Fried Chicken

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Fried chicken is an incredible comfort food to me. It has some of the best qualities that I or anyone could ever want in a food. For example, it has the crunchy and crispy taste can just make you forget about everything going on in your life. When you take your first bite you can feel all of of the flavors and juices that were added to the meat. The amazing texture in your mouth is one of the best parts of eating fried chicken. As you swallow the chicken you can feel the greasy and bumpy skin massage your throat. I would say that my chicken went from quantity to quality because I seasoned each individual piece of my chicken evenly, unlike Popeye's who definitely went from quality to quantity and they seasoned all the chicken at once in a large group. I chose fried chicken because I think it’s a beautiful yet simple food. It is known by many Americans because of its special flavor, and it is the go to fried food besides french fries. The restaurant I chose to taste my fried chicken was Popeye's because I thought it would be interesting to have a higher quality meal against a lower quality meal. It was actually a very good idea in the end because it was easy to compare since there is so many differences between my home and the restaurant. I noticed the difference between how fresh the fried chicken legs were individually, the visual differences, the different textures, etc. I was very surprised when I saw how different the pieces of chicken were. Before I studied the differences I never noticed the massive difference in quality. I didn’t just compare the chicken, but I also compared the foods that went with it, and now I’m a lot more aware of what I eat. To eat at home definitely made my food tasted better because the seating was more comfortable. The chicken I make at home is some of the most amazing chicken I have ever had. I’m always excited to have fried chicken. If it were up to me, I would have it for breakfast, lunch and dinner if I could. My chicken would definitely be described as fresh. You could taste each individual fresh ingredient that was put into the fried chicken. The smell was better than the smell of bacon. Walking into the kitchen would make anyone's mouth water. Not to brag but I was amazed by what the crispy chicken tasted like. I got all my ingredients fresh from local places including the chicken. I saw the chicken killed so I was sure the food wasn’t processed. I could definitely taste the difference in fresh chicken vs industrialized chicken. I also got the spices I used from farmers markets to ensure that I would have the best tasting chicken. The chicken I had at the restaurant was definitely not as high of quality as mine. I couldn’t even compare it to mine without being upset. It was very easy to tell that Popeye's did not put much effort into their chicken. The seasoning was minimal and tasteless. I could only slightly taste the scarcely added spices, and the lack of spices were not as satisfying. It was clear that the food wasn’t at all fresh because of how terribly bland the food was. It was as if the chicken’s flavor was taken away while being processed purposely. I will say that Popeye's had a very delicious and popping visual appeal.The meaty

chicken all looked golden brown and flaky. Every time I picked up a greasy piece of savory chicken I could see the grease glisten in the light as if it were being shined down onto by God himself. Overall, I liked the fried chicken that I made I my house a lot more because even though the Popeye's chicken looked better, it didn’t have a better taste. This doesn’t mean that I wouldn’t eat Popeye's though. In fact if I were to chose what to have I would chose Popeye's more because of how much easier it is.

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