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Weill Cornell Graduate School of Medical Sciences ​yeah what's up Ben here do you say z-wave or z-wave doesn't matter it's sweet and we're jumping into it today let's get to it so z-wave is technology you've probably heard about at some point it's a very common the wireless home automation protocol and it works kind of like this there's a controller often called a hub in this case it's a Raspberry Pi 3 running home assistant attached to the controller is a Z stick and the Z stick is a z-wave transmitter and receiver the Z stick sends messages to various C wave devices like the switch or like this outlet and when the switch or the outlet receives that message it turns on or off and then it sends a message back to the Z stick controller that says hey I did what you wanted me to do but wait what if you have a device that's really far away from the Z stick and it's out of range well that's one of the things that makes is e wave really cool you see each time a z-wave message is sent it's received by any device and then re broadcasted for example if the Z stick is trying to send a message to turn this outlet on it could send the message directly but if it's too far away it could send it to this switch first and then the switch being closer could turn the outlet off in the case of a really far away motion sensor it can send a message first to this outlet and this outlet will retransmit that to the switch and then the switch will retransmit that back to the Z stick this forms what's called a mesh network and allows you to cover a lot of area with relatively weak transmitters and receivers this can cause issues though because in order to cover large distances you might need to add intermediate devices there can also be some latency if the in device has to go through a lot of nodes before it's received back at the hub this latency generally isn't that bad but is noticeable compared to a wired system but this isn't a $30,000 control for house now is it z-wave is baller because you don't have to rewire your house there's a ton of z-wave devices out there and is growing more every day just going to amazon.com and typing z-wave should give you a clue as to how much stuff is actually out there over in the next few weeks we're going to be getting into some z-wave stuff hopefully I'll be able to do some reviews of those z-wave products in addition to configuration videos and some other things I have planned but in this video I want to talk about getting started with a otech zi stick gin.5 and open z-wave I'm going to show you how to configure these devices to work with the Raspberry Pi and home system and then how to add new devices this is a best-case scenario and the devices that I'm going to show today are natively supported by open z-wave it can get a lot more complicated and maybe we'll get there if I can figure that out but before we do that I want to give you a few warnings about z-wave these are really just more things to think about rather than deal-breakers first z-wave can be a pain in the butt if it doesn't work out of the box just flip through one of these manuals and you'll learn more about binary and hexadecimal numbers then you probably want to know it's sweet because you can customize these devices a lot it can be a real pain in the at you know I don't swear because sometimes trying to figure out how to do something simple like changing a polling time can feel like trying to orchestrate an intercontinental ballistic missile launch I mean it's just unnecessary sometimes warning to z-wave can be expensive this really isn't the best tack for somebody who's on a shoestring budget especially for sensors often z-wave products are made to last and that's great especially if you're controlling something like mains power or something but yeah if you're thinking you're going to put every switch on your house on z-wave it's going to set you back a little bit warning 3008 this and the only kid on the block there's also ZigBee which is the main open source competitor to z-wave ZigBee is cheaper but my understanding is that ZigBee doesn't have a standardization process so Zig B devices don't always play well together Wi-Fi and Bluetooth lowenergy devices are also on the rise and generally are cheaper to manufacture but they don't for mesh networks and have their own issues the whole home automation market is a mush of all of these products all fighting to be top dog in five years one of these is probably going to be the overwhelming favorite my money is on Wi-Fi devices but we'll see you so all that is say I want to put every blasted switch in your house on z-wave unless you really want to I want to think twice though about spending a couple hundred bucks and getting some of the devices in your house on z-wave you'd be amazed at how convenient it is even just have a few smart devices and besides people upgrade their $500 plus TV every few years what is it to upgrade a couple $30 switches by the deck enjoy the benefits and when the technology changes in five years upgrade so not to go off on my soapbox here but this is why I'm so against very expensive custom home automation systems like 30 50 hundred thousand dollars this technology is totally going to change and so it doesn't make sense to me to be plunking down tons of stacks just to buy something now that's going to be outdated in five or 10 years so enough chatter it's 2016 and we got z-wave and the future can't turn my lights so let's do it what's the all-in-one installer is finished you can go ahead and plug in your 8xz stick into any of the USB

ports on your Raspberry Pi it's a good idea once you do that to go ahead and restart your Raspberry Pi by opening putty logging in and then using the command sudo removed after your Asbury pie restarts you can reinitiate the putty terminal by clicking the top left corner and then selecting restart session once you log back in the next thing we'll need to do is figure out what USB port the Z stick is installed on to do that you can use the command LS /dev ford slash tty capital a CM star and in press enter in this case that's /dev /t gy capital ACM 0 i'm going to go ahead and copy that because i'll use that in a minute next i'll open my home assistant configuration file we'll need to enable the z-wave component for Homa system the information to enable z-wave is available on the home assistant website under the zwave component the configuration information here gives you an example of the information that needs to go inside of your home assistant configuration a mold while in my case it's going to look something like this I'll put this information in the video description below so you can paste it inside of your configuration I believe it should be universal for anybody who's using the online installer script if you're using a different setup the z-wave information on the home assistant website can probably point you in the right direction now that we have the z-wave information added to home system I'll go ahead and hit save and then I'll restart the Raspberry Pi again now we'll go ahead and pair a zwave device with the Z stick the way you do this is actually pretty unique go ahead and remove your Z stick from your asbury PI and then put it in pairing mode by pressing the button once it should start flashing blue then on your zwave device in this case I'm using an EOTech multi sensor put it in pairing mode and hold the Z stick close if the pairing is successful the light should start blinking rapidly and then it should stop blinking now go ahead and plug your C stick back into your Asbury PI restart it and see if it comes up now we'll go ahead and do that Raspberry Pi restart log back into putty and then use command sudo reboot after the restart finishes go back to your home assistant user interface and click refresh the restart process can take a little bit so if you see this error just wait a couple more minutes before trying again and bam home assistant is back and look here's the sensor node we just added looks like it's reporting data sweet now I know what you might be thinking you might be thinking Ben there's no way that zwave could be that easy I mean isn't this specifically hard well so far for the devices I've used it's actually been really straightforward so make sure it's not a fluke I'm going to go ahead and add a couple more devices I have my AO tech Z stick and I'll go ahead and put it in pairing mode by pressing the center button the LED should start blinking blue then I have a fab ro multi sensor I'll put it in pairing mode by pressing its button three times and just like that it's paired I'll take the Z stick out of pairing mode by pressing the center button now on to the next device next I have an a otech z-wave smart energy meter and this is so new I haven't even opened box yet probably should have done that next I'll put my Z stick in pairing mode by pressing the center button it blinks blue and then I'll put the energy meter in pairing mode by pressing its button and with any luck they should be paired is it that easy now I'll go put this back into my raspberry pi restart and see what happens next we'll go ahead and do that restart that we were just talking about we'll go back to putty and login and then type sudo reboot with any luck when this comes back all of our devices should be there and look there they are Byam everything's present I wish I could tell you that this was indeed the first time I had done this but the fact of the matter is it isn't if something goes wrong in the pairing process say you press the wrong button or you put something into the wrong mode it's pretty easy to hose it and once you host the pairing process it's not the easiest thing in the world to get it back so my advice to you is make sure you read the manual for your z-wave device pretty closely pay special attention to its pairing process make sure you get it right on the first try if not the process to fix it may or may not be very straightforward and in my experience is easier just to factory reset everything and try again if something goes wrong or say you want to change a setting I want to show you how to use open zwave control panel it's basically the tool you'll use to do advanced things on your z-wave network to access it first we need to stop home assistant it's accessing the Z stick which will prevent open z-wave control panel from being able to access it so we'll stop home assistant by going to the services and the home assistant forward slash stop service and then clicking call service yellow home assistant is stopped when the streaming updates icon turns into a triangle with an exclamation point in it this can take a couple seconds if for whatever reason you're running into the same problem I was you can open up putty and use the following command once home assistant is stopped we'll go ahead and log back in with putty on the home assistant website for the all-in-one installer it gives the commands will need to enter to launch the open z-wave control panel once you run these two commands it'll start the open z-wave web server at port 888 so going to your web browser type in your Raspberry Pi IP address at Port 8 8 8 8 now we'll need to initialize the Z SiC in the control panel to do that go ahead and type in the USB address that we figured out using the LS command in my case that's 4 slash dev forward slash tty capital ACM 0 do not check the USB box and then click initialize in the lower part of the screen it'll show you a real-time log of what open z-wave control panel is doing scrolling back up under devices we should see the z-wave devices we've added to our network now this gives me a great opportunity to point something out about z-wave devices some things like sensor nodes are battery-powered

and because they're battery-powered often have pretty robust methods of conserving power for example my fav are multi sensor isn't reporting here open z-wave no something should be there but it doesn't really see it that's because the polling time for my sensor is really low if I push a button on the a/o tech multi sensor it should show up let's see and bam there it is now it's awake it's a good thing to keep in mind if you're trying to change settings and for whatever reason your z-wave device is asleep so let's say I want to change some parameters for that z-wave device if I click it and then go to configuration it gives me some options open z-wave is generally pretty good about telling you what each of these parameters are it's worth consulting the manual for that device to get a better clue about what parameters you can it can't change it's especially useful because sometimes you need to provide numerical answers to get the desired effect you want for example one thing I know I need to change is for my AO tech multi sensor I need to change the command options to binary sensor report in order for a home assistant to work with it correctly so I'll go ahead and make that change and that's basically it for open z-wave control panel there's a lot of usability here for some pretty advanced functions with z-wave there's some great resources online to help you understand what some of these different options are but I'd recommend if you're just starting out to stick to the default settings generally they work the best once you're done here you can go ahead and hit close and then restart your eyes berry pie by going back to putty hitting ctrl C and then typing sudo reboot and once it's done home assistant should come back up and you should be good to go so I hope this video helps you guys could start with z-wave it's actually pretty accessible these days assuming nothing is wrong and the cost of entry is actually pretty low it's just a $35 asbury pie and $50 a Ortegas e stick in the coming weeks I'm definitely going to be doing some more z-wave videos hopefully doing some product reviews descriptions configuration and overall just how to integrate it better into your home automation system if you have any questions or comments let me know like I've said before I'm happy to help people as much as I can I'm definitely looking forward to making some more videos soon but until then happy automating Vaughn College of Aeronautics & Technology.


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