul prometió visitarnos lo más pronto posible para ver y conocer la huella española en el Sur de California.

21 de Agosto: Recorrido por el Parque Balboa San Diego/Alcalá Sister Cities Society organizo un recorrido por los edificios en el parque Balboa y gracias a Gabe Selak, miembro del Centro de Historia de San Diego, que fue nuestro guía aprendimos las varias influencias arquitectónicas en estos edificios, la mayoría españolas de Valladolid, Salamanca, Alcalá de Henares y Toledo, además de la arquitectura colonial española encontrada en México y otros países latinoamericanos y la influencia de las pirámides de los Mayas.

Apertura de la Casita Nuestros agradecimientos a los voluntarios que durante agosto nos ayudaron a abrir la Casita atendiendo como “embajadores” al numeroso público que pasa cada domingo: Maruja Williams, Nina Yguerabide, Josefina Gómez, Laura McWhorter, Regli Dee, María Jesús Galeta y David Heath y Penélope Bledsoe.

P.O. Box 33064, San Diego, CA 92163 Teléfono (619) 615-3188 email:

Boletín No. 371

Mesa Directiva

Presidente: Vicepresidente: Secretaria: Tesorera:

Jesús Benayas Oscar Romo Penélope Bledsoe Susi Lusti


619-462-7982 619-421-8138 619-876-3248 619-295-2979

Vocales Mary Goldbeck, Josefina Gómez, Laura Lagunas, Puri Rodríguez, Maruja Williams, Nina Yguerabide Macero: Henry Herms. Master Página Web Miguel García-Guzmán Editora Cecilia Anguera: Tel: 858-278-8664

Consulado Honorario de España en San Diego Teléfono: 619-448-7282


Consulado General de España en Los Ángeles http://


House of Spain, Casa de España in San Diego es una organización privada sin ánimo de lucro, entre cuyos fines está el conservar y difundir la cultura española en la comunidad de San Diego. Las opiniones en este boletín no reflejan necesariamente el pensamiento de House of Spain, Casa de España in San Diego.

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