Merci Magazine Late Summer & Pre-Fall 2021

Page 110

What Would Nietzche be thinking?

Popular culture surrounds us, lifts us up and throws us down sated and exhausted. In plugging into the ether, maxing out on the here and now, what distinguishes the independent mind is its heat-seeking ability to think differently. Of recent months, our diet of the virtual has led to exhaustion of a different category – uncategorisable by any dissection of our life-experience thus far – a deep, deep desire for touch, taste and tumult.

Hugs, above all, hugs.

Those different thinkers made it through if not unscathed, then strengthened. The adversity of Covid times gave us resilience; it gave us strength. We spat out the fake and embraced the shimmering light of a new day dawning or the beauty of blossoms, filling our gaze as we look upwards through branches to the sky above us.

We thought differently, and so we acted and behaved differently.

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